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1.) State your own opinion or view why there is a need to study Philosophy?
2.) What are the concerns of practical men based on your own observation of how
an ordinary life is lived by everyone? In relation to it, why philosophy is a shame
for others?

In almost every undertaking, much of what is learned in philosophy can be applied.

This is both because philosophy affects so many subjects and especially because it is
possible to use many of its methods in any area. The importance of philosophy is for us
to transform. We need to study philosophy for us to develop properly human beings.
Philosophy opens up us to a world of possibilities for understanding the world and our
place in it. Philosophy will liberate us from bias and enable us to reach our own
conclusions. It broadens your perspective on the world. It is important for us to discover
ourselves who we are and what manner of world we are in also, philosophy can save your
life. Well, it might not stop you from dying, but it can make sure you truly alive. It can teach
us what is knowledge, what is real, how do we know if it is right or wrong, and what does
it mean to be human. The study of philosophy improves your ability to analyze and solve
problems. It will assist you in analyzing ideas, meanings, claims, and problems. It
improves your ability to organize ideas and problems, deal with value issues, our
communication abilities they can communicate well orally, persuasion abilities, and
writing abilities, the following is an explanation of how philosophy can help us improve
these numerous essential skills, and extract what is important from large amounts of
knowledge. Also, they will formulate issues and fix them. They can evoke implicit
assumptions and express alternatives that are ignored. They may convince individual to
take unknown viewpoints or novel alternatives seriously. Without excessive simplification,
they should summarize complex materials. Diverse data can be combined and useful
analogies constructed.
Practical men tend to misinterpret philosophy and find the study of it a waste of
time and only for those who have big brains that’s going to construct a perfect theory of
the whole universe or more like to a big brain that will criticize what everyone else to say
and they only need to study certain thing or things that will help them to find a good job.
Also, the concerns of practical men based on my observation of how ordinary life is lived
by everyone is that they only think of their body needs they forget to feed their minds.
They don’t value that much what we gain from philosophy. This became a shame to others
if they can see others value philosophy and ask how useful it was for somebody.
Philosophy changes the way people study it, in the way they think and what they do which
opens your mind to things you don’t normally think about. He says the value is thinking
about the problems that can’t be answered, the value is in those question. Philosophy is
food for the mind which is just as important or even more important than learning practical
skills. The value of being able to exam things differently through being able to gather your
own beliefs, not the beliefs you developed from growing up.
A. Is Stoic sense of apathy ethical? Why or why not? Explain your view further.
B. Discuss the strengths and limits of hedonism and Epicureanism based on how
you analyzed and understood these ethical theories

Nowadays, an individual who stays unmoved by the sadness and sicknesses which
bother the rest of the population is the most common meaning of the word stoic. That was
an accurate description of a Stoic ethic, but it should be put within scope of a formal
approach to things. Yes, the sense of apathy is ethical since it helps you maintain your
composure in public and avoid problematic arguments that can lead you to frustration. When
deciding, like being in a police career, when you are investigating one of your relatives or
associates, you need to have been professional to finish your task without letting your
emotion get out of you. The same in being a judge in a court; to give the verdict, you must
have a sense of objective and unemotional to have a clear judgement. Since maintaining
apathy is challenging, since there is always a hindrance or problem that occur since life still
has a question, mind as embracing it and find a solution that feeling anguish.
The theory that happiness is humanity’s most important activity is hedonism, and
the only thing that is good for a person. Therefore, hedonists aim to optimize their overall
enjoyment, people are hedonistic uniquely. Hedonism’s strength is that you enjoy your
life connected to the line “YOLO or You Only Live Once” since I think it portrays having
fun in life. Still, it also says that to have a life that you would not regret; in Hedonism, yes,
it promotes self-esteem and self-confidence but living in only pleasure. Without pain, you
cannot indeed be happy since you can feel joy and happiness after overcoming that
obstacle in life. Hedonism is most likely to avoid reality; for example, the drug abuser uses
illegal drugs to escape reality for pleasure. The one with compulsive sexual behavior or
sex addiction, which always went to a bar to find sex workers for money and satisfy their
sexual urges, if left bankrupt, tend to sexual assault and rape others to maintain their lust.
While in epicureanism in a manner we are living it now, it’s sort of hard to find one
component to trust. Epicureanism’s strengths are that you can live in tranquility and let
you face your fear without experiencing pain, physically, mentally, and psychologically. It
makes you plan safer; to be cautious on the steps you created, by making it more peaceful
and becoming perfect without risking. But without risking and making mistake, you cannot
learn, and sometimes failure or mistakes can make you happy, and doing risk can make
you satisfy the feeling of failing. For example, some family tends to have errors in life like
for example in the lower class, and they tend to have a huge family even though they are
barely living everyday you can say that it was the mistake that they chose to have a large
family. Still the joy that the children gave to their parents is priceless. Some family who
lives in the higher class have everything wealth and lifestyle, but cannot bore a child.

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