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J O U R N A L O F CATALYSIS 1 2 9 , 2 3 8 - 2 5 6 (1991)

Transport-Enhanced a-Olefin Readsorption Pathways in

Ru-Catalyzed Hydrocarbon Synthesis
Corporate Research Laboratories, Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Route 22 East,
Annandale, New Jersey 08801
Received September 18, 1990; revised December 19, 1990

Residence time and. cofeed studies show that olefins and paraffins are primary products in Ru-
catalyzed hydrocarbon synthesis. Olefins readsorb and initiate surface chains that are indistinguish-
able from those formed directly from CO/I-I 2 and that continue to grow and ultimately desorb as
higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. Transport-enhanced c~-olefinreadsorption leads to an in-
crease in chain growth probability (a) and in paraffincontent with increasing pore and bed residence
time. Deviations from conventional (Flory) polymerization kinetics and the increasing paraffinic
content of higher hydrocarbons are quantitatively described by transport effects on the residence
time of intermediate olefins, without requiring the presence of several types of chain growth sites.
Our transport-reaction model combines a description of diffusive and convective transport with a
mechanistic kinetic model of olefin readsorption and of CO hydrogenation and chain growth. It
quantitatively describes carbon number, site density, pellet size, and space velocity effects on
hydrocarbon synthesis rate and product distribution. The model is consistent with the experimen-
tally observed maximum C5+ selectivities at intermediate values of site density and pellet size.
These intermediate values permit extensive readsorption of c~-olefinswithout significant CO arrival
transport limitations. © 1991 Academic Press, Inc.

1. INTRODUCTION tion, and chain initiation and growth, thus

leading to higher molecular weight hydro-
H y d r o c a r b o n synthesis from CO and H~ carbon products. Product distributions sel-
is a key step in integrated processes for the dom obey Flory kinetics (3). Deviations
conversion of natural gas to liquid fuels (1, from Flory kinetics are c o m m o n l y attrib-
2). Catalytic CO hydrogenation occurs at uted to the presence of several types of
metal sites located within porous pellets that chain growth sites on catalytic surfaces
frequently contain liquid products at reac- (4-6). However, secondary olefin readsorp-
tion conditions. Consequently, reactant and tion also increases the chain growth proba-
product diffusion is slow; they often control bility (o0 and the paraffin content in the
h y d r o c a r b o n synthesis rates and selectivity products. Here, we propose that olefin
even in small catalyst pellets. transport rates decrease as molecular size
Here, we describe how diffusion-limited increases, leading to an increasing chain
CO arrival leads to high effective Hz/CO growth probability (non-Flory distribution)
ratios at catalytic sites and thus decreases and to a decreasing olefin to paraffin ratio as
the C5+ synthesis rate and selectivity. We the carbon number of the product molecules
also show that convection- and diffusion- increases.
limited removal of reactive products (ole-
fins) enhances their secondary readsorp-
2 . 1 0 l e f i n Readsorption P a t h w a y s

i To whom correspondence should be addressed. Early studies recognized that olefins, par-
2 Current address: Engelhard Corporation, Menlo affins, and oxygenates were present in hy-
Park, Edison, NJ 08818. drocarbon synthesis products (1, 7). The re-
0021-9517/91 $3.00
Copyright © 1991 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

activity of olefins and their incorporation 2.3 Transport Effects in Hydrocarbon

into reaction products were first reported by Synthesis Reactions
Smith et al. (8) on Fe catalysts. Herrington
(9) first proposed that growing surface In the absence of transport limitations,
chains terminate by desorption as paraffins all components in the gas and liquid phases
or olefins and that the latter could readsorb within a reacting system are in thermody-
and thus reenter the chain growth pathways. namic equilibrium; therefore, the presence
Later studies showed the details of the of a liquid phase affects neither the resi-
readsorption and chain initiation pathways dence time nor the kinetic driving force (fu-
by establishing the 14C content of products gacity or chemical potential) of any compo-
formed from mixtures of labeled olefins and nent. In the absence of concentration,
H2/CO (10-15). These studies revealed ex- fugacity, or chemical potential gradients (in-
tensive hydrogenation of the added olefin duced by transport limitations), the pres-
along with readsorption and chain growth; ence of a liquid phase does not influence
Hall et al. (14), however, demonstrated that secondary reactions. Here, we show that
the addition of H20, an indigenous product carbon number effects on a and on olefin
of CO hydrogenation, inhibits secondary content result from intraparticle diffusion
olefin hydrogenation reactions. A recent limitations that increase the residence time
theoretical analysis of chain growth sug- and the fugacity of higher molecular weight
gests that olefin readsorption effectively de- products within liquid-filled pores. Similar
creases the net termination rate of surface effects are observed when a-olefin removal
chains by reversing the termination step (H
is limited by convective flow within packed-
abstraction) that leads to a-olefin products
bed interstices.
(16). Several authors have suggested that
Anderson et al. (21) first reported that
the increased extent of readsorption of
intraparticle diffusional restrictions on the
higher olefins results from their greater solu-
rate of reactant arrival to hydrocarbon syn-
bility in synthesis liquids (18-20).
thesis sites controlled the CO conversion
2.2 Non-Flory Hydrocarbon Synthesis rate of Fe-based catalysts. Recently, Post et
Product Distributions al. (22) report a simplified transport-reac-
Pichler et al. (10) first reported deviations tion model that describes only H 2 transport
from Flory kinetics in hydrocarbon synthe- limitations, although CO is the more proba-
sis reactions; they describe an increase in ble diffusion-limited reactant, in Fe and Co
chain growth probability (a) with increasing catalysts; they address only rate effective-
molecular size and suggest that the intrinsic ness factors for the primary CO hydrogena-
olefin readsorption rate on Co sites is higher tion reaction and do not discuss transport
for larger olefins. Schulz and co-workers effects on synthesis selectivity or on sec-
(17, 18) suggested that deviations from ondary reactions.
Flory kinetics occurred in the carbon num- Here, we report a transport-reaction
ber range where products started to exit the model Of hydrocarbon synthesis selectivity
reactor in the liquid rather than the gas that describes intraparticle (diffusion) and
phase. Non-Flory product distributions interparticle (convection) transport pro-
have also been attributed to the presence cesses; these processes control the rate of
of multiple growth sites with distinct chain arrival of CO and H 2 and the rate of removal
growth probabilities (4-6). Later studies of reactive products within catalyst pellets
proposed that the higher solubility of larger and reactors. The model is consistent with
olefins increases their reactor residence the observed effects of pore and bed resi-
time and enhances their chances of undergo- dence time on hydrocarbon synthesis selec-
ing secondary reactions (19, 20). tivity.

3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES and packed-column gas chromatography

3.1 Catalyst Preparation (FID, TCD, and MS detection). C35+ prod-
ucts were analyzed by high-temperature gel
Catalysts were prepared by contacting permeation chromatography using a refrac-
calcined (air, 873 K, 4 h) TiO2 (P25, De- tive index detector. Reactant conversion
gussa, 60% rutile), SiO2 (Davison, Grade and product selectivities were measured us-
62), and y-A1203 (Catapal SB) supports with ing dinitrogen as an internal standard.
a Ru nitrate (Engelhard)/acetone solution; We report selectivities on a carbon-atom
the samples were dried by slow evaporation basis as the percentage of the converted CO
of the acetone solvent at room temperature that appears as a given product. Hydrocar-
followed by evacuation at 373 K. The cata- bon synthesis rates are reported both as Ru-
lysts were then reduced (H2, 723 K, 4 h) and normalized rates (metal-time yield; moles
passivated; they were reduced again at 673 CO converted/g atom Ru • s) and as site-
K before catalytic or chemisorption experi- normalized rates (site-time yield; moles CO
ments. The unsupported Ru powder (John- converted/g atom surface Ru • s). Space ve-
son-Mathey, Puratronic grade) was reduced locity is reported as the feed flow rate per
using a similar procedure. Unless otherwise total (not void) reactor volume. Residence
noted, the 80-140 mesh size fractions (0.17 time (space time) is defined as the reciprocal
mm average diameter) were used in all cata- of space velocity.
lytic experiments.
3.4 Product Distribution Calculations
3.2 Catalyst Characterization
Mathematical treatments developed for
Elemental compositions were determined polymerization kinetics are well-suited for
by X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorp- the analysis of hydrocarbon synthesis prod-
tion. Metal crystallite size distributions ucts. When the growth probability (o0 is in-
were calculated from electron microscopy dependent of chain size, polymerization
and X-ray diffraction measurements. Sup- products are well described by the Flory
port surface areas and pore size distribu- equation [3a],
tions were determined by N2 physisorption
at 77 K (23). S n = n(1 - oz)2c~n-l, (1)
Ru dispersions, defined as the fraction of
total Ru atoms residing at the surface of where Sn is the fraction of the carbon atoms
supported crystallites, was determined by contained within chains with n carbons.
titration of preadsorbed oxygen with dihy- Hydrocarbon synthesis from H2/CO re-
drogen at 373 K in a static chemisorption quires the initiation of surface chains, their
system. This technique accurately measures growth by addition of CHx monomers, and
the density of surface Ru atoms even on their ultimate, and potentially reversible,
TiO2-supported samples, where metal-sup- termination by desorption from the surface
port interactions strongly inhibit dihydrogen as olefins, paraffins, and oxygenates
chemisorption (24). (Scheme 1). Anderson (25) first used a re-
3.3 Catalytic Reaction Measurements (~n = ~i OLtl-l' (2)
Steady-state kinetics and residence time
and olefin cofeed effects were measured in that is readily obtained from Eq. (1), in
an isothermal (---0.5 K) fixed-bed reactor at order to describe hydrocarbon synthesis
476 K, 100-2000 kPa, and a stoichiometric products.
Hz/CO ratio (2.1/1). The reactor effluent was In our treatment, we have chosen to de-
analyzed directly (C1-C15, CO, CO2, N2) and scribe the product distribution by calculat-
after product collection (C16÷) by capillary ing chain termination probabilities for each

Hydrocarbon Synthesis The chain growth probability is given by

Chain Growth Kinetic Scheme m

~. = - -
1 -
~ ," (5)
n-Paraffins q c~-Olefins l +/?n Ei=.+i
I n t e r n a l Olefins f
it is not a linear combination of the individ-
ual chain growth probabilities. When a. is
C O / H2 rH~ r ~ R
independent of n, Eq. (5) transforms to a
'X~ Cn-1 , Cn ~Cn+l °°.° = q~.+l/qbn, from which Eq. (1) or its mole
& j, rp & fraction analog are readily obtained. Note
IlIIIIlIlllIIIIlUlilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilIillIIlIIIIlillII[III that the commonly reported semilogarith-
Ru mic plots of S./n or 4~n vs n are only valid
SCHEME 1 for the total product fraction within a given
carbon number (Sn, 4~.) and give only the
total chain growth probability (a); it is incor-
chain size, n, using (9): rect to use such plots to represent products
of individual termination steps (S.,p, Sn,0)
tIT,n = ~ _ =6" (3) or to estimate the individual chain growth
rp,. •i=.+l(oi probabilities (%, %).
This approach is more rigorous and general 4. RESULTS/DISCUSSION
than the Flory formalism but requires accu-
4.1 Hydrocarbon Synthesis Rate and
rate measurements of the entire molecular
Selectivity on Ru Catalysts
weight distribution. The total termination
probability, fiT,., can be expressed as a lin- Site-time yields were very similar
ear combination of the individual termina- (1.1-2.2 x 10 .2 s- 1) on all Ru catalysts (Ta-
tion pathways described in Scheme 1: ble 1). Support and dispersion effects appear
minor for these materials at our reaction
/~T,n = /~0,n -}- /~H,n -- •r,n" (4) conditions. Selectivity differences actually
The total termination probability (fiT,.) de- arise from an effect of support physical
creases as the extent of readsorption (fir,.) structure on the extent of a-olefin readsorp-
increases; the latter can be enhanced by in- tion, as we discuss in later sections. The
creasing either the olefin reactivity (rate kinetic rate expressions for CO hydrogena-
constant) or the olefin concentration within tion and o~-olefin readsorption were also
pellets and reactors. very similar on all catalysts.

Support Effects on Hydrocarbon Synthesis Rate and Selectivity

1.2% wt 10.8% wt 5.0% wt Ru

Ru/TiOz Ru/SiOz Ru/AIzQ powder

Ru dispersion (%) 50 20 25 0.09

Ru time yield (s -1) 6.8 x 10 _3 2.3 x 10 -3 3.5 x 10 -3 2.0 × 10 -5
Site time yield (s -1) 1.3 × 10 -z 1.15 × 10 -2 1.4 × 10 -2 2.2 × 10 -2
Carbon selectivity (%)
CH 4 3.7 4.2 5.0 2.0
C2-C 4 9.0 6.7 7.0 2.8
C5+ 87.3 89.1 88.0 95

Note. 80-140 mesh (0.17-mm average diameter) pellets, 476-478 K, H2/CO = 2.1, 600 kPa, 40-50% CO
conversion; structural parameter, X = 48-383, for all catalysts, see Section 4.6.

95 I [ I I I I (0.933) that is no longer dependent on bed

residence time, carbon number, or the na-
ture of the catalyst support. The asymptotic
90 -\ £ a values range from 0.93 to 0.945 for all
catalysts studied. An increase in the chain
.> "6

growth probability of C2-C25 hydrocarbons
85 o) leads to the observed increase in molecular
weight as bed residence time increases.
+~ ~3
o 4 These results suggest that secondary reac-
80 tions lead to the net growth of light hydro-
The termination probability (/3T) of C2-C25
75 I I I P I I 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
surface chains is effectively reduced by in-
creasing bed residence time or carbon num-
Bed Residence Time (s)
ber, whereas it remains unaffected by both
Fro. 1. Bed residence time effects on C5+ and CH 4 for C25 + chains (Fig. 3). Moreover, /3T is
selectivity (1.2% wt Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,600 unaffected by bed residence times below 2
kPa, 5-60% CO conversion). s, values for which the removal of reactive
products from the reactor by convective
flow through interpellet voids is fast enough
4.2 Bed Residence Time Effects to prevent further secondary reactions after
The effect of bed residence time on hydro- products exit catalyst pellets. Carbon num-
carbon synthesis selectivity was examined ber effects on/3 T, however, remain even at
by varying reactant space velocity at con- short bed residence times, suggesting that
stant pressure and temperature. Bed resi- the reactivity, concentration, or residence
dence time (Zb) is defined here as the recipro- time of longer chains within pellets exceeds
cal of space velocity; it is proportional to those of shorter ones.
the true residence time, which equals e b • ~'b These data suggest that secondary reac-
(eb is the bed void fraction -0.36-0.40). The tions allow reactive products to oligomerize
CO conversion level increases linearly with or to reenter the chain growth pathways.
bed residence time up to about 60% CO con- The details of such readsorption pathways
version; the H2/CO ratio remains indepen- were determined by measuring the effect of
dent of bed axial position or conversion be-
cause the feed and consumption ratios are
identical. 10-~ I I I I
Product molecular weight increases with
increasing bed residence time. C5+ selectiv-
ity increases, while CH 4 selectivity de- ~, 10_2 C ~ S
creases, as bed residence time and CO con-
version increase on Ru/TiO 2 catalysts (Fig. 10 .3 iden~Time -

1). Product distributions are non-Flory at all

bed residence times and show a distinct shift 10 -4

to higher molecular weight hydrocarbons as Flory

bed residence time increases (Fig. 2); the 10 -s I I ~ " r I
curvature of the distribution plots away 0 10 20 30 40 50

from the abcissa is consistent with a chain Carbon Number (n)

growth probability that increases with chain FIG. 2. Bed residence time effects on carbon number
size. The plots become linear for C25+ prod- distributions (1.2% wt Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,
ucts; they reach an asymptotic a value 600 kPa, 5-60% CO conversion).

0,3 • i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I
Increasing Pore ~"
Residence Time

• Increasing \
• ee • Bed Residence
g • -~ Time ._o 4 • \

• ••AA/~ / °°eeeo<2S e. ~• Bed Residence
0.1 \• Time (s)
••••••••••xaaalJm~ t~ e
m 12 s el ~e \
0 2 \
5 10
i i
i i
25 30
• ~, ,., <2

Carbon Number (n) 0 1 ~e 12 "% -

• °~ee •••
FIG. 3. Bed residence time and carbon number ef- leol~m ••••

fects on total chain termination probability (1.2% wt

Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1, 600 kPa, 5-60% CO -1 I I I I i l I I I f t I
conversion). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Carbon Number (n)

FIG. 4. Bed residence time and carbon number ef-

bed residence time on product functionality. fects on ~-olefin to n-paraffin ratio (1.2% wt Ru/TiO2,
The paraffin content in the product in- 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,600 kPa, 5-60% CO conversion;
A, <2-s bed residence time, <8% CO conversion; O,
creases as bed residence time and carbon
12-s bed residence time, 60% CO conversion).
number increase (Fig. 4). Previous reports
attributed these trends to secondary hydro-
genation of primary o~-olefin products (15,
17). Our data show that the increasing paraf- increase in propane selectivity, leading to a
fin content arises predominantly from the net decrease in the fraction of the converted
net disappearance of light olefins and not CO that appears as C 3 products (Fig. 5a).
from their direct hydrogenation to the corre- Similarly, 1-decene is selectively converted
sponding n-paraffin (Fig. 5). Propylene se- to C10+ products (Fig. 5b); the observed in-
lectivity decreases as we increase bed resi- crease in n-decane and 2-decenes actually
dence time without a corresponding results from the combined effects of en-

a b 2.5
" [ r i i t i I I I

~ l-Decene

g ~ O g 1,5

~/ ,//~cane
• ------'~" e L

.5 .>
0.5 ..... - ' 1 , - - - - - - ~ ~

f t I I t I I 0 I r I
0 2 4 6 128 10 14 16 5 10 15 20
Red Residence Time (s) Bed Residence Time (s)

FIG. 5. Bed residence time effects on olefin and paraffin carbon selectivity. (a) C3 products, (b) C10
products (1.2% wt Ru/TiO 2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,600 kPa, 5-60% CO conversion).

a 0.25 I I I I I b 0.25 I I 1

\ 0.2

• Olefins 7,
.o 0.15 0.15
2 \
n o.
e" • Olefins
.o_ \
0,1 \ 0.1
Paraffins • \ Paraffins
E =.
• AA
0.05 0.05
I,/ %
•e• •e
I J I I e.~.=.=, • I I O•O& .... .k . . . . x=...
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30

Carbon Number (n) Carbon Number (n)

Fro. 6. Carbonnumbereffectson olefinand paraffinchainterminationprobability(1.2%wt Ru/TiO2,

476 K, H 2 / C O = 2.1, 600 kPa, 5-60% CO conversion) (a) <2-s bed residence time, (b) 12-s bed
residence time.

hanced readsorption of C2-C 9 products as mately, such termination steps are totally
bed residence time increases. The fraction reversed by readsorption and olefins no
of converted CO that appears as C10 prod- longer appear as gas-phase products. Then,
ucts is less affected by residence time than the total termination probability (/Jr)
that of C3 products because the net disap- reaches an asymptotic value given by
pearance of 1-decene is partially offset by
the higher concentration of surface C10 /3T,n = /3H,n, (6)
chains resulting from enhanced C 2 - C 9 olefin which is unaffected by further increases in
readsorption. The details of these reaction bed residence time or carbon number. The
pathways are discussed elsewhere (26). probability of chain termination to n-paraf-
We propose that selective a-olefin read- fins (/3H) is insensitive to bed residence time
sorption and chain initiation, rather than and carbon number, as expected from the
secondary hydrogenation, account for the unreactive nature of n-paraffin products in
observed effects of bed residence time on a- hydrocarbon synthesis.
olefin to paraffin ratio. We also propose that The methane chain termination probabil-
a-olefin readsorption is enhanced by their ity is independent of bed residence time and
slow removal from the reactor and that this much greater than the corresponding/3t~ for
accounts for the observed decrease in the larger surface chains (0.51 vs 0.075) (Fig.
termination probability of short chains as 7a). Therefore, we conclude that the rate of
bed residence time increases. In effect, re- H addition to surface methyl groups,
adsorption reverses a termination pathway
for surface chains by allowing a-olefins to kH,I(CH~)(H*)
reenter the chain growth pathways. ~H,1
The net probability of terminating surface
(* surface site), (7)
chains as a-olefins (/~net = /~0 -- /~r) de-
creases markedly with increasing bed resi- is favored over chain propagation to a much
dence and carbon number (Fig. 6); ulti- greater extent than for larger surface alkyls.

1 r n J p ~ r 6 b 1 I I I [

0.8 ~_ 0.81 5
H4 " ~ z ~
5 >, 4 .~
•% q /3
0.2 0,6 .>_. 0.6
- c A2~
A'&----~t .A-,-A E

E 0.4 "~ 0.4
c o- r-
eD ~ C H 4 a=~ 4 e-
e- 0.2 0.2
6 d
I I I I F I 3 0 I I I t 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bed Residence Time (s) Ethylene Concentration (% m o l )

FIG. 7. Bed residence time and ethylene olefin cofeed effects on chain termination probability and
methane carbon selectivity (1.2% wt Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,600 kPa, 5-60% CO conversion)
(a) bed residence time effects (5-65 CO conversion), (b) ethylene cofeed study (<8% CO conversion).

Moreover, these data suggest that the ob- of the Cn+ ~hydrocarbon synthesis product.
served decrease in C H 4 selectivity as bed These results suggest that a-olefins act pri-
residence time increases arises from a de- marily as chain initiators in Ru-catalyzed
creased concentration of surface methyl hydrocarbon synthesis.
chains because changes in surface monomer Our bed residence time studies suggest
or hydrogen concentrations would lead to a that secondary olefin hydrogenation is a mi-
similar decrease in ~cH4. Similar effects are nor reaction compared with their selective
observed when olefins are added to the H2/ readsorption and chain initiation and growth
CO feed (Fig. 7b), suggesting that olefins (Figs. 5 and 6). For example, more than
compete with surface methyls for available 95% of the reacting ethylene and propylene
chain growth sites; in effect, monomers are molecules appear as longer chains while less
added to longer chains, thus by-passing the than 5% appear as the hydrogenated product
C1 chain initiators that are highly reactive in during hydrocarbon synthesis from CO/H 2
chain termination to C H 4 products. feeds (ethane or propane) (Table 2). Exter-
nal addition of these olefins, however, leads
4.30lefin Readsorption Studies to much higher hydrogenation selectivities
Olefin readsorption pathways were exam- (-50%) (Table 2), in agreement with previ-
ined by the addition of C2-C10 olefins ous studies (10-15) but in clear disagree-
(0.5-8% mol) to the H2/CO feed. Olefin ment with the results of our bed residence
cofeed studies have previously shown the time studies.
reactivity of a-olefins in chain initiation and The introduction of olefins below the re-
growth, as well as their extensive conver- actor inlet significantly decreases the ethyl-
sion to the corresponding paraffin by sec- ene hydrogenation selectivity (50 to 22%,
ondary hydrogenation (13-I6). The addition Table 2). The unique difference between
of a-olefins to the H2/CO feed did not affect added and indigenous (formed directly from
the rate of CO conversion; also, at low con- H2/CO) olefins in hydrocarbon synthesis is
centrations (< 10% mol), added Cn a-olefins that the former probe the entire reactor bed
did not affect the chain growth probability while the latter contact only catalytic sites

Ethylene Cofeed Studies

Source mol H20 Formed in situ 6% Mol C2I-I4 added 6% Mol C2H4 added 6% Mol (C2H4 added
from CO/H 2 at reactor inlet below inlet a at reactor inlet with
15% mol H20

% Chain initiation >95 b 50 76 89

(to C3+)
% Hydrogenation <5 b 50 22 11
(to C2H6)

Note. Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,600 kPa (H2 + CO) pressure, 18-22% CO conversion.
a At axial position z/H = 0.2, where H is total length of the reactor.
b From bed residence time studies.

below the point at which they are desorbed growth. Internal olefins were significantly
from a chain growth site. We propose that less reactive that a-olefins in chain initiation
secondary hydrogenation of a-olefins oc- and secondary hydrogenation reactions.
curs predominantly at conditions where the The reactivity of added a-olefins in chain
concentration of water, a product of the CO initiation reactions increased in the order
hydrogenation reaction, is low. Indeed, the
ethylene ~> propylene ~> 1-butene
addition of water along with ethylene to the
C5+ a-olefins.
H J C O feed results in C3 + selectivities that
are very similar to those of indigenous ethyl- The higher reactivity of ethylene and pro-
ene (Table 2). We conclude that water (in- pylene leads to concentrations of C2 and C3
digenous or added) inhibits the secondary products below the curved distribution plots
hydrogenation of a-olefins during CO hy- that describe the C4+ products (Fig. 2) and
drogenation. Therefore, olefin cofeed stud- to the low termination probabilities for C2
ies at low pressure, low conversion, or by and C3 surface chains (Fig. 3).
olefin introduction at the reactor inlet
clearly underestimate the role of a-olefin re- 4.4 Pore Residence Time
adsorption and chain initiation and growth (Carbon Number) Effects
in steady-state hydrocarbon synthesis. Hydrocarbon synthesis on Ru catalysts
Similar cofeed studies using propylene leads to non-Flory product distributions;
and l-octene showed that the effects of by- the chain growth probability (a) increases
passing the reactor inlet or of added water with increasing chain length (n) (Fig. 2),
were independent of olefin size. The addi- even at bed residence times (<2.5 s), where
tion of an olefin of size n (Cn) led to a de- transport by convection is sufficiently fast
crease in the selectivity of C._1 products, that a-olefins exiting a liquid-filled catalyst
because of selective displacement of such pellet leave the reactor effectively unre-
surface chains with Cn+ species. The iso- acted. In other words, product distribu-
meric distribution of C(n+ l~+ olefin and par- tions are non-Flory, even when convection
affin products formed from the added C~ no longer enhances the probability of a-
olefin or directly from H2/CO were identical; olefin readsorption and selectivity is no
this suggests that surface chains initiated by longer affected by further decreases in bed
readsorbed olefins are kinetically indistin- residence time. In effect, readsorption oc-
guishable from those directly formed by hy- curs even in reactors that effectively be-
drogenation of CO and subsequent chain have as single pellets.

a 40 I ~ J J l l J l l l l r l b40 I I I I I I I t l l l l

35 35

m= 25
._o 20





0 I ] I I I I I t I I I I
t t t t t I t t f r f f t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Bed Residence Time (s) Carbon Number (n)

FI6. 8. Bed residence time and carbon number effects on cis/trans-2-olefin ratio (1.2% wt Ru/TiOz,
476 K, 600 kPa, H2/CO = 2.1) (a) bed residence time effects (2-butenes), (b) carbon number effects
(<2.5-s bed residence time).

This section describes how the readsorp- (Fig. 6). Olefin (C4-C10)cofeed experiments
tion of reactive a-olefin products is en- suggest that the readsorption rate constants
hanced by an increase in intrapellet resi- are independent of chain length for C4 + o~-
dence time and concentration as their olefins. In contrast, ethylene and propylene
molecular size increases. An intraparticle readsorption rate constants are higher than
(pore) diffusion restriction controls the ole- those for C4+ olefin. This results in the low
fin removal rate and prevents their equilib- fit and/3 o observed for C2 and C3 products
rium with the gas phase contained within (Fig. 6) and in their appearance below the
interparticle voids; thus, it increases the ef- Flory curve that describes the C4+ products
fective olefin fugacity and their readsorption (Fig. 2). We propose that the enhanced read-
kinetic driving force within the liquid phase. sorption of higher olefins arises from their
The diffusional removal rate depends on lower diffusivity, longer residence time, and
carbon number in much the same way as higher fugacity within liquid-filled pores, in
convective removal depends on bed resi- other words, from diffusion-enhanced olefin
dence time. Indeed, carbon number and bed readsorption.
residence time have the same directional ef- Internal olefins appear as minor compo-
fect on hydrocarbon synthesis selectivity nents among hydrocarbon synthesis prod-
(o~,/3, paraffin content). ucts. Bed residence time and carbon number
The chain termination probability (/3T) effects on their selectivity suggest that cis-
and the o~-olefin/n-paraffin ratio decrease internal olefins are primary reaction prod-
with increasing carbon number (Figs. 4 and ucts; they undergo secondary cis- to trans-
6) until a-olefins are totally consumed, at isomerization but no significant readsorp-
which point asymptotic values of/~T are ob- tion and chain growth or hydrogenation.
tained. The decrease in fit with increasing Therefore the cis/trans isomer ratio in inter-
carbon number arises exclusively from the nal olefins decreases markedly with increas-
gradual elimination of the olefin formation ing bed residence time and carbon number
step (~0) as a viable termination pathway (Fig. 8). Olefin cofeed studies show that the

H=+ CO (~ Catalyst @ Gas-Liquid (~) Bed

Pellet Interface Interstices
Catalyst ~.-__ ~
I Diffusion ~ Interface ~ l
Reaction Transfer Convection
/v ..._y -Molecular Size - Gas Diffusivity - Space Velocity
Liquid -Site Density - Hydrodynamics - Interfacial Area
[ U~-:ng=av~--ng(PnV'lPng)
I Dn ~Pn v =Dng(PnV-Png)
L~ T

FIG. 9. Transport-enhanceda-olefinreadsorptionmodel.

secondary cis-trans isomerization rate de- olefins by convection (from bed interstices)
pends on catalyst support or by diffusion (from intrapellet voids) en-
hances the extent to which readsorption oc-
T-AI203 > SiO z > TiO 2 > Ru powder curs, resulting in the conversion of the o~-
but that it is relatively insensitive to molecu- olefins to higher molecular weight products,
lar size. Therefore, the extent of approach and in the effective reversal of the predomi-
to equilibrium (equilibrium cis/trans = 0.5 nant chain termination (to olefin) pathway.
at 476 K) provides an independent measure The asymptotic chain termination probabil-
of olefin residence time on a given Ru cata- ity (/3T) equals the intrinsic probability of
lyst. Figure 8 shows bed residence time ef- chain termination to paraffins (/3H). These
fects on cis/trans ratios for a small olefin (2- paraffins (and internal olefins) leave the cat-
butene) (Fig. 8a), as well as the approach to alyst pellets and the catalyst bed unreacted;
equilibrium by larger olefins at a very short thus they account for the majority of the
bed residence time (<2 s) (Fig. 8b). Cis/ product at long bed (high conversion) and
trans ratios approach equilibrium values as pore (large chains) residence times.
we increase bed or pore (carbon number)
residence time. These data show that the 4.5 Diffusion-Enhanced c~-Olefin
pore residence time of olefins (and of any Readsorption Model
hydrocarbon of similar size) increases mark- Readsorption enhancements caused by
edly with molecular size. For example the slow removal of olefins from the catalyst
cis/trans ratio difference between 2-butenes pores and from the bed interstices are de-
and 2-decenes is a factor of about 7 (35 vs scribed by the mathematical model shown
4.5); a similar change in the cis/trans ratio schematically in Fig. 9. This model couples
of 2-butenes requires a tenfold decrease in a chain growth kinetic model (Scheme 1)
bed residence time (from 12.8 to 1.3 s). with diffusion and convection equations that
The effects of bed and pore residence time describe transport processes in liquid-filled
on hydrocarbon synthesis selectivity are di- catalyst pellets and gas-phase bed inter-
rectionally similar; /3T, /30, and c~-olefin/n- stices, respectively (Fig. 10). Surface reac-
paraffin ratio decrease with increasing bed tion rate constants are assumed to be inde-
residence time or carbon number, while/3 H pendent of chain length for C2+ surface
remains unchanged. Slower removal of o~- chains. Readsorption rate constants are as-

q)2 = (Diffusion / Reaction) Time

= [kr /Dn ]. [ L2 • (Site Density) / Rp ]


Liquid [ Gas
I CO, H2
Rp " " " ! I

! Cn:r~Cn ~ Bi = (Pore/Reactor)~
[ L I ' [ 1 / D n ]-[u]ResidenceTime

. . !kr.
/~'(/////'LL/////////4 I u~ PROPERTY OF
T l t
FIG. 10. Dimensional analysis of transport-enhanced a-olefin readsorption model.

sumed to be independent of chain length for contains a term (kr,n/Dn) that depends exclu-
C3+ a-olefins, higher for ethylene, and zero sively on the diffusing molecule and a X term
for non-terminal olefin species and for paraf- (L2ORu/Rp) that includes structural catalyst
fins; thus, any carbon number effects on a parameters (Fig. 10). The first part intro-
or on product functionality arise exclusively duces carbon number effects on selectivity;
from physical transport rather than chemi- the second gives rise to pellet radius (L),
cal effects. We use the fugacity (or virtual pore radius (Rp), and site density (0Ru) ef-
pressure) of reactive species in the liquid fects on rates and selectivity as we change
phase, and not their liquid-phase concentra- the physical properties of the Ru catalyst.
tion, as the kinetic driving force for the cata- The Biot number introduces a bed residence
lytic reaction. This approach is required by time effect (Fig. 10) on selectivity; it de-
the transition state theory of chemical reac- scribes the relative effects of pore and bed
tion kinetics (27); thus, in the absence of residence on olefin readsorption probability.
transport limitations, surface reactions are A similar kinetic-transport model is used
unaffected by the presence of a liquid phase to describe the primary CO hydrogenation
that contains the reactants. The details of reaction. The details of the model are de-
the model and the values of the required scribed elsewhere (28). The Thiele modulus
parameters in Figs. 11-15 are described in for CO as the limiting reactant,
the Appendix.
Dimensional analysis of the coupled ki- (f(Pco, P@~ . (L2OR.~
netic-transport equations suggest that a dP~°= \ Dc o / \-~p /

- \ (;(&o, P.~!~
Thiele modulus (q)) and a Blot number (Bi)
describe diffusion and convection effects, /.x, (9)
respectively, on reactive processes (Fig.
10). The Thiele modulus, suggests a similar dependence of CO arrival
and reactive a-olefin removal restrictions on
(kr.n~ (L20Ru), catalyst structural properties.
~2n = \ D n f \ Rp / (8) The transport-enhanced readsorption

model was used to describe carbon number 100 I ~ t I

effects on chain termination probabilities

and a-olefin/n-paraffin ratios. Input parame-
ters to the model include a carbon number-
dependent olefin diffusivity,

D n = Dn,0e-°3n, (10) .5

that resembles the strong dependence of D~ ¢/)

on carbon number observed in reptation and 0.1
entanglement models of hydrocarbon diffu-
sion in polymer melts (29). The experimen- \

tally observed readsorption probability is 0.01

explicitly included. \\
~r,2 = I 0 " /~r, (lla) 0.001 I f r\ l
10 20 30 40 50
but all other intrinsic readsorption rates Carbon Number (n)
are assumed to be independent of carbon
FIG. 1i. Transport-enhanced c~-olefin readsorption
number, model. Carbon number distribution plots (1.2% wt Ru/
TiO2, 476 K, H J C O = 2.1,600 kPa, 5-60% CO conver-
/~r,3 = /~r,4 = /~r,5 • • • z /~r,n = /~r, (lib) sion range; - - , model predictions; O, experimental
where/3 r is the readsorption probability for
C3+ o~-olefins.
The carbon number distribution of the hy- /3T = 0.31 and independent of n, <2-s bed
drocarbon synthesis product and the chain residence time) with the experimental,
termination probabilities (/3r, /30, /3n)3 are transport-limited (O02 = 1.5,/3~ = 0.075, 12-
described accurately by the reaction-trans- s bed residence time) carbon number distri-
port model of Fig. 10, using a carbon num- butions show that 93% of C21+ and 99.8%
ber-dependent Thiele modulus,
d£~2 = d~2e 0.3n. (12) 0.25 I I I I I

The non-Flory product distribution and the

decreasing net termination rate to ~-olefins 0.2
with increasing chain size then arise natu-
rally and exclusively from the increased
0.15 A•
pore residence time and fugacity of the reac- fins
tive olefins as their molecular weight in-
creases (Figs. 11 and 12). 0.1
The model predicts that the removal of E
transport limitations (O 0 ~ 0) leads to an
increase in chain termination probability 0.05 °
(Fig. 13) and ultimately to a carbon number
distribution consistent with Flory polymer-
0 I I T I - _~"~-~--,,.~ ~._
ization kinetics (Fig. 11, dashed line). A 5 10 15 20 25 30
comparison of the kinetic-limited (O0 = 0, Carbon Number (n)

FIG. 12. Transport-enhanced c~-olefin readsorption

? We have also included a secondary hydrogenation model. Chain termination probabilities (1.2% wt Ru/
probability/3 s in order to account for the slight increase TiO2, 476 K, H J C O = 2.1, 5-60% CO conversion;
in/3 as carbon number increases. , model predictions; AO, experimental data).

I J I r I Thiele modulus (Eq. (8)) contains a param-

eter X,
LZ0Ru (13)
X- Rp '

i 0,2 that contains exclusively structural proper-

16 ties of the support material (L, Rp) a n d the
density of Ru sites (0Ru) that a diffusing a-
olefin molecule encounters in exiting cata-
..~ 0.1 lyst pores.
3 The Cs+ selectivities at low CO conver-
sion (< 15%) on TiO2-, A1203-, and SiO2-sup-
I [ I 1 I
ported Ru catalysts and on an unsupported
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Ru catalyst are shown in Fig. 15 and Table
CarbonNumber(n) 3 as a function of the structural parameter
X, calculated from Eq. (13) and from the
FIG. 13. Transport-enhanced a-olefin readsorption
model. Carbon number and X effects on chain termina- structural data in Table 3 and varied by
tion probability (1.2% wt Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = changing the pellet radius (L), the average
2.1,600 kPa, 5-60% CO conversion; , model pre- pore radius (Rp), and the Ru site density
dictions; O, experimental data). (0Ru). The Cs+ selectivity initially increases
with increasing X, irrespective of the iden-
tity of the support or of the manner in which
X is varied. This increase in C5+ selectivity
of the C41 + products require at least one is accompanied by a decrease in the a-olefin/
readsorption event before their ultimate re- n-paraffin ratio and in the chain termination
moval from catalyst pellets and reactor. probability of light hydrocarbon chains
Thus, the high wax (C20+) selectivity typical (C3-CIs) as X increases. This structural
of Ru catalysts depends largely on the ability parameter, however, does not affect the
of Ru sites to readsorb and continue to grow
a-olefin molecules.
The removal of transport restrictions also
leads to an a-olefin to n-paraffin ratio that is
independent of chain length and that reflects
the intrinsic chain termination probabilities
of surface alkyl groups to a-olefins and n-
paraffins. The model is also consistent with
I I ~_ Increasing
the experimentally observed values of a- ~- i
~°¢ I_a
~ • -BedResidence _
olefin/n-paraffin ratio at short residence
times (<2 s) and with the carbon number
and bed residence time effects on paraffin
content (Fig. 14).

4.6 Site Density and CO Transport Effects

on Selectivity 0 2 4 6 8 10 1214 16 18 20 22 24
The probability of readsorption increases CarbonNumber(n)
as the intrinsic readsorption reactivity (kr)
of a-olefins and as their effective residence FIG. 14. Transport-enhanced a-olefin readsorption
model. Bed residence time effects on a-olefin to n-
time in catalyst pores (%) and bed inter- paraffin ratios (Ru/TiO2, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,600 kPa,
stices (~'0 increase, as previously discussed 5-60% CO conversion; - - , model predictions; O,
and described in Fig. 9. In addition, the experimental data).

100 , , L,,.I I
, .... ,TEI I ,,,,,,,[ sion-enhanced readsorption of a-olefins.
The ultimate decrease in C5+ selectivity at
90 large values of X results from the onset of
transport limitations in the rate of conver-
• 1/ •
sion of reactants at catalytic sites. The diffu-
iI •
sivity of CO in hydrocarbon synthesis wax
I ~t
\ is significantly higher than that of C3÷ o~-
'tO olefins; therefore, the onset of transport lim-
+ ! itations occurs at larger and more reactive
G 60 I I
I I pellets (higher L, 0~u) for CO hydrogenation
than for a-olefin readsorption. CO transport
50 limitations lead to high effective hydrogen
to carbon monoxide ratios at catalytic sites,
40 i iiill.I i i~l~llll i iiif1111 i ll,l,t
which increase the chain termination proba-
10 100 1000 10000
X/10 TM x m 3
bility (/3r,/3 n) and the extent of secondary
hydrogenation of o~-olefins (/3s); leading to a
Fro. 15. Structural support and site density (X) effects lighter, more paraffinic product.
on C5+ selectivity (Ru catalysts, unsupported and on Our selectivity and rate data for catalysts
TiO2, SiO2, and y-A12• 3 supports, 476 K, H2/CO = 2.1,
600 kPa, <15% CO conversion; data from Table 3). with large X values, as well as independent
CO and H~ diffusivity and solubility mea-
surements, suggest that CO, and not H2, is
asymptotic value of fit or /3H, suggesting the diffusion-limited reactant for feeds with
that both are intrinsic properties of Ru sites, H2/CO > 1.6. These results disagree with a
unaffected by transport limitations, and re- previous proposal (22) that H2 arrival rates
flecting the intrinsic probability of chain ter- control the rate of hydrocarbon synthesis on
mination to stable unreactive products. Co catalysts with kinetics and volumetric
These effects of structural parameters and rates very similar to those on our Ru cata-
of Ru site density are consistent with diffu- lysts.


Structural Parameters and Site Density Effects on the C5+ Selectivity of Ru Catalysts

Support % Wt % Ru Average Average Ru site X C5+

(BET area Ru dispersion pellet radius pore radius density 10 +16 • m 3 Selectivity
m2g-1) 10 -4 x m 10 -z° x m 10 +I6. m -2 (%)

SiO2 (280) 1.6 10 0.85 65 3.4 3.8 51

SIO2(280) 10.8 20 0.85 65 45.1 50.4 87
TiO 2 (35) 1.2 50 0.85 150 102.1 49.2 83
TiO 2 (35) 0.4 50 0.85 150 34.1 16.4 80
TiO 2 (50) 1.04 45 7.0 135 55.8 202.5 74
None (0.07) 100 0.09 0.10 20 7660 383 95
'y-A12•3 (280) 5.0 25 0.85 40 26.6 48.0 88
y-A12•3 (175) 1.1 30 0.85 40 11.3 20.4 78
TiO 2 (40) 0.3 50 0.85 135 22.4 12.0 83
TiO 2 (40) 2.5 30 0.85 135 112 60 88
TiO 2 (40) 0.3 30 0.85 135 13.4 7.1 70
TiO2 (35) 1.2 50 1.80 150 102.1 210 91
TiO2 (35) 1.2 50 7.5 150 102.1 3950 65

N o t e . 476-483 K, 600 kPa, H2/CO = 2.1, <15% CO conversion.


4.7 Non-Flory Distributions and Transport Our transport-reaction model of a-olefin

Effects on Fe- and Co-Catalyzed readsorption processes combines diffusive
Hydrocarbon Synthesis and convective transport processes with an
Carbon number effects on chain growth intrinsic kinetic model of chain growth and
probability and olefin content also occur on termination. Catalyst pellet (diffusion) and
Fe- and Co-based hydrocarbon synthesis reactor (convection) equations describe CO
catalysts. In general, carbon number effects arrival and olefin removal effects on reac-
on a-olefin to paraffin ratio and the curva- tion selectivity. Thiele moduli and Blot
ture of Flory plots increase in the order numbers define the relative contributions of
(I0-15) transport and reaction processes to reaction
selectivity. Deviations from normal molecu-
Co > Ru > Fe, lar weight distributions (non-Flory kinetics)
and product functionality changes with car-
reflecting the relative rates of olefin read- bon number are described for the first time
sorption and chain initiation on these met- by our pellet model; olefin pore residence
als. The extension of our diffusion-en- time and fugacity increase with carbon num-
hanced readsorption model to Fe and Co ber leading to enhanced secondary reactions
catalysts is discussed elsewhere (28). and thus to higher chain growth probability
and paraffin content in the higher molecular
weight fractions. The reactor model de-
5. CONCLUSIONS scribes the observed effects of bed resi-
Residence time and olefin cofeed studies dence time on carbon number and olefin dis-
suggest that olefins and paraffins are pri- tributions.
mary hydrocarbon synthesis products, a- The combined CO arrival and olefin re-
Olefins readsorb and initiate surface chains moval models predict an initial increase in
that are indistinguishable from those formed product molecular weight with increasing
directly from CO and H 2 and that ultimately site density and pellet size because of
desorb as longer hydrocarbon chains. Sec- diffusion-enhanced olefin readsorption, fol-
ondary a-olefin hydrogenation is inhibited lowed by a decrease in molecular size
by the water formed during CO hydroge- as CO arrival becomes diffusion-limited.
nation. Therefore, maximum C5+ selectivities are
Olefin readsorption effectively reverses obtained at intermediate values of site den-
the chain termination step that leads to sity and pellet size. Ruthenium catalyst
olefin products. Consequently, readsorp- formulations with such intermediate values
tion decreases the total chain termination were prepared and indeed found to exhibit
probability (/~T) and the olefin content in optimum C5+ selectivity. The overall
the product. Slow removal of a-olefins model describes the observed effects of
from catalyst pores by diffusive processes, space velocity, olefin recycle, pellet size,
and from bed interstices by convective and pore structure on chain growth kinet-
processes, increases the extent of read- ics. Our study illustrates the crucial role
sorption. Therefore, chain termination of secondary reactions and of physical
probability and olefin content in the prod- transport in hydrocarbon synthesis selec-
uct decrease with increasing bed and pore tivity. It also suggests novel ways of con-
residence time. Transport-enhanced a-ole- trolling this selectivity by variations in cat-
fin readsorption accounts for the non-Flory alyst pore structure and metal site density
distribution of paraffinic products on Ru and by the incorporation of additional cata-
catalysts and for the increased C5+ selec- lytic functionalities that effectively cata-
tivity as bed residence time and Ru site lyze secondary pathways of primary hydro-
density increase. carbon synthesis products.

APPENDIX C*n pvn , QV D~

Here, we describe the complete set of ---,Y,= -- Z.= ;E~=
X , - C~ P~Io' ~o Dn,o
equations and define all required parameters
used in our simulations. In effect, we de- Png Qng . Dng
velop mass conservation equations for reac- Yn = ~ng]o;Zn = Png[O
- - , e -- Dng,O
tive (a-olefins) and unreactive (paraffins)
products within a spherical catalyst pellet. ko kh
The external boundary condition at the pel- /30 = ;Bh = ;
let surface couples the pellet equations with kpC~ kpC~
the corresponding material balances for a- krP~lo kf~[o
Br = - - ; / 3 s - - -
olefins and paraffins in the interparticle kpCTC~ kpC~C8
voids within the packed bed.
The kinetic pathways described in
Scheme 1, along with steady-state conserva- ZV'
r .X f_/,
tion of chain growth sites on the catalytic 2 Cl* C0.* Bi - avD,g,O H
~-~2 = ppLskp
surface, require that
D.,0e~10 ' Kg
0 = -kpC~ C* + kpC 1Cn_ 1 These dimensionless parameters can be
- koC* - khC* + krPV/RT. (A1) then substituted into Eqs. (AI)-(A5) to give
Similarly, steady-state mass conservation 0 = X n_l - (1 -1- B0 ~- Bh)Xn -~- BrYn
equations for olefins and paraffins within in- (A6)
terparticle voids are
0 = E.VY. - a2[(/3r + B~)L - BoX.]
0 = D . V P v - pp[(kr + ks)PV., - koC*] (AV)
(olefins) (A2)
0 = E.VZ,, + fF[/3,eg,, + /3Yn] (A8)
O = D, VQ~ + pp[khC* + ksPv]
(A3) ~ - = e,Bi(Y~ - y,) (A9)

here, we assume that olefins and paraffins

of a given size have identical liquid-phase dz, _ e,Bi(Z. - z.). (At0)
diffusivities. These equations (A2, A3) are dX
subject to boundary conditions reflecting Substituting the recursive equation for X,
zero flux at the pellet center (i.e., symmetry (A6) into Eq. (AV) allows us to define an
condition) and balanced mass fluxes at the effective Thiele modulus
pellet surface between the pellet equations
and the reactor gas-phase equations. The
latter implies that
~-~2( /30/3r ).(All)
• ~=~ /3r+/3~-- 1+/30+/3h
U__~z a v _D~ (p~ _ p,g) (A4) This expression reduces to Eq. (8) in the
text for the special case of no secondary
and hydrogenation (/3s = 0) and low termination
probabilities (/3o ~ 1), if we assume that the
surface area per volume (s) is given by the
U@= av~Z(QV- Qng). (A5) usual expression for random assemblages of
microspheres within support pellets,
The system of equations described above
can be conveniently expressed in dimen- s = --
2¢ (AI2)
sionless form by defining Rp

and if the Ru site density is given by Dco CO diffusivity in liquid-filled pores

Dng Hydrocarbon diffusivity in reactor
0Ru = 2C~'pp4~ (A13) gas phase
Rp H Reactor length
i Carbon number
The more complex Thiele modulus given by kco Rate constant of CO consumption
Eq. (A11), and actually used in our calcula- kH,n Termination rate constant
tions, can also be separated into a part (X) k0,n Rate constant for termination to n-
that depends exclusively on structural cata- olefin
lyst properties and another term that reflects kp,n Propagation rate constant
the readsorption rate, the liquid diffusivity, kr,~ Readsorption rate constant
and the reaction conditions. ks,~ Secondary hydrogenation rate
These equations identify the key parame- constant
ters used in the numerical solution of our n Carbon number
kinetic-transport model. The parameter YF L Pellet radius
was kept at a value of 2.0, except in Fig. 13, Ls Pellet surface
where it was intentionally varied to explore Pco CO partial pressure
the effect of catalyst structure on product Png Olefin partial pressure on reactor
selectivity. This value is consistent with ex- gas phase
perimental values of the parameters con- pv Olefin virtual pressure in liquid
tained in the equation defining fL Diffusivi- phase
ties in the liquid (E~) and gas phase (e~) rH Rate of termination to internal
are assumed to be proportional to e -°3n and olefins
n-1/2, respectively. Biot numbers were cal- r0 Rate of termination to a-olefins
culated from experimental space velocity rr Rate of readsorption
values. Chain termination probabilities (/30, rs Rate of secondary hydrogenation
/3n,/3r, and/3 s) were kept constant in all simu- Rp Average pore radius
lations; their values (0.29, 0.03, 0.40, and %,~ Propagation rate
0.08) were chosen in order to describe the rt,~ Termination rate
behavior of C4 hydrocarbons. The readsorp- S~ Fraction of carbon atoms in chains
tion probability of ethylene (/3r,2) was chosen with n carbons
as 4.0, in agreement with experimental val- U Superficial gas velocity
ues obtained in ethylene cofeed experi- z Axial reactor position
ments. X~ Dimensionless concentration of
Equations (A6)-(A10) were solved recur- surface chains of size n
sively for every carbon number. The pellet Yn Dimensionless virtual pressure of
equations were solved using orthogonal col- olefins in liquid
location on finite elements (30). The reactor Z~ Dimensionless virtual pressure of
equations were integrated using EPISODE paraffins in liquid
subroutines (31). yn Dimensionless gas-phase olefin
NOMENCLATURE z~ Dimensionless gas-phase paraffin
av Bed interfacial area concentration.
Bi Biot number for interphase mass
Greek Symbols
C. Surface concentration of growing an Chain growth probability
chains /3H,n Probability of chain termination to
D~ Hydrocarbon diffusivities in liquid- n-paraffins
filled pores /3o,~ Probability of chain termination to
D~,0 Reference liquid diffusivity a-olefins

/3~,n Readsorption probability 9. Herrington, E. F., Chem. Ind. 347 (t946).

j3~,. Probability of secondary 10. Piehler, H., Schulz, H., and Elstner, M., Brennst.
Chem. 48, 78 (1967).
hydrogenation of ~-olefins
11. Kolbel, H., and Ruschenburg, E., Brennst. Chem.
/3T,n Total chain termination probability 35, 161 (1954).
8 Boundary layer thickness 12. Golovian, O. A., Sakharov, M. M., Roginsky,
e Bed void fraction S. Z., and Dokukina, E., Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 33,
0Ru Ru site density (sites/m:) 471 (1959).
13. Roginsky, S. Z., in "Proceedings, 3rd International
Dimensionless reactor position
Congress Catalysis, Amsterdam, 1964," p. 939.
( Dimensionless pellet position Wiley, New York, 1965.
p Catalyst pellet density 14. Hall, W. K., Kokes, R. J., and Emmett, P. H., J.
~'b Bed residence time Am, Chem. Soc. 82, 1027 (1960).
rp Pore residence time 15. Schulz, H., Rao, B. R., and Elstner, M., Erdoel
Kohle 23, 651 (1970).
~h Mole fraction
16. Novak, S., Madon, R. J., and Suhl, H., Y. Catal.
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carbon synthesis products by gas chromatography and 20. Tau, L. M., Dabbagh, H. A., and Davis, B. H.,
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44, 391 (1952).
22. Post, M. F. M., van't Hoog, A. C., Minderhoud,
J. K., and Sie, S. T., A I C h E J . 35, 1107 (1989).
1. Pichler, H., in "Advances in Catalysis and Related 23. Smith, J. M., "Chemical Engineering Kinetics,"
Subjects" W. G. Frankenburg, V. I. Komarewsky, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.
and E. K. Rideal, Eds.), Vol. 4, p. 271. Academic 24. Iglesia, E., unpublished results.
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