Salary Negotiation

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Salary Negotiation Tips:

1. List out all the things that will let you fail the negotiation
1.1 Your previous salary
1.2 Your experience
1.3 Your performance in the interview
1.4 Your first offer
1.5 Your notice period

2. Know about the HR with whom you will negotiate

2.1 check out their social media profiles.
2.2 what they post, what they like, what are their interests
2.3 Talk in accordance to that which makes them feel you have come

3. Learn about the topic of 'negotiation' itself

3.1 Research about how much companies with your experience pay
3.2 What is the market standard for your position
3.3 Get on with solid proof on why you deserve this salary for your

4. Always go for a win-win situation

4.1 Don't just think from your point, think from other people's point of view
as well.
4.2 Once you get to a point where HR don't want to go beyond the salary
asked for don't stress much on it.
4.3 You need to understand every HR has allocated budget to fill the
4.4 Ask for other compensations that can be offered along with the job like
variable pay, joining bonus, amenities provided, sponsering for personal
1. Don't let the fear stop you from negotiating the salary. The HR will actually
like it when you negotiate your salary.
2. Be grateful and thank them at first for the offer they have given. They have
taken months to shortlist you and you are an important asset for them.

3. Research about the salary paid for your current position and experience.
Have a solid figures in your hand to prove them your point.
4. Know your MAN (minimum acceptable number)
5. Ask about the salary structure, gross, net and deductions
6. Everything is negotiable. Try to have an idea about all the benefits offered
apart from the salary.
7. Always be polite while negotiating, Thank them for the offer. Say like
'would this be appropriate if we can negotiate it a bit on this.
8. Take time to accept or reject an offer. Talk to parents, friends before
accepting the offer
9. Try the negotiation process during weekends and evening time. Where they
are in good mood and want to close the requirement.
10.Tell about your value, how you are good fit for the position and why you
deserve what you are asking for.

My Own Experience:
1. No matter whether I will win/lose in the negotiation I always made sure I
discussed with my HR about my salary expectations.
2. At first always be thankful to them for initiating the offer to you where it is
evident that you are an important asset for the role you were offered.
3. Whenever the talent acquisition reached out to me I always clearly stated
my salary expectation range and once they were fine to match it I went
ahead with the Interview process so that I don’t get disappointed at last
when my expectations were not met.
4. Emphasize more on why you deserve this hike, talk about your interview
performance, your achievements at work and how you are the right fit for
the role.
5. Showcase your genuine interest in joining the firm and how you can bring
value to the table.
6. This is all part of the game, sometimes you may win and sometimes you
may lose but the experience you gained is more valuable. Always make sure
you ask for what you deserve because YOU DESERVE IT !!!


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