Basic Mechanical Engineering Previous Year

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2 2o P P 7 o
B.E.1/II Sem. [All Branches), Examination
April 2015
Subject Code: ME-01
e: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
of Pages: 02
Minimum Marks: 22
NOT Ttemytany ve questionsAlquestions camy equäl miarkzDrav Heat dhagams tn 5upport of your quwer.
Assume data suitably ifarymissing. COmputers

Quaya) Classify engineering materials. Discuss briefly mechanicalpegties g Engg. Questiaslapers

Give theUniversal
compositión, upplications
withproperties of castroua

(b)Sketch Festing
basic components.
R a

testing of the.
OR R a o d ,

Que 2. (a) DrawFoh carbon diagram. State its importance for material epaneen3Re


Que 3. () A reversible engine with 45% thermal efficiency discharges 1600K.J/min at 30P C to a pond.
Find the temperature of the source which supplies heat to the engine and powerdeveloped by
the engine.
6)What is PPM-I? State Clausius and Kelvin Planck statement for the second law of
thermodyiamics. Are they equivalent?
Que 4.(4) What is a throtling process? State its characteristics.
6) one kg of air at 3.5 bar and occupying 0.35 m is heated at constant volume until its
temperature has rises to 316°C. Take C0.718KJ/kg K. Find:
) Heat added (i) Gain in internal energy per kg of air.

Quea) Define the following terms:

Pure substance, latent heat of fusion, latent heat of vaporization,
dryness fraction, wetness of steam, quality of steam
(b) Two kg of wel steam at 10 bar and 90% dry is expanded according to the law pv = constant
to a pressure of I bar. Dotermine the fnal condition of steam and the change in internal


Que 6. (a) Derivethe condition for maximum discharge through chimney.
A boiler-generates 400Okg/hr of steam at 20 bar, 400°C. The feed water temperatureif
50°c. The efficlency of boiler is 80%. The valoriie value of fuel is 4450OKJ/kg. The steumt
generated is supplied to a turbine developing 450kW and exhausting at 2 bar with drynes
fraction of 0.96. Calculate the fuel bumt per hour and turbine efficiency. Also find the energy
available in theexhaust steam above 50°C.

Que 7. (a) What. are the main differences between 4 stroke and 2 stroke engines? State thein

(6)A six oylinder petrol engine operates on the four stroke cycle. The bore ofeach cylinder is
70 mm and stroke 100 mm. the clearance volume per cylinder is 67 cm. at the speed of 3960
rpm the fuel
is 19.5 kg/hr and torque developed is 140 Nm. LCV of fuel
basis. Assume Y=14 for air.
44MJ/kg: The engine works on the constant volume cycle
) Breákipówer (ii) Back mean effective pressure
(i) Breakthermalefficiency.

Que 8. (a) Explaini the working

of 4 stroke diesel engine
works on
with a compression ratio of 14
diesel cycle
(b) An internal combustion engine the air standard
at 10 % of the stroke.
Find the ratio of cut-off and
cut-off takes
operations performed on Lathe
9. a) Explain various
Que diagrams.
by slip gauges with necessary
b) Explain measurement
the names of the
machine. Write
general purpose Drilling
Draw a labeled diagram of a

Quc 10. (a)

and major parts of
with necessary diagram.
brief about
(b) Explain

K a )i o p i e j

' Jabaipu
B. Tech.
(CBGS) I Sem.
Examination November 2017
Subjeet Code: BT-2003
e: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
of Pages: O1 Minimum Marks: 22
Note: (i) Answer gny flve questions. All questions carryequal marks.
(1) Draw neat and clean sketches/diagrams/figures wherever requlred.
hen nana..Ceiabelke 4T9neiens..
( A ) What is mild steel? State its composition and applications. Stdte about steel numberigg pyate@u
-2 ( A ) S t a t e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n o fm a t e r i a l s . D i s c u s s a n y f i v e m e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t
R i e sa
. jL
m p i e r s&
u eC
o ptu

(B) Draw and discuss significance of stress stratn diagram. Lamination SpiralBindins

OR E n g g . Q u e s t i o n P a p e r s

S y l l a b u s , Notes


(B) Explain Vickers Haraness Testing of material. How it is done? Gokalpit, t


(A) Draw a neat sketch of Radial Driling Machines. State function of importantoppehents. oTanein

(B) Discuss working principle and applications of Dial Gauge.

4 (A) List four measuring instruments for pressure and termperature. Discuss Radiation Method of
temperature measurement
(B) Discuss various operations performed on Lathe machine.

(A) State Newton's law Of viscosity. State Types of fluids.

(B) Ten liters of a liquid of specific gravity 1.3 is mixed with 6 liters ofa liquid specific gravity 0.8. If the
bulk of the liquid shrinks by 1.5 % on mixing, calculate the specific gravity, density, volúme and weight of
the mixture.
-6 (A) Explain the working Drinciple of Hydraulic turbines.
(B) A horizontal pipe of diameter 15 cm converges to 7.5 cm diameter. If the pressure at the two sections
are 400 kPa and 150 kPa tespectively, calculate the flow rate ofthe water.

(A) State the Classification of boilers. State Zeroth, First and second law of thermodynamics.
(B) A heat pump is used to maintain an auditorium hall at 25 deg C when the atmospheric temperatureis
10 deg The heat load of the hall is 1500 kJ/min. Calculate the power required to run the actual heat
pump if the C.O.P. of the actual heat pump is 30 % of the C.O.P. of Carnot heat pump working between
the same temperature limits.
-8 (A) State and discuss tedm properties. State formulae to calculate various types ol Etticiencies ot bo1ler
(13) .lul.ile the inter1:1 t o f 1 kg of steam at a prere of 10 bar when the tcam is:

DIy salturalcd

Superhealed-) deg

A) two strohe lour troke P'etrol engines.

(13) D the funtl cnpiessn Discuss itslypes
- 10 AD tele ISdiaglns and stale it tuinula r etliciency
8) e que l l t tle shalta 4-cylinder, s t e s l cngne is 6301 m The eyliuder
10 . l enth oke is 2s t t l e tive pres u bar It te

ENROLLMENI No. o2ol c 21le
B.Tech. (CBGS) I I Sem. [All Branches], Examination April 2018
Subject Code: BT2003
Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
f Pages: 002 Minimum Marks: 22
uctions: C o m p u t e r s

ttempt all questions internal choice is given.

L aCopierS
m i n a t i o n S p i r a lBinding
ll question carry equal marks. Raj E n g g . QuestionPapers
raw the neat diagram in support to your answer.
Syllabus, Notes

SSume suitable data, if necessary. J a b a l p u r

Ise of steam table & charts are permitted. 0761-2330499, 9424394659

G o k a l p u z ,


)Explain the mechanical properties of engineering materials.

Classify the engineering materials and explain the application and constituents ofimportant ferrous


Explain the deformation, Hook's law, modulus of resilience, modulus of toughness and stresses by
drawing the stress-strain diagram for ductile metal.
What is mechanical measurement? Explain the different types of errors in measurement.

Write short notes on:

) Sine bar

(i) Slip gauge

(ii) Combination set.


Draw the neat diagram of lathe machine to represent its specification parts and write important
lathe operations.

What is a fluid mcchanics, discuss the classilication of fluids and its property.


Explain the working principle of impulse hydraulie turbine by drawing a neat diagram to shows
various components.

Waler is flowing through a pipe having diameter 300 mm and 200 mm at the bottom and upper
end respectively. The intensity of pressure at the bottom end is 30 N/cm and the pressure at the
upper end is 10 N/cm'. Determine the difference in datum hed if the rate of flow through pipe is
40 Lit/second

Q.4 (a) Define the heat cngine and discuss the statements of second law of thermodynamics.

(What is boiler? How it classified and explain accessory and mounting ofboiler?

()A piston cylinder assembly contains one kg of wet stcam of quality 0.8 at 0.1 MPa. Energ
transfer as heat takes place at constant pressure till the temperature of steam rise to 350°C. Makys
the calculation for the work done and heat interaction.

Q.5 (a) Explain the working principle of 4 stroke C.I. engine with piston-cylinder arangement and PV a
TS diagram.

)Explain the working priiciple of compressor, with neat diagram showing the various componen:
& their function.

) I n an air standard diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 15 and fluid at beging of compression ar
100 kPa and 300 K. For a peak temperature of 1600 K. Calculate

(i) Percentage of stroke at which cut off occurs.

(i) The cycle efficiency.

(iii) Work output per kg of air.

Coinputeis BTB1201 10
Lamination Spual Binding
rs.Q u e s t i o n

Raj S y l l a b u s ,
N o t e s




B.Tech.(AICTE) I Sem. [EE/EC/ATAP], Examination Novembcr 2018

Subject Code: BT204
Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
TPages: 01 Minimum Marks: 22
attempt any five questions.
Raj Copiers & Computers
sume suitable data, if required and mention it clearly. Lamination Spiral Binding
raw neat and clear sketch, graph, diagram if required. Engg. Question Papers
Syllabus, Notes
a) Define following mechanical properties: Main Raod, Gokalpur, Jabalpur (07)
761-2330499, 9424394659
() Hardness (ii) Toughness (ii) Ductility (iv) Malleability (v) Strength
b) Explain Brinell-hardness test with the help of sketch of testing machine. (07)
a) What is the principle of temperature measurement? Explain the working of thermocouples. (07)

b) Give a neat and labelled sketch of a lathe. (07)

a) What do you mean by fluid? Define any three properties of fluid. (07)
b) Describe the working principle of fluid coupling with neat sketch. (07)
a) Write down two statements of second law of thermodynamics. (06)
b) Differentiate between boiler mountings and accessories, Explain any two mountings and any
two accessories. (08)
a) With the help of P-V diagram. Explain the working of four stroke petrol engine. (08)
b) Differentiate between four stroke engine and two stroke engine. (06)
a) Write down the composition of Alloy Steels and their applications. (07)

the principal of operation of rota meter for discharge measurement. (07)

b) Explain
a) Distinguish between: (07)

i) Ideal and real fluids

and Specifie volume
(ii) Sperific wei'ht
(iii) Newlonian and Non Newlonian tluids.

Calculate the internal energy of 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 10 bar when the steam is: (07)
(ii) Dry saturated (iii) Superheated at 250°C
i) 0.8 dry
a cylinder with bore 250 mm, stroke
a) Deternmine the ideal efficiency of the diescl engine having
375 and a clearance volume of 1500 (C. with lucl cut-ofl occurring at 5% of the stroke. Assume
y = 1.4 for air. (07)

b) Whut do sou nean by diraught? 1xplain the differenl types of druught. (07)

NO. o
2|e' E Sto 9
B.Tech. (AICTE) /II Sem. [AlN Branches], Examination April 2019
Subjeet Code: BT204
ne: Threc Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
of Pages: 02 Minimum Marks: 22
Attempt questions as per choice given.
All questions carry equal marks.
Assume suitable data if required and mention it clearly.

(a) Draw a neat sketch of iron-carbon equilibrium diagram and explain the following reactions:[Co1]

() Eutectic reaction
Raj Copiers &
(ii) Butectoid reaction
* Computers
Lamination Spiral
Engg. Question Papers
(ii) Peritectic reaction Syllabus, Notes
Main Raod,
Gokalpur, Jabz'pu
(b) What is stainless steel? Describe main properties and compösit8A-iR 4riefs [cOi]

(a) Draw stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle materials and discuss it showing all important
points. CO1]
b) Calculate the Young's modulus of a metallic rod of diameter 30 mm and length 300 mm, which is
loaded witha tensile load of 60 kN, when the extension ofrod is equal to 0.3 mm. [CO1]
(a) Explain the working principle of a thermocouple and radiation pyrometer with the help of neat
sketches. [CO4]
(b) Explain the construction, working and use of the prony hake dynamameter. [CO4]
(a) Describe Vernier caliper with the help of neat sketch, How small linear measurements

with it? [C04]

(b) Drawa ncat skctch of simple lathe machine and nomenclate its important parts. IcO4
(a) State and explain Bernoulli's equation lor incompressible fluids. ICO2|

working principlc of a fluid coupling. ICO4]

(b) Explain the


a) Write down Kelvin-Planck and clausius equation of second law of thermodynamics ICO2
b)xplain construction and working ofaC'ochran boiler with the help of neat sketch ICO2
Q.7 What is Boiler draught? Also derive an expression for chimney height.

Q8 (a) Draw a neat sketch of steam engine. State the function of any five important components. [Co

(b) Derive the expression for air standard cficiency of Otto cycle and show that it depends oni,
compression ratio. [CO3ie-
Q.9 (a) Draw the neat sketch of a four stroke petrol engine and label various parts with their function.
(b) An air standard Otto cycle is designed to operate with the following data: [CO
() Maximum cycle pressure and temperature 5 MPa and 2250DK

(i) Minimum cyole pressure and temperature 0.1 MPa and 300 K

Determine the net work output per unit mass of working fluid and the thermal efficiency.


Write short notes on:

)Sine bar
(i) Radial drilling machine [CO4
i ) Comparison between S.I. and C.I. engines. [CO3

BABI201 01F

L a Copiers
Raj m i n a t i o n Spiral Binding

Engg. Question Papers

Syllabus, Notes

Main Raod,
0761-2330499, 9424394659

|0 )T 9 4
B. Tech. LI Sem.[AICTE]
BT204 [Basic Mechanical Engg.] [Al Branches]1
B. Tech. IMI Sem.[CBGS] BT2003
[Basic Mechanical Engg.] [AI Branches]
B.E. I Sem. [CBCS] ME114 [Fundamental of Mechanical Engg.] [Electrical Engg.]
ne: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 70/60 (For CBCS)
ofPages: 01 Min. Marks: 22/19 (For CBCS)
tructions: Attempt all questions. Internal choices given in each
question. Use of steam table is
permitted in examination.

& S p i r e l5
(a) Classify engineering materials. Giving their examplaauP
pla (07){CO1]
b) Explain the iron carbon diagram.
* E n g .Q u e s t i a

OR Syilab

b) How do you measure hardness of amaterial? Explain any07h1-233099:9%23

(a) Write short notes on: one method. Main Raod, Coka';

)Cast iron i) Stainless steel
(a) Differentiate between accuracy and sensitivity of an instrument.
(6) What are various methods used for temperature measurements? Explain two methods in detail.
)Explain various lathe operations. (10[C04
(a) Derive the Barnauli's theorem. Raj*Lmination
Si:7alirdg (07)[Co2]
(6) Explain the working Peltonturbine (07)[CO2]
OR * E n g g .Q u e s t i o i : s

(a) Define following thuid properties. (07)[Co2]
G)Pressure i) Density i) Viscosity Gokapui,

(b) Differentiate between: (07)[Co2]

1) Uniform and non uniform flow
() Laminar and turbulent flow.
(a) Define work. Show that work done W PdV. (07)[Co2]
at 20°C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 100°C.
(6) Calculate the entropy change when 5 kg of water
The specific heat of water is 4.18 kJ/kg. (07)[Co2]
(a) Name and state the fuhctions of boiler mountings.
sec. The pressure and temperature are 12 bar and
(6) Steam flows through a pipe at the rate of Skg/
at constant Pressure. Find the final condition of
300° If 2000 k/ of heat is lost to surrounding (0-4CO2
of Otto cycle and derive an expression for its air standard
(a) Draw the P-V and T-S diagram
What are advantages of 2-stroke engines? (04)[CO3]
the working of 4-stroke petrol engine.
Ja) Explain (06)[CO3]
(6) Differentiale between a petrol and diesel engine.


B. Tech (AICTE) I I Sem. BT204 [Basic Mechanical Engineering] [All Branches
B. Tech. (CBGS) IAI Sem. BT2003 [Basic Mechanical
B.E. (CBCs) II Sem. ME114
Engineering) [All Branches]
[Fundamental of Mechanical Engineeringl{EE}
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 70/60 (for CBCS)
No. of Pages: 02
Min. Marks: 22/19 (for CBCS)
01 Attempt questions as per choice given. All questions carry equal marks.
02 Draw neat and clean
Raj Copiers & Computers
sketches/diagrams/igures wherever required. Lamination Spiral Binding
(A) Define Steel. Tabulate types. Discuss effects of alloying elements Engg. Question Papeis

on its
propiyrtlebus. (ddF
(B) Define duictility and britlenes. Draw and discuss iron-carbon dioain Raod, Gokalpysábal: n
07h1-2330499, Gaz43h4b
Q-2 (A) Define Cast Îron. Tabulate types. Discuss effects of
alloying elements on its properties. [COI]
(B) What is BHN? Explain hardness testing of material. Why how it is done?
and [COi]
Q-3 (A) Draw a sketch of Radial Driling Machines. State function of its
components. [C04]
(B) Discuss working principle and applications of
Micrometer. [C04]
Q4 (A) Classify temperature measuring instruments. Discuss any one.
(B) Draw a neat sketch of a Lathe Machine. Tabulate various operations
performed on it. [CO4]
Q5 (A) State Pascal's law. State and prove Bermouli's equation for incompressible fluids. [co4]
(B) Define the following: Reynolds number,
Laminar and Turbulent flows. c04]
Q-6 (A) Explain the working principlo of Reciprocattng Pumps..
(B) A pitot/statio tube inserted in a water flow as shown in Fig. 1, reads a static pressure 50 mm
(Hg) and a stagnation pressure 55 mm (Hg). What is the water veloclty ?

Fig. 1

controversial among? [co21
Q-7 (A) State Zeroth, First and second law of thermodymamics. What is
(B) Saturated water at 14.696 psia and 212°F has the following properties: [Co2]
vf 0.01672 fNbm vg=26.80 flbm
uf 180.1 Btu/lbm ug= 1077.6 Btu/lbm

180.1 Btu/bm hg 1150.5 Btu/bm

a sealed rigid container
whose total
If 0.200 lbm of saturated water at 14.696 psia is put /nto
volume is 3.00 ft (Figure 2), determine the following properties of the system:

a. The specific volume v.

b. The quality, x, and moisture, 1 x.

c. The specific intermal energy u.

d. The specific enthalpy h.

phases, mf and mg
e. The mass of water in the liquid and vapor

Raj Copiers & Compute-

Systo Lamination Spiral Bindin
bomndary Engg. Question Papers
V=3.00 A Syllabus, Notes
M0200 ba
Main Raod, Gokalpur, Jabal;
p14.6psa 07h1-2330499, 942439465

Figure 2

and their properties.
Q-8 (A) State and discuss types ofsteams co2]
of any one steam boiler.
B) Draw and discuss working
cycles on P-V&T-S diagrams.
Q-9 (A) Compare Otto and Diesol co3]
essential parts ofa Steam Engme
B) Draw and discuss
State applications of each. CO3]
reciprocating machines with rotary machines.
Q-10 (A) Compare hour and develops
consumes 8 litres of gasoline par
works on Otto cycle. It
B) A gasoline engine
calorific value is 44000
gravity of gasoline is 0.8 and its
rate of 25 kW. The spocific
power at the CO3
of the engine.
indicated thermal efticiency
Find the
J/kg. BAEI2010423

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