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Theoretical Physics of Alkylation | New &

Renewable Exergy Industry:

APS Member-ID: 61194436/61258167 | TGP-Junior’s
affiliate to ASTRANOMICS

Aug/March/Jul/Oct-24/25/9/23/10, 2020/21

To Intiative precedes by
IORI/IndianOceanRimInitiative since 1997,
nannofossils denotes from on August30, 2014
as EINPRESSWIRE’s “Mesoscopic States of
Possibility Granular Scales of Mesosaurs in
Nannofossils” here described notable aspects
of the Eocene/taxonomic overview of the
Eocene nannofossils- Bown &
Newsam:”Calcareous nannofossils from
Eocene North Atlantic Ocean(IODP
Exploration 342 sites in 1403-1411)”
accompanied by mesofractals as
“Development of meso & micro size fractal
structures is required to mimic various
biological systems for various functions. Meso
& micro sized fractal are fabricated by several
processes in Engineering”- Kale & Bhole:
“Parametric Analysis for Forming meso
fractals from nanoparticle seeded resin in
Helle Shaw cell”, IOP Conf series, 2019:
“Hele Shaw flow”.

Of June 22, 1998 prediction of CxHySb,

Theoretical Physics of Alkylation refers to
Markovic, Petrovic &
Djurdjevic:”Mechanistic insight onto
alkylation of the ethyl acetate anion with
different ethyl halides”- 2013 we have
sought Davies & Tripathi: “Mechanical
stress mechanisms in the cell”, MiniReview
flows & percolation accomplishes.

New & Renewable Exergy Industry explained

by Wall & Banhatti: “exergy- a useful
concept for ecology & sustainability” of
efficiency = 1 – To/T: “the principles of
sustainability to human activities ultimately
must result in the scrutiny of all sectors of
economic activity to asses the changes
required to provide for a high quality of life
for future generations”- Kibert & Sendzimir
& Guy: “Construction ecology &
metabolism: natural system analogues for a
sustainable built environment”- CM & E,
vol 18, 2000- issue 8 the industries mentioned
represent by Blank: “Price Dependence &
Futures Price Theory” UU Perdagangan
Berjangka provided since 1997’s “hedge
mechanism”: Jual, ada yang Beli - Beli, ada
yang Jual

Bandung 40122 - INDONESIA

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