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(Activity 1 and 2)

1. State your own opinion or view why there is a need to study philosophy?

2. What are the concerns of practical men based on your own observation of
how an ordinary life is lived by everyone? In relation to it, why philosophy is a
shame for others?

The word Philosophy is derived from the Greek word “philo” or love and “sophia
or wisdom which means to say the love of wisdom. Philosophers are interested
in asking, responding, quantifying, and reasoning about some of life's most
fundamental, relevant, and critical questions. Studying Philosophy is a must for
each and every individual in the society. It gives people a much deeper
understanding for every situation on how the world works not just for the sake of
studying the course but also learning about life. Which is according to Bertrand
Russel, Philosophy aims at knowledge which gives unity and system to the body
of sciences, and the kind which results from a critical examination of grounds of
person’s convictions, prejudices, and beliefs. It provides adequate reasoning and
having a clearer perception towards a certain matter that may help to enhance
problem-solving skills in such professional careers. By attaining those, humans
can develop personal skills by organizing thoughts and different ideas that may
resolves some particular issues in the society.
Accepting different perceptions and being open on distinguish what is
right and what is wrong through critical thinking as provided with facts and valid
information. In an essence that studying philosophy provides understanding and
gaining knowledge on how to draw a distinction logical evidence from efforts to
influence points of view, how to establish reasonable complex arguments, and
how to reassess others' rationale and develops good expressive comparison,
argumentative, analytical, and descriptive writing strategies that will enable you to
communicate your thoughts in an organized and positive way.“It is not enough
to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.” - Rene Descartes

Living the human life entails seeking ideals that is having a goal in mind
and then striving to achieve it. The nature of a practical men in an individual’s life
is being satisfied without nothing less final. Some folks does not value the
significance and relevance of philosophy while in fact they were applying it on
their daily basis unconsciously. People tends to follow their instinct more in a
social manner that eventually derives them in providing assumable judgement on
a scenario without having any reasonable facts. Some folks judge easily without
contemplating any other ideas and opinions in any forms that might be right and
applicable in such inquiry. Somehow the ability to ask and inquire question is
innate among men. The act of questioning is by fair means of the way of making
sense to things that he or she does not understand.
(Activity 1 and 2)

Apparently the practical men, as this term is commonly used, is one

who acknowledges only physical needs, who understands that men must have
food for the body but is unaware of the importance of serving resources for the
mind. Humans who view life in a materialistic way wherein they found satisfaction
to material things that they can provide in their daily living as if it was the basis of
their happiness and enjoyment in life. It has no doubt that most of the people in
the present time continues to live in an acquisitive kind of way, but if this remains
as a constant practice in a practical men in life the significance and relevance of
philosophy will be disregarded.
By the fact that those people will only be satisfied on the material needs
that the society can give and the insistence of asking question about what truly
matters may completely be overlooked. Aside from that, possibilities of
invalidating others perception without questioning might be attained if the people
continues to neglect it’s importance.

As per my perception, it is a shame if a man continue to live without

any inquiry and being conscious in what is truly happening in reality or in the
world where he/she lived in. It is never wrong to ask questions because curiosity
is indeed the reason of our existence. Thus, holding on to your beliefs is likewise
closing your mind and yourself to the possibilities of other opinions and
perspectives. Perhaps as stated, the value of philosophy is not measured by it’s
ability of arriving at definitive answers, but in uncertainty and in enabling a person
to widen h is or her perspective to avoid dogmatism.

A. Is Stoic sense of apathy ethical? Why or why not? Explain your view further.

B. Discuss the strengths and limits of Hedonism and Epicureanism based on how
you analysed and understood these ethical theories.

Stoicism was purposefully designed to be understandable, actionable, and

useful. Stoicism doesn't somehow necessitate learning a totally different
philosophical terminology or practicing for long periods of time. Instead, it provides
an immediate, useful, and realistic way to find peace and improve one's personal
qualities. It is an existentialist philosophy that provides the maximum positive
emotions, decreases negative emotions, and positive controls in honing their
character ideals.

In the concept of stoicism, it is a philosophy that teaches man to have a self-

control and courage to overcome any unnecessary actions and destructive thoughts
in order to render good and clear judgement.Humans tend to give subjective
evaluation and empirical judgement as the basis of their impression on a certain
manner. The common quote that everyone knows which is to think before you speak
is therefore applicable in attaining stoic value. In this modern time where freedom of
speech is being practiced freely in the society wherein people tends to speak out
their opinions which sometimes is only favorable to them.
(Activity 1 and 2)

But isn’t it much relevant if people composed it more in a mindful way?

Frankly speaking, some of the people in present time shares their view regardless of
what other may felt about it that results to narcissistic way of thinking that eventually
invalidates others opinions and perspective. People tends to be decisive on things
that matters to them the most and do deeds that may only benefit themselves that is
why greed arises in human quality.

If people attentively understand the concept of stoicism or understanding the

stoic value wherein according to Viktor Frankyl “Between stimulus and response
there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response
lies our growth and our freedom.” Human with wisdom in discerning what is right and
wrong during circumstances and choosing and critically thinking what to respond will
always be much better compared to an empty can who rattled the most.

In my personal point of view attaining a stoic sense of apathy is considered to

be ethical for me. If we implies the term apatheia more in a philosophical manner, it is
a state of mind which is free of emotional disturbance as well as defined with the word
equanimity rather than indifferent. Having an emotion is natural and inevitable.
Everyone’s emotion and feelings are indeed valid but emotion does not have to be
our reaction that is why we must think before we speak as well as before we act.

People who conveys stoic value is more of a critical thinker person whom
calmly observe and respond not just with initial reaction but shows much deeper
understanding on what is beyond his/her control and what is not. Sometimes in reality
good speaker are the one’s who is good in listening and the silent type of people
sometimes have the most valuable things to say.”We have two ears and one
mouth, therefore we should listen twice as much as we speak.” - Zeno.
And if that is the cognitive way of some people to express thoughts and ideas by
remaining calm and composed in a certain circumstances, then their obliviousness
will remain unquestionable. “Remind yourself that your task is to be a good
human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it,
without hesitation, and speak the truth as you see it. But with kindness. With
humility. Without hypocrisy.”—Marcus Aurelius

On the other hand, Hedonism claims that our actions are influenced by wants
and needs to increase pleasure and decrease pain. Moreover cyrenaic hedonism
was similar to modern Hedonism wherein individuals believed in the pursuance of
instant sensual pleasure. This theory explains that hedonist people have no
contentment in life wherein they seek more indulgence and pleasure in life just to
minimize or divert their attention from suffering, fear, pain, sorrow, worry and all the
negative aspects in their life. Just like a popular quote which says that “live your life
to the fullest”, wherein you got to enjoy things in life without worrying what could be
the denouement.
The strength of this theory is that people got the chance to appreciate and
value even up into the smallest thing in his/her life without living in doubt and
(Activity 1 and 2)

However, the limitation of this theory is that hedonist people only sees life in a
materialistic kind of way. Wherein he/she finds satisfaction and happiness on
things that the world can offer. They cannot draw a distinction on what is the true
meaning of happiness by the fact that they only pursue the need to be happy and be
away from fear.

Subsequent to that is the ethical theory of Epicureanism, affirms that pleasure

is the only intrinsic good, its conception of pursuit of pleasure as the joy of
life.Epicurus argued that the major happiness is "pleasure," however the only way to
obtain it is to live decently and learn about the workings of the world and the limits of
one's aspirations.
This theory explains that epicureans believes that some indulgence and
pleasure may result to some consequences. They believe that gratifying their
pleasure is fine as long as they are living their live cautiously and in moderation.
Epicureans also suppose that everything in life has a replacement. They got to stay
in their comfort zone to feel the contentment, happiness and security to themselves
yet they know how to value the real meaning of life.
The downside of this theory is that people delimits themselves to explore
more outside of their own comfort. This people got tho choose to stay in practicality
rather than having the times of one’s life or living the life to fullest because they are
agitated and anxious to the feeling which is peculiar to them such as suffering, pain,
hardships and other types discomfort.

Nevertheless, pleasure and desires is innate in humans habit. The satisfaction

and enjoyment derives a person to be contented and satisfied in life. People tends to
have different definition of what the real meaning of life. Some may say is that by
being genuinely happy, by achieving your goal, or just by feeling their existence as
an individual itself. Life is indeed meaningful and has a lot to offer, people might
have different definition about the true meaning of life. But one thing is for sure, life is
indeed a beautiful journey that we must embraced.

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