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Course Focus About the instructor

Digital • Does
• Give you jargon and key marketing decisions while
marketing digitally
• Avadhoot Jathar
• PhD, Quantitative Marketing, IIMB
• Branding, Product Variety and Pricing
Marketing • Revisits important marketing concepts
• Emphasizes mapping of marketing tool with specific
marketing objective (type of ads/ campaigns with
• Work at Kantar, a Marketing and Branding
Consulting firm
• Have consulted brands like Coca Cola,
Avadhoot Jathar marketing objectives)
Unilever, Kellogg's, AT & T, British American
• Prepares you to think critically about channels, Tobacco on Branding, Marketing Mix, Pricing,
Session 5: Search Engine measurement metric about marketing decisions – helps Ad effectiveness, campaign effectiveness,
Marketing (SEM) – Key Ideas you infer the metric measurement
• Doesn’t • Additionally, expertise in Analytics, Data
IIM Sirmaur, Term V, PGP2021-23 • Promise to make you expert Digital Marketer in 2 months Science with retailing – have consulted
Walmart, Pandora, IHG Hotels, Funimation
• Discuss use of tools solely as main content (for example Studios for customer retention, cross selling,
how to set up ads in Facebook) category forecasting

1 2 3

Marketing Funnel Framework of Analysis – Digital Marketing

Digital Trends – India and
Worldwide Bottom Funnel
What have Top Funnel Mid Funnel TV, Radio,
Print Ads Search/Display
Ads - SEM
User Generated Content
Digital Marketing perspective
we done so for a Category Awareness Consideration

far? Awareness Intent Desire Action

Social, Paid
Direct Company

Social Media

(AIDA) Model – purchase funnel Inbound


Where do you think influencers/celebrities are useful for marketing Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) Mobile
funnel? 5 Technology 6
Are Search Ads still relevant?
Yes, when conversion is the objective of marketing (consumers have intent) – search ads do make sense
Purpose of each • If targeting needs to be skill based, social channel is sensible, when it is interest based (e.g., beauty,
and ads as salons or entertainment), social channels with video ads (FB) makes sense
Marketing Mix • The Salesforce Digital Advertising 2020 report shows relative split among these DM spends as follows:

Percentage of ad spend allocated to the following channels

YouTube Display Facebook/Instagram Search (Google + Bing) Other (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.)


Search and Last fiscal year

Current fiscal year

10% 17%

10% 17%














Display Ads Planned or continued use

next fiscal year
11% 16% 26% 34% 14% 18% 14% 29% 29% 10% 19% 14% 28% 29% 11%

7 8 9

10 11 12
Main Key
Feature of Components Choice of
Design of
Amount to
bid on the
of Search Search Ad
Search Ads Engine
and Text

13 14 15

Choice of Keywords Branded Keywords e.g., “Nalli

• For which keywords should it bid? ‘Hotels’ or ‘Paonta Sahib’ or • Warding off competition
‘Paonta Sahib hotels’ or ‘room rental in Paonta Sahib’ or ‘Book a hotel • Search Remarketing – applies for a product
room Paonta Sahib’ Two type of line, especially new launches by the brand
• How much should it bid per keyword? –
• Search engine does not charge fixed price for search ads, but use a
kywords • Fair & Lovely?

generalized second-price auction, which charges advertisers for each click-

through. The higher the bid, higher possibility of ad appearing in more visible
Firms buy Generic Keywords – “Saree”
• Total available budget for the search ads – what is likely effectiveness and • Useful for possible purchase in the
profitability of each search ad category and
• Possible awareness about the brand

16 17
• Generic (Non branded) keywords are used often by
many users – therefore higher search volume
How do • These are used for creating visibility for a brand
• Cost much more (higher bid) to appear at the
branded and top in generic keyword search
• Branded keywords
generic • Useful for PPC campaigns with low cost i.e. CPC
is low on your brands, and you could track
keywords customers
• Higher conversion rates, though from
fare? consumers who are much further in buying
process (already aware and brand is in
consideration set) – so search volume is lower
compared to generic keywords

20 21

• Identify the correct statements – Keyword

1. Paid search must use most cost-
effective keywords by using a
type –
type –
keyword research.
2. Paid search is used for mid-funnel
and bottom-funnel objectives.
3. Branded keywords are used in Quick Quiz Phrase
SEM campaigns to address
competition Broad
match and
i. 1
2 and 3
Exact match

22 23 24
Close Negative
variants match

25 26 27

Which keywords to target?

PPC Quick Quiz
Adjustments – Keyword
28 29 30
Which Ad Copy do you think is good?
Search Ad Copy
• After choice of Keywords, the creative
team designs search ads that would
appear on the search pages that they
link to
• Keywords are in the text of the search
ads to improve placement and
relevance of the ads
Rent a laptop
• How do you choose text of the add ?
• What is the objective of the
table – Ad
• Awareness ?
• Visit to a website ?
Rent Furniture for 6 months, Get
20% off
Rent Furniture for Rs 100 per
month Copies
• Sale ?
• What is Nalli’s search ad text convey?
• Try not to make Ad-copy look fishy! 31 32 33

• Ads positioning on the page is determined by

Quality Score assigned by Search engine
• Highest bidder may not always be the top-
served customer for the search engine
• How relevant is the ad for the consumer? – by
Paying for the actual click-through rate or clicks divided by the
Search Ads • What is the quality of the landing page – one
measure is bounce rate, that measures how
quickly customers leave the website after
landing there

34 35 36
• Cost-per-click (CPC) bid is the amount a firm bids on a
particular keyword
• Keywords attracting higher traffic are more expensive
• But the cost varies by product category
• Telecommunications companies pay $1.35 per • Branded keywords serve primarily mid-
keyword on average whereas law firms pay on an funnel consideration stage of consumer
average $5.82 engagement with brand
• Serve to address competition taking
• In India, CPC may be Rs 100 or so per click for
Paying for the insurance category and very few cents for
your traffic away
• Additionally serve to provide quality
classical music classes
Search Ads • A firm’s willingness to pay an amount would depend
signals to consumers about brand in
presence of organic listings, ad-copies
provide additional differentiation
on competition (industry), expected click-through rate
and conversion rate • Generic keywords serve to create
• Click-through rate decreases with a lower position but • Costlier than branded keywords on
the conversion rate may increase, why? account of higher competition

• Amount spent is not only function of the campaign • PPC campaigns are started with keyword
research, modified by performance of
but also must be determined by behaviour and intent keywords, using various keyword qualifiers.
of consumers
37 38 39

Extras/ Things to do
• The effectiveness of SEM is small for a well known
Consumer firm, like Amazon or Coke zero or Maggi
• ROI measurements are known to have activity bias
• Keyword Match Types (Broad Match, Exact Match, negative keywords etc.)
– How do keywords work -
Intent and – when consumers are more active online, they
tend to see more display ads and click on more
• Think of examples of keywords and negative keywords for selling –
links –
Search • causal relation between showing ads and
• Suit
• Cargo pants Digital Marketing
getting consumers to visit sites is due to this • Puma shoes
Engine bias
• Why do you think you see a search ad for Cadbury but not Nestle? What’s
• Consumers, who are not experienced with type of the landing page for Cadbury ads?
Marketing products, respond more to ads than consumers
experienced with products
• Search for ‘home loan’ in Google search? Are you surprised by the results?
Avadhoot Jathar
Session 6: SEM – Display Ads, Ad
If there are any search ads – what’s their call to action? effectiveness

• Why would you not see any banks selling ‘fixed deposits’ in google (search IIM Sirmaur, Term V, PGP2021-23

engine channel)? – can you check CPC for fixe deposit in a tool (a free keyword tool)?
40 41 1
We examine… Display Ads are around…

1. Why are banner ads (display ads) still relevant? • Display Ads are comparatively cheaper than
2. Terminology with display ads search ads
• Good tool to catch attention / build
3. Key Metric with SEM
4. Effectiveness of Display Ads
5. Attribution Challenges – methods
6. Using Google Analytics

Display ads are for

creating awareness
• Features:
• Call to Action leads to branded content
– detailing brand’s promise, product/
service features – usually a website
• Prominent Brand name and strong
• Lower clickthrough rates expected
• Retargeting Ads:
• Based on your product searches, you
are prompted to brands (of category of
• Targeting based on historical behaviour
e.g., donations to charity

06 August 2022 SEM - Display Ads, Efficacy and Metrics 5 9/3/20XX SEM - Display Ads, Efficacy and Metrics 7
Targeting with Google Display Targeting Features
Intermediaries with Display Ads
Ads network
• Brand Safety Targeting – Bidders can analyse the identifier if the content meets brand safety
• Affinity audiences – groups based on interests say sport • These are specified as digital content labels – whether suitable for General audiences (DL-G) or
fans, auto enthusiasts families (DL-Y), DL-G is considered to be most brand safe label
• Custom affinity audiences – creating target audiences using • Bidders usually refer to a contents ratings table – to target campaigns towards contextually relevant
custom keywords – consumers visiting websites that content
Ad Networks Ad Exchanges contain certain keywords, or adding target site URLs where • Based on the publisher id, the bidder employ solution that target inventory based on how viewable a
you would want your content to be shown up given impression is likely to be
Typically aggregate the supply of advertising Matching between advertisers and publishers • In-Market audiences – customers who are already actively • Higher viewability targeting would mean fewer matches
space from a variety of publishers and match it using a real-time auction process looking for products or services similar to yours
with advertiser’s demand • Location based targeting – Bidders usually analyse if IP addresses in bid request are relevant
Like stock exchanges, which price company • Combine it with demographics – age groups, parental • Allows to build segment of recently visited users with specific interests – useful for retargeting
Ad networks also develop proprietary algorithms shares according to supply and demand, ad
to help their clients optimally place ads on exchange decide the placement and pricing of status, can also exclude demographic groups purposes
various websites ads by using supply and demand of ad landscape

What happens when you see a Display ad?

• One useful metric – Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) • CPM Display ad profit = impressions X [ (clickthrough rate
I. When a user visits an ad-supported site, each ad placement triggers an ad request to the ad
Effectiveness of – every time an ad is displayed company incurs the cost Profitability with X conversion rate X margin) – cost per thousand
II. The ad exchange sends the bid requests for this ad opportunity to several Demand Side Platforms Display Ads whether or not customer saw the ad
• An advertiser may choose CPM pricing if the goal is to
Display Ads impressions or CPM/ 1000 ]
(DSPs), along with other available information such as the user cookie • Channels like Facebook price display ads by cost per click
build brand image (or create awareness) • CPC Display ad profit = impressions X click-through
III. Given the bid request and attached information, a DSP finds the best matching ad and calculates a • Millward Brown Digital’s research on 6400 display ads rate X [ (conversion rate X margin) – cost per click ]
bid price. It sends the price back to ad exchange to join the auction. with control groups find significant impact of display
ads on brand measures (awareness, brand • Search ads have a higher CTR, though display ads have a
IV. After receiving the bid responses from DSPs, the ad exchange hosts an auction and picks the ad lower CPC compared to search, albeit have lower
with the highest bid as the winner. Then ad exchange notifies the winner DSP, and the price will be favourability and purchase intent)
conversion rate
charged on the winning advertiser. • If goal of display ads is to generate clicks and purchases,
V. Finally, the winner’s ad content will be shown to the specific user. It considers as one impression then Click-through rate (CTR) and Conversion rate (TCR)
counted on the ad. And the user’s feedback (e.g., click and conversion) would be tracked by the should be used for assessing performance
• Trust –
Mitigating backlash • Offer a voluntary ad transparency
• Sharing source of information – first party information for
showing ads leads to better trust and purchase intent,
established through a large field experiment
• Consumer do not like personalization with inferred information
• Stay away from sensitive information – for example medical or Attribution Challenge
health conditions
• Control – loss of control over personal information
• Allow control over personal information (on Facebook)
• Justify data collection – LinkedIn justifies its data usage policy What is attribution challenge?
How do we address it?
• Using traditional means of data collections – provide ways to gather
stated preferences (surveys on Amazon and Netflix, which use
recommender systems)

Attribution Challenge Attribution Models

Attribution Description Comments
• Customer actually interacts with a brand through several media Model

channels before making a purchase Last Interaction Last ad or click accounts for 100%
of the sale
Ignores long term effects of the ads
Overweighs the ads that appear frequently

• Last click attribution gives the credit to search ads though other First Interaction First ad accounts for 100% of the Ignores ads later in the funnel that convert customer

channels help move customer along the buying decision journey. sale

Linear All ads or clicks have uniform Ad-hoc allocation


Time Decay All ads or clicks get attribution, Ad-hoc weight (how much decay?)
though more recent ads get higher
Awareness Consideration Decision
Regression or Attributes weights on regression Scientific way to allocate weights to ads along customer
Display Ads Social, Paid Search Direct Model based or other model based approaches journey path

Experiment A/ B Testing Most accurate way to determine effectiveness of ads –

based though difficult to manage across different ad networks
Reach matters: High reaching campaigns drive more sales Frequency matters: Higher frequency levels are needed
to impact behavioral change
The top reach quartile of campaigns drove 3X the
number of total people impacted at 10% less cost
Marketing per person impacted. The median incremental sales

75% of the top quartile was 139% higher than the bottom
From Facebook’s of large brand
advertisers, for ad recall, a weekly

with Social of total sales, 2x average reach

frequency cap of 1 per week

+169% +139% captured 80% of total potential brand



more sales higher campaign
incremental buyers
For purchase intent, a weekly
frequency cap of 2 per week
captured 95% of total potential brand
Digital Marketing, Term V, P GP 2021 -23 , I I M S i r m a u r

Avadhoot J a t h a r

S e ssion 11 , 01 D e ce m be r 2022
25% lift

of total sales

Source: “Reach Matters: Driving Business Results at Scale” by Facebook IQ, Jun 2016. 2 Source: “Effective Frequency: Reaching Full Campaign Potential” by Facebook IQ, Jul 22, 2016. 3

3 pillars of marketing with Facebook 3 pillars of Marketing with Facebook

Mobile has changed how people watch


Video Influencers Personalization Video Influencers Personalization

2.5 seconds

4 5
Source: “Capturing Attention in Feed: The Science Behind Effective Video Creative” by Facebook IQ, Apr 20, 2016 6
People Majority of cumulative brand impact created within first 10 Not all viewing behavior is the same
recall content seconds of the video view
faster on mobile 74%

Cumulative Campaign impact

47% 72%

People can recall 44%

content on News
Feed after only
seeing it for

0.25S Ad recall
Brand awareness
Purchase intent

3sec 10sec 20sec 30sec

Source: Facebook data, Q3 2015 7
Short bursts of attention High, captivated attention 9

3 emerging pillars of Brand marketing

Different Ad formats for different ways people behave with Iterate and build for how content is consumed

1 2 3

CAPTURE DESIGN FRAME PLAY Video Influencers Personalization

attention quickly for sound off your visual story With the
and deliver your but delight with and build imagery and
message within sound on vertical messagery that
15s or less resonates


Short bursts of attention High, captivated attention 10 11
Influencer Marketing A wide spectrum of Three Principles to Maximize
Defined influencers Effectiveness for Influencer RIGHT MATCH
Marketing Authenticity: does the
Influencer authentically build
An influencer is someone who has the have multiple points of influence and amplify your Brand’s
power to influence the perception of beyond social & digital Story?

others or gets them to do something DIGITAL INFLUENCERS

different. serve a significant social & digital audience

MEDIA & EXPERTS Macro-influencers

Influencers must have a combination of are part of a pre-existing. popular 10K-1MM
three key factors: media outlet or category authority

• Contextual credibility RIGHT MEASURABLE
serve a small, but often more specific, RIGHT MESSAGE
• Salesmanship social & digital audience MEDIA
Are you applying the
Micro-influencers creative rigor you know How can you amplify the
ADVOCATES 500K-10K works best on mobile for Influence to as many
a consumer-level army of well-wishers 14
your influencer campaign? people as possible?

3 emerging pillars of Brand marketing

Principles For Activating Influencers

BRANDED INFLUENCER BRAND Transparency • Ask your partners to use the Branded Content tag in all
relevant posts to ensure transparency
• Video Influencers Personalization
Any influencer content Relevance Work with partners who fit within your brand's
identity and who genuinely enjoy your product
on Instagram or Facebook that
features a Brand for an exchange
of value (payment) comes with a • Make sure posts are relevant to your partner and show
branded content tag. Authenticity something authentic to their own brand

16 17
Source: Facebook Branded Content Policy
How much ‘personalisation’ should a brand be doing? What is the business need for personalisation?
Q: How much ‘personalisation’ should a brand do?

Option a. Option b.
As much as possible because As much as needed to Based on the business context how
digital is so cool.... maximise ROI NEED CAPABILITY NEED
much personalization is meaningful for a

BUSINESS Key questions to help identify where a brand How ready is the client's brand for personalisation? DATA
Data Capability Pyramid
falls on the continuum The amount of personalization a brand can execute depends on where in the
data pyramid you are.

Do different audience Are the segments based on simple criteria (e.g LEVEL 4 Category purchase,
segments buy the brand demographics, socioeconomics etc) or on more
for different sets of complex factors (category usage, ownership of
motivations or benefits? certain products, purchase patterns etc.)? How much data assets do you/ your LEVEL 3 Online/offline interactions with
DATA brand, interests
have to activate the right personalization
2G/3G/4G, device type, SEC classification
Are the audience sub-segments
Are the audience sub-segments non
sizable to justify cost and effort of
overlapping to avoid media wastage? DEMOGRAPHIC
personalisation? LEVEL 1
Age, Gender, location
Plotting the business need and data capability can unlock the relevant
personalization strategy for your business. Tenets of Personalization at Scale Define right audience segments
1. Full suite of signal based solutions
1. Start personalization based on platform native targeting offerings: • Platform native targeting
• Demographics • 1st party data through FB solutions Step 1 JOB TO BE DONE
• Life Stage
• 1st party data from owned properties and database.
• Interest

• Device/ Connectivity

2. Partnership data:
• Re-targeting Video Viewers, Page followers • Collaborative ads
• Offline collaborative ads
Create mutually exclusive segments,
2. Build 1st party data through FB solutions: • 3rd party data providers
Reach Personalization at scale Use all available data sources to activate
• Lead ads
with overlap that is no more than XX%
• Offer ads 3. Moment based personalization: - Hyper targeting will result in lower ROI - Segment audience with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party
• Messenger • Day part - To minimize incremental CPM cost. Step 2 SOURCE OF BUSINESS
• Weather based - Minimal reach requirement for each data including past purchases, CRM, location,
3. Reach lookalike audience based on 1st party data
- Avoid sending multiple messages for
• Event and seasonality triggered target segment. etc.
the same targeted user.
4. Reach lookalike audience based on 1st party data

1. Customized creative for few segments based on native targeting tools:

• Demographics / Life stage
1. Customized creative for few segments based on native targeting:
• Demographics
• Device/ Connectivity Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Catch All Segment
• Re-targeting Video Viewers
• Life stage
• Interest 2. Partnership data:
• Collaborative ads


Device/ Connectivity
• Offline collaborative ads
• Re-targeting Video Viewers • Develop creatives that are relevant to Ensure clear delineation between Measure metrics that have always 1. Demographic
3rd party data providers TIP:
3. Moment based personalization: segments based on consumer insights creative and media segmentation mattered 2. Custom Audience
2. Moment based personalization:
• Day part Reach
• Day part 3. Lookalike Audience
• Weather based - Distinctive and relevant creative for each - Use deep consumer insights to inform - Tracking the same KPIs will prove impact
• Weather based • Event and seasonality triggered
• Event and seasonality triggered audience segment. creative and base media segments on broad of personalization vs. broad marketing. 4. Geography
4. Reach lookalike audience based on 1st party data - A/B test creatives and find most effective targeting that reaches all category buyers. 5. Living Standard Measurement / Category / Interest
way for each audience segment.
Low High 6. Re-marketing Quality / Cost

Engagement should not be used as a success metric in itself

Segment Audience with 1st, 2nd and 3rd Party Data
• Facebook Data shows that engagement does not significantly correlate to brand lift for branded content campaigns.

Engagement Rate & Ad Recall Lift Engagement Rate & Message Association Lift
1 50.0% 20.0%
2 3

Message Association Lift

40.0% 15.0%


Ad Recall Lift
C O R E AU D I E N C E LO O K A L I K E AU D I E N C E S 10.0%

20.0% 5.0%
Sophisticated targeting with accuracy Reach & re-target the most valuable Reach people who look like your best
people you already know customers 0.0%

Measure what matters 0.0%

0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00%

0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00%

• Use your data to create and • Use Lookalike audiences for Engagement Rate Engagement Rate
• Reach people based on info shared
connect with valuable audiences, advanced prospecting to
on their profiles: Engagement Rate & Brand Awareness Lift Engagement Rate & Intent Lift
based on: acquire new customers that
1. Demographics 30.0% 25.0%
1. Your CRM customer list look like your most valuable
2. Life Stage* 25.0% 20.0%

Brand Awareness Lift

2. Actions taken on your website audience. 20.0%
3. Connectivity 15.0%

Intent Lift
or app (requires Facebook Pixel 10.0%
4. Location • Based on customers in your 10.0%
/ SDK) 5.0%
5. Interests* CRM, or people who have 0.0% 0.0%
3. People who have engaged with 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00%
6. Behaviors* from Pages Likes, visited or converted on your -5.0%0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% -5.0%
your content on Facebook -10.0%
Mobile Device used Website. Engagement Rate
Engagement Rate
4. Leads
Engag3e0ment rate is defined as clicks, likes, comments, and shares divided by impressions
29 *Studies completed as of March 22, 2019, Inclusive of branded content campaigns with Brand Awareness, Video Views, or Reach objectives starting after Jan 1, 2015 run on Facebook, Inc platforms (FB, IG, AN, Messenger); Brand
lift measured via Facebook, Nielsen, or Millward Brown Brand Lift solutions; n > or = 50 for each graph; no significant correlation both for all studies and for only results statistically significant at or above 90% (all studies shown)
FB Campaigns – Auction Versus Reach & Frequency Advertising
Points to remember while setting Reach & Frequency campaigns

• 1. Max Not Average Search • How does a search engine work?

• The frequency we put while setting up the campaign is max frequency, not the average.

2. Low exposure to most audience

Engine • Algorithms that govern search engine
• For any given max frequency we set, more than 60% of the audience(reach) will only get one exposure(frequency)
Optimization Considerations • What people search for? How do they search –
How to address this – set up mid-funnel campaigns say with static ads/ smaller video assets Keywords typed

Avadhoot Jathar
in SEO • Preferred search engines by the target audience
3. Increasing avg. freq. won't help
Session 8, Digital Marketing • Objective is to get a higher website rank in
• Even if we enable the "Increase average frequency" option, ~50% of the reached audience will only get one exposure.
Term V, PGP2021-23, IIM Sirmaur Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
4. 3x CPM
• By increasing the budget to the maximum permissible level, we can improve the frequency per person; however, we end up paying ~3x
higher CPM there.

Facebook Marketing Tutorials: 1 2

On Page SEO
Updating elements on your website

3 4 5
Keyword Research
Determining Keywords/ Groups of keywords to build

6 7 8

Keyword Research Short tail versus long tail keywords

• A practice to choose the primary and secondary keywords around which your meta tags and • Short tail keywords (less than 3 words)
content will be based
• High search volumes and high competition
• For each keyword, we must find out,
• Volume of searches you are likely to get – (say every month)
• Broad keyword
• Competition – how many pages you must rank better to reach up in SERP • Long tail keywords ( e.g., how to become IAS officer)
• Relevancy • Likely to have lower search volumes
• Maintain a spreadsheet with keyword, volume and competition as you start keyword research • But the clickthrough rates higher, bring more quality traffic
• Used for more targeted pages
• Find keywords that have a lot of volume and lower competition
• Good not to start with broad keywords (as they have both high volume and competition)
• Use tools such as Google Keyword planner/ Ubersuggest

9 10 11
Score Meaning

Keyword 0-14: Very easy. These keywords may be good to target if you want to rank as
soon as possible with the least amount of effort. However, make
Difficulty Score sure you double-check the search volume before you decide to
target them, as it can sometimes be quite low.

15-29: Easy. These are still relatively achievable, even if your domain is new.
To rank for these, you’ll need to produce quality, relevant

30-49: Possible. For these keywords, you’ll need quality content that’s not only
well optimized for your target keywords but is also very well
organized, with good structure.

50-69: Difficult. In addition to producing quality, well-structured content and

optimizing it, you’ll need some quality backlinks to win these

70-84: Hard. If you want to win these, you’ll need to put in a lot of effort.
You’ll need more and better-quality backlinks to support your

85-100 = Very hard. The absolute hardest keywords to compete for. In addition to
high-quality content and link building, you’ll need to put a lot of
time and effort into SEO and content promotion.

12 13 14

Relevant Additional Keywords to search

Latent Semantic
Indexing – support • Quora
• Similar / Related questions asked
your content with LSI
keywords for Google • Wikipedia –
• Meta descriptions
to understand what • Contents
page is about • See also
• References
• Reddit

15 16 17
Title Tag – most important
factor of on-page

• It is header element displayed in SERP

• Do not go beyond 50-60 characters –
otherwise Google would truncate it

Website Elements • Have the right keyword in the title tag –

increased chances of Clickthrough rate
• Title tag summarizes the website
What to do on your website? content

18 19 20

Meta Description and

URL structure • Headers are HTML tags that identify
headings and subheadings of content
• Brief description of up to about 160 characters
that summarize the content of the page Optimize the • Hierarchy to content – header tags H1 to H6,
• It gives marketer space to describe what the
page talks about, to appeal user to click-
Page – where H1 is the heading of the page, H2 is
the subheading of H1 and H3 is a
• If you leave meta description empty, you leave Header Tags subheading of H2 and so on
• Headers organize the content – use
it to Google to add in a copy that it deems
• URL – Uniform Resource Locators keywords, let Google know what’s important
• Use SEO friendly URLs as they help understand
what the page is about (Google may not
recognize URL to be pertinent with poor URL

21 22 23
Internal links Sitemaps
• Sitemaps are hierarchy list of a website – how website is structured
• Hyperlink that goes from one page of website to a different page on your • Two types
website • HTML site maps: for humans
• Allows user to seamlessly navigate the website • XML site maps: for crawlers
• Tells Google other pages to crawl and index • XML site map tells Google what to crawl – list of all the pages on your
• End User experience and Indexing pages by Google website
• Use Natural language – Google uses Natural Language Processing looking for
content and keywords while ranking – other relevant, related keywords
• Identify other keywords in the natural language process

24 25 26

27 28 29
• HTML snippet that tells search engines how
Type of content you would prevent Search to crawl or index a certain page
engine from crawling • Placed into the <head> section of a web
• Thin pages with no or little value to the user • <meta name="robots" content="noindex"
• Pages in the staging environment />
• Admin and Thank-you pages Robots meta • Name attribute provides which crawlers
should follow instructions. The value is
• Internal search results tag - indexing known as user-agent and reflects
• PPC landing pages browser you are using. UA can take
values like Googlebot or Googlebot-
• Pages about upcoming promotions, contests or product launches image
before it must be made public • <meta name="googlebot-image"
• Duplicate content content="noindex" /> - will prevent your
images from showing in google image
30 31 32

Content attribute – crawling directives Site Structures Site Structure

• Content attribute provides instructions about whether to crawl or not
• If robots meta tag is unavailable, then default instruction is to crawl Home
everything (default value of index and follow)
• <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> - instructs search
engine not to index the page
Category Careers
• <meta name="robots" content="nofollow" /> - instructs the robots
to stop crawling all the links on the page. By the way, those URLs can
still be indexable, if they have backlinks pointing to them.
• The purpose of nofollow tag is to tell search engine not to ascribe credit to Product Product Job
boost the ranking of destination site based on the link. info info Details
33 34 35
On Page SEO - Measurements
On Page SEO – Key Ideas • Dwell Time – a time measuring
engagement of user on website – user TYPE OF WEBSITES BOUNCE RATE (INDUSTRY
engagement, session duration and SERP NORMS)
• Are using bouncing off on coming
• Getting Indexed – to your website Retail Sites 20-40%
• Crawlers – index web pages for searching efficiently • How do you measure if customers or
News Portals 10-30%
• Preventing crawling – visitors are happy with website?
• Webmasters instructs spiders not to crawl certain pages – login specific pages such as • Drill down into session duration in
shopping carts, or user specific content such as internal searches Google Analytics – Audience Service Sites 10-30%
• Increasing prominence – • 2 Minutes is a good average Simple Call to action 70-90%
• Cross linking the pages – provide more links to important pages, that improve visibility Session duration standard
• Writing content that includes searched keywords phrases • Bounce rate defines customers Content Websites 40-60%
exiting website browsing single
• Updating content – so that crawlers keep coming back to the site frequently page – this would typically mean
landing page of content/website Lead Generation 30-50%

36 37 38

Technical SEO • Process of linking and promoting your website using link building
(external linking)
• Recognition, relevancy, trustworthiness of website
• High domain authority – if other trustworthy websites have links to us
• Linking to other high domain authority websites
• Technical SEO focuses on improving the technical structure of a website • In turn, helps improves page rank
• Looks at improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, structured data, Why off-
security, and indexing (just to name a few!).
• Accessibility of a website – refers to notion that website is available, and its
functionality can be operated by literally anyone
Off Page SEO page SEO? Strategies of Off-Page SEO
• High quality content creation • Off-site engagement

edium=lr • Social media – Quora, Medium, Reddit
• Collaborating with bloggers – sharing links to content
• Improving site speed includes improving image loading performance – using Smart
JPEG and PNG compressions
• We could use tools like Lighthouse extension on the browser to generate basic report –
speed, SEO features, accessibility
39 40 41
Important To Dos in SEO
• Work with white hat techniques i.e., keyword research, natural
language approach to keywords
• Get backlinks from relevant websites
• Remove and disavow bad links
• Use keywords naturally in title tags, but do not duplicate title on
multiple web pages
• Write engaging, quality content
• Not to build sitewide backlinks – linking to be relevant to flow of

42 43 44

• Longer and engaging contents rank higher

• Answer Customer Questions and needs on search Search Engine
Objectives of beyond basic product information – requires • Feature infographics in your page Ranking
customer centric view Contents on • Comprehensive introduction
Content • Create original, trustworthy and interesting Factors
content – requires publisher-oriented view
Website • Relevant to chosen keyword
• Click-worthy title
• Include LSI keywords in your content

45 46 47
Search Ranking Factor Details Optimizing Ranking Factors for Website
Local searches results in two types of pages in SERP –
• Local organic results – web pages related to search query with local
relevance that include directories such as Zomato, Yelp, Justdial etc
 Site Architecture & URL Recommendations that are • Local pack – businesses that have signed up with Google through
Provide technical framework to ensure that optimized for search engines ‘Google my business’
search engines understand the content  Update sitemaps, correct redirects, robots.txt –
enable smooth crawling of website GMB listings will come from many different sources –
• The owner of the business – information on opening/closing times,

Deliver a content experience that satisfies

 Detailed competitor analysis, keyword research and
intent classification
Local SEO description of products and services
• Information taken from the website
audience interest and search intent  On-page optimization – Page elements, page content • User provided reviews or uploaded photos/videos
 Content gap analysis and new wireframes • Structured data from Wikipedia or Wikidata, presented usually in
 Content briefs – Focus on answer box optimization the knowledge panel (right panel in Google’s SERP)
What influences the GMB listings the most –
 Backlink profile management
Authority Be seen and known as an authoritative  Disavow spammy links • Backlinks
expert within your space  Link building through outreach • Reviews
 Internal linking strategy • Other GMB pages such as photos, opening/closing time details

48 49 50

• Improve the visibility of your website on the search

engines, and both methods will help your site show in the
SERPs through the use of targeting and optimizing for
SEM can drive almost
• Drive a higher amount of relevant and quality traffic to
immediate results. SEO can’t. On site SEO, off-site SEO,
your site. Both strategies encourage users to click through White hat techniques of SEO,
Recap – SEO to your site — albeit one is a paid tactic, the other is
organic. Differences black-hat SEO techniques,
title tags, meta descriptions,
and SEM SEO delivers cumulative SEO friendly URLs, sitemaps,

• Help you gain a deeper understanding of your audience.
You need to have a good understanding of your audience
for both strategies to be successful.
– SEM and results Keyword research, difficulty
of keyword, organic CTR,
backlinking, domain-level
• Use keyword research to discover and target relevant
keywords. Both require keyword research to understand
SEO link factors, page level link
factors, topic modelling
what your competition is targeting.
• Require ongoing testing and optimization. Both require
continuous monitoring and tweaking to be successful long-
SEM is easier to Test and
refine than SEO.
Important Terms algorithms, Natural language
term and deliver a solid ROI.

51 52 53
• what did they do to their website -
Social Media to achieve Virality
• Guide to SEO - - this is
highly technical but good resource to study
• Check out what google search operators can do for you –also check
out internal linking on this page:
Extras – operators/#:~:text=allintitle%3A,title%20tag%20will%20be%20return
ed. Earned Media - Twitter Facebook YouTube
• Robots meta tags -
Things to do • Analyse the following website on tool – look Viral Marketing Sharing news, information,
opinions, complaints (usually other
Networking – communication,
building social capital – identity
Self presentation video posting –
travelogues (reviews),
competitor keywords, check backlinks (and domains of the backlinks) branded and UGC as well) management and self-presentation performances (live or scripted)
Brand standpoint – information site Brand standpoint – amateur
Avadhoot Jathar sharing Brand standpoint – embedding advertising, brand community contextual / native advertising storytelling, coverage of brand Session 9, Digital Marketing, related events

• Check out following SEO tools:, IIM Sirmaur, PGP 2021-23 Two Objectives of Content Creation: -
SeoTools for Excel • Answer Customer Questions and needs beyond basic product information – requires customer centric view
• Create original, trustworthy and interesting content – requires publisher oriented view
54 1 2

• Prominent Branding puts off viewers • Reach vis-à-vis Persuasiveness?

• Use brand pulsing – weave brand image
unobtrusively throughout the ad • Ads that achieved more views were less
• Shift from Paid media to Earned Media • Happiness Factory Ad by Coca Cola successful at increasing purchase intent
• Achieve costless reach? • People get bored • That’s fine – brand awareness and organic
• Create a joy or surprise at onset instantly reach does not have to be costly in terms of
• Ad manager simply has to design content • Apple Ad – Mr Bean (Parody) persuasiveness of ad
that will generate own exposure than • Build a roller coaster?
Why Viral buying exposures, but is that it?
Tactics with • Pulsing doses of joy and surprise are needed to Viral Ads - • User generated content around the ads
sustain view • Likely indicator of persuasiveness of ads and
Marketing? • Viral Ads or content is one component? Ads • Bud Light – Swear Jar Ad Persuasiveness reach
• Use all of the above – Evian – Roller Babies Ad
• What makes them viral? Are there • Ads that persuade consumers for purchase
• People like ad but wont share it intent are
characteristics of such ads? • Clothing drive ad? – Build surprise but not shock!
• Funny, and or visually appealing
• What motivates people to share ads? • People just don’t share ad
• Reach out to people who’d share the ads • And not outrageous!
Dollar Shave Ad
3 4 5
Dove Real Beauty Sketches Features to address with Viral campaigns Considerations with Viral campaigns

• Where do you think Ads like this one would work? • Audience reliance: audience should be able to share content easily
• Video that is too long to put natively in Twitter or Instagram,
• Is this quite a digital ad? Call to Action? • Creating a teaser video on Twitter, with a link to actual video on YouTube
• Timing: Trendjacking
• Oreo’s Dunk in the Dark tweet
Wendy’s Chicken Nuggets • Risk: No viral campaign is without a risk
Tweet • Wendy’s Twitter handle
• Platform’s suitability
• Virality with Facebook – how many people created stories of content they have seen
• What is difference between content engagement of Facebook versus Instagram versus TikTok?
• Dangers of going from Friends to Viral content

6 7 8

6 Key STEPPS to Crafting Viral Content

• How does viral marketing as a tool
compare with paid media for marketers
• How does changing media landscape
Key Questions impact ad agencies?
CONTAGIOUS AND secret ‘engineering virality’?
What should Mekanism as a firm do? Case • Should Mekanism keep focusing on
Mekanism: Engineering producing viral marketing content or
Viral Marketing diversify into producing and distributing
other forms of ad content, becoming a
STORIES full-service ad agency?

9 10 11
Production House Ad Agency • Increasing acceptance by Marketers for use of
digital/ social/ viral media • Small firms pursued viral ads for low costs, and
• What entails in the two
Focus on Content Many Content • Building a brand – shift from brand website to effective word-of-mouth, e.g. BlendTec
choices Mekanism has?
content sharing • Which brands Mekanism has worked for?
Focus on distribution Many media • Product Focus vis-à-vis
Customer Focus?
What’s the • 65% have used Viral in the past year and 14%
have used viral ads routinely in their campaigns
Which brands • Big brands
value provided stand most to • Strong brands that evoke sense of
• Ad agency would be a • Decline in time spent with traditional media engagement among committed consumers
Many clients A few clients service offered to a fewer • Ad avoidance on Television
clients at a potentially higher by Viral • Much uncertainty in advertising market about Viral
gain from • Brands with low risk of being hijacked by
Indirect (via Ad Direct to brand certain consumer or non-consumer groups
agency) advertiser
prices Marketing? advertising viral? • Given uncertainty of reach, unpredictability, on
• Reach uncertainty
average many ads need be produced
• Lack of predictability
• Lack of control

Keep Specialized or Diversify?

12 13 14

• Characteristics of senders – 20 – 34% of Views Considerations for Mekanism

• Role of Content of campaign – role in viral ads
• Storytelling –
• Reduces the persuasive or selling aspect of ad but presents a
• Content of ads – 43% - role in traditional paid
sequence of events, that is much easier to share How to media ads
Mekanism’s • Bestow a status to the sharer
• Managing social media platforms
leverage • Rest by category and brand level factors Choices now
• Depending on type of content, Mekanism uses Facebook or • Storytelling is a stock in trade for Mekanism
recipe to Viral YouTube and other social niche media for the ads resources to • Challenge is what triggers views may not trigger
Future of Viral
Product Focus Client Focus
• Influencers for diffusion
Advertising • Minimal initial exposure is high enough to please the be full scale sharing (intentions for sharing being different)
Mainstream Maintain edge in Decide which service to
advertisers, taking away reach uncertainty • Other challenges are contact with broadcasters,
• Right influencers mitigate lack of control aspect ad-agency print media publishers where Mekanism has no
production and sell to whom? Avoid losing
• Risky earned media to low risk paid media (consumer distribution of content focus
attention is purchased) presence
Niche Increase number of ad Use production and
agency clients distribution for other
types of ad content
15 16 17
• Examine how many Viral marketing campaigns COMPLAINTS
are done per year by –
• Red Bull United Breaks Guitars
• Microsoft United Airlines uses this video in its employee training program
• Samsung
Things to do • What would you create a metric for measuring
Zomato sacks a delivery man

virality to check if Viral marketing campaign has

• In which firms do you think Viral Marketing Avadhoot Jathar
hasn’t really caught on? Session 10, Digital Marketing,
Term V, PGP2021-23, IIM Sirmaur

18 1 2

Twitter is primarily a news, information or opinion

sharing medium, firms use it for sharing branded WHAT TO LISTEN IN UGC 1. Impact on Purchase decisions
It is reported by studies, 81% of buyers do an online research and 88%
content buyers use consumer reviews to determine if business is reliable

Brand is not just what brand says, but what people talk Review Site based Star Ratings – one star improvement on Yelp is known to

 This is including your internal customers
 Employee Education is key, be conscious of avoiding gaffes Understanding customers Identifying unmet or new needs with
REPUTATION increase revenue for restaurant by 9% (Yelp case)
2. Word-of-mouth and PR

CUSTOMERS - Understand the context/meaning of hashtags/trending

social media trends
MANAGEMENT Service (captured in UGC) and PR failures (Brand response failures) impact

ESSENTIAL FOR • United Airlines lost over $1 billion in market value after a video of a
passenger being violently forced away from an overbooked flight
went viral.
Risk of hashtag hijack
Brand Perceptions Association Maps with sentiment analysis
data BRANDS? • Nestlé also faced a notorious failure in reputation management when
they were publicly accused by Greenpeace of harmful environmental
#PricelessSurprises practices. While Nestlé failed to react to the rising social media crisis,
it even worsened it by asking YouTube to remove the Greenpeace
video. In the aftermath, the company was forced to temporarily shut
down its public page as people started posting the altered version of
Customer satisfaction and future Yelp, TripAdvisor – future purchase their Kit Kat logo all over the web.
behaviour intentions at Restaurants and Hotels

3 4 5
REPUTATION – WHERE IT MATTERS Awareness threshold: Companies have to remain in
public radar

Among multiple stakeholders – investors, customers, suppliers, employees, Positive Overall reputation: At least 20% stories in J Shaped distribution –
communities in which firm operates, online communities leading media to be positive, and no more than 10%  Higher number of review ratings towards satisfaction, very few in the middle order ratings
On specific categories – product quality, corporate governance, employee
relations, customer service, handling of environmental and social issues,
REPUTATION negative; and the rest neutral
Managers can influence mix of positive, negative and
and some negative (least ratings)
What makes a review – helpful review?
financial performance MANAGEMENT neutral stories – by striving to optimize the companies
‘share of voice’ : percentage of stories mentioning a
 Less Review Extremity
Reputation – Reality Gap: How do you fill it up? Meet expectations or lower  More Review Depth
firm that quote someone from organization
 Usefulness a function of Product Category
Identifying changing beliefs and expectations: Once acceptable practices LinkedIn Posts by Employees
Economic impact of product reviews –
are no longer considered satisfactory and ethical/appropriate Monitor changing beliefs and expectations  Mixture of Objective and Subjective statements are associated with change in sales
How to manage it (in general and online in particular)?  Readability score of a review is related to changes in sales
 Decrease in proportion of spelling errors positively related to sales
6 7 8


Tools like Talkwalker allow you to
examine how your campaigns or
branded messages are received
• Address positive reviews by providing a generic and short response in social media • Search ‘My Starbucks Idea’, what are two top listings in SERP – check both and this
one if this isn’t around ? What is Starbucks trying to do?
• Delay responses for positive reviews Helps you track:
• Which of the Indian businesses do you think are composed to replicate initiative like
• Respond to all negative reviews Potential Reach, Sentiment, ‘My Starbucks Idea’?
Sentiment over time, Key
• There are no ‘delete’ buttons for negative reviews Influencers • See Starbuck’s Perspective on it
• Address negative reviews by providing a tailor-made solution Psychographics and •Why do you think SEO would help mitigate risk of a negative content about you?
Demographics of your engaged
• Respond quickly to all negative reviews audience • Check characteristics of top reviewers on a review website? What are common
• Removing a review is the option, if only the user claims are false, using false findings across Zomato and TripAdvisor?
information or using defamatory language • Check out – a tool to track social media engagements of a brand for
its campaigns; check these further tools
9 10 11
Critical Volume of reviews, though stiff competition from
How should hotels manage Expedia, Yahoo Travel
online reviews? Both quantity How TripAdvisor has become a successful source of
MANAGING and quality? hotel reviews?
UGC is perceived as transparent and unbiased
Easier to write a review (Expedia follows a stringent process
ONLINE KEY QUESTIONS How can TripAdvisor improve its product for consumers?
to confirm individual indeed stayed at the hotel)
How should major hotel chains influence online reviews?
REVIEWS ON TO CONSIDER Should they? If so, how?
What about revenue model ?
 Advertising – Display and Click ads - perceived as neutral

TRIPADVISOR Should the budget come out

from Advertising budget or
Which Word of mouth approach would you prefer –
the Four Seasons or the Homewood Suites one? Why?
review aggregator as opposed to OTA interested in
facilitating bookings
Marketing budget? Convinced hotels to direct their guests to write reviews
 Why not ask on Hotel website?

12 13 14

Motivations to write
HOW POSSIBLY Better identify and remove fake reviews  Altruistic intentions WHAT DO Encourage people to share photos and videos
 Share the experience
WOULD Continuously encourage generating new reviews
 Recency factor
WHY DO PEOPLE  Reward the good services (and punish the bad ?)
TRIPADVISOR DO Build algorithms for patterns of words and phrases
used in fake reviews – for better detection of
TRIPADVISOR What’s the focus on encouraging writing reviews?
READ AND WRITE  Utility of social respect – respected reviewer from
a wider community
TO MAKE fraudulent reviews

CONTINUE ITS  Quantity or Quality? REVIEWS? Motivations to read

REVIEWS Community building and policing –
 Reputable and recognizable reviewers – allow
SUCCESS? Maintain perception as neutral review platform  Assess hotel’s attributes more accurately BETTER? users to say whether review was helpful
 Trust third party evaluations more than Hotel’s
marketing materials

15 16 17
Listen and React
TripAdvisor works with hotels to improve its
revenue through more OTA bookings Target HOW DO How do reviews affect hotel performance metric?

How do hotels engage?
 Focus on generating high volume of reviews
WHAT DO Incentivize
DIFFERENT  Luxury Hotels
 Midscale Hotels
TRIPADVISOR  Why? CONSUMERS AND What does increasing the volume of reviews do?
HOTELS ENGAGE  Independent Hotels
 Signage in rooms or emails to encourage writing
reviews HOTELS GAIN?  Create more unbiased view on quality WITH DIGITAL Active or Passive Engagement
 Increase reach
 Ask TripAdvisor who’s likely to write reviews
How do hotels have to listen and react?
PLATFORMS? Branding or Customer Research?

Is proactively seeking reviews good for the hotels?

 Changing or improving the services (operations)

18 19 20

Purpose of YouTube
Imagine yourself
• Self expression platform as a Marketer and
YouTube for Brands • Music, comedy, spoofs, dance and entertainment artists self expression
• All other sorts of User Generated content
• Review
suggest aspects
Pros and Cons of
Marketing content on
Avadhoot Jathar • Travelogues about YouTube
• Unbox videos
Digital Marketing & Analytics, Term VIII, PGPBM IIM Trichy 2020-22
24 September 2022
• How to videos (education) initiatives you like?
• From Brand’s standpoint – engagement platform with content that is
visually, orally delivered (videos, podcasts)
• Education videos especially for a technology products
1 2 3
Do like the initiatives – Purpose of Ads
Do not like about the initiatives?

• Spending on consumers interested in products

• Viewers on YouTube are for videos (entertainment content) and not Ads • Automobile Ads – firms can hope to advertise on channels that have content related to
• Ads are mostly annoyance for viewers cars and remain confident that these reach relevant viewers
• Skippable after 5 seconds, on TV at least the Ads are played full and hope to reach large captive • With TrueView ads, companies pay for commercials watched beyond first 5 seconds
• Reach – Ads do not reach large audiences of TV
• Multiple Advertisement Opportunities – multiple channels, their own pages
• Case exhibit 4 – 1% of YouTube videos with 1 million or more views and 50% are fewer than 1000 views • Both outbound and inbound marketing
• Months to reach 1 million views if ever – TV commercial can reach that viewership in single exposure • Measure ad effectiveness in a better way
• Cost • precise measurement is impossible with TV whereas you know how many were exposed INFORMATIVE PERSUASIVE
• CPM data on page 2 suggests, it would take between $9000 - $34000 to reach one million views with to YouTube Ad and how many watched the ad fully
TV – why risk on YouTube?

4 5 6

Comparing two media TrueView Ads

Offline Video (TV) Online Video (YouTube)
• Pros: • Pros: When should I use
How does it work?
Where will the
How will I be charged?
• Low risk and results in lot of • Less expensive it? ads appear?
impressions • Allows brands to target consumers To promote video Your video ad plays •YouTube videos You pay when a viewer
• No skipping through ads • Can be produced and uploaded
• Same content can be broadcast
multiple times
• Effective UGC can be exploited
Ad Features content alongside
other videos on
before, during, or •Partners' sites, watches 30 seconds of
after other videos. games, and apps your video (or the
• Cons: • Cons: with YouTube YouTube and After 5 seconds, duration if it's shorter
• Avoidance by switching channels or • Need significant scale in order to have partner sites and the viewer has an than 30 seconds) or
attention during commercial breaks broader reach apps. option to skip the engages with your video,
• Cast a wide net, reach outside of • Production quality can be poorer than ad. whichever comes first.
target Ads, their purpose and costing
• Slow process • Need to continuously come up with
new content
7 8 9
In-Feed Video Ads In-Feed Video Ads Bumper Ads
When should I How does it Where will the
How will I be charged?
When should I use Where will the How will I be use it? work? ads appear?
How does it work?
it? ads appear? charged? To reach Bumper ads •YouTube Bumper ads use target
viewers are 6 seconds videos CPM (cost-per-thousand
To promote a video in
Your ad consists of a thumbnail image from broadly with a or shorter and •Partners' impressions) bidding, so
your video with some text.
places of discovery:
• Next to related YouTube
The exact size and appearance of the ad • YouTube search results short, play before, sites, games, you set how much you’re
You’ll be charged only
may vary depending on where it appears, • YouTube
but video discovery ads always invite people video
when viewers choose to memorable during, or after and apps willing to pay every
• As part of a watch your ad by
YouTube search
to click to watch the video. Clicking the ad suggestions
clicking a thumbnail.
message. another video. thousand times your ad
will deliver a user to the YouTube watch or • Video plays on YouTube
channel page to view the video rather than watch or channel page Viewers do not is shown.
• On the YouTube mobile
playing the video within the ad unit itself. have the
option to skip
the ad.
10 11 12

Non-skippable Ads (In-stream ads) Comparison of various YouTube Ads • Informative Ads in general are shared less frequently
• Informative Ad sharing happens when the product has
purchase risk, i.e., new product, or price is high or when
the content is shared on LinkedIn as opposed to
Video ad format Description Platform Spec Pay
Facebook, Twitter or Google+
Skippable video ads Skippable video ads allow
viewers to skip ads after 5
Computer, mobile
devices, TV, and game
Plays in video player (option CPV bidding – pay when user
to skip after 5 seconds). watches 30 seconds of video
or interacts
Ad sharing • Ads that evoke positive emotions – warmth, excitement,
When should I Where will the amusement and inspiration are shared
use it?
How does it work?
ads appear?
How will I be charged? Non-skippable video
Non-skippable video ads
must be watched before a
Computer, mobile
devices, TV, and game
Plays in video player.
15 or 20 seconds in length,
Target CPM bidding – based
on number of impressions
from • Ads with drama, surprise, celebrities, and babies positively
video can be viewed. consoles depending on regional

To reach viewers Non-skippable in-stream •YouTube videos Non-skippable ads use target CPM Bumper ads Short, non-skippable video Computer, mobile
Plays in video player, up to 6 Target CPM bidding – based
YouTube affect uplifting emotions, induce sharing
• Late placement of brand in an Ad drives more sharing than
with your entire ads are between 6 and 15 •Partners' sites, (cost-per-thousand impressions) ads of up to 6 seconds that devices, TV, and game seconds long. Bumper ads on number of impressions
intermittent placement
message. seconds and play before, games, and apps bidding, so you set how much must be watched before a consoles are turned on when
during, or after another you’re willing to pay every video can be viewed. skippable or non-skippable
ads are turned on.
• Ads with 1.2 minutes to 1.5 minutes length have best
video. Viewers do not have thousand times your ad is shown positive effect on sharing
the option to skip the ad. Overlay ads Overlay image or text ads Computer only 468x60 or 728x90 pixels in Target CPM bidding – like
that can appear on the size display ads
lower 20% portion of a

13 14 15
Entertain or Educate?

Key • Red Bull What makes Product related

Producing low-cost,


inbound marketing Strong Brand

among 4 Why do consumers go

• CoverGirl successful for to YouTube?
Red Bull
YouTube • Any similarities? Brands on UGC Lego CoverGirl
engagement? Consumers are Users trust other
YouTube? excited
Low Risk
consumers for

16 17 18

Why mobile?

How may • P & G Pampers? Mobile Advertising Versus Mobile Marketing

following • J & J ORSL Apple Drink?

• Sony Bravia?
brands • Pidilite Fevicol?
Banner Ads, Video Ads, Interstitial Ads, In-App

engage on • Hyundai Venue?

Agenda Off Device Advertising

YouTube? MobileTechnology Objectives with Apps, Marketing Apps

A v a d h o o t J a t h a r,
Session 13,
• Analysis of Time Spent
• 46% of time is ‘Me Time’ – relaxation, entertainment ◾ Mobile internet advertising spend in India has risen from 244
(watching videos/ music, reading gossip websites, window
Million USD in 2016 to estimated about 1792 Million USD in 2021
shopping for fun)
(eMarketer, 2020)
• 19% Socializing – interacting with other people
HOW DO ◾ Mobile Marketing is an umbrella term, using multiple services and
23% - Accomplishing and Shopping – Managing finances,
• data information like location-based services, buyer persona and
PEOPLE USE health, - using services for the same, buying a product or a
MOBILE their habits to market products – Mobile marketing includes Marketing
service ADVERTISING mobile advertising.
MOBILES • Wrong inference about App Use VERSUS ◾ Mobile Ads appear only when a user enters a certain geo-marked
(SMART • The Weather Channel, Amazon and BBC App – could MARKETING boundary
Paid Owned
suggest different purposes but they could all be used to
PHONES)? unwind
◾ Mobile Ad placement (like display ads) happens through
programmatic bidding, where advertisers are in a process of
• Where, during which time among the above motivations to bidding for placing an Ad on a mobile device
use mobile, are Mobile Ads most effective? Search, Voice,Text
Website App
Display Ads Ads

4 5

◾ Discounts get offered through Network based channels

like SMSs, and In-App push notifications
◾ Initial Brand Interaction is through other media
◾ What are implications for timing of offering a discount
H O W IS MOBILE MARKETING DELIVERED and a purchase decision? ◾ SMS PINs – customer sends SMS with specific PIN for
a particular task – e.g., SMS REWARDS X X X X to
◾ For offline channel, Geotargeting and Notion of Time –
Network based Off Network 52484 avail reward points on your credit card or
◾ When consumer is physically near the place of
Advertising Marketing WHERE D O purchase event, a discount for an immediate
track last transaction
MOBILE consumption works better
◾ Barcodes or Q R codes – take the user to a content
DISCOUNTS ◾ When consumer is farther away from an event message or App download
location, e.g. movie theatre or a concert ticket; a ADVERTISING
WORK? ◾ Missed call to a number - give a missed call at +91
discount in advance of the event works better
9015039000 and DSP will send value of your portfolio
◾ Particularly relevant for business that have inventory
via SMS
– to manage the excess capacity e.g. Restaurants,
Movie theatres, Salons; ◾ Think of these as helping bring convenience to
◾ and for consumption categories where decisions can customer’s interactions with you
be impulse purchase decisions
6 7 8
◾ Mobile O ff-network budget gets divided across
◾ Mobile site development and optimization (Owned)
◾ Mobile search In-App Mobile ADs formats
◾ 60% look for product information, 37% for restaurants, bars or ◾ People don’t like them
pubs and 29% search for travel (Google UK)
◾ Intrusive – mobile is considered as a private venue
◾ Location should define our thinking – how far is the customer
from an offline experience ◾ There is no right side in the mobile screen!
ADAPTING ◾ Keep separate the search campaigns from desktop search Banner Ads Native App Ads ◾ One cannot have ads on the right side as done
MARKETING with Desktops by Google or Facebook
campaigns to better test and measure text messages for
Embedded in a Web page or App Ads are displayed within App’s
natural environment of the
◾ The Fat Finger effect
WITH MOBILE ◾ Click-to-call ads can be major source of mobile search bookings
Designed to grab attention with
quality graphics, call to action tab
– Starwood Hotels experience with mobile search ads
These blend well with the flow ◾ Mobile ads if any, tend to have higher clickthrough
ADVERTISING Cost efficient
rates, that are due to inadvertent taps on mobile
◾ Mobile display and video ads
◾ Difficult to measure any ad effectiveness
◾ Coke’s Hilltop campaign ‘I would like to buy world a coke’ Interstitial Ads Gaming Ads
reimagined for today’s digital world Full Screen videos or graphics Ads Ad Content through highly
engaging games
◾ Mobile App development (owned) Placed at transition points in Apps
e.g., when a user completes Useful for profiling users, and
◾ Extensions of other channels – 60% of email opens come from playing a game before he moves work well for marketing apps, i.e.,
to the next one a game could explain problem
mobiles – think carefully about email layout to be longer than solving app by letting user test it
wider 9 11

◾ Mobile website must be designed for all the users across devices whereas
the apps must be designed for specific platforms
◾ Consumers value apps for their functionality and do not
MOBILE APPS ◾ Design apps for the largest platforms (Android and iOS)
view them as intrusive advertising!
◾ Offer users entertainment, utility or both
◾ What are the type of Apps: -
◾ HP prefers to offer utility from their app – ePrint app enables
consumers to print from their phones to an HP printer ◾ Games and Entertainment
◾ Coke has a surprising simple app that allows simulate a drinking
MARKETING experience,and of course Coke Studio! MOBILE IS ◾ Social N etworks

BRANDED ◾ Promote your app

ABOUT APPS ◾ Utilities i.e. Maps, Calendars, Clocks and e-mails
◾ Coca Cola Free Style Mixing ◾ Link mobile ads shown in other free apps directly to your app’s
MOBILE APPS download page. A N D N OT ADS! ◾ Discovery – Yelp,TripAdvisor
◾ ASDA Shop & Go
◾ Use mobile search ads to guide users directly to the app in the ◾ Branded Apps – Nike, Axis Bank
◾ Time your promotional efforts to coincide with your PR push to ◾ What should Branded Apps do?
maximize downloads; receiving a lot of download quickly boosts the
Apps ranking in some app stores ◾ Add convenience – allowing to check account balance,
◾ Design a reward structure to download apps
ESPN app allows sports fans to check scores, etc.

◾ Brands need to think about what their customers want
◾ Test App for functionality and usability: loading time, content
from mobile?
appearance,intuitiveness of content flow
◾ Active Users ◾ ASDA has created a mobile website, that allows
MARKETING YO U R ◾ Many App developers co-create/ A/B test UI designs by polling
questions about wireframes/ forms/ icon of a screen on customers to create and modify orders up to the
APP LinkedIn ◾ Average session length and Stickiness evening before delivery

Building and Marketing billion- ◾ App Store Optimization (ASO) – requires you to convey MEASUREMENTS ◾ Screen flow H O W DOES ◾ Starbucks app allows more than a million Starbucks
dollar apps – TEDx Talk by App’s proposition in the Title, Description as well as coffee drinking smartphone users locate stores, scan
George Berkowski keywords WITH MOBILE ◾ Retention Rate and Churn Rate
MOBILE ADD barcodes at the bill, reload their Starbucks cards and
share info on favourite drinks via social networks
◾ Average revenue per User and Cost per acquisition
◾ Short tail keywords are intensely competitive to get you ranked
APPS VALUE? ◾ mobile website illustrates a key value
◾ Include attractive screenshots to encourage download ◾ All these measures are indeed associated with any
proposition – video showing a skydiver easily booking a
other CRM business as well (recency,frequency and
◾ Ratings and Reviews – Matter much the same way in SEO, so hotel
also number of downloads, statistics of time spent by users monetary value)
◾ Apps probably are the best way to engage with loyal
on an app,number of uninstalls. customers, and make customers loyal
◾ Imperative to have at least 7-10 latest reviews that are positive

15 16

◾ App downloads and assign a value

◾ Average visitor per download and number of in-app purchases THINGS TO CHECK/DO - BANK OF AMERICA (BOFA) - MOBILE BANKING
per download
◾ Number of phone calls from mobile search ads and call duration, call
content ◾ In-App Advertising – InMobi’s View
◾ Analyse cross device activity – what does a consumer do on other
MEASUREMENT devices having seen a mobile display ad e.g. ModCloth found users ◾ Common In App Advertising Myths – why is InMobi doing this blog at all?
completing purchases on PCs after browsing on mobile.
O N MOBILE ◾ Identify if cross device users have a larger purchase basket?
◾ Behavioral Targeting and Privacy in Mobile Advertising – Research lecture
◾ CNBC report on privacy concerns – what goes on when you visit a store with a smartphone with installed apps ◾ How do BoA position itself in the fast changing banking industry?
CHANNEL ◾ In-Store measurements having data sharing permissions
◾ Adidas found out 20% of users who clicked store locators,
actually visited a store and then about 20% of them made a
◾ Check out this channel App Promotion Summit for practitioners talking about marketing with Apps ◾ What should BoA do with its App functionality?
purchase of on average basket of £80 – reflects ability to measure ◾ Pricing with subscription based mobile apps
(albeit partially) ROI on store locator links and mobile app pages
preceding the store locator clicks ◾ Design Decisions – Using data to tie design decisions in Mobile App for desired outcomes

19 20

◾ Large business units – large enough business units justify several apps that maximize ◾ Online Banking does not have multiple identities – apps are ways to build brand
user experience identity and you don’t want to be lost in multiple identities
◾ Do nothing?
◾ Customization – multiple apps allow BofA to achieve its customization objective ◾ Multiple apps can be confusing for customers – customers can get lost in sea of apps
◾ Improve Current App?
◾ Other competitors have done it ◾ Citi and Chase have one app with traditional features as well as credit cards
◾ Develop multiple apps?
◾ LOB Managers, who know what customers want, are asking for additional features in ◾ Multiple apps significantly increase development and maintenance costs
the app

21 22 23

◾ Simplicity is key to faster adoption – doing too many things can confuse customers
about benefits of mobile banking ◾ Barriers to Adoption
◾ Why do consumers use mobile banking?
◾ Business lines really amenable for mobile baking services? Mortgages? ◾ Keep product simple, value proposition clear ◾ Convenience – extension of online experience for consumers who have been online for a long time
◾ Providing a better experience with the current app – getting more users to use ◾ Avoid complexity at the early stage of the product, ask minimal ◾ Instant information anywhere – some people move and travel much more find it useful to access
mobile app banking – concerns are not about features but about security, data breach information information anytime
and so on
◾ Avoid fees – regular checking about balances /dues allows consumers to avoid overdraft penalties
◾ Barriers to Switching
◾ Rather than fine tuning apps, focus on other services – mobile payments, SMS ◾ Easier confirmation of transactions – check deposits, fund transfers and withdrawals
services and broaden the market ◾ Create customizable experience for a customer, requires asking a lot
◾ Additional services – finding nearby bank ATMs, promotional offers by Bank partners
◾ Argument to keep the product simple with clear value proposition and remove of information to user
barriers to adoption
24 25 26

◾ No incremental value – would you use mobile banking for all the services – what is the need of checking balances ◾ Banks motivation to go mobile stems from the following –
many times a day or would you use mobile banking to buy a stock when you are in front of a laptop or desktop? ◾ Cost Savings – it will move consumers probably away from costly channels like Bank Branches and ATMs
◾ Security – who all have access to data – banks, phone carriers, devices /OS manufactures (Google or Apple), or ◾ Broadening reach (Asking users of online banking to sign up) ◾ Mobile banking currently costs $0.10 per transaction but this shall drop to levels of online banking transaction costs of
other third parties $0.03-$0.04 – there are no benefits for the bank to move customers from Online banking to Mobile Banking

◾ Technology Barrier – access to Smartphones was limited (15%) at the time of the case, year 2010
◾ Clearly demonstrating the benefits ◾ Overall transaction costs – have these gone up after introduction of mobile apps? – which channels is mobile banking likely
to draw users from?
◾ Need of having an online banking account – web security was stronger in 2010 (as opposed to mobile ◾ Alleviating concerns about Safety and Security
◾ If the features provided for locating ATMs, some customers are likely to use their preferred channels of ATMs
technology) and customers were required to have an online banking account enabled first
◾ This is true in general for Banking industry (and not just BOA) ◾ Increased Retention?
◾ Not very easy to use
◾ Mobile as a channel seems transactional as opposed to traditional Banking through branches
◾ Reluctance to change – consumers may not want to download another app and content with banking habits

27 28 29


Channel Cost per Change in # of Transactions Total Cost of Channel

◾ Exhibit 9 makes a case that customer retention improves vis-à-vis a control group
Control Passive Active Control Passive Active ◾ But what are best ways to retain customers especially for a bank? ◾ This is quite counterintuitive?
Branch $1.34 0.10 0.22 0.53 $0.134 $0.2948 $0.7102 ◾ Direct Deposit – Salaries ◾ Not all the services are substitutable in the online channel
ATM $0.16 0.18 0.22 0.13 $0.0288 $0.0352 $0.0208 ◾ Auto-debit for the bills ◾ Active customers are managing their accounts more effectively and have increased interactions in
IVR $0.13 0.16 -0.11 -1.45 $0.0208 -$0.0143 -$0.1885 offline channels as well – augmentation effect
◾ Debit Cards
Call Center $0.39 0.04 0.05 0.04 $0.0156 $0.0195 $0.0156
◾ Is mobile banking reason enough to retain the customers? ◾ Online banking has lowered the cost of interaction with banks, so this increases the volume effect and
Online $0.035 0.00 1.39 9.91 $0.0000 $0.0487 $0.3469 therefore costs associated with higher volume
Total $0.1992 $0.3839 $0.9050 ◾ Usually with mobile banking, smaller players have ability to compete with likes of BofA; large banks
Cost per $2.25 $2.69 $3.40 established branch networks and relationship banking to manage customers

30 31 32

◾ Probability Model
◾ Probability that customer will stay active
◾ 𝐶𝐿𝑇𝑉𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑠 = $255.51
◾ Modelling spend per customer ◾ Development of Mobile payment platforms
◾ 𝐶𝐿𝑇𝑉𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 = $259.32
◾ Given the customer is active, he will make a purchase of amount x ◾ Growth of PayPal and Zynga
◾ This is assuming $100 per year revenue and assuming costs for banking online versus traditional
channel and a discounting rate of 10% ◾ Popular Models – using Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value (RFM Framework)
◾ Impact on the Credit and Debit Cards remains to be explored
◾ Retention benefits if any from online channel does not outweigh the transaction costs
◾ Useful to think using transaction opportunities and contractual setting

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