203 Prescription BCX

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Complaint category:Pest attack
Age of Crop,location: 5-8 + years, Andhra Pradesh
Incidence rate: 5-10% spread
Occurrence Type: Seasonal Source: Hosachiguru agronomist
Informed by/ Customer Name: Shri. Srinath through Dr. Manasa P
Prescription: Mango Leaf Hoppers
Symptoms of injury
Nymphs and adults feed on the inflorescence's sap.Withering, Destruction of
flower buds and blossoms,The presence of honey dew and the growth of sooty
mould on lower leaves. Hoppers find refuge in the cracks and fissures of the
tree's bark.
Nymph - Pale yellow, active nymphs that hide in lower shoots or bark fissures.
The bug emerges in February, when mango trees begin to bloom.
Orchards must be maintained clean by ploughing and weeding.
Take preventive spray in start of Jan and end of Jan every year

Chemical methods of control:

Orchards must be maintained clean by ploughing and weeding.
Two applications of either acephate 75 SP@ 1g/lit or Synthetic Pyrethroid
Cyfluthrin 5%- 8 ml per liter. In bayer it is available
First spray at the time of panicle emergence, followed by a second spray two
weeks later.
According to reports, Combination of Nanosulphur keep the associated nymphs
at bay for a longer Period. Use 2 ml per litre along with 5 ml of neem oil per litre
of water is compatible with all pesticides for better results. For this Ultra S and
Neemisol is readily available.
5ml of neem oil per litre of water is compatible with all pesticides for better
results. For this Ultra S and Neemisol is readily available. This will control the
associated disease which is sooty mold also.
Summary: Use bayer cyfluthrin 5%- 5-8 ml per liter with Ultrashyne (UltraS)- 2 ml
per liter along with neemisol- 5 ml per liter. Repeat after 15 days.
Follow up/ Feedback Date:Between 15-20th of feb 2023.

Feedback :
Feedback Received From: For BCX Bio Orgnaics

for more queries and clarifications call: 9080103913 ; 7349233700

| www.bcxbioorganics.com

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