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1. What is privacy?
2. Mention five reasons to have a fake social media profile
3. Explain five risks with having fake social media profile
4. How to spot a fake social media profile
5. Mention the types of social medias with examples
6. Explain the types of social media.
7. What is a warning feeling
8. How do you identify a warning feeling
9. What’s a digital footprint
10. What does it show about you
11. How do you manage your digital footprint
12. How to protect your privacy
13. What’s a cookie
14. Why do companies use cookies
1. Privacy means being protected from being watched or
seen by other people.
2. It protects you
It allows to try different personalities
It allows you share private thoughts, worrying and rude
It allows you to express your individuality
It allows you to share personal content with family and
It allows to show content to only a certain group of
3. You are vulnerable to inappropriate content
You don’t know who to trust online
You may lose track of the profile you’re using
You might offend somebody if you comment using the
wrong profile
Fake social media profile tries to influence you on
important views
Fake social media profiles try to steal personal
information about you, friends and family
4. It doesn’t make sense- It has different views over a short
period of time
It has little activity
It has more following than followers
The status picture is not real
5. Microblogging- Twitter & Tumblr
Social Networking- LinkedIn & Facebook
Media Sharing sites- Youtube & Flixer
Social Review Sites- Google & Capterra
Bookmarking Sites- Stumble Upon & Search engines
6. Social networking sites is a platform to connect with
friends, family and new people. It provides a source that
allows us to connect with people with similar interest.
Microblogging means making short messages that can be
shared with many people at once.
Media sharing sites are used to create and share images
and videos. It can be curated (grouped).
Bookmarking sites allows you to save, organize and
manage links to websites and any number of online
7. A bad warning is a feeling that you feel when you see
bad things that make social media unsafe or risky.
8. When you see or do a bad behavior
9. Digital footprint is the mark you leave when you are
10. It shows your behavior, actions and personality
11. Thinking before you post
Searching for yourself to see what your digital footprint
Making sure your privacy settings are secure
12. Change your password often
Switch off your current location
Switch off your automatic login function
Manage your audience
Hide your activity status
13. A cookie is a text file put on your device by the
website you are using that collects information about you
14. To recommend products to us
Helps the website owners understand their traffic and
their most viewed contents

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