Historic Places Tyo

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Historic places

The Mantup subdistrict area has several historical and interesting places to visit. The
area that used to be a gathering place (base) for fighters during the Dutch colonial period.
During the Dutch Colonial period, the Mantup area was contested by the Dutch. To defend
the Mantup area, a movement or hussar was formed led by P. Jarot. The troops rode white
horses called the "Mayangkara White Horse Troops" (currently used as a monument).
At that time, the village of Mantup was not yet named Mantup as it is today. The
story goes that the word Mantup comes from the phrase "Amantubbillahi" meaning To
Believe In God. That is the Motto that has always been uttered by the Mayangkara Horse
army, they all believe in Allah's help, they all believe in the existence of Allah, they are
convinced that Allah is almighty, thanks to their persistence and spirit, they managed to
drive the Dutch troops from the region, therefore the area defended is called "Mantup
But in another story, Sunan Giri used to send his student named Mbah Yai Sido
Margi. To spread islam around the location of what is now called Mantup, he fought for
islam with persistence and patience. He was convinced of God's help, of God's power, and
of God's existence, that is a belief that he always held and certainly did not forget to teach
this to the community. He said " Amantubbillahi". After a long struggle, Mbah Yai Sido Margi
died and was buried in a hill behind the Mayangkara building, and the village was called
Mantup village.
If we connect the two stories, perhaps it is thanks to the teachings of Mbah Yai Sido
Margi that the Mayangkara White Horse army understands amantubbillahi's sentence, so
that it can pump the spirit of the troops.
In addition, the geographical location of the Mantup district which is still in a
mountainous area, presents a lot of natural panoramas that are very entertaining. besides
there is the tomb of Mbah Yai Sidomargi, there is still a place next to the tomb, there is a
place where the javanese rock is taken called p'edel, according to the story that the place
has been a mountainous land that was taken by workers for the construction of houses for a
long time. the continuous retrieval of stones has been carried out until now, this makes the
mountain that was once high now split into a very deep ravine. And presents a beautiful
panorama. As with other natural attractions, here is often used as a campsite for schools
around the mantup sub-district, perhaps because it feels its strategic location and presents
its own challenges to climb the mountains.
Its location, which is a mountainous area, provides abundant water reserves for
surrounding residents. There are so many springs that never stop flowing water. this is used
by the Mantup sub-district government as a tourist attraction for the source water baths,
namely Sendang Bulus, and Tretes. sendang means a large pond and bulus is a turtle.
because the sendang has been very long and used to be inhabited by bulus, people2 call it
that. while Tretes, because the water there was constantly dripping, finally the surrounding
people called it tretes baths. In both baths, you don't need to worry or be embarrassed to
be seen by the crowd when bathing, because the bathing place is divided into two parts,
namely a place for men and women. The meskti is next to each other but there is a
boundary wall high enough to demarcate between the male and female baths.
So if you pass by or go to the Mantup area, don't forget to stop by the Mayangkara building,
and see other locations around it. It is definitely not inferior to other tourist attractions.
Mayangkara's Still Stored Potential. Mayangkara is the name of a monument located in
Mantup which is surrounded by hills and rock quarries that are now used by residents to
make a living. The type of rock that is mined is a type of yellowish stone that is usually
referred to by local residents, namely "PEDEL" which is usually used as one of the materials
for making roads & to level the soil that a house will be built (house construction).
The daily activity carried out by the residents is to pick up or dig rocks and cut them
according to the size of the buyer who wants them. Usually, the residents only dig rocks if
there are orders from other residents. But it is not uncommon for many other residents to
try to find luck by transporting the bundle stones that residents dug to send to buyers.
To get to the location, you have to go through a steep road and classified as
dangerous, because around the road is a very deep ravine. So the drivers of cars
transporting the pedel stones must be careful and remain vigilant. Although the road is
steep and dangerous, it does not discourage residents from getting money from the sale of
pedel stones.
In one day, usually each resident and assisted by their respective groups can collect
about 3-5 truckloads in one day and 1 truckload is sold at a price of Rp. 220,000 to Rp.
250,000. Wow, that's not bad for the result! If the sale of the stone is smooth, in 1 week it
can sell up to 3-5 times, and that means that in one month it makes money as much as
220,000 *3 = 660,000 in 1 week, if in 1 month, it means Rp. 660,000*4=2,640,000.
Busheeeeet is a lot of results, too. But all of that is worth the hard work of all of them and
the risks they have to face.
For the time being, the attention of the local government is still very lacking. Even though
the income earned is quite large. For example, the road to the location is very steep and
dangerous. The road should be repaired so that workers can carry out their activities
smoothly and must make regulations that every resident who digs stones in one week is
allowed to dig only 3 times and around the area must be planted with trees so that the
balance of nature is maintained.

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