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com How Negative Feelings Are Formed

If something is still keeping you from feeling good about

yourself and achieving your goals, you haven’t yet solved
the problem, that’s why it keeps coming back!

Solve the problem, and the issue will go away!

So what is the problem that prevents you from feeling better about
yourself and creating life success today?

It’s time for you to make a few discoveries…

How Negative Feelings Are Formed

Your self defence is being able to stick up for yourself, you do not allow negative outside
influences to affect your life in any way. Decide to go on negativity ‘fast’ and focus only on
empowering feelings from now on.

If when a person ever accidentally accepts negative influences, their first protective stage is

External acceptance

When we keep our guards up, and do not accept external negativity the diagram will look
like this.

External acceptance

Declining negative external influences will allow you to keep your self assurance and respect
intact as you protect your self and do NOT let anyone affect your higher self esteem.

www.nicholasfinnegan.com How Negative Feelings Are Formed

Reason or reconsider the outside influences in anyway you can, to turn it to your benefit.
NEVER just do nothing! Even ‘trying’ to protect yourself will allow you to learn and grow in
becoming stronger - and a protective barrier will slowly begin to form.

Reject negative outside influences from now on.

Below are the three stages in which low self esteem or any other self defeating emotion is

Stage one

If external influences are accidentally accepted in the moment we ‘trip up’ onto stage one.
And this is the start of internal negative thinking.

Negative thinking can be about anything that is attacking of the self; whether putting
ourselves down about our self esteem, confidence, capability, current circumstance…etc.

External acceptance

Attacking of the self may arise from own personal negative thought patterns or can be
triggered by an external influence.

In terms of external we may have been put down by someone and decided to attack our own
worth, all because we considered if what they said was true.

Negative internal thinking can start by acknowledging our own errors; we may have attacked
ourselves for them instead of using it to become stronger - to turn it into something
beneficial and empowering.

Whether if disempowering thinking comes about by external or internal, it affects us because

these thoughts are built upon images, sounds, internal dialogue, behaviours and emotions.
So make sure you use the tools you have learned in Higher Self Esteem and More to get rid of
them, whenever you have the opportunity to become aware of yourself.

Stage two

If ever a person fuels negative thoughts and feelings this can lead onto them considering
“whether if these thoughts and feelings are a part of whom they are” and this is stage two.

They in a sense stray away from their supposed beliefs and ponder on subjects that don’t
serve, by either chastising themselves or coming up with self defeating conclusions, based on
the original thoughts from stage one.

www.nicholasfinnegan.com How Negative Feelings Are Formed

They move on from what was first only an assumption to it being considered a part of their

External acceptance

This is where the transition takes place between stage one and upcoming stage three - in-
between the lines of being free or getting trapped. Don’t make the mistake in being led to
believe that you can’t become a new higher levelled self esteemed person.

Notice what you are doing if you end up in this transition stage and turn it around for the

Life is an opportunity to become more abundant and you will do well to know this in times of
doubt. RECONSIDER any seeds of doubt and use this stage to refer back to the uplifting
emotions you were creating before.

If a person is not aware of when they should pull the plug on chastising conclusions, they can
accidentally move onto…

Stage three

After stage two, comes stage three. This is where people eventually come up with overall
opinions and beliefs about themselves that are so strong - that they behave in a way that
affirms it.

External acceptance

At stage three, negative mistaken identities are accidentally perceived by these people and
only grow stronger if they stew what they ultimately do not want.

www.nicholasfinnegan.com How Negative Feelings Are Formed

Remember, these identities are only held by the unconscious and are not even necessarily
true. The only reason why we would believe it to be true is because of the heavy baggage
attached to self sabotaging ideas.

The main issue here is if you would’ve protected yourself from stages 1 and 2 to begin with,
these ideas wouldn’t be real because you would’ve chosen not to learn them.

If you ever consider yourself in this stage crawl out of that hole until your fingers fall off AND

The loop

The final stage is what I like to call the loop. The loop begins after stage three because if we
view our external reality in a self sabotaging way, this tends to start stage ones negative
thinking all over again.

The looping of negativity will continue to go round and round until the pattern is broken.

External acceptance


Continuously accepting negativity from stages one to three IS the road way to self
destruction– and I have just laid it out for you.

This loop can be broken at any stage when you become aware of what stage you’re at. You
can suddenly realize when it is happening and giggle in recognition “what am I doing?!” and
then re-frame and stop the negative pattern. And begin to utilize new alternative patterns
from your new collection of skills.

Stage one: The beginning of external and internal negative influences

Stage two: Considering and/or chastising about thoughts and capabilities

Stage three: The attacking of the self, forming negative self identities and perceiving
the external world in a disempowering way

www.nicholasfinnegan.com How Negative Feelings Are Formed

In a nutshell
1. Do not allow negative feelings to get in or continue; whether it being from internal
or external

2. Be attentive to any disempowering thoughts, feelings or behaviours and ALWAYS


Say to yourself “You know what I can’t be bothered to do this anymore, I quit!” and just
relaxingly let it all go.

Wrap up

People seem to think that negative experiences are a big put down in life but I don’t believe
this to be true at all. The only time when these experiences are not serving you, is when you
are not doing anything to use and learn from them.

We learn during tough times and struggles and these learning’s will serve us in becoming
more than we have ever dreamed possible.

Negative experiences are a blessing in our lives as they help us to learn and grow. If
everything were easy, how would you know what inner strength and higher self esteem really
is? So use this moment as a reminder for why you have already made the decisions to move
towards your goals in an easy and peaceful way.

Using your will and learning from failure will create higher self esteem!

To start creating the life you truly deserve and to break negative patterns of thoughts,
all grab your Secrets of Higher Self Esteem and More
feelings and behaviours once and for all,
Course Today!

Yours In Life Happiness,

Nicholas Finnegan
The Self esteem Innovator

Visit www.nicholasfinnegan.com

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