MICROSOFT WORD 2016 Chapter 11-Practice Task

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Chapter 11

Practice tasks
The practice files for these tasks are located in the Word2016SBS\Ch11
folder. You can save the results of the tasks in the same folder.

Mark up documents
Open the TrackChanges document in Word, display the document in Print Layout
view, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Turn on change tracking.

2. In the last column of the table, select the words some good, and then attach the
comment They carry the new Ultra line.

3. Configure the review settings to display the All Markup view of changes and to
display only comments and formatting in balloons.

4. If necessary, scroll the document to display the table. Perform these tasks in the
Fabrikam row of the table:
●● In the Prices column, delete the word much from the phrase Some much
●● In the Service column, insert but slow after the word Adequate.
5. Perform these tasks in the Northwind Traders row of the table:
●● In the Quality column, replace the word Poor with Substandard.
●● Point to the deleted word and then to the inserted word to display
information about the changes in ScreenTips.

6. Configure the review settings to display revisions in balloons instead of inline.

7. Restore the inline revision indicators and remove the balloons.

8. Move the last sentence in the paragraph to the beginning of the paragraph.

9. Turn off change tracking.

10. Configure the review settings to display the Simple Markup view.

11. Save and close the document.


From the Library of LIEW CHEE MENG

Practice tasks

Display and review document markup

Open the ReviewComments document in Word, display the document in Print Layout
view, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Configure the review settings to display the Simple Markup view of changes.

2. Display only revisions made by Mike Nash.

3. Use the Next Comment button to move to the first comment shown in the
document, which is attached to the word competitors. Delete the comment.

4. Move to the second comment, which is attached to the word Adequate in the
Service column of the table. Point to the word in the table to display a Screen-
Tip that contains the name of the person who inserted the comment and the
date and time the comment was inserted. Notice that the ScreenTip displays
more information than the comment bubble.

5. Click the Reply to Comment button in the second comment bubble. In the
reply box, enter If you had been a real customer, would you have left?

6. Display the Revisions pane on the left side of the app window. Then drag the
pane away from the side of the window so that it floats independently.

7. In the Revisions pane, expand the detailed summary of revisions and note the
types of revisions in the document.

8. Configure the review settings to display revisions made by all reviewers.

9. Scroll through the revisions in the pane, and then close it.

10. Configure the review settings to display the All Markup view of changes.

11. Hide all comments in the document.

12. Move between the tracked changes in the document. Accept all the changes in
the text paragraph. Process the changes in the table as follows:
●● Reject the table formatting change.
●● Accept the deletion of the word much.
●● Reject the changes associated with the addition of the words but slow.
●● Accept both of the changes associated with the replacement of Poor with


From the Library of LIEW CHEE MENG

Chapter 11

13. Configure the review settings to display the No Markup view of changes. Then
change the balloon setting to the one you like best.

14. Save and close the document.

Compare and merge documents

Open a new, blank document in Word, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Compare the MergeDocs1 and MergeDocs2 documents, by using the following

●● Label unmarked changes from MergeDocs2 with your name.
●● Select all available comparison settings.
●● Mark the differences in a separate document.

2. When Word completes the comparison, ensure that the Revisions pane is open
on the left, the merged document in the center, and the two original documents
on the right.

TIP  If the Revisions pane is not open, click the Reviewing Pane button in the
Tracking group on the Review tab. If the source documents are not displayed,
click the Compare button, click Show Source Documents, and then click Show Both.

3. In the center pane, scroll through the document to review all the revisions, and
then in the Revisions pane, scroll through the individual revisions.

Before changes can be accepted in the document, conflicting changes must be


4. In the Revisions pane, locate the deleted instance of March and then accept the

5. Click each change that remains in the Revisions pane to display that location in
the three document panes.

6. Click the merged document in the center pane to activate it. Then accept all the
changes in the document at the same time.

7. Close the Revisions pane, and then close the two windows on the right side of
the screen.

8. Save the merged document as MyMergedDocument, and then close it.


From the Library of LIEW CHEE MENG

Practice tasks

Control content changes

Open the ControlChanges document, and then complete the following tasks:

1. Save a copy of the document, naming the copy MyControlChanges, and

require the password P@ssw0rd1 to modify the document but no password
to read the document.

2. Configure the document options to recommend that people open a read-only

copy of the document.

3. Close the document, and then open a read-only version of it.

4. Attempt to make a change and verify that you can’t save the changed

5. Close the document, and then use the password to open an editable version of it.

6. Remove the password protection from the document.

7. Encrypt the document and require the password P@ssw0rd2 to open it.

8. Restrict the formatting in the document to only the recommended minimum


9. Block users from switching schemes or style sets.

10. Turn on the restrictions and remove any formatting and styles that don’t meet
the requirements you selected. Notice the changes to the document.
11. Configure the editing restrictions so that you can edit only the first paragraph
of the document but other people aren’t permitted to make any changes.

12. Save and close the document.

Coauthor documents
There is no practice task for this topic because it requires that documents be stored in
a shared location.


From the Library of LIEW CHEE MENG

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