TG Welfare Programme by Irdp in Haryana Rev 2023

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Education and Employment Opportunities for Transgender:-

Institute of Rural Development Programme

organized an interactive session on Skill
Development Education Training and
Employment opportunities for Transgender. The
interactive session was held on Sept 2021-22 in
the Haryana State. The main objective of
conducting training program make them aware
and seek their opinion on education, Skill
Development and employment opportunities. In
this regard, it was also Sponsored by NCRTC has
taken lead to consider their rights and
opportunities through a national level committee
on transgender. The strategy adopted was one to
one interaction and open house session. About
361 participants including transgender from (Dr. Pratik Jain& Dr. Ashok Ranjan Dash
different District of Haryana. Community interacting with Transgender on the issue of
Education and Skill Development)
Learning Centers (CLC) of IRDP and others
participated in the program, strongly welcome
the decision of Supreme Court order of social
recognition as third gender, which was

pending for long. In the discussion they strongly demanded for educational enhancement and
skills development for better lifestyle and economic opportunity. Dr. Ashok Ranjan Dash, Executive
Director, IRDP& other members were present and interacted with the transgender group.

The interaction program was chaired by Dr.Ashok Ranjan Dash Executive Director, he first
welcomed all the participants and gave brief introduction of the Project. As IRDP has taken lead on
working on transgender with support of NCRTC through academic & community intervention.
Academically IRDP has initiated Ph.D studies. One of our researcher Dr. Prtaik Jain is taking
comparative study on transgender of India. For policy frame work, Dr. Ashok Ranjan Dash, Executive
Director of IRDP, is intended to work directly with the transgender community for their educational
& skills enhancement for their better economic opportunities. The initiative is also to empower
transgender community as they face different kinds of atrocities and defamation in their day-to-day

As education & skills opportunity plays pivotal role in enhancing jobs and economic
opportunities for an individual suggested by Dr. Pratik Jain, IRDP and seek individual opinion of
Transgender. Almost all the participants welcomed the idea and suggestions of Dr. Pratik Jain. This is
true that education and skills opportunities are in great demand in present time and many of us are
illiterate and does not know how to read and write said by Sapna (TG, name changed) one of the
participants. The noble initiative to work for the transgender by the department for the socially and
economically neglected would really help and change the discourse of TG in coming time opined by
Chanda (TG, name changed). This would be helpful in opening of bank account, participating in job
opportunities complaining to police and ensure self-dignity as said by Sanjana a TG (name changed)
Talking to the participants revealed that many of them are still unaware of Supreme Court
decision on third gender as they don’t have clarity on the definition of transgender. Neha (TG, name
changed) begging at traffic red light said that we are confused about the SC order on the
categorization of

Transgender. Although by the order of SC we got the rights of third gender in society but still I
am susceptive about the attitude of people and society towards our community. We are also human
being we must have the same rights as compared to others but people laugh on us and make hideous

(One to one interaction with transgender in interactive Program)

Sri Devi (TG, name changed), highly appreciated the decision of the Supreme Court on
transgender and the initiative taken by the department for the welfare and up-liftment of transgender
community but she said if we go for the educational classes & skills training program, it may obstruct
the daily earning and survival could be in danger, as they don’t have any family support. Hence, it
will be difficult for us them to join skills development program and educational program.

The participants gave several suggestions as TGs are socially neglected for centuries, our
government should give proper attention and strategies well defined policies for overall development
of our community. On daily basis we have to face atrocity and negligence by the police & society, so
government must sensitize the police force so that we can lead a dignified life said by Kusum (TGs,
name changed). She further said as many of transgender & Kinnars are in grey hairs and they can’t
work for long hours, the government must provide effective pension and social security plans for our
transgender community.
The participants demanded for identity
card. As it will help in renting a house and other
official purposes because of their gender no house
owner rent their house to a transgender or Kinnar,
shared by Sanjana a TG ( name changed). She also
showed her interest for functional literacy & skills
development program of the IRDP, as this will help
in getting jobs and can start new enterprise. Many
TGs showed their interest for vocational courses like
tailoring, beautician, Mehndi, toys making, computer
etc. and strongly demanded financial support to IRDP
otherwise in form of soft loan to start his or her own

Several suggestions came while

discussing with transgender like there must be
a helpline services for the care & support of
TGs, those who are illiterate they should also
have an opportunity to get jobs in government
sector, The sensitization on the TGs issues
should be started from school level, so that the
attitude towards transgender should be
positive. We should have all rights as given to
other human being in the society. The health
personal, administrative staff and the police
should sensitize first as they are the main
barrier in our day-to-day life. We beg at red-
light, go for sex work only to earn our living.
We don’t want to get involve in these things, we
like to live a venerable life like other human being,
but we don’t have any social security.
Recommendations of IRDP for support TG.
1. It was resolved that IRDP to undertake
community need assessment of transgender
highlighting educationaland employment
opportunities in Gurgaon, Rewari,Bawal,
Daruhera and All district of Haryana.

2. It was also resolved to undertake various

action researches on social integration,
convergence, right to education, right to adult
education, right to livelihood opportunity,
right to dignified life etc.

3. It was decided by IRDP to work for their

rehabilitation and social development.

4. It was resolved to strengthen working with

transgender through community learning
National Level Workshop on Counseling
center as initiated in Haryana in collaboration
Skills for the Street Educators through
with NCRTC and other stake holders.
5. It was also decided to provide platform to
[Sponsored by National Capital Regional
Trans Genders.
Transport Corporation (NCRTC).

The IRDP Continuing Education and

Extension to further strengthen teaching,
research and extension activities with the
University system organized National Level
workshop from in the year 2021-2022 at
Haryana state for working IRDP and Civil
Societies on the issue of counseling skills for
Street Educators. The workshop was sponsored
Prof. Danish Singh, Vice-Chancellor, provided his best wishes to the IRDP for this
National Level Workshop and Training. This was the second Collaborative program was IRDP
Coordinated by Dr. Ashok Ranjan Dash at National Level. The main objective was to enhance the
counseling skills of street educators on the issue of health, education psychological wellbeing and
rights. For this, participatory learning approach was adopted to facilitate and enhance the
knowledge on counseling skills through role play, group activities, slide shows, field visit, group
discussion and presentation. The participants were from Haryana. Total 361 participants from
Haryana states of India participated in the work shop. The issues in details covered were
counseling skills for health-related issues like, HIV/AIDS, Substance abuse, growth and
development, reproductive health of adolescent, formal & non-formal educational, vocational
guidance, psychological well-being and Rights of children. To facilitate the workshop the resource
persons were invited form different organization.

Prof. Anand Prakash, Dean, International Relations, University of Delhi,

inaugurated the workshop after registration and ice-breaking session with participants. He
welcomed all the participants with formal introduction and said that there is a need of an hour to
formally educate and rehabilitate the street and working children to give a respectable and decent
life to overcome their vulnerability and in this regard the role of street educator is pivotal in
shaping and giving meaningful life to abandon children living on street and leading a dejected life.
The intervention can be planned accordingly to handle the issues like substance abuse, health &
hygiene and vocational skills to reduce their susceptibility.

Advocating on Communication skills he defines as the process by which a

message is passed verbal from one individual to another and feedback is taken. It is one of the
most important tools to influence the life of the street children for positive and desired change.
Communication is the key to understand the street children, their world and a means to
establishing a trusting and working relationship with them with the support of community.
Communication skills are also important for advocacy and community mobilization. Working
with street children requires having effective communication skills.

Good communication between two people requires using a common

language. Street educators and street children sometimes have difficulty in fully understanding
each other because of differences in language. If you have not spent time on the streets, you may
not know the special words (local) and expressions that street children uses. While working with
the street children one should have the proper understanding of their environment, try to use their
present to make their future better, Have a perspective matching, one should not be defensive, try
to earn your authority within the child to work effectively and proficiently. He gave important tips
to the street educator in Ice-breaking session to learn more about the child, Speak clearly,
coherently and audibly, Use clear expressions and words, Complete the message and stay on the
subject of discussion, Encourage the child to speak by asking “How it happened”? “What
happened next?” or “What else happened?”, Avoid pushing the child to say more than he or she
wants to say, Remember, talking only helps when a person is ready to talk, Be a good listener.

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