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Four years ago, Selecta advertised their product cornetto through a commercial: Bes.

is about Julian's feelings for his best friend, Denise, yet he is afraid to confess them to
her. The approximately two-minute commercial is one of the best examples providing
the elements of communication. It captured viewers' hearts because of its appealing
story and the barrier that disrupts Julian and Denise, his best friend’s communication

According to the models of communication, Julian is the sender. He wanted to tell her
best friend that he liked her and that she was the one he wanted to ask her out. Julian
could ask her, but the internal barriers prevented him from doing so. Based on his facial
reactions, Julian overthinks things, which may affect his relay of the message to Denise.
On the other hand, Denise pressuring him and making assumptions about the girl
passing by is the external noise of the communication between them caused more
pressure and anxiety. His way of confessing the channel of the process. Instead of
verbally saying he likes her, he pointed the tip of the Cornetto cone to his best friend.
Denise, the receiver, quickly decoded the message in the last few seconds of the
commercial. The commercial ended with her response: not saying anything and staring
at Julian.

Selecta’s commercial four years ago explained the communication process thoroughly.
It contained all communication elements, especially the noise, making the commercial
more intriguing. At the end of the commercial, Denise does not say anything. People
might say it is a linear model since she did not have any response. However, she
looked at Julian, and it was a non-verbal cue that she realized the message. Moreover,
in the rules of communication, no response is also a response, which means that the
silent ending of the advertisement is feedback on the message that Julian said. In
conclusion, Selecta promoted its product as a tool for untold messages to be not left

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