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Made by Ticuleasa Malina & Valy Anghel


Emma could not believe what she saw in front of her. She had just finished
unpacking her stuff in her new house, when in front of her appeared a transparent
silhouette of a boy her age. She screamed in fear throwing a book at him, but the
book went through him, hitting the fireplace. In that moment, the boy made big
eyes and stared at her.
− L: You can see me?
− E: Y..Yes. Who are you and what are you doing in my house?
− L: My name is Lucian, and this is my house! You are the one that came here
− E: I am Emma and I just moved here with my parents.
Then her mother appeared.
− M: Are you ok Emma? I heard a scream. Why have you screamed?
− E: Don’t you see the ghost in front of the fireplace?
− M: Haha. You are so funny sweetheart. There is nothing there.
− E: You really can’t see him?
− M: There is no one there Emma. I'm going to prepare lunch.
Then her mother went into the kitchen, leaving Emma there.
− E: What was that? Why can only I see you?
− L: The only ones that can see us are magicians, but they are very rare, so that
means you are one. It is wonderful!
− E: No, it isn’t! It is terrible. Magicians are bad beings that committed many
atrocities over the years. I don’t want to be like this.
− L: You don’t understand. I have been cursed to remain in this house by a
magician, and only a magician can break the curse. And anyways, you don’t
have to be like that. There are good magicians too.
− E: Why have you been cursed?
− L: When I was alive, I made a deal with a magician, and I couldn't fulfill his
request, so he killed me and cursed me to stay here until another magician
comes and helps me break the curse. And from then on, I waited until you
came, that means you can free me.
− E: How can I do this?
− L: For a start we need to take the object that has my curse, and you need to
say the word that can free me.
− E: A word? Not a spell?
− L: That magician has been very sly. He made the spell so that it can be broken
only by solving the riddle.
− E: Which riddle?
− L: When he cursed me, he left me a riddle to solve, but it is so difficult that I
gave up on it a long time ago.
− E: Do you remember it? Maybe I can help you.
− L: Sure!
“Her dark eyes shone, and I, hearing her speak, cleared my mind as much as I could.
Some look for me all their life, but they don't meet me. I kiss others, but they
trample on me, ungrateful. Sometimes, it seems that I favor the fair and the smart,
but I bless all those who are brave enough to dare. In general, the help I offer is
gentle and sweet, but if I am despised, I become a beast difficult to defeat. Because,
although my every hit is powerful, when I kill, I do it slowly”
Emma blinked surprised and requested him to repeat again. Seeing that she
couldn’t solve it that fast she said to take the object first.
− E: Where is the cursed object?
− L: To laugh at me, he hid it behind the fireplace, knowing that my hands couldn’t
take the object from there.
− E: How do I get to it?
− L: You must put the brick in the middle aside and take it from there without
touching it.
− E: And how do I do that?
− L: I don’t know. The magician really liked the riddles.
Thinking for a bit, Emma went into the kitchen and took a barbeque tongs. Then
she came back to the living room, put the brick aside and took the small object out
of there.
− E: Is this it?
In Emma's tongs was a small watch covered with stripes of gold and beautiful gold
tongues which were pointed towards 12 pm. She left the watch on the coffee table
and sat on the couch looking at it.
− E: I don't know why I had the impression that it would be more impressive,
like a magic wand or a spell book.
− L: First, magicians don’t use magic wands or spell books, someone could steal
them, then he wanted a small object that he can easily hide.
− E: So now we need to solve that riddle. I am not surprised that you cannot
solve it, it is very difficult.
− L: I know!
Emma looked with more attention at the watch. The stripes that he had formed a
word in a weird language that she recognized. Then she got the watch in her hands
and said the word “love”. Suddenly, it started glowing and floating towards Lucian
who was looking.
− L: How did you know how to solve the riddle?
− E: I didn’t. On the edge of the watch was engraved the word “love”. I took
the watch just to see better what was written. It wasn’t a word in English,
but it seemed familiar to me.
− L: That’s the magician's language, it isn’t surprising that you understood what
was written.
− E: So, are you free now?
− L: Yes. Thank you for freeing me. Now I finally can leave this house, but
before give me your hand.
Emma listened to him, and he touched her, leaving her a small black star.
Immediately after straightened her hand, the sign became invisible.
− E: What was that?
− L: That magician cursed the watch that he can be announced when someone
touches it. He’s a professor magician. He kidnaps magician kids and prepares
them to become members of his order. This spell was for doing what I
couldn’t do: to find a magician kid and to bring it to him. But now it is alright.
The spell that I made to you is for protecting you from magicians like that
one. Now you are safe.
− E: Why haven’t you said anything? I had the right to know the risk I am
exposing myself to.
− L: I didn’t want you to worry. Those magicians are very dangerous, and what
you did was very risky. You were lucky because the word on the watch was
the answer to the riddle. Anyways, now that everything is fine and finally, I
am free I can leave. Goodbye Emma!
− E: Goodbye Lucian!
And so, Emma looked at how Lucian went up in the sky flying and happily dancing.

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