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Brain Improvement

The role of mathematics in the prevention and

treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

"If I were to begin my studies again, I would follow Plato's advice and start with mathematics. In view of
what was said by Galileo Galilei, it is possible to state that mathematics is not only numbers and
symbols, but also an area of knowledge that should be used to benefit the world and those who
inhabit it. In this way, mathematical knowledge should be used to improve and preserve human
memory, preventing and treating diseases that affect it, since "memory is one of our most fundamental
activities, and it is only when it betrays us that we think about it".

About the disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a dementia that occurs in older people and causes the brain
degeneration of the brain. This disease affects about 10 percent of individuals who are 65 years
old and 40 percent are over 80 years of age. AD is characterized by neurodegeneration that
causes progressive and eventual disability. The main characteristic and the first clinical evidence
of this pathology is the deterioration of recent memory, followed deterioration of other cognitive
functions as the disease progresses. This disease is related to atrophy of the hippocampus. The
hippocampus is a part of the brain located in the temporal lobe, this area is responsible for the
transfer from short-term memory to long-term memory, thus being the main term memory, thus
being the main memory center.
The brain cells in the hippocampus, a part of the brain associated with
learning, are usually the first to be damaged by Alzheimer's. This is why
memory loss, especially difficulty remembering recently learned information,
is usually the first symptom of the disease.

Project Goal
Specific Objective: to use certain mathematical games to stimulate brain activity;
General goals: to aid in the treatment of memory diseases (such as Alzheimer's) and
in their prevention, focusing on individuals whose condition is found in their family

Materials and Methods

Faced with the consecutive increase in cases of Alzheimer's, and with the
evolution of these cases possibly exceeding 500% by 2050, the group
developed a research project on the influence of mathematics on the
brain. Based on the knowledge that it creates new synapses, specific
mathematical games were used to reach the mentioned objectives.
Application developed at fá
Booklet prepared in Microsoft office word 2013, available for
computers, cell phones and tablets in PDF and for digital readers in
Physical booklet printed on A4 sheets of recycled paper.
Site developed in, access available for computers,
smartphones and other devices with internet access.

The project
The focus is on using mathematics and linguistics in a playful
and dynamic way (games) so that it does not become
monotonous, tiring, and exhausting, and so that you can
benefit from having fun, for the development of activities and
exercises that have been proven to develop and improve
cognition and memory. Such activities as word searches and
sudoku, besides entertaining, provide a high brain stimulus,
strengthening and creating new synapses.
The project
The focus is on using mathematics and linguistics in a playful and dynamic way (games) so that it
does not become monotonous, tiring, and exhausting, and so that you can benefit from having
fun, for the development of activities and exercises that have been proven to develop and
improve cognition and memory. Such activities as word searches and sudoku, besides
entertaining, provide a high brain stimulus, strengthening and creating new synapses.

Results and conclusions

During the research, we noticed a high individual and collective concern with the onset, at some
stage of life, of the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Faced with this collective fear, the group
collected data and information that resulted in the development of the project. Unfortunately, there
is still no cure for neurodegenerative diseases, however, in addition to the drugs that slow the loss of
memory used in treatments today, there is also a huge consensus among doctors and researchers
about the development of cognitive reserve and memory through the simple practice of exercises
and activities that aim to stimulate the creation of new synapses. Therefore, the brain that practices
math and reading daily is less likely to suffer early on from this type of disease.

Minissérie Explicando a mente: Memória
TED: What you can do to prevent the Alzheimer's - Lisa Genova
TED: Detect and prevent Alzheimer's disease before memory loss - Bernard Hanseeuw
TED: The beauty and power of mathematics - William Tavernertti

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