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in the EU

Research & Innovation
Projects for Policy

Research and
FOREST FIRES — Sparking firesmart policies in the EU
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate I — Climate Action and Resource Efficiency
Unit I.3 — Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Contact: Nicolas Faivre


European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

Manuscript completed in November 2018.

This publication by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific
output and recommendations expressed do not imply a policy position on the part of the European
Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission
is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information.

More information on the European Union is available on the internet (

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018

Print ISBN 978-92-79-77492-8 doi:10.2777/248004 KI-AZ-18-006-EN-C

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-77493-5 doi:10.2777/181450 KI-AZ-18-006-EN-N

© European Union, 2018

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Cover Image: © European Commission, 2018.

Images: p. 3: European Commission; p. 11: David Caballero; p. 15: manushot, #119819894, 2018,;
p. 16: David Caballero; p. 17: agnormark, #109139974, 2018,; p. 19: rcfotostock, #159616740, 2018,; p. 36: Eric Rigolot.
European Commission

Sparking firesmart
policies in the EU

Editor: Nicolas Faivre

Authors: Francisco Manuel Cardoso Castro Rego;

Jose Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Victoriano Ramon Vallejo Calzada
and Gavriil Xanthopoulos

Research & Innovation

Projects for Policy

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

2018 Climate Action and Resource Efficiency
This Report has been prepared by the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, under the overall guidance
of Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet, Deputy Director-General Patrick Child and Director John Bell. The work
leading to this report was based on a collaborative and consultative process involving Commission services and
external experts.

We would like to thank in particular the following persons for their contribution to this publication: Christofer Anders
Ahlgren, Arya-Marie Ba Trung, Marc Castellnou, Sander Happaerts, Doru-Léonard Irimie, Rose Kelleher, Peter Loffler,
Daniel Nuijten, Denis Peter, Philippe Quevauviller, Eric Rigolot, Jesus San-Miguel-Ayanz, Laura Schmidt, Ignacio Seoane,
Monica Sonia and Tamas Szedlak.
Dear policymakers, practitioners and scientists,

Last year in Portugal and just a couple of months ago Making the wealth of knowledge and the implications
in Greece, we learned at great cost that wildfire risk is of such knowledge available for developing forest fires
an ever present and increasing threat in Europe. Extraor- risk mitigation strategies is a pre-requisite to imple-
dinary in their size, intensity, and severity, 'megafires' menting adequate policies and to better protect the
are challenging the capacities of national wildfire pro- European citizens, the economy and the environment
tection programmes and represent a major concern for against megafires.
the Union. EU solidarity and support are active at all
stages in fire prevention, during the crisis management I hope the recommendations of this report will serve
and in the post-disaster reconstruction. as a call to action and will reinforce the exchange of
information and collaboration within the EU forest fire
Since 1989, the EU has been funding research on forest community.
fires. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
clearly recognises the strong role that science can play I would like to thank all EU staff and experts who con-
in improving our understanding of wildfire risk and com- tributed to the report with their hard work, dedication
municating on new knowledge and innovation. and enthusiasm.

In the aftermath of the tragic events of last year the

European Commission has taken several initiatives,
including taking stock of 20 years in forest fire research,
to open new perspectives for future forest fire risk man-
agement and governance in Europe.

Stemming from the conclusions of EU research and inno-

vation projects and of multistakeholder workshops, this
report is timely for initiating a permanent dialogue
between science, management and policy actors to
exchange visions and know-how. It brings forward the con- Carlos Moedas,
cept of Integrated Fire Management and offers a wide Commissioner for Research,
portfolio of solutions to prevent and combat forest fires. Science and Innovation.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 3




1. Recent forest fire trends in Europe 10
2. Europe in a new wildfire context 11


1. Promoting effective science-based forest fire management and risk-informed decision-making 14
2. Shifting the focus from suppression to prevention and increasing the awareness
and preparedness of populations at risk 15
3. Improving firefighting and the rescue capacities of first responders in crisis management 17
4. Developing synergies between EU and national policies to improve wildfire risk management 18
5. Promoting resilient landscapes and communities through integrated fire management 19


1. EU research efforts 22
2. Portfolio of projects and funding instruments 23
3. Achievements of EU forest fire research 25
4. The added value of EU-level research and innovation investment 28
5. Barriers and enablers for improved fire risk management 29

1. Support cross-sectoral and multilevel governance to leverage the impact
of public policies on wildfire risk management 32
2. Reinforcing the European Union’s disaster-response capacity 33
3. Supporting proactive prevention operations adapted to local socioeconomic
and environmental contexts 34
4. Integrate fire ecology principles into fire management strategies and policies
to support sustainable forest management 35
5. Improve preparedness through FireSmart governance systems empowered
by local communities 37

Annex I Barriers, incentives and research needs 40
Annex II Future research and innovation programming 46
Annex III List of projects mentioned 46

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 5

Forest fires constitute a serious and increasing threat > There is a tendency to favour fire suppression, with its
throughout Europe, and in particular in Greece, Spain, straightforward short-term results, over the long-term
France, Italy and Portugal. Despite a decreasing trend in investment effort required for prevention (including
the number of fires and areas burned, observed in some climate-change adaptation), which could improve the
countries since the 1980s, larger and more damaging effectiveness of wildfire protection programmes.
fires (i.e. ‘megafires’) are challenging the suppression > The concept of integrated fire management provides
capacities of many wildfire protection programmes a very useful framework that includes the consideration
across Europe. This trend is the result of unbalanced of the various socioeconomic and environmental
policies that can be effective in fire suppression in nor- aspects associated with fire management.
mal weather conditions but are insufficient to prevent > EU Member States face similar forest fire risk-
extreme events such as megafires. management issues but use different standards of
training, competencies and operations. Harmonised
information systems for emergency response, wildfire
Megafires ignite and propagate in very severe prevention, risk monitoring and data collection would
weather conditions, which often makes them ensure better cooperation, coordination of resources
extraordinary due to their size, intensity and and knowledge transfer between agencies and
deep and long-lasting social, economic and stakeholders.
environmental impact. > Local specificities (e.g. fire weather, socioeconomic
activities, land-use and vegetation dynamics, cultural
perception and awareness of the risk) are critical to
The EU has been funding research in the field of forest understanding and managing wildfires and should be
fires over the last two decades through its Framework integrated into fire-related policies at local, national
Programmes and other funding instruments. About and EU levels.
60 research projects, from large-scale integrated pro-
jects to more traditional projects or Marie Skłodowska- The analysis of the knowledge, methodologies and
Curie individual fellowships, received a total EU contri- technologies produced in the last two decades opens up
bution of more than EUR 100 million. This document new perspectives for forest fire risk management in the
critically reviews the results of EU research on forest face of climate and environmental changes, social
fires with a view to exploring policy adaptation to face and cultural trends and growth dynamics. Based on the
the new challenges imposed by megafires. The review findings of the review and the conclusions of a multi-
demonstrates that EU-funded research has stimulated stakeholder workshop, key recommendations have
advances in fire knowledge, operational management emerged and are proposed for a more extensive dia-
and decision-support mechanisms while enhancing logue between the key actors to improve forest fire risk
cooperation between the key actors. The review high- management in Europe.
lights specific areas for improvement.

6 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

GRAPHIC 1. Policy recommendations for improved forest fire risk management

Policy challenges
Policy recommendations
Linking challenges & recommendations
to wildfire risk-management aspects
Shiing the focus from suppression
to prevention and increasing the
awareness and preparedness of PRE
populations at risk PAR
N ED Promoting effective science-based
forest fire management and risk-
Supporting proactive E informed decision-making

prevention operations HUMAN
adapted to local socioeconomic BEHAVIOUR Integrate fire ecology
and environmental contexts principles into fire
BIOMASS management strategies
MANAGEMENT and policies to support
Developing synergies between EU INNOVATION
sustainable forest
and national policies to improve INTEGRATED management
wildfire risk management FIRE

Support cross-sectoral and multi-

level governance to leverage the
impact of public policies on

wildfire risk management





Improving firefighting and


TI the rescue capacities of first
Promoting resilient landscapes and responders in crisis management
communities through integrated fire I M PA C T S
management Reinforce the European Union’s
disaster response capacity to better
Improve preparedness through FireSmart governance protect EU citizens
systems empowered by local communities

The set of policy recommendations follows the logical

sequence of the fire management cycle and addresses
the main human, physical and environmental elements
with an impact on the risk-management process (see
figure). The proposed recommendations should be taken
into account in light of the corresponding policy chal-
lenges (identified by evidence-based science) and sup-
port the overall EU policymaking process.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 7

8 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy


Forest fires (the term used in Europe to designate the the number of fires and in the total burned area has been
unwanted fires burning forests and wild lands; also reported in the countries affected most, except for Portu-
referred to as ‘wildfires’ in this report) are a major hazard gal, since the 1980s (see Figure 1). However, these aver-
throughout Europe, producing large environmental and age values vary greatly from year to year; it has been
economic losses and having an impact on human lives. observed for a given year that the average area burned
Over 40 000 fires per year were reported between 2010 was double or triple that which was burned in the preced-
and 2016 in Greece, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal, ing years. Due inter alia to climate change, analyses of
where most of the burned area is located (approximately European forest fires occurring in the last 30 years show
85 % of the total burned area in Europe). The surface an increase in the length of the fire season, with extreme
affected by fire every year between 2010 and 2017 fire events also occurring in June and October, at the
amounts to 350 000 hectares. A noticeable decrease in edge of the traditional fire season.

FIGURE 1. Average area burned (ha) per year by forest fires over the last several decades
in the five largest countries in southern Europe.

250 000
225 000
200 000
175 000
150 000
125 000
100 000
75 000
50 000
25 000
Portugal Spain France Italy Greece
Source: EFFIS.

The impact of forest fires in the EU in the 2000-2017 period

> Environmental losses: 8.5 million ha burned, approximately 480 000 ha/year.
> Human losses: 611 firefighters and civilians killed, nearly 34 people/year.
> Economic losses: over EUR 54 billion, approximately EUR 3 billion/year. Under rapid economic growth and
increased greenhouse gas emissions, the economic impact for Greece, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal may
increase to over EUR 5 billion/year by 2070-2100.

Sources: European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), EC PESETA II project report.

10 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy


A long history of human land use, climate variations and ing sizable portions of a whole territory or country. In
associated disturbances such as fire have shaped most Greece, 2018 was the last year in which a series of
European landscapes, in particular the current mosaic- tragic events occurred, starting in the Spanish Levante
like vegetation patterns of Mediterranean ecosystems. in 1994, and then occurring in Portugal (2003, 2005 and
Fire is a natural component driving the evolution and 2017), Spain (2006 and 2017) and Greece (2000 and
adaptation of native plant species in many fire prone 2007), to name some of the worst cases.
ecosystems across Europe. The problem lies in the
changes in fire frequency, size and intensity, to which This new wildfire context is defined by extreme fire
neither ecosystems nor communities are adapted. behaviour characterised by rapid fire spread, intense
Large-scale and more intense wildfires are becoming an burning, long-range fire spotting and unpredictable
increasing concern 1. The occurrence of such extreme shifts. In addition to their serious ecological impact,
wildfire events is determined by two fundamental fac- extreme wildfire events have an extraordinary socio-
tors: the weather conditions and the fire proneness of economic impact in terms of both loss of human life
forested landscapes. In unfavourable meteorological and economic damage. Most damage caused by fires is
conditions such as heatwaves, these extreme wildfire due to extreme wildfire events, which only account for
events, or megafires, may occur in the course of a few about 2 % of the total number of fires.
days, with multiple very large fires simultaneously burn-

1 Tedim, F. et al. (2018), ‘Defining extreme wildfire events: difficulties, challenges, and impacts’, Fire, Vol. 1, No 1, p. 9.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 11

FIGURE 2. Occurrence of forest fires with burning areas of over 500 ha during the 1981-1999
period (top panel) and during the 2000-2017 period (bottom panel).

Sources: FUME project ‘Lessons learned and

outlook’ and EFFIS (Copernicus Emergency
Management Service).

The trend in recurring and tragic fire seasons in Europe which account for the socioeconomic, climate and envi-
reflects the limits of conventional wildfire and forest ronmental roots of wildfires. This also means shifting
management strategies and programmes in efficiently the focus from suppression to prevention within the
addressing the phenomenon. Progress has been made framework of integrated fire management and increas-
to date at different levels, including the revision of ing the awareness and preparedness of popula-
national forest programmes, the development of criteria tions at risk. Addressing the new context of wildfires in
and indicators of sustainable forest management and Europe will therefore imply strengthening European
voluntary codes of best practice. However, the growing cooperation on forest fire risk management through
number of extreme wildfire events indicates that con- effective synergies between EU and national policy
temporary land-management strategies need to objectives and territorial governance. As a result,
account for the disturbance regimes and ecosystem more balanced and sustainable forest management 2
types that define fire prone landscapes. This new con- strategies that integrate prevention, climate adaptation,
text calls for more effective science-based forest fire education, preparedness, suppression and restoration
management and risk-informed decision-making aspects could be implemented.

2 Sustainable forest management is ‘the stewardship and use of forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity,
regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfil, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions, at local, national
and global levels, and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems’. Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe. Resolution
H1 of Helsinki (1993).

12 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy


EU Research & Innovation (R & I) has played and con- A recent scientific review of EU R & I projects contrib-
tinues to play a key role in identifying and addressing uted to identifying some of the main policy challenges
these policy challenges by opening avenues for sustain- related to forest fire risk management and governance,
able change, harnessing misconceptions of the what, which can further be addressed by the relevant EU and
how and why, in favour of evidence-based decision- national policies.
making and management of forest fires in Europe.


Promoting effective science-based forest fire

management and risk-informed decision-making Environment, Climate, Agriculture
and Rural Development

Shiing focus from suppression to prevention EU Forest strategy, Common Agricultural Policy
and increasing the awareness and preparedness EU Climate Adaptation Strategy
of population at risk EU Habitats Directive, EU Biodiversity Strategy

Developing synergies between EU and national

policies to improve wildfire risk management Jobs, Growth and Investments
European Regional Development Fund
Cohesion Fund, Horizon 2020, LIFE+
Promoting resilient landscapes and communities EU Bioeconomy Strategy
through integrated fire management in the EU

Civil Protection
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (rescEU)
Improving firefighting and rescue capacities of
EU Space Policy (Copernicus - EFFIS)
first responders in crisis management



There is a vast amount of information on wildfires at

local, regional and global levels. However, one major ‘R & D’s immediate priorities lie on governance,
challenge is ensuring that the practice of fire man- fire management and risk, information and
agement and its associated governance are making public behaviour on rural landscapes.’
full use of science-based findings and innovations.
Specific efforts should be devoted to improving knowl- Tiago Oliveira — President of the mission struc-
edge transfer to and exchange with practitioners and ture for the installation of the integrated man-
decision-makers, notably with regard to the following. agement system of rural fire in Portugal.

> Fire behaviour and trends. Wildfire risk is deter-

mined by a combination of many factors, including land-based features, fire policies, etc. Policymakers
vegetation, climate, forest management practices and and management agencies require information on
other socioeconomic parameters. Management actions wildfire probability, behaviour and spatio-temporal
and deployment of resources to deter fires are planned trends to manage fire prone landscapes and to eval-
based on where and how fires occur. Hence, precise fire uate the efficacy of prevention plans. Territorial and
mapping and statistics describing how wildfires are environmental policies have great potential for
changing in time and space are deemed essential for addressing the structural causes of fire ignition and
assessing the role of driving factors such as climate, propagation in the long term.

14 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

> Wildfires and climate change. Climate change In a context of changes in wildfire regimes, climate
affects forest fires, both directly through the weather and vegetation legacies, managing these ecosystems
conditions that affect fire ignition and propagation, to maintain the services they provide is a challenge.
and indirectly through its effects on vegetation and To this end, providing information about how eco-
fuels. Forest planning actions are scheduled with systems respond to fire is most relevant for managing
a timescale of a few decades, which requires taking landscapes and planning post-fire recovery.
into consideration how the climate will change and its > Fire and people. Coexistence with wildfire is strongly
impact on future forest health and fire conditions. influenced by the type of fire regimes that operate in
Understanding how future climate change will con- a given landscape and the degree to which communi-
tinue to affect forests and their fire proneness ties can reduce exposure and vulnerabilities there.
in Europe is important in determining fire adaptation Changes in the social and economic characteristics
and the mitigation potential of forests and natural of the population can influence current fire activity
areas. Furthermore, we need to prepare EU forests in a given area. Wildland–urban and rural–urban inter-
and the forest sector to address the nature and mag- faces are the spatial manifestation of the coupling
nitude of the challenges posed by climate change. of fire and people, and the most proximate scale
Doing so will depend on the different territorial sce- of exposure and risk mitigation. Advancing our under-
narios existing in Europe on different spatial scales. standing of people’s perception of fire management
> Fire ecology. Landscapes are a reflection of past and policies is a prerequisite for their successful
uses and land-management actions, in particular in implementation.
southern Europe where wildfires are frequent events.


In many countries outside Europe, such as the United a relatively lesser extent in Europe. The importance and
States, the transition from complete emphasis on fire value of forest fire prevention has been demonstrated
control to more integrated fire management policies through various research projects in the Mediterranean
occurred as a result of catastrophic fires that caused region. Currently, fire prevention forms part of the fire
distress in firefighting systems and required continual management policy in all southern European countries,
budget increases. Similar trends have been observed to however it does not receive the necessary emphasis

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 15

and funding compared to fire suppression. Similarly, the through the development of early-warning systems,
preparedness of agencies and communities to deal with as well as training of personnel for efficient emer-
extreme fire events is often far from optimal. gency operations, including evacuation or confine-
ment plans. This also entails developing public
‘Without extinction, prevention is useless but awareness and education and addressing the mis-
without prevention, extinction is impossible.’ conception that fire protection is the sole responsi-
bility of the fire department
EFIRECOM project
> Wildland-Urban Interface. The depopulation of rural
areas and the expansion of urban areas in western
> Fire weather and fire danger rating. Fires typically Europe has led to the creation of important interfaces
occur in certain meteorological conditions. Fire sensi- between houses (and other built infrastructures) and
tivity to changes in weather varies from place to forests and other vegetation types with accumulated
place. For operational purposes, fire weather indices biomass. When burning, such a high fuel load can
based on meteorological variables are used for pre- create very significant threats to people and make
dicting fire ignition and spread potential. A proper firefighting and other civil-protection operations much
understanding of how the meteorological conditions more difficult to coordinate. This situation, known
influence fire spread and intensity is imperative for internationally as the wildland-urban interface or the
accurate forecasting of fire danger. Improving mete- rural-urban interface, has contributed to more intense
orological diagnostics and fire danger forecasts would wildfires that are able to devastate large geographic
lead to a more effective use of fire suppression areas, causing significant loss of human life and prop-
resources and planning of emergency operations. erty. Limiting the sprawling of WUIs and mitigating the
> Fire preparedness. Large and very intense forest impact of wildfire in these interface areas elicits many
fires are occurring in many different regions in social and scientific challenges, such as establishing
Europe and the various agencies and communities construction and development standards, defining
are generally not prepared to cope with these new asset-protection zones with proper fuel management
challenges. The preparedness of agencies and com- and predicting fire spread and behaviour in interface
munities to deal with those events requires ade- areas and making this information available to the
quate evaluation of risk and timely communication public for a better response in case of emergency.

16 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

> Fuel management. Changing socioeconomic condi- due to climate change are further intensifying forest
tions in rural areas have contributed to changing forests fire risk beyond existing fire prone areas. Hence, there
in terms of area, growing stock and structure. These is a need to integrate forest fire prevention principles
changes are thought to be key factors in determining in land- and forest management strategies.
the increased frequency and impact of wildfires
throughout the continent in the last century. The
increasing trend in fuel load and continuity in southern ‘To prepare for megafires, we don’t need
Europe can also be attributed to land abandonment, more resources, we need better managed
inadequate landscape and forest management, and landscapes.’
fire exclusion policies. The projected increase in drought Marc Castellnou — Catalunya Fire Service
severity and associated increase in fuel flammability



> Land, aerial and space detection. In extreme level are needed for enhancing international fire-
weather conditions a fire start can rapidly develop into fighting assistance.
a large and intense wildfire with catastrophic effects. > Fire safety. Safety is a key issue for all involved in
Timely and accurate detection requires the integration fire management. Research has been dedicated to
of fire behaviour and forest knowledge at strategic the selection of appropriate firefighting protective
and tactical levels. Rapid wildfire detection is there- equipment, but also to the promotion of safety con-
fore fundamental to coordinating and performing cerns for current and potential vulnerable areas (e.g.
a quicker and stronger initial attack. in the WUI) and groups such as tourists. Awareness
> Firefighting techniques and technological tools. campaigns focusing on fire safety, but also on the
The increasing intensity of wildfires, together with the optimisation of operations — such as firefighters’
increased concern about fire safety and costs, requires equipment and the use of forest roads for evacua-
better strategies and tactics for firefighting. There is tion and for safe firefighting — are all part of the fire
a strong need for professional development in fire- safety issue. The major challenges for dealing with
fighting and the promotion of safety practices for this aspect of fire suppression lie in the risk associ-
firefighters in order to face extreme wildfire events in ated with wrong decisions that can expose lives to
Europe. Successful professional development in fire- unnecessary danger. As decision-making relating to
fighting depends on the integration of training and safety concerns is delicate and complex, strong
education, which are aligned with the principles cooperation and the exchange of experiences and
of integrated fire management. Common Incident lessons learned in Europe and worldwide are neces-
Command Systems and common standards on sary in order to be in a position to recommend new
capacity building for emergency training at European options in this area.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 17


Fire regimes are changing almost everywhere as issue in wildfire management. Therefore, the involve-
a result of climate change, and land-cover and land-use ment of multiple organisations in fire management,
change. Although most of the annual burned area is from national to local level, requires the clear defini-
concentrated in the southern countries, northern areas tion of authority, functions, tasks and responsibilities,
such as Scandinavia have also suffered from unprece- together with the effective coordination of their
dented forest fires in the last decade. Challenges of this activities.
magnitude can hardly be managed by individual coun- > Significant shortcomings can be identified in relation
tries. However, national wildfire legislation and policies to the adoption of research results by policies
differ among EU Member States according to varying and operational forest fire management, which
risk exposure and management strategies, political reflects resistance due to vested interests, deeply
leadership and stakeholders’ involvement, but also rooted opinions, fears and traditions, inadequate
because of the different government agencies respon- information dissemination, administration con-
sible for fire risk management. straints and, sometimes, simply resistance to
change. Governance is a key aspect of sustainable
> According to the subsidiarity principle at EU level, the forest fire management. Adequate governance
formulation of forest policies is the responsibility mechanisms can facilitate the integration of science
of the Member States within a clearly defined into operations. Similarly, transparency and openness
framework of established ownership rights and in these governance mechanisms can increase citi-
national and regional laws and regulations for long- zens’ participation and politicians’ accountability,
term planning 3. The EU complements the efforts of opening the way for traditional and local knowledge
its Member States by identifying policy priorities integration.
relating to forest fires in the context of sustainable > Another important policy element relates to the post-
and climate-resilient forest management, providing fire management of burned areas. Whereas in all
financial assistance to forest fire-related activities EU Member States burned areas are protected from
and creating a common European Forest Fire Informa- land-use changes for a number of years after a fire,
tion System (EFFIS) 4. Nevertheless, the coherence immediate and compulsory reforestation is no longer
between EU policies’ objectives with respect to wild- a self-evident requirement. The traditional approach
fire risk management should be improved. It is also for the management of burned areas in the Mediter-
necessary to assess the level of complementarity or ranean region has been based on reforestation with
coincidence between those policies and the national conifers since the 19th century. Nowadays the range
legislative frameworks defining the structural meas- of alternatives is much wider (e.g. natural regenera-
ures and operational activities regarding forests’ and tion or passive restoration; assisted restoration
communities’ protection from fire. through appropriate silvicultural techniques to support
> At the national and subnational levels, territorial poli- natural regeneration; active restoration through active
cies have a role to play in solving the wildfire problem seeding or plantation; and finally conversion to other
at the prevention and propagation stages, but also in non-forest uses). Yet the post-fire restoration methods
raising risk awareness, notably in metropolitan, rural currently implemented in Europe do not always take
and wildland-urban interface areas. Significant differ- into account the fire ecology of affected forest and
ences exist between Member States in regard to the vegetation types.
degree of centralisation of forest fire management > The ecological role of fire and its controlled use
and the type of agency to which the various fire man- to achieve management objectives (e.g. ecological
agement responsibilities are assigned. The influence succession, wildlife and livestock pasture improve-
of the multilevel governance structure is a key ment, fuel reduction and wildfire suppression) is only

4 EFFIS complements national databases and aims to provide EU level assessments of situations before and after fires, to support fire prevention
through risk mapping, and to promote preparedness, firefighting and post-fire evaluations.

18 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

reflected to a limited extent in current national poli- Portugal and some regions in Spain and Italy). Overall,
cies. For instance, prescribed burning is recognised as there is a lack of integration of fire prevention princi-
an efficient technique of wildfire prevention but is still ples in current forest- and land-management prac-
very controversial in some countries 5. The legal tices and policies 6. Policy instruments creating
frameworks for burning in the Mediterranean Basin incentives for forest and land owners to align deci-
range from countries that prohibit it (e.g. Greece) to sions and management with the sustainable provision
those that have developed regulations and basic cri- of ecosystem services and wildfire prevention objec-
teria and conditions for the use of fire (e.g. France, tives are critically needed.



Forest fires are complex phenomena with structural

causes rooted in land and urban planning, climate and Integrated fire management is a concept for
weather conditions, human activities in the vicinity of planning and operational systems aiming at
forests and cultural traditions. Holistic solutions to man- minimising the damage from and maximising
age wildfire risk in fire prone areas should therefore be the benefits of fire.
based on a multipurpose strategy that appropriately
considers the competing demands of forest uses with the four steps of emergency crisis management, i.e.
the potential risks they may involve. mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

Integrated fire management builds upon a combination > Holistic approach. Wildfires primarily affect the for-
of prevention and suppression strategies stemming estry and ecosystem service sectors, but agricultural
from social, economic, cultural and ecological evalua- and energy production, public health and tourism may
tions. Beyond the sole consideration of fire prevention also be impacted, causing damage to property and
and fire suppression, integrated fire management links loss of life. The challenge is to develop integrated

5 Carreiras, M. et al. (2014), ‘Comparative analysis of policies to deal with wildfire risk’, Land Degradation & Development, Vol. 25, No 1, pp. 92-103.
6 Montiel-Molina, C. (2013), ‘Comparative assessment of wildland fire legislation and policies in the EU: towards a fire framework directive’. Forest
Policy and Economics, Vol. 29, pp. 1-6.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 19

solutions which take into account the objectives of > Inclusive approach to the common welfare. Pre-
forestry, urban and rural development, agricultural, vention, extinction and post-fire restoration tasks are
climate and energy policies to ensure that wildfires fundamentally the responsibility of public institutions.
are managed in such a way that the safety of people Nevertheless, the lack of joint responsibility shared by
and housing, economic growth and ecosystem ser- local communities and land owners calls into question
vices are maintained or increased (see Figure 3). inadequate land-use practices and negligent behav-
Inside the forest domain, a multi-risk approach is iour causing ignition in fire prone areas. In addition to
needed to take into account the interactions and pos- involving local communities in the design and plan-
sible amplification processes between fire and other ning of prevention measures, strengthening the forest
biotic and abiotic threats. Developing more efficient sector and promoting bioeconomy and nature-based
and integrated solutions requires better-informed solutions, as new ways of sustainable consumption
decision-making and more cooperation and coordina- and production, can leverage participative governance,
tion, and should be supported by evidence-based self-protection behaviour and a sense of belonging to
research. the area.
> Building a common culture of risk. The perception > Knowledge exchange and access. The uncertainty
society has of the risk of forest fires determines to associated with the occurrence of extreme wildfire
a large extent people’s response in emergency situa- events requires integrated studies to understand the
tions. Forest fires are largely perceived by society as interaction among the main drivers of extreme fires,
a threat. Although awareness campaigns have been i.e. weather, climate, landscape structure and connec-
effective in reducing the number of fire ignitions and tivity, fuel build-up and continuity, and social issues.
promoting responsible behaviour, they often underes- This uncertainty limits the scientific community with
timate the importance of the ecological and environ- regard to the effective operational translation of sci-
mental functions which fire helps to maintain. entific results to enhance wildfire management poli-
Ensuring communities’ resilience to the danger of cies and practices. Nevertheless, information about
forest fires requires an improvement in the knowledge wildfire dynamics and trends should be easily acces-
of actual exposure to the risk and the effective sible to all bodies involved in the fire management
response in the event of an emergency, as well as process to improve understanding and deci-
a better understanding of the differences between the sion-making capacities. Finally, ecology, climate
ecological role of fire and the risk-prevention meas- change and forest fire management principles, which
ures associated with catastrophic wildfires. are often an unfamiliar subject for educators, should
be better addressed in curricula.




FIGURE 3. The approach of integrated fire
management considers each step of the

MANAGEMENT management cycle and brings together the
URBAN & LAND EMERGENCY human, physical and ecological elements with
PLANNING MANAGEMENT an impact on the risk management process.








20 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy



This chapter focuses on the project portfolio analysis of the
R & I projects dealing with forest fire risk management or
The section highlights the trends, major achievements and
added value of EU-funded forest fire research. In addition,
the barriers, incentives and future research needs are further
described. The section is a summary of a more comprehensive
review report produced by a group of scientific experts. All
projects mentioned in this report are listed in Annex III.


The number of projects focusing on forest fires and Triggered by a sharp increase in the number and scale
associated funding has been increasing since the begin- of forest fires, associated with socioeconomic changes,
ning of the EU Research Framework Programmes. Inter- climate change and the difficulties of forest- and fire
est in investigations into forest fires in the southern management policies of addressing this new context,
Member States of the EU has been steadily building the research efforts concentrated on the driving factors
and has been continuously supported by national fund- of fire risk, fire behaviour and its effects and fire sup-
ing sources and the various EU funding schemes at pression methods. Through the results of this research,
multiple levels (large or small research projects, individ- it soon became evident that forest fires constitute
ual fellowships, science and technology networks, etc.). a significant management challenge because they are
influenced by many complex and interacting ecological,
European forest fire research started slowly in the social, economic and political factors. As illustrated by
1960s and 1970s, concentrating on the ecological role the wealth of information on forest fire-related science
of fire, with the first research projects on forest fires produced in the last few decades, i.e. 400 scientific
associated with programmes relating to environmental publications produced each year by Greece, Spain,
protection and forests. Its significant development was France, Italy and Portugal, European research has
only made possible by the creation of the EU research greatly contributed to advancing our scientific under-
FPs, the main funding instruments for science and tech- standing of the fire phenomenon. The EU has become
nology policies. The first multinational programmes, the second-largest producer of forest fire publications
STEP 7 and EPOCH 8, were instrumental in starting worldwide, with the United States being at the forefront
pan-European forest fire research, with an initial focus of forest fire research and innovation.
on technologies such as fire modelling and automatic
fire detection. More work followed under the Fourth
Framework Programme (1994-1998), with projects
addressing the impact of wildfires and the ecological
role of fire.

7 ‘Science and Technology for Environmental Protection’ programme 1989-1993.

8 ‘European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards’ 1989-1992.

22 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy


EU-funded projects relating to forest fires were Regarding the participating institutions, a greater partic-
reviewed, most of them funded by the ongoing Horizon ipation of higher-education and research institutions was
2020 and the last two Framework Programmes (i.e. FP6 observed with a balanced representation among
and FP7). In total, 56 projects were reviewed. The type EU Member States. Several projects involved small
of project varied from large-scale integrated projects and medium-sized enterprises (e.g. FIRELI, SCODEV) to
(e.g. FIREPARADOX, FUME) to smaller projects and indi- bring innovative forest fire equipment and technologies
vidual Marie Skłodowska-Curie grants (e.g. FIRESCAPE, to the market. EU funding also targeted coordination
GRADIENT). Other research projects which emphasised actions between research institutions (e.g. PHOENIX,
the demonstration of effective forest fire management FORESTERRA) and cooperation actions among neighbour-
were funded under the LIFE programme (e.g. ENERBIO- ing countries (e.g. HOLISTIC) (see Annex I for a complete
SCRUB, MONTSERRAT) or under the Civil Protection list of projects). The total EU contribution to the projects
Mechanism (e.g. PREDICATE, WUIWATCH). reviewed amounted to EUR 103.2 million (see Table 1).

TABLE 1. Sources of EU funding and corresponding investments for the 56 forest fire research
projects under review.

Framework Number of EU contribution (million EUR)

Programme/Action projects reviewed
Sixth Framework Programme 1 12.6

Seventh Framework Programme 17 47.6

Horizon 2020 (2014-2017) 11 23.5

LIFE Programme 7 4.9

Civil Protection Mechanism 18 7.5

Coordination Actions 1 0.1

Cross-border cooperation 1 6.9

Total 56 103.2

In general, most projects concentrated on research in eral; historical fire spatial and temporal patterns; social
Europe, particularly around the Mediterranean Basin, aspects; and climate change. ‘Fire prevention’ projects
including other non-EU countries from this area, but investigated issues relating to fire meteorology and fire
research was also carried out in other parts of the world. danger rating; fuel management and adaptation meas-
The involvement of other non-EU researchers made it ures, including prescribed burning, and use of biomass;
possible to benefit from views from elsewhere in preparedness, including risk assessment to support
a cross-fertilisation experience. early warning, public communication and emergency
response; risk management within interface areas
The projects were divided into six thematic areas corre- (e.g. wildland-urban interface). ‘Fire detection’ projects
sponding to the sequence of forest fire risk-manage- relating to ‘land, aerial and space detection’ focused on
ment activities (see Table 2). ‘Fire science’ projects the rapid location of fire ignition points and rapid fire-
investigated issues relating to fire behaviour modelling, fighting response. ‘Fire suppression’ projects investi-
fuel characterisation and mapping; fire ecology in gen- gated firefighting techniques, from aerial firefighting to

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 23

the use of fire as a suppression tool; fire safety, aware- investigated how several aspects relating to social and
ness and evacuation strategies; technological tools and economic issues, climate change, the use of biomass for
innovations for improved forest fire risk management energy, tourism, territorial planning or fire risk aware-
and firefighting operations. ‘Post-fire recovery’ pro- ness were integrated into governance and wildfire pro-
jects looked at damage and loss assessment (e.g. pre- tection programmes.
diction of fire severity and ecosystem vulnerability,
monitoring and assessment of the impact of fire) and The areas most addressed by EU research on forest fires
investigated the potential for restoration techniques to are fire prevention, fire suppression and fire science
reduce fire risk and increase resilience. ‘Fire integra- (Table 2, Figure 4). Less attention has been dedicated
tion’ projects studied the development of integrated to research topics relating to post-fire recovery among
solutions to deal with fire management. Research the projects reviewed.

TABLE 2. The six thematic areas considered for assessing the contribution of research projects
to forest fire risk management. Thematic areas are further subdivided into specific topic areas.

Thematic area Projects Specific topics

1.1. Fire behaviour

1.2. Fire ecology

1. Fire science 16 1.3. Fire spatial and temporal patterns

1.4. Social aspects of fires

1.5. Climate change effects on fires

2.1. Fire meteorology and fire danger rating

2.2. Fuel and forest management

2. Fire prevention 21
2.3. Preparedness

2.4. Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)

3. Fire detection 4 3.1. Land, aerial and space detection

4.1. Firefighting techniques

4. Fire suppression 20 4.2. Fire safety

4.3. Technological tools

5.1. Damage and loss assessment

5. Post-fire recovery 6
5.2. Restoration

6. Fire integration 5 6.1. Integrated fire management

24 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

FIGURE 4. Relative occurrence of the forest fire research thematics covered
by the projects under review.
Integrated fire management
Fire behaviour
Fire ecology
Fire spacial & temporal patterns
Damage & loss assessment
Social aspects of fires

Fire science Climate change

Technological tools

Fire meteorology
& fire danger rating

Fire suppression

Fire safety Fire prevention Fuel management

Firefighting techniques

Land, aerial & space detection Wildland Urban Interface


EU R & I has stimulated advances in fire knowledge, oper- the combined risks of changes in fire regimes and cli-
ational management and decision-support mechanisms mate have great potential to alter plant charac-
while enhancing cooperation between the key actors. teristics (e.g. increase in flammability) as well as
ecosystem dynamics (e.g. shifts in the dominant veg-
Advancing our scientific understanding etation), through altering the balance of species and
reducing post-fire regeneration. Such shifts in vegeta-
European countries have made a significant effort to tion dominance (e.g. from Pinus to Quercus species)
reduce forest fire risk. Investing in research has resulted in may occur as a result of one or consecutive fires
significant advances towards understanding the social, owing to past management practices. Moreover,
ecological and technical aspects relating to forest fire severe droughts can impair the balance of species
detection, response and suppression, prevention and post- and reduce the recovery of the vegetation after fire.
fire restoration. Scientific progress in the field of forest fire These results are readily usable by forest managers to
risk has contributed to the facilitation and stimulation of have an a priori vulnerability assessment of how the
innovations, new management and the adoption of meas- ecosystem will respond after a fire occurs and to
ures, as well as a better understanding of the risk itself. develop a climate-adaptation plan to enhance their
forests’ resilience to climate change.
> For instance, our understanding of how ecosystems > Management actions and deployment of resources to
respond to fire is deemed essential for managing deter fires are planned based on where and how fires
landscapes in a context where fires are prevalent. As occur. It is therefore essential to know how forest
highlighted in the FUME, FIRESCAPE and FILE projects, fires are changing in time and space in order to

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 25

assess how the various drivers of change, including Recent technologies use networks of sensors for
climate, land use/land cover, fire policies and fire- automatic fire detection and fire alarms. The
fighting efforts, among others, have been influencing FIRESENSE and ODS3F projects have contributed to
fire regimes in Europe. The reconstruction of fire reducing the high rate of false alarms typically asso-
perimeters during the last 30 years or so has made it ciated with these systems through the development
possible to identify areas at risk in the whole and use of appropriate sensors and algorithms.
Euro-Mediterranean region (FIREPARADOX, FUME and > The increasing intensity of wildfires, combined with
GRADIENT projects). Trends in fire frequency and increased concerns about fire safety and costs, has
burned area in southern Europe are not consistent led researchers to investigate better ways of how to
with climate-change trends, signifying the importance develop special firefighting techniques. The AF3
of country-level structural factors. Such information project integrated a variety of new technologies (e.g.
on fire selectivity among the land-cover features of drone imagery) which can be managed by the com-
a landscape can be used to guide management plans. manding personnel under one system and deployed
> Forest planning actions are scheduled within a times- at every step of the crisis-management process. The
cale of a few decades, which requires taking into con- FIREPARADOX project demonstrated and docu-
sideration how the climate will change and will mented the potential use of suppression-fire tech-
affect future fire conditions. Fire weather danger is niques for the control of extreme wildfires that
expected to increase in Europe with climate change exceed the response capacity of firefighting assets.
and will be characterised by extreme weather phe- Following appropriate training, suppression-fire tech-
nomena (EARLYHUMANIMPACT, FUME and HESFIRE niques were applied by civil-protection operators in
projects). Climate change will therefore pose a serious
threat to current fire management due to a most
severe fire danger season and its expansion during
the year. In addition, vegetation-fire models and cli-
mate scenarios indicate that changes in land use and
land cover affecting forest productivity may constrain
fires where these are prevalent today (e.g. Iberian
peninsula), and that other areas such as eastern
Europe may become fire hotspots under unabated Advanced 2D fire propagation model called
climate change. The expansion of fire prone areas to, ‘TIGER’ and 3D (virtual reality) forest fire area
for example, high mountain areas is likely to alter the simulator for teaching wildfire behaviour and
dominance of endemic species and produce a full providing wildfire fighting training. The simulator
ecosystem change. has been installed and is being operated at the
Corpo Forestale dello Stato training centre of
Science to support operational management Castel Volturno.

The practice of fire management in southern Europe FIGURE 5. Pre-fire analysis of fire spread
does not always make full use of the innovations deliv- in the National Park of Vesuvio, Campania
ered by scientific projects. Specific efforts should be Region (Italy) on 20 July 2016.
devoted to improving knowledge transfer to practition-
ers and decision-makers. Nonetheless, several exam-
ples from applied research projects demonstrate the
effective uptake of EU R & I findings.

> Knowing how to detect a forest fire in the initial

stages and how to estimate its probable propagation
according to terrain, fuel and weather conditions is
considered a very important issue in preventing a fire
outbreak from developing into a large fire, because it
allows a rapid initial attack with adequate resources.

26 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

Italy and Portugal. The FIREFFICIENT project illus-
trated that suppression efforts, when applied in pre- Post-fire restoration
determined and small, carefully selected areas decision support system
based on anticipatory fire behaviour knowledge, are
more effective than spreading resources along the
fire perimeter. These so-called strategic manage-
ment points make it possible to reduce the speed at
which a fire spreads and its intensity while ensuring Postfire-DSS is a tool to support decision-making
a secure point for firefighters (DEMORGEST). in the management of burned areas. It provides
Research projects have also developed multiple assessment procedures and information relating
solutions to enhance the effectiveness and safety of to the restoration of burned areas, in a context
current firefighting practices, notably through of climate change. The application has been suc-
strengthening the capacity of fire crews on the cessfully tested by scientists and forest manag-
ground. This includes technological solutions such as ers in Greece, southern France and Italy.
a new firefighting hose with retardant properties
(FIRELI) or an autonomous robotic firefighting vehicle
(FIREROB), as well as innovative techniques with the
use of suppression fire to attack large fires indirectly
(FIREPARADOX). biodiversity conservation and rural development, in
> Fuel management is critical in reducing the probability order to recover a more fire resilient agrosilvopastoral
of fire ignition and fire propagation. As a result of fire landscape (MONTSERRAT).
exclusion, there is an accumulation of biomass in
many European forests, causing an adverse effect on Better-informed decision-making
the maintenance of biodiversity, an increase in fire risk
and a larger subsequent amount of wildfire damage. > Research projects have contributed to setting the
How to improve fire resistance and resilience in basis for continued cooperation between agencies at
highly fire prone systems is a major challenge of the national level and between regions and countries
fire prevention and post-fire restoration, which on how to cope with more severe forest fires in
are currently managed among EU Member States Europe. The FIRELIFE and EFIRECOM projects have
according to different methodological considerations, contributed to increasing the preparedness of the gen-
priorities and organisational and legal frameworks. eral public through adequate risk-communication
The development of an adaptive forest management and -prevention activities. This was exemplified by
toolbox (MOTIVE) for adaptive forest management the production of a fire risk communication toolkit
under climate change has contributed to equipping and specific assistance to national civil protection
forest managers with methods for strategic forest authorities (e.g. in Hungary). In addition, ANSFR and
management planning. The procedures for the wise DECATASTROPHIZE respectively developed systems to
use of fire (FIREPARADOX) and the development of evaluate fire risk assessment and management in the
landscape-management and backcasting scenarios EU, and proposed integrated decision-support sys-
(INTEGRAL) to achieve specific management objec- tems to assist emergency operations.
tives are also available through several online plat- > New fire areas can emerge in places where fires have
forms, technical guides and demonstration sites in until now been limited by unfavourable climate condi-
Europe (FIREPARADOX, FUME). Given the untapped tions. Therefore, policymakers and management
potential of biomass use in several regions of Europe agencies require information on how to estimate
(e.g. harvest/increment rate below 25 % in several wildfire risk probability and severity at different
regions in the south, compared to 60-70 % in terms of scales. The ARCFUEL project developed an updated
overall EU figures), research projects demonstrated geospatial methodology to classify forest vegetation
successful examples of collaboration between local into fuel types in Europe and map them. This method-
authorities and local forest and shepherds’ associa- ology, based on EFFIS classification, allows production
tions to maximise the profitability of biomass extrac- of reliable and accurate estimations of wildfire spread
tion for energy supply and promote fire prevention, and behaviour for improved decision-making.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 27


Network building and establishing a cooperation Fostering mutual learning and harmonisation
Comparing trends between similar EU Member States
The network of research institutions established through has made it possible to identify differences in how they
the PHOENIX Project Centre, created within the frame- are being affected by fires nowadays and calls for
work of the European Forest Institute and the COST a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of
action FP0701 ‘Post-fire management in southern such differing tendencies. The ARCFUEL project
Europe’, was instrumental in bringing together research designed a methodology to produce harmonised and
efforts while providing an updated scientific baseline for standardised fuel-classification maps for the whole
developing post-fire management strategies and tech- Mediterranean region, using ‘readily available’ spatial
nical recommendations to forest managers in southern data sets for the Mediterranean region (JRC forest-type
Europe. The funding provided by COST actions helps and fuel-type maps, multi-temporal Landsat Thematic
thousands of European scientists to cooperate in com- Mapper (TM) images). The methodology was first
mon research projects and to amplify the impact of applied in Greece and Portugal at national level and
research carried out within and beyond the EU Member further used in Spain and Italy at regional level.
Transferability of fire management tools
Increased excellence and capacity building and approaches

A significant proportion of the investment in EU forest In spite of the recognised differences in conditions in the
fire research is for the collective public good and has different countries and regions and because of the fruit-
resulted, for instance, in enhancing the European knowl- ful exchanges between partners, most of the products
edge base, or in marketing technologies, which would and knowledge delivered by research projects can be
not have been financed by the private sector alone. For transferable and applicable to other fire prone areas.
example, the AF3 project received EUR 12.9 million to For instance, the SPITFIRE project has contributed
develop, as part of its emergency-response system, to improving information exchange on meteorology
a Low Power Wireless Ground Sensor Network that pro- and forest fire risk in the border area between Spain
vides early detection and near-real-time monitoring and Portugal through the identification, design and
capabilities of forest fires.

Cross-border cooperation: avoiding

redundancies and improving efficiency

The HOLISTIC project, co-financed by the European

Union through the 2007-2013 IPA Adriatic cross-border A knowledge platform developed
cooperation programme, is a successful example of by the FIREFFICIENT project
pan-European partnership between eight Adriatic coun-
tries to reduce the number and impact of forest fires,
and to promote fire prevention among rural communi-
ties. The project has permitted the implementation of LESSONS ON FIRE is a knowledge-exchange plat-
direct and indirect long-, medium- and short-term form that allows generating debates, sharing
measures, through joint initiatives and pilot actions, quality information, finding documents in an
which have improved fire prevention policies, fire regu- organised way, finding expert people and/or ask-
lations and response-coordination mechanisms across ing a professional opinion about the integration
the region. of forest fires risk in the European landscape.

28 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

implementation of data interchange protocols and the borders: Spain–France, France–Italy, Italy–Austria, Italy–
development of a cross-border service on weather and Slovenia, Slovenia–Croatia, Slovenia–Austria, Austria–
fire risk forecasting (SPITFIRE platform). Besides the Hungary, Hungary–Romania, Romania–Bulgaria and
immediate positive effects of SPITFIRE for Spain and Bulgaria–Greece.
Portugal, this approach can be extended to the following



The review identified significant shortcomings in the The practice of fire management in Europe is therefore
uptake of research findings by related policies and man- not making full use of the knowledge and innovation
agement approaches. A comprehensive overview of the delivered by scientific projects. Specific efforts should
barriers, incentives and associated research needs by be devoted to improving the transfer of knowledge to
thematic area is presented in Annex I. According to practitioners and decision-makers, while avoiding
experts in the field, this lack of dissemination and a purely reactive approach to decision-making when
exchange between the key stakeholders involved in for- planning investments and communication activities. In
est fire management resulted in: addition, greater emphasis should be placed on funding
R & I actions which encompass the full forest fire man-
> relatively little change in the emphasis put on fire sup- agement cycle. A set of recommendations for future
pression versus fire prevention in territorial policies; R & I programming is detailed in Annex II.
> a low level of adoption by practitioners of the concept
of integrated fire management through the recogni-
tion of fire ecology principles as a key component of
the management of ecosystems;
> a relatively low level of adoption of innovative fire
suppression technologies and fire prevention
approaches in some countries;
> very limited integration and application, in training and
in practice, of the knowledge on preventive forest fire
management in the context of land use and climate

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 29

30 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

This section proposes concrete recommendations for
addressing identified current policy challenges based
on the conclusions from recent R & I projects funded
under various EU Framework Programmes. More
information on the evidence and concrete results behind
the recommendations can be found on the project websites.



Policy challenge
Developing synergies between EU and national policies
to improve wildfire risk management

There are often multiple and complex interactions > Increase the level of coherence between public
between public policies influencing wildfire occurrence policy objectives with an impact on wildfire man-
and propagation due to the great interdependency agement. HOLISTIC showed that a cross-sectoral
between forest and/or civil-protection policies with land- approach can bring together spatial planning, rural
use planning, agricultural and rural development, envi- and peri-urban development, forestry, civil-protection,
ronmental, climate and energy policies. These policies energy, climate, environmental and tourism/recrea-
may have important positive or negative effects, which tional policies. It should provide the opportunity
might support or impede the development of forest to do an in-depth study of the structural causes
and/or civil-protection policy programmes. An integral affecting wildfires (rural abandonment, climate
approach to wildfire risk management therefore change, land-management practices, new policy par-
requires the following. adigms and new urban demands), and it also should
give the opportunity to identify the possibilities for
intervention in relation to these (e.g. promotion of
forest ecosystem services’ added value, reduction in
fuel accumulation, forest adaptation to climate
change, etc.). In countries where the responsibility for
wildfire management is shared between the forest
and civil-protection services, a cross-sectoral
‘We can design smart landscapes but we don’t approach is even more necessary in order to guar-
have the governance structures and economic antee an effective collaboration.
engines to make them happen.’ > Improve coordination among EU policies and
national policies on disaster prevention, prepar-
Inazio Martínez de Arano edness and response to different risks. This
European Forest Institute includes the EU forest strategy 9, the Union Civil Pro-
tection Mechanism 10, the EU strategy for adaptation

32 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

to climate change 11, the EU regional development and regional risk assessments, also required under EU civil
cohesion policy, environmental legislation and R & I, protection legislation. In 2018, new opportunities to
as well as policies to deal with serious transnational further strengthen actions on disaster-risk manage-
threats that put health and/or property at risk, for ment in forests and better define the potential role of
example epidemics or terrorism. EU cohesion policy is the EU will be provided through the review of the
key to disaster prevention and management, with EUR EU forest strategy. Effective multilevel coordination
8 billion in investment mainly addressing the preven- should include the main guidelines stemming from
tion of and preparedness for natural disasters. Meas- the European Union, regulatory frameworks developed
ures supported include equipment and vehicles for at national (and sometimes regional) level and imple-
civil-protection units, infrastructure, forest and fuel mentation plans at regional and local levels. The Fire
management, ecosystem-based solutions, aware- Intuition platform 12 documents the existing legislation
ness-raising, monitoring systems, training and cross- and policy instruments in relation to wildfires at
border coordination. As part of the reform of cohesion pan-European level. This review should assist the har-
policy, preconditions were introduced to ensure effec- monisation of wildfire regulations at EU level
tive and efficient spending such as national or (FIREPARADOX).



Policy challenge
Improving the firefighting and rescue capacities
of first responders in crisis management

Wildfire policies adopted by most European countries > Promote the use of new firefighting products or
over the last century have been based on fire exclusion. fire suppression techniques. Innovative ICT solu-
Forest firefighting represents a yearly budget of EUR tions using different ground and aerial detection sys-
2.2 billion for EU governments and public agencies tems based on cameras and sensors can be very
(SMART FIRE BARRIER). In all Euro-Mediterranean coun- useful in detecting fires at an early stage and incor-
tries, the principal aim of wildfire suppression pro- porate that information into networks and systems to
grammes is to ensure a systematic, rapid, hard-hitting assist early deployment and initial attack (FORFIRE,
initial attack on all fire ignitions. National firefighting FIRESENSE). Despite the potential such technologies
capacities rely to a large extent on aerial resources and and methodologies have to reduce costs and increase
can therefore be insufficient in the event that adequate safety and firefighting efficiency, adequate legislation
aerial resources are unavailable or if it is not possible to and regulation are required to allow for their imple-
operate due to extreme weather conditions. The follow- mentation and integration into the Union Civil Protec-
ing recommendations aim at improving the firefighting tion Mechanism and firefighting activities, including
and rescue capacities: training. Solving the issues relating to the standardi-
sation and compatibility of existing forest fire equip-
ment should also be addressed at pan-European level
within a coordinated response scheme.


FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 33

> Member States may take appropriate measures to
In 2017, the Commission proposed an ambi-
train and equip firefighters with all possible inte-
tious new plan to strengthen the EU’s civil pro-
grated fire management competencies (FIREPA-
tection 13, including complementing national
RADOX). Efforts should be targeted at building up the
response capacities by a reserve of new civil
experience and know-how of first responders on the protection assets at EU level (rescEU); a new
coordination of extreme fire events through the provi- European Civil Protection Knowledge Network
sion of technical training on the safe and efficient use to strengthen training, exercising and knowl-
of suppression fire, water, retardants and heavy edge exchange between national civil-protec-
equipment by terrestrial or aerial means. Professional tion authorities; and working more closely with
training certified by a European qualification frame- Member States on prevention strategies.
work should improve the efficiency of operational
systems. In addition, early warnings and predictions of
fire propagation based on terrain, fuel and weather
data can complement surveillance and patrolling > Reinforce the cooperation between EU Member States
capabilities and support (ODS3F). and assist first responders in the coordination of
> Improve the interaction between local and national the emergency response and in the containment of
authorities and promote the use of decision- wildfires with adequate information and resources
support systems, risk-knowledge-exchange plat- (DECATASTROPHIZE). Special attention should be
forms and awareness-communication tools given to the new fire prone areas and territories of
(EFIRECOM). risk, notably the WUIs.



Policy challenge
Shifting the focus from suppression to prevention and increasing
the awareness and preparedness of populations

According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the strategic decision-making is a necessary step for fire ser-
United Nations 14, forest fire prevention may be ‘the most vices and should be supported through an incident com-
cost-effective and efficient mitigation programme an mand system where the operations for civil protection,
agency or community can implement’. Despite such crit- landscape planning and restoration are coordinated. Such
ical importance, prevention programmes suffer limited proactive prevention operations would involve:
budget allocation compared with fire suppression, and
often lack an adaptive legislative framework able to reg- > Developing a centralised, general planning and gov-
ulate fuel management activities, institutionalise ernance framework for fire risk management aimed
pre-season preparedness activities, establish an ear- at ensuring the balance between prevention and
ly-warning system and prohibit potentially dangerous suppression resources, and encourage operations
activities during certain fire seasons. Changing the focus adapted to the local socioeconomic and environ-
from firefighting operations to long-term planning and mental characteristics of each region or locality.

13 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee of the Regions, Strengthening EU disaster
management: rescEU solidarity with responsibility (COM(2017) 773 final).
14 Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, (2006), ‘Fire management: voluntary guidelines — Principles and strategic actions’,
Fire Management Working Paper, No 17, Rome (also available at

34 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

> Prevention measures can only be effective communities at risk in preparedness programmes,
if they combine wildfire prevention with socioec- and limit the frequentation of fire prone areas
onomic and environmental benefits such as con- during the peak fire season.
serving biodiversity, enhancing rural development and > Developing and implementing appropriate regula-
producing energy (BIOENERGY & FIRE PREVENTION). tions for prevention policies and emergency man-
> Fire prevention must target the reduction of fire agement in sensitive areas such as the wildland-urban
ignition as well as the management of fuels, as interface at the suitable level. In Portugal, for instance,
these are the only factors affecting fire occurrence 85 % of all forest fires start within 500 m of infrastruc-
and propagation upon which we can act (FUME). tures in the wildland-urban interface 15.
> Fire prevention must integrate the long-term
adaptation of forests to climate change (MOTIVE),
According to the report of the Independent
adopting both short- and long-term preventive meas-
Technical Committee that was appointed for
ures, such as forest thinning, reintroduction of grazing,
the investigation of the Pedrógão Grande fire
fire breaks (short-term), introducing more climate-re- of June 2017 in central Portugal, the cost of
silient species, turning artificial plantations and sim- prevention actions in the 2011-2016 period
plified forest ecosystems into more natural and amounted to EUR 135.8 million (EUR 22.6 mil-
diversified forests (long-term). Only by integrating lion per year), while the cost of suppression in
adaptation consideration into forest management can that period reached EUR 453.4 million (EUR
the longer-term climate risk be reduced. 75.6 million per year). It was further estimated
> Actively engaging citizens, fire services, forest that the mean annual loss, due to fires, of
management and other stakeholders in multidis- goods and services alone amounted to EUR
ciplinary teams in fire prevention (PROMYLIFE, 140.8 million, and the mean annual cost for
FOSEPOGA). post-fire rehabilitation of the burned areas was
> Increase public information on forest fire risk EUR 38.9 million.
(EFIRECOM, FIRELIFE) as well as the commitment of



Policy challenges
Promoting resilient landscapes and communities
through integrated fire management in the EU
Developing synergies between EU and national policies
to improve wildfire risk management
Promoting effective science-based forest fire management
and risk-informed decision-making

The EU Forest Strategy 16, adopted in 2013, establishes Agricultural Policy are the main EU funding instrument
a framework for forest-related actions in support of the for forest-related actions and the implementation of the
protection and sustainable management of forests. Rural Forest Strategy. The rural development policy supports
Development Programmes (RDPs) under the Common sustainable forest management through specific forest

15 Catry, F. X. et al. (2007), ‘Spatial distribution patterns of wildfire ignitions in Portugal’, Wildfire 2007 conference, Seville (Spain).

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 35

fire prevention and restoration measures that the Mem- vulnerable protected species in the Habitats Directive
ber States can include in their RDPs. The optimisation are threatened by the changing fire regime and cli-
of forest management strategies at landscape level mate (FUME). Conservation policies should make use
under future scenarios of climate and land uses requires of available remote-sensing products developed by
the following: research (GRADIENT, PREFER) to incorporate the
assessment and monitoring of key habitat and spe-
> Developing an integrated fuel-management cies responses to changes in climate change and in
strategy which reconciles economic and environ- fire regimes into their management strategies and
mental objectives (FIREPARADOX). This requires procedures. Post-fire impact prediction should provide
a better understanding of past land-use-change the scientific basis for planning the restoration of
dynamics, the development of innovative fuel-dynamic burned areas.
assessments, the integration of fire prone rural areas > Support for the rehabilitation of burned areas.
into fire prevention planning and the promotion of Based on PHOENIX recommendations, post-fire reha-
adaptive forest management methods (e.g. prescribed bilitation should always prioritise soil and water con-
burning, species selection, diversified ecosystems, syl- servation, account for environmental economic and
vicultural practices such as forest thinning, regenera- social aspects and integrate communities into long-
tion cuttings, reintroduction of grazing, fire breaks) to term planning, while ensuring that law-enforcement
create more resistant and climate-resilient capacities are in place. It is also essential to adopt an
landscapes. adaptive management approach which systematically
> Forecasting of vegetation responses to fire and integrates the results of previous interventions to iter-
other influencing factors. Projected trends of more atively improve post-fire management strategies. Due
severe fire regimes will increase ecosystems’ vulner- to the different biogeographical conditions in some
ability to fire, and thus the damages on vegetation areas there is a need for active and instant support
and soils. In the 2000-2012 period, approximately of restoration actions, while in other areas more
80 000 ha burned every year within the Natura 2000 nature-driven processes could be more appropriate.
sites, that is some 3.3 % of the total Natura 2000 The planned restoration measures should reflect the
area in the affected Member States 17. Non-adapted, various needs indicated in the forest management

17 San-Miguel-Ayanz J. et al. (2012) Forest Fire Damage in Natura 2000 sites 2000-2012. Executive Report. Publications Office of the European Union.
DOI: 10.2788/77848.

36 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

strategy and should be supported by adequate > The promotion of a risk-based approach to man-
resources. The EU Forest Strategy includes orientation aging forests and biomass. Forests in Europe’s
strategies for the Member States to build a common southern regions have expanded rapidly in the last few
restoration prioritisation framework, in agreement decades, notably into abandoned agricultural and pas-
with the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity. ture lands. The lack of competitive value chains and
The strategy further supports national action plans the underutilisation of resources has led to an expan-
for protecting forests and soil in areas most threat- sion of high-density and continuous forest cover, prone
ened by land degradation and desertification. In both to sustaining rapid fire spread. The DEMORGEST and
cases, restoration prioritisation and the protection of ENERBIOSCRUB projects stressed the need for a sus-
forest ecosystems are especially related to forest tainable mobilisation of wood and other forest
fires in southern European countries. products for the European bioeconomy to mitigate
> The regulation of the use of fire as a fuel-man- wildfire risk. According to MONTSERRAT, the optimal
agement and suppression tool in Europe. FIREPA- strategy for the future development of forests and
RADOX and FUME demonstrated that fire has an landscapes lies in the valorisation of all forest roles
important ecological role in the dynamics of forests and functions combined with effective fire prevention
and in their sustainable management. The potential measures. The EU’s Bioeconomy Strategy (now under
use of prescribed burning to reduce wildfire risk is not revision) and the Habitats Directive are important tools
yet reflected in current policies. An evolution of regu- in that respect to anticipate and manage possible
lations and policies is still required in order to promote trade-offs between short-term wildfire risk-mitigation
and improve fire use practices (prescribed burning and objectives and long-term adaptation needs, in light of
suppression fire) which are consistent with the con- changing socioeconomic conditions, changing forest
cept of integrated wildland fire management, i.e. resources and climate change.
allowing an adequate balance between the manage-
ment of natural resources and the management of
unwanted fires.



Policy challenges
Shifting the focus from suppression to prevention and
increasing the awareness and preparedness of populations
Promoting effective science-based forest fire management
and risk-informed decision-making

Fire management programmes must be supported by > Make governance mechanisms transparent to
governance mechanisms based on broad social partici- diminish long-standing suspicion about the objectives
pation and diffusion processes, such as learning and and associated impacts of fire-related policies. Peo-
exchange of good practices, in order to be effective. The ple’s risk perception depends on the familiarity of and
interaction of all stakeholders (i.e. local communities, exposure to a threat and strongly influences the
forest owners, fire technicians and local and regional acceptance of the implementation of fire manage-
administrations) in fire networks is therefore essential ment programmes (FIREPARADOX). Increased dia-
for increasing accountability, social awareness and logue between the key stakeholders can increase
understanding of wildfire risk. The following recommen- citizens’ participation and politicians’ accountability.
dations would contribute to address these challenges: Several indications for policymakers were suggested,

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 37

including the importance of permanent processes for > Develop broad awareness-raising campaigns to
the review and evaluation of existing practices of risk prepare societies and communication actions
assessment, early-warning systems and public com- for targeted stakeholder groups. MIRTO demon-
munication, and their consequences on public behav- strated that multilingual information campaigns
iour and wildfire occurrence. focusing on raising the awareness and preparedness
> Instil fire resilience among all communities. Fire of tourists travelling to fire prone areas help to avoid
management is a shared responsibility and local com- fire-related injuries and deaths by informing people
munities must be part of the solution through a bot- about the correct behaviour to adopt in case of
tom-up participatory and learning process, integrating emergency, warning about the probability of a dis-
relevant traditional knowledge and practices (FIREFFI- aster and changing risk perception and acceptance
CIENT). This would help to both change the perception about certain prevention measures. Increasing
of local communities as the eternal culprits of cata- tourism flows and consequences for fire hazards will
strophic fires to that of wardens of the territory, and require further policy guidelines to prevent forest
teach people how to live with forest fires. Empow- fires, in particular in the Mediterranean Basin
ering local actors requires transferring the fire con- > Environmental education needs to enlarge its
trol competencies from institutional bodies to public audience and focus, through working on the
territorial actors. In addition, policy instruments should interaction between society, traditions and forests. It
create incentives for forest owners to align decisions should integrate fire safety education but also the
and management with societal objectives. physical, emotional and monetary dimensions associ-
ated with fire risk.

38 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy



A significant number of barriers to the uptake of forest such as fuel maps, which minimise the time, effort and
fire R & I results in EU and national policies and in oper- cost needed to invest in new approaches (e.g. fire behav-
ational fire management have been identified for each iour modelling, fire prevention planning), better training of
of the main topics. In short, these barriers relate to the personnel, availability of funding for investment in new
inadequacies, incompleteness and uncertainties of some tools and technologies, and financial support to those
of the results, which lack maturity and are therefore not participating in initiatives for fire mitigation through mod-
ready for immediate application. They also relate to an ern approaches (e.g. to forest landowners to carry out fuel
existing disconnection between science, policy and man- management).
agement. Country regulations, bureaucratic issues and
organisational culture further add to that. Based on the review of the projects, the following bar-
riers and incentives for each thematic area were identi-
In spite of the obstacles that were identified above, there fied along with their associated future research needs
are some important incentives that have led to the incor- (see hereafter). This information should contribute to
poration of R & I results in practice so far, and are likely the production of strategy documents (e.g. EU Forest
to lead to more uptake in the future. Incentives include Strategy, EU Bioeconomy Strategy and Union Civil Pro-
the existence of significant problems that can benefit tection Mechanism) and to the identification of research
directly from specific knowledge and/or technological priorities in the development of future Framework Pro-
tools, easy availability at usable detail/scale of results, grammes at the EU and national levels.

40 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy


Barriers Incentives Research needs

> Fuel mapping lacks > Improved cooperation between wildfire > Impact of extreme climatology (heatwaves,
harmonised methodology management agencies wind dynamics) on fire propagation
at EU level and researchers > Identification of the conditions (combinations
> Uncertainty in predicting > More exchanges of operational fire of weather, fuel and topography) favourable
extreme wildfire behaviour experts between countries or regions to extreme fire behaviour
> Allocation of fire suppression > Promotion of common standards of > Assessment of fire likelihood and intensity
Fire behaviour

resources needs better fuel characterisation for all fire prone at operational level requires high-resolution
forecasting and modelling EU regions spatial and temporal data
of fire behaviour at the > Increase the accuracy of wildfire simulations
Wildland-Urban Interface by integrating data on fuel characteristics
and fire ignition
> Improve fire model prediction capacity
in a changing context
> Develop innovative approaches (e.g. LiDAR)
for fuel modelling and mapping
> Limited knowledge on future > Incorporate ecology principles into > Assessment of the variability of species’
ecosystems’ responses to landscape planning and fire regeneration niche across the distribution range
changing climate, fire and management plans more actively, > Need to understand ecosystems’ vulnerability
Fire ecology

land-use conditions within distinguishing between fire dependent and potential to adapt to changes in climate
and beyond fire prone areas and fire sensitive ecosystems and fire regime
prevents efficient ecosystem- > Develop a shared view of priorities > Identify thresholds of change and tipping points
based management for natural stakes (e.g. map of soil in ecosystem regeneration, taking into account
erosion risk) climate trends and past land-use/management
> The lack of central databases > Incorporate knowledge on how spatial > Analysis of historical spatio-temporal
with harmonised information and temporal fire patterns shape characteristics of fires is needed to understand
temporal patterns

on single fire events (e.g. data ecosystem resilience in landscape the trends in fire regimes and associated risk
Fire spatial and

on fire perimeters, loss and planning factors

damage) limits research > Integration of multiple disturbance > Development of methods to map and explain
capacity processes into forest dynamic models the variations in fire severity during a fire event
for decision support would allow for better impact assessment
and identification of restoration needs
> Further research is needed on the
socioeconomic drivers of fire ignition
> Limited understanding of the > Participatory planning and opinion > Understanding the interaction between
influence of socioeconomic pools can be useful methods to socioeconomic, ecological and climate factors
aspects on fire risk evaluate the general public’s in determining the vulnerability of communities
> Need to assess the various acceptance of a given fire to extreme wildfire events
Social aspects

population responses to management policy in different regions > Assessing how policies and management
particular fire policies > Educational and awareness campaigns decisions impact fire activity, especially in
> Perceptions of fire risk and explaining the social, environmental the WUI
fire use are often in conflict and economic benefits of a specific > Identification of adaptation and development
among social groups, which management approach (and its pathways which favour fire resilient landscapes
prevents successful associated risks) can foster its > Understanding how social values and attitudes
community-based integrated successful implementation of vulnerable groups in highly hazardous areas
fire management can be addressed by policies

> Applicability of fire models is > Projections of future changes in > Fire risk models based on climate scenarios
Climate change

limited due to uncertainties in fire danger can be used to design need to incorporate other factors such as
climate projections and spatial adaptation plans to mitigate the impact landscape fragmentation, spatial distribution
and temporal resolution issues of climate change on forest fires of ignition and suppression capacities to make
> Adaptation needs can already be them more realistic.
assessed for the next few decades > Ecosystem response to fire under extreme
meteorological conditions is not well known.

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 41


Barriers Incentives Research needs

> Need for context-specific > Development of long-term weather > The relatively new phenomenon of large, very
analyses of the weather/ forecast (including seasonal forecast) intense fires in many regions has created an
and fire danger rating

climate influence on future to anticipate seasonal fire severity urgent need for new knowledge on how they
Fire meteorology

fire regimes and guide strategic fire prevention are generated, what their consequences and
activities costs (financial, social and environmental)
> Fire danger forecasting should are and what the required mix of firefighting
consider ecosystem functioning to approaches is
design adaptation strategies

> Limited uptake of scientific > Create financial incentives to > Fire risk indices need to be harmonised and
knowledge by policy and encourage ‘fire safe’ development take into account the specificities of EU regions
management actors to in WUI/RUI areas at risk > New approaches for long-term biomass
address fuel management > Promotion of residual forestry biomass management should be developed, taking into
under future climate/land-use exploitation through policy incentives account historical land uses and fire regimes
Fuel management

scenarios targeted at private owners (e.g. > More research is needed on the effects of
> Lack of guidance for fuel- markets for forest biomass residues prescribed burning on forest ecosystems in
management protocols at and other low-value forest products) order to improve operational effectiveness
the EU level, including the use > Foster public support for proactive > New tools based on cost–benefit analyses
of prescribed burning use of prescribed fires to optimise should be developed for the evaluation of fire
> Use of fire as a management biomass reduction prevention practices, including the use of
tool is limited because of biomass for energy.
liability and casualty risks > Develop 3D fire models to test improved design
and little tolerance for of vegetation treatments on fuel breaks
management errors
> Lack of involvement of local > Strengthening the European dimension > Need to improve methods for informing the
stakeholders in prevention of cooperative solutions between general public about the causes and impacts
activities management agencies at the national (financial, social and environmental) of extreme
> Limited awareness of forest level and between regions and wildfire events and which prevention and

fire risk among vulnerable countries suppression resources are needed

groups > Need to better understand the effectiveness
> Cooperative solutions to of public warning systems
improve preparedness are > Enhance cooperation and coordination between
hindered by cultural, Member States in developing common wildfire
institutional and legislative training systems through the Union Civil
issues Protection Mechanism
> Barriers lie in the > Promote education and training on > Improve knowledge on wildfire occurrence and
understanding by national/ wildfire risk in WUI areas to local behaviour in WUI areas, in particular with
Wildland–urban interface

local agencies and acceptance communities respect to land-use fragmentation and climate
by the general public of new > Better communication on science- change
fire management approaches based recommendations for disaster- > Develop guidance on the use of fire resistant
> Lack of adequate regulations risk management in the WUI to materials for housing construction in the WUI
on urban development support management actions > Develop innovative firefighting and safety
planning in interface areas > Foster the involvement of local techniques at the WUI
communities in the design and > Provide guidance for best prevention and
planning of prevention actions emergency management
> Adapt safety rules regarding building > Need to assess the effects of improved buffer
materials zone design on mitigating fire impact on assets

42 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy


Barriers Incentives Research needs

> Technology transfer to > Extend the use of land, aerial and > Need to better understand the causes of
practitioners is limited due space detection to areas of interest the high rate of false alarms by detection
to the cost of investment (e.g. cultural heritage sites) systems
Land, aerial and
space detection

> The rate of false alarms in the > Develop multi-agency investigation > Improve the reliability of networks of
detection of fire ignition is high teams to improve knowledge of fire detection systems
> Space detection does not ignition causes > Define standards for the operational
currently meet the requirements of fire detection systems
requirements for the rapid (e.g. minimum size of the fire detected,
detection of fires; in addition delay time, false alarm rate)
the use of drones has


Barriers Incentives Research needs

> Limited translation of remote- > Use of vegetation phenology indicators > Identify thresholds below which plant-
sensing information to the to monitor post-fire recovery of community integrity cannot be sustained
planning of prevention and ecosystems > Improve the understanding of ecosystems’
loss assessment

post-fire management > Promote testing/validation of new vulnerability to various fire recurrences and
Damage and

practices remote-sensing tools and methods intensities

> Lack of incorporation of by forest managers > Need to incorporate direct environmental losses
fire ecology principles in > Encourage land planners to use (e.g. wood, forest area, infrastructures) and
conservation and land- satellite-based sources of information indirect losses (e.g. air quality, biodiversity, etc.)
management policies > Make forest managers aware of the into the economic assessment of fire damage
usefulness of 3D damage assessment
tools, damage severity indices and
vegetation recovery maps
> Current lack of monitoring > Investing in the protection of fire > Need to identify the role of ecological
and evaluation of post-fire sensitive habitats from permanent processes, e.g. germination, involved in
restoration projects degradation and in the restoration post-fire community recovery
> Limited information on of forestry potential after fires > Improve knowledge on species’ acclimation
the potential of post-fire > Pilot and demonstration projects capacity to new fire regimes, increased drought

management actions to avoid would help the adoption of available and climate change
secondary damage in the scientific innovations > Incorporate the landscape dimension into
short term > Stimulate the incorporation of new post-fire restoration projects with a view to
> Guidance for efficient and restoration treatments into improving biodiversity and producing more fire
context-specific restoration management protocols resilient landscapes
planning and design in fire
prone areas

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 43


Barriers Incentives Research needs

> Applicability of new > Provide better guidance on the > Need to evaluate firefighting techniques/
firefighting techniques and application and risks/benefits of equipment effectiveness in real conditions
equipment requires further firefighting techniques (e.g. use of > Improve knowledge on the temperature
testing and validation suppression fire) resistance of firefighting materials
> The level of acceptance and > Improve the allocation of firefighting > Need for coherence between aircraft and
Firefighting techniques

integration of new methods resources and decision-making drone navigation and aeronautic legislation
and tools varies between capacities using reliable estimates of
civil-protection stakeholders firefighting effectiveness
> The market for firefighting > Generalise post-fire reviews to feed
products and associated a lessons-learned information system
training is underdeveloped
and not easily accessible
> Safety laws do not
systematically consider new
firefighting products and
techniques due to liability
issues, for example

> Low degree of acceptance of > Monitor the progress and evaluate > Research should address the long-lasting social
new proposals for evacuation the efficiency of safety measures and health impacts of forest fires to better
strategies or safety measures > Encourage the exchange of good educate vulnerable groups, including firefighters
in general practices on fire prevention, fire safety > Need for updated guidelines or procedures on
> Negative perception of forest and training how citizens should equip themselves for
Fire safety

fires and public objections to > Make substantial efforts to educate emergencies involving extreme fire events
particular land-management the public about the inevitability of
practices (e.g. prescribed fire and its ecological benefits
> Outdated protocols for fire
safety in relation to risks
emerging from extreme
wildfire events
> Lack of involvement of local > Demonstrate the added value and > Improve predictions of wildfire propagation
stakeholders in prevention applicability of the tools, e.g. simulation and real-time risk analysis by considering the
activities tools for training fire managers variability of wind speed and direction, humidity
Technological tools

> Limited awareness of forest > Promote planning and decision-making and fuel moisture influencing weather forecasts
fire risk among vulnerable tools that are tailored to particular > Improve accuracy in fire detection systems
groups safety, prevention and firefighting and usability of the tools by crisis managers
> Cooperative solutions to needs by using multispectral images with multiple
improve preparedness are > Improve the transferability and uptake time series
hindered by cultural, of tools to ensure up-to-date and > Demonstrate the applicability and multiple
institutional and legislative harmonised guidance for operations benefits of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
issues > Support the efforts of first-responder
teams in the management of multi-
casualty incidents

44 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

Integrated Fire

Barriers Incentives Research needs

> Government fire agencies > Develop new awareness-raising > Improve understanding on how an ecosystem
often focus solely on fire methods to overcome attitude and responds positively or negatively to fire
protection without considering behavioural barriers > Document and promote the beneficial aspects
ecological and social concepts > Further develop the multifunctionality of prescribed fire use and develop the
in designing fire management of forests by supporting forests’ knowledge, capacity and technology to apply
strategies economic, recreational and amenity fire safely where needed
Integrated fire management

> Lack of social and political value chains > Develop and implement adequate and cost-
involvement in the design and > Promote wildfire protection strategies effective detection, prediction and response
implementation of effective that deal effectively with both tools and procedures to respond to extreme
risk governance beneficial fires and detrimental fires wildfire events
> Limited social acceptance > Empower local communities with the > Develop flexible fire management plans and
of new fire and land incentives, tools, information and skills policies that account for the differences in
management practices calls to recognise the benefits of integrated regional contexts across the EU
for better education about fire fire management and to apply it
behaviour and fire ecology > Promote incentive programmes for
> Low profitability of wood- sustainable fuel management such
based products and as payment for ecological services
fragmented ownership prevent > Foster a multi-risk approach in forest
sustainable forest management to account for other
management by private biotic and abiotic disturbances (e.g.
owners insects, wind storms, droughts)

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 45


Under Horizon 2020, the ‘programmatic’ responsibilities expansion of the fire prone area towards forested areas
on ‘forest fires’ are shared between SC2 (Section 2.1.4 which have not previously been known to be susceptible
in the specific programme) and SC5 (Section 5.2.3), with to forest fires. This will become one of the major chal-
the latter more from a monitoring and risk-manage- lenges of sustainable forest management in future dec-
ment perspective and the former more from an ecosys- ades, especially in light of efforts to mitigate green-
tem-resilience and restoration perspective. house-gas emissions through forests’ sequestration of
carbon. Implications for forest-adaptation practices will
For the last programming cycle under Horizon 2020, be instrumental in reducing fire proneness.
both SC2 and SC5 have earmarked funding for 2020 for
relevant topics, as follows: With this background in mind, it can be seen that tack-
ling forest fires effectively will require a joint effort at
> SC2: LC-RUR-11-2019-2020: Sustainable wood value regional, national and EU levels, and by employing
chains, B. [2020] resilient forest systems, a variety of policies and funding sources, going well
> SC5: LC-CLA-15-2020: Forest fire risk reduction: beyond R & I policy. Future R & I will contribute to gen-
towards an integrated fire management approach in erating the knowledge, tools, capacity and guidance
the E.U. required to underpin an integrated fire management
strategy that promotes holistic landscape and forest
A sharp gradient exists from southern Europe to northern management and considers interaction among all
Europe, in terms of contributing and causing factors, fire phases of the wildfire management process. The pro-
frequency and area burned, and fire behaviour. Neverthe- motion of the concept of integrated fire management
less, there is growing evidence to suggest that changes and its applications by Member States may be the way
in species’ niche dynamics, due to climate change and forward with a view to tackling the global EU wildfire
anthropogenic intervention, have implications for the problem.


Project acronym Financial Project name and websites
AF3 FP7 Advanced forest firefighting
ANSFR Civil Protection Accidental, natural and social fire risk
2008_ansfr_recommendations_en.pdf (recommendations)
> (presentation)
Arcfuel LIFE Mediterranean fuel maps geodatabase for wildland and forest fire safety
> (award)
BIOENERGY LIFE Contribution of forest biomass generated in the prevention of forest fires
& FIRE PREV in the EU energy strategy
fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=3653&docType=pdf (description)
DECATASTROPHIZE Civil Protection Use of SDSS and MCDA to prepare for disasters or plan for multiple hazards
DEMORGEST LIFE Cost-efficient integration of megafire prevention into forest management
in the Mediterranean
?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=4818 (description)
cpf_projectes_europeus/cpf_life_demorgest/ (website)

46 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

Project acronym Financial Project name and websites
EARLYHUMANIMPACT FP7 How long have human activities been affecting the climate system?
> (final report)
EFIRECOM Civil Protection Efficient fire risk communication for resilient societies
ENERBIOSCRUB LIFE Sustainable management of shrub formations for energy purposes
FILE FP7 Fire interactions with life on earth
(CORDIS final report summary – Marie Curie project)
> (Result in Brief)
> (prof. Claire M. Belcher)
FIREPARADOX FP6 An innovative approach of integrated wildland fire management regulating
the wildfire problem by the wise use of fire: solving the fire paradox
FIREFFICIENT Civil Protection Operational tools for improving efficiency in wildfire risk reduction in EU landscapes
FIRELI FP7 Fire-retardant line hoses for forestry fire fighting applications
> (CORDIS Result in brief)
FIRELIFE LIFE Hungarian forest fire prevention and training programme
FIREROB FP7 Autonomous firefighting robotic vehicle
> (CORDIS Result in Brief)
> (final report summary)
FIRESCAPE H2020 Firescape genomics: predicting plant responses to changing fire regimes
> (individual fellowship)
FIRESENSE FP7 Fire detection and management through a multi-sensor network for the protection
of cultural heritage areas from the risk of fire and extreme weather conditions
> (result in Brief)
> (final report summary)
FORESTERRA FP7 Enhancing forest research in the Mediterranean through improved coordination
and integration
FOSEPOGA Civil Protection Training to manage emergencies in the cross-bordering areas of Galicia and north
of Portugal
fosepoga.pdf (presentation)
FUME FP7 Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe,
the Mediterranean and other fire affected areas of the world
GRADIENT H2020 Understanding fire, weather and land-cover interaction from long-term terrestrial
observations and satellite data in a north to south transect in Europe and north Africa
MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS – Marie Curie Individual Fellowship project –
HESFIRE H2020 Drivers and projections of global fire activity and intensity under future climate
and societal changes
MSCA-IF-2014-EF – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF)
HOLISTIC Instrument for Adriatic holistic forest fire protection
Pre-Accession >

FOREST FIRES Sparking firesmart policies in the EU 47

Project acronym Financial Project name and websites
INTEGRAL FP7 Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes
14_orazio2014-03_integral_caqsis.v3.pdf (presentation)
MIRTO Civil Protection Minimising forest fires risks for tourists
selected-projects/minimizing-forest fires_en
MONTSERRAT LIFE Integrated silvopastoral management plan: An innovative tool to preserve
biodiversity and prevent wildfires
MOTIVE FP7 Models for adaptive forest management
ODS3F Civil Protection Observation and detection systems for forest fire management
PESETA II JRC Projection of the economic impact of climate change in sectors of the European
Union based on bottom-up analysis
PHOENIX COST action Post-fire forest management in southern Europe
PREDICATE Civil Protection Preventing disasters by capitalising on unmanned aerial systems technology
PREFER FP7 Space-based information support for prevention and recovery of forest fire
emergencies in the Mediterranean area
PROMYLIFE Civil Protection How to better protect my life in major emergencies?
calls_2007_projects/promylife.pdf (presentation)
SCODEV H2020 Scooping device for aerial forest fire suppressant
SMART FIRE BARRIER H2020 Innovative forest fire prevention infrastructure for residential areas,
forestry and critical infrastructures
> (SME project)
> (result in brief)
SPITFIRE Civil Protection Spanish-Portuguese meteorological information system for transboundary
operations in forest fires
WUIWATCH Civil Protection Wildland–urban interface forest fire risk observatory and interest group in Europe

48 Research & Innovation Projects for Policy

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Research and innovation results generated by EU Framework
Programmes play a key role in addressing societal challenges,
strengthening sustainable growth and creating new jobs.
They can also provide solid evidence and the latest knowledge
to inform and improve policymaking. ‘Research and Innovation
Projects for Policy’ is a series of reports exploring this
opportunity and putting it into practice. Each report focuses
on selected issues and challenges in a topical policy area,
highlighting the corresponding pertinent results from
Framework Programmes and concluding with concrete
recommendations for policy actions in Europe
and internationally.

Research and Innovation policy

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