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Chapter 2041


Wade laughed and said, "Philip boy, you think too highly of yourself. This is the branch family,
not your main family! Here, the branch family rules over the sky! Get down on your knees at

Philip snorted and asked instead, "Really? Okay, I'll kneel, then."

As soon as Philip said that, Wade was taken aback. Was he going to kneel just like that?

The elders and people in charge of the branch family were also slightly startled. However, they
were instantly overwhelmed by anger.

"Kneel! That's right, on your knees at once!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's too late for him to kneel now!"

"Yes, he's too insolent. It's useless even if he kneels now. He must be punished severely!
Otherwise, others will think that the branch family is a pushover!"

For a while, everyone's anger was ignited again.

Among them, Ted Clarke was the most furious.

At his age, he was actually slapped twice by a junior in front of all the elders and people in
charge of the branch family!


Simply intolerable!

He could not wait to rush over, grab the law enforcement batons, and cane Philip to death!

However, when he thought of Philip's brutal attack on him just now, he felt weak in the knees.

Thus, he could only curse and condemn Philip along with the rest.

Philip looked at the ugly faces of this group of people. His eyes then fell on Wade as he said
blandly, "Don't regret it."

Wade scoffed and said, "What's there to regret? I won't rest until I take you down today!"

Philip nodded and bent his knees, prepared to kneel.


Suddenly, the crisp sound of an object falling to the ground resounded throughout the branch
family's memorial hall!

Everyone watched as a jade thumb ring fell on the floor.

On the ring was the word 'Sovereign' engraved on it!

The moment they saw this ring, all the elders and people in charge of the branch family stopped

All the angry curses got stuck in their throats!

They stared at the ring on the floor with wide eyes.

Wade, Desmond, as well as Hansel and Salem behind them, rushed over at the first opportunity
to look at the ring on the floor!

Instantly, the four of them gasped aloud, their faces full of horror.

The expressions on their faces also changed from anger to horror, then disbelief and finally

This... Was this the Sovereignty Seal?

Why the hell did this kid have the Sovereignty Seal?

Everyone could not figure it out.

All of them looked at each other without daring to say another word or even breathe aloud!

The surrounding young masters and young ladies of the branch family did not know the
Sovereignty Seal very well and looked at the ring on the floor with curiosity.

What was going on?

Why did everyone stop talking when they saw this ring?

At this moment, Philip, who was about to kneel, sneered faintly. He bent down to pick up the ring
as though he had accidentally dropped it and said casually, "Oops, sorry. It accidentally fell out. I
didn't scare you guys, did I?"
Philip chuckled and said, the smile on his face innocent and harmless. It looked as though it
was really an accident.

Damn it!

Wade was about to vomit blood!

Was he really being careless?

He stared at the Sovereignty Seal in Philip's hand with wide eyes for a long while before saying,
"How did you get this ring?"

Philip hummed, raised the ring in his hand, waved it at Wade deliberately. He said, "Oh, you
mean this? Uncle Tim gave it to me."

With that said, Philip changed his tone and sneered. "So, do I still need to kneel?'


Wade was flustered and at a loss as he turned to look at Desmond.

At this moment, Desmond's face was flushed red.

Chapter 2042
Damn it!

They finally got the chance to bring this kid to the branch family's memorial hall and were about
to lay their hands on him when the Sovereignty Seal suddenly appeared and disrupted their

The hell with kneeling!

Desmond shook his head slightly and looked at Hansel and Salem, who also looked helpless.

Then, Desmond suddenly whispered to Wade, "Wade, check and see if the ring is a fake."

Hearing that, Wade understood. He said to Philip, "Boy, show me the ring!"

Philip knew they would do this. He casually tossed the ring to Wade and said nonchalantly,
"Take a good look at it and give it back to me."

After that, he walked to a chair on the side and sat down swaggeringly.

Looking at this scene, everyone was furious but no one dared to speak up.
All of them came to Wade's side and looked at the Sovereignty Seal in his hand.

Wade also looked at it carefully, flipping it back and forth. He finally looked at everyone
helplessly as he nodded and whispered, "It's genuine."

At this moment, a layer of cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of the elders of the branch

Everyone felt a chill down their backs.

It was like being targeted by someone they could not mess with easily!

That feeling was terrifying!

In an instant, the figure of that person appeared in their heads!

Tim Clarke!

The second old master of the main family and Roger Clarke's younger brother!

He had actually given Philip this Sovereignty Seal!

Was it not the same as handing over the general's troops to the crown prince in medieval times?

It was the same as the crown prince overseeing the kingdom!

How were they supposed to play this game now?

Send all the elite guards of the branch family to fight to their deaths with the guards of the main

That was courting death!

Wade panicked, his eyes full of indignity. He turned to look at Philip who was sitting with his legs
crossed. He was indifferent..

Seeing Wade looking at him at this moment, Philip smiled and said, "Are you done looking?
Then give it back to me."

Wade frowned helplessly, but he still passed the ring back to Philip.

Philip took it and casually held it in his hand. After that, he got up, stared at Wade, and asked
with a smile, "Do you still need me to kneel?"
Wade's chest was burning with anger but he could not vent it at this moment.

After holding back for a long time, he said, "No, you can go."

He regretted it now.

Philip snorted and swept his gaze over the hall impassively.

Wherever he looked, the elders and people in charge of the branch family were looking
sideways or had their heads lowered. Nobody dared to look straight at him.

This Sovereignty Seal was equivalent to Tim's presence, and it also represented Roger!

Seeing the ring was like seeing the king!

Would the people of the branch family dare to disrespect Roger?

If they asked Philip to kneel now, it would be equivalent to asking Roger to kneel. The outcome
would be absolutely miserable!

Philip averted his eyes and turned around. He put his hands behind his back and whistled as he
walked out of the branch family's memorial hall in a dignified manner.

With Wade in the lead, all the elders of the branch family were full of reluctance.

It was really hateful to let this brat leave like this!

Philip leisurely walked out of the memorial hall, waved his hand, and said, ”I'll visit again next

After saying that, he was about to leave with the Griffin Army.

However, suddenly, a deep voice with the majesty of a dragon was heard at the entrance of the
branch family's memorial hall. “Who allowed you to leave?“

Chapter 2043
That imposing voice resounded throughout the entire branch family's memorial hall.

Everyone focused their eyes in the direction of the main entrance.

A tall and imposing figure that was full of majesty had appeared at the main entrance with the
setting sun behind him.
This person had a resolute and serious-looking angular face, searing eyes, thick eyebrows,
stern eyes, a high nose, and thick lips, as well as an invincible aura that of a raging wolf.

His eyebrows, cold like they were carved from a blade, were deeply etched on his face.

When everyone saw this figure, they stopped clamoring and lowered their noble heads.

Even the high and mighty Wade and the others silently stood to the side. They bowed slightly
when they saw this figure.

At the same time, there was a look of excitement and relief on their faces and they finally
released a long breath.

This matter could be considered resolved to their satisfaction.

It would be the end of Philip today!

When Philip heard the words at this moment, he also raised his eyebrows and stared at the
majestic figure who was walking through the front door.

Christian Clarke!

He was the current chieftain of the branch family with a high and powerful position. He was the
leader of the entire branch family and an absolute authority figure!

In the Clarke family, his position was second only to his father, Roger Clarke!

There was a comment that the two Clarke dragons referred to Roger and Christian!

This person was by no means comparable to these mediocre people present!

To be able to control such a large branch Clarke family in his hands, he definitely had
extraordinary talent and courage!

Philip frowned. He did not expect Christian to return at this time!

Christian had already stepped into the courtyard of the branch family's memorial hall with only
four personal guards behind him.

They were the elite guards of the branch family!

Four Dragon Guards!

Although not as powerful as Fulton Hash, if the four of them attacked Fulton together, it would
be tricky for Fulton to handle them!

The background of the branch family was not as simple as one might think!

At this moment, Christian stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back. His deep and

dark eyes were staring at Philip, who was across from him.

Between them, the distance of three meters seemed to be separated by a galaxy. There was
turmoil and lighting in the middle, causing dazzling sparks to erupt!


The entire branch family's memorial hall was now shrouded by Christian's invincible aura!

Everyone could not help but kneel and worship!

This was Christian's prestige!

"Are you back?" Suddenly, Christian said impassively.

Philip nodded with a frown and said quite respectfully, "Fourth Uncle."

He could not help it. In terms of seniority, Christian was Philip's fourth uncle and also the
patriarch of the branch family. He had to greet him as such.

At the same time, the Griffin Army behind him had entered combat mode. Their cold eyes stared
fixedly at the branch family's chieftain and the four elite guards behind him!

Christian responded coldly and said, "You still remember that I'm your fourth uncle."

Those words carried a thunderous reprimand.

On the side, Wade, Desmond, and the rest were overjoyed when they heard Christian's words.

Desmond was the first to rush out and complain to Christian, "Chieftain, you came back at the
right time! Just look at this arrogant boy of the main family, causing trouble on the first day he
returned. Before he even entered the memorial hall, he already wreaked havoc on the branch
family! Look at my great-grandson, he was beaten to death by Philip!"

While Desmond was speaking, four guards carried Gerry's corpse to Christian.
Christian's face darkened as he glanced at Gerry's corpse before he turned to Philip and asked,
"Did you do it?"

Philip frowned and responded coldly, "He bullied my god-sister and insulted my wife. According
to the Clarke family rules, he deserved to die!"

Like a tolling bell, his words rocked the branch family's memorial hall!

Chapter 2044
Instantly, Desmond pointed at Philip and snarled. "Bullshit! How dare a brat like you talk
nonsense without blinking at a time like this? How could Gerry have done such a thing? You're
simply full of crap!"

With that said, Desmond looked at Christian and was about to kneel as he shouted, "Chieftain,
let me kneel before you. You must seek justice for my great-grandson. This brat must be killed!"

Seeing this, Christian reached out and grabbed Desmond while saying, "Granduncle Desmond,
you mustn't."

Desmond was just playacting and went along with it as he stood up. Covering his face, he
started to sob, "Chieftain, you must stand up for me."

Christian nodded and replied, "Granduncle Desmond, don't worry. I'll take care of this."

After saying that, Christian looked at Philip and scolded, "You dare to be so rampant on the first
day you returned? Do you not put my branch family in your eyes, or do you not put me, your
fourth uncle, in your eyes?"

Philip frowned and asked coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Christian looked at the branch family's memorial hall and said after a brief silence, "Bring out the
family discipline."

Instantly, all the elders and people in charge of the branch family were full of gloating smiles
when they heard Christian's order.

The family discipline!

This time, Philip was doomed for sure!

Everyone gave way as Christian walked into the memorial hall. After paying his respects,
Christian took down a purple-red cane from the high platform.

This cane was engraved with the Clarke family rules and names of the ancestors.
There were two of such canes-one for the main family and one for the branch family.

It was the cane used by the Clarke family to enforce family discipline!

This cane could be used on mindless kings and treacherous officials!

Even if Roger violated the Clarke family rules, they could use the family discipline to pursue

It could be said that once the family discipline was invoked, the matter had come to an end!

In the crowd, Lex Clarke stood on one side, not saying a word since the beginning.

With cold light in his eyes, he kept staring at Philip from outside the door.

"It seems that there's nothing more than that, “Lex mumbled under his breath.

The personal guards behind him said softly, "Second Young Master, do we still need to make
contact with Philip in secret?"

Lex thought for a moment and said, "Let's wait for now. If he can't even get through this, he
won't be of much help to me."

All eyes were focused on Christian, At this moment, he held the cane in his hand, his searing
eyes staring at Philip standing at the door. He said, "Aren't you going to kneel now?"

Instantly, all the elders.and people in charge of the branch family pointed at Philip while shouting
angrily in unison, "Kneel down!"


"Hurry up and kneel!"

The voices resounded throughout the entire branch family's memorial hall imposingly!

After being chastised by so many people and asked to kneel, an ordinary person might really
give in and kneel.

However, Philip was no ordinary person. With his hands still in his trouser pockets, he looked
indifferently at Christian who was standing in front of the ancestors' memorial plaques.

Christian whipped the cane against the chair next to him.


The chair shattered into pieces!

"Kneel down now!"

Christian shouted solemnly, "Men, take down this arrogant child for me!"

In an instant, the four Dragon Guards behind him stepped toward Philip!

In just a few steps, Philip felt the surge of pressure from these four Dragon Guards!

"Chieftain, Third Madam is here!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the main entrance!

Chapter 2045
Third Madam?

Hearing that, Christian frowned and looked at the entrance with raised eyebrows.

There, two guards stepped in.

After that, there was a delicate woman dressed in plain clothes with a rosary in hand. She was
about 30 to 40 years old with well-maintained skin. Her figure was slim and curvy.

From a distance, this woman carried a cold demeanor as though she was a pious and religious
person. It made others feel that they could not help but bow and retreat.

This woman, with long hair coiled on the top of her head, had a delicate face, pale thin lips, and
a high nose bridge. There was indifference in her eyes.

She walked in slowly, and everyone in the courtyard stepped back silently to the side, not daring
to say a word.

It seemed that this woman with a delicate body and only two accompanying guards made them
very scared and intimidated!

The third madam of the Clarke family.

Since marrying into the Clarke family, she rarely made an appearance.
Even Philip had only seen her not more than three times in the past 20 years, and each meeting
was very brief.

Therefore, Philip did not have a deep impression of the third mother nor did he know her very

Right behind the third madam was none other than Horace Clarke.

With his hands behind his back, and with a few attendants, he just slowly followed her inside.

"What's going on? Such a big commotion. Even Christian Clarke has stepped out."

Horace walked in with a trace of helplessness in his eyes as he asked Philip in a low voice.

Philip shook his head and said, "I didn't know he'd come either. It seems that the branch family
is determined to make an example out of me this time."

Horace rolled his eyes at Philip and said, "Didn't you say you have a plan?"

Philip shrugged and said, "Yeah, aren't you my backup plan?"

Horace was startled before saying, "A kid like you dares to make use of me?"

Philip smiled and said, "Right back at you. All members of the Clarke family have the same

Horace glared at him and said, "Okay, let's leave this matter to your third mother."

Philip nodded and turned to look at the woman standing in the courtyard.

The woman turned her head and glanced at Philip first before she wallked over with light steps.
She asked with a soft and cold voice, "Is everything okay?"

Philip shook his head and said with a bow, "Third Mother, I'm fine."

The third madam nodded, turned around to look at Christian standing at the entrance of the
memorial hall, and spoke in a clear, cold voice, "Can I take him back with me?"

Hearing that, Christian frowned. He clenched the disciplinary cane in his hands again and again
before saying, "Third Madam, Philip has caused such a big disturbance and commotion in the
branch family today. As the chieftain, don't I have the right and qualification to discipline him?"
The third madam looked calm and unruffled as she took two steps forward. Her cold eyes swept
over all the elders of the branch family present before her gaze fell on Wade and Desmond. She
asked, "Do you need an explanation?"

Wade's face twitched at this moment as some words got stuck in his throat. He wanted to say
something but dared not. His eyes flickered to Christian.

As for Desmond, he relied on his seniority to stand forward. He bowed to the third madam
before saying, "Third Madam, Philip behaved so arrogantly and killed my great-grandson. Can't I
even demand an explanation?"

The third madam nodded, looked at Gerry's body on the ground, and said, "Granduncle
Desmond has a point. How about this as a solution? I have a set of properties in my hands that
should have a market value of more than ten billion. How about I make amends to you on behalf
of Philip?"


Desmond was startled. He frowned with panic in his eyes as he said, "Third Madam, how could I
accept this?"

Desmond had mixed feelings.

He could not allow the third madam to make amends to him on behalf of Philip!

At the thought of the figure behind the Third Madam, Desmond panicked!

Chapter 2046

The third madam nodded, turned around to

look at Christian standing at the entrance of
the memorial hall, and spoke in a clear, cold
voice, "Can I take him back with me?"

Hearing that, Christian frowned.

He clenched the disciplinary cane in his hands again and again before saying, "Third Madam,
Philip has caused such a big disturbance and commotion in the branch family today.

As the Chieftain,don't I have the right and qualification to discipline him?"

The third madam looked calm and unruffled as

she took two steps forward.
Her cold eyes swept over all the elders of the branch family present before her gaze fell on
Wade and Desmond.

She asked, "Do you need an explanation?"

Wade's face twitched at this moment as some

words got stuck in his throat.

He wanted to say something but dared not.

His eyes flickered to Christian.

As for Desmond, he relied on his seniority to

stand forward.

He bowed to the third madam before saying, "Third Madam, Philip behaved so arrogantly and
killed my great-grandson,Can't I even demand an explanation?"

The third madam nodded, looked at Gerry's

body on the ground, and said, "Granduncle
Desmond has a point. How about this as a
solution?I have a set of properties in my
hands that should have a market value of more
than ten billion. How about I make amends to
you on behalf of Philip?"


Desmond was startled. He frowned with panic

in his eyes as he said, "Third Madam, how
could I accept this?"

Desmond had mixed feelings. He could not

allow the third madam to make amends to him
on behalf of Philip.

At the thought of the figure behind the Third

Madam, Desmond panicked!

When Philip saw this scene from the side, he

frowned and asked, "Uncle Horace, what
exactly is Third Mother's background? Why is
Desmond so afraid of her?"
Horace smiled and said, "Phil, I don't blame
you for not knowing your third mother's
identity. All I can tell you is that your third
mother's last name is Tsar"

Her last name was Isar?

Suddenly, Philip trembled and asked, "Could it
be that Third Mother is.."

Chapter 2047

Horace nodded and said, "You guessed it

right. Who else in this country would dare to
use this last name? She's the Imperial
Preceptor's younger sister, Aria Tsar."

The Imperial Preceptor's younger sister?

Philip gasped. In the past, it was always his
identity that made others gasp. Today, it was
his third mother's identity that made him gasp.
His third mother was actually the Imperial
Preceptor's younger sister!

No wonder Desmond dared not do anything to

her. Here, Desmond's forehead was full of cold
sweat. He looked at the third madam standing
in front of him without daring to say a word.

"Granduncle Desmond, what do you think?"

Aria looked calm and spoke lightly, making
others unable to show the slightest

Desmond wiped the cold sweat from the

corner of his forehead. After thinking about it
for a long time, he nodded and replied, "I shall
follow your wishes."

Aria smiled and nodded slightly before turning

to Wade, asking, "Uncle Wade, do you have
anything to discuss?"

Wade was also flustered now. He lowered his

head and glanced at Desmond in
bewilderment before he shook his head,
saying, "No."

Aria smiled lightly and turned to Christian, who

was standing in the memorial hall. She said,
"Chieftain, do you have anything else to say

Christian narrowed his eyes, looked at Aria

coldly, and said, "Aria Tsar, even if you're the
Imperial Precep tor's younger sister and the
third madam of the Clarke family, you have no
right to intervene in the affairs of the branch

Christian was very unhappy at the moment.

How dare the Imperial Preceptor's sister do

Chapter 2048

What would happen to his dignity as the

Chieftain of the branch family?

What about his self-respect?

Aria laughed lightly and twirled the rosary in

her hands while saying, "In that case, what
explanation do you want?"

Christian waved his hand and said, "Tell him to

release all the detained members of the
branch family. Otherwise, no one can takeea
step out of this memorial hall today!"

Upon hearing this, Aria furrowed her shapely

eyebrows, glanced sideways at Philip, and
asked, "Phil, are you detaining members of the
branch family?"

Philip smiled and said, "Yes, I am."

Aria shook her head with a hint of reprimand in

her eyes and said, "Stop fooling around and
release them."

Philip was just about to refuse when Horace

pulled his arm and said, "Let them go. You
have caused enough trouble today. If this goes
on, I'm afraid things will escalate further."

Philip frowned upon hearing this. He said to

Christian, "I can let them go, but Uncle
Christian, let me ask you. The people of the
branch family have repeatedly disrespected
me and bullied my wife and children. How do
we settle this score?"

Chapter 2049
The branch family's memorial hall quickly fell silent at this question.

Everyone's eyes focused on Philip who asked that question.

This kid was really too cocky!

He actually dared to make use of the third madam's identity and status to demand an
explanation from the chieftain!

He was playing with fire!

With cold eyes, Wade and Desmond turned to Philip and shouted gravely, “Insolent boy! The
branch family has given up pursuing your accountability, yet you still dare to say such arrogant
words and ask the branch family to give you an explanation?”

"That's right! You simply have no respect for your elders and hold no regard for the chieftain's

"Chieftain, just look at this impudent child. How dare he say such things? I think we shouldn't let
him off so easily!"

All of a sudden, everyone rallied!

On the other hand, Philip was calm. From his eyes, it could be seen that he was determined to
cause a fuss!

Since his third mother was here, what else did he have to worry about?
Aria looked at Philip in surprise and said softly, "Phil, don't be rude! Since the branch family will
not hold you accountable, you shouldn't dwell on this any further. After all, we're a family. We
can sit and discuss anything. Where appropriate, let them go or apologize if necessary. Don't
cause any more trouble."

Philip looked at Aria, thought about it, and finally said unrelentingly, "Third Mother, this matter
can't be resolved so easily. I only have one stance today. Either they give me an explanation or
take me down today."

As soon as he said that, Christian, who was standing in the memorial hall, suddenly sneered
and said, "Okay, as expected of my eldest brother's son. You certainly are bold and courageous!
Let's see what storms you can cause in the branch family today! If you want to rely on your third
mother's identity and status to suppress me, you're still too young. Even the Imperial Preceptor
has to show me some respect. What's more, he doesn't have the right to interfere in this matter
either. Don't you think so, Third Madam?"

Aria's face darkened as she replied, "Christian, I hope you can understand that I'm standing
here not on behalf of my brother but of the main Clarke family and the four madams of the
Clarke family."

Christian said with a smile, "Very well. Since this is the common understanding between the four
madams, I won't be too harsh and calculative. I only have one request now, which is for him to
release my people and make apologies!"

When Philip heard this, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Christian, are you using your
position as chieftain of the branch family to suppress me? Well then, I'll make things clear to you
too. Today, I also have only one request. I can release them, but these people from your branch
family must apologize to me and my wife in person. Otherwise, I'll never let them go!"


Christian shouted angrily and swung the disciplinary cane in his hand.


With a crisp sound, it hit the floor.

The floor tiles shattered apart!

A deep crack appeared on the ground!

At this moment, everyone in the memorial hall fell to their knees!

The chieftain was angry!

Philip naturally noticed that Christian was furious.

At the scene, only Philip, Horace, Aria, the Griffin Army, and the main family's followers did not
kneel. The rest of the people were kneeling on the floor.

This scene really made people a little breathless!

However, Philip's expression remained calm. His eyes were firm with no signs of relenting.

Chapter 2050
Aria frowned, turned to Philip, and said, "That's enough! Stop fooling around. Otherwise, your
father will definitely chastise you when he comes back!"

"Third Mother, I know what I'm doing. I'm grateful that you came to rescue me, but there are
some things that I can't give in to! The branch family has gone too far this time! Today, either I
die or the branch family must apologize!"

Philip said sternly with a burst of anger in his eyes.

At this moment, Aria looked at Philip's resolute face and that stubborn temper. She suddenly felt
a little lost.

This child had the same temper as his father back then.

Once he made up his mind, nothing could change it.

Then, so be it.

Aria turned around and looked at the angry Christian. She said, "Christian Clarke, as the third
madam of the main family, I'm now warning you not to cross the line recklessly! He's the eldest
young master of my main family, and even more so, the heir. You're not qualified to use the
family discipline on him!"


Christian scoffed. "Third Madam, I never asked whether I'm qualified to use the family discipline
on him. If I want to do it, it's done. Even if this matter ends up going to Roger, so what?"

At this moment, Christian displayed his prestige as the chieftain of the branch family to the

As the chieftain of the branch family, he would do as he pleased!

He even paid no heed to Roger Clarke!

Hearing this, Aria's eyes flashed with a hint of sternness. Even her calm and unruffled heart was

She said coldly, "In that case, I'll use my identity as the younger sister of the Imperial Preceptor
to suppress you!"

Christian smiled fearlessly and said, "Third Madam, as I said, no matter how great the Imperial
Preceptor is, he's just the Imperial Preceptor. He has no right to interfere in the Clarke family's
affairs! After you married into the Clarke family and became the third madam of the Clarke
family, you no longer have the status of being the Imperial Preceptor's sister!"

"Christian Clarke, you have wild ambitions, indeed! You don't even have any regard for the
patriarch. What exactly does the branch family want?"

Aria was furious as she pointed and chastised.

Christian laughed as he stepped out of the memorial hall and said, "Aria Tsar, I advise you not to
mislead yourself!"

"What? Do you dare to kill me?"

At this moment, Aria also exuded her aura as the Imperial Preceptor's sister!

In an instant, her cold and aloof demeanor was replaced by the temperament of a heroine!

It seemed that the person standing in front of everyone was not a pious and religious woman
but an empress who ruled over the kingdom!

The two of them were about burst into sparks!

At this moment, Horace walked out silently from behind, clasped his hands in front of his belly,
and said with a laugh, "Christian, you're very arrogant, indeed. Have you forgotten all about

Christian frowned, glanced at Horace, and said, "You're not qualified to talk to me yet!"


Horace laughed and said, "Very well, Christian. You're really getting out of hand. No wonder
Roger has always been worried about your branch family. With you around, the branch family
will rebel sooner or later!"
"Horace Clarke, don't try to falsely accuse me at this time. As chieftain of the branch family, do
you think you can convict me with just a few words? I have people in the law enforcement hall
too! Or perhaps you want to revoke my position as the chieftain as well?"

Christian sneered and added, "If that's the case, I'm afraid you are not qualified enough!"

This time, Horace smiled and said, "I'm not qualified? Well then, let me see if this is enough to

After saying that, Horace took out a purple and gold token from his pocket.

Chapter 2051
In the afterglow of the setting sun, the purple-gold token reflected a dazzling cold light.

The moment this token was taken out, Christian, who was standing at the entrance of the
memorial hall, widened his eyes as his breathing became rapid.

After that, without another word, he knelt on the ground and said, "Greetings to the grand elder."

Instantly, all the elders and people in charge of the branch family, as well as the young masters
and young ladies, turned to Horace and bowed deeply.

"Greetings to the grand elder."

For a while, these words resounded throughout the branch family's memorial hall!

Philip also trembled when he saw the purple-gold token in Horace's hand.

His third uncle actually got hold of the grand elder's token.

Behind him, all members of the Griffin Army knelt on one knee and said with bowed heads,
"Greetings to the grand elder."

Their cries were more majestic and imposing than those people from the branch family. Like
rumbling thunder, the sound echoed and circled above the branch family's memorial hall.

When she saw the token, Aria also bowed slightly and said, "Greetings to the grand elder."

Horace indicated that Aria and Philip did not have to kneel. With the purple-gold token in his
hand, he glanced indifferently at Christian who was kneeling on the floor and said, "Christian
Clarke, weren't you very arrogant just now? Why are you kneeling now?"
Christian raised his head, glared at Horace with a chill in his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said,
"Horace, why do you have the grand elder's token?"

This was the grand elder's token that had never been easily given to others.

Today, for Philip's sake, the grand elder actually gave the token to Horace!

He was obviously taking sides!

Sure enough, Christian did not have a place in the grand elder's eyes!

With the purple-gold token in his hand, Horace walked up to Christian with his hands behind his
back and said, "Don't worry about how I got it. The matter today will end here. Philip will release
all the people from your branch family and your people should not mess with Philip anymore."

While saying that, Horace looked at Philip. Philip thought about it, frowned, and nodded in

After that, Horace looked at Christian again and asked, "Do you agree? Just say the word."

Christian knelt on the floor with a piercing chill in the corner of his eyes. He said with his head
lowered, "I obey the grand elder's wishes."

Horace smiled as he turned around and said, "Let's go."

When he walked to the main entrance, Horace turned around and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. You
people of the branch family are very protective. In that case, I'll use the grand elder's token to

give you a small punishment. All of you can just kneel like this until tomorrow morning."

With that said, he led Philip and the rest. They left the branch family's memorial hall.

Even when this group of people was far away, Christian and the rest remained kneeling on the
floor, not daring to get up.

Horace had used the grand elder's token to order them to kneel until tomorrow morning, so it
must be done!

At a glance, the courtyard inside the branch family's memorial hall was full of people kneeling.

Everyone held resentment in their hearts toward Horace.

However, they dared not speak out.

This incident happened and ended quickly.

On the way back, Philip followed behind Horace and Aria.

Aria suddenly stopped, turned her head, and slapped Philip across the face!

Philip was stunned by this slap.

He looked at his third mother's cold face and her eyes that carried traces of anger. He dared not
make a sound.

Aria's eyes were red, and her lips trembled slightly as she reprimanded, “Rascal! If something
had happened to you today, how would I explain it to your father? How should I explain it to

Philip glanced sideways at Horace.

Horace winked at him, and it was caught by Aria.

Chapter 2052
Aria turned her head, looked at Horace disapprovingly, and said, "And you! Do you want to
cause trouble with him too? Do you know what kind of place the branch family is? If Christian
really had the intention to kill today, who would've been able to stop him?"

Horace looked a little sullen and said, "But Aria, I did ask for the grand elder's token, didn't I?
Besides, nothing happened."

"Say it again!" Aria coldly scolded.

Horace was like a schoolboy who had made a mistake. He turned to Philip and accused him,
"Why are you so stubborn? Why couldn't you hold back a little? You just had to go and cause
such a big fuss! Apologize to your third mother right now!"

Philip felt helpless. He knew that his third mother loved him.

"Third Mother, I'm sorry. I know I was wrong." Philip lowered his head and said.

Then, he took a step forward, pulled Aria's delicate arm, and said, "Third Mother, don't be angry.
I won't dare to do it again next time."

With that said, Philip even wanted to make a vow.

Aria snorted and said to the attendant next to her, "Let's go."
Aria turned to leave. After walking a few steps, she said without looking back, "Tomorrow, bring
your wife and children to my place for a meal."

Philip smiled and responded, "Okay, sure." Philip breathed a sigh of relief when Aria finally got

into the car and left.

He rubbed his burning cheek and grumbled, "Uncle Horace, Third Mother is too hard on me."

Horace rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you still dare to say that? I don't even dare to talk
back to her. Only you can do that. If that little brat Ethan was the one who did something like
this, with your third mother's temper, she would have skinned him!"

Philip waved his hand and shrugged, his eyes fixing sneakily on the purple-gold token in
Horace's hand. He said, "Uncle Horace, can you let me play with the grand elder's token for two

Hearing this, Horace stared at Philip as if he was a thief and said, "What do you want to do?
Don't even think about it! This is the grand elder's token. I have to send it back later."

Philip raised his eyebrows and said, "Boring."

Horace rolled his eyes at him and said, "You've just returned, so take a break today. Tomorrow
morning, I'll get someone to pick you, Wynnie, and your kids up. You need to visit the grand
elder and pay him your respects. You've been away for seven years! Don't you know that the
grand elder loves to talk about you, the little monkey?"

Philip replied, "I know."


Philip was in his residence.

Inside a huge bedroom, Lydia was lying on the bed and wrapped in bandages all over. Wynn sat
on the side, her eyes swollen from crying. She was keeping watch over Lydia.

Philip glanced at Lydia, who was still unconscious on the bed. He said to the doctor who was
packing up the medical equipment, "Dr. Garfield Gates, is she Okay?"

The old man with a headful of gray and dressed in white looked like an expert.

"She's fine. She just needs a few days of rest."

Philip nodded and said to the servant behind him, "Triple the payment."
Dr. Gates smiled and said, "Young Master Philip, you think too highly of me. You don't have to
pay me. This is part of my job."

With that said, Dr. Gates glanced at Wynn who was guarding by the bedside. He then winked at
Philip and said, "Young Master Philip, let's talk in private."

Philip understood, turned sideways respectfully, and said, "Dr. Gates, this way please."

In the yard, under the starry sky.

Philip's expression looked very ugly at this moment. With a deep frown, he looked at the doctor
and asked anxiously, "What did you say? Wynnie has a hidden illness? She only has three
years left to live?"

Chapter 2053
Philip was dumbfounded at Dr. Garfield Gates' words.

Wynn had a hidden illness?

She only had three years left to live?

How was this possible?

"Dr. Gates, are you sure?" Philip looked a little unhappy. If not for the doctor's superb medical
skills, he would have gotten someone to give him a bashing!

Dr. Gates nodded with a look of regret and said, "Young Master Philip, there's no reason for me
to lie to you. Young Madam's body is very special, indeed."

Philip frowned, and his heart was in turmoil. His breathing became very rapid and tense.

Was Dr. Gates telling the truth?

Wynnie.. How could she have only three years left to live?

"Dr. Gates, what the hell is going on here? How can she have a hidden illness? She looks fine
to me," Philip asked.

Dr. Gates shook his head and narrowed his eyes. Through the window, he glanced at Wynn who
was guarding Lydia at the bedside and asked Philip, "Young Master Philip, let me ask you. Did
the young madam show signs of hemorrhaging during her recent childbirth?"

"Yes!" Philip replied.

Indeed, Wynn had bled heavily during delivery.

Dr. Gates nodded and said, "That's right, then."

"What's going on?" Philip noticed the somewhat obscure and unfamiliar look on Dr. Gates' face,
so he quickly asked.

The doctor shook his head and looked at the moon in the sky before revealing his judgment.
"Young Master Philip, when you were away just now, I observed the young madam's complexion
and facial features. I found that the blood flow in the young madam's body is abnormal. It's not
as robust. To be precise, the vitality in her blood is lacking. The hemorrhage during childbirth
this time is also one of the culprits. For more details, I need to give her a more thorough check-

Philip was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

After that, the two returned to the living room. "Wynnie, come out for a moment. Dr. Gates will
give you a check-up." Philip forced out a smile on his face and called out to Wynn who was
sitting by the bed.

With a puzzled face, Wynn asked, "Phil, I'm not sick. Why do I need a check-up?"

Philip walked over and said, "You had a hemorrhage in the hospital last time. I'm still worried
about it. so I asked Dr Gates To give you a check-up and prescribe something to nourish your

Hearing that, Wynn agreed. She got up and walked to the living room.

20 minutes later, Dr. Gates' face became more serious and unpleasant. He would also look at
Wynn from time to time.

Finally, he stopped and sat on the chair. After pondering for a moment, he squeezed a smile and
said, "Young Madam, there's nothing serious. I can just prescribe a few supplements for you."

Wynn nodded, bowed slightly, and said, "Thank you, Dr. Gates."

Philip sent Wynn back to the room before he walked out and met up with Dr. Gates in the yard.
"How is Wynnie's health?" Philip asked impatiently.

With a face full of hesitation, Dr. Gates shook his head and said to Philip, "Young Master Philip,
if my diagnosis is correct, the blood in the young madam's body is different from normal people.
I've only seen this kind of blood once in my life."
"What do you mean?" Philip was full of confusion.

Chapter 2054
Dr. Gates sighed and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. Finally, he said,
"Young Master Philip, have you ever heard of something called the golden blood in this world?"

Philip abruptly reacted and said, "It has something to do with golden blood?"

Dr. Gates nodded and said, ”Young Master Philip, truth be told, 20 years ago, I was fortunate
enough to have encountered a patient with golden blood. That patient's condition was very
similar to the young madam's. She underwent two childbirths and had a hemorrhage during her
second delivery. Later, her blood flow collapsed and her body quickly deteriorated. All vitality in

her blood essence was lost. In less than three years, the patient passed away and left two
children behind. I have visited famous doctors and read various ancient books, but there's no
treatment for this disease. It can be said that for people with golden blood, regardless of men or
women, the blood flow in their bodies will collapse at a certain age, Within three years, they will

Dr. Gates' face was full of chagrin and regret. He had practiced medicine all his life and saved
countless people. However, the patient back then had become a source of his heartache for

In the past 20 years, he had read countless books and searched for countless famous doctors,
but he was unable to find a cure for the golden blood disease. There was nothing more
regrettable for a medical practitioner than failing to save a patient.

Philip was silent before muttering, "Golden blood? Is it because of the golden blood?"

Dr. Gates nodded and said, "According to the current medical terminology, this golden blood is a
very rare and special blood type. I once studied this blood type with my friends. This blood type
wasn't born from nature but artificially created by man. This blood type is constantly depriving
people of their vital life force. As for who created it, I really can't find out. However, based on my
understanding, someone who can spend so much to artificially create this blood type must not
be an ordinary person and should have some kind of ulterior motive. Perhaps if we can find this
person or mysterious organization, there could be a remedy for the young madam's illness."

Philip frowned, and his eyes flashed with chills. He thought to himself,’Is it related to the
Lovelace family?'

Philip took a deep breath and asked, "Dr. Gates, is there anything that can temporarily relieve
Wynnie's illness?"

Dr. Gates narrowed his eyes. After a

moment of silence, he said, "Young Master Philip, to be honest, I still haven't found a remedy to

deal with it.“

Upon hearing this, Philip's heart trembled. No remedy?

In that case, Wynnie...

"But..." Suddenly, Dr. Gates said.

Philip quickly asked, "But what? Do you have a way?"

Dr. Gates nodded before shaking his head and saying, "I read this in an ancient book. Perhaps
it might be helpful to the young madam's current condition, but I'm not very sure about it."

"What book? What method? As long as there's a way, we can try," Philip said.

Dr. Gates nodded and said, "Young Master Philip, the method recorded in this ancient book is
too mysterious, or rather, too shocking. The three herbs needed for this prescription are not
something ordinary people can find."

"What herbs are those? No matter how much they cost, I can buy them!" Philip said solemnly.

Dr. Gates shook his head and said, "The first two herbs can be obtained with your identity and
the Clarke family's background. They are the thousand-year mandrake and the thousand-year
belladonna. However, I've never seen this third ingredient nor even heard of anyone owning it.
Even the current developed medical system has no record of this item."

"What is it?" Philip asked.

Chapter 2055
After pondering for a moment, Dr. Gates said, "Multidew Herb."

Multidew Herb?

What kind of medicinal material was that?

After hearing this, Philip's entire face trembled as he inquired, "Dr. Gates, what medicine is

Dr. Gates shook his head, put his hands behind his back, and explained, "Young Master Philip, I
don't know this medicine either. It's just something recorded in an ancient book. It's said to be
made from the juice of a hundred kinds of herbs that has absorbed sunlight and moonlight. It
takes 3,000 years to form a plant. Then, the plant is taken and pounded into medicinal dew."

Dr. Gates raised three fingers as he said that, his face full of helpless distress as he shook his

Philip did not feel well after hearing this.

Was there really such a thing in this world?

It sounded more like a plant from a fairytale.

The plant needed 3,000 years to grow?

The history of this country was only 5,000 years.

"Dr. Gates, was this recorded in an ancient book?" Philip asked.

Dr. Gates nodded and said, "Yes, it was recorded in an ancient book with the handwritten notes
of Symonds Soto, the King of Medicine. I was fortunate enough to have contact with a
descendant of the Soto family before I could see this ancient book. This prescription was
recorded there. However, this remedy is not aimed at the young madam's golden blood disease
but involves a more secret legend."

Handwritten notes of Symonds Soto, the King of Medicine?

Philip froze for a moment. He knew something about the Soto family.

There was some business cooperation between the Clarke and Soto families. Moreover, there
was also a medical hall inside the Clarke family exclusively opened by the Soto family to serve
the Clarke family.

"What legend does this prescription involve?" Philip asked with some eagerness in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, Dr. Gates said, "The path of eternal life."

The path of eternal life?


Philip suddenly felt that he had heard something remarkable.

"Dr. Gates, don't lie to me. How can there be a path to eternal life in this world? A thing like the
fountain of youth is nothing but a myth. In this world, there's no such thing," Philip said with a
self-deprecating laugh.

Dr. Gates shook his head and said, "Young Master Philip, you know very little about the medical
arts. In this world, there may not be a fountain of youth but there are pills to prolong life and
promote vitality. This is the real deal. It only feels unbelievable because ordinary people can't
access it easily. Moreover, these pills are exclusive items and can't be purchased by ordinary
people. Even if you have a mountain of gold, you might not necessarily be able to buy these

Dr. Gates explained with a face that did not seem like he was lying.

"In that case, are you saying that the prescription recorded in this ancient book is the recipe for
eternal life?" Philip asked in surprise.

Dr. Gates nodded and said, "Yes, this is the recorded recipe for the elixir of life. However,
without these three important medicinal materials, the elixir of life is just empty talk. In particular,
the last material is not something born of nature but has to be cultivated for 3,000 years by
hundreds of generations of medical slaves before it can be used."

Elixir of life?

3,000 years?

Philip suddenly felt that the world was spinning as his mind was overwhelmed. Did that mean
that Wynn only had three years to live?

Where the hell was he supposed to find this thing?

Chapter 2056
"Young Master Philip, the 3,000 years mentioned in the ancient texts may not be very credible
and perhaps just exaggerated."

Seeing Philip's look of dejection, Dr. Gates coughed lightly and said, "However, don't be
discouraged. Although this prescription is hard to come by, I'll try my best to read the ancient
books again to find out if there's a remedy to alleviate the young madam's illness."

Philip nodded. He felt very empty, disappointed, and upset. "Dr. Gates, I'll be counting on you,
then," Philip said respectfully with a bow.

Dr. Gates quickly helped Philip up and said, "Young Master Philip, you don't have to do this. I'm
just one of the Clarke family's doctors and I should do my best. You don't have to bow to me."
Philip did not say anything but looked at Dr. Gates very seriously and said, "Dr. Gates, don't tell
the young madam about this matter for now."

Dr. Gates naturally understood and answered with a nod, "I understand, please rest assured. I'll
go back and prescribe a few supplements to the young madam to replenish her blood and boost
her vitality. Even though it can't help much, it can lessen her suffering for the next three years."

Philip's eyes were red as he nodded and instructed the servant to send Dr. Gates S, back.

Looking at the doctor's departure, Philip stood in the yard and looked up at the vast starry sky.

There were countless stars in the sky, and shooting stars could be seen from time to time.

"Phil, what are you thinking about?" At this moment, a gentle voice came from behind Philip.
Then, Philip felt an extra jacket over his shoulders.

He turned around and saw Wynn looking at him with a gentle smile on her face. He squeezed
out a smile, gently took Wynn into his arms, and said, "Wynnie, it's been a long time since we

looked at the stars together."

Wynn leaned in Philip's arms, raised her delicate little face, and looked at the stars in the sky. A
happy smile appeared at the corners of her mouth as she said, "Phil, do you still remember the
time when we used to count the stars together at the university's lover's slope?"

Philip nodded with a smile and said, "Of course I do. At that time, you were wearing a white
dress and was worried about the bugs in the grass, so you refused to sit. I had to take off my
jacket and spread it on the ground for you."

"After that, I found a ring in the jacket."

Wynn looked up at Philip and suddenly said with a laugh, "You said that you had just started
attending university and only knew this one trick to deceive young women. I was really foolish at
that time to believe your nonsense. I was moved by you and agreed to be with you."

Philip hugged Wynn tightly and said, "Wynnie, do you regret being with me?"

Wynn shook her head seriously and said, "I don't regret it. Since I chose you, I won't regret it.
Even if you're not the young master of the Clarke family and don't have such a big family
business, even if you're just the ordinary Philip Clarke you used to be, I won't regret it."

Philip lowered his head and looked at Wynn in his arms. He gently leaned over, kissed her
smooth forehead, and said, "I love you."
"I love you too." Wynn stood on tiptoes and kissed Philip on the lips.

Then, the two just leaned against each other, stood in the yard, and looked at the starry sky.

The surrounding servants stood far away at this moment, not daring to disturb them at all.

In the bedroom, Philip stood guard by Wynn's bedside. He looked at the sleeping Wynn with her
delicate brows and beautiful features.

'Wynnie, don't worry. Even if I use up all of the Clarke family's fortune, I'll find the Multidew Herb
for you!’

'Even if I make an enemy out of the whole world, I'll cure your disease!’

At this moment, Philip had made a decision.

Chapter 2057
At this moment, a tiny figure was rubbing her sleepy eyes. She was wearing a cute pair of pink
pajamas and standing at the bedroom door.


Mila called out and walked in wearing big pink slippers.

Philip smiled, bent over, and picked Mila up. He bopped her nose and asked, "Why are you

Mila hid in Philip's arms in fear and said, "I had a nightmare. I dreamed that Mom left me and
went far away."

While saying that, Mila looked at the sleeping Wynn on the bed and wanted to call out to her.

Philip immediately put a finger to his mouth in a shushing gesture and said, "Mom is asleep. Let
me play with you for a while."

Mila nodded, looking very cute with her hair slightly disheveled.

The father and daughter sat in the living room to play at this moment.

While playing, Philip noticed a small object hanging from Mila's neck. It was a small green bottle
carved with patterns and there was a red string on both ends. The bottle was about the size of a
little finger.

Philip frowned. He did not buy this for his daughter.

Was it given by Wynn?

"Mila, who gave you the thing on your neck?" Philip put Mila on his knee and looked at the small
object on her neck very carefully.

It seemed to be a container with very complicated lines and patterns on it.

Mila held the object in her chubby little hands and said happily, "Dad, this is from Aunt."


Hannah Clarke?

With a frown, Philip suddenly thought of the letter that Hannah handed to him before he left the
hospital in Uppercreek last time. The letter mentioned that Hannah had left something for Mila.
Was it the small object in front of him?

Philip smiled and said, "Mila, can you show it to me?"

"Okay," Mila agreed obediently. She took off the small object from her neck and put it in Philip's

Philip took the small green bottle and looked at it carefully several times under the light.

Apart from some complicated patterns on it, nothing seemed peculiar.

He tried to twist it and break it apart, only to find that the material of this thing was very hard. It
was similar to jade but not quite like it, or perhaps something metal.

After looking at it for a while, Philip still could not figure out what it was. He could only hand it
back to Mila glumly. He stroked her head and said, "Aunt Hannah gave it to you, so keep it well
and don't lose it."

Mila nodded, revealing two dimples. She said, "Okay, Dad, I know."

After spending a little more time with Mila, Philip sent her back to her room and put her to sleep.

Before he left the room, Philip's eyes fell on the object on Mila's neck again.

What exactly did Hannah mean by this?

Early the next morning.

Outside Philip's residence, a group of servants and a butler had arrived. The butler said to the
butler of the residence, "Butler Little, I'm here on Third Old Master's order to pick up the young
master and young madam to visit the grand elder."

Butler Little nodded and said, "Please wait for a moment. I'll go in and inform them."

Soon, Butler Little came to the hall and looked at Philip who was having breakfast at the dining
table. He said, Young Master Philip, someone from Third Old Master's side has come to pick
you and Young Madam to the grand elder's place."

Philip was startled. He almost forgot about it and responded, "Okay, I'll go over later. Please tell
them to wait for a while."

At the dining table, Wynn, who was eating, trembled slightly. She asked, "Phil, what grand
elder? Who are you taking me to see?"

Philip smiled and said, "He's just an elder of the family. You can bring Mila to have a change of
clothes first. I'll take you there later."

"Which elder?" Wynn asked.

Philip replied, "My great-great-grandfather."


Chapter 2058
Wynn was stunned. Philip actually had a great-great-grandfather. Was that not her
father-in-law's great-grandfather?

The generation gap was too huge!

For a while, Wynn was a little flustered. She stared reproachfully at Philip and said, "Why didn't
you tell me earlier? You nearly got me into trouble."

After that, Wynn took Mila, who was still drinking her milk, back to the room and started

About half an hour later, Wynn changed into a long white dress with a small trench coat. Her
hair was coiled on her head, and she put on high heels. With light makeup on, she looked very
savvy and approachable.

"How is it? Do I look okay?" Wynn looked at herself and glanced at Philip expectantly.
Philip stroked his chin, nodded, and said, "Okay, this is fine. The grand elder is not a particular

Wynn rolled her eyes at him and said, "How can we act so casually? No way, I'll change into
another outfit."

With that said, Wynn returned to the room. Ten minutes later, she still decided to stick with the
previous outfit.

Then, Philip carried Mila, who was in a white princess dress, with the graceful- looking Wynn
next to him.

They left the residence and got into the Bentley that was waiting at the entrance.

About ten minutes later, the car stopped at the side door of the law enforcement hall.

Philip and Wynn got down from the car. At this time, Wynn was very nervous and her palms
were all sweaty.

Seeing her current state, Philip gently put his arm around Wynn's shoulder and said, "It's okay,
don't be nervous. The grand elder is a very nice person. He just wants to see my wife."

Wynn gave Philip an admonishing glance before she took a deep breath and said, "Let's go."

Philip smiled. The family of three followed the butler to the entrance of the grand elder's
courtyard. He was also the first elder of the law enforcement hall.

At this moment, Horace had already been waiting for them. As soon as he saw Philip, he
complained softly, "Stinking brat, what took you so long? The grand elder has been waiting for

Philip shrugged and said, "It didn't take that long, right? Wynnie just freshened up a bit."

Next to Philip, Wynn looked at Horace with some embarrassment. Not knowing who the other
party was, she could only smile and nod.

When Horace saw Wynn, he immediately squeezed out a pleased smile and said, "This must be
Wynnie, right?"

Wynn nodded and looked at Philip who made introductions, "This is my third uncle."

"How are you, Third Uncle." Wynn bowed slightly, looking very gracious.
"I'm good," Horace smiled and responded, "It's good to freshen up a little. Taking some time is
not a big deal."

Philip was taken aback. Uncle Horace was just good at reprimanding him.

When it came to Wynn, he disregarded everything.

It was a typical act of not siding with the nephew.

Then, Philip said to Mila in his arms, "Mila, this is your third grandpa."

Little Mila looked exactly like a princess in her white dress. With a chubby face full of smiles, she
called out to Horace sweetly, "Third Grandpa."

"Hey, hello! As expected of the little princess of the Clarke family, she's so beautiful like a
porcelain doll."

Horace was very happy as though he was seeing his own daughter-in-law and little

"Let's go in."

Horace led the way, and Philip's family of three followed closely.

Chapter 2059
Soon, the four arrived at the middle hall.

At this moment, an old man with his hand behind his back was looking at the birdcage hanging
in the yard. From a distance, the old man was dressed in plain clothes, looking quite hale and

Horace walked in with Philip and the others. He bowed slightly to the old man and said, "Grand
Elder, Philip has brought his wife and child to visit you".

The grand elder turned around with a benevolent smile. He looked at Philip who was grinning
broadly, stretched out his hand in a beckon, and said, "Little Monkey, are you finally willing to
come back and visit this lonely old man?"

Philip stepped forward, bowed to the old man, and said with a smile, "Grand Elder, I'm here to
visit you."

The old man rolled his eyes at Philip before looking at Wynn and Mila who were standing with
trepidation on the side.
Then, with a smile on his face, he beckoned to Wynn and Mila while saying, "Come here, all of
you. There are not so many rules to follow here."

Wynn stepped forward with Mila in her arms, bowed to the old man, and said respectfully,
"Grand Elder." Then, she said to Mila in her arms, "Mila, this is your great-grand elder."

Mila was still a little scared of strangers. With her two big eyes that were as bright as gems, she
glanced at Philip before calling out to the old man, "Great-grand Elder.

"Hey, good girl. She's a member of our Clarke family, indeed. She was carved out of the same

mold as this little stinking monkey!“

With a happy smile on his face, the grand elder motioned to the butler next to him, "Hurry up,
take out the things I prepared."

The butler immediately fetched three objects from the room, one of which was a white jade
bracelet. The grand elder handed it to Wynn and said, "Little Monkey's wife and the young
madam of the Clarke family, I have nothing good to give you. This is something your
great-great- grandmother left behind. I'll pass it down to you today."

Wynn was flattered and quickly bowed as she accepted the white jade bracelet with both hands.
She said, "Thank you, Grand Elder."

The old man nodded kindly and motioned Wynn to get up.

Then, he took a golden locket from the butler's hand, bent over, handed it to Mila. He said, "Your
name is Mila, right?"

Mila looked at the old man with her big soulful eyes. She glanced at Philip and Wynn before she
nodded and replied, "Yes, my name is Mila Clarke."

The old man laughed and stroked Mila's head. He put the small golden locket around Mila's
neck and said, "This is a gift for you."

Mila lowered her head and looked at the small golden locket hanging around her neck. She
smiled sweetly, revealing her two dimples. She said, "Thank you, Great-grand Elder."

The old man nodded and praised her. Then, he looked at the third object. He turned his head
and said to Philip, "This one, you take it back for the little one."

Philip took it from him with a yes and looked at the object. It was a small white jade pendant with
two golden dragons embroidered with gold threads on it. It looked very beautiful and valuable at
first glance.
"Grand Elder, how much is this worth?" Philip asked jokingly.

The old man rolled his eyes at Philip and scolded, "How dare a stinking monkey like you tease
me as soon as you return? Believe it or not, I'll punish you and make you stand at the door for
three days!"

Philip laughed earnestly and kept the item in his pocket.

Then, they exchanged more pleasantries over tea.

Wynn breathed a sigh of relief. Her palms were already full of sweat. Philip looked at her, wiped
her sweat from the corners of her forehead, and said, "Bring Mila to the yard for a while. I'll talk
to the grand elder."

Wynn agreed and took Mila to the yard.

Philip watched Wynn's back as she left before he turned around and walked into the inner
courtyard of the middle hall.

Chapter 2060
At this moment, the grand elder was lying on a wicker chair, enjoying tea and listening to music.

"Little Monkey, refill my tea," the old man called out.

Philip walked over with a few steps, refilled the old man's teapot, and sat next to him.

The old man glanced at Philip and asked with a faint smile, "Something on your mind?"

Philip squeezed out a smile and said, "Nothing."

The old man chuckled, looked at the flowers and plants in the yard, and said, "I watched you
grow up. I can tell at a glance that you have something on your mind. If you tell me, perhaps I
can help."

Philip thought for a while, got up, and sat down next to the grand elder. He refilled the old man's
teacup before asking, "Grand Elder, I want to ask you something."

The old man hummed and said, "What is it? Why are you so secretive and why do you look so

Philip pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you know about the Multidew Herb?"
"Multidew Herb?" The grand elder suddenly repeated and sat up from the wicker chair. He
looked at Philip very seriously and asked, "Little Monkey, how did you hear about this thing?"

"From Dr. Garfield Gates," Philip said honestly.

"Why did he tell you about this?" The old man frowned, somewhat puzzled.

Philip grinned broadly and said, "Grand Elder, don't worry about that. Do you know anything
about it?"

The old man lay down again, looked at the birds in the sky, and thought for a while. Then, he
reached out and tapped on the wooden coffee table.

Philip understood and immediately refilled his teacup.

"This is a long story. The Multidew Herb is a rare medicine. According to the legends outside, it's
the most important ingredient to produce the elixir of life. It takes 3,000 years to produce one."
The old man said with a look of recollection on his face.

Do you know where I can find this herb now?" Philip asked.

The grand elder glanced at Philip and said, "What are you trying to do? Do you think you can
find something that thousands of people can't?"

When Philip heard this, his face immediately dimmed as he asked, "Can't find it?"

The grand elder shook his head and said with a sigh, "There is no such thing in this world. It's
just a herb recorded in ancient books. No one knows if it's true. After all, no one has ever seen

Philip was a little disappointed. If even the grand elder was not sure about this, there was
probably no such thing as the Multidew Herb in this world.

However, the old man suddenly spoke quietly, "However, if I remember correctly, this thing
should be recorded by the Nonagon."

"Nonagon? Grand Elder, are you saying that the Nonagon has a record of this thing?" Philip was
suddenly excited.

The old man rolled his eyes at him and said, "Brat, I know everything about what you did
outside. Last time, because you, Reed Williams and Fulton Hash almost tore down the
Philip smiled and quickly asked, "Grand Elder, are you sure the Nonagon has a record of this

The old man thought for a while, got up, and went to his bedroom. A few minutes later, he
returmed to the wicker chair with a small wooden box in his hand.

Philip glanced at the wooden box. It was very old and ancient-looking. It was purple-red in color
with several images carved on it.

The grand elder opened the wooden box, took out a sealed yellow old paper from it, took a few
glances, and said, "Yes, it does say that the Multidew Herb has a certain connection with Cochly
Mountain. Cochly Mountain is now under the control of the Nonagon. If you really want to find
the traces of that ingredient, you can only enter the Nonagon and go to Cochly Mountain."

Philip was silent and asked, "Grand Elder, the Cochly Mountain you're talking about, is that the
door in our country?"

The old man nodded and said, "Pretty much. This secret of the Multidew Herb that I know of is
something your mother told me back then. She told me to keep this secret and said that one
day, someone will come find me."

"Mother?" Philip was amazed.

Chapter 2061
His mother actually knew about the Multidew Herb? "Grand Elder, what's going on? Why did
Mother leave you this thing?“ Philip asked.

The old man shook his head and said with a smile, "Your mother's talent is the first in this world,
and no one would dare to say no to her. She must have her reasons for leaving this thing
behind. Back then, your mother and your father were in charge of the sixth and seventh zones
in the Nonagon. They were known as the double emperors. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before
the turmoil in the Nonagon broke out. Your parents had no choice but to leave. Your mother's
accident was more or less related to the Nonagon. Perhaps it was also connected to the
Multidew Herb." The grand elder looked at the sky, lost in thoughts.

Waves of sadness appeared on his face. Philip listened in amazement.

He had already learned from Fennel Leigh that his mother's accident was related to the
Nonagon. However, the Multidew Herb was also related to his mother now. Could it be that what
his mother left behind in the sixth zone was the clue to this Multidew Herb?

"Little Monkey, why are you asking about this Multidew Herb?" Suddenly, the old man turned to
him and asked.

Philip's face darkened and he hesitated for a long time before he said, "Wynnie has golden
blood. According to Dr. Gates, she only has three years to live. At the moment, only that
so-called elixir of life can alleviate Wynnie's condition."

"What? Golden blood?" The old man abruptly sat up again with a stunned look on his face!

After that, he seemed to have thought of something that made him very angry. He roared, "You,
take them away! Leave immediately!"

Then, he got up and turned away with a face full of anger.

Philip was shocked by the sudden scene. He got up and shouted, "Grand Elder, what..."

"Don't ask! Hurry up and leave! Take her away with you!"

The grand elder shouted and said, "Heinous sins! Why is it the golden blood and the Lovelace
family? Why is this happening? Where did it go wrong?"

The grand elder left the courtyard like he was in a trance.

Philip stood there for a long time and could not figure out why the grand elder was suddenly so
angry. He glanced at the butler standing on the side before he turned around and left the
At the door, Wynn and Mila had been waiting for a while. Seeing Philip walking out with an
unpleasant look on his face, Wynn walked and said, "Phil, what's wrong? Did you have a fight
with the grand elder?"

Philip glanced at Wynn with a gentle expression in his eyes and said with a smile, "It's nothing,
let's go back."

Wynn nodded and got into the car with Mila in her arms.

Horace walked over at this moment with a slightly surprised look on his face. He signaled Philip
to step aside and asked, "Did you quarrel with the grand elder?"

Philip shook his head and said, "No, I don't know why he suddenly got angry. We were just
talking about some irrelevant things."

"What irrelevant things?" Horace asked.

Philip thought for a while and said, "It's nothing, Uncle Horace. I'll send Wynnie and Mila back
first. We still have to go to Third Mother's place this afternoon."

With that said, Philip turned around and left.

Horace frowned as he looked at Philip's departing back. He glanced at the courtyard door
resignedly before he shook his head and left.

Meanwhile, in the grand elder's yard. The grand elder, dressed in plain clothes, stood in the yard
with his hands behind his back. Facing a guard wearing black clothes and who was kneeling on
the ground, he solemnly said, "Go to the Lovelace family to investigate Wynn's details and
confirm whether she's their child!"

"Yes, Grand Elder!"

The guard responded respectfully and withdrew from the yard.

The grand elder stood in the yard, looked up at the white clouds in the sky,and muttered, "What
went wrong? Is this part of your plan too?"

Chapter 2062
Back to Philip's side.

In the afternoon, he brought Wynn and Mila to his third mother's residence.

Aria Tsar's place was plain and simple. The decoration style was homely and elegant.
At Wynn and the child's arrival, Aria came out from the backyard with a loving smile on her face.
She stepped forward and took Wynn's hand while saying, "Wynnie, I've heard so much about
you from Hazel and Nadia. Seeing you today, you're indeed a beauty. Come here and sit down.
You just gave birth and shouldn't stand for too long."

"Third Mother." Wynn inclined slightly and addressed her politely.

Aria was very fond of Wynn and Mila.

"This must be Mila. How cute!" Aria pinched Mila's chubby face dotingly.

Wynn said to Mila, "This is Third Grandma."

Mila looked up at Aria with her big eyes and greeted, "Third Grandma."

Aria kept laughing happily and started chatting with Wynn and Mila. Poor Philip was just a
decoration next to them.

After the meal, Wynn and Aria chatted for a few more minutes before Philip took them back.

Before leaving, Aria pulled Philip aside. She said seriously and earnestly, "Don't run around in
the next few days. Your father isn't around and the branch family has a grudge against you.
Don't cause any trouble and learn how to take over the Clarke business. I'll get someone to
bring you around the properties."

Philip nodded and responded, "You're right."

Meanwhile, at the branch Clarke family.

Early in the morning, the group of people kneeling in the branch family's memorial hall showed
signs of exhaustion and excitement when they saw the rising sun. They wanted to stand up, but
after kneeling all night, their legs were already numb!

Moreover, at this moment, Christian Clarke, the chieftain of the branch family, had not stood up
yet. Christian was still kneeling in the courtyard of the memorial hall with a biting chill flowing all
over his body! This chill was like a blade hidden in the storm, about to tear the world apart!

When the butler saw that the chieftain was still kneeling, he reminded in a small voice,
"Chieftain, it's already morning. You can get up now."

However, Christian paid no attention and remained kneeling.

Since he was still kneeling, the elders and people in charge of the branch family, as well as the
young masters and ladies, dared not get up.

At this moment, they hated Philip to the core! It was all because of him that they had to kneel
here all night!

Ten minutes later, a group of guards walked in from the main entrance of the memorial hall, led
by an old man in his 50s. He looked at all the people kneeling in the courtyard. Then, he walked
up to Christian, bowed slightly, and said, "Chieftain, the first elder has given the order for you to
get up."

"In addition, he'd like to see you in the law enforcement hall."

Hearing that, Christian frowned. He took a deep breath and said with a bow, "I understand."

Chapter 2063
After Christian stood up, the elders and people in charge of the branch family, as well as the
young masters and ladies, finally dared to follow suit.

Then, Christian left the memorial hall with the man in his 50s. After Christian left, the other
members of the branch family in the memorial hall finally dared to air their grievances.

"Oh, my legs are numb! It's all that damned Philip's fault!"

"Yes, damn it! After kneeling here all night, I'm nearly starving to death!"

The group of pampered young masters and young ladies felt dizzy. They could not wait to leave
the memorial hall and go back to the comfort of their own homes.

In the memorial hall, more than a dozen elders and people in charge of the branch family

At this moment, they looked at each other. Some helplessly shook their heads and sighed
before saying, "I'll be going back, then. After one night of suffering, my body can't take it


"I'm leaving too. I still have things to handle at the company."

For a while, several elders and people in charge of the branch family bade farewell to Wade and

In the memorial hall, only a few old masters and Desmond were left.

With a sullen face, Wade kicked a flower pot on the side and shouted, "Damn it! What an
outrage! I've lived for 50 years, but I have never suffered such a disgrace as yesterday!"

Hansel also had a cold expression on his face. He clenched his fists and said, "No matter what,
we can't just let this matter go! Word of what happened yesterday has already spread out. This
is a loss of the branch family's image and dignity! If we just let it go, the prestige of the branch
family on Arcadia Island will decline. The plan we have laid out for so long will be in vain!"

Desmond snorted and said, "That's right! That damned brat bullied the branch family and killed
my great-grandson. I definitely won't give up on this matter! Even if the chieftain doesn't pursue
it, I'll still go all out!"

Several people looked at each other, their eyes full of anger.

At this time, Salem spoke up from the side, "Everyone, listen to me. Can't you see what's
happening after yesterday's incident? First, it was Aria Tsar. Then, we have Horace Clarke.
Finally, even the grand elder stepped in. Do you still think we can do anything to Philip in the
Clarke family?"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, all of them fell silent.

Yes. The incident yesterday had already spoken for itself.

Moreover, even the grand elder was involved now. It would be really difficult for them to do
anything to Philip.

"So what do we do? Do we just let it go?"

Wade was very reluctant. He received the greatest humiliation yesterday. He made an oath, but
the result was not satisfactory.

Desmond raised his eyebrows, followed by a flash of cold light in his eyes. He made a gesture
of swiping his neck and said, "In that case, why don't we try to lure Philip out of Clarke Manor
and get rid of him outside? That way, even if an investigation is conducted, it won't be traced
back to us."

"I think that's a good idea!" Hansel agreed.

However, Salem shook his head and said, "You're wrong. Think about it carefully. Philip dared to
cause such a big disturbance on the first day he returned. Why is that?"
Several people's faces darkened as they looked at each other. Then, they turned to Salem and
asked, "What do you mean?"

Chapter 2064
Salem smiled and said, "All of you have been used by Philip. To be precise, we're Philip's
pawns. After all the trouble yesterday, everyone's eyes are now on the branch family and Philip.

If anything happens to Philip from now on, everyone will suspect the branch family. When the
time comes, even if we didn't do it, it'll become our doing. So, do you still want to make a move
against Philip?"


Instantly, everyone was speechless! When they thought about it carefully, it was true!

"Damn it! That brat is actually using us as pawns and shields!"

Desmond was not a fool and instantly figured it out. Not only could the branch family not make a
move against Philip, but they even had to try to protect him now!

That was because now everyone knew that the conflict between the branch family and Philip
had escalated to the point that it could not be resolved!

If an interested party used this to attack Philip and anything happened to him, everyone's eyes
would be focused on the branch family!


The entire memorial hall was silent.

Wade clenched his fist very reluctantly and roared, "Damn it, that brat is the same as his father!"

Back to Connor's residence. At this time, Connor and the others had been released by Philip.

In the hall, Connor was sitting on the sofa and leaning on his walking cane with an angry
expression on his face.

Around him, Wade, Salem, Hansel, and the others were standing.

"Connor, what should we do about this? Philip has used all of us," Wade asked.

Connor coughed lightly. He caught a cold in the cargo hold of the cruise ship.
He said, "Don't worry about this matter first. As Salem said, the branch family has become the
target in everyone's eyes. Even the slightest movement will be exploited."

"Are we going to just forget about it, then?" Hansel said indignantly.

Connor shook his head and said with a sigh, "We're to blame for underestimating Philip's
wisdom and schemes. This incident can be regarded as a lesson for all of us. Let's settle down
for the time being. Two days later, Philip will return to the island to pay respects to the
ancestors. If possible, we can think of ways to cause trouble for Philip on that day."

Everyone perked up at that suggestion.

Yes, paying respects to the ancestors was a big deal! If they could make use of that day and
cause trouble for Philip, that would be great!

"What should we do, then?" Wade asked.

Connor pondered and said, "Did you find out everything about Wynn Johnston's background like
I told you to?"

Wade immediately replied, "Connor, it's all done. That bitch is indeed the surviving child of that
couple from the Lovelace family!"

"Good! In that case, we'll expose Wynn's background on that day. When the time comes, let's
see how the main family can defend that bitch and protect Philip!"

Connor tapped his cane on the ground with a fierce expression on his face.

Meanwhile, inside Levi's residence, he was currently lying on a soft golden silk bed. He was
surrounded by four graceful maids who were massaging his shoulders and legs. He was finally
home. He had been living like a beggar during this time!


He threw the wine glass in his hand heavily on the ground, smashing it to pieces. "Damn you,
Philip Clarke, I won't let you off!" Levi roared.

His face was flushed, and he was obviously drunk.

At this time, the butler ran in and said, "Young Master Levi, Young Master Lex requests to see

"Lex Clarke? Why does he want to see me?" Levi was taken aback. He frowned, looking
Chapter 2065
Levi and Lex had never gotten along. They had little interaction with each other.

Today, Lex actually came to see Levi, which caused a sense of foreboding to well in his heart.

While thinking, he said to the butler, "Send him in." Soon, Lex walked into the hall and saw Levi
sitting on the sofa in the living room.

At this moment, Levi's cheeks were still flushed and his body reeked of alcohol.

When Lex entered, he first bowed and said, "Hello, Levi."

Levi glanced at Lex indifferently and said with a smirk, "Oh, my second brother is here. I wonder
why you're looking for me. This is the first time you've visited my humble abode in recent years,
I always thought my place was too shabby for your liking."

A dagger was hidden in his smile. Levi's words were to give Lex a tongue-lashing.

Lex smiled and said, "Levi, you must be joking. It's just your mighty reputation that prevented
me from visiting."

"Hehe, since you're here today, are you saying that my reputation isn't as mighty as before?"

Suddenly, Levi said grimly with a hint of anger in his tone.

Lex's expression was indifferent as he said with a smile, "Of course not. I just heard that Young
Master Philip of the main family has done many bad things to you. I really couldn't bear to listen
to it, so I decided to come and visit you."

Levi frowned as a stern glint flashed in his eyes. He said, "Thank you for your concern, then. I'm
fine. If there's nothing else, you may leave. I have to recuperate."

It was an eviction order.

Lex smiled, took a few steps forward, sat on one side of the sofa, and said, "Levi, I'm here today
to talk to you about Philip. If you don't mind, I have a wonderful plan here that can let you vent
your anger and at the same time, help you regain your lost reputation."

Levi raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes at Lex. This guy was really getting more and
more presumptuous. How dare he sit down directly? However, Levi did not pursue such details
but sneered and said, "Oh? Are you saying that you can help me teach Philip a lesson?"
Lex smiled and said, "Of course, but I just don't know if you're willing to. Or rather, do you dare

Did he dare?


Levi scoffed and said, "Lex, is this reverse psychology? Are you really that eager to see me and
Philip fight so that you can reap the benefits?"

After saying this, Levi threw the teapot in his hand to the ground, got up, and pointed at Lex. He
said angrily, "Good for you, Lex Clarke! I've never seen you this way before. You've always kept
a low profile in the branch family. I didn't expect you to have such lofty ambitions too!"

Facing Levi's anger, Lex was calm. He laughed lightly and said, "Levi, you've misunderstood. I'll

always be your younger brother. In my opinion, you're the future of the branch family. I really
can't bear to see what Philip has done to you, so I came here to offer my help. If you think I
have an ulterior motive, I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Lex got up, bowed, and turned to leave.

Levi stood in the living room and watched as Lex walked to the door. In the short distance of
more than ten meters, it seemed as though time and space had slowed down.

During these ten meters, the two plotted numerous strategies and plans in their minds.

Suddenly, Levi laughed loudly and said, "Lex, you've misunderstood. I'm just a little confused.
Of course, we should work hand in hand. Since you have a good plan, why don't we talk about

At that moment, a hint of triumph flashed in Lex's eyes as he stood at the door.

Chapter 2066
After that, Lex turned around, returned to Levi's side, and said, "Levi, this matter is actually very
simple. Since Philip is already on bad terms with the branch family, we can do this..."

After half an hour of conversation, Lex bowed and left Levi's residence.

At this moment, Levi stood in front of the gate with his hands behind his back and looked at
Lex's departing back.
The smile on his lips gradually solidified, replaced by coldness! "Men, monitor Lex's every move.
No matter what he does and whoever he meets, even what he eats, I want a detailed report on
everything!" Suddenly, Levi said solemnly.

"Yes, Young Master Levi." Behind him, a guard replied.

Back to Lex's villa. In the living room of the villa, a burly man sat on the floor with his eyes fixed
on the TV as he played video games.

The woman with a sultry figure sat on the side, fiddling with her phone. She was live-streaming
on a live broadcast platform.

After he returned, Lex stood in the living room and said to the burly man playing video games,
"Black Tiger, get rid of that stalker outside."

"Okay." Black Tiger put down the game console, got up, and left the villa.

The woman also got off the live broadcast, wallked over, and asked, "How was your
conversation with Levi?"

Lex stood with his hands behind his back, his face solemn. He sneered and said, "He doesn't
believe me, but he agreed."

The woman's delicate features twitched with chills as she asked, "Are we still going to proceed,

With a smile that expressed he had everything under control, Lex said, "Why not? It's more
interesting this way. He wants to use me, and I want to use him. Let's see who gets the last
laugh. If I lose this time, why should I even fight for the crown of the branch family?"

The woman was silent. At this moment, Black Tiger, who had left earlier, returned. He was
dragging a lifeless corpse in his hand. He tossed it in the living room and said, "Young Master
Lex, it's someone from Young Master Levi's side."

Lex nodded and said, "I know, throw it away. Also, send a message to Levi. If he wants to know
my every move, there's no need to send someone to spy on me. I can just report to him every

Black Tiger nodded, turned around, and dragged the corpse away.

"Wait a minute, also tell him that I'll be seeing Philip later." Lex said with a smile, his eyes full of

"Okay," Black Tiger replied and left the villa.

On this side, Levi flew into a rage after he received the report from his subordinates.

Biff, bang!

Levi smashed a lot of valuable things in the living room and roared, "Damn that Lex Clarke! He's
deliberately pissing me off! He's going to see Philip? What does he want to do? Is he going to
join forces with Philip to deal with me? Very well, then. Let's see what tricks he has!"

Back to Philip, who was in his residence with Wynn and Mila.

At this moment, the guard walked in and said with a bow, "Young Master Philip, Young Master
Lex requests to see you."

"Lex Clarke? Why does he want to see me?" Philip frowned, somewhat surprised.

Chapter 2067
In the residence living room, Philip sat on the sofa and looked at Lex who was sitting on the
side. He smiled and asked, "Why did you come to see me?"

Lex took a sip of the tea made by the servant and placed the teacup on the table. With a smile,
he said, "I'm here to admire the mighty air of the young master of the main family."

Philip chuckled with a subtle glint in his eyes and said, "Hurry up and state your business. I have
to accompany my wife out later."

Lex nodded and said directly, "I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate?" Philip chuckled and asked, "Have you mentioned this to Levi?"

Hearing this, Lex raised his brows slightly, nodded, and said with a smile, "I have, and he has
agreed to it."

"In that case, by coming here to talk to me, are you going to be the middleman who puts on a
show just so you can sit back and watch the two of us fight while waiting to reap the benefits?"
Philip asked smilingly as the look on his face gradually darkened.

Lex nodded, pursed his lips, and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. As
expected of the heir of the main family. Your wisdom is indeed not comparable to mine or Levi's.

Philip said, "Stop your flattery. Since you dare to come and talk to me about cooperation, it
means that you know what I want and the consequences of doing so. I'm really curious to find
out what makes you so daring to come and talk to me about cooperation. Aren't you worried that
Levi will find out and turn against you?"

Lex got up, walked to the side, looked at the jasper-colored horn hung on the wall, and said,
"Philip, do you know that I've been enduring for 15 years and living in the branch family for 20
years? All this time, I've kept a low profile. I acted like a wimp and did not care about anything. I
pretended not to know anything. Do you know why I did that?"

Philip pondered and said, "I don't really like to listen to stories. I'm more interested in the

Lex continued, "I'm waiting for an opportunity to seek revenge on the branch family. Back then,
my mother brought me to Arcadia Island and was scorned and despised by everyone in the
branch family. In their opinion, my mother is just a slut and I'm her bastard child. For 15 years, I
still remember my mother's last words to me the night she was forced to her death by them. She
told me to endure and carry on living."

"I've endured it for 20 years, and my mother's death has haunted me for 15 years!"

"20 years! Do you know what it's like to live in hatred for 20 years under everyone's stares and
contempt? I want to take revenge on the branch family! I want to seek revenge on those people
who forced my mother to her death! I want all of them to kneel in front of my mother's tombstone
and apologize!" Lex gritted his teeth and said.

Due to his emotions, his whole body began to tremble and his eyes were scarlet. A raging aura
surged out of his body!

Philip was silent as he looked at Lex and said, "Sorry, I can't help you."

After that, Philip got up to leave.

Lex stared at Philip's departing back and spoke through clenched teeth, "You can help me! As
long as you help me take the top position of the branch family, in the future, the branch Clarke
family will always be subservient to you, Philip Clarke!"

His words were not loud but resounding.

With his back to Lex, Philip snorted and said, "To help you seize the top position of the branch
family, I'll have to see your strength."

After saying this, Philip stepped away.

Lex stood in the huge empty hall for a few minutes before he turned and left.
After he left, Philip walked out from the back and looked at Lex's departing back.

With a faint smile, he said, "I hope you won't let me down."
Chapter 2068
In the afternoon, Philip took Wynn away from Clarke Manor.

As Wynn had just arrived on Arcadia Island and was unfamiliar with many places, Philip planned
to bring her out and go shopping. Secondly, Philip wanted to see how Arcadia Island had
changed over the years and to see how far the branch family's hands had reached.

At the first stop, Philip brought Wynn to one of the main family's business properties on Arcadia

George Thomas was the butler responsible for several of the main family's properties on
Arcadia Island.

"Young Master, you're here." George smiled flatteringly and said to Wynn, "Young Madam, you
look much better now."

Wynn smiled and said to George, "Mr. Thomas, I still can't believe that you're the Clarke family's

George smiled and said, "Young Madam, there are still many things you won't believe in the
future, so learn to accept them as soon as possible."

Wynn took a deep breath and looked at Philip who was grinning broadly beside her.

Philip turned to George and said seriously, "I'm here today to talk to you. Two days later for the
ancestral commemoration day, I need to make some preparations. I'm worried that the branch
family will cause trouble for me on that day."

George nodded and said, "You're the young master of the main Clarke family. If the branch
family really decides to make trouble for you during the ceremony, I'm afraid that it'll be


Philip smiled coldly. "Now that I'm on such bad terms with the branch family, they definitely won't
spare any efforts to suppress me. Even if they make a loss, as long as they can cause harm to
me, the purpose of the branch family will be achieved. Therefore, I want you to help me in
private. Arrange people to put Arcadia Island under martial law and wait for my order to act at
any time."

Next to him, Wynn was shocked and asked Philip, "Phil, are you going to fight the branch
family? What's going on here?"
Philip pursed his lips at George, who nodded and briefly told Wynn about the feud between the
main and branch Clarke families.

After listening, Wynn slowly lowered her head and whispered, "It's too much. How can they do
this to their own family?"

Philip smiled wryly and said, "Self-interests are to blame. Even Martin and Bernard Johnston
were willing to kill their relatives for the small Beacon Group. I'm the heir of the Clarke family,
and I can inherit 70% of the world's industry in the future."

Wynn nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, Uncle Martin is... Wait! 70% of the entire world's
industry? Did I hear it right? The Clarke family's fortune accounts for 70% of the world's
industry?" Wynn said with a look of disbelief.

"I know that the Clarke family is amazing, but if you say 70% of the world' s industry." Wynn
thought Philip was lying to her again and put her arms akimbo, feeling very angry as if Philip
was taking her for a fool.

Philip and George stared at each other for a moment before laughing loudly.

Wynn said angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

George said, "Young Madam, it seems that you really don't know anything about the Clarke
family. Did you bring the card that the young master gave you last time?"

"Card?" Wynn asked and quickly took out the card that Philip had given to her in Riverdale
before. "Is this the one?" Wynn asked innocently with her eyes wide open.

Chapter 2069
George stroked his beard and said, "Yes, this is the card."

Then, George said earnestly, "Young Madam, is there a golden island symbol on the bottom left
corner of this card?"

Wynn took a look and really saw it. In the past, Philip gave her this card and told her that there
was some money in it that she could use on a rainy day. At this moment, Wynn looked at Philip
and pursed her lips.

Philip put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled faintly. If he remembered correctly, this
card was issued at the bank in Riverdale last time. There should be one billion in it.

Back then, when Martha went to check the balance, she was almost scared to death by 100
When Philip opened an account for Wynn, he deposited one billion. George knew about this.
After all, Philip's property distribution must be done through the Clarke family's vault.

Thus, George contacted the bank president at that time. The card issued to Wynn was also the
Clarke family's exclusive card! However, Wynn did not notice it at that time, and neither did

George smiled and said, ”Young Madam, this card is the symbol of the Clarke family! Only the
core personnel of the Clarke family are worthy to have it. Do you know how much money is in

One billion was really not that much.

At George's questions, Wynn shook her head blankly.

Philip smiled and said, "Wynnie, let's do this. It just so happens that George and I have to
discuss something that you won't understand, so why don't you go downstairs? There's a big
international bank downstairs and you can help me withdraw some money. You can also check
the balance in the card." While saying that, both Philip and George had mysterious smiles on
their faces.

Wynn nodded confusedly, picked up her bag, and went downstairs.

On the way, the more Wynn thought about it, the more she did not believe it. Could it be that
exaggerated? No matter how powerful the Clarkes were, they were just a family, not a country.
How could they own 70% of the world's industry?

With this in mind, Wynn arrived at an international bank. Philip did not say how much to
withdraw. Wynn waited in line and it was finally her turn. "Hello, Miss, how may I help you?" the
teller at the front desk asked politely.

"I want to withdraw some money."

"How much do you want to withdraw?"

Wynn thought about it and said in a huff, "I want to withdraw all the money in here."

She thought to herself, 'Let's see how much money is inside this so-called Clarke family's
exclusive card.'

In Wynn's opinion, there would only be a few million dollars in the card at most. After all, even if
the Clarke family was rich, they probably could not put a few hundred million in a card.
The teller at the front desk inserted Wynn ’s card into a machine on the counter and the data
was extracted.

After three to five seconds, the teller at the front desk screamed before falling off the stool!

Wynn was taken aback, wondering what was going on. Was she scared by the amount of
money? Had a bank teller never seen a few million dollars?

After a while, the teller got up with an expression as if she had seen a ghost!

"A-Are you sure you want to withdraw all the money in here?" the teller reconfirmed.

"Yes. If you have a case to put the money in, please give me two. I'll buy them at market price."
Wynn smiled politely, thinking that this teller was really kicking up such a big fuss. She must be
a newcomer.

The teller took the card, looked at the golden island sign on it, and almost fainted!

Seeing the teller's nervous look, Wynn asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

The teller was taken aback. She gulped and hurriedly said to Wynn, "Please wait a moment.
This matter is too big. I can't handle it for you. Please wait as I get the branch manager!"

After Wynn nodded, the teller lady ran out with a whoosh like an arrow that left the bow!

"Manager, take a look! Something bad has happened!" The teller rushed into the manager's
office while shouting.

Inside the office, the manager was talking to a VIP customer about the terms of a loan when a
teller from the front desk rushed toward him like a frightened wild horse.

The manager glared at her and said, "Mary, why are you so flustered? Don't you know how to
knock on the door? Don't you know I have guests here?"

Mary quickly bowed and apologized. "I'm sorry, Manager, but this case is too big. I have to
report it to you!"

The manager nodded and said a few polite words to the client. Then, with a teacup in hand, he
led Mary to the door.

Chapter 2070
"What made you so flustered? Tell me." The manager was in full leadership mode and spoke
while drinking tea.
"Manager, look!" While saying so, Mary handed Wynn's card to the manager. "A woman outside
said she wants to withdraw all the money in here!"


As soon as the manager saw the golden island on the card, he spewed a mouthful of tea on the
wall. Was this not the Clarke family's exclusive Gold Island Card? The Clarke family's Gold
Island Cards were issued by the head office of more than 200 bank alliances. As they were only
used by members of the Clarke family, the number of issuances was very small.

This card was only recognized by bank executives and the like.

However, this was Arcadia Island. All bank staff could recognize this card!

The manager was stupefied. He held the bank card up, flipped it back and forth, and kept
mumbling, "Yes, that's right. This is the Clarke family's Gold Island Card!"

Mary said, "Right? Manager, if you say this is the Clarke family's Gold Island Card, how is it
possible for the person to withdraw all the money in this card?"

The manager nodded. Mary was right. At the very least, the Clarke family's Gold Island Card
would have one billion in cash and one billion in credit! If the entire amount was withdrawn, it
would not be enough even if they emptied the entire bank vault!

However, this place was located in the external area of Arcadia Island, almost a hundred
kilometers away from the most central Clarke Manor!

Who was the noble person who came here to withdraw money? Sweating profusely, the
manager stammered and asked, "M-Mary, which noble person of the Clarke family is outside?
How many cash transport trucks did they bring? Are they withdrawing so much cash for disaster

Mary quickly said, "Manager, there's no cash transport truck outside, and I don't know the
woman outside either! We know all the Clarke family members who own this card like the back
of our hands!"

"You don't know her? No cash transport truck?" the manager asked in bewilderment.

This was Arcadia Island, and the person with this card must be a core member of the Clarke
family. Moreover, withdrawing so much money without cash transport trucks? This was really
puzzling. Could this be a private visit?

Mary said, "Yes, that person told me to fill two cases with money and said that she'll buy them at
market price."
The manager was taken aback, and his face darkened. "Mary, how old is that person outside
and how is she dressed?"

Mary replied, “She's just an ordinary woman but she's very good-looking. As for her age, she's
probably in her 20s. Her clothes are from some ordinary brands that I'd usually wear too. So, I
suspect...” Mary hesitated, reluctant to say more.


The manager slapped the wall heavily and said, "Damn it, how dare she steal this type of card?!
I think this little wench is tired of living!"

In the bank's hall, Wynn was still sitting at the front desk and waiting. She was wondering why
the teller had not returned after so long.

At this time, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the bank! This alarm would only sound when
a major incident such as a bank robbery occurred!

As soon as the people in the hall heard this alarm, they fled to the side in fright.

Immediately after, the bank's doors closed with a bang. Four or five special security personnel
popped out from the side!

Each of them wore bomb suits, steel helmets, large transparent shields, and steel pipe weapons
in the shape of a crescent shovel.

Behind them, the manager asked Mary, "Is that her?"

"It's her!" Mary replied.

The manager nodded, pointed at Wynn, and said viciously, "Quick! Arrest her!"

Chapter 2071
Arrest her?

Hearing that, Wynn was dumbfounded. What did she do wrong? Why would she be arrested
over a cash withdrawal?

"W-What are you doing? What did I do wrong?" Wynn asked in a panic, her face full of

One of the security guards wearing a bomb suit stood in front with a shield. He pointed at Wynn
fiercely and said, "Don't talk nonsense and give up resistance. We're following the instructions of
our superiors. Please cooperate with our investigation. Otherwise, we'll have to take coercive

Another security officer said, "Put your hands up and walk slowly toward us! Hurry!"

Wynn did not know what was happening, and she was very nervous.

She raised her hands slightly and approached the security personnel. She thought that since it
was the bank's security personnel, they should not be bad people. Hence, there should be no
problem in cooperating with the operation. If there was any misunderstanding, she would just
cooperate with them and clear things up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wynn walked forward, two personnel in bomb suits snuck behind her
at some point.

While Wynn was not paying attention, they stepped forward and grabbed Wynn's arms!

"Ah! What are you doing? Let go! How can you just arrest people without a reason in broad

Wynn exclaimed, These people were too unreasonable!

"Behave yourself and don't move!"

The security guards grabbed Wynn's arms and pushed her to the bank manager.

The manager raised his head, looked at Wynn with contempt, and said with a snort, "As
mentioned by Mary, you do have some looks. Hehe, people like you dare to steal anything from
anyone, huh? How many victims are we talking about here?"

When Wynn heard this, her beautiful face was full of anger as she said, "What victims? Don't
slander me! I'm here for a transaction. What did I steal? Let go of me!"

While saying that, Wynn kept struggling but the two security personnel behind her were strong
and well-trained.

How could a weak woman like Wynn break free?

When the bank sounded the alarm and closed the doors, many customers were still in the hall.
These people were now looking at the scene happening in front of them with bated breath.
Some of them even took out their phones to take pictures.

The manager hurriedly led the tellers and security personnel to stop them from doing so.
"Hey, stop taking pictures. What's so interesting about catching a crook? Disperse, disperse!"

The manager said to the tellers, ”Okay, since we've caught the person, we'll take her to the

You may deactivate the alarm, open the doors, and continue business operations."

The bank staff nodded in agreement, while the security staff took Wynn to the back Manager's

The customer from earlier had already been asked to leave. Now, there was only the manager,
Wynn, and the security guards holding her in the room.

The manager sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He looked at Wynn coldly and said, "You
have a lot of guts, huh?"

Wynn said in a huff, "I don't know what you mean by that!"

"Come on, drop your pretenses!"

As the manager said that, he took out the Gold Island Card from his pocket and waved it in front
of Wynn's eyes. "Do you recognize this?"

Wynn said, "Of course I do. It's my card."

"Your card?" The manager sneered disdainfully and said, "In your dreams!" He looked up and
down at Wynn. Although she was well-dressed and looked good, her clothes were obviously not
from expensive brands but popular styles worn by young men and women all over the street.
The cheap fabrics did not portray her as a rich person at all.

As for the handbag carried by Wynn, judging from the level of wear and tear, she must have
used it for several years.

As a core member of the Clarke family, how could it be possible for them to carry the same bag

for several years?

Simply ridiculous.

Chapter 2072
The manager chastised, "Tell the truth! Did you steal this card from a customer when you were
working in an entertainment center? Entertainers like you sell your bodies and betray your souls
just because you have some looks. You even stoop as low as to steal things! You're simply
lawless! Tell me, who did you steal this card from? If you don't, I'll beat you until you tell the truth
and send you to the Clarke family on Arcadia Island so they can teach you a lesson!"

"Cut the crap! Who's an entertainer? Why are you saying that I stole this card? This is my card!
Let go of me now!" Wynn was extremely aggrieved.



Ever since she was young, she had never been slandered like this!

This issue that involved moral character was the most sensitive topic for people like her!

"Let me go! I'm not a thief!" Wynn could not hold back any longer and struggled desperately!

"Behave yourself!"

To show his professionalism in front of his superior, a security officer pulled Wynn over and
slapped her!


This slap left five bright red fingerprints on Wynn's fair and delicate face!

Wynn cried. She looked at the few people in front of her aggrievedly and sobbed. "You guys are

The bank manager scoffed and said impatiently, "Drop your pretenses. What bullies? We're
catching crooks and doing justice! Do you know what card this is? This is the Gold Island Card
of the Clarke family with a cash balance of one billion!"

One billion? Wynn shuddered all over after hearing this. In the card Philip gave her, Wynn
thought there would be a few million in it at most. She never expected a billion!

Wynn's tear-filled eyes were wide and bright like two black jewels. She had an incredulous

Back then, did Philip want to tell her about his identity through this?

Seeing Wynn's state, the manager thought she had been exposed by him and was frightened.
Thus, he was all the more convinced that Wynn had stolen this card.
The manager said smugly, "Young lady, before you stole it, didn't you find out what it is and how
much it's worth? Did you think there were only a few hundred thousand in it, so you stole the
card and came here to withdraw the money before running away? Now that you know the actual
amount, are you afraid? It's too late!"

The manager was overjoyed at this moment, He was thinking that he would force a confession

out of Wynn later, and after that, he would contact the owner personally.

A Clarke family member with a Gold Island Card! The noble among the nobles! This Gold Island
Card was the symbol of the Clarke family's glory. How humiliating would it be to lose it?

Now that he had helped to retrieve it, that person would definitely thank him.

That was a member of the Clarke family on Arcadia Island! The owner of the streets! Perhaps if
he said something, the manager would become the head of the bank!

With that in mind, the manager almost burst out laughing.

He coughed lightly, calmed his excitement, and said to Wynn, "What do you have to say now?"

Wynn's tears dripped, and her beautiful delicate lips pouted so aggrievedly. "I want to make a
call. I can prove that this card is mine."

"Do you have a way to prove it?" The manager said, "How are you going to prove it? Who do
you want to call?"

Wynn said pitifully, "I'll call my husband."

Chapter 2073
Inside the chairman's office on the top floor of the 27th subsidiary and eighth business property.

Philip was explaining his plan to George. ”Arcadia Island is different from the outside world. The
connection between Arcadia Island and the outside world is only through the business gateway
and business channels. If you want to connect Arcadia Island with the outside world, it's

necessary to obtain the consent of the old master and all the people in charge of the Clarke
family. As long as one person objects, the plan will not succeed. In the past, the old master also
wanted to do so, but because of the branch family, this matter was put on hold."

Before George finished speaking, Philip's phone on the coffee table suddenly buzzed.

Philip took it and saw that it was a call from Wynn.

He and George looked at each other and smiled.

Philip smiled as he swiped the accept button and said, "What's up, Wynnie? Did you get the

Abruptly, Wynn's sobs could be heard from the other end of the line! "Boo-hoo, Phil..."

Wynn's voice sounded extremely aggrieved.

Philip was instantly dumbfounded. He jumped up from George's sofa and quickly asked,
"Wynnie, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

On the other side of the phone, Wynn said pitifully while sobbing, "You need to come to the
bank. They won't let me go. They even said I stole something!"


Philip's eyes went red and he almost dropped the phone in anger. "Wynnie, don't be scared.
Just wait there for me. I'll be right there!"

With that said, Philip ended the call and ran out of the door like the wind.

George was baffled. "Young Master, where are you going?"

Philip said while putting on his coat, "Wynn is being detained at the bank in the opposite

After that, he ran outside. "Young Master, don't rush. Do you want to bring a few people..."

Before George could finish his sentence, Philip was gone.

After Philip rushed out, he felt that the elevator was too slow, so he ran down the fire escape
and went straight to the international bank on the side of the neighborhood.

Inside the international bank manager's office. The manager disdainfully watched as Wynn
finished the call and said, "That's enough pretending already. For broken goods like you, how
powerful can your husband be? Don't tell me that he's from the streets? Hehe, let me tell you,
that doesn't work here. Our security personnel here are all well-trained. No matter how many
people you call over to cause trouble, it's no use."

Wynn said indignantly, "My husband is not a gangster, my husband is amazing! In Arcadia
Island, he's--"
However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the laughter of the manager and

She could only stubbornly stare at the bank manager with teary eyes.

After laughing for a long time, the manager clutched his stomach, pointed at Wynn, and said,

"Oh my, even a rotten dreg at the bottom of the society knows how to protect her husband. This
is really funny. Hahaha!"

Faced with everyone's ridicule, Wynn lowered her head without saying a word.

A few minutes later, the manager picked up the phone to check the time and said impatiently,
"How long has it been? Is your husband coming to testify for you or not? If you can't produce
evidence, we'll beat you up and send you to the local authorities."

At this time, a teller outside shouted, "Sir, you can't go in. Our manager is busy Sir!"


A loud muffled sound was heard. The door of the manager's office was violently kicked open.
The part where the lock and the wall were connected crumbled. The door wobbled three times
with a creak before falling to the ground.

A man with angry red eyes stood at the doorway. That person was none other than Philip!

"Who is it? How dare you come here and cause trouble?" The security guards yelled and pulled
out anti-riot batons from the back as a warning.

Philip paid them no heed and looked around the office.

His eyes fell on Wynn who was being held down.

Philip instantly flew into a rage! "Damn it, you must be tired of living! Let go of my wife!"

Philip's roar made people's eardrums hurt.

Immediately after, Philip walked to Wynn.

Chapter 2074
Upon seeing that the man who came was so overbearing, the security staff left one person by
the manager's side while the rest rushed up to stop Philip.

What a joke!
How could they be a match for Philip?

For the first two people who rushed up, Philip merely tilted sideways slightly and avoided the
anti-riot batons in their hands. This was followed by a violent sweep of his leg. The two took a
hit and flew out, crashing heavily on the floor!

For the other two security personnel who held Wynn's arms, one of them was also hit by Philip
and instantly fell to the floor on his knees. He was delirious and foaming at the mouth.

After these two people fell to the floor, Philip kicked each of them once!

"How dare you touch my wife!“

The two of them slid across the floor in an instant and hit two large vases, which immediately
shattered all over the floor.

"Phil!“ Wynn shouted aggrievedly.

Philip turned around and saw Wynn standing pitifully on the side. He immediately felt distressed.
He went forward and hugged her.

Once Philip arrived, Wynn felt safe again. She hugged Philip and was like a child complaining to
her parents. She sobbed and said, "They won't let me go. They said I stole something but I

Philip gently stroked Wynn's head and softly comforted her. "Don't cry. It's okay, I'm here. I'll
seek justice for you!"

The manager and the security staff next to him, as well as the tellers and onlookers outside,
were all dumbfounded. Who was this person?

Why was he so rude and fierce, beating people up as soon as he arrived?

This was Arcadia Island!

Philip comfoned Wynn, took her hand, turned around, and looked at the crowd in a domineering
manner. He said, "Tell me clearly what's going on here. If you don't make it clear, I'll burn this
place to the ground!"

Outside the door, among the onlookers was Mary, the teller who handled Wynn's transaction
earlier. Mary said angrily, "How could you do this, playing rough as soon as you arrived? She's
clearly in the wrong. She stole something!"
Philip quickly walked forward and slapped Mary, whose mouth instantly gushed with blood!

"Did you see her stealing? Did she steal from your house? Can you prove that she stole

Philip pointed at Mary's nose fiercely and yelled.

Mary dared not speak up at this time. She covered her blood-filled mouth and shrank to the
side, not daring to move.

When the manager saw Philip's rude and unreasonable behavior, his knees went weak! He
looked at the few security personnel lying on the ground. The one next to him was supposed to
protect him but was more scared than him.

Damn it! This bunch was usually quite powerful, right? Why were they beaten so easily by a
young man in his 20s?

Philip turned his head and looked at the manager coldly. "Are you the manager?"

The manager swallowed hard, nodded slightly, and said, "You, don't be so arrogant. You stole
things and even beat others up. Are you disregarding the law? I'm telling you, if you continue to
play rough, I'll call the police!"

Philip frowned and asked, "All of you accused Wynn of stealing. What exactly did she steal?"

The manager took out the Gold Island Card in his slightly trembling hands. "This is it! Your wife
insists that this card is hers. How is that possible? Do you know what card this is?"

"Of course I do. I gave my wife this card. Is there a problem?" Philip asked.

"You gave her the card?" The manager said with a look of disbelief and even wanted to laugh.
"Who are you? How dare you say that this card belongs to you?" the manager sneered.

Only core members of the Clarke family deserved to own this card!

However, the manager had obviously never seen the man in front of him before.

"My fucking last name is Clarke!" Philip shouted angrily!

Chapter 2075
"Where did you get your arrogance? What Clarke are you talking about? Do you think you're
amazing just because your last name is Clarke? Believe it or not, I'll get someone to kill..."
The manager was furious and yelled at Philip angrily, but suddenly, he realized one fact. His
body shuddered all over! "Wait a minute! W-What did you say your last name was?" The
manager asked with a serious face.

Philip said coldly, "My last name is Clarke. What about it? You know this card of the Clarke
family but you don't know the people with the last name Clarke?"

"Are you saying.. you're...?"

The manager stretched out his hand tremblingly and pointed at Philip, his face pale with fright.

At this moment, the security officer next to the manager spoke up. "Manager, don't let this kid
fool you!"

The manager was taken aback and asked, "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

The security officer said, "Manager, just look at this kid. His body is in tatters and his clothes are
all cheap stuff. Without any signs of extravagance at all, how could he be a nobleman of the
Clarke family?! Have you ever seen a Clarke dressed like a beggar? He must have heard about
this from somewhere and is here under false pretenses!"

"Oh, yes, you're right!". The manager suddenly realized. He looked Philip up and down and said
angrily, "Hmph, I almost fell for your trick! How dare you pretend to be a member of the Clarke
family? This is Arcadia Island! Impersonating a Clarke is a capital offense! Besides, too many
people have the last name Clarke in this world. What can your last name prove?"

Philip rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly as he said, "A bunch of idiots!"

"Brat, what did you say?" the manager said angrily.

Outside, more than a dozen security guards from the international bank standing guard over the
cash machines and some security guards in the community also rushed over upon hearing the

Soon, dozens of people were gathered.

These people were armed with anti-riot batons and shields as they surrounded the manager's

"Manager, are you okay? Sorry for being late!" The security personnel said one after another.

Once there were more people, the manager became bolder.

"You guys are just in time! Block the doorway for me and don't let a single ant escape!"
"Yes!" The security personnel responded in unison and guarded all entrances and exits of the

The manager cleared his throat, straightened his collar, stood up, and said, "Boy, no matter how
well you can fight, can you escape from all these people? Hmph, the two of you are really
shameless! In my opinion, you must be working for a syndicate! This is really well done with a
clear division of work and cooperation. I was almost fooled by you!"

Philip glared at the manager and said coldly, "I can't be bothered to talk to you!"

With that said, Philip took out his phone and dialed George's number.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Old George, where the hell are you?" Philip yelled into the phone.

At this moment, George was being supported by two bodyguards. He was panting and holding
the phone as he said, "Hello, Young Master. I'm on my way. You ran too fast! I can't catch up!"

Philip said angrily, "I don't care. Why can't I use the bank card I gave Wynn?"

George was startled and said in surprise, "You can't use it? Impossible. I personally contacted
the bank alliance's HQ to customize that card for the young madam."

Philip sneered and said, "I don't know what's wrong, then. Wynn used the card to withdraw
some money from the bank and a small branch manager dared to question us!"

George came to a realization and quickly said, "Young Master, I understand now. Wait a minute.
I'll call the president of the International Banking Alliance right away!"

"Hurry up!" Philip exclaimed angrily and ended the call.

Chapter 2076
The tellers and security personnel around the door could not help but sneer when they heard
the contents of Philip's phone conversation. They looked at each other and mocked,

"Wow, this kid is really good at acting!"

"He even gave Mr. George Thomas a call. That's the butler of the Clarke family. Mr. Thomas is
responsible for our neighborhood. He's really good at selecting people."

"Why didn't he call Patriarch Clarke instead? That would be awesome!"

The security officer next to the manager said, "Manager, don't waste time with this kid. I say call
the police and notify the Clarke family. He's obviously a servant who ran away from the Clarke
family. Now that we have so many people here, he can't escape anyway. What do you think?"


The security officer asked repeatedly but found the manager motionless. His face was grim.

George was the person in charge of this area, and he had George's number. Just now, he
clearly saw that the number that Philip dialed. It was none other than George's number!

This kid was not lying!

Three seconds.

The phone on the manager's desk rang immediately! The caller ID indicated the International
Banking Alliance!

The manager's face was pale with no trace of blood!

He looked back at Philip in shock, but Philip paid no heed to him and was comforting Wynn

The manager picked up the phone hesitantly and said in a trembling voice, "President!"

On the other end, a thunderous voice could be heard cursing. "Useless piece of crap! Trash!
You son of a bitch, how dare you mess with the Clarke family? Are you crazy?"


A thunderbolt exploded in the manager's head! His legs went weak as he sat on the floor. The
receiver fell to the side, swinging back and forth on the phone line.

The security guard next to him was taken aback and quickly supported the manager. He said in
bewilderment, "Manager, what's wrong with you?"

The manager just sat on the floor, shivering all over. He paid him no heed.

Over the phone, the curses did not stop and the voice got even louder. "Hello? Idiot, are you
playing dead? Talk to me!"

The manager trembled and reached for the receiver. His hand was shaking uncontrollably like
he had Parkinson's. He almost dropped the phone.
"H-Hello, President, I'm here!"

The president roared over the phone, "You fool! What's wrong with your head? How dare you
detain someone from the Clarke family? Mr. George called me just now and suspended me
directly! I'm in deep shit because of you!"

That voice was furious and indignant. The president's anger could be felt over the phone. It
sounded as if he could not wait to fly over and kill the manager right away!

"I'm telling you, go and apologize to Young Master Clarke immediately! Even if you break your
head, you have to solve this matter for me! If this matter doesn't end well and I lose my position,
I'll definitely find someone to take your wretched life!"


The call ended.

The manager sat dumbfounded on the spot. His body was still there but his soul had fled away
in hiding. He became like a walking zombie.

The security officer next to him was still asking, "Manager, how about it? Should we notify the
Clarke family to deal with this matter?"

The manager was in a daze, but when he heard this, a surge of strength popped up from

He stood up and smacked the security officer in the face fiercely! "You idiot! How dare you treat
the honored guest of the Clarke family like this?"

Chapter 2077
The security officer was stunned by this sudden slap. His ears buzzed and he saw stars.

He looked at the manager incredulously and asked cautiously, "Manager, what's wrong with
you? Why did you hit me?"

He was aggrieved to be slapped by the manager in front of so many people.

"Why, you ask? Get the hell out of my way!"

With that said, the manager kicked the security guard away, ran to Philip, and knelt in front of
him with a thud!

"I'm sorry for not recognizing you. Please forgive me, Young Master Clarke! I deserve to die!"
As he said that, the manager bowed his head to the ground, not daring to move!

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded!

Young Master Clarke?

This kid who was dressed like a beggar was really a young master of the Clarke family!

Philip did not speak. At this time, his face was frosty, and his eyes flickered like snow on the

It was so cold it froze people's hearts!

The manager knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

Hearing no response from Philip, he continued to bow!

The president said that he must win Young Master Clarke's forgiveness. Otherwise, his life
would be at stake!

Moreover, even if the president did not specify the details, after offending the Clarke family, how
could a manager like him still survive?

"Young Master Clarke, don't be angry! It's all my fault and I'm in the wrong! Please be merciful
and forgive me!"

The manager said while pounding his chest and slamming his head on the floor.

"Forgive you? Why should I forgive you? Who are you to bully my wife?" Philip said, his voice

Young Master Clarke's wife... Was that not the young madam? Oh no! He was dead for sure!

The manager looked up, his head covered in blood. He saw Philip's angry expression and got a

He raised his arm and slapped himself fiercely on the face. "I was wrong! Young Master Clarke,
I was blind and ignorant. I'm a piece of useless trash! Please forgive me!"

Smack, smack!

The manager slapped his face more than a dozen times until it was all swollen, but Philip just
stood there coldly holding Wynn's hand.
There was no sign of forgiveness on his face!

At this point, he understood. Mr. Clarke cared about his wife! If he wanted Mr. Clarke to forgive
him, he must first get Mrs. Clarke's forgiveness! If Mrs. Clarke did not relent, he would die for

Yes! After figuring this out, the manager turned his head, scrambled on his knees in front of
Wynn, and bowed respectfully to her.

"Mrs. Clarke, please get Mr. Clarke to spare me! This is all a misunderstanding. I really didn't
know that you're Mrs. Clarke. If I knew, I wouldn't have dared to disregard you! If you don't
forgive me, Mr. Clarke will definitely kill me today! Mrs. Clarke, please be kind and persuade Mr.
Clarke! I have an 80-year-old mother and a newborn baby to take care of. I can't die!"

Wynn glanced at the manager angrily. He was now kneeling on the ground so respectfully,
completely devoid of his arrogance from just now. He was as humble as a begging dog with a
wagging tail.

Wynn did not say anything. For the first time today, she put away her compassion. It was
because what the manager said just now was too much! It was simply an insult to her character.

Wynn found it really difficult to forgive such a person. "Phil."

Wynn said, "I don't want to stay here anymore. I hate seeing them."

When the manager heard that, he almost fainted in fright! If she did not want to see them, was
she asking Mr. Clarke to kill them?

Chapter 2078
"M-Mrs. Clarke, please spare my life!" the manager shouted hysterically.

Philip glanced at him and yelled, "Shut the hell up!"

"Yes!" At Philip's shout, the manager immediately kept quiet.

Philip said to Wynn, "Wynnie, if you don't want to stay here, go outside. Old George will be at
the door soon. His bodyguards are there, so don't worry. No one will dare to bully you anymore."

"Okay." Wynn nodded pitifully and said, "Aren't you coming out? I want you with me."

Philip stroked Wynn's head and said, "I still have to get back at them for you. Go to the door and
watch with Old George and the others."

"Okay." Wynn agreed and left.

At this time, no one dared to stop her anymore!

The arrogant and domineering security personnel and tellers just now were huddled at one side
in fear, respectfully giving way to Wynn.

At the entrance of the international bank, George and his bodyguards had arrived. When
George saw Wynn, he disregarded his fatigue from walking and hurriedly bowed while saying,
"I'm sorry that I'm late. Please forgive me, Young Madam!"

Six or seven people in the bank passed out in fright upon hearing this!

Holy shit! Mr. George, who was in charge of this area, actually called her 'Young Madam'!
Without a doubt, she must be a member of the Clarke family! Moreover, Mr. George was the
butler of the main Clarke family!

This woman was actually the young madam of the main Clarke family!

In the room, the manager knelt on the floor without moving a muscle. Philip sat on the sofa
behind the desk and asked coldly, "Who hit my wife just now? Tell me truthfully."

"Hit her? Young Master Clarke, I didn't hit her. Please check again!" the manager said anxiously,
almost crying.


Philip suddenly burst into rage. He lifted his leg and kicked the manager's desk in front of him
until it overturned!

"Do you think I'm blind? Do you think I didn't see the five finger marks on my wife's face?" Philip

The manager was taken aback and suddenly remembered that a security guard seemed to
have hit Mrs. Clarke just now.

He quickly raised his head. "Oh, Young Master Clarke, it's him! He was the one who slapped the
young madam. It has nothing to do with us."

While saying that, the manager pointed at the security guard next to him. When that security
guard heard this, his face went white and his heart pounded in fear.

Philip huffed, looked at him sideways, and said, "Which hand did you use? Break it! Are you
doing it yourself or do you want me to do it for you?"
The security guard's heart thumped and he fell to his knees. "M-Mr. Clarke, please spare me!"

Before he finished speaking, Philip's gray shadow flashed from the sofa and got close to him in
an instant.

Spare him?

Hehe, there would be no such thing.

Philip swiftly grabbed the security guard's hands and pulled them in opposite directions.


The clear sound of cracking bones rang out in the office, followed by the heart-wrenching
screams of the security officer!

The man rolled on the floor back and forth, kicking his legs in pain.

Everyone in the room was terrified! They stood in place, not daring to move at all.

At this time, Philip clapped his hands and said with a murderous look on his face, "Since you

refuse to say which hand it is, let's break both of them. Who's next? Is it you, Manager?“

Chapter 2079
Philip turned his head to the manager.

The manager was scared out of his mind and kept begging on the floor, "Young Master Clarke, I
didn't touch the madam. Don't break my hand, I beg you!"

Philip waved his hand and said, "Don't be nervous. I didn't say I was going to break your hand.
Let me ask you, when my wife came here just now, what did she do that made you want to
arrest her?"

The manager shivered and said, "T-The madam wanted to withdraw all the money in the card."

Philip nodded and said, "Oh, what are you waiting for, then? Get the money."

Get the money? The manager was taken aback when he heard this, and then he was
overjoyed! Could this be the end of this matter?

Was Young Master Clarke not going to blame him anymore?

He hurriedly said, "Yes, Young Master Clarke. I'll get it done right away."
Then, he instructed the tellers, "Are you all deaf? Didn't you hear Young Master Clarke's order?
Hurry up and get the money for me! Withdraw all the money from the card!"

The tellers displayed looks of difficulty. "Manager, we don't have so much cash here."

What a joke. The amount in the card was not one million but one billion! At most, a bank would
hold tens of millions of cash. A large international bank like this might hold up to 200 to 300
million but hardly much more than that. There was simply no space for more. How could they
have one billion in cash?

The manager rebuked, “Useless fools! If we don't have enough here, can't you get more from
another branch? There are so many branches in the nearby districts. Call the cash transport
trucks and get the cash here! Tell them I instructed as such!"

Now that the manager had given the order, the tellers had no choice but to carry it out.
Moreover, this was Young Master Clarke's order!

When they thought of the domineering and cruel treatment given by Mr. Clarke to the security
guard just now, these people no longer dared to say anything.

One after another, they scrambled to make phone calls and counted the bills.

More than an hour passed. Seven or eight cash transport trucks full of banknotes arrived at the
entrance of this international bank.

The manager told the security staff to disperse all the irrelevant people and clear the entire
branch hall.

They dedicated the area to process the cash distribution for Philip!

The cash from seven or eight trucks was added to the cash from the bank.

Large piles of cash were moved into the hall, and the piles grew higher and higher.

The last count was the amount on Wynn's card, a total of 1,008,650,000 dollars!

At the bank's entrance, Wynn was standing beside Philip. She watched as the cash piled up like
a mountain in the bank.

She was dumbfounded!

Cash filled the lobby of the entire international bank with hardly any space for someone to stand
The manager pointed to the money and said to Philip flatteringly, "Young Master Clarke, the
money is all here now. What are your orders? The cash transport trucks are all parked outside.
Just let me know where to deliver it and I'll arrange it right away. May I know if you're satisfied?"

Philip smiled and said, "Well, the work efficiency is not bad. Bring a few cases out and put five
million inside."

"Yes, Young Master Clarke." The manager bowed respectfully, turned to the tellers, and said,
"Bring the cases out and put the cash inside!"

The manager gave an order and a teller next to him immediately brought a money case over,
Stacks of money were counted and placed inside.

There was a total of 500 piles. After a recount to confirm the amount, the teller handed the
cases to Philip while trembling.

Philip took the cases and looked at them. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, then. For
the rest of the money, you can deposit it back."

As soon as he said this, the entire bank fell silent.

The bank hall was surprisingly quiet. Even if a pin dropped, the sound would be audible.

Deposit it back? Was this a joke?

The manager was dumbfounded! "Young Master Clarke, are you kidding me? Did you ask us to
deposit the money back?"

Philip said calmly, "Who has time to joke with you? Go now. Also, you're not allowed to count
the money and enter it directly into the account. Go to the cash machine to deposit it! When you
finish depositing the one billion, this matter can be considered over."

After hearing Philip's words, the manager almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

Chapter 2080
The manager slumped on the floor, looked at the mountain of cash that was piled up next to
him, and gulped.

Holy shit!

One billion! How long would it take to finish depositing all this money in the ATM?
Philip glanced at the manager and said coldly, "Why are you still not moving? Is the amount too

With that said, Philip took out his exclusive Clarke family Gold Island Card. "Look, do you
recognize this? The money in this card is more than what's in that card."

Looking at Philip's Gold Island Card, the manager shuddered all over! The Gold Island Card in
Philip's hand was a seven-star!

His status in the Clarke family was second only to the family heads of the main and branch


A great terror swept through that manager's entire body. Who the hell did he mess with exactly?

He quickly replied, "Of course, it's not too little. I'll carry out your instructions right away!"

After that, the manager said to the tellers on both sides, "What are you waiting for? Move the
money to the cash machine!"

"Wait a minute!" Philip said, "Others are not allowed to help you. Do it yourself!"

"Yes!" The manager replied as he hurriedly picked up a bundle of money and rushed to the cash

He inserted Wynn's card and deposited the money in stacks.

At this time, Philip's order was the royal decree. He would never dare to violate it!

Just deposit it. It was better to be tired than dead!

Philip took the money case and came to the manager's side. He said with a grin, “Manager, you
need to buck up. I'll come and collect this card in a few days. If you haven't finished depositing
the money by then, don't blame me for getting angry!”


The manager's jaw dropped. The ATM could only accept 10,000 to 20,000 at a time. If he could
deposit 200,000 bucks per minute, it would be 12 million per hour.

If the manager were to do this by himself, even if he did not eat or sleep, he could only deposit
400 to 500 million per day at most!
Moreover, the cash machine did not have such a large capacity. After depositing a few million,
the money inside had to be moved out to the back. It would take at least two or three days to get
one billion credited with the cash machine!

"What? Do you have a question?" Philip said sternly.

"No... No,” the manager stammered, almost on the verge of tears.

However, his hands still frantically depositing money into the cash machine. He did not dare to
delay even a minute!

Philip was the overlord now. Who would dare to offend him?

"That should be the way."

Philip smiled and walked out with his hands behind his back.

He said as he walked, "I think you shouldn't sleep in the next few days, and you should also
guard this cash machine when you eat. Besides, you should get a few more security guards
when you work. With so much cash in here, if anyone steals or robs it and even if one dollar is
missing, you should be aware of the outcome!"

After saying this, Philip put his arm around Wynn's shoulders and walked out of the bank.

Just outside the door, a woman in a tight- fitting outfit stood in front of him with shoulder-length
hair, delicate features, and a sexy body.

"17? Why are you here?" Philip was slightly surprised.

17 bowed and greeted them respectfully before she leaned close to Philip's ear.

She said mysteriously and nervously, "Young Master, something has happened to the lord! He
wants me to take you to a place without anybody knowing!"
Chapter 2081
Something had happened to his father?

How could it be?

Philip's face darkened as he quickly asked, "What's going on? Where's my father now?"

17 glanced at Wynn next to Philip and said, "Young Madam, I'll get someone to send you

Wynn was not stupid either. She glanced at a Cadillac SUV parked on the side of the road with

four fully armed guards in green uniforms next to the car.

"Okay," Wynn responded before saying to Philip, "Go ahead. I'll go back and check on Nelson."

Philip was silent. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll look for you later."

With that said, Wynn got in the car and left.

Philip looked at the taillights of the car fading away. Then, he turned to 17 with blazing eyes and
asked, "What's going on?"

17 frowned and said, "I was only ordered to come and pick you up. I don't know the rest."

Philip nodded, and his expression became more solemn. That was because 17 rarely spoke or
acted so seriously with him.

Something was really wrong with his father.

Soon, Philip arrived at an airport with 17.

This was the Clarke family's private airfield covering an area of tens of thousands of square

Several luxurious private jets were parked here, as well as several armed helicopters and cruise
fighter planes. Of course, this was only one of the Clarke family's airports on Arcadia Island.

Philip boarded an armed helicopter with 17, which took off directly and left Arcadia Island.

He looked at the vast Arcadia Island below, his eyes filled with doubts.

He asked, "Where are we going?"

"Glenford," 17 replied.


Why were they suddenly going there? Was Father there?

Philip was puzzled and looked down at the increasingly small Arcadia Island below.

An island city above the waves and blue sea.

Many warships cruised in the surrounding waters, just like white sharks!

On the way, 17 also prepared Philip mentally. "Young Master, there are properties of the Clarke
family in Glenford and there's also the lord's residence. This time, the lord settled in Glenford
and asked me to pick you up, saying that he has something to say to you. Moreover, the lord is
not in good health. No matter what, you must not quarrel with the lord."

17 was still quite afraid of Philip's temper. If the two quarreled, as subordinates, they would not
know who to help.

Philip frowned and said with a nod, "Got it."

After saying that, he leaned back in his seat and narrowed his eyes. He was lost in thoughts.

Suddenly, he remembered something. It was about Pearce Gilson and the Harrison family.

Philip almost forgot about this. He had promised Mr. Gilson to teach the Harrison family a
lesson. After so long, he wondered if Mr. Gilson would hate him for not keeping his word.

Oops, this was a mess. While thinking, Philip asked, "Oh yes, what do you know about the
Harrison family of Glenford?"

The Harrison family of Glenford?

17 frowned and said, "Young Master, do you have a grudge against the Harrison family? If so, I'll
go and look for them after I arrive. I'll tell them to get over here and apologize to you!"

Philip was startled. Looking at 17’s eyes and expression that did not seem like she was joking,
he smiled, shook his head. He said, "No, I'm just asking. There's no need to make such a big

17 hummed and said, "If I remember correctly, the Harrison family has a very strong influence in
Glenford. This noble family can be said to be the overlord in Glenford! However, the Harrison
family is only an affiliated family of the Clarke family. They're nothing but a small potato. If
someone from the Harrison family has provoked you, you can rest assured that with one word
from you, I'll exterminate the Harrison family!"


Philip rolled his eyes and quickly said, "It's okay. A girl like you shouldn't be talking about killing
and fighting all day long. The Harrison family is not too bad and doesn't have a grudge against
me. They just have some conflicts with someone I know."

17 hummed, lowered her head, and turned away. Then, she turned around again, her big eyes
twinkling as she asked, "Young Master, since your friend has a conflict with the Harrison family,
do you want me to lead people to destroy them?"

Chapter 2082
Philip felt a headache coming on and decided to ignore 17.

There was something wrong with this girl's way of thinking!

After almost two hours of travel, the armed helicopter carrying Philip and 17 finally stopped on
the tarmac of a luxurious mountain resort somewhere in the Glenford hinterland.

This was the residence of the Clarke family's patriarch in Glenford.

The mountain villa occupied the top of the entire mountain peak, which was flattened and

However, it was still a structure that was surrounded by mountains and rivers.

From a high altitude, the luxurious and vast white mountain villa looked just like a little white
crane in a green forest.

Armed personnel in green and black combat uniforms were patrolling the mountain resort at the

In the surrounding mountains and forests, many armed combatants with combat equipment lay
in ambush!

Within a radius of tens of miles, the sky and the ground were within a defensive strike.

Any suspicious movement, whether in the sky or on the ground, would be detected and

Philip got off the helicopter and caught a whiff of martial law permeating the villa. It was very
serious, very tense, and very alarming!
Around the entire villa, personnel on patrol could be seen every few steps away from each

Fulton Hash walked over like a blade with cold eyes and said to Philip, "The lord is waiting for
you inside."

Philip frowned slightly, took a deep breath, and followed Fulton inside.

If Philip had guessed correctly, he saw several members of the Shadow Squadron nearby!

The entire mountain villa was surrounded by the Shadow Guards!

What exactly had happened to his father?

This was the first time he brought all members of the Shadow Squadron with him.

A bad feeling lingered in Philip's heart.

Soon, Philip followed Fulton into the white villa within the mountain manor.

After that, he and Fulton walked down the stairs and kept going underground.

Not long after, Philip saw a thick black stone door in front of him that was engraved with obscure
symbols and patterns. On both sides of the stone door, the second and third experts of the
Shadow Squadron were keeping watch!

When they saw Philip, they nodded slightly and pushed the stone door open.

Philip frowned as he followed Fulton through the stone door. The scene before him took his
breath away!

Behind the door was a basement of about a thousand square feet. The three walls were full of
obscure patterns and characters as if they had existed for a long time.

A sense of vicissitude exuded from them.

There were dragons and phoenixes, Icarus and the sun, pyramids, and the patterns of the ruins
of the Mayan civilization.

Philip was startled by the scene before him.

In this room, there were many antique bookshelves. In the middle was a pool full of blue liquid
that was bubbling with blue mist.
In the pool, there was an old man covered in wounds with his eyes closed in rest.

Three gaping knife wounds could be seen on his chest. With each breath, the wounds opened
and closed, looking terrifying.

The blue liquid in the pool flowed with blue essence into the wounds of the old man's body.
Blood vessels on the skin seemed to be repairing and healing him.

The person in the pool was none other than Roger Clarke!

Chapter 2083
When Philip saw Roger's state in the pool at this moment, he exploded with bone- chilling killing
intent and coldness!

The kinship that made blood thicker than water allowed Philip to deeply feel the pain
experienced by Roger. It was something no ordinary people could bear!

Moreover, his father looked much older than before!

There was a sense of desolation!

Instantly, Philip's pupils were bloodshot as he roared, "Who did this?!"

Fulton stood aside, looking at his lord in the pool. His eyes were boiling with anger as he said,
"You can't deal with this right now."

"I'm asking you who did it!"

Like a slumbering dragon that just woke up, Philip grabbed Fulton's collar with his eyes ablaze

and his face full of anger!

Fulton looked at Philip and repeated, "This isn't something you can deal with right now. The lord
will wake up soon. He has something to tell you."

Philip's body was shaking from anger! After a while, he released Fulton.

With a pair of scarlet eyes, he stared at his father, who was covered in horrible wounds, in the
pool. Although he hated his father, that was his father after all!

Between a father and son, no grudge could not be resolved! Moreover, when he returned to the
island this time, Philip had also felt that his father's love for him had always been selfless and
He mobilized all members of the Shadow Squadron and Dragon Knights to escort him back to
the island.

Could it be that his father was injured at that time?

Who did it?

"How long has my father been like this?" Philip took a deep breath as his eyes regained clarity.

His mind was thinking fast.

"One day," Fulton replied.

"When did he get injured? Where did he get hurt? Who caused it?" Philip asked three questions
in one breath.

Fulton was silent and replied, "I can't answer these three questions because even if you find out,
you're not a match for those people."

Philip was grim as he looked at the blue liquid in the pool and asked, "What is that?"

"Essence of life." No emotional changes could be seen on Fulton's face.

"What is the essence of life?" Philip was puzzled.

His father was so badly injured but did not go to the hospital. Instead, he was sitting in this pool
of blue liquid.

Fulton turned to Philip and asked, "Do you understand biotechnology?"

"A little," Philip replied.

"This is currently the world's top biotechnology product. This blue liquid is the evolutionary
version of the original essence of life. The original version is red. This liquid is filled with highly
active factors, which can promote the rapid regeneration and evolution of human cells. It has a
rapid healing effect on severe injuries and can also delay aging, as well as help one resist
various diseases."

Fulton slowly explained.

Philip frowned after listening.

Biotechnology? Essence of life? Promote the regeneration of human cells, anti-aging, and
resistance to diseases?

"How many people are researching this?" Philip asked.

Fulton replied, "Many. Basically, all countries are studying this technology, but the Clarke
family's technology is currently far ahead of the rest of the world's. You can think of it that this
technology was introduced to various countries by the Clarke family, which was your father's
original intention back then. He wanted to allow all countries to study this and gather global
research power."

After half a day, Roger, who was sitting in the pool, coughed a few times before he slowly
opened his eyes. With the help of his subordinates, he walked out of the pool, put on a robe,
and leaned on a cane. He walked up to Philip. With a face full of affection, he said, "You're

When Philip saw Roger, he still felt some hatred for him. He nodded impassively and
responded, "Yeah."

Roger leaned on the cane, coughed a few times, and walked to the sofa on the side to sit down.

He motioned to Philip and said, "Sit, I have something to say to you."

Philip frowned and walked over. He sat down with his arms crossed and looked at the aged

Roger wanted to pour tea, but his hands kept shaking.

Chapter 2084
Philip said helplessly, "Can't you even hold a teapot now?"

With that said, he snatched the teacup from Roger's hand, poured a cup of tea, and stuffed it
into Roger's hand.

Roger looked at this scene and said with a smile, "I'd rather never hold this teapot forever."

Philip rolled his eyes at him and asked sullenly, "Who caused the wounds on your body? The
Nonagon, the Alliance, or the Gentleman Court? If you can't take this lying down, tell me and I'll
take revenge for you."

Roger laughed and looked at Fulton, who was standing on one side. He said, "Look, my son still
knows how to care for me."

Fulton tilted his head slightly and said nothing.

Philip also looked at the two of them and said a little anxiously, "You don't want to tell me who
did this?"

Roger shook his head and said, "It's not time yet. You're not their opponent. This time, it's
enough that you've returned to the island safely."

Philip got angry. He stood up abruptly, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said coldly, "If
you don't want to tell me who did this to you, why did you call me here? You're Roger Clarke,
the head of the world's largest family who has entered the seventh zone behind the three doors!
Who else in this world could have done this to you? Could it be that you've already ended up in
this state but you still dare not tell your son who the other party is?"

"Coward! You were the same when my mother's incident took place back then!" Philip said

coldly and turned to leave.

Fulton blocked Philip's path and said, "Young lord, you can't say that about the lord. He did all
this for you."

Philip's eyes were cold as a sharp sword as he stared at Fulton in front of him and said, "Get out
of the way!"

Fulton did not move. Roger coughed, pointed to the seat across, and said, "Come and sit down.
Why are you arguing with your old man the moment we meet? Can't you give in considering I'm
injured this time?"

Philip turned his head and looked at Roger's appearance. After a moment of silence, he sat
back down again and asked, "Why are you looking for me? If it's to inherit the Clarke family, you
can directly issue the Patriarch's Order. After I inherit it, the first thing I'll do is make Fulton tell
me who did this to you!"

While saying this, Philip glared at Fulton coldly.

Roger smiled and said to Fulton, "Look, this kid is exactly the same as me back then."

Fulton was not in the mood to laugh at all now. It was because the lord's state was not at all

Then, Roger looked at Philip and said, "I'll return for the commemoration two days later. When
that time comes, I can step in to clear some obstacles for you."
Hearing that, Philip frowned and said, "I don't need you to do that for me. I have my own
arrangements. If the branch family dare not do anything to me just because they're afraid of you,
then what's the point of my return?"

Roger was silent, looked at Philip very seriously, and asked, "Are you sure you don't need me to
take action?"

Philip refused Roger's kind intention and said, "No thanks!"

After that, he got up and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave.

Then, he turned around and was about to walk out of this underground chamber.

Roger sat on the sofa. After a long while, he said, "The branch family will kick up a big fuss
about Wynn's family background during the ancestor commemoration day. Are you sure you can
handle it?"

Chapter 2085
Wynn's family background?

His father knew about Wynn's family background?

Philip turned around, his face sullen. He stared at Roger and asked, "Do you know Wynn's

Roger nodded, coughed lightly, and said, "I knew about it long ago. During the Lovelace family
incident back then, I was at fault, so I want to make it up to her.

"Make amends?"

Philip interrupted Roger with a sneer and said, "The Lovelace family is just another victim of

those in power like you! When you convicted the Lovelace family, why did you sacrifice the only
faction that was on the path of righteousness? When big shots like you do things, don't you think
about the consequences? Don't you confirm the process and results of your actions?"

The more Philip spoke, the louder his voice became. Finally, it almost turned into a roar of

The expression on Roger's face was complicated as he looked at the steaming cup of tea in
After a while, he sighed and said, "There are very complicated things involved. The action back
then was foolproof but in the end, a traitor appeared. Halfway through, the target of conviction
was changed."

While saying that, Roger glanced sideways at Philip's angry face and said, ” Phil, Wynn's
background must never be disclosed to the world. For her, this will bring endless pain and crisis!
Once her background is leaked, the eyes of those people acting in secret all over the world,
including those few people, will shift to her identity. At that time, the pain she will suffer will be no
less than yours."

Philip sneered and said, "I know! You don't have to teach me about this. I have my plans."

After saying that, Philip looked at the sluggish Roger and finally asked, "I want to ask you
something and I hope you won't hide anything from me. Otherwise, the father and son
relationship between us may come to an end."

Roger's face tensed and said, "What is it?"

"Did you take action against the Lovelace family back then?" Philip asked.

What he was most worried about was that Roger had not only participated in the conviction of
the Lovelace family but also made a move against them. If that was the case, Philip would really
be caught in a dilemma.

Roger was silent for a long time before he sighed and said, "Back then, I sent eight Shadow
Guards to impose sanctions and attacks on the Lovelace family."

Hearing that, Philip's face quickly darkened. Then, he turned around with his back to Roger and
said, "Recuperate well. I don't need you to make other arrangements for me!"

After saying this, Philip stepped out of the secret room. Roger sat on the sofa and was silent for
a long time, his eyes dim.

He laughed in self-deprecation and said, "Fulton, do you think there's another father in this world
as big a failure as I am?"

On the side, Fulton stood with his arms crossed. There was a complicated look in his eyes, and
he said, "Lord, your love for the young master is no worse than anyone else. It's just that he still
doesn't understand. When he understands one day, the feud between the two of you will be

"Really? Then I hope to see that day."

Roger smiled, his eyes regaining their clarity. He said, "Make arrangements. Although this brat
won't let me help, the current situation is not something he can handle alone. Do it in secret.
Don't let him find out that I arranged it."

"Understood," Fulton replied.

In the mountain villa courtyard. Fulton stood next to Philip and said, "Shadow Guards 11 to 23
will be transferred to your side. This is the lord's wish to protect you and the young madam."

Philip frowned and said nothing but walked across to Shadow Guards 11 to 23, who had already
gathered around.

He smiled and said, "All of you will go out with me tonight."

"Where to?" a Shadow Guard asked.

Philip smiled mysteriously and said, "Have fun!"

Chapter 2086
That night, Philip led 13 members of the Shadow Guards to a famous bar in Glenford, the
Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace Bar. Located in the most central and prosperous area of Glenford, this was
the trendiest entertainment venue.

Buckingham Palace was built in the shape of a white castle and decorated with opulence. It had
a consumption standard that boasted to be the best in Glenford!

Generally, only the rich and the dandy could come here to have fun.

It was also Philip's first time here. He looked at 17 next to him, who was wearing a red halter-
neck dress and holding his arm. He asked, "Are you sure this is the place?"

17 nodded with a wink and said seductively, "Handsome, it's here."

She looked very sexy tonight with a rose tattoo on her exposed back and her shoulder-length
hair. It added to a man's desire to conquer her.

When she and Philip appeared at the entrance of Buckingham Palace, they drew many
sideways glances.

Philip had booked the largest private room here. He led 17 and the other 12 Shadow Guards
into the room and sat down.
Among them, Brian Pascal was the strongest in the group and also the team captain. He had a
somewhat grim face. He appeared cautious and restrained. "Young lord, why did you bring us to
a place like this?"

Brian was a brawny guy with a dark complexion.

Philip shrugged and said, "To have fun, of course. Since my father asked you to follow me, I'll
bring you to relax and unwind! Look at you guys, what are you doing with long faces? Give me a

Brian frowned. He was an upright person who was usually either on missions or training. He
was a bit out of step with society and rather conservative in his thinking.

However, this was the young lord's command, and he could not disobey. He could only sit
motionless in place, squeeze out a smile, and not say a word.

Other Shadow Guards were with Brian day and night. Their thinking had also been influenced
by him. Everyone seemed uncomfortable.

Philip looked at them helplessly. If he told them to kill, this bunch of people would be full of
smiles for sure. To them, asking them to enjoy themselves in a nightclub would be more painful
than killing!

Only 24 could enjoy it a little.

At this time, the bar owner walked in. It was a middle-aged woman in her 30s in a revealing
dress and heavy makeup. She looked sultry from head to toe. Seven or eight young women
followed behind her, and they were all dressed glamorously.

"Hello, Sir, you brought so many friends here today. This is too good to be true! Why not ask
some young ladies to sing and drink with you and have fun? Come on, girls, say hello to the

These young women bowed in unison, and when they bent down, their sexy figures were in full

"Hello, gentlemen!" The voices were so sweet that they made people's bodies tingle all over.

Brian and the others were sitting on the sofa, one more upright than the other. No one spoke or
looked at each other.

For a while, the room was quiet.

The middle-aged woman was a little embarrassed and asked, "Uh, gentlemen, do you want to
order some girls?"

Her eyes fell on 17, who was beside Philip. She was instantly attracted by the girl's beauty and


She had seen people bringing drinks to the restaurant, but she had never seen people bringing
girls to nightclubs.

What was this group of people doing?

Of course, Philip was not interested. In his eyes, no one was better-looking than Wynn.

"What do you say?" Philip glanced at everyone.




Philip asked around and only got shaking heads in response from the Shadow Guards.

Philip sighed. These guys were too rigid in character and must be trained properly.

He helplessly said to the middle-aged woman, "Since no one is interested, forget it, then. We
only need drinks."

The middle-aged woman could no longer hold back her temper.

"What did you say? Not ordering girls? What are you doing in Buckingham Palace, then?"

The middle-aged woman crossed her arms and said in a huff, "Fools like you don't have money
to spend in an upscale bar like ours, yet you're occupying such a big private room. Get out at
once! Many people are waiting in line outside for a private room!"

Chapter 2087
The middle-aged woman was the bar's small boss, and the sultry girls standing behind her were
all gold diggers. Their usual work was to accompany the guests to drink. If the guests spent
money, they could then go out to have fun. If a large private room only ordered drinks without
girls, it was the same as a dog in a manger.
Thus, the young girls could not hold back their mouths either. "Tsk, how dare they come here to
have fun if they don't have the money? Rubbish."

"Do you know what kind of place this is?"

"This is not a country pub, hillbilly!"

Philip was not the only person in the room. Brian and the other 12 Shadow Guards were there
too! These people were extremely loyal.

For this middle-aged woman to curse Philip in front of them, she was simply looking for death!

All 12 of them stood up with a whoosh, each glaring angrily at the middle-aged woman.

17 was already touching the butterfly knife strapped to the side of her waist, staring at the
middle-aged woman with a pair of cold eyes! As long as she dared to touch the young lord, they
would immediately raze this bar to the ground!

The middle-aged woman was taken aback. She looked at the 12 burly guards and 17 who were
full of murderous intent.

Her heart immediately went weak as she said tremblingly, "W-What do you want?"

Philip was a little helpless and quickly turned around to speak to everyone, "Sit down, don't get
angry. This small matter is not worth it. If you get angry, are you going to demolish this bar?
We're here to have fun today."

Hearing that, they sat down indignantly but the fury remained.

Brian angrily said to the middle-aged woman, "I'm telling you, from now on, be polite to our
young master! If you dare to talk nonsense, I'll immediately lead people to flatten this lair of

When the middle-aged woman saw that they were all seated, she felt a little settled.

However, hearing Brian talk like this, she could not help but feel angry.

"What's the matter? Am I wrong? You're like a dog in a manger, occupying such a big room for
nothing! Young master? How dare you call such a person a young master? I'm telling you, don't
think I'm afraid just because there are so many of you! Do you think I don't have anyone when I
operate such a big establishment?"

The middle-aged woman clapped her hands. Immediately, a lot of brawny security guards came
"Carla, what's up?" they asked.

Carla said in a huff, "This bunch of people booked such a big room but aren't ordering any girls
to accompany them. They're only here to drink! I think they can't even afford to drink. They're
obviously a bunch of poor fellows pretending to be rich!"

"Don't worry, we'll kick them out!" they said eagerly.

Seeing this, the Shadow Guards in the room stood up again.

What a joke. All of them were experts!

Especially Brian Pascal who was braver than a thousand men! Would they be afraid of a few

Unexpectedly, Philip waved his hand and stopped everyone. "Calm down, don't be hasty. We're
out here to relax today. Don't spoil the atmosphere."

One burly Shadow Guard said, "Young Master, I really can't stand seeing them talk to you like
this. These people are all trash. There's nothing to fear at all! As long as you give an order, we'll
immediately flatten this place!"

"Yes, Young Master, give the order!"

Philip shook his head. "Sit down! This is an order."

Since Philip said so, they could only obey.

Chapter 2088
Philip turned around and said to Carla, "Your name is Carla, right? Don't be so aggressive.
We're here to have fun and drink today, not to cause trouble. But if I understand correctly, we
won't be allowed to drink here if we don't ask for company, right?"

Carla put her hands around her chest and said smugly, "That's right! We're a high-end bar here,
and we don't just accept anyone. If you don't ask for company, you can go somewhere else to
drink. It's none of our business."

Philip smiled and said, "That won't do. I deliberately picked the best bar today and brought my
buddies here to relax and unwind. The environment here is good, so we won't switch places. I'll
take all the people you have here, but I do wonder what they can do."

The woman was startled and said doubtfully, "What did you say? You want all of them? Are you
kidding? Do you have money?"
Philip smiled faintly. "Suitcase."

A member next to him took a suitcase and handed it to Philip. Philip took the case and opened
the small lock.

With a whoosh, banknotes scattered all over the floor!

Everyone was dumbfounded. Carla stared fixedly at the banknotes all over the floor and almost

"Oh, it turns out that you're a rich young master! Oops, Young Master, I'm really sorry about just
now. I didn't know."

Then, Carla turned around and glared at the security guards. "Trash, get out of the way! This is
an honored guest! Why are you still standing here?"

The security guards were taken aback and left in a hurry.

Seeing Carla's state, they knew this was big business. She was ready to kiss some ass.

Carla was full of joy at this time and said to Philip, "Young Master, it was a misunderstanding
just now. Let's forget about it! You made the right choice by choosing us! We're the best bar in
the western city of Glenford with the best environment and the best girls! Girls, why don't you
say hello to the young master?"

When the girls behind Carla saw the money, their eyes were full of stars and they were dazzled
by the sight. Their arrogance and disdain from just now had disappeared.

They immediately gathered around.

"Hello, Young Master!"

"Young Master, you're so rich!"

"Young Master, why don't I go home with you? I can stop working!"

While saying that, this large group of girls was about to squeeze into the room.

"Hey! Don't push me!"

"I came in first!"

"Get lost. I want to serve the young master!"

Philip stopped them with his hands, took a sip of wine, and asked with a smile, "Carla, I haven't
asked you yet. After ordering the girls, what should they do?"

Carla chuckled and said, "Oh, young master, you're still too young, it seems. Is there a need to
ask? The usual is to accompany you to sing and drink. If you can spend money the way you do,
you can do whatever you want!"

When she said that, the group of girls made sexy poses, throwing winks at Philip while showing
their most beautiful sides as women.

Philip lowered his head with a smile and said to Carla, "They can do whatever I want?
Interesting. Okay, come in, then. Carla, you can come in too."

Carla was taken aback.

"M-Me too?"

Carla's words were tinged with a hint of excitement amidst her surprise.

Chapter 2089
Carla used to be an escort when she was young, but now that she was older, no guests would
accept her. She could only be a leader behind the scenes.

However, today, the young master in front was so elegant and tasteful to order her!

Philip nodded and said, "Yes, let's have fun together."

Carla was overjoyed and said, "Okay, thank you for giving me a chance! Just you wait. Although
I'm old, my skills are not inferior to young péople!"

The group of women entered the room and Philip closed the door behind them.

The 12 male Shadow Guards looked embarrassed and sat motionless on the sofa.

Brian asked in puzzlement, "Young Master, with our strength, why should we be afraid of them?"

Philip smiled mysteriously, shook his head, and said, "I'm not afraid. You'll know in a while."

The group of women stood in a row. Carla asked the guards who they wanted to choose but no
one in the room said anything.

Philip smiled and said, "They're very conservative, so don't make things difficult for them. Today,
let me take all of you!"
When the women heard that Philip would take all of them, they looked at Philip in admiration.

Philip said, "I can do whatever I like, right? Come, crouch on the floor, then."

Crouch on the floor?

What sort of hardcore play was this?

However, he had spent so much money, so they had to accompany him no matter what!

The girls stretched their fair limbs on the floor and made attractive poses.

Philip smiled coldly and said, "Are you ready? 100 push-ups per person! Start now!"

"What? 100 push-ups?"

The group of girls was dumbfounded! What kind of special request and fetish was this?

Did this young master like this type of play?

Carla also looked stunned, but her face was full of smiles as she asked, "Honored guest, what
are you doing? Is this the way to play? All of us are fancy girls here, and our bones are very
weak. How would we know how to do push-ups?"

"That's right, Sir. Don't be ridiculous. We're all here to have fun. Your request is a bit too much.

On the side, a tall girl with a decent appearance agreed at this time.

"Young Master, don't mess around with us. Can't we have a drink?"

"Yes, let's drink."

A group of girls rushed up to propose a toast.


As a result, the glass in Philip's hand fell heavily on the floor and shattered!

This time, Carla and the girls got a fright!

"Hey, Sir, what exactly do you want?" Carla looked at the case full of banknotes and asked while
holding back her temper.
Philip still looked indifferent. He took out a few stacks of banknotes from the case, threw them
on the table, and said blandly, "Whoever does it will get this money."

The girls had different thoughts in their minds, and their eyes lit up!

There were 40,000 to 50,000 dollars in that stack!

Usually, they would only earn a few thousand dollars a night when business was good!

Chapter 2090
"Oh, Mister, I'll do it. It's just push-ups, right? I can do it."

With that said, a girl in the crowd immediately crouched on the floor and started doing push-ups.

As a result, she could not take it after doing it twice. While panting for breath and with a flushed
face, she said, "Oh, I can't stand it any longer. Mister, I really can't."

As she said that, she stood up and looked at the money on the table. She reached for it and
said with a smile, "Mister, but I still did it, so this money..."

Philip raised his eyebrows. His cold eyes stared at the woman and he directly drew the butterfly
knife from 17’s waist.


He raised his hand and the knife fell!

The butterfly knife passed between the woman's slender and white fingers, piercing through the
stack of banknotes. It pierced into the coffee table frighteningly!


In an instant, the woman was so scared that she withdrew her hand while shouting and
screaming. Her face was full of horror.

"I said a hundred push-ups to get this money."

Philip said indifferently with a hint of unrelenting intent in his eyes.

Instantly, the woman was indignant. She got up, pointed at Philip, and scolded, "What the hell?
Are you here to play with girls, or to cause trouble? With such a small amount of money, you
want me to serve you and do push-ups? Are you crazy? Do you have nothing better to do?"
It was not only her as the other girls also scowled and said accusingly, "One comes out to play
to have fun. What the hell is this? You're so difficult to please, and we even have to do
push-ups. Do you think you're the Terminator?"

"Retard! Do you think you're great just because you have some money? I don't want to serve
you anymore!"

"That's right. All the bosses who come here are rich men. We're not short of weirdos like you!"
Carla was also scowling coldly at the side right now.

She stared at Philip, who was sitting in the middle with a calm look on his face, and said, "Young
Master, if you come to Buckingham Palace to have fun, I can meet your request, but if you're
here to pick a fight and cause trouble, I'm afraid I can't agree!"

"Men, come in!" Carla shouted coldly.

At once, the private room door was pushed open again. The group of bodyguards who had left
earlier rushed in again.

When they saw the situation in the room, they were also baffled. "Carla, what's going on? Didn't
you ask us to leave just now?"

The brawny man in the floral vest who was leading the group asked.

Carla pointed at Philip sitting in the middle, then at everyone else. She said, "He's here to cause
trouble. With just such a small amount of money, he fucking made a special request, asking the
girls to do a hundred push-ups.

"What the hell? A hundred push-ups?"

With a shocked expression on his face, the brawny man who took the lead turned to glare at

He pointed at him and said, "Hey, kid, who are you? How dare you ask the girls here to do push-
ups? Are you out of your mind?"

Philip raised his eyebrows and said with a shrug, "This madam was the one who said I could do
anything as long as I had the money."

Carla froze for a moment and retorted, "Yes, I said so, but your request is too much. The girls at
Buckingham Palace are not the girls from trashy nightclubs who can be paid to be dogs! Even if
you want us to be dogs, who do you think you're looking down on with so little money?"
"That's right! This is Buckingham Palace! Do you even know who the boss behind this place is?
The girls here are more precious than you!"

The brawny man yelled while glancing at the case of money next to him. He estimated that
there was at least several million dollars in it, which was quite a lot.

However, since Carla said so, he immediately shouted, "With so little money, you want our girls
to do push- ups? It's not enough!"

"Oh? Are you saying that if I want to play, I have to offer more money?" Philip chuckled and

Chapter 2091
Carla snorted, crossed her arms, pointed her finger, and said, "Of course! Such a small amount
of money and you want my girls to play this and that with you. Do you really think the girls at
Buckingham Palace are all dogs?"

Philip smiled faintly and asked, "How much more do I need to add?"

Carla smiled when she heard that. She looked at Philip's outfit and the money case next to him.

This young man could not be a rich young master, right?

No matter how she looked at him, he looked like a nouveau riche who had just arrived in the
city. He brought a bunch of his poor buddies to enjoy themselves.

After thinking about it, Carla put up a finger and said, "100,000 dollars for each girl and you can
make any request you want. Even if you want them to drink urine, they'll fulfill your wishes!
However, if you're going to make the earlier request, you have to add more money. 200,000 per
person! How about it? If you think it's okay, I'll let the girls serve you, but if you think it's
expensive, take your poor lackeys and get out! Also, leave that suitcase of money as an
apology to the girls."


On the side, Brian pounded his fist on the coffee table. He stood up, his body like a raptor, as he
roared, "Damn it! How dare you speak to our young master like that and covet his money?!
You're simply looking for death!"

Carla was stalled. She frowned, stared at Brian, pointed at him, and cursed, “W- What are you

doing? This is Buckingham Palace! Don't think of causing trouble just because you have some
muscles! I'm a celebrity in this area! Black Dragon, keep an eye on them for me! If they dare to
make a move, just take them down!"
"Yes, Carla!"

The fierce burly man led his underlings and blocked the door. He said, "Sir, since you're here to
play, you should know the rules of Buckingham Palace. I'm afraid it won't do for you to act in
such an unruly and disorderly manner. As Carla mentioned, each girl will get 100,000 dollars. If
you have additional demands, each girl will get 200,000 dollars. If you don't agree, you can
leave right now, but the money stays."


Philip laughed, took a sip from the glass of red wine in his hand, and said, "I haven't
experienced anything yet but you want to kick me out? And you're asking me to leave the
money behind? The rules of your Buckingham Palace are a little too overbearing, aren't they?"


Black Dragon sneered as his body straightened. He showed off his muscles and said, "You
haven't seen anything yet! Didn't you ask around who's guarding the scene in this area? It's me,
Black Dragon! Boy, cut the crap and just tell me if you agree. If not, get lost! This private room
has to receive other honored guests!"

Philip sighed and looked at the aggressive Black Dragon with raised eyebrows. With a grin, he
said, "What do you think your chances of winning against him are?"

Hearing that, Black Dragon frowned, and his eyes were filled with anger.

He looked at Brian Pascal who was standing at the side and pointed at Philip while saying
angrily, "Boy, you're very arrogant, huh? Today, I'll teach you how to behave!"

With that said, Black Dragon took two steps forward, stretched out his pincer-like hands, and
grabbed Philip's neck!

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of Philip! Then, with a loud crack, the entire private
room resounded with the sound of breaking bones!


A miserable scream instantly filled the room!

Chapter 2092
The girls and Carla, including Black Dragon's men who were standing around, were full of
In just one face-off, Brian broke the hand stretched out by Black Dragon!

Anyone who revealed their teeth and brandished their claws at the young master would be

Black Dragon held his broken right hand and knelt on the floor, his face flushed "How dare you
break my hand?"

Black Dragon endured the severe pain and roared. "Why are you still standing around? Take
them down for me!"


In an instant, the few guys standing in the room pulled out batons or daggers from their waists
and rushed at Brian!

Brian stood there alone like a black mountain, full of anger! He had endured for a long time! This
group of people was disrespectful to the young master and deserved to die!

Then, Brian made his move!

Sounds of bangs and thuds could be heard in the room.

Within ten seconds, all the men looking aggressively at the scene fell to the floor clutching their
arms or legs while wailing!

Brian flexed his arms and swept his cold gaze around. He stepped on Black Dragon's face
fiercely with force, and cracking sounds could be heard under his leather boot!

"Ah, it hurts! Help! I beg you to spare my life!"

Black Dragon's fat face was almost deformed by being trampled on.

Philip said blandly, "Brian, that's enough. Don't kill him."

Brian lifted his foot and sat down again beside Philip, still upright.

At this time, Carla and the girls were huddled in one corner, not daring to make a sound. They
were seemingly very scared and flustered.

Carla looked at all the guys lying on the floor and felt panicked! They had encountered a tough

Who was this guy and why did he come to Buckingham Palace looking for trouble?
"Carla, right?" Philip raised his eyebrows, looked at the shivering Carla, and said, "Make a call
and ask the person behind you to come over and clean up the scene."

Carla was taken aback and quickly took out her mobile phone. She dialed a number and said,
"Young Master Harrison, something has happened. Someone has come to Buckingham Palace
and wrecked the place up! They even took down Black Dragon and the others. Come quickly!"

There was a languid male voice on the other end of the phone. He seemed to be surrounded by
many women's chattering voices.

"What? Someone is making trouble in my Buckingham Palace? Damn it! Who is that stupid
person? Are they tired of living?"

There was a furious roar at the other end.

"Young Master Harrison, I don't know these people either. The other party asked me to call you
and inform you. They must be targeting you." Carla was on the verge of tears.

"Okay! I'll be there! Find someone to keep an eye on them!"

Young Master Harrison ended the call.

After hanging up the phone, Carla stood up, stared at Philip sinisterly, and asked, "Who the hell
are you? Why did you come to Buckingham Palace to make trouble? Do you know that this is
Young Master Harrison's turf? If you dare to cause trouble here, he'll never let you off and will
destroy you with his bare hands!"

Philip smiled faintly and said, “It doesn't matter who I am. The imponant thing is that your Young
Master Harrison captured the daughter of the Gilson family of Glenford and sent her here to be
an escort. I want to see her now.'

"Tanya Gilson? Are you here for that little bitch from the Gilson family?"

Carla immediately understood and nodded repeatedly as she said, "So, you're the scumbag
kept by Tanya outside. Very well. You dare to come to our

Buckingham Palace to look for trouble and even injured our people. When Young Master
Harrison arrives later, I want to see him destroy you with his bare hands!"

Chapter 2093
Philip smiled blandly, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the arrogant and angry Carla.

He asked, "Where's Tanya now?"

Carla snorted and said, "That bitch is accompanying a guest. What? Do you dare to cause
trouble? Let me tell you, the guest she's accompanying now is not someone you can mess


As a result, before Carla finished her words, Philip stood up and put his hands in his trouser

He blandly said, "Take us there."

Instantly, the 12 Shadow Guards and 17 stood up.

At this moment, the whole room was filled with a fierce murderous aura!

Carla was taken aback, and her legs trembled. A lot of threatening words were stuck in her

"What are you waiting for? Bring our young master over there right now!" Brian roared angrily,
making Carla so frightened that she fell to the floor.

After that, she got up and yelled, "Don't you regret it!"

After saying that, she turned around, walked out of the private room, and led Philip and his gang
to the open-air deck on the third floor!

A group of onlookers outside saw the private room door being opened and scattered to the side.

Those with sharp eyes saw through the crack of the door. They saw Black Dragon and his men
lying on the floor of that

"Holy shit, is that Black Dragon? He was actually taken down!"

"Oh my, who is this group of people? How dare they look for trouble in Buckingham Palace?"

"Look, where is Carla taking them?"

A group of people watched from afar and chattered incessantly.

Of course, there were also some bodyguards watching the venue.

At this time, they followed behind Philip and his gang with stern faces.
Just now, they had received a notice from Young Master Harrison to keep a close eye on them.
They must not allow these troublemakers to leave Buckingham Palace in one piece!

At this moment, Carla took Philip and the others up the stairs to the open-air deck on the third

In the deck, a handsome man wearing glamorous clothes was embracing seven or eight sexy

women. These women, each with extremely good and curvaceous figures, were goddesses in
the minds of many men.

Among them was a woman with an angry and indignant face. She was wearing an ultra-short
red backless dress and sitting in the crowd.

The handsome man walked up to the woman with his wine glass, saying with a smile, "Miss
Gilson, I want to invite you to drink, but why won't you accept it? Here, let's have a toast!"

The woman had delicate facial features. It could be seen at a glance that she was a person who
held grudges.

She glared with her wide eyes, slapped away the glass in the handsome man's hand, and got

She said, "I don't drink. I'm a young lady of the Gilson family. Finn Arnell, if you want to humiliate
me, you made the wrong move!"


The handsome man raised his hand and slapped Tanya violently on the face, making her
stagger back and fall on the sofa.

"Damn it, bitch! Do you have the cheek to call yourself a lady of the Gilson family? You're
nothing but an outcast now, an escort in an entertainment venue! If I want you to drink, you have
to drink with me!"

Finn was full of hostility as he raised his hand and grabbed the bottle on the table. Then, he
pressed his leg on Tanya's body, grabbed her chin, and poured the hard liquor from the bottle in
his hand into Tanya's mouth!

A bout of violent coughs followed. Tanya choked from the hard liquor in her throat.

The other escorts who saw this scene at this moment sneered. No one stepped forward to say a
few words on her behalf.
"Hahaha, drink it up! Tonight, I'm going to get you into bed! I want to see how chaste and fiery
the pampered daughter of the Gilson family is!" Finn Arnell sneered lewdly.

However, at this moment, a figure was already standing behind him!

Chapter 2094

Philip kicked Finn in the back of his waist!

Finn flew out, hit the sofa on the side, and fell to the floor!

The escorts got a fright from this scene and screamed as they huddled in the corner. They
dared not get up.

"Fuck! Who is it?! Who the hell dares to kick me?" Finn scrambled up from the floor and saw a
cold-faced man in front of him with his hands in his trouser pockets.

The guy was staring at him.

Finn frowned, stared at Philip, and roared, "Who the fuck are you? Do you know who I am? How
dare you kick me? I'll break your leg!"

Finn roared and looked around, wanting to call for his accompanying bodyguards.

However, he realized that behind Philip stood 12 imposing men and a sexy woman.

All his bodyguards were sprawled on the floor.

What the heck? When the hell did this happen?

"Get the fuck up, all of you!"

Finn went up and kicked one of the bodyguards.

Philip looked at him coldly before shifting his gaze to Tanya Gilson, who was lying on the sofa.

She was drunk from the hard liquor. To be honest, this young lady from the Gilson family was
not bad-looking at all. She had a slim figure, a pair of ivory-white legs, and a delicate face.

Her cheeks ware flushed at the moment, and she exuded the air of a charming beauty.

"Take her away," Philip said to 17 next to him.

17 stepped forward and picked up Tanya, who was drunk and unconscious on the sofa.

Then, Philip glanced at Finn and turned to leave.

However, at this moment, Finn was angry! He was kicked in public, his guards were injured, and
his entertainment tonight was snatched away!

It was simply a humiliation! He was the young master of the Arnell family in Glenford!

"Hold it right there! That's my woman! How dare you take away the woman I fancy! Do you want
to die?"

Finn roared and smashed Philip's head with a wine bottle!


A crunching sound!

A figure, like a kite with a broken string, smashed through the guardrail glass from the deck on
the third floor.

Rainbow-colored glass fragments filled the air.

Then, with a bang, Finn fell on the dance floor on the first floor!


In an instant, everyone on the first-floor dance floor of Buckingham Palace panicked and

In the middle of the dance floor, Finn was sprawled on the floor, bleeding from his mouth.

His eyes were wide open as he looked at Philip who was standing on the third floor, staring
coldly at him.

Brian coldly glanced at Finn in the center of the dance floor on the first floor.

He said, "Anyone who dares to show killing intent toward the young master will be killed!"

At this moment, Carla hurriedly ran down the stairs, stood in front of Finn who had fallen in a
pool of blood, and collapsed in a heap.

"Young Master Finn?" Carla shouted, but the man lying on the floor seemed dead.
There was a footprint sunken in his chest, and his ribs were all broken!

She took two steps forward and felt for his breath.

Carla sat down on the floor in fright, her face full of horror. Then, she pointed at Philip who was
walking down the stairs and shouted, "Ah, Young Master Finn is dead! Men, close the doors!
Seal off the site! Surround this group of vicious criminals!"

Chapter 2095
Following Carla's shouts, the four gates of the entire Buckingham Palace were closed!

Within five minutes, dozens of burly men surrounded the dance floor on the first floor of
Buckingham Palace!

Other guests who were here to have fun all hid in the corners. They were full of horror and fear

as they looked at the dance floor where Finn Arnell lay in the middle in a pool of blood!

That was the eldest young master of the Arnell family in Glenford! He had always been arrogant
and domineering, forcing young girls to do as he pleased.

He was a villain through and through! However, because he was the young master of the Arnell
family, he was never convicted. Despite that, Finn Arnell was dead today!

He died in Buckingham Palace!

He was kicked to death by one of the unknown guy's men!

This was big news! The entire Glenford would be shaken! That was the Arnell family! In
Glenford, it was second only to the Harrison family! They were one of the three great families in

Carla was full of fear and terror as she stared at Philip and the others who came down the

She pointed at them and yelled, "You're absolutely wicked! This is Buckingham Palace, a turf
that belongs to the eldest young master of the Harrison family! How dare you kick the young
master of the Arnell family to death here?! You're finished! Not a single one of you can leave!"

Philip glanced indifferently at Finn lying in the middle of the dance floor and said lightly, "Arnell
family? Are they very powerful? It's only right for a villain who does unscrupulous things and
forces himself on young girls to die. What is there to be sorry about?"
After saying that, Philip glanced at the brawny men standing behind Carla. These people held
baseball bats or long daggers in their hands, all of them ferocious-looking!

Philip sighed helplessly. He did not want to cause trouble and only wanted to take Tanya Gilson

away, but looking at the current situation, he had no other choice.

"I'll give you a choice. Get out of the way and this place will be safe and sound. If you insist on
blocking us, then I'm sorry. Buckingham Palace will be demolished tonight and become a
historical building in Glenford."

Philip said calmly as a stern look flashed in the corner of his eyes.

When Carla heard that, she exploded with anger and roared. "Presumptuous! You killed the
young master of the Arnell family and you want to leave? Dream on! I've already sent someone
to inform the Arnell family. Just you wait! When the members of the Arnell family arrive later, all
of you will be buried with Young Master Finn!"

Carla was very angry and scared at the same time. This group of people even dared to kill the
young master of the Arnell family. They were simply too arrogant!

Thus, Carla waved her hand and shouted, "Everyone, take them down for me! We'll wait for
Young Master Harrison and people of the Arnell family to come and hold them accountable!"

After all, Carla had to take responsibility now that such a major incident had taken place at
Buckingham Palace! If she did not take down Philip and the others, she would be dead for sure!

Even if Young Master Harrison did not do anything to her, the future revenge from the Arnell
family could kill her!

Therefore, Carla must take down Philip and his gang. Then, they would wait for Young Master
Harrison and the Arnell family.


In an instant, more than a dozen burly men holding clubs and daggers rushed toward Philip and
his people!

11, also known as Brian Pascal, took a step forward at this moment.

He stood in front of Philip. With blazing eyes and a raging coldness from his body, he bellowed
at the group, "If you dare to show your killing intent to the young master, you'll be killed!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he rushed forward swiftly and fiercely like a humanoid

With one kick, a brawny man who came in front of him was sent flying several meters away.

He hit the bar counter heavily! All the wine glasses and bottles on the counter burst into pieces!

The man fell to the floor clutching his chest and spitting out blood. He died with his eyes wide

Domineering and fierce!

This was the power of Brian's kick!

The remaining brawny men saw this scene and looked at each other.

How horrifying!

Was that guy a human or a ghost?

In the blink of an eye, one of the guys flew out and died on the spot.

Seeing this, Carla was also full of horror. She quickly pointed at 11 and said angrily, "Go! Charge
in together! Take them down for me!"

At Carla's command, five sturdy guys walked out of the crowd and raised the iron bars in their

Chapter 2096
The thick iron rods glinted coldly. One of the men looked at J J in contempt and said, "I won't
bully you. If you need a weapon, just say the word."

"I don't need a weapon to deal with you guys."

11 crossed his arms and stood there like a sturdy mountain.

"Oh, you're good at bragging, huh? You dare to kill Young Master Arnell and cripple our
brothers. Later, I'll let you have a taste of what it's like to get your limbs broken. Men, charge!"

The man took the lead in waving the iron rod while the other four followed suit.

With a flash, 11 dodged past the swinging iron rod and took the opportunity to grab the man's
He increased the force in both hands and broke the man's arms. "Argh!" The man let out a
miserable cry and immediately felt his body spinning. Instantly, he swapped places with 11.

The brawny man, whose face had distorted, had a look of horror in his eyes.

As an experienced fighter, he had already guessed the situation he was about to face. Biff,
bang, thud! A series of muffled sounds rang out as the iron bars of the other four hit the brawny
man's back.

The brawny man felt that his ribs and spine had been smashed to pieces. His body broke out in
a cold sweat, and his face scrunched up from the pain.

"I'm dying!" the man screamed hoarsely.

The other four were still looking at him in a stunned daze when 11 had already kicked the
brawny man's stomach and sent him flying at the four.

When the four scrambled to help the man, 11 took the opportunity to rush out and swing his fist
quickly, hitting the other four men in their faces.

A series of miserable screams rang out, and in the blink of an eye, 11 had knocked the other
four to the ground.

After taking care of everything, 11 stepped on the brawny man's face and said with a smile, "Are
you surprised?"

"Wolfman, help me! I'm dying. Take me to the hospital," the brawny man said weakly. A group of
sturdy men watching the venue was dumbfounded. Such a clean shot seemed to have only
appeared in movies. ”Damn, it looks awesome. He seems to be better than Wolfman.

”With the five of them working together, even Wolfman can't hold out for long. This guy is
definitely an expert.”

“I wonder how long he's been practicing? If he roams the streets of underground Glenford with
those skills, he'd definitely be a rising star.”

On the side, Wolfman's face had turned hideous as he stood next to Carla because his
underlings said that he was not as good as 11, who stood in front of Philip.

In fact, Wolfman also knew deep inside that he was not a match for 1 1. ”Buddy, you have good
skills. Why don't you tell us your title?" Wolfman asked. This group of people was not that
simple! There were still another 1 1 men and one woman standing on the spot. Only one man
had taken down six of his subordinates in a flash! This strength was only seen in special combat

”I don't have a title. People usually call me 1 J," J 1 said earnestly.

After entering the Shadow Squadron, no one had names, Brian Pascal was his name from long
ago, but few people called him by that now.

Hearing 11's words, Wolfman's face darkened and he said coldly, "My friend, it's not right for you
to do this. In Buckingham Palace, you killed the young master of the Arnell family, killed one of
my brothers, and injured five of them. This is deadly enmity! Moreover, Young Master Harrison
and the Arnell family will definitely not let you go. I advise you to obediently give yourselves up!"

At this moment, Philip, who was standing behind 11, pursed his lips and said disdainfully, ”Fight
if you want or get lost if you don't. Cut the crap."

”Damn it, is that the proper way to speak to Wolfman?” an underling roared irritably.

Wolfman's people had anger in their eyes as they looked at Philip. It seemed as though they
wanted to eat him up.

”So gutsy, huh? Since you refuse our kind offer, we can only be rude to you!" Wolfman lifted the
steel pipe in his hand and roared. ”Beat them to death! We must take them down before Young
Master Harrison arrives!”

Chapter 2097
"Charge! Take revenge for our brothers!"

”Kill this son of a bitch! How dare he disrespect Wolfman?!”

”Wolfman has someone standing behind him! I'll teach you a lesson today!"

A. group of brawny men howled and rushed toward 11, the iron rods in their hands swinging

When the surrounding guests saw this scene, their faces turned pale. They turned around and
dared not look anymore.

Many women covered their faces, afraid to see Philip and the others being beaten into a pulp.

Although 11's skills were quite impressive just now, he was outnumbered. Besides, there were
the dozens of brawny men brought by Wolfman.
Anyone with a discerning eye could see that these people like Wolfman were elite fighters who
were definitely experienced in battle.

They were not comparable to ordinary street punks.

"It's over. I'm afraid human lives will be involved this time. What should we do?"

"If someone is killed, I'm afraid Buckingham Palace will have to shut down. We won't have a
place to have fun anymore."

"Don't worry, if something happens in Buckingham Palace, Young Master Harrison will naturally
have a way to handle it."

Many people were worried on Philip's behalf. After all, Finn Arnell was notoriously arrogant and
domineering. By killing Finn today, Philip's people had also helped them to vent some

On the other side, Wolfman yelled and commanded his underlings to charge forward but he
lagged behind, not daring to take another step forward.

A group of people surrounded 11 and his gang. Just as 11 wanted to make a move, Philip
stepped forward, held 11’s shoulder, and said with a smile, "I'll do it."

After saying that, raging killing intent surged from his body! The surrounding underlings kept
flying out as the empty spaces around them were filled with more defeated underlings.

As the screams became louder, Wolfman gradually felt that something was wrong.

Those flying out were all his underlings, and the number of people flying out was increasing.

"What the hell is going on? He can't even be killed by this many people. Is he a cockroach?"
Wolfman said in surprise and glanced sideways at Carla.

Wolfman had never encountered such a bizarre fight before.

Generally, the person being besieged under such circumstances might not even last more than
half a minute.

Carla was also baffled and shouted, "Don't worry about anything else right now. We must take
care of the situation before Young Master Harrison arrives! This is Young Master Arnell we're
talking about. They're in big trouble!"

An unconscious underling landed at Wolfman's feet while the crowd surrounding Philip quickly

All the surviving brawny men looked at Philip in horror.

"Don't come near me. If you do, I'll commit suicide."

"This guy must have a cheat code. Otherwise, it's impossible for one person to take on so many
of us."

The floor was full of brawny men. Even those who could still stand had injuries on their bodies.

Philip raised his eyebrows and beckoned to the brawny men. "You guys are no good. I'm not
done yet, so keep coming. And that Wolfman, let me see what you can do."

Wolfman gulped and looked at Philip strangely.

Instantly, Wolfman made a decision. Fighting was definitely impossible, so running away was
the best option here.

Wolfman threw the steel rod at Philip and turned to run, wanting to run out and call for help.

Philip sneered, raised his hand to catch the steel rod thrown at him, and threw it back at
Wolfman who was running.

"Get down! None of you can escape today!"

The steel rod flew toward Wolfman at a faster speed and slammed into his waist. Wolfman
staggered and fell to the floor.
Chapter 2098
"My waist! Someone, come and give me a hand," Wolfman shouted miserably.

The remaining people looked at Philip in horror, not knowing whether to flee or not.

Carla and the others on the side were already stunned, not expecting such an outcome at all.
"This is too scary, right? So many people just got beaten up like this?" "Am I seeing things or is
there really a superman in this world? Who the hell is this guy?"

"His subordinate kicked Young Master Finn to death and took down a group of Wolfman's
people. Is he trying to forge a deadly feud with Young Master Harrison?"

A group of onlookers pointed at Philip and his gang while talking.

"Look carefully, that's the young lady of the Gilson family. Could this man be a helper found by
the Gilson family?" "It's possible! We can look forward to a good show now!"

At this moment, Philip walked forward, stepped on Wolfman's waist, and said coldly, "I thought
you guys were very good, but you turned out to be a bunch of weaklings."

Wolfman wailed and said, "Buddy, you're going too far! The person behind me is Master Bear of
the Glenford underworld! This place belongs to Young Master Travis of the Harrison family in
Glenford! You wrecked his place and allowed your men to kill the young master of the Arnell
family. The Harrison and the Arnell families will definitely not let this grudge rest! My boss,
Master Bear, won't let you off either!"

"Master Bear?"

Philip frowned and said, "Never heard of him. In that case, I don't mind clearing out the forces in
the Glenford underworld. By the way, let's see how powerful the Harrison and Arnell families

"You're insolent!"

Wolfman wanted to yell but Philip stepped on him forcefully.

He took out his cell phone, dialed the number of the butler in the villa in Glenford, and said, "33
Find out the details of Master Bear, the Harrison family, and the Arnell family in Glenford for

On the other end of the line, when the Clarke family butler in Glenford heard Master Bear's
name, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Master Bear was currently the up-and-coming leader of the Glenford underworld, even gradually
encroaching on the territory of Glenford's underworld lord, Troy Crow.

Troy Crow was the leader of the Glenford underworld! Of course, he had a great connection with
the Clarke family's industries in Glenford.

To be precise, Troy was the puppet supported by the Clarke family in Glenford.

"Young master, I'll let Troy tell you personally about the details of Master Bear. He is the person
supported by the Clarke family," the butler said and quickly forwarded Philip's number to Troy.

When Troy received Philip's call, he respectfully bent over and greeted, "Young Master Clarke,
please give me your orders!"

Troy was excited and flustered! If others saw this, they would surely be shocked!
He was the overlord of the Glenford underworld! He was Master Crow who was admired by
countless people. It took him ten years to take over and control all the forces and businesses in
the Glenford underworld. This man was the legend of Glenford.

However, he was acting so respectfully with the person on the other end of the phone call at this
moment that even his secretary and his right-hand man standing next to him were stunned!

"Do you know who Master Bear is?" Philip's cold eyes looked at the howling Wolfman on the
floor, the trembling Carla, and the girls all around.

Troy was taken aback. He had tried to suppress Master Bear once, but he finally gave up
because he was not alone in the fight.

There was a big boss behind Master Bear. It was none other than the Harrison family!

Chapter 2099
"I do know Master Bear. Has he offended you?" Troy asked cautiously.

"Yeah, you can say that. I'm in Buckingham Palace and have beaten up his subordinate by the
name of Wolfman."

Troy gasped and mourned for three seconds for Master Bear. Offending Young Master Clarke
was equivalent to looking for death. He wondered if Master Bear's patron could protect him this

"Please wait for a moment. I'll go over and talk to you in detail. Some things are inconvenient to
say on the phone," Troy said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside Buckingham Palace."

Philip hung up the phone, glanced at the howling Wolfman, and said with a smile, "What are you
howling for? I'll make you close your eyes forever if you howl again."

Wolfman gritted his teeth and dared not make another sound for fear that Philip would really
make him close his eyes, never to awaken again.

Seeing Wolfman and his gang holding back their howls, Philip took a leather chair and sat in
front of Wolfman.

At this moment, Carla also knelt on the floor, shivering and not daring to speak. She was afraid
that Philip would beat her up until she was in Wolfman's miserable state.

She was panicking. Why was Young Master Harrison not here yet?
"How much do you think you're worth?" Philip asked with a grin.

"Sir, I'm not worth any money. Master Bear has always recognized money and not people.
Those who failed him are considered trash, and he'd never pay a ransom," Wolfman said

"Call your boss and let me have a few words with him."

Philip thought for a while and said.

Wolfman immediately took out his phone and dialed Master Bear's number. "M-Master Bear..."
Wolfman was flustered and trembled as he spoke.

"Wolfie, why are you calling me at this time?" Master Bear asked in surprise.

"Master Bear, our venue has been wrecked and the other party is detaining us. He wants to talk
to you on the phone." Wolfman glanced at Philip.

"What? Buckingham Palace was wrecked? Who's the other party?" Master Bear roared irritably.

Wolfman trembled and said nothing. "Sir, the call has been connected." Wolfman handed the
phone to Philip.

Philip took the phone and said, "Master Bear, if you want your men to live, send a ransom of ten
million dollars over. Remember, it's ten million per person. I estimate there are more than 30
people here. I'll give you a discount 300 million, how about that?"

"A load of bull. If you want to kill them, go ahead. Money is not up for discussion. Besides, I'm
telling you, don't think that this matter is over. I'll make you suffer later!" Master Bear roared.

"It seems that peaceful negotiation is not on the table. In that case, we can only resort to
violence," Philip said indifferently.

As if he had heard a big joke, Master Bear laughed and said, "This is really amusing. Who do
you think you are to resort to violence? If you dare to make trouble in Buckingham Palace, not
only me but Young Master Harrison will be after you as well!"


Philip sneered and ended the call. He tossed the phone at Wolfman's face and said, "It seems
you're not in a good position. Your boss won't even shell out a single dime to buy your life."

Wolfman remained silent and only sighed helplessly.

After that, Philip got up, looked around, and said to Carla who was kneeling on the floor, "Okay,
since Young Master Harrison hasn't arrived yet, I'll leave first. If he comes, you can tell him to
look for me at Sparrow Villa. My name is Philip Clarke and I'll be waiting for him."

After saying that, Philip walked out of Buckingham Palace swaggeringly, stepping on Wolfman
and the others as he did so!

No one dared to stand forward and all remained silent.

Too powerful!

This was the first time they had seen such a troublemaker in Buckingham Palace, and he
walked out unscathed!

Not long after Philip left, a group of combatants in black combat uniforms swarmed in through
the door. They quickly cleared the scene, detaining all those who had fallen, including Wolfman!

However, Carla was released. She knelt on the floor trembling, took out her phone, and dialed
Travis Harrison's number again. "H-Hello, Young Master Harrison, it's over for us. That group of
people killed Young Master Arnell. They're also detaining Wolfman and his men."

Chapter 2100
"What?" On the other end of the line, Travis Harrison was in the car, almost roaring with his
eyes wide open!

Finn Arnell died in his venue? Wolfman was also being detained? "Damn it! Where is he?
Where is the troublemaker now? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on them?" Travis roared.

Carla was flustered and wailed. "Young Master Harrison, I couldn't stop them. They're too fierce.
Even dozens of Wolfman's people couldn't stop one of them."

"Fuck!" Travis hung up the call furiously.

Five minutes later, Travis rushed into Buckingham Palace with dozens of bodyguards from the
Harrison family.

The entire place was a wreck. Finn's body was still lying in the middle of the dance floor.

"Young Master Harrison, you're finally here." Seeing Travis, Carla looked as if she had seen her

She was crying as she rushed toward him.


Travis lifted his leg and kicked Carla, sending her flying.

He asked angrily, "Where are they?"

Carla fell to the floor and clutched her stomach. She crawled on her knees to Travis' feet and
shouted, "Young Master Harrison, they've left. The kid in the lead said his name is Philip Clarke,
When you arrive, you can look for him at Sparrow Villa."

Hearing this, Travis flew into a rage. He walked to Carla, grabbed the crystal ashtray on the
coffee table, and smashed it down on Carla!

"Ah!" Miserable screams echoed throughout Buckingham Palace.

After a while, Travis' hands were full of blood as he dropped the ashtray that was already
stained red.

He pulled the tie around his neck, took a deep breath, and cursed, "A bunch of trash! Throw her
into the mountains and bury her!"

Two bodyguards of the Harrison family stepped forward, dragged Carla, and left Buckingham

After that, Travis walked to the center of the dance floor, looked at Finn's cold body, and dialed
the Arnell family's number with a grim look in his eyes.

At the same time, Troy Crow hurriedly rushed to a small park. He had agreed on the location
with Philip.

Seeing Wolfman and his gang in the open space, Troy was stunned. "Is this your handiwork?"
Troy asked in surprise.

The Young Master Clarke in front of him was too young, but the 13 people standing beside him
were all experts! The intensity emanating from them was enough to cause alarm for miles

"I just exercised a little," Philip said with a chuckle.

"You're really amazing. Let's talk in the car." Troy glanced at the people around him.

Philip nodded and followed Troy into the car.

"Master Bear has risen rapidly over the years and has taken away a lot of my business. Before
this, I joined forces with several figures in Glenford to suppress Master Bear, but we soon
encountered some obstacles." Troy spoke frankly and his expression turned ugly.

Philip looked at Troy in surprise. "Why is that? Could it be that all of you couldn't suppress
Master Bear?"

Chapter 2101
"It's not that we couldn't suppress Master Bear but the backer behind him is too powerful. When
we first started to suppress Master Bear, we ran into various obstacles and eventually had to
give up." Troy sighed.

"Interesting. Who is his backer?"

Troy's expression was very solemn as he slowly shook his head. "We couldn't figure it out either.
We just know that it's a powerful character above the Harrison family. As to exactly how
powerful, we have no way of knowing. But we have also summarized the situation. To be able to
restrain all of us at the same time is not something ordinary people can do. They must be very
powerful and influential to do so."

Philip nodded slightly and said with a smile, "In that case, Master Bear is just a lackey, right?"

"Yes, but you're not going to make a move against Master Bear, are you? Even if you attack the
lackey, you have to be wary of the master," Troy said worriedly.

"A vicious lackey should be beaten severely. As for those who condone that vicious lackey, they
should also be beaten, right?" Philip said as a matter of fact.

Was the Harrison family not an affiliated family of the Clarkes? Why would the Harrison family
support Master Bear to compete for Troy's territory and business? This was a little interesting.

Since they had such wild ambitions, it was high time to teach the Harrison family a lesson.

Troy's heart thumped in fright, but thinking of Philip's background, he felt that Philip was indeed
qualified to say this.

"I'll make the arrangements, then. Later, I'll bring people to raid his lair," Troy said in a show of

"You can make the arrangements. Where is his lair?" Philip asked after thinking about it.

He decided to go there himself.

"In Golden Dragon Club, a club owned by him. Usually, Master Bear stays there all day," Troy
quickly replied.

"Okay. Hurry up with the arrangements."

Philip waved his hand, pulled the door, and got out of the car.

Troy took out his phone, dialed a number, and said solemnly, "Frankie, gather everyone
together. We have something big to deal with."

Philip watched as Troy's car left. He told 17, who was standing next to him, to send Tanya
Gilson back to the Gilson family.

Then, he took two Shadow Guards with him, stood by the roadside, and hailed a cab.

"Golden Dragon Club, hurry up."

"Okay." The driver stepped on the accelerator and drove the car as fast as possible.

When they arrived at the entrance of Golden Dragon Club, Philip paid the fare and got out of the

Looking at the magnificent door of Golden Dragon Club, he instructed the two Shadow Guards
to wait nearby while he walked in calmly.

"Sir, please stop." Two security guards stopped Philip as he walked into the lobby.

"What's wrong?" Philip asked with a smile.

The security guard glanced at Philip contemptuously, pointed to the sign on the side, and said,
"Take a look at the signage. No one is allowed to enter without proper attire."

Philip adjusted his clothes. "This should be okay now."

"Hahaha, are you stupid? Do you think you just need to adjust your clothing for it to be proper
attire? You think too highly of yourself." A security guard sneered and laughed.

"This is what it means to be poor and stupid. How dare you come here without money? Do you
know what the minimum spending of Golden Dragon Club is? You can't afford it even if you sell
two of your kidneys."

Another security guard added.

Chapter 2102
"Hurry up and tell this piece of trash to get lost. The Golden Dragon Club will not accept the
poor. If other guests see him, it'll ruin our image." The supervisor on the side looked at Philip
with contempt.

"What a bunch of snooty minions. I'm here to look for Master Bear." Philip said with a sneer.

"Huh, do you think Master Bear is someone you can meet as you please? You must be looking
for death, right?"

"Such a trashy character is here to look for Master Bear. Is he here to seek revenge? Let's catch
and interrogate him first!"

The two security guards pulled out the batons and rushed at Philip threateningly.

Philip shook his head and said, "If you want to die, I'll grant your wish." Philip lifted his leg
sideways and swept a high kick dashingly.

The two security guards flew back one after another. The security guards flew out a few meters
away and fell heavily on the smooth floor. They slid out more than ten meters due to inenia until
their heads hit the wall and they stopped completely.


The supervisor cried out shrilly, frightened into a state of hysterics.

Philip stepped forward and struck the supervisor on the neck, rendering her unconscious.

"She can really scream. Her voice is suitable to sing soprano."

Philip mocked and walked along the passage into the club.

The surveillance video captured the events in the hall, and the security guard manning the
surveillance room immediately rushed into Master Bear‘s room.

"Master Bear, it's not good. Someone has barged in."

"Huh? Who is so bold? How many people are there?" Master Bear slammed the table and said

"0-One person."
"Damn it, why the hell are you afraid of one person? Just act accordingly," Master Bear said


The security guard hastily withdrew to make arrangenments.

Soon, eight burly men entered the room and stood behind Master Bear. "All arrangements are
made. As long as you give the order, we'll ensure that no one can get out alive."

"Good." Master Bear sat down on the sofa imposingly, slowly raised his right hand, and
stretched out his middle and index fingers.

A burly man immediately picked up a cigar and put it between Master Bear's two fingers.


The lighter made a crisp sound and the flame ignited the cigar between Master Bear's fingers.


The room door was kicked open by Philip.

Master Bear squinted at Philip, who entered the door. He slowly put the cigar in his mouth and
took a deep puff.


Master Bear exhaled a smoke ring at Philip and said with a smile, "You're quite bold. I haven't
gone to look for you yet but you dare to come to my territory."

"Using a lighter to light a cigar. That's the standard of a nouveau riche." Philip said coldly.

Master Bear's eyes widened. He did smoke cigars to show off, but when Philip described him as
'nouveau riche', he simply could not tolerate it. "If I don't use a lighter, am I supposed to use a
match, you nitwit?" Master Bear yelled.

"As expected of a country bumpkin. At worst, you have to use cedarwood matches for smoking
cigars. Lighters are not used for smoking cigars. Don't be pretentious if you don't know anything.
Be more humble, understand?"

After being lectured by Philip, Master Bear simply could not bear it any longer.
With a scowl, Master Bear snuffed out the cigar in the ashtray fiercely. "How dare you show off
in front of me? Who the hell do you think you are? An ignorant and arrogant junior like you dare
to come to my territory and make trouble?"

"You'll find out later whether I'm ignorant or arrogant," Philip said indifferently.

"Damn it, it's not your position to lecture me yet. Why are you idiots still standing around? Grab
him for me. I'll teach him a good lesson and let him know that my dignity is inviolable!" Master
Bear roared in anger as his right hand slapped the table with a loud bang.

The eight brawny men standing behind Master Bear stepped forward together. They were the
eight gold medal fighters under Master Bear and also his strongest combat force.
Chapter 2103

The eight men stood in front of Philip and flexed their arms. Their muscles swelled, and their
clothes rustled. Finally, the buttons of their clothes broke apart, revealing unusually strong

"The Eight King Kongs challenge you!"

"They just have a little more muscles. What's the big deal? Do you think these eight muscular
simpletons can deal with me? How naive." Philip was very disdainful of the Eight King Kongs,
and they were also annoyed by his expression.

"You're seeking death! I'll make you regret it later!" The Eight King Kongs spread out,
surrounded Philip from all sides, and attacked him at the same time.

Master Bear took out another cigar and lit it again. He crossed his legs and watched the Eight
King Kongs and Philip fight as if he was watching a performance.

In Master Bear's opinion, this round was a sure win. Eight against one was already an
advantage, not to mention that the Eight King Kongs were expert fighters who had panicipated
in tournaments with good rankings.

This person dared to cripple his men, ask for ransom, and even came here to cause a scene.
He was simply looking for death!

Philip did not show the slightest fear. Like an arrow, he rushed toward a King Kong in the
forefront and aimed a flying kick at the opponent's crotch.

The King Kong's face changed, and he tried to use his hip bone to block Philip's kick, but
Philip's movements were too fast.

When the opponent had just figured out how to deal with it, Philip had already kicked the
opponent's crotch forcefully.

"Argh!" The King Kong flew out with a scream and fell heavily on the long table in front of Master
Bear, smashing the table to pieces.

"My balls..."

With a flushed face, the King Kong covered his crotch.

"Piece of shit! Useless trash!" Master Bear cursed angrily.

He did not expect one of his men to be taken down just as the fight started. There were only
seven of the Eight King Kongs left.

The corners of the seven men's eyes twitched. They thought that Philip was really a bit reckless,
and they seemed to have underestimated his combat ability.

While the seven were still stunned, Philip had already made his move again.

In the blink of an eye, two more King Kongs fell.

Hearing the screams of the two at the same time, the others recovered their senses and
immediately continued to attack Philip.

Philip nonchalantly handled the remaining five, who let out miserable cries from time to time as
they were knocked to the floor by Philip.

Master Bear's face was grim as he looked at the men he had pinned high hopes upon being
knocked to the floor so constantly.

His cheeks twitched violently. "This is rubbish! How did I raise such fucking losers? You can't
even beat this stinking kid! If you can't beat him, you're worse than trash!" Master Bear roared in
anger but the Eight King Kongs could only wallow in misery.

Only after fighting with Philip did they know how powerful he really was.

Clatter! Clunk!

Another two King Kongs were knocked to the floor, leaving only one to confront Philip.

"Master Bear, this guy is really no kid. He's not only powerful but ruthless too. We have really
tried our best." The remaining King Kong stopped in front of Master Bear and said.

Of course, Master Bear was aware of this, but because of his dignity, Master Bear refused to
admit that Philip was powerful.

In fact, Master Bear was already scared out of his wits at this moment.

His back was drenched in a cold sweat. He was just pretending to be calm and forcing himself
to hang on.

Chapter 2104

Philip kicked out and the last King Kong fell to the floor unconscious.
"Very well, I really have to give it to you. Do you think I'm unprepared? You must die here

Master Bear clapped his hands heavily, and countless men rushed in from all doors while
holding machetes in their hands. They looked at Philip enthusiastically.

"Haha, have you ever seen such a spectacle? If you don't want to die, kneel in front of me!"
Master Bear said mockingly.

"Who dares to make Young Master Clarke kneel?" Troy Crow's shout was heard.

The thugs at the front door backed away and made a path. Troy walked into the room with his
subordinates and immediately looked at Philip, Seeing that Philip was not injured, he was

Lord Bear's heart jolted. He did not expect Troy to show up at this time. Master Bear had a
backing so he was not afraid of Troy, but Troy was also a reputable kingpin. If he fought with
Troy's people at this time, both sides would end up suffering losses.

At that time, Master Bear would lose all value and he might be kicked out by his backer, or even

A series of pros and cons flashed in Master Bear's mind. Instantly, he decided to try to avoid a
conflict. "Oh, it's you, Master Crow. It seems that you know this Young Master Clarke quite well."

Master Bear squeezed out a smile and said.

Troy paid no heed to Master Bear but walked to Philip's side, bowed slightly, and said, "Young
Master Clarke, are you alright?"

"How could I not be? I was just dealing with some punks," Philip said flatly.

Seeing Troy's respectful attitude toward Philip, Master Bear suddenly felt a foreboding. No
matter what, Troy Crow was the overlord of the Glenford underworld. He had occupied the top
position for more than ten years. The one who could make him grovel like this must definitely
not be an ordinary person.

"What exactly is the background of this Clarke fellow?" Master Bear muttered under his breath,
feeling that all his previous speculations had been overturned.

Master Bear thought it was Troy who was watching over Philip at first, but now, it did not seem
that way at all.
When did Glenford produce such an amazing person? He had never heard anything about it
before. Tonight, Master Bear was just informed that someone had wrecked Buckingham Palace,
which belonged to Young Master Harrison. Moreover, this person showed up at his turf not long

Master Bear looked at Philip in bafflement. He picked up the cigar and put it to his mouth. After
taking two deep puffs, he exhaled white smoke from his nostrils.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Young Master Clarke to be on such good terms with Master Crow. If I
had known earlier, I wouldn't have been so reckless to Young Master Clarke. This dispute only
happened because we didn't know each other."

"This is my fault and I admit my mistake. How about I punish myself with three glasses of wine
later? However, I do wonder what Young Master Clarke's identity is. Let me get to know Young
Master Clarke properly so that we can avoid any future misunderstandings." Master Bear beat
about the bush trying to figure out Philip's background.

Troy said coldly, "You're not worthy of knowing that yet."

After being startled briefly, Master Bear looked at Troy indignantly. "Master Crow, it's not right for
you to say that. I'm already willing to admit my mistake, so you should at least let me know who
I messed with."

Philip glanced at Master Bear and could not be bothered with this guy. He said indifferently,
"Let's talk after the fight."

"What?" Master Bear was taken aback, thinking inwardly that he was already so polite but Philip
still wanted to fight him. Did Philip really think that he was a pushover?

"Do you really think that I'm doing this for nothing? I'm just giving Master Crow some respect
today. If not for Master Crow, I'd have gotten someone to chop you into minced meat!" Master
Bear growled angrily.

Philip sneered and rushed at Master Bear.

Chapter 2105
Everyone was dumbfounded as they looked at Philip. No one expected Philip to act out just like
that. The routine speech was not even over yet.

Troy was the first to come back to his senses. He grabbed a machete from the hands of his men
behind him and threatened Master Bear's people. "Behave yourself. This is a matter between
the bosses. Whoever dares to raise a hand or a leg, I'll chop it off. Whoever dares to take a step
forward, I'll kill him!"
Troy's people also reacted and rushed forward, holding up their machetes and pointing them at
Master Bear's men.

"Did you hear Master Crow's words? Don't move. Whoever moves will be killed!"

"The bosses are trashing things out. As subordinates, we should just watch and not break the

Under Troy's pressure, Master Bear's people were a little cowed. No one dared to help Master
Bear recklessly.

Philip had already dashed in front of Master Bear.

With a grim expression on his face, Master Bear raised the heavy crystal ashtray on the table as
a weapon and smashed it at Philip's head.

Philip turned sideways slightly and grabbed Master Bear's right arm with both hands.

Following the sounds of bones cracking, Master Bear suddenly screamed in pain.

"Ah! It hurts! My arm!"

Seeing the arm that was bent at a weird angle, tears flowed from Master Bear's eyes as his fat
body shuddered in pain.

Philip did not stop but grabbed Master Bear's other arm. Master Bear was so scared that his
soul was about to fly out.

He cried out in terror, "Please spare me! Don't do it anymore! One of my arms is already

"Hmph, that's the price for your subordinate, Wolfman, disrespecting me, while this is the price
for your disrespect to me."

After saying that, Philip once again exerted force in his hands, and Master Bear's arm broke into

"Holy shit, it hurts like hell! Boss, please spare me. Young Master Clarke, forgive me. I won't
hold a grudge against you!" Master Bear panicked and begged for mercy.

"It's too late for regrets now!" While saying that, Philip viciously stomped his right foot on Master
Bear's thigh, and the thigh bone broke apart.
"Fuck, you want to get me killed, do you? Do you dare to allow me to make a call? My patron
rules over the sky in Glenford!"

Hearing this, Troy was shocked! Only one person could be said to rule over the sky in Glenford.
The power that controlled the life and death of everyone in Glenford... Just one word could
collapse all businesses in Glenford, and just a knock on the table could send someone like Troy
Crow flying.

"Young Master Clarke.." Troy exclaimed but he did not know what else to say.

Troy had no idea how powerful the Clarke family truly was. He only knew that he was supported
by the Clarke family and had to follow their orders.

After beating Master Bear to a pulp like this, the patron would certainly be offended to the limit.
No matter how this matter was dealt with at this time, he felt a sense of helplessness that
nothing much could be done.

Philip smiled and stepped on Master Bear's other thigh. "This is for my travel expenses to come
and find you." Philip said lightly with chills in his eyes.

"Ah, you son of a bitch! Wait for me as I make the call. You must die here today!" Master Bear
roared from the depths of his soul.

Chapter 2106
Philip put his hands in his pockets and walked toward Troy.

"Get someone to dial the number for him."

Now that Master Bear had all his limbs broken, he could not pick up the phone by himself and
needed someone to make the call for him.

"Young Master Clarke, Master Bear said that his patron is the one with the highest position in
Glenford. He's not a person we can mess with. If Master Bear makes the call, the

Troy felt that there was no need to finish the sentence. Philip should be able to understand the
interests involved in this.

The person mentioned by Master Bear was none other than the master of the Harrison family!

That person was not in the business field but at that level of Glenford itself. If he showed up,
even Troy would have to apologize on his knees.
After all, people of that level only needed to move their fingers to kill. That was why the Harrison
family ruled over Glenford. Members of the Harrison family could be found at every level and
they were all amazing characters.

"No harm. I'll teach them something." Philip raised his eyebrows and sneered.

Troy gave Philip a reverent look and felt that Philip was indeed the young master of the Clarke
family. He was still so overbearing even at a time like this.

Philip stretched out his finger and pointed at Master Bear. The thug behind Troy immediately
trotted over and took out Master Bear's phone, asking him which one in the address book to

"Just call the first person in the address book," Master Bear said weakly.

After the thug dialed the number, he put the phone to Master Bear's ear.

After Master Bear spoke to the other party, his expression turned joyful. However, that moment
of joy affected the injuries on his body, and he grimaced in pain again.

"Ouch, that hurts. Just you wait. My patron will be here soon. I'll let you know who rules over

Troy pulled a chair and placed it behind Philip.

After Philip sat down, Troy took out the gold cigar box and placed a cigar between Philip's two


A cedar wood match burned, and the unique aroma of cedar wafted. The match lit the cigar.

After Philip took a puff, he smiled and said, "Troy, this is a good cigar of yours. The top batch of
goods from Havana rolled upon a maiden's chest. It carries the fragrance of a young maiden."

"Young Master Clarke, you're really amazing. It took me a great deal of effort just to get a few of
these. I usually can't bear to smoke it, so only take a few puffs occasionally."

Troy smiled flatteringly.

Master Bear was stunned at the sight and felt that Philip's appearance of smoking a cigar was
indeed more refined compared to him. It seemed that the cigars he smoked before were just a
"Let's see how long you can put up with this act. It's just smoking a cigar. Big deal!" Master Bear
muttered under his breath.

He could also be regarded as a leader of the middle forces in Glenford, but he actually had all
his limbs broken by a kid with an unknown background!

Abominable! Simply outrageous!

Philip chatted casually with Troy.

Before long, footsteps could be heard. A middle-aged man with his hair combed meticulously
had a pair of black sunglasses over his eyes. He was draped in a black tweed coat.

He walked in, followed by two young men with indifferent expressions, The middle-aged man
ignored the thugs with machetes around him and seemed to have no sense of fear at all, simply
treating these ferocious-looking guys like thin air.

When Master Bear saw the visitor, he burst into tears of excitement. "Second Master Harrison,
just look at how I've been beaten by them. All my limbs are broken, and they're not showing you
any respect at all. I've even mentioned your name but they didn't relent!"


Second Master Harrison snorted, shrugged his shoulders, and the coat draped over his body
flew back. A young man following behind Second Master Harrison reached out and caught the

He turned around, looked at Philip and Troy, and said coldly, "Don't you know Second Master

Harrison's identity? Troy Crow, Second Master Harrison was merciful to you before and didn't
drive you into a corner on the account that you knew when to advance and retreat. Are you so
swell-headed now that you don't know your limits anymore?"

Chapter 2107
Troy's heart trembled slightly as he looked at the young man who spoke.

He leaned down and whispered in Philip's ear, "That is the first secretary beside that one. Just a
stomp of his foot and the entire Glenford will shake."

Philip sneered and flicked out the remaining half of the cigar in his hand.

The cigar drew an arc in the air and fell onto Second Master Harrison.
The young man standing on the other side raised his hand, caught the cigar, and glared at Philip
with murderous eyes!

It seemed that as long as the Second Master Harrison gave the order, he would rush out and kill

"Good reflexes. That's your reward," Philip said with a smile.

Second Master Harrison frowned. From Troy's treatment of Philip and Philip's undaunted
attitude, Second Master Harrison was a little baffled about Philip's identity.

In Glenford, Second Master Harrison could be regarded as the overlord. Those who made a
living in Glenford had to bow respectfully to Second Master Harrison whenever they saw him.

For Philip to be this way, either he was really stupid or his background was solid enough.

"Interesting. Do you know what happened to the last person who dared to be disrespectful to
me?" Second Master Harrison asked with a scowl.

Philip raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and said, "I'm not interested to find out, but I do
know what will happen to you."

"Hahaha, how funny. No one in Glenford can touch me. I rule the sky here! You have
successfully angered me. I'll let you suffer punishment!"

Second Master Harrison could not suppress his anger. No one had dared to disobey him for
many years! What Philip did today made Second Master Harrison feel that his authority had
been challenged. He must make Philip pay the price with his life!

"There's an expression that the sky is not the limit. Besides, the person who should be punished
is you."

Philip grinned as he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Second Master Harrison shook his head. "It's too late for you to call for help now. Without at
least two weeks of planning and preparation, you wouldn't be able to fight against me even if
you're a behemoth from elsewhere!"

Philip ignored him and only said lightly into the phone, "Second master of the Harrison family,
you can deal with him now."

After speaking, Philip hung up and put the phone back in his pocket.

"Hahaha, you're really amusing. Did you ask someone to take care of me? Let's see what they
can do. The person who can deal with me in Glenford hasn't been born yet!"

Second Master Harrison sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs, and closed his eyes to rest.

Within two minutes of closing his eyes, Second Master Harrison's phone rang. The first
secretary took out the phone from his bag, glanced at the caller ID, and whispered, "Second
Master Harrison, it's Mr. Jones from above."

"Give it to me."

After taking the phone and connecting it, Second Master Harrison smiled and was just about to
speak when he heard a bellow from the receiver.

"Harrison, how dare you drag me down when you're the one who caused trouble? Fuck you!"

"Mr. Jones, what's the matter? What do you mean by that?" Second Master Harrison frowned
and asked in confusion.

"What do I mean? Don't you know what you did? How dare you mess with that person?! You
have been dismissed and not even I can do anything about it. Even your family's grave is about
to explode, do you know that?" Mr. Jones on the other end of the phone roared!

Second Master Harrison was startled. He looked at Philip and suddenly felt enlightened.

Chapter 2108
"Have I really been dismissed? You have to help me out! I'll apologize and make amends
immediately!" Second Master Harrison understood in an instant and panicked.

"That's your problem. I've already delegated the tasks. Someone is already out to arrest you. If

you want to make amends, hurry up. Maybe it's still not too late. I have a review to do, so I won't
talk to you anymore. You should hope for the best."

Hearing the busy tone after the call was hung up, Second Master Harrison slumped on the sofa.

What was going on? He was dismissed all of a sudden. This could only be done with great
power. Who the hell was the young man sitting across from him? When did such a character
appear in Glenford?

Was he the one who wrecked Travis’ Buckingham Palace and took away the young lady of the
Gilson family? Such a method was too terrifying! Even if his eldest brother was here, he
probably could not do such a thing.
Second Master Harrison stood up weakly. The first secretary supported him and looked at Philip
with apprehension.

"Don't help me. I want to kneel and apologize!" Second Master Harrison said.

He knelt.

Apart from Philip, everyone else was dumbfounded. That was Second Master Harrison, a
person sitting in that position in Glenford. He could be considered the local king! For such a
figure to kneel just like that was really mind-boggling.

"Second Master Harrison, you.. What are you doing? How can you kneel? You're the lord of
Glenford. How can you kneel?" The first secretary was so anxious that his eyes reddened.

Second Master Harrison was on his knees and this was the utmost humiliation. As his first
secretary, he must find a way to save the dignity of his master. "Why can't I kneel? All of you
must kneel with me. Bear Renner, get your people to kneel to Mr. Clarke!" Second Master

Harrison said through clenched teeth.

The first secretary hesitated and finally knelt behind Second Master Harrison helplessly.

"Hurry up and kneel. Don't you see that Second Master Harrison is already on his knees? Why
are you still standing? Kneel and apologize to Mr. Clarke quickly. Someone help me kneel."

Master Bear was quite astute. His backer was already acting like this, so he must quickly admit
his mistakes. Otherwise, only death would await him.

Two men came over and helped Master Bear. The fractures in his limbs were excruciatingly
painful. Master Bear gritted his teeth desperately and tried to endure it.

Muffled groans could be heard, and his back was already drenched in a cold sweat. His men
helped Master Bear to kneel.

He forced a smile and said humbly, "Mr. Clarke, I was blind and ignorant for not recognizing you.
I beg you to forgive me."

Second Master Harrison glanced at Master Bear and shook with anger. If Master Bear had not
messed with Philip, this disaster would not have befallen him.

The exasperated Second Master Harrison slapped Master Bear across the face. "You idiot! How
dare you mess with Mr. Clarke? Who gave you the guts to do so?"

"Yes, you're right, it's all my fault. I deserve to be punished. I'm at Mr. Clarke's disposal."
After being slapped, Master Bear lowered his head and dared not resist, but he felt extremely
upset inwardly.

Second Master Harrison said, "Mr. Clarke, I'm also willing to work for you. You must need
people in Glenford. Troy Crow alone is not reliable. I can do many things that he can't, and so
can the Harrison family."

Chapter 2109
Second Master Harrison instantly had the idea of riding on Philip's coattails. There was always a
silver lining in a crisis. Although he had offended Philip this time, as long as he admitted his
mistake and worked for Philip instead, he would be his follower in the future.

With the power Philip had just displayed, as long as Second Master Harrison could ride on his
coattails, the future would be bright!

With that thought in mind, Second Master Harrison got more enthusiastic. He bowed and said,
"Mr. Clarke, I really know my mistake this time. I'll listen to you and serve you well in the future!"

At this moment, Second Master Harrison had abandoned all dignity. All he wanted to do was to
lower his posture, get through this crisis, and ride on Philip's coattails!

Dignity was worthless at this time.

Thinking of this, Second Master Harrison felt that he was really too witty. If his plan worked out,
rising to the top was possible!

On the side, Master Bear was stunned. He thought he was shameless enough, but after seeing
Second Master Harrison's actions, he had to concede.

Second Master Harrison's secretary felt that his brain could not keep up with how things were

In the past, Second Master Harrison's image was extremely domineering. He was an absolute
overlord. However, seeing him at this moment, the secretary felt as if he had seen an impostor.

"Second Master Harrison, you should be more... reserved," the first secretary whispered.

"Reserved, my ass! Time and tide wait for no man. It's the same as changing allegiance. It's not
easy to meet such a wise and powerful man as Mr. Clarke, so I naturally have to join his side no
matter what!" Second Master Harrison said shamelessly.

Philip sneered and kicked Second Master Harrison on the head, making him roll on the floor.
"Ouch! Mr. Clarke, that kick was well- deserved. I did do something wrong just now, so I need
your strict punishment. Just teach me a good lesson." Second Master Harrison clutched his
head and shouted.

"You're really shameless," Philip said helplessly.

Faced with such a brazen person, he could only be sent to jail for proper reformation.

Troy Crow was completely stunned. He thought of himself as a knowledgeable person, but
seeing Second Master Harrison at this moment, he felt that he had still underestimated the
people of the world.

For someone who could be as shameless as Second Master Harrison, he had probably done
many dark deeds behind the scenes.

Second Master Harrison got up, crawled to Philip, and knelt in front of him again. He said with a
smile, "Mr. Clarke, continue the lesson. From now on, I'll definitely listen to you."

Thud, thud, thud!

Sounds of orderly footsteps could be heard!

Second Master Harrison's expression changed as he looked at Philip nervously.

"Mr. Clarke, they're here. You should quickly make the call. You must keep me safe. I have
admitted my mistake and I sincerely repent!"

"Is it useful to admit your mistake now? If I killed you and apologized to your corpse, am I not a
murderer anymore? You couldn't have forgotten what you've done over the years, right? The
evidence of your crimes is too numerous to list down! Repent in prison for the rest of your life."

A look of disgust flashed in Philip's eyes.

"No, you can't do this to me! I've already done so much. I'll be your dog, okay? As long as you
bail me out, I'll be your dog in the future!" Second Master Harrison said in a panic.

"I don't need a dog like you. You don't appeal to me," Philip said flatly.

A group of people in black combat uniforms barged in. The person in the lead walked up to
Philip and saluted.

Chapter 2110
"Mr. Clarke, are you alright? We rushed over the moment we received the order."
"I'm fine. You can arrest all those who are kneeling here," Philip said calmly.

"Okay." The combatant in the lead turned around and looked at Second Master Harrison, Master
Bear, and the rest. He waved his hand and said, "Take them away. We have gathered all
evidence of your crimes."

This group of people arrested Second Master Harrison and the others.

Second Master Harrison glared at Philip angrily. "I curse that you'll die a miserable death!"

"I represent justice. Your curse is invalid," Philip said with a smile.

Seeing Second Master Harrison being taken away, Troy was still in shock.

He hurriedly came forward and asked, "Young Master Clarke, what should we do now?"

Philip frowned slightly and said, "Bring me to the Gilson family."

"Okay!" Troy responded and immediately arranged for a special car to personally escort Philip to
the Gilson family.

As for the two Shadow Guards outside the Golden Dragon Club, they naturally followed.

On this side, when Second Master Harrison was taken away, he no longer struggled or yelled.
Instead, he said to the people around him, "Contact my eldest brother immediately!"

The person who restrained Second Master Harrison raised his eyebrows but still took out his
phone, dialed the number, and handed the phone to Second Master Harrison.

After all, Second Master Harrison used to be their superior. In Glenford, that was the existence
of the overlord.

Even though he had been dismissed now, the residual power was still there.

Soon, the call was connected and Second Master Harrison said, "Big Brother, I was dismissed
from my position. The other party is a young man. I don't know the exact situation. The other
party seems to have huge backing. You have to be prepared and help me make some
connections with the top."

On the other end of the line, the Harrison family's head, Holt Harrison, was in the main hall of
Harrison Manor at this moment.

With a look of astonishment, he stood up from the white leather sofa and asked with eyes wide
open, "What? You've been dismissed? Who is the other party? What's his background?"
Second Master Harrison shook his head and replied, "I don't know. The other party just made a
call and Mr. Jones at that level directly dismissed me!"

"Walt Jones did it in person?" Holt was full of shock.

Walt Jones was the leading figure who was just transferred to the three northwestern districts!

He was fully in charge of the markets, businesses, wealthy families, associations, and other
aspects of the Glenford, Newtown, and Yarra regions.

For him to dismiss his younger brother because of a kid with an unknown background, it was
enough to show that the other party's identity was definitely not simple!

"Okay, I know, I'll handle it! Don't worry, we have members of the Harrison family on the inside!"
Holt hung up the phone and paced back and forth in the living room, his face dark and sullen.

After thinking about it, he quickly dialed Walt Jones' number and asked with a smile on his face,

"Mr. Jones, what's going on here? What did my brother do wrong for him to be dismissed like

A snort could be heard over the phone, and the voice said, "Holt Harrison, I knew you would call
me. I'm telling you that this matter is the fault of your Harrison family. I warn you not to come to
me. The life and death of the Harrison family have nothing to do with me!"

"Moreover, I must give you a piece of advice. You're considered a first-class figure in Glenford. If
someone in your family makes such a stupid mistake, don't even think of wiping his ass. Just go
and apologize to the young master properly. Otherwise, your Harrison family will suffer!"

Chapter 2111
Very soon, the call was hung up!

Holt Harrison stood in the living room with a gloomy face.

To make Walt Jones so fearful, the other party was definitely not simple!

However, when did such a person appear in Glenford? Holt could not figure it out.

Glenford was the territory of the Harrison family, but there were still people who dared to target
them. That young man even took on his brother directly without going through the Harrison
family. This was definitely premeditated!
Holt was flustered but soon calmed down. He was thinking about who he had offended over the
years and whether anyone wanted to retaliate against the Harrison family.

However, after thinking about it, Glenford was already the Harrison family's territory. Their
network was spread throughout the city. There was simply no one who would dare to challenge
or go against the Harrison family.

It must be an outside force! Could it be the ones from Newtown and Yarra? However, those in
Newtown and Yarra did not have such solid power and. background.

Someone who could make Walt Jones act without prior warning, take on his brother, and even
made himself feel threatened...

He was definitely an unreachable figure of that level. "Men, prepare a car immediately. I'm going
to Sparrow Villa!"

After thinking about it, Holt decided to go there.

If the Harrison family really encountered an irreversible crisis, perhaps the people at Sparrow
Villa could help the Harrison family.

Thus, Holt adjusted his clothes, stepped out of Harrison Manor, got into the Bentley prepared for
him, and headed straight to the highest and most luxurious villa at the central mountain range of

At the same time, Philip had arrived at Gilson Manor in Troy's car. When he got out of the car at
the entrance, Philip looked at Gilson Manor.

A hint of stern gloom flashed in his eyes. He turned and asked Troy next to him, "Is the Gilson
family in such dire straits now?"

In front of Philip, the entire Gilson Manor was very dilapidated. It was just an empty shell. There
was no one at the entrance, and the lawn was overgrown with weeds.

Red paint was splashed on the walls of the manor, and a lot of glass was also smashed.

Troy wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied respectfully, "Young Master Clarke, the
Gilson family offended the Harrison family and suffered complete suppression from the Harrison
family in all aspects. They fell into dire straits a month ago. The head of the Gilson family was
sent to jail as a co-conspirator, while the young lady of the Gilson family was also taken to
Buckingham Palace by Travis Harrison to be an escort. Now, the current Gilson family is
probably left with Pearce Gilson and a few loyal servants."
Hearing this, Philip frowned and walked toward the small Western-style building in the center of
the manor.

The farther in, the more Philip felt that the Gilson family was in complete decline.

Looking at the layout of this small manor, it used to be a big family, but it was too dilapidated

When he was about to step into this small Western-style building, Philip saw the Shadow
Guards standing at the door. Their faces were dark and with a hint of anger.

They bowed slightly upon seeing Philip and said, "Young Master."

Philip frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Why so gloomy?"

The Shadow Guards looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Philip's face darkened as he felt a foreboding.

At this moment, 17 came out from inside.

Seeing Philip standing at the door, she bowed slightly, shook her head, and said, "Young
Master, I'm afraid Old Master Gilson won't be able to make it."

Not able to make it?

Philip frowned and rushed into the building. He saw a few old servants standing at the door of a
bedroom, hiding their faces and wiping tears.

From the room, Tanya Gilson's mournful cries could be heard. "Dad, don't leave me behind. Big
Brother has been taken away and Second Brother is missing. If you leave me too, how will I live

Philip stood at the door and glanced at the situation in the room.

Chapter 2112
Tanya knelt in front of the bed, crying soundlessly. Her head was buried in the arms of an old
man with weak breathing who was hooked up to an IV drip and ventilator.

The old man was none other than Pearce Gilson.

Philip was shocked when he saw Pearce's state at this moment. It had only been a few months
but the old man looked as if he was terminally ill.
Pearce was leaning on the bed frame at this time. When he saw Philip appear at the door, his
eyes cleared and a bolt of energy surged in his body.

He reached out for Philip and shouted with all his strength, "Y-Young Master Clarke..."

While shouting, he tried to get out of the bed and salute Philip.

Philip hurried forward, grabbed Pearce, and said, "Old Master, there's no need to do so."

Pearce coughed violently, took off his breathing mask, and said, "Young Master Clarke, I can't
salute you anymore. Please forgive me."

Philip did not say anything and helped Pearce into the bed again.

Then, he glanced at Tanya who was still crying. He asked with a frown, "Old Master Gilson, how
did you end up like this?"

Pearce squeezed out a smile on his pale face and said, "It's all because the Harrison family
imposed sanctions on my family and forced my youngest daughter to marry. I refused, so the
Harrison family sent people to break my legs and poison me. My body won't last long. I'm

satisfied that I could see Tanya come back before I die."

Then, Pearce took Philip's hand and said, "Young Master Clarke, thank you for taking time out
of your busy schedule to help the Gilson family, We won't forget this favor."

"Tanya, quickly thank your benefactor."

Tanya got up, wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes, and bowed to Philip. "Thank you for
your help."

Philip hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Old Master Gilson, I gave you my promise
about this. It was my negligence that caused you..."

Pearce quickly stopped Philip and said, "Young Master Clarke, this matter has nothing to do with
you. You're already a great benefactor to the Gilson family for helping my daughter get out of the
clutches of the Harrison family. It's a pity that I have nothing to repay you now. I believe you
don't need jewelry and treasures. If you don't mind, my daughter can follow you and serve you."

After that, Pearce said to Tanya, "Tanya, are you willing to serve your benefactor?"

Tanya knelt on the floor as she lowered her head and said, "I was saved by the benefactor. Of
course, I'm willing to serve."
Philip was a little surprised. Old Master Gilson was too straightforward. Was he entrusting his
orphan to Philip?

Philip pulled Tanya up and said, "You don't have to do this. I don't need you to repay me in this

Tanya stubbornly wiped her tears and said to Philip, "If you don't agree, I'll remain on my knees."

With that said, Tanya knelt again.

Pearce coughed and said, "Young Master Clarke, the Gilson family has always returned favors.
If you don't agree, my daughter will certainly not get up. This is my last request before I die."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old servants at the door also knelt and shouted, "Young
Master Clarke, please take in the young lady."

Philip's eyes flickered. Seeing Pearce like this, and looking at the members of the Gilson family,
he found it unbearable.

He looked at Tanya who was kneeling on the floor and said, "Alright, get up, all of you."

However, a furious roar suddenly came outside!

"Damn it! Get the fuck out of my way! I'm Travis Harrison, the young master of the Harrison
family! Who are you to stop me?"

Chapter 2113
At the gate of the dilapidated and small Gilson Manor, Travis and dozens of the Harrison family
bodyguards had surrounded the place!

At this moment, he had his hands in his trouser pockets. His face was full of arrogance as he
raised his eyebrows to look at the 13 Shadow Guards in front of him.

"Get out of my way! I'll kill anyone who dares to stand in the way!" Travis' face was full of
arrogance and he paid no heed to the 13 Shadow Guards at all.

This was the territory of the Harrison family and no one dared to stop the young master of the
Harrison family.

However, he did not know that any one of the people on the opposite side would be enough to
erase the Harrison family from this world!
11 stood at the forefront, his arms crossed over his sturdy figure. He stared at the arrogant and
domineering Travis with icy eyes, saying solemnly, "I'll only warn you once, leave quickly!
Otherwise, don't blame me for making a move against you!"

Hahaha! Travis laughed out loud, his eyes full of ridicule. He reached out for a cigar handed by
his subordinate and put it in his mouth.

He took a deep puff, pointed at 11, and said, "Big guy, are you kidding me? Don't you know
where this is? This is Glenford, the territory of the Harrison family. You people were simply
seeking death when you dared to wreck Buckingham Palace. I now order you to kneel and
apologize to me! Otherwise, I'll chop all of you up and bury you in the mountain!"

Travis acted frivolously, his face smug.

Since young, he was taught by the Harrison culture that a person must be arrogant. That was
especially true for a member of the Harrison family!

A subordinate beside him with a flattering smile on his face was also full of disdain and

He pointed at 11 and the others while yelling, "Presumptuous! Who told you to talk to our young
master like this? Are big muscly guys like you looking for death? This is the young master of the
Harrison family. Don't you know the status of the Harrison family in Glenford? Trashing my
young master's venue means you're simply looking for death!"

This subordinate spoke in an effeminate manner.

11's eyes went cold and he said, "So noisy!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and took out a flying blade from his waist!


A flash of silver! With unparalleled sharpness, the flying blade passed through the neck of the
cursing subordinate with lightning speed!

A spray like fire!

The man's eyes widened, and he felt a flow of heat in his neck before he understood what was
going on.

He looked down, pointed at 11, and shouted, "Y-You dare.."

Before he finished speaking, the man clutched his bleeding neck and fell to the ground, dying
with his eyes wide open!

Travis got a fright. He turned his head to look at his dead subordinate on the ground and
immediately flew into a rage.

Full of anger, he glared at 11 and the others as he roared, "How dare you make a move on my
people?! Everyone, charge! Kill them all!"


In an instant, dozens of bodyguards behind Travis rushed toward 11 and his gang.

However, 11 just frowned with a look of disdain. Then, with his arms across his chest, he
stepped forward one step at a time with increasing speed.


He stomped on the ground with his left leg and jumped into the air. He clenched his fists and
punched out. His right knee also slammed into the chest of an incoming bodyguard!

With just one face-off, the bodyguard was kicked by 11's knee and flew out several meters with
a sunken chest and several broken ribs!

After he landed, 11 made a half-turn sideways and punched the cheek of the bodyguard holding
a baseball bat!

Chapter 2114

The sound was like a blasting cannon!

The bodyguard only saw the fist that was quickly magnified in front of him slamming into his
face like a cannonball! Then, his entire body flew back, knocking over several bodyguards
behind him!

11's movements did not stop. Like a cheetah, he swiftly rushed into the crowd of dozens of

Wherever he went, all the figures flew out. None of them survived the impact intact, and all of
them died violently!

11 did not show any mercy at all.

Bang, thud!

The sounds were endless.

Travis Harrison stood in the same spot, his face that was previously plastered with a triumphant
expression had completely stiffened at this moment.

The cigar dangling in his mouth also fell. That was because within a minute, the dozens of
bodyguards he brought had all fallen to the ground with no survivors.

In front of him, 11 walked with firm steps toward Travis.

At this moment, 11 was like a demon from hell!

A biting killing intent flowed from all over him.

Travis would never forget everything he saw today. He shuddered all over in fear. "W-What do
you want to do?! I'm the young master of the Harrison family. This is the territory of the Harrison
family. If you dare to do anything to me, the Harrison family will definitely not spare you!"

Travis was extremely flustered and quickly backed away. With a misstep, he fell to the ground.


11 lifted his foot and viciously stepped on Travis' chest.

He exerted some force and Travis shouted hoarsely.

"Ah, it hurts! Lift your foot! I'm the young master of the Harrison family!"

11's eyes were cold as he stared at Travis struggling constantly on the ground. He said, "So
what if you're the young master of the Harrison family? Trampling you to death is no different
from trampling on an ant."

"How dare you?! If you dare to trample me to death, the Harrison family will kill you, all of you!"

Travis was still being arrogant and threatening at this moment.

11 frowned and was about to exert force in his leg when Philip walked over from behind him.

He patted him lightly on the shoulder.

Philip then looked at Travis and said with a smile, "Are you the young master of the Harrison
family, Travis Harrison?"

Travis saw Philip who suddenly appeared in front of him and frowned. With a smug expression,

he said, "Who the hell are you? Is this your subordinate? Quickly tell him to get lost and
apologize to me! Otherwise, I'll tell my father and second uncle about this. I'm telling you, my
second uncle is a figure of that level in Glenford!"

"Are you talking about Second Master Harrison?" Philip suddenly grinned.

Travis was taken aback and said doubtfully, "Do you know my second uncle? Since you know
him, hurry up and tell your lackey to lift his foot, or else..."


Philip squatted and slapped Travis on his jabbering mouth.

Travis was stunned by that slap. He looked at Philip in disbelief and roared. "How dare you hit
my face?! I'm Travis Harrison, the young master of the Harrison family, and my face is the face
of the Harrison family. I want my second uncle and my father to kill you! No matter who you are
and no matter who is behind you, if you dare to make a move against me in Glenford, I want all
of you dead!"

Chapter 2115
Philip laughed, took out his phone, tossed it to Travis, and said, "Take a look."

Travis picked up the phone on the ground and opened it to see the scene of his second uncle
kneeling down and begging Philip for mercy. Of course, it was taken by Troy Crow at that time.
There was also a scene of Second Master Harrison being taken away next.

Seeing the short videos, Travis was dumbfounded as his brain buzzed.

After that, he looked up at Philip and asked in disbelief, "Who the hell are you? Is this really my
second uncle?"

Philip got up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked indifferently at Travis who was sitting
on the ground, and said, "Before you came over, didn't you find out who I am? Didn't that Carla
from Buckingham Palace tell you about me?"

Hearing this, Travis abruptly remembered! "Are you that Philip Clarke? The guy who took Tanya
Gilson away? Was it your people who kicked Finn Arnell to death?"
Travis suddenly remembered. He never expected to run into the culprit when he came to the
Gilson family looking for trouble.

With that thought in mind, Travis got up from the ground, stared at Philip with a face full of
arrogant malice, and said, "Boy, no matter who you are, you made a very serious mistake today!
You dare trash my place, take my woman away, and even allow your men to kill the young
master of the Arnell family. Now, you even took down so many of my bodyguards. You definitely
won't leave Glenford today!"

Philip smiled lightly and said, "I won't leave Glenford today? Let's see who can do that to me."

As soon as he said that, dozens of people rushed in through the gate of Gilson Manor. The
leader was a middle-aged man who walked with powerful strides. He had murderous intent on
his face! The dozens of men behind him were armed and wearing combat uniforms! It was a
combat group!

"I, Greg Arnell, am the first person who won't let you leave Glenford! How dare you kill my son? I
want to see who dares to be so bold!"

Two furious shouts like mighty thunder pierced through the air and deafened the ears!

A group of people stomped on the ground and walked over briskly.

Philip raised his eyebrows, and his face darkened as he looked at the dozens of guards in
combat outfits.

Greg Arnell had an angular face and straight eyebrows, exuding ironclad sternness. His fierce
eyes carried an appalling chill!

The Arnell family was a combat guard group in Glenford! At this moment, Greg brought his men
and personally came over. It was enough to show the anger of the Arnell family!

When Travis saw Greg, he ran over and shouted with a face full of anger, "Uncle Greg, it's him.
They killed Finn. You must take revenge for him!"

Greg's eyes were cold. He turned his head, stared at Philip and the dozen or so Shadow
Guards behind him, and shouted angrily, "How dare you kill my son? Kneel immediately and
apologize to my son!"

Without a word from Philip, the 13 Shadow Guards behind him had already stepped over. All of
them were either standing behind or next to him.

The soaring killing intent of these 13 people directly enveloped the entire Gilson Manor! Their
killing intent was like a substantial sword that pierced the sky! Even someone like Greg Arnell
who was experienced on the battlefield was shocked by the astounding killing intent emanating
from these 13 people!

These people were definitely not ordinary people! They must have survived from all kinds of life
and death situations on the battlefields!

Their killing intent felt like something that came out of a sea of blood on a mountain of corpses.

Instantly, Greg understood that these people were not simple! Especially the handsome man
standing in the forefront!

With 13 powerful guards as escorts, he must be the son of a hidden family or similar. However,
even so, Greg would not back down!

Chapter 2116
"Do you want me to kneel and apologize?" Philip asked calmly.

Greg frowned and shouted, "That's right! Killing my son in the territory of Glenford is an
unforgivable sin!"


Philip sneered and said, "Seeing that you're also a member of a battle group and you actually
brought your personal guards over, aren't you worried about being exposed?"

"So what? I've never Pared about what the world thinks of me. What's more, I'm here to punish

the most vicious villains. What's wrong with that? Who dares to say anything?" Greg said coldly,
his face full of anger.

Philip nodded and asked, "Then do you know why your son was kicked to death by my men?"

Greg could not help his grief when he heard this! His most beloved son was gone just like that!
Moreover, Finn died tragically.

Greg clenched his fists, his face full of murderous intent. He yelled, "I don't care what my son
did. I only know that my son's murderer is right in front of me, and you're the mastermind! You
condoned your men to make mistakes, so you're equally guilty! Men, take them down for me! If
you encounter someone who dares to resist, kill them on the spot!" At Greg's command, the
heavily armed guards behind him immediately pointed their guns at Philip and the others.

Their bodies were covered with dense red dots.

Normal people would have crouched down with their heads in their arms.
However, Philip sneered and said, "Take care of it quickly. I have to hurry back to have dinner
with my wife,"

The 13 Shadow Guards stepped forward upon hearing this.

At this scene, Greg roared. "Whoever dares to take another step will be killed on the spot!"

However, the 13 Shadow Guards paid no attention to Greg's warning. Greg's face darkened as
he waved his hand and shouted, "Fire!"


Suddenly, dense sounds of gunshots resounded throughout Gilson Manor!

At this moment, the old servants of the Gilson family who were hiding in the manor, as well as
Tanya and the others, were dumbfounded!

That was because within their line of sight, the 13 Shadow Guards on Philip's side disappeared
as soon as the shots were fired!

Immediately after, they saw that the group of guards holding guns in front of Greg had all fallen
to the ground!

Yes, and it happened in just a split second! The 13 Shadow Guards acted together and dealt
with the guards brought by Greg in no time!

On the ground, dozens of guards armed with guns did not even know how they died. The only
clue was the line of blood on their necks.

Even the guns they carried were cut apart by a sharp weapon!

Greg's eyes popped wide open at this sight, and he gasped for breath!

Philip stepped over the corpses and walked up to Greg.

With cold eyes and a faint smile. Philin asked "Greg Arnell what do you think your outcome will

Greg reacted at this moment. He was shocked silly and asked in a daze, ”W- Who are you?

do you have guards with this kind of skill around you? T-They're not ordinary people. They came
from that place.."
Chapter 2117
Greg Arnell was almost going crazy!

Many years ago, he went to Cochly Mountain on a guarding mission. At that time, he had seen
with his own eyes those unparalleled geniuses who came out from Cochly Mountain.

All of them were incomprehensible with the current societal ideology! All of them were
superhuman beings beyond imagination! Those people could turn the tide at every turn and
even destroy a combat group with their own power!

Such an existence could not be compared with secular concepts at all. They existed in
preparation for the final battle.

At this moment, although the people in front of him had only displayed a little of their combat
prowess, Greg Arnell instinctively linked them with the people in Cochly Mountain!

That was because only the people who came out of there could have such unimaginable
combat power!

However, Greg also understood that they were different from the people who came out from
Cochly Mountain. As for the exact difference, Greg had no time to think about it now. That was
because Philip had already walked up to him and asked him what his outcome was.

Greg's eyes darkened as he looked around at the guards who were down on the ground, unable
to stand. His eyes reflected a chill as he asked, "Who are you? Why do the guards around you
have such a fighting power that goes beyond the existing world? Of the people I've seen, only
those who came from Cochly Mountain can fight like this."

Philip was dumbfounded. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you talking about the door?"

The door! Philip actually knew about the door! In that case, Greg had guessed it right! Sure
enough, they came from that place!

Greg was disheartened. Knowing that he was doomed today, he simply said, "Since you know
the door, then my guess is right. In that case, my Arnell family will cease to exist today. But what
I can't figure out is that people like you shouldn't be able to appear in the world at will. Why do
you want to violate the relevant regulations and appear in the secular world? Moreover, you
have also interfered in worldly affairs. Aren't you worried about the punishment from the door
and the Nonagon?"

Philip chuckled as he stared at Greg and said, "Interesting. You're a person I've met in the
secular world who knows about the door and the Nonagon. Then I can tell you that I'm not from
behind the door, nor are they. We're not under the jurisdiction of the Nonagon."
Hearing this, Greg was stunned. His eyes widened as he said incredulously, "How is that
possible? With such combat power like yours, apart from the door and the Nonagon, there can't
be.. Wait a minute, you're from the Clarke..."

Instantly, Greg thought of a very scary thing!

The one existence that could rival or even surpass the Nonagon! That invincible existence that
once ruled over Cochly Mountain and the Nonagon!

The Clarkes! It was the Clarke family! He was a Clarke!

In an instant, Greg knew what kind of terrifying existence he was facing! He used to work for the
Nonagon and was dispatched to Cochly Mountain to perform guard duties. At that time, those
few people were still in charge of Cochly Mountain.

Especially that unparalleled talent, that big mountain that weighed on everyone's heart!

That magnificent figure that once ruled the Cochly Mountain and the Nonagon for ten years!

Greg knelt, knowing that he had messed with an existence that he should not have. "I'm sorry, I
was wrong. My son deserved to die! Please have mercy, Young Master Clarke!"

Greg could not afford any resistance now.

No one could challenge that big mountain!

Travis Harrison stood on one side. From the moment the 13 Shadow Guards next to Philip took
action, he had been scared silly! What kind of people was this group?

Now, even the head of the Arnell family was down on his knees.

Travis completely panicked. He,slowly backed away, turned around, and ran!

Chapter 2118
However, Travis received a violent kick on his back. He flew out and fell face down on the
ground. His chin and mouth hit the floor and he slid out several meters!

Two rows of Travis' teeth were knocked out, leaving a trail of blood all over the floor!

He struggled to get up but a foot stomped on his back viciously like a tonne of bricks.
"Ah, let go of me! I'm the young master of the Harrison family, you can't kill me! My father is Holt
Harrison and he has a huge backer behind him! If you dare to do anything to me, my father will
definitely slay you alive with his bare hands!" Travis was still full of threats.

Philip walked over, looked at Travis who was struggling on the ground, and asked indifferently,
"Who is the huge backer behind your father?"

Travis roared at Philip ferociously, "Hmph, the huge backer behind my father is not someone a
small fry like you can mess with! Do you know the Clarke family? That's the most powerful
family in the world! How dare a punk like you mess with me? My father only needs to say one
word to the Clarke family and they'll kill all of you!" Travis shouted and kept talking about the
Clarke family.

At this time, Greg, who was kneeling on the floor, shook his head helplessly. The Harrison family
was doomed now. The master they looked up to was standing right in front of Travis but he
actually did not recognize him.

Greg had really never seen such a stupid and defiant person.

Philip chuckled and suddenly felt playful. He pretended to be afraid and said, "The Clarke
family? The huge backer behind your Harrison family is actually the Clarke family?"

At Philip's terrified look, Travis smiled sinisterly and said, "Kid, are you afraid now? Let me tell
you, you're dead today! You dare to take action against me, trash my place, and even beat my
people. I'll skin you alive! No matter who you are or who you have in your family, just one word
from the Clarkes and your family will disappear from this world! Without a trace!"

Philip turned to look at the Shadow Guards, who each had a helpless look on their faces. "11,
what do you think will happen if we offend the Clarke family?" Philip asked with a smile.

11 smiled and said, "Young Master, I think it'll be a miserable death."

Travis got up from the ground at this moment, pointed at Philip and the others with a sneer, and
roared. "That's right, a miserable death! It's good that you know! Now, I'm going to call and tell
my father! I'll have him ask the Clarke family to take action and all of you will die!"

Philip smiled and said, "Do as you please. I want to see if the Clarke family you speak about can
kill me."

Travis clenched his fists and shouted, "Okay, just wait and you'll see!" Travis took out his phone,
dialed his father's number, and wailed, "Dad, I was beaten, and the dozen or so guards I
brought have all died. Where are you now? The other party is so arrogant that they don't even
care about the Clarke family! You must notify the Clarke family immediately and ask their butler
to get rid of these people for the Harrison family,"
At this moment, Holt was kneeling in the living room of Sparrow Villa. In front of him, a butler
was staring coldly at Holt as he answered the call.

Holt was full of anger with his disappointment in Travis. He lowered his voice and said, "Shut up!
I'm in Sparrow Villa now. You handle the situation first. I'll bring someone there right away!"

After that, Holt hung up the phone and said to the butler flatteringly, "Butler Cross, you can't
wash your hands off this matter now. The other party's background is a little fuzzy. Not only was

my son's Buckingham Palace wrecked, but he even condoned his subordinates to kill the son of
the Arnell family. Just now, my second brother was also dismissed from his position because of
him. Now, that villain is also threatening to destroy the Harrison family."

The butler in front of him said coldly, "Holt Harrison, do you know who Travis Harrison


Holt looked baffled. To be frank, he had asked someone to check it out but nothing was found.
He only knew the other party was named Philip Clarke.

The butler said, "Even if you're courting death, you shouldn't be doing it like this. The person
Travis Harrison has offended is none other than the young master of the main family and the
future heir of the Clarke family!"

Chapter 2119
The young master of the main family? The future heir of the Clarke family? How could this be?

Holt was stunned. He knelt on the ground while sweating all over, just like a drenched rat. He
looked flustered as he fell into extreme fear! After running around for half a day and asking the
backer for help, it turned out that the person his stupid son had offended was none other than
the young master of the backer! He was even the young master of the main family too!
Everything was over!

For a moment, Holt's face was full of panic. He shuddered all over as he knelt on the floor and
bowed to Butler Cross.

He admitted his mistake while shouting, "Butler Cross, the Harrison family was wrong this time.
Please put in a few good words for us. My son didn't mean to offend Young Master Clarke.

Everything is just a misunderstanding. I beg you to talk to Young Master Clarke...“

Thump, thump!
Huge fear instantly filled Holt's heart. He knelt and kept knocking his head on the,fIoor until his
forehead was red and bleeding.

Butler Cross stood in front of him impassively, his eyes cold.

At this moment, there was sudden coughing in the living room. With the help of Fulton Hash,
Roger Clarke walked in from the yard to the living room. He sat on the sofa, looked at Holt
kneeling on the ground indifferently, and said, "Holt Harrison, what did you promise me back

Hearing this voice, Holt felt as if he was struck by lightning. He immediately prostrated on the

"M-My lord, I was wrong. Please have mercy on me."

Holt stammered with a muffled voice. His head was stuck to the ground, and he dared not raise
his head at all.

After a moment of silence, Roger asked, "Do you want to save yourself?"

Holt kept nodding and said, "Please be gracious, my lord. No. matter what the terms are, I'll do

Roger pondered and said, "Very well, two conditions. First, Glenford no longer belongs to the
Harrison family. I'll support a new family."

Hearing this, Holt was stunned before he went weak. It was over for the Harrison family.

He knelt on the ground and trembled all over as he said, "I agree."

"Secondly, I know that the ancestors of the Harrison family were involved in making the elixir of
life back then. I need to know about the records of one of the most important ingredients in the
elixir, the Multidew Herb," Roger said serenely.

To be honest, with Roger's status, it was easy to get the records of the Multidew Herb from the
Harrison family. However, there were rules for everything. Roger would not take them by force.
Moreover, the Harrison family had kept this secret for thousands of years. Of course, they would
not reveal it easily.

Holt raised his head from the ground and looked at Roger sitting on the sofa with a strong look
of reluctance in his eyes.
The lord wanted the records of the Multidew Herb. This was handed down from his ancestors
and recorded in an ancient book. It was the secret treasure of the Harrison family. It was
absolutely impossible to show it to the world. Even when Roger mentioned this a long time ago,
Holt had pretended that he knew nothing about it. Now, in the face of the Harrison family's
impending destruction, Holt had no other choice.

He slowly lowered his head and said, "I promise."

Roger nodded, stood up, and said to Fulton next to him, "You should follow him. Don't let that
brat go too far."

Fulton agreed, looked at Holt who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "Lead the way."

Holt immediately got up and made a respectful inviting gesture to Fulton, inviting him to get into
the Bentley that he drove here.

Chapter 2120
Meanwhile, Gilson Manor.

Travis stood in the same spot, his face full of arrogance and anger as he stared at Philip and the
others. He cursed, "Boy, if you don't want to die, kneel and apologize to me right now!
Otherwise, when my father arrives, none of you can escape!" "The huge backer behind my
father is the Clarke family, do you understand?" "Looking at you, I'm sure you don't know much
about the Clarke family, so I'll tell you. The Clarke family holds more than half of the world's
assets! Amazing, right? Does it feel like your head is buzzing?"

"Hahaha, I knew that you'd be afraid. Now, down on your knees immediately! Once my father
arrives with people of the Clarke family, no matter who you are, no matter who is behind you,
and whether you're deliberately targeting the Harrison family or not, all of you will die!"

Travis was like a lunatic, roaring hysterically. He was trying to give himself a boost! He had no
choice. The only people left on the scene were him and Greg Arnell, who was kneeling. He felt
very discouraged.

However, no matter how he shouted and threatened, Philip and his people still looked indifferent
as if they were watching a monkey performing. "Have you said enough?"

At this moment, Philip asked with a slight frown.

Travis coughed. His throat was burning and he roared, "Of course, I haven't said enough! All of
you, on your knees now!"

Philip shook his head helplessly. At this time, several cars stopped at Gilson Manor's entrance.
The one in the lead was naturally Holt Harrison's ride! He quickly got down from the car and
invited Fulton out very respectfully.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Travis pointing and yelling at Philip.

Suddenly, Holt felt that he was having a heart attack. This stupid son! What a way to court

At the same time, Travis also saw his father get out of the car and respectfully invite a middle-
aged man down the car.

Hahaha! At once, Travis laughed and pointed at Holt and Fulton who were walking briskly to the
door. He said to Philip, "Look, my father is here with someone from the Clarke family. All of you
are dead for sure!"

Travis went wild and immediately ran to his father. He knelt on the ground and shouted, "Dad,
look, these people are so fierce. They killed all the Harrison family's guards and injured me.
Dad, you must stand up for me," Travis cried out.

Holt was following behind Fulton at this moment. Seeing that his stupid son dared to ask him to
stand up for him, his chest was immediately on fire.

He stepped over, kicked Travis on the shoulder, and scolded, "Idiot! You got into a big mess, do
you know that? You even want me to stand up for you? You have brought harm upon the
Harrison family!"

Travis fell to the ground and looked at his furious father in confusion. He yelled, "Dad, what are
you doing? I'm your son! Why did you kick me? He was the one who smashed my Buckingham
Palace, he was the one who sent Second Uncle to jail, and he also condoned his subordinates
to kill Finn Arnell! He even said that he wanted to destroy the Harrison family!"

Holt's eyes were round, and his pupils were red as he stared at Travis. He roared, "Shut up!

You're incorrigible! If Young Master Clarke wants to destroy the Harrison family, so be it! Why
aren't you still apologizing to Young Master Clarke?!"

Young Master Clarke? What Young Master Clarke? Travis Harrison was dumbfounded!
Chapter 2121
Travis looked up at Philip in wide-eyed disbelief.

At this moment, Holt had already walked past Fulton and arrived in front of

He bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and shouted, "Young Master
Clarke, I'm sorry for being late and allowing my son to offend you. I deserve
to be punished."

Philip coldly looked at Holt kneeling on the ground. Was this the head of the
Harrison family?

"Are you the head of the Harrison family? I heard that your Harrison family
rules the sky of Glenford? And that you don't care about anyone else?"
Philip asked blandly.

Holt's face was full of fear as he trembled on the ground and said, "Young
Master Clarke, the Harrison family is wrong and should be punished. On
the account that the Harrison family has made great contributions to the
Clarke family over the years, please spare the Harrison family and give me
and my son a way out."

Philip did not speak.

At this moment, when Travis, who was kneeling on the ground, saw his
father kneeling in front of Philip, his head was buzzing! He dared not accept
it and neither did he want to accept it.

That was the head of the Harrison family, his father! He was the figure who
ruled over Glenford behind the scenes! He was actually kneeling to Philip
Clarke?! Moreover, he kept calling him 'Young Master Clarke'
"Dad, are you crazy? Why are you kneeling to him? He's just a punk! Get
up and ask the people from the Clarke family you brought to destroy these
people!" Travis roared.

Holt turned his head and glared at Travis. He got up, rushed over, kicked
Travis several times while yelling, "Rascal! Do you know how much trouble
you've caused?! Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

Travis covered his face and stared at his raging father in bafflement.

This was the first time his father had lashed out at him like this. "Who could
he be? He's just a punk who has a few powerful guards. This is Glenford,
the territory of the Harrison family! Didn't you bring someone from the
Clarke family? Why are you afraid of him?" Travis shouted indignantly.

However, Holt slapped Travis and shouted, "Insolence! This Young Master
Clarke in front of you is none other than the young master of the Clarke
family! He's the eldest young master of the main family!"


His father's words instantly exploded in Travis' mind! The young master of
the Clarke family? The eldest young master of the main family too? How
was this possible?

Travis was dumbfounded and slumped on the ground like a deflated

balloon, staring at Philip in wide-eyed disbelief.

Holt knelt on the ground again and shouted, "Young Master Clarke, my son
didn't mean to offend you. He really didn't know your identity. I beg you to
spare him."

While saying that, Holt knocked his head on the floor.

Philip's eyes were indifferent as he looked at Travis who was in a dazed
state. He said coldly, "Travis Harrison, you said just now that anyone who
offends the Clarke family must die. Now, let me ask you, what do you think
will happen to you since you've offended me?"

Travis instantly reacted and crawled to Philip like a dog. He hugged Philip's
thighs and cried out, "Y-Young Master Clarke, I was wrong, I was really
wrong! I'm a stupid fool! I failed to recognize you. I'll punish myself!"

With that said, Travis slapped his mouth!

Chapter 2122
Travis' slapping was really aggressive and directly drew blood!

Philip looked at the father and son indifferently. He finally said after a long
while, "That's enough!"

Holt and Travis knelt on the ground, not daring to breathe aloud as they
waited for the verdict.

Philip raised his eyebrows, looked at Fulton, and asked, "Did my father ask
you to come?"

Fulton nodded and said lightly, "The lord thinks that the Harrison family is
still useful. Since the crime doesn't warrant a death sentence, you may let it
go. The lord also said that Glenford won't be the Harrison family's territory
in the future, and you may personally choose a family to support."

Philip raised his eyebrows. Was the Harrison family useful to his father?
"What other use does the Harrison family have?" Philip asked.

Fulton shook his head and said, "It's not convenient for you to know now."

Hearing this, Philip's brows furrowed even deeper. He looked down at Holt
and Travis. Unexpectedly, they were still useful to his father.
Taking a deep breath, Philip said, "Since my father has pleaded on your
behalf, get lost! Disappear from my sight and don't let me see you two
again! Also, let go of the head of the Gilson family."

Holt quickly led Travis to thank Philip and said, "Yes, we will release him

After saying that, Philip turned around and walked to Gilson Manor.

The Gilson family's old servants and Tanya were crowded at the door.

At this moment, everyone stared at Philip in amazement. This young man

was too amazing. Who could he be? Even the overlord of Glenford, the
Harrison family, knelt to him!

Tanya's face was red as she looked at Philip with great admiration. She
lowered her head and fidgeted with her fingers.

Philip glanced at her and said with a smile, "Don't worry, your eldest brother
will be out soon. As for your second brother, I'll also send someone to look
for him."

Tanya bit her red lip as tears flickered in her eyes. She said, "Thank you for
your kindness. I'll never forget it, and the Gilson family will also remember
this in our hearts forever.

After saying that, Tanya knelt down on the ground.

Seeing this, Philip quickly pulled Tanya up and said, "Why do you keep
kneeling at every turn? This is just something I promised Old Master

At this time, Pearce got up from the bed with the help of his servants and
walked to the living room. He bowed to Philip in front of everyone and said,
"Young Master Clarke, I have nothing to repay you with. My daughter will
serve you for the rest of her life from now on. The Gilson family will also be
the servants of the Clarke family forever."

Having said that, Pearce also wanted to kneel.

Philip quickly stepped forward, held Pearce's arm, and said, "Old Master
Gilson, don't do this."

Pearce coughed a few times and sat down again with the help of his

Philip sat in the main seat and looked at the group of Gilson family

Almost ten minutes later, Silas Gilson, the head of the Gilson family,

He looked disheveled, and his clothes were dirty. As soon as he entered

the door, he saw Philip sitting at the main seat. Quick-wittedly, he dusted
himself, knelt in the living room, and said to Philip, "I'll never forget your
kindness in this lifetime! Thank you for saving the Gilson family from this
crisis. I'm willing to serve you from now on!"

Philip looked at Silas, who seemed quite strong and capable. Philip got up,
stepped forward, and pulled Silas up.

With a smile, he said, "Brother Silas, you're older than me, so I'll call you
Brother Silas."

Silas was flattered and said, "Young Master Clarke, you can't do that. How
can someone like you

call me that? I..."

Philip patted Silas on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. By the way, Glenford
will be left to your Gilson family to manage from now on. I'll have people
assist you. Hopefully, when I visit Glenford again, the atmosphere here will
be different."

Chapter 2123
Silas was stunned and looked at Philip incredulously. After a few seconds,
he understood.

Glenford was about to undergo tremendous change. He stared at his old

father sitting on the sofa.

Pearce nodded, got up, and said to Philip, "Young Master Clarke, the
Gilson family will definitely not fail to meet your expectations. We'll
definitely take care of everything in Glenford in an orderly manner."

"Silas, why don't you kneel and thank Young Master Clarke for his
kindness?" Pearce shouted, and his voice seemed particularly vigorous at
this moment.

Silas immediately knelt down, bowed three times, and shouted, "From now
on, Silas Gilson of the Gilson family will serve only Young Master Clarke!
The Gilson family will always be Young Master Clarke's pawn!"


In an instant, the Gilson family members who were still standing in the
living room all knelt down.

Philip was helpless.

After a while, he left the Gilson family.

Before he left, Pearce's complexion looked very good. He seemed to have
suddenly gotten much better. As for Tanya, she stayed behind to take care
of the old man for the time being.

After Philip and Troy left Gilson Manor, Troy sent Philip back to Sparrow

When Philip returned to Sparrow Villa, he intended to go home directly, but

Fulton seemed adamant about him staying another day. He said that there
were other arrangements.

Philip had no choice but to stay for the time being.

In the evening, Troy called. His tone was full of worry as he said, "Young
Master Clarke, are you free now?"

Philip frowned and asked, "What's up?"

Troy said, "Young Master Clarke, I have a request and hope you can
support it. I'll send someone to pick you up and we'll talk when we meet."

Philip nodded. He had nothing to do anyway, so he said, "Okay."

With Troy's subordinate in the lead, Philip entered a private room on Troy's

Troy, who was rubbing his temples, hurriedly stood up. "You're finally here.
You should look at this invitation first."

Troy picked up the invitation on the table and handed it to Philip.

Philip took the invitation and looked at it.

There was nothing much on the exquisite invitation, only the title 'Overlord
Tournament', as well as the time and place.
"What does it mean? Someone wants to fight you in a tournament?"

Philip threw the invitation on the table with a smile and sat down on the
sofa languidly. "This is an invitation from the underworld leaders of the
three cities. They organized this tournament to redistribute the territory of
Glenford through fighting. This time, I heard rumors that there are big
figures up there who want to get their hands on the territory of Glenford,
and this tournament can be regarded as a prelude."

Troy's face was all scrunched up, looking as if he was being bullied. He did
not look at all domineering at this moment.

"I have to attend this tournament. Otherwise, I'd only be admitting my

cowardice. The loyalty of the men under me will be shaken. Moreover, I
must win the tournament. If I lose, the consequences are not something I
can't afford "

If he won, everything would be fine. If he lost, Troy's men would definitely

have second thoughts and many might even switch loyalties.

This was a life-and-death battle for Troy. He could only succeed and not
fail. If he failed, everything would be gone, even his life.

"So what? Did you ask me to come over late at night to listen to your sob
story?" Philip asked with a smile.

"Of course not. I'm here to ask you for help. I don't have any powerful
experts under me so I want to ask you to deploy a few experts to help me
fight in the tournament. For example, you can just send any two of those
people you had with you during the day."

Troy looked at Philip expectantly while feeling extremely tense. If Philip

refused to help, Troy would most likely not survive this disaster. Besides,
Troy had witnessed the skills of those people by Philip's side during the

Just as Philip reached out for a cigarette, Troy wittily placed a cigarette in
Philip's hand and helped Philip light it with a pure gold lighter.

After taking a drag, Philip said indifferently, "Who are the people from the
three cities?"

"There are several families but the leader is a member of the Hale family
from the district capital by the name of Willis Hale. He specializes in dealing
with the unsightly affairs of the Hale family and is notorious for his

Hearing the Hale family, Philip was startled.

Chapter 2124
Hale? Was he related to Fitzgerald Hale from the Nonagon?

"The Hale family from the district capital? I'll help."

Since it was led by someone from the Hale family, Philip did not mind
meeting him to see if he was connected to the person in the Nonagon.

"Thank you, Young Master Clarke. It's best if you can help. There are not
many rules for the tournament. Each side can send two people and the
number of wins will determine the final outcome..."

Troy rambled about the rules of the tournament but Philip did not pay
attention at all.

The so-called rules were fleeting clouds to Philip.

"So, Young Master Clarke, to be on the safe side, can you arrange for two
experts?" Troy asked cautiously.
"There's no need to make it so troublesome. You can send one person and
let me take the other spot," Philip said domineeringly.

Troy was stunned and stared at Philip, speechless. Was Young Master
Clarke going to fight in the ring? What if something happened to him?

Troy imagined the scene of Philip getting into an accident in the ring and
beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

"Young Master Clarke, your body is precious. How can you fight in the ring?
This won't do,

absolutely not. Troy shook his head like a rattle.

"That's not up to you. I've already decided," Philip said.

Seeing Philip's resolute attitude, Troy could only nod helplessly. "Then you
must pay attention to safety. I'll throw in the towel at any time."

At this moment, Troy decided that even if he lost all his dignity and even his
territory, he must protect Philip's safety. If Philip really got into an accident
in the ring, he could not redeem himself even if he died.

"Don't worry. They're all street punks. They won't even be able to take two
of my punches. Is it tonight? Isn't it time to get ready to go over?" Philip

"Yes, it starts at half-past ten in the combat stadium. The venue is of

professional standard," Troy replied.

"Let's go and clean them up."

Philip got up and walked out.

Troy quickly followed and led the way for Philip.

After getting into the car, Troy took out his phone and dialed a number.
"Let's set off now. Bert Cress will be the first one up tonight. Tell him to get

Troy hung up the phone and looked at Philip, wanting to say something, but
Philip waved his hand and Troy could only swallow his words.

The convoy soon arrived at the combat stadium. Several burly men stood
in the parking lot and silently watched Troy's car.

"Troy Crow, Master Hale has ordered that you can only take two fighters in.
Everyone else has to stay here."

Troy's underlings immediately exploded. By doing so, they were simply not
showing any respect to Troy. "How dare you talk to Master Crow in this
manner? His name is not something you can call directly!"

"Do you want to die? Why can't we go in? We need to protect Master
Crow's safety."

"This is Glenford, our territory. All of you can get the hell back to the district
capital. Otherwise, we'll blow the whistle and call for reinforcements."

The burly man in the lead looked at Troy's subordinates coldly and reached
out to lift his black trench coat, revealing the gun holster hanging from his

Looking at the gun hanging from the waist of the burly man, Troy's men
immediately shut up.

This pomp was stronger than the locals. These invaders from the district
capital were well- prepared, and the daggers carried by Troy's men could
not be compared to guns.
"Hehe, you seem to understand the situation now. I thought you'd still want
to continue to rage. Whatever Master Hale arranges, you can just follow
suit. Whatever you were asked to do, just do it obediently and don't make a

The burly man laughed coldly and mockingly.

"Buddy, have you shown off enough yet? Can you let me and my men in
now?" Troy said with a gloomy face.

The burly man glanced at Philip, who was following Troy, with a
contemptuous smile on his face. "Such a weak boy is just here to seek

Chapter 2125
Philip frowned, looked at the burly man standing at the door, and said with
a sneer, "You'll see who'll die later."

"Hahaha, what did you say?"

The man's face was full of laughter.

"You're really funny. How powerful do you think you are? Not to mention
those tough people in the ring, but I bet you can't even beat me. I'm just
reminding you not to seek death, but you don't even understand simple

Troy was a little nervous, worried that Philip would fight with the other party.
He said in a low voice, "Let's go in."

Philip nodded slightly and followed Troy and Bert to the stadium.

The burly man spat. With his arms akimbo, he followed them to the stadium
while muttering, "Let's see how you'll get killed later, huh?"

Philip and his party entered the venue. The arena's moving spotlights.
immediately shone on them. The three squinted and raised their arms to
shield themselves from the blinding glare.

"Oh, Troy Crow, you really dare to show up. I thought you were scared
shitless and wouldn't dare to come."

Willis was smoking a cigarette while sitting on the sofa with his legs
crossed. He looked at Troy with disdain.

Philip's gaze also fell on Willis at the same time. Was this a member of the
Hale family? Was he related to Fitzgerald Hale?

"Here, let me introduce you. The bald man here is Master Fay and the guy
with a mustache over there is Master Tanner, All three of us have taken a
fancy to your territory. If you're smart, you'll give it up to us obediently and
we'll leave your miserable life alone."

Troy was dejected. If Philip were not behind him, he would probably have
yielded but with Philip behind him, Troy would grit his teeth and stand firm
to the end.

"Master Hale, Master Fay, and Master Tanner, ever since I embarked on
this path, I never thought that I would end well. So today, no matter what, I
have to fight you," Troy said.

With a big bald head, Master Fay gripped a stress ball in his hand.
Glancing at Philip and Bert behind Troy, he smiled contemptuously and
said, "Do you think you can fight our people with just the two punks behind
you? Do you plan to win by just acting tough? The people I brought are
experts who practice martial arts and have killed people. Those miscreants
behind you are unworthy."
Master Tarmner laughed, his mustache shaking up and down, looking a bit

He added, "Old Fay, don't frighten these ignorant hillbillies. Since they want
to act tough, let this be an eye-opening experience to them so that they
know what it means to be an expert."

Willis flicked the cigarette butt in his hand and said with a sneer, "Looking
at these two losers you brought, I can't even bear to bully you. We'll just
send one person each. If your two subordinates can beat the person sent
by each of us, we'll consider you the winner."

Willis originally thought that Troy would find some powerful external aid, but
seeing the appearances of Philip and Bert, Willis could already predict the
outcome. He thought that Philip and Bert were just relatively skilled thugs
but were simply useless at combat fighting.

"Master Hale is really compassionate. In that case, let's go with your

suggestion. In fact, my subordinate, Rhino, is enough to wipe them out,"
Master Fay said with a lack of interest.

"I'm really not interested in dealing with these losers. If Master Hale hadn't
dragged us here, I wouldn't have come."

Willis shook his propped leg. "Let Rhino take care of it, then. Hey, Crow,
you can also get your man to go on stage. Or why don't you just let the two
of them go together? Otherwise, doing it one by one will be too slow."

Troy listened to them with his head down, his heart full of grief and anger.

Chapter 2126
Bert Cress raised his brows and said loudly, "Master Crow, let me go first.
I'll make a good head start in this match!"
After saying that, Bert quickly ran to the ring in the arena. When he reached
the ring, he did a body flip to get onto the stage. Although Bert was not an
expert, he had practiced martial arts for several years. However, due to a
lack of talent, his achievements were also limited.

"Hehe, how dare he come here and show off with just a few moves? As
expected of a country bumpkin. Rhino, go ahead. Make it clean."

Rhino took off the robe he was wearing, revealing his bulging muscles.
After two steps, he jumped over a distance of more than ten meters and
landed firmly on the ring.

Troy's blood ran cold at this sight. Just this scene alone was ten times
flashier than Bert's.

"Young Master Clarke, you.. should give up," Troy said in a low voice.

"He's just a bogus fighter. Are you intimidated?" Philip turned around and

Troy was silent. He really was a little intimidated.

"Hey Crow, and that little guy, watch closely. I only need one punch to send
him to the pearly gates, hahaha." Rhino looked at Troy and Philip
provocatively, not taking Philip seriously at all.

Bert's eyes went red with anger as he roared and swung his fist at Rhino.

Rhino sneered maliciously. The muscles in his whole body swelled up

suddenly, making them seem a size bigger.

"I'll let you punch me twice. Otherwise, you'll die too quickly and that'll be
too boring." Rhino just stood in place and took a casual stance to let Bert
hit him.
Bert's eyes flickered, and he swung his hands. He punched Rhino's heart
and throat in quick succession.

Biff, bang.

The continuous sounds of pounding were heard. Rhino's legs were as

steady as a rock, not moving at all.

After a set of consecutive punches, Bert slowly raised his head to look at
Rhino, who was showing a disdainful smile.

He suddenly felt that it was over for him! Retreat! The thought of retreating
popped up in his mind.

Bert was just about to move back when Rhino swung his arm.

"Hehe, go to hell!"

Rhino threw a punch at Bert's stomach, sending him flying high into the air
across the ring, He landed in front of Troy and Philip.

Bert looked at Troy and was about to speak when a stream of blood
spurted out of his mouth. Immediately after, Bert's eyes gradually lost their
luster and the words he wanted to say were never heard.

"Hahaha, hey Crow and that little guy, are you afraid now? If you are, come
over and kneel to the three masters. Maybe the three masters will be kind
enough to let you live."

Rhino stood in the ring, pointed his middle finger, and laughed

Troy gulped as his eyes drifted to Philip. He wanted to dissuade Philip but
Philip had already stepped toward the ring.
Philip walked up the steps to the ring, triggering a burst of contemptuous

"Hahaha, what the hell am I seeing here? This guy is actually walking up
the steps. This is too trashy. How can such a person be sent to fight in the

"This is such a rural area with not even a single person who can fight. If
we'd known earlier, there would be no need for the three big bosses to be
here, We could have subdued that Crow guy by ourselves."

"Let's see how this loser is going to die. I heard that Rhino has come up
with some new moves. Maybe he'll use them on this loser."

Rhino looked at Philip with contempt, made a thumbs down gesture, and
said, "Isingle person who can fight. If we'd known earlier, there would be no
need for the three big bosses to be here. We could have subdued that
Crow guy by ourselves." "Let's see how this loser is going to die. I heard
that Rhino has come up with some new moves. Maybe he'll use them on
this loser."

Rhino looked at Philip with contempt, made a thumbs down gesture, and
said, "I'm going to bust your head open!"

Chapter 2127
Rhino's signature program was breaking the opponent's skull, causing
blood and brain to spew.

At this moment, seeing an ordinary person with an ordinary size, an

ordinary pace, and seemingly zero combat skills like Philip on stage, Rhino
was already a little impatient.

The melodious ringtone of a mobile phone rang, stalling the solemn

Rhino looked at Philip, who took out his mobile phone from his pocket, in

Rhino's expression was full of a anger. Bringing a phone into the ring was
bad enough, but Philip even dared to bring it out and answer the call. Was
he looking down on Rhino or what?

Rhino was so annoyed that his eyes were about to spew fire.

Willis was stunned for a moment and said with a sneer, "This kid is really
courting death. He still dares to take out his phone when he's in the ring.
Does he know that as soon as he gets into the ring, it means that the fight
has already started?"

"Haha, Willis, you think too highly of these country folks. He's just up on the
stage to make up the numbers and send his head rolling. It doesn't matter
whether he answers the call or not."

Master Fay said cheerfully as if he could already see Philip's head


"It's really boring, but this kid looks familiar," Willis muttered.

Philip took the phone with a bright smile on his face. "Wynnie, do you miss

"Who misses you? When will you be back?"

"I don't think I can make it today. Let's make it tomorrow."

Hearing the cordial conversation between Philip and his wife, Rhino felt

He was already in the ring and had become Rhino's opponent, but he still
dared to chat with his wife on the phone. This was simply too outrageous!
Rhino roared angrily and rushed toward Philip, all his strength concentrated
in his right arm. As the strength gathered, the sound of flexing muscles
could be heard from Rhino's right arm.

Following the creaking sound, Rhino's right arm swelled up at a speed

visible to the naked eye.

This was Rhino's strongest move. He could instantly gather blood and
power in his right arm, making it explode with several times more power
than normal in a short time.

A single punch could shatter boulders and easily break a human skull.

"Go to hell! How dare you answer a phone call right now?! I'm going to
break your head open!"

Whoosh! The sharp sound of a punch flying through the air was heard as
Rhino's angry fist moved at an extremely fast speed to smash into Philip's

Meanwhile, Philip was still leisurely talking to Wynn.

Troy trembled all over in shock. He dared not watch the scene that

Willis smiled mockingly, shaking his head slightly as if to say that Philip
could not make it.

Master Fay and Master Tanner both crossed their legs and smoked
cigarettes as if they had already sentenced Philip to death.

"Why do I feel like there's something wrong with the sounds over there?
What are you doing?" Wynn's voice floated out of the speaker.
"I'm playing games with my friends. It's a fighting game. He always loses to
me, so he's annoyed. I'll talk to you later when I get back. Let me teach him
a good lesson first."

"Okay, then."

The moment he hung up the phone, Rhino's fist was already less than ten
centimeters from Philip's face.

In the blink of an eye, his fist was about to hit Philip's head, bursting it into

Rhino grinned, his face full of anticipation as if he had seen his favorite
scene of a skull exploding.

However, the next instant, Philip's right hand appeared from nowhere and
stopped in front of Rhino's fist.

Chapter 2128
"Do you want to stop my punch? Wishful thinking!"


With the sound of the collision, Rhino's face distorted and scrunched up

He looked like a bulldog. His fist was stopped by Philip's palm, which
grabbed most of Rhino's fist. His five fingers slowly exerted force, making
Rhino's ironclad fist creak.

Rhino's bones, which were harder than stone, were being crushed by

"You... You!" Rhino broke out in a cold sweat as all the muscles in his body
shook because of the pain.
"What? You interrupted the conversation with my wife and made me very

Philip spoke calmly, and the strength in his hand suddenly increased.

With a crunching sound, Rhino's entire fist was crushed into mincemeat.
Shards of bone mixed with flesh and blood splashed everywhere.

"Argh! I. Oof!"

Before Rhino finished cursing, he was kicked in the abdomen by Philip.

Rhino flew into the air and spat a mouthful of blood.

His angry eyes gradually lost their luster.


Rhino landed not far from the sofa where Willis was seated. He opened his
mouth, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and took his last breath.


There was dead silence in the entire combat stadium. Everyone looked at
Philip in the ring with shocked eyes! No one thought that Philip could kill
Rhino so easily and casually.

One second he was on the phone, and the next second he caught Rhino's
fatal blow. Then, he easily and happily completed the counterattack.

Could such a thing be done by an ordinary person?

In the corner, the burly man who taunted Philip just now was already
drenched in a cold sweat.
At this moment, his heart was full of joy. He was thankful that Philip did not
make a move on him just now. Otherwise, he estimated that he would
definitely be a corpse in the parking lot right now.

Troy rubbed his chest with both hands vigorously, his heart finally back in
its proper place.

"Young Master Clarke is really as fierce as a tiger."

The cigarette in Master Fay's hand fell on his crotch. When the cigarette
butt burned through the fabric of his pants and there was a burning pain on
his thigh.

Master Fay came back to his senses. As he quickly swept away the
cigarette butt on his crotch with his right hand.

Master Fay looked at Rhino's body with a pained expression.

Rhino was the expert Master Fay had recruited with a lot of money. He was
also the most powerful bodyguard around him. His sudden death could be
regarded as a big loss.

Master Fay was furious as he pointed at Philip and shouted, "Good on you,
boy! You're ruthless enough. I'll remember this. If you die here today, this
matter is over. If you're lucky enough to stay alive, I'll hunt you down for the
rest of your life!"

Willis' face was a little gloomy. Philip's combat skills had exceeded Willis'
expectations. He thought Philip was just an ordinary fighter, but he had
displayed the level of an expert.

A fair-skinned young man with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth
stood behind Willis.
"Boss, this kid has good agility and strength, but he's not my opponent."

"No rush, let's wait and see. Let Old Tanner's men go and test him out,"
Willis said with a frown.

At this moment, Willis felt a little regretful that he had just changed the
rules. However, regret was useless.

Based on Willis' estimation, as long as Master Tanner's men could stall

Philip and consume a lot of his physical strength, his men could then kill

Chapter 2129
Master Tanner smiled and glanced at the angry Master Fay.

"Old Fay, don't be angry. Rhino died for a good cause. Just give him a
proper burial and let my men take revenge for him. I recently recruited
Chad, an expert in Muay Thai. He has won 30 consecutive victories in
underground boxing competitions abroad. He's more than enough to deal
with this kid."

A brawny man with bronzed skin and a naked upper body in big pants
walked out from behind Master Tanner.

Chad had practiced Muay Thai under the guidance of an older generation
of Muay Thai champions. He had been fighting in underground boxing
fights since he was 16. Now that ten years had passed, Chad had become
the king of the underground boxing arena.

Countless of his opponents had been killed in the ring. Chad's eyes were
vicious like a viper, and he grinned sinisterly.

"Master Tanner, I'll break every bone in his body."

"Hahaha, good. Fight well to relieve some of Master Fay's frustrations,"
Master Tanner said with a big grin.

In Master Tanner's opinion, even ten Rhinos could not beat one Chad. With
this calculation, it was estimated that three or five Philips could barely
reach a draw with Chad.

Chad did not run in the slightest. He merely leaped with his body's
explosive power and jumped into the ring ten meters away.

In the spot where Chad landed was a pair of sunken footprints and cracked
marble floor tiles.

Such terrifying explosive power displayed Chad's horrific combat

effectiveness to the fullest.

Chad got into the ring, stretched out his middle finger, and beckoned to

"Kid, come on. If you can last ten moves under my hands, it'll be
considered my defeat."

Chad, who had just joined Master Tanner, was eager to make his mark and
wanted to use Philip's life to make his first contribution.

"Cut the crap. I have to hurry home," Philip said impatiently.

"Damn it! You're looking for death!"

Chad was furious and took a deep breath. The bronze-colored muscles on
his body became shiny. His angular muscles gradually gathered together,
becoming like a flat steel plate.

Master Tanner smiled smugly and said, "Has anyone seen this before? This
is Chad's unique stunt. It's said to be the best defense technique."
Master Fay snorted and ignored Master Tanner's gloating, still immersed in
the grief of Rhino's defeat.

Willis Hale whispered to the two men behind him, "Watch carefully and look
for his weaknesses."

The two men nodded together, their eyes fixed on the ring.

The angry Chad had already moved. With a series of small steps, Chad
quickly approached Philip.

As he was using his secret technique to improve his defense, Chad

decided to just directly attack Philip.

Muay Thai moves were the most sinister and vicious. As long as the attack
was launched, it was like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole. It would
continue to pressure and attack until the opponent was defeated.

Chad swung his right fist and went straight for Philip's cheek while his left
fist lagged slightly behind and attacked Philip's throat.

The two punches were feints and could be changed according to Philip's

In the past, when Chad used this move, 70% of his opponents would be
killed in one blow.

Philip looked at Chad's attack with disdain and contemptuously pointed with
his middle finger as fast as lightning.

"Since you gave me the middle finger just now, I shall return the favor."

Seeing Philip's middle finger, Chad's eyelids fluttered as panic inexplicably

grew in his heart.
The last time Chad felt so terrified was when he faced the number one
boxing champion in the underground arena. That time, Chad had used all
his might to escape from death and did not die in the ring.

What about this time?

Chad was suddenly flustered. The two punches that he threw before could
no longer be used.

Chad instinctively withdrew his fists and prepared to use his arms to protect
his face. Chad planned it well but his arms failed him.

Before his arms had enough time to retract, Philip's extended middle finger
passed through Chad's arms and pierced straight between Chad's

Chapter 2130

Master Tanner gasped aloud, his brows wrinkling from tension.

Willis frowned. and the fingers of his right hand kept tapping on the armrest
of the sofa, which was his habit whenever he was nervous.

Master Fay shook his head, thinking that it was time for someone to
accompany him. He was not the only one who would suffer humiliation
today, and it felt somewhat good to have someone share his plight.

Troy's heart settled, and his last worry was gone. He felt that Philip was like
a divine soldier and would definitely achieve the final victory.

Philip's middle finger was pointed between Chad's eyebrows but the scene
that Chad had imagined of Philip's middle finger piercing directly into his
skull did not happen.
Philip's middle finger was just gently pointed in the space between his
eyebrows. There was no pain or itchiness. There was no strange feeling

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. Everyone looked at Philip's

middle finger and Chad's brows as if they were waiting for blood to spill in
the next second.

Philip smiled faintly and slowly withdrew his middle finger.

Chad took two steps back and touched his eyebrow with his right hand.
Finding nothing amiss, Chad laughed triumphantly.

"Hahaha, my defense is very strong. Even a bullet from a 9mm pistol can't
penetrate my tense muscles. Next is your death!"

"I just don't want to get blood on my clothes," Philip said flatly.

"Bullshit, my defense is not something you can break, so just wait to die!"

Chad moved forward with a grin, but as soon as he took half a step, Chad
felt like he had been hit by a heavy hammer in his brain.

Immediately after, blood began to gush out of Chad's eyes, ears, mouth,
and nose.


Chad, who was rapidly losing his strength, knelt on the ground as his legs
went weak. His body swayed a few times before he fell.

Philip turned around with a smile and looked at Willis, who was so shocked
that his jaw dropped open.
"Are you from the Hale family? Let the two of your men come up together."

Behind Willis, Ron and Hood looked at each other and walked to the ring

"Arrogant brat! You're finished today. Ron and Hood are manial arts
masters, and their skills are as good as those experts in the movies. Get
ready to tremble. I'll show you what fear is!"

Willis' eyes were slightly cold as he said with a sneer. He could not help
feeling that the young man in front of him had a familiar face but he simply
could not recall.

"Mr. Hale, what are the origins of these two people?"

Master Tanner asked in a low voice when he saw the two who appeared on
the stage.

"Hmph, these two are Master Willow's disciples, but they were kicked out
because of their violent nature!"

"In the past two years, many tricky problems were handled by these two
brothers. Their movements are smooth and elegant. Watching them fight is
more exciting than watching those action scenes in movies. You should
take a good look later. With the two combined, they're even more powerful."

After listening to Willis' introduction, the image of a pair of great masters

suddenly appeared in the minds of Master Tanner and Master Fay. They
felt greater awe for Willis.

Although Willis belonged to a remote branch of the Hale family, he was still
very powerful. The
Hale family was a name that struck terror in the heans of others. Moreover,
they had also heard of Master Willow! That was an amazing man who
could float in the air!

Once, he broke through an iron wall with one punch! It was rumored that he
came from the Nonagon.

Chapter 2131
Master Willow was not an ordinary person but a disciple of the first zone
behind the Nonagon. However, he was eliminated not long after.

Despite that, as someone who had entered the door, his strength was still
prominent. With some marketing, he had become a so-called master.

Ron and Hood walked slowly into the ring and stood on either side of Philip.
"You're the first person with the guts to challenge us. In a moment, you'll
taste the power of our combined attack technique, so you can die in peace
after that."

Ron, who hada fair face, said coldly. Facing an opponent like Philip, Ron
and Hood dared not take him lightly. After all, Philip had already shown his
strength just now.

"Stop dallying like a woman and hurry up with your attacks." Philip urged

He naturally saw the difference in these two but they did not seem to
transcend the secular world.

As a Dragon Warrior, Philip still had the confidence to deal with them.

"Go to hell!" Hood roared, leaned forward, and charged at Philip.

He stretched his arms out and swept at Philip's waist.

Ron moved at the same time and jumped up to kick Philip's head with his
right foot.


Willis shouted excitedly and applauded vigorously as if he was watching a


Master Fay and Master Tanner also stopped smoking and watched the fight
between the three carefully. The two of them were looking forward to
Philip's victory at this time.

They could not allow themselves to suffer losses while Willis sat back and
reaped the rewards.

They came here together, so naturally, they should suffer losses together
as well. However, they only thought so inwardly and dared not speak aloud.

Very quickly, however, Willis looked a little anxious. A faint feeling of

unease spread in his heart.

Philip quickly stretched out his hands and grabbed Ron's lightning-fast kick.

A huge force gripped Ron's ankle. Ron was shocked but it was too late to

With a crack, Ron's ankle was crushed by Philip, who then swung Ron's
body like a giant ax and flung him out at Hood.

Hood's eyes popped wide open in an instant. "Ron!"

"Dodge quickly!" Ron cried out in pain.

"Let go of my brother!"
Hood furiously accelerated his speed forward, wanting to rush to Philip and
grab Ron from Philip's hands.


Ron's waist slammed into Hood as he rushed forward.

With a crack, Ron's upper body bent back at a bizarre 180- degree angle.
The back of his head collided with his heels.

Seeing the strange arc of Ron's body, everyone stood up in shock.

Philip then tossed Ron to the ground. Hood, who had fallen to the ground
as well, looked at Ron's strange posture.

Tears instantly blurred his eyes. "Ron!" Hood lay beside Ron and looked at
his brother who had taken his last breath.

He thrust his hands into his hair, grabbed with all his might, and pulled out
handfuls of hair.

The pain stimulated Hood's thirst for vengeance. With red eyes, he stood
up and glared at Philip. "Ah! I'm going to kill you! I'll kill you!"

Hood roared as he rushed at Philip without any moves or techniques. He

was just attacking Philip from instinct.

Philip shook his head disdainfully and threw a seemingly light punch, hitting
the cheek of the incoming Hood.

Hood fell to the ground with his head crooked.

His body twitched, and he gradually stopped moving.

Chapter 2132
"The fight is over and it's time to end it. Do you have others coming?" Philip
asked with a smile.

Master Fay and Master Tanner felt a chill in their hearts. After witnessing
the deaths of Ron and Hood, they had no more ideas in their minds, at
least not now.

Willis opened and closed his mouth, wanting to say some threatening
words. However, he just could not.

At this moment, Willis felt a little intimidated. Willis was well aware of Ron
and Hood's prowess. Philip was able to single-handedly kill two people,
which made Willis extremely apprehensive of Philip.

However, Willis soon slapped the sofa furiously. He was very dissatisfied
with the result in front of him.

"Don't be arrogant here. I've made note of all the grudges today. When I
return, your entire family will be dead!"

Hearing that, Philip frowned. He got out of the ring and rubbed his wrists as
he walked over to Willis.

Willis' hair immediately stood on end with shock.

"You! What do you think you're doing? I'm warning you not to come over or
I won't let you off!"

Master Fay and Master Tanner shrank back without even the courage to
open their mouths.

Willis forced himself to hang on and continued, "The match is over and you
won. We admit defeat and will leave now."
"You can leave if you want, but let me educate you first. You wanted my
whole family to die, didn't you? Then I'll let your whole family die without a
proper burial place."

After Philip finished speaking, he flicked his wrist and slapped Willis' face

Willis' cheek twitched, but he did not even dare to rebuke Philip. This was
the ruthless man who easily killed Ron and Hood. Willis felt that even if he
faced Philip with a gun, he might not be Philip's opponent.


Another crisp slap and blood trickled from Willis' mouth. He only felt a
buzzing in his head. He was completely stunned by Philip's slap!

He was angry! This was simply hateful! He was the ninth master of the
Hale family but now, he

was actually slapped in the mouth by a youngster in public!

He had never suffered this kind of humiliation before!

"This is a small lesson for you. The next time you appear in front of me, it'll
be more than just two slaps."

Philip then glanced at Master Fay and Master Tanner. He said coldly, "What
do you say? Do you admit defeat or do you want to continue fighting?"

"No more fighting. You're the master. I admit defeat and will leave

"I'm also willing to admit defeat and leave."

Without the slightest hesitation, Master Fay and Master Tanner immediately
left the combat stadium with their people.

The dizzy Willis tilted his head and spat a mouthful of blood, which
contained several posterior molars.

They were all knocked out by Philip's slap.

"We’ll leave now. We'll definitely not appear in front of you in the future,"
Willis cried out.

"Hehe." Philip sneered and turned around to walk toward Troy Crow.

Looking at Philip's back, Willis let out a sigh of relief. He had never felt so
nervous before.

When Philip's back disappeared completely, Willis said resentfully, "Contact

Master Willow immediately. I'm going to kill that kid! How dare he hit me?
I'm the ninth mastér of the Hale family!"

"Yes!" The servant immediately took out his phone and called Master

"Hello, Master Willow, where are you? Come here immediately. I met a
tough fighter who took down many of my people. Even your two precious
disciples have been killed!"

Willis shouted and walked out of the combat stadium with a group of

Chapter 2133
In a high-end luxury relaxation club.
In the most prestigious private room of the entire club, a sturdy
middle-aged man in his 30s or 40s was sitting on a leather sofa. He was
embracing several hot, sexy, and fashionable models in his arms.

These women were dressed so skimpily that men's knees would go weak
at the sight of them.

The middle-aged man was laughing and fooling around with the women,
eating the grapes fed to him and drinking the wine that rolled down from
their bodies.

The scene was intoxicating.

At this moment, the private room door was pushed open from the outside!

Willis' face was full of anger as he walked in with flushed cheeks: He went
straight to the sofa, picked up a wine glass, and gulped big mouthfuls.


He smashed the wine glass in his hand heavily on the floor, shattering it
into pieces!

"Master Willis, what's the matter? Who the hell dares to take action against
a member of the Hale family? Could it be that Troy Crow of Glenford
doesn't know the power of the Hale family?"

On the sofa, the middle-aged man hugging the women around him asked
with a mocking smile on his face.

Willis' face was grim as he cursed viciously, "It was none other than the
person brought by Troy who challenged several of our experts and even
killed two of your beloved disciples! Aren't you heartbroken at all, Master
The middle-aged man on the sofa glanced at the woman next to him. The
woman leaned toward Willis, smiled enticingly, and said, "Master Willis,
don't be angry. Come, have a drink. Master Willow can easily take care of
anything for you."

Master Willow handed Willis a glass of wine and said with a smile, "Master
Willis, you should know that I have more disciples than those two. Since
they're not as skilled as others, it's their time to die. However, I'm very
interested in the guy you're talking about right now."

Willis took the glass of wine and gulped the contents. He leaned back on
the sofa with little interest and said, "I don't know that kid. He was brought
by Troy. He's very young and in his 20s. He goes by the name of Philip

"Philip Clarke?" Master Willow smiled, drank the wine from the glass in his
hand, and said, “Okay,

Master Willis, leave this matter to me. I'll personally take care of it for you."

When Willis heard this, he immediately became interested and said with a
sneer, "That kid slapped me twice in front of many people! I want you to
catch him and chop off his hands!“

"Of course. Since he has disrespected the Hale family. I definitelv won't sit
idly by.“

After saying that, Master Willow got up as a fierce chill suddenly erupted
from his body!

Moreover, there was a faint layer of aura on his body!

Sure enough, Master Willow was not an ordinary person from the secular
Willis was full of sneers when he saw the intensity that exploded from
Master Willow.

'Damn you, Philip Clarke! How dare you make a move against me, Willis
Hale? Your time to die has come!'

After sending Philip back, Troy returned to his villa.

Tonight had been an eye-opener for him! He did not expect Young Master
Clarke to be so brave!

As expected of the young master of the Clarke family!

Troy sat in the living room at this moment, discussing strategies for
stabilizing the overall situation with several of his confidants.

Suddenly, a blood-covered underling rushed in from the door and fell to the

He shouted, "Master Crow, someone is here to trash..."

Before he finished speaking! In the direction of the doorway, a burly figure

walked in with a steady pace while carrying thunderous killing intent!

Chapter 2134
The burly man raised his hand and the expandable baton that he grabbed
from the villa's bodyguards smashed heavily into the back of the underling's
head, penetrating it directly!

This scene shocked Troy and the others in the living room!

Swoosh! Instantly, more than a dozen black- suited thugs surrounded the
house from both inside and outside.
Troy's face was full of anger as he looked at the underling on the floor who
died tragically.

He glared at the burly man who was full of killing intent and roared, "Who
are you? How dare you break into my private residence? Are you tired of

Several loyal men stood in front of Troy for fear that the other party would
make a pre-emptive strike.

That burly man was none other than Master Willow!

At this moment, his eyes were filled with horrifying coldness. He glanced at
the dozen or so thugs around him. He laughed disdainfully as he said,
“Troy Crow, the leader of the underground world in Glenford, is nothing
more than an ant in my opinion. Your guards here are also useless!"

Hearing this, Troy frowned. He did not recognize this person in front of him
at all.

"Presumptuous! How dare you barge into my private residence and injure
my man? Take him down for me!” Troy shouted angrily, and more than a
dozen men around him rushed toward Master Willow with expandable
batons and daggers.

Master Willow smiled coldly, shook his head with disdain in his eyes, and
said, "Why would ants challenge the tiger's might? Die!"

His one word fell like a thunderbolt! Immediately after, in everyone's

stunned gazes, the burly man's body suddenly burst out with an extremely
fierce murderous aura!

The layer of pale white aura on his body stopped their batons and daggers
from getting close to him!
Then, the burly figure flashed several times and more than a dozen thugs
flew back!


Master Willow grabbed one of the thugs by the neck and picked him up. His
voice was full of hatred as he said, "Ignorant trash!"


He violently flung the thug out and smashed him heavily into several other
people, sending them flying.

They slammed into a wall heavily and caused the wall to crack!

Seeing this scene, Troy panicked! Such terrifying means and strength had
long exceeded the comprehension of ordinary people! This guy was the
same as those guards around Young Master Clarke!

In an instant, Troy thought of something. Standing behind his last four loyal
subordinates, Troy asked, "Are you that Master Willow mentioned by Willis

Master Willow smiled sinisterly and said, "It seems that you're not too
stupid. Now that you know my identity, I'll cut to the chase. Where is Philip

Troy's face froze as he immediately understood what the other party


He was after Young Master Clarke!

"Hmph, I don't know what you're talking about. I won't do anything to let
Young Master Clarke down."
Troy gritted his teeth and shouted, "Besides, Willis Hale is breaking the
rules by doing this! Since the outcome has been determined at the ring, he
shouldn't seek revenge!"

Master Willow laughed, walked to Troy, and said, "Troy Crow, you're a
righteous man, but if you don't tell me the whereabouts of Philip Clarke
today, you can only die here!"

Instantly, the four thugs in front of Troy swung their fists at Master Willow!
However, they were no match for Master Willow at all! Even though he had
been eliminated, as a disciple of the door in the first zone, he was not
someone ordinary people could contend with.

Biff, bang!

Three thugs were taken out with one punch from Master Willow. They fell to
the floor with their heads tilted while spitting blood. Some had their chests
sunken and were dead!

"It's your turn, Troy. You have one last chance."

Master Willow snapped the neck of the last thug and turned to Troy coldly.

Chapter 2135
Troy looked at the fallen brothers in front of him, all of them who had died
tragically. He swallowed hard, and his hands shook uncontrollably.

This Master Willow in front of him was really not an ordinary person. Such
strength and means were definitely not something he could compete with!
However, Troy would never betray Philip!

"Haha, even if you step on my dead body, I won't tell you the whereabouts
of Young Master Clarke!"

Troy's heart was cold as he made a decision!

Master Willow's eyes darkened as he looked at Troy with a subtle smile. He
said, "Troy, you're a true man, indeed. But you only have one life. Have you
thought over it carefully?"

Troy bit the bullet and said tersely, "Hmph, just do as you please!"

"Good!" Master Willow sneered, stepped forward, and grabbed the punch
that Troy threw at him.


With a twist of Master Willow's hand, Troy's right arm bent at a 90-degree
angle. The sound of breaking bones was heard.


A muffled scream resounded throughout the villa!

Troy's eyes were red, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. He stared at
Master Willow fixedly, raised another fist, and punched Master Willow!



Troy's other arm was also broken by force!


Master Willow lifted his foot and kicked Troy in the chest.

The latter flew back and hit the sofa behind him with such force that the
whole sofa flipped over!
Troy fell to the floor with two broken arms. His face was red, and he could
only fumble with his shoulders against the floor, trying to get up.


Master Willow came over and stomped on Troy's back!

Pfft! Troy spat a mouthful of blood and could not move from being trampled
on the floor!

Master Willow crossed his arms over his chest, looked down
condescendingly at Troy with a sneer, and said, "Troy Crow, stop being so
obstinate. Why are you defending an outsider who's not related to you?
Even if you don't tell me, I can find that kid named Philip Clarke! I'm just
giving you a chance to be my dog, so why aren't you cherishing it?"

Troy spewed blood from his mouth and let out a beast-like growl, "D-Dream
on! I'll never betray Young Master Clarke! He'll definitely avenge me!"

Clap, clap!

At this moment, the sound of applause came from the front door of the villa!
Willis Hale, with a cigar in his mouth and an entourage behind him, walked
in through the door swaggeringly.

He walked straight to Troy, sat on the sofa on one side, and crossed his

Looking at Troy, who was lying on the floor with his arms broken, he
sneered, "Troy, what's wrong? Why are you lying on the floor like a dog?"

Troy stared angrily at Willis who was sitting on the sofa and said, "Willis
Hale, you've crossed the line. The rules were set, but you dare seek
revenge in private?"
Willis looked at Troy while laughing, bent over, and provocatively spat at
him. "Troy Crow, do you know what era this is? Why are you still talking
about rules? Rules are meant to be broken. Besides, the people of my Hale
family have never cared about the so-called rules. Today, I have two
purposes. First, tell us where that kid Philip Clarke is staying. Secondly, if
you cherish your life, kneel and bow to me. I'll let you be the dog that I'm
raising in Glenford. Otherwise, my men will bury you in the mountain

After speaking, Willis sat there leisurely while looking at Troy with a subtle

Chapter 2136
Troy's eyes flickered as he spat the blood in his mouth on Willis' flashy gray
plaid suit.

Then, he laughed and said, "I've never betrayed my friends. You should
dream on if you think you'll get me to betray Young Master Clarke!"

Hearing that, Willis' eyes darkened. He got up and said to the two men
behind him, "Bury him."

Following that, the two men walked over, took out black pistols from their
waists, and aimed at Troy.

Bang, bang!


However, unexpectedly, Troy did not fall into a pool of blood. On the
contrary, those two subordinates fell with a hint of red between their brows!

Willis was so scared that he froze in place while the guards at his side
surrounded him!
Willis was stunned as he looked at the two men who fell in a pool of blood.
Then, he looked at the two bullet holes on the huge French windows and

Thud, thud, thud!

Rapid footsteps were heard outside the villa.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen soldiers wearing black combat
uniforms who were all armed with guns entered from all doors and
windows. They completely surrounded the villa!

Willis and the men he brought, as well as Master Willow, were all covered
with dense red dots.

At this moment, Philip walked out from behind these heavily armed guards.
He looked at Willis and the rest with clear eyes. "I heard that you're looking
for me?" Philip smiled.

Willis raised his brows, stared at Philip firmly, and said, "Philip Clarke, it
seems that I had underestimated you!"

Master Willow stepped out at this moment. He looked at Philip, glanced at

the guards beside him, and sneered disdainfully.

"Are you Philip Clarke?"

Philip glanced sideways at Master Willow. With just one glance, he knew
that this guy was not an ordinary person.

"I am," Philip replied indifferently.

He asked, "Are you Master Willow, the person he talked about?"

Master Willow smiled and said, "You have good eyesight. Since you know
my name, why don't you give up obediently? With these people you
brought, I'm afraid you can't even get one meter close to me!"

This was Master Willow's confidence! For people in the first zone behind
the door, normal firearms could no longer do much damage to them.. This
was also the reason behind his

disdain and contempt for these armed guards.

Willis also sneered and said, "Philip, although you're very cute, Master
Willow is not someone anyone can challenge casually! I should tell you that
Master Willow is not the ordinary human that you know! To Master Willow,
the guns in your hands are simply scrap metal."

Philip looked sideways at Master Willow and asked with a frown, "Are you
from the door of the Nonagon?"


Hearing that, Master Willow shuddered instinctively. He stared at Philip

fixedly and sneered. "Interesting. I didn't expect you to know about the door
and the Nonagon. Who are you?"

This was completely beyond his expectations. He thought Philip was just
an ordinary person. Even if he was more skillful, he should just be the son
of a big family. Now, however, Master Willow had changed his mind.

Someone who knew about the door in the Nonagon was definitely not an
ordinary person, much less from an ordinary family.

This gave Master Willow a hint of fear, but only a hint.

"Who am I, you ask?" Philip laughed with disdain and provocation between
his brows. He said, "Could it be that the people from the five pavilions didn't
reveal my identity?"

Chapter 2137
The five pavilions?!

Hearing the mention of this, Master Willow's eyes tensed as shock

exploded in him!

The young man in front of him actually knew about the five pavilions!
Unbelievable! To Master Willow, the five pavilions were like heaven!

"Who the hell are you?" Master Willow's eyes darkened, and they were
filled with surprise.

He stared at Philip closely and said, "Are you also from behind the door? If
so, I think we can sit down and talk. After all, we come from the same
place. Perhaps we can even cooperate in the future."

Master Willow gave up the idea of forcing Philip.

Since the other party knew about the five pavilions, it meant he was not an
ordinary person.

Moreover, Master Willow could not tell how skilled Philip was. That was
because he did not feel that special kind of energy field from Philip. There
were only two explanations for this. First, the other party was just a normal
person who happened to know more or had some powerful family members
who had connections with the Nonagon. Secondly, the other party's
strength was far beyond his.

Only the disciples who had reached the third zone could freely restrain their
special energy field!
If it was the first possibility, Master Willow might consider the other party's
background and choose not to take action. If it was the second, then
Master Willow had absolutely no chance of winning!

He was just a disciple who was eliminated from the first zone. Fighting a
disciple who had entered the third zone was tantamount to an egg hitting a
stone. He would be looking for death!


Philip chuckled lightly and said, "We come from the same place? Hehe,
excuse me, but you've guessed wrongly. I'm not from the Nonagon nor am I
a disciple of the door."

Hearing that, Master Willow's furrowed brows slowly relaxed. It seemed

that it was the first probability.

At this point, the tension in Master Willow's body also loosened. He glanced
at Philip and the heavily armed guards beside him with disdain.

He then said with a cold smile, "My friend, since you're not from the
Nonagon or the door, what gives you the courage to stand in front of me
and talk like this? From what you just said, you seem to know something
about the Nonagon's door. If that's the case, you should understand what
happens when an ordinary person, no, a group of ordinary people, faces a
disciple of the door?" Master Willow sneered mockingly.

As long as the other party was not a disciple, then he had no fear! Even if
there was a big family or an expert behind the other party, Master Willow
was not worried!

The worst that could happen was to kill and flee! He was a disciple, after
all. In the secular world, he had the means to defend himself!
However, Philip laughed lightly and said, "From your tone, you seem very
confident in your strength."

With a laugh, Master Willow craned his neck.

A fierce aura suddenly surged from his body. He said, "This is not
confidence but my basis! Facing ordinary people such as you, I can crush
you with one hand! Even the firearms in your hands can do me no harm. I
think you should understand this."

Philip nodded and asked, "Which zone are you from?" "The first." Master
Willow answered honestly. He did not need to hide anything because in his
opinion, these people, including Philip, were just ants that could be
destroyed just by raising one hand.

Moreover, his identity as a Nonagon disciple made him more prideful.

Hearing that, Philip nodded and muttered under his breath, "The first zone?
That doesn't sound too bad. This is a good chance for me to try it out."

At his words, Master Willow frowned and asked in confusion, "What do you

Philip raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "In the past two days, I've
been reading the lectures about the first zone. I want to have a spar with
you to test out my understanding."


Hearing that, Master Willow trembled inwardly and frowned. He could not
believe that the guy in front of him actually dared to brag like that!

He had only started reading the lectures about the first zone two days ago
yet he dared to challenge him, Master Willow?
Chapter 2138
Cocky! Ignorant!

"Haha! Very well! I've never seen such an arrogant fellow like you in all my
years of traveling the world! You've just come into contact with the lectures
of the first zone and you dare to challenge me? Simply preposterous!"

Master Willow frowned, his face full of anger. He said, "Okay! I'll show you
how big the gap between the two of us is!"

After saying that, Master Willow took a step forward.

The muscles on his body suddenly exploded and blood vessels surfaced all
over like tree roots! He also became incomparably violent in an instant!
Even his figure became twice as big!


Master Willow's undershirt was torn apart by his burgeoning body! He

looked just like Hulk in Avengers! On the side. Willis Hale got a fright from
the sudden change in Master Willow. This was the first time he saw Master
Willow revealing his means as a disciple! Suddenly, his face was full of
excitement! As long as Master Willow got angry, that damned Philip Clarke
would be dead!

”Master Willow, you must teach that arrogant brat a good lesson for me!”
Willis hid in the corner and shouted.

Master Willow had become extremely irritable at this moment. With a height
of nearly 2.3 meters and a burly stature, he nearly reached the ceiling of
the first floor of this villa.

In particular, his shiny bronzed skin revealed an incomparably explosive

”Boy, take this punch!" Master Willow roared and raised his hand.

The huge fist that carried a thunderous momentum smashed heavily into
Philip's head! In Master Willow's eyes, everyone here only reached the
height of his waist! Philip raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of brilliance as
he looked at the huge heavy fist coming at him!

At that moment, he quickly recalled the content of the first zone disciples'
training module given by Instructor Lauder, 'Fundamentals for Disciples'.
The method to channel the energy in his body!

Philip closed his eyes and felt for that special energy that was brought by
Master Willow's fist!

Pressure! Intense! Crushing!

That was Philip's first impression. That intensity made Philip feel as if he
was being crushed under a mountain!

Just when Philip closed his eyes to savor it, Master Willow's face was full of
sinister coldness! This hateful boy! How dare he not take him seriously?!

”Go to hell!" Master Willow roared.

His fist carried a huge impact and went straight for Philip's head! With this
punch, even an iron ball would be hammered to pieces! The fully-armed
guards around had already loaded their guns and aimed at the furious
Master Willow.

However, without the young master's order, they dared not fire!

All this happened in a matter of seconds!

Seeing that Master Willow's fist was about to hit Philip, Willis sneered.
However, suddenly! Philip opened his eyes and flames flickered in his
pupils. He raised his fists and stepped back on his left leg. His right fist
slammed into Master Willow's incoming punch, which was dozens of times
larger than his!
Chapter 2139
To a normal person, this behavior was simply courting death!

However! Their fists collided!

The expected scene of Philip being blown to smithereens with a single punch did not happen!

On the contrary, Philip's seemingly weak punch directly blocked Master Willow's huge fist!

A dull muffled sound was heard between the fists. Like a thunderclap, everyone in the living
room was startled.

Master Willow was shocked. He did not expect that the punch he had thrown with all his might
to be blocked by a kid who had not even entered the door!

Just when he was gearing up for another punch, a shocking scene happened!

Philip's fist was quickly engulfed in flames! Those flames were extremely fiery and domineering!

From a ball of fire, it rapidly grew and turned into a fiery chimera! Immediately after, the fire
chimera from Philip's fist emitted a burst of power.

With a roar, it rushed toward Master Willow!


In Master Willow's eyes, he only saw the raging fire chimera with jaws wide open rushing at him.

Then, the powerful pressure and blazing heatwave sent him flying!

Master Willow quickly withdrew his fists and used his hands to block in front of him!


A loud explosion!

The fire chimera blasted Master Willow into the air, and his huge body smashed into a wall. He
flew out of the villa, landed on the ground, and rolled over.

A deep scorched streak was left on the ground!

Master Willow punched the ground and stopped his backward momentum.

Then, his eyes went scarlet as his body surged with extreme tyrannical killing intent!
Master Willow raised his eyebrows and looked toward the villa at Philip, who was smiling and
waving his fist at him.

He growled like a beast and said, "Boy, I'm going to tear you apart with my bare hands!"

At this moment, Philip stood in the living room of the villa, smiling as he looked at his fist. He
squeezed his fists slightly and there was a thin layer of flaming airwaves.

Was this the power of the fire attribute? This was how it worked!

Then, Philip raised his eyebrows, a cold smile playing at his lips. He looked at the hysterical
Master Willow on the lawn outside the villa and said, "So this is the strength of a disciple from
the first zone.“

Hearing this, Master Willow was furious. He got up while roaring and hissing like a gorilla. He
threw another punch! "Go to hell!"

Raging aura surged!

Master Willow merely did not display his full strength just now! After all, it was not necessary to
use his full strength against a guy who was not yet a disciple.

However, he was wrong. Unexpectedly, this kid's talents and attributes were so strong! Philip
actually blasted him away with a single punch! This ability was at least an S-level attribute!

Thus, Master Willow dared not be careless and used all his strength to punch Philip.

Standing in the living room, Philip watched through the hole in the wall as Master Willow
punched out again like a manic beast.

With a faint smile, Philip rushed out swiftly and fiercely like a tyrannosaur that just broke out of
its cage!

Philip raised his fist and took a fighting stance. He jumped high in the air while he drew his right
fist back.

A fiery red chimera head suddenly solidified in his fist!


This punch directly landed on Master Willow's head!

Master Willow could not dodge in time!

Philip's movements were simply too fast! Master Willow only saw what appeared to be fire
marks under his opponent's feet. Then, he saw Philip jumping high into the air and a fist with a
solidified fire chimera smashed on his head!

Chapter 2140 Boom!

Master Willow staggered sideways. His huge body seemed ready to fall, but Master Willow's
mouth tensed and his body exploded with a surging force as he quickly righted his body.

At the same time, his fist seemed to form a stone-like outer shell as he punched out at Philip!

Philip was not a disciple and lacked experience in fighting another disciple. He did not dodge
this punch! He just blocked with his arms in front of him.

A layer of flame armor automatically solidified on his arms!


Master Willow's stone-like fist smashed into the flame armor on Philip's arms with unparalleled

The armor shattered!

Philip was blasted out from the air and fell into the nearby bushes.

Wherever he passed, the flame armor that disintegrated from his body burned the lawn black!

This was his first time using his attribute to solidify energy, so he was not very adept yet.

Master Willow shook his head, and his eyes exploded with piercing killing intent. He stared at

Philip who fell to the ground and approached him step by step!

With each step he took, the earth under his feet crumbled. From the bottom of his feet, a layer
of stone armor formed on Master Willow's body!

"Boy, I didn't expect your fire attribute to be so powerful! I was careless, but today, it's time for
you to die! If I allow you to train after entering the door, you'll be too much a threat to me in the

Master Willow walked one step at a time, his voice low.

At this moment, he looked like an enraged gorilla that was covered in a layer of brown stone
armor! Then, Master Willow sped up.

He rushed at Philip and punched at the ground where Philip was lying!


This punch smashed a deep pit in the ground, sending soil flying!

However, there was no sight of bloodshed. Instead, in mid-air, Philip's leg carried fire waves as
he kicked out sideways at Master Willow's neck!

Master Willow just raised his left arm, where Philip's kick landed.

No damage was done!

Master Willow turned his head to the side with a ferocious sneer.

He grabbed Philip's foot with a backhand and tossed him high up before slamming him to the

Even a disciple would be smashed into smithereens by this blow!

Moreover, Philip was only an ordinary person. He would surely be reduced to mincemeat!

However, an amazing scene happened!

The moment Philip was slammed into the ground, a layer of blue seawater suddenly gushed up
underneath Philip!

Philip was smashed into the water, offsetting the damage caused by the blow!

At the same time, the gushing seawater turned into two blue dragons, roaring and rushing to
Master Willow, knocking him back!

Philip landed on the ground and rolled over. He was soaked to the skin. His eyes were tense as
he looked at the light blue halo in his hand.

His palms were full of water vapor, and water droplets dripped from time to time.

Water attribute!

At the critical moment, the water attribute came out on its own!
Master Willow stabilized his body with a stunned expression on his face. He stared at Philip who
stood up slowly from the ground and said, "Water attribute? You have dual attributes!"

At that moment, Master Willow realized that things were serious! People with dual attributes
would be geniuses once they entered the door! They would surely be recruited by various
organizations or even the five pavilions!

The future achievements for someone like this were unlimited!

Thus, in that instant, Master Willow knew that he must kill this guy today! Otherwise, in the
future, it would be his life on the line!

Chapter 2141 Philip was still feeling some kind of special change in his body at the moment,
which was the change of attributes and his sense toward matter.

He did not expect this either. He just wanted to try it out but the result was this big change. Was
this the special power possessed by the disciples? It was indeed beyond what the world could

No wonder the disciples were not allowed to show their talents in the world. Such strength and
means were enough to shock the world!

Raising his eyebrows, Philip smirked as he looked at the furious Master Willow and said lightly,
"So, that's all the strength you have."


Hearing this, a huge amount of anger surged out of Master Willow's body!

Like a madman, he roared at Philip. "Kid, you're too arrogant! A disciple is meant to be
respected! I wanted to play around with you at first, but now, you've completely pissed me off.
I'm going to kill you myself!"

With that said, Master Willow was filled with rage and killing intent!

Like a cannonball, he rushed at Philip. He took on a stance, his punch and kicks carrying huge

He struck out at Philip.

After comprehending the fire and water attributes, Philip kept changing his position.

With a fire chimera in one hand and a water dragon in the other, water and fire merged and
constantly resisted Master Willow's strong attacks!
The entire small garden was like a special effects scene in a movie. The bursting flames and the
roaring dragons formed an incredible picture!

Under Philip's attack, Master Willow became more irate! That was because he realized that he
could not handle this kid who had only started reading the introductory book two days ago!

What was even more frightening was that the other party was becoming more and more
composed and proficient in his control of attributes and energy field!

"Damn it, he's using me to train!" Master Willow roared inwardly.

He now realized that Philip was only using him to improve his control over the attributes pand
energy field. This kid was absolutely insane! He had only studied for two days but he dared to
fight with a disciple of the first zone as training.


All of a sudden, Master Willow felt greatly humiliated! He was Master Willow! How could he
allow others to insult him like this?!

"Go to hell!" Master Willow roared.

He caught an opening in Philip's moves and threw a forceful punch!

This was Master Willow's strongest punch!

Philip could not dodge in time and just blocked with his hands!

The blue water dragon in his left hand formed a layer of scaled armor while the fire chimera in
his right hand formed a layer of flame armor.

They acted as protective shields for Philip's hands!

However, Master Willow's powerful punch carried the force of a thunderbolt that broke through
the two layers of armor!


The dragon and chimera collapsed and shattered!

This collision produced a powerful storm of energy pressure!

Philip flew out like a cannonball and fell to the ground.

He rolled out tens of meters, leaving a long charred streak on the ground!


Master Willow chased after him and raised his right fist, which had amazingly turned into stone.

He punched Philip's head into the ground!

At this moment, the energy field in Philip's body was so chaotic that he could no longer feel the
change in attributes.

He looked at the incoming stone fist that looked like a cannonball. The outcome had been


There was a loud bang but the expected scene of Philip being smashed into mincemeat did not

On the contrary, Master Willow's burly two-meter-tall body flew out like a meteor.

Chapter 2142, stay on the ”Ramos Sperling" youtube channel, update or request Novels. Boom!

Master Willow fell to the ground.

His eyes widened, and his stone-like skin began to crack.

He raised his head with difficulty, looked at the figure standing in front of Philip not far away, and
stammered, "W-Who are you?“

He did not see how the other party made his move at all. It seemed as if he was bounced off by
that intense energy alone!

Terrible! Horrifying!

Within sight, a figure stood in front of Philip with his arms folded over his chest. He had a strong
figure and eyes as cold as a blade.

There was a soaring rush of intent!

Fulton Hash!
He had been secretly observing. He did not expect the young master's control of attributes and
energy to progress so quickly.

Philip got up from the ground with difficulty. He looked at Fulton in front of him and said, "You
came in the nick of time."

Fulton did not comment. He looked at Master Willow coughing up blood on the ground and said,
"Have you forgotten the Nonagon's commandments?"

Master Willow trembled all over when he heard this!

The Nonagon's commandments?! Was this guy from the Nonagon too? Moreover, he seemed
much stronger!

Master Willow could barely stand up from the ground. His body returned to its normal size. He
wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "Friend, since you're also from the
Nonagon, why don't you give me a way out? What happened today is my fault. I can apologize."

Master Willow had already made his choice. He would surely die if he fought with this unknown
man in front of him!

Fulton shook his head and said, "You've crossed the line. According to the rules of the
Nonagon, the source of the attributes in your body should be abolished."

Hearing this, Master Willow's eyes widened. He turned around and jumped, trying to escape!

However, Fulton snorted coldly. He raised his hand and made a grabbing motion!

Master Willow's entire body seemed like it was being squeezed by a big invisible hand!

The next second!


His entire body was crushed into a bloody mist in mid-air!

The best way to abolish the source of attributes was naturally to erase the person altogether.
Simple and effective.

Willis Hale, who saw this scene from the living room, was dumbfounded as his legs trembled
At this time, Philip slowly walked up to him. He smiled coldly and asked, "Who is Fitzgerald Hale
to you?"

Willis gulped as his mind raced.

He knelt on the ground with a plop and answered honestly, "He's the head of the Hale family,
but he has never been bothered about the internal family affairs. The second old master is the
one in charge of the entire Hale family. I'm a member of the branch family and don't know

Hearing that, Philip nodded and seemed a little disappointed.

He looked at Troy Crow, who had fallen to the floor, and ordered the guard next to him, "Send
him to the hospital."

Then, Philip left the villa with his men.

Willis and some of his men were kneeling on the floor at this moment. He looked at Philip's back
and was baffled.

What was the meaning of this? Was Philip not going to deal with him? "Y-Young Master Clarke, I
was wrong. Please forgive me."

Willis was not an idiot. He immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. However, he did not
die as expected.

One of the guards who stayed behind looked at Willis coldly and said, "Go back and tell your
second old master that Glenford belongs to the Clarke family. If the Hale family wants to
interfere, be prepared to have your arms broken!"

Willis froze. Instantly, he thought of something and quickly bowed as he said, "Yes, I'll definitely
pass the message."

Philip returned to Sparrow Villa.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Roger Clarke sitting in the living room waiting for him.

"You're back," Roger said with a smile.

Philip glanced at him indifferently and asked, "What's up?"

Roger picked up an ancient book on the coffee table and tossed it to Philip. He said, "I found the
thing you've been looking for."
Chapter 2143 Philip glanced at the yellowed ancient book on the coffee table, looked at Roger
in confusion, and asked, "What is this?"

Roger smiled and motioned for Philip to look at it.

Philip walked over, sat on one side, and picked up the ancient book on the coffee table.

The book cover had the words The Harrison Family's Records' written on it. "Is this from the
Harrison family?" Philip asked.

Roger leaned on a cane in his hand, coughed a few times, and said with a nod, "The Harrison
family is not as simple as you think. Their ancestors go a long way back. In those days, the
Harrison family was the servant to a man named Fenrir Scott who was involved in the search for
the elixir of life."

The elixir of life? Fenrir Scott?

Philip thought of something in an instant and quickly opened the book.

The first few pages recorded Fenrir's search for the elixir of life. After flipping through a few
pages, Philip saw the mention of the Multidew Herb!

Multidew Herb! There was actually a record about the Multidew Herb!

Philip was shocked and looked at it for a few moments before asking, "Does the Harrison family
have any clues about the Multidew Herb?"

Roger nodded and shook his head before saying, "The Multidew Herb is only a legendary herb.

No one in the world has seen it before. You may choose to believe or disbelieve the records of
the Harrison family, but you can also try to find it."

Hearing this, Philip frowned. He turned his head to Roger and asked with hostility, "You knew
long ago that Wynnie has golden blood and that she only has three years left to live?"

Roger was silent and nodded after a while. He said, "I was also at fault for the Lovelace family's
incident back then. Later, I sent many people to investigate, only to learn that they had left
behind an offspring, which is Wynn. After I learned her identity, I thought about it for a long time
because she's your wife, my daughter-in-law, and the young madam of the Clarke family. But as
her father-in-law, I was involved in the conviction of the Lovelace family back then. I never found
a good opportunity to tell you and Wynn about this. I wanted to-"

"Shut up!" Before Roger finished speaking, Philip roared angrily.

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of chills as he said bitterly, "Do you think you can
just admit your mistake, make amends, and that's it? She's my wife. Even if someone needs to
make amends, I should be the one to do so. I don't need your pretentious hypocrisy here!"

With that said, Philip got up.

Roger looked at his son coldly. He knocked the cane in his hand heavily on the floor and said
solemnly, "Presumptuous! I'm your father!"

"You are not!" Philip roared.

His eyes were flushed red as he stared at Roger.

He said, "You are not worthy! You're not worthy of being my father! You don't deserve to be
Wynnie's father-in-law! Aren't you the head of the most powerful family in the world? Aren't you

the number one person in the Nonagon? Haven't you seen the so-called other shore? Why don't
you even dare to investigate my mother's accident? You're a coward! You're a complete and
utter loser!"


Roger stood up and slapped Philip across the face.

His eyes were red as he stared into Philip's eyes.

His hands were trembling slightly as many words were stuck in his throat. He was unable to say
them out.

Philip looked at his father with hatred, gritted his teeth, turned his head, and left.

Watching Philip's departure, Roger sat down on the sofa. He was seemingly talking to the air as
he asked, "Do you think I'm a coward?"

"My lord, Philip is still young and doesn't know the responsibilities you carry. He still needs to
grow up."

On one side, Fulton slowly walked over from the darkness outside the door.

He said, "The young master has already activated his energy. His dual attributes are very
strong, 5S!"

Hearing that, Roger's face darkened. He nodded and said, "I see. Let's return to Arcadia Island
the day after tomorrow.
"Okay. I'll make arrangements," Fulton said.

Philip returned to his room and called Wynn.

While laughing gently, he said, "Wynnie, what are you doing? Is Mila asleep?"

Wynn's voice was a little anxious as she said, "Phil, Mila seems to be sick. Mr. Thomas and I
are at the hospital."

"What? Mila is sick?"

Philip was very surprised and distressed. He asked, "What's the matter? What's wrong with
Mila? Why isn't she being treated at home? Why did you go to the hospital outside?"

Wynn said aggrievedly, "Phil, it's the branch family. They wouldn't let the doctor come over to
check on Mila, so I asked Mr. Thomas to bring us to the hospital."

The branch family? They were courting death! "Wait for me! I'll go back right away!"

Philip hung up the phone and walked straight out of Sparrow Villa. He ordered the servants to
prepare the helicopter and headed straight to Arcadia Island!

Chapter 2144 District 4 of Arcadia Island, Newsea Hospital.

Janet Ball, who was wearing a red trench coat, brought her four-year-old son, Tom, to the
hospital at night.

In the hospital corridor, Tom saw Mila playing alone and immediately broke away from Janet's
hold. "Tom, where are you going?"

"I'm going to play with that little girl."

Janet glanced at Mila and pursed her lips in disdain. "Why play with her? Be careful of infectious
diseases or something."

Mila heard Janet's words and pouted angrily. "Do you have an infectious disease?"

Tom stood in front of Mila and asked arrogantly with his head held high. "No, I don't."

Mila turned around and ignored Tom.

Tom stared at Mila's back. He stretched out his hand and punched Mila's back abruptly, causing
her to lean against the wall of the corridor.
The pain brought tears to Mila's eyes. "Why did you hit me?"

"You have an infectious disease. You're evil. I'm fighting evil. I'll kill you so that you won't infect
others." Tom cursed and even spat at Mila.

"You're evil. It's you." Mila waved her hands at Tom's face.

Tom staggered back and fell to the floor.

Seeing her son fall to the floor, Janet hurried over and shouted at Mila, "Who are your parents?
How dare a wild brat like you do this to my son? If you can do this as a child, what will become
of you when you grow up?"

Mila shrank back as she stared at Janet, frightened to tears by her fierce look.

"It's common for kids to horse around when they play. This little girl's parents are usually away
but she's a sensible child. Don't yell at her like that."

The people in the ward tried to persuade Janet. "Mind your own business. My son fell because
of this wild girl. If anything happens to him, will responsibility for it? Do you know who I you take
am? Do you know who my son's father is? Do you know who my brother is? If you offend our
family, you won't be able to see a doctor for the rest of your life!"

Janet roared angrily, frightening the bystanders. They retreated into their wards, not daring to
speak again.

Turning around, Janet grabbed Mila by her collar and shook her vigorously while yelling, "You're
just a wild child who wasn't raised properly by your parents. My son was kind enough to play
with you but you dare to harm him. I'm going to teach you a good lesson today. Tom, come here
and give her a good beating! Remember what I taught you. People in our family don't have to be
afraid of anything. If someone dares to do something to you, just give them a good beating. With
me around, even if something goes wrong, our family can handle it. We won't be bullied!"

Mila cried and struggled but she could not break free from Janet's grip.

Chapter 2145 "Let go of me. It's not true that I wasn't raised properly. He fell on his own. He
even beat me before this. I didn't touch him at all. You're a bad person. All of you are bad

Mila cried with tears in her eyes, looking very pitiful.

"This unruly child is even a liar. How dare you say that I'm a bad person? You' re really
uneducated. I must rip your mouth out today so you know what proper upbringing is!"
Janet reached out angrily was about to slap Mila's face, but as soon as she raised her hand, her
wrist was grabbed.

"Who the hell dares to stop me?"

Janet turned her head, looked at the man who grabbed her wrist, and roared.

Hurry up and let go! How dare a poor loser like you dare to interfere in my business?! If you
don't let go, I'll destroy your family!"

Philip did not say anything, his eyes cold and gloomy.


He raised his hand and slapped Janet on her face, causing her to fall to the floor.

Wynn rushed over from behind and hugged Mila. "Mila, I'm here. Are you alright?" Wynn asked

She had just stepped out to fetch Philip, but when she came back, this happened.

Mila looked at Philip with a radiant glint in her big eyes. "Daddy, you're amazing."

"Good girl, Mila. Wynn, bring Mila and sit at the side. I'll have a good talk with this unruly

Philip smiled gently before turning to Janet, his gaze becoming cold.

How dare she make a move on his daughter on Arcadia Island? She was courting death!

"Talk? The hell with talking! How dare you hit me? I must teach you a good lesson today. Your
daughter is barbaric and so are you. You're just a bunch of losers. Hurry back to the village you
came from. This is not a place for unworthy people like you!"

Janet shouted angrily, covering her burning cheek.

Philip smiled lightly. "You're the unworthy one. Both you and your son must apologize to my

"Apologize, my ass! Your daughter pushed my son down, and you hit my face. It's your family
who should kneel and apologize to me! If you don't apologize today, I'll immediately kick you out
of the hospital and leave you with nowhere to see a doctor on this island!"
Janet was extremely furious. No one had ever dared to hit her on the face.

Hateful! Abominable!

"I'll give you one last chance. If you and your son don't apologize, I don't mind being more
barbaric," Philip said coldly.

"Ridiculous! You're giving me one last chance? Are you worthy? I'll never apologize to that wild
daughter of yours!"

Janet held her face high. She was full of anger.


The sound was loud as Philip slapped Janet on her other cheek,

Janet was stunned. "You have guts! Since you're so savage, don't blame me for being
unreasonable! Just you wait. You'll beg me on your knees for this slap of yours!"

After threatening Philip, Janet turned to look at the patients in the ward. She said with tears in
her eyes, “Everyone saw it, right? A big man like him is bullying a weak woman like me. He's
bullying my family. You must testify for me.

The patients all turned away and none of them paid any attention to Janet.

Seeing this, Janet was even more, annoyed. She took out her mobile phone, pointed at Philip,
and shouted, “All of you, just wait. You're all finished!

"Brother, I was beaten up in the hospital by a poor loser. His daughter seems to be a patient in
your department. Hurry over!" Janet cried and yelled.

"Are you in the emergency room? I'll be there right away."

There was a low voice on the other end of the phone.

Chapter 2146 Janet put away the phone, pointed at Philip, and shouted, "My brother will be here
soon. Just wait to kneel to me! Your whole family must kneel and apologize to me!"

Wynn had already pacified Mila and also found out the reason for this incident.

Hearing Janet hurling abuse at this moment, she felt angry. "You've been turning the facts
around. It was your son who bullied my daughter. It's fine that you're not letting your son admit
his mistake, but you even wanted to hit my daughter. Do you even know what righteousness
and integrity mean?" Wynn scolded.
In her heart, Mila was most precious. Whose child was not a treasure in their mother's heart?

Janet glanced at Wynn with disdain and spat at her. "People who come to work in the city like
you don't deserve to talk about righteousness and integrity! I want your whole family to kneel
and make amends to me and my son or this matter will never end. My brother is the head of the
department in charge of this ward!"

Wynn's heart skipped a beat. If this was true, things would be a little troublesome. That was
because Mila would undergo a medical examination the next morning. What would happen if
they angered the head of this department?

Wynn tugged Philip's arm and was about to speak when she saw the department's attending
doctor, Garett Ball, walking over. "Janet, what's wrong? Who hit you? How is Tom doing?"
Garett said coldly.

Garett had a good relationship with Janet. In addition, Janet's husband was fairly influential and
had helped Garett secure his position as the department director. Hence, Garett was particularly
concerned about his sister's feelings and opinions.

Now that Janet was bullied on his turf, Garett was so angry that he could not wait to kill the

person who did this to Janet.

"Garett, you're finally here. It's them, that family of losers!" Janet pointed at Philip and Wynn.
"Look at my face. That rude man did this to me. Barbarians like them shouldn't be allowed in the
hospital. They don't have the right to see a doctor. We should let them die from illness and purify
the world's environment!"

Looking at the slap marks on Janet's face, the veins on Garett's forehead popped.

"This is simply too much!" Garett looked at Philip and Wynn. "This kid looks pretty cute but I
didn't expect her to have trash parents like you guys. How dare you get rough with my sister?!"
Garett raised his eyebrows and cursed.

"Director Ball, listen to my explanation. It's not like what your sister said. What she said is all one
side of the story. Wynn tried to explain.

Offending the attending doctor of this department was naturally an unwise move. Garett Ball
only had to say the word and all the hospitals in District 4 of Arcadia Island would not accept
However, in her haste, Wynn forgot about her husband's identity. "Isn't what you said
one-sided? If I don't believe my sister's words, should I believe the words of outsiders like you?"
Garett said loudly.

"But we're really not the main culprits. It was your sister who wanted to do something to Mila, so
-" Wynn explained.

"So what? I beat her up to teach her a lesson on your behalf. What right do you have to do
anything to me?" Janet yelled.

Garett patted Janet's back to calm her down and said in a low voice, "Take it easy and leave this
to me., I'll make them apologize and make amends to you."

Chapter 2147 Janet nodded and took two steps back with her son.

Garett said coldly, "Do you still want to see a doctor here? If you still want to be examined and
treated, your family will kneel and apologize to my sister. As for financial losses, seeing that
you're not rich, I'll leave it at that. But don't you think you should express your sincerity by being
servants at my sister's house for three to five months?" Garett proposed an even more
despicable condition.

Based on Janet's temper, she would probably go mad if they were to serve at her house for

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Do you even think before you speak?" Philip said

"Damn it! How dare you contradict me?! I think you don't want your daughter to be treated. I only
need to say the word and no hospital or doctor in District 4 will accept your daughter. With your
daughter's disease, she can only wait to die!" Garett held his head high and spoke arrogantly.

At this moment, Garett was filled with a sense of superiority. He felt like a god who controlled life
and death.

Philip stepped forward.

Wynn grabbed Philip and muttered, "What are you doing? This is the attending doctor. Don't
mess around." Wynn was worried that if Philip went over and beat up Garett, no one would dare
to treat Mila in the future.

"Don't worry, I'm just reasoning with him." Philip said blandly, “Besides, have you forgotten my
identity? Mila is my daughter, the princess of this island. A servant who is disrespectful to the
princess should be punished!”
Seeing Wynn holding Philip back, Garett was even more triumphant. "Hehe, what princess are
you losers talking about? You're nothing but a bunch of ignorant fools. You'll only bow your
heads and obey when you know pain. I'll give you a minute to think about it. If you don't kneel
and admit your mistake in a minute, I'll inform all hospitals in District 4 not to accept your
daughter! Even if you go to other districts, I have my ways to stop you!"

Garett used Mila's treatment as a threat, thinking that an ordinary man like Philip would
definitely give in. Then, he would do as he pleased with them.

Philip shook Wynn's hand away and walked up to Garett.

Garett frowned, looked at Philip warily, and asked, "What are you doing? Be good and kneel, do
you hear me?"

"It's you who should kneel!" Philip rushed up to Garett and punched him in the face.

With a series of loud smacks, Garett's face was bruised and swollen in an instant.

Blood gushed from his nose, dyeing Garett's clothes red.

"What the fuck?!“ Garett swayed his head and backed up. He was seeing stars in front of him
and having double vision.

"Garett, are you alright? You losers are in big trouble. How dare you hit my brother?!"

Garett was a little panicked but also full of anger.

With the two emotions intertwined, Garett became a little crazy. "Damn it, how dare you hit me?!
I'm going to kill you today. Where do you think the hospital is? This is my territory!"

Garett took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the hospital's security captain. "Hello,
Captain Torres. I'm about to be killed by a patient's family. Bring your guys over quickly. Bring
more people!"

"Okay, wait a moment, Director Ball. I'll be right there!"

Garett kept his phone and sneered at Philip, "If you have the guts, don't run."

Philip took out his mobile phone with a smile and dialed George's number. "I won't run. We're
just calling for help now, right? Let's see whose reinforcements are more powerful."

"Who could a loser like you call? The people you know are either poor or trashy. Feel free to call
whoever you want. Let's see what kind of rubbish will show up."
Garett was full of disdain for Philip's words.

According to common sense, losers would not know any important figures.

"Hey, tell the dean of Newsea Hospital to get the hell down!" Philip said icily.

He was very angry now! In Arcadia Island, there was actually someone who dared to treat his
daughter and wife like this! It looked like it was time to inform the entire island of Wynn's identity
and broadcast it globally!

The king's consort and the young madam of the Clarke family must accept the worship of the
world, after all.

Chapter 2148 "Yes, Young Master! Right away!"

George Thomas happened to be returning from Clarke Manor at this time. He immediately
contacted the dean of Newsea Hospital in District 4 of Arcadia Island.

Taylor Goode, the dean of Newsea Hospital, was dumbfounded when he received-George's call!
Soon, he dialed Philip's number.

"Hello, Young Master Clarke. I'm Taylor Goode. How may I help you?" Taylor bowed and said

"A director surnamed Ball in your hospital has some conflicts with me. You need to come over

Philip raised his eyebrows and glanced at Garett, whose nose was bleeding.

"This Garett Ball! Young Master Clarke, wait a moment. I'll deal with him now!" Taylor roared

"Okay, I'm hanging up now."

As Philip ended the call, Garett leaned against the wall and clutched his stomach. He was
laughing until his sides hurt.

"I'm about to die of laughter. A piece of shit like you is capable of calling Dean Goode? Your
acting skills are really good."

"You'll know if it's true in a while," Philip said with a smile.

"Do you think everything will be okay just by acting a little? How naive. You've been given the
opportunity to repent but you didn't cherish it. It's useless for you to do anything else later! Your
whole family will die today!" Garett said with malice and fury.

Thud, thud, thud!

With the sound of rapid footsteps, a group of security guards rushed over.

Captain Torres trotted to Garett's side. He saw Garett's bruised nose, swollen face, and
bloodstained clothes.

He gasped in shock. "Gosh, Director Ball, your injuries look serious. Why don't I send you to the
emergency room first?" Captain Torres said flatteringly.

"Do you want to make me a laughing stock of the emergency department? Help me catch hold
of that family of losers first. I want to take care of them!"

At the arrival of the security guards, Garett felt a lot more confident. His tone was much harsher.

"Yes, of course."

Captain Torres turned to Philip, sized up his attire, and sneered, "Boy, how dare you hit Director
Ball? You must be tired of living. Hurry up and apologize to Director Ball. Otherwise, you'll be
sent to the authorities for harassment and public nuisance."

"I don't need his apology. Just catch hold of them. I want to teach them a lesson with my own
hands!" Garett said sternly.

"Who do you want to teach a lesson to?"

Suddenly, Taylor Goode's voice came from behind the crowd.

Hearing Taylor's voice, Garett and Captain Torres were shocked. They did not expect the dean
to show up.

Captain Torres gestdred to his security guards who immediately made way for him.

Captain Torres bowed and greeted Taylor. "Dean Goode, I was called here by Director Ball. He
was beaten up quite badly, so do you think we should subside the perpetrators and call the
police to deal with them?"

Taylor's appearance caused Captain Torres to switch sides immediately. He reported the
situation to Taylor.
Garett narrowed his eyes as he looked at Philip. Seeing Philip's calm expression, Garett f1It

Could it be that Dean Goode was really summoned here by this poor loser?

Chapter 2149 Janet stood next to Garett and whispered, "Garett, why is this happening?"

"How would I know? Maybe it's a coincidence. Let's watch and see what happens."

Garett turned around, walked to Taylor, and said pitifully, "Dean Goode, you came just in time.
Look at my face. I was beaten by this thug. You have to stand up for me."

Taylor looked at Garett's face and said bitterly, "You deserve it!"

"What?" Garett stared blankly at Taylor, unable to figure out why Taylor would say something
like that.

"Dean Goode, what do you mean by that? I've done more than enough for you over the years.
Now that I've been beaten up by this poor loser, you said that I deserve it?"

"Don't you? Just think about what you've done. Have you investigated the truth of the matter? If
you hadn't made them pissed, would they have beaten you up? You should reflect on what
you've done!"

Taylor rebuked aloud.

Garett shrank back. If they traced this case to the root of the problem, it would lead back to

"Dean Goode, why are you helping them? They're just a bunch of losers!"

Janet shouted indignantly.

Taylor looked at Janet and said coldly, "This matter was caused by you, right? Tell us what

"What else could it be? My son was playing with that wild daughter of theirs. That brat grabbed
my son's face and pushed him. I asked that brat to apologize and she talked back to me."

"When I was about to teach that brat a lesson, that loser rushed over and hit me. The marks on
my face are still here! After that, I called my brother. Look at my brother's face. He was also
beaten up by that poor loser!"

Janet shouted shrilly as if she wanted to vent all her anger.

Taylor pointed to the monitor not far away and said, "Captain Torres, download the footage to
see if things happened as she said. If not, contact the relevant departments of District 4to deal
with it. I think a three to five-month sentence will suffice in this situation."

"Yes, I'll get someone to download the surveillance footage and verify,"

Captain Torres said loudly.

Hearing that the footage would be downloaded and sent to the relevant authorities, Janet
panicked. What she said just now was all made up. If they really watched the footage,
everything would be exposed.

Most importantly, Janet was a prideful person. If she was really sent to jail for three to five
months, she would lose all dignity if word of it got out.

Janet looked at Garett with pleading eyes. Garett was also a little flustered.

He quickly pulled Captain Torres and said with a smile, "Dean Goode, this isn't necessary. We
don't need to get the surveillance footage for such a small matter."

"Hehe, it seems that you've figured it out. I don't mind not looking at the surveillance footage,
but you have to apologize to Mr. Clarke and his family. As long as Mr. Clarke agrees not to
pursue this matter, this will end here."

Hearing Taylor's words, Garett's eyes flickered and he asked in a low voice, "Dean Goode, do
you know that loser?"

"If he's a loser, then you're scum. No, saying that you're scum would be a compliment. You're
not even worthy to be scum," Taylor said coldly.

This person in front was the young master of the Clarke family. Although Taylor did not know
which one, he was not someone Garett could insult!

Garett felt a little dizzy and could not figure out Taylor's metaphor. How could he not be worthy
of being scum? Garett Ball was the department head and earned an annual salary of millions.
Many medical representatives would fight to be in his shoes!

"Aren't you going to apologize? If you don't do it right now, we really have to download the
surveillance footage."

Taylor exerted pressure.

Garett gritted his teeth fiercely, turned his head to stare at Philip, lowered his head, and said, "I
was wrong."

"Your attitude is not sincere enough," Philip said coldly.

Chapter 2150 "Garett Ball, is this how you apologize? According to the hospital's regulations,
what you have done warrants a dismissal. If your apology doesn't satisfy Mr. Clarke, you may
pack your things and get out."

Taylor dared not defend Garett. If Philip misunderstood, Taylor might lose his position as dean
any minute.

Garett was shocked. He did not expect Taylor to speak up for Philip like this. Thinking about his
position, the generous drug commissions, and everything that those gorgeous medical
representatives were willing to offer, Garett gritted his teeth.

"I'm deeply aware of my mistakes, I shouldn't have defended my relatives indiscriminately. I

made a big mistake in the spur of the moment and damaged the reputation of Newsea Hospital
in District 4. I'll definitely change my ways. I hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to
turn over a new leaf."

After Garett finished speaking, he looked at Janet with a pleading look in his eyes. If Janet
continued to kick up a big fuss, Garett was bound to suffer the consequences.

Janet also felt a little creeped out. She was mainly intimidated at the mention of downloading
the surveillance footage and sending it to the relevant authorities.

For a moment, she also felt like giving up. "I know my mistake too. I shouldn't have gotten
involved in the fight between the two kids. It's all because I love my son too much, so I lost my
rationale and did the wrong thing. I hope you can forgive me."

Janet said with her head lowered and her eyes filled with tears.

She felt extremely humiliated. She had never bowed her head and apologized to someone in
public before.

Tom looked up at his mother and uncle. He pouted unhappily at Philip and his family.

Janet pulled Tom a little and whispered, "Apologize to that brat... No, that little girl."

"Mom, I don't want to say it. Why should I apologize?" Tom was full of reluctance.

Janet squatted down and whispered in Tom's ear. Tom then said reluctantly, "I'm sorry, I
shouldn't have hit you."
Janet wiped her tears, stood up, and said, "This should be enough, right? We have already
apologized. Can we go now?"

Taylor turned to Philip. As long as Philip said no, this matter would not be over.

Philip nodded slightly. He could not be bothered about a bunch of unrelated people. It was better
to spend more time with Mila.

Seeing Philip's nod, Taylor said with a smile, "Well then, this matter is settled."

"Okay." Janet gritted her teeth and hurried away with her son.

Garett glanced at Taylor and followed Janet out with his head lowered.

"Captain Torres, you may return to your workstation," Taylor said with a wave of his hand.

Captain Torres waved at the security guards and quickly left with them.

"Mr. Clarke, this mess has made all of you unhappy. I'll make internal arrangements for Garett,
and we'll also immediately arrange a dedicated person to be responsible for Mila's medical
examination," Taylor said.

He thought that Philip and his family were just members of a distant branch family of the
Clarkes. Otherwise, why would core members of the Clarke family come to the district hospital?
Should they not be treated in Clarke Manor?

"Okay, just make the arrangements for us. You may return to your work," Philip said blandly.

"Yes, I'll take care of it."

After saying that, Taylor left quickly.

Philip turned around, smiled, and stretched out his arms to Mila. "Mila, come and give me a

Chapter 2151 "Dad, you're amazing. I love you the most."

Mila smiled sweetly and jumped into Philip's arms.

"Dad, kiss me and lift me high up."

Philip laughed and kissed Mila on the cheek before lifting her high in the air.
"Haha, it's so high!" Mila's laughter was like tinkling bells.

Wynn looked at Philip and Mila quietly. A happy smile bloomed on her face. Wynn was in a
relaxed mood and felt that she had not been this relaxed and happy for a long time.

Philip walked to Wynn with Mila in his arms, "Mila, look at how beautiful your mother is."

"Mom is beautiful. She's the most beautiful person in the world. When I grow up, I want to be as
beautiful as Mom."

Mila leaned on Wynn's shoulder, wrapped her arms around Wynn's neck, and looked at Wynn

Wynn gently bopped Mila on the nose. "You sweet talker."

"Mom, I want something delicious. I want ice cream," Mila said childishly.

Wynn smiled and stretched out her arms to take Mila from Philip's arms. "Let's go. I'll bring you
to eat something delicious."

"You go, then. I'll have a chat with the new doctor arranged by Dean Goode later."

"Okay. You have to be polite to the doctor." Wynn urged him.

Philip said wryly, "That's for sure. I'm not a violent man."

Wynn nodded and walked out with Mila in her arms.

Philip walked to a bench and sat down, waiting for the doctor to arrive. Incidentally, he sent a
message to George to find out who from the branch family did not allow Mila to receive
treatment in Clarke Manor. The branch family was still up to no good!

Janet and her son had just gotten into a BMW with Garett. The faces of the three were filled with

"Garett, what have you been doing in the hospital? You've already become the director but your
words don't carry any weight at all! I've helped you for nothing all these years!" Janet
complained in dissatisfaction.

"Dean Goode was there, wasn't he? If Dean Goode hadn't helped that loser, I'd have taken care
of him. We can't take this lying down. We have to take care of that loser properly."

Garett was extremely depressed. Now that he was all bruised and swollen, he did not know how
to return to work. If he did return, he would be the laughing stock of his subordinates.
"Your husband is in charge of all the private hospitals in District 4. Moreover, he has cooperation
with the members of the branch Clarke family on our island. If he steps forward, even the dean
would have to be polite to him. Should we ask him to step in?" Garett said with a twinkle in his

By asking his brother-in-law to step in, not only could it help Garett regain some dignity but it
could also deter Dean Goode and let him know that he had a backer.

Janet nodded slowly, took out her mobile phone, and called her husband, Bud Renner.

"Hello, Janet, how was your visit to the hospital with our son?" Bud's voice came over the

"Don't mention it. Your son and I were nearly beaten to death. My brother came out to help and
was also beaten. He has bruises on his face now. That old man Taylor Goode even defended
those people who beat us up. We can't live anymore." Janet sobbed and wailed.

Bud immediately frowned. His wife and child were bullied. A man could never tolerate this.

"Who did it? How dare they do this to my wife and child? What is Taylor Goode doing? Does he
still want to continue running that shabby hospital of his?"

"Why are you yelling at me? If you have the ability, come over and help us take revenge. Take
care of those poor losers and that old dog Taylor Goode!"

Bud said vehemently. "Wait, I'll go over immediately. This matter won't be over until they're

Chapter 2152 Bud hurried to the hospital. When he saw the slap marks on Janet's face and the
bruises on his brother-in-law's face, he was furious.

After taking out his mobile phone and dialing Taylor's number, Bud yelled, "Taylor Goode, are
you blind?"

"President Renner, what do you mean by that? Did I do something wrong?" Taylor asked in

"Damn it, you sure can put on a show. My wife is Janet Ball, my brother-in-law is Garett Ball,
and my son is Tom Renner! Don't you know what happened to them?"

Taylor shuddered and complained inwardly. He did not expect Garett to have such connections.
Judging from Bud's attitude, he was afraid things would not turn out well!
The anxious Taylor was suddenly at a loss. On one hand, it was Mr. Clarke. On the other hand,
it was the vice president of the Medical Federation who managed the hospitals in District 4. Both
parties were people he could not afford to offend.

Taylor did not know much about Philip's identity. George had only revealed that he was a young
master of the Clarke family. As for his exact status, he was unsure.

After all, there were countless young masters in the Clarke family. Some only held a title with no

"President Renner, please calm down. There must be a misunderstanding here."

"Bullshit! Where is the scumbag who bullied my family? I'm going to take care of him right now.
You need to get the hell in front of me and make amends to my family!"

Garett said flatteringly, "Bud, I know where he is. I'll take you there."

Bud hung up the phone and said decisively, "Lead the way. Let me take care of this piece of

"Okay, at your service!"

Garett acted as the guide and led Bud and his family to the hospital building.

Bud strode domineeringly and entered the corridor of the emergency room.

Garett pointed at Philip and shouted, "Bud, he's the one who beat us up just now!"

Bud's face darkened as he looked at Philip with hostility. "How dare you make a move against
my wife and child? This is a revolt. Come here and kneel in front of me. Where are your wife
and kid? I'm going to strip you naked today so everyone can see how ugly your family is!"

Tom glared at Philip and said loudly, "Dad, strip them naked! I want to stomp on their bodies!"

"Good son, wait until I take care of them, then you can stomp on them as much as you want!"
Bud said imposingly as if he had already dealt with Philip.

Philip looked at Bud and said coldly, "Where did this barking dog come from?"

"What did you say? How dare you say that I'm barking?! Do you know who I am? I'm the vice
president of the Medical Federation in District 4! As long as I say the word, no hospital in District
4 will dare to treat you in the future. You can just wait and die from illness!"

Bud was full of anger and roared.

At this time, Taylor Goode hurried over and said quickly, "President Renner, this is all a
misunderstanding. Listen to my explanation."

"Who the hell are you? What else is there to explain? My wife, son, and brother-in- law had an
accident in your territory. It's too late for you to explain now!"

Bud waved his arm and shouted.

Taylor was also a little intimidated. Facing someone like Bud Renner who had a say in the
hospital's management, Taylor could only fawn over him with a smile.

However, Bud was not showing him an ounce of respect or even giving him an opportunity,
which made things difficult for Taylor.

Taylor walked up to Philip and said in a low voice, "Mr. Clarke, this is the vice president of
District 4's Medical Federation. He happens to be in charge of us, It won't be easy to handle

"It's just a small matter," Philip said lightly.

Chapter 2153 Taylor suddenly felt confident. If Mr. Clarke said it was a small matter, it must be

Seeing Taylor talking to Philip, Bud said with his head held high, "Dean Goode, why are you still
talking crap with him? Get your people to hold him down, tie him up, and strip him naked. Then,
find his wife and kid for me too. Since he dares to disgrace my family, I'll make him unable to

make a comeback for the rest of his life and make his entire family live a life of shame. I want to
take pictures and record videos so that they'll forever regret the things they did today!"

What Bud said was extremely vicious, and Taylor shuddered upon hearing that. He simply
thought that it was true when everyone in the industry said that Bud Renner was someone who
could not be messed with. This guy was indeed very ruthless.

"You're quite creative. It seems that I can let you go through that exact experience later," Philip
said with a smile.

Bud frowned, feeling that Philip was mocking him. "You should get over here and undress. If I
get people to do it for you, they won't be so polite. I'll give you the count of ten to get here."

"Ten, nine, eight... Bud counted down with a grim expression.

Philip stood up and walked toward Bud, who had a smug look on his face. "Hahaha, a loser like
you finally knows how to be afraid. No one who offended me got a good ending. If you take the
initiative, I can still show you some mercy."


Philip slapped Bud across his face. Bud was momentarily stunned before he shouted, "How
dare you hit me?! Taylor Goode, call your people over here at once! Otherwise, I'll shut you
down today!"

Taylor looked at Philip unhappily, thinking that Philip was too reckless. Hitting others could not
solve the problem at all. If Bud really had some means, the hospital would really get shut down.

"Damn it, my words don't carry any weight, huh? I can't order you around, huh? Just you wait. I'll
make a call right now!"

Bud took out his phone, made a call, and shouted, "Prepare a corrective order and send it to me
as soon as possible!"

Hearing Bud's words, Taylor felt his knees going weak. Things had ended up with corrective

"Mr. Clarke..."

Taylor looked at Philip pleadingly.

"Don't worry."

Philip also took out his phone and dialed George's number. "Young Master, what are your
orders?" George's respectful voice drifted from the receiver.

"A person named Bud Renner from District 4's Medical Federation brought his family along to
mess with me. Come over and deal with it," Philip said flatly.

"Sure, I'll be there right away."

George hung up the phone, thought about it for a while, and recalled Bud Renner's situation.

With a sneer, he said, "How dare he offend the young master? He must be tired of living."

George asked someone to prepare a car and dialed a number while walking. He said a few
words before he got in his car and hurried to the hospital. He had gone to Clarke Manor just
now to prepare some things.
After all, George's reputation in District 4 was not very useful. These things could only be
handled through other people. District 4 was the territory of the branch family.

The entire Arcadia Island was divided into districts. The main and branch families were in
charge of their respective areas.

The main family was in charge of districts 1, 2,3, 6, 7,8, and 9, while the branch family was in
charge of districts 4,5,10, 11, and 13.

As for District 12, no one was in charge of it and it was considered a neutral zone. That was
because the former owner was Charlotte Larson! It was the only area in the entire Arcadia
Island that was run by a person with a different last name.

Chapter 2154 Meanwhile, Bud hung up the phone and said to Taylor with his head held high,
"Aren't you going to do what I told you to? If you still don't do it, don't blame me for being
merciless later!"

Taylor looked at Philip before taking out his phone and dialing Captain Torres' number.

"Captain Torres, bring your men to the emergency room."

"Hahaha, Taylor, you still have some sense."

Bud laughed smugly.

Soon, Captain Torres rushed over with the security guards.

Philip smiled and pursed his lips at Bud.

Taylor shouted sternly, "Captain Torres, hold them down!"

With Taylor's order, Captain Torres led the security guards and pounced on Bud and the others
like they were predators.

Bud, who was pressed against the wall by the two security guards, felt his brain buzzing. He
could not figure out why Taylor had such guts.

"Dean Goode, you have a lot of nerve! Bud, hurry up and chastise him. Tell these security
guards to let go of me. My face hurts!"

Garett was held down by a security guard on the back of his head, and his entire face was firmly
pressed against the wall. His cheek that was swollen from Philip's earlier beating was squeezed
even more painfully after coming into close contact with the wall.
Janet was not in a good state either. Two security guards had grabbed Janet's arms and were
twisting them, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Ow, it hurts! Bastards, let go! Bud, save me!"

Bud glared at Taylor and roared. "Taylor Goode, are you mad? How dare you ask your people to
do this to me? Believe it or not, I'll demolish your hospital!"

"President Renner, you refused to listen when I spoke nicely to you, so I can only talk to you in
this manner. I'm not mad. Mr. Clarke is the one who gave me the guts and courage to act like

Taylor stood next to Philip, looking like Philip's butler.

After all, he was the young master of the Clarke family. Even if it was only the branch family,
Bud should not be able to mess with him. The Clarke family's bloodline was very noble, after all.

Philip looked at Bud with great interest and said with a smile, "Your family is really
rambunctious. Since I can't reason with you, I have to use some means to make you behave."

"Damn it, who the fuck do you think you are? Taylor Goode, you must have lost your mind to
listen to this punk! Do you think he can defend you?"

Bud roared in anger. He simply could not figure out how Taylor made his choice. Could it be that
Taylor had been bewitched? Apart from such a mystical explanation, Bud could not think of
another logical explanation at all.

Captain Torres felt slightly smug. When he met Bud before, he had to be respectful like a
bootlicker, but this time, the tide had turned.

"Mr. Clarke, Dean Goode, what should we do next? Should we bring them to the security

"No need. Someone will be here shortly to take them away," Philip said flatly.

Captain Torres was taken aback before he said with a smile, "Sure."

"Get them into a squatting position. Cooperate obediently if you don't want to suffer. Otherwise,
don't blame me for being rough."

The security guards who held the three people down exerted some force into their arms and
kicked the back of the detainee's knees, making them kneel.
Bud, Garett, and Janet who were kicked in the back of their knees simply could not stand still
and had to kneel.

"Oh my, I just told you to squat but you guys are kind enough to kneel instead. Mr. Clarke, see
how polite they are. Do you want them to bow down too?"

Captain Torres said teasingly.

"Damn it, just you wait. As long as you don't get me killed today, I'll send all of you to hell!" Bud
said resentfully.

"Bud, kill them! Let them die! I've never been humiliated like this since I was a child!" Janet cried
and screamed.

Taylor shook his head and mourned for Bud. He still could not see the situation clearly at a time
like this. When the people that Philip had called arrived later, it was estimated that this entire
family would be wiped out.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded. George Thomas trotted over with a plump middle-aged

Hearing the footsteps, Bud turned his head and looked back. When he saw the chubby middle-
aged man, Bud's eyes glowed with excitement. The president had arrived!

Chapter 2155 "President Pan, why are you here? Hurry over and ask them to let me go. We
have to issue a corrective order to this hospital immediately. They're simply too rude. This is not
a hospital that saves people but kills people instead!" Bud said quickly.

President Pan glanced at Bud as if he was thin air, simply ignoring him.

Bud's heart sank to rock bottom when he watched President Pan walk past him without heeding

Was President Pan not here for him? Was President Pan called here by that loser? Could it be...

Bud dared not think further. Bud struggled to reach out in a panic and grabbed President Pan's

President Pan stopped and turned to Bud with dark eyes. "Let go, now!"

"President Pan, please help me. In the future, I'll fully cooperate with you. I'll listen to every
order you have as long as you help us!" Bud pleaded.
"You brought this upon yourself. Don't drag me down with you. You're just a cocky vice president
with your nose high up in the air! Do you think you're the top person in District 4? Where is this
place? This is Arcadia Island! You have to watch your every move, understand?"

President Pan was completely annoyed with Bud. Of all people, why did he choose to mess with
this young master of the Clarke family?

"What's going on? I didn't do anything. They're just ordinary poor losers."

Before Bud finished speaking, President Pan raised his foot and kicked Bud in the face.

The latter half of Bud's words were shoved back into his throat.

"You're the poor loser. Your whole family are full of poor losers. You're nothing but a frog sitting
at the bottom of the well and you think that the sky is only as big as the opening of the well!"

Bud's brain buzzed, and his soul almost flew away from President Pan's kick.

He muttered, "What the hell is going on?"

President Pan ignored Bud, walked up to Philip, and bent his fat waist with difficulty. "Young
Master Clarke, it's all my fault for not maintaining the discipline of the federation that this mess
came about today. I take full responsibility for it and ask for your punishment."

President Pan admitted his mistake at once.

President Pan felt that if he shirked from his responsibilities when facing a character like Philip,
he would definitely be severely punished. If he took the initiative to admit his mistake, he might
be sentenced lightly.

Seeing President Pan's fawning appearance after meeting Philip, Bud and his family completely
broke down.

What was this Philip Clarke's background? This was the question Bud wanted to know the
answer to the most.

"President Pan, do you like taking responsibility?" Philip said as he sized up President Pan.

President Pan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He did not expect Philip to not play by the

This was an expert, a kingpin. Only an amazing person like Philip was qualified to play outside

the rules. President Pan shouted wildly in his heart.

"You don't need to take any responsibility, just deal with this garbage."

Philip pointed at Bud.

Janet and Garett were dumbfounded. President Pan was like a bootlicker in front of Philip. Such
a scene was beyond the limits of their imagination.

Right before this, President Pan was already a great figure in their opinion. Bud understood now
that Philip, who was sitting across from him, was not a poor loser at all. He was definitely a
boss-level figure. Otherwise, President Pan would not fawn over him like this!

"Let go of me. I want to apologize to Mr. Clarke!"

The security guards holding Bud down looked at Philip.

Philip nodded slightly, and the two security guards let go of Bud decisively.

Chapter 2156 Bud was freed but he did not stand up. Instead, he crawled on his knees to Philip.

"Mr. Clarke, I was wrong. It's the fault of that prodigal woman in my family. If not for her lack of
foresight, I'd never have offended you. And that Garett Ball is also out of his mind. If not for his
help and abet, my wife wouldn't have offended you. I'll teach them a lesson right away."

Philip frowned slightly, feeling a little disgusted with Bud's behavior of shifting the blame like


Seeing that Philip was not speaking, Bud stood up and walked to Garett. "Bud, what are you
doing? I was trying to protect your wife! How dare you blame me?"

"Fuck off! How much trouble have you and your sister caused me? If it wasn't because I was
trying to help you, I wouldn't have gotten into trouble!"

Bud roared and kicked Garett wildly.

Garett was being held down by the security guards and could not even dodge.

His whole body was soon in pain from the kick, and he slumped on the floor.

Bud, who was struggling to survive, turned to Janet. At this moment, Bud just wanted Philip to
forgive him so that he could keep his job and status. As long as he did not lose his job, women
and children were within reach. If he lost his job, Bud would not know how to continue with his
"Bud, I was wrong. I know my mistake. Don't hit me. I'll apologize to him and beg him for mercy.
He can do whatever he wants to me," Janet said in a panic.

"You bitch! How could Mr. Clarke vent his anger without beating you up? Not only will I hit you
today but I'll hit myself too if the situation calls for it! Our family deserves a good beating!" Bud
roared frantically and kept kicking Janet with his right foot, making her scream.

"Ow, you're really hitting me! You useless piece of shit! You dare not fight with others outside but
are taking it out on your wife instead! President Pan, I want to report Bud Renner. I want to
report him for abusing his power and extorting money. He's even keeping a mistress outside!"
Janet shouted like a madwoman.

"I'm going to kill you. I just knew that you and I are not on the same wavelength. You even dare
to report me. If not for you, would I have done this? You're the one who ruined me!"

Philip looked at the Renner family and shook his head helplessly.

President Pan said awkwardly, "I'll definitely deal with it strictly. I hope you'll trust me."

"Okay, take them back and deal with it properly. Such people should be investigated and
handled properly. Don't condone their wrongs," Philip said calmly.

"Yes, of course. I'll deal with it per your instructions."

President Pan gestured to Taylor Goode, who immediately arranged for the security guards to
escort Bud and his family to go with President Pan.

Following that, Philip looked at George, who was standing on one side. He asked coldly, "Have
you found out who from the branch family is behind this?"

George hurriedly stepped forward and bowed as he said, "Young Master, it was Levi's idea."

Levi Clarke? Hehe, very good!

Philip had let go of him but he still dared to jump out!

"Take Mila and Wynnie back first. Contact the best doctor to do a check-up. In addition, inform
Levi that I'll visit him tomorrow. I want to see what he wants!"

Philip said coldly, his eyes shining brightly!

George nodded before he took out a letter from his gray suit and handed it to Philip.
He said, "Young Master, I have a document here. The other party asked me to hand it to you."

Philip glanced sideways at the document in George's hand and asked in confusion, "Who is it?"

"One of the three current district masters of District 12, Seth Larson."

George said with a tense look on his face, "He's one of the children your mother adopted back

Chapter 2157A kid his mother adopted back then? Seth Larson?

Philip's eyes darkened as he looked at George in confusion and asked, "He's my mother's
adopted son?"

George nodded and said, "Yes, Young Master. Seth is the child that First Madam brought back
from outside back then. Not many people from the Clarke family have seen him but your father
knows of his existence. After your mother's accident, he took over District 12 and became one
of the three district owners."

Hearing this, Philip fell silent. A faint streak of light flickered in his eyes as he looked at the letter
in his hand. He thought about it and tore it open.

The content inside was very simple. Seth invited Philip to District 12, saying that he had
something to discuss.

At the end of the letter was the emblem of District 12, a black star pattern.

From this letter, it could be seen that this person named Seth Larson made concise statements
and was a man of few words. He was someone who preferred action more than talking.

From this, his personality was probably calm, reserved, and wily.

Philip exhaled, his heart a little unsettled. He never knew that his mother had an adopted son.

"Do you know his details? Where did he come from?" Philip asked.

George shook his head and said, "Young Master, I don't know much about District Master Seth.
I think only your mother would know about his background and origin. Now that your mother is
not here, no one knows anything about him. However, maybe the lord knows something."

Philip frowned and found it difficult to calm down. A person with no background was a district
owner of the neutral zone in Arcadia Island. His mother's adopted son in name suddenly invited
him to be a guest in District 12.
No matter how Philip looked at it, this matter reeked of a conspiracy. That was because District
12 was an area left unchecked. Even members of the Clarke family on Arcadia Island might not
be able to intervene in the matters there.

That place was a sin city that had its own rules and codes of conduct. It could be said that
District 12 was like the violent neighborhoods in certain movies and TV shows.

It was the paradise of sin, a place where desire was amplified infinitely. Once inside, it would be
difficult to get back out.

However, although it was a mixed crowd inside there, it was possible to inquire about many
things not known in the outside world and even things that the outside world could not

After all, that was the area that his mother used to be in charge of. It was also the only area that
the Clarke family of Arcadia Island could not touch.

Three district masters ruled District 12. The other two district masters were loyal subordinates to
his mother back then, but now, it was hard to say. After all, his mother was gone, and many
people and things had changed.

After careful consideration, Philip said, Send Mila and Wynn back. I'll take a look.

Upon hearing that, George's face darkened as he said nervously, "Young Master, are you going
alone? You can't do that. The danger level in District 12 is more terrifying than that of the branch
family. There's no such thing as the Clarke family there. Even a Clarke has to lower their noble
head there."

Philip waved his hand and said, "Hehe, I've decided. Since they've sent out an invitation, why
shouldn't I go? If I don't go, wouldn't it seem like I, the eldest young master of the main Clarke
family, am incompetent, weak, and afraid? Don't worry. Since Seth is my mother's adopted son,
him sending me an invitation now means that he won't do anything to me. Maybe we can even
become very good friends."

"This..." A look of hesitation flashed across George's face as he added, "Then I'll arrange for the
main family's guards to go along with you. We should at least take the minimum precaution."

Philip knew that George was worried about his safety. He thought about it and said, "Okay."

Chapter 2158A few minutes later, Wynn returned with Mila, who was happily holding an ice
cream in her hand. She pounced into Philip's arms and said with a smile, "Dad, eat some ice

Philip smiled and took a bite, leaving some cream at the corner of his mouth.
He hugged Mila, turned her around several times, and scratched her on the nose. Then, he
turned to Wynn and said, "Wynnie, George will arrange someone to bring you back later. I still
have something to do and will be back later."

"Again? You just came back. Where are you going again?" Wynn was a little angry.

Why was Philip so busy recently?

Philip smiled, walked up to Wynn, stroked her head, and said, "I'm just meeting a friend and will
be back soon. By the way, get ready tomorrow. I want to bring you somewhere."

"Where?" Wynn asked doubtfully.

"My mother's mausoleum," Philip said.

He initially planned to take Wynn to pay homage to his mother after the ancestor
commemoration day, but with the current situation, he could only push the date forward.

When Wynn heard this, her brows trembled as she said, "Mother-in-law's mausoleum? Okay, I'll
wait for you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Philip responded.

Soon, the person arranged by George arrived to pick up Wynn and Mila.

Philip waved as he looked at the departing Mercedes before he turned around and walked
toward the four black Cadillacs parked on the side

These four cars were the escort vehicles of the Clarke family. They were equipped with
bulletproof glass and frames! Even missiles could not do much damage to these cars.

Moreover, the vehicles were installed with high-tech computer technology with electronic
information systems. When encountering enemies, the car could navigate automatically to find
the best escape route, launch missiles, and so on!

After Philip got into the car, he saw three fully armed guards in black berets and black combat
uniforms sitting in the car! The combat uniforms and berets on them were different from those of
other guards. They were made of black iron, making them look like space warriors!

Moreover, the guns in their hands were not ordinary but with deadlier force! This was the most
powerful battle group in the Clarke family apart from the Dragon Knights and Shadow Squadron!

They were a high-tech modern combat escort!

They held the title of the Necrons! According to the most secret data in the Clarke family, there
were only 300 members in this regiment!

These 300 people had never revealed their true faces in front of others. There were even
doubts if a human could be found under that armor!

Four vehicles and nine Necrons esconed Philip to District 12 where the most complex forces
and the largest flow of people on Arcadia Island resided.

District 12 was also known as the Death Block! The black convoy weaved through the streets
full of neon lights across six districts, including Districts 4, 6, 8, and 10 among others.

Each time they passed through a district barrier, the soldiers in charge of patrolling would salute
and let them pass upon seeing the pure black iron token with the word 'Necron' shown by the
Necron in the co-passenger seat.

After checking, the patrol leader of the district checkpoint would immediately report to the district

The heads of the six districts immediately received reports of this.

One of the three mysterious battle groups of Arcadia Island that was barely seen, the Necrons,
had crossed six districts. Their destination was District 12!

Chapter 2159 After the district leaders received the reports from the checkpoint teams, they
were stunned!

Warriors of the Necron?

They had made a move! Moreover, they were headed to District 12, the Death Block! Which big
shot from the main Clarke family was going to District 12?

They immediately reported the unexpected situation to the actual district ruler!

After all, that was the Necrons! They were one of the three major battle groups of the main
Clarke family!

Inside the branch family manor, several elders of the branch family were gathered together to
discuss the ancestor commemoration day that would take place the day after tomorrow.

Wade Clarke was sitting in an armchair at this moment, looking at his second brother who was
pale and in bad shape.
He said, "Morrow, during the ceremony, we must make things difficult for that boy from the main
family! Otherwise, there's no way the branch family can regain the dignity we lost the last time!"

"Yeah, Morrow. That kid was so arrogant that day. It was really disrespectful to the branch
family. Third Madam Aria Tsar and Horace Clarke were also so arrogant and domineering. They
simply held no regard for us!" Hansel echoed, his face full of anger.

On the side, Salem snacked on tidbits calmly without saying a word.

Morrow, who sat in the main seat in the middle hall, coughed into a handkerchief. He said
slowly, "Don't mention this matter again. The chieftain has already given an order not to cause
any trouble during the ceremony. Are you going to defy his order?"

Hearing that, Wade got up angrily and said, "The chieftain has no other choice, but as the heads
of the branch family, we can't just let the matter rest. Otherwise, how can we exert our influence
on Arcadia Island? How can we lead the Clarke family to greater glory? Now, the door of the
main family is about to open. If we don't do something to the main family at this time and allow
Philip to enter the door and become another genius like Roger Clarke, our branch family will
never have the chance to turn the tide!"

Faced with Wade's rant, Morrow fell into deep contemplation. He glanced at his third brother
and asked, "Salem, what do you think?"

Salem smiled faintly, his round stomach full of grease. He put down the snack in his hand and
said with a chuckle, "Wade is right. The main family has gone too far this time. That boy Philip
did this to the branch family but the grand elder still took his side. He even ordered the chieftain
to be grounded for two days. If the branch family just accepts this treatment, it'll indeed leave a
bad impression on the outside world."

"Moreover, we face two problems now. First, Philip will soon inherit the position as head of the
main family. Although he may not necessarily take up the top position immediately, he'll slowly
penetrate the various industries and plans of the main family. Secondly, the door of the main
family will open soon. According to the information we received, Philip is the next candidate as
the owner of the door, He's also the most promising candidate to enter the door. However,
there's a controllable factor here, and that's the blood of the next of kin. I have already arranged
for people to look for Hannah's whereabouts outside."

After saying that, Salem took a sip of tea and continued, "These two situations now are the
problems that the branch family must face. We can either stop Philip from inheriting the main
family and prevent him from targeting the branch family, or we can prevent Philip from entering
the door to disrupt Roger's plan. In this way, the branch family can have a chance to breathe.
After all, the chieftain is still half a step away from Roger's level. He just came out from behind
three doors and his strength is still unstable. He still needs the help of that thing behind the
Clarke family's door."

After Salem finished speaking, he sat there quietly.

Chapter 2160 Morrow frowmed and coughed violently into a handkerchief before saying, "What
do the rest of you think?"

Wade exchanged a glance with Hansel and said, "Morrow, what we can do now is stop Philip
from inheriting the Clarke family. Making things difficult for him during the commemoration
ceremony is the best option. Besides, we already have a plan. Look at this document."

After saying that, Wade took out an envelope and handed it to Morrow. Morrow opened the
envelope and glanced at it.

The expression on his face suddenly became very nervous and flustered! "This... Is she really
the sinned descendant of the Lovelace family?"

When Morrow saw the contents of this letter, his entire face trembled as his eyes widened. They
were filled with shock and horror!

Wade sneered and said, "Yes, Morrow. This wife of Philip, also the young madam of the main
family, is none other than the surviving child of the sinful Lovelace family! It's simply a huge
disgrace for such a person with sinful blood to become the young madam of our Clarke family.
It's the greatest disrespect to all our ancestors! If this matter is exposed, not only Philip but also
Roger won't be able to refuse!"

Hansel also smirked and said, "Morrow, this matter is imminent. If we make a fuss about it, I
believe the main family won't dare to say anything. When the time comes, not only will that bitch
be kicked out of the Clarke family but she'll also be lynched! Her kids will also suffer the most

severe punishment! I refuse to believe that Philip will be able to stay calm and not make a move
when that happens. As long as he dares to make a move during the commemoration ceremony,
we have a reason to take him down and revoke his identity as the heir. Roger will be dragged
down as well!"

Hansel, Wade, and the others had planned this a long time ago, so they were fully prepared and

Morrow's eyes flickered as he looked at the contents of the letter in his hand.

After a long time, he asked, "Does the chieftain know about this?"
Wade replied, "Of course, he does, but it's inconvenient for him to take a stand. I think he wants
us to take care of it. After all, this matter has great implications and involves the confidential
issues of the main family, so the chieftain can't intervene easily. However, you can rest assured
that once the main family crosses the line, the chieftain will not sit idly by."

Morrow nodded and hesitated before asking, "What about the grand elder? He hates the lineage
of the sinned blood very much. If he knows about Wynn's background, won't he personally take

Wade's face darkened as he said, "To tell you the truth, according to the reports we received,
Philip took that little bitch and his daughter to visit the grand elder a few days ago. Rumor has it
that the grand elder got angry and drove out Philip and that little bitch. I think the grand elder
knows something."

Hearing that, Morrow's face turned grim.

After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind. He said, "Okay, everyone should get
ready, During the commemoration ceremony, we'll attack the main family!"

After saying that, Morrow squeezed the letter in his hand tightly. There seemed to be a chill in
his eyes.

At this time, a butler rushed in and shouted, "Masters, we received reports from Districts 4 and
10. The Necrons from the main family are on the way to District 12."

Chapter 2161 "District 12? What did you say?" Wade was the first to react with a look of
astonishment on his face.

He stared at the guard who was bowing and asked, "Are you sure that the convoy of the main
family was escorted by the Necrons to District 12?"

The guard quickly replied, "Yes, Master Wade, we're sure! The checkpoint guards at all three
districts reported the same thing. It's a convoy escorted by the Necrons. They showed their
token. Their destination is indeed District 12!"


In the hall, several of the branch family elders gasped. The main family actually sent the
Necrons to escort a convoy to District 12?

That was District 12! What the hell was the main family doing?

"Did you get a good look at the people in the car?" Hansel asked nervously.
The guard shook his head and said, "Master Hansel, according to the report, they couldn't see
the people in the car."

Hearing this, Hansel turned to Wade and Morrow. He said, "Wade, Morrow, what's the meaning
of this? Why is the main family suddenly escorting someone to District 12 at this juncture?
That's the Death Block, an unregulated area. That's Seth Larson's turf!"

Morrow's face was grave. After waving his hand to dismiss the guard, he looked at Wade and
the rest. He asked, "Who do you think it could be?"

Wade's face darkened. With his hands behind his back, he paced in the hall and roared,
"Horace Clarke? Does he want to use the power of District 12to deal with our branch family?"

"No, Wade, what you said isn't right." At this time, Salem said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Wade asked.

Salem said lightly, "Who else could it be? I'm guessing it's Philip in all likelihood. Don't forget,
one of the three district owners in District 12 is Seth Larson. That's his territory. He was brought
back by Charlotte Larson back then and is her adopted son. I think Seth has most probably
invited Philip."

Wade frowned at his words before he nodded and said, "You have a point, but Philip shouldn't
be on Arcadia Island now.

At this time, a young man walked in through the door. It was none other than Levi, who was
recovering at home from his injuries.

At this moment, he had regained his old handsome demeanor. He walked in, bowed to several
elders, and said, "Greetings to all the uncles."

Wade turned around, and the gloomy look on his face was replaced by affection. He stepped
forward, patted Levi on the shoulder, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Levi smiled and said, "Granduncle Wade, I'm here to inform you that Philip has returned. Earlier,
that bitch brought her daughter to see a doctor. All the doctors at home have received a warning
from me, so they went to the hospital in District 4 instead. Something unpleasant occurred and
Philip stepped in. According to the scouts in the hospital, it's indeed Philip who went to District

Hearing this, Wade looked grave as he turned back to Salem and the others.

His gaze fell on Morrow as he asked, "Morrow, what should we do now? Philip won't really join
forces with Seth Larson, right?"
Morrow's expression did not look good either. He frowned and coughed into his handkerchief
before asking, "Salem, what do you think?"

Salem ate a few nuts and said, "Let's wait and see what happens. Seth is not a simple
character. He's the district owner in a complex place like District 12, which is enough to show
that he's not as simple as we think. Moreover, judging from the main family's reaction by
sending the Necrons, they're also afraid of District 12. They're afraid that Seth will do something
that crosses the line."

Hearing this, Morrow nodded and said, "Then do we need to send someone over to take a

Salem shook his head, He stood up and put his hands in front of his stomach. He said, "Morrow,
District 12 is unlike Districts 4 and 5. That's the Death Block, and five miles around that area are
neutral zones. People from other districts can't enter without a permit. Moreover, if the people
inside know that our branch family sent people over to monitor the situation, I'm afraid it won't
leave a good impression."

Morrow nodded, looked at Levi, and asked, "Levi, do you have any other business here?"

Levi smiled and said, "Granduncle Morrow, I have something important to discuss with

Chapter 2162 On this side, the Necron convoy quickly entered an eight-lane expressway.

This road was like a bridge from the bustling city to the sin city. Behind the car were the very
prosperous and lively ten districts, while in front of the car were only street lights and a long
eight-lane road that seemed endless.

It took about five minutes before everyone could see the outline of District 12.

There were many towering concrete city walls like the outer walls of a prison. The eight lanes
led to a huge opening where a stone gate was raised! This was the entrance to District 12, and
the gate weighed thousands of tons!

Two teams of fully armed patrols stood outside the gate, all of them in black combat uniforms.
They looked just like those foreign armored soldiers in movies.

Every car entering and exiting this gate would undergo strict inspection. There were canines
and machine scans. It was very strict!

Philip looked at the high city wall measuring tens of meters in front of him. He could see the tall
buildings inside. They were pitch-black with few lights turned on.
The most central building of District 12 that was hundreds of meters high could be seen clearly.
It was pitch-black, and the outer shell of the entire building was made of reinforced concrete.
Only a few flashing red hazard lights could be seen.

It was said that as long as the district owner pressed a button, this building symbolizing District
12 would be locked down by iron walls from top to bottom!

No one would be allowed to enter or leave! Unless someone opened it from the inside, the
building could not collapse even if it was bombarded with artillery shells, much less be broken

That was because the outer layer of reinforced concrete was close to a meter thick!

Soon, the convoy approached the gate checkpoint. The car stopped and the engine was
switched off.

Four soldiers fully armed with guns and electronic scanning berets approached.

"Check, access permit!"

The attitude of these soldiers was rather rude and rough.

The Necron sitting in the co-passenger seat pulled out Seth's invitation letter.

The patrolling soldier glanced at the invitation letter and looked at the people in the car.

He raised his hand in a wave and shouted to the person at the barrier, "Let them through."

The car was just about to start. Suddenly, not far away, several off-road vehicles that were
converted into armored vehicles rushed out from behind the gate. They were full of heavily
armed soldiers!

The four cars drove over aggressively and surrounded Philip's convoy! Then, a man with black
sunglasses and a dark green combat uniform jumped out from the jeep in the lead.

He had a crew cut, deep scars at the corners of his eyes and mouth, and tanned skin.

He wore leather boots and led a group of more than a dozen people to approach Philip's car
with a sneer.

He stomped on the hood of the car fiercely, sneered at, sneered at Philip and the several
Necrons in the car, and shouted, "Young Master Clarke, excuse me, but my boss asked me to
invite you to the house first. I hope you can follow our vehicles without resistance. Otherwise,
we might have some unnecessary misunderstandings. My people and guns don't have eyes on
them, after all."

Chapter 2163 The man in the lead was tall and strong with a rebellious and indomitable attitude
in his words and gaze.

At the appearance of this group of people, all the soldiers in charge of patrolling the checkpoint
stood silently on the side. They did not dare to take a step forward!

Philip sat in the car and frowned as he looked out the car window at the man with his foot on the
hood. He could see that this squad that suddenly appeared had an extraordinary identity and
status in District 12.

After thinking about it, Philip stepped out of the car while escorted by the Necrons around him.

The appearance of the Necrons also made the atmosphere at the scene unusually tense!

The man in the lead naturally recognized the Necrons. With a belligerent look in his eyes, he
looked at Philip and asked, Young Master Clarke, so what do you think? Are you coming with
me or should I kidnap you?"

Philip stuffed his hands in his trouser pockets, looked indifferently at the man who was in a
battle uniform, and asked, "Who's your boss?"

The man in the lead pushed his sunglasses up his nose bridge and said in a rather pretentious
manner, "My boss is Tucker Stone."

Tucker Stone?

Philip frowned upon hearing that name with a puzzled look in his eyes. That was because
Tucker Stone was none other than one of the three district masters of District 12! Why would he
suddenly arrange for someone to stop Philip at District 12's checkpoint? Was he trying to snatch
Philip under Seth's nose?

Many thoughts crossed Philip's mind. Finally, his eyes fell on the man in combat uniform who
was in the lead. He said, "I'm sorry. I appreciate Mr. Stone's kindness but I have other things to
deal with for the time being. If Mr. Stone is really interested in me, why don't you wait for me to
take care of the matter at hand before I follow you to meet Mr. Stone?"


The man in combat uniform stomped on the hood of the vehicle until it was dented. Then, with a
cold gaze and an arrogant attitude, he stared at Philip and said, "Young Master Clarke, you're
the eldest young master of the main Clarke family on Arcadia Island and I should be respectful
to you. But don't forget, this is the territory of District 12. Your Clarke family doesn't matter here.
Here, only Master Stone's will is the king's order! Since he has invited you, you have to go!"

After saying that, the man in combat uniform waved his hand and shouted coldly, "Boys, invite
Young Master Clarke into the car!"

Instantly, the soldiers in combat. uniforms who were already standing all around raised their

guns and aimed the muzzles at Philip and the Necrons!

Philip's eyes darkened as he looked at the dozens of men in combat uniform. He was a little

Sure enough, District 12 paid no heed to the Clarke family at all. Even a small guard captain
dared to point loaded guns at him!

Philip exhaled. Seeing the dozen or so men in combat uniforms approaching him with guns,
flames of fury burst from his eyes!

However, at this moment, another group of people rushed out from the gates of District 12! The
man in the lead also wore a combat uniform. He had an angular face and a stern expression.
The only difference was that the badge on the chest of these people's combat uniforms was
different from the badge of this man with sunglasses.

Their appearance changed the situation here in an instant!

"Hubert, what did you just say? Your Master Stone's order is the king's order in District 12?
Don't you take Master Larson's orders into consideration?"

The angular-faced man barged into the scene and rebuked the man with sunglasses.

"Steven, not bad. You came here fast enough."

Hubert turned his head with a sneer, the scars on his face looking extremely hideous.

Steven snorted coldly as his stern eyes swept over the scene. He looked at Hubert's men and
said angrily, "All of you, put your guns down! Do you know who you're pointing your guns at?

He's the eldest young master of the main Clarke family! How many heads can you lose over

The men in combat uniforms brought by Hubert glanced at each other at this moment. They
looked at Steven and were about to put the guns down.
However, Hubert suddenly roared. "I'll kill whoever dares to put his gun down!"

The confrontation was imminent!

The atmosphere was unusually harsh and cold! The group of soldiers who raised their guns was
panicking at the moment!

One of them could not stand the pressure and slowly let his gun down.

Hubert's eyes went cold as he moved his right hand and suddenly pulled out his pistol from his

Chapter 2164 Bang!

A gunshot!

A circle of red appeared between the soldier's eyebrows as he fell on his back in a pool of

All this happened in a matter of seconds! Hubert's actions were completed in one fluid motion
and frightened all the soldiers he brought!

He calmly put the pistol back into the holster at his waist.

Thud, thud, thud!

His men instantly raised their guns and aimed them at Philip and the others again.

Steven's face darkened at Hubert's actions. He frowned and said angrily, "Hubert, are you
challenging District Master Larson?"

Hubert smiled and said, "Steven, don't threaten me with your district master. Our Master Stone
is also a district master on the same level! If you have the ability, let's fight to grab this person
today! Whoever wins can take him away!"

Steven's eyes twitched as a cold chill slowly emerged from his body. Both parties were in a
highly tense deadlock at this time! That was because this was District 12! It was an area where
bloodshed could occur at the slightest disagreement! Gun battless were not uncommon here!
This was the Death Block!

A crack was heard. Abruptly, a rumble of thunder sounded in the sky as if it was marking

A blue thunderbolt flashed across the night sky and illuminated the entire neighborhood!
Everyone's faces looked ghastly pale under the light.


Almost at the same time, Steven and Hubert whipped out pistols from their waists! The muzzles
of the pistols were aimed at each other's brows!

The situation was on the verge of breaking out! Everyone gasped. "Hubert, do you dare make a
move?" Steven asked coldly.

Hubert smiled cruelly and said, "Steven, we're one of a kind, so why bother with words? Tonight,
only one of us will remain standing. If you're scared, I don't mind letting you go as long as you
bow down to me."


Steven sneered, "Hubert, you've crossed the line! Young Master Clarke is a distinguished guest
invited by District Master Larson. Your actions are disrespectful to him!"

Hubert raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Stone wants me to bring Young Master Clarke
over to the mansion for a chat. After the chat, he'll naturally be released, so why are you so
nervous? Why don't I ask Master Stone to call Master Larson about this?"

"No need!"

Suddenly, a cold and deep voice came from behind everyone.

Philip stepped out. His eyes swept over Hubert, Steven, and the others. He said coldly, "I'll just
say it once, Tonight, I'm here by invitation from District Master Larson. I don't want any fuss. If
Mr. Stone really wants to invite me over, then let him wait!"

Chapter 2165 As soon as the words were spoken, it could be said that there was no room for

Hubert side-eyed the stern-faced Philip and said with a sneer, "Young Master Clarke, have you

Philip looked indifferently at Hubert and said, "No one has treated me as an object that can be
tossed around yet. Mr. Stone is the first, and for this reason, I've decided to give him a little

With that said, under everyone's baffled gaze, Philip drew a customized pistol from the waist of
a Necron by his side.

A gunshot was heard throughout the checkpoint!

In everyone's astonished eyes, they saw that Hubert's hand that held the gun had been shot by


Instantly, everyone gasped aloud. He actually fired!

That was Tucker Stone's subordinate!

In District 12, Hubert had a notorious reputation! Hubert dropped the pistol in his hand, clutched
his bloody arm as his eyes turned scarlet.

He burst out with biting killing intent as he glared at Philip and roared. "Young Master Clarke,
how dare you fire at me?! This is District 12, not your Clarke family's territory! My boss is Tucker
Stone, one of the district masters of District 12!"

However, Philip merely tossed the gun in his hand back to the Necron. He stuffed his hands in
his trouser pockets, his stern eyes revealing a biting chill as he stared at Hubert and said, "What
about Tucker Stone? What about District 12? Don't forget, this is Arcadia Island! The Clarke
family will always be in charge! A small captain like you dares to disrespect me? Even if I kill you
at District 12's entrance today, will Tucker Stone dare to come out and show his fangs to me?"

His roar shook the scene! This was the first time that someone from the Clarke family dared to
issue a challenge at the entrance of District 12! Moreover, it was against Tucker Stone!

Hubert frowned, his arm bleeding non- stop.

He stared at Philip grimly and sneered. "Very well, As expected of the eldest young master of
the main Clarke family. Such courage and confidence! I can also tell you right now that as long
as you dare to step into District 12 today, you'll make an enemy out of me, Hubert Harris! I'll
definitely keep a close eye on you! Just watch out, I'll certainly find the opportunity to kill you!

"I heard that you also brought back your wife and two kids. Haha, I hope you can protect them
well. Starting from today, you'll be up against me!"

After saying this, Hubert turned his head and wanted to leave.

However, at that moment, Philip's cold eyes that had already mellowed down sparked with
bone- chilling killing intent! He exhaled as he looked up at the sky full of rolling dark clouds and
lightning flashes. He said, "At first, I planned to leave you a way out, but you've chosen to seek
death. What I dislike the most is when people threaten me with my wife and children. The
people of District 12 are no exception."

As soon as he said that, Hubert, who had turned around and was about to leave, stopped in his

Hubert turned around again and met Philip's eyes.

At that moment, he felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast! That look was very
scary! It was as if one look from him could overwhelm a thousand enemies! Hubert's heart could
not help but tighten.

He frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Philip walked up to Hubert, stared at him coldly, and said, "My wife and kids are absolutely off-
limits. Even if this is a verbal threat, I'll still do my best to prevent any possible mishaps. I'm
sorry, but you've crossed the line and deserve to die!"

With that said, Philip threw a punch! At that moment, everyone saw Philip's fist transform into a
blazing fire chimera.


It burst out suddenly and slammed into Hubert's chest!

Chapter 2166 The fire chimera that burst out from Philip's punch pierced through Hubert's

As if being burnt by magma, Hubert's stomach was translucent from the front to the back. His
flesh and bones could be seen turning into fiery liquid!

Hubert was dumbfounded as he stared at Philip and spat out a word, "You..."

He collapsed before he could finish his words.

This scene shocked everyone. The fire chimera punched out by Philip just now flew into the sky
before it turned into a flame and disappeared into nothingness!

What method was this?

No one dared to imagine at all!

Steven frowned as he looked at Philip's punch and made a rough judgment. Like District Master
Larson, he was that kind of special talent!

Steven immediately shouted, "Everyone, listen to my order and disarm their weapons!"

At his command, the soldiers brought by Steven took down Hubert's subordinates and pressed
them to the ground!

Then, he walked up to Philip and said, "Young Master Clarke, my district master is waiting.
Please follow me."

Philip looked away from Hubert's body, nodded indifferently, and got back into the car.

Then, Philip's convoy followed Steven's convoy. They cleared the checkpoint and officially
entered District 12.

Of course, the news of what had happened at the checkpoint was quickly relayed to a brightly lit
mansion deep in the hinterland of District 12!

This mansion that covered an area of several thousand square feet was a white building.
Soldiers with guns patrolled inside and outside the mansion. Soldiers were also stationed at all
gates, strictly checking the people and vehicles that entered and exited.

At this moment, in the villa in the center of the mansion. A middle-aged man wearing a robe sat
on the sofa in the living room, smoking a cigar.

Around him were sexy women in all shapes and figures from all over the world, They were
dancing as entertainment, and they were performing a striptease that stimulated the heart.

In the living room, several other men and women in suits and casual clothes mingled with this
middle-aged man.

"Mr. Stone, here's to our cooperation."

One of them was a sexy goddess who wore a fiery red dress with a high slit. She raised her
glass and said with flaming red lips.

The middle-aged man with gray hair, a round face, and a lot of emerald and diamond rings on
his fingers looked like a nouveau riche. He raised his glass, toasted with the woman, and drank
it all in one go.

Then, he took a puff of his cigar and said with a big smile, "Miss Young, it's a pleasure to work
with you. I hope our operation will start tomorrow."
Miss Young nodded graciously and said, "Of course. As long as you can help us get the pass,
our goods in the outside world can directly enter District 12. At that time, those things will

belong to you, and you can gain a 300% profit! I believe it won't be long before you become the
richest district master in District 12! This way, your win in the next election to become the
president of District 12 will be guaranteed."

Tucker Stone smiled happily with a cigar in his mouth. He pointed at Miss Young and said, "Miss
Young, you're such a sweet talker. I like women like you. Here, let's wish us a great victory!"

Miss Young smiled and was about to raise her glass when a man in combat uniform rushed in at
the door. He walked quickly to Tucker's side and said something in his ear.

After he finished speaking, Tucker suddenly became furious. He smashed the wine glass in his
hand to the floor, got up, and roared. "Damn it! That guy from the Clarke family dares to kill my

Chapter 2167 Tucker's sudden rage caused some panic among the bosses present. The man in
front of them was Tucker Stone, a man who killed without blinking! He was one of the three
district masters in District 12. He was the most money- grubbing, lustful, and power-hungry one!
His hands were stained with blood!

Tucker took a puff of his cigar, turned around, pointed at the guard, and asked, "What else did
he say?"

The guard reported, "He said he has a piece of advice for you. This is Arcadia Island and it'll
always be the territory of the Clarke family. Even if District 12 is not under the Clarke family's
jurisdiction, they have all the ability and means to take it back. He wants you to not cross the
line, and killing Hubert is a warning to you."

Bang! After hearing this, Tucker kicked the crystal coffee table violently, causing it to topple over.


The wine bottles fell to the floor, and the dancing girls all stopped in shock while looking

Tucker raised his eyebrows and pointed at the women. He grinned coldly, revealing a mouthful
of gold teeth.

He said, "Dance! Keep dancing!"

After yelling, Tucker sat down again. He took a puff of his cigar and said to the guard, "Send
someone to follow Steven and the others. I want to see what Seth Larson is doing by inviting
that young master over at such a late hour. As long as it doesn't interfere with my business, I
can turn a blind eye to it. But if Seth dares to take advantage of that young master and plot
against my business, I'm sorry to say that I'll make that Clarke guy stay in District 12 forever!"

"Yes, Boss!" The guard bowed and retreated before quickly leaving the mansion's hall.

In the hall, several men in suits and women in long gowns had grave expressions on their faces.

Tucker smiled and ordered the servants to clean up the place. He got up and said to everyone,
"Everyone, follow me to the garden to continue our discussion."

Everyone smiled, got up, and followed Tucker to the garden.

Miss Young walked next to Tucker and asked with a smile, "Mr. Stone, listening to your
conversation with your subordinate just now, did someone from the Clarke family come to
District 12?"

Tucker puffed on his cigar and exhaled a mouthful of smoke. He turned his head and looked at

the woman in front of him with a smile.

He sized up her curvy body and fair neck, saying, "Oh, are you interested in the Clarke family as
well? Do you want to find out? Why don't you become my woman and I'll tell you all about it?"

An imperceptible trace of chill flashed in the corner of Miss Young's eyes but a dignified and
gracious smile remained on her face. She said, "Mr. Stone, you must be joking. How could a
woman like me be worthy of such a majestic man like you?"

Tucker laughed and said, "Miss Young, your little mouth is really sweet. I really like you very
much. Seriously, if you want to be my woman, I guarantee you can enjoy all the riches. Why
don't you consider it?"

With that said, Tucker stepped forward.

Yana Young lagged behind and stood in the same spot, looking at Tucker's back. Next to her, a
guard in a black suit approached and whispered, "Miss Young, we received news that Seth
Larson invited Philip Clarke, the eldest young master of the main Clarke family, to meet at
Summit Restaurant tonight."

Yana turned her head with a darkened face and said, "Have your people continue to keep an
eye on them. I want to know their every move. This is very important for our upcoming plan in
District 12! If we can't take Seth Larson down, we can take Tucker Stone. Our forces must be
present in District 12!"
"Yes, Miss Young." The guard said and left the mansion when no one was paying attention.

Back to Philip's side. His convoy followed Steven's convoy until they arrived at Summit

This was a famous restaurant in District 12.

Chapter 2168 Summit Restaurant was a classic building designed with red masonry and wood.
A big red lantern hung at every corner of Summit Restaurant. It stood out in this quiet street!

This restaurant was located in the prosperous area of Fourth Avenue in District 12. However,
due to the late hour, there was a curfew after nine o'clock. Thus, there was no one on the street.
Except for patrolling people and cars, not even a dog was seen.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of Summit Restaurant.

At the door, four young ladies welcomed the guests. All of them had curvy figures and wore long
dresses. Their hair was coiled on the top of their heads. When the wind blew, the hem of their
dresses would lift, revealing their fair skin.

They bent over and greeted, "Welcome to Summit Restaurant, Young Master Clarke."

Philip got out of the car and looked up at the golden signboard before he followed Steven into
the building.

Five Necrons followed closely behind Philip while four stayed next to the car in case of

However, as soon as they entered the door, two men in dark green combat uniforms stepped
out. They reached out to stop the five Necrons and said, "District Master Larson has ordered
that only Young Master Clarke is allowed to enter."

Philip frowned and looked at the five Necrons behind him. They held guns in both hands, and a
red line flashed across their black helmets.

Then, a mechanical voice came from the helmet of one of the Necrons.

A cold voice said, "We're responsible for protecting Young Master Philip Clarke's safety." It was
such a simple sentence.

The faces of the two men in dark green combat uniforms darkened, and they also said coldly,
"District Master Larson has ordered that only Young Master Clarke is allowed to enter. No one
else is allowed to enter."
As soon as the words were spoken, two Necrons took two steps forward and grabbed Philip's
arms. They turned around and left!

This scene left the two men in dark green combat uniforms and Steven dumbfounded. Since
they were not allowed to enter, they simply brought Philip back to the car.


The car doors were locked!

Philip returned to the car, baffled.

At the checkpoint just now, the Necrons did not make a move, but they were so overbearing

"Everyone, it should be fine for me to go in alone," Philip said tentatively.

The Necron who spoke earlier replied in the same mechanically cold voice, "We're responsible
for protecting the safety of Young Master Philip Clarke. If a situation has above 50% risk, we will
enforce the safest practices!"

Philip shrugged helplessly and had to sit in the car to wait quietly.

Outside, Steven blinked his big eyes doubtfully. He was astounded. He glanced at the men in
combat uniforms next to him and took out his phone helplessly.

He called Seth and said, "District Master, Philip has arrived but his guards won't let him enter
alone. We..."

"It's okay, let his guards enter. We must be hospitable and meet all the requirements of our

At the other end of the phone, a calm, mellow, and magnetic male voice was heard.

Steven hung up the phone and walked to the car. He knocked on the car window and said,
"District Master Larson says that you can all enter together."

Chapter 2169 Very soon, several people followed Steven and entered Summit Restaurant. They
went up to the third floor and sat down in a low-key but luxurious private room.

This private room was designed in a classic style with carved beams, and the screens were also
painted with murals. A view of the streets could be seen outside the window.
Steven pushed open the private room door, bowed to the figure of a man with his back to
everyone, and shouted respectfully, "District Master Larson, Young Master Clarke is here."

"Okay," the man replied throatily.

Steven turned sideways and made an inviting gesture to Philip and the others outside the door.

Philip put his hands in his trouser pockets, stepped into the room, and saw the figure.

Wearing a light gray suit, he stood with his hands behind his back. He looked at the view of the
streets outside the window.

The figure was about 1.8 meters tall with a burly stature. It was not the bulging muscular type
but rather sinewy.

In short, just at the sight of his back, Philip had a general impression of District Master Larson.
"Welcome to Summit Restaurant."

As he spoke, Seth Larson turned around. He had a handsome face and well-defined eyebrows.
He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a tie, looking like quite the gentleman.

Especially his voice, which sounded quite magnetic and sexy.

The smile at the corner of his mouth and the upward angle of his thin lips also made it easy for
others to feel close to him.

This was Seth Larson, one of the three district masters of the Death Block that was District 12.

He politely gestured to Philip and invited him to sit.

Philip took a seat. Two Necrons stood at the door while another three stood behind him,
protecting him very well.

After all, outside the door was full of Steven's people.

Moreover, Philip also found four cameras with flashing red lights in this room.

"District Master Larson, why are you looking for me so late at night?" Philip asked, his eyes on

This man, who looked just a few years older than Philip, had a handsome appearance.
However, those eyes revealed deep wisdom and complex schemes that went beyond his age.
This was Philip's judgment of him.
Seth smiled, sat down, and motioned for the servant to serve tea. He said with a smile, "Young
Master Clarke, this is Earl Grey tea that just arrived from Riverdale. Do give it a try."

Philip looked at the smelled a faint fragrance cup of tea and After thinking about it, Philip picked
up the teacup, took a sip, and said with a smile, "District Master Larson, this tea is of the highest
quality. Is it from the Eastern Mountain?"

Seth smiled and said, "You're really amazing to be able to tell the origin of this tea with just one

Philip put down the teacup, smiled, and said, "If there is something you want to discuss with me,
please go ahead. If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave. As you know, my wife and daughter
are waiting for me."

Seth smiled and motioned for the servant to clear the tea set. He said directly, "I want to get rid
of Tucker Stone with the help of your power."

Hearing that, Philip frowned. He leaned back on the seat languidly and crossed his arms.
Looking at Seth indifferently, he asked, "Why should I help you?"

Seth smiled blandly and said, "You experienced Tucker's actions first-hand just now. He won't
spare anyone he sets his eyes on. Besides, you've killed someone close to him, and Tucker
must have found out by now. According to the news sent by my people, Tucker has already
dispatched two small teams at the checkpoint. As long as you leave this place tonight, you'll be
taken away by his people."

Chapter 2170
At this point, Seth paused briefly to look at Philip's reaction.

The expression on Philip's face darkened. He did not like Tucker Stone because his actions
could be regarded as a provocation and they had crossed the line. He was the eldest young
master of the main Clarke family, after all, yet Tucker dared to send his people to invite Philip
back to his place so forcefully.

"If that's the case, I don't think it's enough to compel me to help you. District 12 is not under the
Clarke family's jurisdiction, after all. It's difficult for our power to penetrate this place. Besides,
offending Tucker Stone brings no benefit to me. I don't have any ideas for District 12 right now."
Philip expressed his intentions diplomatically.

Seth nodded. He knew it would be difficult to get Philip to help him with just a few words. Hence,
he clapped his hands, and the servant handed Philip a tablet.

The tablet screen showed the footage from a hidden camera. It was none other than the image
of Tucker's mansion as he conspired with Yana Young and the others.
Philip looked at it with a frown.

Seth asked lightly, "Young Master Clarke, you should know that woman, right?"

Philip's face was indifferent. The woman in the video was none other than Yana Young. Philip

had met her once. How did this woman appear in District 12?

"What are you trying to say?" Philip asked.

Seth got up, put his hands behind his back, and stood at the window. He looked at the vast
District 12 and said, "She's from the Alliance. The power of the Alliance has penetrated District
12, and the culprit is none other than Tucker Stone. The thing they're talking about is a new type
of white powder from the outside world, which can destroy one's nervous system and control
one's mind. Once this thing enters District 12 and Tucker sells it rampantly, it'll cause great harm
to District 12. When that happens, Tucker will rule over District 12 alone. Moreover, the next
election is imminent. Once Tucker is elected president, he'll reign for three years."

"In the past, the elections produced no results because of the tripartite and each of us ruled
separately. However, it's different this time. The other party has started contacting Tucker in

After saying that, Seth took a long breath. He turned to Philip and said, "The goal of the Alliance
is not just District 12. District 12 is only one stage of their experiment. Once their plan succeeds
in District 12, it'll affect the entire Arcadia Island in the future! When that happens, it'll be too late
for you to stop them."

After hearing that, Philip looked at the content of the video and fell into deep thought.

He knew that Seth's words were just to disguise his ambition of wanting to uproot Tucker.

However, Philip found no reason to refute. That was because this was indeed a matter of life
and death for Arcadia Island. If what Seth said was true, Philip must make a decision!

"How can I believe that what you said is true? Arcadia Island is not the outside world. Even if the
Alliance you mentioned has infiltrated District 12, wouldn't that be a favorable opportunity for the
Clarke family? After all, I've been thinking about reclaiming District 12 for a long time," Philip
said with a smile.
Chapter 2171
Seth looked at Philip as a smile slowly blossomed on his face. He said, “You’re carved
out of the same mold as your mother. Even your characters are the same.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned. After a long while, he said, “How long were you with my

Seth turned around and looked up at the gray, gloomy sky. The muffled thunder
exploded in his ears as the lightning flashed in his eyes constantly.

He said, “It’s about to rain.” Philip also looked out the window.

Seth continued, “Back then , it was in such weather that my adoptive mother rescued
me from that place. After that, she brought me into the door of the Nonagon and taught
me many things. She always said that I was stupid, and I, too, felt that I was stupid. She
had to teach me many things many times but I just couldn’t master any of them.
However, she didn’t know that I had already learned everything long ago. I just didn’t
want to tell her that. In this way, she’d take the time to accompany me and teach me.”

As Philip listened, his face grew darker. He stared coldly at Seth,

Seth turned to him and said, “Philip, do you know? I’ve always been jealous of you
because she was always thinking and talking about you. She kept mentioning you, her
precious son, to me. You were the son she could never let go of. Many times, she was
arranging everything for you behind your back. I always thought how wonderful it would
be if I were you, the biological son of my adoptive mother. In this way, her love would all
be mine.


Suddenly, Philip roared as he glared fixedly at Seth. He said, “You’ve strayed from the
topic of our meeting today!”

Seth smiled and said, “Philip, to help me is to help you. District 12 will always be a thorn
in the Clarke family’s side. Back then, Mother took charge of District 12 to curb the main
and branch Clarke families and to achieve a delicate balance. Here, there are many
things that the Clarkes can’t get involved in, and there are many things that the Clarkes
can’t control. If you help me, it will pave the road for you to rule the Clarke family in the
future. As long as you help me, I can promise you one condition, a condition that I’ll try
my best to help you with. So, what do you think of my generous offer?”
Seth’s face was full of smiles, and his eyes were shining brightly as if he had Philip in
the bag.

After a second of silence, Philip got up and asked, “You said that you have entered the
Nonagon’s door with Mother before. What’s your current strength?”

Seth smiled, raised his hand, and a golden ball of light suddenly erupted from his palm.
Mysterious and obscure runes circled this ball of light. This ball of light also quickly
illuminated this private room golden.

Seth flipped his hand back and the ball of light disappeared. He said, “My strength is
acceptable, and I have the ability to protect myself. You don’t have to worry about me.
You, however, are not even considered a disciple of the first zone yet you dared to take
such dangerous action at the checkpoint. Don’t you know that many people are now
keeping a close eye on the Clarke family and you? If they find out that you’ve developed
your energy field and attributes, do you think they can still hold back?”


Philip chuckled and said, “I never had the intention of hiding it because my goal is to
enter the Nonagon’s door. I must take a look no matter what. In that case, why not
speed up the plans for them?”

Seth nodded with admiration in his eyes and said, “Interesting. You’re the first guy I’ve
met who interests me. As expected of my adoptive mother’s son. No wonder she chose
you as her heir back then. I’m curious to know how far you can grow.”

Philip frowned. His mother’s heir? What did Seth mean by that?

Chapter 2172
“What do you mean?” Philip asked. “Why am I my mother’s heir?”

Seth smiled and said, “It’s nothing. Let’s get back to the point. I want to ask you to help
me take control of District 12. As long as you help me, when the time comes, we can
cooperate from both inside and outside. District 12 will become a stronghold of the
Clarke family. What do you think?”

Philip sullenly looked at Seth’s smiling face and said, “How confident are you to deal
with Tucker Stone?”
Seth raised five fingers and said, “50-5 0.”

Philip frowned and said, “Are you taking a gamble?”

Seth smiled and said, “Many times, it’s a gamble in many things. As long as I put the
right stakes, I win. If I lose, I also have a way to deal with It. How about it, Eldest Young
Master of the main Clarke family? You aren’t afraid, are you?”

Philip raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, “Seth Larson, this is not in line with
your personality. You shouldn’t be someone who likes to use goading tactics.”

Seth laughed and said, “Philip, this is interesting. What kind of person do you think I

Philip smiled and said, “You’re a person who trusts no one. In your eyes, everyone,
including me, can be pawns you use to pave the way for yourself. I have to remind you
that if you make use of the Clarke family’s power, you can never escape again.”

The smile on Seth’s face slowly froze. He looked at Philip very seriously and said, “I
must get rid of Tucker Stone!”

Philip nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll trust you this once. I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

After that, Philip turned around and left with the Necrons.

Seth stood in the private room, and a sneer slowly surfaced on his cold face before he
turned solemn.

He turned around and watched as Philip got into the car downstairs before he said to
Steven behind him, “Send him to the checkpoint and withdraw. I want to see how much
strength he has to help me.”

Steven was taken aback and asked doubtfully, “District Master, are you going to let
Tucker snipe Philip?”

Seth said sternly, “He can only be helpful to me if he survives. If he can’t even pass a
hurdle like Tucker Stone, that means I misjudged him.”
Then, Seth turned to Steven and said, “Tell our people at the checkpoint to withdraw. No
matter what happens, don’t show up.”

Steven nodded in response and watched as Seth left.

He quickly notified his men at the checkpoint by a satellite phone. Soon, all soldiers at
the checkpoint belonging to Seth withdrew.

Philip’s convoy headed straight to the checkpoint and suddenly stopped about a
hundred meters from the exit.

The Necron sitting in the co-passenger seat looked at the soldiers who had quickly
gathered at the exit a hundred meters away. He said coldly, “Turn back! Find another
route to head out!”

After that, the driver pulled back the rifle bolt and got ready for battle!

The Necrons on either side of Philip in the backseat also immediately went into a highly
tense combat stance!

At the same time, the car’s artificial intelligence system was activated. An electronically
synthesized female voice said, “The system is computing the departure route. The
system has completed the computation!”

Chapter 2173

A thunderous roar of the car’s engine! Instantly, the car accelerated and reversed in
retreat with a tailspin!

Four Cadillacs shuttled through the empty streets at high speed!

At the same time, several black modified cars rushed out quickly on both sides of the
street! Every modified car was equipped with machine guns! Three fighter jets followed
closely in the air!

“The vehicles below, you’ve been locked on target. Pull over at once! Mr. Tucker invites

Master Clarke for a chat at his mansion!”

“We repeat, don’t make unnecessary struggles! Mr. Tucker doesn’t want to ruin the
relationship with the Clarke family. Please pull over immediately!”

“Please pull over immediately! Otherwise, we will take all necessary actions!”

This was District 12, the Death Block!

Four black Cadillacs sped through the streets of District 12! In the car, Philip looked at
the modified cars chasing them in the rearview mirror and the fighter jets closely
following them in the sky through the panoramic sunroof.

His face became darker and darker.

Tucker Stone! Well done! He actually dared to ambush them!

Philip asked grimly, “What are the chances of breaking through?”

The vehicle’s AI system quickly replied, “According to the planned route, there is a 70%
chance that we can break through, but it’ll involve a fierce battle.”

Philip’s face darkened as he looked at the Necron in the co-passenger seat. He asked,
“How confident are you?”

The Necron replied, “We will protect Young Master Clarke to our deaths.”

Philip frowned, and the car quickly performed a drift! Then, the three Cadillacs behind
blocked the only entrance to the street.

The five Necrons in the car quickly jumped out and used the guns with high firepower in
front of them to shoot at the modified armored cars behind them!


Dense shots from the machine guns swept through!

The armored car at the forefront exploded in the shoot-out! The ruined vehicle burned in
the blazing fire. Several other armored cars passed through the fire. The soldiers on the
roof also wielded machine guns and fired at the Necrons!

For a while, sounds of gunfire filled the neighborhood. Flying bullets shattered the glass,
exterior walls, and billboards of the shops on both sides of the street!

One of the Necrons put away the machine gun that was in front of his chest. The
machine gun quickly transformed into a long, sharp saber!

He half crouched before exerting his strength and jumped high into the air! Two dots of

Two red lights flashed on his helmet and he landed on the incoming modified combat
vehicle. He raised the long black mechanical blade high in his hand and slashed down!


The entire modified car was cut apart by the Necron!


An explosion raged through the streets! The Necron was covered in the blazing flames.
The long black blade in his right arm changed forms with a click into a submachine gun.

He fired at the soldiers approaching from both sides of the street!

Chapter 2174

All the soldiers carried submachine guns at this moment and fired wildly at the Necron!

However, all bullets that hit the Necron would only emit a popping and crackling sound
with sparks. They did not deal any damage to the Necron!

Whoosh! Suddenly, one of the soldiers in the group with a single missile launcher on his
shoulder pulled the trigger on the Necron!

The missile was launched and hit the Necron directly, who was blown away by the
impact of the explosion!

Amid the flames, the figure with electric sparks on his right arm stood up again! Red
lights flashed across his black helmet.

Tucker’s men were all stunned when they saw the Necron standing up again in the fire.
That was because they discovered that this Necron was actually a robot!

At this moment, this Necron with a broken arm rushed into the crowd and started a

The other four Necrons were also locked in battle in other corners of the place.

Back to Philip. He sat in the car and watched as the scenery rapidly flashed past.
Behind the car, several tails followed.

In the sky, the three fighter jets also had the car Philip was sitting in displayed on their
screen: The aircraft pilot pressed the launch button.


The fighter jets filled up the magazines and launched two missiles at the speeding

The tail flames of the missiles carried terrifying power.


Two explosions caused a fire to rage. Two charred pits were blasted on the street.

However, the vehicle rushed out of the fire unscathed!

At this moment, Philip sat in the car. His face became darker and darker. He ordered
coldly, “Shoot down that fighter jet in the sky!”

“Yes! Homing missile ready to launch!”

The artificial intelligence system of the car said.


With a sound that cut through the sky, a missile bracket popped out from the lower end
of the Cadillac’s left door. A missile was launched and quickly lifted off. It was aimed at
the fighter jet!

The pilot of that fighter jet saw the speeding missile and swerved around in a panic!

However, the missile followed right behind!


An explosion sounded in the air. Burning remnants of the fighter jet fell from the sky and
smashed everywhere!

Soon, the Cadillac rammed into a six-lane street!

Right in front of the car was the eighth exit of District 12.

At this moment, a team of patrol soldiers at the checkpoint saw the fast-approaching
Cadillac in the night and they were almost blinded by the bright swaying headlights!

The patrol captain shouted an order, “Fire!”


A team of more than a dozen people immediately fired at the incoming vehicle!

Dense lines of fire and bullets hit the vehicle. They left some traces of burnt marks but
they did not impede the vehicle one bit!

“Close the gate!” The captain roared, and the gate behind him fell slowly!

Inside the car, the AI system quickly analyzed how much time they had left before the
gate closed.

In an instant , the car abruptly stopped a dozen meters away from the group of soldiers!

The gate also fell with a bang!

They could not get out!

Very soon, dozens of soldiers and several modified combat vehicles gathered around.
They surrounded Philip’s car right in the middle.

The man in a combat uniform who took the lead was quite arrogant. He jumped off the
vehicle, patted his uniform, and walked up to Philip’s car with a gun in his hand.

He shouted, “Young Master Clarke, this is the last time Mr. Stone is inviting you. Get
down from the car!”

Chapter 2175
Philip and the others sat in the car, staring coldly at the scene of them being

Philip’s gaze went grim as extremely fierce killing intent rose from his body!

Tucker Stone! Very good! Of course, the scene at this moment was also broadcasted
live in the mansion.

Tucker sat on the sofa and watched the scene on the LCD screen with a sneer on his
face. He sipped his red wine and embraced a sexy woman. He puffed on a cigar,
pointed at the LCD screen, and asked Yana Young who was sitting beside him with a
smile, “Miss Young, do you think I can invite Young Master Clarke over?”

Yana glanced at the events on the screen.

With swords drawn, dozens of soldiers with guns, as well as combat vehicles and fighter
jets, the Cadillac was completely surrounded in the middle.

Even Superman would find it difficult to escape now.

“Mr. Stone, you’re really amazing. You even dare to surround the young master of the
Clarke family. The reputation of District 12 is indeed as rumored outside. You don’t take
the Clarke family seriously,” Yana said blandly.

Tucker laughed and said, “Miss Young, you’re right in saying that. I’m the king in District
12. Who is the Clarke family? If I want to invite him over, he has to come!”
Back to Philip’s side. Seeing so many soldiers outside the car, Philip opened the car
door and stepped down.

The leader in combat uniform sneered and said, “Young Master Clarke, have you
thought about it?”

Philip glanced coldly at the dozens of soldiers with guns. He then calmly took out a pack
of cigarettes from his trousers pocket, lit one, and inhaled deeply.

The scarlet cigarette butt seemed particularly eye-catching in the night.

Philip exhaled a mouthful of smoke and asked the man in the lead, “Do you know what
it’s like to die?”

When the man heard Philip’s question, his face suddenly tensed and darkened. He
laughed coldly and said, “Young Master Clarke, I don’t understand what you’re talking
about. I advise you not to make unnecessary struggles. Take a closer look. All the
muzzles here are aimed at you. No matter how powerful you are, it’s still a dead-end!”

Philip chuckled and flicked the cigarette butt in his hand. The scarlet tip exploded in the
air like fireworks.

Bang! Boom!

Instantly, four Necrons jumped out from the Cadillac.

Missiles were fired from their arms and directly hit the several combat vehicles around
as well as the fighter jets hovering in the sky!

Balls of fire and smoke soared into the sky. A modern warfare blockbuster was staged

The leading man in combat uniform immediately shouted, “Fire!”

However, it was too late! After the four Necrons dealt the blow, they immediately jumped
to Philip’s side and guarded him closely in the middle!

Dense firing lines and bullets hit them, which only made rattling sounds without dealing
any damage to them!
As for the Necrons, their arms automatically switched weapon forms into a six-barreled
machine gun!


For a while, the eighth exit was filled with the earth-shattering sound of machine-gun

The rapidly firing bullets repelled this group of dozens of soldiers! Many modified
combat vehicles were blasted till the doors and bodies were full of bullet holes the size
of bird’s eggs. Then, they exploded into balls of flames!

All this happened in half a minute. The scene was a sea of fire with charred bodies

The leading man in combat uniform fell in a pool of blood and was continuously
coughing up blood.

Philip walked up to him and looked down on him coldly. Then, he bent down and
removed a small camera from his neck.

Philip stared at that camera, and the film footage was synchronized to Tucker’s

Chapter 2176
At this moment, the sneer on Tucker’s face had long since solidified and turned grim.

He looked at the handsome face with extremely cold eyes on the screen, and the
corners of his mouth twitched.

The two teams he sent out were destroyed just like that? This was simply too

On the screen, Philip’s mouth curled up in a smirk as he said, “Tucker Stone, I’ll
remember you. I hope you won’t die first because one day in the future, I’ll kill you with
my hands!”

With that said, Philip continued, “Yana Young, it’s nice to see you in District 12. If there’s
a change, we’ll meet.”
After these words, the screen went black.

Tucker smashed the wine glass in his hand on the LCD screen in anger! He roared.
“That damned brat! How dare he look down on me?!”


His furious roar resounded throughout the mansion.

A guard walked in and asked with a bow, “Boss, what are your orders?”

Tucker got up and ordered, “Mobilize the four defense teams to the eighth exit
immediately. Kill Philip Clarke and the others!”

The guard responded and withdrew. However, he returned.soon after and said, “Boss,
Philip Clarke and his gang have left District 12.”


Tucker kicked the coffee table into pieces and roared, “All of you are a bunch of trash!
I’ve trained all of you for so long, but you can’t even catch a single person! This is
District 12, not the fucking Clarke family’s territory! Issue an assassination order and
summon the death warriors under me. Hunt down Philip Clarke and his wife and kids on
Arcadia Island!”

“Yes!” The guard backed out again.

At this moment, Yana sat on the sofa and looked at the furious Tucker. She chuckled
and said, “Mr. Stone, why are you so angry? Doing this will only ruin your relationship
with the Clarke family completely. If Roger Clarke makes up his mind to take back
District 12, it’ll be detrimental to you.”

Tucker inhaled sharply. The cold and cruel expression on his face slowly turned into a

He turned to Yana and said, “You’re right.”

Seth Larson was in a room wearing a shirt. He was holding a glass of wine in one hand
and had the other hand in his trouser pocket. He looked at the scenery of the
underworld that was District 12.
Different from the other districts that were prosperous, this place was more sinful.

A knock on the door.

“Enter!” Seth said.

Steven walked in and said with a bow, “District Master, Philip and the others have left

With a faint smile, Seth said, “Okay. Send the things I prepared to the Clarke family on
the ancestor commemoration day.”

“Yes, Sir,” Steven replied and left the room.

Seth stood alone in front of the French window, took a sip of the red wine in his glass,
and said softly, “I hope you like this gift of mine.”

Philip did not stop after returning to Clarke Manor and headed straight back to his

At this moment, Wynn was still waiting in the living room for Philip’s return.

When she saw him appearing at the door, she immediately got up and trotted over. She
asked with concern, ‘Where have you been? You didn’t even call me or send a text
message after so long. Don’t you know that I was worried sick about you?”

Chapter 2177
Philip smiled tenderly, touched Wynn’s spotless forehead, and said, “I met a friend and
chatted a little too long, so I got delayed. Why aren’t you sleeping?”

Wynn rolled her eyes at him and said, “I was worried about you. How could I sleep?”

Philip laughed and put his arm around Wynn. The two sat on the sofa together.

Wynn leaned on his shoulder and curled her legs. She wrapped her arms around
Philip’s waist. She smiled happily and sweetly while saying, “Phil, is it true that you’ll
take me to my mother-in- law’s mausoleum tomorrow?”
Philip nodded and held Wynn’s tender little hand. He said, “Yes, I’ll bring you there
tomorrow. The day after tomorrow will be the ancestor commemoration ceremony. At
that time, you’ll become the true young madam of the Clarke family.”

“Ancestor commemoration ceremony?” Wynn raised her head and looked at Philip in

She said, “You never mentioned it to me.”

Philip smiled, scratched her cute nose, and said, “It’s not a big deal. It’s just to pay
respect to the ancestors and announce that you’re the young madam of the Clarke
family. It’s very simple. I’ll be going with you when the time comes.”

Wynn nodded doubtfully and leaned back against Philip’s shoulder with a faint smile on
her face.

Philip was not so relaxed. He spoke lightly of the ceremony, but it was practically a
disaster waiting to happen.

“By the way , what’s up with Mila? Did you find out anything?” Philip suddenly asked.

Wynn shook her head and said, “Not yet. Some blood was drawn for testing.”

Speaking of which, Philip got up and went to Mila’s bedroom with Wynn.

The cute pink bedroom was decorated in a princess theme. Mila slept soundly in bed,
her The cute pink bedroom was decorated in a princess theme. Mila slept soundly in
bed, her little round face looking very cute.

Philip and Wynn stood at the head of the bed and quietly looked at their daughter. Wynn
said, “Phil, I’m a little worried.”

Philip asked, “What are you worried about?”

Wynn thought for a while before she raised her head and said, “When I gave birth to
Nelson at the hospital back then, the man who gave me a blood transfusion said
something to me. Although I was unconscious, I could vaguely hear it.”

Philip frowned and looked at Wynn. Was she referring to Shane Lovelace?
“What did he say?” Philip asked.

Wynn thought for a while and replied, “He said the blood in my body is not the same as
his. It’s more dangerous and powerful than his. I didn’t understand what he was saying
but I could sense that he seemed to be very fearful and scared.”

Philip frowned as his face darkened.

Wynn added, “By the way, he also said something along the lines of… The Lovelace
family’s millennium plan is about to succeed… Phil, who’s the Lovelace family? Why did
that person say such strange things? Who is he?”

Philip smiled and said, “It’s nothing. Maybe you heard it wrong.”

Wynn nodded and did not dwell on it.

A night passed.

The next day, Philip got up early in the morning. First, he jogged around the mountain
road outside the residence before he found a tranquil gazebo.

He read the introductory book given by Instructor Lauder back then. It contained a
detailed description of the daily lectures for the disciples in the first zone.

Philip just had to follow along and learn. It must be said that Philip’s talent was very
good with 100% potential and superb learning ability.

Philip was somewhat proficient in using the fire and water attributes, but his third
attribute had yet to be activated.

One morning passed.

Near noon, Philip closed the book, got up, and looked at the blue sky.

Who would have thought that the world was full of such wondrous things? Many people
sought a lifetime of wealth and power, but in the eyes of the disciples, such things were
readily available and even frowned upon.

Perhaps, more people would choose to live forever in the beautiful dream of the world
woven by these mighty figures.
They would never understand the cruelty of this world and would perhaps be less

Philip packed up and walked out of the gazebo. He said to the guard next to him, “Let’s
visit Levi Clarke of the branch family.”

Chapter 2178
Levi was having a pool party at his residence and invited many young masters and
young ladies from the rich families on Arcadia Island. He also found many external
escorts and young models.

Each one was a goddess-level character. He even invited some famous actresses from
the entertainment industry. It was simply a feast for the eyes.

Levi was happy as could be, surrounded by the crowd and intoxicated by the

“Young Master Clarke, when will you bring us out to have fun? We haven’t left Arcadia
Island for a long time.”

A sultry woman slipped into Levi’s embrace, her skin soaked from the pool.

Levi gave her a squeeze and said with a laugh, “Little beauty, why are you in a hurry?
Wait a few more days and I’ll bring you out to have fun!”

“Really? Young Master Clarke, you have to take us with you.”

“That’s right, we’re almost dying of boredom here.”

For a while, a group of women tittered and laughed around Levi. It was as if he was in
the middle of a flower bush that was as beautiful as could be.

“No problem. When the time comes, I’ll take you little sluts out to the sea to have fun

Levi got up, raised his wine glass, and laughed smugly.

On the side, a group of young masters and young ladies from rich families had also
gathered around. They were chatting and laughing with Levi.
“Young Master Clarke, I heard that the eldest young master of the main family returned
and caused a big commotion in the branch family?”

A rather handsome blond man asked at this moment. “Yeah, I heard that the eldest
young master beat up a lot of people from your branch family and also crippled the
fourth old master. Even Gerry Clarke died.”

“Young Master Clarke, what’s going on here? Is he back to inherit the Clarke family?”

Levi snorted and said, “Hmph, so what if he’s back? Arcadia Island no longer has a
place for him. Just you wait. It won’t be long before that guy is expelled from the Clarke
family! When that time comes, I’ll be the future heir of the Clarke family!”

Hearing that, everyone exchanged looks of astonishment before beginning to flatter


“Oh, really? Is that Philip Clarke going to be kicked out of the Clarke family?”

“He should have been kicked out long ago! Back in those days, that guy was like a little
bully on Arcadia Island! How many rich kids’ faces did he beat up?”

For a while, everyone complained because many of them here had been taught a
lesson by Philip in the past and still held a grudge against him.

Just as everyone was busy flattering Levi…


Several guards flew in from the entrance! Following that, a handsome figure with his
hands in his trouser pockets appeared at the front door.

He was closely followed by a small team of Griffin Army.

Philip’s gaze swept coldly over the pool party here. His eyes met Levi’s.

The latter was lying on the beach chair, and Philip said coldly to him, “Levi Clarke, you
have to give me an explanation for what happened last night!”

Chapter 2179
Seeing Philip, who suddenly barged in with his men, Levi immediately jumped up from
his beach chair in anger.

He pointed at Philip and yelled, “Philip Clarke, how dare you?! This is the branch family,
my private residence. What’s your intention by breaking in with your men and injuring
my guards?”

Levi’s face was full of chills. He waved his hand and a group of guards with guns rushed
out from around the residence!

Philip glanced around coldly and took a few steps forward.

Those tittering trollops and young models were frightened and quickly hid behind Levi
and the others.

“Is that Philip Clarke? The eldest young master of the main fami”Iy is so arrogant!”

“No shit. He actually dares to bring his people and barge into Young Master Levi’ s
residence. Let’s see how Levi is going to take care of him!”

“Hmph, I heard that he has just returned to Arcadia Island, yet he dares to act this way.
He simply doesn’t care about the branch family.”

Many men and women were gathered together at this moment, secretly looking at Philip
while whispering.

Hearing that, Levi was upset and roared. “Philip, I’m warning you again. This is my
private residence! Take your people and get out of here! Otherwise, don’t blame me for
being rude to you!”

Since they were already on bad terms, Levi saw no need to pretend and directly
reprimanded Philip!

At this moment, several friends next to Levi who were his so-called lackeys, pointed at
Philip and cursed, “Philip, hurry up and get lost! Don’t ruin the fun at our party!”

“That’s right, go back and stay with your wife and children. I heard that your wife is a
slut from the outside world and has given birth to a bastard.”
“Hahaha, Sunny, you shouldn’t say that. Otherwise, he’ll get angry and destroy your
entire family.”

A group of people mocked and ridiculed Philip, not treating him as the eldest young
master of the main Clarke family in the least. After all, he was a wastrel who had left
Arcadia Island for so many years. After his return, what storm could he set off?

At this moment, Philip’s eyes were ice-cold as he turned his head to look at the guy next
to Levi.

He was the one who joked about Wynn and Mila. He asked coldly, “What’s your name?”

The other party had an arrogant attitude and looked at Philip with disdain. He said with
a smile, “Oh, it seems the eldest young master of the main family is about to teach me a
lesson. Fine, I’m standing in front of you right now. Hit me if you have the guts.”

The rich young man named Sunny was smug. With Levi backing him up, he was not

However, he did not understand Philip at all. Especially when he joked about Wynn and
Mila, which was playing with fire!


Philip took a few steps forward, his eyes gloomy and cold as he stared at the guy. He
said, “I’ll give you a chance to admit your mistake. Kneel and apologize for your rude
remarks just now.”

Sunny frowned and looked a little flustered at this moment. That was because he felt
the dormant killing intent from Philip, who was standing two meters away from him. That
feeling made him a little scared.

However, with so many people watching right now, he was not about to kneel and
apologize to Philip! That would simply be too humiliating!

Hence, he craned his neck, pointed at Philip, and shouted, “Damn it, what are you
playing at? You’re just a dog that was kicked out by the Clarke family and took the title
of the eldest young master of the main family! How dare you show off in front of our
Young Master Levi? What can you do to me if I don’t apologize?”
After saying this, he smugly raised his head up toward the friends around him. His face
was full of arrogance. Those friends were also full of mocking smiles and looked at
Philip coldly. They, too, wanted to see what kind of powerful character this young master
of the Clarke family was and whether he was as decisive as the recent rumors claimed.

After all, no one here had witnessed the scene on the day Philip returned, so they were
skeptical of the rumors outside.

However, the next scene shocked everyone!

Chapter 2180

Amid everyone’s astonished gaze, Philip stepped forward, raised his foot, and kicked
Sunny in the stomach, knocking the latter to the ground!

“You refuse to apologize? You brought it upon yourself!” Philip said coldly.

Sunny knelt on the ground and clutched his stomach, his face scrunched up in pain.

He looked up, raised a trembling finger, and roared, “How dare you kick me? I-“


Before Sunny could finish his sentence, Philip reached out and broke his right hand!


A heart-wrenching scream resounded throughout the yard in an instant!


Everyone gasped. Philip’s action was too ruthless, too fast! Before anyone could react,
Sunny had lost an arm!

Then, Philip looked down condescendingly at Sunny and asked, “I’ll ask you one last
time, will you apologize?”

Sunny clutched his broken right arm, rolled on the ground in pain, and roared angrily. “I
won’t apologize! This is Young Master Levi’s residence! Do you dare to kill me?”
As soon as the words left his mouth!


A gunshot rang out throughout the yard!

Philip held a golden Desert Eagle in his hand, and the muzzle was still smoking.

On the ground, there was a red dot between Sunny’s eyebrows as he fell in a pool of
blood with his eyes wide open!

All this happened in two seconds! From the time Philip pulled out the Desert Eagle from
the back of his waist until he killed Sunny, everything seemed to be at a standstill!

Everyone, men and women alike, stared at this scene with wide eyes while covering
their mouths in disbelief!

Philip’s cold and piercing gaze swept over all the men and women in the yard! This
gaze was too cold and domineering. Like a real sword, it pierced everyone’s heart!

Wherever Philip’s gaze went, everyone silently lowered their heads. They did not dare
to look him in the eye!


Behind him, the Griffin Army threw Sunny into the blue pool, which instantly stained the
pool red!

Philip looked indifferently at Levi, who was gasping with fury at this moment.

He lowered his head, took a handkerchief from the chest of a sexy girl on the side, and
gently wiped the golden Desert Eagle in his hand. He then asked, “What do you have to
say about what happened last night?”

Levi’s face was red at the moment, and his eyelids twitched as he looked at Sunny’s
corpse in the pool.
He roared, “Philip Clarke, this is branch family’s territory and this is my residence! How
dare you kill my friend here?! Do you have any respect for me, the eldest young master
of the branch family?”


A crisp slap sounded throughout the entire residence!

Philip slapped the furious Levi on the face and said lightly, “Excuse me, don’t yell at me.
I really don’t respect you at all.”
Chapter 2181
Everyone was dumbfounded at the sight of Philip slapping Levi.

Was the eldest young master of the main family so arrogant? He even dared to hit Levi!

He really showed no respect to the eldest young master of the branch family at all!

Levi’s cheeks flushed red. The clear slap mark was so eye-catching and looked like a
stamp of humiliation!

He glared coldly at Philip and roared, “Philip, how dare you hit me?! This is my

However, Philip just smiled calmly as he looked at the hysterical Levi and said, “So what
if this is your residence? If you dare to yell at me again, believe it or not, I’ll hit you

Levi was frightened by those words. He took several steps back and said with a frown,
“Philip, don’t be too cocky. Even if you’re the eldest young master of the main family,
you’ll suffer the consequence if you beat the eldest young master of the branch family in
our territory.”

After that, he waved his hand and said, “Men, come here and surround them! Today, I
want to personally teach him a lesson on what it means to respect his elders!”

That was right, Levi was two years older than Philip. He was Philip’s elder.


Instantly, in a yard of thousands of square feet, teams of guards wearing black combat
uniforms surrounded them from all directions! They were all armed with guns, which
were aimed at Philip and the dozen members of Griffin Army behind him.

The atmosphere was extremely tense.

When Levi saw that his guards had surrounded Philip and his men, he finally dared to
step forward with his hands behind his back. He narrowed his eyes, raised his chin
arrogantly as he looked at Philip, and said coldly, “Do you want to know what I have to
say? Well, let’s see how you’re going to demand an explanation!”
After saying that, Levi looked at Philip with a sneer.

Philip swept a glance across the branch family’s guards who were pointing their guns at
him. With a faint chill in the corner of his eyes, he roared. “Outrageous! How dare you
point your guns at me? Do you still want to live?!”

This roar was deafening! The group of the branch family’s guards looked at each other..

They were not stupid. The person in front of them was the eldest young master of the
main family. Pointing their guns at Philip was an act of self-destruction.

However, this was the branch family, and their responsibility was to protect the branch
family. Thus, after some hesitation, they still aimed their guns at Philip.

At this scene, Levi laughed and said, How about it, Philip? Do you still want to use your
prestige as the young master of the main family to scare my branch family’s guards?
What a fool’s dream! This is the branch family and they’re the guards of the branch
family. Of course, they’ll only obey the orders of the branch family! Now, I order you to
kneel and apologize for the disrespect you just showed me!”

Levi smirked as he watched all of this, his face full of pride.

The rich kids standing on the side also stood up at this moment and began to ridicule

It seemed that Sunny’s death just now was just an accident to them.

“Oh, I wondered how powerful he was, but it turns out he’s just a rash and impulsive
young master. Sunny was too pitiful to have become collateral damage. It’s all good
now. Young Master Levi will definitely take revenge for him!”

“It seems that the young master of the Clarke family is no big deal, after all. The rumors
from the outside world are all false and just meant to paint a pretty picture.”

A group of people chattered incessantly.

When these words reached Philip’s ears, he was very unhappy.

His cold eyes swept over the scene again. Wherever his gaze passed, those rich kids
who spoke with irony on their faces fell silent once more.
Chapter 2182
It was too scary! How could this guy’s gaze look so terrifying?

At this moment, with everyone watching, Philip cocked an eyebrow and looked at Levi
coldly. He asked, “Are you really not going to explain what happened last night?”

Levi chuckled and said, “Last night? What happened last night? I don’t know what
you’re talking about.”

Philip’s eyes went cold as he clenched his fists.

Levi added, “Oh, yes, now I remember. Do you mean that thing about your wife taking
your child to see a doctor? Hehe, that’s right, I arranged it. No doctor in the Clarke
family will take them in for a medical check-up. A slut and a bastard from the outside
world have no right to enjoy the superior medical resources of the Clarke family What,
has your daughter died from her illness already? It can’t be that soon, right?”

After saying that, Levi sneered unkindly.

Hearing this, the pent-up anger in Philip exploded at this moment! Some people kept
testing the waters and tempting death!

In that case, they could not blame Philip for being ruthless.


In everyone’s eyes, Philip moved. He stepped forward, passed through the Griffin Army,
faced the cold muzzles of the branch family’s guards, and walked toward Levi!

Levi frowned as he had a very bad premonition and said sullenly, “Philip, stop right
there! If you dare take another step forward, I’ll get them to fire!”

However, Philip did not seem to hear Levi and continued to stride forward.

Levi was furious. Seeing Philip getting closer, he roared. “What are you waiting for?

The branch family’s guards immediately pulled the safety!


However, before the branch family’s guards who made a move knew what was going
on, a light whistle rang in the ears. Then, a long silver arrow pierced through their
bulletproof vests before their heads went crooked and they fell in a pool of blood on the

This happened in a split second! The Griffin Army behind Philip had fired their arrows!

Levi was shocked and roared. “Everyone, fire! Shoot them! Kill them all! If something
goes wrong, I’ll be responsible!”

However, it was too late! Philip had already walked up to Levi. His eyes were like the
demon lord from hell as he stared at Levi condescendingly and said solemnly, “You’re
seeking death!”

After saying that, Philip reached out and fiercely strangled Levi’s neck, lifting him!

Levi’s face turned red as he clutched at Philip’s arms and beat him non-stop. “You… Let
go of me… Let go.”

Levi felt very uncomfortable and rolled back. He had difficulty breathing his eyes and
kept kicking his legs!

Those rich kids all around panicked at this scene!


Philip threw Levi into the pool that wass dyed red just now!

Levi fell into the pool, choked on a few mouthfuls of water, and struggled to get his head
out of the water.

However, before he could catch his breath, a big unfeeling hand grabbed his head and
pressed him down again.


Levi struggled desperately and flapped his arms constantly, splashing water all over.
Philip asked coldly, “Do you know your mistake now?”

Chapter 2183

Philip pulled Levi’s head up. Levi was choking on a lot of water at the moment.

Spitting out the water, he shouted fiercely, “I don’t admit it! How dare you do this to me?!
I’ll ask my fathers”


Before Levi could finish his sentence, Philip once again pressed his head into the water

This went on repeatedly.

Finally, Philip let go.

Levi flailed a couple of times before floating in the pool.

Seeing this scene, those rich young masters and young ladies who were hiding in
silence trembled and dared not speak!

This was too horrible !

He actually drowned Levi?

Philip got up and indifferently looked at Levi’s body floating in the pool. He turned and
left with the Griffin Army.

After they left, the guards of the branch family jumped into the pool to fish Levi out.
Then, medical staff appeared and quickly gave Levi CPR and artificial respiration.

After ten minutes of rescue, Levi inhaled sharply. His eyes widened and he vomited a
few mouthfuls of water before slumping weakly on the ground.

He truly just had a near-death experience. He sat up with red eyes and roared angrily,
“Philip Clarke, I won’t let you off!”
The group of rich kids also gathered around and asked about him in concern.

Levi pushed them away coldly and staggered as he left the yard with the help of his

Philip received a call from George Thomas not long after he left the branch family.

“Young Master, Miss Chloe of the Sommerset family has arrived at Arcadia Island. Do
you want to meet her?” George asked cautiously.

Philip frowned and asked, “Why is she here?”

It had been a long time since he had heard from Chloe, so he was a little surprised.

George stammered, “Uh, Miss Chloe is your fiancee in name, after all. Moreover, she
has a marriage contract with you.”

Speaking of this, Philip felt himself getting a headache.

He had brought Wynn back to Arcadia Island but he had not perfectly resolved this
matter with Chloe yet.

“Okay, I get it. Where is she?” Philip asked.

George said, “Max Bar.”

“Okay.” Philip ended the call and stuck his hands in his trouser pockets, looking a little

What was this woman doing in Arcadia Island at this time?

District 9, Max Bar.

Although it was daytime outside, the bar was full full of music and dance. It was very

Philip was slightly unhappy as he walked into this place where young people looked to
release their overactive hormones.
Why did Chloe come to this place alone? What would happen if she was taken
advantage of?

After searching for a long time, he finally found Chloe in a white short skirt sitting at the
bar counter. She was holding a glass of wine in her hand and bowing her head

There were also two tattooed delinquent youths next to her, leaning against Chloe’s
body. They obviously had bad intentions.

At this time, Chloe was so drunk that her mind was a little fuzzy. The two delinquent
youths with tattoos and permed hair came to chat with Chloe because of her beauty at
first, but when they saw no one around Chloe and that she seemed drunk, malicious
thoughts welled in their minds.

One of the young men put his hand on Chloe’s fair shoulder and asked, “Hey pretty, why
are you drinking by yourself? Do you want my company?”

Chapter 2184
Chloe’s eyes were blurry at this time, and she could not hear clearly.

Hearing someone talking to her at this time, Chloe asked without raising her head,
“Philip, are you here to pick me up?”

The two youths glanced at each other and smirked lecherously. This little hussy was
actually calling out a man’s name . Was she troubled by love?

“Oh, it’s me! I’m here to pick you up! Come home with me, hehe.” The other guy said
with a wicked smile before he reached out for Chloe’s waist.

Unexpectedly, Chloe acted as if she was electrocuted. She shook off the hands of the
two, saying angrily and aggrievedly, “I don’t want to go home with you! You’re already
married and have kids. You have long forgotten our initial promise. I hate you!”

While saying that, Chloe started crying. The two delinquent youths were stunned and
exchanged a glance.

One of the youths asked for a glass of wine at the bar.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly put something in and swayed the
glass to dissolve it into the wine.

“Oh, don’t be angry! It’s all my fault. I’ll make it up to you. Here, let me buy you a drink!”

With that said, the young man handed the glass of wine to Chloe. As long as she drank
the wine, she would be at the mercy of these two villains today!

The two of them looked at Chloe’s peach-like face, slender collarbone, and soft body.

They felt hot all over when they thought about it and could hardly resist the desire in
their hearts.

As they persuaded Chloe to drink, they rubbed against her with malicious intent.

Philip saw this scene when he walked in to look for Chloe!

Chloe was in a daze at this time and thought that the one who handed her the wine was
Philip. In confusion, she took the glass and was about to drink it.

A gray shadow flashed in the crowd. Philip rushed over with lightning speed, grabbed
the glass of wine in her hand, and placed it on the table with a bang.

Chloe huffed and stammered unhappily, “Meanie, you said you bought me a drink but
you won’t let me drink it. You’re hateful.”

Philip felt an ache in his heart. He glared at the two delinquent youths fiercely, his
expression shrouded with murderous intent. “You two, what did you put in the wine you
just gave her?” Philip asked, his voice cold and piercing.

The two youths did not expect that someone would appear and disrupt their plans. They
were slightly taken aback before bursting into anger!

One of them rolled his eyes, looked at Philip with his nose high in the air, and grabbed
Philip by the collar. “Boy, who are you? What’s it to you? Are you trying to meddle in our
business? Are you tired of living?”

Philip looked down at the hand on his collar and sneered grimly. “Tired of living? Who?
grabbed the guy’s wrist.”

The young man was stunned. “How dare you fight back?! You-“

Before he finished speaking, Philip clasped his five steel-like fingers violently!


The youth was still being pretentious when he felt a sharp pain from his wrist! “You…
Ah! It hurts! Let go of me, you brat!”

Let go? Philip chuckled, flipped his wrist, and twisted the youth’s wrist.

The youth instantly could not take it and released his grip on Philip’s collar. Then, he
was forced to turn around as Philip wrenched his wrist behind him.

He was pressed to the bar by Philip in an arrest position.

“Ouch, it hurts! Let go of me right now, do you hear?”

Before he finished his sentence, Philip slapped him in the mouth.

Chapter 2185
Philip had controlled his strength when he slapped the youth but the latter still could not
take it.

With just one hit, the youth felt his teeth coming loose as blood gushed in his mouth!

“Are there any adults in your family? Didn’t they teach you how to speak? I’m telling
you, keep your mouth clean. If you still speak like this, I’ll continue to slap you! Hear
that?” Philip coldly reprimanded, the tone of his voice very strong and not to be
questioned! “

“I… understand.”

Such a delinquent youth was not a member of the streets but an idle member of society
who had dropped out of school a long time ago. He was a typical bully who only picked
on the weak.

The youth was in pain and fear after being beaten by Philip, so he immediately gave in.
When the other youth on the side saw that Phinp was so powerful, he was so frightened
that he dared not breathe aloud.

“Did you rub against her just now?” Philip asked with a glare.

“I just bumped into her accidentally. I didn’t rub against her. Him, it’s him! That guy put
his arm around the girl’s shoulders just now.”

The youth who was tackled by Philip quickly sold his buddy out in an instant.

The other youth was startled and cursed his friend inwardly for being unscrupulous!
Then, he turned to run.

However, how could he escape in front of Philip? When he was about to move, Philip
pressed on the first guy with his right hand, and with lightning speed, his left hand
quickly caught the kid who was about to run.

“Run? Where do you want to run to after doing something so wicked? Tell me which
hand you used to touch her shoulder.” Philip said coldly with a murderous look in his

The young man he caught was so frightened that he almost pissed his pants! He
shuddered all over and could not say a word.

“You’re not telling me? I’ll get rid of both your hands, then,” Philip said blandly and
moved swiftly like the wind!

Immediately after that, two crunching sounds could be heard!

The young man who put his arm around Chloe’s shoulders earlier got both his arms
broken by Philip in an instant!


A miserable scream resounded throughout the bar.

The security guards had long heard the commotion and stood around wanting to stop
them, but due to Philip’s intensity and aggressiveness, no one dared to make the first
At this moment, Chloe sobered up slightly by the howl of the young man who had put
his arm around her shoulders. She turned around and rubbed her eyes.

She looked at Philip and the two youths, then she asked in a very cute daze, “Huh?
Why are there two Philips…? No, there are three?”

Philip sighed slightly, feeling a little distressed for Chloe.

At this time, Chloe finally recognized Philip. She got up from her seat and stumbled to
Philip’s side.

Grabbing the corner of Philip’s clothes, she said coquettishly like a child, “Philip, what
took you so long? I want to drink. Where did you put my wine?”

Philip laughed wryly as his right hand pressed the other youth and his left hand gently
pulled Chloe’s small hand.

“That glass of wine is no good. Let’s give it to someone else.”

As he said that, Philip turned his head and stared at the delinquent young man he was
pressing on the table with the gaze of a wild beast.

The man was startled by Philip’s eyes and said quickly, “Uh, dude, you’ve already
beaten me. Just let me go!”

Philip smiled grimly and said, “I can let you go but you still have something to do.”

With that said, Philip took the drugged glass of wine and slammed it heavily in front of
the youth’s face.

“You ordered this wine, so you drink it!”

“Huh? D-Drink this?” The delinquent youth who was pinned to the table by Philip stared
fixedly at the glass of liquid, his expression full of hesitation.

“This… Sir, I don’t drink.”

The delinquent refused while shrinking his head back desperately, but he was held
down by Philip.
How could he break free? Philip sneered. “What bullshit are you talking about? Why
come to a bar if you don’t drink? Are you here to drink milk instead of alcohol? Hurry up
and drink this! Quick!”

The delinquent looked panicked and could not utter a full sentence.

Chapter 2186
“You don’t want to drink it? Could there be something in the wine?” Philip said coldly as
his eyes tensed with murderous intent!


Faced with Philip’s questions, the delinquent’s voice grew smaller and smaller as sweat
dripped from his forehead. His pupils were shifting erratically, and his heart was full of

“I’ll ask you again. Will you drink it?” Philip said lightly.

Although his voice was not loud, his words were full of murderous intent. One could not
help but shudder upon hearing it.

The delinquent did not speak.


Philip slapped him vehemently.

This time, it was with more force than the previous one.

“Ow!” The delinquent yelled and spat out a few teeth.

Blood gushed from his mouth, and his body trembled all over with pain.

Philip said, “This is the second time. If I have to ask you for the third time, you’ll end up
worse than the person on the ground right now!”

The delinquent’s ears buzzed! He looked at his companion who had fainted on the
ground, and his face could not help shaking violently. He had clearly seen the ferocity
and speed of Philip’s attack just now. The person on the ground had just put his arm on
the woman’s shoulders and his arms were broken.

The delinquent felt the pain just thinking of the image and the sound of bones cracking
just now.

Worse than this?

What son of torture would that be? With that thought, the delinquent quickly shouted, “I’ll
drink! Don’t hit me anymore! I’m the only son in my family. You mustn’t harm me!”

Having said that, the delinquent hurriedly reached out to grab the glass of wine that he
had drugged. He took the glass tremblingly and without thinking, he raised his head and
gulped the contents.

Very soon after drinking, he seemed to be drunk as he swayed and slumped on the bar

Philip sighed. He looked at Chloe, who was behind him. If he had arrived a moment
later, what would have happened to her if she drank the wine and fainted in the arms of
these two guys?

It was scary just thinking about it!

Did she come to the bar without an entourage?

At this time, he could not help but feel angry. He kicked the delinquent whose arms
were broken on the floor!


With a muffled sound, the delinquent’s body rolled out like a bowling ball, hitting many
tables and chairs along the way.

He screamed in pain and flailed around before his eyes rolled back. He fainted again.

All eyes in the bar were focused on Philip at this time. Everyone was dumbfounded.

This kid was so violent! Who was he?

Was he the young lady’s boyfriend?

At this time, several women in the bar who came to have fun could not help talking
about it.

“Wow! Who is this guy? He’s so manly! I like him so much!”

“Look, not only is he manly, but he’s also quite handsome.”

“Ah, it’s a pity he already has a girlfriend or I’d definitely be with him! This kind of man is
fantastic! He’ll make you feel super safe!”

The women chattered incessantly.

At this time, Chloe was still in a daze and pulling on Philip’s clothes, acting like a child.
“Philip, why don’t you bring me a drink? I want to drink! Do you dote on me or not?”

Philip was helpless. After all, they were previously in love.

He said softly, “Chloe, we’ve drunk a lot today. We can’t drink anymore. Your body won’t
be able to take it. Let me send you back.”

Chapter 2187
Chloe swayed around for a while before saying, “Okay, but I can’t walk..”

Philip sighed. “Okay, I get it. Why are you acting like a child after a few drinks? Should I
carry you on my back?”

“Uh, no!” Chloe acted like a child and stretched her arms toward Philip. “I want a hug!”

“A hug?!” Philip was taken aback, and his eyes were widened .

How could he? This would be too intimate, right?

At this time, the onlookers got more excited. Many girls covered their faces and
cheered. “Wow, so romantic!”

“Hug her! Hurry up!”

“Hug her for a million years!”

Philip was extremely embarrassed. With his face slightly twitching, he explained to the
onlookers, “Don’t misunderstand. She’s just a friend!”

While Philip was explaining to the onlookers, he suddenly felt a warm and soft touch
from behind his body at this time.

Chloe embraced Philip from behind!


Philip almost choked. “C-Chloe?”

Philip exclaimed and slowly turned back to look at Chloe.

At this moment, Chloe’s face was flushed red. She opened her intoxicated and beautiful
eyes slightly, looking at him subtly.

Chloe felt a little hot due to the alcohol, and because of the close contact, Philip clearly
felt her body temperature.


Philip swallowed. Drink less and one would not get drunk. Do not touch and one would
not get tempted!

At this time, a drunk and beautiful woman with charming eyes and an enchanting body
had taken the initiative to hug Philip. To say that he was not tempted would be a
complete lie!

Philip’s heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his mouth. If he did not do
something, he was afraid something might happen!

With that thought in mind, Philip could no longer refuse. Amid everyone’s cheers, he
picked up Chloe princess-style and they got into a car.

He drove quickly to a nearby hotel. At the hotel, Chloe threw up all over the floor, so
Philip took care of her for a while.
Since Chloe threw up, most of the alcohol in her stomach was out. Hence, her
consciousness began to clear up and her mind was more aware,

Philip helped her to the bathroom and asked her to quickly take a shower. They would
talk tomorrow.

Chloe was sober at this time. She nodded, entered the bathroom, and closed the door.

Philip collapsed on the sofa and let out a long sigh!

As a result, as soon as Philip sat down, he heard Chloe talking in the bathroom.

“Philip, can you come in and help me? I can’t get my clothes undone.”

“W-What?” Philip shuddered with excitement.

“C-Can’t undress?” Philip stammered.

What should he do? He had good intentions, but if this continued and Wynn found out
about it, he was afraid that she would misunderstand.

Faced with Philip’s question, Chloe also blushed in the bathroom. She heard the
awkwardness in Philip’s voice.

At this point, she had thrown up most of the alcohol in her stomach and her mind was

However, drinking a lot of alcohol had rendered her body soft and weak.

When Chloe went out today, she wore a strapless dress with a zipper at the back. If she
wanted to undress for a shower, she had to reach out and unzip the zipper at the back.

Chapter 2188
Chloe’s limbs were weak. The zipper was pulled halfway down and got stuck when her
hand started trembling. The zipper could neither go up nor down now. She had no
choice but to ask Philip for help. She was also very shy about it!

Now that she was sober, she remembered being at the bar and acting like a child with
Philip in front of so many people. She even took the initiative to hug him. Her pretty face
was flushed so red it was almost purple!
After all, she had not been so close to a man for a long time. Moreover, it was the man
she loved so much. However, he was already married.

“D-Don’t overthink it! The zipper is stuck and I really can’t pull it down!”

Chloe’s voice was aggrieved and anxious. She was about to cry.


Philip was also taken aback. After listening to Chloe’s explanation, he hurriedly agreed
and stumbled to the bathroom.

At the bathroom door, Philip coughed and said, “Um, I’m here. You can open the door.

After a long time, the door slowly opened and revealed a gap. Chloe was also in a
dilemma whether she should open the door for Philip.

Chloe’s cute little head stuck out from inside, and her pretty face was flushed red from
embarrassment. It seemed as if smoke was about to rise from her head.

“P-Please come in,” Chloe said as she lowered her head and opened the door

Philip walked in and Chloe hurriedly closed the door, her breathing becoming rapid.

Someone not in the know might think that they were doing something that could not be
seen by others!

“What are you doing?” Philip was taken aback and said.

Chloe’s behavior and expression had caused Philip to misunderstand.

Chloe also seemed to realize this, and the flush on her face became more vivid!

“You mustn’t misunderstand! I’m sweating all over and felt cold with the door open!
Don’t think too much! I’ll kick you to death if you think like that again! I’ll tell your wife!”

“Uh, no!”
Philip quickly responded and lowered his head in shame.

At this moment, Chloe blushed and stepped in front of Philip. She turned around slightly,
pointed to her back with difficulty, and said, “It’s that one. Just help me pull it down and
go out immediately! Don’t delay and don’t let your eyes stray!”

Philip did not speak but just nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Chloe showed her back to Philip.

Philip raised his head slightly and reached out out for the zipper on Chloe’s back.

At this time, the zipper was already partly pulled down by her. Due to her weak arms,
the zipper was stuck in one spot. The part of her flesh that was exposed was very
delicate like jelly, and the shape of her two shoulder blades was clearly visible.

From the back, Chloe’s long hair was soft and black. Her waist was very slender as if it
had been painted by a well-known artist. Her figure was so beautiful. Just the sight of
her back alone could leave a man with infinite fantasies. She was truly a femme fatale!

Philip looked at her back and could not help being stunned. Sensing no movement from
Philip after a while, Chloe could not help being puzzled and turned slightly to look at

Unexpectedly, when she turned her head, she found that Philip was watching her in a
daze. She could not help feeling ashamed!

She quickly pulled her clothes up and glared at Philip with anger. She was feeling
aggrieved as well. Tears welled in her eyes.

“Stop looking! Close your eyes!”

Philip froze as Chloe’s anger brought him back to reality.

“Okay, I won’t look! I’ll close my eyes!”

This time, Philip forced himself to stop thinking about all that nonsense and reached out
to fumble for the zipper.

In a panic, he abruptly pulled it down!

As a result, Philip was too anxious and ripped Chloe’s clothes apart!

Chloe was stunned for a moment before she started to scream.

Philip was also shocked and ran out of the bathroom while apologizing.

Chapter 2189
Philip ran out of the hotel in a hurry. Feeling the sunshine, he took a deep breath. He
looked back at the upper floors of the hotel while feeling helpless and remorseful.

Chloe was still a romantic history he could not get rid of. Something had almost
happened in the suite just now. When did this woman become so soft? Was this what
she meant by changing herself and letting him get to know her again?

Philip shook his head and drove back to Clarke Manor. That was because he had to
take Wynn and Mila to visit his mother’s mausoleum in the afternoon.

In a room on the hotel’s upper floors behind a large French window, Chloe was wearing
a bathrobe. With her arms across her chest, her eyes were cold and complicated as she
looked at Philip walking to his car.

At this moment, any trace of drunkenness had disappeared from her face. Behind her, a
guard in a black suit said respectfully, “Miss, those two punks have already been taken
care of. No one noticed anything.”

Chloe nodded and watched as Philip left.

“Miss, forgive me for saying something I shouldn’t. You’re the young lady of the
Sommerset family and Mr. Clarke is already married. You shouldn’t be like this.”

“Shut up! You’re in no position to mind my business!” Chloe chided. She turned around,
looked at the guard behind her, and said coldly, “This matter is not allowed to be
disclosed. Otherwise, I’ll hold you responsible!”

“Yes!” The guard responded and turned helplessly to leave the suite.

Cold intent faintly appeared on Chloe’s pretty face as she said softly, “Philip, I said I
won’t give up on you! No matter the means and tactics, I’ll make you fall in love with me
After saying that, Chloe turned to look downstairs againbut Philip’s car was already far
away. Everything that happened today was arranged by Chloe in advance.

The farce in the bar and the two punks were also arranged by Chloe. Even the shy and
innocent appearance she displayed in the hotel suite just now was a performance.

For Philip’s sake, she could change herself. However, Philip did not seem to fall for this.

Philip returned to his residence and saw that Wynn was ready.

“Phil, you’re back. Where have you been? You’re sweating all over.”

Wynn walked over, straightened Philip’s clothes, and wiped the sweat from his

However, at that moment, Wymn’s sensitive nose caught a whiff of a woman’s perfume
on Philip. She looked slightly stunned and hesitated.

Philip was startled and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Wynn forced a smile and said, “It’s nothing. By the way, when are we going over in the
afternoon?” Wynn did a good job of concealing the change in her inner emotions.

Did Philip go out on a date with another woman? Did he cheat on her? Wynn’s hean
was in a mess, and her expression was a little ugly, but she squeezed out a smile.

Philip did not notice the change in Wynn’s mood and said, “Yeah, I’ll take you there in a

At this time, Mila ran down from the playroom upstairs and jumped into Philip’s arms.
Her braids bounced up , making her look very cute.

Philip picked up Mila, scratched her little nose happily, and asked, “Have you been
obediently listening to Mom?”

Mila wiggled her fingers and said with a smile, “Yes, I’m very obedient.”

Philip smiled and then asked, “So, has the doctor at home gotten the results?”
Wynn shook her head and said, “No, Dr. Garfield Gates isn‘t around. He’s said to be out
visiting friends. Several other doctors drew Mila’s blood for lab tests.”

Philip frowned slightly, nodded, and said, “I see.”

It should not be this slow. Could it be that Mila really had some hidden illness? Was it
the same as Wynn?

Chapter 2190
Philip was a little flustered. After holding Mila for a while, they left for his mother’s
mausoleum. Escorted by the guards, Philip brought Wynn and Mila onto the small
cruise ship.

As Nelson was born prematurely, it was not convenient for him to come out, so they did
not bring him along.

On the island, Buck Jolly had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Wynn and Mila
by Philip’s side, he grinned and greeted with a respectful smile, “Young Madam, Young

Wynn smiled gently and greeted, “Hello, Mr. Jolly.”

During their journey here, Philip had already introduced Buck and some of the island
guards to Wynn.

Buck was stunned for a moment before his eyes reddened a little.

This young madam was so easy-going, unlike some wives of the other young masters
of the Clarke family who were arrogant and domineering. To guards like them, those
wives always bad- mouthed them and ordered them around.

“Young Madam, you’re too polite. Just call me Buck,” Buck said.

Wynn said, “You’ve been guarding my mother-in-law’s mausoleum for a long time. It’s a
tough job. This is the least I can do.”

Hearing this, Buck’s eyes got redder, and the other guards also had red eyes. Very few
people would care about them like this.
Apart from Philip and Wynn, guards like them were just tools in the eyes of others. Their
lives were not worth mentioning, so no one would care about their tough jobs.

At that moment, Buck and his buddies swore to protect Philip and Wynn to their deaths.

Soon, the group arrived at the mausoleum. Philip took Wynn up to pay respects. Then,
Wynn asked Philip to go first, saying that she had something to down say to her

Philip had no choice but to walk down and meet up with Buck in the small square below.

“Young Master, I’ve made arrangements for the things you told me to. You can mobilize
the troop at any time.” Buck stood next to Philip at this moment as a cold chill flashed
across his eyes.

Philip nodded, looked up at the sky, felt the salty sea breeze blowing on his face, and
said, “Tomorrow is the ancestor commemoration day. Wait a little longer. When the time
comes, you may take charge of them. Wait for my orders.”

Buck nodded and replied, “Okay, I understand.”

Philip stood for a while and watched as Wynn walked down from above while holding
Mila’s hand.

“What did you talk about?” Philip asked as he went over and tenderly put a trench coat
on Wynn.

Wynn hooked her hair behind her ears and said, “Nothing. Let’s go back.”

“Okay.” Philip nodded, bade farewell to Buck, and returned to Arcadia Island.

As soon as Philip and Wynn arrived on the island, they saw a lot of heavily armed
guards standing on the small square in front of Philip’s residence!

At this moment, Levi blocked the entrance with a team of guards.

With gloomy eyes, he looked at Philip and Wynn and sneered, “Philip, you’re finally
back. I’ve been waiting for you!”
Philip’s face darkened as he pulled Wynn behind him. He looked around and asked
grimly, “What are you doing here?”

Levi laughed and said, “Do you have the cheek to ask me this question? You ruined my
party and almost killed me. I’m here to seek revenge!”
Chapter 2191
Levi’s face was full of chilling anger! After being humiliated by Philip in his residence earlier,
Levi felt that he had lost all dignity! If word of this got out to the outside world, how could he
still gain a foothold?

After thinking about it, he brought a small team to Philip’s residence to demand an
explanation! Yes, demand an explanation! Philip beat up the eldest young master of the
branch family and almost killed him. Levi was furious just thinking about it!

At this moment, Philip looked at the angry Levi coldly and said with a faint sneer, “Are you
trying to take revenge?”

Levi snorted, pointed at Philip, and said, “Philip Clarke, don’t be too arrogant! To tell you the
truth, all the guards near your residence have been transferred away under false orders! The
same goes for your Griffin Army! It can be said that there’s not even a single guard within a
kilometer range around here that you can use now! If you don’t kneel and apologize to me
today, I’ll break your arms. Then, I’ll get some people to take your wife. I’ll also sell your
daughter in the overseas black market to become a slave!”

While saying that, the smile on Levi’s face grew more frenzied. He was ecstatic. At the
thought of Philip kneeling in front of him later to apologize for his wife and daughter, he was

“Hehe, moreover, I heard that there are quite a few buyers on the dark net recently who like
attractive young women and children. I think your wife and daughter will be very popular.”
Levi smiled wickedly, his face full of ferocious coldness.

Hearing this, Philip’s expression turned as cold as the abyss, which made people tremble!

Wynn, who was standing behind Philip, was the first to feel the change in Philip’s mood.

It was too cold! How horrifying! He was like a savage beast that wanted to tear everything
apart! She gently tugged Philip’s arm and looked at her husband’s side profile with some

Those cold eyes revealed the killing intent to destroy everything! “Philip, don’t..” Wynn

Philip turned his head and smiled gently. He patted the back of Wynn’s hand and said, “Don’t
worry, this is my home and I know what to do. No one can insult you like this in front of me. If
he dares to, I’ll make him suffer.

After saying this, Philip turned to Levi again.

At this moment, Levi sneered mockingly and said to Philip, “Philip, you can really pretend.
You still want to act tough at this point? Are you playing Casanova? I’m telling you, if you
don’t kneel today, I’ll get someone to break your limbs, abduct your wife and daughter, and
sell them overseas! During the ancestor commemoration tomorrow, your wife and daughter
will become sinners anyway. Why don’t I help you and end them first? What do you say?”

Levi laughed after saying that. This was exhilarating! He had never felt so good before! This
feeling of grabbing someone’s weak spot and controlling other people’s life and death was
really exciting!

Seeing that Philip was not saying anything, Levi snorted and said, “What do you mean by
keeping quiet? Stop thinking about it. You won’t lose anything if you just kneel and
apologize. Think about your wife and kid. Don’t you want to protect them? I’m giving you the
chance now. You should cherish it.”

Having said that, Levi looked at the watch worth millions of dollars on his wrist and said, “Oh,
time is running out. You still have ten minutes. You can think about it.”

After saying that, Levi stood leisurely in place with a sneer on his face.

Philip had no way of escaping today! There was not a single guard from the main family
nearby. All the guards here were brought by Levi. If Philip dared to resist, he would break his
limbs immediately!

Philip’s cold eyes swept over the crowd as he said with a sneer, “Levi, did you think that by
transferring all my guards away, I’d be afraid of you?”

Chapter 2192
Levi scowled and asked, “What do you mean? Do you want to barge past them? Do you
even realize the situation you’re in now? Hurry up and kneel to me!”

With that said, Levi saw Philip approaching him one step at a time.

At that moment, Levi was a little alarmed. What was up with Philip? He did not even have a
guard by his side yet he dared to act tough? “How dare you?! If you take another step
forward, I’ll have someone break your legs!” Levi roared.

The guard beside Levi also immediately raised his gun and aimed it at Philip’s knee!

However, Philip did not seem to hear him and walked straight to Levi.

“Damn it! Fire! Kill him!” Levi could not bear the pressure from Philip.

The pressure was so intense that it made him breathless!

Rat-tat! Gunshots!

The guard pulled the trigger! The bullet sparked from the muzzle and fired out!

Wynn saw this scene from a distance and was so frightened that she hugged Mila and
turned around. She did not dare to let the child watch.
At the same time, she shouted, “Philip!”

Levi’s eyes were filled with a sinister chill. Philip brought this upon himself!

However, the next second, the scene he imagined of Philip’s knee being pierced through by
the bullet and blood spurting out did not happen!

Instead, Philip raised his hand slightly and a tongue of flame quickly burst out from his palm.
Instantly, the fire engulfed the bullet that was blasting his way! Then, the bullet stalled in
mid-air while wrapped by the tongue of fire. The bullet seemed to have encountered a huge
resistance and shook in mid-air. After that, it slowly melted!

Levi’s eyes widened at this scene. It made him gasp! Holy shit! What the hell was this?

Levi was flabbergasted and took a few steps back in a panic. He shouted, “Fire! Shoot the
fuck out of him!”


Rapid gunshots!

Philip raised his hand. In front of him, a flame barrier appeared and blocked the bullets fired
by the branch family’s guards! All the bullets shot into the flame barrier and stopped! Then,
all the bullets melted into red molten iron!

At this moment, Levi, who was hiding behind the guards, understood why Philip had such
confidence! “Y-You clearly haven’t entered the door. Why do you have the strength of a
disciple?” Levi panicked upon knowing that he had gotten into trouble today! He could hardly
believe that Philip actually possessed the strength of a disciple!

It was not as if he had not seen his father’s display of his prowess or heard his father talking
about the door. Everything that he was seeing in front of him could only be explained by
Philip being a disciple of the door!

However, he could not be one. He did not even have the qualifications to enter the door.
Thus, Connor and the others thought of using Wynn and Nelson to help Levi enter the
Clarke family’s door and undergo a physical transformation.

Philip snorted coldly and said, “There’s still a lot you don’t know. Now, pay the price for what
you said and did just now!”

Chapter 2193

Levi screamed in fright. He quickly hid behind the guards and stared at Philip nervously.
He said, “Don’t come near me! I’m the eldest young master of the branch family, after all.
You can’t do this to me! My father is the chieftain. If you do anything to me here, you’ll
become a sinner of the Clarke family!”

Philip sneered and said into thin air, “Wynnie, don’t look.”

Wynn hugged Mila with her back to them. She nodded and said, “Okay.”

Then, Philip stared coldly at Levi with gloomy eyes as he said, “Levi, don’t threaten me with
your father’s position as chieftain of the branch family. I’m not afraid at all! We already had a
falling out in the branch family’s memorial hall back then. Today, you broke into my residence
for no reason and plotted against my wife and daughter. For this crime alone, I can already
punish you with my hands!”

The last sentence exploded in Levi’s mind like a thunderstorm! He had already prepared
everything. Even the guards around Philip had been transferred away, but who would have
thought that there would be such a change?! Philip actually had the strength of a disciple!
This was something Levi never expected! The problem he had been struggling with for so
many years was easily solved by Philip! Was this fate?

Levi roared. “So what? I don’t believe that you’d dare kill me! If a young master of a branch
family is killed by a young master of the main family, my father will definitely kill you with his
bare hands!”

At this time, Levi knew that begging for mercy was useless. The only chance of survival
might be through coercion.

However, Philip smiled faintly as he asked, “Who said that I’m going to kill you?”

Levi trembled upon hearing this, unable to figure out what Philip meant. However, he quickly
realized what Philip meant.

Philip waved his hand and the fire chimera that sprang out from his hand sent all the guards
in front of Levi flying! Then, he stepped forward and stood right in front of Levi.

Like a flame demon, his red eyes stared at Levi from above as he shouted, “I’ll make you
suffer a fate worse than death!”

With that said, Philip raised his hand and slapped Levi’s face violently! This slap carried the
power of his fire attribute and sent Levi flying several meters away before he crashed heavily
to the ground!


A miserable scream resounded in front of the residence. Levi fell to the ground, his cheeks
red and hot just like molten iron. Several of his teeth were also knocked out, and his mouth
was full of blood!
Levi reached out and tried to cover his cheeks, but the burning sensation on his cheeks
made him feel unbearable pain!

“You, don’t come near me!”

At this moment, Levi panicked when he saw Philip walking toward him. He quickly crawled
on the ground.

However, Philip raised his foot and stomped fiercely on Levi’s back!


The crisp sound of bones breaking! Immediately after, a sound that sounded like a dying
pig’s squeal could be heard throughout the vicinity!

Levi’s eyes widened before his pupils rolled back. His entire back was filled with biting chills
and pain! That kind of pain felt like it came from hell and made him feel like dying! His hip
bone was broken!

He screamed on the ground and shouted, “Ah, I can’t, I’m dying! Get your leg off me!”

Philip did not listen at all. With indifferent eyes, he looked coldly at Levi who was struggling
on the ground. He said, “Apologize for what you said and did to my wife and daughter!”

Chapter 2194
Levi grabbed the bricks on the ground with both hands, struggling so much until he drew

He howled. “I won’t apologize! Even if you trample me to death, I won’t apologize! I’m the
eldest young master of the branch family. I’ll never apologize!”

“Oh, really? Continue enjoying the treatment, then.” Philip said impassively before he lifted
his leg and stomped down on the back of Levi’s right knee.

At that moment, Levi’s eyes widened in horror as he looked back at Philip who had a sneer
on his face. He asked, “What are you doing? Don’t… Argh!”

A hoarse scream resounded again! Levi clenched his fists as his body fell limp on the

The soul-crunching pain made him sweat profusely! Philip’s action had broken Levi’s

He would have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair unless he met a talented doctor
who could help him reconstruct his bones.
Shards of bone were stuck in Levi’s flesh, making him tremble in pain! “P-Philip, I swear that
I won’t let you off! Just you wait. I’m going to kill you! I’ll kill you!” Levi roared, trying to vent
the anger and pain in his heart.

Philip just watched grimly. He moved his foot away, stepped on the knee socket of Levi’s
other leg, and coldly asked again, “Will you apologize?”

Levi gritted his teeth while trembling all over but he still shouted, “No, never!”


The sound of a crushed kneecap! Another miserable scream!

This time, Levi passed out from the pain.

Philip stood aside and looked indifferently at Levi, who had fainted on the ground from the
pain. He shook his head.

After that, he turned around, looked at the guards of the branch family who were silent, and
shouted solemnly, “Take your young master and get lost!”

The branch family’s guards immediately got up from the ground, hurriedly carried Levi on
their backs, and trotted away from here.

Wynn was still holding Mila in her arms and looked at the departing backs of Levi and the

She then turned to Philip, trotted over, and asked, “Are you okay? What did you do to him?”

Philip smiled lightly and said, “It’s nothing. Let’s go in.”

Wynn hummed, carried Mila, and followed Philip into the house.

Levi was carried back to the branch family by the guards. As soon as they entered the
boundary of the branch family, the alarm sounded! The alarm blared in the entire branch
family’s manor!

In the central hall, Wade stood up suddenly. He listened to the harsh alarm sound and asked
nervously, “What’s going on? Where did the alarm come from? What happened?”

A guard rushed in at this moment, knelt in front of Wade, and shouted, “Master Wade, it’s not
good! Something big has happened! Young Master Levi had both his legs broken by Young
Master Philip of the main family!”


With a loud explosion, Wade punched the table. The redwood table and chair shattered into
With wide eyes, he roared and asked, “What? Levi’s legs were broken? What the hell

The guard was very nervous but quickly told Wade what had happened.

After hearing this, Wade was furious. He clenched his fists tightly, and there was a chill in his
eyes. With a wave of his hand, he said, “Let’s go! Bring me to see Levi!”

Chapter 2195
At the same time, many elders and heads of the branch families had also received reports
from their subordinates! For a while, everyone who was around rushed to Levi’s residence.
All the guards were assembled in Levi’s residence at this moment, keeping a close guard.
Medical staff walked in and out, carrying trays full of bloody cloth and broken bones that had
been removed.

Wade arrived first with his men and looked through the glass at Levi who was undergoing
surgery in the room.

Seeing Levi’s miserable state, Wade was filled with gloom and anger! He stood with his
hands behind his back. He turned his head and asked the guard beside him, “What’s the
situation in the main family?”

The guard said, “There’s no unusual movement. It seems they don’t care that Young Master
Philip has broken Young Master Levi’s legs.”

While saying this, the guard was trembling from feelings of guilt.

Upon hearing this, Wade flew into a rage and roared. “Damn it! How dare they take the
matter so lightly after injuring the young master of my branch family? Very well, good for

“Wade, what’s going on? How is Levi doing?”

At this time, Morrow walked in while being supported by his subordinates. He clutched a
handkerchief in his hand while coughing. His face was a little pale.

When he saw Levi undergoing surgery through the glass, he asked in distress, “How did this

Wade shouted coldly, “Morrow, this is the handiwork of that brat, Philip! Levi just went over to
talk to him about something but he beat him up like this and even broke his legs! Seeing that
the ancestor commemoration ceremony is just tomorrow, Philip is doing this as a warning to
the branch family! Levi definitely won’t be able to participate in the ceremony tomorrow, and
our plans will have to change.”
Wade was extremely upset. Originally, the plan was to use Wynn’s identity to attack Philip
and the main family during the ceremony before revoking Philip’s status as the heir of the
main family. They would then appoint Levi as the heir.

However, now that Levi’s legs were crippled, he could not attend the ceremony and thus
could not inherit the Clarke family. That was because descendants of the Clarke family must
be present during the ceremony! If Levi was not present, be would not be an eligible
candidate to inherit the Clarke family.

Morrow frowned upon hearing this. He looked at Levi who was undergoing surgery and said,
“Let’s not talk about this first. It’s fine as long as Levi is alright. The chieftain is now in closed
captivity. We can’t afford to let anything happen to Levi.”

“Morrow, Wade, what happened? Did Philip make a move against Levi?”

At this time, Salem and Hansel also arrived at Levi’s residence. They stood at the glass
window and looked at Levi.

Hansel immediately exploded in anger and roared. “Outrageous! This is simply

preposterous! I’ll bring my men to the main family and demand an explanation! He dares to
attack a member of the family so ruthlessly. I want to see how the people of the family can
still defend that brat Philip!”

After saying that, Hansel turned around and left with his men.

Seeing this, Morrow shouted, “Hansel, don’t be impulsive!”

Hansel walked to the door and said without looking back, “Morrow, I know what to do!”

Morrow sighed helplessly as he looked at Wade and Salem while asking, “What do we do

Wade frowned. With his hands behind his back, his face darkened. He said, “Let Hansel deal
with it and take the main family down a peg or two. We need to let the people of the main
family realize that the branch family is not a pushover! I’m going to dispatch other guards to
go along. I’m worried that Hansel may not be able to stand up to Philip.”

Morrow sighed and said, “At this juncture, we can only do this.”

Salem said at this time, “Wade, when you go there, don’t start a conflict so easily. I feel that
this is a scheme set up by Philip. Be sure to proceed with caution and don’t be impulsive.
After all, the ceremony is right around the corner. We must make sure that our plans are not

Wade frowned and said with a nod, “I know.”

After saying that, Wade waved his hand, turned around, and rushed to the main family with
his guards!
Chapter 2196
At Philip’s residence, Horace had already received the news and rushed over. He stood in
the living room, pacing back and forth. Then, he pointed at Philip who was sitting on the sofa
calmly and criticized, “Just look at what you’ve done! It’s only been a few days and this kind
of thing happened again! Tomorrow is the ancestor commemoration ceremony. By doing this
, won’t it put the main family and the branch family at odds forever? If your father finds out
about this, he’ll break your legs!”

Philip leisurely took a sip of tea, poured a cup for Horace, and said, “Uncle Horace, don’t
worry. Just take things as they come. What’s there to be afraid of? Besides, everything is as
planned. It’s fine”

“Plan? What’s your plan? You have no plan! You just have a brain fart and are fooling
around!” Horace scolded angrily.

At this moment, Wynn stood upstairs and looked at the commotion downstairs. She slowly
walked down and apologized, Uncle Horace, “I’m sorry. It’s all because of me that Philip..”

When Horace saw Wynn approaching, the anger on his face quickly turned into a loving
smile. He said, “It’s okay. It’s what this brat should’ve done. He did a good job. Don’t worry,
I’ll handle it.”

Philip looked at Horace speechlessly and muttered in dissatisfaction, “Uncle Horace, you’re
biased. You scolded me for fooling around just now, but now you’re saying that I did a good

Horace glared at him and scolded angrily, “That’s because you’re Roger’s biological son!”

After saying that, he kicked Philip.

Right at this moment, Hansel and a large group of the branch family’s guards barged in
through the door. As soon as they entered, Hansel scanned the hall with a grim face before
his gloomy eyes fell on Philip.

Hansel raised his finger, pointed at Philip, and bellowed, “Men, take down this villain who
harmed one of his own!”

Stomp, stomp!

Instantly, a team of armed guards behind Hansel walked toward Philip!

“How dare you?! This is the residence of the eldest young master of the main family! I’ll see
who dares to make a move against him!”

Horace was furious as he waved his hand and roared!

At this moment, his aura as the third master of the main family was invincible and in full


That piercing look alone made many of the branch family’s guards balk. They dared not take
another step forward!

These guards looked at each other. Even with guns, they dared not move forward. This was
the aura of Horace Clarke!

At this moment, they realized how terrifying the man standing in front of them was! He was
the third master of the main family, the ruthless man who once killed an elder of the law
enforcement hall!

“Are you all fucking deaf? Take him down for me! It’s just Horace Clarke. What are you afraid

Hansel was very angry when he saw the state of the guards at this moment. He went up and
kicked them several times.

The guards had no choice but to bite the bullet and forward.

However, immediately after, Horace shouted solemnly, “Whoever dares to take a step
forward will be killed without mercy!”

Chapter 2197
Faced with the chilly and murderous aura that exuded from Horace, the branch family’s
guards with guns were stunned and dared not move forward! That was because the chill
from Horace was too overwhelming!

Even if this bunch of guards were fully armed, wearing bulletproof vests, helmets, and
goggles, they could still feel that bone-chilling killing intent.

Hansel was furious and roared, “Trash! All of you are good for nothing! Why the hell did the
branch family hire you?”

After saying that, Hansel took a pistol from the waist of one of the guards, aimed it at the
back of the guard’s head, and ordered sharply, “I now order you to go over and take Philip
down! If you dare to disobey orders , I’ll fire!”

With that said, Hansel pulled the safety with a click!

The guard had cold sweat all over his head and cheeks under the helmet. He was helpless
and nervous.

In front of him was Horace, who looked like a savage beast, while behind him was a black
He would die either way. “Go on! If you don’t do it, I’ll shoot!” Hansel roared.

In desperation, the guard moved forward while looking at Horace and Philip with fear and

Horace’s face darkened as he raised his hand to do something.

Philip suddenly got up, grabbed Horace’s arm, and said to Hansel, “Hehe, you don’t need to
coerce your guards. It’s no different from taking their lives.”

After saying that, he turned to the guard who was trembling badly and said , “I saved your

The guard of the branch family collapsed at this moment and slumped to the ground.

Hansel was furious upon seeing this!

Bang, bang!


The guard’s chest was pierced through, and blood gushed.

“Trash! What do I need you for? Such an embarrassment to the branch family!”

Hansel cursed angrily before he glared at Philip grimly.

Philip frowned as he looked at the guard who was shot on the ground. He raised his
eyebrows, stared at Hansel coldly, and said, “He’s just a guard. Why are you so ruthless?
Could it be that the lives of these guards are so cheap to you?”

His words were not loud but filled with an angry reprimand. They reached the ears of all the
guards behind Hansel. They looked at the comrade who was shot by Hansel. Although they
were a little angry, they dared not speak.

Yes, they were guards. Their lives belonged to the branch family.

Hansel chuckled and said, “Philip, don’t try to rock the boat. They’re the guards raised by the
branch family, and their lives naturally belong to us. They must die the way I want them to
die! Now, on behalf of all the heads of the branch family, I demand your explanation for your
atrocities against Levi!”

Philip frowned before he sneered and asked, “Demand an explanation? How strange. Before
you came here to ask for an explanation, didn’t you ask Levi what he did?”

Haha! Hansel laughed and said with a scowl, “Levi must have had a reason for what he did.
By breaking his legs so brutally, you’ve destroyed the foundation of the Clarke family, You’re
instigating a war between the main and branch families ! Don’t think that just because the
chieftain is in seclusion now, you can do whatever you please! Today, on behalf of the
branch family and the Clarke family’s rules, I shall punish you for your evil deeds!”

Philip snorted and said, “Sure enough, the branch family is full of crooks in collusion. The
bunch of you don’t know how to distinguish right from wrong! You’re so bold and arrogant.
You’re so disrespectful of the Clarke family’s rules, yet you keep talking about them. It’s
simply disgusting!”

“Such audacity, you brat! I’m your sixth granduncle. How dare you speak to me like that?
You deserve a beating!” Hansel shouted and raised his hand to slap Philip!

Chapter 2198

As a result, the hand Hansel raised in mid-air was grabbed by Philip!

At that moment, Philip’s hand squeezed Hansel’s arm tightly like an iron pincer. His force
was increasing!

Hansel’s face turned red as he felt the pain from his arm. He scolded, “Let go!”

However, instead of letting go, Philip increased his strength and said solemnly, “Hansel
Clarke, don’t rely on your seniority to suppress others. In my opinion, the branch family is
worse than the beggars out on the streets! You’re nothing but a bunch of trash with wild
ambitions sporting the name of the Clarke family! Today, since you’re here to demand an
explanation, I’ll show you what it means to demand an explanation!”

With that said, Philip exerted force in his palm and wrenched Hansel’s arm outward!


The sound of broken bones resounded throughout the hall!

Hansel let out a miserable scream, and his face was red. He leaned forward and roared,
“Argh! Philip, you brat, how dare you do this to me?! I’m the sixth old master of the branch
family yet you’re disrespecting me like this. I’m going to report this to the chieftain and the
law enforcement hall. I’ll get them to…”


Before he could finish his words, Philip raised his hand and slapped Hansel’s face in anger!

“So noisy!” Philip said sternly, “You old fogeys of the branch family really have short-term
memories! I just taught a few of you a lesson a few days ago but you still dare to come here
and throw your weight around now! Law enforcement hall? Chieftain? Come if you dare! I
want to see who dares to do anything to me!”

This sentence was extremely domineering!

Wynn had been standing in the corner the entire time. Seeing her husband being so
domineering at this moment, she could not help feeling a little euphoric.

Was this Philip’s true nature?

Hansel continued to struggle and roared. “Philip, you’re too cocky! It was your mistake to
break Levi’s legs today, but you have the galls to act like this! You simply have no regard for
the branch family and the Clarke family’s rules!”

While he roared, Hansel looked at Horace, who was watching the show without saying
anything. He shouted, “Horace Clarke, are you just going to condone his actions? Could it be
that in your opinion, the branch family is also insignificant and dispensable?”

Horace’s face darkened.He looked at Hansel, then at Philip. He shook his head helplessly
and sighed, “Phil, let go.”

Philip turned to Horace with a scowl. After thinking about it, he suddenly released his hand
and pushed Hansel back.

Hansel was freed, but his right arm was broken. He clutched his right arm, his face full of
gloomy coldness.

He said to Horace and Philip, “Good for you! Both uncle and nephew are in collusion to
disrespect the branch family! Horace, are you trying to defend him to the end? Do you know
that he made Levi a cripple? He’s the future heir of the branch family!”

Horace also knew that things were a bit troublesome, mainly because Philip was too heavy-
handed. This matter was indeed difficult to handle.

However, no matter how difficult, it was not to the extent that the branch family could take
Philip away so arrogantly.

Just when Horace was about to say something.

Suddenly! There was a low roar like wild waves outside!

“Hansel Clarke, how bold of you! Do you think you can take the heir of the main family away
just like that? Does your branch family have any respect for me, Tim Clarke?”

Chapter 2199
At this moment, a majestic figure stepped in through the door with a team of elite guards!
With his hands behind his back and a proud demeanor, his ferocious eyes were filled with a
biting chill as he glared at Hansel!

Tim Clarke! The second old master of the main Clarke family! Philip’s second uncle!

“Uncle Tim. Philip grinned. He did not expect his second uncle to return at this time.
Horace also nodded slightly and greeted him.

Tim shifted his cold gaze away from Hansel. He looked at Philip and Horace with a smile,
ignoring Hansel’s anger and the branch family’s guards.

“So, how does it feel to be home?” Tim stepped forward and patted Philip’s shoulder with
both hands. He had a loving smile on his face.

Philip shrugged and said, “It’s alright, but the people from the branch family keep bugging

Tim smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it.”

After that, he turned to Wynn who stood on one side, took a few steps forward, hugged
Wynn gently with the etiquette of an elder, and said, “It’s good that you’re back. Are you used
to being in the Clarke family yet? If not, just tell me and I’ll solve any problem for you.”

Wynn smiled and said, “Uncle Tim, there’s no need. Everything is quite alright.”

Tim nodded in satisfaction and asked, “Where’s my little grand-nephew?”

Wynn said, “He’s sleeping inside.”

Tim nodded and said with an affectionate smile, “Okay, let’s take care of the things here first.
I’ll see him later.”

With that said, Tim turned around and walked to Hansel.

However, he did not immediately make things difficult for Hansel but looked at Horace with
dissatisfaction as he reprimanded, “You’re the third old master of the main Clarke family,
after all. Why don’t you dare to take action when the branch family has so blatantly crossed
the line?”

Horace felt aggrieved and muttered, “Tim, I…”

Tim could not be bothered with Horace. He turned around, looked at Hansel grimly, and
merely said, “I’ll give you ten seconds to consider. Take your people and get out of here!”

How authoritative!

He was the commander of all the main Clarke family’s guards! He was also the actual owner
of the Sovereignty Seal! If this were in ancient times, he would be equivalent to a general
who commanded a million troops! A position above all others except for one!

Hansel shuddered all over. He was really shocked by Tim’s domineering aura! However, he
was the sixth old master of the branch family, after all. How could he back down so easily?
With a cold face full of displeasure, he shouted, “Tim Clarke, don’t think that just because
you’re the second old master of the main family, you can harbor an evildoer like Philip! He
has crippled Levi’s legs! What do you think this means? This is internal fighting! His actions
are destroying the legacy of my branch family!” Hansel shouted angrily with a superior sense
of moral high ground!

Tim snickered, looked at Hansel’s broken arm, and said, “Hansel, don’t you want your other
arm anymore?”


This question was completely disrespectful.

Hansel’s face trembled, and he could not help but take two steps back. He looked at Tim in
horror and asked, “W-What do you want to do?”

Tim laughed and said, “I said I’d give you ten seconds to think about it. Now, time is up.”

After saying that, Tim’s eyes turned cold as he ordered, “Tiger Knights, listen to my
command. Take them down!”

An angry shout resounded throughout the place!

Thud, thud, thud!

In an instant, the thunderous sound of footsteps filled the small square outside the

Chapter 2200
It sounded like soldiers’ combat boots stomping on the ground in ancient times -crisp, dull,
and powerful!

Everyone raised their eyebrows and looked outside the residence.

There was an army of warriors in jet-black armor and black steel helmets with red plumes.
They each held a two-meter-long golden saber. The heads of the sabers were carved with a
roaring tiger using a special method.

The appearance of this group of people was just like the warriors from TV shows!

Fearless! Brave! Murderous!

Modern guns could also be found on their waists. They had all the most advanced weapons!

This was a combat group that combined both ancient and modern methods!

Invincible! This was everyone’s first intuitive feeling!

Hansel trembled when he saw the squad of Tiger Knights.

The Tiger Knights were heavy infantry!

Back then, Tim led a team of Tiger Knights and wiped out a disobedient small country!
Moreover, they were unscathed!

One could imagine how strong their combat powers were! There were rumors that the Tiger
Knights were not ordinary warriors but those who had gone through special training and
possessed special abilities!

There were even rumors that they were warriors who came out from behind the Clarke
family’s door!

Instantly, this team of Tiger Knights completely surrounded the place.

Seeing this scene, Hansel panicked and said, “Tim, what the hell do you want? I’m here on
behalf of the branch family to ask for an explanation! Philip has the audacity to break the
legs of a family member. Even if this matter goes to the law enforcement hall or your eldest
brother, a statement still has to be given to us!”

Hansel had no choice, mainly because the Tiger Knights outside were giving him too much

Tim chuckled and said, “A statement? Very well, let me give you a statement. From the
moment my nephew and his family returned to Arcadia Island, your branch family has
repeatedly caused trouble for them. Can you give us an explanation for these things? Before
returning to the island, Connor, Allen, and Levi set up a scheme to harm Wynn. They have
evil intentions toward Nelson. Can you give us an explanation for this?”

This angry shout resounded throughout the entire residence, shaking the place abuzz!

Hansel’s face was frozen, and he was speechless for a while.

When he kept quiet, Tim continued his reprimand, “I’m standing right here today. If you want
an explanation, you can come to me! Whoever dares to misbehave or plot against my
nephew and niece-in-law, I’ll kill every single one of them! Even if I have to kill all the
members of your branch family, I won’t hesitate to do so!”


These words were very domineering! Tim’s killing intent filled the residence and outside!

The Tiger Knights also brandished the golden sabers in their hands, waiting for Tim to give
the order.

Hansel was stunned. He was withstanding the enormous pressure with cold sweat on his
forehead. Tim’s oppressive aura was too strong!
“Get lost!” Tim shouted angrily.

Hansel got a fright from this reprimand that was like muffled thunder and fell to the ground.

At that moment, his soul shuddered and his whole body was on the verge of- collapse. He
was completely covered in sweat!
Chapter 2201
Hansel hurriedly got up from the ground, turned around, and left the residence with his guards
without looking back.

After running for a few minutes, he bumped into Wade, who was rushing over.

Seeing Hansel’s scared appearance at the moment, Wade quickly stopped him and asked,
“Hansel, what’s going on? Why do you look so scared? What did Philip do to you?”

Hansel stopped, caught his breath, and said, “Wade, don’t go. Tim is back and I was kicked out
by him! He said that if the branch family harasses them again, he’ll kill every single one on

“What?” Wade shuddered upon hearing that, and a trace of gloom flashed in his gaze!

“Tim is back? Did he really say that?” Wade asked.


Hansel nodded and said, “Yes, right from the horse’s mouth.”

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Wade’s forehead. Glancing at the residence in the distance,
he clenched his fists tightly and said, “Okay, since he’s back, let’s go back and reassess the

Hansel nodded, and they quickly left the main family.

After chasing Hansel away, Tim chatted with Philip and the others for a few minutes before he
went to Nelson’s small room.


He looked at the little one sleeping in the incubator.

Tim propped his hands on his knees, bent over, and said with a loving smile, “This kid looks a lot
like you.”

Philip just stood on the side and looked indifferently at Nelson in the incubator.

To be honest, he rarely came to see his son. For some reason, he kept feeling like he would not
share a close relationship with this little guy in the future.
After watching for a while, Tim left the room and came to the small garden with Philip and
Horace to talk.

“Tim, why did you suddenly come back at this time?” Horace asked.

Tim replied, “Tomorrow is the ancestor ceremony. I have to return no matter what. Besides, I
received commemoration news that the branch family is going to attack Philip and Wynn during
the event.”

When he said this, Tim turned to Philip and asked, “Are you ready?”

Philip stretched his back languidly and said, “I guess.”


Seeing his appearance, Tim laughed and said to Horace, “Look at this brat. He’s still keeping
things from us.”

Horace also laughed before he looked at Philip seriously and asked, “What exactly have you

Philip looked up at the blue sky and said, “Just some leverage over the branch family. It’s
enough to make them lose something.”

Horace frowned and exchanged a glance with Tim. He then shook his head and smiled bitterly
before saying, “Tim, it seems he’s not going to say anything.”

Tim smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter. As uncles, it’s our duty to stand behind this brat and
share the burden for him. You should also be prepared for the ceremony tomorrow. I don’t think
the branch family will let it go this time. According to the reports from my subordinates, there has
been unusual movement in several of the branch family’s guard squads. Moreover, the branch
family has recently made contact with Tucker Stone of District 12.”

“Tucker Stone? That guy dares to covet the Clarke family too?” Horace asked with a frown.

Tim sighed and said, “Alas, District 12 has always been a double-edged sword to the Clarke
family. When our sister-in-law took charge of District 12 back then, she joined forces with the
Clarke family and helped us to resist many external forces. It also allowed the Clarke family to
gain a stronger foothold in this world. However, after that incident, District 12 fell into the hands
of others and became a poisonous thorn in the Clarke family’s side.”

Hearing that, Horace frowned and said, “Tim, in fact, I never understood why Roger never took
any action against District 12 for so long.”
Tim shook his head and said, “It’s difficult. There’s a secret involving the main family behind
District 12 that you may not know about.”

“What secret?” Philip and Horace asked at the same time.

Chapter 2202
They indeed knew very little about District 12. As the third old master of the main family, Horace
knew no more than Philip.

After a long silence, Tim said, “District 12 holds the key item to open the seventh zone behind
the door. If my guess is correct, upon his return this time, Christian has already stepped into the
seventh zone behind the three doors.”

Hearing this, Horace shuddered with a nervous expression on his face and asked, “How is this
possible? Roger has sealed off the seventh zone behind the door!”

Tim shook his head and said with a sigh, “This is the key to District 12. Back then, Charlotte’s
research on the door was no less than Roger’s. She mastered a special way to open the
seventh zone and this method has been sealed in a special location in District 12 all this while.
Now, it seems that the branch family has a deep connection with District 12. It’s likely that
Christian has obtained the method to enter the seventh zone of the three doors. He must have
succeeded in taking that step.”

After saying this, the worried look on Tim ‘s face became more intense. Christian was not what
he appeared to be. He had a scheming mind with many tricks up his sleeve. Moreover, he had
lots of patience.

Horace’s face did not look good either, and he said, “Then it seems that if Christian brings the
members of the branch family to attack Philip and Wynn during the ancestor commemoration
ceremony, it’ll be difficult for us to stand up to them without Roger around.”

Philip frowned when he heard this. Things seemed to be beyond his expectations.

Tim thought for a while and said, “There shouldn’t be a problem. Roger will be back. The night
of the ceremony is the global banquet, and the announcement will be made to the world at that

Horace nodded, gave Philip a side-eye, and said, “Don’t worry too much. Your uncles are here.”

Philip nodded without saying anything. However, he was very interested in the method left by
his mother in District 12 about opening the seventh zone behind the door.

District 12?
Did Seth Larson know about it?

Back to the branch family

Wade sat on the chair and became lost in thoughts, while Hansel sat next to him with a face full
of anger. He was surrounded by medical staff who reattached his arm for him. With a cast and
bandage, he looked quite comical. It would be too humiliating if the juniors of the branch family
found out that his arm was broken by Philip.

At this moment, Wade slapped the table and said angrily, “That damned Tim! He’s gone too far
with his arrogance! How dare he say he’ll kill every single one of us in sight? Is he going to kill
everyone in the branch family?”

Morrow sat on the main seat. He covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed before
gasping for breath.

He then said, “That’s enough. Since Tim is back, let’s stop messing around and wait for the
ancestor commemoration ceremony tomorrow. At that time, we’ll settle all scores, both old and

Salem sat primly, thought about it, and said, “Morrow, I don’t think the ceremony will proceed as
we planned. Now that Tim is back, Roger is bound to return too. If Roger intervenes by force,
things will be difficult .”

“Difficult? I don’t believe that Roger can ignore the Clarke family’s rules and side with Philip
through force! What’s more, Wynn is a descendant of the sinned blood, the enemy of all Clarke
family members and the enemy of everyone in this world!” Wade got up and roared, his face full
of anger!

Chapter 2203
Speaking of this, Hansel also slapped the table with his other hand and said coldly, “Morrow,
Wade is right. Wynn Johnston is a descendant of the sinned blood, the enemy of the Clarke
family and the world! By marrying such a sinned person , Philip is making an enemy out of the
Clarke family and the entire world! No matter how powerful Roger Clarke is, can he afford to
make an enemy out of the entire world?”

Hearing this, Morrow coughed. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes before he said, “Salem, what
do you think we should do? Now that Tim has returned and his attitude is so aggressive, do we
really want to make things difficult for Philip and the main family during the commemoration
ceremony? This is the point of no return. Once the plan is set in motion, there’s no turning
It was a rare occasion that Salem put away his languid look. With a frown, he closed his eyes,
pondered for a while, and slowly said, “Do it! This is an opportunity for the branch family. If we
don’t seize this opportunity, it’ll be difficult for us to make headway. Now that the chieftain has
been sentenced to confinement by the grand elder, many things will require us brothers to
discuss together. What happened this time is the main family’s fault. Levi’s legs have been
crippled so we don’t need to care about any sentiments anymore. Let me take care of the law
enforcement hall. The success or failure of the matter depends on the ancestor commemoration
ceremony tomorrow!”

After Salem finished speaking, a cold look flashed in his eyes. This was a rare sight from this
chubby man.

Almost everyone thought that Salem was a branch family head who liked to eat, drink, and be
merry, but they did not know that Salem’s position in the branch family was higher than
expected! It was not only because of his seniority and identity but more of his brains and

At this point, Morrow had nothing more to say. He looked at Hansel’s plastered arm and said,
“Hansel, you shouldn’t go there tomorrow.

Hansel immediately retorted, “No, Morrow, I have to be there tomorrow! This is a great
opportunity to witness the decline of the main family and the destruction of Philip!”

Morrow shook his head. Without saying anything else, he got up and left the hall.

Wade, Salem, and Hansel did not leave immediately. The three of them looked at each other.

Wade was first to speak, “The branch family’s guards who are scattered in all districts of Arcadia
Island will be assembled tonight! At the stroke of eight o’clock tomorrow morning, these guards
will be secretly arranged to be sent into Clarke Manor. There are as many as 10,00 o of them!”

When he said this, Wade could not help his pride. These were the guards that the branch family
had spent a fortune to secretly train in various districts of Arcadia Island! This group of guards
was an existence that saw no light of day.

It was a combat group that would only appear as the last resort!

This was the hidden trump card that the branch family had started preparing ten years ago!

Hansel said excitedly, “Wade, this time, we must force our hand and tell Philip to kneel in front of
us and confess his guilt properly! The humiliation that was done to us last time was really

Wade snorted and said, “Of course! Philip’s good days are coming to an end. This time, the
10,000 guards of the branch family will be enough to make the main family and Roger drop their
jaws in shock!”

“Hahaha, great!” Hansel laughed.

However, Salem looked quite indifferent at this moment as he asked, “Wade, are you sure you
can send these guards into Clarke Manor tomorrow at eight o’clock? There are more than
10,000 of them. The number is huge and the target is too big. It ’s too easy to get noticed.”

Wade smiled and said, “Salem, don’t worry, I’ve already thought this through. Under the guise of
the ancestor commemoration ceremony, the branch family has taken up the role of providing the
guards and security. When the time comes, as long as these guards infiltrate the team of real
security guards, they can enter in a steady stream. Moreover, even if they’re discovered, they
can kill on the spot!”

When he said this, Wade made a swiping motion across his neck.

Salem thought about it and said with a nod, “Be careful in everything. Don’t alert the enemy.”

Wade said with a smile, “Salem, don’t worry. I’ll personally arrange it.”

Chapter 2204
At night, Philip stood in the yard of his residence with his hands in his trouser pockets.

He looked up at the bright moon and stars in the sky. The sky was filled with stars, forming a
vast starry map.

As he looked at the shining stars, he suddenly thought of his mother for a moment. He
remembered when he was young, he would lean into his mother’s arms and smell the faint
fragrance of her body. He listened to her counting the stars and the stories he told her.

“What’s the matter? What are you thinking? It’s getting windy. Put your coat on.”

Suddenly, a soft voice of concern sounded at Philip’s side.

Philip looked sideways and swept Wynn into his arms.

Wynn accompanied Philip to look at the stars in the sky.

“Wynnie, tomorrow is the ancestor commemorationceremony,” Philip said.

Wynn hummed and asked, “What about it?”

Philip thought about it but was hesitant to speak. He was really worried that Wynn would suffer
from harm during the event.

However, the branch family had set things in motion, and there was no turning back for many

During the ceremony tomorrow, Wynn would have to endure no less than him. Many things
might take a big turn tomorrow. Philip was taking a gamble.

“It’s nothing. During the ceremony, I’ll do my best to protect you and the children,” Philip said
with a smile.

Wynn looked up at Philip, wondering why he suddenly said this. She asked, “Phil, are you hiding
something from me?”

Philip shook his head and said, “No, stop thinking about it. You just sat down with me not long

On this side, unusual activities could already be seen in various districts under the jurisdiction of
the branch family on Arcadia Island. Countless fully armed guards appeared from every corner
and got into the black commercial vehicles that merged into the traffic.

Their destination was the largest square in each district.

At this moment, the area within a five-mile radius of the squares was under lockdown! Vehicles
were only allowed to enter but not to exit! Even the nearby signals were cut off!

As far as the eyes could see, thousands of heavily armed soldiers stood in the small squares of
all the districts under the control of the branch family!

Their combat uniforms were all black, and they were equipped with the most advanced
weapons! Everyone wore a hood and helmet. Except for their two eyes, nothing else could be

At this moment, a man appeared on the huge electronic display screen in front of the square. It
was none other than Wade Clarke!

At this moment, he was also wearing a black combat uniform. With his hands behind his back,

his face was cold as he said solemnly, “All death warriors of the branch family, tomorrow is the
ancestor commemoration ceremony. It’s time for you to show your allegiance to the branch
family with your life and blood! Now, let me ask you. Who’s the one feeding you?”

“The branch family!” A chorus of shouts resounded throughout the area!

“Who gave you everything?”

“The branch family!”

“To whom do you owe your allegiance?”

“The branch family!”

“The branch family!”

For a while, the voices rumbled! Wade looked at the group of death warriors who had been
raised by the branch family for ten years with satisfaction before saying solemnly, “Let’s go!”

Chapter 2205
10,000 special guards of the branch family who had been trained in various places over the past
ten years quickly assembled.

Meanwhile, in Philip’s residence, Philip came to the yard alone after tucking Wynn into bed.

A figure suddenly appeared in the yard and said with a hint of laziness, “Young Master, it’s not
too late for me to return now, right?”

Philip looked at the figure walking out of the darkness and asked, “Where have you been all this

Rick Davenport walked out of the darkness at this moment, stood beside Philip, and said
helplessly, “I was avoiding the pursuit of the Gentleman Court. I almost kicked the bucket in
Country M back then. That Rachel Clarke is really a femme fatale. She chased after me for
three days and three nights. I barely escaped.”

While saying that, Rick took out a secret file from his pocket and handed it to Philip.

He said, “I found this in the safe of that castle. You’ll be interested in it.”

Philip took the secret file from Rick, glanced through it, and his eyes showed a brilliant light as
he took a few deep breaths.

This thing was actually related to the God Creation Project!


Philip gasped, glanced at the secret file, and turned to ask Rick, “Do the people of the
Gentleman Court know that you got this secret file?”
Rick shook his head and said, “I don’t think so. That Rachel woman chased after me without
knowing who I am.”

Philip nodded, looked at the secret file in his hand, pondered for a while, and said, “Tomorrow is
the ancestor commemoration ceremony. What is the status of the things that I told you to
prepare in advance?”

Rick collected his lazy demeanor at this moment and said seriously, “Everything is ready. All
comrades of the Legion of the Sovereign are stationed at the coastline, ready to rush to Arcadia
Island at any time. I estimate that they can get on the island at eight o’clock tomorrow morning!”

Philip nodded with a strong look of reluctance in his eyes. Then, his eyes turned cold as he said,
“Since the branch family has made the first move, I have nothing to worry about. I hope they can
do something eye-opening during the ceremony tomorrow.”

After saying this, Philip’s body surged with endless cold and murderous intent!

Rick stood on one side, looked at Philip, and said after a while, “Young Master, there’s actually
something that I don’t know if I should tell you or not.”

Philip looked sideways and asked, “What is it?”

Rick thought for a moment and said, “It’s about Miss Hannah Clarke.”

“Hannah? Did you find her?” Philip suddenly became excited, and his eyes were clear.

Rick shook his head but nodded again before saying, “I haven’t found her, but I found some
clues that involve many forces and other things.”

When Philip heard this, his eyes darkened. He asked, “Who are they?”

Rick replied, “The 12 Sacred Halls of the West, the Gentleman Court, the Alliance, District 12,
and the Nonagon are all involved. Miss Hannah seems to be hiding a huge secret. She’s in
grave danger, but she’s also very safe. These forces are secretly fighting each other, and it
seems that no one dares to take action against her. It’s probably because …”

At this point, Rick fell silent. He frowned as if he was still thinking about what to say next.

Philip frowned and said, “Go on.”

Rick said, “Young Master, I can’t help feeling that there seems to be another force behind Miss
Hanah that has been preparing for something. This force is very mysterious, and nothing about
them can be found at all.”
Hearing this, Philip’s face grew darker. He lowered his head and thought for a while before
asking, “Who do you think this force is related to?”

Chapter 2206
Rick had a hard time deciding. After thinking for a long time, he said, “Young Master, I don’t
know if my guess is right, but the force behind Miss Hannah seems to be connected to First

“My mother?” Philip asked, his eyes filled with horror!

Rick nodded and pondered for a long time before saying, “Perhaps my guess is wrong. I’ll

Philip took a deep breath and was unable to calm down for a long time.

Was it related to his mother?

Meanwhile, in District 12.

Seth Larson’s mansion.

Steven quickly walked in at this moment, his face full of gravity.

He said to Seth, who was sitting in the living room in the middle of his disciple training, “District
Master, there’s some unusual movement within the branch Clarke family.”

Seth’s upper body was exposed, and his bronze skin with muscles that were on full display
glinted under the light.

He took a deep breath, picked up the towel next to him, and wiped the sweat from his body. He
then sat on the sofa and asked, “What’s the situation?”

Steven replied, “Thousands of people are gathering in the districts under the jurisdiction of the
branch family.”

Seth sneered upon hearing that and said, “Has it started?”

Steven nodded and said, “According to the news from the scouts, the branch family has
gathered 10,000 guards that they’ve been training in the past ten years. They’re ready to enter
the Clarkes’ territory tomorrow morning while acting as security personnel for the ancestor
commemoration ceremony. Should we make some preparations?”
Seth threw down the towel, picked up the tea on the table, and drank the contents in one

With a conspicuous sneer in his eyes, he asked, “How are the movements on Philip’s side?”

Steven shook his head and said, “There’s no movement so far. The people of the main family
seem unaware of the branch family’s unusual activity.”

Hehe. Seth laughed and said, “Steven, you underestimate the main family. Tim Clarke is back,
and there’s also a freak like Horace Clarke there. Even without Roger Clarke, these two are
enough to counter any unscrupulous forces. The unusual movements of the branch family might
even be a part of their plan. Pass my order down and tell the men under your command to be
ready for battle. Once any strife breaks out in the Clarke family, we must be ready to rescue!”

After saying this, the smile on Seth’s face became gloomier.

Steven nodded and said with a bow, “Yes, District Master!” Then, he turned and left the

Back to Tucker Stone’s mansion.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in his 50s or 6os sat in front of Tucker in the living room of
the mansion. It was none other than Hansel of the branch Clarke family.

Tucker was full of smiles while smoking a cigar . He said to the servants around him, “Why are
you standing around? Why aren’t you serving tea to Master Clarke?”

After that, Tucker asked with a smile, “Master Clarke, why are you here in my mansion at this
late hour?”

Hansel smiled and went straight to the point, saying, “Master Stone, I won’t beat about the bush
with you, so I’ll get right to the point. Tomorrow is the Clarke family’s ancestor commemoration
ceremony, and my branch family will take action then. I hope that you can lend us a helping
hand when the time comes. As long as my branch family gets what we want, I can guarantee
that in the future, District 12 will always be your territory.”

After hearing this, Tucker laughed and said, “Master Clarke, you must be joking. How can I
intervene in the internal affairs of the Clarke family? This is tantamount to offending the main
family. I can’t afford it.”

Chapter 2207
Hansel laughed and said, “Master Stone, what are you afraid of? You’re one of the district
masters of District 12, after all.”
Tucker also laughed and said, “Master Clarke, even so, this is your Clarke family’s internal
affairs. If an outsider like me intervenes and the main Clarke family takes offense, the result
won’t end well for me.”

Hansel fell silent. His eyes tensed as he asked, “Master Stone, are you sure you won’t help?”

Tucker smiled and said, “Master Clarke, it’s not that I don’t want to help but this is… You should
understand that I need to take care of my men. Helping the branch family at this time will pose a
great risk for us. If there aren’t enough benefits for my men to risk their lives, I’m afraid I’m
powerless to order them around.”

At this point, Hansel naturally understood the meaning of Tucker’s words.

He thought about it and said, “Master Stone, as long as you help the branch family tomorrow,
not only will District 12 be yours but I’ll also give you another district to rule. What do you think?”

“Okay!” Tucker suddenly slapped the armrest of the sofa and laughed.

He raised his wine glass and said to Hansel, “Master Clarke, you’re indeed a person who has
accomplished great things. You have the drive! I’ll certainly help you with this task. Cheers!”

Hansel smiled and raised his glass to toast Tucker.

The storm started brewing tonight. All forces were in motion. This was a huge vortex enough to
engulf everything in its path.

It was near dawn yet Philip was still awake and standing in the yard, waiting for his
subordinate’s report.

17 faced the golden light of the rising sun and walked up to Philip from behind.

She bowed slightly and said, “Young Master, the forces of the branch family have already
gathered. Tucker Stone of District 12 also made secret contact with Hansel Clarke last night and
should be making a move now. As for Seth Larson, he has yet to take action.

Philip put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at the rising sun indifferently, and said with an
exhale, “I see. Contact Buck Jolly and tell them to be ready on standby.”

“Yes!” 17 responded and said, “Young Master, the 13 members of the Shadow Squadron are
ready. As long as you give the order, we can wipe out the entire branch family.”

Philip smiled, turned to look at 17’s belligerent face, and said, “It’s not that easy. Just wait for my
17 nodded and said, “Young Master, there’s still one hour before we have to leave.”

Philip hummed, stood for a while, and returned to the living room of his residence.

Wynn had long ago woken up to get ready because the ancestor commemoration ceremony
was a big event. Although Philip did not provide too many details, she knew it was a very
special day for the Clarke family. Therefore, she wore a black dress and black high heels,
looking very solemn and dignified. Even Mila put on a little black dress.

Seeing Philip walk in, Wynn smiled slightly and said, “You should also change your clothes.”

Philip glanced at Wynn and Mila and nodded.

Not long after, Philip put on a black suit, black leather shoes, and wore a black tie. He looked
very handsome!

Wynn put on his tie for him and said softly, “Philip, I know the branch family might do something
today, but I’m not worried or afraid because with you by my side, I know you’ll definitely protect
me, Mila, and Nelson.”

Philip lowered his eyes and looked at Wynn in front of him. She had a lovely face, and her eyes
glistened with tears.

Chapter 2208
Philip gently pulled Wynn into his arms and said seriously, “Wynnie, don’t worry. I’m here. I’ll
never let anyone do anything to hurt you, Mila, or Nelson.”

Wynn hugged Philip’s sturdy back from behind, raised her head with a happy smile, and said,
“Yeah, I believe you.”

On the side, Mila sat on the sofa with her legs stretched out and snickered softly as she said,
“Tee- hee, Dad and Mom are hugging. I want Dad to hug me too.”

Philip let go of Wynn, turned around, and picked up Mila from the sofa with outstretched hands.

He scratched her little nose and said, “You little imp.”

Half an hour later, Philip walked out with Wynn and Mila, while the servants pushed Nelson’s

Under the escort of the heavily armed Shadow Guards, they left the residence and headed for
that white castle in the center of the entire Arcadia Island.
Where that white castle was located, there was a huge and magnificent memorial hall shared by
the main and branch Clarke families. Any major event of the Clarke family would be carried out
here. Today’s ancestor commemoration ceremony was no exception.

At the same time, all the elders, young masters, and young ladies of the main and branch
families set out from their residences and went up the mountain to the white castle in an orderly
manner while under the escort of the guards.

The servants of Clarke Manor knelt on the side of the roads, bowed their heads, and quietly
waited for these people to pass in front of them.

About 20 minutes later, everyone from the Clarke main and branch families was gathered in the
small square in front of the white castle.

This place was enough to accommodate thousands of people!

The white castle was surrounded by fully armed guards in black, putting this place under total
lockdown! They were armed with guns and stood in place like stone sculptures.

Of course, the small square was also divided into camps of the main and branch families.

The members of the branch family stood on the right while the main family stood on the left.

The ones standing at the forefront were naturally the heads of the families.

In ancient times, the left side was greatly respected.

At this time, in front of the branch family’s camp, Morrow, Salem, Wade, Hansel, and Desmond
stood in the forefront with solemn eyes and nonchalant faces.

At the forefront of the main family were Tim, Horace, and a few elders who did not show up

At this moment, a few juniors from the branch family muttered, “Hey, why hasn’t the eldest
young master of the main family arrived yet? Is he showing off? Look at the time!”

“Hehe, he’s even late for a big event such as the ancestor commemoration ceremony. I really
wonder if this eldest young master of the main family is qualified to take on the responsibility of
the Clarke family.”

“You said it right! I also heard that he married a slut from the outside world and gave birth to two
rotten kids. It’s such a disgrace to the Clarke family.”

The voices of discontent from this group of juniors grew bigger and louder .
Wade and Hansel, who stood at the forefront, exchanged glances with a few others with a

Then, Wade asked indifferently, “Tim, there are only ten minutes left before the ancestor
commemoration ceremony and Philip hasn’t arrived yet. Doesn’t he take the ceremony seriously
at all?”

Chapter 2209
As soon as Wade said these words, the entire square fell silent.

All the masters and juniors from the branch families looked at the masters and juniors from the
main families with bad looks.

Hansel chimed in: “Fifth elder, I don’t think Philip takes our Clarke family seriously, let alone his
ancestors! For such a man, it was the right decision to leave the Clarke family seven years ago.
Now, when he comes back, he has tarnished our Clarke family’s face ! He also brought back the
prostitute and her rotten offspring, which is even more disgraceful!”

As Hansel’s voice fell, the masters and juniors of the branch families started mocking again, full
of sarcasm:

“That’s right, that boy Philip is not worthy of appearing in the ancestral memorial! According to
the first elder, a stubborn person like him should be directly expelled from the family tree!”

“I heard that yesterday he broke Young Master Levi’s leg. Such a cruel madman should be put
in a dungeon and subjected to one hundred and eight tortures by the Clarke family!”

“What? He broke Young Master Levi’s leg? Damn it! Such a thug should kneel in the ancestral
hall and admit his guilt!”

For a time, everyone in the branch family was angry, and their eyes were like a sword, shooting
everyone in the main family.

The masters and juniors of the main family are also furious!

“Huh! What are our families doing, there’s no reason the branch families attack our main family!”

“That’s right! The arrogant man Levi lost his leg because he insulted the eldest young master of
the main family. That’s what he deserves! He dares to be disrespectful to our young madam,
even killing him is not an exaggeration!”

“What our eldest young master is doing, we fully support him! If you branch families can cause
trouble to our main family, we are not afraid that it can be even more cruel!”
For a time, the junior group in the main family scolded the juniors from the opposite branch

Throughout the small square, loud ridicule immediately resounded.

In the end, Horace shouted in a deep voice: “Enough! Give me some time! What day is it? It’s a
big day to commemorate the ancestors! Everyone in our family, should know etiquette, truth and
shame, please calm down!”

Horace was silent for a while, and the dozens of main family members behind him also covered
their mouths in annoyance, staring intently at the branch family across from him.

Everyone in the main family looked very sour at this time.

Since they weren’t fools, they could naturally understand what Horace had said just now.

What does it mean that people from the family should understand modesty, righteousness and

This is the same as scolding people from branch families for not knowing propriety, truth,
integrity and shame!

Wade said angrily: “Horace! Don’t talk too fast! There are still five more minutes before the
ancestral memorial begins! The kid Philip hasn’t appeared until now, why? He doesn’t plan to
come to the ancestral memorial? It’s fine, let him give up the position the heir of the Clarke
family to us branch families. It doesn’t make sense for us to divide the family into main and
branch. As long as he voluntarily resigns from the position of heir, what happened in the past
will be forgotten by us!” After speaking, the entire small square fell silent.

Everyone in the branch family pouted their mouths, looking at the people in the main family with
dark eyes

Horace’s face turned cold and the corner of his mouth smiled lightly: “Wade, I think you still have
to care about other things. The position of the heir is not something you can change at will with
one word.”

Wade snorted and said: “Horace, even if you don’t agree now, when you enter the ancestral hall
later, you still have to agree. So, I’m just reminding you, and giving you a choice. By the way,
now there are a lot of troubles between the main families and branch families. After all, we have
deep roots, so why be so adamant about fighting each other?”

After saying that, Wade laughed twice, feeling very relieved.

“Hehe, I think Fifth Elder said it well. This is a move the branch family gave to the Clarke family
itself. It would be best to talk about it on the table.”

Behind Wade, an old man in his fifties had a smirk on his face.

“Exactly! The people of the main family should think about it clearly.”

The others chimed in.

Chapter 2210
Many of the juniors from the branch families started to sneer again, and even worse words
came out.

Several juniors booed Wynn and Mila loudly:

“Humph! The abandoned son of the Clarke family, brought back a prostitute and two wild

“If it was me, I would have thrown myself into the sea a long time ago! This is truly the sinner of
our Clarke family!”

“I heard that Wynn’s origin is not simple. What kind of sinner’s blood is that?” The blood of

For a time, the people from the branch family and the main family who were not aware of
Wynn’s life journey all showed doubts and serious expressions.

This was naturally set up by Wade beforehand, bide his time, and let off a bit of a signal first.

“Is that the blood of the descendants of sinners?” someone started asking.

Standing in the crowd of branch families, with a sneer on his face, he said, “This sinner’s
bloodline is rare. I’ll explain it this way, this Wynn is the Young Madam of our Clarke main

Before he could finish speaking, he felt movement behind him.

Turning his head, he saw a pair of tall eyes full of killing intent, staring at him!

A low voice rang out from his mouth: “What is the blood of sinners?”

The Young Master of the branch family who was about to explain earlier, trembled when he saw
the person standing in front of him now.

He didn’t have time to finish his sentence.


Philip lifted his leg, kicking the man in the chest and stomach!

In an instant, the young master of the branch family flew out and collided with the young master
and young lady of the branch family behind him.


He screamed in pain, kneeling on the ground, covering his stomach, his face twisted in pain.

Philip just looked at him disdainfully, with thirteen Shadow Guard members standing behind him.

Wynn, Mila, and Nelson were naturally guarded by the Shadow Guard in the middle.

After that, Philip raised his eyebrows and stared coldly at the branch family members.

Wherever his eyes went, everyone in the branch family couldn’t dodge.

Then, they saw that Philip stepped forward and came directly to the fifty year old branch family
elder who had just spoken.

The old man in his fifties, when he saw Philip standing in front of him, with a chill all over his
body, his cheeks twitched involuntarily.

He opened his mouth and asked, “You… what do you want to do? This is a place to
commemorate the ancestors!”


Immediately after, under everyone’s terrified eyes, Philip raised his hand and slapped the old
man’s face.

Then, Philip shouted and asked, “You said that it’s best for the main and branch families to be
united, right?”

The old man, covering his cheeks at this time, his mouth was bleeding continuously, his eyes
were full of anger, he looked at Philip, stretched out his hand, and asked angrily, “Philip kid! This
is a memorial place to the ancestors, how dare you slap the elder of the branch family…”

Philip raised his hand, slapped him again, and said coldly: “Look at yourself, are you qualified to
unite the main and branch families?”
Chapter 2211
The two slaps from Philip were very imposing, and the old man was stunned for a long time
without reacting. Upon seeing Philip’s tall and upright figure, especially the faint coldness
flowing from his body, many members of the branch family shrank back and dared not say
anything for a while.

As for the old man who was slapped twice, his eyes were red at this moment. His cheeks
quickly grew swollen and were burning hot with pain. With round eyes, he glared at Philip,
raised his hand, and scolded, “You arrogant brat, how dare you act so boldly in the ancestral
memorial hall? I’m the old master of the branch family, your elder! You have no respect for the
Clarke family rules at all! Men, come here and take this arrogant brat down! I’ll bring him in front
of the ancestors’ memorial plaques and make him kneel and apologize to me!”


In an instant, four of the branch family’s guards from the surrounding area came over with guns.

Philip stood in place, his icy gaze sweeping over the four guards as he shouted coldly, “I don’t
mind making a move against whoever dares to take a step forward during the ancestor
commemoration ceremony today!”

His words were full of provocation and threat!

When the old man heard that, he immediately understood the meaning of Philip’s words. He
was about to resort to violence!

“Do you think I’ll be afraid of you? Take this brat down!” The old man raised his fingers angrily
and scolded.

Bang, bang!

Just as the four of the branch family’s guards stepped out, gunshots suddenly sounded, echoing
in the sky above the ancestral memorial hall.


Everyone gasped.

That was because more than a dozen armed guards, who were carefully selected by the main
family and currently standing behind Philip, had killed the four guards from the branch family

In an instant, they fell into a pool of blood. The bright red caught everyone’s attention. The old
man was shocked when he saw this scene!
Philip’s guards dared to make a move like this?

This was the ancestral memorial hall!

However, when he looked up and met Philip’s icy gaze, he realized that he had been targeted
by a fierce beast.


The icy muzzle of the gold Desert Eagle was pressed against the old man’s forehead.

Philip cocked his head with an evil sneer at the corner of his mouth and asked coldly, “You can
choose to kneel and apologize to me, my wife, and my children, or choose to die like them.”

His words echoed in the surrounding area. Philip’s voice was not loud but it was clear like rolling
thunder, storming the hearts of all branch family members.

Wade could not stand still any longer. He walked over, stared at Philip coldly, and shouted
angrily, “Philip, that’s enough! How much longer do you want to fool around? This is the place to
pay respects to our ancestors. How can you act so recklessly? Do you still hold any regard for
the branch Clarke family or the ancestor memorial hall?”

Not only Wade but even Hansel, who had his right hand in a cast, walked out at this moment.
He stared at Philip grimly and scolded, “Put your gun away or the guards of our branch family
will definitely kill you on the spot!”

As soon as Hansel said that, all the surrounding guards of the branch family raised their guns
and pointed them at Philip and the others.

The situation was on the verge of breaking out!

Chapter 2212
Suddenly, a sharp and angry shout resounded like tolling bells.

“Presumptuous! Does the branch family have any respect for me, Tim Clarke, at all? How dare
you point guns at my nephew here? Do you want to die?”

Tim stood with his hands behind his back at the front of the family. Without turning around, his
eyes were gazing straight ahead at the flower stands and flower wreaths in front. As soon as he
finished speaking, the people of the main family behind him made a path for him.

Then, Tim turned around while dressed in a black suit. He had his hands behind his back and
walked steadily toward Wade and the others with chills all over his body.
He swept his gaze over the guards of the branch family who raised their guns and said, “Put
your guns down or be killed!”

Seeing Tim‘s appearance, the guards of the branch family looked at each other but still waited
for Wade’s order.

Wade chuckled, turned to Tim, and said, “Tim, they’re the guards of our branch family. Now that
I’m here, what right do you have to command them?”

Hearing that, Tim glanced sideways at Wade indifferently and asked, “Are you saying that with
you around, my orders are useless?”

Wade laughed and said, “Of course. With me around…”


Suddenly, Tim made his move. He kicked Wade violently in the stomach!

Before Wade understood what had happened, he flew out like a cannonball amid everyone’s
stunned gaze.


He crashed into the flower stands in front and the stands fell with loud clatters. Wade rolled to
the ground and felt as if his back was crushed by a heavy truck. The pain was as though he had
broken his spine.

After all, Wade had practiced martial arts, and his body was strong, so he could resist this kick.
If he were an ordinary person, however, he would have died on the spot.

“You! How dare you attack me?!”

Wade clutched his stomach and endured the pain in his back. He got up from the ground with
the help of the guards.

His face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of hatred. All members of the branch family were
also dumbfounded.

Tim Clarke was simply too domineering. He just kicked out without any warning at all. He was
the second old master of the main family, and his actions represented the intentions of the main
family. If he struck out like this, did that mean that the main and branch families were completely
at odds with each other?
Therefore, the members of the branch family and the main family were all stunned.

Hansel immediately ran out from the side, supported Wade, and said, “Wade, are you alright?”

Wade shook his head and gritted his teeth with anger.

Hansel immediately pointed at Tim angrily and shouted, “Tim, how dare you?! According to our
seniority, we’re your uncles! How dare you be so rebellious?! You have no respect for the family
rules at all!”


Tim laughed loudly with his hands behind his back. His eyes fell on Hansel and Wade as he
said, “Uncles? How dare useless people like you who only know how to plot in the dark call
yourselves my uncles? Simply ridiculous! I don’t care about uncles with wild ambitions like you!”


Hansel was furious and roared. “Tim, don’t be so arrogant! Today is an important event to
commemorate our ancestors. As the second old master of the main family, what’s your intention
in taking action at this moment? Do you mean to represent the main family‘s wishes and want to
completely draw a clear line with the branch family?”

Chapter 2213
Tim snorted and said, “Why, is the branch family so impatient in drawing a clear line with the
main family?”

Wade stood up straight at this moment and gnashed his teeth, his eyes full of anger as he
glared at Tim. He said, “Tim, stop playing word games. Attacking me is the same as
disrespecting the branch family! In that case, why should I care about the main family? The
branch family’s guards, listen to my command!”

Following Wade’s roar, the dozens of guards from the branch family in the surrounding area
drew their guns and pulled the safety. Their muzzles were pointed at the main family in unison.

When the branch family’s guards made a move, the guards of the main family also drew their
guns and aimed their muzzles at the people of the branch family without Tim‘s order.

The atmosphere on the scene was on the verge of breaking out. Like walking on a tightrope, the
slightest mistake would cause a chain reaction.

Tim smiled faintly and glanced at the confrontation. He turned to look at Philip, who was walking
over. He asked with a smile, “What do you think?”
Philip smiled and said, “It’s okay, but now is not the best time to make a move.”

Tim nodded and said to Wade, “Wade, I’ll give you a chance to shoot now. As long as you dare,
you can fire at any time.”

Wade was in a difficult position now. His face was flushed and he was very angry. However, he
could not give the order because now was not the best time. If he did not shoot, Wade would
still feel indignant about it.

For a while, the atmosphere on the scene fell into a bizarre deadlock.

It was also at this moment that Morrow Clarke, the second old master of the branch family who
had not spoken until now, covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed a few times
before saying, “That’s enough, Wade. Let them put their guns away. Today is the ancestor
commemoration day, not a day for fighting and killing. Don‘t let outsiders see us as the
laughingstock of the Clarke family.”

Since Morrow had spoken, Wade got the chance to make a retreat. He glared at Tim angrily and
waved his hand before the guards of the branch family put their guns away.

At this point, the skirmish came to a temporary end.

The members of the main and branch families stood in their separate camps again.

Philip also stood at the forefront of the main family on the right side of Tim. Wynn stood behind
Philip. Mila was held in Wynn’s arms while the Shadow Guards surrounded Wynn.

Others stood on both sides and behind the main family members.

Wade kept a close eye on the members of the main family. His eyes were grim as he stared at
Philip and Wynn. A sneer appeared on his face.

“Wade, I think Philip and Tim are too arrogant. During the ceremony later, we must get rid of
them in one fell swoop!” Hansel stood beside Wade and reminded in a low voice.

Wade snorted and said, “Of course! Let them be arrogant for now. Once we enter the memorial
shrine, it’s time for us to wield our weapons and slaughter them. At that time, Tim can only be a
dog under my feet!”

Hansel nodded with a sneer and glanced at Tim. His eyes then fell on Wynn and Mila before
finally landing on Philip.

It was also at this time when Philip suddenly turned his head and looked at Hansel coldly.
Hansel was momentarily startled and quickly turned away, pretending not to see anything.
However, he suddenly heard footsteps.

When he turned to look, Philip was already standing beside him and staring at him coldly.

Hansel was frightened by Philip’s sudden appearance and asked with some annoyance,
“W-What are you doing?”

Philip’s action naturally attracted the attention of the main and branch families. This guy had just
beaten up two people from the branch family and wanted to pick another fight?

Chapter 2214
He was simply going too far. He did not hold any regard for the old masters of the branch family
at all.

“What were you looking at just now?” Philip asked with a chill in his eyes.

Hansel was taken aback before saying angrily, “What has that got to do with you?”


Unexpectedly, Philip simply raised his hand and slapped Hansel across the face. Many people
were shocked at this scene.

Philip slapped another person just like that?

Hansel was also stunned. What the hell was going on here?

He had just taken one look. Was it really necessary to slap him in front of so many people?

He was furious!

Hansel roared angrily, “Philip boy, what the hell are you doing? How dare you hit me? I’m the
sixth old master of the branch family, your sixth granduncle!”


Philip slapped him again, looked at Hansel coldly, and said, “So what? The way you just looked
at my wife and children was full of hostility. I’m warning you, if you dare to look at them like that
again, your fate will be no different from the guards who died just now.”

A threat!

A blatant threat!
Hansel exploded with anger when he heard Philip’s words. After all, he was the sixth old master
of the branch family and Philip’s sixth granduncle.

Philip was actually so disrespectful to him. He was slapped just because he took one look?

This was definitely a deliberate attempt to pick a fight.

Thus, Hansel got angry. He pulled out a pistol from the waist of the guard next to him, angrily
walked up to Wynn, raised his hand, and pointed the gun directly at Wynn’s head. His eyes
were viciously cold as he stared at Philip and said, “I’m going to kill this b*tch right now and that
wild dog in her arms. Let’s see what you can do to me!”

This scene frightened many people.

The members of the branch family stared blankly before fixing their hostile eyes on Philip,
wanting to see what he would do next.

The members of the main family, on the other hand, stared at Hansel in anger, wishing to tear
him apart!

However, Philip turned around, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at Hansel
blandly. With a seemingly cruel sneer, he said, “Who gave you the courage to point a gun at the
young madam of the main Clarke family?”

Hansel was stunned, and it was followed by a loud laugh. He said, “Philip, you don’t have to
pretend. Even if I shoot her, no one will dare to do anything to me!”

However, Philip shook his head indifferently and gave a glance as an indication.

17, who had been standing at Wynn’s side, pulled out a butterfly knife from her waist.


A flash of silver!

The gun in Hansel’s hand fell, and the tendon in his left hand was cut off. Blood instantly stained
his sleeve.


A miserable scream resounded throughout the small square in an instant. Hansel wailed and
squatted on the ground, barely able to cover his left hand with his fractured right hand.
This scene completely frightened the members of the branch family.

Chapter 2215
Philip Clarke was too cocky for words. He actually dared to let his guard cut Hansel’s hand

At the same time, Philip walked up to Hansel and coldly looked down at the tnan who was
squatting on the floor and wailing his guts out. Philip raised his foot and stomped on Hansel’s
cast on his right arm.


The cast shattered!


Hansel’s right arm broke again. A blood-curdling scream resounded once more.

“Ah! Philip boy, you’re going to die a miserable death! Mark my words!”

Hansel fell to the ground in a state of frenzy. One hand was full of blood while the other was
broken again. He lay on the ground, tossing and turning.

Several of the branch family’s guards saw this and rushed over to take Hansel away. However,
the elite guards of the main family behind Philip stopped them. All of them were either standing
or crouching with their guns aimed at the guards of the branch family who wanted to rush over.

The two parties were in a confrontation once more.

Philip indifferently put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked down at Hansel who was
struggling to move his body. He said coldly, “Hansel, I let you off the hook just now but you didn’t
know how to repent. You asked for this.”

Hansel roared. “Philip, you’re too arrogant! Wade, save me!”

Hansel screamed desperately.

Wade was just about to rush over with his men. However, Horace blocked the path in front of
Wade with his men and said with a light chuckle, “Wade, the eldest young master of the main
family is dealing with important matters. Irrelevant people are not allowed to interfere!”

Wade shouted angrily, “Horace, what are you doing? Do you know what he’s doing right now?
That’s my sixth brother, the sixth old master of the branch family! What kind of bullsh*’t eldest
young master of the main family dares to be so disrespectful?! In this sacred ancestral place, he
dares to do something so unethical and defiant of the family rules. I must destroy him with my
own hands!”

Wade was furious!

The main family’s attitude today, or rather, Philip’s attitude had really exceeded his expectations.

Too audacious. It was as if Philip was now a hedgehog with spines all over his body. He would
poke whoever displeased him until everyone was afraid of him.

Horace laughed and said indifferently, “Wade, don’t forget who I am. Since you want to talk
about the family rules, let me tell you that it’s recorded in the Clarke family rules that the heir of
the Clarke family has the right to dispose of any sinners who have bad intentions against any
Clarke family member. Others have no right to interfere. Once someone dares to interfere, they
can be charged with the same crime!”

Hearing this, Wade froze. What bullsh*t family rules.

Of course, Wade knew these rules, but he would not look closely at them, let alone abide by
them. An heir was no big deal. The family rules were just something used by the branch family
to suppress Philip.

However, Horace’s words gave Wade a wake-up call. Philip was still the heir of the Clarke
family. In this place of ancestral commemoration, the branch family could not step out of line.
Otherwise, if word spread to the outside world, it would damage the reputation of the branch

Wade stared at Horace grimly, looked at Hansel who was howling on the ground, and said
gravely, “Horace, I won’t argue with you. Get out of the way! If anything happens to Hansel, I
won’t hesitate even if I have to kill all of you!”

Clap, clap!

Suddenly, a faint sound of applause came from the front.

Tim stood on the same spot and said without looking back, “Wade, how arrogant of you. Are you
going to kill me too?”

His words were loud and clear, full of chills!

Chapter 2216
Thud, thud!
Instantly, the main family’s guards on both sides stood with their guns raised and aimed at the
people of the branch family. This action terrified the members of the branch family, and all of
them fell silent They looked in horror at the main family’s guards who stood with guns. That was
because the killing intent pouring out of this group of people was too strong.

Seeing this, Wade frowned and looked at Tim who had his back turned to him. After a long
while, he said, “I just said that in a fit of anger, but Philip is too bold and arrogant. Aren’t you
going to discipline him?”

Tim was silent for a moment before he turned around, looked at Philip, and said, “Phil, that’s
enough. This is a place for ancestral commemoration, after all. Peace and harmony should take

Philip nodded and withdrew his gaze. He turned around and walked to Wynn, who held Mila in
her arms. He said with a smile, “It’s fine, I’m here.”

Wynn nodded, but she was actually a little flustered and scared. She had never experienced
anything like this before. It was mainly because she had learned a lot about the Clarke family
from the servants in the past few days that Wynn had some basic tolerance now. If she were still
that naïve Wynn from the past, she would have been scared to death by now.

Soon, Hansel was assisted by the servants to treat his wounds.

This incident also cast a layer of indescribable atmosphere here. It was very tense and somber.

Before long, the blue sky was filled with lightning and covered with dark clouds.

Tim looked up at the sky with a strange light in his eyes. The dark clouds appeared at an odd

Wade glanced at the time and it was exactly eight o’clock. In other words, the 10,000 death
warriors of the branch family he arranged had already started to enter Clarke Manor at this

‘Very good!’

Just a few final steps away from success. Involuntarily, a faint sneer appeared on Wade’s face.

‘Tim Clarke, I’ll allow you to be arrogant for a while longer. And Philip Clarke, I’ll also let you be
arrogant for a while longer. When we enter the memorial hall later, all of you have to kneel and
confess your guilt to us!’
Wade’s face was full of gloating. As for Salem, who stood next to Wade, he tucked his hands
over his belly and looked up at the sky. He then looked at the main family’s guards around him
before he looked at Tim and Philip.

It was too quiet. No, to be precise, they were too calm.

They did not seem worried at all.

Could this be a trap?

After thinking about it, Salem immediately said to the butler behind him, “Go out immediately
and notify the seven squads that I have temporarily arranged. Tell them to get ready and wait for
my orders.”

The butler nodded and left.

Just as that butler left, Philip glanced at him surreptitiously and made a gesture behind his back
with one hand.

Then, a member of the Shadow Squadron quietly left the place and quickly followed the butler.

Also at this moment, a loud bell rang.


The bell resounded throughout the entire Clarke Manor. When the bell rang, be it the old
masters, young masters, young ladies, or servants of Clarke Manor, they all knelt on the ground.

In the vicinity of the ancestral hall, the crowd knelt on the ground together. All the people
kneeling here were members of the Clarke family.

Following that, an old man dressed in black and solemn clothes walked out from behind the
flower stands and stood in front of the Clarke family members who were kneeling on the ground.
He bent slightly and announced, “The Clarke family’s ancestor commemoration ceremony will
begin now. All members of the Clarke family are invited to enter the memorial hall. Everyone
must kneel and bow in respect!”

Chapter 2217
The solemn bell rang throughout Clarke Manor.

All members of the Clarke family, who were either dressed in black suits or long black dresses,
knelt on the ground and bowed in respect as they made their way to the memorial hall. At this
moment, time slowed down infinitely.
Looking down from a high altitude, rows of people could be seen standing up and kneeling
down. This scene lasted for more than ten minutes before everyone arrived at the main
entrance of the memorial hall.

This place was full of gilt black tiles and yellow walls. It was very majestic. From a distance, it
looked like a palace-very profound and solemn.

Three rows of people stood at the entrance of the memorial hall at this moment. They were all
the elders of the law enforcement hall. At the forefront, an old figure stood with his hands behind
his back.

It was the oldest living person of the Clarke family, the grand elder of the law enforcement hall!

He stood there dressed in plain clothes, while the rest of the elders of the law enforcement hall
stood behind him.

The members of the main and branch Clarke families stopped and knelt in front of the memorial
hall’s entrance. Then, the old man from earlier stood on one side and shouted, “Kneel and bow.
The ceremony is complete. All rise!”

With that said, all members of the Clarke family got up and quietly stood in place with their
heads lowered. They were waiting for the grand elder to say his piece. The grand elder just
stood on the steps like that, his weather-beaten eyes sweeping across all members of the
Clarke family before his gaze fell on Philip and Wynn.

Following that, he reprimanded, “You caused such a big commotion outside even before the
ceremony. How disgraceful!”

This was a rebuke to all members of the Clarke family. At once, not only the main family but the
branch family also lowered their heads again. They did not dare to refute.

After that, the grand elder’s eyes fell on Philip again as he asked, “Little monkey, what
happened outside just now? Did you break Hansel’s hands?”

At that question, everyone from the branch family gave Philip a gloating side-eye.

Very good!

The grand elder seized the first opportunity to chastise Philip. It seemed that the rumors from
the other day were true. Philip had brought his wife and daughter to see the grand elder, who
then flew into a rage and threw them out.

Now, it seemed that the grand elder was going to use Philip to establish his authority.
However, instead of admitting his mistake, Philip unexpectedly raised his head arrogantly and
looked at the grand elder on top of the steps while saying, “Yes, I broke his hands.”

Hearing that, the grand elder frowned and asked, “Why? He’s your sith granduncle, your elder.”

Philip glanced at Wynn next to him and said blandly, “Because his eyes are not clean. He
showed murderous intent to the young madam and young miss of the main family. According to
the family rules, he should be punished.”

“Well said.”

The grand elder said solemnly before asking, “In that case, should you also be punished for
breaking Levi’s legs?”

As soon as these words were spoken, the mocking and gloating smiles on the faces of the
branch family only intensified.

Wade stepped forward in front of everyone in the branch family and shouted, “Grand Elder, you
must bring justice to Levi and the branch family! Levi just went to the main family to invite the
young madam to visit the branch family but he got his legs broken by Philip, the arrogant and
rebellious boy. If the branch family is not given an explanation for this matter, I’m afraid it will be
difficult to convince others.”

The grand elder coldly looked at Wade who stood out and said, “Stand down! I know what to

Wade frowned, gritted his teeth, and stepped down. Then, the grand elder re-examined Philip.
He raised his hand and an old man behind him handed him a black cane as thick as half an arm
with both hands.

Chapter 2218
The grand elder held a black cane, looked at Philip coldly, and said, “On your knees!”

Philip knelt without any struggle or resistance.


The grand elder raised the cane in his hand high in the air and slapped it across Philip’s
shoulder with a black stream of light!

Instantly, the clothes on Philip’s shoulder ripped apart from the impact!

Philip also muffled a grunt. The ripped jacket on his shoulders revealed a white shirt but it was
quickly dyed red with blood.
Seeing this scene, Wynn was very distressed and anxious. She knelt in front of Philip with Mila
in her arms and blocked the next strike from the grand elder. She exclaimed, “Grand Elder, it’s
all my fault. It‘s all because of me that Philip did that. If you want to punish someone, hit me.”

The grand elder‘s eyes went cold at this scene as he shouted, “Do you think I don’t dare to hit

With that said, the grand elder raised the cane in his hand and was about to strike.

At this moment, Mila burst into tears in Wynn’s arms. She ran over, hugged Philip‘s shoulder,
and wailed, “Dad is hurt. Dad is bleeding. Boo-hoo…”

Then, Mila turned her head, stared at the grand elder with big tearful eyes, pursed her lips, and
cried, “You’re a bad person. You hit my Dad! I don’t like you. Boo-hoo…”

Seeing Mila crying, the grand elder could hardly bear it and the cane in his hand wavered.

Philip looked at the crying Mila, stroked her cute little head, and said, “Mila, I’m fine. It doesn’t
hurt at all. I did something wrong and must be punished. You should stand aside with Mom.”

After saying that, Philip looked at Wynn. With tears in her eyes, Wynn hugged Philip’s shoulder.
She was very distressed.

“Wynnie, bring Mila to the side. This is an internal matter of the Clarke family. I’m prepared for
it,” Philip said.

Wynn shook her head and said, “No, I don’t care. I don’t want anything from the Clarke family.
It’s no big deal if we leave. Let’s go, okay? I don’t want…”

Philip smiled, touched Wynn’s delicate cheek, and said, “Wynnie, trust me.”

Tim immediately said to the guard beside him, “Pull the young madam and young miss away.”

The two guards walked over and pulled Wynn and Mila aside.


The cane in the grand elder’s hand was raised once again and struck Philip’s shoulder fiercely.
This time, more blood poured out. Philip did not say a word as he knelt on the ground and
endured the grand elder’s punishment.

As for the branch family, everyone watched with enjoyment. Their faces were full of ridicule and

Was Philip not arrogant just now?

Then why was he kneeling in the memorial hall and enduring the caning from the grand elder

Wade was also watching this scene with a grim sneer and felt delighted. It was as if the
resentment that had been pent up for years dissipated all at once.

After seven lashes, the grand elder handed the cane to the servant behind him and said to
Philip, “Get up, go change your clothes, and come back.”

Philip’s face was full of pain at the moment. He could only stand up with the help of the

He was then taken to the backyard to treat his wounds and change his clothes.

Wynn carried Mila and chased after him.

In the backyard, Philip sat in the middle hall. He took off his suit and revealed his strong
muscles. From his shoulder, he took out a bloody piece of pork and threw it on the ground. After
that, with the help of the servants, he put on some so-called bandages and medicine before
putting on a new suit.

Wynn and Mila stood aside, dumbfounded.

What the hell was going on?

Chapter 2219
Seeing Wynn’s bewildered expression, Philip walked over and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

Wynn’s jaw dropped open as she stared at Philip’s shoulder, which was fine. She asked, “What
are you playing at?”

Philip smiled and said, “Don’t worry, this is just an act by the grand elder and me to give an
explanation to the branch family.”

“The grand elder actually agreed to put on this act with you?” Wynn found it difficult to

How much did the grand elder dote on Philip to agree to put on a show with him?
Was this not the same as deceiving the entire branch family?

Philip smiled and looked at Mila, who was blinking her big puzzled eyes and had a face full of
question marks. He reached out to hug her and said, “Mila, don’t cry. I’m fine. I was just acting
with the grand elder.”

Mila nodded and rubbed her red eyes.

Philip looked at Wynn and saw that she still could not figure it out, so he said, “Wynnie, don‘ I
worry too much. I have everything under control. I can’t tell you about everything yet. You just
need to know that with me around, no one can bully you and Mila.”

Wynn nodded, glared a little angrily at Philip, and said, “What will you do when you go out

Philip smiled and said, “Carry on with the pretense.”

Wynn rolled her eyes at him.

After ten minutes or so, Philip returned to the entrance of the memorial hall with the help of the
servants, his face looking pale.

When the people of the branch family saw Philip‘s appearance at this moment and how Wynn
and Mila’s eyes were red from crying, they were filled with gloating sneers. It seemed that Philip
was seriously injured.

The grand elder was really heavy-handed just now.

Wade looked sideways at Philip, who stood at the side with the help of the servants. He said
mockingly, “Philip boy, this is just the beginning. There’s more to come later. If you know what’s
good for you, you should quickly withdraw from this ancestor commemoration ceremony and
give up your identity as the heir. This way, it’ll be better for you.”

Philip sneered and said, “Granduncle Wade, you’d better give up such wishful thinking.”

Wade snorted and said, “Let’s wait and see, then!”

On this side, Tim and Horace looked at Philip and asked in low voices, “How are you doing?”

Philip’s eyes flickered as he said with a nod, “It’s not a big deal. I can handle it.”

Tim nodded without saying anything.

At this moment, the grand elder stood on the steps and looked at the Clarke family members
below. He said with clarity, “Today is the day for the Clarke family to open the door to the
memorial hall and pay respects to our ancestors. When entering the memorial hall, all members
of the Clarke family are not allowed to make loud noises, look around, or hold grudges against
each other. Otherwise, one will be expelled as per the family rules and never be accepted into
the family again!”


After the grand elder finished speaking, all members of the Clarke family below bowed their
heads and responded. Then, the grand elder turned around to face the red door and shouted,
“Open the memorial hall.”


The red door of the memorial hall was slowly opened under the hefty push from eight guards. A
desolate chill greeted them.

All Clarke family members raised their heads at this moment and looked into the memorial hall.
In that instant, all of them were shocked!

That was because two figures were standing inside the hall.

Chapter 2220
There was an old man with a walking cane whose face was cold and weather-beaten. An
imposing man stood next to him like a battle god who supported the sky.

The two stood there like relics. They were none other than the patriarch of the Clarke family,
Roger Clarke, and the first battle god, Fulton Hash.

The moment they saw Roger standing in the memorial hall, all Clarke family members climbed
up the steps and knelt on the small square that was about 1,000 square feet in front of the
memorial hall.

“Greetings to the patriarch.”

At this moment, no one dared to act recklessly and everyone knelt on the ground respectfully.
They bowed their heads in submission.

He was the Clarke family’s patriarch, after all. In a place like the ancestral memorial hall, if
anyone dared to act rashly, not to mention Roger but even the grand elder would tear them
apart. Roger stood in place and looked at the people kneeling. He said softly, “All rise.”
Then, he looked at Philip and beckoned, “Phil, come here and stand next to me. Wynn and the
kids too.”

Philip frowned, but he still took Wynn and Mila to stand next to Roger while Nelson was pushed
by the servants.

This scene naturally made the people of the branch family who were standing below very
unhappy. It was just in the name of the main family’s heir. What right did they have to stand

Wade was also very upset.

He never expected Roger to be waiting in the memorial hall so early.

Then, Roger said solemnly, “There are two matters on the agenda for today’s ancestor
commemoration ceremony. Firstly, my son Philip has returned to Arcadia Island to officially
inherit the Clarke family. In the future, all businesses of the Clarke family and other things will be
handed to him. Secondly, my daughter-in-law will officially enter the Clarke family’s register and
be respected as the young madam of the Clarke family. Anyone with a different opinion may
state them now.”

With that said, Roger glanced at the grand elder.

The grand elder took a decree from the tray held by the servant, raised it above his head, and
shouted, “In the name of the ancestral etiquette, the heir has been decided and shall be
appointed as the young lord. Those who disagree may speak now.”

“I disagree!”

Abruptly, Wade stepped forward with a face full of chills. He raised his hand, pointed at Philip,
and said angrily, “This child is disrespectful to the branch family and has hurt many members of
my branch family. He’s definitely not a candidate to be the young lord. I disagree! The branch
family disagrees!”

With that said, several elders of the branch family also stood out, pointed at Philip, and chided,
“I disagree too! Patriarch, Philip is too audacious and arrogant! Not only did he injure the eldest
young master of the branch family but he also hurt the sixth elder on the ancestor
commemoration day. Such an arrogant person must never become the future head of the Clarke

“That’s right! Philip has never taken the Clarke family rules seriously and is disrespectful to the
branch family. We disagree!”

“Make someone else the young lord! This boy is not capable of taking up the responsibility!”
For a while, the people of the branch family were agitated and jumped out to accuse Philip.

Roger watched this in silence before a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He
turned to Morrow and asked, “Uncle Morrow, do you have any objections?”

Morrow had not spoken. After being questioned by Roger, he pretended to be suddenly alert
and glanced at the excited branch family members. He covered his mouth and coughed a few
times. Then, he walked out and said, “Patriarch, since everyone in my branch family disagrees,
it’s indeed time to reconsider the matter of the heir.”

Roger smiled, nodded, and said, “Since Uncle Morrow has said so, it’s time to reconsider.”

After saying that, Roger turned to Philip and asked, “What do you have to say to defend

Philip laughed coldly and stepped out. Facing the branch family members who were constantly
accusing and berating him, he shouted, “A bunch of old fogeys with wild ambitions! Men, bring
over Allen Clarke!”

Chapter 2221
Allen Clarke?’

The branch family was startled and could not figure out why Philip wanted to bring Allen out all
of a sudden. However, since he returned, Allen had not even stepped out of the house and
declined many meetings related to the branch family.

For Philip to say this suddenly, it made it difficult for the branch family to figure out his intention.

Wade’s complexion looked quite bad because he knew what Philip was up to. Connor had been
recuperating since he returned. During this time, he told Wade what had happened to them in
Uppercreek and at sea.

Allen had betrayed the branch family.

For Philip to bring Allen up at this time was no doubt related to that matter. Sure enough, the
main family’s guards soon brought Allen, who was dressed in plain clothes, to the small square
outside the memorial hall.

Allen now looked thin and out of shape. He was withered and had a dull complexion as if he had
lost his soul. Following his appearance, everyone started talking in low voices.

“Isn’t he the seventh old master of the branch family? How did he become like this?”
“I don’t know. He looks like a beggar on the street. This is too exaggerated.”

“What the hell did he do to be guarded by the main family’s guards like that?”

In the face of the crowd’s discussion, Allen lowered his head and walked to the front.

Philip shouted solemnly, “On your knees!”

This simple command made all the people in the branch family annoyed!

He was the seventh old master of the branch family, after all. A junior like Philip was actually
commanding Allen to kneel in front of so many people.

Was he not disrespecting the branch family?

Thus, they immediately clamored. “Presumptuous! Philip boy, who are you asking to kneel?”

“He’s our seventh old master! You have no right to ask him to kneel!”

“Too audacious! He doesn’t deserve to be the heir of the Clarke family at all! Such an arrogant
and cocky person should be revoked of his identity as the heir!”

Facing everyone’s reprimand and anger, Philip’s face was calm. His eyes coldly swept over the
branch family members. His gaze finally landed on Allen as he repeated, “On your knees!”


Allen immediately knelt on the ground, looking as if he had no backbone at all.

His action caused every one of the branch family members to be dumbfounded. He was the
seventh old master of the branch family and he actually knelt!

Wade was furious. He looked at Allen who had knelt like a zombie and shouted angrily, “Allen,
are you mad? Stand up!”

However, no matter how Wade reprimanded him, Allen remained kneeling with his head
lowered, not saying a word.

Philip glanced at Wade before he walked up to Allen and asked condescendingly, “Allen, now is
your chance to live. Let me ask you, did you, Connor, and Levi of the branch family ever
conspire to commit any harm to me, my wife, and my children? Have you ever sent someone to
assassinate my wife and children?”

The crowd fell silent at Philip’s line of questioning.


Connor, Allen, and Levi once plotted to assassinate the eldest young master of the main family,
as well as the young madam and young miss?

This was simply unheard of!

That was worse than a beast!

This would implicate the entire branch family!

To do this was crossing the line and rebelling!

According to the family rules, such people should be executed!

Chapter 2222
Wade got anxious and roared. “Philip, don’t you dare accuse the branch family of such heinous
crimes! We have never done such a thing! You’re making this up!”

How could the branch family admit to this kind of thing?. This was the ancestor commemoration

Roger Clarke was standing there. The grand elder was also present. If they admitted it, it would
be the end of the branch family!

However, Philip just glanced at Wade coldly before his gaze returned to Allen. He said solemnly,
“Allen, don’t forget what you promised me.”

At this moment, Allen was kneeling on the ground, and his forehead was covered in a cold
sweat. His whole body was shaking. He dared not betray the branch family but he was worried
that Philip would kill him, his wife, his children, and his grandchildren.

In the past few days, he had been kept under close watch by the guards. He could not even
move an inch. He simply dared not walk around freely, let alone do anything even within the
boundaries of the branch family or in his own residence.

The guards were all replaced by the people from the main family. He spent the past few days
under such surveillance and was mentally tortured.

As he hesitated, Philip bellowed, “Allen Clarke, if you don’t answer honestly, I can kill you right
now! If you speak up and if the branch family dares to do anything to you, I’ll take care of it for
you! I’ll settle the score with them sooner or later.”
Allen trembled at Philip’s words. He raised his head slightly to look at Philip. When he met
Philip’s cold eyes, he suddenly panicked. He was afraid of death!

In those few seconds, Allen closed his eyes and said with trembling lips, “That’s right! Connor
and I once made a plan to assassinate the eldest young master and young madam of the main


There was dead silence.

An uproar!

Wade was furious and pointed at Allen with a roar. “Allen Clarke, that’s bullsh*t! Are you being
threatened by Philip? As long as you tell the truth, I’ll make a stand for you!”

After saying that, Wade raised his eyebrows and looked at Roger, who was standing
indifferently. He shouted, “Patriarch, Allen is telling lies. I suspect that this was planned by
Philip! The branch family has never plotted such an evil plan! Never!”

Facing Wade’s denial, Philip merely smiled calmly. He raised his hand and a guard brought a
phone over. Then, Philip switched on the phone and clicked on a recording.

Very soon, several conversations between Connor, Allen, and Levi conspiring against Philip and
Wynn in a hotel in Uppercreek could be heard in the small square. The recording even involved
important information such as the door of the Clarke family.

Philip revealed just enough before he turned off the recording. He then looked indifferently at
Wade, whose face was already ashen. He asked , “Granduncle Wade, the evidence is all here
this time. What do you have to say?”

Wade clenched his fists in anger. His eyes were cold as he said grimly, “Philip, I really didn’t
expect that you’d fabricate a recording just to deal with the branch family. This is simply too


Philip snorted and said, “Wade, at this time, you’re still so thick-skinned. The branch family is
just trying to make things difficult for me and Wynnie during the ancestor commemoration
ceremony. Now that I’m here, just go ahead and do whatever.”

Faced with Philip’s fearless attitude, Wade was furious. He sneered at Philip gloomily and said,
“Okay, since you want to die, I’ll satisfy you!”
After that, Wade turned around to face the crowd and pointed at Wynn behind Philip. He
shouted, “Do you know who that woman is?”

Chapter 2223
At the scene, all members of the Clarke family looked at Wade with puzzled faces before their
gazes turned to Wynn.

Who was she?

Was she not the young madam of the main family, a cheap woman front the outside world? Who
else could she be?

As for Wynn, she was a little flustered being stared at by everyone at this moment. She quietly
moved to stand behind Philip and muttered, “Phil, why are they looking at me like this?”

Philip glanced sideways at her, his eyes a little rueful. He said with a gentle smile, “It’s nothing.
I’ll handle everything.”

On this side, Wade was full of sneers. He glanced over, pointed at Wynn, and shouted angrily,
“She, Wynn Johnston, is not a member of the Johnston family from Riverdale at all! Her
background is something else!”


The scene fell silent.

Everyone gasped. They had heard some things about Wynn before. She was from an ordinary
family in Riverdale and was the daughter of the Johnston family. Her identity and status were of
low standards.

However, now that Wade mentioned that the young madam of the main family had a different
background, this caused everyone to be stunned.

Wynn was even more startled. With a face full of bewilderment, she stared at Wade with
agitation and shouted, “Granduncle Wade, I don’ t know what you’re talking about. My name is
Wynn Johnston and I come from Riverdale. Although it’s a small place compared to Arcadia
Island, it’s indeed the place where I was born and raised. My father is Charles Johnston and my
mother is Martha Yates. This is a fact that can’t be changed. If you want to use my birth to
achieve your ulterior motives, I absolutely won’t agree to it!”

At this moment, Wynn displayed the attitude and demeanor worthy of the young madam of the
main Clarke family. After all, she could not let Philip handle everything for her.
Since she was a part of the Clarke family now, she must do her part. Wynn had prepared herself
for several days for this day. She could not let others look down on her, and she could not let
these ambitious people conspire against Philip because of her.

Philip was also a little surprised. He did not expect Wynn to be so tough today.

On this side, Wade laughed and stared at Wynn coldly before he shouted, “Are you sure you
were born into the Johnston family? Have you never doubted your birthright?”

Wynn said obstinately, “No! I’m Wynn from the Johnston family! Although the Johnston family is
insignificant compared to the Clarke family, you can’t belittle us like this either!”


Wade laughed with cold intent in his eyes. Then, he waved his hand and shouted, “Men, bring
Charles Johnston and Martha Yates here!”


As soon as he said that, Wynn frowned and looked at Wade with incomprehension. She asked,
“What are you going to do?”

Philip scowled as he looked at Wade and asked, “No wonder I couldn’t find them. So you’ve
captured them.”

Wade chuckled and said, “Since you could detain Allen, of course, I could detain your

It did not take long for several fully armed guards from the branch family to escort the trembling
Charles and Martha from the back. They passed through the side corridor and walked to the
front of the crowd.

“On your knees!” Wade shouted.

Martha’s hair was disheveled at the moment and there was a stench all over her body. That
smell came from picking up dog poop.

She immediately bent her knees and knelt on the ground.

Chapter 2224
However, Charles stood with his hands behind his back with a proud look on his face. He said
coldly, “I’ll never kneel!”
After saying that, he turned to Martha and shouted in a manly manner for the first time, “Martha,
get up!”

Martha’s legs were weak and she did not want to get up at all. She had been tortured enough.

Seeing her parents like this, Wynn felt her heart aching and she could not bear it. She put Mila
down, rushed over, and pulled Martha up while exclaiming, “Mom, how did you end up like this?
Quick, get up.”

Martha looked up at Wynn miserably and wailed. “Wynnie, I don’ t want to stay here anymore. I
want to go home.”

Charles stood aside, glanced at Martha, and scolded, “Weakling!”

After that, he looked at Wynn with love and affection. He said earnestly, “Wynnie, we have let
you down. You should stay here and be the young madam. Even if they beat me to death today,
I won’t say anything!”

Hearing this, Wade shouted coldly, “Charles Johnston, are you senile? Aren’t you a little
ignorant to take the blame for a sinner who isn’t your daughter? Don’t you know what’s good for

Charles said coldly, “Hmph! You’re Philip’s fifth granduncle, right? I’m telling all of you today that
Wynn is my daughter, a member of the Johnston family! If you want to use my daughter to make
a case, I’ll tell you now that it’s impossible!”

Hearing this, Wade’s eyes froze. He immediately took out a pistol from the guard’s waist and put
it against Charles’ head while saying coldly, “Charles, are you playing with me? That’s not what
you said before! Now, I want you to tell the truth. Otherwise, I’ll kill you immediately!”

With that said, Wade pulled the safety.

This scene frightened Wynn. She quickly stepped in front of Charles and shouted at Wade,
“What are you doing? If you dare to do anything to my father, I won’t let you off!”

Wade stared at Wynn with a sneer and asked, “You won’t let me off? A sinner like you who is
nothing? How dare you yell at me like this?!”


Wade raised his hand and slapped Wynn on the face!

At that moment, Wynn closed her eyes and waited for the slap to land. However, before the slap
reached her, Wynn felt a figure standing in front of her.
She opened her eyes and saw Philip’s imposing back standing in front of her like a mountain.

With grim eyes, Philip grabbed Wade’s hand in his steel-like grip and said coldly, “If you dare to
touch my wife, I’ll destroy one person from your branch family!”



At his words, all members of the branch family had frosty faces.

“Presumptuous! He’s too arrogant to defend such a lowly woman from the outside world like

“Destroy our family? How dare he say that?! I want to hear what Old Master Wade is saying
about the sinner!”

“The more he defends her, the more I believe that the cheap woman named Wynn Johnston
may not have been born and raised by that couple. There must be something else going on

Facing everyone’s doubts and reprimands, Philip had no change of expression and looked at
Wade grimly. Wade laughed, raised his hand, and said sullenly, “Philip, it seems that you really
won’t give in until I reveal the truth about her birthright.”

Philip raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, “You can say whatever you want.”


Wade roared angrily and turned to the members of the Clarke family. He swore, “She, Wynn
Johnston, is the sinner of the Clarke family and the world! What flows in her body is the blood of
that sinful family from decades ago, the Lovelace family!”

Chapter 2225
As soon as Wade said that, Lhe small square of the memorial hall fell into a dead silence!


Everyone, whether from the main or branch family, gasped aloud. Then, with various looks of
disgust, anger, and hatred in their eyes, they stared at Wynn who was beside Philip!

She was actually a member of that family. That sinful family that shook the world a few decades
ago, the one that countless forces were mobilized to exterminate.
The Lovelace family!

That evil family that was nailed to the pillar of shame. In an instant, all kinds of unpleasant
words surged in the small square like a stormy sea.

“What? She’s the sinned blood of the Lovelace family? Such a person can never become the
young madam of the Clarke family!”

“Of course! Such a sl*t with sinned blood flowing in her body shouldn’t even set foot on Arcadia
Island! She should be executed on the spot!”

“That’s right, kill her! Such sinful blood is simply a disgrace to the people of the world!”

Facing the crowd’s displeasure, Wade sneered grimly and looked at Philip provocatively. He
said, “Philip boy, what will you do now?”

Philip’s eyes froze. Behind him, Wynn was still dumbformded.

What sinned blood?

What Lovelace family?

What happened decades ago?

She totally could not understand a word. She looked at Philip in surprise before asking Charles
and Martha, “Dad, Mom, is it true what he said? Am I really not your daughter? What’s the
sinned blood that flows in my body?”

Martha was kneeling on the floor at the moment. Her hair was disheveled, her appearance was
withered, and her tears were flowing constantly.

Charles was outraged as he pointed at Wade and yelled, “Bullsh*t! He’s talking nonsense! Wynn
is my daughter, not the sinned blood of the Lovelace family. This is nonsense! The Lovelace
family was wiped out decades ago by eight forces! No one survived! He‘s talking nonsense!”


Wade laughed, his eyes full of gloating as he asked, “Charles, how do you know that the
Lovelace family was destroyed by eight forces decades ago and that no one survived? I never
mentioned how many forces were involved in this matter.”

Speechless. Charles was taken aback as he pointed at Wade. He could hardly speak from
anger. “You…”
Following that, he clutched his chest and staggered a few steps back. He was unable to catch
his breath.

Wynn quickly supported Charles and shouted, “Dad, what’s wrong with you?”

Charles looked at Wynn as he fell to the ground. He took Wynn’s hand and said forcefully,
“Wynnie, you’re my daughter. You’re not of sinned blood from the Lovelace family. Don’t believe
their nonsense.”

Wynn’s eyes were already red from crying but she nodded vigorously. However, she also
understood something.

Wade looked at this scene coldly before he took out an investigation file. He held it up and
shouted to the Clarke family members, “I spent a great fortune to investigate this case.
Everything here about the origins of the sinned-blooded people is true! She, Wynn Johnston, is
the sinned blood of the Lovelace family, the eternal enemy of the Clarke family and the entire
world! Can such a person become the young madam of our Clarke family? She has even given
birth to two children! This is simply a great disgrace to the Clarke family and a great disrespect
to our ancestors! Today, in this memorial hall, I want to ask the main family if they know her
identity, if they’re hiding anything, and what the main family is going to do with this sinner and
her two children!”

With that said, Wade turned around with a chill in his eyes. He stared at Roger, who was
standing on the high pedestal with his eyes closed. He asked, “Patriarch, according to the
ancestral legacy and the rules you set in the past, once a sinned blood of the Lovelace family is
found, they must be killed without mercy and leave nothing behind!”

With this, the entire small square fell silent.

All Clarke family members were looking at Roger, who had his eyes closed.

Philip also watched silently before he turned around. He walked to Wynn’s side, squatted down,
and tenderly looked at Wynn who was supporting Charles. He said, “Wynnie, I’m sorry. I’ve kept
this from you for a long time. In fact…”

Wynn shook her head desperately with tears in her eyes. She said, “You don’t need to
apologize. I don’t want to know. All I know is that my father is Charles Johnston and my mother
is Martha Yates. I don’t want to get involved in the affairs of your Clarke family. I’m not of sinned
blood. I’m not a sinner. My name is Wynn Johnston.”

In the end, Wynn burst into tears.

Chapter 2226
Looking at Wynn whose eyes were red from crying, Philip felt very guilty and sad. Some things
could not be concealed.

Philip looked at Wynn and said, “I’m here to handle everything. You’re my wife and you’ll always
be the young madam of the Clarke family. No matter who you are, no matter what blood flows
through your body, as long as anyone dares to show their claws and fangs to you, I’ll eradicate
them for you!”

With that said, Philip got up.

However, Charles suddenly grabbed Philip’s hand and said to him earnestly, “Philip, I’ve never
begged you. But this time, I’m begging you to take care of this matter for Wynn. She…”

Philip nodded and said, “Dad, don’t worry.”

After saying that, Philip turned around and looked at Wade who was still prattling away with
deep killing intent in his eyes!

“Wade Clarke!” A deep and angry shout resounded throughout the small square.

Wade turned his head with a sneer on his face. He looked at Philip who was walking to him with
a gloomy face. He asked provocatively, “What do you want?”

The look on Wade’s face was asking for a bashing. Philip walked over, and every step carried a
chilling intent!

“You deserve death!”

Three simple words rang in Wade’s ears. He did not react, or rather, he never expected this.
Philip’s punch smashed into his face.


Philip’s fist collided with his nose.


Bones were shattered. Wade’s head tilted and he took a few steps back. He felt a fiery heat in
his nose before crimson blood gushed out.


Everyone fell silent.

No one could believe that Philip was so bold as to break Wade’s nose with one punch in front of
everyone at the memorial hall!


Wade covered his nose and roared angrily, “Philip boy, you’re too audacious! This is the
ancestral memorial hall and we’re judging your wife and children. By bringing them back to the
Clarke family, you have violated the teachings and the rules set by the patriarch back then!
According to the rules, you’re an enemy of the Clarke family and the world! Your status as the
heir should be revoked and you should be thrown into the dungeon for ten years!”

Not only Wade but the branch family members on the side were all pointing at Philip and Wynn
at this moment. The atmosphere was tenser than the situation just now!

On the main family’s side, however, with Tim and Horace present, there was no unusual

Philip stared at Wade coldly before his gaze swept across the branch family members. He said
solemnly, “I’m standing here today. Whoever dares to make a fuss over my wife and children will
not be forgiven!”

With that said, Philip looked at Wynn, who was still immersed in grief. He said, “She’s my wife.
Even if she’s an enemy of the world, so what? Sinned blood? Tell me, what is sinned blood?”

Chapter 2227
Wynn half-knelt on the side as she supported Charles. When she heard Philip’s words, she
raised her eyes that were red from crying and looked at him seriously with some hints of

He was still the same person who had always loved her. Wynn cried. Although she did not know
what sinned blood was and why the Clarke family became so aggressive when they heard that
term, she knew that she had dragged Philip down and become a burden. She could not bear to
see Philip make an enemy out of the entire Clarke family or the world for her sake.

“Philip, don’t…” Wynn cried.

However, Philip merely gave her a look of complete assurance and said, “Wynnie, trust me.
You’re my wife, Mila is my daughter, and Nelson is my son. In this world, no one can hurt any of

After saying that, Philip turned around. His face was like the Grim Reaper, his eyes like a demon
king, and he bore the intensity of an angry dragon. He stared fixedly at Wade and shouted,
“Wade Clarke, as the heir of the Clarke family, I formally warn you for falsifying and fabricating
the file in your hand. If you kneel and admit it now, I can let you off the hook. But if you insist on
doing so, I don’t mind killing in the ancestral memorial hall today!”


Wade laughed as he looked at Philip and said, “Philip boy, are you kidding me? At this point,
you’re still saying that this file is fake? Let me tell you, this file was obtained from the second
uncle and third uncle of the sinned blood. It has their personal signatures on it.”

Having said that, Wade took out a document again and said, “Oh, by the way, I still have the
recording from back then. Do you want to listen to it?”

Then, Wade gestured to his servant to play the recording.

“How dare you?!”

Philip roared angrily and pulled out the golden Desert Eagle from his waist. He aimed it at the
middle of Wade’s eyebrows.

Wade chuckled and said with a provocative look, “Fire off. If you have the guts, fire at me right

After saying that, he laughed again.

“Do you think I dare not?” Philip shouted angrily and was about to pull the trigger. However, at
this time, a few guards rushed in and ran to Roger’s side, muttering in his ear.

Roger’s face twitched as chills appeared in his eyes. He stared at Wade and asked, “Did you
replace all the guards near the memorial hall?”

Hearing this, Philip was also taken aback and instantly understood.

Wade laughed as he looked at Roger, who stood on the high pedestal. He said, “Patriarch, I had
no choice but to do so. I believe you can see the situation clearly now. Either you punish Philip,
his wife, and kids with the family rules, or the 10,000 guards assembled by the branch family will
rush in the next second. As for what will happen next, I can’t predict it.”

At this moment, Wade was extremely confident like a high ruler in control of everything. He was
trying to force the hand.

Roger frowned and suppressed the killing intent in his eyes. He said, “Is this your decision or
the branch family’s decision?”

Wade smiled and said, “Of course, it’s my decision. It has nothing to do with the branch family.”
Wade was still a sly old fox. He was also worried that if this failed, he would implicate the branch
family, hence be shouldered all responsibility. At the side, Morrow coughed several times. He
deliberately shouted angrily and reproachfully, “Wade, how dare you mess around? This is the
ancestral hall. How can you do this? Tell your men to withdraw!”

Wade chuckled and said, “Morrow, don’t try to persuade me. Today, I’m going to force his hand!”

Chapter 2228
Wade looked at Roger and said, “Patriarch, you set the rules regarding the sinned blood of the
Lovelace family back then. Anyone who sees the sinned blood of the Lovelace family must kill
and eradicate them! Do you want to break this rule today? If so, are you still qualified to be the
head of the Clarke family?”


Horace shouted angrily and scolded, “How dare the branch family speak to the family head like
this? Are you trying to rebel?”

Wade laughed disdainfully and said to Horace, “Horace, at this stage, what’s the point of saying
such things? Today, I’m here to set the record straight. I’ve arranged 10,000 guards outside, and
they’re enough to overturn the entire ancestral hall. All of you here are within my reach! Today,
either strip Philip of his status as the heir according to the family rules or punish the sinned
blood and the two wild dogs according to the family head’s rules!”

While saying that, Wade looked coldly at Mila, who was hiding behind Wynn.

“What if I don‘t agree?”

Philip spoke up at this moment, his eyes brimming with a dragon’s might.

“Who do you think you are? I’m talking to the family head. It’s not your turn to interrupt! Besides,
this is a trial for you, your wife, and your kids!” Wade shouted.

Philip merely sneered and said, “Is that so? Your greatest support and confidence are the
10,000 guards outside. In that case, I‘ll give you a chance. You can go find out how your 10,000
guards are doing right now.”

Hearing Philip’s words, Wade frowned and could not figure out what he meant

“What do you mean?” Wade asked.

Philip chuckled, which made Wade tremble.

He immediately took out his phone and dialed the number of his confidant, but strangely
enough, no one answered for a long time. At this time, Wade panicked. He quickly dialed
another number, and the call was quickly connected.

“Lloyd, where are you guys?” Wade asked.

A noise came from the other end of the phone like the sound of a fight. It was followed by a
deep voice that said, “I’ve already killed Lloyd.”

‘What?!’ Instantly, Wade’s heart jolted!

Lloyd had been killed?

He was Wade’s confidant of the third squad!

Immediately after, Wade called several confidants again, but no one answered. At this moment,
Wade was completely flustered. He stared at Philip sternly and asked, “Did you do this?”

Philip chuckled.

Very soon, there was a commotion at the back. In everyone’s eyes, a special fully armed
combat team could be seen. They were all in black and gold combat uniforms. Their chest,
abdomen, back, and head were protected by black and gold steel armor.

Under close scrutiny, their armor and combat uniforms were embroidered with a golden dragon
and branded with the words ‘Legion of the Sovereign’. This combat group consisted of 12
people. Six of them carried black and gold wooden boxes in their hands, while their waists were
equipped with long sabers and short spears. The wooden boxes were carved with four mythical

The other six escorted behind them.

They barged in from the memorial hall entrance. With every step they took, their combat boots
made a clanging sound on the ground, which was shocking to the senses.

Chapter 2229
The appearance of this group of 12 fully armed warriors instantly attracted the attention of the
entire Clarke family because they had never seen such soldiers or guards before.

Just the killing intent and chills radiating from them were enough to tell that this squad of 12
might be even stronger than a 100 member squad of the Clarke family. This was a cavalry built
from a battlefield of life and death.

There was a sense of soaring invincibility.

12 people of the Sovereign Legion approached the ancestral memorial hall. Each of the six men
in front carried a black and gold wooden box in their hands.

They passed through the crowd, walked up to Philip, and placed the black and gold wooden
boxes in a row. Then, with a flick of their armored robes, these 12 people knelt in front of Philip
on one knee. They bowed their heads and shouted in a muffled voice, “The 12 Legion of the
Sovereign at your command.”


It was just a simple phrase but all members of the Clarke family gasped aloud.

Was this the combat group developed by Philip?

Legion of the Sovereign?

What a strong aura!

What a cold killing intent!

Wade’s heart skipped a beat upon seeing the appearance of this group of people. Especially the
six black and gold wooden boxes that carried a strong stench of blood. He seemed to have a
bad premonition.

Standing on the high pedestal, Roger looked at the 12 members of the Sovereign Legion
kneeling in front of Philip and muttered to Fulton beside him, “What do you think of their

Fulton’s gaze swept over them before he said blandly, “Their future achievements will not be
inferior to the Shadow Guards, and they can even be on par with the Dragon Knights.”

Roger nodded with satisfaction, his eyes filled with relief. He said, “It wasn’t in vain for you to
find so many people for him.”

Fulton smiled and said, “This is due to the young lord’s efforts. For these people to vow to
support him to their deaths, it’s also because of the young lord’s charm and means. My lord, I
think the young lord’s potential has been unleashed.”

Roger hummed and nodded without saying a word.

At this moment, Philip said, “All rise.”

The 12 members of the Sovereign Legion got up in an orderly manner and stood next to Philip.
Philip glanced at the six black and gold wooden boxes on the floor before he turned his attention
to Wade, who looked stunned. He said, “Granduncle Wade, these are six gifts for you. Please
accept them.”

Wade was a little flustered at the moment, and his expression looked quite bad. He looked at
those six black and gold wooden boxes on the floor that had traces of blood seeping out of the

“Do you think I’m afraid of you?”

Wade shouted solemnly before he strode forward. He bent his waist and opened one of the
wooden boxes.


The moment the wooden box was opened, a pungent smell of blood gushed out and caused
Wade to cough. At the same time, the bloody thing in the wooden box also frightened Wade into
taking a few steps back.


It was Lloyd’s head! He was dead!

It was tragic!

Wade was furious as he raised his eyes and stared at Philip grimly. He then quickly opened the
other five black and gold wooden boxes, all of which contained the heads of his confidants who
were responsible for leading the 10,000 guards he had arranged outside.

All of them had died tragically!

At this moment, Wade finally realized what Philip had done. “Philip boy, how dare you kill my

Wade was livid as he pointed at Philip and roared!

Chapter 2230
This was his trump card, but now that his confidants were killed, it also meant that his
connection with the 10,000 guards outside was severed!

In that case, what else could he use to blackmail the main Clarke family and force their hand?

Had Philip predicted this long ago?

Was there a traitor among his people?

Philip chuckled as his eyes swept over Lex Clarke standing among the branch family members.
Lex was impassive as he stood among the crowd. He was a spectator from the beginning to the

This was what Lex had to prove himself. Philip accepted it.

Then, Philip walked up to Wade who was furious but flustered. He said coldly, “Wade, now that
you’ve lost your greatest support, what do you think I’ll do to you?”

Although Wade was very angry at the moment, he soon calmed down and said with a sneer,
“Philip boy, do you think that I’d be afraid of you just because you killed a few confidants of
mine? Today, the main family must give a statement to the branch family. They need to either
revoke your status or wipe out the sinned blood of the Lovelace family!”

After saying that, Wade turned to stare at Roger gloomily and said, “Patriarch, do you want to
harbor this sinned blood in front of the entire Clarke family?”

While saying that, Wade pointed at Wynn and cursed.


However, before Roger could continue, Philip slapped Wade angrily.

“How dare you?! You’re just an old master of the branch family while she’s the young madam of
the main family and the future young lady! What’s your intention by repeatedly addressing her
as sinned blood?!” Philip said angrily.

Wade was also furious as he stared at Philip and said, “Philip boy, are you going to deny it to
the end? I have evidence here!”


As soon as Wade said that, Philip kicked him in anger. Wade stumbled and fell to the floor. He
stared at Philip angrily and roared.

“How dare you strike out at me again and again?!”

Philip said, “Why not? If I said she’s not, then so be it. How dare you question the words of the
heir of the main family? Men, give him 20 strokes of the cane!”

Five guards stepped out among the main family’s guards. Four of them held Wade’s limbs and
pinned him to the floor. The fifth person took out a cane and struck Wade fiercely on the back of
his waist and buttocks.


Miserable screams resounded throughout the ancestral memorial hall!

Wade struggled and roared. “Philip boy, you’re too arrogant! I’m the fifth old master of the
branch family! Guards, take him down!”

At Wade’s command, the guards of the branch family who were about to rush out knelt on the
floor instead.

That was because Philip held up a jade thumb ring. The Sovereignty Seal!

Seeing the ring was like seeing the king!

Although Roger was here, he stayed out of the matter and wanted to see how Philip would
handle it.

Wade was furious at this scene. Gritting his teeth, he endured the pain and stared at the
Sovereignty Seal held aloft in Philip’s hand. He was almost dying of hatred.

Miserable screams kept echoing.

Morrow walked out from the corner at this moment and looked at Roger on the stage. Then, he
said to Philip coldly, “Philip, that’s enough!”

Philip turned around but did not call off the guards who meted out the punishment. He looked at
Morrow and said with a smile, “Oh, Granduncle Morrow. You finally can’t stand it, huh?”

Morrow frowned at Philip’s words, coughed several times, and said, “Philip, you’ve gone too far.
By acting like this, don’t you have any respect for the branch family at all?”

Philip chuckled and said, “Granduncle Morrow, it’s not that I don’t respect the branch family, but
the branch family has never shown me any respect.”

As Morrow listened, he looked at Wade who was covered in a cold sweat and close to fainting
from the beating. Shaking his head helplessly, he pointed at Wynn and said, “As the second old
master of the branch family, I hereby initiate a trial against the young madam of the main family
in the ancestral memorial hall. She’s the surviving descendant of the sinned blood! The four law
enforcement hall elders of my branch family will jointly petition this case!”
Ashe said that, the door of the memorial hall opened and four law enforcement hall elders
wearing black and red robes walked in with a petition written in blood in their hands.
Chapter 2231

A blood petition. This was a serious matter!

The four elders of the law enforcement hall jointly filed a petition written in blood, and this was done
during the ancestor commemoration ceremony. It was enough to show the determination of the branch
family this time.


The four elders of the law enforcement hall from the branch family knelt in front of the ancestral hall at
this moment. They held the blood petition in their hands above their heads and announced aloud, “The
four elders of the branch family jointly present a blood petition requesting the patriarch to punish Philip
according to the family rules! Revoke his status as the heir and convict the sinned blood of the Lovelace
family to wipe them out!”

With this announcement, the four elders of the branch family prostrated on the floor and did not get up
for a long time.

In everyone’s sight, the blood petition was so eye-catching and alarming.

Wade lay on the floor with a sneer on his face. He looked at Philip and said provocatively, “Philip boy, do
you think you can do whatever you want to me just because you broke my connection with the guards
outside? This is a joint blood petition from the law enforcement hall! I don’t believe that the family head
can still shield you!”

With that said, Wade shouted, “Members of the branch family, all kneel! Today, if the main family
doesn’t deal with Philip and that sinned blood, the branch family will kneel forever!”


In an instant, all the branch family members knelt on the floor.

Morrow and a few other elders still stood and looked at Roger, who was on top of the high platform,
with their heads held high.

In the end, Morrow also pushed away the support of the servants with both hands and knelt on the
floor. He shouted, “On behalf of the branch family, I, Morrow Clarke, request the family head to punish
Philip Clarke and the sinned blood of the Lovelace family!”

Immediately after, a group of people from the branch family behind him also shouted, “We beseech the
family head to punish Philip Clarke and the descendant of the sinned blood!”

“Patriarch, please punish Philip and the sinned blood!”

This request was repeated three times in a row. Their shouts echoed throughout the ancestral hall. This
was forcing the hand to yield!

Roger stood on the high platform, the gloom in his eyes as thick as clouds. He glanced at Philip before
hitting the floor tiles heavily with the walking cane in his hand, which shattered the tiles!

He roared solemnly, “Outrageous! Are you trying to force my hand?”

This angry shout was like the wrath of a dragon, startling the entire Clarke family within the ancestral

What a strong aura and sense of oppression!

Morrow knelt on the floor and repeated, “Patriarch, please punish Philip and the sinned blood!”

Following that, all branch family members kneeling behind him echoed, “Patriarch, please punish Philip
and the sinned blood!”

With cold eyes, Roger nodded and reared. “Very good! How dare the branch family try to force my
hand? Very good, indeed! Men, take Philip Clarke and Wynn Johnston down!”
At his command, a team of Roger’s personal guards poured out from around the ancestral hall. All of
them were dressed in black armor with their true faces obscured. Each person had a black triangular silk
mask embroidered with golden roses on their face.

Black Gold Rose!

Besides the Shadow Squadron, this was another combat cavalry of Roger. This was a battle cavalry that
had appeared on major battlefields and made countless contributions. Their appearance also made the
kneeling elders of the branch family feel chills!

Wade, Morrow, Salem, and the others exchanged a glance imperceptibly.

Chapter 2232

The Black Gold Rose generally never appeared in Clarke Manor because it was an external battle cavalry.
With great military exploits all over the world, they were an invincible existence.

Their presence was a signal. There would be a massacre!

For the Black Gold Rose to appear in the Clarkes’ ancestral hall, it posed a bad foreboding.

Morrow even thought of retreating.

Black Gold Rose escorted Philip, Wynn, Mila, and Nelson in the incubator to stand in the hall. Wynn
wanted to struggle. She could not figure out why her father-in-law was doing this. Was he really going to
carry out the so-called trial and punishment upon her and Philip?

Thus, Wynn immediately shouted, “Father-in-law, it has nothing to do with Philip. It’s my fault that this
is all happening. I’m willing to bear all the consequences.”

Philip glanced sideways at Wynn, whose face was full of tears. She was still thinking on his behalf until
now. With a gentle smile, Philip whispered to Wynn, “Wynnie, it‘s alright. I’m here.”
Wynn looked at Philip as Mila continued to cry in her arms. She said, “Phil, I’m scared.”

Philip shook his head and turned to Roger on the high platform.

Roger sternly looked at Philip and Wynn, as well as the two kids below. He said, “The branch family is
judging you with a blood petition. Philip Clarke, do you admit your guilt?”

“Guilt? What guilt?”

Philip chuckled and said tersely, “I’m the heir of the Clarke family, Wynn Johnston is my lawful wife, and
Mila and Nelson are my children. They’re not descendants of the sinned blood but the descendants of
the Clarke family! She’s the honorable young madam of the Clarke family! Whoever slanders them like
this is making an enemy out of me, Philip Clarke, and the entire Clarke family. They should be killed!”

At this moment, Philip’s words were full of dominance with no signs of weakness or concession. That
was because he understood that once he backed down, Wynn and his children would be in danger.

Roger looked at Philip and walked down from the high platform. He walked up to Philip and said, “The
four law enforcement hall elders of the branch family have submitted a blood petition to revoke your
status as the family heir. Do you have a defense against that?”

Philip looked at Roger unwaveringly and said, “It’s just a status. If the branch family wants it, just give it
to them. Anyway, the Clarke family will definitely fall into my hands. If the branch family stops me, I’ll
just get rid of them.”


Hearing that, all members of the Clarke family gasped.

‘What an arrogant tone!’

Morrow immediately shouted, “Patriarch, just look at how bold and arrogant Philip is! He doesn’t
respect the branch family at all and even wants to get rid of us. He’s simply too rebellious…”


Roger roared, glaring at Morrow and the others sternly. He waved his hand and said, “Everyone knows
what the branch family is after. There’s no need to put on an act any longer. Today, your branch family
just wants a statement, and I shall give you one!”

After that, Roger said, “Grand Elder.”

The grand elder who was standing on one side now walked over. With indifferent eyes, he looked at
Philip before he unfolded a yellow cloth that was embroidered with dragons. He recited, “In view that
the eldest young master of the Clarke family does not abide by the family rules, has repeatedly harassed
the branch family, and injured the elders and young masters of the branch family, Philip Clarke’s status
as the heir of the Clarke family is officially revoked. All members of the Clarke family are hereby
informed. “

With that said, the grand elder folded the yellow cloth in half, put his hands behind his back, and said to
everyone in the branch family, “Philip’s status as the heir has been revoked. What else do you ask for?”

Chapter 2233

Faced with the grand elder’s inquiry, Morrow bowed his head and said, “Grand Elder, there’s still Wynn
Johnston, the descendant of the sinned blood, and the two sinful children. They’re the enemies of the
Clarke family and the entire world. They shouldn’t live in this world. I also request to kill them per the
family rules!”

As soon as he said that, the entire small square was filled with chills and a murderous aura. This did not
come from Roger or the grand elder.

Instead, it radiated from Philip!

With a face like a demon god and a voice like the roar of a dragon, he said angrily to Morrow, “Morrow
Clarke, don’t take a mile when you’re given an inch!”
Morrow knelt on the floor and said, “No, I’m not. I’m thinking of the Clarke family. If these descendants
of the sinned blood are not put to death, I and all members of the branch family are willing to kneel in
this ancestral hall forever!”

“You’re courting death!”

Philip shouted angrily and immediately pulled out the golden Desert Eagle from his waist!


The gun went off and the bullet landed right in front of Morrow, splattering rubble.

At that moment, Morrow was also startled, but he still knelt on the ground and bowed his head
repeatedly. He shouted, “If you kill your fellow elders to defend those of sinned blood, you won’t escape
death either. You’ll become a sinner of the Clarke family!”

“Are you threatening me? So what if I become a sinner of the Clarke family? In my opinion, nothing in
this world is more important than to have my wife smile at me. Morrow Clarke, aren’t you leading all
members of the branch family just to force our hand and make me step down from the position as heir?
Now that I have done so, you still refuse to restrain yourself. Do you really think that I dare not kill?”
Philip said coldly.

Morrow knelt on the floor, shook his head, and said loudly, “Patriarch, I and the branch family will
always protect the Clarke family with not a trace of selfishness. I hope you can see the situation clearly.
We ask the patriarch to punish this sinned blood according to the ancestral legacy and the family rules
you have set!”

Instantly, the small square fell into a dead silence!

Roger blandly looked at all the branch family members kneeling on the floor before he looked at Philip,
Wynn, and the two children. He said loudly, “The matter of the Lovelace family has already been
concluded. The original sin-blooded family has been destroyed. In this world, there are no more sin-
blooded people. Everything is hearsay and can’t be trusted. Wynn Johnston is the young madam of the
Clarke family and a member of the Johnston family of Riverdale. There is no doubt about this. Whoever
dares to mention the sinned blood again, don’t blame me for not showing any mercy!”

His words were the verdict!

All kneeling members of the branch family showed frozen expressions at this moment. Roger Clarke was
trying to use his prestige as the patriarch to refuse to deal with this matter.

Morrow immediately shouted, “Patriarch, she’s the surviving descendant of the sinned blood! By
concealing the truth from the Clarke family like this, you’re violating the ancestral teachings, abandoning
the Clarke family, and deceiving the world! What qualifications do you have to be the head of the Clarke


These words exploded like a thunderbolt in the ears of all Clarke family members. The sky was also filled
with dark clouds and lightning now. It was like an apocalyptic scene.

The scene was deadly silent!

“Presumptuous! You’ve crossed the line!”

Roger raised his eyebrows as his cold eyes twinkled like the vast starry sky.

Then, he walked up to Morrow who was kneeling on the floor, lowered his eyebrows, and asked coldly,
“Your last sentence expresses your main purpose today, right?”

Chapter 2234

Morrow trembled all over as he knelt there, bowing and shouting, “I have a clear conscience. Everything
is for the sake of the Clarke family!”
“For the Clarke family? Is that your reason? For the sake of the Clarke family, you’re forcing my hand!
You forced me to strip the heir of his position and now, you’re forcing me to punish my daughter-in-law
and two grandchildren with my hands. Does the branch family think doing these is for the sake of the
Clarke family?”

Roger shouted angrily, and the muffled thunder in the sky exploded. This sound was amplified infinitely
and resounded through the sky.

Morrow and other members of the branch family suddenly panicked.

Roger’s prestige was too strong.

“Patriarch, I only have the Clarke family in mind. I hope you can severely punish…” Morrow continued to

However, before he could finish his words, Roger waved his hand and shouted, “If you dare to speak
another word, beware of getting killed!”


A blast of thunder fell from the sky.

Immediately after, Roger was just about to tum around and leave.

Morrow got up from the floor, his delicate and sickly look all gone. He looked at Roger’s back coldly and
said, “Patriarch, since you refuse, let me carry out the punishment for you.”

Hearing that, Roger stopped in his tracks and turned around. His pair of dark eyes stared at Morrow,
who looked greatly different now, and asked, “Have you been pretending to be sick?”

Morrow smiled and said, “Patriarch, for today, I’ve held back for 20 years. I absolutely cannot allow the
Clarke family to be tainted by sinned blood!”
With that said, Morrow stared at Wynn and roared, “Make the move!”

Then, he took out a flare from his pocket and fired it into the sky. The red flare instantly illuminated the
entire area. At the same time, muffled thunder rolled in the sky and large raindrops with the residual
power of lightning fell from the sky.

Outside the ancestral hall, 10,000 of the branch family’s guards in ambush saw the red flare rising into
the sky in the direction of the ancestral hall. All of them removed their coverings and rushed into the
ancestral hall from all directions while armed with guns.

Thud, thud, thud!

The sound of dense combat boots!

Tap, tap, tap!

The sound of boots stepping on puddles of water!

At this moment, these sounds were mixed with the muffled thunder in the sky and the momentum was
monstrous. In the square building of the ancestral hall, everyone could hear the dense sound of boots
outside as well as the sound of gunshots.

Outside the ancestral hall, the main family’s guards in charge of security fought with this group of guards
from the branch family who poured in like a black torrent.

The sound of gunfire rang incessantly. In the hall, Roger stared at Morrow coldly as his ears were filled
with the sound of gunshots.

The rest of the Clarke family panicked at the moment. Some even started to hide.

“Morrow Clarke, are you trying to rebel?” Roger asked gravely.

Morrow smiled and said, “Patriarch, I’m doing this for the Clarke family. As long as you punish the
sinned blood today, I’m willing to be punished.”

Roger nodded and raised his eyebrows, revealing his cold eyes. He said, “Good. It’s been a long time.
The branch family has finally started to show their fangs to the main family.”

As soon as he said that, the door of the ancestral hall opened. Teams after teams of guards from the
branch family dressed in black combat uniforms poured in from outside the door and surrounded the
ancestral hall.

Raindrops splattered all over the floor. The situation was critical. The 10,000 guards of the branch family
had completely enclosed the ancestral hall.

Roger looked at the guards with guns in front of him with a faint sneer and said, “Morrow, how much
chance of victory do you think you have?”

Morrow glanced at the Black Gold Rose guards next to Roger and said, “50 percent.”

Chapter 2235

50 percent chance of success was Morrow’s biggest estimation. Even if the 10,000 guards from the
branch family were not strong enough, they were enough to flood the entire Clarke Manor.

Morrow had planned this long ago. Without Roger’s mobilization, the Dragon Knights would never be
deployed. It would be difficult to win just relying on the Black Gold Rose alone.

Roger looked at Morrow coldly exhaled lightly, and said, “Morrow, I’ll give your branch family one last
chance to stop.”

Hearing that, Morrow chuckled and said, “Patriarch, I don’t know what it means to stop. I’m only
thinking for the sake of the Clarke family. Philip doesn’t deserve to be the heir of the Clarke family, while
Wynn and the kids are offspring of the sinned blood. If this spreads out, the Clarke family will become
the enemy of the whole world. We’ll be doomed! To prevent this from happening, I hope you can
destroy the enemy by the roots!”

“Well said! Are you asking me to kill my granddaughter and grandson with my hands and cut off the
lineage of the main family?”

Roger said coldly with a stern look in his eyes.

Morrow glanced at Wynn and Mila on the side, saying, “Patriarch, such sinned blood is not worthy to be
the lineage of the Clarke family at all. Back then, the Lovelace family affair was decided by various
forces. Now, you want to protect this bloodline on your own, but I’m afraid that you’ll offend other
forces. If that happens, the Clarke family will surely face a catastrophe. When the time comes, how
many lives should the Clarke family pay for them before things can be pacified?”

This line of questioning resounded throughout the small square.

The Clarke family members did not know the severity of the Lovelace family incident and had only heard
of the sinned blood. The sinned blood must never appear in the world alive. This was the consensus of
all parties.

If Roger protected Wynn and the two children, it would mean he was staying on the opposite side of all

Roger struck the floor tiles heavily with the walking cane in his hand and shouted solemnly in tandem
with the thunder and rain, “The matter of the Lovelace family has long since passed. The events back
then were secretly tampered with, and the family that was destroyed was the conservative faction of
the Lovelace family. You and I both know this. Why are you condemning them to death now? Is your
purpose them, the main family, or is it the door?!”

Morrow was startled at these words. He said, “Everything is for the Clarke family. I request that you
punish the sinned blood.”

Roger shouted angrily, “Morrow, on account that you’re my uncle, I’ll give you one last chance. Tell your
people to withdraw and never mention the sinned blood again. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being

With that said, dozens of Black Gold Rose guards rushed out from the ancestral hall. Some had been
lying in ambush on the roof, dressed in black robe armors. Some rushed in from among the branch
family’s guards, shedding the combat uniform of the branch family’s guards in the process. Instantly,
sparks from colliding weapons flickered, and all the branch family’s guards who rushed into the
ancestral hall died under the sparks.

The rain mixed with blood dyed the entire ancestral hall red. Thunder rumbled in the sky.

Morrow watched as the branch family’s guards fell under the weapon sparks and into pools of blood. His
eyes flashed fiercely as he turned his head, gritted his teeth, and said to Roger, “Have your people
infiltrated my 10,000 guards long ago?”

Roger said indifferently, “The branch family is still the branch family, after all. Your duty is to protect the
main family, not plot treason!”

After saying that, Roger said grimly to the branch family members kneeling on the floor, “If you get up
and leave right now, I won’t pursue this matter today. If you refuse to change your mind, a few more
people’s memorial plaques will appear in the ancestral hall after today.”

As he said that…


Numerous cold blades flickered in the rain, pierced through the raindrops, and landed on the necks of
the branch family members. Within two or three minutes, Black Gold Rose had taken down the entire
ancestral hall.

Chapter 2236

All the branch family members who knelt in the rain felt the cold blades on their necks and wailed. Many
people started to bow and shout.
“Patriarch, I’m not involved in this. I just… Forgive me!”

“Patriarch, don’t kill us. We were wrong! Please forgive us!”

For a while, many branch family members got up and were quickly brought to the side by the Black Gold
Rose soldiers. In the middle of the ancestral hall, only a few remaining branch family members were still
kneeling upright.

They still exclaimed, “All for the Clarke family!”

Seeing that the door of the ancestral hall was about to close, Morrow’s tears slipped from the corners of
his eyes and mixed with the rainwater.

Was everything over?

Was this how it would end today?

After such a long preparation, 10,000 guards of the branch family turned out to be no match for the
Black Gold Rose cavalry under Roger Clarke. It turned out that Roger had been on guard against the
branch family as early as ten years ago.

However, at this moment, a Black Gold Rose guard stepped on the puddle on the ground and barged in.
He knelt on one knee and shouted, “My lord, Tucker Stone of District 12 is outside Clarke Manor with a
20,000 member combat group.”


At this moment, Tim Clarke roared angrily, stepped out, and said, “Roger, I’ll go and meet this punk!”

Roger frowned and said with a nod, “Be careful. District 12 is not to be underestimated.”
Tim nodded and glanced at Philip and Wynn. He walked over, patted Philip’s shoulder, and said,
“Nephew, don’t worry. With me around, I won’t let the branch family cross the line!”

With that said, Tim left the ancestral hall with his men. Roger then looked at Morrow, Wade, Salem, and
the others who were kneeling on the ground. He said coldly, “Do you know your mistakes?”

Morrow laughed and said, “The winner takes all. I was negligent today. I didn’t expect you to be
prepared for it, but I have a clear conscience!”

As he said that, he stared at Wynn coldly and shouted, “Do you know who caused the deaths of your
biological parents?”

Hearing this, Wynn, who stood under the umbrella with Mila in her arms, shouted, “Stop talking
nonsense. My biological parents are still alive. I’m not the sinned blood, and I don’t know the Lovelace

“Hehehe.” Morrow chuckled and said, “Oh dear, Grant Lovelace, look. Your daughter doesn’t
acknowledge you anymore. Hahaha!”

After laughing, Morrow suddenly said, “Wynn Johnston, your biological father is Grant Lovelace and
your biological mother is Holly Glover. Both of them died tragically because of a word from this good
father-in-law of yours. They became traitors of this country who can never reverse their fate! They
became the sinned blood of the entire country and world!”


Suddenly, Wynn panicked.

Grant Lovelace? Holly Glover?

Did they die because of her father-in-law?

“Nonsense! I don’t know Grant Lovelace, and I don’t know the Lovelace family or the sinned blood!”
Wynn shouted as tears rolled from the corners of her eyes.

However, Morrow took out a secret file from his pocket, threw it at Wynn’s feet, and said, “See for

There’s a record of your background and the conviction of the Lovelace family back then. It has the
signature of our great Clarke family head, Roger Clarke!”

Chapter 2237

Wynn looked at the secret file with red and wet eyes. She dared not believe it, nor did she want to
believe it. However, many facts were right before her eyes. She stumbled toward Morrow and took the
confidential file.

Philip stood aside with dark eyes and shouted, “Wynnie…”

He was about to walk to Wynn’s side when Roger said with mixed emotions behind him, “Phil, she
should find out the truth about certain matters. Everything happened because of my mistake, and I
should resolve it.”

Philip turned to Roger in confusion and said, “What right do you have to resolve the case back then?
She’s my woman, and I’ll protect her.”

With that said, Philip walked in the rain, took a big black umbrella, and stood next to Wynn. He shielded
her from the rain. Under the umbrella, Wynn’s hands trembled as she held the wet confidential file. She
burst into tears and slumped kneeling on the ground.

This confidential file clearly recorded her birth. She was the surviving child of the Lovelace family. Her
biological father was Grant Lovelace, and her biological mother was Holly Glover.

The destruction of her father’s lineage was the handiwork of the Clarke family.
Her parent’s murderer was none other than her father-in-law, her husband’s father and the grandfather
of her two children!


‘Why did this happen?’

At that moment, Wynn simply could not accept it. She held the confidential file in her hands while tears
and rain blinded her eyes.

Philip just stood by Wynn’s side like this, looking at her as she was drenched in the rain. He then slowly
squatted down, put his hand on her delicate shoulder, and said tenderly, “Wynnie, I’m sorry. I only
found out about this not long ago. I hadn’t figured out how to tell you. The only thing I can promise you
is that if you want to seek revenge on my father, I’m willing to bear it for him.”

Wynn turned her face, her eyes red as she looked at Philip. Her lips trembled as she asked, “No, I want
you to tell me that none of this is true! You’re not the son of my enemy. You’re my husband and Mila’s
father. Philip, I…”

Wynn cried bitterly and spoke incoherently. She did not want to believe what she had just seen before
her eyes.

Philip hugged Wynn and said, “Wynnie, trust me. Everything will pass. I’ll make it up to you. You can
have anything you want.”

“I don’t want anything. I’m not the sinned blood of the Lovelace family. My father is Charles Johnston
and my mother is Martha Yates. I don’t know the Lovelace family. I’m not Wynn Lovelace. My name is
Wynn Johnston.”

Wynn was buried in Philip’s arms. She was crying bitterly and constantly shaking her head. She looked
too pitiful, and it was too heartbreaking. The world was full of uncertainties.
Seeing this scene, Morrow, who was kneeling on one side, shouted to Wynn with a sneer, “Your name is
Wynn Lovelace, and the sinned blood of the Lovelace family flows in your body. Your enemy is right in
front of you. As Grant Lovelace’s daughter, don’t you want to avenge your father?”

Faced with Morrow’s roaring question, Wynn was taken aback, and her eyes went blank.

Philip handed the umbrella to the servant and grabbed Wynn’s shoulders. He then got up. With a
morose face, he walked up to Morrow, kicked him on the shoulder, and roared, “You really deserve to


Morrow fell in the rain and looked up at the sky. Seeing the raindrops that fell like blades, he shouted
with a miserable smile, “Grant Lovelace, your lifetime of fame was in vain. You’ve given birth to such a
daughter who doesn’t distinguish between her enemies. Hahaha, this is too funny…”


Chapter 2238


Philip stood in the rain, soaked to the skin. His suit was dripping, as were the bangs on his forehead. He
held up the golden Desert Eagle with the muzzle smoking.

Many members of the Clarke family were indeed shocked by the shooting scene they just witnessed in
the rain.

That was because Philip had really fired at Morrow!

A miserable scream echoed loudly. Morrow fell in the rain. He was shot in the leg, and bright red
instantly dyed the rainwater around him. He clutched his thigh, wailing and howling. He roared a t Philip.
“Philip boy, kill me if you have the guts! Do it!”

“Do you think I dare not?” Philip’s eyes were cold, and the Desert Eagle in his hand burst with sparks!

Three shots were fired into Morrow’s chest. Instantly, blood gushed from Morrow’s mouth and he fell
on his back in the rain.

The cold rain hit his face.

At the last moment, he coughed up blood and said with a miserable laugh, “Roger Clarke, until the day
you die, you’ll never find out who tampered… Tampered with the plan back then…”

After saying these words, Morrow took his last breath.

Seeing this scene, Wade roared. “Morrow? Morrow!”

Then, he turned around. His eyes were bloodshot as he glared at Philip and yelled, “Philip boy, you’re
committing parricide! This is an unpardonable sin! You’re a wicked and evil person!”

Philip’s eyes narrowed as he aimed his gtm at Wade and said coldly, “Do you want to die too?”

As soon as he said that, the sound of footsteps treading on water could be heard in the direction of the
doorway. Following that, a cold voice was heard, “Philip Clarke, you killed the bloodline of the branch
family and slain the guards of my branch family. If the patriarch doesn’t punish you today, I’ll personally
take care of you!”

With those words, everyone turned to look. In the direction of the doorway, Christian Clarke was
dressed in a gray coat. With his hands behind his back, he stepped in. His eyes were cold.

He kept staring at Roger behind Philip and said, “Big Brother, it’s been a long time.”
Roger’s eyes turned cold as he looked at Christian and asked, “Are you already halfway to the other

Christian walked into the ancestral hall with a smile. The raindrops could not even get an inch closer to
him as if there was an invisible barrier that isolated the rain from him.

After that, he said with a faint smile, “Thanks to your guidance, I’ve seen the door and become one of
the doorkeepers. I also caught a glimpse of the view on the other side.”

Hearing that, Roger frowned and sighed before he asked, “Did your branch family send Tucker Stone

Christian did not deny it but said instead, “District 12 has something I can make use of. This is simply
mutual assistance and mutual benefit.”

Roger laughed and said, “So, what is your purpose today?”

Christian smiled, glanced at Morrow on the ground, and pointed at Philip next to him while saying, “Not
only do I want to revoke his status as the heir, but I also want his arms, legs, and blood. I wonder if you

Silence. Dead silence.

It was as if time had stopped in the ancestral hall.

Everyone felt like a big stone was weighing upon their hearts. Moreover, everyone clearly felt the
pressure here getting stronger and stronger.

This pressure originated from the two people standing in the hall.

The head of the Clarke family and the Chieftain of the branch family.
Chapter 2239

The small square raged with overwhelming pressure. Roger and Christian locked eyes with each other.
The might that surged through their bodies was enough to overturn everything here.

Roger looked at Christian and said, “Your request is too much. You should change it.”

Christian chuckled and said, “Roger, I only have this request. You also know that he’s an important part
of that plan. Since that battle, your dragon heart was damaged, so why don’t you fulfill my wish? As long
as I get his source of origin, I’ll be the next leader of the Clarke family. I’ll even surpass you. When the
time comes, the Clarke family can go further and higher under my leadership. I can lead the whole
family to cross that door and go to the other side, so why are you hesitating?”

Hearing this, Roger frowned. His eyes were gloomy, and it looked like stars were floating in his eyes.

He said, “You don’t have that strength yet. Since you have reached half a step, you should understand
what impact it’ll have on the Clarke family and the world once the door is opened. At that time, the
whole world will face a catastrophe. The other side is just a tempting pretense. Why can’t you see
through this?”


Christian said, “Roger, you’ve seen the wonders of the other side, so you can say such things lightly. But I
have not, and many others have not either. That door was sealed by you. I want to open it. I want to see
with my own eyes what lies beyond the other shore. Only then can I be content. Besides, how long do
you think you can guard that door by yourself? You forcibly detained them at the doorway to guard the
door for you. It’s not easy for you either, right?”

“If I guessed correctly, your dragon heart was damaged in that battle and your strength has
deteriorated. The one from the Nonagon is also about to break the seal. When the time comes, you’ll
make an enemy of the entire world and the Clarke family will fall into their plans. Before that, you want
to train Philip and let him take up the big responsibility. Do you think it’s realistic? Do you think it’s
With that said, Christian turned to Philip, laughed darkly, and said, “He’s the best candidate for that
plan. Isn‘t that what you have prepared long ago? Once he fails to grow up, you’ll use him to accomplish
it yourself. Isn’t this part of your plan? Why are you still acting like a good father?”

After Christian finished speaking, Roger raised his eyebrows and knocked his walking cane heavily on the
floor tiles. The tiles burst into pieces and debris splattered as high as ten centimeters before turning into
dust and dissipating in the air.

“Shut up! I never intended to implement that plan!” Roger said angrily.


Christian laughed and said, “Roger, do you think it’s still useful to pretend to be a good father now? If it
weren’t for your selfishness during the God Creation Project back then, our Clarke family would have
landed on the other side long ago. Everything in the world would have been under our control! But
because of you, the efforts of many people have gone down the drain! Just because you’re not perfect,
you’re putting everything on your son. You just want to get your hands on his dragon that’s still growing
to replace your own dragon heart that’s on the verge of breaking down. Otherwise, why did my sister-in-
law set up District 12? She was guarding against you!”

A blast of thunder fell from the sky!

Roger’s eyes suddenly tensed and changed with wisps of lightning flashing across his eyes.

He struck with the walking cane in his hand and half of it sank into the floor tiles!

The walking cane was also covered in lightning. Lightning raged all over his body as if he was a lightning

“How dare you?!”

A furious roar came out of Roger’s mouth like a thunderbolt. A vertical streak of lightning fell from the
sky and struck right on top of Christian’s head!
Chapter 2240

Christian raised his hand and waved a grabbing motion. With his palm, he caught the lightning strike!

Then, he sneered and said, “Roger, it seems you’re not the man you used to be anymore! Has your
strength deteriorated to this level? If that’s the case, I’ll seize the position of the Clarke family head with
my own hands!” With that said, Christian stepped forward and flung a lightning palm strike at Roger.


The mighty sound of lightning with raging waves of energy engulfed the entire place. Each corner was
full of blue and white lightning.

The spectacle was as great as the end of the world. The surrounding ten-mile radius was filled with the
might of lightning. From a high altitude, one could see the power of lightning raging the sky above the
quaint ancestral hall in Clarke Manor on the highest Zion Mountain. Such vast energy fluctuations were
naturally captured by the satellite detectors in space.

In an instant, all the alarms in the energy detection department in the Nonagon blared in unison as red
lights flashed.

The entire department was in chaos!

“Report! Powerful energy pressure fluctuation is detected on the sea! Locking the position!”

“Report! The energy pressure value has exceeded the highest threshold! It has reached the highest
critical level of kingship in the seventh zone!”

“Report! It has broken the limit! The pressure has exceeded the threshold of the disciples and has
reached the realm of the doorkeepers!”
“Notify the five pavilions immediately! Request backup from the five pavilion masters! Also, notify the
deputy consul at once!”

In the meantime, two parties had assembled near the coastline. The ones in the lead were the master of
the Gentleman Court as well as the master of the Alliance who rarely appeared. The two stood on either
side and looked at the turbulent sea.

“Court Master Landon, who do you think will win this time?” The old man, also known as the Alliance
Master, stood with his hands behind his back at this moment. His eyes slightly narrowed as he looked at
the movement on the sea and asked casually.

Standing not far from him, the master of Gentleman Court who was dressed in a black suit gazed
intently in the direction of Arcadia Island. He said, “The outcome is uncertain. There are too many
changes. The fates of these two people can’t be easily discerned.”


The Alliance Master said, “Court Master Landon, you’re the prophet among us. All the changes in this
world are within your grasp. Can’t you make a divination about the double dragons of the Clarke

Court Master Landon smiled lightly and said, “Alliance Master Yarn, this is a heavenly secret. These two
people are not in the 64 geomancy. They have their destinies. Philip Clarke is also not in this geomancy.
Even under the wrath of these two dragons, Philip’s latent dragon geomancy is still bright. If I’m not
mistaken, he’s the final candidate for that project.”

The Alliance Master nodded and said with a smile, “Regardless if that’s the case, we just need to go
there and find out. If Christian wins this time, this latent dragon geomancy of yours will be broken.”

Court Master Landon smiled and said, “I think we should wait a little longer. The kings are gathered in
Arcadia Island now. This is not something we can interfere with at will.”
Chapter 2241

Hearing this, Alliance Master Yarn turned his head. His eyes were profound as if he could see
the situation on Arcadia Island that was hundreds of nautical miles away.

After a while, he asked, “I have something I don’t understand. I wonder if you can clarify my

Court Master Landon turned his head as a glint of light flashed in his cold eyes. He said with a
smile, “Please ask away. If I know, I‘ll answer.”

Alliance Master Yarn nodded, looked around, and asked, “Who tampered with the target plan of
the Lovelace family’s conviction back then?”

Hearing this, Court Master Landon’s eyes turned cold as the corners of his mouth curled up. He
twisted his head, his eyes gazing straight ahead. He exhaled loudly and said, “You already have
the answer in your mind, so why ask?”

Alliance Master Yarn looked at Court Master Landon’s side profile before he laughed and said,
“Are you afraid to answer my question?”


Court Master Landon was silent for a moment before he said, “I had my motive regarding the
Lovelace family back then. Grant Lovelace refused to yield to his destiny. Before the incident
happened, he used a secret of the Lovelace family to ask me to interpret a prediction. Until now,
I still feel remorse over that prediction.”

“What prediction?” Alliance Master Yarn asked.

“The Four Disastrous Geomancy.”

Court Master Landon said, exhaled, and continued, “It’s a Zed geomancy prediction. There was
the third water lightning diagram, the 29th water diagram, the 39th water mountain diagram, and
the 47th swamp diagram. Back then, Grant brought these four diagrams for me to interpret. Do
you know what the results of the Four Disastrous Geomancy were?”

Alliance Master Yarn shook his head, and his eyes were grave. He dabbled in Zed geomancy
but was not proficient. A person with the Four Disastrous Geomancy would definitely face a
catalyst with no chance of survival!

Court Master Landon took two steps forward, stood in the sea breeze, and said, “This
geomancy of Grant alone explained the problem. The internal strife of the Lovelace family and
the destruction of Grant’s lineage were the outcomes of this prediction. There was only one way
out of this predicament.”

Hearing that, Alliance Master Yarn perceived something. He said, “Are you saying that in order
to leave a descendant, he chose for his lineage to seek their deaths?”

Court Master Landon laughed miserably, looked up at the sky, and said, “Yes, there was only
one solution to the Four Disastrous Geomancy. Grant used all the lives in his lineage in
exchange for Wynn Johnston because that child’s destiny is auxiliary to the king. She also has
the life of an imperial. Without her, the king’s destiny will not be complete.”


Alliance Master Yarn looked at the sea. After a long while, he laughed and said, “As expected,
what a good plan. The remaining people of the Lovelace family probably still don’t know that the
person they want to bring back to study has an imperial destiny.”

“Court Master Landon, the king’s destiny you mentioned just now… Is it him?” Alliance Master
Yarn asked.

Court Master Landon replied, “Yes.”



With a loud laugh, Alliance Master Yarn seemed enlightened and said, “I finally understand why
Roger Clarke didn’t hesitate to delay the God Creation Project to his next generation even at the
cost of damaging his dragon heart. It seems that he already knew something.”

Court Master Landon laughed and said, “I haven’t been able to see through Roger so far. Our
skills combined may even be less than half of his.”

Alliance Master Yarn snorted and said, “You think too highly of him. His dragon heart is
damaged and his strength is lesser than before. Just Christian alone is enough to make him
Back to Arcadia Island.

At this moment, thunderstorms and lightning filled the sky over Clarke Manor.

Far away in a red building in District 12, Seth Larson stood at the window. His eyes were
flickering as he looked at the center of Arcadia Island at the sky above the tall white castle
where the eye of the storm was.

The sky was full of lightning there. There seemed to be two dragons in the sky, circling and
fighting in the clouds!

The rolling wind and clouds made it seem like doomsday.

Seth said, “Men!”

Steven walked in immediately as he bowed and said, “District Master Larson.”

“Send over the gift I prepared,” Seth said.


Steven replied, turned around, and left District 12.

Seth turned around, looked out the window, and said with a smile, “I hope you like the gift from
this adopted brother of yours.”

Chapter 2242
A combat group of 12 soldiers in black iron armor drove three black combat vehicles and
headed straight to Clarke Manor. In just over ten minutes, Steven and his people arrived at the
entrance of Clarke Manor.

At this moment, the highest level of martial law was already executed within Clarke Manor.

Steven got out of the car and took out the token of the master of District 12. He showed it to the
guard at the entrance and said loudly, “This is a gift for Young Master Philip Clarke from District
Master Larson. I hope you can send it to him immediately. Don’t delay!”

The entrance guards glanced at the iron box behind Steven. It was carved with dragons and
phoenixes and locked securely. It looked extremely dangerous. The black iron box looked as if
there was a savage beast trapped inside.

After looking at it, the guards quickly mobilized four people to carry the huge black iron box
straight to the ancestral hall. Ten minutes later, four guards stood at the door of the ancestral
hall with the box.
At this moment, the entrance of the ancestral hall was closely guarded by Roger’s Black Gold
Rose. In the ancestral hall, the energy pressure surged again and again.

“This is a gift for Young Master Philip from District Master Larson of District 12,” a guard said.

One of the Black Gold Rose warriors glanced at the black iron box, turned around, and
approached the ancestral hall. At this moment, Roger and Christian stood facing each other in
the ancestral hall.

A storm raged all around them. However, both were restrained.

The Black Gold Rose warrior walked in quickly, knelt on one knee, and announced, “My lord,
there’s a gift from District Master Larson of District 12 for Young Master Philip outside.”

Roger looked at Philip and asked, “Did you make contact with Seth Larson?”

Philip did not deny it and replied, “That’s right.”

Roger thought about it and said, “Carry it in.”

Soon, four Black Gold Rose warriors walked in with the heavy black iron box.


The box landed with a heavy muffled sound.

Roger looked at it and said, “Open it.”


The chains were pried open. Instantly, a powerful pressure full of ferocious aura surged from the
iron box. The iron box also shook violently with a loud clanging sound.

Roger raised his hand and pressed it in the air. The iron box went quiet. Then, the iron box was
opened. Inside was a pure black stone that looked like a heart. It was flickering with red and
black lights.

“Dragon Heart!”

Christian shouted and took immediate action, grabbing the Dragon Heart inside the box with
one hand!

“How dare you?!”

Roger roared and struck out with his palm that carried the might of lightning, giving a blast that
went straight for Christian’s stomach!

Chapter 2243
Roger’s palm strike, which contained the power of cosmic rules, was so strong that it overturned


Christian flew out and crashed heavily into a wall of the ancestral hall. The wall instantly cracked
like a cobweb before it shattered and collapsed. However, the next moment, a golden light
flashed in the corner of Christian’s eyes. His entire person disappeared from the spot like a
golden shadow. In a flash, he approached the black iron box and reached out with his hands
that were shaped like dragon’s claws to grab the black heart-shaped stone that emitted a
terrifying pressure.

A Dragon Heart.

The surface of this stone was densely covered with a layer of fine lines like the blood vessels of
the heart. A red and black glow constantly flickered inside the stone. Every time the red and
black glow flickered, the stone emitted a terrifying pressure that made people want to worship it.

When Roger saw Christian rushing at him, he lifted his walking cane like a spear and clashed
with Christian’s palm strike.


A burst of terrifying energy pressure radiated from the collision point between the walking cane
and the palm. A golden energy storm instantly rippled from the ancestral hall to the entire
Arcadia Island in an instant.

From a high altitude, a golden circle of energy could be seen rippling outward from the white
castle at the highest point of Clarke Manor. It quickly enveloped the entire island. Wherever this
energy pressure passed, it brought an airwave that was enough to overturn everything.

In the ancestral hall, Roger maintained the posture of holding his walking cane against
Christian’s palm. The terrifying energy and intensity from both parties continued to increase. The
entire ancestral hall was enveloped by two golden light barriers.

“Roger! You don’t need this third Dragon Heart anymore. Why don’t you give it to me? I can lead
the Clarke family to new glory!”

Christian’s hair danced backward, his body raging with the special power from behind the door.
Roger frowned and looked at the Dragon Heart inside the iron box that kept absorbing the
energy pressure emanating from him and Christian. He said, “This is the Black Dragon Heart!
Are you thinking of getting this? You must be crazy!”

“Haha!” Christian laughed and said, “So what if it’s a Black Dragon Heart? It’s a Dragon Heart all
the same! As long as it can help me breakthrough to that step, I can push open that door and
reach the other shore. By then, I’ll be the glory of the entire Clarke family and the king of this
world! The grand spectacle where everyone bows to me will soon be realized! Can you imagine
what glam and glory that will be? Why are you unwilling to fulfill my wish?”

Roger frowned and said, “You simply don’t understand what the world behind the other shore is!
Everything isn’t as simple as you think!”


Christian sneered and said, “Roger, you were the one who brought this Black Dragon Heart
back from the other side back then, so why are you so wary of it now? Today, I’m going to get
this Dragon Heart for sure!”

After saying that, the aura on Christian’s body surged violently!


He struck out with another palm and knocked Roger back half a step. Then, he grabbed the
Black Dragon Heart with a nasty sneer. The Black Dragon Heart belonged to Christian Clarke

Christian had even fantasized about how after he obtained the Black Dragon Heart, he would
progress rapidly and his strength would skyrocket. He would unify the entire Clarke family,
reaching a peak that even Roger Clarke could not attain.



With a flash of silver light, a longsword fell from the sky. It carried terrifying energy fluctuations
that could destroy everything and slashed straight at Christian’s hand.

‘Damn it!’

Christian looked up at the sword in the sky as his eyes flashed grimly. Suddenly, he withdrew his
hand and sprang back.
Chapter 2244

The longsword hummed loudly and hovered above the Black Dragon Heart. Bursts of cyan
energy emitted from the sword’s body with roars of a dragon.

“Fitzgerald Hale! This is the Clarke family’s ancestral hall! How dare you trespass?! Your crime
is unforgivable!”

Christian looked up at the sky and roared.

Following that, a middle-aged man with his hands behind his back and dressed in a cyan robe
stepped on thin air as he walked down. With every step he took, there seemed to be a water
ripple fluctuating on the bottom of his feet.

It was the use of spatial rules.

Fitzgerald landed on the ground with his hands behind his back. With a slight movement of his
fingers, the longsword glowed brightly and suppressed the Black Dragon Heart that seemed to
be on the verge of rampage.

From the beginning to the end, Fitzgerald never looked at Christian. His attention was fixed on
the Black Dragon Heart in the iron box.

Then, he looked at Philip, who was dumbfounded on the side. He muttered, “Is this her backup
plan? She was indeed the most talented woman to have anticipated the events today.”

After saying that, he turned to Roger, nodded slightly, and said, “Patriarch Clarke, on behalf of
the Dragon Pavilion, I shall take this Black Dragon Heart away and suppress it.”

Roger raised his eyebrows and stepped forward. His aura suddenly surged and reached its
peak. His gray hair fluttered as the walking cane in his hand also emitted bursts of black and
golden light.

“Fitzgerald, you can’t take this Black Dragon Heart with you. I want to refine it myself,” Roger
said coldly.

Fitzgerald smiled, pointed to Philip, and said, “Do you want to use your remaining life to refine
this Black Dragon Heart and implant it in your son’s body?”

Roger did not say anything but just glanced at Philip before saying, “I have my plans. If you
insist on taking it away, there’ll be a battle between us.”
“Hahaha!” Fitzgerald laughed loudly before the aura on his body suddenly surged. Bursts of
thunder could be heard.

Seeing this, Fulton Hash, who had been standing on one side, frowned and said, “So, you have
long reached that step. You must have been sealing your strength with a special method.”

Fitzgerald smiled and gently hooked his finger that was behind his back. The longsword that
was above the Black Dragon Heart immediately transformed into another longsword.

Then, Roger and Fitzgerald vanished into the sky. Instantly, in the dark clouds above the entire
ancestral hall, thunder surged as golden and cyan dragons roared.

This apocalyptic scene stunned everyone on Arcadia Island. Everyone took out their mobile
phones and frantically took pictures of the sky. While they were taking pictures, team after team
of guards from the main Clarke family poured out from the streets in all directions. They headed
straight for Clarke Manor.

The leader was none other than Buck Jolly.

At the same time in Clarke Manor, the Legion of the Sovereign combined with the Tiger Knights
led by Tim Clarke confronted Tucker Stone at the entrance.

The cunning Tucker did not rush into Clarke Manor at the first chance but gathered with his
troops outside.

Tim stood across from Tucker with his hands behind his back With a cold and gloomy face, he
said, “Tucker Stone, take your people and go back to District 12!”

Chapter 2245
Tucker stood on the spot with a sneer and said, “Master Tim, that’s not right. I risked my life and
came here from District 12 to protect the Clarkes’ lineage. How could you drive us away? If
anything happens to the Clarke family, it’ll be detrimental to Arcadia Island. Master Tim, how is it
going? Do you need me to go in now and help stabilize the situation?” Tucker said with a faint

Tim frowned and said angrily, “You don’t need to worry about the Clarke family’s affairs! This is
the Clarke family’s territory. I now order you to take your people and get out!”

Hearing this, Tucker’s face darkened. He chuckled and said, “Master Tim, you’re being
unreasonable. I’m not inside Clarke Manor now. I’m just looking from the outside. In case of an
emergency, Ican quickly go to the rescue.”

Hearing Tucker’s shameless words, Tim was full of anger. If it were in the past, Tim would have
led the Tiger Knights to flatten District 12. However, it was different now. More than half of the
Tiger Knights had been deployed to fight against the branch family’s guards. Now, there were
not many people he could use.

With Tucker’s 20,000 troops blocking the entrance, it was not easy.

However, at this time, teams of people suddenly appeared on the street behind Tucker. There
were more than tens of thousands of people.

The leaders were none other than Buck Jolly as well as Theo Zander, Victor Bell, and even
Nigel Lambert!

Faced with this group that suddenly appeared, Tucker turned back with a grim and cold face.
His eyes twitched constantly when he realized he was surrounded all around.

Buck led his men, passed by Tucker from the side, and stood in front of the entrance. He bowed
to Tim and said respectfully, “Master Tim, by order of the young lord, we’re here as

With that said, Buck pointed to Theo, Victor, and Nigel next to him before saying, “They’re also
the young lord’s men, and they’ve brought a total of 40,000 people!”


Tim was overjoyed, his face full of excitement. He glanced at Theo and Victor with friendly eyes.

He did not expect his nephew to have such backup. Philip was simply the same as his eldest
brother, always scheming before he took action. He was always with a hidden trump card.

Immediately after, Tim looked at Tucker, whose face had turned ugly. He said solemnly, “Tucker,
l’m now telling you to get lost. You only have this last chance.”

Hearing that, Tucker scowled. He looked sideways at the large group of people behind him and
then at the few leading people standing on both sides. He felt both angry and resentful. Finally,
he waved his hand helplessly and said, “Let’s go!”

With that said, Tucker took his 20,000 soldiers and quickly evacuated five miles away from
Clarke Manor. He did not leave directly.

On Tim’s side, a subordinate naturally reported, “Master Tim, Tucker and his men are stationed
five miles away.”

Tim nodded and said, “Leave 2,000 men on guard here. The rest can follow me to wipe out all
the remaining members of the branch family!”

Instantly, a large group of people headed straight for the branch family.

This was the biggest catastrophe faced by the branch family yet.

Back to the ancestral hall. Roger and Fitzgerald fought fiercely in mid-air while Christian eagerly
eyed the Black Dragon Heart in the ancestral hall.

However, Fulton’s aura was in full swing at this moment while a black sword of kingship
enveloped the entire ancestral hall in the sky. Within this kingship energy field, Christian’s
strength was suppressed but he was still slightly stronger than Fulton.

This was the strength of taking a half-step to the other shore.

Chapter 2246
“Fulton, why don’t you follow me from now on? As long as I get this Black Dragon Heart, I can
become the next Roger Clarke. When the time comes, you can follow me to conquer the world.
Isn’t that wonderful?” Christian enticed, his face full of smiles.

Fulton crossed his arms and stood opposite Christian with the Black Dragon Heart between
them. He said solemnly, “Lord Chieftain, I only have one lord in my life.”

Hearing that, Christian snorted. He took a step, and the soles of his feet made a sound like
breaking glass. This was none other than the sound of breaking the kingship energy field.

“Fulton, you’re just the king of disciples of the seventh zone. Compared to me, you’re still no
match. I’ll ask you again now, will you follow me?” Christian asked coldly with killing intent
dancing in his eyes.

Fulton’s eyes tensed as he said, “If you dare to take a step forward, you’ll be killed!”

Christian threw a punch and shouted, “You’re courting death!”

In an instant, two figures fought fiercely in this ancestral hall.

Every time a figure flew out, it would definitely break a wall or destroy a wooden pillar. The two
figures could be seen constantly changing positions within the ancestral hall.

By now, Philip had escorted Wynn and the others to the inner hall of the ancestral hall. Here,
people of the branch and main families hid in the corners timidly.

Wynn sat limply on the ground, holding the wet confidential file in her hands. She looked as
though she had lost her soul.
Philip stood beside her, squatted down, and gently pressed her shoulder. He said, “Wynnie, if
you really want revenge, I won’t stop you. I’m willing to take my father’s stead…”

Suddenly, Wynn turned her head. Her eyes were red as she looked at Philip and interrupted
him. “Stop talking! I want to be alone.”

After saying that, Wynn got up with the file in her hand and stumbled to the side alone.

Philip felt his heart ache as he stared at Wynn’s back. If he were in her shoes, he would find it
difficult to accept too.

Then, he turned to Charles and Martha. He said, “Keep an eye on Wynnie and don’t let her do
anything stupid. I still have things to deal with.”

Charles and Martha nodded and quickly left. It was mainly because the situation here was too

Due to the barrier and the power of cosmic rule cast by Roger to isolate the five senses, in the
eyes of these ordinary people, they merely saw a group of people arguing. They could not see
the fierce battle in the sky and within the ancestral hall.

Philip was different. He had unleashed his potential and was naturally able to see it.

Seeing Charles and Martha leave under the escort of the guards, Philip turned around and
stared at the Black Dragon Heart in the black box in the yard.

Was that the Dragon Heart his father and Christian were talking about?

Was his father’s Dragon Heart the same as this stone?

Philip walked toward that Black Dragon Heart. The closer he got, the more he felt as if someone
was grabbing the heart in his chest. It was very painful, and he even had difficulty breathing.
Moreover, every step forward took a huge amount of energy.

When Philip approached the Black Dragon Heart, the longsword above buzzed incessantly as
cyan streams of light flowed continuously. They formed a barrier that prevented Philip from

Philip raised his eyebrows when suddenly, something he had been carrying with him shone with
white and golden light.

Chapter 2247
Philip quickly looked down and took out the shining object.
Jade gold phoenix!

It was the jade gold phoenix that was auctioned off at the Phoenix Pavilion auction house during
the underground chamber of commerce back then. It was something that belonged to his

At this moment, the jade gold phoenix shone with white and golden brilliance. A soft and
majestic energy fluctuation radiated from within the jade gold phoenix, which canceled out the
mighty pressure of the longsword and even offset the black energy radiating from the Black
Dragon Heart.

Instantly, Philip felt the pressure on him dissipating. He held the jade gold phoenix and walked
toward the Black Dragon Heart. He could only see the Black Dragon Heart clearly when he got
close. It was a black stone shaped like a heart with fine and obscure lines on it. Bursts of red
and black light flowed in the lines just like blood.

Moreover, Philip could also feel the heartbeat of this Black Dragon Heart.

Thump, thump!

With every beat of the Black Dragon Heart, Philip could feel the rhythm of his heartbeat that
began to match the Black Dragon Heart. In the end, Philip could feel his heartbeat becoming a
perfect match with the beating of the Black Dragon Heart.

At that moment, Philip felt a drastic change in his surroundings. Everywhere he saw was a
completely black space. Nothing could be seen, and nothing could be heard. It was as if his five
senses were completely severed.

At this moment, Philip seemed to be immersed in a vortex of black space. Then, he felt water
slowly flowing over the soles of his feet. When he looked down and before he could react, Philip
felt completely submerged in a pool of water.

He was cold and unable to breathe. However, he could feel the movement in his surroundings.

A huge black shadow seemed to flash across the soles of his feet. Philip looked down and
swam in the direction of the huge shadow. After some time, a small ray of light appeared in
front. It was rippling with water waves.

Philip looked for the light and kept swimming.

He swam out of the water, and the scene that entered his eyes was like a fairyland. It was a
landscape of birds and flowers. Philip stood on the grass and saw a white castle a hundred
meters away.

Philip walked to the castle and arrived at a thick and ancient door. He reached out and pushed it
open. Behind the door was a figure with their back facing him. She was in a long white dress,
looking dignified and elegant. With a white-gold crown on her head, she stood on top of a
19-step stairway.

The moment Philip saw this figure, his eyes turned red. He walked to the figure before he
started running. Tears welled up in his eyes as he shouted, “Mom!”

The figure turned around slowly, revealing her face that was alluring and beautiful. She was full
of gentle smiles and had a doting look in her eyes. Looking at Philip standing in front, she
stretched out her hand and touched his cheek. He was half a head taller than her. Her red lips
parted slightly as she said softly, “Phil, it’s been a long time. You’ve grown taller and bigger.”

At that moment, Philip’s eyes were full of tears. Like a lost child, he jumped into the woman’s
arms and cried bitterly.

After a long while, Philip let go of the woman and asked nervously, “Mom, where is this place?
Why are you here? Aren’t you…”

The woman smiled and said, “This is the inner space of the Black Dragon Heart. What you see
now is an image I left back then using some special techniques.”


Philip was startled before he realized that everything in front of him was not real.

Chapter 2248
The woman nodded, took two steps forward, and said, “This is a space inside the Dragon Heart,
and you can only get here with the jade gold phoenix. Phil, I’ve been waiting for you. I know you
have many questions for me, but time is running out. This image can only last for a while, so
don’t ask anything and just listen to me.”

The woman continued, “The Black Dragon Heart is the devil stone that your father brought back
from the other shore. The energy it contains exceeds the civilization standard of this world. Your
father brought a total of three Dragon Hearts back then, two White Dragon Hearts and one
Black Dragon Heart, which is the one you’re seeing now. Your father’s white Dragon Heart was
damaged in order to stop the conspiracy of those people, while the other White Dragon Heart
went missing during that battle. Only this Black Dragon Heart remains. However, both your
father and I know that the energy and rules contained in this Black Dragon Heart are beyond the
tolerance level of ordinary people. Even your father may not be a perfect fit, nor can he wield
total control over it. So, I tried my best to seal this Black Dragon Heart and change its internal
cosmic rules. Except for you, no one else in this world can get close to it. The XD factor in your
body is a 100% perfect fit for it.”

Philip was taken aback and could not fully comprehend his mother’s words. He asked, “Mom,
are you saying that this Black Dragon Heart was prepared for me? A-Am I just a vessel?”

With tears in her eyes, Charlotte Larson said with great reluctance and helplessness, “Phil, don’t
blame me or your father. We have no other choice either. I left this Black Dragon Heart for you.
You have to bear greater responsibility and hardships than others because you’re my son, and
you’re the key component to the God Creation Project. Only you can lead the Clarke family and
the civilization here to the other shore. Only you can be the commander and protect everything


Philip was puzzled, and there was more doubt in his eyes.

Charlotte nodded and said, “Phil, beware of the Dragon Pavilion Master and the Nonagon
Consul. They’re the planners of the previous generation’s God Creation Project.”

After saying this, Charlotte’s figure slowly turned into a cloud of light.

Philip chased after her and reached out to grab the light while yelling, “Mom, you haven’t told
me clearly what the God Creation Project is. Why me?”

Charlotte’s image dissipated, and at the last moment, she said with a gentle smile, “Phil, one
day, we shall meet again. When that time comes, I hope you’ll have surpassed your father.”

After saying this, Charlotte’s light image completely disappeared.

Then, this space also shattered.


Abruptly, Philip woke up. He opened his eyes and saw that he was still in the Clarke family’s
ancestral hall. The Black Dragon Heart inside that iron box still glowed with a red and black

Philip looked down and saw a red mark on his palm. It was a blood-red geometric pattern that
resembled an eye. Philip looked at his hand and slowly raised it to touch the Black Dragon
He touched it with his palm. At that moment, Philip felt a surge of powerful vitality pouring into
his body!

Suddenly, the world lost all color and the wind raged. Huge waves surged in the sea. Even dark
billowing clouds gathered in the sky. Thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed!


Two figures fell from the sky and stood in the ancestral hall.

Roger and Fitzgerald stared closely at Philip, who was touching the Black Dragon Heart with his

They saw the red and black light in that Black Dragon Heart constantly pouring into Philip’s

“So it’s really him!”

Fitzgerald’s eyes widened as he raised his hand to slash at Philip with the longsword in his

Roger frowned, and a majestic pressure surged from his body. He roared, “Whoever dares to
touch my son shall die!”

Chapter 2249
Just as Roger unleashed all his strength and his aura surged…

Several figures appeared on the horizon! The kings had gathered!

“Roger Clarke, we shall join forces to destroy your Clarke family today!”

A gloomy roar pierced through the sky. Then, those figures landed in the Clarke family’s
ancestral hall.

There were eight of them. They were foreigners of different ethnicities. The moment they
appeared, majestic energy pressure surged. Even the satellites that had been closely
monitoring data in space issued a red warning signal at this moment!

From space, the sea in this area could be seen surging with violent storm clouds.

Far away in the Nonagon’s energy monitoring department, more than a dozen men and women
wearing combat helmets and camo uniforms were staring at the images displayed on the huge
electronic screen.
The 12 beams of light that soared into the sky represented the energy pressure fluctuations of
the 12 kings of disciple and above. Among them, two of the eight kings of disciples had actually
reached the energy value of the king of disciples in the seventh zone. The remaining six also
displayed the energy values of the king of disciples in the sixth and fifth zones!

“Report! Nine swords of kingship have appeared in the sky above the sea! One of them is the
king of disciples in the seventh zone of our country! The remaining eight are the kings of
disciples from abroad!”

A man in combat uniform quickly monitored the analysis report at this moment and reported to
the dozen men and women in combat uniforms who were standing around. All of them had
gloomy faces as they stared grimly at the electronic screen.

A man in his 50s punched the air resentfully and roared, “Damn it! How dare Country M and
Country Y cross the line like this?! The eight kings have gathered here. What are they trying to

“Pass on my combat order! Immediately notify the Nonagon’s kings of disciples in the fifth and
sixth zones to reinforce them! No matter the cost, we must let the intruders know our country is
not the borders of a hundred years ago! Those who trespass into our territory without reason will
be executed!”

The man in combat uniform standing at the forefront was the senior wartime commander of the
Nonagon and also the war general arranged by the Imperial Palace in the Nonagon. In the
event of such a large-scale violation, this senior commander could directly command the
wartime forces of the Nonagon. At this moment, his face was frosty and his eyes flashed with
anger as he gave an order. Behind him, more than a dozen subordinates moved out quickly.

At the same time, in the towering Nonagon building, the door opened and a group of soldiers
rushed out of the building in full armor. Not long after, four men and women of different ages
with raging auras walked out of the shadows behind the door and flew up into the air!


The four figures, like four cold swords unsheathed, turned into four streams of light and soared
into the sky. They stirred the clouds and headed straight to the eastern coast of the sea.

Intruders would be punished!

At the same time, in Imperial Palace.

Inside the magnificent, tall, and vast golden palace… Behind a bookcase, a middle-aged man
with an elegant figure was dressed in a white long tunic that was embroidered with golden
dragons in red on the lapels and edges.
He stood in the center of the palace and looked up at the sky. There, on a patio, he could see
the stars.

Chapter 2250

At this moment on the patio, one could see with the naked eye how several stars twinkled and
shone brightly. Among them, the star on the edge that had been dull for more than 20 years now
glowed brightly. This light slowly surpassed the other stars and even vaguely had the tendency
to shroud this patio. However, that star was extremely unstable. It flickered brightly and dimly,
wavering precariously.

Thud, thud, thud!

Suddenly, rapid footsteps barged into the Imperial Palace.

An armored warrior knelt on one knee and shouted anxiously, “Imperial Preceptor, we received
an emergency order from the Nonagon. The eight kings of disciples of Country M and Country Y
have joined forces to break into the southeastern sea. In addition, four aircraft carriers and a
dozen frigates have formed a siege at sea!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Imperial Preceptor frowned. His face was cold, and his
eyes were full of brilliance.


Soaring battle intent engulfed the entire Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Preceptor waved his hand and shouted angrily, “How dare they?!”

“Issue an Imperial Preceptor Order. The supremes are to return to their stations and follow me
to the battlefield! Intruders shall be killed!”

Within seconds, a Golden Imperial Order was transmitted across the country. The three
supremes received the order at the same time. It was the highest combat order. In addition,
several retired supremes also put on their combat uniforms that had been taken off for a long
time upon receiving the combat order. They returned to the battlefield to fight.

In the event of war, they would be recalled. Even a retired soldier could still wield a bloodthirsty

Intruders would be killed!

For a while, several supremes in the entire country gathered at the coastline at the first
opportunity. Dozens of battleships and two aircraft carriers issued the highest battle orders.

In an instant, the war situation in the entire southeastern sea escalated. The entire country
caught a whiff of battle. All retired soldiers also returned to their stations at this moment.

Back to the ancestral hall in Clarke Manor. At this moment, the eight kings had gathered.
Including Fulton Hash, nine swords of kingship with different colors and shapes hovered in the

One layer after another, the entire Clarke Manor was completely shrouded in the energy field
produced by the swords of kingship. The sea area near Arcadia Island also surged with strong
winds and waves. In the sky, lightning continued to flash.

From a distance, nine swords of kingship could be seen hovering above the white castle in the
center of Arcadia Island. Monstrous energy pressure continued to radiate as lightning sparks of
various colors enveloped the swords of kingship. They struck from time to time, burning the
buildings and trees on the ground.

Eight swords of kingship were in full swing at this moment, jointly suppressing the pure black
sword of kingship enveloped in black lightning on the opposite side.

Under the pressure of the eight kings, the pure black sword of kingship began to crumble.
Shards of blade kept falling off.

This meant that Fulton had started to unleash his kingship power and was on the verge of a
rampage. That was because he had no other choice.

Faced with two kings of disciples from the seventh zone and six others from the other party,
Fulton could only kill or seriously injure those two if he went on a rampage.

As for Christian Clarke, he stood in the ancestral hall with Fitzgerald at this moment. He stared
across at Roger and said coldly, “Roger, there’s no way out from today’s crisis unless the Black
Dragon Heart is given to me and I reach the realm of the other shore! Only then will I stop the
destruction of the Clarke family today!”

Chapter 2251
Roger glanced at a black-red orb formed by the similar-colored energy emanating from the
Black Dragon Heart. There, Philip was wrapped inside. He was already isolated from the
outside world.


A dragon’s roar!
Roger shouted solemnly, “Christian, this Black Dragon Heart is not for you! Whoever dares to
take a step forward today will be killed!”

Hearing this, Christian frowned. His expression darkened as he said, “Roger, in your opinion,
am I no better than Philip? Even if he gets the Black Dragon Heart, he still needs to grow up
first. Have you ever considered how many changes will happen during that period? If I get this
Black Dragon Heart, I can use it to reach the other shore directly. Why are you so stubborn?
Why can’t the candidate be me?”

Roger looked at Christian and said, “Because you’re not perfect enough! Even if the Black
Dragon Heart can help you break through to the other shore, you won’t be able to control the
demonic power contained in this Black Dragon Heart! Once you’re consumed by the Black
Dragon Heart, it’ll be a disaster for the whole world. I can’t allow that to happen!”


Christian laughed and said, “Good excuse! In that case, I’ll take it myself!”

With that said, Christian ran forth and tried to break the black-red orb barrier formed by the
Black Dragon Heart.

However, Roger roared angrily and raised his fist!


This punch was blasted and directly hit Christian’s palm, causing him to stagger back several
steps. His face was full of horror. “You’re not hesitating to deplete your life force so you can
forcefully raise your strength from the realm of the other shore? Do you know the consequences
of doing so?”

“For my son, for the Clarke family, and for the world, so what if I die?” Roger said as his eyes
flickered. The aura on his body suddenly surged, drowning everything.

The realm of the other shore!

For an instant, there seemed to be only one person and one might in this world. The energy
fluctuation from Roger was so huge that it overshadowed the aura of the eight foreign kings.

Such terrifying energy pressure was instantly captured by the Nonagon.

“The realm of the other shore!”

In the Nonagon’s energy monitoring department, more than a dozen huge electronic instruments
issued red alerts at this moment. Almost immediately, all the soldiers stood up and stared at the
huge electronic screen in the center. Their faces were full of astonishment.

The realm of the other shore!

When they saw the map of Arcadia Island displayed by the satellite on the screen, several
commanders in combat uniforms were shocked.

It must be him!

Almost immediately, they made a judgment. It was rumored that the strength of that person was
unlike before. Unexpectedly, it was still in the realm of the other shore.

At the same time, in the west of Cochly Mountain where the sealed land was located. The
obscure words and patterns on the ancient altar glowed brightly at this moment. Angry roars
resounded in this area. Suddenly, the altar crumbled to pieces.

A figure appeared on the altar. He was covered in rags and looked disheveled. He hunched
over as his scarlet eyes glowed coldly.

“Roger Clarke, I’m finally out! From now on, this world is mine to control!”

A low beast-like roar was heard from the old man‘s mouth. Then, he flew into the sky with
mighty pressure and crossed the country from the west. He headed straight for the sea.

The moment the altar collapsed, the Nonagon’s energy monitoring department detected this
sudden terrifying energy pressure.

Chapter 2252
“What’s that?”

The senior wartime commander from earlier saw an unusually bright red dot flashing on the
electronic screen at this moment. At an ultra high speed of more than ten times the speed of
sound, it headed straight for the sea where Arcadia Island was located.

“Report! This energy fluctuation appeared from Cochly Mountain. It should be… The lord

“The lord consul? He actually came out?”

The senior wartime commander was full of doubts at this moment.

The monitoring personnel quickly analyzed the comparison data and said, “Yes, it’s the lord

The old man in the combat uniform stared at the unusually bright red dot on the electronic
screen with a solemn expression on his face.

The energy value of the red dot was still increasing and had reached half a step to the other
shore. However, the energy value was far from stopping and was still increasing. In the end, the
energy value stopped in the value range close to the other shore. The next second, the red dot
suddenly stalled and went in the reverse direction.

“What’s going on? Where is he going?” The old man in combat uniform asked nervously.

The monitoring officer glanced at the screen and stammered with a stunned expression on his
face, “Report! It’s coming our way and looking at the speed, it has arrived.”

As soon as he said that…


With a great tremor, the entire Nonagon building rocked. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the
entrance of the department. A hunched figure was already standing at the door at this moment.

“L-Lord C-Consul…”

Seeing the figure standing at the door, dozens of staff members got up and bowed while

Only the few wartime leaders left in charge were a little surprised and amazed when they saw
the sudden appearance of the lord consul. The lord consul walked in, glanced around with cold
eyes, and said, “Withdraw all disciples!”


The old man in combat uniform was shocked and argued, “Lord Consul, you’ve just returned
and may not be aware of many things. At this moment, eight foreign kings of disciples have
invaded our territory. We must go all out, or else…”

“So noisy!”

The lord consul glanced coldly. With just one look, the old man in combat uniform found it
difficult to breathe and knelt on the floor.
“This is the Nonagon. My order is everything. The people of the Imperial Palace, I hereby order
you to withdraw within ten minutes!” The lord consul said coldly without any concession in his

“You… Are you going to betray the country?”

The rest of the people in charge were filled with angry chills at this moment. The lord consul’s
eyes were cold as he raised his hand and made a grabbing motion.


Several staff members in combat uniforms turned into blood mist. Others were shocked by this

Then, the lord consul’s cold eyes swept over them as he said, “From today onward, no Nonagon
disciples can be mobilized without my orders.”

“Yes, Lord Consul.”

After saying that, the lord consul disappeared again and headed straight to the sea.

Back to Clarke Manor. At this moment, five more swords of kingship suddenly appeared in the
sky above Clarke Manor. These five swords of kingship carried monstrous pressure and formed
a confrontation with the eight foreign kings. One of them was none other than the red dragon

Fennel Leigh!

The moment he appeared in Clarke Manor, he fought with the two foreign kings of disciples of
the fifth zone. The other four kings of disciples from the Nonagon also joined forces.

Chapter 2253
Their figures stood in the four directions of the ancestral hall. They did not rush to take action
but formed a siege.

Several foreign kings of disciples immediately went forward after seeing them. The battles were
one against one. However, all of them did not rush to make a move. The four local kings of
disciples of the fifth and sixth zones were only unleashing their kingship energy fields at this
moment. It was because, just now, they had received the highest order from the Nonagon.

Hold the horses!

Among them, a rickety old man stood with his hands behind his back. His eyes twinkled with
brilliance, but his eyebrows were furrowed.
“The lord consul has broken the seal,” the old man said.

A burly middle-aged man beside him looked at the four foreign kings across and said, “As the
kings of disciples, we’re supposed to guard the country’s borders. I’ll disobey the lord consul’s

After saying that, he stepped forward and blue lightning flowed all over his body, forming a layer
of lightning armor.

Above him, a blue lightning sword of kingship also raged with monstrous pressure and energy
storm. The king of disciples of the sixth zone from the previous generation, The Lightning King!

He took one step forward, and the tiles on the floor were shattered by the lightning raging from
his body. His figure was like a thunderbolt as he immediately fought with a bald foreign king of
disciples. The remaining three local kings of disciples were also helpless at the moment.

The old man shook his head and said, “We’re already old bones. The only value we have left is
to defend the country. This is our glory as kings of disciples.” After saying that, he also stepped
forward with his hunched back.

Suddenly, a huge flaming giant emerged behind the old man. On top of his head was a crimson
flaming sword of kingship.

Fire Kingship!

The remaining two kings of disciples followed suit and quickly rushed into the battlefield, fighting
furiously with the four foreign kings of disciples.

For a while, several battles were fought in Clarke Manor, all of which was enough to destroy the
world. However, due to the enclosure of the kingship energy field and Roger’s power, the entire
Arcadia Island was locked in a huge barrier.

Even if there were terrifying energy fluctuations enough to destroy a country and a continent
inside the energy field, they would not be able to break through the barrier. However, the foreign
kings of disciples kept bringing the battles to the edge, wanting to use the energy emitted by the
fierce battles to break down this barrier. In turn, it would cause a chain reaction enough to
destroy the sea. They could then carry out their vicious plan of destroying the coastal cities.

“How dare you?!” Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky!

Reed Williams raged with monstrous fighting spirit and energy as he barged into the battlefield.
The seven kings of the country against eight foreign kings. Instantly, the battlefield underwent
earth-shaking changes. The entire sky lost all color.

Roger, Christian, and Fitzgerald had already fought hundreds of rounds in the ancestral hall.
Roger alone fought against the combined forces of Christian and Fitzgerald.

However, at this very moment, a figure that surged with manic and terrifying energy descended
from the sky like a black thunderbolt and lashed out at Roger!


A huge deep pit full of scorched soil appeared on the ground. The earlier three stood around
and stared at the depths of the huge scorched pit. There, a figure raging with evil energy rose
into the sky again.

Chapter 2254
Roger stared at the figure that rushed out of the deep pit and was now standing more than ten
meters in front of him. He frowned and asked coldly, “You came out?”

That figure surged with an intimidating aura and laughed as he said, “Hahaha! That’s right, I
came out! Today, I’m here to wipe out the shame of my past and destroy the Clarke family with
my bare hands! I’m going to kill you myself! And this Black Dragon Heart… I’ll be taking it as

That figure who laughed evilly was none other than the previously sealed lord consul of the

Roger frowned as he looked at him and said coldly, “I don’t have time to settle old scores with
you today.”

After saying that, Roger moved his gaze away from the lord consul and stared at the black-red
energy orb formed by the Black Dragon Heart in the center.

Seeing this, the lord consul went crazy with fury. He had been sealed for more than ten years.
Now that he was free, he was here to seek revenge!

However, Roger was simply ignoring him!

This was contempt!

The lord consul roared angrily. “You’re still the same, always looking down on me! In that case,
I’ll let you see with your own eyes the destruction of the Clarke family in your hands!”
After saying that, the lord consul stepped forth and struck out with a palm that surged with the
black power of lightning!

Seeing this, Roger’s body surged with terrifying energy fluctuations. With a flick of his hand, like
a dragon swinging its tail, he attacked the lord consul.


Two terrifying energies collided. The entire expanse of space trembled. The energy storm
formed by the collision filled this place.

Fitzgerald and Christian quickly retreated several hundred meters away to escape the terrifying
energy storm.

“He has taken more than half a step to the other shore but is still short of an opportunity to reach
the other shore!” Fitzgerald said coldly, his eyes full of astonishment.

Christian stared even more intently at the lord consul of the Nonagon and said coldly, “Juno
Yarrow! This is the Clarke family’s territory. You can’t do as you please here! Moreover, I want
that Black Dragon Heart! If you dare to steal it, don’t blame me for sealing you up again!”

Hearing this, Lord Consul Juno Yarrow laughed aloud and said, “Hahaha! It was you two
brothers who joined forces to seal me in the seventh zone back then. If I hadn‘t made a wrong
move at that time, the realm of the other shore would have belonged to me! Today, it’s you two
brothers again. One forcibly elevated to the other shore, while the other is a half-step away. Very
well, then. Let’s see who’s stronger now compared to before!”

With that said, Juno rushed out at the two!

Instantly, the three were locked in a fierce battle. Christian did not help Roger, but the three of
them fought for their lives.

Seeing this, Fitzgerald’s eyes fell on the black-red ball of light formed by the Black Dragon
Heart. He must completely seal the Black Dragon Heart. This was not something that should
appear in this civilized world.

He took advantage of the fact that the three of them were immersed in their fight and resisted
the energy pressure emitted from the Black Dragon Heart as he approached it one step at a

Then, with a glint of viciousness in his gaze, he raised his hand and formed seals with both
hands. Obscure and incomprehensible light diagrams kept hitting that ball of light.
At the same time, at the periphery of Arcadia Island. Court Master Larson and Alliance Master
Yarn had arrived. Court Master Larson suddenly frowned and quickly counted with his fingers to
make a prediction.

“Oh no! The Dragon Heart is unstable! There’s great movement in the emperor’s throne!
Someone is interfering with him!”

Hearing that, Alliance Master Yarn’s gaze was as cold as a blade as he asked, “Who is it?”

“Fitzgerald Hale? It’s him!”

Court Master Larson shouted and said, “Oh no! This person is not one of our kind! He actually
knows the God Exterminating Seal Technique!”

Chapter 2255
“God Exterminating Seal Technique?” Alliance Master Yarn frowned at that. With a shudder, he
understood everything in an instant!

“Are you saying that Fitzgerald Hale is not from this world but from behind the door?” Alliance
Master Yarn’s expression darkened as an ugly look flashed from the corners of his eyes.

Court Master Larson rapidly counted with his fingers to make a prediction. A bright glow slowly
appeared in his eyes as if he could see through the space and chaos!


In the end, he spurred out a mouthful of blood and staggered back, almost losing himself in the
process. Alliance Master Yarn reached out to help him before Court Master Larson could
stabilize himself. Then, his face was pale and his eyes were full of surprise and shock as he
said, “Roger personally closed the door back then and also killed three extraterrestrial beings
from the other side of the door. He even sealed the Nonagon’s lord consul to suppress the door
and prevent the invasion of the other races. Why do they still exist here? Fitzgerald Hale came
from the other shore! He’s now sabotaging our God Creation Project! He must be stopped.
Otherwise, our plan will be ruined! The consequences could be disastrous!”

After Court Master Larson finished speaking, his heart was greatly stirred. His aura immediately
surged, reaching the peak of the king of disciples of the seventh zone!

There was even a vague potential and aptitude to break through to the half-step to the other

Alliance Master Yarn stood aside and looked at Court Master Larson, who had unleashed his
aura. He asked, “Are you sure that he comes from the other shore and is not one of our kind?”
Court Master Larson nodded and said, “In the Great Geomancy Prediction, there was a
deduction made by Tony Bailey and Springer Lyon of one diagram but it was burnt. Only 59
diagrams and one last geomancy diagram were left, making up the 60 Great Geomancy
Diagrams in history. In fact, there were supposed to be 61 diagrams in total, but the 60th
diagram was too shocking for the people in the world to understand. They even had a
premonition that the descendants after a thousand years wouldn’t be able to understand the last
diagram, so they burned it. However, it was preserved as rubbings and is being closely guarded
by Springer Lyon’s descendants. I had the privilege to meet them and jointly deduce the fate of
this world. I’ve seen the last diagram. It’s really shocking and corresponds to the other shore.”

Court Master Larson said a lot in one breath, but his aura remained undiminished. Then, he put
his hands on the bright barrier covering the entire Arcadia Island and muttered a few words
under his breath. Two golden circles of a spell formation emerged in his hands. He tore open a
crack in the barrier and entered Arcadia Island.

Alliance Master Yarn followed closely behind and looked in the direction of Clarke Manor where
the center of the energy storm was. Even when standing on the periphery of Arcadia Island, the
powerful energy fluctuations that erupted from the manor could still be felt!

The seven local kings against the eight foreign kings! There were also three freaks at half-step
to the other shore or already in the realm of the other shore fighting each other.

The sky over Arcadia Island was dark with thunder as lightning poured down.

Court Master Larson glanced through the expanse of space, turned to Alliance Master Yarn
beside him, and said, “I know that your purpose lies in the stone tablet of eternal life left behind
by the First Emperor. All I can tell you is that if you want to obtain the secret scroll of eternal life,
you can’t do it without Philip’s help.”

After saying that, Court Master Larson dashed forth to Clarke Manor.

Alliance Master Yarn stood in place with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickering.

He smiled and said, “This guy… Well, since you said that I need Philip in my life, I’ll lend him a

With that said, an incomparably strong and exuberant dragon power surged from Alliance
Master Yarn. His entire aged demeanor was replaced by a golden dragon in its prime. He
soared into the sky, turned into a golden dragon-shaped silhouette, and rushed in the direction
of Clarke Manor.

Back to the ancestral hall.

At this moment, Fitzgerald’s face was full of gloom as his hands continuously formed obscure
and incomprehensible runes. He kept thrusting them to the black-red ball of light.

In his eyes, dense numbers and runes flashed constantly as if he was receiving some kind of

Chapter 2256
At the same time, more than a dozen satellites in outer space were also disturbed by a powerful
and irregular force. The Nonagon screen display also started to become blurry.

“What’s going on? Adjust the screen immediately!” someone shouted.

“Report! The satellite shows external energy interference. We’re unable to capture the image
over the sea area,” a staff member replied.

“How is that possible? We have the most advanced satellite system in the world. How is it…”
The man was full of surprise before he stared at the image that appeared in the middle of the

It was a huge black and red ball of light as well as the back view of a figure in green.

The Dragon Pavilion Master?

However, at this moment, the back view of the Dragon Pavilion Master shown on the screen
looked extraordinarily grim.


Next, the entire image disappeared.

“Adjust it for me immediately! The signal must be restored as soon as possible!” the captain

Meanwhile, in the ancestral hall.

Four figures descended from the sky in four separate directions, trapping Fitzgerald Hale in the

“Fitzgerald Hale! I didn’t expect you to be an extraterrestrial being from the other shore when
you’ve been lurking in the Nonagon for so long!”

That sturdy Tiger Pavilion Master was full of anger at this moment, and his body also raged with
manic power. On the other hand, the master of Turtle Pavilion, Chandler Curtis, stood with his
hands behind his back. His eyes shone brightly. Staring at the grim Fitzgerald, he said, “Person
of the other shore, when it was said that Patriarch Clarke killed three people back then, which
one were you? You actually managed to survive.”

Fitzgerald smiled and released his hand from the black-red orb formed by the Black Dragon
Heart. With a wave of his hand, he caught the longsword in his hand.

He sneered and said, “During the battle back then, more than three people stepped into this
land. I’m the fourth person, but I’m better at concealing myself. For so many years, even Roger
Clarke didn’t notice the difference in me. If not for this Black Dragon Heart, I wouldn’t have
exposed myself.”

After saying that, the longsword in Fitzgerald’s hand emitted bursts of black energy and turned
into a black-red demonic sword. It looked very ferocious and terrifying.

“Hmph, very well, then. Today, we shall kill an extraterrestrial being from the other shore!”

Zayn Lowe, the master of Tiger Pavilion, roared angrily and stomped on the ground before
throwing a violent punch at Fitzgerald!

This punch was like the roaring of a tiger with violent energy pressure. It blasted Fitzgerald on
the chest.

Fitzgerald’s eyes gradually turned black as a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He
said, “You’re not yet my opponent.”

With that said, the demonic sword in his hand slashed away!


The sword hummed. The sword gave off a black light as it slashed at Zayn’s punch!


The black sword struck Zayn’s tiger fist, and a terrifying energy fluctuation was produced from
the collision. The surrounding floor tiles and brick walls collapsed from this manic energy.

Chandler stood at the center of the energy storm. His clothes fluttered, and his body staggered
back uncontrollably. He forced himself to remain on the spot and that action left two deep
imprints on the ground.

Too strong!

Chapter 2257
The same was true for the other two pavilion masters, both of whom were in the center of the
storm and enduring the pressure of this raging energy. However, immediately after, the master
of Phoenix Pavilion, Susie Sharp, raised her hand and struck out with a palm.

The call of a phoenix resounded through the sky. In the sky, a huge flaming bird cried out and
swooped down with the might of soaring flames.


The flaming phoenix headed where Fitzgerald stood. Fitzgerald looked up with a pair of pure
black pupils that flickered with an extremely vicious chill. He waved the demonic sword in his
hand and slashed it at the swooping flame phoenix.

A black shadow shaped like a black skeleton rose from the ground, carrying extremely manic
and dark energy. It soared into the sky. It opened its big skeleton hands and grabbed the wings
of the flaming phoenix. With a hellish roar, it tore the flaming phoenix into pieces.


The sky was filled with scattered flame energy fluctuations that formed a sea of fire.

However, the next moment, that sea of flames turned into countless small flaming phoenixes.
Then, like a torrential rain of flames, they bombarded the huge black skeleton.


There was a series of explosions that was enough to destroy the world. That huge black
skeleton was defeated by the flaming phoenixes that swooped down from the sky, turning into a
black mist that dissipated into thin air.

Fitzgerald staggered back. Just as he was about to raise his hand, a burly body got close to

Zayn roared, “Where are you looking?! Your opponent is me!”

Biff, bang!

Instantly, the two fought!

However, Fitzgerald was like an undefeated warrior at this moment. He blasted Zayn away with
just a few moves.

The next second, Griffin Pavilion Master Dahlia Una joined the battle and fought Fitzgerald.
Then, the four pavilion masters took turns fighting Fitzgerald!

Even so, Fitzgerald still had the strength to fight back.


Zayn’s kick carried the roar of a tiger and hit Fitzgerald on the side of his face.

Fitzgerald was sent flying out like a meteor and crashed into several walls before he tumbled
heavily on the ground. He left a long deep pit.

The four pavilion masters stood together, all gasping for breath. They had numerous wounds all
over their bodies.

Fitzgerald was too strong!

Immediately after, they saw Fitzgerald slowly get up from the ground. Raising his head, he
revealed his eyes that were full of sternness and excitement. He raised his hand and wiped
away the black blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth. He said with a wicked sneer,
“Interesting. I didn’t expect the four of you to still have some strength. This primitive world really
surprises me.”

While saying that, black blood flowed out of Fitzgerald’s arm.

The black blood quickly formed a pool of viscous black liquid on the ground, which then slowly
rose into the air and formed a human silhouette that was exactly like Fitzgerald.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the four pavilion masters darkened.

Dealing with one Fitzgerald was already troublesome enough, but now, it was double the
trouble. Chandler said, “I finally know how he survived.”

The other three pavilion masters also understood.

He had such vitality and this mysterious cloning technique, which could form a new life as long
as there was blood. It was indeed unheard of and simply beyond their knowledge.

No wonder Patriarch Clarke once said that the other shore was not a place accessible to the
people of this world. With such human cell regeneration ability, one was forced to believe that
the civilization of the other shore had surpassed this world’s by at least one civilization.

They were most likely already the third civilization.

Chapter 2258
Several pavilion masters looked at each other and nodded before fighting Fitzgerald again.

Fitzgerald sneered while his clone rushed into the battlefield and tussled with the four pavilion
masters. His original body walked toward a black-red dragon egg that was formed by the Black
Dragon Heart.

Standing in front of the dragon egg, Fitzgerald revealed a look of excitement in his eyes and
said, “I never expected someone here to match the Black Dragon Heart so perfectly. I can’t even
find many people with such physical quality and bloodline on the other shore. Very well. In that
case, I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to bring you back and train you to become the strongest
killing machine on the other shore! In the future, I want you to return here and massacre your
own kind!”

With that said, Fitzgerald stretched out his hand, and there was a black rune in his palm.

That black rune constantly glowed with a black light and slowly enlarged. Finally, like a wriggling
bug, it attached to the black- red dragon egg that shone with a strange light.

At this time, two figures descended from the sky and smashed to the ground. Fitzgerald quickly

A golden 64-diagram magic circle rushed out of the smoke and enveloped the dragon egg.

Instantly, the black worm-like thing that was attached to the dragon egg was engulfed by the
golden magic circle. It sizzled with black smoke and dissipated after some struggling.

Two figures walked out of the smoke. They were none other than Court Master Larson and
Alliance Master Yarn.

At this moment, golden magic circle runes glowed in the eyes of Court Master Larson, as well as
on his neck and arms. He pointed with one finger and a golden magic circle formed in front of
him, from which several fireballs blasted out at Fitzgerald.

Immediately after, the golden magic circle in Court Master Larson’s hand turned like a
mechanical gear. The obscure runes on it shone with golden light. In the middle of the magic
circle, dozens of gold-plated sabers and spears appeared slowly.

These sabers and spears continuously formed out of the alternate space behind the magic
circle and were suspended in the air in front of Court Master Larson.

Court Master Larson frowned and waved his hand.

The golden weapons formed by the magic circle blasted at Fitzgerald like a meteor shower.

A treasure trove of golden magic weapons. These golden magic weapons exuded monstrous
pressure and energy fluctuations!

Puff, puff!

In an instant, these golden magic weapons pierced through Fitzgerald’s body, which produced
bright sparks all over his body. His wounds carried a golden afterglow. Fitzgerald fell into a pool
of blood. Remnants of the magic circle remained in the area. With just one face-off, Fitzgerald
was pierced countless times by Court Master Larson.

Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson stared at the pool of blood on the ground, not
daring to let down their vigilance in the slightest.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, that puddle of blood on the ground began to wriggle and
quickly fused like black metal liquid before slowly condensing into a human shape.

Court Master Larson frowned and felt very nervous. He asked Alliance Master Yarn, “What do
you see?”

Alliance Master Yarn pondered for a moment with his hands behind his back. He said,
“Non-human. It must be some kind of super high-tech product that utilizes the activity of cells
and advanced technology. There are countless ultra-fine machine components in the blood that
can be separated and re-fused as quickly as cells to re-form the human body. To be precise, it’s
the human body modification technology that Cooper Berry, the Nonagon’s deputy consul, is
studying. However, Cooper’s research is far inferior compared to what Fitzgerald is displaying

Chapter 2259
After hearing this, Alliance Master Yarn’s face darkened as he asked, “Then what do we do
now? His strength is not below ours. He’s already half-step to the other shore. Moreover, in my
opinion, his real strength should be in the realm of the other shore, so why does it feel like
something is wrong with his body and his power is only at the half-step now?”

Court Master Larson frowned as he looked at Fitzgerald, who was still forming his human body.
He said, “Perhaps the battle with Patriarch Clarke back then caused him some damage, or
maybe it’s because of the Nonagon’s lord consul. In any case, we must keep this dragon egg
today. Otherwise, if he brings it back to the other shore, it’ll inevitably cause immeasurable
destruction to our civilization. At that time, even if we gather our global resources and strength,
as well as those hidden supernatural talents, we won’t be able to resist the power and
civilizational impact from the other shore.”
Alliance Master Yarn nodded and said, “The door to the other shore is a stargate that has
always existed under this starry sky. Since the time of the First Emperor, that stargate has
existed. I thought that it was just a passage to the higher and more profound outside realm left
by the ancient people but I never thought that it was a source of chaos. I wonder how amazing
and talented the First Emperor was. With the wisdom and strength at that time, he actually
managed to seal the stargate for thousands of years.”

Court Master Larson added, “The First Emperor isn’t someone we can evaluate. His great
achievements are definitely not limited to just those recorded in the history books. His wisdom
wasn’t something the people of that era should have. If I’m not mistaken, the First Emperor was
likely to have come into contact with the door in our country for some reason, and thus he came
into contact with a higher civilization. This led him to have such amazing wisdom and vision.
However, due to the limitations of that era, the only thing he could do was to become the First

“Yes, the ancient commandment of the First Emperor still exists until today. To unify the world as
one, to suppress the dragon ley lines, and to protect the country! I hereby swear in the name of
the First Emperor! As long as I’m here, I’ll defend the country and open up the frontiers. I’ll
destroy the enemies and set the foundation of this land! When I die, I’ll transform into a dragon
spirit and bless the land for eternity! The sun and the moon shall witness this oath, heaven and
earth shall acknowledge it, and all immortals, devils, and gods shall listen to it!”

Alliance Master Yarn said, his eyes were full of admiration and excitement. “This is how a proper
man should act. Today, as a descendant of the First Emperor, I shall protect the foundation of
my people for generations and protect my land for eternity!”

After saying that, dragon energy surged from Alliance Master Yarn’s body. Behind him, a
towering shadow of an emperor in a yellow robe and a golden jade crown rose. He looked tall
from all directions. Every move of his caused people to have the urge to worship him!

Such pressure and aura were enough to rock the world.

The dragon energy from Alliance Master Yarn contained enough domineering arrogance to
overwhelm the world. As if because of the words of the First Emperor, his realm immediately
soared to half-step to the other shore.

Fitzgerald had formed his human shape at this moment. With a frown and a sneer, he said,
“Today has given me constant surprises. Alliance Master Yarn has actually made a
breakthrough in his realm. So, you’re a descendant of the First Emperor. No wonder!”

As Fitzgerald said that, he held the demonic sword in his hand, which was pitch-black and
emitting a demonic aura. His figure blasted out abruptly as he slashed his sword at Alliance
Master Yarn!
“Back then, the First Emperor destroyed the pioneers of my people. Now, I really want to find
out what kind of strength the descendants of the First Emperor possess!” Fitzgerald roared.

Here, crimson dragon eyes appeared on Alliance Master Yarn. His aura had soared to the

Half-step to the other shore. One could even sense a vague tendency to break through to the
other shore!

However, in the end, Alliance Master Yarn sighed. His eyes flashed red and gold as he said, “I’m
still short of an opportunity. In that case, let me fight you with my wrecked body!”


Chapter 2260
Alliance Master Yarn raised his hand and the world lost all color. A gigantic palm with monstrous
pressure fell from the sky. The golden palm was extremely huge and accompanied by Sanskrit
chants as it fell.


The huge golden palm slammed at the approaching Fitzgerald!


Fitzgerald raised his arms and braced himself against the huge golden palm. However, the
ground was shaken by the residual power of the golden palm and sank in by one meter.


A huge crater in the shape of a palm appeared on the ground.

Fitzgerald’s knees sank into the ground, and his face was full of agony as he resisted the huge
golden palm above his head. It could be seen that he was under tremendous pressure. Alliance
Master Yarn approached Fitzgerald.

The gigantic shadow of the emperor behind him also seemed to look down on the world. With a
wave of Alliance Master Yarn’s hand, another huge golden palm fell from the sky again.

In the sky, the shadow of the emperor also roared, “Those who are not of my kind shall be

The golden palm formed by the golden shadow was slammed on top of the golden palm struck
out by Alliance Master Yarn. The two palms overlapped and exploded in golden brilliance.


Golden airwaves rippled and exploded with Fitzgerald in the center. Under the palm of the
golden emperor’s shadow, Fitzgerald once again burst into a black viscous liquid and turned into
a pool of blood.


A low beast-like roar came from the pool of blood on the ground. “Julius Yarn, damn you!
Thousands of years have passed yet you still have such great power!”

Then, as Court Master Larson and Alliance Master Yarn watched, that pool of blood rapidly
manifested into countless black mechanical little bugs.

The clicking noises made by those bugs resounded throughout the world. Then, the bugs flew
into the air. It could be clearly seen that the mouths of these bugs were equipped with tiny laser


Instantly, this swarm of mechanical bugs fired ultra high energy laser rays at Alliance Master
Yarn. The dense laser rays formed huge scorching energy that was enough to destroy a king of
disciples in the seventh zone!

Seeing this, Court Master Larson sprang into action and made a grabbing motion in the air. As if
he was twisting a knob, the golden magic circle that floated in mid-air in front of him rotated
rapidly before it overlapped and formed a huge golden barrier that shielded Alliance Master


All the dense laser rays blasted against the huge golden barrier. The area of attack formed an
ultra high energy point that was tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Even the space was distorted because of the boiling energy pressure.

Chapter 2261
Seeing this, Alliance Master Yarn raised his hand and struck out a sliver of dragon’s might to
reinforce the golden barrier.
At the same time, he raised his other hand, pointed at the sky, and shouted with agitation, “I’m
the emperor through the ages. You and other small extraterrestrial beings from the other shore
must kneel!”

With that said, Alliance Master Yarn pointed with his hand and the golden emperor shadow
behind him waved one hand as well, causing his robe to flutter. A powerful and terrifying
pressure worthy of an emperor swept through the area. It rushed toward the dense black
mechanical bugs that filled the sky.

Instantly, the golden emperor’s shadow glowed brilliantly as if it was the only presence in the

From a distance in the outside world, the golden emperor’s shadow could be seen standing in
the middle of Arcadia Island, pointing to the sky and changing the rules and trajectory of a star.
Then, that shining star shot from outer space at high speed, forming an extremely hot fireball in
the atmosphere. It fell from the sky.

Star Manipulation Technique!

With just one finger, the trajectory of the stars could be manipulated.


In the sky, a huge meteorite the size of Arcadia Island turned into an extremely bright fireball
and fell from the sky. It carried a power that could destroy the world. It was as if it would sink
Arcadia Island.

In the outside world, satellite and TV channels around the world simultaneously broadcasted
this image. However, they reported that a meteorite was falling into the sea and everyone was
strictly forbidden to go out to sea.

At the same time, a level 16 tsunami warning was issued for coastal areas. Ordinary citizens
who did not know the truth took out their mobile phones and took pictures of this devastating
scene. The entire social network also exploded.

Rumors of doomsday spread. Of course, the combat forces of all countries were also on high

Such a large meteorite had never been seen before and it was enough to destroy half of the
human civilization. However, the expected image of the meteorite falling into the sea and
causing an earthquake of dozens of magnitude and a tsunami of a magnitude more than ten did
not happen.
The moment the meteorite was about to engulf the entire Arcadia Island, it shattered and turned
to dust. Everyone was dumbfounded.

All countries also rushed to explain that it was because of an extremely advanced weapon
system that used the power of ultrasonic waves to blast the meteorite into dust. However, in
reality, it was Court Master Larson who stopped Alliance Master Yarn’s attack in the ancestral

“Are you crazy? If this continues, Arcadia Island will sink and the coastal areas will be engulfed
by waves!”

At that moment, Court Master Larson had already thought about the consequences of Alliance
Master Yarn’s attack

Alliance Master Yarn’s face darkened as he said, “How can we wipe out these extraterrestrial
beings if you’re so cowardly?”

Court Master Larson raised his eyebrows and looked at the densely packed mechanical bugs
that were reorganizing and forming a human shape.

Fitzgerald reconstructed his body again. The skin on his face had a black-gold metallic luster
before it slowly healed and became the same as before.

“Gentlemen, if this continues, you’re bound to lose,” Fitzgerald sneered.

Alliance Master Yarn snorted and said, “Fitzgerald Hale, if you have the guts, let’s fight on
Cochly Mountain!”

“Haha, Alliance Master Yarn, Cochly Mountain is the last pure land of your human race. If you
want to trick me there and seal me, l’m afraid it’s impossible…” Fitzgerald sneered, and the
demon sword appeared in his hand again.

Court Master Larson added, “Fitzgerald, you definitely won’t be able to take the Black Dragon
Heart away today. lf you insist on doing so, we’ll kill you even if we have to make some

Hearing this, Fitzgerald frowned.

That was right. His strength was unstable, and he was only half-step to the other shore. It took
him more than ten years of recuperation before he could return to this realm. If he fought
against them for too long, Fitzgerald was not confident that he could escape unscathed.

Chapter 2262
After consideration, Fitzgerald looked at the three figures fighting in the sky and said solemnly
with a scowl, “Even if you want to stop me, it’ll depend on how strong you are!”

With that said, Fitzgerald dashed forth again. In an instant, this place was filled with the
energies of Fitzgerald, Court Master Larson, and Alliance Master Yarn.

The battle was on. The sky raged with terrifying energy pressure!

At the sea near Arcadia Island.

Roger Clarke, Christian Clarke, and Juno Yarrow were having a face-off with soaring intensity.
At this moment, Christian was covered in injuries and even had a broken arm.

Juno was not doing well either. With eyes full of gloom, he stared at Roger who displayed no
changes. He said with a sneer, “Roger, let’s see how long you can last!” After saying that, Juno
made a grabbing motion and caught a giant sword made of sea waves, which he slashed at

The giant sword formed a surging wave that was enough to engulf a city.

Roger’s eyes tensed with clarity as he raised his hand and pointed. In an instant, the surging
waves were frozen for hundreds of miles. Then, Roger pointed at the air.


The sword in Juno’s hand shattered and disintegrated half an arm away from Roger. Juno
raised his hand and struck out with a palm.

Roger was unperturbed as he blocked the attack seamlessly.


Then, he counterattacked with a palm strike. A tiger appeared from a white flaming circle on his
palm, roaring as it pounced on Juno’s chest.


Juno was knocked back dozens of meters by this strike and rolled over on the sea surface.

“Damn it! I don’t believe you can last much longer!” Juno stabilized his body and roared angrily.
He spread his arms wide open and his body surged with energy pressure.

In a flash, a huge wave vortex formed on the bottom of Juno’s feet. This vortex surged and spun
rapidly, slowly growing from one meter in diameter to thousands of meters.
Waves raged on the sea surface, the sky lost all color, and countless white flashes of lightning
fell from the sky. Juno was at the center of the storm with manic energy raging all over him. A
strange light flickered in his eyes as he sneered sinisterly. He slashed at Roger while yelling,
“Dragon Slaying Technique!”


With a loud bang, nine silver dragons formed by sea waves rose. They roared and hovered
around Juno. In the center of the nine silver dragons, Juno was like a dazzling silver ball of light.

The dragons’ roars filled the air!

In a flash, the nine silver dragons pounced on the tiny Roger with might that could destroy the

Chapter 2263
Roger calmly stood on the sea surface, looked up with twinkling eyes, and stared at the nine
silver dragons made from sea waves that were about to attack him.

The terrifying energy pressure contained in these nine silver dragons had already surpassed
half-step to the other shore. Under such pressure, countless waves surged on the sea. Even the
nearby coastline began to fomi waves more than ten meters high as if to engulf everything on
the coastline.

Roger helplessly shook his head and slowly raised his hands, his eyes shining brightly. At that
moment, his decrepit and aged body suddenly surged with powerful energy and pressure.

In a flash, Roger’s shirt was torn apart by the nine silver dragons that attacked him. In an
instant, Roger’s injured and withered body was exposed to everyone.

There were even several fatal wounds on his chest and back. Such fatal wounds were enough
to shatter a person’s life force.

All of a sudden, the battlefields around Arcadia Island stopped briefly. All the kings of disciples,
the four pavilion masters, as well as Court Master Larson and Alliance Master Yarn felt
something in their hearts. They simultaneously looked out to the sea.

There, a withered figure with hands across his chest was pushing forward, fighting against
Juno’s Dragon Slaying Technique all alone!

In everyone’s line of sight, Roger’s decrepit body was too puny compared to the nine silver
dragons. It was as if an ignorant old man was trying to defy the will of heaven.
“Hah! “

Abruptly, Roger shouted and his aura exploded. His skinny body was also full of vitality in an
instant. In a flash, Roger’s appearance and body returned to their peak. The next second, in
everyone’s eyes, Roger had returned to the peak of his prime.

An extremely magnificent figure gazed at the world. Just a glimpse of; his back was enough to
capture everyone’s attention. That figure was like a lone phantom through the ages. His every
movement was filled with the mysteries of cosmic rules.

The Roger Clarke whom no one could surpass had returned.

At this moment, Court Master Larson’s eyes shone as he stared at the back of that figure and
said, “We have come to this point. Alliance Master Yarn, I need your help!”

Hearing that, Alliance Master Yarn looked at Court Master Larson and said, “Okay, I’ll
accompany you today! If we survive, you, Benny Larson, will owe me a favor!”

Court Master Larson turned to Alliance Master Yarn with indifferent eyes and said with a laugh,
“The descendant of the First Emperor is extraordinary, indeed! Alright! If we survive today, I,
Benny Larson, will owe you a favor!”

With that said, the two soared in to the sky and caught up with Fitzgerald who was trying to

Fitzgerald must be stopped because he was using the terrifying energy stirred up in this world to
communicate with the stargate behind the three doors. Once Fitzgerald succeeded and the
stargate opened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

That would be the destruction of world civilization!

In an instant, Court Master Larson activated the power of his origin and used the magic circle to
push Alliance Master Yarn to a pseudo-realm on the other shore.

However, Alliance Master Yarn was still one step away from the realm of the other shore.

Alliance Master Yarn sighed inwardly and said, “I’m still missing that little opportunity. So be it.
Today, for my people and for my civilization, I’ll fight to my death!

Roger had returned to his peak condition. He had a handsome face, black hair, as well as a tall
and burly figure. He was standing on the sea with his hands behind his back. In that instant,
only this magnificent figure could be seen.
Roger stared at the nine silver dragons raging in front of him intently with a smug smile. He
raised his right hand, made a grabbing motion at the nine silver dragons in mid-air, and shouted
grimly, “How dare nine worms like you kick up a storm on my sea?! Die!”


Nine shattering sounds that shook the world!

The nine silver dragons were crushed by Roger’s grip in an instant. The sea immediately raged
with destructive energy. Waves hundreds of meters high surged on the sea.

Such a shocking tsunami was enough to destroy a country.

Chapter 2264
Roger’s eyes darkened as he jumped into the air. In an instant, he broke through the
atmosphere and jumped into outer space.

Around him were several satellites. Then, he looked down from the sky. In his eyes, the azure
sea and the blue planet looked so peaceful. However, waves hundreds of meters high were
raging in the sea.

Roger pressed down with one hand. In the sky above, a huge pahn was formed, forcibly
calming down the huge waves.

Such great power! This power could not be described in words! This was the power and
strength of the other shore!

The next instant, Roger’s figure was already standing in front of Juno, who had a gloomy
expression on his face. Roger still stood with his hands behind his back as his eyes flashed with
sternness. He looked at Juno, saying, “Juno Yarrow, at the cost of my remaining life force, I’ll
once again seal you in the stargate to guard it for ten years. Any objections?”

“Roger Clarke, how dare you?!”

Juno roared with scarlet eyes as his body raged with fury.

‘Sealed again?’

He would never accept it. He finally escaped after much difficulty. How could he be sealed

He did not want to endure the darkness of the past ten years again. Those days had tortured
The stargate was an extremely terrifying existence. Every moment, Juno was fighting those
monstrous creatures behind the stargate that wanted to break through it. For more than ten
years, he had never stopped. However, the response he got was Roger’s hand.

Roger simply raised his hand and did a grabbing motion. With that grab, Roger absorbed and
utilized all cosmic power.

At that moment, Juno deeply experienced the extreme heaviness of the space around him.

He wanted to flee but the power of spatial rules pressed down on him like a mountain, rendering
him unable to move.

“Argh!” Juno roared, his whole body resisting the spatial rules modified by Roger.

His whole body bulged like a balloon that was about to explode!


Suddenly, there was a shattering sound. That expanse of space shattered like a broken mirror.
Then, Juno’s figure flew several hundred meters away from where he stood before Roger
grabbed him. At that moment, Juno was full of cold sweat and was panting laboriously. He
stared at Roger who stood hundreds of meters away with a bland smile and extremely calm

‘Damn it!’

‘This old man actually burned his remaining life force to forcefully return to his peak!’

If he had not fought with his remaining power, he would have been caught by that old man just

“Roger Clarke, even if you’ve returned to your peak and have forcibly changed the rules today,
once your realm falls, you’ll end up dead!” Juno roared indignantly.

Chapter 2265
Roger looked up calmly as if his eyes could see through history. He smiled blandly and said, “So
what if I die? Defending my land and my people is my duty and responsibility. Juno Yarrow,
when are you going to understand this sense of responsibility?”

“Hahaha! Ridiculous!”

Juno laughed and said, “This bunch of primitive bugs doesn’t even know the origin of this world!
Why should I bother to protect them?”
After saying that, Juno waved his hand, and a screen formed by water waves appeared in front
of him. It displayed the live reactions of people in the streets around the world.

“Look, these bugs are such ignorant creatures. Are they worth you guarding them to your death
like this?”

Juno said with a ferocious chill on his face, “As long as you fulfill my wish and let me ascend to
the other shore, open the stargate, and completely integrate the civilization of that world into this
world, it’ll be a survival of the fittest. Only in this way can the civilization of this world develop
rapidly and embark on the right track! Don’t forget. Even the four ancient civilizations in the
human era used to have close contact with the civilization behind that stargate! This is enough
to prove that the civilization behind the stargate can be of help to us. So, why is your stance so

Roger sighed and asked, “Juno Yarrow, which one of the four ancient civilizations you
mentioned is left today?”

“Only the one in our country!”

“Do you know why this is?”

Faced with Roger’s question, Juno frowned while he continued to restore his strength by
constantly absorbing the power of cosmic rules.

Roger’s eyes were bleak as he answered his own question, “Since the First Emperor, every
regime and generation throughout history has been resisting the stargate. Without their
sacrifices, without them guarding the country and stargate, we would have long ended up in the
same state as those three ancient civilizations. This information is engraved on the stargate.
You’ve been there for more than ten years. Have you never seen the drawings on the stargate?”

Juno was taken aback as a stern look flashed in his eyes. He roared, “What do the drawings on
the stargate have to do with me? Roger Clarke, you locked me up for more than ten years and
wasted so many years of my time. If not for you and your Clarke family, I would’ve landed on the
other shore long ago and led the current civilization to achieve a quantum leap! Since you’re still
so pedantic today, I’ll use your blood as an offering to help me break through that gap!”

After saying that, Juno’s body surged with a manic energy pressure. At that moment, he moved
the earth and roared, “Roger, I’ll show you how I survived behind the stargate!”

In a flash, Juno transformed into an extremely sharp blade that was thousands of meters long.
He slashed at Roger fiercely.

Roger frowned, shook his head helplessly, and said with a sigh, “Incorrigible. So be it. I’ll seal
you for another ten years!”
After saying that, Roger sprang into action. His figure became huge and exuded a huge golden
halo. This body stood like a giant on this land. Every move carried a destructive force that could
overwhelm everything in all directions.


Roger thrust out with one hand using his gigantic golden body at the huge blade Juno had
transformed into.


The world lost all color and the earth shook. Waves hundreds of meters high were set off at sea.
The turbulent sea seemed to mark the end of the world!

The nearby aircraft carriers and warships swayed in the storm, looking so insignificant.

The huge golden figure collided with the dazzling blade and produced a violent energy luster.

Chapter 2266
The whole area was filled with terrifying energy pressure. Everything seemed so puny at the
moment. The spreading energy filled the area and was enough to crush all creatures and
objects into pieces.


Juno’s figure staggered back several thousand meters, his scarlet eyes full of indignation. Then,
he flew into the sky again with an invincible might and rushed at Roger.

Instantly, the two fought above the sea and up to the sky, going even above the clouds.

Christian landed on the sea surface and looked up at the intense energy pressure that emitted
from above. Then, with searing eyes, he locked his gaze on the black-red dragon egg in the
ancestral hall on Arcadia Island.


Instantly, Christian’s figure flashes as he arrived in front of the dragon egg with a slight blue
current on his body. With a face full of excitement and a smile at the corners of his mouth,
Christian looked at the dragon egg that was slowly hatching in front of him. He said with a smile,
“Finally, this Black Dragon Heart belongs to me!”

After saying that, Christian raised his hand and a three-layer golden magic circle appeared on
his palm. It looked very obscure and flickered with strange characters.
As Christian’s palm rested on the surface of the black-red magma-like shell of the dragon egg,
an old figure stepped out from the darkness in the depths of the ancestral hall.

“Christian, you still have a chance to turn back…”

The grand elder stood with his hands behind his back in a dim area with an indifferent look on
his face. His eyes were clear and grave.

Christian stared at the figure of the grand elder. A hint of resignation and harshness flashed at
the corner of his eyes as he shouted, “Grand Elder, am I not worthy in your eyes?”

The grand elder shook his head and said with a sigh, “Christian, you’re still too young and know
too little. The other shore is not as simple as you think. Moreover, as Roger said, your body is
not perfect enough, so you’re not the best candidate for this Black Dragon Heart. Back then,
Charlotte tried numerous times before her test succeeded on Little Monkey. This Black Dragon
Heart was prepared for him. According to the plan, we should wait for another three years, but
that little thing in District 12 ruined the plan. Everything that’s happening now is not part of our
plan. Christian, turn back. I can intercede for you.”

Hearing this, Christian’s eyes reddened. He looked at the Black Dragon Heart that was just
within his reach and roared angrily, “No! I won’t stop here! Grand Elder, I know that all along,
you’ve regarded the branch family as a dispensable existence. Only the main family is the root
and future of the Clarke family. I’ve heard such words countless times. I asked myself long ago
why the fate of the branch family is to protect the main family. Why can’t the branch family lead
the Clarke family to another era of glory? It was only until that day when I saw that door and saw
the glimpse of the beauty of the other shore that I realized I must fight for the life I want! Today, I
must get this Black Dragon Heart and let everyone see that I, Christian Clarke, have my own

After that, Christian turned his head with a stern look on his face. He stared at the grand elder
and said, “Grand Elder, don’t stop me. Otherwise, there’ll be one more memorial plaque in this
ancestral hall!”

Chapter 2267
Hearing this, the grand elder shook his head helplessly and said with a sigh, “You may try, then.”

After saying that, the grand elder still stood in the same spot with his hands behind his back. He
looked calm and serene with neither force nor energy pressure exuding from him.

Christian’s eyes tensed. He knew that the grand elder was not a simple character despite never
seeing the latter make a move. However, he understood that someone who was miraculously
able to come back from that place alive was definitely not a simple person.
“Excuse my rudeness, then!” With an angry shout, Christian raised his hand, grabbed the thin
air, and yanked it down!


Due to Christian’s action, huge black clouds in the sky formed a tornado cloud before
transforming into an arrow. The arrowhead was a hundred feet in size, carrying monstrous blue
and white lightning. With a piercing sound that shook the world, it fired at the grand elder!

The grand elder raised his eyebrows, looked at the cloud arrow, and raised his hand

The cloud arrow whistled as it pierced through the sky. It carried the power of lightning and
hovered one meter in front of the grand elder.

Everyone could see this huge cloud arrow that was hundreds of meters long. It was like a sky

The monstrous pressure and raging power of lightning destroyed all the buildings in the vicinity.
However, only this ancestral hall was protected by the white and gentle energy barrier
emanated from the grand elder.

Then, the corner of the grand elder’s eyes twitched as he grabbed the thin air with his bare
hands. The huge cloud arrow rapidly shrank in the grand elder’s palm until it was finally fully
absorbed by the distorted power of space in his palm!


With a light breeze, everything was restored to clarity. The sky cleared and the sun shone.
Everything regained clarity despite Christian’s attack earlier.

The grand elder still stood on the same spot with a calm expression. He looked at Christian with
a smile and said, “It’s not too late to repent.”

The corner of the Christian’s eye twitched before he roared, “Repent? I refuse to concede!”

With this roar, Christian’s body was covered with sizzling blue lightning. All around, lightning
continued to fall from the sky, leaving more than a dozen charred deep pits on the ground.


Christian raised his hand and several thunderbolts fell on top of the grand elder’s head like a
deathly punishment from heaven.
The grand elder looked up, and the thunderbolts reflected in his eyes. He spread his hands to
the sky as the thunderbolts struck him on the head. However, these thunderbolts disappeared in
the distorted space vortex above the grand elder’s head before falling on uninhabited areas and
streets around Arcadia Island. Some even fell into the sea, wreaking havoc around the aircraft
carriers and battleships.

The soldiers on the aircraft carriers and the battleships were frightened upon seeing the
thunderbolts that kept falling into the surrounding waters. It was because in their vision at this
moment, the sky was churning with strange lightning and clouds with no one in sight.

“Report to the captain! Enemy ship spotted on the left!”

“Fight! Hit them hard!”

“If they dare to intrude into our waters, let them come with no chance of return!”

Boom, bang!


In an instant, several domestic warships fired cannonballs. Several machine guns also shot
dense bullets that formed lines of fiery defense.

The sky was full of shells and missiles. War had also begun at sea. More than a dozen enemy
ships exploded and sank under the high-speed firing of the country’s intensive artillery.

A hundred years of humiliation would be repaid in one fell swoop today!

“Fire! Fight to the death! Our territory is inviolable!”

The two local aircraft carriers also launched more than a dozen fighter planes that took off to the
sky at a high speed. They engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy’s aircraft.

Battles broke out!

Missiles fired in all directions!

The entire sea area was a picture of modern warfare. Smoke billowed everywhere.

Chapter 2268
Back in the Clarkes’ ancestral hall, a faint chill appeared in the grand elder’s eyes as he looked
at Christian, who had the power of lightning all over him. He said, “Incorrigible”.

Christian sneered. His eyes had already turned blue and were crackling with lightning.
He said, “Grand Elder, I must have this Black Dragon Heart. Since you want to stop me, don’t
blame me for being ruthless!”

After saying that, Christian transformed into a thunderbolt and rushed forth. The five fingers of
his right hand were closed together and formed a knife that carried a manic energy pressure.
Aiming at the grand elder’s chest, he struck out.


At that moment, a streak of white light flashed in the grand elder’s eyes. His body tilted
sideways slightly ash e avoided Christian’s attack in the nick of time.

This happened in the blink of an eye.

Christian’s attack fell short and he turned into a thunderbolt again. When he passed through the
grand elder’s side, the grand elder raised his leg and kicked Christian in the stomach with his


Christian immediately flew out dozens of meters and collapsed several walls in that process.


Too fast!

The grand elder’s movement was even faster than Christian, who had transformed into a


Christian rushed up from the ruins, his body covered with lightning. He stared angrily at the calm
grand elder and roared, “Why?! Why force me to do this?”

The grand elder smiled and said, “No one is forcing you. You’re the one who’s too obsessed.
Why don’t you just let it go?”

“Impossible!” Christian roared and rushed up again, directly engaging the grand elder in a fierce

His every punch and kick was easily blocked by the grand elder.

In a flash, the grand elder grabbed Christian’s arms that were filled with lightning. He said with a
chill in the corner of his eyes, “You’re not worthy!”


The grand elder grabbed Christian’s arms and slammed him to the ground.


Christian’s body that was full of lightning power was smashed to the ground with a blast, leaving
a huge deep pit.

All the rubble jumped into the air by the blast before crumbling into dust. The ground cracked
due to the huge deep pit that was a hundred meters wide. Christian lay in the deep pit, still
covered with blue lightning before the power of lightning gradually disappeared moments later.

The grand elder stood on one side, looked down at Christian, and asked, “Do you want to
continue the fight?”

Christian looked up at the sky. His normal eyes quickly changed into the strange blue eyes filled
with lightning.


Instantly, in the sky, a huge beam of lightning struck Christian like a catalyst.

The grand elder immediately jumped hundreds of meters away, his eyes solemn as he stared at
the center of the huge thunderstorm. There, a figure with a bowed head slowly stood up from
the ground. His thick hair was flying.

The radius of hundreds of meters around him was full of that raging thunderstorm. The energy
pressure of the figure in the center of the thunderstorm rose rapidly, directly breaking the
shackles of the half-step and reaching the pseudo-realm of the other shore!

The grand elder’s eyes tensed as his clothes fluttered due to the raging power of lightning. He
sighed helplessly and said, “This is getting out of control.”

Chapter 2269
To the grand elder, Christian was like the eye of the lightning storm at the moment. The lightning
energy all over him was several times stronger than before.

Pseudo-realm of the other shore!

In his rage, Christian actually surpassed the half-step and reached the pseudo-realm of the
other shore.


In the sky, Roger and Juno felt the cataclysmic energy fluctuations from Arcadia Island below at
the same time.

“Pseudo-realm of the other shore!”

Juno’s eyes narrowed, and his face was full of shock.

Unexpectedly, Christian could reach this realm.

Following that, he sneered and said, “Roger, the main and branch Clarke families are at
complete odds with each other now. You forcefully elevated your realm today and returned to
your peak, which means certain death for you. Once you die, Christian will take sole control of
the Clarke family! By then, the main family members will face a massacre. Why don’t you help
me today and I’ll help protect your main Clarke family?” Juno joked and laughed as the energy
pressure surging from him became stronger and stronger.

Roger glanced below at the blinding point of light shrouded by countless thunder bolts on
Arcadia Island.

Too powerful!

In the end, Christian failed to resist the invasion of cosmic rules from behind the door and
showed signs of going berserk. It was the same concept as the sword of kingship owned by the
kings of disciples. Once it went berserk, it would stimulate the body’s greatest potential and
unleash the utmost strength in tandem with a massacre.

Unless a more powerful force could suppress it, fatigue and death awaited. Of course, it was
also possible that one could forcibly stabilize the mind, brace the awareness, and return to the
normal state through one’s efforts. However, such cases were rare and entirely depended on
the individual’s mind and potential.

While Roger was distracted, Juno stomped on him.

In the sky, a huge foot broke through the clouds and stomped on the top of Roger’s head, trying
to crush him with one foot.

“Being distracted at this time will be the cause of your miserable defeat!” Juno shouted angrily.
Roger raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were as cold as a blade. He raised his right fist and
punched out at the giant foot that was about to stomp on him.


This punch contained the power of cosmic rules and was multiplied tenfold. Like a giant sword
that soared to the sky, it pierced through the sole of that huge foot and shattered the foot. An
energy storm erupted the moment the fist and sole collided. A circle of energy waves quickly
rippled over the sky.


The sound was dozens of times stronger than a sonic boom!

The atmosphere was shattered by this energy storm. Looking down from the satellites in outer
space, a huge hole had suddenly appeared in the thick white clouds above the sea on this big
blue planet. With that huge hole as the center, a circular wave of energy quickly spread out in all

Instantly, the sea and the clouds disappeared.

It was also then that the satellites received another signal.

Chapter 2270
All instruments and equipment inside the Nonagon and Imperial Palace returned to normal. All
satellite surveillance clearly displayed Arcadia Island and the battle situation above it. They
could also see dozens of warships engaged in a fierce battle out on the sea.


All kinds of explosions sounded on the sea. At the same time, all coastal areas were on high

Heavily armed battle groups were assembled and on standby on the coastline.

The other two supremes and former supremes who had adorned their armor again guarded the
coastline in all directions, strictly commanding the battle at sea. At the same time, various
countries sprang into action and assembled troops near the country’s borders.

The domestic battle groups on guard were on high alert at this moment, loading all weapons
with ammunition. At the first sign of any movement, a war would break out.

The six supremes were guarding the coastline at this moment, watching the energy storm on
the sea attentively.
Various instruments and satellite displays could be found next to them.

“Reporting to the supreme! Warships from Country M spotted at sea!”

A man in combat uniform reported at this moment. At first glance, his position was not low.

“As expected, Country M is getting impatient! Pass my battle order. Mobilize the aircraft carrier
and fight!” The eyes of one of the supremes with gray hair burst with sternness as his body
surged with the aura and vigor that a supreme should have.

“Reporting to the supreme! Strange movements were noticed in the southwestern waters of
neighboring countries. Dozens of warships have been mobilized with signs of warships from
Country Y!”

“How dare this bunch of guys harbor intentions on my country’s waters at this time?! Send out
my battle order! Anyone who dares to cross an inch of my waters will be killed!”

Another grumpy supreme waved his hand and roared. Instantly, all local cruising warships in the
southwestern waters prepared all weapons and ammunition.

Battle flags rustled!

Wherever the warships went, the might of the country was fully displayed. These warships were
modified from fishing boats. Upon seeing six or seven destroyers and frigates of the country, the
others immediately retreated.

“Retreat! Hurry up! Damn it, are you blind? Can’t you see that this is the latest destroyer?”

On an old warship of the neighboring country, a man in combat uniform yelled at the soldiers
around him. In his field of vision, seven heavily armed destroyers of the latest type sailed at the
boundary of the two countries’ waters. An oceanic behemoth was looming over their hearts like
a steel beast.

Who said this country was full of paper tigers?

The sudden appearance of seven destroyers was enough to destroy their country.

In the monitoring center of these dozen neighboring warships, which consisted of three
destroyers and frigates of Country Y, stood a foreign commander with a white beard.

He was holding up binoculars and looking at the country’s warships that slowly approached in
front of them. He had a grave look on his face.
“F*ck! Didn’t you say that a battle is ongoing in the southeast sea area? Why are there warships
here? I don’t want to go to war! Someone like the Imperial Preceptor will destroy us for sure!”
That white-bearded commander who wore a white combat cap was full of anger.

“Reporting to the commander! According to the battle news sent by Country M’s aircraft carrier,
they’re currently engaged in a fierce battle with Orienta and requests for our reinforcement!”

A soldier held a note and reported.

“F*ck! Damn Brooklier! There’s no way I’m getting involved in this mess! Send Brooklier a
message immediately. My battleships and aircraft carrier fleet will not cross this sea boundary.
Tell him to handle it himself!” The white-bearded commander smacked the warship railing
angrily before he turned around and left the deck.

Chapter 2271
The white-bearded commander left the deck, returned to the command room, and received a
call from the highest commander of Country M.

“Georgina, get the hell out of Orienta’s waters immediately! Now!” A roar came from the other
end of the phone.

The commander of the warship, Georgina, was still a little puzzled at the moment. He raised his
hooked nose and asked, “Border Chief, why is that? It’s just Orienta. My warships are parked in
the waters of the neighboring country. Would they dare to make a move on me?”

“You stupid fool! Look at your warships again. What waters are you in now?! Get the hell out at

On the other end of the phone, the border chief roared. Georgina took a quick glance at the
display. A triangular red dot indicated that it had crossed the waters of a neighboring country
and officially entered the waters of Orienta.

“F*ck! What’s going on, you idiots?! I told you to stay in the neighboring country’s waters. Why
did you cross the border without permission!”

Georgina roared and urged the soldiers. “Turn around immediately and retreat! At once!”

However, it was already too late.

On the warship ‘ s instrument, the display showed a flashing red dot coming at them at an
extremely fast speed.
All the soldiers on the warship were stunned. Such an abnormal speed was definitely not
something that a warship could achieve. Immediately after, everyone looked at the sea surface
through the porthole.

There, a blue wave split apart. On the sea surface, a figure with his hands behind his back was
walking on the sea. In an instant, that figure with imperial pressure stood in front of the three

Georgina took a good look at. the person standing on the sea and shuddered all over as he
roared, “Quick! Retreat! Retreat!”

Imperial Preceptor! He was someone who could go up against 10,000 enemies alone.

He walked on the sea and looked at the three warships in front of him with grim eyes. He sighed
and said, “Our country is not as weak as it was a hundred years ago. Decades ago, I made an
agreement with you. Today, you crossed the borders of my waters, which constitutes a breach of
the agreement. In that case, everyone shall remain here.”

After the Imperial Preceptor finished speaking, he raised his hand and made an upward lift.



In an instant, the three warships were lifted out of the sea by a special cosmic rule. The
seawater flowed out from the drainage ports of the warships. Hundreds of soldiers from Country
Y were unable to stand due to the harsh rocking and rolling. The next second, the Imperial
Preceptor clenched his hands.


The three warships were squeezed into a deformed shape by a special spatial force. All the
ammunition on the warships exploded.

It looked like fireworks!

With just one encounter, these three warships turned into three pieces of flattened scrap iron.
Then, the Imperial Preceptor tossed them out by hand across ten thousand miles. They landed
in the harbor of Country Y.

At this moment, thousands of soldiers were assembled at the seaport in Country Y. They were
fully armed and on standby. Right then, three flattened warships were smashed into the harbor
and churned up sea waves dozens of meters high.

Several commanders and kings of disciples of Country Y who remained behind looked grave
and angry when they saw this scene. However, before they said anything, a voice came from
the sky.

“In the name of the Imperial Preceptor, I formally warn Country Y that those who violate my
borders will be killed without mercy! This is final with no room for negotiation!”

Hearing that, the faces of the commanders and kings of disciples of Country Y became very

In the residence of the border chief at 10 Downing Street, a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s
was wearing a black suit and standing in front of a large French window. He looked at the
scenery outside. He said solemnly, “Pass my order. Tell the disciples to give up and return
immediately! Stop testing the waters! The Imperial Preceptor has taken action. It’s time to end
this fiasco.”

“Yes, Border Chief!”

Chapter 2272
Back to the Clarke family on Arcadia Island.

The eight foreign kings of disciples were fighting with seven local kings. The sky looked as if it
had shattered.

The four kings of disciples from Country Y had received the order from the border chief and
quicldy disengaged from the battlefield. However, a figure with fluttering thick hair surged with
manic black lightning.

In the sky, the pure black sword of kingship was on the verge of disintegrating.

Fulton’s eyes were red at this moment, and his body surged with a strange black energy that
seemed capable of destroying the universe.

“Since you’ve invaded my territory, why flee now?” Fulton said coldly, every word like heaven’s
punishment. It triggered the pure black sword of kingship in the sky.

At that moment, broken fragments from the pure black sword of kingship fell to the ground. They
were like falling meteorites as they created several deep pits.
The four kings of Country Y stared at Fulton, who was standing in the way of their departure,
with intense anger in their eyes.

Among them, there was a blonde king of disciples from the seventh zone of Country Y. He had a
proud face and a hooked nose. He said with a cold smile, “Fulton Hash, get out of the way! We
will come and go as we please! If you insist on stopping us, we don’t mind killing one of the
kings of disciples from the seventh zone of your country today!”

The blonde man looked to be in his 30s. He just recently stepped into the realm of the seventh
zone’s king of disciples when Christian opened the door to the seventh region.

“Damn it, get lost! Battle God Hash, your state is very unstable now. If you continue to fight,
you’ll go berserk!”

“Do you want to drag us along with you?”

Several Country Y’s kings of disciples shouted in anger. However, a cold snort was heard.
Fulton’s eyes were filled with anger and terrifying pressure. He glanced at the four kings and
said, “You can try!”

With that said, the four kings of disciples charged at Fulton.

“Kill him!”

Abruptly, five figures descended from the sky and joined the fight. The energy storm that spread
out was enough to destroy a city and even a country.

Fulton was extremely valiant at this moment. His aura and realm were maintained at the peak of
the king of disciples in the seventh zone. His earth-shattering punch hit the chest of a king of
disciples, sending him flying hundreds of meters away.

The king of disciples drew an arc in mid-air but his figure quickly grew and turned into a stone
man that was a hundred meters tall. He grabbed a tall building on the ground, held it in his
hand, and swung it at Fulton like a club.

At that moment, the tall building held by the giant in his hand crashed into Fulton with raging
momentum. Compared to that hundred meter tall building, Fulton was just a small black dot.

However, at that moment, Fulton raised his left arm and stretched out to his side. He spread out
his five fingers and an air ripple in his palm exploded with a bang.

It was like an airwave!

In an instant, the tall building swung by the stone giant bounced off the air barrier and shattered
into dust.

Chapter 2273
An angry roar!

The giant punched out. The energy storm contained in his punch compressed the air in front of
the fist and produced a loud whistling sound.

Fulton’s eyes tensed with battle intent as his figure flashed in mid-air. He dodged the stone
giant’s punch. The next second, Fulton stood in front of the stone giant. At this moment, Fulton’s
figure was the size of the stone giant’s nose.

Immediately after, Fulton raised his right fist. Although his fist was small, the terrifying energy
contained in it was not something anyone could take lightly or underestimate.

It was a punch that could kill!

The might of Fulton’s punch was like heaven’s punishment. In a flash, a dense and compressed
black energy storm formed from his fist.


The black punch that seemed to carry a comet’s tail struck the stone giant right between the


The fist collided with the stone giant’s brows and produced an earth-shattering rumble. The
giant’s eyebrows began to crack, and the rest of his face followed.


The giant’s forehead shattered as if it was blasted by a cannon. An angry roar resounded
throughout the area. The stone giant, whose head was shattered by a single punch, staggered
backward. His entire body began to crumble and disintegrate.


The body of the stone giant hundreds of meters tall began to collapse, forming a waterfall of
yellow sand and creating a magnificent landscape. On the ground, a figure covered with wounds
was on the yellow sand spitting blood.
High in the air, Fulton looked coldly at the king of disciples on the ground with faint disdain.
Then, his eyes locked on the other three kings of disciples as he said coldly, “If you want to go,
you can leave the source of your kingship behind.”

“F*ck you! Fulton Hash, you’re talking about a fool’s dream!”

“You’re courting death! You’re just a battle god of Orienta. The three of us are enough to kill

The two kings of disciples of Country Y scolded him harshly at this moment.

The blonde hooked-nosed king of disciples from the seventh zone sneered and stepped
forward, saying, “Earlier, we didn’t have a proper fight. Now, I’ll fight you myself! I want to see if
the invincible myth of the king of disciples in the seventh zone of Orienta is a false fabrication!”

With that said, the blonde king of disciples disappeared from the spot, leaving an afterimage.
The next second, he was already standing in front of Fulton, raising his arm and striking down to
the ground.


In an instant, on the ground where his palm pointed, all the metal objects rose into the air. Even
the steel bars lodged in the ground and the underground transportation pipelines, as long as
they were metal, all rose from the ground and overturned the road. They quickly flew to the
hands of the blonde man.

During this process, the metal objects had quickly gathered as if they were being forged
together. They formed a huge spear in just a few moments.

Then, the blonde waved his hand and made a throwing gesture. The huge metal spear that was
suspended in mid-air and dozens of meters long burst with a crimson glow. It launched at Fulton
with mighty power.

The mighty energy carried by the huge metal spear was on par with an intercontinental missile.
The more terrifying thing was that when the head of the spear pierced through the air, it
produced a scorching temperature that burned through the expanse of space.


Chapter 2274
There was the sound of air breaking when the huge metal spear stabbed at Fulton.
Fulton’s eyes tensed. He spread out his bare hands and placed his palms together in front of his
chest. With both palms, he held the head of the huge metal spear. The blinding glow and
scorching temperature were enough to melt everything.

The mighty power contained in the huge metal spear pushed Fulton out in mid-air across
hundreds of meters.


The next second, Fulton and the metal spear crashed into a mountain peak on Arcadia Island
and blasted through it, leaving a huge rift.

Smoke and dust billowed everywhere.

The blonde king of disciples hovered in mid-air with disdain on his lips. He looked at the
destroyed mountain several hundred meters away and said with a smile, “Hmph! It seems that
the strength of the king of disciples in the seventh zone of Orienta is nothing more than that!
Let’s go!”

The blonde king of disciples waved his hand and turned to leave.

However, in the next second, a cold glow appeared from the flattened mountain peak. A huge
metal spear shot out, carrying the might of lightning and producing illusions in the sky.


The speed of that spear surpassed the realm of the half-step to the other shore. In the blink of
an eye, the spear pierced through a king of disciples who lagged behind.

Before the king of disciples from Counter could even react, he saw that his chest had been
pierced by a cold light. The next moment, his body exploded and turned into ashes. Even so,
the spear’s power did not diminish and went straight for the other king of disciples from the sixth

As if facing a great enemy, the king of disciples of the sixth zone mustered all his energy. He
used his control over the cosmic rules to raise his hand and sweep up several waves to form a
seven-layer wave shield in front of him.


Bang, bang!

The glowing spear pierced through the shield formed by seven layers of waves with an
invincible and unstoppable force.

In an instant, the spear pierced through the king of disciples of the sixth zone. Then, with
undiminished power, the spear headed straight for the last blonde king of disciples of the
seventh zone.

“You’re courting death!” the blonde king of disciples roared. Then, he raised his hand and
grabbed the spear.

As the spear approached the blonde king of disciples, it seemed to hit an extremely tough
shield. The entire spear shattered and disintegrated. The next moment, the eyes of the blonde
king of disciples were filled with anger. With a swipe of his hands, all the metal around quickly
floated into the air.

Behind him, countless spears and longswords were formed. The spears and longswords shone
with a strange metallic luster.

“In the name of the Knight of Lancelot, I grant you destruction!”

With that said, the blonde king of disciples raised his right hand and pointed at a figure standing
at the top of the flattened mountain.


A rain of swords and spears shot toward that mountain peak. Such monstrous power and
terrifying energy fluctuations could pierce through the entire Arcadia Island.

The sea surface also reflected this apocalyptic scene.

Chapter 2275
The sky was densely packed with metal spears and longswords. It was as though cannons were
blasting out enough ammunition to destroy an entire city. In an instant, the mountain’s peak was
bombarded with cosmic weapons.


As far as the eye could see, there were ruins and broken walls. The air was filled with thick
smoke and rocks were flying everywhere. Such intensive bombardment was enough to destroy
a city or even a country.

This was like an indiscriminate nuclear attack. In an instant, the land was full of terrifying energy
that raged and spread. The entire mountain peak seemed to have been pierced and flattened.
The blonde king of disciples sneered wickedly as he looked at the mountain peak hundreds of
meters away that had been bombed to the ground and said coldly, “That’s it for the Orienta king
of disciples! What an ignorant fool!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sneer on the corner of his mouth suddenly froze. That was
because, in his sight, a figure full of strange black flames raging all over his body walked out of
the ruins in the center of the storm made up of smoke and fire.

At that moment, black flames several meters high surged from his body. No, to be precise, that
was black matter energy, which formed flame armor on the surface of Fulton’s body.


Fulton took one step forward. He stepped heavily on a shattered boulder, which weighed a
thousand pounds, and it disintegrated into dust by the raging black matter energy on his body.
At that moment, the black matter energy flames behind Fulton formed a black ferocious

The chimera let out a terrifying roar.

This roar alone was enough to shake the world. Then, with Fulton as the center, the sound
waves spread hundreds of miles around.


Just then, Fulton moved.

He stomped on the ground. Carrying the supreme power of the first of a chimera, he soared into
the sky.

In that instant, the blonde king of disciples saw an extremely fast black figure that was raging
with a terrifying energy storm rushing straight at him.


Before he had time to use his attribute power, that monstrous fist of fury slammed into his jaw.


Like a meteor, the blonde king of disciples flew into the sky, pierced through the clouds, and
soared through the atmosphere.

In an instant, a huge metallic magic circle appeared in the sky below the clouds.

It was a metallic magic circle the size of a soccer field. It was densely covered with obscure
runes and patterns. Various knights and weapons were engraved on it. Immediately after, ten
foreign knights in armor who rode on war horses slowly emerged from this magic circle.

Thousands of knights followed behind them. It was like the gods in heaven descending to earth.
They were full of furious might.

Such a sight was even more terrifying than doomsday. The knights in their metallic armor
marched from the sky.


In an instant, thousands of knights pointed their longswords at Fulton below. Then, under the
lead of the ten knights at the forefront, thousands of knights swooped down with manic pressure
and devastating combat power.

The presence of these warrior knights seemed to be the only thing left in the world. Such a
terrifying sight was simply a weapon of siege.

The knights were charging over!

In the sky, the blonde king of disciples had a stern look in his eyes as he looked down at Fulton,
who was drowning in a sea of attacking knights.

This was his strongest attack!

Chapter 2276
He once used this attack to launch a bloody massacre in the seventh zone behind the door, and
it destroyed an unknown territory.

“I’ll let you have a taste of destruction!” The blonde king of disciples roared with anger as his
mouth curved into a sneer.

However, a scene that shocked him took place.

In the area where the knights swarmed, a black figure suddenly scared and transformed into a
furious humanoid chimera. It was thousands of meters high.

This humanoid chimera roared with anger. With a raise of its hand, hundreds of knights were
sent flying. They turned into dots of light and crumbled into dust. Everything happened in a
matter of seconds. Faced with the fury of the humanoid chimera, the knights were soon wiped
out and turned into dots of light that soon disappeared into the sky.
When the blonde king of disciples saw this scene from afar, his eyelids twitched wildly.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the sky above the humanoid chimera. That sword of
kingship that was on the verge of disintegrating.

‘Damn it!’

At this moment, Fulton had gone into a rampage. If he was dragged down, he would also fall
into a rampage sooner or later. As soon as this thought passed through his mind, the blonde
king of disciples turned around to flee.

At that moment, he exerted unprecedented speed to try and escape from here.

However, the humanoid chimera roared, raised its hand, and stretched out its huge black claws.
He slapped away the layers of clouds and grabbed the fleeing foreign king of disciples.

“Damn it! F*ck!”

The blonde king of disciples roared angrily and pushed the limits of his power, trying to escape.
However, that huge claw was like an overwhelming mountain!


The claws grasped the blonde king of disciples in the palm of his hand. Then, the humanoid
chimera clenched its huge claw and produced manic energy fluctuations that could destroy the

In its palm, a figure covered in metal armor spread his arms, struggling to resist this giant claw.

However, the next moment…


Blood mist filled the air.

Far away in Country Y, there was a heavily guarded area, which was an ancient building that
had never appeared in the eyes of the world. There were seven candles, two of which were
extinguished and one that burned weakly. Out of the seven candles, the one that burned the
brightest was also suddenly extinguished the next second.

A roar from an ancient beast came from the depths of this ancient building. Two eyes bigger
than lanterns shone with a strange red glow. They exploded with a huge terrifying energy
pressure. A huge scaly claw poked out from the depths of the ancient building, but just as it
came into contact with a bit of sunlight from the outside world, an electric barrier repelled the


It let out another roar to vent its rage.

Back to Fulton.

At this moment, he had already transformed back into his human form. He stood on the ground
full of ruins with wreckage all around him. He was covered with wounds and his clothes were
burnt, exposing his body.

Above his head was the wobbly sword of kingship that might fall at any moment.

Chapter 2277
When Fulton was about to fall, a red figure burst out from a distance and grabbed his shoulder,
supporting him to stand.

Fennel Leigh raged with the might of a red dragon as he looked at Fulton, who was covered in
wounds. He said, “Good job.”

Fulton laughed miserably, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said, “I tried my best.”

Fennel’s eyes were full of respect and admiration. He stared at the hellish scene in front of him.
This was more than trying his best. With his strength alone, he killed three kings of disciples
from Country Y and seriously injured one. Among them, the most powerful king of disciples of
the seventh zone was also killed.

Such a victory made him deserving of being the number one king of disciples in the country.

He was just too strong!

Back to the Clarke family’s ancestral hall, a figure in the center of the thunderstorm had now
reached the pseudo realm of the other shore.

Christian was like the king of lightning as his eyes flashed brilliantly. He stared at the
stony-faced grand elder in front of him and shouted, “Grand Elder, has it ever occurred to you
that I can reach the pseudo realm of the shore too?”
The grand elder’s face was dark as he stared at Christian, who was already out of control. This
kid must have accepted the temptation of those creatures in the seventh zone behind the door.

Now that he was out of control, it was likely that he would take more irrational actions.

Thus, the grand elder sighed, walked up to Christian in the center of the thunderstorm, and said,
“Christian, I admit that you’re talented too, but many times, things are like that. That’s how your
life is, and it can’t be changed. Going against heaven’s will is easier said than done. As the
grand elder of the Clarke family, I now advise you again. Stop right now and there’s still room to


Christian laughed loudly and said, “Stop? Why should I stop? I can feel that my body is full of
power now. All of you say that those creatures are ominous but I don’t think so. They can give
me great power to fulfill my wishes. Today, let me show you how Christian Clarke, whom you
have always looked down upon, can control this world!”

After saying that, thick thunderbolts of destruction fell from the sky as Christian raised his hand.
He left rifts hundreds of meters long on the ground before striking out at the grand elder.

The grand elder raised his eyebrows and sighed helplessly as he looked at the lightning that
was wreaking havoc with the power of destruction.

Then, in a flash, the world lost all color.

Looking down from the sky, a white dot of light rapidly enlarged in the middle of Arcadia Island
before exploding with energy pressure that had never before been seen in this area. At that
moment, the world was shrouded in that burst of white light. Also in that instant, another body of
energy appeared in the sky.

A broken sword of kingship with only 30 percent of the sword body remaining suddenly
appeared in the sky.

This sword of kingship that suddenly appeared was gold in color. It was gold all over, and at the
hilt of the sword, five gems of different colors dazzled brilliantly.

When the sword of kingship appeared, a wave of golden light swept across thousands of miles
around the sword of kingship, covering the sea.

The remaining swords of kingship became quiet under the radiation of this golden light wave
before they turned into points of light and dissipated in the air. Even Fulton’s wobbly sword of
kingship dissipated in an instant under the radiation of this golden light wave.
Everyone raised their eyes to the sky.

In the sky, only this huge golden sword of kingship was left. The five-color gems on it glowed

Gold King!

It was actually the Gold King!

Chapter 2278
Legend had it that a few decades ago, there was a king of disciples with outstanding combat
prowess who reached the realm of the other shore with just his qualifications as the king of
disciples. He was also the only freak among the door disciples who first achieved the realm of
the king of disciples and reached the realm of the other shore.

However, everyone said that the Gold King did not achieve the realm of the other shore and at
most, it was only the pseudo realm.

It was because in a world war decades ago, the Gold King disappeared from everyone’s sight.
No one knew his whereabouts, let alone whether he was alive or dead. Many people said that
the Gold King died before the stargate behind the door. In the battle to guard the door back
then, several kings of disciples were killed in the battle, and several kings half-step to the other
shore also perished.

The most widely circulated rumor was that Gold King blocked the stargate by himself and
resisted the invasion of the creatures from the other shore. He bought decades of time for the
subsequent God Creation Project.

At this moment, that golden sword of kingship in the air made all kings of disciples, as well as
Court Master Larson, Alliance Master Yarn, and Fitzgerald Hale who were fighting each other,
look sideways.

It was him!

Inside the ancestral hall, the figure of the grand elder grew taller and taller. His aura also
soared, reaching the realm of the other shore.

“You! You’ve reached the realm of the other shore!” Christian was shocked.

The grand elder had reached the realm of the other shore. The rumors were true!

Not only him but everyone in the outside world were shocked!
Several kings of disciples from Country M looked solemn when they saw the pressure of the
other shore emanating from the sword of kingship.

As expected of an ancient country. Their foundation was so solid!

A king of disciples in the realm of the other shore was simply an invincible existence.

Court Master Larson, Alliance Master Yarn, and Fitzgerald also called a truce at this moment.
They closely watched the figure whose aura had reached the realm of the other shore.

Fitzgerald’s heart trembled violently. He immediately recognized the aura emanating from the
grand elder. It was the ‘God of Killing’ with a notorious reputation for having gone to the other

He was still alive! He was the Clarke family’s grand elder!

The next moment, Fitzgerald staggered back because the grand elder’s cold eyes from below
had locked on him.

A loud sound.

“Fitzgerald Hale, I’ll settle the score with you later!”

Just this simple sentence made Fitzgerald’s heart trembled. He desperately wanted to escape. If
he was at the peak of his strength, he might not be afraid. However, Fitzgerald was only
half-step to the other shore at most.

Going up against the Gold King who was in the realm of the shore was undoubtedly looking for

Far above the sea, Roger and Juno were also attracted by the mighty pressure from the realm
of the shore on Arcadia Island.

Roger frowned and said inwardly, “What is the grand elder doing?”

On the other hand, Juno said grimly, “I didn’t expect that the old fellow was still alive. In that
case, I won’t fight you today and come back another time.”

After saying that, Juno was about to fly away. How could he fight?

With two figures in realms of the other shore here, it was simply a suicide mission!

However, a mighty voice like the wrath of God said, “Since you’re here, don’t leave.”
Chapter 2279
Following that voice, the huge golden sword of kingship in the sky vibrated a circle of golden
light waves. In an instant, Arcadia Island and the surrounding sea area were shrouded in a
golden barrier. This layer of golden barrier looked like a water ripple.

Several kings of disciples from Country M wanted to break out of the barrier and escape.
However, the golden light waves emanating from the barrier sent them flying!

“Damn it! This is the Gold King’s energy field. It can’t be breached!”

“I don’t believe it can’t be breached! Let’s attack it with all our strength!”


For a while, the four kings of disciples from Country M blasted the barrier with all their might and
unleashed their attribute energy.


Various attacks bombarded the golden barrier, but just like hitting a layer of water, the barrier
und ulated with golden ripples as the effects of their attacks seem to disappear into the air.
Seeing this situation, the faces of those kings of disciples from Country M were extremely dark.

They could not get out at all.

On the other hand, Juno Yarrow also tried to punch the golden barrier, but all energy was
absorbed the moment his fist touched the golden light barrier.

Juno’s face changed drastically as he said coldly, “Damn that old thing. This is such a restrictive

Meanwhile, Court Master Larson and Alliance Master Yarn fought against Fitzgerald Hale.

Fitzgerald was covered with injuries at this moment. Alliance Master Yarn unleashed all his
strength, and coupled with Court Master Larson’s support, they had reached the pseudo realm
of the other shore. For Fitzgerald to survive under the combined attack of the two was already a

At this moment, looking at the golden light barrier that acted as a cage and the golden lightning
raging all over it, Fitzgerald’s expression was very ugly. His eyes were fixed down below. The
upright figure had already gotten rid of his decrepit posture.

The grand elder’s eyes blazed as he stared at Christian, who was in the middle of the
thunderstorm. He stepped forward.

The ground cracked. The manic energy pressure surging all over the grand elder’s body
repelled several thunderbolts. This was the control over the cosmic rules and the restraining
attribute of the grand elder.


Christian roared furiously. He clenched his fists, spread them out in front of his chest, and
slammed them together.


A thunderbolt several meters thick that was enough to destroy the world fell from the sky. It was
like a laser weapon from space. The pressure and power contained in it were enough to destroy
several cities and countries!

“Go to hell!”

Christian roared, and a huge lightning giant appeared behind him. He carried a hammer in his
hand and smashed it heavily at the grand elder.

The grand elder raised his eyebrows. Golden light flashed in his eyes as he watched that
hammer and thunderbolt several meters thick blasting at him. That giant was like the mythical
lightning god, roaring angrily as lightning raged all over him.


The thunderbolt and hammer landed right on the spot where the grand elder stood.


Instantly, a thunderstorm exploded from that spot. For miles around, a thunderstorm with
blue-white lightning raged. All buildings and living creatures were turned into ashes by the

Such a thunderstorm was enough to kill a mighty being who was half-step to the other shore!

Even the satellites in space had detected the power of lightning that raged above this sea area
at this moment. All instruments issued a warning. Such an energy value was equivalent to the
self-destruction of a mighty being who was half-step to the other shore.

It was several times more powerful than the explosion of the world’s largest hydrogen weapon.
Under such bombardment, Arcadia Island could sink and turn to nothingness in the ocean.
However, a gold shadow stood up from the storm.

Chapter 2280
It was a golden bell. It was infinitely enlarged over the entire area, encapsulating the

Clang, clang!

The rapid sound of bells resounded throughout this world.

In everyone’s sight, the raging thunderstorm was subdued by the bell and absorbed in an


Everyone gasped. Too powerful!

Just like that, Christian’s attack was overcome. Immediately after, a fearless figure in white
clothes stood with his hands behind his back. He emerged above the ruins. Although his face
was aged, the aura he exuded was higher than the sky. Despite it being one man standing
there, it felt as though he could engulf the world.

The grand ancestor focused, his eyes blazing with golden light as he raised his hand. The
golden bell floated up and fell straight down on Christian who was still covered in lightning.

The bell tolled.

Christian looked at the huge golden bell above his head. He transformed into a thunderbolt and
soared into the sky. When he raised his hand, hundreds of thunderbolts were fired at the golden

The rapid sound of bells resounded throughout this world. However, the golden bell remained
motionless. With the power to suppress all gods and demons, it closed in on Christian!


The golden bell hummed!

Inside the golden bell, Christian turned into a thunderbolt and blasted the wall of the bell
wherever he could reach. The wall of the bell was densely covered with profound and
incomprehensible runes and patterns.
“Return!” the grand elder roared.

The golden bell quickly shrank from a height of several hundred meters.

Christian kept bombarding the golden bell from the inside, and the interior of the bell rippled with
golden waves. However, no matter how Christian attacked, the golden bell remained intact.

Finally, with an indignant cry, the golden bell went back down to its normal size. Christian also
knelt on the ground. With his head hanging low, the lightning power in his body completely
dissipated. The lightning mark between his brows also became dim.

The grand elder glanced at Christian, shook his head helplessly, and said with a sigh, “You
should reflect properly.”

After saying that, the grand elder raised his eyebrows and glared coldly at Fitzgerald, who was
hovering in the sky. He said, “The people of the other shore who intrude on our land should be

With that said, the grand elder soared into the sky, raised his hand in a palm strike, and
slammed at Fitzgerald with extreme fury.

Faced with this attack, Fitzgerald had no thoughts of resisting at all. He turned to flee. However,
like a heavenly punishment, that golden palm slapped Fitzgerald on his back.


Fitzgerald spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and fell from mid-air. Like a meteor, he fell to the
ground with a bang!


The whole ground shook. A figure was slapped into the ground, forming a bottomless pit!

The pit was a hundred meters in size like it was blasted from a missile. At the bottom of that pit,
Christian’s body was completely wrecked. Lying in the ruins, half of his head was smashed to
pieces while the remaining half seemed made up of metallic mechanical parts. They emitted
crackling sparks.

At that moment, a detached mechanical metal eyeball turned around twice before glowing red
and shooting out to the outside world.
Chapter 2281

Immediately after, the wrecked body quickly disintegrated. Several active mechanical bugs
slipped away along the earth underground. No one noticed this scene, not even the grand elder
who was staring at this deep pit from the sky.

The remaining densely packed mechanical bugs lost their vitality and turned into a pool of black
viscous mechanical liquid.

One strike to kill!

The grand elder hovered in mid-air, his eyes flickering as he stared at the black charred viscous
metal liquid in the deep pit. Then, he looked up and his pair of wise eyes locked on Juno
Yarrow’s dark complexion above the sea. The next second, the grand elder passed through time
and space to stand next to Roger.

Like he was facing a great enemy, Juno unleashed his aura and stood ready to fight for his life.

The grand elder did not even pay attention to Juno. He looked sideways at Roger instead.
Seeing Roger’s state at the moment, he said, “By doing this, you won’t have much time left.”

Roger faintly laughed and looked up through the sky as if he was on guard against something.
He said, “Grand Elder, if I don’t do this, that fellow hiding in the dark will not show his claws and

The grand elder frowned and also looked up. With one glance, he locked his eyes on a milky
white planet in the sky.

The moon…

A trace of sternness flashed in the grand elder’s eyes as he said, “They’ve been hiding behind
the moon for such a long time. Are they finally impatient enough to make a move now?”


Roger nodded and said, “The opening of the seventh zone behind the three doors has
awakened the creatures. The stargate is also in motion. It won’t be long before the stargate
opens completely and they descend upon us. At that time, the civilization here will surely be
impacted and even cease to exist. That is not what we want to see. The crisis of the human
race is not far away.”

After that, the grand elder beside him was also full of worry. He said, “Back then, the four of us
brothers were only able to seal the stargate through our combined efforts. I didn’t expect the
stargate to be opened again so soon.”

“Grand Elder, I’ll leave the Clarke family to you. I also hope you can personally lead Philip in his
future path. He doesn’t have much time left. Let him grow up as soon as possible by the time
the stargate opens.”

Roger thought about it, and his eyes were clear as he said the words.

Hearing that, the grand elder’s eyes twitched as he asked, “What are you going to do?”

Roger smiled and said, “I’ll buy another ten years for everyone.”

“Are you crazy? In your current state, if you want to seal the stargate for another ten years, it’ll
be at the cost of your life!” The grand elder shouted, his eyes full of surprise.

Roger said instead, “As a man, why fear death? As long as I can make a small contribution to
my people and my civilization, it’s enough!”

After that, Roger looked at Juno with a serious look in his eyes. He said, “Juno, I’m sorry for this,
but you must join me in sealing the stargate. Otherwise, I’ll kill you today!”


Hearing that, Juno’s face was full of coldness as he roared, “Don’t even think about it! If you
want to block the stargate, you can do it yourself! I won’t accompany you!”

With that said, Juno immediately retreated, wanting to escape.

Roger burned his remaining life force and unleashed his peak condition. In that instant, his
figure grew infinitely bigger as if God had descended.

The entire sky was covered by Roger’s aura. Everyone could not help but want to kneel and

Chapter 2282
The grand elder sighed and looked at Roger, who was in his peak condition at the moment. He
grabbed Roger’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Let me do it. Little Monkey can’t do without
your guidance. You’re the executor of the God Creation Project. If something happens to you,
everything we’ve done before will be in vain.”

“Grand Elder?” Roger was puzzled and looked at the grand elder.

The grand elder smiled, seemingly with pride. He said, “I’ve lived long enough. It’s good to do
something that will benefit the whole world. Leave the rest to me. The Clarke family still needs
you to preside over.

After saying that, the grand elder pulled Roger back. At the same time, he unleashed the power
of the source of kingship from the palm of his hand directly into Roger’s heart.

Seeing this, Roger’s face was full of shock. The grand elder had nearly caught up with Juno
Yarrow when Roger shouted, “Grand Elder!”

The grand elder’s white clothes fluttered as he stood with his hands behind his back. Without
looking back, he raised his hand as if he was grabbing a chick. He caught hold of Juno and left
the sea, heading straight for Cochly Mountain.

“Roger Clarke, you’re the head of the Clarke family. You’re the guardian of this civilization! The
fate of the human race lies in your hands!”

The grand elder’s voice was heard all over the sea!

It was accompanied by Juno’s indignant roar, “No! No! I refuse to concede!”

Everyone looked at the grand elder’s back as he departed, full of respect. With the strength of
one person, he would block the stargate and protect the human race for ten years!

Such spirit and might should be remembered by the world.

Roger hovered in the sky with tears in his eyes. His aura did not diminish as he shouted angrily,
“Dragon Knights, move out! Announce to all countries and regions! Those who obstruct my
Clarke family will be destroyed! Those who invade my country will be punished!”

Thud, thud, thud!

In an instant, on the island next to Arcadia Island, the mausoleum of the Clarke family’s first
madam, Charlotte Larson.

The gates of the mausoleum opened as teams of Dragon Knights dressed in red robes
embroidered with golden dragons marched forth. In an instant, these Dragon Knights walked on
the sea and in the air, heading to all countries and regions. Everywhere they went, no one could
avoid them.
That was because they carried the Golden Order from the Clarke family’s head!

After this, all countries in the world would receive the Golden Order from Roger Clarke. When
the countries at the border saw the Dragon Knights, they were terrified and offered
compensation before retreating a hundred miles away.

At the official residences of Country M and Country Y, eight Dragon Knights held Roger’s Gold
Order and stood at the entrance.

The Dragon Knights were a strong contrast to the image of the metropolis. They were more like
the knights from a mythical world.

The head of Country M, an old man with gray hair and eyebrows, flew into a rage as he yelled at
his subordinates, “Shut up! You guys are lousy subordinates! No one knows Orienta better than
I do! Immediately communicate with the Imperial Preceptor and assume a negotiating stance.
Also, I’m withdrawing from the agreement between the door and the secular world. I don’twant
any of those agreements!”

“Border Chief, if you do this, you’ll expose the door to the public. It’ll cause a big upheaval.” A
subordinate tried to persuade.

However, the old man angrily criticized, “I’m the head of the country, not you! Follow my orders!”

Back to the Clarke family’s ancestral hall.

The dragon egg that was formed by the Black Dragon Heart had cracked and shattered at this
moment Roger, as well as Fulton, Fennel, Court Master Larson, and Alliance Master Yarn
gathered around that dragon egg.

“What do you think?” Alliance Master Yarn asked.

Court Master Larson tried to make a prediction and said, “The aura has been isolated, so I can’t
make a prediction. However, judging from the power of the cosmic rules spilling forth, it
shouldn’t be lower than the strength of someone in the fifth zone.”

Chapter 2283
No less than the strength of someone in the fifth zone? This was too terrifying!

The conditions for becoming a disciple were extremely harsh. To become a king of disciples was
even more difficult. It was all about developing one’s powers while in constant battle. One had to
constantly fight against the terrifying creatures in the unknown realm behind the door before
being reborn in blood and finally achieving kingship!
A king of disciples in the fifth zone was the obvious divide in the power of kingships. Only the
king of disciples in the fifth zone was qualified to achieve the sixth zone and breakthrough to a
higher realm!

Even for a king of disciples in the sixth zone to achieve the seventh zone, it was not as difficult
as achieving the fifth zone.

Alliance Master Yarn was taken aback as a trace of uncontained doubt appeared in his eyes.

Was it really that powerful?

Only one Black Dragon Heart could make a kid who just stepped into the realm of a disciple
achieve the strength of a king of disciples in the fifth zone.

The four pavilion masters of the Nonagon also stood and watched from a distance.

After all, legal boundaries still existed between the Nonagon and the Clarke family. Moreover,
the grand elder of the Clarke family had just captured the Nonagon’s consul. Following that, the
Nonagon and the Clarke family would certainly be at odds with each other.

On one side, Fennel stared at the dragon egg that was about to break out of its shell, his eyes
full of excitement and thrill. Sure enough, it was happening.

At this time, Roger stood in front of the dragon egg and glanced at Fulton.

Although Fulton was seriously injured at the moment, his realm was stabilized because of the
grand elder. Fulton walked to the dragon egg, raised his hand, and took out a small pouch
embroidered with gold silk from his pocket. This pouch seemed to contain several spherical
objects. They were originally dim, but when they came into contact with the dragon eg, all the
spherical objects in the pouch dazzled brightly!

Five sources of kingship raging with manic energy and cosmic rules.

Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson gasped. They did not expect Roger to deal out
such a big hand.

The five sources of kingship in Fulton’s hand seemed to contain living creatures inside. The
moment these five sources of kingship came into contact with the dragon egg, they seemed to
come alive and became extremely active.

The five sources of kingship rose in the air and glowed brilliantly, enveloping the area with a
blinding light. Then, all five sources of kingship merged into the dragon egg. In an instant, the
dragon egg burst into a dazzling five-color light, which illuminated the entire Arcadia Island.

The shining five-colored light could be seen under the entire sky!

Alliance Master Yarn was shocked and asked, “Benny, quick, make a prediction. How far can he
grow with this?”

At this moment, Benny Larson’s eyes also flowed with golden light. The 64 geomancy appeared
in his eyes as he predicted the future of the dragon egg. Immediately after, Benny was filled
With amazement. No matter what he did, he could not predict Philip’s future.

He was not within the 64 geomancy from the start. Now, with the interference of the Black
Dragon Heart’s terrifying cosmic power, it was even more impossible to speculate.

Benny shook his head and said with a frown, “It’s impossible to predict…”

Hearing that, Alliance Master Yarn also frowned.

On this side, everyone’s eyes were fixed on the dragon egg, which the five sources of kingship
had merged into. The next second, the power of the five sources of kingship was fully absorbed
by the dragon egg and the shell emitted a loud crack!

Immediately after, intense clicking sounds resounded throughout the place. Finally, in the sight
of everyone, a figure that looked like a holy person slowly appeared.

Until this moment, Philip had been immersed in the understanding and application of the cosmic
rules and matter attributes. During this long period, he had no perception of everything in the
outside world. In his world, only cosmic rules and matter remained. During this time, he could
feel that his brain and body were being guided and developed by a strange power of rules.

When the dragon egg shattered, Philip’s senses magnified infinitely!

Chapter 2284
A radius of ten miles!

The entirety of Arcadia Island!

The sea!

Then, it spread to every corner of the globe!

Almost every creature, every object, and every substance could be perceived by Philip. In that
instant, a mass of information poured into Philip’s brain. If he were an ordinary person, his brain
would have crashed and suffered from brain damage. However, Philip’s brain could withstand
such a huge amount of information.

Everything happened in a split second.

Philip opened his eyes and found that he was surrounded by a circle of people some familiar,
some not. However, all of them were looking at him with great concern.

Philip looked at his hands and five different rules of power suddenly gushed from his palms.

“This… What a terrifying aura!”

Alliance Master Yarn was shocked by the power of the five rules in Philip’s palm.

Roger nodded with satisfaction and asked, “How much do you know now?”

Philip raised his eyebrows and looked at his elderly father in front of him. With just one glance,
he saw through the injuries on Roger’s body.

His severe injuries completely relied on a special substance that held his body together.


Philip exclaimed and asked in confusion, “What is this? Why is this happening?”

Roger blandly glanced at the horizon and explained, “This is the first step of the God Creation
Project. Since you’ve completely fused with the Black Dragon Heart, you should know more
things than others and have a deeper understanding of this world now.”

His father was right.

When he received the information from all over the world just now, Philip’s brain sorted through
the details about the God Creation Project. He even knew the records of the God Creation
Project in foreign countries.

This was the power of insight.

“Make good use of what you have now. I’ll tell you more in the future.”

Roger said before he turned around and said to the members of the Shadow Guards who had
gathered behind him, “Clean up immediately and prepare for tonight‘s global banquet. Send out
invitations to the whole world. The eldest young master of my Clarke family has officially
become the next head of the Clarke family. In addition, the young madam of the Clarke family
will be honored as the young lady.”

“Yes, my lord!”

The members of the Shadow Guards bowed before they turned around and left.

Roger turned to Fulton and said, “Go to the Dragon Transformation Pond to recuperate.”

Fulton nodded and left without saying anything.

For the rest of the day, the Clarke family carried out a major cleanup. All members of the branch
family who violated the rules were punished in the ancestral hall, deprived of their status as a
member of the Clarke family, and exiled.

As for people like Wade and Salem, they were imprisoned in the Clarke family’s dungeon. The
entire branch family was subjected to a major purge.

Christian’s whereabouts were unknown as Roger was personally handling him.

People like Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson were invited to stay by Roger to
attend the global banquet in the evening. Many things and the aftermath were personally
handled by Roger’s people. It was because there were too many forces involved. The crisis of
the Clarke family’s destruction calmly subsided in the storm.

Back to Philip. He stood at the entrance of his residence and looked at Wynn, who sat in the
living room blankly. He still had to personally handle some things.

Chapter 2285
Despite the fierce battle outside, Clarke Manor was still 80% intact due to the grand elder and
Roger. Except for the borders and uninhabited areas that were affected by the battle, other parts
of Arcadia Island were intact.

Thus, life still went on at Arcadia Island without changes.

Moreover, due to the kingship energy field exuded by the kings during the battle, ordinary
people never caught sight of that epic fight. The most they saw was the special effects screen of
3D projection.

It was very shocking and very realistic.

At this moment, Philip stood at the door of his residence and looked at Wynn, who sat on the
sofa in the living room with red eyes. Charles and Martha had accompanied Wynn the entire
time. Obviously, Wynn had learned the truth about her birth from Charles and Martha.
“Wynnie…” Philip walked inside and called out softly.

By now, due to the Black Dragon Heart and the five sources of kingship, Philip had undergone a
major transformation. He became quite extraordinary.

With just one glance, he felt a powerful bloodline from Wynn.

Golden blood…

However, this powerful bloodline also contained great darkness, something that corrupted and
constantly drained one’s life force.

Was this the golden blood syndrome?

Wynn looked up, her beautiful face full of grief. She looked at the familiar man in front of her,
and her thin lips trembled uncontrollably.

Why was the man she loved so deeply the son of her enemy?

Why did God treat them this way?

“Phil…” Wynn cried out.

Charles and Martha also sensibly found an opportunity to leave.

Inside the living room, Philip stood while Wynn sat. Only the two of them were here.

“If you want to take revenge, you can tell me.” After a moment of silence, Philip uttered these

Wynn was full of tears and shook her head sadly. She was in a dilemma.

Should she take revenge? If so, how?

Her biological parents had passed away long ago. If her family was destroyed because of the
hatred from 20 years ago, Wynn did not wish to bring it up again. Thus, Wynn fell into a dilemma
and self-condemnation. She did not have any memory of her biological parents, but the pain
that welled from her heart was obvious.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know. Philip, tell me. What should I do?” Wynn covered her face and
cried, which made those who looked at her feel sorry for her.
Philip looked at the lovely person in front of him. He did not know what to do either. Some things
needed to be decided by Wynn herself.

“I promise you, no matter what decision you make, I’ll support you. But I want to ask you to give
me a little time. I want to investigate the truth about the Lovelace family.” Philip looked at Wynn
very seriously and said.

Wynn looked up with teary eyes and trembling lips, asking, “You want to investigate the truth
about the Lovelace family?”

Philip nodded heavily and said, “That’s right. The destruction of your parents’ lineage isn’t
entirely my father’s fault. As far as I know, my father and several others jointly formulated a plan
to target the Lovelace family back then. It wasn’t against your lineage but the radical faction of
the Lovelace family. It was a faction with inhumane morals aimed at human experimentation.
However, because of an accident in the plan, it was your parents‘ lineage that was punished
and destroyed in the end. There must be a lot of people and forces involved in this. I want to
figure this out. If my father had indeed participated in this, I’ll support you in whatever you want
to do, so I want to ask you to give me some time.”

After hearing this, Wynn sat on the sofa gloomily.

Chapter 2286
After a while, Wynn wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her slender fingers and
said, “Okay, I promise you. However, you must also promise me something…”

“What is it?”

“No matter what the outcome of the investigation is, you’re my husband and the father of Mila
and Nelson. No matter what I choose in the end, you should not be confused or accommodate
others because of my choice.” Wynn spoke very seriously with a firm look in her eyes.

Philip thought for a while before he nodded and replied, “Okay.”

Wynn added, “Also, I want to leave this place. I want to go back to Riverdale.”

Philip frowned slightly and said, “Okay.”

The living room suddenly fell silent. Philip knew that from today, an invisible barrier existed
between him and Wynn.

This barrier would take a long time to eliminate.

As night fell, the entire Arcadia Island was immersed in laughter and a festive atmosphere.
The whole island celebrated the appointment of the new head of the Clarke family.

Arcadia Island was full of life and harmony.

In the various districts of Arcadia Island, many people did not know the true face of the Clarke
family’s eldest young master. After all, Philip was previously away for seven years and was the
young master of the Clarke family. It was naturally difficult for ordinary citizens to get the chance
to see him. Moreover, he did not return with much fanfare this time, so the entire population of
Arcadia Island was glued to their TVs and the electronic big screens in the streets as they
waited for their new king.

On this night, simultaneous broadcasts were held around the world. An exclusive TV channel
was even specially arranged for all-around broadcasting. It was also the night when the world’s
biggest affluent family, the Clarke family, would step out of the background and appear in the
public eye.

The whole world was watching the change of thrones of this great ancient and powerful family.

In Clarke Manor, a banquet for 3,000 was arranged to welcome the figures and heads of the
magnate families as well as the giants from all over the island and the world.

The airport near Arcadia Island was full of exclusive planes from all over the world. The nearby
waters were also full of warships.

Tonight, Arcadia Island was definitely the most special place in the world with also the most
tension. It was because this island was full of global figureheads.

The leaders of all realms and countries, including the heads of battle groups, the directors of
some capital enterprises, and the heads of wealthy families, had all gathered on Arcadia Island
just to witness the new master of Arcadia Island and the new head of the Clarke family ascend
to the throne.

Philip and Wynn were sitting in the residence at this moment. The entire place was brightly lit,
and hundreds of servants busily prepared for the banquet. Philip and Wynn were draped in
golden robes with gold jewelry of various colors. Their clothes were also embroidered with gold
dragons and phoenixes. They looked just like the king and queen of an ancient kingdom.

Especially Wynn, who was wearing a golden phoenix crown. She sat there in a dignified
manner. With her delicate features and aloof face, she presented the poise of a queen.

Philip looked sideways and gently held Wynn’s small hand. The two looked at each other with a
slight smile. “Are you nervous?” Philip asked.

Wynn shook her head and said, “With you by my side, I’m not nervous at all.”
Philip smiled before turning his attention to the outside. Nine tolls of the hell were heard. Philip
got up, pulled Wynn, looked at the bright lights outside, and said, “Wynnie, I once promised you
that I’d make you the happiest woman in the world. Today, I did it.”

Chapter 2287
Wynn looked sideways at the man in front of her with love in her eyes.

“Thank you, Philip, for giving me many things that I couldn’t even imagine. Thank you for staying
by my side all these years.” Wynn said softly as her little hand held Philip’s big hand tightly.

Philip looked sideways at Wynn and said, “I’ll bring you out so you can be in the limelight that
belongs to you.”

After saying that, Philip took Wynn out of the residence. They boarded the golden carriage that
headed to the white castle at the highest point of Clarke Manor.

On both sides of the road, hordes of people held flowers while singing and dancing.

It seemed as if Clarke Manor was having a festival. The roadside was full of crowds waiting for
their new lord and lady to pass by. The scene was extremely lively. Naturally, this scene of Philip
and Wynn riding in the golden carriage to the white castle was also broadcasted live worldwide.

However, for security purposes, the image was a little blurry and distant. Hence, the faces of
Philip and Wynn were not fully exposed in front of the cameras.

Soon, the golden carriage arrived in front of the white castle amid the welcoming crowd.

Below the white castle was a banquet for 3,000 people. The crowd was boisterous with figures
from all countries and realms. They looked up at the viewing platform of the white castle high

After the bell tolled nine times, two figures in golden robes appeared in front of the crowd and
cameras. Explosive cheers erupted on the scene. Everyone there was very excited and thrilled.

This was exactly like the scene of the king and queen’s enthronement ceremony that only
appeared on TV.

Was this the strength of the world’s number one family?

It was simply too exaggerated!

The two figures waved to the excited crowd below and the viewers in front of their screens. All
over the world, bustling commercial streets and huge electronic screens everywhere
broadcasted this grand occasion.

All the streets were packed with people.

Philip grabbed Wynn’s hand and looked down at the crowd of people that seemed like a lively

Wynn was also short of breath, feeling very nervous and excited. For the first time, she was
standing in such a high place, wearing clothes worth billions of dollars, and looking at the crowd
of people below who came from all over the world.

This was a scene Wynn had never imagined. She could not help but grab Philip’s hand tightly
and muttered, “Philip, I’m a little scared.”

Philip turned his face sideways, looked tenderly at Wynn beside him, and said, “Don’t be afraid.
From today onward, you’re the new young madam of the Clarke family. Everyone you see here
will have to bow down to you.”

At this moment, Roger stepped out from behind. With a walking cane in his hand, he appeared
in everyone’s sight.

Then, he turned to Philip and Wynn, took a red-gold key from the golden tray held by a servant,
and handed it to Philip while saying, “Phil, this is something guarded by the past generations of
the Clarke family’s heads. I’ll hand it to you today. From now on, you’re the new head of the
Clarke family. You must take on the responsibility of leading the Clarke family.”

Philip looked at his elderly father. He could sense that his father was in bad shape.

He accepted the red- gold key in Roger’s hand. He then turned around, looked at the quiet
crowd below, and held the key above his head as an indication that he had officially inherited the
Clarke family.

Chapter 2288
Instantly, the entire Arcadia Island burst into cheers. The entire world was also excited. From
now on, the Clarke family’s head had changed. However, due to special security reasons, all the
shots of Philip and Wynn had blurred images.

Thus, no one in the world saw Philip and Wynn’s faces clearly.

However, this did not affect the global banquet at all.

At the same time, far away in the hinterland of a deep forest, a huge palace was brightly lit. It
was strictly surrounded by guards.

In the hall of this palace, a dozen people sat at a long table. They were all wearing masks that
hid their true appearances.

At this moment, they were looking at the screen in the middle that was broadcasting the global
banquet. The image was paused at the scene of Philip and Wynn waving at the crowd.

The burly figure in the main seat was dressed in a black suit. He propped his chin on his hands
and made a mechanical sound as he spoke to the dozen people below, “The plan has begun.
Who among you wants to try it first?”

A rebellious figure was playing with a short dagger in both hands at this moment. He got up and
said with a cold smile, “I’ll go.”

Looking at the young and arrogant figure who stood up, the head of the group said, “Very well.
The meeting is adjourned.”

The meeting was over.

Two figures walked out of the palace’s entrance one after another. It was a man and a woman.
The man walked with arrogance. The woman had a slim and sexy figure. She caught up and
exclaimed resentfully, “Shane Lovelace, stop right there!”

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Shane stopped and turned around. He glanced at the
woman chasing after him and asked with a smile, “Sister, what’s up?”

Cleo Lovelace angrily chased after him on her high heels. Her arms were crossed over her
voluptuous chest. Her delicate facial features, charming eyes, and flaming red lips all revealed
her dissatisfaction with Shane’s statement at the meeting just now.

She said, “Why did you accept it? You know very well that this isn’t good for us. So many elders
didn’t express their opinion right away, but you did. Do you know what the consequences and
punishment will be once the mission fails?”

Shane snorted and said disdainfully, “What’s there to worry about? I just have to stay with those
things for seven days. Besides, do you have that much distrust for your brother?”

Cleo furrowed her shapely eyebrows and said, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but according to the
information sent by the scouts, Philip has merged with the Black Dragon Heart. His strength has
most likely reached the fifth zone. If you fight against him, the outcome is unpredictable!
Moreover, only we know about the secret of Wynn’s blood, not the other elders. If anything
leaks, you know the consequences!”
Shane shrugged and said, “I know what I’m doing.”

After saying that, Shane walked away and got into a jeep at the door.

Cleo stomped her foot angrily and chased after him.

Back to the Clarkes.

At this moment, inside the white castle, Roger stood in the living room. Philip, Wynn, and some
important figures of the Clarke family all stood in the hall.

Outside, the crowd was boisterous as people mingled with each other.

Inside this hall, the atmosphere was unexpectedly somber. It was because Roger had lit an
eternal lamp for the grand elder, but at this moment, the lamp flickered on and off as the flame
swayed like a storm. It was as though it would go out at any time.

Chapter 2289
In the hall, the atmosphere was unusually somber. Everyone watched the flickering eternal lamp
with bated breath.

Roger’s eyes also flickered brilliantly as he stood with his hands behind his back.

The eternal lamp would impact everyone’s hearts and the safety of the world for the next ten

Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson, as well as the four pavilion masters, stood in the
crowd behind or beside Roger. They all watched the eternal lamp closely. This was related to
the fate of the world.

Alliance Master Yarn narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the eternal lamp for a while before
looking at Roger and Philip. He asked in a low voice, “Court Master Larson, did you predict the
outcome of the Clarke family’s grand elder?”

Court Master Larson’s face was cold and aloof at the moment as he stood with his hands behind
his back. There was a trace of sadness in his eyes as he said, “The outcome had long been
decided. There was no need to make another prediction. All the people in the world should
thank the grand elder of the Clarke family from the bottom of their hearts for getting ten extra
years for everyone.”

Hearing that, Alliance Master Yarn was moved. He already understood the meaning of these
Right after Court Master Larson finished speaking, the eternal lamp went out and green smoke
rose. There was suddenly a mournful chill all around. At this moment, regardless of one’s
occupation, status, or age, everyone in the world suddenly felt a desolate chill in their hearts.

In the country, all the disciples and even the ordinary masses sensed something in their hearts
and looked in the direction of Cochly Mountain. There, a star shone with golden splendor before
slowly subsiding. In other parts of the world, all the disciples looked in the direction of Orienta as
their hearts welled up with sadness and admiration.

Orienta was worthy of the great responsibility.

At this moment, everyone only had lofty respect in their hearts.

Even the leaders of Country M and Country Y received the satellite detection report almost
immediately. They lowered their noble heads and mourned silently in the direction of Orienta’s
Cochly Mountain.

Inside the white castle, Roger knelt on the floor.

The remaining people, such as Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson, silently sighed
as they looked at the extinguished eternal lamp.

A man would hear great righteousness and great burden without a word!

99 tolls of the bell also rang in Clarke Manor!

All members of the Clarke family who heard the tolls fell to their knees. This was the funeral bell.
The grand elder had returned to heaven. People from all over the world, after understanding the
meaning of the bell, also mourned in silence.

In the hall, everyone got up, and many started to prepare for the grand elder’s funeral. Even
without his remains, the ceremony would still be carried out.

Alliance Master Yarn, Court Master Larson, and the others also took their leave.

Chapter 2290
In the large hall, only Roger and Philip were left.

Roger motioned to the servant on the side to hand a document to Philip. He looked at the
extinguished eternal lamp and said, “This is what the grand elder left you before he left. It’s
regarding the research results of Wynn’s bloodline. These are the research materials of the
Lovelace family, including the origin and development history of the Lovelace family‘s golden
blood. It may be of some help to you if you want to find a cure for Wynn’s golden blood
Philip looked down at the information in his hand with slightly reddened eyes.

The hearty laughter of the grand elder echoed in his ears with the affectionate voice calling him
‘Little Monkey’.

Images of his past with the grand elder also began to emerge.

“Is the grand elder really gone?” Philip looked up and asked.

Roger nodded and said, “The stargate in Cochly Mountain can’t be sealed without a person
from the realm of the other shore. Back then, I joined forces with several people in the pseudo
realm and half-step to the shore before we managed to seal the stargate. This time, for the
grand elder and Juno Yarrow, the Nonagon’s consul, to seal the stargate for ten years, the only
price is death.”

With that said, Roger raised his head and looked up at the stars in the sky through the glass
dome above the white castle.

Philip was gloomy and asked, “Does the Lovelace family incident really have nothing to do with

Roger turned to Philip and said, “We were too hasty about the Lovelace family back then
because the radical faction of the Lovelace family had produced a talented freak. The research
of the human body and golden blood had reached a mature level, and they created a golden
blood combat group. This golden blood combat group wasn’t made up of ordinary people, or
rather, they weren’t human at all. The Lovelace family used the cells and genes of the creatures
behind the door, implanted them into the human body, and added golden blood to create a
monster combat group with no self-awareness, no fear of death, and no respect for the living.
Wherever they went, they would massacre a country as a sacrifice to their bodies and combat
power. They were a bloodthirsty monster combat group. In order to sanction the radical faction
of the Lovelace family, our forces finally decided to eradicate them because this was a lineage
that must not be allowed to exist.”

“So why was Wynn’s lineage wiped out instead?” Philip asked.

Roger sighed and said, “I don‘t know the reason behind it either. I previously investigated it and
found a certain connection to Court Master Larson of the Gentleman Court. I’ve also personally
asked him about it but he refused to answer.”

“You’re the head of the Clarke family. Can the Gentleman Court defy your wishes?” Philip
Roger glanced at the somewhat arrogant Philip and asked, “What do you think the world is like?
The countries are at war and the rulers hold all the power?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t need to know. Since you can’t find out the answer, I’ll ask myself. “

Philip said and turned to leave.

Roger looked at his back and said, “If I tell you that the identity of Court Master Larson is from
your mother’s Larson family, will you still approach him?”


Philip’s eyes tensed as he stared at Roger doubtfully. He asked, “What did you say? Court
Master Larson is from Mom’s family?”

Roger sighed and said, “Benny Larson is an outcast of the Larson family who spent his entire
life studying geomancy and astrology. He once predicted the plight of the Larson family,
everything that the Clarke family is facing today, and even the development of the world in the
next few decades. Back then, the Larson family’s withdrawal from the mainland and their
decision to retreat to Fernvale was because of Benny’s warning.”

“In that case, why was he kicked out of the Larson family?” Philip was very confused.

Roger sighed and said, “This has something to do with your mother.”

“Mom?” Philip was even more puzzled.

Roger added, “Have you ever thought that everything was planned out by your mother in this
game of chess? Have you ever thought that even I am not half as talented and resourceful as
your mother?”

“What did you say?”

Philip was suddenly stunned, completely unable to comprehend the meaning of his father’s
words at all.

Chapter 2291
Roger sighed with his hands behind his decrepit back. He looked at the starry sky and said
forlornly, “Phil, never underestimate your mother’s talent and ingenuity. In front of your mother, I
was always the inferior one. I’m not the only guardian and executor of the God Creation Project.
Your mother was involved too. Moreover, she was one of the modifiers. You have overturned the
philosophy of the God Creation Project that our predecessors have followed for thousands of
‘God Creation Project?’


Philip was full of doubts and puzzlement as he asked, “Dad, what exactly is the God Creation
Project? Why are you still working on it after thousands of years? Are our forefathers also part
of the God Creation Project?”

Roger nodded and said, “The God Creation Project is divided into three stages. The first stage
involved the First and Seventh Emperors, who were some of the most outstanding candidates of
the God Creation Project. They also brought the first stage to a perfect end. We’re now in the
second stage of the project, using the advanced technology of modern civilization to merge with
the civilization behind the door. The door disciples are one of the by-products of the second
stage of the God Creation Project.”

“The door disciples are the product of the God Creation Project?” Philip suddenly thought of a

Roger turned around, looked at the extinguished eternal lamp, and said, “Disciples are the failed
products of the God Creation Project because they’re not perfect enough. Whether it’s the
physical quality or potential, they fail to meet the final measurement standard of the God
Creation Project. But you’re different.”

With that said, Roger’s eyes lit up. He stared at Philip and enunciated each word, “You’re the
son your mother prized the most. It was your mother who planned this for more than ten years
and exhausted all means to make you perfect. You’re the final winner and the only trump card of
this chess game that has lasted for thousands of years against the creatures on the other side
of the stargate. Phil, do you know what the fate that rests on your shoulders is?”

Philip had no idea. At this moment, he was still a little lost.

His father said so much at once, many of which were things he could not understand.

Was his mother manipulating this chess game?

His perfection was the outcome of his mother’s prized handiwork?

Had his mother started plotting since his birth?

What about his mother’s accident, then?

Seeing Philip’s bewildered look, Roger turned around, looked up at the starry sky, pointed at
several stars, and said, “Do you know that those shining stars will be the biggest enemy of our
world and civilization? The warning signs are not without basis. More than ten years ago, the
Star Ocean Institute in our country discovered several strange signals, which proved that there
were a small number of civilizations out there. All of them belong to the second civilization.”

‘The second civilization?!’ Philip felt a sense of crisis.

He raised his eyebrows, looked at the starry sky, and asked, “Is there really a second

Roger hummed, raised his hand, and waved. The starry sky outside the dome appeared in this
huge hall. The entire hall became a sea of stars.

Chapter 2292
Philip and Roger stood in the sea of stars. They were surrounded by shining stars as well as
star belts and star clusters, even black holes.

With a flick of Roger’s hand, the stars began to rotate. Several bright stars surfaced in front of
Philip’s eyes.

“These are the stars most closely connected to the stargate recently. According to the research
reports from the Nonagon and the Star Ocean Research Institute, the creatures in the seventh
zone behind the door have taken the initiative to contact these stars. If the data is correct, these
are the mother stars of these creatures. The stargate in our country was also left by them.”

“Moreover, according to historical records, the rock paintings in Helene Mountain from 7,000
years ago, the foreign emissaries met by the First Emperor during his quest for longevity, and
the painting that depicted red flames soaring into the sky are all related to extraterrestrial
civilizations. Although many of them are unofficial records, they also have verifiable points.”

“The common point of these unofficial records is that the creatures of the extraterrestrial
civilization depicted are similar to those creatures in the seventh zone behind the door in Cochly
Mountain. Therefore, what we can be sure of now is that those creatures are from these few
stars that are connected to the stargate.”

Roger finished speaking in one breath with worry reflected in his eyes.

The stargate was unstable, and the grand elder only managed to seal the stargate for another
ten years at the cost of his life.

These were the last ten years left for this world’s civilization and the human race.

Once the stargate opened and formed a connection with these stars, the consequences would
be unimaginable. Human civilization would also cease to exist.
Philip stared at the stars before he turned to Roger and asked, “What do you mean by those
creatures in the seventh zone?”

Roger seemed to have guessed that Philip would ask this question and said blandly, “Some
creatures that have never appeared in the eyes of the world. They only have a thirst for blood
and fighting. They exist in the unknown realm of the seventh zone behind every door, and that
unknown realm is also the last barrier in front of the stargate. In other words, they’re the keepers
of the stargate.”

“What does all this have to do with me? And what does it have to do with the God Creation
Project and Mom?” Philip asked.

Roger waved his hand, and the sky full of stars disappeared. He looked at Philip seriously and
said, “Phil, you bear the fate of the entire human race. The God Creation Project has been
going on for thousands of years just to produce the strongest person in the human race or a
group of people to resist civilizations from outside the domain. Your mother chose you back
then, and we bet the fate of the entire human race on you. Your mother said that given the
chance, you could surpass me and reach the status of a prophet.”

“Prophet?” Philip was puzzled.

Roger said with a laugh, “This is a legendary existence far above the other shore. Everyone
thought that I could become someone like Doctor Strange. Indeed, someone like Doctor
Strange did exist, but he left a long time ago. For the fate of the human race, he traveled alone
to seek a solution. The prophet is the most ideal state and the realm beyond the doctor. Going
above the other shore will deem you as a prophet, who can gain insight into the cosmic rules
and laws of all matter in the world, even the dimensions of space and time. As for me, I’m only
using the rules. I’m far from being a prophet.”

After listening to Roger’s explanation, Philip somewhat understood.

After a long silence, Philip asked, “So was Mom’s accident an illusion? Where is she exactly?”

Roger sighed, his eyes a little forlorn when he said, “Your mother’s accident is real, but after that
accident, I never found any substantial clues about her. According to the clues left at the time,
your mother‘s accident was related to a certain figure in the country. You should know who it is
by now.”

“Fitzgerald Hale?”

Roger nodded and said, “He’s only one of them. There should be the shadows of several doors
of other countries behind him. Moreover, it’s related to that evil thing behind the door of Country
Chapter 2293
Philip asked in bafflement, “The evil thing behind the door of Country Y? What is it?”

Roger looked grave and was silent for a moment. He sighed and said, “The disciples of Country
Y have completely become slaves of that monster. They only pursue power without a care about
the existence of civilization in this world. That monster was released from the seventh zone
behind the door of Country Y, but due to restrictions on it, it can’t leave the area behind the door.
But it has many tricks up its sleeve to deceive others. Back then, when I sealed the seventh
zone behind the door of Country Y, I fought against it. It was very powerful and I almost died

‘That strong?’

Even his father almost lost his life behind Country Y’s door.

What the hell was that monster exactly?

“Phil, there’s not much time left for you. Make good use of the ten years that the grand elder
bought for you. The fate of the human race and the civilization of this world rests on you. I know
that this is very unexpected and exaggerated. It’s even more incomprehensible, but there’s no
time and no other way.”

Roger suddenly said in a serious tone with a strong look of concern and sentimentality in his

Philip frowned, looked at the extinguished eternal lamp of the grand elder, and said seriously
after a moment of silence, “I want to enter the Nonagon and Cochly Mountain. I want to see with
my eyes what kind of existence lies behind the door. I want to find what my mother left me and
also find the Multidew Herb.”

Roger frowned and asked, “Are you sure you want to enter the Nonagon?”

Philip nodded heavily and said, “I have to go there. If my guess is correct, what my mother left
behind the door of the Nonagon should be related to solving this world civilization crisis. I want
to find it. Also, I want to see what the world behind the door looks like. I want to experience it

Roger looked at his son, his eyes gradually becoming solemn and serious. He said, “Okay, but
you have to promise me one thing.”

“What is it?”

“No matter what you experience behind the door, what you see, or what you discover, you must
not go to the stargate without permission,” Roger said.
Philip nodded, and this conversation between the father and son came to an end.

Many unknowns and mysteries awaited Philip to explore.

The next day, the Clarke family solemnly carried out the grand elder’s funeral. Everyone

All the guards changed into white combat uniforms. The entire Clarke Manor, including Arcadia
Island, was immersed in grief. People from all over the world also left after paying respects to
the grand elder’s memorial plaque.

The mourning period lasted seven days.

Seven days later, Philip and Wynn embarked on the journey back to Riverdale because Philip
had promised Wynn. Wynn had not figured out how to solve many things yet. She could only
choose to temporarily escape.

The handover of the Clarke family’s rights, estates, and wealth had also been completed. Roger
remained on Arcadia Island. He had his preparations to make.

Philip planned to send Wynn back to Riverdale first before finding time to go to the Nonagon
and Cochly Mountain.

As for the branch Clarke family, as some of the elders had been detained, the branch family
dared not kick up any fuss for the time being.

The next Chieftain of the branch family would temporarily be taken up by Levi because that was
the rule set by the ancestors. Moreover, he was also elected by the members of the branch

As for Lex, after knowing that the branch family had chosen Levi, he also chose to leave
Arcadia Island and explore the outside world alone. Of course, this was the statement given to
the public. In truth, Levi had personally given an order to assassinate Lex.

However, Philip had stepped in and saved Lex. After that, Lex chose to go into exile.

Chapter 2294
Due to Philip’s current identity, Levi also chose to turn a blind eye because what he wanted to
do now was to rebuild the branch family. As for Philip, he was currently not interested in the
position of the Clarke family’s head, so he handed many things to George Thomas as well as
other trusted butlers and loyal guards to take care of.

It was the end of a chess game. A new journey appeared in front of Philip’s eyes.
At this moment, Roger looked at the golden cruise ship on the ocean and asked Fulton beside
him, “What’s going on with the Lovelace family?”

Fulton looked at the distant golden cruise ship and said, “The Lovelace family has started to
take action aimed at the young lord and young lady. Do you need me to send some people to
protect them in secret?”

Roger frowned and said with a thoughtful look, “No, let him take care of it. If he can‘t even deal
with the Lovelace family, there won’t be a need for our plan to proceed.”

Riverdale. It had been half a month since Philip and Wynn returned.

During this time, Philip took care of Wynn attentively. Although Wynn knew Philip wanted to
make amends, she still felt the rift between them. Although she tried very hard to talk to Philip,
as soon as she saw him, Wynn could not help but think of the Lovelace family’s affairs.

Therefore, there were times when nothing was said between the two.

Charles and Martha were also helpless. Charles tried to be a peacemaker several times but was
unable to do so. Martha did not cause trouble again. After all, having seen Philip’s family, she
also settled down.

Despite that, she still held a grudge against Philip for making her shovel dog poop back then.
However, due to Philip’s current status, she could only wallow in silence. Therefore, she neither
flattered Philip nor yelled at him as she did before. After all, her daughter was her trump card.

Just look at Philip flattering her all day long.

Riverdale, First Dragon Club.

Inside the most luxurious private room, Juan Parker crossed his legs and lit the cigar in his

“The latest premium Havana cigar. Old Cain, try it.”

Old Cain, who was sitting across from Juan, was fleshy all over with a scar on his face that
looked like a hideous centipede. He also had six round scars on the top of his bald head. Old
Cain was a gangster who roamed all over the world to commit crimes. He claimed to have
practiced martial arts, but he could not bear the strict discipline of the practice, so he and a few
other disciples escaped from the mountain. He then changed his career to become a gangster.
As for whether Old Cain was a martial artist, no one knew for sure. However, Juan knew that
Old Cain’s martial arts skills were real and not hearsay. It was said that Old Cain could break
steel bars with one strike. Juan was fortunate enough to see it.

It was awesome, indeed!

“Cigars are something rich people like you use to show off. Poor people like me still prefer

Old Cain stuck a cigarette in his mouth. “Just say your piece. This isn’t our first time dealing with
each other. We know all about each other.”

Juan smiled and handed a document to Old Cain.

Old Cain took the document and looked at it, which was all about Philip. It included a brief
introduction of the Johnston family at the end.

“I have a deadly feud with this man and I need your help. His wife, Wynn Johnston, is his
weakness. My request is simple. Capture Wynn, take good care of Philip, and bring him to me.”

Juan’s eyes flashed with hatred.

Chapter 2295
Old Cain glanced at Juan in surprise and asked suspiciously, “You’re a famous boss and have
many people under you. Why do you need me to do such a simple thing?”

“No, that kid isn’t simple. If I could deal with it, why would I be asking an infamous gangster like
you to take action?”

Juan was full of bitterness. The setbacks he suffered at Philip’s hands were not something he
could mention. It would make his reputation fall. Moreover, Philip and Wynn had disappeared for
such a long time with no clues of their whereabouts.

He just recently received news from his subordinates that Philip and Wynn had returned to First

Old Cain nodded slightly, having guessed that Juan must have suffered a great loss in Philip’s
hands. However, Old Cain was confident in his skills. He looked down upon those minions
under Juan. He guessed that Philip knew some skills and could deal with one or two dozen men
at most.

“In that case, what about the price?” Old Cain asked smilingly.

“Five million. If you can get the money from the Johnston family, then it’ s all yours.”
Juan stretched out five fingers.

Just to kidnap two people, five million was not a low price.

“It’s too little.” Old Cain smiled as he exhaled smoke rings.

“You name the price, then,” Juan frowned and said.

“Ten million, not a dime less,” Old Cain said.

Juan did not hesitate and said decisively, “Deal, but you must be quick.”

“Don’t worry. Before the sun sets tomorrow, I’ll definitely hand him over to you. It’ s not a difficult
task. It’s not like you don’t know the big things we’ve done.”

Juan nodded. He recalled the series of robberies that Old Cain and his gang had pulled off. A
bright smile gradually appeared on his face.

“I’ll wait for your good news, then. The deposit will be credited to your account immediately.”

The sun rose, and the golden-red rays reflected the clouds in the sky. The sight filled people’s
hearts with hope.

Wynn drove to work. When she arrived at the downstairs of the company, she was shocked to
see that the company’s tempered glass door had been smashed to pieces.

Something had happened!

This was Wynn’s first thought.

Without thinking about it, Wynn quickly got out of the car and rushed into the company.

The company was in a mess with traces of things being smashed everywhere. Wynn’s heart
went cold as she realized that something big must have happened. Otherwise, the company
would not have been destroyed into such a state. The person who did it must be vicious.

Taking out her mobile phone, Wynn was about to call the police when she heard footsteps
behind her. Turning her head in a panic, Wynn saw Old Cain.

Old Cain grinned, and the centipede-like scar on his face wiggled as if it had come to life.

“Hey pretty, you must be Wynn Johnston. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”
“W-Who are you? Why did you wreck our company?” Wynn stepped back while speaking. Her
hand that was holding the phone was shaking. She wanted to press the phone number but her
trembling fingers refused to cooperate.

“Don’t struggle. If you behave, you can suffer less. Otherwise, I won’t have mercy on you even if
you’re a woman.”

Old Cain walked up to Wynn and grabbed the back of her collar, lifting her easily.

Wynn struggled in terror, while Old Cain waved his big hand in front of her.

“If you don‘t behave, I’ll slap your face.”

Seeing the palm full of calluses, Wynn dared not struggle anymore.

Old Cain carried Wynn to the conference room, where the tables and chairs had been pushed to
the corners. The large room was full of the company’s top executives squatting around.

Wynn swept her gaze around and saw Martin, Bernard, and Liam. They were all squatting in the
crowd with their heads in their hands and trembling.

Chapter 2296
Martin, Bernard, and the others had been cursing inwardly for quite a while.

Originally, when they received news that Wynn was back, they wanted to come over to check
out the situation. At the same time, they wanted to use their identities as elders to exert some
pressure on Wynn. After all, Martin’s pharmaceutical group was also doing quite well and was
now on par with Beacon Group. Moreover, Martin had received instructions from the boss
behind him to make things difficult for Wynn.

In addition, he still held a grudge against Beacon Group and wanted to find ways to acquire it.
However, he unexpectedly ran into this crappy situation of the enemy seeking revenge.

“Find a rope and tie this beautiful chick to the chair,” Old Cain said carefreely.

One of his subordinates came over with a chair. Old Cain put Wynn on the chair, and the
subordinate began to tie Wynn to the chair with ropes.

Old Cain snatched Wynn’s phone from her hand, looked at it, and opened the address book.

“What’s your husband’s phone number?” Old Cain tilted his head and asked.

When Martin and the others heard Old Cain’s words, they stared at Wynn, thinking that this
mess was caused by Philip and Wynn.
“Can the two of you do something good in this life? You only know to invite trouble all day long.
Who the hell did you mess with this time?”

“They even came to the company and are holding us hostage now. Wynn, shouldn‘t you say

“Mister, we have nothing to do with them. We were just passing by. Why don’t you let us go?”

Martin and the others roared as their fear turned into anger. Even those with money were afraid
of meeting someone who did not care about dying.

Wynn was also a little confused. She and Philip had been on Arcadia Island recently and did not
mess with anyone. She did not recognize these people in front of her either. Why were they
doing this?

“Who are you and what exactly is this about?” Wynn forced herself to remain calm and asked.

After knowing about the Clarke family, Wynn was not as afraid of things now.

“Don’t you know the reason, pretty?”

Old Cain sat on the chair with a smile and took the cigarette handed by his underling. “Everyone
else is a forgetful nobleman, but here, you’re the forgetful beauty.”

“I don’t know you. Who are you and why are you doing this?” Wynn exclaimed loudly.

“Hehe, since you don’t remember, forget it, then. But this matter is related to you and your
husband. As for the rest of these people, just think of them as collateral damage.”

Old Cain’s eyes were full of taunting. He felt quite happy to be teasing Wynn. After all, there
were not many opportunities to tease beautiful women like this.

“Wynn, you’ve been away for so long. What exactly did you do with Philip? Even if you’ve
offended others, don’t drag us down with you!” Liam roared angrily.

Now that they were caught by these vicious-looking people, they might really end up dead!

Wynn shook her head, unable to answer Liam’s rebuke because she could not figure it out

Seeing Wynn’s pale face, Old Cain happily puffed a mouthful of white smoke at her. The
pungent smoke choked Wynn into coughing.
“Oh, the great beauty isn’t used to the smell of cigarettes. Seeing how delicate you are, I’m
about to feel some compassion. But I can’t ignore the job that I’ve taken on, so I have to do this
to you.”

Old Cain felt that he had teased her enough, so he picked up Wynn’s phone and began to look
through her address book.

Chapter 2297
“I’m going to get your husband to come over. If he arrives within ten minutes, nothing will
happen. If he’s one minute late, I’ll randomly pick one person here and break their finger.”

Hearing Old Cain’s words, Martin and the others turned pale as they panicked.

“Mister, we have a grudge against Philip too. You can’t do this to us. We can help you scold
Philip and beat him up. Please let us go.” Liam was so frightened that he wailed and howled.

Martin trembled and said, “Let’s discuss this without resorting to violence, okay? We can pay up.
Don’t put Philip’s fault on us. That guy has nothing to do with us.”

“We have nothing to do with Philip and Wynn. Just let us go. We’ll pretend that we know nothing
about this. We definitely won’t say anything after we leave. We won’t tell anyone,” Bernard

A bunch of spineless company executives and employees also expressed their desire to
distance themselves from Philip and Wynn.

Old Cain laughed darkly, waved his hand, and said, “I like it when people are indignant. I’ll beat
them up until they yield and make those sounds my background music.”

Like a tiger approaching a flock of sheep, a bunch of thugs punched and kicked Martin and the
others until they howled and cried miserably.

Wynn was frightened. Her whole body trembled slightly as tears kept flowing down her eyes.
“Why are you doing this? You’re going too far with this.”

“Beautiful, you ‘ll know why later. Pray that your husband arrives soon.”

Old Cain found Philip’s phone number and pressed it.

When Philip heard the ringing, he took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID. He
immediately answered the call and said, “Hey, dear.”

“To hell with ‘dear’! Your wife is in my hands!”

“Who are you?! What have you done to my wife?! You must not hurt her. Come at me if there’s
anything!” Philip roared.

It had only been a few days since they returned and Wynn had been kidnapped again. Who
could it be?

Philip pondered while he walked out of the house quickly. No matter who did it, he had to rush
over to save Wynn immediately.

Could it be due to his inheritance of the Clarke family that some people behind the scenes were
getting restless?

Perhaps hostile forces outside the country were responsible for this?

“Oh, it seems you’re quite sentimental. Worried about your wife, huh? Let’s listen to some
background music first.”

Old Cain happily held up the phone toward Martin and the others who were being beaten.
Seeing Old Cain’s action, the thugs started beating the hostages with all their might.

“Ouch, it hurts! Damn you, Philip Clarke! You’re the bastard causing us to get beaten up. Get
the f*ck over here!”

“Philip, you jinx! If you don’t come over at once, your wife will end up getting beaten like this

“Wynn, you damn well speak to Philip and tell him to hurry over, or we’re going to be killed!”

Martin and the others cursed angrily. Their voices reached Philip’s ears through the call.

Hearing the howls and curses of Martin and the others, Philip suddenly thought of a place, the

Only in the company could Martin and the others be with Wynn. Only in the company could
there be so many people!

According to the tempers of Martin and the others, they would definitely show up at the door
when they knew Wynn had returned.

Philip identified the place where Wynn was held and quickly drove the Bentley at the door in the
direction of Beacon Group.

Chapter 2298
Old Cain allowed Philip to listen for half a minute before he put the phone back to his ear and
said, “Did you hear that? They’re quite happy to curse you.”

“Who are you and what do you want?” Philip roared angrily.

“I want you to come over and play a game. I’ll give you ten minutes to get to the company’s
meeting room. Otherwise, you can just wait and see your wife being played by us. Hahaha, I like
your wife very much. She’s a feisty one.”

Old Cain ended the call and casually tossed the phone aside.

“The ten-minute countdown starts now. You’d better hope that the punk will arrive on time, but
the traffic today is quite bad. Maybe he’ll be a few hours late.”

Hearing Old Cain’s words, Martin and the others trembled more violently. A group of people with
bruised noses and swollen faces shrank together and trembled. They looked like a nest of newly
born quails shivering in the cold wind.

Wynn lowered her head and said nothing. She hoped that Philip would arrive, but at the same
time, she hoped he would not. The conflicting emotions made Wynn extremely uncomfortable.

Philip drove the Bentley, and the car’s speed had almost reached the limit. After running through
many red lights, he finally arrived at the door of the company. He braked hard and the car
drifted. Before the Bentley came to a complete stop, Philip opened the door and jumped out. He
landed steadily and stood at the door of the company.

At the wrecked company’s entrance, two thugs with baseball bats looked at Philip with smiles.

“Nice racing skills. Are you Philip Clarke?”

“Yes,” Philip replied icily and walked into the entrance.

“Our Master Cain wants to see you. Come with us obediently.”

Philip looked at the two thugs and abruptly punched out. His two fists hit the two thugs on the
left and right respectively.

The eyelids of the two thugs twitched wildly. When they were about to swing the baseball bat in
a conditioned reflex, Philip’s fists had already arrived.

Biff, bang!

The two thugs were knocked unconscious by Philip without even making a grunt.
Without even looking at the two thugs who had passed out, Philip walked into the office building
and went straight to the meeting room.

Philip arrived at the entrance of the meeting room without obstacles.

The thug guarding the door saw Philip arrive and opened the door of the meeting room with a

“Master Cain, that kid is here.”

Old Cain was taken aback and glanced at the time on his phone before he said with
dissatisfaction, “How did this punk get here so quickly? Can’t we get to play a brutal game

Philip made eye contact with Old Cain before he kicked the thug at the door, sending him flying
into the meeting room.

Wynn cried with joy. She knew Philip would come, but she did not expect him to get here so

Martin and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They finally did not have to worry about Old
Cain’s ten-minute game now, but seeing the thug being kicked into the meeting room by Philip,
the hearts of Martin and the others instantly went cold.

What the hell was Philip doing?!

Was he trying to get them killed by these thugs?

“Philip, what are you doing? Do you know that we’re all hostages here? Even if you’re not
thinking of us, you have to think about your wife’s safety!” Martin roared anxiously.

If Philip angered these people and caused them to start a killing spree, everyone in this room
would have to die.

“Philip, I know you’re no ordinary person now, but don’t mess around! This is not the place for
you to run wild! Hurry up and respectfully apologize to the big shot here!”

“You’re disrespecting them just to get us killed, right? Even if we die, we’ll haunt you!”

Martin and the others hated Philip with all their hearts. At this point, Philip was still trying to
invite trouble. He was going to get all of them killed!

Chapter 2299
A gang of thugs stared at Philip intently, feeling extremely angry at the way Philip made his
arrogant appearance.

Old Cain’s cheek twitched, causing the centipede-like scar on his face to wiggle back and forth
as if it was about to eat people.

“How gutsy of you. Your wife‘s life is in our hands and you still dare to mess around.”

“Your lives are in my hands,” Philip said coldly as he walked toward Old Cain.

“Hold it right there! Take one more step and I’ll kill your wife!”

A thug held a steel pipe and pointed at Wynn’s head.

Wynn smiled as she looked at Philip, her tears already blurring her vision. The fact that Philip
could come was the most gratifying thing for Wynn.

After shooting Wynn a reassuring look, Philip steadily stopped in his tracks.

Old Cain looked at Philip with a sneer and said disdainfully, “You have guts but not brains.”

The corners of Philip’s mouth twitched slightly as he looked at Old Cain with a subtle smile.

Seeing Philip’s expression, Old Cain felt uncomfortable all over. It was as if Philip had no fear at

Was this kid really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

Old Cain looked at Philip with some doubts and felt that he could not see through Philip.

In the past, anyone caught by Old Cain’s gang would act like Martin and the others, panicked
and at a loss. Just a little beating and intimidation would scare them sh*tless. However, Philip
was too calm as if he was afraid of nothing and everything was within his grasp.

“Charge! Beat him up until his parents can’t recognize him!” Old Cain roared.

Old Cain felt that Philip was just pretending. Such deceptive acts would quickly be exposed
under kicks and punches. By then, Philip could only kneel and beg for mercy.

Martin and the others watched Philip closely, waiting to see him get beaten. It was because of
Philip they were beaten and intimidated just now. Their sufferings must be returned to Philip by
at least tenfold. After all, they had suffered quite a bit under Philip’s hands in the past.
The thugs howled and rushed at Philip, brandishing baseball bats and steel pipes dauntingly. A
burly guy behind Old Cain said with a sneer, “Master Cain, let’s make a bet and see how many
seconds this kid can last.”

This was a game that they liked to play the most. In the past, Old Cain would win most of the

Old Cain smacked his lips twice and said with a smile, “I can see a trace of ruthlessness in his
eyes. He can last for three minutes.”

“Whoa, Master Cain, you think too highly of him. Although these thugs are just so-so, they’re no
Tom, Dick, and Harry either. I think this kid can last for a minute at most.”

“One minute is too long. Let’s start the clock from now. I don’t think this wimp can last 30

Old Cain’s subordinate took out his cell phone and pulled up the stopwatch to start timing.

“Anyone who loses will buy me dinner for a month,” Old Cain said mildly.

“No problem. I’ll sure to win this time.”

As the burly guy with the phone said, two thugs were already sent flying.

“Damn it, this wimp is quite savage. He can still send people flying under siege.”

Old Cain and the others focused on Philip in the crowd. They only saw Philip darting around
right and left. He held a steel pipe he stole in his hands. He easily suppressed a group of thugs
by himself.

“Damn it, is he really a wimp? Just his skills alone are worth bragging about.”

“We met a tough one this time. No wonder that Parker guy dared not take action. He must have
suffered a big loss, so he got us instead.”

Hearing his subordinates’ discussion, Old Cain instantly felt a little annoyed. He frowned and
said, “Watch him carefully and pay attention to find out this kid’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
If we need to take action later, we know what to do. After all, our strength can’t be too exposed
to the public. Otherwise, if the people of the Supernatural Bureau find out, we won’t be able to

“No way, I reckon he can only keep this up for one minute. When his strength is exhausted later,
he’ll definitely bow down.”
Although Philip appeared very ferocious right now, Old Cain’s subordinates were not optimistic
about him. All of them practiced supernatural abilities, and they had entered the Nonagon to
study for some time too. They had experienced all the big spectacles and also had a deep
understanding of fighting.

Chapter 2300
Fighting was a physically demanding exercise. Although one often did not feel tired in a state of
tension, that was only the mental state. Often, many people would suddenly break down while
fighting, simply because their physical strength could not keep up. When their physical energy
was severely depleted, even if the spirit was excited, the body would say no.

At this moment, Philip was in a state of unrestrained energy consumption, so Old Cain’s
subordinates judged that Philip’s physical strength would not last long.

A true expert would control their pace and save their physical strength to the greatest extent to
prolong the fight.

Old Cain naturally understood the subordinates’ meaning, but looking at Philip getting more
vigorous the longer he fought, he could not help but feel that perhaps this guy in front of him
was not normal. It was all because of the look in Philip’s eyes just now. That gaze made an
indescribable feeling well in his heart.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry. Let’s just talk about the two of you. If you were in his position,
can you do what he did? He’s just an ordinary person. One against a dozen is already very

Old Cain pointed to the ground as he spoke. More than a dozen thugs were sprawled on the
floor, groaning while clutching their chests without the strength to even get up. The two
subordinates hesitated for a moment before shaking their heads in unison. It was almost
impossible for them to accomplish such a feat no matter how hard they tried.

“Boss, no matter how amazing he is, he’s just a normal person. If you take action, he’ll be
doomed for sure.” An underling tried to flatter his boss at this moment.

Wynn stared at Philip with wide eyes, worried that he would be hurt. Although she had seen
Philip fighting against a group of people several times, she still could not help but worry. After
all, Wynn had not seen the strength of Philip’s superpowers.

Not to mention that Philip had now surpassed ordinary people. Seeing those thugs sent flying
one after another by Philip, Wynn finally relaxed a little.

Martin and the others were already dumbfounded, their staring eyes as big as eggs and their
jaws wide open.
They could not believe what they were seeing in front of them. How could Philip be so good at

Was this still the wimp who could be abused and humiliated at will before?

However, this thought quickly turned into anger. Martin and the others felt that since Philip could
fight so well, why did he not come to their rescue earlier?

Why did he not dispel the crisis before it happened?

Everything was Philip’s fault. Philip was the one who caused the trouble and implicated

“These useless punks. They beat us so energetically just now. Why are they so useless when
fighting against Philip?!” Martin said vehemently.

Bernard waved his fists lightly. “It’s best to kill Philip. After he’s dead, there won’t be so much
trouble in the future. We really should have gotten rid of him earlier!”

Liam’s eyes were red, and he prayed silently in his heart that those thugs would kill Philip
quickly so the guy would not prance around anymore.

However, things did not go as they wished. While they hoped for Philip to be killed on the spot,
Philip made a roundhouse kick and hit out with a steel pipe. He finally knocked out the last six
thugs surrounding him. Philip stood on the spot without any signs of exertion and looked at Old
Cain coldly.

Old Cain uncrossed his legs and sat upright. The muscles of his body gradually tensed as his
aura gradually gathered. He looked like a tiger entering battle mode.

“This speed is really unexpected. None of us won the bet this time.”

Old Cain’s subordinate looked at the stopwatch app on his phone that had been stopped and
was taken aback. These dozens of experienced thugs did not last more than a minute under
Philip’s hands. Even a gangster with impressive strength like Old Cain was a little surprised.

To be fair, if he were an ordinary person, what would have happened if he was in Philip’s shoes
just now?

Old Cain felt that even if he could kill those thugs, he would suffer serious injuries for sure.

However, Philip was not injured at all-not even a scratch.

This scene made Old Cain feel a sense of powerlessness. It seemed that things had deviated
from the proper track and destiny seemed to have replaced Old Cain’s script with Philip’s script.

“Philip Clarke, you’re really surprising, but do you think you can save your wife like this?” Old
Cain got up and was ready to take action personally.

Chapter 2301
“Why not?” Philip said nonchalantly.

The thugs had all been incapacitated, and the only opponents left were Old Cain and his two
subordinates. Although the auras exuded from those three were not weak, Philip did not take
them seriously at all.

If it really came down to a fight, Philip was sure that they would not last more than a second.
The only thing he needed to watch out for was to ensure that his supernatural ability was not
exposed in this situation.

The two subordinates behind Old Cain had already taken two steps forward and were standing
in front of him, forming a triangle.

This was the starting position of the Triangle Formation that Old Cain and his two subordinates
had practiced for a long time since they started training in the Nonagon. After honing their skills
for so long, the cooperation between the three could be said to have reached a perfect state.

However, they had never used the Triangle Formation in actual combat. It was not that they did
not want to but there had never been an opportunity to do so. Even in the face of the pursuit by
the Soldier King, the trio did not activate this killing formation.

The Soldier King who once hunted them down was eventually beaten and maimed by them. He
was nowhere to be found now.

However, facing Philip at this moment, they made a tacit decision to use the Triangle Formation.
This might be their only fighting chance.

Old Cain threw the half-smoked cigarette in his mouth to the ground, then lifted his foot to crush
the cigarette out.

“Young people really don’t know their limits. If you squat on the ground with your hands on your
head right now, I can still give you a way out. Otherwise, only death awaits you.”

Philip did not say anything but just stretched out his hand and hooked his finger at the three.

Old Cain narrowed his eyes and knew a fight was inevitable.
“You’re courting death!” Old Cain shouted sharply. Like a tiger out of the cage, he pounced on
Philip with his hands bent into sharp claws. They carried a layer of weak energy that formed a
sharp air blade, which was sent clawing at Philip’s chest.

Although it was a simple move, when Old Cain performed it, there was a sense of magic.

A strong wind whistled and Old Cain’s hands seemed to have turned into sharp claws. If he
could grab Philip’s body, a large chunk of flesh would be clawed out.

Old Cain’s two subordinates moved at the same time. They flanked Philip from the left and right,
attacking Philip from the side and back.

One kicked Philip’s knee socket, while the other punched Philip’s lumbar spine.

The key to the Triangle Formation was to move in and out together and attack at the same time.
They were basically constantly exchanging their lives for each other. No matter who Philip
faced, his opponent would definitely attack Philip desperately to create opportunities for the
other two.

At this moment, Old Cain went out of his way and desperately tried to hold Philip back to create
an opportunity for his two subordinates. Old Cain knew that as long as he could hold Philip back
and let the other two hit Philip’ s vital points, Philip would be crippled even if he managed to
survive. At that time, Old Cain could easily take down Philip.

Philip’s eyes became colder and colder. The temperature around him instantly dropped by
several degrees.

Philip was never serious before this, but now, Philip got serious.

Flipping his hands, Philip did not retreat but advanced, rushing toward Old Cain who wanted to
pounce on him. Old Cain was fast, but Philip was faster. Philip’s hands formed afterimages in
the air. Before Old Cain could react, Philip had already grabbed Old Cain by the neck using his
right hand.

Old Cain’s forward movement suddenly stalled as fear rushed from his heart to his head.
Looking down at Philip’s hand grabbing his neck, Old Cain’s thoughts were in a mess.


‘This kid… He was not an ordinary person!’

‘He was supernatural too!’

Philip rushed forward as he grabbed Old Cain by the neck, while his left hand ruthlessly
smacked Old Cain on the chest.

Chapter 2302

The sound of broken bones was heard. Feeling the sharp pain in his chest, Old Cain felt that
several of his ribs must have been broken by Philip.

The attacks from Old Cain’s two subordinates completely fell short. As Philip pinned Old Cain
against the wall and bludgeoned him, the two guy’s eyelids twitched wildly.

Was this guy still an ordinary person?

Old Cain’s martial art was not practiced in vain. His body was as solid as a man of steel, but he
still spat out mouthfuls of blood upon getting beaten up by Philip against the wall.

Chills gushed from the soles of their feet straight to their brains. Old Cain’s two subordinates
looked at each other and hesitated for a while before deciding to save Old Cain. However, Old
Cain had been beaten to a pulp by Philip at this moment and was placed on a chair casually by

“Sit down and watch as I take care of them nice and tidy,” Philip said with a smile.

Old Cain’s mouth kept gushing with blood. There was an expression of great pain on his face.
He could hardly count the number of broken bones in his body. He felt as if all the bones in his
body had been broken by Philip.

This was a ruthless man, simply brutal!

Moreover, his strength was not below his!

Old Cain was not even considered a disciple of the first zone. At best, he could perform a few
supernatural moves and knew how to develop his potential. Old Cain made a conclusion.

His two subordinates stopped in their tracks, their legs trembling slightly. The thought of
escaping welled up in their hearts. They could no longer muster the will to fight Philip. The
Triangle Formation was already used, which was a method to exchange life for life. Even so,
they were still no match for Philip.

Just by looking at Philip’s ruthlessness just now, they knew they had met a tough opponent
today. They decided to turn around and flee!
However, as soon as the two took a step, Philip jumped up and swept his leg across, kicking the
two to the floor. Philip landed smoothly and looked at the two with contempt.

Old Cain’s two subordinates spat out blood from their mouths. They suffered serious internal
injuries under Philip’s kick

“Mister, we were wrong. We’re just doing our jobs, all to earn money to support our family.
Please let us go.”

“We have old mothers to support and young children to raise. If not for the lack of money, who
would do such a thing?”

Philip sneered, raised his foot, and kicked the necks of the two, knocking them unconscious.
Philip then walked quickly to Wynn and untied the ropes on her body.

“Wynnie, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Wynn jumped into Philip’s arms and hugged him tightly. At that moment, she knew how safe she
felt with Philip around.

Martin and the others gradually recovered from their shock. Someone abruptly shouted for them
to run. Martin was startled like a deer and swarmed out with the crowd, lest he remained as a
hostage if he ran too slowly.

The small conference room door could only accommodate three people standing side-by-side,
but with the swarming crowd trying to escape, they were stuck at the door.

Wynn looked at the blocked conference room door and could not help laughing. She said in a
low voice, “They’re so silly.”

“Indeed. Wynnie, wait here. I’ll help them go out in an orderly manner. Later, you should go back
to the office and have some rest. I’d like to ask who’s behind this.”

Wynn nodded slightly and let go of Philip.

Philip walked to the congested door, separated the crowd in front of him, and looked at the four
people stuck in the doorway. Philip lifted his foot and kicked the people stuck in the doorway out
of the door. “Practice some order. What’s the rush?”

No one paid any attention to Philip and simply ran out. Soon, everyone had left. Philip helped
Wynn out and sent her back to her office to rest.
Chapter 2303
After getting Wynn settled, Philip returned to the conference room and stood in front of Old Cain,
Whose head drooped to his chest. Old Cain no longer had the same imposing appearance as
before. He looked like he was going to die at any moment.

Philip grabbed Old Cain’s hair and yanked his head up.

Old Cain opened his eyelids weakly and looked up at Philip, his heart filled with endless regret.


The simple word that came out of Philip‘s mouth seemed to carry endless pressure.

Old Cain’s mind was quite clear at this time. He knew that if he continued to be obstinate, he
would probably meet his doom at any minute.

“It… It’s Mr. Juan Parker. He asked us to kidnap the two of you and send you to Dragon Club.
The price for the job is ten million.”

“Juan Parker!”

A murderous intent flashed in Philip’s eyes.

Philip thought that Juan would not mess with him again and no longer had the intention of killing
him. However, Juan’s actions now gave Philip the idea of getting rid of him once and for all.

Juan had targeted Wynn again, which was something Philip absolutely could not tolerate.

“Very well. I’ll let you live. Be a good person from now on. If I see you doing bad things again,
just wait to meet your maker.”

Philip loosened his grip on Old Cain’s hair, turned around, and left the conference room.

Liam quickly rushed over with people from the relevant departments. They rushed past Phflip
and went straight to the conference room.

Soon, Old Cain and the others were dragged out and taken away in a car.

Liam stared at Philip and said angrily, “Come with me to the office. My dad and the rest want to
see you.”

“I still have to take care of my wife. I don’t have time.” Philip decisively refused.

“Take care of her, my *ss! She’s already there! You’re the only one left! Hurry up and go!”
Liam left with a flick of his hand. Philip helplessly followed behind Liam and walked to the office
together with him.

Martin was smoking a cigarette sullenly in the office while Bernard was spitefully reprimanding

“What are you and Philip doing? Are you trying to get us killed? We came here to talk about
cooperation but we almost got killed here. You have to give us an explanation for this!”

Bernard had received instructions from Martin to deliberately find fault with Wynn. Due to the
two uncles’ identities, Wynn merely listened without fuss.

Philip walked into the office and looked at Bernard coldly. Bernard shuddered and felt chills all
over his body. He could not help thinking of how Philip had dealt with him in the past. Moreover,
the scene of Philip going up against dozens of thugs just now appeared in Bernard’s mind.
Faced with such a lunatic, Bernard felt that it would be better to keep his mouth shut. If Philip
got angry, who knew if he might go on another killing spree?

Martin held the cigarette butt and crushed it in the ashtray, narrowing his eyes at Philip.

“You need to give us an explanation for what happened today! Or else, we won’t leave! We’ll
also arrange for someone to publicize this matter!”

Wynn looked at Philip and lowered her head without saying anything.

Philip walked to stand beside Wynn and said indifferently, “You don’t need to know what’s going
on. I’ll take care of it.”


Martin picked up the ashtray on the table and threw it at Philip’s feet angrily.


The glass ashtray shattered allover the floor.

Chapter 2304
“Who do you think you are?! You’re just a son-in-law of my Johnston family! Philip, don’t think
that just because you have some status and power, you can ignore us! Let me tell you, I’m not
someone you can easily mess with! I admit that in the past, we couldn’t fight you! But now, I
have a big boss behind me! I’m afraid someone like you isn’t good enough anymore!” Martin
roared and vented all his pent-up anger.

After roaring out all the grievances he had suffered due to Philip in the past, Martin felt

Philip laughed lightly. “What? With a big boss supporting you from behind, you aren’t afraid of
me anymore? Martin Johnston, I didn’t expect you to become arrogant after not seeing you for a

Looking at Philip, Liam could not help his anger and roared. “You’re still pretending! We‘ve all
figured out your identity! You’re just a bankrupt young master from the Clarke family. You
invested in Buffer abroad and made some money by investing in stocks. What’s there to brag
about? Oh, do you think it’s amazing to know people like Theo Zander and Victor Bell? I’m
telling you, you can’t afford to mess with the big boss behind my dad! If she wants to touch you,
she can kill you in minutes!”

“Wynn! You should discipline your husband and get him to tell us everything! This is not your
own business but a matter related to the safety of our family! We don’t want to get implicated! If
you can‘t resolve the problem, give Beacon Group to us and we’ll resolve it for you.”

Liam was still full of fear. If such a thing happened again, he would definitely have a nervous
breakdown. However, his last sentence revealed his purpose.

Philip glanced at the three people and saw through everything.

“I’ll handle this matter with Philip. No matter the outcome, it won’t implicate you. Please rest
assured.” Wynn said with a hint of coldness in the corner of her eyes.

After all, this was Beacon. It had nothing to do with Martin and the others.

“Damn it, are you still sticking your nose in the air? Do you really think we don’t dare to deal with
you?” Liam roared sternly.

Martin snorted coldly and backed Liam up. “Wynn, as your second uncle, I’m doing this for your
own good. After all, we’re family. If you really encounter something that can’t be solved, tell me
and I’ll definitely help you.”

“I’ve said everything that needs to be said. Philip and I will deal with it.” Wynn said firmly.

Liam walked up to Wynn and yelled angrily, “Do you really think you’re some big shot now? You
’re just a b*tch!”

“At this point, what’s there to pretend? Do you still have your nose up in the air? I’m going to
beat you to death!”
Liam was furious and swung his hand toward Wynn’s cheek.

Before Liam’s slap landed, Philip moved and kicked Liam in the stomach, sending him rolling to
the floor. “Do you want to die?” Philip said coldly.

Liam felt his stomach churning with pain as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. “How
dare you kick me? Just you wait. Don’t think you can do as you please just because you have
some money and know some people!”

Martin helped Liam to his feet. Fearing Philip’s combat skills, he could only yell at Philip.

“Philip, you son of a b*tch! How dare you do this to my son! Very well, then. Just you wait! I‘ll
see how you can solve today’s matter! Also, let me tell you. Our company will officially be
competing against you! I wanted to have a good talk with you at first, but seeing you like this,
forget it!”

Martin supported Liam and walked out. Seeing this, Bernard dared not stay any longer and
followed them out.

“Martin, wait for me. Philip is simply too arrogant. We must do something!” Bernard only dared
to speak loudly after he left the door.

Martin was full of anger and roared. “They must be killed! Otherwise, this matter won’t be over!
Contact Boss Young immediately and say that we’re ready to make a move!”

Chapter 2305
Wynn watched Martin and the others leave. She took Philip’s hand, looked at him worriedly, and
asked, “Do you know who did it? Can you handle it?”

“I do, and I will.”

Philip said lightly, “There’s nothing that can’t be handled. Don’t forget your husband’s identity.”

“Then you must be careful. The company has already become like this. I have to take care of
the aftermath and at least get the company back to its normal operation.”

Wynn was still concerned about the company’s business. If Wynn washed her hands off this
matter at this time, the entire company would have to shut down all operations. It would cause
huge damage to the company’s business. Wynn had put a lot of effort into bringing the company
from the brink of bankruptcy to where it was today. Naturally, she did not want her efforts to go
down the drain.
Philip nodded lightly. “I’ll be going, then. Take your time in cleaning up the company. There’s no

“Okay, I know. I’ll wait for you to come back.” Wynn gently pushed Philip. Philip turned around
and walked out

Looking at Philip’s departing back, Wynn folded her hands and silently prayed for Philip’s safety.
Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Wynn left the office and arranged for employees
to clean the place up, repurchase damaged office supplies, and so on.

Philip left the company, took out his phone, and called George Thomas.

“Young Lord, what are your orders?” George asked respectfully.

Philip had handed over many things in Arcadia Island to George and several butlers to take care
of. He became a hands-off boss.

Roger also began to step down as chairman of the board from the various industries of the
Clarke family. He started to seclude himself. Thus, George was very busy recently.

Philip said coldly, “Investigate Juan Parker and find out who’s behind him now. Investigate

Hearing Philip’s cold voice, George’s heart suddenly thumped wildly. If he remembered
correctly, Juan Parker used to be Philip’s friend and had messed with Philip before.

He still dared to mess around?

“Please hold on. I can get the information immediately.”

George gave a few orders to the assistant beside him, who quickly came to stand beside
George while holding a laptop.

“Young Lord, Juan Parker has some influence now. Most of his businesses are concentrated in
the investment and entertainment industry. He knows many people in the underground world.
He holds a listed investment company, and the boss behind the scenes is a woman named
Yana Young.”

George read out all of Juan’s current information in detail as Philip listened quietly.

‘Yana Young?’

When George finished reading the information, Juan’s location was also found.

“Young Lord, Juan is now in the Golden Dragon Room of First Dragon Club. Do you need me to
send someone to capture him?”

“No, I’ll take care of him myself.”

Philip ended the call and hailed a cab from the roadside to First Dragon Club.

Philip simply could not tolerate that Juan had targeted Wynn again. This matter must not go

The cab sped the entire way. Ten minutes later, Philip arrived at the entrance of First Dragon

At the magnificent entrance of First Dragon Club, two rows of fierce-looking security guards
stood. The security guards held rubber batons in their hands and posed as if they were facing a
great enemy.

Philip got out of the cab and walked toward First Dragon Club. The two rows of security guards
looked at Philip in unison. Someone else would have been frightened into turning away, but
Philip simply ignored them.

Seeing Philip approaching, a security guard strode forward and waved at Philip.

Chapter 2306
“Stop! First Dragon Club has been reserved by VIPs today. Outsiders are not allowed to enter.”

“What if I insist on going in?” Philip asked blandly.

The two rows of security guards burst into laughter. Everyone knew that Philip was here to look
for trouble, but it was ridiculous that Philip alone dared to ignore the existence of a dozen
security guards.

“Are you deaf or stupid? Don’t you understand what I just said?”

The security guard who walked toward Philip smiled disdainfully and waved the rubber baton in
his hand, trying to drive Philip away.

Philip sneered, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the security guard’s hand that was holding
the rubber baton. Philip twisted his hand with force and broke the security guard’s wrist

The security guard squealed like a pig and immediately stepped back when Philip let go of him.

Seeing something amiss, the rest of the security guards stepped forward to surround Philip.

“Damn it, how dare you cause trouble at First Dragon Club?! Do you want to die? Don’t you
know whose territory this is?”

“The boss behind First Dragon Club is Mr. Parker! How dare you act so arrogantly on Mr.
Parker’s turf? Do you want to get your whole family killed?”

“Hurry up and kneel with your hands on your head, or we won’t go easy on you!”

More than a dozen security guards roared and brandished their rubber batons at Philip, ready to
beat him up at the drop of a hat.

Philip looked at the security guards who surrounded him with contempt. “Get out of the way if
you don’t want to die.”

“F*ck, he still dares to be so arrogant! Go on, kill him!” The security guards sprang into action.

Philip waved his hands. His arms formed shadows in the air as if he had countless arms.

The security guards screamed in pain as the rubber batons in their hands fell one after another.
None of the security guards’ rubber batons could hit Philip. In their eyes, Philip was like a ghost.
They could not pinpoint his exact location at all.

Philip broke the arms and wrists of all the security guards before he stopped and coldly looked
at the screaming guards around.


The frightened security guards fled in a panic. Their wrists were broken and they could not even
make a call. All the security guards who fled only had one thought in mind, which was to hurry to
the hospital.

Philip walked leisurely into First Dragon Club. The attendants in charge of welcoming guests at
the entrance of the club looked at Philip with pale faces.

A supervisor held a walkie-talkie and crouched tremblingly in the corner of the front desk. He
said in a low voice, “Someone broke in. All the security guards couldn’t stop him.”

Philip looked at the supervisor who shuddered nervously as the walkie-talkie in his hand was
tossed out.
“Mister, I’m just…”

Without waiting for the supervisor to explain, Philip had already stepped into the club’s corridor.

The usually bustling club had become extremely deserted because only Juan and his
subordinates were in the huge First Dragon Club today. Juan was waiting for Old Cain’s arrival,
but that would never happen now.

A bodyguard quickly walked to Juan’s side, bowed, and said, “Mr. Parker, someone broke in
from outside and the security guards couldn’t stop him.”

“Oh? Who is so bold?” Juan said indifferently.

The bodyguard turned on the TV inside the club. Surveillance footage soon appeared on the TV.
Philip’s figure emerged from the surveillance footage, and Juan’s eyes snapped wide open.

“Huh? Why is be here?!”

The first thought that popped into Juan’s mind was that Old Cain had failed, but when he
thought of Old Cain’s skills, Juan dismissed the thought again. That person was a supernatural
being, not an ordinary person!

Even if Philip had some wealth and skills, he should not be able to defeat a supernatural being!

However, if Old Cain did not fail, why would Philip appear here?

Could it be that Old Cain sold Juan out?

Juan’s thoughts went back and forth before he finally roared grimly. “Mobilize all the
bodyguards! Kill him!”

Chapter 2307
Following Juan’s order, numerous bodyguards poured out from the four private rooms next to
Juan’s room.

As Juan was wary of Old Cain, he prepared many bodyguards in advance to guard against Old
Cain. However, before Old Cain arrived, Philip showed up at the door first, just in time for these
bodyguards to take care of Philip.

Seeing the hordes of bodyguards swarming out of the rooms on the surveillance screen, Juan
smirked. “Whoever comes today has to bow down, be it a dragon or a tiger. I just wonder what
the hell Old Cain is up to, allowing Philip to get here.”

Juan muttered and felt that he must find out the situation on Old Cain’s side.
Taking the phone and looking up the address book, Juan found Old Cain’s phone number. He
dialed it.

“Hello, who are you looking for?”

An unfamiliar voice came from the phone. Juan’s eyebrows twitched, and he felt vaguely
uneasy. “I’m looking for Old Cain. Who are you?”

“I’m from the Supernatural Bureau. Old Cain has been detained by us because of kidnapping
and violation of relevant regulations. However, due to his severe injuries, he’s temporarily in the
hospital for emergency rescue. Are you his family member?”

The voice on the phone made Juan feel surreal. ‘Old Cain was arrested?’

He was even severely injured. What the hell was going on?

Even the Soldier King could not catch hold of Old Cain. How could anyone in Riverdale take him

He was a supernatural being. Could an ordinary person go up against him?

What the hell was going on here?!

A chill welled up in Juan’s heart as a scene of some strange bodyguards around Philip
appeared in his mind. It seemed that everything had an explanation now.

Could Philip be more powerful than Old Cain?

Was he also a supernatural being or a disciple of the door?

Otherwise, how could Old Cain be defeated?

Juan questioned himself inwardly and looked at the man in black sitting in the corner of the

The man in black had covered his face with a black cloth and was sleeping soundly on the sofa.
He was a foreign expert invited by Juan at a high price. He had studied behind the door of
Country M and was a genuine disciple of the third zone.

He was rumored to be a great master from Fusha and the exiled disciple of the current master
of jiu-jitsu. His name was Luka Sanchez.
Luka was very talented, and because he was very much loved by the master of jiu-jitsu, he was
very arrogant. Later, he clashed with the disciples of other martial art disciplines in Fusha and
killed those disciples on the street. In a fit of rage, the jiu-jitsu master cut off all relations with
Luka. He was also hunted in Fusha because he had invoked public outrage due to the killings.

Later, he went to Country M and joined the 12 Sacred Halls of the West by accident. After
entering the door to train and study, he became a disciple of the third zone when he came out.

Compared to an ordinary supernatural being, he was dozens of times stronger!

It was simply impossible to describe such a person with common sense.

Juan had seen with his own eyes how Luka jumped from a building dozens of meters high and
landed unscathed. It was also that time that Juan paid a lot of money to hire him and made Luka
his personal bodyguard.

As for Luka’s level of strength, Juan judged inwardly that even ten Old Cain’s might not be a
match for Luka. Hence, Luka had become Juan’s trump card.

Seeing Luka sleeping soundly, a smile appeared on Juan’s face. All his worries were forgotten.
With Luka around, he felt that he would definitely be safe.

Chapter 2308
Turning his eyes to the TV, Juan watched the surveillance footage as though he was watching
an entertainment show.

The bodyguards had already rushed into the corridor and surrounded Philip.

“How dare this raging lunatic break into First Dragon Club? Do you know whose territory this is?
By disrespecting Mr. Parker like this, you’re simply looking for death!”

“I’ll give you a chance to repent. Kneel on the floor now and crawl in front of Mr. Parker, or we’ll
break your limbs and drag you to him!” The bodyguards hollered noisily, not taking Philip
seriously at all.

When a group of people surrounded a person, how could they take the person being
surrounded seriously?

Philip turned a deaf ear to the bodyguards’ yelling and just stepped forward.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going? Didn’t you hear me? I told you to kneel!”

“This kid is not stupid, right? His expression is completely abnormal. I like to take care of fools
the most. I’ll drag him to the toilet and treat him as a urinal pot later!”
Several bodyguards said jokingly and pulled out short daggers from their waist.

“Step aside.”

Philip looked at the dagger-wielding bodyguards in front of him and said calmly, “Good dogs
don’t get in the way.”

“Damn it, how dare you call us dogs? You’re really looking for death. Boys, let’s make him a
dead dog!” The angry bodyguards moved together and waved their short daggers at Philip.

Philip sneered and charged toward the group of bodyguards. He waved his arms and hit their
necks. With the rapid movements of Philip’s hands, the bodyguards were hit in the neck and
passed out. This time, Philip did not hold back. Every bodyguard who was hit by Philip in the
neck would have deformed cervical vertebrae in the future. Their necks would be different from
normal people’s.

This was a memento left by Philip to remind them that a good dog should not stand in the way.

Juan and the captain of the bodyguards beside him looked at the situation on the screen. The
captain felt a chill go up to his spine.

“What do you think?” Juan asked indifferently.

“This kid is really ruthless. I’m afraid these bodyguards will be useless in the future. It’s
impossible for their necks to recover.”

The captain was also a knowledgeable person. Just by looking at the shape of the bodyguards’
necks, he could already see how powerful Philip was.

“How much stronger is he than you?”

The captain was silent. This was a difficult question to answer. He silently watched as Philip
abused his bodyguards like a wolf among a flock of sheep. The captain felt that he was far
inferior to Philip.

Initially, the captain wanted to say that the difference was not too much, but if Juan asked him to
join the fight, he would definitely end up dead. It was better to play it down and let the Fusha
expert go instead.

“I don’t think I can last more than ten moves against him. He’s at least on the same level as Old
Juan nodded and opened the cigar box on the table. He took out a cigar and put it between his
fingers. “Old Cain… I don’t think Old Cain is as good as him.”

“What?” The captain was a little surprised.

How awesome could this man’s skills be to be stronger than Old Cain? Before Luka appeared,
the captain once thought that Old Cain was the strongest person around. However, this was
also related to the bodyguard captain’s lack of knowledge. Many experts would not take action
easily, so no one knew exactly how powerful the supernatural experts could be.

“I called Old Cain just now and a stranger answered. He said that Old Cain has been arrested
by the Supernatural Bureau. He’s seriously injured and lying in the hospital.”

Juan was a little nervous, but to show a calm demeanor, he continued to speak to ease his
emotions. The captain listened in a trance. His body was extremely tense.

“Mr. Parker, I think we should let Mr. Sanchez look at the surveillance first. He should at least
have an understanding of this guy so that he knows what to do during the fight later.”

Juan nodded slightly, and the captain immediately turned to look at Luka.

Luka Sanchez, who was sleeping soundly, had already sat up and was watching the
surveillance footage on the TV.

Chapter 2309
Luka was a light sleeper. Even when he was sound asleep, the slightest unusual movement
could wake him up. This was due to the unusual sensory ability he developed after he entered
the 12 Sacred Halls of the West. Otherwise, Luka would already have died in the pursuit.

Awakened by the conversation between Juan and the captain, Luka opened his eyes and saw
the surveillance footage on the TV. After a brief casual glance, a disdainful smile appeared on
Luka’s face.

“Boss, is this your enemy? These bodyguards you have are too useless. You can give me their
salaries instead. I’ll serve you better.”

Juan laughed and casually tossed a cigar to Luka.

“Money is not a problem as long as you can show me your value. This guy will be my test for

Luka nodded slightly and said with a smile, “This test is simply too easy. Just watch me kick his
head off later.”
Luka was full of confidence in himself and full of contempt for Philip.

Although the surveillance footage displayed Philip’s super strength, in Luka’s opinion, Philip’s
level was not even worth mentioning.

He was just better than the average person. Even if he was powerful, at the most, he was at the
beginner level of a supernatural being. This was similar to the difference between an apprentice
magician and a master magician, a huge rift separated them.

To Luka, a disciple of the third zone who had long since transcended the world, Philip was just a
bug that he could easily crush by lifting a finger!

“Hahaha, I look forward to your performance, then. If you can really kick his head off, your salary
will be doubled.”

“Thanks, Boss!”

After Luka said that, he stood up and began to meticulously organize his clothes. He planned to
fight in a cool and dashing manner so that Juan would realize his value.

In the surveillance footage, Philip had brought down all the bodyguards. They were now
sprawled on the floor motionless. The scene looked like a field of dead people. Philip slowly
raised his head to look at the camera. He smiled and gestured at the camera with a swiping
motion across his neck.

A blatant provocation!

Juan’s face turned serious. Both Old Cain and the bodyguards’ failures proved that Philip was
very strong. He was much more powerful than Juan expected. ‘Philip, it’s been a long time. I
didn’t expect that not only are you rich, but you also have some strength that goes beyond
normal people’s.’

“Get ready!” Juan said to the captain beside him.

The captain nodded slightly, drew his pistol from his waist, and loaded the gun with a click.
Holding the pistol, the captain’s heart surged with a sense of pride. No matter how skillful, one
shot could end everything. If Luka also failed, the captain would be the one to save the day.

After all, this pistol was specially customized for door disciples.

Juan spent 30 million dollars to purchase this from the Supernatural Bureau specifically to deal
with disciples and supernatural beings. The pistol contained silver bullets soaked with a special
potion. Even a disciple in the third zone like Luka Sanchez would fall if he were shot with it.
Juan watched the captain pull out the pistol and revealed a smile of satisfaction.

On his left was an expert disciple while on his right was an expert marksman. Even if Philip was
a god, it might be difficult for him to get out alive.


The door of the private room was kicked open and Philip walked in with a frosty face.

Juan sat on the sofa haughtily as he looked at Philip who walked into the room. He said with a
sneer, “Philip, it’s been a while. I didn’t expect you to have some skills, but can you win even if
you manage to barge into this place? You’ve entered hell, while I’m the king of the underworld
who’s in charge of your life and death. If you don’t want. to die, kneel immediately.”

Thinking back on the scene when he kneeled in front of Philip and was humiliated, Juan’s heart
filled with infinite resentment. He must wipe out the shame of his past today.

Chapter 2310
Philip sneered and looked at Juan with contempt. “Haven’t I taught you a good enough lesson?
Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this now?”

“Hehe, do you think I’m still the same Juan Parker from before? You dare to mess around
without knowing anything. This is First Dragon Club. Do you think that I’m surrounded by
ordinary bodyguards? How childish!”

Juan pointed at Luka and said smugly, “This is an expert door disciple, Luka Sanchez, who
made his name all over Fusha. Do you know what a door disciple is? Hehe, you don’t, right?
Then let me tell you, he killed 20 martial arts descendants from Fusha in a fit of rage! Even the
13 Majors of Fusha are nothing in front of him! He just needs to make several moves to take
them down!”

“Hehe, if he’s really that powerful, why is he here as your lapdog now?”

Philip said nonchalantly without paying any heed to Luka at all.

Door disciples of Fusha were not worth mentioning. Any one of the Clarke family’s Shadow
Guard could wipe out all martial arts forces in Fusha. A mere disciple expert from Fusha was
just an ant to Philip.

The anger in Luka’s heart burned instantly. He glared at Philip and said viciously, “Damn it!”

“How dare you insult me, Luka Sanchez?! I’ll let you experience all the misery in the world! Just
wait to tremble under my humiliation!”
Luka stared at Philip and put on a fighting stance, waiting for Juan’s order before he rushed out
to beat Philip.

Philip shook his head and said disdainfully, “As expected of a lapdog. Just from that look of
yours, I can already tell how low your standards are.”

“Hmph!” Juan snorted coldly and also felt that Philip was too arrogant. There was no need to
say much to such an arrogant person. He would just beat him up and humiliate him.

“Luka, teach him a good lesson. Don’t forget what you just said,” Juan said coldly.

“I won’t forget I’ll kick his head off!”

Luka roared and rushed toward Philip.

Juan picked up the glass of wine on the table and sipped it while watching the fight between
Luka and Philip.

Luka charged forward quickly while swinging his arms rapidly, producing explosive noises. Both
arms erupted with astonishing white wind blades!

The explosive force from Luka was too powerful, which instantly compressed the air and
produced a popping sound.

Luka’s fighting style focused on the ability to explode with super strength in an instant, thus
making the air pop. As lofty as it sounded, he was just trained in explosive power. Luka’s control
of explosive power was undoubtedly excellent. When attacking Philip, Luka used all of his
explosive power, and each blow carried a powerful force.

One hit to kill!

No one could survive Luka’s attack!

Philip frowned as he instantly gained insight into the strength of the man opposite him.

He was actually a disciple of the third zone! Juan was really something.

The fast-approaching Luka thought he had locked onto Philip, but he did not expect Philip to be
faster. He intended to knock Philip down by superimposing his powerful explosive force and his
fist was just about to hit Philip’s heart, but Philip’s figure suddenly disappeared from Luka’s line
of sight.

Luka was alarmed and wanted to stop in his tracks to look for Philip when Philip had already
circled behind Luka.
“How dare a mere disciple of the third zone come to our territory to run wild? You’re simply
seeking death!”

Chapter 2311
Philip snorted in anger and lightly kicked Luka in his lower back. Luka lost his balance and could
only rush forward, hitting the wall with a powerful impact.


Luka’s fist smashed into the wall. The wall shook and half of it collapsed, covering Luka in
clouds of dust.

Juan sat on the sofa with his brows furrowed. He thought that Luka Sanchez was enough to kill
Philip, but unexpectedly, Philip’s strength made him a little fearful.

Was this guy a disciple too?

His strength was actually not below Luka’s.

“Ahem.” Luka was choked into coughing and turned around to walk toward Philip in a wretched

“Damn it, you’re actually a disciple too. I was careless this time. However, your death will come

Anger filled Luka’s mind. If anger could burn, Luka’s anger now would be enough to boil the
whole sea.

“I already told you that you’re not good enough, but you still think so highly of yourself. Since
you want to die, I won’t stop you.”

Philip stretched out his little finger and beckoned at Luka, his disdainful expression saying it all.

Luka roared and rushed at Philip wildly while swinging his fists.

“Damn it! You’ll know the price of humiliating me! Let me send you to your death with my
deadliest technique!”

The cigar in Juan’s hand fell to the floor as he watched dumbfounded at the sight of Luka being
trampled on the floor by Philip.

Luka’s imposing deadly technique was simply kicked away by Philip before he was trampled on
the floor by Philip like a dead dog.
What was happening here?

How could this happen?

Juan did not even see Philip’s movements clearly. He only saw Luka rushing over aggressively,
and in the blink of an eye, Luka fell to the floor and was then stepped on by Philip.

He was a disciple of the third zone! He could jump down from a building dozens of meters high

He could even kick a car into smithereens. He was an absolute wonder!

However, now… Juan was a little flustered.

The captain gulp ed frantically. This was the first time he had seen such a ruthless man despite
his fair share of experience. His legs trembled slightly, and the hand holding the gun was
shaking violently. The captain felt as though the gun in his hand was like a red-hot piece of iron.

Facing someone like Philip, who was so fast that he was almost invisible, could he really shoot
him with a gun?

The captain felt that the possibility of hitting the mark was too low unless he was lucky enough.
How the hell was he supposed to fight?!

The captain even had the thought of surrendering.

“Mr. Parker, this situation doesn’t seem right. Why don’t I cover your retreat?” The captain said
in a low voice.

Juan frowned deeply. Retreating was impossible!

This was First Dragon Club, his turf. If he retreated, he would lose all dignity. All other business
partners would step over him in the future!


Juan said sinisterly.

The captain was a little alarmed. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to hit him. This guy is too fast, just
like a ghost!”

While Juan and the captain were talking, Philip kicked Luka in the ribs.

The crisp cracking sound was heard as several of Luka’s ribs were broken by Philip’s kick.
Miserable screams followed.

“Where’s your deadly technique? Aren’t you going to kick my head off? ” Philip asked coldly.

“Spare me. Please spare me. I won’t dare to do this anymore…”

Luka’s life was in Philip’s hands. Although his heart was filled with endless anger, he could only
give in to save his life. If he continued to act tough at this time, Luka felt that he would definitely
die without a complete body.

He managed to escape the harsh pursuit in Fusha. Who would have thought that when he was
prepared to live a good life, he encountered a great devil like Philip?

This guy’s strength was definitely above the disciples in the third zone!

Damn that Juan! Why did he provoke a disciple with strength above the third zone?

Chapter 2312
“I don’t have any deadly techniques. I was just bragging. I beg you to let me go. I’ll be your
servant from now on, no, your slave! As long as you spare my life, I can be your watchdog.”

Luka’s integrity shattered all over the floor. He was willing to do anything just to save his life.

“Be my watchdog? You’re not worthy of it.” Philip stomped on Luka’s palm.


There was the sound of broken bones as Luka’s palm was crushed by Philip’s stomp. Luka was
about to break down. It was still not enough even after he begged so wretchedly.

What exactly did Philip want?

“It hurts! Boss, just tell me what to do and I’ll listen to you! I’ll do whatever you ask me to do.
Should I go and kill Juan Parker? He ordered me to do everything!”

The desperate Luka began to sell out his employer. As long as he could live, he would do

“Interesting.” Philip smiled lightly. “You don’t have to kill him, just break every bone in his body.”

“Thank you for giving me the chance. I’ll definitely break all his bones.”
Luka endured the pain and struggled toward Juan.

“Boss, I’m sorry. I’m doing this to stay alive. There’s really no other way,” Luka said menacingly.

Juan was full of mixed feelings. His life-saving trump card was actually turned against him by
Philip. How powerful was Philip exactly?

“Luka Sanchez, do you want to die?” Juan yelled sharply.

“No, I won’t die as long as I break every bone in your body!” Luka shouted and rushed at Juan.

The captain frantically raised his gun and pulled the trigger at Luka.

Bang, bang, bang!

After three shots, blood gushed from Luka’s body as he fell straight to the floor. The bullet holes
in his body glowed with a strange silver light before Luka’s body shrank and turned into a

Juan picked up his glass and finished the whiskey. Although Luka was dead, Juan’s shock
remained. He urgently needed a drink to calm down. After he finished the drink, Juan smashed
the glass.

“Philip, as you can see, even a person with great skills can be brought down with a gun. This is
a special silver gun specifically targeted at supernatural beings like you. If you don’t want to die,
kneel down and beg for mercy now.” Juan stared at Philip and said.

“Hehe, it’s just a silver gun.” Philip ignored the captain and the gun in his hand.

“You’re courting death! Fire!” Juan roared.

The captain hesitated briefly before he pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang!

A series of bullets were fired until the pistol made an empty click. The captain was forced to stop
shooting. After he stopped, the captain was desperate.

Not a single shot hit Philip. All the silver bullets were suspended in mid-air in front of Philip as if
blocked by a huge resistance. Then, they clattered to the floor.

“Mr. Parker, y-you should leave quickly. I’ll cover your back.”
The captain pulled out a short dagger and decided to fight to his death to fulfill his duty.

“You want to leave? No way.”

Philip sneered as he walked toward Juan. The captain immediately stepped forward in front of

Chapter 2313

The dagger swiped through the air. The dagger glowed coldly and was about to stab through
Philip’s heart when it stopped.

It was not that the captain did not want to but his hand could not move at all.

With his right hand, Philip grabbed the captain’s hand that held the dagger. With a slight force,
all the bones of the captain’s hand shattered.


The captain let out a muffled grunt as fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Philip’s hand lifted upward, tugging along the captain’s wrist, forearm, arm, and right shoulder.
He crushed all the man’s bones.

The intense pain caused the captain to go into a shock and fall into a dead faint.

Juan was extremely frightened but he still had to pretend to be calm on the surface. Even if he
lost the fight, he must maintain the posture of a winner!

“You’re very arrogant. Do you know the consequences of messing with me? I have a big boss
behind me! Even if you’re rich, powerful, and skillful now, in front of my boss, you’re still dead
meat! She’s surrounded by guys who are more powerful than you! All of them are capable of
tearing cannons with their bare hands!”

As Juan spoke, many thoughts ran through his mind. He tried to intimidate Philip with his words.

Philip was not alone. He had many family members who wanted to drag him down, and Juan
felt that this was Philip’s biggest weakness. As long as he controlled this weakness of Philip,
there was no need to worry about anything!

“Consequences? You should be the one worrying about that,” Philip said mildly.
“What a joke! This is my turf. My boss is more powerful than you can imagine. If you dare to
make a move against me, you and Wynn will be hunted down and killed! I promise to do what I
say! You still have a daughter and a newborn son. As long as I say the word, someone can
kidnap them in minutes! The boss behind me has deep-rooted forces in seven regions including
Uppercreek and Southmoor!”

“If you dare to lay a finger on me today, someone will immediately be sent to deal with you.
Whether the relationship is good or bad, as long as anyone has a relationship with you, they’ll
all die!”

“Do you think you can do as you please just because you’re a supernatural being? Ridiculous!
This world is far more than what you can see! There are more powerful people than you!”

Juan roared wildly like a mad lion, trying to make Philip terrified and retreat with these
intimidating words.

Philip listened quietly. When Juan finished speaking, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

“So childish. Your intelligence is really worrying.”

Juan was taken aback for a moment before he looked at Philip with contempt. Juan felt that
Philip was on the brink of backing down. He had already frightened Philip. He just needed to
push a little more to completely scare Philip away!

“The childish one is you! You’re just a young master of a small family. How dare you fight me?
You’d better use your brain and think about the consequences of messing with me! If you kneel
on the floor and beg me for mercy now, I can still give you a chance to live.”

While Juan was speaking, Philip had already pulled out his phone.

“The boss behind you? Hehe, let’s see what she can do to me.”

After Philip finished speaking, he dialed George’s number.

George was sitting upright at the moment, and his eyes were fixed on the phone in his hand as
though he was waiting for the alarm to sound before he charged onto the battlefield. The phone
rang a pleasant ringtone. George jolted and quickly pressed the answer button.

“Young Lord, everything is ready. I’m just waiting for your order. “

“Do it,” Philip said softly.

“Okay. Juan Parker and the people behind him will taste the pain soon!”
Philip ended the call and looked at Juan with a smile. “Let’s wait and see.”

Juan waited angrily, thinking that Philip was pretending.

A mere supernatural disciple of the third zone dared to rant about making the boss behind him
suffer. This was simply a joke.

“Will you die if you don’t brag? Do you really think I’ll believe your nonsense? The boss behind
me is a behemoth to you. Even ten of you will not be a match for my boss. I really wonder where
you got your confidence from.”

The more Juan spoke, the smugger he felt, thinking that Philip could only bow down to the
powerful boss behind him.

Chapter 2314
Philip smiled without a word and raised his hand to slap Juan across the face.

“You’re the brainless one. Don’t forget your status as a hostage now.”

Juan clutched his face and sat back on the sofa, looking at Philip resentfully. After a while, he
laughed wildly. “Hahaha, you dare to hit me? If you slap me now, I’ll repay it tenfold and

“Wait until you can do that.”

After Philip finished speaking, he slapped Juan vigorously again.

Forward slap, backhand slap, and mixed slap. Juan’s face quickly swelled into a pig’s head. His
brain buzzed loudly, and he was in a bad state.

“Just you wait. Hit me and I’ll let you die a miserable death.” Juan muttered under his breath,
wishing he could kill Philip right now.


Philip swung his fist on Juan’s shoulder, denting his shoulder and shattering his entire shoulder

“How dare you send someone to kidnap Wynnie? You’re courting death!”

After Philip finished speaking, he stepped on Juan’s thigh, breaking his thigh bone into several
“How dare you have evil intentions toward my daughter? It seems that I was too kind to you

Juan broke out in a cold sweat from the pain and howled in tears, “Bastard! Just you wait! You’ll
get your just deserts!”

“Looks like I have to continue.” Philip sneered as he raised his foot and stomped down on
Juan’s calf and ankle, causing Juan to wail in pain.

Uppercreek, a certain villa.

In a steaming pool, Yana Young was soaking in a rose bath. Her slender body looked very
enticing in the heat. At this moment, an assistant ran up to Yana’s back in a panic and said with
a bow, “Boss…”

“Why are you panicking?”

Yana said unhappily. She splashed the water while the maid massaged her shoulders.

The assistant showed a smile that was worse than her crying expression. “Boss, something big
has happened.”

Yana frowned and got up. With the maid’s help, her graceful body was wrapped in a black lace
nightgown. Then, she walked out of the pool with her jade-like feet and asked coldly, “What
could happen? Is it Southmoor or Tucker Stone?”

“Boss, all of our investment projects have been frozen and related departments have seized all
our properties. Even your private estates around the world have been seized.” The assistant
spoke anxiously, and each word hit

Yana’s heart like a heavy hammer. Yana’s face turned pale as she stared at the assistant and
asked, “Is everything you said true?”

“Yes, it’s true! This is the situation reported by all the branches. Because of the impact of the
news, our company’s share price has taken a nosedive and dropped by 95%!”

Yana’s body swayed as chills surged. She asked coldly, “What’s going on? Did the Gentleman
Court make a move against us?”

When something like this happened, someone must be behind it. However, Yana had not
offended anyone recently, so why was she being suppressed in such an aggressive manner?

Moreover, an ordinary big family would not have such ability.

Her strength in various places was deeply-rooted, so such a handiwork could only be explained
by the topmost affluent family or force.

At present, the only party that could do this was her deadly rival, the Gentleman Court!

The assistant shook her head and said weakly, “We’re still investigating. There’s no specific
news for the time being, but…”

“But what?!”

“But I found out that Juan Parker in Riverdale seems to have offended someone. Maybe the
problem came from his side.”

Chapter 2315
Riverdale, Juan Parker?

Yana immediately thought of something.

This damned Juan did not mess with that young master, did he?

No, that young master was the new patriarch of the Clarke family!

The vein in Yana’ s temple throbbed wildly. She immediately fished out her phone and dialed
Juan’s number.

When Yana made the call, Juan was lying on his back on the floor, looking at Philip grimly.

“Philip Clarke, you have guts! Let’s see how much longer you can stay arrogant! Even if you kill
me today, my boss will avenge me and kill your whole family! Do you find it very gratifying to
beat me up now?”

“Soon, my boss will capture all your relatives and friends and beat them up one by one in front
of you. Let’s see how gratified you’ll feel by then. You’re not worthy to fight with me at all!”

Juan would rather die than give in because he knew that he could still rely on the boss behind
him. Philip would eventually be trampled to the floor and ravaged.

Philip took out his phone, looked at the time, and said indifferently, “It’s about time.”

“You’re so good at pretending. To hell with the time! Now is your last chance to apologize.
Otherwise, my boss will kill everyone in your family at any time!”
As Juan was ranting, his phone rang. Juan endured the pain and took out his phone with his left
hand. He looked at the caller ID and saw the name of his boss. Juan answered the phone
excitedly. “Boss!”

Hearing Juan’s mournful voice, Yana’s hair stood on end.

“Boss, come and save me. Send someone to save me!” Juan shouted anxiously.

However, on the other end of the phone, Yana scolded with cold eyes and a chill in the corner of
her eyes, “Juan Parker, haven’t I said that you’re not allowed to make another move against
Philip Clarke? Why did you mess with him again?”

Juan was taken aback for a moment. This was not something his boss would say. His boss was
an ice queen who was extremely protective of her people.

It was just Philip Clarke. Why would the boss suddenly become like this?

“Boss, I have a deadly feud with Philip. I’ll wallow in suffering for the rest of my life if I don’t get
him. Boss, me struck out at me and injured many of my people. You must make a stand for me.”
Juan cried out in tears.

However, Yana merely snorted coldly and said, “I don’t care if you live or die. Do you know who
you’ve been targeting?”

Juan was taken aback and asked suspiciously, “Boss, what are you trying to say?”

“Juan Parker, you really have no brains! I warned you several times but you refuse to listen. I let
you stay in Riverdale to monitor Philip’s every move for me, not to have you take action against
him! Do you think he’s just the young master of a small family? Let me tell you, Philip Clarke is
the heir to the Clarke family, the largest wealthy family in the world! He’s none other than the
new patriarch of the Clarke family. It was broadcasted across the globe a few days ago! Do you
know how big a mess you’ve caused for me? Even I wouldn’t dare to attack him at this time!
Even the one behind me wouldn’t cause unnecessary trouble with him at this time!” Yana almost
roared. She was really about to explode in anger!

Now that they had provoked Philip, if he held a grudge and unleashed his wrath at her, she
would be no match for the Clarke family at all!

Was it possible to seek help from the Alliance Master?

However, a few days ago, the Alliance Master had ordered all his followers not to take Philip
lightly. This damned Juan Parker! She really had the thought of killing him now!
Juan was completely flustered at this moment! Especially the few words Yana said just now
made Juan’s heart skip a beat.

Chapter 2316
What did it mean that Philip was the new patriarch of the Clarke family?

That Clarke family that was on global broadcast?

That world’s number one affluent family?

How was it possible?

Juan raised his eyebrows and was dumbfounded. He stared at Philip with panic and fear.
Stammering, he asked, “A-Are you the new patriarch of the Clarke family? The world‘s largest
wealthy family?”

At this moment, Philip was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. With slightly cold eyes, he
smiled and said, “As true as it can be.”


This was like a thunderbolt that struck Juan directly in the heart.

Was he really the new head of that family?

This was too horrifying!

Juan panicked completely. He never thought that Philip would have such a big identity and
background. Also at this moment, Juan realized that no wonder no matter how he targeted
Philip, Philip would always be safe and sound.

No wonder his boss would warn him like that.

“Juan Parker, from now on, you no longer have anything to do with me! Your life is in his hands!”

After saying this, Yana ended the call. Abandon the pawn to save the queen. Yana would not
have any inclination to rescue a useless person. Juan Parker was just a pawn she arranged in
Riverdale to hold Philip back.

Now that the game had changed, such an insignificant pawn could simply be discarded.

After hanging up the phone, Yana‘s eyes flashed with coldness. She quickly dialed the number
outside the country and said coldly, “Lord Hades, I think we should talk.”
Back to Philip’s side.

At this moment, Juan was kneeling on the floor with a pale face. His expression was extremely
flustered. His boss had abandoned him.

Was that the end of his life, then?

In that instant, Juan looked up and saw Philip’s cold gaze. His heart thumped wildly. Without
further ado, he prostrated on the floor and begged, “Philip, please, on the account that we were
classmates, please spare me. I won’t dare to do such things anymore. I’m a bastard. I was
confused. Please just give me a way out.”

As he spoke, Juan burst into tears. His trembling voice proved the fear in his heart.

Philip sat indifferently on the sofa with grim eyes. He raised his hand and gently picked up the
bodyguard’s silver gun from the coffee table. Philip looked at the silver gun, pulled the safety,
and said, “Where did you get this?”

Juan was in survival mode at this time and quickly replied, “The Supernatural Bureau in our
country that specializes in capturing supernatural beings who go out of control and disciples
who step out of line. This gun was specially modified to restrain the attributes of disciples.”

Philip nodded. He never expected something like the Supernatural Bureau to exist in the

Speaking of which, a special group of people came to Beacon earlier and took Old Cain and the
others away. The ID they produced seemed to be a golden dragon branded with the words
‘Supernatural Bureau’.

Interesting. It seemed that some organizations and forces hidden deep in the world had begun
to slowly surface in the public eye.

“Do you think I’ll kill you?”

Philip said and suddenly raised his gun. With a cold expression, he aimed the gun between
Juan’s eyebrows.

Chapter 2317
Juan looked at the silver gun in Philip’s hand and trembled like a leaf. He prostrated on the floor
and shouted, “Philip, no, don’t do this. We were classmates, after all. Please forgive me. I’ll
leave immediately and never appear in front of you again. Please spare my life.”

After saying that, Juan endured the pain of his broken arms and legs and kept bowing to Philip.
Philip’s eyes were impassive as he looked at Juan. Finally, he sighed, stood up, and said, “This
is the last time I’ll tolerate you. Someone will arrange to send you out of the country.”

After saying that, Philip was about to leave.

Juan prostrated on the floor while trembling, but those gloomy eyes burst out with hatred. He
quickly took out another silver gun from his pocket. When Philip walked past him, he
immediately turned around and yelled at Philip, “Go to hell!”


A gunshot!

Juan sneered as he stared at Philip’s back. He could already imagine the scene of Philip falling
into a pool of blood and turning into a puddle.

However, that scene did not happen.


A flaming chimera armor suddenly surged from Philip’s body and quickly wrapped around him!

The bullet fired from the silver gun instantly burned to ashes the moment it hit the fire chimera


A flaming chimera claw popped out of Philip’s armor, grabbed Juan’s neck, and lifted him!

“I’ve already given you your last chance,” Philip said coldly.

At this moment, Juan was held in the air by the sharp claws of the fire chimera. He struggled
constantly and tried to beg for mercy with great difficulty. “P-Philip, spare me. l-l’ll never…”


However, Philip’s eyes froze as the fire chimera’s sharp claws threw Juan out of the window!

The glass shattered!

Juan was thrown out of the window, and at that moment, he experienced the feeling of death

A muffled noise!

Juan’s body was facing upward and he was covered in blood. He was smashed heavily into a
pool of blood and was lifeless now.

Philip sighed and turned to leave. Faced with such a killing machine, the bodyguards with
broken arms and legs in the corridor all avoided him.

Two days later, Wynn had returned order to Beacon. After all, it had been a long time since she
was in touch with the company’s business, so Wynn still needed to familiarize herself with it.

As for Martin and Bernard, there seemed to be no movement from them in the past two days.

Wynn had been worried that her uncles would make things difficult for her, so she was on guard
and kept meeting with some of the company’s business partners. Finally, she found out that
Martin’s company had already reached a cooperation agreement with the general medical
institutions and companies in Riverdale. Their expansion plan was entirely aimed at Beacon.

Wherever Beacon opened a branch, Martin Pharmaceutical would also open a branch.

Chapter 2318
“This is really infuriating. Madam Johnston, I think we’re too passive! Martin and Bernard
Johnston are simply too abominable! They clearly want to drive us into the corner!”

Mindy Scott was wearing a red tight-fitting backless dress today. Her figure was very sexy and
slim. Her legs were straight and slender, just like white jade. If not for the client in the morning,
she would not have dressed like this, exposing her back and thighs for others to see.

Wynn sat on the chairwoman’s seat with a small smile on her lips. She glanced at Mindy who
was lying on the sofa and throwing a tantrum. She asked, “What’s wrong? Are you still having
problems with Mr. Fadden?”

Mindy was lying on the sofa at the moment. Her two slender jade-like legs were resting on the
armrest of the sofa, swinging back and forth.

She pouted unhappily and said, “I’ve met that old pervert three times and each time, he wants
me to accompany him to dinner and take advantage of me! Today, he even said that if I don’t
accompany him to dinner, he’ll cooperate with Martin Pharmaceutical.”

Mindy was angry that she had met an old scoundrel who only coveted her body.

Wynn smiled and said, “Okay, let me follow up with Mr. Fadden. You can come with me tonight.”
Mindy abruptly got up from the sofa and said indignantly, “Madam Johnston, it’s not that I can’t
do it, but Willy Fadden is simply too repulsive. I want to throw up whenever I see him. “

Wynn pursed her lips and said with a smile, “No matter how repulsive, he’s a potential business
partner. Don’t throw a childish tantrum. Let’s discuss at night.”

Mindy pouted and propped her chin on her hands. Suddenly, her eyes flashed as she said, “By
the way, Madam Johnston, why don’t you call Brother Philip along? Isn’t he very powerful? With
him around, everything can be solved.”

Hearing Philip’s name being mentioned, Wynn’s face darkened slightly. She forced a smile and
said, “No, he should be quite busy too.”

Mindy was quite sensitive. Seeing Wynn like this, she knew there must be a conflict between
her and Philip. Thus, she did not continue to pursue the topic but merely nodded and said, “In
that case, I’ll go and prepare the materials. I’ll make an appointment with that old pervert too.”

On Philip’s side, he was in the villa taking care of Mila and Nelson.

This little guy was now fair and plump with two big round curious eyes staring at the outside
world. The only thing Philip could not figure out was that every time this little guy fell asleep,
there was a faint golden glow on his body.

Philip had also asked Roger about it. Roger said that he did not know and that it was probably
due to Nelson’s special physique.

At this moment, his phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

“Hello, Mr. Clarke? There’s an antique auction tonight. Do you want to attend?”

There was a very nice female voice on the other end of the phone. Philip realized who the other
party was at this moment.

Yana Young… Why was this woman so eager all of a sudden?

“Not really. We don’t know each other that well,” Philip said coldly and was about to end the call.

Yana quickly said, “Mr. Clarke, this antique auction is actually a buffet reception. The main
purpose is to provide business networking and cooperation, as well as to broaden our contacts.
As for the antiques being auctioned, most of them are shrouded in mystery. There should also
be some hidden families who have been in contact with the Nonagon and the door in
attendance. I think you should be quite interested in this, right?”
“Hidden families who have been in contact with the Nonagon and the door?” Hearing that,
Philip’s voice was slightly cold, and his brows were furrowed together.

“Exactly. If you want to learn more about the Nonagon and the things behind the door, why not
attend this function?” Yana eagerly invited.

After a moment of silence, Philip still declined. “No, I’m not interested in all these for now.”

With that said, Philip was about to end the call again. On the other end of the phone, Yana
added, “What if there are some clues about the Multidew Herb at this antique auction? Aren’t
you interested in this as well?”

Chapter 2319
“Multidew Herb?” Philip frowned.

Would a small antique auction have clues about the Multidew Herb?

According to the clues from the Harrison family, this Multidew Herb rarely appeared in the
secular world. The clues leading to it were even more uncommon. How would Yana know clues
about the Multidew Herb?

Also, why would she tell him about this? Could it be that Yana knew the secret of Wynn’s birth?

They had taken measures on Arcadia Island to seal the secret about Wynn’s birthright. Anyone
who dared to reveal it would face the extinction of their entire lineage!

“That’s right. I heard that the Multidew Herb is a medicine passed down from the First Emperor’s
time. It has the miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life and is also effective in
promoting longevity. But of course, the true effects are unknown.”

Yana said lightly, her voice very soft.

“Well, when you say that, I do have some interest,” Philip said.

He did not directly ask Yana if she knew about Wynn’s birth, or if she knew about the Golden
Blood Syndrome. Since the other party did not mention it, it meant that the other party still had
some reservations.

“Okay. Shall I pick you up at night?” Yana said cautiously at this moment.

If not for her following plans, Yana would not be so careful and respectful.

“No need.” Philip shook his head.

He knew Yana’s style. If she drove a luxury car and waited for him at the door, it would be
impossible to explain himself if Wynn or Martha saw it. After all, Wynn was acting quite coldly
toward him now.

“Tell me the address and I’ll go there by myself.”

“Okay, tell them my name when you arrive.” Yana nodded.

After he was done with the call, Martha came in through the door and asked suspiciously, “Who
is it?”

“Nothing. A friend invited me to attend an antique auction tonight,” Philip answered casually.

Martha snorted and went into the room without a word.

On this side, in the chairman’s office of Martin Pharmaceutical. Martin and Bernard, as well as
Liam and Lynn, were talking about Beacon Group.

“Dad, I don’t think we can wait any longer. Boss Young told us to wait, but I think this is a good
time for us to strike. According to the news from the people I arranged, that little b*tch Wynn will
meet with Mr. Fadden in person tonight. If they agree to cooperate, the entire pharmaceutical
market in the south will be taken by Wynn!”

Liam was extremely anxious. He had also been in contact with Willy Fadden of Fadden
Pharmaceutical Group for a long time, but he was a cunning old fox and a tough nut to crack.

Lynn also echoed, “Uncle Martin, I think Liam is right. Tonight is our last chance. If Wynn wins
the cooperation with Fadden Pharmaceutical, we’ll lose our upper hand.”

Standing in front of the large French windows, Martin’s face was very dark at the moment. A
trace of gloom flashed in his eyes. Boss Young had recently personally instructed him not to
fight head-on against Beacon Group, and not to mess with Wynn and Philip. It made him very
puzzled. Martin also asked for the reason but Boss Young did not explain further.

“Arrange someone to ambush the hotel where Wynn and Willy Fadden are having dinner
tonight. It’ll be good if they don’t reach an agreement, but if they do, just…”

Gloom flashed in the corner of Martin’s eyes. He made a gesture of swiping across his neck.

Chapter 2320
Liam understood at one glance and immediately took out his phone. He said, “Dad, leave this to
me. I happen to know a group of assassins who slipped in from abroad. All of them are experts!
It’s said that they’re also powerful supernatural beings!”
Martin turned his head, narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer, “Supernatural beings? Good!
Very good! No matter how much it costs, tell them to get it done!”

Since they got into contact with Boss Young, their expectations had also become higher.

They learned that this world was not the same as the one they originally came into contact with.
In this world, there were also the so-called supernatural beings. They were those superhumans
who were said to have existed long ago.

Suddenly, Liam said, “By the way, Dad and Uncle Bernard, there’s an antique auction tonight at
Spruce Villa. I have four invitations. Why don’t we go and take a look? I heard that many big
bosses and some people from hidden families will be there too.”

Martin glanced at the golden invitation in Liam’s hand and said, “This kind of shabby auction is
just to fool people. If you’re interested, go with Lynn. Your Uncle Bernard and I still have
important things to do. But you must arrange things on Wynn’s side first. If anything goes wrong,
I’ll come after you!”

Liam smiled and said, “Dad, you can rest assured.”

The antique auction was held in a high-end club called Spruce Villa next to Tundra Mountain in
Riverdale. It was far in the suburbs, near the sea and surrounded by mountains. The place had
a very beautiful enviromnent.

After Philip changed his clothes, he took a taxi to Spruce Villa and saw many luxury cars parked
on the square.

‘There seem to be many rich people here tonight,’ he thought inwardly.

After he mentioned Yana’s name to the door attendant, the usher respectfully invited him in.

The decoration inside Spruce Villa was very luxurious. The hall was brightly lit and as far as the
eye could see, the place was full of well-dressed figures in high society. Many rich kids the same
age as Philip also formed small circles and mingled excitedly.

People like Philip who came in wearing casual clothes attracted the attention of many people.

The prelude to the antique auction was a buffet. As Philip did not have dinner yet, he went to the
buffet area and took a plate. He ate while watching the crowd around him.

As he was quietly filling his stomach, a voice of surprise suddenly came from beside him. “Philip
Such a soft voice made people tingle all over. Philip turned to look at Vivi Joo, who was full of
surprise. HIe could not help but laugh. “Hey, Miss Joo. Why do you have time to visit our little
town? Did you fight with my cousin?”

Seeing Philip, Vivi could not help but blush slightly. She rolled her eyes at him and said
coquettishly, “Will you die if you don’t mention him? I’ve never seen such a straightforward

Philip chuckled and said nothing.

Vivi blinked her big curious eyes and stared at Philip. She stepped forward, took Philip’s arm,
and asked with a smile, “Philip, you still owe me a favor. Why don’t you talk to your second
uncle and cancel the marriage between me and Ethan?”

Philip shrugged, pulled his arm away from Vivi‘s soft embrace, and said, “I’m sorry, Miss Joo. I
can’t help you with this matter. I think you and Ethan are a good match.”

Hearing that, Vivi pouted, put her arms across her chest, glared viciously at Philip, and said,
“Are you doing this on purpose? You’re simply poking at my sore spot! I’m telling you, Philip, I’ll
marry no one else but you! I’ve already fallen for you! I don’t care about that nerd Ethan Clarke!”


Philip almost choked on the cake he was eating upon hearing Vivi’s words.

Was she trying to cheat on Ethan with him?

Chapter 2321

“You’ve fallen for me? Miss Joo, stop fooling around. I’m already married with two kids. If Old
Master Joo finds out about this, he’ll definitely come after me.” Philip’s expression was full of

Vivi shook her head and said, “I don’t care. I wonder who was the one who saw all of me in the
hotel? You must bear responsibility for it!”

“Stop right there! You were the one who invited me. I didn’t do it on purpose,” Philip said

Vivi stomped her foot in anger and rolled her eyes coquettishly at Philip. “You’re a scumbag!”

Philip shrugged.
After standing for a while, Vivi suddenly asked, “Are you here for the auction too?”


Before Philip could answer, a cold sarcastic voice came from not far away.

“Hehe, what right does a small potato have to attend the auction here? Vivi, since when did you
know such a loser?”

It was a woman with an icy face. Her arms were across her chest and she were high heels with
a tight-fitting backless red dress that showed off her figure perfectly. Her appearance instantly
attracted everyone’s attention.

A goddess.


The woman approached and looked at Philip disdainfully before asking Vivi with a mocking
smile, “Vivi, you didn’t run away from home and escape from marriage because of this loser, did
you? What’s wrong with Ethan Clarke? I heard that he’s from a big and powerful family!”

Then, the woman sized Philip up and said coldly, “Loser, I advise you to stay away from Vivi.
The plot of a poor boy being fancied by a rich girl only exists in fiction, not in reality!”

Vivi was a little anxious. She pulled the woman’s delicate arm and whispered, “Heidi, don’t say
that about him. He’s not a loser. He’s actually…”

“What? You useless girl! If your family’s old master hadn’t asked me to watch over you, I
wouldn’t be bothered at all!”

Heidi glared at Vivi and said, “In the future, stay away from such losers from the bottom of

Looking at this elegant and arrogant woman, Philip retracted his smile and said lightly, “Miss, I
don’t seem to have provoked you, right? There’s no need to scorn and ridicule me like this.
Besides, the relationship between me and Vivi Joo seems to have nothing to do with you, right?”

“Damn it!”

Heidi Denver was taken aback. She frowned and said to Philip coldly, “Loser, what did you say?
Vivi is my good friend. I won’t allow her to have contact with a poor boy like you!”
Heidi was very angry. No one had ever spoken to her like this before!


This guy was really hateful!

“Hehe…” Philip laughed and said, “Do I look like a poor boy to you?”

“Of course!”

Heidi sneered, “What? Are you trying to tell me that you’re some rich young master? Hehe, what
a joke! Why don’t you open your eyes and take a look at the people who are here tonight and
the clothes they’re wearing? And just look at you! You’re wearing cheap stuff from your head to
your toes. They’re probably not even worth a few bucks! Someone like you isn’t even qualified
to lick my shoes!”

Heidi cursed happily, not noticing the chill in Philip’s eyes.

If this were in the past, Philip might just smile slightly and not bother. However, as the new
Clarke family head, Philip felt he had to maintain his dignity.



Philip raised his hand and slapped Heidi across the face. He said coldly, “This slap is a warning
to you for disrespecting others! If you dare to bark again, I can kick you out of here today!”

Chapter 2322
Vivi was flabbergasted at this scene!

At that moment, she stared at Philip with wide eyes full of disbelief. However, she calmed down
in a flash. After all, Philip was the new Clarke family’s patriarch. The Joo family had already
received the notice.

In the hall, other chattering guests heard the slap and looked sideways. When they saw Heidi
Denver being slapped in public by an unfamiliar man, everyone was dumbfounded!

She was the daughter of the Denver family in Golden City. Her status was high and noble. Her
family was a combat group force in the country!

Was that man crazy?

How dare he slap Heidi Denver?!

A disaster was about to happen!


Heidi cried and clutched her red cheek, her eyes full of surprise and shock. After getting hit, she
came back to her senses. She stared at Philip hysterically and shouted frantically, “You! How
dare you hit me? Do you know who I am? I belong to Golden City’s Denver…”


Philip smoothly slapped her again!

“How noisy!”

Philip said coldly, “I don’t care who you are or what your family does. One must learn to respect

Heidi exploded in anger. Both her cheeks were red and slightly swollen!

“Argh! Damn you! I’m going to shred you into pieces! Mark my words! I’ll make you pay for it,
you loser!” Heidi screamed, turned around, and ran away in a rage.

Vivi shook her head helplessly, glanced at Philip who looked indifferent, and said, “Philip, why
did you do that? She’s the daughter of the Denver family, after all. If you provoke the Denver
family like this, it won’t do you any good, right?”

Philip chuckled and said, “It’s just the Denver family. I dare them to kick up a fuss.”

Vivi shrugged and continued chatting with Philip. She had some snacks as well and asked Philip
why he came here.

Not far away, several men and women gathered together and gossiped about what had just
happened. Obviously, Philip and Vivi had become the focus of the hall.

“Is that Vivi Joo’s new boyfriend? How could he be so fierce? He even dared to hit Heidi

“Hehe, I think he’s an idiot who’s just acting tough in front of Vivi! Just wait. Heidi Denver is a
notorious demon girl. That dude is dead today!”

“I think so too. Isn’t it rumored that Vivi ran away to escape from her marriage? Is it because of
It was an amazing spectacle when several girls gathered to gossip.

“Interesting. I heard that Vivi’s fiancé is the second young master of the Clarke family. Do you
know this Clarke family?”

“Not sure, I’ve never heard of them. If they could marry the Joo family, they shouldn’t be a small
family. However, among the eight major families, not one is a Clarke. Could it be a hidden

The oldest one among them, a beautiful woman wearing a black low-cut evening dress with a
lady’s bun, said in wonder.

“That kid doesn’t look very impressive either. Why would Vivi take a fancy to him?”

“He looks like a kid from a small county. Maybe Vivi wants to try something new? Shall we make
a bet? Heidi will definitely tear that kid alive in a while.”

“Do we even need to bet on this? According to Heidi’s temper, it’s good enough if she doesn’t
tear this place apart.”

Several people laughed coldly. In their opinion, Philip was doomed tonight.

Chapter 2323
Meanwhile, Heidi had already walked out of Spruce Villa in a huff. Standing at the door, her face
was full of chills. She angrily took out her phone, dialed her big brother’s number, and cried out,
“Brother! I was beaten by a bastard! You have to come here and fix things for me!”

On the other end of the phone, a calm and steady voice was heard, but it was filled with chills
and anger. He asked, “Who dares to make a move on you?”

“I don’t know him! He should be one of Vivi’s new boyfriends. He’s just an ignorant bastard!”
Heidi cried so much that her makeup was running.

“Okay, I got it. I’ll be there in a minute! Whoever dares to make a move on my sister, I’ll show
him the taste of death!”

The call ended.

Heidi’s face was full of hatred as she turned her head to look in the direction of the brightly lit
hall of Spruce Villa. She said resentfully, “Poor loser, you’re dead!”
About ten minutes later, outside Spruce Villa, seven or eight jeeps with combat plates stopped
at the entrance like a hurricane. Soon, more than a dozen fully-armed warriors in green jumped
out of the vehicles!

Those wealthy families and guests nearby avoided them like the plague. That was because this
group of people exuded such strong killing intent and auras of warriors. No one dared to get
near them.

Then, the door of the jeep at the front was opened. The first thing that came into view was a pair
of black combat boots, followed by a man dressed in a tiger stripe camo uniform. He had a
pistol on his waist and a combat beret with golden stars on the brim. The man had a burly figure
and a commanding demeanor so imposing that no one dared to get within three meters close of


His combat boots stepped on the ground. His cold eyes that were like blades looked at the
gorgeous villa in front of him, then at Heidi who ran over with an aggrieved expression.

“Brother! You must do something. Just look at me. My face is all swollen.” At this moment, Heidi
acted like a little bird that had found something to rely on. She pulled the arm of the man in
combat uniform while sulking.

The man in combat uniform gently touched Heidi’s cheek, his icy eyes reflecting a biting killing
intent. He said, “I’ll do something about this.”

After saying that, a biting chill surged from within him. With more than a dozen fully armed
soldiers, he walked toward the main hall of Spruce Villa.

With a smug smile on her face, Heidi quickly followed.

Meanwhile, in the main hall, the news about Heidi being slapped by Philip just now had spread
among the many circles of the rich young kids.

Philip was now the focus of attention wherever he went.

“Who the hell is that kid? Doesn’t he know what will happen if he offends Heidi Denver? How
dare he stay here?”

“I don’t know him. His face looks unfamiliar. But I think there’ll be a good show next. Let’s just
wait and see.”

“Looking at Vivi, the two seem to be quite close. Are they really in a relationship?”
A group of people was very curious because Vivi was together with Philip, talking and laughing.
They paid no heed to other people’s gazes at all. However, a local rich young man soon
recognized Philip.

“Hehe, I know this kid. Everyone has heard of the Johnston family’s Beacon Group, right? The
one with a goddess-level chairwoman. He’s Wynn Johnston’s kept husband.”

“Holy sh*t?! Really? A kept husband is actually hooking up with the young lady of the Joo
family?! This guy really has the moves. Did he secretly study a book called ‘How To Please A
Rich Woman’?”

“Who cares who he is? I just know that this guy has offended the daughter of the Denver family.
He’s dead for sure! If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.”

A group of people chattered incessantly. Many people saw that Philip and Vivi were very close.
They were talking and laughing away. This sight made the rest of them angry and even jealous.
Many rich kids here were interested in Vivi, but unfortunately, when they approached her, she
just ignored them.

Could it be that the rich kids present could not compare to a useless kept husband?

Chapter 2324
At this time, in the middle of the party, a group of important people in the circle gathered to

Liam Johnston followed behind a dignified middle-aged man and watched with a smile as he
kept introducing him to one big name after another. These people might be insignificant in the
country or even the greater south area, but in Riverdale, they were the big shots in various

Suddenly, he saw Lynn constantly winking at him from the side.

Liam spoke to the middle-aged man in front of him before he walked over and asked, “What’s
wrong? Can’t you see I’m talking to some big shots about business?”

“Liam, I went to get some food just now and saw Philip over there,” Lynn quickly said.


Liam’s eyes narrowed, and he could not help but wonder aloud, “How did he get in? I don’t think
anyone from Beacon Group was invited to the antique auction tonight, right?”

“Do you think he’s here to meet people and wants to compete with us?” Lynn said nervously.
“That… Isn’t impossible.”

Liam nodded, and his face darkened. He looked at the time and said, “Wynn should be in
contact with Willy Fadden by now, and Philip is here. Are the two of them working from all

Liam’s face was grave. If Wynn reached an agreement with Willy Fadden and Philip got to know
several business partners here, things would be a bit tricky.

“What should we do?” Lynn asked.

Liam pondered for a moment and said, “Go and keep an eye on Philip. I‘ll take care of things on
my side and go there right away.”

Lynn nodded, turned around, and left.

Liam’s eyes were cold, and he immediately took out his phone. He called the leader of a group
of foreign supernatural beings that he had arranged and said, “Heinz, I want you to keep a close
eye on Wynn. There can’t be any mistakes!”

“Young Master Liam, with us here, there’s no problem at all! We’re just dealing with some
ordinary people!”

An arrogant voice was heard on the other end of the call.

Back to the group of rich kids. A woman with a good figure smugly looked at the group chatting
and said, “Here it comes! Someone saw Titus Denver at the door!”

Titus Denver?!

Everyone was stunned, full of fear and dread!

He was the most powerful and ruthless younger generation of the Denver family. Titus Denver
had a great reputation in the North Frost warzone!

He was the next family head of the Denver family in Golden City. Moreover, it was said that Titus
had already entered the Supreme Training Camp and was one of the five most promising
candidates to inherit the position as Northfrost Supreme!

His future was limitless! He was definitely a tough guy!

Who would have thought that Titus would appear here?!

“Look, is that Titus Denver? He came so fast!” Suddenly, a woman looked in the direction of the
main hall’s entrance and exclaimed.

A group of people looked over and saw a sturdy man in a tiger stripe camo uniform walk through
the door with a stern chill on his face. He had a dozen warriors following him.

Chapter 2325
Seeing a group of fully armed soldiers suddenly barging into the main hall, everyone quickly
dispersed to the sides for fear of trouble.

Lynn hid in the crowd and sneered, “We can look forward to a good show now.”

Other onlookers also burst out in whispered discussions.

“Is that the young master of the Denver family? Didn’t he get into a special training camp?”

“I don‘t know. He actually appeared here. That kid is dead this time!”

“Titus Denver is one of the five candidates for the Northfrost Supreme. For such a person to
appear here, even the mayor of Riverdale must be respectful.”

Listening to the chatter in the crowd, Heidi Denver, who was beaten earlier, followed behind her
big brother with a cold face. They walked up to Philip and Vivi, who were laughing and joking.
She raised a finger, pointed at Philip, and shouted, “Brother, it’s him! That’s the bastard who hit
me just now! I want to slap him a hundred times in front of everyone! And I want him to kneel
down and apologize to me!”

After saying that, Heidi stared at Philip with a cold face and biting hatred in her eyes.

At this moment, Philip and Vivi finally noticed the arrival of Titus and the others.

When Vivi saw Titus, her expression changed. She whispered, “Titus.”

At the same time, she looked at Philip worriedly. ‘Oh no!’

Titus was here. He was a tough one!

Although Vivi knew of Philip’s identity and status, could Philip beat Titus?

He was a future supreme candidate.

Heidi also quickly said to Vivi, “Vivi, come here! Why are you still standing with that loser?”

Vivi pursed her lips and said, “Heidi, he’s actually…”

Before Vivi could finish speaking, Titus glared at her coldly. He then looked at the indifferent
Philip and asked coldly, “Did you hit my sister?”

Philip smiled faintly.

He had some impression of Titus Denver. When he was training with the Dragon Warriors with
Reed Williams before, he had heard of Titus’ great name in the Northfrost warzone. However,
they had never met.

“Yes.” Philip nodded, his attitude indifferent.

Titus frowned. This was the first time someone dared to behave like this in front of him.

The other party did not seem afraid of him at all. In the past, as long as he stood there,
everyone else would tremble. It was because the killing aura and cold intent on his body were
too strong!

“Very good. You dare to admit your mistake. In front of me, no one can bully my sister. Now, I
want you to kneel down and apologize to my sister. Accept her punishment for you. What do
you say?”

Titus also said coldly with cold intent rising from his body. This cold intent made everyone in the
hall shiver slightly. Titus exuded such a strong presence that others could not help but want to
worship him.

Heidi stood beside Titus, pointed at Philip, and said with a sneer, “Hmph, why don’t you hurry up
and apologize to me on your knees? As I said just now, you’ll die for hitting me! I must beat you
to death!”

Seeing this scene, Vivi was also anxious and hurriedly shouted, “Titus, this is a
misunderstanding. Philip didn’t do it on purpose. It was Heidi’s fault. Besides…”

“Vivi Joo! Why are you speaking on behalf of this loser? Do you still consider me your best

Heidi was anxious as she glared at Vivi and shouted.

This was infuriating! This damn girl was siding with outsiders!

Chapter 2326
Vivi pursed her lips and wanted to continue when Titus said coldly, “That’s enough! Vivi, on the
account that you’re Old Master Joo’s granddaughter, I won’t pursue this matter with you. But you
can’t defend this person!”
With that said, Titus glared coldly at Philip and said, “I‘ll give you one minute to think about it.
Get down on your knees and accept my sister’s punishment for you, so that you can still leave
here alive. If you refuse to yield or want to resist, you’ll disappear from this world.”

After saying that, the group of men in combat uniform behind Titus stared at Philip coldly. As
long as the boss gave an order, they would kill this man in front of them who bullied the boss’

Philip smiled, glanced at Titus and Heidi, and asked, “I understand your eagerness to protect
your sister, but Young Master Denver, before you mete out the punishment, shouldn’t you first
figure out what’s right or wrong?”

Titus sneered and said, “In my eyes, there is no right or wrong. You hit my sister, so my sister
will punish you. It’s fair.”

“Fair?” Philip smiled and glanced coldly at Titus and the men behind him. He said, “The Denver
family is still too arrogant. After so many years, why do you still not know how to restrain

Hearing this, Titus frowned and said, “You have no right to speak about the Denver family!”

With that said, Titus kicked out at Philip’s knee with killing intent and a gust of wind! This kick
was so powerful that an ordinary person would suffer broken kneecaps and knee! on the spot!

The onlookers at the scene covered their mouths and widened their eyes.

“That kid is dead! Titus has made his move. He’ll be crippled even if he doesn’t die!”

“Hehe, a brat who is nothing dares to oppose the Denver family. He’s really out of his depth!”

“Judging from Titus’ expression, he’s going to kill that guy.”

However, the next scene left everyone stunned…

Titus’ kick fell short. Philip merely took half a step back and dodged Titus’ kick.

Titus’ face darkened immediately as a trace of doubt and suspicion flashed in the corner of his

This guy had some skills!

“I didn‘t expect you to have some skills, but in front of me, everything is in vain!”
Titus shouted imposingly before punching Philip’s chest!

The average person would fall to the ground with this punch. They would not be able to get up
for a while. In a more serious situation, it would cause instant death. However, a more shocking
scene happened again!

Philip merely smiled indifferently, raised his hand, and grabbed Titus’ punch. The fist and the
palm made a creaking sound.

The atmosphere in the main hall quickly cooled down!

Everyone gasped. They could not believe that this kid named Philip Clarke actually blocked two
consecutive moves from Titus.

Lynn, who was standing in the crowd, was also full of shock at the moment. However, when she
thought of Philip’s skills in the past, she seemed to realize something. However, soon, a sneer
appeared on the corner of her mouth. She thought to herself, ‘Philip, you’re dead! Who are you
that you think you can mess with the Denver family?’

On this side, Titus’ eyes were full of chills. With a frown, he punched out and roared, “You’re
seeking death!”

Chapter 2327
As soon as he said that, Titus’ punch struck out and knocked Philip back half a step.

Philip’s eyes widened as he looked at Titus, whose face was full of anger. He made an inward

Interesting. This Titus Denver actually had the strength of the fourth zone. No wonder he could
become one of the five candidates for the Northfrost Supreme!

However, in front of Philip, such strength was just child’s play.

Meanwhile, the shock on Titus’ face was more obvious than Philip’s. However, he tried to tone it

‘This guy was actually not sent flying under my punch! In that case, it could only mean that this
guy is also a supernatural being or a door disciple!’

His strength should be in the third zone and above. It should not exceed the fourth zone. Thus,
Titus did not take him too seriously.
Within the boundaries of the fourth zone, his strength was basically invincible. It was because
the potential he developed was physical art and fighting art. His explosive power was very
strong just like a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

Generally, those who trained in energy attributes and material rules would fall one step short
when they encountered someone like Titus who trained in physical arts. Perhaps a long-ranged
attack might pose some problems for Titus. However, if it was a rage within a ten-meter radius,
physical skills were unbeatable. This was a recognized standard in the disciple world.

“Hehe, kid, I didn’t expect you to have some strength. But this level isn’t enough for me! I advise
you to kneel down and apologize to my sister immediately before I get angry! Otherwise, I can‘t
guarantee what will happen next.”

Titus withdrew his fist, his eyes as cold as a blade. He craned his neck at the same time,
making a creaking sound.

Inside the main hall, everyone was dumbfounded.

It seemed that Titus was about to get serious. The dozen or so soldiers in combat uniform
behind Titus immediately cleared the scene.

Soon, a large space was vacated for Titus and Philip.

Everyone was chased to the sides. Many people took out their phones, ready to record the
scene. However, their phones were quickly confiscated by those men in combat uniforms.

After all, a character like Titus Denver had to hide his identity and could not be easily exposed to
the eyes of the world. Otherwise, it would attract enemies.

At the scene, Titus took off his tiger stripe uniform. His strong muscles were exposed to
everyone‘s sight. That burly figure and explosive muscles made many girls scream on the spot.

Too manly!

This was the kind of guy worthy to be a man!

Many girls began to stare at Titus with bright eyes and cheered with their arms raised, “Young
Master Titus, go for it! Down with that bastard!”

“Go, go, go! Young Master Denver!”

Even many guys started to cheer for Titus at this moment!

After all, they did not want to offend someone of Titus’ identity and status. When should they
cheer if not now?

Philip looked at Titus, who was on the opposite side, with a calm expression. He swept his gaze
past the crowd of cheering onlookers as well.

Titus smiled faintly as he walked around the arena. Then, be tapped the floor with his feet,
jumping up and down while posing with different fighting stances. He kept shaking his body from
side to side as if he was warming up.

To Philip, these were merely pretentious actions. From an outsider’s point of view, Titus’ actions
were simply too cool and dashing.

Many girls fainted from that sight!

Titus hooked his fingers and said to Philip, “Kid, just take your best shot. As long as you can
survive three moves under my hands, I’ll let you go. How about it?”

While saying that, Titus smirked.

Three moves? No one could survive even one move!

By mentioning three moves, he was just displaying his graciousness.

“As expected of Young Master Denver. Such gallantry is incomparable!”

“Boy, I advise you to quickly apologize to Young Master Titus and Miss Heidi. Don’t try to be a
hero! No one can last more than three moves under Young Master Titus!”

“If you don‘t want to die, just kneel and apologize. It’s not shameful to bow down. Your life is
more important.”

Hearing everyone’s persuasions, Philip did not have any emotional fluctuations.

On the side, Vivi Joo was a little anxious. After all, Philip only provoked Heidi because of her.
She looked at Philip before saying to Titus, “Titus, can you forget about this matter on my
account? I’ll apologize on his behalf for what happened to Heidi.”

“Don’t even think about it! “

Heidi, who had been sneering on the side, heard that Vivi was going to stand up for Philip. She
immediately stood up and shouted, “Vivi, don’t be confused! Why are you defending a useless
bastard like him? Later, you’ll see him kneel and apologize to me! At that time, you’ll know that
some men are unreliable!”
While saying that, Heidi was full of sneers. It was really gratifying to see her big brother stand up
for her!

That damned bastard should just wait to get killed!

Lynn, who was standing in the crowd, watched this scene with a sneer and kept taking videos
for Liam.

At this moment, Liam had left this place and headed to the hotel where Wynn was entertaining
Willy Fadden. That was his main focus.

Chapter 2328
At the entrance of Harbor Hotel, Liam had just gotten out of his Porsche when he saw a bunch
of short videos sent to him by Lynn.

After clicking on them, Liam was full of sneers. Even God was on his side!

Philip was simply too pretentious. He thought so highly of himself just because he had some
money and strength. Now that he had bumped into a big shot like the Denver family, it was
simply like an egg hitting against a stone. He was doomed for sure!

After replying to Lynn, Liam tugged on his suit jacket and raised his eyebrows. He looked at the
glorious Harbor Hotel in front of him. Then, he walked toward the main entrance of the hotel.
Two bearded and burly foreigners stood guard at the entrance. Liam stepped forward with a
smile on his face and asked, “How is it? Is everyone inside?”

One of the foreigners with a hooked nose smiled and said confidently, “Young Master Johnston,
don’t worry. No one can escape with us around! Our boss is eating in the private room inside.”

Liam nodded and followed the foreigner through the main hall before arriving at a private room.

The room was not big, but the table was full of food and wine.

A sturdy-looking foreigner with a bald head and beard was wearing a black jacket. He carried a
dagger on his waist, and at this moment, he was gorging on the food.

“Hey, Young Master Johnston. You’re just in time to eat with me. The food here is simply
delicious. I love it! However, this local gin is not to my taste. I still prefer our vodka!”

The foreigner looked at Liam with a smile on his face.

Liam stepped forward and sat down. He looked at the foreigner whose mouth was stuffed with
food and said, “Heinz, how’s the preparation?”
That foreigner threw away the pork knuckle and wiped his greasy hands. He got up, pointed his
finger to the top, and said with a smile, “It’s all upstairs, Young Master Johnston. You don’t have
to worry. With me here, no one can leave this hotel.”

Liam nodded in satisfaction, got up, and hugged the foreigner.

Back to Philip’s side.

At this moment, Titus was hyping himself up to the max. He circled around Philip with nimble
steps, constantly mock-punching to harass Philip. He was just like a cat playing with its food.

This scene also made many people in the hall laugh out loud.

Philip, on the other hand, looked at Titus indifferently. Then, in everyone’s stunned eyes, Philip
gave Titus a thumbs-down gesture!

Hiss! This guy was really not afraid of death!

Seeing this, Titus quickly punched out. That punch carried vigor and formed a one-inch wind

An ordinary person would have been sent flying with this punch. However, a glint flashed in
Philip’s eyes and Titus’ movements slowed down in his vision.

“Too slow!”

Philip simply said this and backed away a little sideways. At the same time, he punched out at
Titus’ armpit. His punch also carried a gust of wind!


The expected scene of Philip being sent flying away by Titus did not happen. Instead, Titus
staggered several steps back while constantly shaking his right arm. He looked at Philip with a
hint of suspicion in his eyes and said, “Interesting. It seems that you’re not a simple person.”

After saying that, Titus stretched his neck and shook his arms for a while. Then, he stomped on
the floor with both feet before making a roundhouse kick aimed steadily and viciously at Philip’s

This kick contained a thousand pounds of force. Even an elephant could be killed by this kick.
Moreover, it was incredibly fast!

In the eyes of ordinary people, they could not see what Titus had done.

In the air, an explosion sounded like a sonic boom. However, everyone only saw Philip’s grim
face as he grabbed hold of Titus’ foot with his left hand. Moreover, Philip’s left hand was still
exerting force!

The crunching sound of the leather boots being squeezed could be heard.

This scene was fully displayed in front of everyone’s eyes.

Titus frowned and stomped his left leg on the floor to jump up in midair, he flipped over and
kicked out at Philip’s chest with his other leg. However, a scene that shocked everyone


An explosion!

Titus flew back from the air as if he was bounced off by a huge force. He fell and crashed
heavily into a side pillar!


The pillar collapsed!

Instantly, the crowd in the main hall scattered. Everyone ran around like crazy and screams
could be heard. Then, in the eyes of everyone, Philip lightly dusted off his chest. He said,
“That’s all to your strength? I was even wondering how powerful you could be. In that case, I’ll
give you three moves. If you can survive three moves under me, I’ll let you leave. How about it?”



Chapter 2329
Philip’s words were extremely domineering. He simply repeated the words Titus had said to him

At this moment, all the onlookers hiding in the corners of the main hall were surprised. The
scene where Philip knocked Titus away with a single move made them unable to retum to their

This was impossible!

How could a useless loser be so powerful?

On the side, the dozen or so guards in combat uniform who cleared the scene just now had
strange looks on their faces upon seeing their boss being beaten by one move. They glared at
Philip ferociously and immediately raised their guns, pulling the bolts!

Suddenly, the atmosphere became extremely tense!

Philip’s cold gaze swept over the room imposingly. “Hehe, comparing firepower?” Philip said

At this time, Titus stood up from the floor and shouted solemnly, “Put your guns away! He’s my
opponent. I want to defeat him with my own hands!”

Titus lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly. The muscles and veins on his body quickly
protruded like a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

With his one command, the guards in combat uniforms stepped back to form an open space.

Titus abruptly raised his eyebrows, revealing his scarlet eyes. He stared fixedly at Philip. A
beast-like growl came out of his throat as he said, “Very good! You’re the first enemy I’ve
encountered, but you’ll also be the last! You’ve completely pissed me off now! In that case, your
life ends here!”

With that said, an invisible wave of cold intent surged from Titus’ body.

Then… Boom!

A loud explosion!

A black shadow flashed across everyone’s eyes. Then, Titus’ explosive punch had already
slammed into Philip’s face. This fist carried a wind that made the muscles hurt. However, Philip
also threw a punch!


The fists collided with such a huge impact that Titus was knocked back several steps before he
could stop himself. Titus frowned. He never expected his full-frontal attack to be diffused by
Philip so easily.

Philip had the strength of the fourth zone. Moreover, it was on par with Titus. However, he was
trained in physical art and was invincible compared to someone of the same zone.
Thus, Titus changed his attack posture and rushed forward. One after another, deadly killing
moves were aimed at Philip’s vital parts. Due to the usage of physical art, it looked just like an
ordinary fight in the eyes of everyone else. However, no one knew that every punch and kick
from Titus was enough to kill a full-grown elephant!


Just when everyone was dazzled by Titus’ deadly attacks, a figure flew up from the field and
was kicked away!


The figure hit a wall so hard that the entire wall cracked.

Then, under the incredulous gaze of everyone, they saw that the one left standing in the field
was Philip. He did not even take two steps away from his previous spot.


Everyone gasped aloud. Strong! He was simply too powerful!

Titus Denver was one of the future Northfrost Supreme candidates, but in front of Philip, he
could not fight back at all. He could only receive a bashing!

Everyone felt chills go up to their necks. It was because they had all insulted Philip just now.

Chapter 2330
Philip’s cold gaze swept over the crowd, and everyone averted their eyes for fear of being

Heidi also stared dumbfoundedly at Titus who had fallen to the floor and could not get up. Her
legs went weak with panic. Even her big brother had lost. What should she do now?

“Go! Take him down for me! How dare this villain beat up the future supreme ‘til he’s so
seriously injured?!” Heidi shouted immediately, her face full of panic and anger.

Instantly, more than a dozen guards in combat uniforms raised their guns took aim at Philip
again. However, at this moment, a cold voice came from the door.

“Outrageous! Who dares to do this to my distinguished guest?”

Everyone followed the voice to the direction of the door and saw a woman in a long black
backless dress elegantly walking in. Her face was cold. This woman was very imposing. She
was followed by four bodyguards in white suits. They all wore sunglasses and had a black tattoo
of a skull on their necks.

She walked in and swept a glance over the crowd before her eyes fell coldly on Heidi, as well as
the guards in combat uniforms who had their guns raised.

“What are you doing, causing such a scene at my party? Heidi Denver, have I been too kind to

Yana Young reprimanded coldly.

When Heidi saw Yana walking out, her heart skipped a beat. However, she was unwilling to
back down and quickly replied, “Boss Young, although you’re hosting this auction, this reckless
guy dared to hit me in front of so many people. He has also injured my eldest brother. I must
teach him a good lesson! Otherwise, everyone will think that the Denver family of Golden City is
a pushover!”


Yana slapped Heidi on the face and said, “Do you think someone like you is worthy of shouting
at him? You even dare to teach him a lesson? Do you know who he is?”

Heidi was stunned by this slap!

She stared at Yana with confusion and anger. She said angrily, “Yana Young, even if you’re the
blue-eyed girl beside the Alliance Master, you have no right to make a move on me! I’m the
young lady of the Denver family of Golden City. My status is nobler than yours! Besides, who
can he be? He’s just a bastard who can fight!”

“Haha…” Yana snorted and said, “The Denver family of Golden City is very mighty, indeed. If
you’re indignant, you can go back and tell your father about this. Ask him if he dares to do
anything to me! Besides, if he’s a bastard, then your Denver family is not even an ant!”

After saying that, Yana waved her hand, turned around, and quickly stepped forward. She
walked to Philip, bowed slightly, and said respectfully, “Mr. Clarke, I’m sorry. It was my poor
arrangement that caused such a misunderstanding.”

Philip glanced at Yana indifferently and said, “Boss Young, make sure this doesn’t happen

Yana nodded quickly. She turned around, glanced at Titus who was lying on the floor, and said
to the bodyguard behind her, “Send him back and tell the Denver family of Golden City not to
find trouble with Mr. Clarke. Otherwise, they have to bear the consequences!”
With that said, the two bodyguards in white suits dragged Titus up from the floor and took him

Heidi stomped her feet angrily, turned around, and ran out. She must seek revenge for this. She
must tell her father immediately!

Here, the crowd was still in shock.

She was the host of tonight’s antique auction. She was said to be the blue-eyed girl next to the
Alliance Master. At this moment, she actually treated that young man so respectfully.


Lynn was also stunned and quickly sent a message to Liam.

“Mr. Clarke, please come with me to the inner hall.” Yana made an inviting gesture.

Chapter 2331
Philip nodded and followed Yana into the inner hall. After he left, the main hall exploded with

Holy shit!

Who the hell was that kid?

Even the blue-eyed girl next to the Alliance Master had to treat him with such respect!

Everyone had made the wrong judgment. Vivi Joo, who was among the crowd, also became the
object of everyone’s attention. Many children of wealthy families gathered around, wanting to
inquire about Philip’s identity.

Vivi merely smiled, said a few words briefly, and left. These people were really good at smelling

Back to Philip. He followed Yana into the inner hall and sat down in a private room.

“Young Master Clarke, I apologize again for what just happened.” Yana stood in front of Philip,
bent down 90 degrees, and apologized.

Philip looked at the mature woman in front of him and said with a chuckle, “Boss Young, I know
exactly who you are. You don’t have to put on this show in front of me. My purpose here is the
clue to the Multidew Herb. I won’t ask about anything else.”
Yana’s shapely eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She did not show the slightest anger at Philip’s
words but smiled slightly and said, “Young Master Clarke, please wait for a moment. I don’t think
you’ll be interested in the auction outside right now, so please take a rest here first. When it’s
time for the Multidew Herb, I’ll inform you.”

Philip nodded and did not say anything. He sat on the sofa, took out his phone, and sent a text
message to Wynn, [Wynnie, what are you doing?].

Yana was also wise enough to exit the private room.

Wynn was having dinner with Willy Fadden in a luxurious private room of the Harbor Hotel.

At the dinner table, Willy Fadden, a middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears, was smiling
suggestively. He thought that Beacon Group was good enough seeing as they had a beauty like
Mindy Scott, but he did not expect the chairwoman of Beacon Group to be even more beautiful
and charming!

Moreover, upon inquiring, she was a young married woman too! This was exactly in line with
Willy’s taste. It was said that those with experience were the best.

Willy sat on the main seat while his eyes constantly roved over Wynn’s and Mindy’s bodies. No
matter what, he must get these two little beauties into his room tonight.

“Madam Johnston, it pains me to say this, but your terms aren’t very good. You must know that
my company is a well-known enterprise in the country! In the entire south of Penhart, I have
70% of the business channels in my hands! Moreover, I’ve cooperated with several foreign
listed companies. If Beacon Group wants to enter the foreign market, they can’t do it without my

Willy had drunk too much and his face was flushed red. It was full of conspiring smiles.

Wynn sat across from him and said with a smile, “Mr. Fadden, I understand everything you said.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t be thinking of working with your company. It’s just that the distribution of
profits in the contract terms, 60:40, is already our limit. That’s because the research and
development of this medicine are our efforts. As you know, any drug on the market requires
long- term research and huge capital investment. 60:40 is really the best profit distribution we
can offer.”

60:40 was Wynn’s bottom line. It was already a concession made after amending the contract

However, Willy tried to get the lion’s share by suggesting 40:60 of profit distribution.
This made Mindy annoyed and led to the current circumstances where Wynn accompanied her
to meet Willy.

Chapter 2332
“Madam Johnston, my offer still stands at 60 to me and 40 to you. This is also my bottom line. If
we can‘t agree to this, we don’t have to discuss cooperation any further. After all, Martin
Pharmaceutical is waiting to cooperate with us. Why don’t you think about it carefully?”

A fox-like smile bloomed at the corner of Willy’s mouth as he picked up the glass of red wine on
the table. He swayed it slightly in his hand and took a sip. Wynn’s beautiful brows twitched. Just
at this moment, she received a text message. It was from Philip.

Taking this opportunity, Wynn got up and said, “Mr. Fadden, excuse me. I need to return a call.”

Willy smiled and said, “Please go ahead.”

After saying that, his lecherous eyes fell on Mindy. Mindy wanted to go out too, but if she did, it
would not be respectful to Willy. Hence, she endured Willy’s lecherous eyes and remained

Wynn left the private room and saw three foreigners standing in the corridor. They were
seemingly looking at their room. However, she did not think much about it. She dialed Philip’s
phone, walked to the side, and asked, “What’s up?”

Philip was a little excited at suddenly receiving a call from Wynn. He quickly asked, “I just
wanted to find out what you’re doing. I miss you already.”

It was said that sweet talk could make a woman happy and ease the tension.

Wynn’s brows relaxed slightly. She had been treating Philip coldly these days. After all, she had
to sort out some things and make some decisions on her own.

“I’m having a business meeting. If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up,” Wynn said mildly, but her
heart was a little touched.

Philip was taken and quickly asked, “What business? Is there any difficulty? You haven’t been
looking too good these days. Do you need my help?”

Wynn said, “No, I can handle it. ” After saying this, Wynn ended the call.

She crossed her arms and frowned. To be honest, she knew that as long as Philip took action,
there was nothing that could not be solved. Moreover, based on Philip’s temper and the wealth
of the Clarke family, it would be no problem to acquire Fadden’s company and let Beacon Group
develop globally to become one of the top listed companies in the world. However, Wynn did not
want to do that.

She wanted to rely on herself and prove herself!

In the past, Philip was just a poor boy who had nothing. Now, he was the family head of an
affluent family. She felt that the gap between her and Philip was too big. Although she held the
title of the young madam of the Clarke family, it was given by others and not earned by her.

After thinking about it, Wynn turned around and walked on her high heels to the private room.
As she passed the doorway of the private room, Wynn finally noticed the few foreign men
smoking and chatting in the corridor.

They even whistled at Wynn.

Wynn frowned but did not take it seriously. She pushed open the door of the private room and
walked in again.

“Mr. Fadden, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” Wynn smiled and sat down again.

Sitting across from her, Willy looked at Wynn’s graceful figure and said with a smile, “It’s okay. I
just wonder if you’ve considered this matter carefully?”

Wynn smiled and said, “Mr. Fadden, this matter involves the interests of all shareholders of the
company, so I need to go back and hold a meeting to discuss with them.”

Willy nodded and smiled. He got up, walked to Wynn’s side, and put his lecherous hands on
Wynn’s shoulders. He leaned close to Wynn’s ear and said, “Madam Johnston, there’s no need
to go through so much trouble. As long as you and your assistant can make me happy tonight,
60 to you and 40 to me is just a piece of cake. It’s not a big deal if I make less money. How
about it?”

Chapter 2333
Wynn was a little uncomfortable and got up. She got away from Willy’s lecherous hands. She
raised her glass and said with a smile, “Mr. Fadden, let me propose a toast to you. About the
cooperation, I have to go back and discuss it.”

Willy frowned and did not accept the glass in Wynn’s hand but said coldly, “What? Are you
looking down on me? My company controls 70% of the market in the south of Penhart. Even
foreign pharmaceutical companies, both import and export, have to go through me. Madam
Johnston, I hope you don’t turn down a helping hand. I’m trying to advise you with good

With that said, Willy snorted and returned to his seat with a cold expression on his face.
Wynn looked at Willy and said with a smile, “Mr. Fadden, don’t be angry. I know the size and
strength of your company, but this issue involves the profit distribution in the contract. I really
need to go back and discuss it with the others.”


Willy frowned and said with a laugh, “Madam Johnston, it’s not your first time out negotiating,
right? I’ve heard a lot about you during my recent stay in Riverdale. Now that you’ve become
the chairwoman of the board, don’t you understand the rules of the business world? Besides,
why are you acting chaste in front of me? I heard that you got all your previous cooperation and
even your position as chairwoman by sleeping with others!”

While speaking, Willy tapped his fingers heavily on the tabletop.

Mindy could not listen to this anymore. She stood up, pointed at Willy, and shouted, “Willy
Fadden, stop your bullshit! Madam Johnston isn’t as dirty as you say! She got the position of
chairwoman through her own efforts! The rumors outside are all nonsense!”


Willy laughed sarcastically and said, “I don‘t know if they’re nonsense or not, but tonight, the two
of you’d better not leave.”

His meaning was very obvious. Willy had shed all pretenses. He had to have Wynn and Mindy

“You old pervert!” Mindy angrily pointed at Willy and cursed.

Willy looked indifferent and asked, “How about it, Madam Johnston? Have you considered it? As
long as you keep me company tonight, it’ll be 60:40. 60 to you, and 40 to me! Moreover, I can
also introduce your company abroad. I’m sure you wouldn’t refuse such generous conditions.”


As a result, Wynn picked up the glass of red wine on the table and splashed the contents all
over Willy’s face.


The wine glass was smashed heavily on the table!

“You!” Willy exploded.

Wynn picked up her handbag and said, “I don’t have to think about it. Thank you for your
kindness. We shall meet again! Let’s go!”

After saying that, Wynn turned around and was about to leave the private room with Mindy.
However, just when the two were about to leave.


The door of the private room was pushed open from the outside!

At once, five or six sturdy foreign men barged in. Some had beards while others had tattoos on
their bare heads. All of them wore leather jackets or vests.

This group of people was unusually burly, each about 1.8 or 1.9 meters tall!

As soon as they appeared, the burly foreign man who took the lead smiled at the frightened
Wynn and Mindy. He asked, “Hehe, young ladies, where are you going?”

Seeing this, Wynn felt a little scared. She turned to look at Willy and shouted, “What do you

Willy was also stunned and scared by the scene in front of him. He desperately shook his head
and said, “How would I know? Don’t you know them?”

Chapter 2334
Hearing that, Wynn seemed to realize something. She turned to look at these ferocious foreign
men, forced a smile, and said, “Did you get the wrong private room?”

“No mistake. It’s you all right, my dear cousin.”

At this time, a cold male voice came from the direction of the door.

Liam Johnston, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked in with a cold face and a
sneer. He had his hands in his trouser pockets.

“Liam?” Wynn frowned and said, “What do you want?”

Liam smiled and ignored Wynn. He turned to Willy who was sitting in the main seat and said
with a bow, “Mr. Fadden, why don’t you move to my private room?”

Willy was not a person who could not understand the situation. He frowned, put down the wine
glass, got up, and left the private room. After Willy left, Liam turned to Wynn with a subtle smile.
He sat in a chair and said, “Wynn, I‘m here today just for one purpose. Martin Group wants to
merge with Beacon Group and make Beacon Group our subsidiary. I’ve prepared the contract.
As long as you sign it, you can leave safely.”

After saying that, Liam snapped his fingers. A big foreign man pulled out a contract agreement
and handed it to Wynn.

Wynn took the document, threw it on the table angrily, and shouted, “Liam Johnston, you’ve
gone too far! Do you think I’ll give in to you if you do this?”

Liam smiled, played with the knife and fork on the table with his fingers for a while, and said,
“Wynn, don’t be too angry. This matter is actually good for you too. We’ll give you a portion of
the shares. In the future, you only need to bring up your children and take care of your family. A
woman’s place is at home. Just leave the company to us. I’ve done the math for you. In this
way, you’ll have 50 million dollars from dividends every year, which is very good. You’ll have
fewer annoying problems to deal with too. Just take Willy Fadden as an example. As a woman,
how can you deal with such an old fox? If you’re forced into bed, it won’t be good for you or

After saying that, Liam gestured toward the burly foreign man over there and said, “Let her sign

The burly man nodded, took out a pen, and walked up to Wynn. He shoved the pen into her
hand and said coldly, “Sign it, or we’ll immediately kidnap your two children and sell them

Wynn panicked and held the pen in her hand. She was in a dilemma!


She threw the pen away, stared at Liam coldly, and said, “Don’t even think about it! If you dare
to do anything to Mila and Nelson, Philip won’t let you off!”


Liam got up, slapped Wynn on the face, and yelled, “Wynn, you really don’t know what’s good
for you! Are you counting on Philip to save you? Let me tell you, my people are on guard
downstairs! Even if Philip sprouts wings and becomes Superman, he won’t be able to come
here! This world is not what you think it is!”

Meanwhile, after sitting for a while, Yana walked back into the room and said with a bow, “Young
Master Clarke, the auction for the clue to the Multidew Herb has started. Please come with me.”

Philip hummed and got up. However, Yana said, “Young Master Clarke, due to special reasons,
please leave your phone here. Someone will take care of it.”
Philip thought for a while and put his phone in the bag that was brought over by the female
attendant on the side. Then, he turned around and followed Yana out.

At this time, the screen on Philip’s phone lit up. It was a text message that read, “Phil, save the

Chapter 2335
Philip followed Yana and arrived at a specific area in the inner hall. It was a large and luxurious
private room with few people.

Philip looked around and saw four men with different expressions. They were all in their 50s.

Yana led Philip into the room and he instantly attracted the attention of the four people.

They looked at Philip with hostility before averting their eyes, no longer paying attention.

Yana stepped forward with a smile, led Philip to the seat, and introduced, “Everyone, this is Mr.
Clarke. He’s also here to participate in this auction for the clue to the Multidew Herb.”

As soon as Yana finished speaking, a disdainful look crossed the face of a short and fat old man
who had his arms folded over his chest. He looked away and said coldly, “Boss Young, those
sitting here are not ordinary people. Don’t bring in any Tom, Dick, and Harry. This kid looks very

Then, another middle-aged man with a crewcut and an angular face agreed with a flash of
gloom in his eyes. “Master Lowe is right. The people sitting in this room are the leaders of the
hidden families of door disciples. I’m afraid it’s not good for a kid with such an unfamiliar face to
be here for our next event.”

“Boss Young, it’s better to ask this young man to leave. Even if he’s a friend of yours, he
shouldn’t appear on such an occasion.”

On one side, a dignified middle-aged man narrowed his eyes with a hint of coldness.

In the room, he was the one with the highest status.

As soon as he said that, the other three middle-aged men showed a hint of coldness in the
corners of their eyes.

Yana smiled and bowed slightly to them while saying, “Gentlemen, this Mr. Clarke is a friend of
mine who is also here to participate in the auction for the clue to the Multidew Herb. I hope you
can accept this on my account.”

With several snorts, the four middle-aged men stopped talking and just sat in the same position
with indifferent faces. They chatted with each other, not paying attention to Philip who sat in one

Seeing this scene, Philip smiled lightly without a word. However, he remembered what the man
with the crewcut and angular face had said earlier. He asked Yana in a low voice, “Just now, he
said that all of them are from hidden families of door disciples?”


There were indeed hidden families of door disciples.

Yana nodded and replied, “Yes, they’re the core figures from the hidden families of door
disciples, which are the Lowe family, the Stow family, the Cross family, and the Zen family. You
should have an understanding of the door disciples, so I’ll be direct. They’re regular visitors to
the second and third zones behind the Nonagon’s door. Each family also has children studying
or teaching in each zone. Generally, such a family will not appear in the secular world. After all,
the impact is very wide, so they can only stay hidden.”

Hearing that, Philip nodded silently. It was similar to what he had in mind.

After all, things like disciples and the Nonagon were too shocking and bizarre. They needed to
be hidden. For this reason, Philip suddenly became interested in these hidden families of door

On this side, the short and fat middle-aged man who was hostile as soon as Philip entered the
room, or Master Lowe as others addressed him, said disdainfully, “Hehe, so he’s a mundane
person who knows nothing. Boy, don‘t be too surprised at what you see and hear in a while. You
shouldn’t spread the word out either. Otherwise, no matter who you are or what kind of wealthy
family you come from, you’ll definitely encounter unnecessary troubles.”

After the man said this, the middle-aged man with a crewcut and angular face, also known as
Harold Stow, said, “Master Lowe is right. Kid, this is our advice to you.”

Philip chuckled lightly and did not take this group of arrogant people seriously. He said, “You’re
just hidden families of door disciples. What’s there to be proud and arrogant about? Do you
think you can kill me here?”

As soon as these words were spoken, Master Lowe slapped the mahogany table and shouted
angrily, “Arrogant kid! Is this the way you should speak to us? Not to mention killing you, but we
can also kill your whole family without letting any news out!”
Chapter 2336
Harold Stow stared at Philip coldly and sneered, “Well done, kid. You have guts. From the
sound of it, you seem to know about the hidden families of door disciples.”

“I just found out,” Philip replied mildly.

“Haha, since you just found out, where did you get the courage and confidence to say these
words?” Harold’s face darkened as a murderous intent flickered in the corners of his eyes.

“What? You’re just a bunch of old guys pulling your weight around. What’s there to be afraid of?”
Philip laughed.

“Presumptuous!” Harold shouted angrily.

With a slap, he shattered the chair he was sitting in into pieces! Such strength was indeed not
comparable to ordinary people.

Philip took a glance, and from the energy unleashed by Harold just now, he roughly judged his

A disciple of the second zone?

A little weak.

“Boy, kneel and apologize for your disrespect to us just now! Otherwise, I’ll break your limbs and
pull out your tongue!” Harold shouted angrily.

Philip still displayed an air of fearlessness. He looked at Harold, scratched his ears, and said,
“It’s a little noisy here. If you think you’re very powerful, just go ahead and take a shot at me.”

“You’re seeking death!”

Harold roared and raised his hand to smack Philip!

However, at this moment, Yana signaled with her eyes. A guard in a white suit behind her
stepped forward and received the blow from Harold head-on without moving.

Yana said, “Patriarch Stow, there’s no need to be angry. Tonight, our purpose is for the Multidew
Herb. If we make such a scene now, I think there’s no need to carry out the next auction.”

Harold’s face was cold at this moment, and he looked at Yana. If not for the bodyguard in the
white suit in front of him, Harold would have smacked Philip to death!
The dignified middle-aged man who had been sitting all this while, also the patriarch of the Zen
family with the highest status and strength in the room, Nathan Zen, said, “Patriarch Stow,
please take a seat. The next auction is the main focus.”

After saying that, Nathan looked at Philip, who had an indifferent look on his face. A hint of
doubt flashed at the corners of his eyes.

In the face of Harold’s blow just now, this young man did not show any signs of fear at all.


Yana quickly gestured to her subordinates and said, “Let’s begin.”

Soon, a tall woman in a black dress and black gloves walked in with a golden tray. She walked
up to the front and placed the golden tray on the marble countertop.

“Gentlemen, this is the clue to the Multidew Herb. This jade pendant is engraved with the
location of where the herb grows.”

Yana stood behind the marble countertop, put her hands on top of the golden tray, and lifted the
red cloth.

Chapter 2337
‘The location where the Multidew Herb grew?’

Hearing this, Philip tensed and clenched his fists tightly. He must get his hands on this jade

Of course, the other four leaders also shared the same thought as Philip. Likewise, their eyes
became fiery while their breathing shortened!

The short and fat Master Lowe said, “Boss Young, do let us take a closer look at the jade

With a smile, Yana personally held the golden tray and walked to the front.

Master Lowe tried to get his hands on it but Yana gently evaded him and said with a smile,
“Master Lowe, this item is very precious. It has been passed down throughout history and can’t
be touched easily. Please look at it with your eyes only.”

Hearing that, Master Lowe frowned but did not say anything. He withdrew his hand and
narrowed his eyes slightly. There was a faint glimmer in his eyes as he carefully stared at the
flawless pure white jade pendant.
This jade pendant was more similar to the jade slips held by the ancient courtiers. It was about
five inches long and the size of a palm.

The front of the jade pendant was carved with dragons, phoenixes, mountains, bodies of water,
and children taking care of the herd. It looked like a landscape painting. The images engraved
on it were very vivid and had not lost their original luster and color even after thousands of

Master Lowe wanted to see the back of the pendant too but Yana shook her head and said,
“Only the person who wins the auction tonight can see what’s depicted on the back as it has the
clue to the Multidew Herb.”

This made Master Lowe a little angry, but he was still lost in thoughts about the engravings on
the jade pendant and the contents of the records on the back of the pendant.

There were many drug research institutions in the Nonagon. The essence of life was certainly a
research topic. The Nonagon did not neglect research on certain plants and herbs either.

Soon, the jade pendant was passed to Harold Stow. He also narrowed his eyes, observed for a
while, and nodded silently. A hint of conspiracy flashed in the corners of his eyes. Harold’s
scheming thoughts were no less than Master Lowe’s at this moment!

He must get this item. Only with this could the Stow family reach new heights.

No! It could be said that they would surpass several new heights. The clue to the Multidew Herb
was priceless!

Whoever got this would obtain more resources, time, and greater connections. Those people
from the five pavilions and the deputy consul of the Nonagon had been looking for this thing too.
If Harold offered this information, the Stow family would definitely achieve glory!

Then, the jade pendant was passed to the middle-aged man with the highest status in the room,
Nathan Zen!

At this moment, he opened his eyes and crossed his arms. His eyes burst with brilliance. He
even used his understanding of the rules of matter to see through the inside and back of the
jade pendant. However, this jade pendant contained a barrier that blocked all exploring senses,
which included Nathan’s probing skill.

This made Nathan frown.

Then, he nodded and signaled to have it be passed to the next person.

From the beginning to the end, an ancient-looking old man with a long beard had remained
silent even as the other three leaders of the disciple families ridiculed and intimidated Philip. At
this moment, he took a few glances at the jade pendant and nodded.

Finally, the jade pendant reached Philip.

He had just taken a glance at it when the short and fat Master Lowe sneered. He said, “Boss
Young, why show the item to that kid? What does he know? I think it‘s better not to waste time.
Just state the bidding price and let’s get started!”

“Yes, Master Lowe is right! Here, only the few of us have the ability to bid for this jade pendant.”

Chapter 2338
Harold Stow was unhappy with Philip right from the beginning and naturally sided strongly with
Master Lowe at this moment.

Yana said with a smile, “Gentlemen, everyone will be treated equally here. Of course, Mr. Clarke
can look at it too.”


Harold turned his face and mocked, “Look? What does he know? A brat who doesn’t know
anything can only satisfy his voyeuristic urge.”

Philip paid no heed to Harold’s mockery and looked at the jade pendant seriously. At this
moment, he used a little of his control over the rules of matter.


In an instant, the barrier inside the jade pendant that could block all exploring senses collapsed
under Philip’s control over the rule of insight. At this moment, a scene from a thousand years
ago appeared in front of Philip’s eyes. It was a piece of history lost in ashes. There were
fragmentary images of old men and young boys, as well as pill production and herb fields.

Just when Philip was still exploring the historical image of the jade pendant, a thin white
shimmer appeared on him and the jade pendant.

This scene naturally alarmed the other four leaders present. They looked sideways slightly as a
trace of gloom flashed in the corners of their eyes!

This kid… How was it possible?!

Even they could do nothing, but this kid resonated with the jade pendant just by looking at it.
This was control over the cosmic rules.
It turned out that this guy was not an ordinary person. He had been concealing his ability.

Master Lowe, Harold, and Nathan exchanged a glance with each other. Killing intent flashed in
their eyes.

This kid could not be allowed to live!

Soon, Philip was done looking at it. He retracted his senses and nodded.

Yana held the golden tray and returned to the front. She smiled and said, “Gentleman, the
bidding price for this jade pendant is a task.”

“A task?”

The four members of the hidden disciple families and Philip were taken aback. They were full of
doubts, not understanding the meaning of Yana’s words.

Yana smiled and said, “This task is very simple. I need everyone’s help to get me a level-three
essence of life from the Biological Research Institute of the Nonagon.”

‘A level-three essence of life?’

Philip did not understand a word. However, the expressions of the other four turned dark!

Master Lowe frowned and said coldly, “Boss Young, I’m afraid it’ll be very difficult for us to do

“A level-three essence of life!”

That was a new product that the Nonagon had just started researching. Just one portion could
prolong one’s lifespan by 20 years. Moreover, it could directly increase cellular activity and
greatly enhance the user’s strength. That was the Nonagon’s most strictly guarded and
protected genetic product. It was because there were only ten portions.

It was not available for just anyone!

As the disciple families of the second and third zones, they had no chance to come into contact
with such things at all.

They must pay a huge price to get it.

Harold’s face was also very dark. He suddenly turned to Philip and asked with a smile, “Kid, why
don’t you do it?”
Chapter 2339
Harold’s words totally diverted everyone’s attention to Philip.

A level- three essence of life was not a joke!

Yana’s request was too high. No one could fulfill it. However, after Harold drew the attention to
him, Philip merely smiled and said, “I don’t quite understand what a level-three essence of life

“Hahaha!” Instantly, Harold and the others burst into laughter.

“Kid, you ‘re really something! I thought you had some ability just now, but now, it seems that
you’re just an innocent young man who knows nothing! You haven‘t even heard of the level-
three essence of life. What are you doing sitting here?”

Harold laughed before his tone turned cold.

The short and fat Master Lowe also sarcastically said, “Since you don’t know it, you don’t need
to participate in the competition. Just sit and watch from the sidelines.”

After that, Master Lowe said to Yana, “Boss Young, this is a matter of great importance. I need
to discuss it with everyone in the family. I’ll give you an answer as soon as possible.”

Yana smiled and gestured for Master Lowe to go ahead.

Master Lowe immediately got up, walked to the side, and made a call.

Harold also got up and was ready to call someone from his family to ask about the situation.

However, Nathan Zen, who had been sitting all throughout, said, “I, Nathan Zen, promise to do
it! I’ll take this jade pendant!”


The other three looked at Nathan in shock. Was Nathan crazy?

He agreed without even thinking about it. They were talking about a level-three essence of life.

After Nathan finished speaking, he got up and said to Yana, “Boss Young, I’ll present the
level-three essence of life to you tomorrow. When that time comes, this jade pendant will belong
to me.”
Yana smiled, glanced at the silent Philip on the side, and said, “Patriarch Zen, as long as you
can bring me the level-three essence of life, this jade pendant will naturally belong to you.”


Nathan waved his hand with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked at the jade
pendant with even more determination before he turned around to leave. However, before he
took two steps, an uncanny voice sounded behind him.

“I want this jade pendant too. I can give you the level-three essence of life right now!” Philip
spoke, his gaze very firm.

He had to get the clue to the Multidew Herb. No matter the cost, he would pay the price. After
all, it was related to Wynn’s Golden Blood Syndrome!

No one could snatch this jade pendant from under his nose!


Everyone in the private room was full of shock. Nathan, who was about to leave, turned around
when he heard Philip’s words. A chill flashed in the corner of his eyes as he asked Philip coldly,
“Are you trying to snatch this jade pendant from me?”

Master Lowe ended his call at this moment and walked over. He stared at Philip grimly and said
coldly, “Kid, don’t be insolent. If you snatch something from the Zen family, you’ll die miserably!”

A brat actually dared to fight with Nathan. He was simply out of his depths.

Harold also mocked, saying, “Patriarch Zen, I think this kid is deliberately targeting you. He
actually wants to snatch something from you. Even if we can’ t get it, we can’t let this kid off so

After saying that, he turned to Philip with a wicked smile and said, “Boy, are you saying that you
can get the level-three essence of life tonight?”

Chapter 2340

Even members of the hidden families of door disciples like them could not do it.

The most powerful person here was Nathan Zen. After all, his father-in-law was an employed
academician at the Genetic Products Research Institute of the Nonagon.
The research and development project of this level-three essence of life was also made through
the efforts of his father-in-law.

Therefore, if Nathan said that he could get the level-three essence of life tomorrow, he could
definitely do so. However, how could this ordinary kid say that he could get the essence of life

Simply preposterous

Faced with the criticisms and threats from the three, Philip remained seated calmly. He turned
his head and said with a faint smile,

“Those who can pay the price will get the item. Isn’t that the rules of an auction? If Patriarch Zen
has the ability, he can present the essence of life one step ahead of me. In that case, Ill make
my retreat.”


Philip’s words were very domineering. Could he really get the essence of life tonight?

“Kid! You’re too arrogant! How dare you speak to Patriarch Zen like that? Don’t you want to live
anymore?” Harold shouted.

When he was just about to make his move, Nathan raised his hand and said with a smile, “Very
well. Let’s see how Mr. Clarke can get the level-three essence of life tonight!”

“That’s right, I want to see it too!” Master Lowe said with a gloating smile.

Philip shrugged and asked Yana for a phone.

He called George Thomas and said mildly “Contact the Nonagon. I need a level-three essence
of life. Consider it a favor thatI owe the Nonagon. Have it delivered to Spruce Villa.”

On the other end of the phone, George replied, “Yes, Young Lord. I’ll contact them right away.”

After speaking, George ended the call and immediately called the Nonagon.

After Philip ended the call, he sat in his seat leisurely. He was not in a hurry at all.

Nathan and the others stood in place, staring at Philip with hostility.

About ten minutes later, the short and fat Master Lowe frowned. He said, “Kid, are you putting
on a show? It’s been more than ten minutes. Where’s the level-three essence of life
“Hehe, this is just a tactic to stall for time. In my opinion, we should just kill this kid! I’mn getting
annoyed at the sight of him!”

Harold’s eyes were full of killing intent. A surge of energy was about to burst from his body!

Nathan’s face was also very ugly as he asked coldly, “Mr. Clarke, how long more do we have to

Philip raised his eyebrows calmly and said with a smile, “No hurry. Soon.”

Hearing that, Nathan’s frown deepened. He said, “if we find out later that you’re fooling with us,
don’t blame me for not showing any respect to Boss Young and taking action against you, Mr.

Nathan’s words were equivalent tob pronouncing Philip’s death sentence. Master Lowe and
Harold also sneered. However, Philip said nonchalantly, “The strength of two disciples from the
second zone and one disciple from the third zone have really given you such confidence, huh”
The First Heir - Chapter 2340


Even members of the hidden families of door

disciples like them could not do it.

The most powerful person here was Nathan

Zen. After all, his father-in-law was an
employed academician at the Genetic
Products Research Institute of the Nonagon.

The research and development project of

this level-three essence of life was also
made through the efforts of his father-in-law.

Therefore, if Nathan said that he could get the level-three essence of life tomorrow, he could
definitely do so. However, how could this ordinary kid say that he could get the essence of life

Simply preposterous

Faced with the criticisms and threats from

the three, Philip remained seated calmly. He
turned his head and said with a faint smile,

"Those who can pay the price will get the

item. Isn't that the rules of an auction? If
Patriarch Zen has the ability, he can present
the essence of life one step ahead of me. In
that case, Ill make my retreat."


Philip's words were very domineering. Could

he really get the essence of life tonight?

"Kid! You're too arrogant! How dare you

speak to Patriarch Zen like that? Don't you
want to live anymore?" Harold shouted.

When he was just about to make his movve,

Nathan raised his hand and said with a
smile, "Very well. Let's see how Mr. Clarke can
get the level-three essence of life tonight!"

"That's right, I want to see it too!" Master Lowe

said witha gloating smile.

Philip shrugged and asked Yana for a phone.

He called George Thomas and said mildly

"Contact the Nonagon. I need a level-three
essence of life. Consider it a favor thatI owe
the Nonagon. Have it delivered to Spruce

On the other end of the phone, George

replied, "Yes, Young Lord. I'll contact them
right away."

After speaking, George ended the call and

immediately called the Nonagon.

After Philip ended the call, he sat in his seat

leisurely. He was not in a hurry at all.

Nathan and the others stood in place, staring

at Philip with hostility.

About ten minutes later, the short and fat

Master Lowe frowned. He said, "Kid, are you
putting on a show? It's been more than ten
minutes. Where's the level-three essence of

"Hehe, this is just a tactic to stall for time. In

my opinion, we should just kill this kid! I'mn
getting annoyed at the sight of him!"

Harold's eyes were full of killing intent. A

surge of energy was about to burst from his

Nathan's face was also very ugly as he asked

coldly, "Mr. Clarke, how long more do we
have to wait?"

Philip raised his eyebrows calmly and said

with a smile, "No hurry. Soon."

Hearing that, Nathan's frown deepened. He

said, "if we find out later that you're fooling
with us, don't blame me for not showing any
respect to Boss Young and taking action
against you, Mr. Clarke."

Nathan's words were equivalent tob

pronouncing Philip's death sentence. Master
Lowe and Harold also sneered. However,
Philip said nonchalantly, "The strength of two
disciples from the second zone and one
disciple from the third zone have really given
you such confidence, huhP"

The First Heir - Chapter 2341

The moment these words were spoken, the

atmosphere in the private room immediately

The eyes of Master Lowe and Harold burst

with killing intent as they shouted, "Brat! What
did you say? You're courting death!"

They were angry! How dare a worthless loser

belittle them, the members of the hidden
disciple families?


The mundane world and the world of

disciples were poles apart. There was a chain
of contempt. People from the disciple
families generally despised the mundane
world. It was because in their opinion, the
people of the mundane world were ants.
They simply made up the numbers and were
only mortals.

Meanwhile, they belonged to the disciple

world. They could completely replace the
mundane world and change the existing
rules of the world. Now, a punk from the
mundane world actually dared to speak to
them like this and simply did not show them
due respect!

Philip calmly sneered and said, "Am I wrong?

The few of you think too highly of yourselves."


Master Lowe bellowed as a wave of fury rose

within him. He waved his hand and a gust of
wind headed straight at Philip!

At the same time, he shouted, "You're

courting death!"


Master Lowe withdrew his palm, and the wind

shattered the few chairs in front of him into
pieces. However, when the palm was about
half a meter in front of Philip, Philip raised his
hand and threw a punch!

The fist took the form of a fire chimera, which

roared loudly and burned hotly. It pounced
on Master Lowe!


This punch knocked away Master Lowe's

palm strike. The fire chimera slammed itself
into Master Lowe's chest, sending him flying
several meters away before crashing into a
wall heavily. The wall cracked and was
scorched black!
Master Lowe spat a mouthful of blood and
fell to the floor while clutching the burnt
clothes and flesh on his chest. He stared at
Philip in disbelief. He said, "Y-You're actually
a disciple too."

After saying this, Master Lowe fell to the floor


That was right. There was a surge of killing

intent around Philip. How dare a disciple from
the second zone put on airs in front of him?

He was seeking death!

Harold was stunned for a moment when he

saw Master Lowe being punched by Philip.
Then, he roared furiously. "Boy, how dare you
make a move on Master Lowe?! You're simply
heading for death!"

Harold struck out again, and at this moment,

fierce anger swept through him. Four small
white swords circled him, humming and

At this moment, some objects in the room

also began to shake violently following the
surge of energy from Harold!

"Go to hel!"

fingers together like cold swords, and

pointed them straight at Philip.


Four white swords of energy carrying a biting

killing intent flew out and headed straight for
Philip's vital points. The blow would be
enough to kill Philip. However, the next scene
shocked everyone in the room.

Philip frowned and raised his hand in a

grabbing motion.


The four white swords of energy exploded

with bone-chilling killing intent and shattered
half an inch in front of Philip, disintegrating
into nothingness.

Just a casual grab and he stopped Harold's

Four Swords Technique!

This was unbelievable. Harold was also


How was this possible?

The First Heir Chapter 2342

Immediately after, in Harold's shocked and

frightened eyes, Philip got up. He stretched
languidly and said with a sneer, "Ive just
mastered the control over matter. This is a
good chance for me to practice on you."

With that said, Philip raised his hand,

grabbed at Harold who stood not too far
away from him, and rotated his five fingers.

Around Philip's right hand, seven or eight

buzzing silver swords appeared out of thin
air. These long silver swords were formed by
Philip using the source of kingship obtained
from the Dunley family.

At this moment, Philip's aura suddenly

formed a stark contrast to his previous aura!

In the center of Philip's broW, a small silver

snake mark seemed to appear. Moreover, the
energy storm caused by this simple move
was even more powerful than Harold's attack
just now.

They were two ends of the spectrum!

The entire private room was filled with the

terrifying and ferocious aura of the seven or
eight silver swords that circled Philip's right


At that moment, Philip waved his right hand

with gusto.

Seven or eight silver swords shot out with a

Wave of manic energy. In the blink of an eye,
they were half an inch away from Harold

At that moment, Harold was stunned on the spot.

His eyes widened as he stared at the seven or eight silver long swords that shone with dazzling
light right in front of him.

The call of death exploded in Harold's mind.

The corner of Philip's mouth twitched as he
hooked his fingers. The seven or eight silver
swords shot straight ahead.

Bang, bang, bang!

These seven or eight silver swords shot past

the sides of Harold's cheeks, cutting off a lot
of his hair. They left several bloody streaks on
his cheeks and ears. Then, the swords
slammed into a wall behind Harold. In an
instant, seven or eight large holes the size of
human heads were blasted from the wall!

They could even see the neon night scene

outside. Then, the wall collapsed and

The moment the wall collapsed, Harold's

knees went weak and he knelt on the floor. At
the same time, a puddle of yellow liquid
flowed out from the bottom of his pants.

He was so scared that he pissed himself.

Then, Philip calmly looked at Nathan, who

was standing on the side. He said with a
smile, "Patriarch Zen, why don't we wait a
while longer?"

Nathan's face was full of chills at the


This hateful boy!

How dare he conceal his strength?

With such means, aura, and control over

matter, he must at least be a disciple from
the third zone. Nathan's eyes flickered rapidly
before he said, "Okay, let's wait a little

As he said that, the door of the private room

was pushed open by two people in black
robes. There was a triangular geometric
pattern branded on their chests. With masks
on their faces, they walked right in and
glanced around the room mildly without a

However, Nathan was shocked!

They were the Nonagon's enforcers. Why did

they suddenly appear here?!

Was it really because of that kid, Philip


Nathan's expression changed rapidly. Amid

his shocked gaze, one of the Nonagon's
enforcers walked up to Philip, bowed slightly,
and said, "Patriarch Clarke, this is the item
you want."

With that said, he took out a metal test tube

containing a blue liquid.

Level-three essence of life!

Chapter 2343-2344
This is truly a level three life liquid solution.

When the metal test tube is taken out, the blue liquid indicates strong vitality.

An ocean-like vitality filled the entire room, making Wood Jan and the others shudder.

Even though Wood Jan was fortunate enough to have seen the third level life liquid, now he was
still shocked when he saw it again.

His eyes fell on Philip.

Who is this kid?!

Mr Clarke?

Just through his phone call, Nonagon General Administration's research assistant personally
delivered the third level of life fluid.

It was a very expensive genetic product, almost equivalent to a priceless treasure. Only a total
of ten tubes were produced.

However, it was only because of this boy's words, that he needed the assistance of the General
Administration of Nonagon, and Nonagon had sent the real life liquid so quickly.

The identity of this child is terrifying and not simple.

Wood Jan wasn't stupid either, when deacon Nonagon appeared, he had already guessed
something vaguely.

And in the room, the old man of the four disciple families who had not spoken since the
beginning, his eyes suddenly flashed a bright light, staring at the liquid of life, a huge surge of
energy occurred in his body.


Suddenly, the old sage could no longer control himself.

He immediately made a gesture of extending his hand.

As a result, a large hand, carrying a dazzling light energy, immediately patted the two research
assistants of Nonagon.

"You are presumptuous!"

When the two research assistants of Nonagon saw this, they roared, and at the same time
brought out their own strength to fight it.

However, the old sage's palm contained the use of thunder control law, and directly generated
some black thunder, then blew up the two Nonagon research assistants!


The two research assistants of Nonagon were blown away by the black thunder, vomited blood,
and fell heavily.
At that moment, the metal test tube was flung into the air.

The old sage's mouth was full of sneer, and said: "Sorry, this third level of life liquid and jade
changed hands, I have to accept it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old sage with lightning-like speed shot straight from the chair.

In everyone's sight, the old sage turned into black light and shadow and instantly stretched out
his hand to grab the test tube containing the liquid of life that was still floating in the air as well
as the jade on the gold tray on the marble table.

Wood Jan also had not had time to comprehend the situation at that time, he did not expect
such a sudden change to occur.

He immediately opened his mouth and scolded: "Old Monster Juan! What are you doing?! Are
you going to defect to go against the disciple family and the Nonagon General Administration?!"

Wood Jan is furious!

Old Monster Juan laughed slyly and said, "Patriarch Jan, I don't have much time, I just need this
life fluid to increase my lifespan! I also hope Patriarch Jan won't stop me."

At the same time as he finished speaking, his hands were already holding a metal test tube and
a jade slip.

From beginning to just now, he didn't say anything, and he didn't reveal anything.

At this critical moment, the sudden upheaval really caught people off guard.

Wood Jan's face sank, and he glanced at the two Nonagon research assistants who fell
unconscious on the ground, and scolded coldly: "Old Monster Juan! Since you did this to the
two Nonagon research assistants, it is certain that someone from the Nonagon General
Administration will come to seek and trouble you!"

The old monster Juan looked at Wood Jan, and said with a hideous smile on the corner of his

"Patriarch Jan, from today onwards, I will retire overseas. No matter how powerful the Nonagon

General Administration is, it is impossible to reach the 12 Western Sacred Halls."

After saying that, old monster Juan turned around and was about to leave.

After all, it would be dangerous to stay here for long.

"You! Don't ever try to run away!"

Wood Jan shouted angrily, raised his hand, and the red light in his hand was directly struck by
him and aimed at the old monster Juan.

Old Monster Juan sneered at the corners of his mouth, looked back, then raised his hand and
made a slashing motion.

The black thunder directly shattered the red light.

Then, the black thunder didn't stop there, it continued to slash straight at Wood Jan's chest,
tearing his chest.

Wood Jan's body staggered, and he took a few steps back, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes reddened, then Wood Jan said in disbelief, "You... you have reached the fourth door..."

Fourth door!It turned out that this old sage had hidden his strength.
Old Monster Juan lowered his hand, his eyes blazing because his thunder aura, then said, "It's
nothing, I just entered the fourth door half a month ago."

As he spoke, the old sage's face was full of arrogance, as if he was capable of controlling the
world as well as the life and death of others.

With a gleam in his eyes, he glanced at the entire room, and said coldly: "Hey, I don't want to
cause too many killings, but, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you guys must die together!"

After that, Old Monster Juan raised his hand, forming a black sphere.

And this black ball continued to emit the power of black thunder into the air.

The entire room was filled with that black thunder.

Wood Jan's eyes showed despair.

Such a great energy, let alone being at the strength level of the fourth door, it is very easy to
pulverize a room into rubble.

However, at this moment, a handsome figure stood up.

At that very moment, a cold, disdainful voice sounded: "If you don't want to die, leave the jade,
and you may bring the real life liquid."

Upon hearing this, Old Monster Juan's eyes widened.

Old Monster Juan, stared coldly at the man standing beside him.

Philip! This boy!

"Boy, I know you have some strength, but according to my calculation, your power is at most in
the third door, so this jade slip, you won't be able to have it!" Old Monster Juan smiled coldly,
showing a strong expression and contempt for Philip.

Philip moved the corners of his mouth, showing a faint grin, and said, "Are you going to leave
the jade?"

"Accept your death!"

Old Monster Juan raised an eyebrow, then raised his hand, and the black ball rumbled again.

Then he made a punching motion towards Philip. As a result, the black ball shot straight at

The energy in this black ball is too great, and the entire room is filled with the power of black


The power of the thunder bombarded the walls and floor, and directly lifted the layers of floor
tiles and wall coverings.

From the outside, one could see that the outer walls of this room were also flooded by the
power of black thunder.

The entire Greenland Villa had been in a state of alert at this time.

By Philip's side, in the face of this powerful energy, he just stood there indifferently, not
moving in the slightest.

He sighed, and then, took a step forward.

He directly approached the black thunder energy.

Old Monster Juan said with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, "Arrogant! You find your own
way! You killed yourself!"

However, as soon as he finished saying these words, the scene before him completely

Because, when Philip faced the black thunder energy, he only raised his hand slightly, and the
power control law in his palm interfered with the thunder power control law.

“Destroy!” Philip shouted softly.

Then, a black thunder energy was seen being vertically smashed by the long silver sword of
light generated by Philip's palm!

However, the silver long sword of light did not stop there.

The long silver sword of light continued to directly slash at Old Monster Juan fiercely.


Old Monster Juan was instantly slashed by the long silver sword of light.

And then, in his still staring eyes, his figure was cut into two halves, and he died instantly.

The First Heir Chapter 2343

It was really a level-three essence of life!

The moment the metal test tube was taken
out, the blue liquid exuded a strong sense of
vitality. The vitality that was as vast as an
ocean filled the entire private room, causing
Nathan and the others to tremble.

Even if Nathan was fortunate enough to have

seen the essence of life before, he was still
full of shock when he saw it again now.

His eyes fell on Philip.

Who the hell was this kid?!

Patriarch Clarke?

After he made a phone call, the enforcers

from the Nonagon personally delivered the
level-three essence of life. That was a very
expensive genetic product that was close to
priceless. There were only ten in total.

Now, just because that kid said that he would

owe the Nonagon a favor, they sent over the
essence of life so quickly.


Such terrifying strength and identity.

Nathan was not a fool either. When the
Nonagon's enforcers appeared, he had
vaguely guessed something. Inside the
private room, there was still the fourth leader
of the hidden disciple families who had not
spoken for a while. This old man's eyes
suddenly flickered brilliantly as he stared at
the essence of life. A raging aura brewed in
his body.


Abruptly, the old man stood up. With a hand

that carried manic energy pressure, he
struck toward the two enforcers from the

"HOw dare you!"

Seeing this, the two enforcers roared angrily

as they unleashed their energy, trying to fight
against the attack. However, that old man's
palm contained the use of lightning rules.
With several flashes of black lightning bolts,
the two enforcers were sent flying.


The two enforcers spat out mouthfuls of

blood as they crashed on the floor heavily.
The metal test tube was also thrown into the

With a malicious sneer, the old man said,

"Excuse me, but both the essence of life and
jade pendant are mine!"

As soon as he said that, he shot out from his

chair like a black bolt of lightning. He
manifested into a black shadow in front of
everyone's eyes and reached out to grab the
metal test tube that contained the essence
of life and the jade pendant on the golden
tray atop the marble table.

Nathan was also dumbfounded at this time.

He never expected such a sudden turn of
events. He cursed, "Old Cross, what the hell
are you doing? Are you turning against the
hidden disciple families and the Nonagon?"
Nathan was furious!

Old Cross laughed slyly and said, "Patriarch

Zen, I don't have much time left, so I need this
essence of life to prolong my life! I hope you
Won't stop me."

While he spoke, he was already holding the

metal test tube and jade pendant in each
hand. From the beginning to the end, he did
not say anything or expressed his attitude.At
this critical moment, the sudden upheaval
really caught others off guard.

Nathan's face darkened as he glanced at the

two Nonagon enforcers who had fallen to the
floor unconscious. He said coldly, "Old Cross,
by doing this to the two Nonagon enforcers,
aren't you afraid that the

Nonagon will come after you?"

Old Cross stared at Nathan and said with a

sneer, "Patriarch Zen, from today on, Ill retire
abroad. No matter how powerful the
Nonagon is, they can't reach out to the
territory of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West!"

With that said, Old Cross turned to leave.

After all, it was not wise to remain here.
Don't even think about leaving!"

Nathan shouted angrily and raised his hand.

A red magic circle in his hand was cast
directly at Old Cross!

With a sneer, Old Cross looked back, raised

his hand, and struck down!

The First Heir Chapter 2344

A black blade made from a thunderbolt

shattered the red magic circle!

However, the black thunderbolt blade did not

stop and hit Nathan in the chest, directly
tearing his flesh apart. Nathan staggered
back and spat out a mouthful of blood. With
bloodshot eyes, he said incredulously, "Y-You've actually reached the fourth zone."

The fourth zone!

Old Cross had been hiding his strength all
this while. Old Cross withdrew his hands, his
eyes blazing with chills as he said, "That's
right. I just entered the fourth zone two weeks

While speaking, the old guy's face was full of

arrogance as if he controlled the life and
death of others. His eyes twitched as he
glanced at the entire room. He said coldly,

"Alas, I didn't want to kill too many. But to

avoid unnecessary trouble, all of you should
go to hell together!"

After saying that, Old Cross raised his hand. A

black spherical energy storm brewed in his
palm, which sparked and crackled with black
lightning energy. The entire room was filled
with that black raging thunderstorm!

Nathan's eyes showed a look of despair.

This energy storm which contained the

strength from the fourth zone could easily
obliterate them. However, at this time,,a
dashing figure stepped forward.

lightning energy. The entire room was filled

with that black raging thunderstorm!

Nathan's eyes showed a look of despair.

This energy storm which contained the

strength from the fourth zone could easily
obliterate them. However, at this time,a
dashing figure stepped forward.

At the sdme time, a cold voice of disdain

said, "If you don't want to die, leave the jade
pendant. You can take the essence oflife
with you."

Hearing this, Old Cross' eyes burst with chills

as he stared at Philip who stood at the side.
This guy!

"Young man, I know you have some strength,

but you're only from the third zone, at most.

You don't have the ability to own this jade

pendant yet!" Old Cross laughed coldly,
showing contempt for Philip.

Philip's mouth twitched in a subtle sneer as

he said, "Are you not going to leave the jade
pendant behindp"

"You're seeking death!"

Old Cross cocked his eyebrows and raised

his hand. The black ball of thunderstorm was
Iaunched straight at Philip. This energy storm
was so huge that the entire room was filled
with black lightning power.


The lightning energy bombarded the walls

and the ground, blasting off layers of floor
tiles and walls. From the outside, the outer
wall of this room was also flooded with black
lightning energy. The alarms all over Spruce
Villa blared loudly at this moment.

Facing the powerful energy storm, Philip just

stood there indifferently, unmoving. He
sighed and walked toward the black energy

Old Cross said with a grim sneer, "Arrogant!

This is suicide!"

However, just as he finished these words, the

scene in front of him completely shocked
him. When Philip faced the black energy
storm, he simply raised his hand and the
cosmic rules in his palm disrupted the raging
rules in this area.

"Slash!" Philip exclaimed softly.

Thereafter, the black energy storm was

vertically slashed apart by the silver sword
energy formed in Philip's palm. However, the
silver sword's slashing momentum did not
decrease. With destructive pressure, it
slashed at Old Cross!


Old Cross was slashed by the silver sword

energy. with widened eyes, his body split into
two. He was as dead as he could be.

However, the big foreign man on the

opposite side shook his head and said with a
thick accent, "Old man, all of us are killers. We
don't care about the police in your country. If
you don't want to die, just sit here quietly."

First Heir - Chapter 2345

The might of one sword had directly killed a

disciple from the fourth zone.
Such strength rendered Nathan speechless!

This kid actually killed a disciple in the fourth

zone like Old Cross with just one sword.
Powerful! And too strong!

Only now did Nathan realize how terrifying

the young man in front of him was. Such
strength meant he was at least at the peak
of the fourth zone.

If he was even stronger, he could reach thhe

fifth zone. Nathan could no longer express
any sarcasm and contempt. He watched as
Philip walked over to grab the metal test tube
and jade pendant in his hand.

Philip glanced at the jade pendant before he

tossed the metal test tube onto the golden
tray on the marble table.

"The deal is done." Philip said indifferently

and left.

It was not until Philip left that Nathan

breathed a sigh of relief. He staggered and
got up from the floor, his chest bright red. He
bowed slightly to Yana and also left.

Just as Philip went out, an attendant at the

door of the room handed over his mobile
phone. Philip said thank you, glanced at his
phone, and saw a text message from Wynn.

The moment he saw the nmessage, his eyes

burst scarlet!

Wynn and the kids were in danger?!


Back to First Palace Villa.

At this moment, three sneaky figures flashed

amidst the darkness. The person who took
the lead glanced at the huge villa withacruel sneer.

He waved to the two guys beside him and walked toward the main hall of the villa.

Behind them, seven or eight bodyguards who were meant to guard the villa were already down.

All of them had their necks broken or slashed.

At this moment, Martha was in the living

room. She was on a video call with several of
her friends. After coming back in the past few
days, she would go to different places and
enjoy herself. When she was chatting happily,
three tall foreigners suddenly barged in
through the door.

Martha was immediately scared and asked

"W-Who are you? How did you get in?

Security, security!"


As a result, a bald foreign man rushed over,

raised his hand, and slapped Martha angrily
on the face. This slap caused Martha to
bleed in the mouth. She blacked out on the
sofa and took a long while to recove.

Following that, a stout foreigner who lagged

behind came in and sat on the sofa across.
He made a shushing gesture at Martha
before signaling to his subordinates. The two
men nodded and went upstairs.

Charles was awakened by the commotion in

the living room. Clad in his pajamas, he
Charles was awakened by the commotion in
the living room. Clad in his pajamas, he
walked out with his reading glasses and saw
two people sitting in the living room. Two
more were walking upstairs.

He shouted, "Who are youP"

Before he could get a good look, one of the

foreign men dragged Charles to the sofa

where Martha was. They were tied together

as they looked at each other in horro.

"W-What do you want? This is a private

residence. You'll be arrested if you break in
like this."

Charles was still calm.

However, the big foreign man on the

opposite side shook his head and said with a
thick accent, "Old man, all of us are killers. We
don't care about the police in your country. If
you don't want to die, just sit here quietly."

The First Heir Chapter 2346

The two guys upstairs walked down with an

unconscious Mila in their arms.

They shook their heads at the man on the sofa and said in a foreign language, "We can't find
the boy,I don't think he's here."

The big foreign guy on the sofa also replied

in a foreign language, "Shit! Let's just go with
this. We can still make do with this little girl!"

Seeing this, Charles and Martha finally

realized what was going on.

Human traffickers!

"W-What are you doing? Don't take my

granddaughter away! My son-in-law is the
new head of the Clarke family, the world's
largest wealthy family! If you do this, my son-
in-law will never let you go!"

Charles shouted anxiously and struggled.


The guy in the lead, or Heinz as Liam called

him, kicked Charles in the chest, causing
Charles to spit outa mouthful of blood.

He said viciously, "What Clarke family head? It's all rubbish! Tell your son-in-law that if he
wants his daughter safe, come to Lotus Pond
tomorrow morning to find us! Otherwise, we'l
kill this little girl!"

After saying that, Heinz got up and prepared

to leave.
However, at this moment, an upright figure
appeared at the doorway from the shadows.

With the sound of footsteps, the figure slowly walked from the darkness out into the light.

"Put the child down, and then you die!" That

figure just said a simple sentence but it was
full of killing intent!

Heinz frowned and looked at the man.

"Haha! My friend, are you trying to meddle in

our business?" Heinz stepped out and stood
in front of his two subordinates.

Energy began to gather around him.

The man glanced at Heinz and said, "A

disciple in the third zone from the 12 Sacred
Halls of the West?"

Heinz sneered and said, "Oh, so you know

about the disciples too. Since this is the case,
I advise you not to seek death."

However, the man shook his head lightly and

said, "Leave the child, and then you can die."

"F*ck, you arrogant pig!"

Heinz roared furiously. He stomped on the

floor and threw a punch at the man's face!



A red dragon halberd with red hot energy

pierced through Heinz's stomach!


After that, the man flicked his hand, and

Heinz was flung out to the floor, dead.

This scene stunned the remaining two

foreign disciples. It was the red dragopn

He was the Sun God of the Sacred Halls.

The Sun God had a notorious reputation within the 12 Sacred Halls of the West.

He was Apollo!

In an instant, the two remaining foreigners

lost all will to resist.

They knelt on the floor with a thud and begged.

"Our esteemed Sun In an instant, the two remaining foreigners lost all will to resist. They knelt
on the floor with a thud and begged. "Our esteemed Sun God, please forgive us for our

We were just doing the job entrusted to us

and didn't know about your relationship with
this family. Please give us a way out!"



They completely engulfed these two!

Facing the Sun God, they could not fightback

at all. This killing god once defeated four hall
masters without a scratch!

Fennel Leigh looked coldly at these two guys

kneeling on the floor with a hint of coldness
on the corner of his mouth.

He said, "Go back and tell the people behind you not to try to enter this country again, let alone
have any ideas about this family. Otherwise, no matter which sacred hall stands behind you, I'll
personally wipe you out!"
The First Heir Chapter 2347

"Yes, we understand! Totally!"

The foreign men kept nodding their heads

and bowing in apology for fear that they
might anger Fennel if they were not careful.

This was the venerable master of the Sun

Hall, the Sun God Apollo. A word from him
and they would die without a burial place.

"Get lost!" Fennel shouted.

The two foreign men staggered up from the

floor and fled.

Fennel glanced at Mila, who was sleeping on

the sofa. He untied the ropes for Martha and

"Thank you for your help, young man."

Charles was very polite as he expressed his

gratitude. Fennel waved his hand and said,

"Mr. Johnston, dont mention it. I'm Philip's


After saying this, he got up, walked aside,

and called Philip.


Philip was just running out of Spruce Villa. At

this moment, he received a call from Fennel
and asked anxiously, "How is it?"

"The kids are okay. It's someone from the 12

Sacred Halls of the West. As for who it is, I
don't know for now.

But I've asked them to bring a message back.

If you want to teach a lesson to the person behind the attack later, I can go with you," Fennel

Philip's eyes tensed as he said, "Okay, I got it."

With that said, Philip ended the call and used
his contacts to locate the hotel where Wynn

Harbor Hotel.

At the time in the private room, Liam sat on

the sofa and looked at Wynn, whose cheeks
were flushed.

He said coldly, "Wynn, stop being so stubborn and just quickly signit. Later when my people
bring the kids ove, it won't be that easy then."

wynn's eyes were red and full of tears at the

moment She stared at Liam with hatred and
shouted, "Liam Johnston! You bastard! I'm
your cousin!"

"Hahaha..." Liam chuckled and said, "Cousin?

In the face of interests, family affection can
be thrown away. Even if you were my sister,I
could abandon you all the same! Are you
waiting for Philip to save you? To be honest,
I've been waiting for more than ten minutes
just to give him a chance. But where is he?
Isn't he very arrogant? To tell you the truth, as
long as Philip dares to appear here today,
my people can get rid of him!"

After saying that, Liam's face was full of

malicious smiles.

At the same time, his phone rang. It was a

message and video from Lynn. Liam looked
at it and frowned.

'Even Titus Denver was not a match for

This was a little unexpected. With that thought, Liam frowned as a hint of gloom flashed in his

He looked at Wynn and said to the two foreign men, "Take them there first"



Philip hailed a cab and quickly arrived at the

entrance of Harbor Hotel. At the door, two
foreign men were smoking and chatting
about women.

Philip rushed over in a few steps.

When the two foreign men saw an outsider barging in, they threw their cigarette butts away and
blocked Philip's path. They said coldly,

"Hey, get lost!"

Biff, bang!

Philip simply punched the two guys in the

face and sent them flying into the glass door
of the lobby!

This scene naturally alarmed the guests and

attendants in the hotel.

Then, they saw the imposing Philip walk in through the door At the same time outside the door,
several bulletproof vehicles had quickly arrived.

More than a dozen fully armed guards in combat uniforms jumped down from the vehicles.

In a flash, the entire Harbor Hotel was surrounded by this group of guards in combat uniforms.

Outside the door, sirens blared!

The First Heir Chapter 2348

Philip found the room where Wynn was held

and kicked the door open.


The door was kicked open just in time for him

to see several foreign men forcefully tackling
Wynn and Mindy.

They were trying to take them down.

"Let go of her!" Philip roared.

When those foreign guys saw someone

barging in, they were furious.


A few of them rushed over with a fighting

posture and punched out at Philip. Philip
flung his hand and simply smacked one
person away!


That guy was sent flying three or four meters

away and hit the table heavily, smashing the
entire dining table into pieces.

Another foreigner roared and kicked out at Philip.

With a stern look in his eyes, Philip raised his foot and kicked.


The foreign man was kicked by Philip. He

smashed through the glass window and fell
out witha scream.


Downstairs, a car alarm sounded from being

smashed. The remaining few foreign men
looked at Philip, who was like a killing good.
They looked at each other in dismay.

"Holy sh t!"

"Who the hell is this pig? Why is he so


When Liam saw Philip appear and how he

easily took down two foreign men in just a
few seconds, his scalp suddenly went numb.

However, on second thought, he shouted,

"Philip Clarke, how dare you act tough?! Do
you want to die? Your wife is in my hands
now, and my men have already gone to
bring your daughter here. If you want your
wife and daughter to be safe and sound,
stand still!"

Philip's eyes twitched as he turned to look at

Liam with killing intent in his eyes. He said
coldly, "Do you want to die?"

His words were full of killing intent!

Hearing that, Liam laughed and said, "Philip, I

know you have some strength. During the
incident in Beacon Group last time, I could
tell that you're not an ordinary person. But I'm
not easy to mess with either! This time, I
found someone from the 12 Sacred Halls of
the West to deal with you! Do you know
them? Do you know about the door disciples?
I don't think you do, right? They're an
existence beyond this world! They can flatten
a car with one foot and kill an elephant with
one punch! In their eyes, a guy like you is
nothing but an ant seeking death!"

"Hehe, the disciple you're talking about.. Is it

someone like me?"

Philip chuckled lightly, raised his fist, and

punched the wall next to him!

In an instant, the entire wall cracked and the

dense fine lines made Liam jump in fright!

Just then! Rumble!

The wall collapsed, startling many guests

and attendants in the corridor!

At the same time, more than a dozen fully

armed guards in combat uniforms had
assembled outside. All of them were armed
with guns that aimed at Liam and a few
foreign men inside the private room.

"Do not resist or we will shoot to kill"

Such a scene was something Liam never

expected. He panicked and said, "H-How
could this be? A-Are you also a disciple?"

Philip took a step forward with an endless

chill in his eyes. Raising his hand, he grabbed
Liam's neck and lifted him.

"Liam Johnston, I gave youa chance before

but you didn't cherish it, so don't blame me
for being ruthless!

The First Heir - Chapter 2349

At this moment, Liam was lifted by Philip by

the neck. He struggled constantly, his face
and neck flushing red. He forced out a
sentence. "Y-You can't do this to me. I'm
Martin Johnston's son and Wynn's cousin."

Liam was frightened now. It was because

Philip's body and eyes were full of biting
killing intent.

Was Philip going to kill him?

Too terrifying!

Moreover, the strength Philip displayed just

now was too fearsome.

Philip's expression turned cold as he looked at Liam who was lifted off the floor in his hand.

He said grimly, "I'he given you many

chances but you never cherished them and
repeatedly caused harm to Wynn and my
children. There's no room for negotiation on this matter so you'd better go to hell!"
After saying that, Philip's eyes flashed coldly.

The strength in his hand increased sharply.

The chokehold was so tight that Liam was
unable to breathe. He struggled as his eyes
rolled back in his head.

"Wynn, my cousin, save me! I was wrong!"

Liam squeezed out one word at a time and
begged for mercy to Wynn, who was
dumbfounded on the side.

Wynn suddenly reacted, rushed over, and

grabbed Philip's arm. With tears in her eyes,she shook her head and said, "Philip, don't kill him.
He's my cousin, after all. Please just let him go one last time."

Philip frowned and turned to look at the

tearful Wynn. He asked with a questioning
tone, "Are you sure you want me to let him
go? Don't you knoW what he just did to you
and Mila"

Wynn's eyes were red as she glanced at

Liam, lowered her head, and said, "He's my
cousin, after all. Just let him go for the last
time. If it happens again, I won't care about
him anymore."

This was the biggest concession Wynn would make. After all, family ties were too heavy a bond
for Wynn.
First was the incident with her biological parents, and now, this happened with the Johnston

Wynn really did not want to lose any family members again, including Philip.

After Philip listened to Wynn, a cold light

flashed in his eyes. He turned to look at Liam who was about to stop struggling and die.

He loosened his chokehold.


Liam dropped to the floor, gasping and


"This is the last chance I'm giving you! Go

back and tell Martin and Bernard not to mess with me and Wynn again! If there's a next time,
there'll be no mercy!" Philip said coldly, the killing intent in his eyes never diminishing.

Liam sat limply on the floor.

He then struggled to get up before quickly staggering out of the private room.

When he was at the door, he looked back at Philip and Wynn with resentment.

He would remember this grudge!

After he left Harbor Hotel and returned to the car, Liam finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly dialed Heinz's number but no one answered.


He slammed the steering wheel in anger,

certain that something might have
happened to Heinz!

Damn it!

How did things turn out this way?

As Liam raged and slammed the steering

wheel, a black figure appeared next to the
Porsche. The figure in a black robe knocked on Liam's car window.
"Who is it? Get lost!" Liam cursed.

As a result, when he turned his head and

looked at the figure through the car window,he saw the figure's eyes shining with a weird red

The face looked like the face of a robot.

The First Heir - Chapter 2350


That figure stretched out a mechanical arm,

smashed Liam's car windoW with a punch,
and grabbed Liam from the car.

"Argh!" Liam screamed from fright.

As a result, the robot in the black robe hung Liam half a fist away from its face and said in a
mechanical voice, "1 can help you deal with Philip Clarke."

Liam sweated profusely from fright and

asked, "A-Are you human or a ghost?"

The robot's eyes shifted, and the mechanical arm that grabbed Liam produced a very tiny
mechanical bug.

In the blink of an eye, it penetrated through the skin between Liam's eyebrows and went into his

Instantly, Liam passed out in the car.

When he woke up again, he gasped for

breath and glanced at the shattered window on the left. He touched his neck.

"A dream.."

Liam muttered before a trace of anger

flashed in his eyes. He was still full of
resentment toward Philip. Then, he cursed
the person who smashed his car window and drove away.

After Liam left, in a dark place not far away, a figure in a black robe with two weird red eyes on
its face looked at Philip, Wynn, and the others who came out of the hotel. It then slowly left.

When Philip and Wynn returned to the villa,

they saw the wounds on Charles and
Martha's faces.

"Dad, Mom, are you all right?" Wynn asked

with concern.

Charles and Martha shook their heads and

said, "We're fine thanks to Philip's friend."
At this moment, Fennel was also sitting on
the sofa in the living room.

Wynn immediately turned around and

thanked Fennel. Fennel smiled and said
politely, "My name is Fennel Leigh. I'm Philip's friend. It's nice to meet you"

Wynn also smiled and said, "wynn Johnston."

Then, she saw that Philip and Fennel had

something to do, so she carried Mila and
went upstairs.

Philip looked at Fennel.

The two of them tacitly left the living room and came to the courtyard of the villa. After taking two
steps,Fennel looked at Philip in front of him and asked, "How does it feel to have control over
the cosmic rules and matter"

Philip lowered his eyes, looked at his palms,and said, "It's okay so far. There are still many
things I don't understand."

Fennel nodded, looked up at the starry sky,

and said, "I suggest you go to the Nonagon
for the systemized learning so that your
potential can be maximized."

Philip nodded and said, " I know. I'll go there in a while. I want to settle things here first.After I
leave, Ill need someone to protect wynn and the others."

Fennel hummed and asked, "How do you

plan to solve the matter tonight?"
Philip looked sideways at Fennel and asked,"Have you found out which sacred hall it is?"

Fennel replied, "The people from the Hall of Evil, Vataco's men."

"Hall of Evil?" Philip frowned with a slight chill in his eyes.

Fennel nodded and sighed. Also with a slight chill in his eyes, he said, "The Hall of Evil, Hall of
Death, and Hall of the Underworld are also known as the three dark halls of the 12 Sacred Halls
of the West.

They are the three most shameless, darkest, and most unruly of them all.

The three halls are filled with death and crime. Within their jurisdiction, it's basically a paradise
for sin.

For the Hall of Evil to make a move against you this time, I'm afraid that there are other people
behind the scenes.

Perhaps this is a test from the three dark halls for this country and your Clarke family."

The First Heir - Chapter 2351

Philip was silent. A chill flashed in his eyes as he asked, "The Hall of Evil, what level are they"

Fennel replied, "The weakest are the disciples of the third zone, the middle- ranked ones are
disciples of the fourth zone, and several fifth zone disciples are acting kings of disciples! Vataco
should be the king of disciples in the fifth zone.

Recently, there are rumors that he may soon enter the sixth zone."

Hearing this, Philip frowned, turned to look at Fennel, and asked, "Between you and him, who is

Fennel smiled and said, "Tve never fought

him before. It should be 50-50"

Philip took a deep breath and said, "I want to visit the Hall of Evil. I need to clarify some things."

Fennel was silent for a moment before he

said, "Okay, Ill go with you. "

Then, Fennel took out a document and

handed it to Philip while saying, "These are
the information and clues I recently found
out about your sister, Hannah Clarke. The
power disputes behind your sister are more
complicated than we thought. There seems
to be a bigger game and conspiracy behind
her. I advise you to be mentally prepared for it. It's very likely that the enemies you're
facing are not ordinary people."

Philip took the document from Fennel and

flipped through some photos of Hannah.
Although they were mostly candid shots and not very clear, Philip recognized her at a glance. It
was Hannah. Moreover, in every photo, she always had one woman beside her.

"I'hv made some inquiries about that

woman. There are no clues about her information. Her identity is very well-hidden.She must be
an important person in the organization behind Hannah. Moreover, according to the current
information,Hannah had spent some time in the Hall of the Underworld back then. Later,
because Hannah stole something from Hades, she incurred the pursuit of the Hall of the
Underworld. However, for now, your sister is safe," Fennel said.

Philip nodded heavily and said, "That's right. l'd like to know what my sister did in the Hall of the
Underworld in the past and what she took from them."

After hesitating for a moment, Fennel said,

"Then I need to make some preparations in
advance. The Hall of the Underworld is not
that easy to enter."

After Fennel left, Philip returned to the

Wynn was going through the comparny's

project plans. As she was wearing scant and sensual nightwear, it was difficult to conceal her
exquisite figure. Her side profile was so gorgeous that she looked like a goddess who had
descended to earth.

Carrying a glass of warm milk, Philip walked to Wynn's side. He gently put the glass down and
reached out to squeeze Wynn's shoulder.

In the past, Philip would give Wynn a shoulder massage every night to relax.

The pen in Wynn's hand stopped.

There was a slight flicker in her eyes as she turned to look at Philip.

She put her delicate little hand on the back of Philip's hand and said somewhat sadly, " I'm sorry.
I was soft- hearted again."

Philip smiled and said, "It's okay. It's because of your kindness that I love you. Leave Liam and
Martin to me."

Wynn sniffled, shook her head, and said, "1

want to try on my Own. I don't want to rely on your help all the time. If I can't handle it,you can
help me then."

Philip thought about it and squatted down.

He took Wynn's small hand, looked up at her delicate eyes that were glittering with tears, and
asked, "Wynnie, do you trust me"

In the past, Wynn would have nodded

without hesitation.

However, she did not know what to do now.

The incident regarding her biological parents was a big stone that weighed heavily on Wynn's

Chapter 2352

"I don't know." Wynn's eyes reddened, and she hesitated.

Philip squeezed Wynn's small hand and said, "Wynnie, trust me. No matter what decision you
make, I'll support you. I'll always be your greatest support"

Wynn's tears started falling.

Philip got up and left the bedroom. He walked to the door, turned back to Wynn, and said with a
smile, "Have an early rest tonight"

Then, Philip returned to his bedroom.These days, he and Wynn slept separately.With certain
things acting as a barrier between them, it was not that easy to resolve the issue between them.

Many things needed time to fade away.

In the middle of the night, both of them lay on their beds. Neither could fall asleep as both were
lost in their thoughts. The two rooms were separated by a wall.
Philip could use his control of rules and matter to easily detect Wynn's situation in
the master bedroom next door. Her breathing was even as she tossed and turned. She did not
seem to be asleep.

Wynn lay sideways as she kept thinking about her past with Philip.

At one point, she suddenly got up and gently opened the bedroom door. She walked into the
bedroom where Philip was and curled up behind Philip.

"Let me sleep here tonight."

In the dark, Wynn's weak voice carried a hint of fatigue. Philip hummed softly, turned around
and pulled Wynn into his arms. The two slept in each other's arms for the rest of the night.
The next day, Wynn woke up very early and went to the office. Today was the last day to
negotiate with Willy Fadden. Upon reaching the company's meeting room, Willy and his team
were already waiting impatiently.

A male assistant beside him slapped his hand on the table and yelled, "What's wrong with
Madam Johnston? Is this a show of Respect to Mr. Fadden by making us wait here? She's
already two minutes late!"

Mindy anxiously sat in the chair and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fadden, Mr. Warren. Madam Johnston
is caught in traffic and will be here Soon."

Willy laughed and did not seem to care about the two minutes. He said, "Tll give you another
minute. if Madam Johnston is not here by then, we'll leave."

Mindy was anxious and made a call.

Suddenly, the meeting room door was pushed open and Wynn rushed in.

First, she apologized to Willy and the others, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Let's get

However, Willy snorted coldly and said, "Madam Johnston, I don't like people who are not
punctual. It's fine if you want to start, but want to change the profit distribution. 70-30. 70 to me,
and 30 to you!"

Blatant autocracy!
Chapter 2353

Instantly, the meeting room fell silent.

Willy sat on the chair calmly as he stared at Wynn with a flash of chill in his eyes.

"Madam Johnston, you don't have much time left. I hope you'll consider the conditions I
Proposed last night" Willy added, and the sneer in his eyes intensified.

Wynn's face was slightly cold at the moment.

She glanced at Willy, squeezed out a smile and said, "Mr. Fadden, a 70-30 profit distribution is
absolutely impossible for us. At the most, it'll be 60-40. 60 to us, and 40 to you."

After saying this, a determined look flashed across Wynn's face.

Willy raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle, "Oh, have you found another business
partner to work with? Why such a firm attitude today?"

wynn smiled and said, "Mr. Fadden, Beacon Group is open to discussing cooperation with
like-minded people. If you want to take advantage of the situation or make some unspoken
demands, excuse us for not agreeing to it! So, please think about it. If it doesn't work out, we
can only end the discussion here."


Willy was furious and slapped the table. He pointed at Wynn and roared, "Wynn Johnston, don't
take things too far! I'm Willy Fadden and I hold 70 percent of the market resources in the south
of Penhart. Several foreign giant pharmaceutical companies are
my partners. If you offend me, I'll make Beacon Group go bankrupt within a month!"

Willy was enraged and could not care less.

At this scene, several directors and shareholders on Wynn's side were shocked.

"Mr. Fadden, please calm down and take it easy. Madam Johnston didn't mean that. Let's have
a good talk."

A man in his 50s dressed in a suit and leather shoes stood up and quickly persuaded him.

Another middle-aged man wearing glasses also stood up. He glared at Wynn angrily and said,
"Madam Johnston, this is a meeting room to discuss business and cooperation.How can you
talk to Mr. Fadden in this manner? Apologize to him at once!"

"That's right, Madam Johnston. This matter involves the group. You can't throw a
tantrums like this. Apologize to Mr. Fadden quickly!"
In a flash, several company board members and shareholders scolded Wynn. They asked her to
apologize to Willy.

Willy sat down again with a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth. He leisurely waited for
Wynn to apologize to him.

However, Wynn admonished the several board members and shareholders coldly, "f
you want to apologize, go right ahead! I won't do so!"


"Madam Johnston, you're too presumptuous!"

"You're driving our group into a corner!"

All of a sudden, several board members and shareholders severely criticized Wynn. To
then, profit was the priority. However, Wynn turned her head and said to Willy, "Mr. Fadden, I
don't think there is any need for us to continue this discussion. Without your group, Beacon
Group can still do business!"

"Hmph!" Willy snorted, his eyes cold as he stared at Wynn and said, "Very well. Madam
Johnston is high and mighty indeed! Let us wait and see how Beacon Group will tide
the next difficulties!"

With that said, Willy got up, stared at Wynn resentfully, and said, "Madam Johnston, after this,
I'll ask all my business partners to terminate all business cooperation with
Beacon Group! In addition, I'll boycott all your business in the market! Just you wait. In less than
three days, you'll kneel in front of me and beg for my forgiveness like a dog!"

Now, all board members and shareholders of Beacon Group were anxious.

"Mr. Fadden, don't be hasty. We can talk about this."

"Mr. Fadden, this matter is not Wynn Johnston's decision alone. We can sit and talk about it."

"Mr. Fadden!"

As a result, Willy pushed everyone away and headed for the door.



The meeting room door was kicked open.

Chapter 2354

A tall and handsome figure stood at the door, his eyes glowing with a cold light as he stared at
Willy Fadden in front of him.

"How dare you threaten my wife? Do you want to die?" A cold and stem voice came from the

Willy was taken aback. He raised his head, stared at the man standing in front of him, and
asked with a frown, "Who are you? Go away!"

As he tried to push Philip away, Philip raised his hand and slapped him.


This slap resounded throughout the meeting room. It also caused Willy to spin on the spot like a
top. He covered his rapidly swelling left cheek and staggered in a daze. He stared at Philip
viciously and roared, "Damn it! Where did this punk come from? How dare you hit me? Do you
want to die? Take him down!"

Willy yelled, and the four bodyguards behind him rushed out immediately, kicking and
punching out at Philip!

As a result, Biff, bang, thud!

In less than a minute, the four bodyguards were sent flying by Philip. They rolled on the floor,

Willy panicked and hurriedly hid behind his assistant. He stared at Philip in fear before shouting
at Wynn, "Wynn Johnston, is this your doing! What are you trying to dop

However, his response was a cold shout from Philip, "Noisy! You're seeking death by yelling at
my wife!"

With that said, Philip turned around and stood in front of Willy. Then, in Willy's terrified eyes,
Philip raised his hand and grabbed the collar of Willy's suit with one hand. His other hand turned
into a shadow that slapped Willy left and right!
Smack, smack, smack!

The meeting room was filled with the sound of earth-shattering slaps! Naturally, it was mixed
with Willy' s miserable howls! board members and shareholders who scolded Wynn just a
moment before gulped and shrank back in fear while sweating profusely.

With a final slap, Philip sent Willy flying out.

The other party lay on the ground, his face swollen like a pig's head. His mouth was full of
blood. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Willy stretched out his hand and pointed at Philip
tremblingly. He stammered, "H-How dare you hit me? Y-Your whole family will die!"

However, Philip said mildly, "That wont happen. I'l kill you right now."

As soon as he said that, a female assistant in a professional suit walked in through the door with
a document in her hand. She bent 90 degrees and handed the document to Philip.

Philip took the copy of the document and threw it in Willy's face while saying, "ve acquired all
the companies and industries under you, including the largest pharmaceutical group you're so
proud of!"

After saying that, Philip turned to Wynn and said, "Wynnie, let's drop the pretense. His
companies are now all under your name. Beacon Group has also been transferred to your
name. Feel free to fire these board members and shareholders as you please."
Chapter 2355

As soon as Philip said that, the board members and shareholders of Beacon Grouup present in
the meeting room were shocked!

What was going on?

All the companies and industries under willy Fadden, including all the shares of Beacon Group,
had been transferred to Wynn's name?

How was this possible?

Was Philip Clarke bragging?

"Shut up! Philip, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you're Madam
Johnston's husband!"

"That's right! Who do you think you are? This is Beacon Group's board meeting. How dare you
barge in like this and beat Mr. Fadden up so viciously? You're simply smearing our group's

"Madam Johnston, your husband will be in big trouble for doing this!"
The board members and shareholders scolded Philip and threatened Wynn.

Wynn furrowed her shapely eyebrows at this moment.

She looked at Philip with his foot on Willy's back and said, "Did you really do all that"

Philip nodded and replied, "To avoid trouble in the future, I decided to transfer all the
acquisitions to your name, so you don't have to step on eggshells around other people in the
future. As the wife of Philip Clarke and the young lady of the Clarke family, you must take full

After Philip finished speaking, wynn sighed helplessly and held her forehead.

She looked at Willy who was beaten out of shape and said, "If you do this, I'm very worried that
someone will criticize us for this Iater."

Philip shook his head and said, "Don't worry. I'l handle it."

After that, Philip glanced coldly at the board members and shareholders who wanted to speak.

He asked the assistant beside him to hand out a copy of the document to everyone.

He said, "Starting from today, my wife, Wynn Johnston, is the sole chairwoman of Beacon
Group and owns 100 percent of the shares! All of you have been fired! So, please get out now!"

Hearing this, the board members and shareholders were shocked.

They looked at the documents in their hands, then at each other. They wanted to refute.

"This can't be! This must be a fake document! We don't believe it!"

One of the board members threw the document in his hand and the papers flew in midair.

As a result, Philip narrowed his eyes and snapped his fingers. Instantly, two security guards
rushed in at the door, bowed respectfully to Philip and Wynn, and dragged that troublemaker

"Ah! What are you doing? I'm a member of the board of directors! Have you watchdogs gone
crazy? Let go of me!l"

The board member struggled.

However, Smack!

Philip walked over and slapped the board member so hard that he saw stars.
"Another word from you and you won't just be fired!" Philip said coldly.

After that, the guy was dragged out by two security guards. The remaining board members and
shareholders were silent at this moment. They were very scared.

Philip glanced at them and shouted, "Why are you still here?"


In an instant, this group of people rushed out the door and fled frantically.

After they left, Wynn and Philip were the only ones in the large meeting room.

Willy lay limply on the floor, stared at Philip and Wynn with hatred, and shouted, "You're
finished! won't let you off! I have people from the 12 Sacred Halls of the West are behind me!
You haven't heard of them, right? I'm telling you, you're dead!"

Hearing this, Philip frowned and turned to look at Willy Fadden. This was an unexpected

Seeing Philip walk toward him, Willy immediately trembled with panic and hurriedly stammered,
"W-What else do you want? Don't do anything to me. Otherwise, the boss behind me will.."
Chapter 2356


Before Willy Fad den finished his words, Philip went over and stomped on his chest viciously.


At that moment, Willy felt as if several of his ribs seemed to be broken. His breathing became
rapid, and it hurt him to even breathe.

"You said just now that you have the backing of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West. Which one is
it? The Hall of the Underworld or the Hall of Evilp" Philip lowered his eyebrows, his eyes flashing
with unusual coldness.

Hearing that, Willy gulped nervously, looked at the evil young man in front of him incredulously,
and asked, "H-How do you know about the Hall of the Underworld and the Hall of Evil?"

"Hehehe.." Philip chuckled mildly and said, "Is that very strange.”

Willy gulped as his forehead broke out in a cold sweat from the fright and pain. He struggled
and roared, "Since you know about the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, you should understand
their horror! If you do this to me now, the boss behind me will not let you go!

Even if you have a big family and some background and power, when faced with my Hall of Evil,
all of you are nothing but bugs!"

"Oh, so the person behind you is the Hall of Evil." Philip nodded lightly.

It seemed that this Hall of Evil was determined to find trouble with Philip. The person Liam found
was from the Hall of Evil.

This time, the boss behind Willy Fadden was also from the Hall of Evil.

Interesting Philip raised his foot and kicked Willy heavily in the stomach, sending him flying.


Willy crashed into the meeting room door and passed out. Then, two security guards carried him
out. After that, wynn looked at Philip with worried eyes and asked, "What l12 Sacred Halls of the

Philip smiled and said, "Nothing. They're just some small foreign organizations with some
power. I'Il take care of the rest of the things in Riverdale for you. Tomorrow, Iplan to go abroad."

"Go abroad? Why?" Wynn quickly asked.

"To meet the people of the Hall of Evil. This group of people has been harassing you and the
kids. After this when I have to leave you and the kids for a little while, I won't feel at ease with
them around," Philip said frankly.

Leave her and the kids? wynn's heart suddenly seized as some words got stuck in her throat.
However, after a long while, she did not ask anything. She just pretended to be strong and
nodded before saying, "Okay, I understand. Then you should be careful."

Philip actually had a lot to say to Wynn too, but in such an atmosphere, he chose not to say

After accompanying Wynn for a while, Philip got up and left.

Wynn stood on the upper floor of Beacon Group and watched as Philip walked downstairs
through the large French windows. She had some worry and reluctance in her eyes.
Was he going abroad alone?

Would it be dangerous?

Suddenly, her phone rang. She looked at the caller D and it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who is this?" wynn picked up the call and asked.

"Hello, Madam Johnston. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yana Young."

A sexy female voice was heard over the phone.

Chapter 2357

"Yana Young? I'm sorry, I don't thinkI know you." Wynn smiled and was about to hang

However, the voice on the other end said unhurriedly, "Madam Johnston, I'm Philip's friend. I've
reserved a private room in Avis Club. There are some things I want to talk to you about the
Lovelace family"

Things about the Lovelace family? Wynn was startled for a moment as she watched Philip, who
had already gotten into the car and left. She frowned and said, "What do you want?"

"Madam Johnston, why don't we meet and talk?'' On the other end of the phone, Yana's voice
carried a hint of sexiness, which seemed to have a magic power that made Wynn unable to

"Okay.." Wynn ended the call and crossed her arms. A hint of suspicion flashed in the corner of
her eyes before she turned around and left Beacon Group.

Soon, Wynn drove to Avis Club. After announcing her name, Wynn was led into a
a private room by a dedicated person Avis Club had a low-key but luxurious layout. The farther
they walked, the darker it got. Scented candles were lit along the corridor. As the door of the
private room was pushed open, Wynn saw a woman inside brewing tea. She was very
good-looking with a good figure. She was not at all inferior compared to Wynn.

"Madam Johnston, please have a seat." Yana smiled and made an inviting gesture in her red

Wynn sat down, Looked at the woman in front of her, and got straight to the point, "Miss Young,
what do you want to tell me about the Lovelace family?"
Yana pursed her lips and smiled, her face like a peach blossom. She made a cup of tea and
pushed it in front of Wynn while saying, "Chamomile tea has a calming effect. Do try it."

Wynn looked at the teacup in front of her, picked it up, and took a sip. The fragrance
immediately filled her senses. It did have the effect of calming her mind. Then, she put
down the teacup, looked at Yana, and continued to ask, "I want to know about the Lovelace

Yana smiled lightly and said, "Madam Johnston, it seems that you're very concerned about the
Lovelace family."

Hearing this, Wynn frowned and said, "Miss Young, I have limited time. I hope you can tell me
everything. If you want any payment please let me know."

Yana shook her head, took a sip of tea, and said, "I don't need any payment. I just need you to
promise me one condition."

"What is it?" Wynn asked.

"If something irreconcilable happens between me and Philip in the future, I hope you can step in
and save my life," Yana said.


Wynn's heart trembled. She could not figure out the meaning of Yana's words and asked, "Didn't
you say you're Philip's friend?"

Yana smiled and said, "We're friends, but also foes."

At this point, Wynn understood. After thinking about it, she replied, "Okay, I promise."

Yana clapped her hands, and a woman pushed the door open. She walked inside and handed a
file to Wynn. "Madam Johnston, this file contains all the records about the Lovelace family
including some information about your biological parents. You can go back and take a good look
at it. I hope it'll be of help to you," Yana said.

Wynn took the file, glanced at it, and put it in her bag. She got up and said, "Goodbye, Miss

After that, Wynn left Avis Club.

Chapter 2358

Not long after Wynn left, the partition behind the private room was pushed open from the inside.
A handsome young man with an unruly look walked out from the inside. He walked out
and sat in front of Yana naturally. After pouring himself a cup of tea, he took a sip.

Yana looked at the handsome man in front of her and said with a smile, "Young Master
Lovelace, I've already done what you asked for. Can I also get what you promised me?"

Shane Lovelace raised his eyebrows, took out a small test tube with blue liquid from his
pocket, and asked, "Do women really care about their appearance so much?"

Yana took the small test tube containing the blue liquid with eyes full of joy as she said, "You still
don't understand women, especially one at my age. For women like us, looks are more precious
than life."

Shane nodded, took a few sips of tea, and asked, "VWhat's going on with Philip Clarke

Yana put away the test tube containing the blue liquid and said, "Someone from the Johnston
family contacted the people from the Hall of Evil to kidnap Philip's child but the matter has been
taken care of. Now, it seems that Philip is going to go abroad to find trouble with the Hall of Evil.
I think it'll be a good opportunity for you to make a move when Philip goes abroad."

Shane smiled, a gloomy gleam flashing in his eyes. He said, "Very good. As expected of the
dark pawn developed by the Lovelace family.You do have some tricks up your sleeve. You must
have arranged for the actions of the Hall of Evil earlier, right?"

Yana smiled, leaned her body slightly, and said, "Thank you for your compliment. It's just a
diversion tactic."

"Hahaha!" Shane's laughter echoed in the private room. k**

Back to Martin Pharmaceutical.

At this moment, Martin, Bernard, and the others sat in the chairman's office gloomily.
Liam was mad with anger and said, "Dad! We can't delay any longer! Something seems to have
happened to Willy Fadden. All the properties under his name have suddenly been frozen! It's
said that his assets were all transferred to a mysterious person! If Wynn gets in touch with that
mysterious person, we won't stand a chance!"

Martin asked worriedly, "Have you found out why Willy Fadden was arrested?"
Bernard replied, "According to the news we received, Willy went to Beacon Group in the
morning and was arrested. It must be related to Wynn. Perhaps it's even that slut's doing!"

Martin's face darkened. He got up, paced back and forth for a long time, and asked, "Do you
have any ideas?"
Bernard pondered for a moment and said, "Martin, why don't we contact Boss Young again and
ask for her opinion"

Martin nodded and said, "Let me ask." After saying that, he dialed Yana's number. A sexy
female voice soon came from the other end of the line.

"Martin, are you calling about Willy Fadden and Wynn's matter?"

Martin smiled and bent slightly as he said, "Yes. Boss Young is very perceptive indeed. What
should we do next?"

"What do you want to do?" the voice on the other end of the phone asked.

"We want to get our hands on Beacon Group!" Martin gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, then go ahead and do what you want" the voice on the other end agreed.

Martin was immediately excited and said, "Boss Young, will you fully support us?"

"Of course, but it's best to wait for my news in two days before you act."

Chapter 2359

Hearing that, Martin immediately agreed.

Then, after hanging up the phone, he looked at the excited Bernard, Liam, and the others.

He said, "Boss Young has agreed, but we have to wait two days. During this time, all of you
must watch yourselves and avoid alerting the enemy. Don't mess up our plans!
Bernard nodded.

Liam was even nmore overjoyed and said Don't worry, Dad. Il just keep an eye on Wynn's every
move in these two days and do nothing."

Philip had returned to First Palace at this moment. In the living room, he looked at the
jade pendant that he got from Yana's auction. He had been exploring its internal
structure. Philip found that the internal structure of this jade pendant was really amazing!

It did not seem like an ordinary white jade. The texture contained spatial rules, man-
made rules, and arrays engraved on it. Could it be that the predecessors from thousands of
years ago had seen the door or even entered it and learned some tricks?

Like those alchemists from ancient times?

Philip was a little puzzled. The contents engraved on the back of this jade pendant were just
nine words, Thousands of miles of white snow, one green plant.

According to Philip's analysis and the fragmented images that appeared in front of him when he
explored the internal space structure of the jade pendant, the thousands of miles of white snow
should refer to a place, while the green plant should refer to the Multidew Herb.

Philip had a few places in mind that had thousands of miles of white snow, but the scope of the
search was too broad. This would consume too much manpower and material resources.
Moreover, judging from the fragmented images he saw, many rare and weird creatures ran wild
in this place.

There was bloodshed! He saw many ferocious beasts and ancient human practitioners.
Gathering his thoughts,

Philip got up and thought about the next steps to take. He had to settle the business with the 12
Sacred Halls of the West first. At the very least, he must teach the Hall of Evil a lesson and at
the same time, deter the other sacred halls outside the country so that they understood one

Orienta was not a country they could enter or bully at will!

More importantly, Philip wanted to send a signal to the outside world. Anyone who dared to step
over the line and bare their fangs and claws to his wife and children would face the risk of
crucifixion or even destruction!
After that, Philip had to visit the Larson family in Fernvale. He wanted to learn more about the
current situation of the Larson family, about his mother, and more importantly, the master of the
Gentleman Court.

Then, Philip had to go to the Nonagon. He was afraid it would take a long time. He had to find
out the secrets of the sixth zone as well as go through systematic learning to control his current
attribute powers and application of the rules.

Before that, however, Philip must take care of the trivial matters in Riverdale and arrange a
powerful guard for Wynn!

Thinking of this, Philip called George Thomas, who asked respectfully from the other end,
"YOung Lord, what are your orders?"

Philip said, "Mobilize a team of elite guards to Riverdale to carry out the task of protecting the
young madam. Also, arrange for four members of the Shadow Squadron to arrive in Riverdale."
"Okay, Young Lord. I'l make arrangements now." George responded, hung up the phone
respectfully, and immediately made the arrangements.

Chapter 2360

At the same time, the branch Clarke family on Arcadia Island, inside the chieftain's residence.
Levi Clarke was sitting on the chieftain's throne at the moment. Below him
were all the newly selected elders and talents of the branch family.

A guard walked in and bowed to Levi, who had been talking non-stop about the branch family's
plans for the next three years that he came up with. The guard walked up to him and spoke into
his ear.

Levi's expression changed rapidly before he frowned and said, "Okay, I got it."

After saying that, he glanced at the heads of the branch family below and said coldly, "The
meeting is adjounmed. Uncle Henry and Uncle Saul, please stay behind. I have something to
discuss with you."

Since Wade was locked up in the dungeon, the person in charge of the branch family's guards
was replaced by Wade's son, Henry Clarke. Allen's lineage was naturally replaced by his son,
Saul Clarke.

The two stayed behind and looked at Levi, who was sitting in the chieftain's seat. They asked,
"Chieftain, is there something important Levi looked at Henry with dark eyes and said, "Uncle
Henry, according to the news from the main family, George Thomas is mobilizing a team of elite
guards to go to Riverdale. He's also secretly taking four members of the Shadow Squadron at
the same time. What do vou think about this matter?"

Henry's face darkened. He sat upright, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Do you want to make a
move on Riverdale"

A ferocious coldness flashed in the corner of Levi's eyes as he said, "That's right! Philip did this
to my branch family and caused us to lose so much profit. I must get it back!"

Henry nodded and said, "Since you want to deal with Philip and Wynn, making a move on
Riverdale is indeed the best way to start. I suggest that we gather our business
partners and capital from abroad to directly seize the entire pharmaceutical market in Riverdale
and force Philip to take action.

Meanwhile, I'll arrange some death warriors to constantly attack the forces belonging to Philip
and seize the underground market in Riverdale. When the time comes, I'll also contact the 12
Sacred Halls of the West outside the country and take a three pronged approach to ensure that
Philip is caught off guard! At that time, we'll take advantage of the situation and kill three birds
with one stone. We'll be constantly taking over the forces belonging to Philipl


Levi slapped the armrest of his seat and

shouted, "Good! Uncle Henry, let's do as you suggested! This tinme, we must teach Philip a
good lesson!"

"Alright, then. Ill do it right away." Henry got up and walked out of the residence.

On this side, Saul frowned and asked, "Chieftain, this move is a little inappropriate.
At this point, our branch family has lost 30 percent of our strength compared to before. Although
Roger has ordered that only commercial competition is allowed between the branch and main
families and there shouldn't be any internal strife, I'm afraid there'll be some risks if we anger

"Uncle Saul, those who achieve great things don't care about minor details! As long as we're
ruthless enough, there's nothing we can't do! The branch family will just disobey Roger's order!"

Levi waved his hand, his eyes full of chills.

Saul wanted to say more, but in the end, he shook his head and said nothing.

Soon, the branch family gathered a group of business teams and foreign capital. They rushed to
Riverdale without further ado. foreign capital. They rushed to Riverdale without further ado. k**

Back to Philip's side.

Just as he was about to go out, a familiar figure walked in at the door. She was still very slender
and graceful, exuding natural coldness.

"Philip, do you need to avoid me like this?" The woman who spoke was none other than
Chloe Somerset. She wore a white blouse with a deep neckline and a red leather skirt. She had
a pair of straight and slender jade-like legs and curly hair. She wore a pair of sunglasses. Under
the sun, she looked like a fashionable fairy.

"Why are you here?" Philip frowned and had a foreboding.

Chapter 2361

Chloe walked in with grimness in her eyes.

She glanced at the villa before her eyes fell on Philip and asked, "Why? Can't I visit my
Goddaughter and godson?"
Philip frowned and looked at Chloe, who was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed.

Then, he silently poured a glass of water for Chloe and said, "Just say what you have to say."

Chloe looked at Philip and said with a small smile, "Philip, is it necessary for you to be so distant
from me now? Can't we even pretend to be good friendsP"

Philip inhaled and said, "You should understand that I'm married with two kids. love Wynn.
These are the facts that won't change."

Chloe's eyes dimmed. After a moment of silence, she said, "You really won't consider me?"

Philip glanced at Chloe's bright eyes and was about to say no when Chloe seemed to have
expected his answer. She quickly laughed and interrupted, "Okay, I know what you're going to
say. Don't say it. I understand."

Then, Chloe seemed to hold back the tears in her eyes. She smiled graciously while saying,"I'm
here to see you for two things. The first thing is about Arcadia Island. A few days ago, I came
into contact with Tucker Stone from District 12. I'm here to tell you that there have been some
strange movements in District 12 recently. Tucker Stone has already started a war against Seth
Larson to compete for the control of District 12. Secondly, the Alliance has invited the Somerset
family to become a member of the ten councils. I want to ask for your opinion."

After hearing Chloe's words, Philip frowned and asked, "Tucker Stone and Seth Larson have
started fighting?"

Chloe nodded and said, "Well, since the last incident at the Clarke family, Tucker and Seth have
been at war. It has been going on for more than half a month now. Both sides are currently
evenly matched. District 12 has been divided into three areas, forminga tripartite. The two are
now desperately trying to win over the other district master, trying to use this advantage to
annex the other party. However, no one is a fool. At present, the third district master has not
appeared, so Tucker and Seth can only hold each other back.

"However, people from the branch Clarke family are helping Tucker in secret, so Seth's current
situation is somewhat dangerous. It's not looking too good."

After Chloe finished speaking, she looked at Philip's grim face and waited for him to speak. After
a while, Philip said, "I got it. For the next matter, the Alliance invited you to take up the council's

Chloe nodded and said frankly, "The situation on the Alliance's side is not very clear at present.
It's rumored that the Alliance Master seems to have been trapped somewhere. Nowadays, all
matters, whether big or small, are handled by his adopted sons and daughters."
"The Alliance Master is trapped?" Philip was a little surprised. It had only been less than a
month and the Alliance Master was trapped? Trapped where?

Chloe shook her head and said, "'m not sure about that. It's just internal gossip. According to my
analysis, there are two possible reasons. One is that he's sick and
recuperating. Secondly, he may be currently out of the country."

Philip nodded. Chloe's conjecture was quite reasonable.

The Alliance Master was a descendant of the Yarn family. It was not possible for him to
encounter difficulties that easily.

That only meant that he had his plans and arrangements.

Philip's eyes were grave. After thinking for a while, he said to Chloe, "Anything else?"

Chloe shook her head and said, "No. Are you so eager to drive me away?" Philip got up, made
an inviting gesture, and said, "I won't see you off, then."

Chloe frowned, picked up her bag, glared at Philip reproachfully, and hurriedly walked out of the
villa. However, before leaving the villa, she turned her head and said, "Philip, there's one thing I
forgot to tell you. Wynn seems to have gone to Avis Club just now."
Chapter 2362

"Avis Club?" Philip was puzzled.

Chloe raised her eyebrow and said with a laugh, "You should know the owner of Avis Club. Her
name is Yana Young. Goodbye, then.

With that said, Chloe left the villa.

On this side, Philip's face darkened. 'Did Yana contact wynnP With that thought, he quickly
dialed Wynn's number but it went unanswered. A sense of foreboding suddenly appeared.
Without further ado, Philip hurried to Beacon Group.

At this moment, scattered files were all over Wynn's desk. She stood in front of the large French
windows with a gloomy face and her arms crossed over her chest. There was disbelief and
anger in her eyes.


The door of the chairwoman's office was pushed open as Philip rushed over in a hurry.
Panting heavily, he shouted, "wynnie.."

Then, his eyes fell on the information on the desk. He walked over, picked up a few copies, and
glanced at them. His eyes suddenly showed a deep chill.

He looked at Wynn who had her back turned to him and explained, "Wynnie, listen to me. This
matter is not what you think.."

"Shut up!" Wynn shouted and turned around.

Her eyes were red and full of tears. Her lips were trembling as she stared at Philip and asked,
"How long were you going to lie to me? Why can't you just tell me honestly? I'm your wife, Mila's
mother! Why am I a burden to you? I've become a completely worthless existence..."

Wynn was full of tears. It was really heartbreaking.

Philip stepped forward and tried to explain, "Wynnie, it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's

"No! Don't come here. I don't want to listen to your explanation!"

wynn reached out to stop Philip from approaching. She wiped her tears and said, "1 need to be
alone. You should leave."

Philip felt very bad too. He looked at Wynn who had turned her back to him and said, "Wynnie,
trust me. I'll definitely find a solution. Half of the things on this are fake. Don't believe it. They're
just trying to ruin our relationship."

Wynn merely said, "Go out!

Philip was helpless and silently left the chairwoman's office. Then, he stood at the door and
heard a heartbreaking cry from behind the door.

Philip looked down at the documents in his hand.

Inside, there were records about the tragic deaths of the Lovelace family's conservative faction
back then, as well as the Clarke family's iron- handed methods against that lineage of the
Lovelace family.

There were also some of the secrets about the Lovelace family's golden blood, the various
symptoms of Golden Blood Syndrome, and the patients' final outcome.

In other words, Wynn already knew about her physical condition and the time she had left.
The even more frightening thing was that she knew that her two children also had Golden Blood

The First Heir Chapter 2363

Philip's eyes flickered with killing intent!

Yana Young... As expected, this woman was up to no good!

Philip left Beacon Group and headed to Avis Club, wanting to seek Yana for anvexplanation.

However, when Philip arrived atvthe entrance of Avis Club, he found that thevclub was already

He tried to dial Yana's number but it went unanswered.

He had been set up by this woman!

With anger in his heart, Philip quickly dialed George's number and said coldly, "Issue a global
kill order for Yana Young!"

George immediately replied respectfully,

"Young Lord, Ill arrange it right away."

After hanging up the phone, George broke out in a cold sweat.

He had just finished arranging the main family's guards, and now there was a kill order.

The young lord was really too busy.

Soon, the Clarke family of Arcadia Island issued a global kill order and the target was an
extremely charming woman.

At once, all the world's active assassin organizations got to work in secret.

Among them, some killer organizations formed by disciples were not excluded.

Of course, at this moment, in a luxurious mountain villa. Ina huge pool, a woman was taking a
bath with her back to the maid at the door.

The water in the pool glowed with a light blue enchanting light.
Wisps of fine lines slowly gathered from the woman' s chest and arms, floating upward to her
face .

The woman's entire face glowed with shining

thin blue lines.

This person was none other than Yana Young, who had left Riverdale and was now hiding in her

However, it could be seen that Yana's face was changing under this strange blue light.

Slowly, her face changed into another person's face.

After a long while, Yana opened her eyes as a strange blue light flashed in her eyes.

Then, the maid brought the mirror.

Yana looked at the beautiful face in the mirror and smiled as she said, "Well, not bad. It's still
best to be young. This face is so smooth and tender. I should be able to use it fora while."

After saying that, she got up, and there was the sound of splashing water.

With the maid's help, Yana donned a pale pink


With a slender figure and graceful steps, she stepped on the carpet with her bare feet and
walked out of the basement.

When approaching the door, she glanced at a young and beautiful woman in the corner.

However, the woman's face was now a bloody mess as if she had been skinned alive.

"Clean it up," Yana said before she walked away.


In a subservient manner, several maids dragged the young and beautiful woman out of the

Yana returned to the main hall of the villa.

Not long after, a servant handed her the contents of the Clarke family's kill order.
Yana glanced at it, laughed lightly, and said, "Hehe, this kid is not too stupid, but I'm sorry, that
Yana Young is already dead."

As soon as she said that, an elderly man with a cane walked out from the back of the main hall.

He was dressed in a gray suit, and his face was stern.

A stout man followed behind him.

These two people were none other than Sade Jagger, the former supreme who was released
from duty by the Imperial Preceptor, and his bodyguard, Monty Simmons.

Surprisingly, they appeared here!

The First Heir Chapter 2364

At the sight of this person, Yana bowed and said respectfully, "Godfather."

The old man hummed, sat on the sofa, looked at Yana, and asked, "How are the preparations

Yana quickly madea cup of tea, handed it to Sade, and said, "Godfather, the preparations are
almost complete. Philip will go abroad within these two days, and Riverdale will be free. When
that happens, it'll be a good time
for us to strike."

Sade took a sip of tea, nodded, looked at Yana quite fondly, and said, "You're the person I
chose, the pawn I sent to the Lovelace family, and the one I single-handedly placed in the
Alliance. You have suffered all these years. When this matter is over, I'll give you your freedom."

Hearing this, a deeply hidden glint of excitement flashed in Yana's eyes, but it soon dimmed.
She knelt in front of Sade and said with a bow, "As long as you need me, I'm willing to offer
myself, including my life."

Sade nodded with satisfaction and asked,

"What did the Lovelace family say?"

Yana respectfully replied, "shane Lovelace has already gone to Riverdale and is ready to strike
at any time. The golden blood in Wynn's body is the rarest among this generation of the
Lovelace family and the closest to their experimental research results. Therefore, the Lovelace
family will definitelybtry their best to bring Wynn back to complete their plan. However, it seems
that only a few people from Shane's lineage know about Wynn's golden blood. As for the rest of
the Lovelace family, they probably don't know yet."
Hearing that, Sade nodded.

After a moment of contemplation, he said, "Leak out some of the news and let those guys who
are as dirty as mice hiding in the dark compete with each other.

I look forward to the internal strife within the Lovelace family.

In this way, it'll be more advantageous to my plan"

Then, she said, "Godfather, on the Alliance's side, I don't think I can lurk there anymore.

The Alliance Master seems to have discovered my identity and has kicked me out from the inner

Sade smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm afraid that old man can't even take care of himself now. He
has left all matters within the country to his adopted sons and daughters to handle. During this
period, you should appear less in public and take care of the affairs in Riverdale properly. Leave
the rest to Monty for the time being"

After saying that, Sade got up and prepared to leave.

Yana respectfully sent Sade away from the villa before returning to the main hall.

After Sade got into the car, his face turned cold as he said to Monty next to him, "Send a little
girl concealed something from me just now. If necessary, just get rid of her. Our plans can't be

Monty nodded and said gravely, "YesS, Supreme."

"Hehe, stop calling me that. Ive been released from my post..." Sade laughed lightly and said,
"Let's go."

Soon, the car left the villa.

After seeing Sade's car leaving, the chill hidden in the corners of Yana's eyes gradually

"Men," she called.

"Boss." Several guards walked in and knelt on one knee with their heads lowered.

"The few of you, go to Riverdale, find Shane Lovelace, and give this to him," Yana said and
tossed a pouch in her hand to the "Yes!"
Very quickly, the guards left the villa and headed to Riverdale.

However, when they were half a mile away from the villa..


A cold blade of light flashed over their necks!

Then, the guards fell into a pool of blood.

In front of them was a tall figure with his back to them.

He had a sword at his waist.

At the same time, he reached out and caught the

pouch that fell from the air.

The First Heir Chapter 2365

After the person caught the pouch, a faint

trace of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

Then, his figure turned into a black shadow as he

disappeared into the mountains.

Soon,bseveral guards rushed out from the villa and

hurried to the place where the accident happened.

Seeing the three guards on the ground with their necks slashed open, theirbfaces were full of

"Report to the boss immediately. We've lost

the pouch"

Soon, Yana, who was in the main hall of the

villa, received a report from the servants.

She jumped up at once, smashed many things, and said angrily, "Damn it! Who was it The
captain of the guards kneeling on the floor replied, "Looking at the wounds on the bodies, they
must have died after getting
slashed on their throats! Such speed, strength, and accuracy...
As far as I know, something like this can only be done by the Seven Swordsmen of Fusha."

"The Seven Swordsmen of Fusha? Why would someone from Fusha appear here?" Yana
reacted immediately, her expression solemn.

The Seven Swordsmen of Fusha were the seven most famous swordsmen of Fusha.

Very strong!

They were said to possess the peak strength

of a fourth zone disciple. They had the title of
pseudo-king of disciples of the fourth zone.

They had a great reputation among the

disciple world of Fusha!

If the seven swordsmen joined forces, they

could even kill the king of disciples from the
fifth zone.

These seven people had different

personalities, each with their own quirks.

Some were lecherous, some were quiet and

avoided contact with the outside world, and
some were bloodthirsty like the devil, always
walking on the edge of challenge and death.

Now, with the appearance of the Seven Swordsmen of Fusha near her villa, Yana was a little
flustered and worried.

The disciple of Fusha had already appeared in this country.

Moreover, the other party knew about the

pouch she wanted to deliver to Shane

Who was spying on her?

Yana walked back and forth in the main hall

grimly. Suddenly, she took out her cell phone
and dialed a number.
With a face full ofvrespect, she said, "Lord Envoy, we need to meet,I have some questions and
need your help."

On the other end of the phone was a hearty

foreign man's voice. "Sure. I'm currently in
Golden City. Come over."

After hanging up the phone, Yana rushed to

Golden City without delay.


Back to Philip. He returned to Beacon Group

but could not find wynn.

"Mindy, where's Wynn?" Philip asked Mindy

who passed by.

Seeing Philip, Mindy immediately smiled and

said, "Oh, she went out with someone just

"Who" Philip raised an eyebrow and asked.

Mindy shook her head and said, "I don't know,
but Wynn's expression didn't look that good.
That man was a little strange, though.

He Seems very cold. I only heard them talking

about the Lovelace family and golden blood.

I didn't understand any of it, so I didn't pay


Lovelace family?

Golden blood?

Shane Lovelace?

The First Heir - Chapter 2366

Philip immediately reacted and quickly asked, "Do you know where they went?"
Mindy replied, "| think they went to Golden City to attend some party. I'm not quite sure either.
Didn't Wynn tell.

Philip frowned and assured Mindy that everything was okay before he quickly left Beacon.

He contacted Theo to get someone to send him to Golden City.

Shane had found Wynn and brought her to Golden City with the excuse of attending a party.

There must be some conspiracy here!

Theo personally drove his Maybach and picked Philip up to go to Golden City. At the same time,
Philip also contacted the manpower arranged by the Clarke family in Golden City through
George. They quickly locked on the target.

A global business event that involved l businesses and industries from all over the world, as well
as affluent families Was
going to be held at the largest and most luxurious Zodiac Palace in Golden City.

However, according to the information from George, this event was a party only on the surface.
In reality, it was an invitation for the secular world to come into contact with the disciple world.
During this time, various forces,
organizations, and families from the disciple world that could not show up in the secular world
would attend this party.

Only specific invited people could attend this exclusive party.

With a thought in mind, Philip immediately understood Shane's purpose for taking Wynn away.

He wanted to expose Wynn to the disciple community. He was preparing for Wynn's return to
the Lovelace family!

"Drive faster!" Philip's face was full of gloomy chills, and he had murderous intent in his

Damn that Shane Lovelace for choosing to make a move against Wynn at this time.

Philip would never tolerate anyone from the Lovelace family mnaking any moves against


Wynn followed a handsome and slightly wicked-looking young man who had already stepped
down from the Bentley.
In front of her was amagnificent golden building about seven or eight stories high. It was divided
into 12 areas. Zodiac Palace of Golden City.

This was a symbolic building in Golden City. It was very luxurious with carved beams and
painted pillars. It was very classic, yet with the beauty of modern architecture. At the door, two
rows of male and fermale attendants in golden
outfits stood on both sides. They respectfully welcomed the distinguished figures from all over
the world who stepped out of the luxury cars.

"Let's go." With his hands in his pants pockets, Shane took the lead and walked to the
red-carpeted passage through the golden doors leading to the main hall.

Wynn wore a black halter neck evening dress, stiletto heels, and carried a handbag. Her
delicate little hands tightly grasped the handbag as she looked at Shane in front of her.

She made up her mind and followed him to the main hall.

The main hall was lavish and opulent witha classical sense of beauty that reminded one of
ersailles and a sense of historical impact.

There were also vivid paintings of the 12 ancient beauties of Golden City on the splendid walls.

In the main hall, many wealthy businessmen and figures from all over the world had arrived.

All of them were mingling in little circles to broaden their network.

Among them, a graceful lady was wearing a golden backless dress with a low neckline. Her hair
was coiled on top of her head, and she held a tall glass with whiskey.

Her face was full of gentle smiles as she chatted with wealthy businessmen from cities around
the world. At this moment, her eyes fell on Wynn and Shane who entered through the

A chill suddenly appeared in her eyes.

She bowed slightly to the several wealthy businessmen, lifted her floor-length dress in her hand,
and walked up to Wynn and Shane.

She said with a smile, "Wynnie, it's been a while."

Wynn raised her eyebrows.

When she saw the woman standing in front of her, she was slightly taken aback. She quickiy
bowed and said, "Second Madam."
Giada Wallis smiled, glanced at the man beside Wynn, and asked, "Who is this?"

Shane smiled charmingly and said, "Hello, Madam Walis. My name is Shane Lovelace. I'm from
the Lovelace family."

The First Heir - Chapter 2367

The Lovelace family?

Giada looked at Shane with a frown as many thoughts crossed her mind. Then, she suddenly
pursed her lips and smiled.

Reaching out her hand, she said, "Hello, Young Master Lovalace".

Shane glanced at Giada's outstretched hand and said witha sneer,"There's no need. I have my
affairs to deal with today. I don't need your company.

His words made Giada a little unhappy. For the party at Zodiac Palace tonight, her Wallis family
of Golden City was the host, the initiator, and the executor.

How dare Shane Lovelace treat her with such an attitude?

The Lovelace family was amazing, indeed.

This was a family that lived in the shadows like a rat.

She never expected that they would show their faces one day!
"Young Master Lovelace, are you also here to attend the disciple meeting?" Giada asked with a

Shane frowned, looked at Giada, and said, "Madam Wallis, you're certainly worthy of being the
young lady of the Wallis family, which is the largest family in Golden City, as well as the second
madam of the Clarke family on Arcadia lsland. But it seems that the Lovelace family's business
has nothing to do with you, right?"


Giada's face was slightly cold as she glanced at the smug Shane. She turned to Wynn and
asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Wynn was still a little nervous at this moment and stammered, "S-Second Madam, I'm here to..."
"I invited her. That's okay, right?" Shane interrupted and said, "As a member of the next disciple
meeting, don't I have the right to invite others to attend this event?"

Gloom flashed in the corner of Giada's eyes. She squeezed out a smile and said, "Yes, of

After saying that, Giada made an inviting gesture.

Shane put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked in with Wynn without looking at Giada.

They crossed the noisy main hall and entered the lounge on the side. Giada looked at Shane
and Wynn as they left. The chill in her eyes grew.stronger. With a glance, a butler at the side
walked over briskly and asked with a bow, "Madam, what are your orders?"

Giada crossed her arms and instructed, "Arrange someone to restart the investigation into the
Lovelace family immediately. I need to know what they're doing and plotting now. Also, contact
Philip immediately. Tell him that his
woman is already in contact with the Lovelace family."

"Yes, Madam," the butler replied, turned around, and left.

With indifferent eyes, she glanced again in the direction Shane and Wynn were headed. Then,
she turned around with a smile on her face.

She once again dealt with this group of wealthy businessmen and family heads from all over the

Outside at the entrance of Zodiac Palace, a Maybach with a Riverdale license plate stopped on
the red carpet. Philip hurriedly got out of the car and looked up at the splendid Zodiac Palace.

Was this not a venue that belonged to the Wallis family in Golden City?

Could this matter be related to the Walis family?

Philip's mood darkened as he made some judgments. If it was really related to the Wallis family
and Giada, Philip would not mind erasing the Wallis family from history today!

With that thought, Philip walked to the main hall of Zodiac Palace.

Theo followed Philip respectfully.

The First Heir - Chapter 2368

As he stepped into the main hall, few people paid attention to Philip as there were simply too
many people present Besides, he was dressed quite casually. He stood in the crowd and kept
looking around, searching for Wynn.

Soon, he saw a woman who resembled Wynn.

She was following a man into the depths of Zodiac Palace.

Philip wanted to go after her but he was stopped by some guards.

Shane seemed to sense Philip at this moment. When he looked back, they were dozens of
meters apart and were.separated by many guests in the middle who were queuing to enter the
inner hall.

Shane sneered and raised his eyebrow.

Then, he turned around and put his arm on Wynn's shoulder in a deliberate attempt to provoke

He then walked inside with Wynn.

Philip was dying of anxiety and wanted to force his way inside.

However, several guards stopped Philip and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, only VIPS are allowed to enter.
Please show us your invitation."

Philip's eyes turned cold. He looked at the quards and said, "Get lost!"

After saying that, he was about to barge in. However, the guards stopped Philip, put their hands
on their waists, and warned, "Sir, please leave immediately! Otherwise, we'll use force on you!"

"How dare you?!"

Philip roared angrily and raised his hands. Very quickly, he took these armed guards down.

This scene naturally drew the attention of the wealthy businessmen in the main hall.
Immediately, screams were heard!


Thud, thud, thud!

Rapid sounds of combat boots. A group of heavily armed guards swarmed into the main hall,
surrounded Philip, and aimed their guns at him in unison!

The captain shouted coldly, "On the floor! Do not resist! Otherwise, we'll shoot to kill!"

Philip's expression was gloomy and cold.

He looked around at the dozen or so heavily armed guards with a deep chill in the corners of his

It was because these people were all the death warriors of the Wallis family!

At this time, behind the heavily armed guards, a woman stepped out

"Philip Clarke, you really have the guts to come to my Wallis family's territory and kick up such a
fuss. Do I mean so little to you?" Giada's face was cold as she held a Persian cat with different
colored eyes in her arms.

Her eyes were cold as she stared at Philip and asked.

Philip stared at Giada coldly and said, "Giada, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Tell your
people to get lost! I want to go inside!"

Giada chuckled and said, "Philip, you're still as arrogant and ignorant as ever. This is the
territory of my Wallis family, not your Clarke family! This is the global business event that I'm
organzing, and inside are the distinguished guests of my Wallis family. If you want to force your
way in like this, you're simply being disrespectful to me!"

After saying this, Giada was also puzzled.

How did Philip arrive here so soon?

However, after thinking about it, Giada was full of resentment. If not for Philip, she would not
have been banished to Golden City by Roger.

Philip's frown deepened as he said with a chill in his eyes, "Giada Wallis, I'm warning you to
watch your step!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2369

Philip's eyes were full of chills as anger welled up in him. He looked back at the long corridor
before he turned around and stared at the dozen or so fully armed death warriors of the Walis
family before him. His eyes were blazing with fire.

"You seek death!" Philip stepped forward, and his body surged with a storm of energy.
On the surface of his body, a layer of light-colored energy armor was also formed. The average
person could not even see it.

Suddenly, in everyone's astonished eyes, Philip's body flickered and he stood in front of an
armed death warrior.

He reached out, grabbed the other party's gun, and twisted it forcefully.

The hot temperature of his palm bent the qun.


At the same time, Philip shoved the death warrior and sent him flying!


The death warrior was thrown into the air and crashed heavily into the glass wine cabinet on the


The wine cabinet that was several meters high collapsed in an instant as liquor spilled all over
the floor. The remaining death warriors of the Wallis family warriors adjusted their positions and
turned their guns at Philip again. However, immediately after, in their shocked gazes, they sawa
black shadow flashing in front of them. Then, amidst their
astonishment, they saw that the guns they were holding had all melted!


Everyone was dumbfounded. When everyone returned to their senses, Philip was already
standing in front of Giada.

With angry flames in his eyes, he stared at her and asked coldly, "Do you want to die?!"

Giada was flustered now. She gulped as she stared at Philip, who was like the Grim Reaper at
this monment.

In an instant, those death warriors approached Philip with their bare hands. However, Philip did
not even look at them but simply grabbed right and left in the space behind him.

One of the guards who rushed over felt a strong suction and flew right into Philip's hands. He
was strangled by the neck.


Philip released his hold and the death warrior fell to the floor, dead!

"Argh!" Instantly, the entire main hall was in chaos. All the wealthy businessmen and family
heads from all over the world fled in a panic.

The First Heir - Chgpter 2370

For a while, the main hall was a mess. After the crowd dispersed, a steady streanm of quards
rushed in from all entrances of the main hall.

In less thana minute, the place was surrounded by the death warriors of the Wallis family of
Golden City both inside and out.

Giada felt chills all over her body, and her eyes were full of fear. However, she soon calmed
down. With a dignified and confident sneer as though she had everything under control, she
said, "Philip, do you think you have the ability to do whatever you want here? Don't forget, this is
Golden City, not Arcadia lsland!"

Philip's eyes reflected a biting chill as he said, "So? What are you trying to say?"

Giada said, "Philip, I don't want to fight with you, but if you insist on breaking in, don't blamne
me for disregarding our relationship as mother and son!"

"Mother and son relationship?"

Philip snorted and said, "Giada, you're still so shameless. What mother and son relationship is
there between you and me? In my opinion, you've never been worthy of being my mother
because you're not qualified! I'm telling you today, if you dare to stop me, I'l destroy your Wallis
family with mny hands!"

After saying that, Philip turned around and walked toward the depths of the corridor. However, a
cold and old voice
suddenly came from the direction of the door.
"Boy from the Clarke family, what you said just now was a little too condescending.

The only ones who dare to be so

arrogant in the Wallis family's territory of Golden City can only be from the Clarke family."
The one who spoke was an old man in a suit. With his hands behind his back and a pair of
slightly cold eyes, he stepped over.

He was followed by another man in his 50s with a cold face and eyes like a poisonous snake.
He kept staring at Philijp as soon as he entered. Then, he leaned over slightly and said in the
old man's ear, "Patriarch, he has already reached the realm of the fifth zone and shouldn't be

That old man was none other than the family head of the Wallis family in Golden City, Jack

The man behind Jack was the top expert in the Wallis family, Harry Wallis.

Jack stepped inside, stared at Philip coldly, and said, "Young Patriarch Clarke, I hope you've
been well."

Philip turned around and looked at Jack who was nearly 80 years old and said with a sneer,
"Jack Walis, are you going to stop me too?"

Jack said with a subtle smile, "Young Patriarch Clarke, this is the territory of my Wallis family,
after all. Shouldn't you give me an explanation for being so domineering?"

Philip laughed and said, "I don't need to explain anything to you!"

Hearing that, Jack's face tensed as his eyes flashed with a malicious chill. However, he quickly
forced a smile and said,

"Young Patriarch Clarke, tonight is a global business party held by the Wallis family. If you wish
to attend, Il naturally welcome you.

But if you're here to make trouble, then I'm sorry. I must remind you that the Wallis family is nota
pushover that anyone can mess with!"

Jack was angry. He had a smile plastered on his face but his words were full of chills. As he said
that, the death warriors of theWallis family stood ready to fight!

As long as the family head gave the order, they would riddle Philip's body with bullets!

Philip snorted and looked around before he turned to Jack and asked, "Do you want to
makeamove on me?"

Jack smiled and said, "If you leave now, I won't do anything to you. But if you insist on barging
in, then I'm sorry. As the master of Golden City, I can only do what it takes.
With that said, a few death warriors of the Wallis family stepped forward with guns and tried to
bring Philip out.

However, with several loud bangs, Philip sent the death warriors flying. Then, he glared at Jack
and bellowed, "Jack Wallis, let me also give youa piece of advice. Don't play with fire and burn

"Presumptuous!" Jack finally failed to hold back and pointed at Philip angrily while roaring,
"Arrogant boy! I've given
you many chances but you don' t know how to cherish them! Guards, take him down-dead or


Instantly, all the death warriors pulled their gun bolts. The atmosphere in the main hall was on
the verge of breakout.

However, Philip sneered and said, "These people are not my opponents!"

"What about me?"

Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from the old man beside Jack.

His dark eyes had been staring at Philip. At this moment, he stepped out, his armns drooped by
his sides.

He said, "I really want to find out how strong the person who has absorbed the Black Dragon
Heart is."

The First Heir - Chapter 2371

An overwhelming burst of energy surged from Harry's body. A white layer of airwaves also
appeared around his body.

The powerful and terrifying airwaves overturned the objects in the main hall and sent them

In an instant, the entire main hall was filled with Harry's energy.

There was also a tiger behind him that roared ferociously.

The strength of a fifth zone disciple.

Philip immediately felt the terrifying pressure and threat from Harry.
This old fellow was actually so strong.

The Wallis family actually had a disciple of such strength.

They had concealed it very well.


Harry stepped forward, and the tiger behind him roared fiercely.

This roar alone was enough to deafen everyone here.

Philip stared at Harry sternly and also unleashed his aura.

Although he had not completely mastered the energy in his body and his control as well as
utilization of various rules,under the terrifying pressure from his opponent, Philip's aura directly
soared to the realm of a fifth zone disciple.

Suddenly, a roaring fire chimera appeared behind Philip.

As it was raging with monstrous flames, the temperature of the main hall was raised to a
sweat-inducing temperature.


The roars from the two energy beasts produced a terrifying wave of sound pressure, which
shook the eardrums of all the death warriors here into numbness.

Moreover, just the energy pressure from them formed two particularly powerful killing intents that
filled the space around them.

Thus, all the death warriors exited the main hall!

Everyone stared dumbfoundedly at the terrifying sight in the main hall.

Was this the power of human beings?

On one side, Giada frowNned and asked her father,

"Father, will we anger the Clarke family if we do this?"

Jack smiled and said, "This is unlike you. I don't want to kill Philip here. I just want to teach him
a lesson and let him understand that the Wallis family is not to be trifled with!"
After that, Jack sneered as he watched Harry face Philip. "On your knees! Ifyou apologize to the
family head, I"ll let you live!

Harry's eyes were full of killing intent as he roared angrily.

Many death warriors also mocked, saying, "Hehe, how dare he show off in front of Master
Harry? He'll be dead in a while!"

"Master Harry's strength has improved again!"

"I heard that Master Harry just went to the 12 Sacred Halls of the West to train. I wonder what
level of strength he has
reached? Whatever the case, that kid is doomed!"

While the death warriors chattered, Philip said coldly, "What if l don't kneel?"


Everyone gasped.

The First Heir - Chapter 2372

Such an arrogant guy!

How dare he act so brazenly in front of Master Harry?

This was Golden City, the territory of the Wallis family!

"Holy shit, that guy must be an idiot! Isn't he courting death?!"

"Hehe, how dare he offend Master Harry? He wants to die without a corpse, huh?!"

"He's really asking for it. What trashy young patriarch of the Clarke family is he? I think he's just
an arrogant brat!"

At the same time, Harry's expression changed with a flash of anger.

He slammed out a palm like a tiger's claw that carried the pressure of a rabid wolf and biting
killing intent.

He struck it at Philip's chest.

"Go to hell!" Harry shouted angrily.

This attack was enough to destroy 10,000 pounds of boulders. However, Philip calmly watched
as Harry's forceful strike came toward him.

He raised his hand at the same time and smacked out.

With this palm, the fire chimera behind him

flew out with a roar, transformed into a flaming palm of fire, and collided with Harry's black tiger


In an instant, the two palms collided and an earth-shattering energy pressure erupted. With the
two palms as the center, the terrifying energy pressure rippled and spread.

Everything in the hall was shattered by this terrifying energy.

All the windows and doors in the hall also shattered with a bang.

At the same time, Harry and Philip staggered back.

Harry's face was full of horror as he stared fixedly at Philip.

He Laughed miserably and said, "Well, well! I didn't expect you to be so strong! underestimated
you! With such strength at
such an age, the Black Dragon Heart really deserves to be a product from behind the stargate!"

After saying that, Harry twisted his neck, and another roaring black tiger manifested behind him.

The roars made people's eardrums hurt while the black tiger emitted the pressure of a rabid

Philip also had a cold expression on his face as he stared at Harry with thoughts running
through his mind.

Harry Wallis actually had such solid strength.

The Wallis family should not be taken lightly.

"Boy, I'l| ask you for the last time. Will you kneel or not?"

Harry roared as his eyes flashed with gloom and fury.

Philip chuckled and said, "How noisy! Come at me if you can!"


Harry roared in anger and rushed at Philip. Every punch and kick was meant to kill.

Philip kept tackling the deadly attacks from Harry.

After all, he had experienced too few fights.

He was still at a disadvantage against old monsters like Harry Wallis. Moreover, Philip's control
over the rules and energy had not yet reached the point of perfection.

Every time he diffused a deadly attack from Harry, he was just barely able to dodge.

However, because of this, Philip's movements became faster and faster. He also got more
skilled at dealing with Harry's
killing moves.

Of course, Harry noticed this as he frowned and cursed inwardly.

This kid was actually using him to practice his combat experience!

"Kid, go to hell!"

the power of his killing moves anymore. He shook his body, and the black tiger behind him split
into three.

With terrifying power, they roared and pounced on Philip.

At this moment, Philip had just avoided Harry's last killing move.

When he saw the three black tigers pouncing on him now, his heart jolted.

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand. In a museum ten miles away, a long bronze
sword hummed and broke out of the cabinet.

It turned into a stream of gold light.


The death warriors saw a streak of gold light in the sky and then noticed that a long bronze
sword had appeared in Philip's hand at some point.
Meanwhile, a small silver snake also appeared between his eyebrows, which emitted bursts of
silver sparks.

"l have a sword to cut you down!" Philip's face tensed as he roared!

The First Heir - Chapter 2373

Philip's eyes burst with chills.

The bronze sword in his hand vibrated with a silvery brilliance, looking as though snakes were
swimming on the surface.

The layer of bronze rust peeled off piece by piece at this moment, revealing the
appearance of the original bronze sword inside.

The blade was silver-black and shone with dazzling cold light.

A dragon was coiled around the hilt. A roaring dragon was engraved on the body of the sword.

The sword was named Swimming Dragon!

Philip's body was filled with extremely sharp sword energy.

The entire main hall was ravaged by the cold and sharp sword energy, while the walls and floors
were full of slash marks.

Faced with Harry's attack, Philip raised his eyebrows in anger.

He stepped forward with his sword and slashed out dazzling white sword energy.

This sword energy carried raging power and rushed at the three roaring black tigers that


Three roars from the tigers.

The sword energy slashed down fiercely.

The three black tigers were beheaded in the air!

The dispersing energy pressure rippled from the three tigers and spread throughout the hall.

Three tigers were killed with one strike!

Harry's eyes blazed with cold anger.

Good for him!

As expected of the person who absorbed the Black Dragon Heart.

Such strength and means made him the best among his peers.


The sword light raged!

Philip was not to be outdone, and several sword techniques appeared in his mind.

When Harry's attack failed, he quickly sprang into action and spread his arms.

A huge shadow of a black tiger behind

him instantly disappeared into Harry's body.

Ripples of energy storm that looked like black mist quickly wrapped around Harry.

Then, his eyes transformed into a pair of red-black tiger eyes that raged with the manic energy
of wild beasts.

He transformed into a black tiger that was three meters long and roared.

He jumped into the sky, opened his huge

jaws, and pounced on Philip.

Philip looked up, and his eyes were filled with the sight of the huge black tiger in mid-air. With
his left hand, he grabbed
the elbow of his right arm.

With the forefinger and middle finger of his right hand, he made an upward hooking gesture.

The bronze dragon sword beside him quickly flew into the air in front of Philip, humming loudly
and emitting bursts of
sword energy.
Philip drew a circle in the air with the two fingers of his right hand and the bronze dragon sword
formed five white dazzling swords of energy, which circled the bronze sword.

Then, abruptly, the five white swords of energy spread out and formed a huge arc in front of


At Philip's command, the bronze dragon sword was filled with terrifying lightning power and
stabbed at the approaching black tiger's huge jaws in mid-air!

The five white swords of energy also stabbed toward the black tiger.

In an instant, the entire main hall was filled

with the raging sword energy!

The sky was full of sword lights.

With mighty pressure, the bronze dragon sword pierced through the black armor-like skin of the
black tiger, penetrating through its huge jaws.

At the same time, the five swords of energy with killing intent also pierced through the black
tiger's body and withdrew again.


An indignant roar filled the air. This tiger roar was heard within a five-mile radius!
Everything happened in a split second!

The First Heir - Chapter 2374


The black tiger manifested by Harry was less than a foot away from Philip when it exploded and
disintegrated into energy waves.

Harry also fell from the air.


He fell heavily to the floor and spat out several mouthfuls of blood.

His body was also covered in bruises, ravaged by traces of the sword's energy.
"You.. Boy!"

Harry could only say this before he fell on his back in a pool of blood.

Philip painted raggedly as he looked at Harry who had just taken his last breath.

He raised his eyebrows in anger and stared at Jack and Giada, who were outside the gates of
Zodiac Palace.

At this moment, the two had already lost all composure from before.

Harry Wallis, the number one expert of the Wallis family, had actually been defeated so

This was simply horrifying.

What kind of strength did Philip possess?

Jack's eyes were filled with trepidation!

Giada was even more flustered and fearful.

She looked at Harry's body before she raised her eyebrows and saw Philip
walking toward her and her father with the bronze dragon sword in his hand. She said angrily,
"Philip, stop! This is Golden City, not Arcadia Island!"

Philip's face was full of chills. He raised his sword with a clatter.

He held the sword right against Giada's fair and delicate neck.

The sharp tip of the sword that exuded a biting chill was only an inch away from Giada's neck.

The cold sweat on the corner of Giada's forehead dripped down her pale cheeks and fell onto
the tip of the sword, which split into two and turned into two brilliant teardrop crystals.

They fell to the ground, shattering and disintegrating.

This sword contained a biting chill and murderous intent.

"P-Philip, what do you want to do?" Giada panicked, and all the hair on her body stood on end.

With the piercing killing intent from the sword against her neck, she could no longer keep her
She had always been a dignified and elegant lady, but she finally felt the threat of death at this

Philip smirked and said, "l didn't expect a calm and composed person like you to be afraid now.
Giada Wallis, I'm warning you for the last time. Don't try to do anything to me or Wynn. In my
opinion, the Wallis family of Golden City is just a dispensable existence. You used to be a threat
to me, but now, you're nothing!"


With a flick of his sword, Philip cut off a lock of hair on the side of Giada's ear!

The hair flew in the air as Philip turned his back and left. He added, "If not for your status as my
father's second wife, I'd
have killed you just now!"

Giada's eyes were red and full of anger. 'Damn it! Damn it!"

How dare this kid threaten her and lord over her?!

He even wanted to kill her!

Giada was about to step forward when Jack grabbed her and said, "Don't mess with him. Let's
go back and think this

After saying that, Jack turned around and left.

The people who stayed behind quickly cleaned up the scene at Zodiac Palace.

Philip re-entered Zodiac Palace, looked at those bodyguards hiding in the corner, and said
grimly, "Bring me inside!"

The frightened guards quickly led Philip underground. When he got to the underground, Philip
realized that this was just the platform of an underground train station.

The destination was Cherry Villa!

The First Heir - chapter 2375

Philip boarded a private train and headed straight to Cherry Villa.

About ten minutes later, the train stopped at an underground platform where heavily armed
guards patrolled.

When Philip got off the train, they led Philip to the elevator without checking his identity.

After all, those who could board the train and arrive here must have an extraordinary status.

They dared not take the risk and offend them.

Philip entered the elevator and went all the way up.

When he arrived, he realized that he was in a very luxurious and huge villa.

This villa was built deep in the jungle.

He was in the elevator hall with two rows of elevators.

There were eight in total.

They were made of glass, which could

not be seen from the inside out but could be seen from the outside in.

Philip came out of the elevator hall and saw heavily armed guards patrolling inside and outside
of the villa.

Maids in red dresses stood at elevator doors, groveling to serve the various dignitaries entering
and leaving.

Philip followed the instructions and headed to the main hall of the villa.

However, before he took a step, mocking laughter came from behind him.

"Hey, since when could such a guy be invited to attend the disciple conference at Cherry Villa?"

Philip stopped walking and turned to look behind him.

A group of glamorously dressed men and women had walked out of an elevator.

The person who spoke just now was a handsome man in his 20s.

He seemed to be leading the group. He had well-defined features, a stern face, and a mocking
smile on the corner of his mouth.

He was dressed in a navy blue plaid

suit and tie.

At first glance, one could tell he was a rich young master.

The men and women beside him were all the same.

They wore expensive brand names with haughty looks on their faces.

Next to the young man, there was also an old man with a slightly hunched back and narrowed

He glanced at Philip and looked indifferent.

"Hehe, Ronan is right. The disciple conference at Cherry Villa is getting from bad to worse. Even
casuals like him are
allowed to enter."

"So boring! I thought there'd be something new and fun tonight, but it turns out that Cherry Villa
is so boring. It's not as
good as our disciple conference at Terrain Villa."

"Haha, since we're here, let's just take a look around. However, seeing this kid, I'm guessing
tonight's disciple conference won't be interesting."

A group of people began to mock Philip brazenly and belittle Cherry Villa's disciple conference.

Philip frowned slightly and did not understand what they meant by 'casuals.

Philip simply turned around and walked


He was most concerned about Wynn now.

However, because of Philip's disregard and indifference, this group of people was angered.

They had always been pampered and came from Terrain Villa in the north.

The disciples from the north and south had never gotten along, so they had always looked down
on the disciple conference held at Cherry Villa in the south.

Therefore, seeing someone dare to ignore them, they naturally felt resentful.

"Stop!" The handsome man shouted coldly at this moment

"How dare you ignore us? Do you know who we are?" The handsome guy, whom others called
Ronan, stared at Philip
with anger and displeasure.

Philip turned back and looked at the group of young men and women who crowded around.

He raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Get out of the way!"

The First Heir - chapter 2376

Philip's words angered this group of rich kids from the north.

All of them were children of disciple families. They had been pampered and protected since

When had they ever been scolded like this?

"Damn it! This kid is so arrogant! Are the casual disciples invited by Cherry Villa so arrogant

"Brat, how dare you talk to Ronan like that? Do you want to die?"

"Hehe, I think Cherry Villa is deliberately trying to make things difficult for us. They actually
found such a weak and rotten person to humiliate us, I really applaud them for doing this!"

The group of children from disciple families chartered incessantly, constantly mocking and
berating Philip while also belittling Cherry Villa.

Ronan said coldly, "Dude, I don't care what casual you are or which disciple family from the
south you belong to. You must apologize to us for your recklessness just now or you'll pay for it!"

By this time, many onlookers nearby were watching the commotion. They discussed among

"Holy shit! lsn't that the third young master of the Singer family, Ronan Singer?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect Ronan to be here. The Singer family is one of the owners of Terrain Villa in
the north and one of the
top ten supernatural families in the northern disciple world!"

"Hehe, that kid is dead for sure! Messing with Ronan Singer is simply courting death!"

The onlookers' discussion reached Philip's ears.

He frowned as he looked at the group of people in front of him.

The Singer family from the north? One of the top ten supernatural families in the northern
disciple world? Philip frowned deeply.

He was new to the disciple world and did not know many things yet. Hence, he turned around
again and wanted to leave.

He just wanted to find Wynn and bring her back.

However, Ronan Singer did not agree!

He was the third young master of the Singer family, a famous supernatural disciple family in the

This time, he came to this small place in the south to participate in the disciple conference held
at Cherry Villa.

He did not expect to be ignored by an unknown casual person.

That was a humiliation to him and the Singer family!

"Stop right there!" Ronan was furious and shouted coldly.

His eyes blazed with anger.

He was still basking in awe from the people around him just now, but now, this kid was
actually so disrespectful to him.

It was outrageous. With a roar, Ronan's hand was shaped like a claw as he grabbed Philip's
shoulder with terrifying energy pressure.

At that moment, Philip frowned and turned sideways while slapping his palm at Ronan's chest.


Ronan was sent flying several meters away.

That was also because Philip had held himself back. After all, he was here to find someone, not
cause trouble.

Moreover, he did not know much about the supernatural disciple world in the north
and did not want to get into trouble.
"Don't mess with me!" Philip said coldly and turned to leave Over there, Ronan stopped
staggering back.

His eyes froze as he clutched his chest and stared at Philip with anger.

"You're dead!" Ronan roared in anger.

He was the third young master of the Singer family, after al.

His strength had reached the third zone.

Next month, he would enter the fourth zone behind the Nonagon's door to study.

He took advantage of the rare holiday time in the Nonagon to come back and visit. He did not
expect to bump into such a tough but ignorant loser here.

The First Heir - Chapter 2377

Following Ronan's roar, the other children of disciple families who came with Ronan also
reprimanded Philip.

"Hey, how dare you make a move against Young Master Singer? You're simply out of your depth

"Ronan wasn't about to do anything to you just now. How dare you fight back? He's number 65
on the Disciple List! Killing you is as easy as crushing an ant!"

"Kneel down immediately and apologize to the Young Master Singer. Otherwise, we won't go
easy on you!"

This group of people continued to shout.

After all, the strength displayed by Philip just now was rather impressive.

However, in their eyes, he was still nothing more than an ant. It was because Ronan was ranked
65th on the Disciple List.

The Disciple List was a ranking based on the strength of disciples in the country.

Disciples who could be on this list were all experts in the country.
It was also a status that countless people yearned for. Many people would be proud to be on
this list. Of course, many hidden talents did not care about the ranking of such lists.

However, the Disciple List still had a great influence in the disciple world. As the 65th disciple on
the list, Ronan Singer was by no means an ordinary person When these people said that Ronan
was ranked on the Disciple List, all the onlookers gasped.

"Oh my, he's actually ranked 65th on the Disciple List?"

"Holy shit, I remember that he was only ranked 70th the last time! In such a short time, he has
already progressed to 65!"

"The Singer family is amazing, indeed! Are they going to produce another talented genius?"

The onlookers discussed it excitedly.

There were 200 spots on the Disciple List.

The 10Oth place was the obvious divide,

which distinguished the disciples of the second zone from the third zone.

The 50th place was another obvious divide,

which distinguished the disciples of the third zone from the fourth zone.

The 20th place distinguished the disciples of the fourth zone from the fifth zone.

The top ten were the freaks and geniuses of the fifth zone and above.

At present, six of the top ten disciples were taken up by the kings of disciples in the country.

Of course, the ranking was not determined by themselves but by the disciples and the
institutions of the Disciple List in the country.

It was based on the overall strength of these kings of disciples. Among them, some kings of
disciples were not included on the Disciple List due to some confidentiality agreements.

Fennel Leigh was ranked fourth on the Disciple List.

Moreover, this was the ranking from five years ago. The three ahead of him were hidden talents
who had never appeared in the secular world or disciple world.

It was said that those three had been studying behind the Nonagon's door and trying to enter
the sixth zone!
Especially with the opening of the seventh zone last time, it was rumored that these three
people had entered the sixth
zone to study.

One of them had even become the new king of disciples of the sixth zone.

Of course, these were just rumors in the disciple world and had yet to be verified.

However, Ronan was ranked 65th on the Disciple List, which was enough to prove his strength.

"Hey, why are you still standing there? Did you piss yourself after hearing Ronan's ranking?"

A handsome and delicate man behind Ronan mocked at this moment.

"Hehe, I think he's thinking about how to kneel and apologize to Ronan. These disciples of the
south and casuals are
simply a disgrace to our supernatural disciple community!"

"Yes, joey is right! I say the Terrain Villa should just take over the disciple world in the south!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2378

The group of rich kids started to brag.

Ronan was also full of sneers. With a chill on his face, he pointed at Philip and said arrogantly,
"Boy, I'm not interested in knowing your name, but if you kneel to me immediately, apologize to
me, and admit to everyone that the southern the disciple community is trash, Ill consider letting
you go. Otherwise, I'l definitely take it out on you. Even your family won't be spared! It's your
bad luck for messing with me!"

"Whoa, Ronan Singer is so ruthless!"

"It's over! This guy is so reckless. How can he represent the southern supernatural disciple
community? Does anyone know this quy?"

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that they did not know Philip.

His face was very unfamiliar.

"Hehe, no matter who he is, in my opinion, he should kneel and apologize. After al, his life is the
most important!"
However, as everyone belittled Philip, expecting that he would kneel after hearing Ronan's
threat and finding out that the other party was ranked 65th on the Disciple List, Philip only said
coldly, "Get lost!"

Like getting struck by thunder, everyone was shocked!

Instantly, everyone gasped aloud.

"Holy shit, is he crazy?"

"Is that guy an idiot? He's simply courting death!"

"Oh no, if Ronan. gets angry, this guy will definitely die on the spot!"

With a rapid change of expression, Ronan was instantly enraged by Philip's words.

"You're dead!"

Ronan roared and pounced, turning into a black shadow and icking out. With a move he was
proudest of, he kicked

Philip's chest is like a dragon swinging its tail.

This was a unique technique of the Singer family. It was the deadliest move.that the Singer
family was proudest of.

It was evident that Ronan intended to kill!

When the onlookers saw Ronan's killing move, they were astonished.

"That kid is gonna die for sure! The Dragon Swinging Its Tail! That's the famous technique of the
Singer family!"

"I didn't expect Ronan to have such a bad temper. He's actually using this technique to deal with

"Ronan's strength has improved again. His control over material rules and energy is just right!
He may be entering the fourth zone!"

However, just when everyone thought that Philip was dead for sure, he made his move.

With a chill in his eyes, Philip raised his hand slightly and grabbed hold of Ronan's right leg,
which was wrapped in material energy and carried a force equivalent to a thousand pounds.
With a muffled bang, Ronan's kick slammed right into Philip's right hand.

However, his kick was also diffused by Philip.easily and effortlessly.

Ronan was shocked, his face full of horror.

His killing move was caught by Philip just like that? Was this guy so strong?

Immediately after, a chill flashed in the corner of Philip's eyes as he said, "You asked for it. Don't
blame me."


A crisp sound of a leg bone being broken resounded throughout the hall. Then, Philip raised his
right hand, caught Ronan's leg, and tossed him out like trash.

He sent Ronan flying out dozens of meters away before he crashed heavily into a glass wall.


The entire bulletproof glass wall burst in an instant. Ronan fell to the ground and could not move
for a while.

Everyone fell silent

They stared dumbfounded at this scene with wide eyes.

"Iim.. Impossible! He's so strong?"

"Holy cow! Ronan was taken out in just one move?"

The First Heir - Chapter 2379

Everyone was dumbstruck.

Ronan was the third young master of the Singer family, which was one of the top ten
supernatural disciple families in the north and one of the owners of Terrain Villa.

The famous technique of the Singer family had been proven over time. As soon as the Singer
family's technique, Dragon Swinging Its Tail was performed, it was invincible even against
someone of the same realm.
However, now, as the 65th ranked disciple on the current Disciple List, Ronan Singer was
defeated in one move by an unknown person.

It was truly terrifying!

Who was this man with a stern face in front of them?

Was he also on the Disciple List?

However, everyone was quite familiar with the top 200 disciples on the list, excluding some
children of hidden families and casuals.

Could he really be casual?

Was he the descendant of a certain hidden family?

Moreover, judging from his ability to defeat Ronan in one move, his strength was at least in the
fourth zone!

In other words, a guy like this should be in the top 50 on the Disciple List!

Everyone fell quiet.

The disciples and supernaturals watching the commotion fell silent, their faces full of shock.

An existence in the top 50 of the Disciple List was terrifying. Among so many people here, the
most powerful were only in the top 100.

Ronan was.considered the strongest, but he was only ranked 65th.

Seeing Ronan sprawled on the ground without getting up, the rich kids who came with him
quickly stepped forward to
help him up.

"Boy! You're dead! How dare you beat up the third young master of the Singer family?"

"The Singer family will never let you go! Are all the disciples and supernaturals in the south so

"Mr. Burdock, please step in and teach this ignorant boy a good lesson! Avenge Ronan!"

The children from the northern disciple families were full of anger and were roaring.
The old man who had been following them the entire time glanced coldly at the unconscious
Ronan before he turned
to stare at Philip, his eyes full of kiling intent.

Then, with his hands behind his back, he stepped out and said with a gloomy voice, "Junior,
either kneel and wait for my young master to wake up and punish you, or Ill break your limbs
right now. Then you can wait for my young master to wake up and punish you."


The killing intent soared from this old man's body and stirred the surrounding air with waves of

Moreover, fluctuations from the old man grew stronger until he reached the peak of
the fourth zone.

A disciple at the peak of the fourth zone!

Everyone gasped again!

"Is he Mr. Burdock, one of the seven expert guardians of the Singer family?"

"That's right, it's him! He once killed 12 disciples of the Shadow Organization who were from the
third zone and seriously
injured three disciples from the fourth zone!"

"Wow, Ronan actually brought him along. That kid is dead now!"

The onlookers' emotions surged again with looks of horror Mr. Burdock was one of the seven
expert guardians of Singer family!

It was rumored that the rapid development of the Singer family was due to the secret help of the
seven expert quardians.

Mr. Burdock had a reputation in the northern disciple supernatural world and was once a
teacher in the Nonagon, but he later retired and was recruited by the Singer family.

The First Heir - Chapter 2380

As a disciple who could hold a teaching position in the Nonagon, Mr. Burdock's strength was

Someone even exclaimed, " I found it! Mr. Burdock was ranked 49 on the previous Disciple List!
He's really a disciple of
the fourth zone!"

"49? Oh my, that's too strong! That kid is going to be ruined today!"

"Hehe, who cares? Just wait and watch the show. Perhaps the disciples of the north and south
will fight it out again this

Amid the crowd's incessant chatter, Philip had lost all patience.

He could hardly wait to find Wynn, so when Mr. Burdock stepped out, his face darkened. He
said grimly, "I dont want to waste time with you. Since you want to fight, use your full power."


The crowd was in an uproar. What an arrogant guy!

Was he trying to rush to his death?

He actually wanted Mr. Burdock to use his full strength.

Hearing that, Mr. Burdock frowned and said with a sneer, "Very well. What an arrogant
youngster! You're seeking death!"

Instantly, Mr. Burdock unleashed his control over the material rules and the energy.

He raised his hand and struck out.

His body was immediately covered with sharp ice blocks. Then, he roared angrily and slashed
at Philip, "Dragon Slash!"


A dragon's roar resounded in the hall.

A blue-white dragon made of ice suddenly appeared behind Mr. Burdock and circled around
him. It opened its huge jaws and pounced on Philip.

The moment the ice crystal dragon appeared, the temperature in the surrounding 100 meters
suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Even the flowers and plants around were covered in a layer of white frost. This ice dragon
exuded an extremely powerful energy pressure, and its deafening roar shocked everyone to
their cores.
Everyone gasped.

Faced with such a powerful blow, it was almost certain that the opponent would die.

Such an energy storm was enough to destroy any disciple or supernatural at the peak of the
third zone.

However, to everyone's horror, Philip simply raised his eyebrows and looked at the roaring and
approaching giant ice
crystal dragon indifferently.

The image of the dragon was clearly reflected in his pupils. With a faint smile, he raised his
hand and made a grabbing motion at the dragon in the sky.


In the sky, the raging ice crystal dragon shattered in an instant and turned into countless ice
cubes that fell from the

Rule interference! Dead silence!

Everyone stared at this scene in disbelief. It was the first time they saw such means.

Even Mr. Burdock was dumbfounded.

How was this possible?

"Do you have the water attribute?!" Mr. Burdock reacted immediately, his face full of anger and

This was the only explanation.

Only someone with the same attribute could interfere with his rules and material control.

Besides, Philip's understanding and application of this attribute were higher than his.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the strength of his opponent was one realm
higher than his, Could he be a disciple of the fifth zone?


Absolutely impossible!
It was absolutely impossible to have the strength of the fifth zone at such a young age,

Mr. Burdock was astonished before he roared angrily, "Young man, you asked for this!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2381

Mr. Burdock's body surged with a fierce momentum, and his clothes also swelled and fluttered
with exploding energy.

His gray hair stood on end as his eyebrows appeared like two sharp blades.

An extremely fierce and powerful energy pressure soared within a one-meter radius under his
feet, wrapping his entire being inside it.

It was as if Mr. Burdock was in the center of the energy storm. His eyes turned blue and white in
an instant, Then.


He opened his mouth and roared, slamming his hands on the ground frenziedly.


Suddenly, with Mr. Burdock as the center, a layer of white ice was rapidly forming on the ground.
In a split second, the froze the entire area within a one-mile radius.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Nine ferocious ice crystal dragons burst out from under the layer of ice on the ground. The sky
sparkled brilliantly!

Nine ice crystal dragons about tens of meters long broke through the ice from the ground.

The nine roaring dragons wreaked havoc in the hall, shattering the glass steel roof.


The broken glass in the sky and those dazzling ice crystal dragons formed a shocking scene.

All the disciples and supernatural present were stunned.

Such an apocalyptic scene was like nothing they had ever seen before.

Was this the strength of a disciple of the fourth zone?

It was too powerful!

Such means were enough to make them worship Mr. Burdock from the bottom of their hearts.

"Slash!" Mr. Burdock shouted angrily, his pupils shining with the color of ice crystals.

This was a reaction to the ice attribute being pushed to the extreme!

Philip's expression changed as he looked at the nine ice crystal dragons that swooped down
from the sky.

This attack from the old coot actually displayed the strength of the fifth zone.

As expected of the previous generation of disciples, Their strength was profound.

However, Philip remained fearless.

He looked up at the nine giant ice crystal dragons roaring and swooping down from the sky.

He stomped his feet on the ground and jumped into the air. Then, with his hands, he drew
circles on his side!

One by one, white swords of energy formed like a circular fan with Philip as the center, which
gradually opened up and
formed a full circle.

Then, Philip put his hands together in front of his chest and conjured another image of a sharp

The circle of white energy swords next to him vibrated with biting chills and terrifying energy

The sharp sword energy raged in this area. The sky was filled with the sounds of clanking

"Slash!" Philip roared!

Countless white swords of energy aimed at the nine giant ice crystal dragons that were roaring
and swooping from the sky.
They slashed out in anger.

One by one, the white swords of energy slashed at the bodies of the ice crystal dragons and
pierced through their
huge jaws.

The entire scene created a great impact.

The white swords of energy collided with the ice crystal dragons, causingboth to shatter and
collapse constantly.

The entire sky formed an extremely shocking scene.


At the last minute!

The nine ice crystal dragons and the countless white swords of energy shattered together.

Where they collided, a dazzling white energy storm halo was formed.

The First Heir - Chapter 2382


The world lost all color!

The sky was filled with shattering crystals that were bright and dazzling.

Philip diffused Mr. Burdock's strongest

attack all by himself.

Instantly, the hall was dead silent!

The sky was dazzling white.

Mr. Burdock stood on the spot and looked up in the air.

Everyone thought Philip would be killed by this attack.

However, when the white light faded, they saw a figure hovering in mid- air with dozens of white
energy swords suspended next to him.
With a hook of Philip's fingers, these energy swords aimed at Mr. Burdock on the ground.

Then, like rapidly firing bullets, a stream of energy swords fired at Mr. Burdock.

At this moment, Mr. Burdock stared at the figure in the sky.

A strong threat of death welled up in his heart.

The fifth zone!

At this moment of death, he finally determined that this young man had reached the fifth zone!


The ground shook as smoke billowed everywhere.

The place where Mr. Burdock stood was instantly covered by white swords.

Perfect and precise strike!

When the smoke and dust cleared, the spot where Mr. Burdock stood had collapsed. As for Mr.
Burdock, his body had been pierced through by countless white energy swords, and he was
covered in blood.

Then, he reluctantly fell into a pool of blood.


The scene was deathly silent!

At that moment, no one else dared to look down on Philip.

Such means, such destructive force. Even one of the seven expert guardians of the Singer
family had been killed by him.

"Holy shit!"

"He is even stronger than Mr. Burdock!"

In that case, he should be at least at the peak of the fourth zone, if not the fifth zone.

Instantly, everyone gulped and dared not make a sound.

His strength was too terrifying. He should at least be in the top 20 of the Disciple List!
He was still so young!

Who the hell is this guy?

Could he be a king of disciples?

Philip landed on the ground and looked indifferently at Ronan and the others who stood there

With today's battle, Philip's fame would completely spread through the disciple community in the
north and south.

He single-handedly killed the expert guardian of the Singer family from the northern area.

It could be foreseen that the Singer family would jump in fury and send experts to demand an

Philip naturally understood this, so after he landed, he walked toward Ronan and the others.

At this moment, Ronan had already woken up. His heart was aching after watching the scene of
Philip killing Mr.Burdock.

At this moment, seeing Philip approaching with a cold expression, Ronan roared, "How dare you
kill an expert guardian of the Singer family? You're simply courting death!"

However, Philip looked at Ronan blandly and said, "So what if I killed him? If your Singer family
is discontent, feel free to
come and look for me. My name is Philip Clarke."

Hearing this, Ronan's blood boiled as he said angrily, "Insolence! My Singer family will never let
you off!"

Philip calmly looked at Ronan, pondered for a moment, and said, "In that case, you can also join
your guardian."

After saying that, Philip put his fingers together and a white energy sword flew up against
Ronan's neck.

At that moment, Ronan truly experienced the threat of death.

He quickly changed his tone and said, "Spare my life! I surrender! I'm an idiot and I was wrong!
If you kill me, you'll sow discord between the disciples in the north and south.When the time
comes, all the expert guardians of the Singer family will be dispatched. You won't be able to
escape! If you let me go, the Singer family will not pursue the matter today!"

Ronan was still acting tough the previous second, but now, he had started begging for mercy.

It was human nature to fear death.

The First Heir - Chapter 2383

Philip looked indifferently at Ronan who was begging for mercy on his knees and threatening
him at the same time.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he sneered, "You should display a proper attitude
when you're begging
for forgiveness. What do you mean by threatening me like this?"

Hearing that, Ronan's face darkened. A cloud of gloom flashed in the corner of his eyes as he
said, "I'm sorry! I was wrong. I shouldn't have been rude to you just now.

Please forgive me!

Ronan Singer was not a mindless playboy.

He knew that he was in a lot of trouble today, so he could only lower his stance as much as he
could. He must stay alive first.

Otherwise, if he was killed like Mr. Burdock, then there was nothing he could do.

However, Philip looked at Ronan coldly and said, "I think even if I let you go, your Singer family
won't let me off. I still know the meaning of letting the tiger return to its den. So, since I've
offended the Singer family, I might as well take it right to the end."

After saying that, Philip raised his hand and pointed his finger!

At that moment, Ronan was really frightened.

His whole body shook as he begged for mercy, "No, you can't kill me!| was wrong! Please let me
go! I promise you, as long as you let me go, the Singer family won't go after you! On the
contrary, I even want to invite you to be the Singer family's guest of honor. You can name your

Ronan's mind churned rapidly as he quickly thought of a solution.

Everyone's jaws dropped the moment he said this. However, at the same time, they were also
full of approval.

Being able to kill Mr. Burdock, one of the Singer family's expert guardians, with one strike,
showed that Philip was very strong.

Such a young disciple who might have the strength of the fifth zone would definitely be fought
over by the major disciple families.

Their future depended on such prodigies!

Therefore, Ronan's move was the best of both worlds. However, he had overlooked Philip's

How could the young patriarch of the Clarke family on the dignified Arcadia Island be someone
a small disciple family
could recruit at will?

Thus, Philip said with an indifferent sneer, "Sorry, your Singer family doesn't have the power to
recruit me yet."


As soon as he said that, everyone was dumbfounded and gasped!

Arrogant! Simply outrageous!

How dare he say such arrogant words?!

Was he saying that the Singer family was unworthy?

Hearing that, Ronan frowned. He looked at Philip, raised his hand, and roared, "No, you can't kill
me! I'm the third young
master of the Singer family, the core descendant of one of the top ten disciple families in the
north! If you dare to do
something to me, my eldest brother, my father, and the entire Singer family will never let you go!
No matter how powerful you are, the Singer family will hunt you down! My eldest brother is the
king of disciples."


Before he finished speaking, the white energy sword controlled by Philip cut Ronan's neck open!

Blood stained the place red.

Until his death, Ronan's eyes were wide open. He was clutching his neck and pointing at Philip
in anger.

The entire place was dead silent!

At this moment, everyone covered their mouths, widened their eyes, and looked at the scene in
front of them in disbelief.

Philip actually killed the third young master of the Singer family!

Something big was about to happen now!

Moreover, Ronan's last words made everyone so nervous and scared that they almost forgot to

The king of disciples?!

The eldest young master of the Singer family was actually a king of disciples!

The First Heir - Chapter 2384



Out of this world!

It was also at this time that the manager of Cherry Villa hurried over with a group of people.

When they saw Mr. Burdock and Ronan lying in pools of blood, the manager was full of shock!

"Mr. Burdock, Young Master Singer.."

A middle-aged man in a gray suit sweated profusely with a panicked look on his face.

Something had gone wrong!

The expert guardian and the youngest beloved son of the Singer family, a family of disciples in
the north, had died in Cherry Villa.

Finished! The sky was about to collapse!

That middle-aged man's gaze locked onto Philip immediately as he shouted angrily, "Men, lock
him up!"

At once, more than a dozen fully armed guards pointed their guns at Philip.

These were not ordinary secular guards.

The weapons they were equipped with were specifically designed to restrain disciples.

They were specially issued weapons from the Supernatural Bureau.

Philip looked sideways, glanced coldly at the guards and the middle-aged man standing at the
forefront with a face full of anger, and said coldly, "Do you want to arrest me without asking

The middle-aged man was about to explode with anger and roared. "What is there to ask?
That's the third young master of the Singers and their expert guardian. A villain like this has
stirred up trouble between Cherry Villa and the Singer family. That's a big crime! You must be
captured and handed over to the Singer family to do as they deem fit!"


Philip said, "I thought that the southern disciples might have some backbone, but I didn't expect
to see a bunch of spineless cowards. Although I don't know what's going on between the
disciples from the north and south, I know from the Singer family that Terrain Villa seems to
have always looked down on Cherry Villa. Now, I finally understand that you're just a bunch of
rubbish rotting under the sun!"

Following Philip's words, the middle-aged man was furious and shouted, "Stop trying to talk your
way out of this.Take him down!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen guards trained by the Supernatural Bureau pounced on Philip with

However, at this moment, a majestic voice came from behind the crowd, "Everyone, stop!"

Everyone looked sideways in the direction of the main entrance of the side hall.

A tall figure passed through the crowd

and came to the front.

He was a middle-aged man with a dignified poise. He wore a blue suit and had a rigid, stern
As soon as he appeared, all the onlookers bowed their heads respectfully.

Even the manager who wanted to arrest

Philip rushed to the man's side, bowed, and respectfully said, "Villa Master, why did you come

The middle-aged man looked at Philip before looking at Mr. Burdock's and Ronan's corpses

He asked, "What's going on?"

The manager immediately said, "Villa Master, this young man broke into Cherry Villa and killed
Mr. Burdock, the expert
guardian of the Singer family, as well as Young Master Ronan Singer. I'm asking my men to take
him down!"

The middle-aged man was Leon Jefferson, one of the three masters of Cherry Villa. He sized
Philip up sternly and asked, "Do you think the supernatural disciples of the south are no match
for the north?"

Leon Jefferson was one of the founders of Cherry Villa.

His strength was extraordinary, and no one could beat him.

He was said to be the disciple of the sixth zone from the previous generation.

However, the authenticity of the news had

yet to be verified.

Philip frowned, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said, "Although there are
differences between the north and the south, the pride remains. It's just the Singer family from
the north. If there's trouble, they can just look for me.

"Hahaha!" Leon laughed heartily and said,

"Well said! The pride remains! I like your attitude and personality! It's just the Singer family from
the north. The Cherry Villa can still go up against them!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2385

Leon's words had fully expressed his opinion. No matter who the young man in front of him was,
he would bear the
Firstly, it was for the dignity of Cherry Villa.

Secondly,it was to cherish the young talent.

It had been a long time since there was such a young and powerful disciple in the southern
supernatural community.

Such a person could only be the guest of honor sought after by major families.

Leon knew very well what the young man in front of him meant to the disciples in the southern

There were three kings in the north but only one king in the smith.

Now, the young man in front of him had the strength of a disciple in the fifth zone. Leon decided
to have him join Cherry Villa.

"May I have your name?" Leon asked with a kind smile that formed a stark contrast with his
stern angular face.

The onlookers were amazed at this moment. They could naturally tell that Leon was showing
goodwill to that young

Yes, at such a young age, he had the ability to kill Mr. Burdock, one of the seven expert
guardians of the Singer family.

It was enough to show that his future as a disciple would be limitless.

If such a person joined Cherry Villa and became one of the core members, Cherry Villa and
even the entire southern disciple community might have two kings.

It had been more than ten years since the northern disciple community had outmatched the

All the disciples in the south could only wallow in anger.

However, due to the difference between the north and the south, the strength of the disciples
was also very different.

This was also an indisputable fact.

Now that Leon was extending an olive branch to Philip, it was enough to show that Leon and the
southern disciple community desperately needed a talented genius like Philip.

Philip frowned slightly and replied lightly,

"Philip Clarke."

Leon nodded and said with a smile, "Im Leon Jefferson, one of the three masters of Cherry Villa.
I'm very glad to meet
you. I wonder if you'd be interested in attending the 12 Families' Cabinet Meeting."

The 12 Families' Cabinet Meeting?"

Philip shook his head with a frown and said, "I'm sorry. I'm only here to look for someone, so I
won't be joining you."

After saying that, Philip was about to walk

toward the main hall.

Leon immediately asked, "Philip, I wonder who you're looking for? I'm one of the masters of
Cherry Villa and would love
to help you."

Philip stopped, looked at Leon, and said, "I'm looking for my wife, VWynn Johnston."

"Miss Johnston?" Leon was taken aback, and his expression changed rapidly. He looked at
Philip in front of him and said with a smile, "Philip, please come with me."

Philip frowned, thought about it, and followed Leon.

Leon said a few words to the middle-aged manager before he led Philip to the main hall.

After Philip and Leon left, a burst of chatter broke out.

"Oh my God! What did l just see? Master Jefferson actually treated a person so politely!"

"But of course! This İs absolutely unheard of and is shocking beyond words! How nice if it was
me instead!"

"Alas, this is true strength!"

Over there, the middle-aged manager asked his subordinates to clean up the mess here with a
gloomy expression.
Then, he sneakily ran to a corner of the villa, took out his phone, and dialed a number after
making sure no one was

Soon, the call was connected. A calm and majestic voice was heard. "Cory Trent, why are you
looking for me?"

The manager groveled and said respectfully, "Mr. Moon, something has happened! The third
young master of the
Singer family, Ronan Singer, and Mr. Burdock have been killed by an unknown kid in Cherry

"What? Say that again!"

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Moon's trembling and angry voice was heard.

The third young master of the Singer family and Mr. Burdock, the family's expert guardian, were
killed in Cherry Villa?

The First Heir - Chapter 2386

The sky was about to fal!

That was the Singer family, one of the ten great disciple families in the north. They were one of
the three masters of Terrain Villa.

There was also a king of disciples in the Singer family!

The Singer family was one of the top three existences in the northern disciple community. An
absolute behemoth!

This time, Ronan Singer and Mr. Burdock were killed in Cherry Villa.

This must be a magnitude 10 earthquake.

The entire northern community would be shaken!

Not to mention the Singer family!

"M-Mr. Moon, Young Master Ronan Singer has been killed!"

Cory Trent stammered with cold sweat on his forehead.

It was because he could clearly feel the anger and chill from the other end of the phone.

"Who did it? What's wrong with Cherry Villa? Are they trying to turn on the north?"

Mr. Moon was in a rage, his heart full of anger and fear. His anger was toward Cherry Villa. His
fear was of the Singer family.

"Mr. Moon, this matter has nothing to do with Cherry Villa. It was an unknown kid who had a
conflict with Young Master Ronan. That kid attacked Young Master Ronan without holding

As Cory explained, he was also very flustered.

"Where's Leon Jefferson? Where was he when such a big thing happened?" Mr. Moon asked
with a roar.

"M-Master Jefferson seems interested in protecting that kid because the strength displayed by
that kid may be of the
fifth zone," Cory continued to explain.

'Fifth zone? On the other end of the phone, Mr. Moon frowned.

No wonder Leon wanted to bail him out.

It had been a long time since someone with the strength of a fifth zone disciple had appeared in
the southern disciple community.

"Okay, I got it. Pay close attention to the movements in Cherry Villa. Ill inform Terrain Villa and
the Singer family at once!"

Mr. Moon said before he quickly ended the call.

At this moment, far north of Beechwood City, in the study of a luxurious villa.

A slightly fat middle-aged man with glasses was full of anger and panic.

He quickly picked up the suit on the hanger

next to him and put it on.

He left the villa in a hurry and personally drove his Ferrari to Terrain Villa in the northern
district of Caltrop Mountain.

At the foot of Caltrop Mountain, Quentin Moon passed through several checkpoints before he
arrived at the gates of Terrain Villa.
He quickly got out of the Ferrari and jogged to the main hall of Terrain Villa.

It was a distance of a thousand meters.

Quentin was out of breath from running.

"Q-Quickly inform the three villa masters that something big has happened!"

Quentin ran to the entrance of the villa 's main hall and shouted to the several guards with guns.

Soon, Quentin followed the guards to the main hall.

The three masters of Terrain Villa were sitting on the high platform with their chests upright in
front of him.

The man in the highest position was sitting on a golden chair.

On both sides of that man's chair were two bronze chairs.

"Quentin Moon, why are you looking for us at this late hour?" A middle-aged man on the left
asked, looking a little unhappy.

The First Heir - Chapter 2387

After being called to gather in the middle of the night, feelings of resentment were inevitable.

Quentin Moon wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, stood humbly in the hall, and lowered his
head. He panted and stammered, "Villa Masters Hopper, Singer, and Turner, something has

"Just spit it out already!" Villa Master Hopper, the middle-aged man with an unhappy expression,
was wearing a black suit and fidgeting with two stress balls in his hand.

He had an imposing demeanor, a ruddy complexion, and exuded a harsh intensity.

Quentin glanced at Villa Master Hopper before his gaze landed on the person on his right.

This was the current patriarch of the Singer family, one of the top ten disciple families in the
north, Jenkins Singer.

He was also one of the founding families of Terrain Villa and one of the three villa masters.

His face was dignified as he sat upright.

He wore a gray suit, and his hair was gray. He had a pair of deep-set eyes that looked very
chaotic, which intimidated others and stopped them from looking directly at him.

Jenkins Singer was one of the honorary teachers of the Nonagon and also a member and
director of the Nonagon Teaching Association.

He had a great reputation in Nonagon and had taught many disciples.

It could be said that among the current disciples of Nonagon, two out of ten were taught by
Jenkins or by the Singer family.

Thus, the Singer family had a lot of power and prestige in Nonagon.

Not to mention that Jenkins had taught three kings of disciples before!

Such teaching achievements were engraved on a stone monument in Nonagon.

It could be said that the Singer family had the power to mobilize half of the disciples in the
northern supernatural disciple community with a single word.

At this moment, Quentin gulped and fell to his knees. He bowed and shouted, "Villa Master
Singer, Third Young Master Ronan has been killed in Cherry Villa!"


Abruptly, an explosion was heard!

Jenkins, who was sitting upright, stood up in anger at this moment. With A biting chill in his
eyes, he asked, "What did you say?"

Quentin trembled all over because he felt the surging killing intent and biting coldness in the air
around him.

"Third Young Master Ronan and Mr. Burdock were killed by an unknown young man during the
disciples' gathering at Cherry Villa, which they attended tonight.

The other party also said that if the Singer family wants to seek revenge, they Can go look for

Quentin bit the bullet and lowered his head as he forced the words out.

Following his words, he felt an overwhelming
energy pressure that suddenly erupted.

The energy pressure was so intense that Quentin dared not raise his head at all.

His whole body was trembling.

Jenkins' eyes were full of anger as he stood on the high platform.

The terrifying energy that raged all over him was enough to easily tear down any disciple of the
fifth zone.

"Cherry Villa, damn you!" A furious cry from hell resounded throughout the entire Terrain Villa.

"Who's the other party? Doesn't he know that Ronan is my son?" Jenkins restrained his energy
pressure and asked coldly.

Quentin knelt on the floor and said tremblingly, "T-The other party is an unknown junior. I heard
that the other party killed Third Young Master Ronan because of a conflict. At that time,Ronan
had already mentioned the Singer family and begged him for mercy, but the other party seemed
to have no intention of letting Ronan go. He directly killed him."

The First Heir - Chapter 2388

After that, the atmosphere in the main hall plummeted to freezing point.
It seemed that any movement would cause a
catastrophic ending.

Jenkins stood on the high platform, his eyes were full of anger.

He clenched his fists and asked, "Did the people of Cherry Villa just watch my son get killed by
an unknown junior?"

Quentin quickly bowed and replied, "Villa Master Singer, Villa Master Leon Jefferson of Cherry
Villa stepped in later. If I understand Cory Trent correctly, Leon wishes to protect the young man
named Philip Clarke."

"Leon Jefferson? How dare he?!

Jenkins roared and shouted, "Immediately gather all the experts of the Singer family and go with
me to Cherry Villa. I want to see who Leon Jefferson dares to protect in front of me! After killing
my beloved son, no matter who the other party is, I'lI kill him with my bare hands!"
As he said that, Jenkins clenched his fists tightly.
Below the hall, a guard from the Singer family bowed in response and immediately walked out
of the main hall.

Seeing Jenkins' anger at the moment, Villa Master Hopper said, "Villa Master Singer, please
accept my condolences This move from Cherry Villa is aimed at Terrain Villa. It seems that Leon
Jefferson wants to personally protect the kid named Philip Clarke. Should I send people to go
along with you?"

"No need!"

Jenkins rejected Villa Master Hopper's kind intentions and said, "This is a matter between the
Singer family and Cherry Villa. There's no need for outsiders to intervene!"

A chill flashed in the corner of Villa Master Hopper's eyes.

He squeezed out a smile and said, "In that case, I hope youbcan apprehend your son's
murderer and promote the prestige of Terrain Villa. Take this opportunity to teach a good
lesson to Cherry Villa and the entire southern supernatural disciple community.

"Hmph!" Jenkins snorted coldly and left the main hall.

After Jenkins left, Villa Master Hopper wiped away the flattering smile on his face and said
gloatingly, "Jenkins Singernreally doesn't take us seriously now!"

The middle-aged man who was sitting on the main golden chair had a gloomy expression.

He raised his thick eyebrows slightly and said, "Villa Master Hopper, do say less. Now that
something like this has happened to the Singer
family, we should help as much as we can. Sooner or later, there'll be a battle between the
disciples in the north and the south. When the time comes, the Singer family will still be the
main force of the northern supernatural disciple

Villa Master Hopper chuckled and said, "Villa Master Turner, aren't you worried that Jenkins
Singer will replace you one day? I've heard that the Singer family has been developing their
forces over the years. Many times, he doesn't even show you any respect."

This sentence was a little too straightforward.

Hearing that, Villa Master Turner's face darkened as he looked in the direction of the entrance of
the main hall.

After a while, he said, "The Singer family is indeed getting out of line. "
Villa Master Turner had long felt the persecution and threat from the Singer family.

He was not as powerful as Jenkins Singer and only became a master of Terrain Villa thanks to
his lineage.

Therefore, many times, in front of the Singer family and Jenkins, Villa Master Turner had little
right to speak.nThe strongest ruled.

Villa Master Hopper quickly said, "Villa Master Turner, I think we should make preparations in
advance, just in case. Jenkins and the Singer family really have intentions to rebel, we will be
able to deal with it holistically at that time.

Villa Master Turner glanced sideways at Villa Master Hopper. He thought for a long time before
he asked, "What do you have in mind, Villa Master Hopper?"

The First Heir - Chapter 2389

Back to Philip's side.

He followed Leon Jefferson through the lobby and passed through several doors before entering
the core area of Cherry Villa. He saw a clear lake with a white arch bridge over it. On both sides
of the lake, fully armed guards strictly kept watching.

They were equipped with weapons specially targeted at disciples.

These guards would be able to tackle any disciples of the fourth zone and below.

A magnificent white castle stood across the lake and arch bridge. A sense of solemnity could be
felt from the castle even from across the lake.

In front, Leon invited Philip, "Philip, please come with me.'

Philip glanced at the surrounding environment. The security measures in this place were quite

"Thank you." Philip said politely and followed Leon to the arch bridge.

They made their way to the white castle.

When Philip got closer to the white castle, he realized that there was a special energy pressure
around it that constantly suppressed the power of rules in his body.
It was as if his strength was weakened just by being in this area.

This was the power utilization of the anti-matter rule, which was especially targeted at disciples!
Philip's face darkened as he stared at Leon intently.

Leon was incredulous at Philip's keen intuition. He smiled and said, "Philip, you're not mistaken.
Anyone who enters this area will have their control over the rules of matter suppressed by the
power of the rules of anti-matter. Their strength!will also be suppressed to the third zone.
Whether you're in the fifth zone, a king of disciples, or a hidden monster from the sixth or
seventh zone, all will be suppressed to the third zone here. The purpose of doing this is to
prevent those with
ulterior motives from doing anything. I hope you understand.'

After Leon finished speaking, Philip nodded lightly and said, "Understood."

Then, Leon led Philip into the lobby of the white castle.

At this moment, the hall was already full of many men and women, old and young.

All of them had slightly cold faces and serious attitudes. Seeing Leon entering with someone, all
of them got up, bowed to Leon, and said, Villa Master Jefferson."

Leon walked in with a smile and motioned everyone to sit down. He said, "Everyone, no need to
be formal. Please sit down. I also brought a youngster here today."

After saying that, everyone's eyes turned to Philip, who had followed Leon in. No one
recognized Philip.

Someone asked, "Villa Jefferson, I wonder which disciple family he belongs to for you to
personally bring him here."

"Yes, Villa Master Jefferson. Why don't we ask this young man to introduce himself?"

Everyone spoke with an amiable attitude on the surface, but many had different ideas in their

Leon smiled, turned sideways, made an inviting gesture, and said, "Young man, why don't you
just say a few words?"

Philip's expression darkened.

He glanced at everyone present but did not find Shane Lovelace or Wynn, so he was a little
disappointed. Could it be that Wynn and Shane were not here? Had they left?
Thus, Philip just said mildly, "Philip Clarke."

Then, he stopped talking.

The First Heir - Chapter 2390

Everyone eagerly waited for Philip's next words but after a long while, Philip said nothing.

This made some people unhappy, and they said coldly, "Villa Master Jefferson, this young Philip
seems very arrogant and only said his name. Does he look down on us?"

"Hehe, Villa Master Jefferson, we have no objections if you bring newcomers in, but such a
newcomer is too ignorant of the rules!"

"Are you done talking?" Suddenly, Philip spoke and interrupted everyone's reprimand that
stemmed from their dissatisfaction with him.


Everyone's faces tensed with anger.


A middle-aged man slammed the table, stood up suddenly, pointed at Philip, and said angrily,
"Presumptuous! This is Cherry Villa and the conference for the southern disciple families. How
dare an unruly kid like you be so rude to the elders? Didn't the adults in your family teach you
any manners and etiquette?"

"Exactly! Even if you were personally brought here by Villa Master Jefferson, you should mind
the occasion!"

"Villa Master Jefferson, I don't think it's necessary for a newcomer like him to attend our

Amid everyone's reprimand, Leon did not say anything to discourage them but stood aside with
a smile on his face as he looked at Philip.

Philip frowned and glanced sideways at Leon, who had a smile on his face. 'Heh, he is just an
old fox. Was he deliberately staying out of this to see how Philip was going to resolve this
Philip did not have time to waste on these people, so he simply said, "I was never interested in
your so-called disciple family conference to begin with. Since i'm not welcome, goodbye, then."

After saying that, Philip turned around and was about to leave. However, all the people sitting
there were haughty and full of themselves.

Some people with scheming minds watched the development and silently observed Philip.

"Stop! Do you think the disciple conference of Cherry Villa is somewhere you can come and go
as you wish?" The middle-aged man who previously slapped the table and angrily shouted at
Philip continued to berate him without giving in at all.

"That's right! Young man, you can leave if you want, but you must apologize to us for your
reckless and rude behavior just now!"

A group of people chattered incessantly.

Among them were children of disciple families who looked like they were just watching the fun.

They had gloating looks on their faces.

Philip stopped, turned his head, and looked at those people who berated him. Then, he said
lightly, "Why should I apologize to you?"

"Just because we're sitting here and you're standing there!" the middle-aged man sneered.

"Oh?" Philip chuckled and asked, "How did you get to sit there?"

"By strength, of course! Everyone sitting here has their own strength to boast of!" the
middle-aged man continued.

In his opinion, a young junior like Philip had nothing more than some background and status.

Such a person should be taught a good lesson so that he could be properly ordered around in
the future. This was the usual practice of the
disciple family conference for newcomers. After all, the disciple family conference did not allow
too many spokespersons.

"By strength? Okay, then."

Philip smiled, walked up to the middle-aged man, and said, "In that case, this seat will belong to
me from now on. You may get lost!"
When that middle-aged man saw Philip walking toward him, the corners of his eyes chilled as
he abruptly got up and Shouted angrily,

"Presumptuous! You're courting death!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2391

The middle-aged man was extremely furious. This was the first time someone dared to say such
arrogant words to him here!

He was told to get lost?


Everyone else crossed their arms indifferently, waiting to watch the excitement.

After the middle-aged man scolded, he pointed at Philip and said sharply, "Junior! You're simply
too audacious. Now, i want you to kneel and apologize!"

However, Philip shook his head and repeated with a sneer, "You said just now that those who
get to sit here are judged by their strength. I think I'm stronger than you, so shouldn't you get

"Hahaha!" That middle-aged man laughed uproariously, but a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

He said, "You think you're stronger than me? How dare a young brat like you brag like that?
Very well, then. Let me show you my strength!"


After that, the middle-aged man slammed the table, jumped into the air, and threw a punch at
Philip's stomach!

He did not hold back at all with this punch because he wanted to make an example out of Philip!

Everyone present was also surprised and said, "Patriarch West's strength has improved again.
I'm afraid he has reached the strength of the fourth zone!"

"He was still in the third zone the last time. This time, the energy fluctuations in him are much
stronger than before."

"Although everyone's strength is limited to the third zone, looking at Patriarch West's strength,
that brat is doomed for sure!"
Just as everyone kept singing Patriarch West's praises, a figure flew out with a bang and
crashed heavily into a pillar before falling to the floor with a thud!

Everyone gasped when they saw the figure that was still standing!

An instant kill?

How was this possible?

Philip was standing in the same spot and had only raised his fist slightly.

With such a simple move, Patriarch West,

whom everyone said was quite powerful just now, was blown away with one punch.

Patriarch West fell to the floor, clutched his chest, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Philip with great indignity and spat out a few words, "Y-You're actually so strong."

Then, he passed out. At this moment, everyone felt a little creeped out.

This young man who could defeat Patriarch West with one simple move was by no means a
simple character.

At this point, everyone's eyes fell on Philip with doubts, shock, and naturally, some hatred.

However, these people did not jump out immediately.

After all, Philip had proven his strength.

"Now, is this position mine?

The First Heir - Chapter 2392

Philip looked at everyone coldly and imposingly.

Following his scrutiny, no one dared to raise any objection.

Leon clapped his hands at this moment, stood up with a smile, and said to the subordinates
behind him, "Men, bring Patriarch West to treat his injuries."
Then, he walked to Philip's side, patted him on the shoulder, and addressed the crowd,
"Everyone, this is the new member of Cherry Villa. Please welcome him!"

After saying that, Leon clapped heartily while sparse applause was heard from the crowd.
However, Philip said, "Villa Master Jefferson, I didn't agree to join Cherry Villa. I'm here to look
for someone.

Leon smiled and said, "Philip, don't worry. The Miss Johnston you're looking for should have
already gone back.

"Gone back? With whom?" Philip was anxious and frowned.

Sure enough, Wynn had gone back.

Leon motioned for everyone to continue the conference before he walked out of the main hall
with Philip and said,

"Philip, the person who brought Miss Johnston here is a young man whose strength can be said
to be on par with yours. Such a person is naturally welcomed in Cherry Villa. They came here to
get something."

Philip frowned and asked nervously, "What?"

Leon raised his eyebrows, looked at the stars in the sky, and said with a sigh, "It's an item left
here by Mr. Lovelace back then. If I'm not mistaken, that young man should be someone from
the Lovelace family, and Miss Johnston is most likely related to them too."

'Mr. Lovelace?'

"Villa Master Jefferson, that Mr. Lovelace you mentioned, could it be Grant Lovelace?" Philip
asked with a frown.

Leon turned his head, scrutinized Philip seriously, and said, "Do you know him?"

Philip got his answer. Then, he shook his head and said with a smile, "No, I just heard about him
from the elders in

Leon nodded upon hearing that and said a little sadly, "Mr. Lovelace was an outstanding talent,
a genius who could stand on equal footing with that person among the four back then. It's a pity
that luck wasn't on his side, and The Lovelace family incident became a taboo that can't be
mentioned. Back then, Mr. Lovelace single-handedly settled the dispute between the north and
south disciples. He also brought peace to all parties. It's a pity that because of his
achievements, his talents, and his strength, he was envied and hated by all parties. It resulted in
the destruction of his lineage. Mr. Lovelace is a true hero of his generation."
Leon spoke as if he recalled many past events. His eyes were red, and his expression was quite

Philip was silent.

He did not know much about Grant Lovelace. Now that he finally found someone who knew him,
Philip.had to ask clearly.

"Villa Master Jefferson, is Grant Lovelace really the hero you mentioned? I heard that the
Lovelace family was engaged in some inhumane human experiments, which led to their
destruction," Philip said.

Leon turned to Philip in surprise and said, "You seem to know more than I thought..

Philip smiled and said, "It was mentioned by the elders in my family before."

Leon nodded and said, "Although the Lovelace family incident has long been concluded, it's still
widely circulated among the people in the disciple community. There are three factions in the
Lovelace family. The radical faction is the
one engaged in inhumane human experiments. The sanctions that were supposed to be aimed
at the radical faction back then ended up falling on the conservative faction by accident, which
led to the destruction of Mr. Lovelace's

"Do you know how this situation happened?" Philip asked.

Leon shook his head in confusion and said, "I'm not sure either. No one dares to investigate the
Lovelace family.incident. However, there are rumors that before this incident happened, Mr.
Lovelace once went to the Gentleman
Court and had a secret meeting with the court master for up to two hours. After that, things
started to happen to his faction. The Gentleman Court may know something about it."

Gentleman Court?

Benny Larson?

Philip frowned, thought for a while, and said to Leon, "Villa Master Jefferson, I have some
personal matters to deal with, so Ill take my leave now.

Leon smiled and said suddenly, "Philip, please wait. I have a request and I wonder if you'll

The First Heir - Chapter 2393

Philip glanced sideways at Leon before he asked, "Do tell. If I can help, Ill try my best."

Leon smiled, rubbed his hands secretly, and said, ""I would like to invite you to participate in the
Disciple Competition between Cherry Villa and Terrain Villa one month later."

"Disciple Competition?" Philip frowned, a little puzzled.

Leon quickly explained, "As you probably know by now, Cherry Villa in the south has always
been at odds with Terrain Villa in the north. We compete both openly and covertly. When Mr.
Lovelace single-handedly pacified the disciple
community from the north and the south decades ago, the Disciple Competition became a
tradition. After al, there have always been disputes between the north and the south, but to
prevent the situation from escalating, all issues willnbe resolved at the Disciple Competition.
The winner will decide how the issue will be handled."

"This is also the reason why the southern supernatural disciple community has always been
inferior to the north for so many years, because the disciples in the north are supported by the
ten great families. Big disciple families like the Singer family is there to provide their disciples
guidance. The gap between the disciples in the north and the south is still quite large, which
forms a vicious cycle. That's why the south has always been suppressed by the north."

"Moreover, the young talented disciples from the north and the south have a huge disparity in
strength. In past Competitions, the results were all nine losses and one draw."

At this point, Leon was obviously a little embarrassed.

The supernatural disciple community in the north was getting.stronger and stronger.

If this continued, perhaps the disciple families in the north and some unscrupulous forces might
even defy the rules set down by Grant Lovelace in the past.

They might try to unify the entire country.

When the time came, bloodshed would be inevitable.

Thus, Leon had been.troubled by this recently.

It was because the people Cherry Villa could send out were too few. Every year, they could
only rely on that one person to barely scrape through the situation.

Philip listened in silence before he frowned and declined, "Im sorry, Villa Master Jefferson, but I
can't help with this matter. I don't want to join Cherry Villa or participate in the Disciple
Competition. Those things mean nothing to me.
I have my affairs to deal with."

Hearing this, Leon looked a little helpless and quickly said, "Philip, do think about it. As long as
you agree to participate, I'll do my best to help you with anything in the future."

Philip looked at Leon and found that he looked very serious.

However, Philip really did not want to get involved in the.disputes of these disciple families.

The supernatural disciple community in the north and south had nothing to do with
him either.

"Im sorry, Villa Master Jefferson. I can't help you."After saying that, Philip turned around and
was about to leave.

"Philip!" Suddenly, a shout came from behind.

Philip turned around and saw a scene that shocked him.

The First Heir - Chapter 2394

Leon Jefferson was actually on his knees

He said, "Philip, I sincerely implore you to represent the southern supernatural disciple
community in this Disciple Competition. I'm not doing this for personal gain but the greater good
and stability of the disciples in the north and the south. We were originally one, but because of
some ambitious people, we found ourselves in this current situation.nBack then, Mr. Lovelace
noticed the conspiracy of those people and decided to use iron-handed methods to stabilize the
turmoil of the disciples in the north and the south. I don't want to see his great achievements be
drowned in the
long river of history, and I don't want to see the disciples in this country kill each other."

"There's not much time left for us in this world. I hope that in my lifetime, I can see the disciples
in the north and south unified and harmonious. I hope we can jointly resist the disciples from
outside the country. Philip, I hope that you can
grant this request of mine."

Philip was taken aback as he looked at Leon who was kneeling in front of him. He was one of
the three masters of Cherry Villa, and Philip had heard other people's comments about how he
was a disciple of the sixth zone. With such
an honorable status and strength, he was willing to kneel before Philip for the sake of the
Disciple Competition.

With such courtesy and virtue, he was truly a great man!

Philip quickly stepped forward, helped Leon up, and said, "Villa Master Jefferson, what are you
doing? Please get up. I'II agree to your request."

Leon got up with Philip's help, bowed slightly to Philip, and said, "Philip, I hope you won't be
angry at me over my actions. I really have no other choice. The disciples of Cherry Villa are
dwindling. This year's Disciple Competition may be the last test for us from the north. If we lose
again, we might face a life-threatening situation. I hope that you can try
your best to help us!"

Philip sighed and said, "Even if I promise to help you, I can only achieve one victory."

Leon sighed and said, ``I'll continue to look for some people to participate."

Philip frowned and said, "If you trust me, I can help you bring a few people over."

Hearing that, Leon asked excitedly, "Really?"

Philip nodded and said, "But I can't guarantee that the other parties will participate. I can just

Leon bowed and thanked Philip repeatedly. "Thank you for your help. In the future, if you need
my help, just ask and I'II do my best!"

"Thank you, Villa Master Jefferson. Ill take my leave, then," Philip said.

At this time, Leon suddenly stopped Philip and said, "Philip, be careful of the man beside Miss
Johnston. He's very strong!"

Philip nodded and left Cherry Villa.

When he returned to Zodiac Palace, he saw Wynn, who had been waiting for him for a long
time, as soon as he arrived at the entrance.


Philip exclaimed, ran over quickly, and asked, "Where have you been?"

Wynn looked at Philip who ran over and coldly said, "Get in the car."

Philip was taken aback as he looked at Wynn who immediately got into the car. He followed suit.

Inside the car, the atmosphere Was somber.

Wynn did not say a word and had her arms crossed over her chest. Her face was cold.
When the car arrived at a nearby hotel, Wynn finally spoke,"Philip, I'm going to the Lovelace

"The Lovelace family?"

Philip exclaimed and quickly said, "What did Shane Lovelace say to you? You mustn't believe
him so easily!
He's from the radical faction of the Lovelace family! He has bad intentions toward you and Mila.
If you want to go back to the lovelace family, I can take you there."

However, Wynn interrupted Philip and said,

"No, you can't take me there. You're the enemy of the Lovelace family l have decided on this
matter. In a few days, I'll go back to the Lovelace family with him. There are some things that I
have to face and investigate on my own. Philip, thank you for being with me and protecting me
for so long. However, regarding
the Lovelace family and my parents, I want to handle the matter myself."

The First Heir- Chapter 2395

Philip looked at Wynn solemnly and asked, "Are you sure you want to go by yourself?"
Wynn was silent for a long time and finally nodded, saying with great certainty, "Yes, I'm sure. I
want to go to thenLovelace family to have a look. Only then can I know what I want, what l want
to do, and."

Wynn looked at Phillip with love in her eyes and said, "l also want to be the woman behind you. I
want to have the strength and ability to protect you, Mila, and Nelson. Philip, I don't want to be a
burden to you, I Let alone a worthless decoration as others say. You've always been silently
helping me. I didn't know your identity at that time, let alone my name."

"Now, I don't want much.l just want to know the truth and where my future path lies."

After listening to Wynn, Philip fell silent. The atmosphere in the car was somber. It was so
depressing that it was difficult to breathe.

Finally, Philip's eyes tensed as he said, "Okay, I agree. Do whatever you want to do, and find
out whatever you want to find out. Just remember that I'm your husband and am always behind
you. You'll have my and the Clarke family's backing. No matter what difficulties you encounter or
problems that you can't solve, as long as you tell me, I'll help you
solve them."

Wynn listened with tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes.
She put her arms around Philip's neck and cried softly. "Philip, thank you for your tolerance and
understanding for me all this while. I know that I'm too indecisive and weak-minded. I'm sorry.
It's my bad. I'll change myself.

In the end, Philip hugged Wynn tightly and said, "Wynnie, we're husband and wife. You don't
have to say such things. I believe in you and l love you, so I tolerate you. No matter what you do
next, I"ll support you."

With that said, Philip pushed Wynn away, looked at her tearful eyes very seriously, and said,
"Before that, you must.promise me one thing."

"What is it?" Wynn asked.

"For your safety, I'Il equip you with four members of the Shadow Squadron to always protect
you. This is my only request to you. I don't know the Lovelace family. They give me a dangerous
feeling, and they seem to be up to
something.'As Philip said that, a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

Wynn nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you. I'll watch out for my safety too."

After saying that, Wynn's voice became smaller and she said, "After going to the Lovelace
family this time, I don't know.when I can come back. According to Shane, itl take at least three
months. There are many things that I have to seek personally to find answers to. So, Philip, in
the next three months, I'll leave Mila, Nelson, and Beacon Group to you."

Philip looked at Wynn affectionately, stroked her head, and said, "Don't worry, I'Il take good care
of the kids. I'll wait for you to come back."

Wynn nodded. "By the way, were you looking for something in Cherry Villa?" Philip suddenly
thought of something and asked.

Wynn hummed and took out a small black box from her handbag. Under the ear lights, the black
box looked very mysterious. The carving on top of this black box was also very special.

It seemed to be a picture of a group of ancient

people holding a cauldron to perform alchemy.

They seemed to be offering treasures as well.

"What is this?"

The First Heir - Chapter 2396

Philip asked in puzzlement.

Wynn said, "Shane told me that my biological father left this behind in Cherry Villa back then
and only I can open it. But I don't know how to open it, so I have to go back to the Lovelace
family. Shane told me that there are many secrets and legacies in my faction. Only l can take
charge of the overall situation now. I'm not very clear about the specifics."

Philip frowned and took the small black box in Wynn's hand. He tried to use his rule of insight to
explore it but the little black box rejected Philip's probing.

"Since your biological father left this to you, you should keep it well. When you go back to the
Lovelace family, you must pay attention to your safety. If anything happens, you must tell me

Those were Philip's final instructions.

Wynn nodded and smiled.

The next day, Philip and Wynn returned to Riverdale.

Philip would be leaving for Sendong, Country M.

Wynn was also making preparations for her return to the Lovelace family.

The couple had not been apart for a long time since they got married.

This time, the three months apart might be a test for Wynn and Philip.

Wynn sent Philip to the airport, looked at him with some reluctance, and said, "When you go
abroad, remember to take care of yourself. Don't shoulder everything yourself."

After saying that, Wynn looked at Theo Zander next to Philip and said, "Mr. Theo, please take
care of Philip when you're abroad.

Theo was flattered and quickly said with a bow, "Young Madam, you're too polite. Ill take good
care of Mr. Clarke. You can rest assured."

Philip looked at Wynn, hugged her, and said, "The Shadow Guards I arranged have already
arrived in Riverdale. They'l only show up when you're in danger. You don't have to worry about
this. In addition, I've left Beacon Group in Mindy's hands for the time being. Let me know when
you leave."

Wynn nodded and said, "Okay, I got it."

After waiting for a while, Fennel Leigh finally appeared in the waiting lounge, looking handsome
and gallant.

"Let's go.

After waving goodbye to Wynn, Philip, Fennel, Theo, and two subordinates boarded the plane

On the plane, in the first-class cabin, Philip told Fennel about Wynn's return to the Lovelace

Fennel also looked grave and said, "It's really not easy for you to interfere in this matter because
that's Wynn's private affairs.Moreover, according to the news I received, the Lovelace family has
already started to come out of the underground and has been quite active recently. They most
likely have the ambition to return to the country. However, the Lovelance family was jointly
convicted by your father and several other big figures, after all. Even the Imperial Preceptor
gave the final order, so they still have to remain out of sight for now. They dare not be too

After listening to Fennel's words, Philip nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "l can't help
feeling that there's a conspiracy here. It's either the Lovelace family or some other forces who
are involved in it."

Fennel smiled and said, "Don't worry. You're now the young patriarch of the Clarke family. Who
dares to do anything to you? It's all the more reason for you to be arrogant and domineering
now. Let everyone know who you are.

Philip rolled his eyes at Fennel and said, "There's no need to be so high profile. I still have to
deal with many things."

Fennel shrugged, put on his sunglasses, and closed his eyes to rest.

At this moment, a fragrance wafted over, and a graceful figure rushed in hurriedly.

She was dressed stylishly in sunglasses and a sun hat. She had a good figure and appearance.

She wore a backless and low-cut dress that was from a designer brand. A female assistant
followed her.

As soon as she sat down, she took a long breath and said excitedly, "l can finally go on vacation

At this moment, her eyes fell on Philip. She exclaimed, "Philip Clarke? Why are you here too?"
The First Heir - Chapter 2397

Hearing this soft and sweet voice, Philip turned his head and sawa familiar smiling face.

It was beautiful and cute.

Any man would be gratified by that smile. Moreover, the other party was dressed in sexy
and.revealing clothes.

Her figure was perfect and on full display in front of Philip.

Vivi Joo?

Why was she on the plane too?

"Oh, it's really you!" Vivi exclaimed and trotted over immediately. She hugged Philip's arm and
leaned on his shoulder.intimately.

Anyone who did not knoW would misunderstand that these two were a couple.

Philip looked helpless and quickly pushed Vivi away.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, whoa, keep your distance. I'm a married man with a wife and
kids. You're Ethan's fiancée. Don't get so
close to me. Others will gossip."

Vivi glared at Philip resentfully and let go of his arm. She sat next to him and muttered, "You
really know how to hit a sore spot. I have nothing to do with Ethan. Even if there's a marriage
contract, it was arranged by the elders in the family. It has nothing to do with me. I won't
acknowledge it. What era is it now? We should advocate freedom of marriage. Besides, I
already have someone I like."
Speaking of this, Vivi's voice gradually weakened.

Philip frowned and asked, "You have someone you like? Damn it! Tell me who it is. I'll destroy
him right now!"

Hearing this, Vivi stomped her foot angrily and said, "Why ask when you already know?"

Then, she snorted, crossed her arms, turned her head away, and pouted. She was unwilling to
pay any more attention to Philip.

Philip sighed helplessly.

He did not do anything at all, so why was his charm so great?

This love triangle was not what he wanted.

"Miss Joo, let me tell you the truth. I really don't like you. We're just ordinary friends. I have
Wynnie, and I really can't hold anyone else in my heart. Do you understand?" Philip began to
persuade her.

Hearing this, Vivi's eyes suddenly dimmed.

However, a smile soon appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She said,"Whoever I like is my business. It has nothing to do with you. You only need to know
that I like you. I won't interfere in your marriage either, so that should do."

Philip was exasperated. What kind of love concept is this?' Philip gave up.

"As you wish," Philip said before he leaned back and closed his eyes to rest.

When he woke up, he found that Vivi and Fennel had been chatting for some time.

The topic of conversation was more or less about Philip.

This young lady was actually inquiring about him. Philip was helpless.

He got up and left the first-class cabin. He was about to go to the washroom.

When he arrived at the door, a middle-aged woman holding a crying child pushed Philip aside
and shouted, "Get out of the way! Let my little grandson go first!"

After saying that, the middle-aged woman glared at Philip viciously and pushed him away.

She took the child in and.locked the door behind her.

The First Heir - Chapter 2398

Philip looked helpless but did not say anything.

The flight attendant with a graceful figure wearing a red uniform and black stockings said
apologetically, "lm sorry, sir. Please wait a moment"
Philip smiled, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and waited. It was because this was the
washroom for the first-class passengers.

Obviously, the middle-aged woman ran over from the business class at the back and was
occupying the first-class washroom.

However, after waiting for ten minutes, the middle-aged woman still did not come out.

Philip frowned, reached out, and knocked on the door. He asked, "Excuse me, are you done

The middle-aged woman's scolding voice came from inside, "Why are you knocking? Don't you
know that someone is inside?"

Philip was reprimanded and became even more helpless. The flight attendant on the side also
bowed apologetically.

Then, she stepped forward, knocked on the door again, and said, "Madam, please hurry up.
This is the first-class washroom. You've been inside for more than ten minutes. Other
passengers are waiting."


The door was opened and the middle-aged woman holding the child stared at the flight
attendant viciously. She scolded, "Why are you knocking? What first class? Is a washroom
divided into different classes too? If he's in a hurry, tell him to go somewhere else! Why are you
rushing me? What if something happens to my grandson from the rushing?"

The middle-aged woman was very unreasonable. She was obviously occupying the first-class
washroom but was now scolding others in turn.

The worst thing was that when the flight attendant looked inside the washroom, it was a mess.

The paper towels were also thrown everywhere.

The manners of such middle-aged women were too poon"Excuse me, please return to your
seat." The flight attendant was helpless and could only give up.

The middle-aged woman carried her little grandson and glared at the flight attendant fiercely.
Then, her eyes fell on
Philip as she scolded, "Are you the one rushing me? Let's see how you'll get inside the
washroom now!"
Philip glanced inside and found that the wWashroom could no longer be used. Hence, he turned
to stare at the middle-aged woman said, "Excuse me, please clean up after yourself. Others
need to use the washroom too."

"Oh my, how bizarre. Are you asking me to clean it? Why should i? I'm a passenger. Isn't this
the flight attendant? Tell her to clean it!"
The middle-aged woman hugged her little grandson and grinned.

Philip's eyes darkened.

He felt a little angry as he said, "You're already a person in your 40s or 50s. Has no one ever
taught you proper etiquette?"

The middle-aged woman was furious at his words!

She was a woman from the countryside who had never been to school or received a proper

It was because her son became the director of a listed company abroad that she suddenly
became a rich person.

As a result, her mannerisms had not caught up.

Thus, she had offended many people.

However, because of her son, she was not

afraid at all. Over time, she had developed this snooty temper. Moreover, she hated it when
people said she was uncultured and uncivilized.

Immediately, she pointed at Philip and scolded, "What are you talking about? Who are you
calling uncivilized? Who do you think you are? How dare you criticize me? I'm telling you, this
washroom looked like this from the start!"

Then, Philip argued with the middle-aged woman.

In the end, the middle-aged woman started to curse Philip in different ways. "You bastard! I
curse you to never have a son and your wife will cheat on you! I'm so mad! Who do you think
you are?!"While cursing, the middle-aged woman also wanted to hit Philip.

As a result..

Smack! "I don't dare to hit an old woman!"

Philip slapped her and said coldly, "You asked for it! Don't you "
The First Heir - Chapter 2399

This slap was clean and decisive.

The crisp slap startled many passengers in the business class cabin.

All of them looked Over.

"Wow, that young man is too fierce!"

"I think it's well-deserved! The old woman has been very uncivilized since she got on the
plane.The child kept crying.and running around too. She even scolded several passengers who
were sitting with her too."

"Well done! I've been wanting to slap that old woman for a long time! I've never seen such an
unreasonable person!"

A group of business class passengers spoke up at this moment and stood on Philip's side.
Back to Philip.

After Philip slapped her, the middle-aged woman did not react for a long time.

The other party clutched her cheek which rapidly became red and swollen with a face full of

Then, the middle-aged woman roared hysterically, "Ah, you little b*stard! How dare you beat
me? Who are you? How dare you hit me? Do you know who my son is? You're dead. I'm telling
you, you're dead! I'll have my son kill you!"

The middle-aged woman went crazy.

Since leaving the countryside, she had felt that she was superior to others and looked down on
everyone. Everywhere she went, she was respected and loved by everyone.

However, she was now slapped by a stinking brat who was nothing!

She was furious!

Moreover, being surrounded by so many people, she had lost all dignity!
However, Philip looked at the hysterical middle-aged woman coldly and repeated, "m teaching
you to behave.properly. Now, clean up this toilet immediately or I won't go easy on you!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman became even more annoyed. She pointed at Philip and
cursed, "Just you wait!"

Then, she immediately ran back with her little grandson. Soon, she returned with a fat
middle-aged man.

"Son, it's him! It's this little bastard who hit me! Just look at my face. It's still swollen! You must
stand up for me and teach this ignorant brat a hard lesson!"

The middle-aged woman pulled her son and started throwing a tantrum. The fat man sized
Philip up and asked.angrily, "Did you hit my mother?"

Philip put his hands in his trouser pockets nonchalantly and said, "It's me."

"You're courting death! Do you know who I am? How dare you hit my mother? I now order you
to kneel down and apologize to my mother! Otherwise, you'll be deported before you get to
Sendona! You'll also be arrested and locked
up for a few days!"

The fat man threatened sternly.

An ordinary person would have backed down by now. On the side, the middle-aged woman
sneered and gloated.

"Little b*stard, you're dead! Do you know who my son is? My son is the director of Mekar Group
in Sedona! The immigration people in Sedona often have dinner together with my son! As long
as my son says the word, you'll be
arrested and deported when you arrive in Sedona! If you don't want to get into trouble, you
should kneel down and apologize to me. Pay for the mental trauma you just caused me too. It's
not much, just 100,000 dollars."

After saying this, the middle-aged woman looked at Philip with a smug smile.

It was as if at this moment, this little brat

was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in her eyes.

Behind them, those passengers in the business class stopped talking when they heard the
middle-aged woman's Words.

They were scared!

The First Heir - Chapter 2400

The director of Mekar Group!

No wonder the middle-aged woman acted so arrogantly.

Mekar Group was one of the top five enterprises in Sendona.

It was said that the background and power behind the Mekar Group was very huge.

It was also related to the federal intelligence agency and the Hall of the Underworld.

They could not be messed with!

The fat man looked at Philip arrogantly and said, "Why, do you still need to think about it? You're
a piece of trash in the.economy class, yet you dare to come to business class?"

The fat middle-aged man mistook Philip for an economy-class passenger.

On the side, the flight attendant quickly stepped in and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, this is a first-class
passenger. The cause of The incident was that your mother occupied the first-class washroom
and made a mess inside.

This gentleman just asked your mother to clean up after herself."

After listening to the flight attendant, the fat man's face darkened.

He did not expect that the man in front of him was actually a first-class passenger.

The fat man fell into deep thought. Could it be that this guy had an influential identity?

"Son, what are you thinking about? It's just first class. We just need to spend more money. It's
not like we haven't sat there before. It's just because we didn't manage to grab a seat this time
that this brat got the spot!"

The middle-aged woman cursed.

The fat man nodded and felt his mother had a point. Hence, he immediately scolded, " I don't
care if you're a first-class passenger. Right now, you have to kneel and apologize to my mom.
Otherwise, l have my ways to deal with you!"

Philip was helpless. He glanced at the fat man and said, "What if I don't kneel?"
The fat man immediately shouted, "Are you refusing? I'll beat you to death!"

After saying that, the fat man moved to slap Philip.

He was always like this when he was out and about.

He had an incredibly short temper.

Philip smiled coldly, raised his hand, and grabbed the fat man's hand.

The fat man was immediately stunned. His hand was grabbed in the air by the other party, and
when he tried to pull back, he felt as though it was clamped by an iron vise.

He could not withdraw his hand at all.

"Let go of me!" the fat man yelled.

However, Philip said coldly, "Like mother like son. Since you don't know the rules, let me teach
you a good lesson!"


With a little force, Philip broke the fat man's arm.

Then, smack! Philip slapped the fat man, sending him flying. Immediately, the fat man spun a
few times in mid-air and fell heavily to
the floor!


With a miserable cry, the fat man fell to the floor. He held his broken right hand, stared at Philip
with hatred, and shouted, "How dare you make a move on me? You're dead! I'm going to kill
you! Just wait!"

The middle-aged woman on the side was already terrified by Philip's ruthless attack.
She quickly helped her son to stand up and scolded, "You brat, you broke my son's hand! We
won't let you go! Just you wait. When we get off the plane, my son will find someone to deal with

After saying that, the middle-aged woman supported her son and wanted to leave. However,
Philip stepped forward and said coldly, "Are you leaving already? The toilet has not been
cleaned. Do you want me to stuff you into the toilet?"
The First Heir - Chapter 2401

The fat man and the middle-aged woman stumbled a little when they heard that cold voice
behind them.

"Aren't you finished yet? I can't be bothered with you now. Just you wait!"

The fat man turned his head and stared at Philip threateningly.

His face was distorted with pain, and his broken arm almost made him out of breath.

He must hurry and find a doctor on the plane to take care of his injury, or else his hand
would be ruined.

The middle-aged woman also protected her son and shouted at Philip, "Why should we clean it?
I didn't do it! If you want to go to the washroom, clean it yourself!" After saying that, she turned
back and helped her son to leave.


However, Philip stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the back of the
middle-aged woman's neck.

He said coldly, ""I'm warning you one last time. Go and clean up the washroom. Otherwise, the
next person whose arm will be broken is you!"

Philip's words made the middle-aged woman tremble and her legs go weak. It was because
Philip's words were too cold.

She felt as if she was targeted by a ferocious beast.

The middle-aged woman still tried to struggle and cursed, "Let go of me! If you don't, Ill cal the
air marshal!"

However, Philip could not be bothered by sucha rotten person.

He picked up the middle-aged woman and stuffed her into the toilet while saying coldly, "I'll
watch as you clean up. If I see even one stain, you won't have to stand anymore."

After saying that, Philip blocked the doorway.

The middle-aged woman was about to cry from anxiety at this moment, but when she saw
Philip's cold eyes, she was afraid.
After struggling for a while, she pointed at Philip and roared. "You brat! I won't do this! Do it
yourself! Get the hell out of my way!"After saying that, she was about to push Philip away.


Philip kicked the middle-aged woman in the stomach, sending her flying into the washroom. He
said coldly, "Don't challenge my patience!"
While saying that, Philip raised his hand.

This frightened the woman quickly yelled, "Ill do it! Don't hit me!"

In the end, she had no choice but to clean the washroom.

The commotion ended just like this.

The middle-aged woman and the fat man returned to the business class with faces full of

After a simple treatment by the doctor on the plane, the fat man's hand was fine for now.

However, he still had to go to the hospital

for an examination after landing.

"Damn it! Son, are we just going to accept being treated like that by that brat ? It's so
humiliating! I've never suffered such treatment before!" The middle-aged woman cursed, feeling
very upset.

Paul Childe was very annoyed at this moment.

With every second that went by, the pain in his arm made him unable to forget what Philip had
done to him just now!

"Mom, we can't let this matter rest! I'm the director of Mekar Group after all. I know people from
the Sedona Immigration Department. I`ll contact them immediately.

As soon as that brat lands, I'l get him captured, tortured, and deported!"Paul said viciously as he
began to imagine the scene where he would show his authority and teach that brat a lesson.

On the side, the middle-aged Woman said, "That's letting him off too easy! Don't you know
some people? Sell him to the north and make him a slave for the dignitaries. I want him to stay
in Country M as a slave for the rest of his life!"
Hearing this, Paul smiled and said, "Mom, you're right, let's do this! I'll inform those people at
once. I'll also get the people from the federal intelligence agency to come over and put on a

The First Heir - Chapter 2402

The two nodded as the evil plan formed in their minds.

Philip returned to the first-class cabin, and Vivi Joo came over.

"What took you so long? You're not experiencing a problem, right?" Vivľ's small face was slightly
red as she pointed below Philip's stomach.

Philip said in exasperation, "No!"

Vivi pouted and stuck out her tongue.

After more than ten hours of flying, Philip, Fennel, Vivi, and the others finally landed.

Theo and his two subordinates followed behind Philip and Vivi, helping to carry their things.

Vivi leisurely walked out of the plane with a sun hat and sunglasses while holding Philip's

Philip had refused.several times, but Vivi approached him enthusiastically and he was helpless.
In the end, Philip had no choice but to let her be.

As they departed in the evening, it was the morning when they landed in Country M.

As soon as they got off the plane, Vivi dragged Philip to go around with her.

As a result, when they just walked out of the

hall and were about to apply for entry, Paul Childe and his mother, with her grandson in her
arms, sneaked up behind them.

Immigration Office.

The applications of Fennel, Vivi, Theo, and the others were all approved, but Philip's application
was declined.

The man the dark blue uniform wore a hat with an eagle emblem in the middle.
He pretended to look at Philip's information and stamped a big red seal of rejection on it!

"Hey! What are you doing?! We came together. Why did you refuse his entry?" Vivi was furious.

It had taken more than an hour and the other party actually refused to grant the entry visa!

The man shrugged and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, he doesn't meet the entry requirements.
Please go back.

Philip's expression darkened as he asked, "You must give me a reason for refusing my

"Hahaha!" As soon as Philip finished speaking, a burst of laughter came from the door of the

Paul Childe swaggered in with his mother with his splinted right arm hanging from his neck.

He glanced at Philip with disdain and said coldly, "I'm that reason. Are you afraid now? Since
you dare mess with me, I'l make sure you can't step foot in this country!"

After saying that, Paul glanced at the immigration employee and skilfully took out a packaged
item from his pocket.

He handed it to the other party and said, "Thanks for your help."

The man smiled and said, "Mr. Childe, you're welcome. If something like this happens again,
just look for me."

Paul nodded, and his gaze disdainfully fell on Philip and the others. When he saw Vivi, his eyes
suddenly flashed with brilliance!


This woman was so beautiful, and her figure was so perfect!

Could she be the little brat's girlfriend?

With that thought, Paul was all the more spurred on.

He pointed at Philip and said, "Young man, hurry up and kneel down to admit your mistake. In
addition, the compensation for my mental trauma is one million! Otherwise, I have
ways to kill you! Refusing your entry is only the first step. Later, more good things will await
Philip frowned and said coldly, "What if I refuse?"

"You dare to refuse? Then I'll make you disappear from this country!" Paul got angry and

The First Heir - Chapter 2403

Paul Childe was now like an octopus flailing his hands around, looking smug and arrogant!

After all, this was the airport immigration department. Anyone who wanted to leave the country
had to follow the rules here.

Just one word from him and Philip could never enter the country again. This was the allure of

This was prestigious!

Therefore, he was sure that Philip would apologize to him.

Moreover, the beautiful woman behind Philip was perfect for him, so he had to act even more
pretentiously "Brat, I advise you not to go against me. I'm the director of Mekar Group, and I
know all the people here! Just one word
from me and you can be repatriated. If you want to enter the country, you have to properly
apologize to me and my mother. Also, l compensate us for our mental trauma. Otherwise, I
won't be able to control what happens next."Paul sneered maliciously, his heart overjoyed.

This feeling of controlling someone's life and death was really good!

On the side, Paul's mother also snorted and said, "Brat, knee! and apologize to us at once! How
dare you order me to wipe the toilet? I want you to clean all the toilets in the airport today! I want
you to drink the water from the toilet!"

The middle-aged woman was full of hatred and coldness at the moment.

The thought of being forced by Philip to

cleaning the toilet on the plane made her very angry!

Before Philip could speak, Vivi could not hold back her temper. She pointed at the middle-aged
woman and Paul while
scolding them, "What are you saying? If you dare to treat Philip like this, believe it or not, I'll
keep you from leaving this airport!"Vivi was very angry. No one had ever dared to treat Philip like
Mekar Group?

The Joo family Was a consultant to Mekar Group and held 30% of the shares. They were one of
the major shareholders.

A small director who dared to threaten and scold her Philip like this was simply courting death!

When the middle-aged woman saw Vivi's good looks and flirty manner, she immediately pointed
at Vivi's nose and shouted, "Tramp, what are you talking about? Who do you think you are to
keep us from leaving the airport? My son is the director of Mekar Group. Have you heard of it?
One word from my son and all of you will be deported!"

Paul did not get angry but tugged his suit and tie before pretending to speak in a gentlemanly
manner, "This beautiful lady, my mother has a bad temper. From the looks of it, you should be
his friend, so I must advise you to stay away
from such people. If you want, I can take you on a tour of Sedona. What do you think?"

"Hehehe.." Vivi sneered and took one step forward.

She stared at Paul with her beautiful big eyes and said coquettishly, "Oh, really? Can you bring
me on a tour of Sendona?"

Hearing this voice, Paul's body tingles all over. If he could enjoy this woman for one night, it
would be a divine pleasure.

"Of course!" Paul jerked his chin up smugly.

The First Heir - Chapter 2404

As a result, Vivi raised her hand and slapped Paul on his left cheek while cursing, "Is someone
like you worthy of bringing me on a tour?"

Paul was startled by this slap.

He was instantly furious.

With a wicked expression on his face, he pointed at Vivi and roared, "You b*tch, how dare you
slap me?! You don't have to think of entering the country now. All of you will be barred from
entering the country!".Paul got angry and flipped.

The middle-aged woman on the side also hurriedly pulled her son and looked at the slap mark
on his left cheek.
She turned and scolded Vivi, "Tramp, how dare you hit my precious son? I won't let you off. I'll
scratch you to death!" With that said, the middle-aged woman was about to get started.


Smack, smack!

Vivi viciously slapped the middle-aged woman on both cheeks.

The middle-aged woman was also startled by the two slaps.

After that, she roared hysterically.

Then, Vivi took out her mobile phone indifferently, made a call, and said coldly, "I'm at the
airport. Send someone here."

After the call, Vivi acted as if nothing happened.

She stood next to Philip with her arms crossed and waited silently.

Paul and his mother were furious as they pointed at Philip and Vivi and cursed.

The angry Paul took out his phone,

dialed a number, and yelled, "Get in here!"


Not long after, the door of this office was violently pushed open from the outside. At once, five or
six tall and burly foreigners in jackets walked in with cold and arrogant faces.

At first glance, they looked like thugs and gangsters from those movies.

As soon as they entered, one could feel the tension and oppression of the atmosphere here.

Philip frowned as he looked at the five burly foreigners who barged in and pulled Vivi behind

The man in the lead put his hands in his jacket as he glanced at the few people in the office

Paul quickly walked up and spoke to that man, constantly pointing at Philip and the others while
looking very angry.
Then, that man swaggered up to Philip.

He was half a head taller than Philip, and his figure was twice as burly.

This man had a scar on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were very fierce, which exuded a
biting air of having killed before.

He first glanced at Vivi, who stood behind Philip. With a wicked sneer, he whistled and said, "Hi,

He spoke with a foreign accent.

Vivi was so frightened by this group of people that she hid behind Philip.

Philip moved sideways and blocked the man's

line of sight.

The man was taken aback, and his eyes showed a chill. He grabbed Philip's collar and said
vehemently, "How dare you.disrespect Mr. Childe? You seek death!"

Philip raised his hand, grabbed the man's wrist, and said, "Let go!"

Seeing that Philip still dared to fight back, the man sneered and increased the strength in his
hand while saying, "Haha, this pig dares to resist."

While laughing, he exerted force in his hand, trying to lift Philip. However, Philip stood
motionless on the spot.

In an instantly, the man's eyes darkened as he felt a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Philip grabbed the man's wrist and started to exert force.

The man instantly felt tremendous pressure on his wrist, and the pain caused cold sweat to
seep from his forehead.

"F*ck! You seek death!" The man cursed, raised his left fist, and threw a punch at Philip's face!

The First Heir - Chapter 2405

However, that man was too slow. Just as he punched and yelled, Philip grabbed the man's wrist
and lifted it!

The crisp sound of a broken wrist resounded throughout the office!

"Argh! F*ck! Damn you!"

The man let out a miserable scream and clutched his broken right hand as he was pushed back
several steps by Philip.

His forehead was covered ina cold sweat, and his right arm was completely broken and bent at
a 90-degree angle!

"F*ck! Get rid of this pigs for me!" the man roared.

At once, the four burly foreigners behind him sWarmed up, kicking and punching at Philip.

Vivi was very nervous when she saw Philip going up against them. She shouted, "Philip, be

Philip's face was solemn as he rushed up to meet the fist of the first man in a direct collision.


Before the first guy knew what was going on, the huge force from his fist sent him flying.
At the same time, he clearly felt the bones in his five fingers and hand being broken inch by


He was blasted away like a cannonball and crashed heavily into a wall behind him!

Immediately, the wall collapsed.

The huge body of the brawny man was crushed under the rubble.

Outside, the.passing passengers screamed and fled quickly upon seeing this scene.

Here, Philip grabbed the neck of another man

with one hand, lifted him, and tossed him out heavily. The man crashed into the office door,
which immediately.


Next, a one-sided bashing ensued.

Within a minute, these five burly guys fell to the ground while either clutching their arms or legs.

They were constantly roaning.

This scene completely terrified Paul and his mother, who were hiding in the corner.

What the hell was going on here?

The five street punks they found were actually taken out by that unremarkable kid!

Holy cow!

This was unbelievable!

Philip flicked his hand indifferently and said, "lf you don't have the strength, don't try to confront

Then, he turned to stare at Paul and asked coldly, "Do you have any other tricks up your
sleeve? I can let you call a few more people over."


Paul got scared and trembled as he looked at the foreign punks on the floor.

Anyone else would have been beaten to

death by these people long ago, but this kid in front of him was too bizarre!

Could he belong to a martial arts family in the country?

Yes, that was quite possible!

Otherwise, he would not be so strong.

Paul was indignant and yelled at the people on the floor, "Stand up! I hired you guys! Stand up
and get him!"

The first man in the lead suddenly flew into a rage and pulled out a pistol from his waist with his
left hand. He aimed the gun at Philip, got up slowly, and sneered wickedly, "You damn pig! I'll
sell you to the north and make you a slave for the rest of your life! F*ck you!"

The man shouted while pointing the qun at Philip.

He kept swearing and cursing as if he was rapping.

It was clear his emotions were very unstable.

Vivi was so Scared that she trembled all over.

Just as the man was about to shoot, she rushed over and shouted,"Philip, watch out!"


The First Heir - Chapter 2406

At that critical moment,

Philip raised his eyebrows and his hand. He grabbed a pen from the penholder on the counter
and threw it at the man's wrist!


The pen pierced the man's wrist and blood instantly gushed out!


At the same time, a gunshot!

A bullet deviated from the trajectory and aimed right at Vivi, who was on the side.

"Watch out!"

Philip's eyes widened as he suddenly lunged over.

He grabbed hold of Vivi, who was frozen stiff, and yanked her into his arms.

The bullet brushed across Vivi's cheek and left a streak of blood before it blasted into a wall.

At that moment, Philip was hugging Vivi tightly.

Vivi's eyes widened, and her breathing became rapid.

She raised her head, her eyes full of panic and admiration as she looked at the man's resolute
face in front of her.

"P-Philip," Vivi called out weakly.

Philip looked at Vivi's cheek and reached out to wipe it clean for her.
He heaved a sigh of relief and scolded reproachfully, "Who told you to run out?"

Vivi pouted as her eyes flickered.

Until the moment Philip let go of her, she was still immersed in the scene of when Philip rescued
her just now.

Then, she just stood there alone, smiling shyly from time to time.

Philip did not take it to heart at all.

He turned around and looked at the man covered in blood after his wrist was pierced through by
the pen.


He stomped on the man' s chest, lowered his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Do you take pride in
doing this? Is this what you call peace and freedom? Is this the human right you advocate?
You're justa bunch of barbarians. In your eyes, only guns can protect you?

The man was full of fear for the man in front of him.

Horrible! Too terrifying!

What monster was this?

A pen in his hand became a weapon as fast as a bullet.

He was just like the top killers and mercenaries in Hollywood blockbusters!

Philip looked at the man indifferently as he begged for mercy. "I was wrong. Please let us go.
We were just paid to do this."


Philip kicked the man unconscious and turned indifferently to Paul Childe, who was already
scared out of his wits.

"It's your turn," Philip said coldly.

Paul cried out in fear and stammered, "N-no, you can't do this to me. I'm the director of Mekar
Group. I also know people from the federal secret service. If you dare to do this to me, you'll be
At this moment, a group of bodyguards in black suits led by an elderly man walked straight into
the office.

The old man glanced at the group of people lying on the floor, then looked at Vivi with great

He quickly trotted over and said with a bow, "Miss, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Only then did Vivi react and nodded in response.

The old man raised his eyebrows.

When he saw the blood on Vivi's cheeks, he was furious and exclaimed, "Miss, are
you injured?"

Vivi cried out as she felt the pain on her cheek.

Then, she fished out a mirror and saw the scratch on her skin.

The old man was furious.

This was the noble lady of the Joo family, yet she was actually hurt here. He turned to Paul in
the corner and asked, "Did you do this to our young lady?"

Paul was almost frightened out of his mind.

It was because the old man in front of him was none other thana chairman of Mekar Group!

He actually called the woman 'Miss'.

The First Heir - chapter 2407

Paul was absolutely terrified.

He crawled and knelt in front of the old man.

He lowered his head and kept admitting his

mistakes. "Mr. Kern, why are you here?"

The old man snorted, stared coldly at the fat man in front of him, and asked, "Who are you?"
Sweating profusely, Paul introduced hinmself.

"M-My name is Paul Childe. I'm the president of Mekar Group in Orienta and the director of
Mekar Group's headquarters in Sendona. It's an honor to meet you."

Paul was panicking!

This old man's portrait was hung on the wall of fame in the group's headquarters.

As one of the five chairmen, this man owned 30% equity of Mekar Group.

One word from him and his position as the director and regional president would go
down the drain.

Moreover, what made Paul panic was the respect that Mr. Kern had shown th oman just now.

He called her 'Miss'.


That young woman could actually make Mr. Kern call her 'Miss'.

This world had gone crazy!

Vivi stepped out at this moment, looked coldly at Paul who was kneeling on the floor, and said,
"Old Kern, teach this fatso a good lesson! He dared to threaten Philip and found so many thugs
to deal with him! By the way, he's been
pulling his weight around as the director of Mekar Group!"

After listening to Vivi's words, the old man bowed in acknowledgment before he stared at Paul
coldly and scolded,

"Paul Childe, have you forgotten the group's policy? How dare you rely on your professional
status to throw your weight around here? From today onward, you're fired from Mekar Group,
and I'll also issue an order so that no company in Sendona will hire you! Even in Orienta, I'll
notify the chamber of commerce to shut you out completely!"


The old man's words were like a thunderstorm that exploded in Paul's head!

It was over! Everything was done for! His life was over!

"No, Mr. Kern, I was wrong! I won't dare to do it again!" Paul quickly knelt and bowed to him.
"Miss Joo, please forgive me this time. I'll never do it again. I promise!"

While saying that, Paul slapped himself in the face and said, "I was rash and ignorant. I beg you
to forgive my recklessness."

However, Vivi just snorted coldly and said, "You reap what you sow! You brought this upon
yourself. Don't blame others for it!"

After saying that, Vivi looked at Philip with an adoring smile on her face. She took his arm and
said, "Philip, what do you think of this resolution?"

On the side, Mr. Kern was stunned when he saw Vivi treat a man like this.

Could this man be the young lady's fiancé?

Was he not called Ethan? Why was it Philip now?

Was the name changed to avoid attracting people's attention?

With that thought in mind, Mr. Kern smiled.

The First Heir - Chapter 2408

As long as the young lady was happy, everything was fine.

Old Kern practically watched Vivi as she grew up.

Although he was a servant of the Joo family, he had regarded Vivi as his granddaughter since
she was a child Therefore, Old Kern looked at Philip with a little more appreciation and asked,
"Mr.Clarke, did you take care of these people?"

Philip nodded lightly in response.

Old Kern was even more satisfied.

With such skills, he could protect the young lady in the future.

Soon, the bodyguards brought by Old Kern dragged the howling Paul and his mother out.

After that, with Old Kern's help, Philip's entry application was also quicldy resolved.

From the beginning to the end,Fennel, Theo, and the others did not make a move.
Soon, they walked to the qates of the airport.

However, just as everyone was about to walk out of lle airport, three speeding black Cadillac
SUVS screeched to a stop at the gates and blocked the way. Six guards with guns who were
wearing black combat uniforms quickly got out of the car.

These people were all fully armed.

The two people in the lead wore black suits, black trench coats, and black sunglasses.

It was the typical look of the SPEAR Bureau in Hollywood movies!

The two guys walked up to Philip and the others.

A blonde guy with a serious and resolute expression took out a document.

He said to them in a gruff voice, "I received orders from our FAl personnel to bring all of you
back to assist in an investigation!"

This scene caused many people to stop and watch.

After all, the classic scene in Holywood movies where the officers of the SPEAR Bureau
arrested someone was very exciting to watch in real life.

Especially with this group of people who were full of pompadour and exuded a chill that
prevented others from approaching!

At this moment, Old Kern stepped forward and said coldly, "Gentlemen, I'm Hank Kerrn, a
chairman of Mekar Group. These people are my friends who have just entered the country
without any problems. I wonder on what grounds the people from the special intelligence
agency have to take them away?"

The leading man in the suit took off his sunglasses and revealed a pair of deep-set eyes.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth as he wiped his sunglasses. He looked at Old
Kern and said, "Well, Mekar Group is a very nice and big company. I know the head chairman of
your group, Bob Charles. However, we've never provided a reason for taking people in. You just
need to cooperate."

After saying that, the combatants stepped forward to arrest Philip, Fennel, Theo, and the others,
not even sparing Vivi.

Abruptly, Philip and Fennel moved in unison and kicked the six arnmed guards into the air!

Thud, thud, thud!

After the guards fell to the ground, they immediately got up and aimed their guns at Philip and
the others.

"Damn it! Do not resist!"

"Put your hands on your head! Get down!"

"Damn it! Get down or we'l fire!"

For a while, the armed guards roared at Philip and the others.

The two leading senior FAl officers in suits stared coldly at Philip and Fennel who had just
attacked them and threatened, "Friends, please cooperate with our investigation or we have the
right to fire at you!"

Philip was impassive as he glanced at Fennel.

Fennel frowned and shook his head as an indication not to make any rash moves.

"This is Country M, after all, so we'd better be careful. Moreover, their appearance is a little
fishy. Let's see what happens first," Fennel said in a low voice.

Philip nodded and said, "Who do you think it could be?"

"Im not sure. Let's go with them and find out."

Fennel chuckled and said, "Don't worry. The people in the federal intelligence unit area bunch of

How could this bunch of people do anything to Apollo of the Hall of the Sun?

Saying that, Fennel showed his middle finger to those people and said, "| i think you'll
respectfully invite us out later."

Just like this, Philip and the others were roughly invited into the car by these special intelligence

The First Heir - Chapter 2409

On the way, Philip and Fennel were each escorted into a modified Cadillac armored car and
flanked by two fully armed SPEAR Bureau guards on both sides.

If they made any movement, these people would shoot them on the spot.

This was the order from their superiors.

Philip sat upright with a bemused expression, his mind racing as he thought about who could be
targeting him.

As soon as he landed, he was taken away by the SPEAR Bureau.

No matter what, someone must be behind this.

"Which unit do you belong to? Who is your superior?" Philip asked.

The two guards escorting Philip did not answer his questions.

The man in the front passenger seat, wearing a black suit with black sunglasses, said with a
laugh, "You'll know when you arrive, Mr. Clarke. Enjoy your final moments."

"Do you know me?" Philip asked.

He actually knew the last name Clarke.

The man just laughed without another word.

On Fennel's side, he also tried to dig for information but it was to no avail.

This made Fennel frown.

This group of people was obviously targeting Philip and him.

Otherwise, they would not have been so quick and accurate in making their move.

In the other car, Vivi sat with Theo and the others.

Vivi was a little scared and worried now.

She had never experienced such a thing before and was naturally afraid.

On the other hand, Old Kern followed behind these cars while constantly making calls and using
his contacts in Sedona to handle the case.
"Immediately contact the SPEAR Bureau branch in Sendona and find out who's trying to arrest
the young lady and her friends!" Old Kern was getting angry.

The SPEAR Bureau had gone too far.

Miss Joo was not a criminal.

Soon, Old Kern received a call from the other party, saying that they could not help with this

The SPEAR Bureau wanted to make the arrest personally and the reason was not convenient to
be disclosed for the time being.

However, Vivi Joo could be released.

Hearing this, Old Kern breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What about her friends? They
came to Sendona for some business but they were arrested as soon as they entered the
country. There must be a reason for this.

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little lazy. "Old Kern, stop bothering about
this matter. That's all i can do for you. Miss Vivi Joo can be released in a while, but not her
friends. They still need to undergo a detailed investigation. You don't want the SPEAR Bureau to
target your Mekar Group, right? When dealing with such matters, less
is more."After that, the call ended.

Old Kern sat inside the Rolls-Royce gloomily.


Soon, Philip and the others arrived in the vicinity of a tall building, which was shaped like a
sharp sword soaring into the sky.

It was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers on patrol.

There were also various fighter jets and combat tanks.

It seemed to be a secret battle unit.

The car went through three checkpoints before entry was granted.

"Here we are. Get out!"

The door was pushed open.

Philip and the rest had hoods over their heads.

Then, they were taken into several separate

secret rooms.

Vivi was released not long after she went in.

The First Heir - Chapter 2410

She looked at Old Kern with bewildered eyes and said, "Old Kern, think of something quickly.
Why are Philip and the rest arrested? How could they do this to them without reason?"

Old Kern was also very helpless and said with a sigh, "Miss, I've already asked about this matter
and used all my contacts in Sedona to get you released. Your friends are people targeted by the
SPEAR Bureau and can't be released for the time being. It's said that they need to go througha
detailed investigation.

"What's there to investigate? We just entered this country and haven't done anything. I don't
care. You must find someone to get them out!" Vivi stomped her feet angrily.

Old Kern was helpless and could only continue making calls.

However, everyone who received Old Kern's call advised him not to interfere and ended the call.
Thus, this entire case seemed shrouded in mystery.

Back to Philip's side.

At this moment, he was sitting in a brightly lit chamber.

The hood on his head was taken off, and for a while, he could not open his eyes under the
dazzling light.

When he saw the inner structure of this secret room, his face became very dark.

A black glass wall, obviously like those found in an interrogation cell.

The inside could be seen from the outside, but not vice versa.

The remaining three walls were white.

A square iron-frame table and a chair stood in the middle.

Two probe cameras were placed in two corners of the room.

After Philip glanced around the room, his eyes were focused on the black glass wall.

When he used his strength of the disciples and tried to use the power of rules to control matter,
he found that his senses could not penetrate that glass wall.

At the same time, four people of varying heights stood outside the glass wall.

The leading middle-aged man had a serious and rigid face with deep-set eyes like an eagle.

He had a special gold badge of the SPEAR Bureau on his chest.

Three fully armed guards stood behind him.

When Philip used his power of disciple rules, some electronic instruments and monitoring
equipment outside the secret room began to monitor Philip's disciple power attributes.

"Commander Rikes! The monitoring data is responding!" A female employee shouted at this

Rikes turned his head and looked at the data display on the monitoring screen, which showed
possession of the power of a disciple in the third zone.
Then, he asked in a thick, hoarse voice, "Is this the final data?"

The blonde woman shook her head and said, "No, this is only the data monitored so far. As for
whether there's a higher value, we need to continue monitoring."

Rikes nodded and turned to look at Philip, who had gotten up and walked to the glass wall in the

Philip reached out and touched the glass wall, which felt cold to the touch.

It was constructed of a special material that

could isolate the disciples' control over the power of rule and matter.

Was this the strength of the SPEAR Bureau?

Was it the same as the Supernatural Bureau in the country?

As Philip observed the black glass wall, Rikes stood on the other side of the glass wall with a
sneer on his mouth.
He turned around and walked to the glass wall of another secret room.

In this room, Fennel appeared much calmer. He sat on the chair with his head resting on his

He seemed to be sleeping and not taking this

place seriously at all.

"His details," Rikes asked coldly with a chill in the corner of his eyes.

The First Heir - Chapter 2411

Immediately, someone presented the data about Fennel, but the content was very brief.

The corners of Rikes' eyes turned cold as he asked, "Is there no other information?"

The subordinate behind him shook his head and said, "No."

Rikes looked at the blonde woman and asked, "Any monitoring data?"

The blonde woman shook her head as well and said, "No. He doesn't seem to have any disciple
energy fluctuations in him. He's just like a normal person."

"A normal person?"

Rikes sneered and said, "Impossible. Get a few people to go in and play with him."

After that, someone arranged for three tattooed prisoners in orange vests to enter the secret
room where Fennel was.

The three prisoners were all burly guys and half a head taller than Fennel.

They were more than twice as brawny as

As soon as they entered the chamber, they approached Fennel, who was sitting down, with ill

The bald guy in the lead approached Fennel arrogantly and said with a sneer, "Hey, stupid pig,
stand up! That's not where you should sit!"

"Damn it, stand up, you stupid pig!"

"Haha! Look, this kid is so skinny that he's not even enough to pleasure me!"
They kept mocking and provoking Fennel with all kinds of vulgarities.

The bald guy in the lead with a vicious snake tattoo on his arm grabbed Fennel's collar with one

With wide eyes, he pointed at Fennel's nose and said provocatively, "Hey, stupid pig, I want you
to stand up, kneel on the floor, and
crawl around here. Do you understand? Now, do as I say! Otherwise, Il put your head on this
piece of iron and kick it like a ball!"

Fennel snorted, looked down at the guy's hand that was holding his collar, and said, "You have
three seconds to let go of me and kneel down and apologize to me. Otherwise, say goodbye to
your hand."

"What? F*ck you! What did you say? You want me to kneel down and apologize to you? Oh
sh*t, I can't wait to crush you on the ground and trample you to death, you damned pig!" The
bald man cursed, his eyes full of disdain for Fennel.

This was discrimination.

Fennel shook his head helplessly and sighed.


He suddenly struck out, and before anyone could react, they saw that the arrogant bald guy was
already grabbed on
the wrist by Fennel. His head was pressed on the square iron table!

"Ow! F*ck, let go! You stupid pig!" the bald guy shouted.

However, Fennel just looked at him coldly and said, "You reap what you sow. You crossed the


Fennel grabbed the man's head and slammed it heavily on the iron table!

With a muffled noise, the table was dented.

The man's nose was bleeding, and his teeth were broken.

He fell to the ground while clutching his head and groaning.

"F*ck! Kill him!"

In an instant, the remaining two tattooed brawny men waved their fists and cursed as they
rushed at Fennel.

Fennel's face was indifferent as he threw a



He kicked one of the burly men and sent him flying several meters away!

The First Heir - Chapter 2412

The other party's back crashed into the black glass wall!


The entire black glass wall cracked as if it was going to shatter. The burly man fell to the ground
and rolled around in pain.

With just that kick, he felt that several ribs were broken.

When the remaining burly man saw that both his buddies had fallen, he panicked and was

He put on a fighting stance and looking around.


Suddenly, he drew a dagger from his waist, held it in his hand, and yelled, "F*ck! Go to hell!"

Seeing the dagger stabbing toward his chest, Fennel reached out with two fingers.


With his two fingers, he clamped the incoming dagger.

The burly foreigner was completely shocked.

'He actually clamped the dagger with two fingers?

This was horrifying!

Was he still human? Was this martial arts?

Immediately after, in the next second, Fennel moved his finger and broke the dagger crisply.

At the same time, he kicked the burly man in the stomach, sending him flying back and hitting a
wall heavily.

The entire wall cracked!

Everything only took about a minute, and Fennel easily took down three burly foreigners.

Rikes and the others naturally saw this scene from the outside.

With eyes ful of chills, he looked at Fennel as he approached the glass wall.

A trace of hatred flashed in the corner of his eyes as he said, "Interesting. What does the
monitoring data say?"

The blonde woman looked at the monitoring equipment and said in bafflement,

"Commander Rikes, the data still shows no fluctuation."


Rikes was shocked!

It was impossible that such skills did not use any disciple power.

He turned and stared at the monitoring equipment. Indeed, the data showed zero.

How was this possible?

Rikes was startled and turned to look at Fennel, who stood in front of the glass wall. Only a
glass wall separated him Fennel.

At this time, a woman with a hot figure wearing a black professional suit walked in briskly.

Her body was perfect, and her face was of typical beauty.

It could make people's hearts flutter at a glance.

"Commander Rikes, the lord envoy is here to see you," the woman said.
Rikes nodded in response before he turned and left.

Soon, he saw a woman in a red dress in the meeting room.

The woman had a perfect S-shaped figure, long dark brown hair, blue eyes, a high nose bridge,
and a queenly poise.

"Honorable Lord Envoy, I've arrested them as you instructed." Rikes bowed slightly and said
respectfully to the woman.

The woman turned around, and her face was totally the image of a goddess who could charm

She nodded and said in a very sexy voice, "You did well, Rikes. They're the people Lord Hades
wants. Where are they now? Take me there."

Rikes respectfully replied, "Lord Envoy, this way please.

The First Heir Chapter 2413


Soon, the female envoy followed Rikes to the glass wall where Philip was.

Talina looked at Philip who was sitting in the secret room with an indifferent expression and
asked Rikes, "His details."

Rikes quickly and respectfully took out the information about Philip. He said, "His name is Philip
Clarke from Orienta. According to the investigation, he's the son-in-law of a small family in
Riverdale, the Johnston family. His wife, Wynn Johnston, owns a pharmaceutical company
called Beacon Group. The company has recently been planning to develop a branch in our
country. He also has two kids. According to the current monitoring data, he should possess the
strength of a disciple in the third zone."

Talina looked at the information in her hands and asked with a frown, "Is that all? Nothing else"

Rikes shook his head and said, "My lord, this is all the information we could find out about him
so far."

Talina nodded and put the document down.

She crossed her arms and looked at Philip sitting inside the secret room.
With a seductive sneer, she said, "A mere disciple in the third zone isn't enough to make Lord
Hades pay so much attention to him. Immediately use our secret contacts and personnel over
there to find out all his identity and information!"

"Yes, Lord Envoy!" Rikes immediately responded.

Then, Talina turned to Rikes and asked, "What about the other one?"

"This way.." Rikes led Talina to the glass wall of the secret room where Fennel was.

Talina saw Fennel who was locked inside and the three burly men who had fallen to the ground.
With a hint of coldness in the corners of her eyes, she asked, "What's going on?"

Rikes quickly replied, "Lord Talina, we wanted to monitor his data, but for now, he seems to be
normal person."

"Normal person?"

Talina looked at the three burly men on the ground inside, and her shapely eyebrows furrowed

Then, she shook her head and said, "He can't be a normal person! Lord Hades once told me to
be careful of him! Continue the test and
make sure to get me the real data!"

Rikes quickly responded, "Yes, Lord Talina. We'll immediately arrange for the disciples to go in!
If you're interested, you can stay and watch.

With a hint of a smile, Talina said, "Very well. l'd love to watch."

Soon, twO disciples from the Hall of the Underworld barged into the secret room.
The moment Fennel saw them, he smirked and asked, "Wow, two disciples. Which hall are you

The two disciples said with cold faces and wicked sneers, "Damn you, stupid pig. You don't
have the right to know that! Now, go to hel!"With that said, one of the disciples struck out at

Fennel shook his head helplessly, glanced at the black glass wall, and said, "lf you want to test
my strength, there's no need to find these pieces of rubbish to deal with mr. You're
just sending them to their deaths!"

After that, Fennel moved.

When the disciple threw a punch, Fennel did too!


A thunderous explosion!

The disciple's entire fist and arm shattered under Fennel's punch.

His bones were crushed inch by inch!


His entire body flew back and crashed into the electronic iron door of the secret room. A dent in
the shape of a human form instantly appeared on the door!

Everyone outside the glass wall gasped. With one punch, a disciple of the second zone was
knocked out!

"Is anything detected?" Rikes quickly asked the blonde woman at his side.

The woman who had been monitoring the data still shook her head and said, "No, there's no
fluctuation of any disciple's energy. He's still relying on his physical strength."


Rikes and Talina were shocked by those words. Just relying on his physical strength, he
defeated a disciple of the second zone with one punch!

The First Heir - Chapter 2414


At this time, in the room, Fennel approached the remaining disciple. With a face full of anger, a
tall disciple roared,"F*ck, I'm going to crush you!"

After saying that, that guy's figure suddenly swelled and became bigger, just like the Hulk.

His head reached the ceiling of this secret room. His body was full of bulging muscles like
blocks of hard rocks!

A stone giant!

"Go to hell, you stupid pig!"

The disciple threw a punch at Fennel.

However, Fennel merely glanced at him in contempt before he raised his hand nonchalantly and
caught the stone giant's fist!


The collision caused a muffled explosion, and a huge burst of pressure suddenly scattered in
the secret room.

The instruments and equipment outside quickly analyzed the monitoring data.

The disciple power of the second zone.

However, it was from the disciple they had sent over!

The crowd outside was filled with shock and disbelief as they looked inside the secret room at
the man who hadnblocked the stone giant's punch with his bare hand.

Scary! Horrifying!

Meanwhile, when the disciple saw that Fennel had easily blocked his punch, he suddenly
became furious and threw another punch with his other fist at Fennel.

Fennel snorted and grabbed the stone giant's other fist as well.

Then, under to everyone's astonished gaze, he violently tossed the stone giant away!


The stone giant blew the ceiling away, and at the same time, he was heavily smashed by Fennel
onto the black glass wal!


In an instant, the black glass wall shattered into pieces.

The people behind the glass wall also quickly ran away.

The stone giant fell into the corridor outside and crashed into another wall, cracking the entirety
of it.

The corridor billowed with smoke and dust.

Fennel stepped out of the secret room indifferently.

Talina and the others waited for the smoke and dust to clear before they saw Fennel, who was
already standing three meters away in front of them.

"Wow, it's a beauty too. Can you tell me who's trying to arrest me? ls it Hades of the Hall of the
Underworld or Vataco of the Hall of Evil?"
Fennel grinned with an innocent look on his face.

Talina was very angry when she saw Fennel walking out. She yelled to Rikes, "Arrest him! Bring
him to the lab and dissect him for research!"

Hearing this, Rikes quickly pressed the alarm button! Instantly, alarms blared in the entire
Sendona branch of the SPEAR Bureau!

At once, dozens of heavily armed combatants poured out from both ends of the corridor!

Talina looked angrily at the unbridled Fennel in front of her and said, "Do it!"

Fennel looked at her coldly and said,"Beautiful, it's not very friendly to play rough. There's no
human right."

The First Heir - Chapter 2415

With a cold face, Talina looked at Fennel resentfully and said, "You're not worthy to talk to me
about human rights! Catch him!"

In an instant, this group of fully armed guards rushed at Fennel.

Under such circumstances, a normal person would definitely kneel down and beg for mercy.

After all, there were so many heavily armed guards and those special intelligence agents in
black combat uniforms who only ever appeared
in Hollywood movies.

However, Fennel merely sneered and said, "You just want to see how strong I am. Why go
through so much trouble?"
With that said, Fennel moved.

In everyone's line of sight, they saw a figure with flickering red lights.
Then, the sound of wailing and screaming could be heard throughout the long corridor.

In one face-off, heavily armed guards of the SPEAR Bureau fell to the floor.

These people were knocked unconscious without even knowing what went on.

Fennel had shown mercy.

After all, he was not in the country now, so he had to show some courtesy.

Besides, these guards did nothing wrong and only acted upon orders.

All this happened in just one minute.

Seeing this amazing scene, Rikes' face was full of shock.

This was too awesome.

It was like the Fantastic Four of the SPEAR Bureau.

Talina also had a surprised look on her face, but there were no signs of fear. It was because she
was from the Hall of the Underworld and one of Lord Hades' great envoys!

Her identity and appearance had already predetermined things.

She was a character who did not need to be afraid wherever she went.

Moreover, the Hall of the Underworld was such a famous organization in the West that
controlled the underground forces of several Western countries.

Its members did not need to worry or fear anything.

Furthermore, Sendona was also the home base of the Hall of the Underworld.

The Hall of the Underworld was in charge of eight regions in Country M, and its pOwer allowed
it to be proud andbarrogant.

"Hmph! How dare you show off with just that tiny bit of skills?" Talina snorted coldly, looking

Fennel waved his hand and said, "Beautiful, your words are a little hurtful. You wanted to see
my strength and I've already showed it to you. Now, shouldn't you release me and my buddy?"

"Dream on!"
Talina said coldly, "What I'm going to do now is capture you and bring you back for dissection
and research!"

Fennel smirked and said, "Beautiful, your request is quite strange."

Talina glared at Fennel and said to Rikes beside her, "Send the disciples over immediately. I
want to capture him alive and personally dissect him. I want to know what kind of body structure
he has!"

While saying this, Talina smiled excitedly.

Fennel was exasperated.

He seemed to have met a slightly perverted woman, and a beautiful one at that.

This made Fennel, who was biased toward beautiful people, was very aggrieved.

He originally wanted to play out a romantic drama with this beauty, but now, it seemed he could
only end this fight quickly.

Here, Rikes quickly used his headset and said,

"Mobilize the Seventh Condor Squad immediately!"

Soon, there was an unusual movement in the corridor.

The First Heir - Chapter 2416

Seven foreigners of different builds-tall and short, male and female,fat and thin-arrived.

As soon as they appeared, they carried invincible auras with them.

Fennel looked over and immediately judged from their auras that these seven people were
mainly disciples of the third zone.

Three of whom had even reached the strength of the fourth zone.

There was one with the peak strength

of the fourth zone.

Such combat power would form a very strong squad in the disciple world of any country. They
were enough to destroy
a battalion of 10,000 soldiers!

"Hahaha.." Fennel snorted as he looked at the seven disciples and said, "Wow, what a big
lineup. Is this your show of hospitality? Beautiful, isn't it a bit too much?"

Talina revealed a smile that was enough to make any men submit and said, "Since you know to
be afraid now, put your hands on your head and kneel down. Let me adore you tonight."

Talina was a very forthright and outspoken woman. Thus, whatever she wanted, she would
always pursue it.

For example, right now, she had a very strong urge to bring Fennel back to dissect and study

She was a medical doctor and also a human body research scientist with a strong interest in the
anatomy of disciples.

Although she had dissected the bodies of many disciples, she had never done so on someone
like Fennel.

Therefore, She was So excited that there was an uncontrollable impulse in her.

Fennel shrugged and said with a light smile, "Then it seems a fight is inevitable."

With that said, the seven disciples from the Seventh Condor Squad unleashed their auras. In an
instant, this area was
filled with terrifying energy pressure. The combined combat power of these seven disciples was
enough to kill a disciple who had just entered the fifth zone.

There was a huge difference in strength between the disciples of the fourth and fifth zones.

It was a renewed comprehension of the rules and matter. Thus, to kill a disciple of the fifth zone
with their combat power was staggering.

"Lord Talina, let us teach this ignorant boy a lesson for you!"

"Let me personally present him to you as your birthday gift!"

In a flash, the seven disciples displayed their prowess. One of them raised his hand and
unleashed a long flaming whip at Fennel.

The flaming whip that looked like it could tear the space apart was extremely hot and seemed
like it could melt the entire corridor.
Fennel looked at the incoming flame whip coldly, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Have I
been away from the West for too long?"

Then, Fennel grabbed the flaming whip with his bare hands!


The crisp sound and churning energy were enough to overturn everything.

However, Fennel merely grabbed the flame

whip just like that!

The face of the disciple who used the fire attribute immediately tensed as he swung the whip
vigorously, trying to withdraw his weapon.

However, the flame whip remained motionless in Fennel's hand.

"Damn it! You're seeking death!" The disciple was furious.

At the same time, a tall disciple with tanned skin beside him suddenly stomped on the floor and
jumped up.

His hands turned into steel-like fists and smashed on Fennel's head!

A disciple with mental attributes!

The two steel-like fists of the tall disciple were about to hit the mark. This punch was enough to
destroy any battle tank.

The First Heir - Chapter 2417

At the critical juncture, when the tanned disciple saw that his fist was fast approaching Fennel, a
cruel smile appeared on his face.

No one could survive his steel-like fist.

However, abruptly, the walls on both sides suddenly crumbled.

The steel bars in the walls were like swimming snakes, struggling to burst out of the walls before
turning into a cage and trapping the disciple in the air!

The sudden turn of events shocked the other disciples, including Talina and Rikes. This was a
disciple with the same metal attributes!
Thud, thud, thud!

Sounds of footsteps were heard from the other end of the corridor.

A tall figure reached out his right arm and grabbed at the tanned disciple who was trapped in the
steel cage in midair!



The steel cage suddenly shrank in mid-air and crushed the tanned disciple trapped inside into a
bloody mist.


Very strong!

With just one move, a disciple with metal attributes from the third zone was easily killed.

The remaining six disciples focused their attention on the man who approached from the other
end of the corridor.

It was none other than Philip!

With a cold expression on his face, he walked to Fennel's side and asked with a frown, "What
do you plan to do?"

Fennel shrugged and loosened his hold.

The flame whip in his hand was quickly retracted by the other party.

Then, he looked helplessly at the remaining six disciples and the envoy named Talina on the
opposite side.

Fennel had heard of Talina, the envoy under Lord Hades. She was a female pervert with a
passion for studying the
human body.

He did not expect to meet her here.

However, the other party did not know him.

At this moment, when Talina saw that Philip had easily taken down a metal disciple in the third
zone, instead of anger, There was excitement and thrill on her face.

"Oh my, a metal disciple from Orienta. I'm so excited. It's too rare! What's your attribute level?"
Talina asked feverishly.

Philip frowned and asked Fennel, "What's wrong with this woman?"

Fennel shook his head and said, "A lunatic who loves to study the human body and disciples.
Be careful not to be targeted by her. As far as I know, anyone who has been targeted by her has
been turned into a specimen."

Philip frowned and looked at Talina with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

He abhorred these lunatics who studied the

human body now.

The Lovelace family was one of them.

Over here, Talina became more excited and agitated as she shouted to the remaining six
disciples in front of her,
"Quick! Catch the two of them for me. I want to study them!"

The six remaining disciples were still a little shocked that Philip had killed their comrade with just
a simple move!

Rikes also had a foreboding and quickly decided to get the defense team to surround the entire
SPEAR Bureau in

At the periphery of the building at this moment, batches of heavily armed guards had

Countless armored vehicles and battle tanks also blocked all entrances and exits.

Fighter jets circled the building, while all cannons and missiles were aimed at the main entrance
of the SPEAR Bureau.


Meanwhile, far away in the jungle somewhere on the outskirts of Sedona.

The First Heir - Chapter 2418

This was the base camp of the Hall of the Sun that belonged to the 12 Sacred Halls of the West.
It was a large green training field with some building facilities hidden in the dense forest, as well
as some battle tanks, armored vehicles, and fighter jets parked on the airfield.

At this moment, extremely strict training was being conducted with nearly a hundred shirtless
men on the training ground.

At the forefront of this group of people, a man in a green combat uniform was lying on a beach

His face was covered with a hat, and his eyes were closed in rest. A golden badge that
symbolized the sun hung around his
neck. His figure was not too tall but full of bulging muscles that deterred others.

Suddenly, his walkie-talkie picked up a signal. A woman's voice was heard, sounding serious.
"Hans, come to the
electronic warfare room!"

The tanned man with closed eyes said in a lazy and impatient voice, "Hey, Georgina, don't
disturb my rare time under the sun, okay? Besides, you don't have the right to order me

"Sh*t! Get over here at once! The boss is back!"lOn the other end of the line, Georgina was
obviously impatient and angry, so she broke out a curse.


The man named Hans suddenly sat up straight from the beach chair.

He abruptly took off the hat on his face, smiled foolishly, and asked in surprise, "The boss is
back? Are you sure? I'll be right there!"

Then, Hans immediately got up and shouted to the nearly 100 people who were training, "Give
me extra 500 push-ups!"

After saying that, he ignored the wails from the group and hurried to the electronic warfare

Meanwhile, in a square building, three Walls were full of electronic display screens.

In the middle, more than a dozen computers and high-tech equipment were placed. The
surveillance footage covered various streets in Sedona and drone surveillance.

This was the electronic warfare room.

In this room, there was a sexy woman with fiery red and wavy hair dressed in a black leather

She sat in front of a central computer, tapping away on the keyboard. This woman was none
other than Georgina, who spoke to Hans earlier.

Her hot figure and perfect face were better than certain celebrities!

At this moment, three men and one woman had gathered around her.

Hans rushed in from the door and shouted happily, "Georgina, where's the boss? Tell me

When Hans rushed in, several people merely glanced at him before they silently focused their
eyes on the electronic

A frail man with black-rimmed glasses looked serious and composed.

He looked at everyone before he pushed

the frame of his glasses and coughed. He said, "Okay, except for the marshal who's on a
mission, everyone is here."

His code name was Strategist.

He was the brains of the Sun Hall.

His knowledge and strategies were unmatched.

Generally, when the boss was absent, he was the one who commanded the operation of the
Sun Hall.

Once, he destroyed three dark forces under the 12 Sacred Halls of the West at a very small
price. The strength of those
three forces was ranked below the 12 Sacred Halls, and they had always wanted to join the 12
Sacred Halls to become
the 13th Hall.

However, they once offended Fennel by mistake.

Hence, they were wiped out by the Strategist overnight!

In that battle, the Sun Hall became so famous among the l2 Sacred Halls that their ranking
suddenly įumped to the top

It was because to be able to wipe out three forces capable of becoming the 13th hall overnight
was enough to shock the entire West.

The First Heir - Chapter 2419

Hans was a little confused and asked, "Strategist, what's going on? Isn't the boss back? Why
are you standing here?"

The strategist looked at Hans and explained, "We just received news that the boss was taken
away by the people of
SPEAR Bureau in Sedona, and the Hall of the Underworld is operating behind this."

"What? Those bastards from the SPEAR Bureau actually captured the boss? dare those
bastards capture the boss? Do they want to die? "

Hans took off his hat in fury and roared, "Damn it! bring my men and destroy them!"

After saying that, Hans turned his head and was about to leave.

However, the strategist said, "Hans, come back! Listen to Georgina about the current situation!"

Hans was so angry that he could hardly wait and shouted, "Why listen to her? The boss has
been captured by the SPEAR Bureau. We'll just fight our way in and demand his release!"

The strategist's face darkened as he barked, "Hans Gooding!"

Hans finally stopped. After all, the prestige of the Strategist in the Hall of the Sun was second
only to the Sun God Apollo, Fennel Leigh.

Then, the Strategist signaled Georgina to report the situation.

Georgina retrieved the surveillance footage, as well as the footage before and after Fennel and
the others were taken away. She said, "As of now, it has been more than 20 minutes since the
boss and his friends were brought in. The manpower we arranged in the vicinity has been taken
out by the Hall of the Underworld in advance, which is why we just received the news."

While saying that, Georgina pressed a few keys, and the electronic display screen switched to
the real-time surveillance footage outside the SPEAR Bureau.
The screen was full of heavily armed guards, various combat vehicles, battle tanks, and even
fighter jets!

Georgina pointed to the screen and said, "This is the current situation at the SPEAR
Bureau. From the looks of it, the boss is fighting with them inside."

After listening to Georgina's report, the Strategist's face darkened.

He analyzed the strength of the armed forces on the surveillance screen and said to everyone,
"How many people can we mobilize now?"

After they made their reports, Hans said, "Strategist, I have all my men! Let me go! I'll wipe them
out in one fell swoop!"

The Strategist frowned and said, "You're too rash and can't hold back your temper. How about
you go with Georgina?
Remember, don't clash with them readily. Any action can only be taken at my order!"

"Do you want me to go with this big-as*ed woman? No, I'll do it alone!"

Hans looked at Georgina, who had stood up with a face full of reluctance.

He and Georgina had never been on good

terms because he did not like Westerners.

When Fennel brought Georgina back in the past, Hans had strongly objected.

Georgina stood up, her face full of chills as she stared at Hans. She squeezed her fist and said,
"Hans, do you want to

"Let's do it! Do you think l'd be afraid of you?" Hans answered.

Seeing that the fiery Georgina was about to fight with Hans, the Strategist glared at Hans and
said angrily, "Stop arguing and make a move!"

With that command, Hans snorted coldly, turned around, and left , Georgina followed closely
and walked out of the electronic warfare room.

The Strategist looked at the departing backs of the bickering pair and sighed helplessly as he
said, "When will Hans
accept Georgina?"
On one side, another woman with a sexy figure and shoulder-length black hair smiled faintly and
said, "He's still a child
at heart."

The Strategist shook his head, looked at the remaining few people, and said, "You should make
a move too. If the Hall
of the Underworld makes any movement, eradicate them at all costs!"


Several people responded and walked out of the electronic warfare room.

The First Heir - Chapter 2420

In the Hall of the Sun, the five great envoys under Sun God Apollo sprang into action!

The Strategist remained in the base camp of the Sun Hall.

Their actions and lineup were enough

to shock the entire West.

Back then, when Fennel first entered the West, he established the Sun Hall and led the seven
great envoys to eradicate
ten dark forces.

With that achievement, he was promoted to one of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West and
obtained the title of the Sacred Hall of the Sun.

After that, Fennel clashed several times with the Hall of Evil, Hall of the Underworld,
and Hall of Death.

He caused severe damage to the Hall of Evil and Hall of Death.

Since then, the Hall of the Sun became an existence that others look up to in the West.

The legend of Sun God Apollo was also widely circulated in the West.

They only knew that he was a mysterious man from the East.

Back to the SPEAR Bureau.

At this moment, the six remaining disciples stared coldly at Fennel and Philip.
Abruptly, they sprang into action!

The six disciples from the West used their attribute abilities and unleashed deadly killing moves
upon Fennel and Philip.

A dazzling fight broke out in the corridor, which collapsed the walls.

From the outside of the SPEAR Bureau building, walls started to crumble and glass started to
shatter starting from.below the first floor.
Then, the destruction kept spreading up the floors. Within a few seconds, the walls and glass on
the first floor were all shattered.


At the same time, several figures smashed

through several walls as they flew out and crashed heavily on the ground.

They blasted several scorched pits!


On the seventh or eighth floor, behind a shattered wall, a roaring fire chimera suddenly bit a
man wrapped in a blue
barrier and soared into the sky!


A deafening roar resounded in the area!

Outside the SPEAR Bureau, the fully armed guards on standby saw the disciples being knocked
away by the fire chimera.

They showed expressions of horror!

"Go, go, go!"

"Get ready to fire!"

In an instant, under the leadership of the commander, all the fully armed guards of the SPEAR
Bureau stood ready for

AII the muzzles, including the armored vehicles and battle tanks, were aimed at the hole in the
wall on the seventh or eighth floor.
Anyone who appeared would be subjected to heavy artillery attacks!
Indiscriminate firing all around!

Suddenly, a figure flew out from that hole.




Dozens of heavily armed SPEAR Bureau guards, seven or eight battle tanks, as well as the
fighter jets hovering in the sky
aimed and fired indiscriminately at the figure at once. Such intense firepower was enough to
destroy any disciple in the fourth zone!

The sky was full of bullets and missiles.

The moment Philip jumped out, he instinctively sensed great danger. He turned his head and
at the rapidly firing bullets and missiles launched from the ground and the sky.

A biting chill appeared in the corner of his eyes!

The First Heir - Chapter 2421

Faced with such intensive firepower, even a disciple of the fourth zone would choose to evade
or launch defense.

However, at that moment, Philip faced the firepower head-on and raised his arms.


Endless raging energy pressure surged around him, and a steel wall half a meter thick suddenly
appeared in front of
his hands. At this moment, the steel bars and some metallic objects in the walls of the
surrounding buildings flew toward the steel wall at high speed.

They merged into the wall that was now the size of half a basketball court.


Rapid firepower bombarded that steel wall and caused an explosion that blasted into the sky.

The scene was like modern warfare and looked very shocking.

At that time, several tracking missiles went around the steel wall and blasted right at Philip.

Philip's eyes were cold as He raised his hand and grabbed the missiles with flaming tails.

The speeding missiles swayed in midair, changed their flight trajectory, reversed their direction,
and headed toward the battle tanks on the ground as well as the fighter jets in the sky.


Instantly, the battle tanks on the ground were hit by the missiles and exploded in flames.

Many heavily armed guards were also blasted into the sky.

Even the two fighter jets in the sky were not spared and got hit by the missiles.

With thick black smoke and soaring flames, they lost control and fell from the air while spinning
in circles.


The fighter jets crashed to the ground and triggered a large sea of flames.

The missiles on the fighter jets also

exploded like fireworks.

Such combat power stunned the heavily armed guards on the ground.

At the same time, a red dragon halberd pierced through the SPEAR Bureau building and
penetrated the body of a
disciple with the peak strength of the fourth zone, flung him into the air, and tore him apart.


The red halberd soared into the sky like a dragon, raging with incomparable pressure.

Immediately after, a figure walked out from the main entrance of the SPEAR Bureau.
With A raise of his hand, the red dragon halberd in the air flew back to Fennel's hands, spinning
with a dazzling red glow.


The red dragon halberd in his hand formed a beautiful arc of red light.

At that moment, all the guards of the SPEAR Bureau, including Commander Rikes and Talina,
who were hiding behind
The crow was dumbfounded.

The red dragon halberd! It was actually the red dragon halberd!

In that case, that man could only be the legendary master of the Hall of the Sun,

The Sun God, Apollo!


The place went dead silent.

Rikes felt as if a big stone was weighing heavily on his heart.

He could hardly breathe.

Talina was also full of horror and shock.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief.

The First Heir - Chapter 2422

He was actually the Sun God Apollo.

'Oh my God!' Talina felt a little flustered.

In the West, Sun God Apollo was taboo.

At this time, in the surrounding streets and distant sky, dozens of armored vehicles and battle
tanks, as well as several
Apache fighters suddenly approached at high speed.

All the artillery muzzles and focus points were aimed at this group of guards surrounding Fennel
and Philip.
The leaders were naturally Hans and Georgina.

They brought nearly a hundred guards and surrounded the place.


Hans jumped down from the battle tank in his combat boots with a heavy machine gun in his
hand and several missiles on his back.

He looked like a battle maniac.

He glanced coldly at Talina in the crowd, and the golden sun badge on his chest was extremely

The envoy of the Hall of the Sun!

Talina's good-looking brows furrowed deeply, and she turned to look at the man with the red
dragon halberd in his hand.

It could be concluded that he was indeed the Sun God Apollo.

In the entire 12 Sacred Halls of the West, he was among the top three existences.

The Hall of the Sun's strength was on par with the Hall of the Underworld.

How did things turn out this way?

Hans looked at the group of heavily armed guards of the SPEAR Bureau blocking the way in the

He raised the heavy machine gun in his hand and roared, "Get out of my way!"


He pulled the trigger, and the machine gun fired a barrage of bullets. At once, the group of
guards in black combat uniforms all looked at each other.

Then, Hans swaggered through the group of guards and walked up to Fennel.

Georgina followed closely behind. When she passed by Talina, Georgina sneered and said,
"Talina, you've made a serious mistake."

"Sh*t! Georgina, you b*tch!"

Talina and Georgina were rivals and would be at each other's throats whenever they met.

Neither one would give in to the other.

Both of them were research freaks, one with a preference for human anatomy while the other
for computers.

Both were also beauties. In the 12 Sacred Halls, they held the title of 'Goddess


Georgina turned her head and left Talina with the sight of her back as she walked toward

Hans and Georgina walked up to Fennel, knelt down on one knee, and shouted respectfully,
"Welcome back, Sun God!"

Fennel put the red dragon halberd in his hand away and said, "Get up. Did the Strategist ask
you to come?"

Hans and Georgina got up.

Georgina spoke first, her eyes full of adoration and love as she said excitedly, "Yes, Apollo. The
Strategist told us to come here."

Hans was annoyed and glared at Georgina before he looked at Fennel with a silly smile, saying,
"Boss, let's go. Everyone's waiting for you."

Fennel nodded.

He looked at the approaching Philip and introduced. "This is my buddy, Philip Clarke.' Hans and
Georgina nodded at Philip in a friendly manner.

Then, Fennel led Philip, Hans, and Georgina toward Talina and the others.

At Fennel's approach, with the battle maniac, Hans, and her arch-nemesis, Georgina, behind

Talina's expression became very ugly.

Her eyes flickered, and she was somewhat afraid to make eye contact with Fennel.

After all, he was the legendary Sun God Apollo.

"Miss Taling, I'm very sorry, but we have to go back." Fennel smiled.

He did not want to have a conflict with the Hall of the Underworld on the first day of his return.

He had to go back and discuss many things first.

Taling was very flustered at the moment.

She knew that with the people she had, she could not stop Fennel and the

Furthermore, that was the master of the Sun Hall. Therefore, Taling could only silently watch as
Fennel left with everyone.

Fennel and the others got into the cars and left swaggeringly in front of Talina and the others.

After they left, Talina stomped her feet angrily and shouted, "Damn it! That damned Apollo and
that b*tch Georgina! I
won't let you off!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2423

Rikes walked over and humbly asked, "Lord Envoy, what should we do next?"

Talina glared at Rikes angrily and said, "Hmph! Keep a close eye on them and let me know if
there's any unusual.movement! Also, notify the Fantastic Four who are on a mission and have
them rush back immediately!"

With cold sweat on his forehead, Rikes said, "Yes, my lord!"

Finally, Talina tooka last glance at Fennel's departing group before she turned around and got
into a large Mercedes SUV.

"Go back!" Talina said coldly to the driver.

Then, the car started and headed back to the Hall of the Underworld's base camp in Sedona.

Unlike the Hall of the Sun, the base of the Hall of the Underworld was not in the jungle but in the
city center.

It was a splendid towering skyscraper, The Hades Tower!

It was 300 to 400 stories high, the entire building was dazzling and a landmark building in the
entire Sedona.

The perimeter of this building was full of patrolling guards.

There were also many disciples also ambushed in the shadows.

It could be said that the security facilities and personnel here were even more terrifying and
powerful than.the Octagon.

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz SUV stopped at the front entrance of the building.

Talina got down from the car.wearing a trench coat and sunglasses.

She was tall, sexy, and hot. She was the focus wherever she went.

When the guards at the door saw Talina, they nodded respectfully and said, "Lord Envoy."

Talina took off her sunglasses and walked into the building elegantly.

She went through a security check at the elevator doors and got on a private elevator.

The elevator went straight to the top of the building.

The most luxurious suite took up the topmost floor.

It covered an area of thousands of square feet.

Various luxurious objects and many cultural relics from various countries could be seen in the

A row of maids in short-skirted uniforms stood on both sides of the room.

All of them were of top quality with excellent figures.

At this time, on the side of the suite near the French windows, there wasa shirtless man with
tanned skin and bulging muscles.

He had tattoos all over his arms, thighs, chest, and back.

He was none other than Hades, the Lord of the.

Underworld who terrified all the dark forces in the West. He was also one of the top three super
existences in the 12.Sacred Halls of the West.

A man of intelligence and power!

At this time, he was doing high-level physical training.

Even when standing a few meters away from the tall man, an.overwhelming pressure could be
felt from him.

A man and a woman stood on either side of him.

The man was a typical.Western man-tall and burly with an indifferent face. He had his arms

The woman had a dark complexion.

Her hair was up in a ponytail, and her curvaceous body was S-shaped. She was a classic
tanned goddess.

The two of them stood like guardians to the man in the middle.

There was an unconcealed fierce chill in their eyes.

The Black and White Furies!

They were the two strongest envoys under Lord Hades in the Hall of the Underworld.

The number of people who had died under their hands was no less than a hundred.

Moreover, not one of those victims was a weakling.

The First Heir - Chapter 2424

At this time, the door of the suite was pushed open.

Talina strutted in while swaying her hips. She stood behind Hades, lowered her head, and said
apologetically, "Im sorry,
Lord Hades, I failed."

At this moment, Hades took the warm towel brought by the servant on a gold tray and wiped the
sweat from his face.
He hummed in a muffled voice, turned around to look at Talina, and asked, "Have you seen

" I have"

Talina hurriedly replied respectfully, "Yes,

"What do you think?" Hades asked.

Talina hesitated for a moment and said, "Very strong."

Hades smiled and said withanod, "If I went up against him, who do you think will win?"

Talina replied, "My honored Lord Hades, of course. Apollo, that coward, is not worthy to be
compared to Lord Hades!"

Hades smiled and said, "Don't compliment me. I know how strong Apollo is. The failure of this
mission has little to do
with you. I just want to find out if he's still as fierce and domineering as he used to be."

Talina was puzzled.

She looked up at the kingly Lord Hades and asked with a frown, "Lord Hades, are we just going
to forget this?"

Hades smiled, walked down from the high platform of the training ground, and came in front of

Talina quickly lowered her head respectfully.

Hades reached out and cupped Talina's jade-like chin.

A pair of eyes full of temptation and wisdom stared at Talina as the man revealed the most
sinister smile of the evilest man in the world.

He said, "Talina, do you think l'd just forget it?"

Talina's heart was thumping at this moment, and her mind went blank.

It was because Lord Hades was so close to her.

She could see his face. It was so handsome and so full of masculine charm.

He was the eternal king in Talina's heart.

Hades released his hold and said to the Black and White Furies behind him, "You guys go and
try him out. I want to see
if Apollo's strength has regressed. By the way, that kid he brought back, brought him back to
me. I'm very interested in him.x

"Yes, Lord Hades!"

The Black and White Furies replied respectfullynand left.

Back to Philip's side.

He followed Fennel back to the base camp of the Hall of the Sun.

A group of people surrounded Fennel and chartered non-stop. It could be seen that everyone
truly admired and adored Fennel.

Fennel said a few words before he solemnly introduced Philip to everyone.

"Everyone, this is my good buddy from

Orienta, Philip Clarke. In the future, he'll also be an important member of the Hall of the Sun. He
can represent my intent."


Everyone was shocked!

Philip looked very young.

Although he was a little handsome, he did not feel too powerful.

The Sun God Apollo actually treated him as such.

Even Georgina, the woman who had always only been interested in Fennel, could not help but
take a few more glances at Philip.

Apollo's good buddy?

"Boss, are you kidding? We only respect you. How can such a complete stranger represent

"Yes, Boss. We can't accept this!"

"Right! In the Hall of the Sun, only strength speaks for itself!"
All of a sudden, the group of people burst out into a discussion.

There was discontent, displeasure, and most of all, unwillingness to concede!

They only respected and admired Fennel.

For an unknown man to suddenly appear and say that he could represent Sun God Apollo, it
was only natural for everyone to be dissatisfied.

Fennel shrugged and said with a wicked smile, "Very good! Whoever disagrees, step forward."

The First Heir - Chapter 2425


A group of guards training in the Hall of the Sun stood forward.

Hans also stood among them. He was the most indignant.

In his heart, Sun God Apollo was the only one worthy of his respect and obedience.

No one else!

Hans was not even willing to listen to the Strategist, but he had high prestige in the Hall of the

Many times, Hans had no choice but to obey orders.

"Okay, then. Let' s try out the standards of the so-called Hall of the Sun," Philip said casually.

He knew that Fennel did this on purpose.

Seeing Philip's nonchalance, many people got annoyed.

"Wasn't he just appointed to the position? How pretentious!"

"That's right! Looking at his age, he doesn't look like he can fight!"

"I think we can just send a random person to knock him down!"

Fennel smiled lightly.

He knew that the group of people under him would disapprove of Philip, so he had deliberately
set this up.

Fennel had already concluded that no one here could compare to Philip's strength, except him.

Moreover,.Philip's potential had not been fully unleashed!

On the side, Georgina also looked at Fennel and Philip with wide and confused eyes."Lord
Apollo, are you doing this on purpose?"

Georgina was smart Although she was a lot less sophisticated in dealing with people, she was
very perceptive.

Fennel smiled and said, "Georgina, certain things should just be kept under wraps."

Georgina blinked doubtfully, not quite understanding Fennel's meaning.

In the West, there was no such saying.

A strong person should just display their strength so that others could worship them.

"Hey! I heard that you're the Sun God's good buddy. I want to fight you one on one. Will you
accept it?"

At this time, a young man stepped forward.

He was very handsome but had a streak of rebelliousness in him.

This person was relatively powerful in the Hall of the Sun and was a reserve candidate for the
envoy position.

Philip looked at the person in front of him.

He wore a green combat uniform, had well-defined features and toned.muscles, and radiated a
strong intensity. Interesting.

A disciple at the peak of the third zone.

Seeing that kid step forward so ignorantly, Hans immediately glared at him. He wanted to be the
first to go up.

Philip looked at the young man who stood out and asked, "Why do you want to challenge me?"

"Because I don't think you're strong enough and you're not qualified to lord over us!"
Tyler Wood raised his head with a
bit of contempt in his eyes.

"Oh?" Philip raised his eyebrows.

He was quite aware of which level of strength this young man had reached.

It could only be said that this group of

people under Fennel were true to their nature.

All of them were snooty and arrogant.

They had to be taught a lesson.

"My name is Tyler Wood. Your name is Philip Clarke, right? Just tell me if you'll accept my

"If you win the fight, I'll acknowledge you. If you lose, you should leave here as soon as
possible. The Hall of the Sun doesn't need a weakling to order us around."

Philip also realized at this point that if he could not convince the people now, it would be difficult
for him to speak up in.the Hall of the Sun in the future.


Upon Philip's agreement, the people around quickly dispersed, leaving the two of them in the
middle. Contrary to
everyone's expectations, Fennel and the Strategist standing behind Fennel showed sympathetic

The Strategist had sensed the dangerous vibes from Philip, and he also knew about Philip's
details long ago.

Seeing Tyler go up against him now, it was undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg!
Right at the start, Tyler rushed at Philip.

The First Heir - Chapter 2426

Slow! He was simply too slow!

Philip shook his head helplessly and met Tyler's punch easily. Philip turned around smoothly,
switched the punch he had prepared a palm strike, and knocked Tyler down with a simple attack
using his palm.

The rules here stated that they could not use the strength of a disciple indiscriminately.

After all, no one could afford for anything to happen.

Thus, they could only rely on their physical strength. At this point, Dead silence filled the training
ground. Tyler quickly got up from the ground, his face full of disbelief.

"Impossible! I wasn't prepared just now. Let's start again!"

Philip stood in the same spot and looked around.

He saw everyone's questioning gazes. Hence, he cleared his throat, and his voice echoed
clearly on the training ground.

"All of you can come to me together."

As he said that, everyone was a little stunned, but they soon started talking loudly.

"What is he talking about? How dare he ask us to attack him together? We have nearly 100
people here!"

"He must be bragging, right?"

"How dare he say that?"

However, Philip did not care what they thought at all and repeated his words.

"Come at me all at once! | i don't want to waste time!"

"Fine! Let's do it, then!" a gruff voice said.

Another man stood out. His figure was very stout, and his muscles were hardly concealed by
the combat uniform.

Someone said loudly, "That's what you said. Don't say that we're taking advantage of our large
numbers when you lose!"

Philip shook his head and said with certainty, "That won't happen. You guys can just go ahead."

He had seen through the strength of all these people just now. There was not much threat.
With Philip's remark, everyone was ready to fight. They soon attacked Philip one after another.

Philip was very fast.

After easily dodging the moves of a few people, he started his counterattack.

These people were.his subordinates, after all.

Hence, his attacks lacked the ruthlessness from the past.

On the outside, Theo and the others were a little worried as they watched.

There were nearly 100 people.

No one could withstand such an overwhelming barrage of attacks, right?

No matter how well one could fight, it was impossible for all these people to be defeated.

However, Philip was different.

He easily knocked out a few people close to him and neatly avoided the sudden punches and
kicks with a smooth

Soon, all the people in training uniforms were knocked out until finally, Philip was the last man

Seeing everyone sprawled on the ground howling in pain, only shock remained in the eyes of
Hans and several other envoys.

They did not expect that this killing god would defeat them so quickly. Not a single one was left

Philip panted slightly, and his forehead was covered in sweat. He waved at Hans who stood
nearby and shouted, "Don't you want to fight me? It's your turn now."

Hans frowned, took off his jacket, and tossed it on the ground heavily without further delay.

"Okay, let's do this! You actually took down all of my people. It seems that you have some
strength! No wonder the boss
holds you in high regard!" Hans roared.

Then, he threw one punch at Philip after another.

Even the onlookers could feel the domineering power contained in his fists.

Hans Gooding Was one of the great enVoys of the Hall of the Sun. He was very strong in his
own right.

Taking on 100 opponents single-handedly was not a problem. However, Philip took him on
easily and sent him flying within three moves.

"Do you concede?"

His voice was mild, but these combatants could hardly think otherwise.

They had no doubts about this new "little boss' now.

"l concede!" Tyler Wood exclaimed first.

"We give in!

One after another, the shouts filled the training ground.

He had subdued these people with his strength.

Philip was.satisfied with the performance of these people.

Then, he turned to Fennel and said, "Is this the effect you wanted?"

Fennel smiled, stepped forward, and put his arm around Philip. He said, "In this way, even if
something happens to me In the future, I have someone to take charge of the Hall of the Sun.
Come on,l bring you to my turf for a drink."

The First Heir - Chapter 2427

Philip was helpless and followed Fennel out of the base camp of the Hall of the Sun.

Hans and Georgina followed closely behind them.

Hans now admired Philip from the bottom of his heart because he was a man who revered

Now, in his mind,.the boss was number one and Philip was number two.
Hence, he followed with a chuckle and said, "Philip, teach me something next time. The moves
you did just now were simply too dashing!

Philip smiled.

He could tell that Hans was a man true to his nature. He was very forthright.

"No problem," Philip replied.

Hans grinned broadly.

Fennel also shook his head helplessly and chuckled.

The three men walked toward a jeep parked on the side of the road.

Georgina followed closely behind, her eyes stuck on Fennel.

They were full of admiration.

Even though Philip was amazing enough just now, in her heart, Apollo was

After they left, the Strategist said to the rest of the people, "Alright, inform the others that the
boss is back safely. They
can all retreat.'



Fennel led Philip, who was followed by the boisterous Hans. Along the way, he and Georgina
bickered endlessly.

They were, without a doubt, foes, Hanks Bar.

This was the most famous bar in the Franklin neighborhood of Sendona and the most
entertaining place to hang out.

In the past, whenever Fennel was free, he liked to come here to watch sexy girls pole dance
while drinking whiskey.

At that time, life was carefree and comfortable.

"Let's go."
Fennel took the lead and brought Philip and the others to a reserved booth like a frequent

They sat down and ordered a few drinks.

Hans was one of those battle maniacs who had always been training and fighting in the jungle.

Once he entered this prosperous downtown area and a bar filled with lust filled the air, he could
not sit still at all.

He immediately got up and went to flirt with the ladies with his drink in hand.

Georgina was very quiet as she sat in the corner of the booth and sipped her whiskey.

From time to time, she would glance at the noisy crowd in the bar.

Most of the time, she just stared at Fennel, who was talking with Philip.

Fennel sat with Philip, and the two talked about the attack by the SPEAR Bureau and the Hall of
the Underworld.

"Do you think the Hall of the Underworld is testing our strength?" Philip looked sideways with a

Fennel took a sip of whiskey and said, "That's right. Hades is a very sinister and cunning guy. I
fought with him once."

"You won?" Philip asked.

Fennel shook his head and said, "Almost. It was a draw. Hades is a man with brains, wisdom,
and strength. I don't want
to be enemies with him if possible."

Hearing this, Philip raised his brows and said, "He seems to be a very tough guy."

Fennel smiled and said, "Yes, he's a difficult guy to deal with, especially the few great envoys
under his command. The
Black and White Furies are the most difficult to deal with. They're two extremely annoying

The First Heir - Chapter 2428

"Black and White Furies? What an unusual name." Philip frowned.

Fennel responded, "They've gone through countless life and death battles with Hades for many
years. They're the killing
machines that Hades personally developed. In the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, excluding the
12 hall masters, the
strength of these two can be ranked in the top ten among the envoys Philip nodded at his
words, and his gaze fell on Hans who was chatting with hot girl over there.

He asked, "What about in comparison to him?"

Fennel shook his head and said, "Hans is not a match for the two of them, but if it's one on one,
Hans can draw a tie with either of them. If it's one against two, Hans' chances of winning are
very low. Even for me, it's a little tricky."

"They're that powerful?" Philip was a little surprised.

Fennel shrugged, while Georgina interrupted from the other side, "That's because the ability of
Black and White Furies is quite special."

"Special?" Philip was puzzled.

According to Fennel, the strength of the Black and White Furies was ranked in the top ten
among the envoys.

Fennel was the king of disciples in the fifth zone, so in terms of strength, it should be easy to
deal with them.

Georgina said, "The attribute power of the Black and White Furies can restrain the disciples. In
front of them, even Lord
Apollo's strength will be greatly reduced."

Fennel nodded and said, "That's right. The attribute power of these two specializes in restraining
the disciples. In front of them,
no matter how strong the opponent is, they'll fall to the same level as them."

Philip finally understood that it was equivalent to neutralizing the attribute.

It was also specifically aimed at disciples. In other words, even though the power of the Black
and White Furies was not a match for the 12 Hall Masters, fighting
against them would be a different story.

It was indeed a little terrifying.

After a moment of silence, Philip asked, "What are we going to do next? I want to settle things
here as soon asnpossible.

Fennel smiled and said, "Don't rush. Take your time. Hades is definitely thinking of ways to deal
with us right now. We
might as well drink up and wait for them to turn up at our doorstep."

When Georgina heard Fennel's words, her eyes were full of admiration.

Too cool! This was the Apollo she loved and admired! This was the Sun God!

Philip nodded and said nothing.

Suddenly, there was a commotion over there. They looked over and saw Hans arguing with four
or five burly men.

"Damn it! Don't touch me! I didn't do anything!I was just buying this pretty lady a drink," Hans

Several burly men grabbed Hans by the collar and cursed, "F*ck you! Go back to your country.
You're not welcome

"Go back to your countryside! Uncivilized stupid pig!"

Those people's words were unusually vulgar.Hans could not hold back any longer as he glared
at the burly guy who grabbed his collar and said solemnly, "F*cker!
Another curse from you and I'll rip your head off and kick it like a ball!"

"How dare these big guys discriminate against him?!"

"Oh, look, this damn stupid pig dares to threaten us. Sh"t!"

"Hahaha! This little quy doesn't look like he can stand a beating at all. What a loser!"

"Look, this guy's face is all red. Hey, do you think he knows kung fu? What a joke!"

Faced with the mockery of this group of foreigners, Hans was furious!

"Apologize! Apologize for your words and actions just now! We're not losers or stupid pigs! If
you don't apologize, I'lI beat you until you do!" Hans roared.
The First Heir - chapter 2429

"F*ck! How dare a barbaric loser like you ask me to apologize?!"

The man who grabbed Hans' collar looked angry.

He clenched his fist, waved it in front of Hans, and said, "Brat! Look at my fist. l can easily beat
you to the ground!"

After saying that, he looked at his friends around him with a smile and said smugly, "Look, this is
a loser from the East."

"Hahaha, watch howl beat him to his knees until he begs for mercy!"

The people around also raised the drinks in their hands and cheered. "Yeah, Charlie, ftck him

"Knock him out and throw him into the toilet! Hahaha!"

"Charlie! Go on! Beat him up! Show him the savagery and charm of Western men!"

At once, the cheers of the crowd completely drowned the place.

Charlie, the guy who grabbed Hans by the collar, turned around, squeezed his fists, shook his
head, and said with a smile, "Boy, you're dead!"

After that, he smashed his fist right into Hans' face!


As a result, Hans also threw a punch at Charlie's face!

Charlie's face was instantly covered in blood. After staggering a few steps, he fell to the ground
on his back and never
got up again!

Hiss! The place went silent! All the onlookers were shocked!

Their jaws dropped open as their eyes went wide.

They held their heads and shouted like lunatics, "Oh, sh*t! What the hell is going on here?!"

"Charlie, stand up! Stand up and get him!"

"F*ck! What's wrong with that kid? He knocked Charlie down with one punch!"

Hans tugged at his collar, glanced coldly at the foreigners who were watching and shouting, and
said angrily, "I'm not a loser of the East! Please show some respect!"

"F*cker! You're seeking death!"

Suddenly, a few guys in the crowd who came with Charlie swung their fists at Hans!

The results were as expected.

Within half a minute, all of them fell to the ground while clutching their heads and arms.

They were groaning in misery Hans snorted coldly, stepped over these people, and returned to
the booth.

Fennel and the others had long noticed the commotion over there but did not make a move.

"How was it?" Fennel asked with a smile.

Hans drank the whisky on the table, wiped his mouth, and said, "It's not even enough for me to
warm up."

Fennel smiled and said, "Alright, let's go back"

Just as they were about to get up, a group of bodyguards in black suits rushed in from the bar's

They cleared the area, and everyone was driven to the corners of the bar.

The First Heir - Chapter 2430

Immediately, someone shouted, "Oh, it's the Michael family! Look at the symbol of the golden
cobra on their chests!"

"They must be here to avenge Charlie! Those damned Orientas who offended the Michael
family are doomed!"

"Guess who will show up? Rick Michael or Matlin Michael?"

Fennel and the others had just gotten up from the booth when they were surrounded by a group
of bodyguards in suits with the golden cobra logo on their chests.

"What Michael family?" Philip asked in puzzlement.

Georgina replied, "The Michael family is one of the four great families in Sedona.

They control a quarter of the economy in Sedona and also own the largest casino and bar here!

They're the king of the casinos and bars here in Sedona!

Moreover, they have the backing of the Hall of Evil.

Their patriarch is one of the great envoys of the Hall of Evil!

This family of theirs is the most vengeful.

"It seems that the person Hans dealt with just now is a member of the Michael
family."Hans' face was ugly at the moment.

He yelled as he stepped forward, "Danm it! The hell with the Michael family! And that Rick
Michael has been pissing me off since day one! If not for the boss preventing me from making
move, I'd have killed him long ago!"

The Michael family had contact with the Hall of the Sun.

Of course, it was over some financial dispute.

However, because the patriarch of the Michael family was one of the seven envoys of the Hall of
Evil, Fennel never crossed the line.

After all, the 12 Sacred Halls of the West had their rules and guidelines. It was not like he could
take out anyone who
displeased him.

Fennel glared at him, and Hans was so scared he shrank his neck and backed away.

Meanwhile, at the bar's entrance, there was a young man in a white suit who was very
handsome and looked cheerful.

He had his hands in his trouser pockets.

There was a golden cobra badge on his chest and a gold pocket square in his
side pocket. He walked in, and all the women in the bar cried out excitedly!
"It's Rick Michael! Oh my god! He's so handsome!"

"Dear Lord, please give him to me! He's too cool!"

Rick walked in elegantly in his leather shoes.

His eyes contained the charm of a mature man, and a faint smile was always present on his

He walked in and smiled charmingly at all the women, making them go crazy.

Then, his eyes fell on Fennel and the others standing in the booth.

Of course, he only knew Hans and Georgina. As for Fennel and Philip, he had never met them

Hence, he first bowed slightly to Georgina and said, "Dear Miss Georgina, it's a pleasure to see
you again."

Georgina snorted coldly without looking at him at all. Rick did not feel embarrassed.

He turned to Hans and said with a smile, "Hans Gooding, making a move on my friends in my
bar doesn't seem to be in line with the rules. Is this the way a great envoy from the Hall of the
Sun should act?"


All the people in the bar were shocked when they heard the title 'the great envoy from the Hall of
the Sun' coming out
of Rick's mouth!


That Eastern man was actually the great envoy from the Hall of the Sun?

The woman beside him whom Rick called Georgina just now.


The goddess envoy of the Hall of the Sun, Georgina!

This was crazy! They actually met the legendary envoy Georgina!

All the men in the crowd finally noticed Georgina at this moment and were amazed.
She was simply a goddess in the eyes of Western men.

At this moment, Hans glared at Rick and said coldly, "Rick, are you surrounding us right
now?"Rick shrugged and smiled.

He turned to Fennel and Philip, asking softly, "You don't look too familiar. May I know your
Chapter 2431

Without waiting for Hans' response, Fennel smiled and said, "We're friends of Hans."

"Friends?" Rick frowned slightly before he smiled and said, "As the owner of this place, I must
advise you that there's no benefit in making friends with Hans. Why don't you be friends with me

Fennel immediately chuckled and refused.

"I don't think it's necessary. We have different paths. In the eyes of the Westerners, Easterners
like us don't seem to be worth mentioning."

Rick smiled and said, "No, I've always respected the Easterners and like being friends with
them. To me, the East is a mysterious and ancient place. I yearn to pay a visit. If I have the
opportunity, i'd love to visit the ancient countries in the east. I heard that the people there are not
well fed and don't have decent living quarters. Some even have to go through the trash for a bite
to eat. Is that true?"

In the first half of the sentence, everyone thought that Rick Michael wasa gentleman.

However, the second half of the sentence exposed his nature.

Arrogant! Individualistic!

Fennel frowned and said with a chill in his eyes, "Rick, is it?Your tone is very arrogant. The East
is not as what you said. I hope that you'll really go to the East and havea look to understand just
how stupid your prejudice is. Of course, a rotten person like you will be despised when you
arrive in the East. Also, we don't accept foreign garbage in the East. I'm sorry, but please don't
stand in our way. We're leaving."

Fennel was not a kind person and not someone who would hold back. He was annoyed by
Rick's words.

However, Rick chuckled and said to the bodyguard behind him, "Did you hear that? He told us
to get out of the way? This is the first time I've ever heard an Easterner telling me to get out of
the way in my own bar. It's ridiculous! What do you think I should do?"

"Take them down! Let these stinking Easterners understand that the West is the master of this

"Young Master Rick, we support you! Catch them all!"

"Hahaha! This group of Easterners is simply out of their depths! Messing with the Michael family
is simply courting

Suddenly, all the people who came to the bar for entertainment angrily rebuked Fennel and the
others. What did it
matter if Hans was the envoy of the Hall of the Sun?

The Michael family had an envoy too!

Moreover, most of the people here were prejudiced against Easterners and had always looked
down on them.

To them, the Easterners were all stinky rats that deserved to die!

Chapter 2432

Rick turned his handsome face to Fennel, his eyes flashing arrogantly as he said, "Friend, I
don't think I want to get out of the way. Why don't you crawl out from under me on your knees
and IIl forget about what you did to my friends earlier? What do you think?"

After saying that, Rick looked at Georgina. He smiled very gentlemanly and said, "Of course,
Miss Georgina doesn't need to do that. You're the goddess in my heart. I hope to have dinner
with you later."

Georgina immediately scowled at him and said, "Rick, I advise you not to play with fire!
Otherwise, even your Michael family won't be able to bear the wrath from the Sun Hall!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!"

With a faked scared expression, Rick said, "Miss Georgina, you only have two great envoys
here, while I have more than a dozen men inside and the experts of the Michael family outside. I
don't think even you can escape unscathed. Also, don't forget that the patriarch of the Michael
family, my father, is also a great envoy."

A blatant threat!

A few simple words and Georgina's expression turned ugly.

"Rick, don't force my hand!" Georgina said coldly, the aura of an iceberg beauty radiating from

Rick patted his chest in mock fear and said with a smile, "Oh, Miss Georgina, don't be angry. In
fact, you can consider my conditions."
"We don't need to consider them. But I do think that if you kneel down and crawl under me, I'll
spare your Michael family from death.

At this time, Fennel suddenly said coldly.


The entire bar fell silent. The discriminatory and arrogant Westerners looked at Fennel in

This abominable Easterner actually dared to say such words to the honorable Rick Michael.

He was from the highly esteemed Michael family!

Rick was also surprised. He looked at Fennel doubtful and said, "Friend, do you know what
you're saying? Are you asking me to kneel? Do you know that if you say that, you can have your
tongue cut out and tossed into the river?"

Fennel smiled and said confidently, "Rick, every word I say is serious. I'll give you one minute to
kneel down and apologize for what you just said and did. This will spare the Michael family from
their deaths. Otherwise, believe me, in five minutes, Michael Colson will definitely come over in
person, kneel down, and apologize to me."

Everyone was dumbfounded as they looked at Fennel in shock and disbelief.

"Oh my, is he crazy? Does that man want to die?"

"Holy sh*t! He actually said that the patriarch of the great Michael family, Colson Michael, will
come over in person and kneel down and apologize?"

"That damned Eastern rat! They have a way with words, but they're nothing but cowards who
won't dare to do anything!"

Everyone began to roar angrily.

Rick also frowned and said coldly with a laugh, "What did you say? My father will personally
come over and kneel down
to apologize to you? What a fcking arrogant Eastern man you are!"

After that, he looked at Phillip next to Fennel and said, "What about you? As his friend, do you
think so too?"
At first, Philip had the mindset that this had nothing to do with him. With Fennel around, there
was nothing to worry about at all.

When Rick questioned him at this time, he naturally replied, "I don't think so."

Hearing this, Rick smiled and said, "Good! You have good foresight.."

However, before he finished speaking, Philip's next words almost made him choke.
"I think even if the patriarch of the Michael family kneels down and apologizes, it won't do much
good. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

Philip said mildly before adding, "By the way, there's another saying you should be familiar with.
Payback's a b*tch!"

Chapter 2433

Payback was a b*tch?

Obviously, Rick did not believe in this. He frowned in disbelief and stared at Philip angrily. He
sneered and said, "Very well, you're a good friend, indeed. Messing with me will only end badly!
Are you sure you want to speak up on his behalf?"

Philip shrugged, relaxed his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Young Master Michael, you
should understand that we Easterners have always been the most loyal. Since he's my friend, I'll
naturally stand by his side unconditionally. Moreover, I must advise you not to think of messing
with my friend because you can't afford it!"

"Hahaha!" Rick laughed, his handsome face full of chills.

He said, "Interesting! This is the first time I've met someone who says I can' t afford to mess with
them! You Easterners are really interesting. ls this what you call courtesy before a fight?"

Philip thought about it and said, "It's not wrong for you to understand it that way. We have
shown you due courtesy by telling you the consequences. If you still refuse to back down, don't
blame my friend for being rude to you."

"You son of a b*tch!"

Rick exploded in anger and roared. "I'm Rick Michael of the Michael family! No one has ever
dared to threaten me! You
and your friends will get down on your knees and apologize to me! You humble stupid pigs of
the East!"
Philip frowned, glanced at the indifferent Fennel, and said coldly to Rick, "I hope you apologize
to the Easterners for what you just said and did!"

Philip was not an upright hero or a great philanthropist. He just felt that this group of Westerners
had gone too far.

Were the Easterners always inferior to them?

They kept calling them humble and stupid pigs. Speaking of which, the East might be the origin
of all civilizations.

Moreover, even these Westerners came to this land only a few hundred years ago and
colonized this place.

Where did their sense of superiority come from?

The East had a few thousand years of history, and some civilizations could even be traced back
to 10,000 years ago.

"Apologize? You want me to apologize to you? Ridiculous! You're the humble Easterners, the
stupid ones! You're just trash living underground!"

At this point, Rick had completely ripped off his pretense and became tyrannical and arrogant.

Philip shook his head helplessly. He did not want to make a move at first, but Rick Michael really
asked for it.

"I'm sorry, then. But your mouth really has to pay the price," Philip said coldly.

Then, in Rick's astonished eyes.


Suddenly, a crisp slap resounded throughout the bar!

Chapter 2434

Philip had slapped Rick across the face vehemently. He used about 70% of his strength, which
knocked a few teeth out of Rick's mouth. It caused blood to gush!

All the onlookers watched with wide eyes and covered their mouths. Their faces were full of
incredulity as they stated at Philip who had attacked first.

Then, they shifted their eyes to Rick who was covering his mouth in anger.

"Holy sh*t! What the hell did that stupid Easterner do?"

"He actually hit Rick Michgel? He must be insane!"

"They're dead for sure now! No one can ever hit someone from the Michael family in the face!"

"And he's an Easterner too. Rick will definitely kill them!"

The onlookers started going crazy, screaming and talking.

It was mainly because Philip's actions were too drastic. Here, on this street, the Michael family
was king.

Anyone who saw the golden cobra symbol must bow their head in respect.

However, these crazy Easterners actually dared to do such a thing to the young master of the
distinguished Michael family.

On this side, Rick was full of anger.

He covered his mouth and looked at his broken teeth in disbelief. Then, he stared at
Philip angrily and roared. "F*ck you! Son of a b*tch! You're dead! You'll pay for your words and
actions with your life!

Men, charge at them! Especially these two. I'm going to torture them properly and show them
what kind of status the Michael family of the Golden Cobra is here!"

At once, more than a dozen bodyguards in black suits brought by Rick pulled out pistols from
their waists and aimed their guns at Fennell and the others.

Hans was furious at this moment and stepped out.

He stared at Rick and the bodyguards in anger, roaring, "Rick Michael, are you looking for
death? Do you know what you're doing? Even if your old man Colson Michael is here, he
wouldn't dare to do this!"

Georgina also stood in front of Fennel and Philip. She said to Fennel in a low voice, "Lord
Apollo, act as you see fit later. We'll take care of things here."
Fennel shrugged, Iooked at Georgina and Hans, then said, "Stand down, all of you. I'll do it

Hearing these words, Hans and Georgina were shocked!

Apollo was going to do it personally?

Georgina was full of shock and admiration.

She loved nothing more than to watch Sun God Apollo teach these arrogant and incorrigible
guys a lesson.

Especially Rick Michael whom she had been disgusted with since long ago.

"Lord Apollo, are you really going to take action?" Georgina looked excited.

Fennel nodded and motioned for her to step back.

Georgina bowed and took two steps back respectfully.

Rick naturally saw this scene.

He simply could not understand why Hans and Georgina, the great envoys of the Hall of the
Sun, would treat this Easterner with such respect. Moreover, Georgina seemed to have called
that man Apollo just now.

The Sun God Apollo?

With a chill in his eyes, Rick was full of doubts.

Could he be the master of the Hall of the Sun and one of the 12 Gods of the West, Apollo?

How was this possible?

Why would such a powerful figure come to his bar?

Rick could not believe it. He sneered and said, "Georgina, Hans, you're really good at acting. If
he's the Sun God Apollo, I'Il lead these people to kneel down and commit suicide right now!"

Chapter 2435

Hans pulled out a dagger, threw it at Rick's feet, and said coldly, "Go ahead and do it, then."
Rick looked at the shiny dagger at his feet and suddenly felt that he had suffered great

He immediately roared. "F"ck you! Kill them!

In an instant, this group of more than a dozen armed bodyguards from the Michael family
surrounded Fennel and the others.

Fennel glanced around helplessly and asked Philip next to him with a smile, "How about we
have a competition to see who can take on more?"

Philip found it interesting and said with a smile, "Okay."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Rick exploded in anger.


At this time, they still had the mood to compete on who could take on more


They simply did not give a damn to the Michael family!

"Fire!" Rick shouted frenziedly. At his command!


Several bodyguards pulled the trigger while aiming at Fennel and the others. However, the two
figures that stood in front of them suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

By the time they reacted.

Biff, bang!

The bodyguards who fired the shots felt a gust of wind before huge fists exploded in front of
them. In an instant, seven or eight bodyguards flew out and crashed heavily on the bar counter
and booths.


Liquor bottles shattered all over the floor.

These seven or eight bodyguards did not even know what was going on when they took their
last breath.

Instant ill! Clean and straightforward!

This scene completely shocked everyone present. Seeing the seven or eight bodyguards who
had fallen to the ground and could no longer get up, Rick almost went crazy.

How could this happen?

These twO guys were faster than bullets. .

Moreover, he did not even see what went on when the other party had easily taken out seven or
eight bodyguards of his.

What terrifying strength!

"Fire! Kill them!" Rick went crazy!

For a while, the bar was in chaos. It was filled with the sounds of gunshots.

From the outside, only sparks from the firearms could be seen through the windows.

The windows were shattered one after another.

Moreover, people kept smashing through the windows of the bar and flying out. They fell to the
street while covered in blood, dead.

Outside, the bodyguards of the Michael family who surrounded the place looked at each other.

Chapter 2436

Inside the bar, sounds of gunfire and sparks from the firearms were endless. Bottles of liquor
exploded from the shots.

The bar counter and booths were full of human figures being constantly knocked down and then
flying out. They hit the walls, bar counter, or were sent flying through the windows.

In the end, only Fennel and Philip were left standing in the bar. Hans and Georgina protected
them by their side.

Well, Rick Michael was left standing too.

The other customers who came to the bar for fun held their heads while squatting or lying on the
ground. They screamed incessantly.

At this moment, Rick was dumbfounded as he looked at the bodyguards who had all fallen to
the ground haphazardly. They could no longer get up.

How could this be?

These were the elite bodyguards of the Michael family. All of them were dead. Rick looked up
and saw the two men walking toward him like Grim Reapers.

"W-Who the hell are you?" Rick panicked.

With such skills, they could not be unknown.

Fennel sneered, looked at the panicked Rick, and said with a smile, "Who do you think I am?"

Rick's thoughts were a mess. Then, he recalled what Georgina had said earlier. The Sun God

No! This was absolutely impossible!

"I don't care who you are. Since you dare to kill my people like this, I'll never let you off!" Rick

Suddenly, at the entrance, a group of guards from the Michael family rushed in with submachine
guns. However, when they rushed in, they saw that the young master of the Michael family was
being strangled in a chokehold by an unfamiliar Eastern man.

He was lifted by the neck!

Rick also did not expect the other party to make a move on him. He was now grabbed by the
neck by Fennel's one hand, his feet lifting off the ground. He felt out of breath, and his face
flushed red and purple.

He struggled and squeezed out the words, "L-Let go of me! -I'm Rick Michael.."


Fennel threw Rick heavily on the floor. Rick immediately rolled on the floor in pain.
With the help of his bodyguard, he was able to crawl and stand up. His face was full of chills,
and blood trickled down the corner of his mouth. He glared at Fennel and roared.

"Damn you! How dare you do such a thing to the young master of the distinguished Michael
family? I won't let you off!"
Fennel chuckled and said, "Rick Michael, as I said earlier, even if your father Colson Michael
were here, he'd have to kneel down and beg for my forgiveness. If you don't believe me, why
don't we make a bet? If Colson Michael kneels before me, you'll kill yourself."

"F*ck you!"

Rick exploded with anger and shouted, "Stupid Easterner, are you trying to stall for time? Okay,
the bet is on! The Michael family is the king of the gambling world here!"

Fennel shrugged and said, "Call your father and ask him to come over."

Rick sneered and said, "Very well! Let me see where you'll get the confidence when the time

After that, Rick called his father and said, " Dad, I met an arrogant Easterner who smashed our
bar and said that even if you see him, you'll have to kneel down and beg for his mercy."

On the other end of the phone, an old voice was heard. "What? What Easterner? How dare he
say such things? Very well, Rick. I'll be right there. I want to see who dares to cause trouble in
the Michael family's territory!"

The call ended.

Rick sneered and said, "idiots! Wait for the wrath of my Michael family! My father will be here
soon. Let's see who's the one who'll kneel on the ground.

Fennel was indifferent.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, a black Shelby Cobra limousine stopped at the entrance of this
bar. In a flash, both sides of the street were cleared by bodyguards wearing black suits with gold
cobra badges on their chests.
The car door opened. An old man wearing a suit and a gentleman's hat with a golden cobra
walking cane stepped out of the car. It was the patriarch of the Michael family, Colson Michael.

Chapter 2437

As soon as Colson Michael stepped out of his car, the crowd on the streets burst into

"Oh my God, it's Colson Michael! He's the patriarch of the Michael family.

"Why is Colson here all of a sudden?"

"Look! Someone must be making trouble in the bar! These are all the elite bodyguards of the
Michael family. They all have the golden cobras!"

Amid the chatters, Colson walked up to the bar's entrance.

At this moment, the bar was a mess. Rick roared at Fennel and the others. "F*ck you, damn
Easterners! How dare you act so arrogantly in the Michael family's territory? I'll definitely make
you kneel and beg for mercy! Especially you two, I'll skin you alive!"

Rick was furious. He had never been so humiliated by an Easterner before. This was the
greatest shame since he was born!

Fennel was still indifferent.

At this moment, the door of the bar was pushed open. The first to walk in were four special
bodyguards in white suits with golden cobra badges on their chests.

These four men were the killing machines personally trained by Colson. More than a hundred
people had died at the hands of the four of them. All of the victims were enemies of the Michael
family. These four men were notoriously known in the Sendona underworld as the Four Demons
of Hell.

As soon as they entered the door, a chilling and overwhelming killing intent flowed from their
bodies. Then, an old man with a golden cobra walking cane walked in with a serious face. He
was wearing a gentleman's hat. He was a typical Western man. His face was full of wrinkles, but
it could be said that he had taken care of his appearance very wel.
As soon as he appeared, the bodyguards of the Michael family in the bar all lowered their heads
and said respectfully, "Lord Patriarch!"

Colson nodded indifferently. He leaned on his walking cane and walked toward Rick.

At this moment, Rick turned around, walked to his father, and said humbly, "Father, you're finally
here. Look, these Easterners made a mess out of my bar and told me that even if you came,
you'd have to apologize to them.

Hearing this, a faint chill flashed from the corners of Colson's eyes. He said, "Interesting. Who
are these Easterners who dare to say such arrogant words in the territory of my Michael

Rick replied, "Father, two of them are the envoys of the Hall of the Sun, Hans and Georgina."

Hearing this, Colson frowned with a slightly worried look in his eyes. He asked, "How did you
provoke these two from the Hall of the Sunp"
Rick told him everything about the incident, and Colson said coldly, "Hmph! Even the great
envoys of the Hall of the Sun should be punished for doing such a thing in our territory!"

After that, Colson walked to the center of the bar. When Colson saw Fennel standing upright
there, he was stunned. “How could this be? No! Impossible!"

Chapter 2438

Meanwhile, Fennel put his hands in his pants pockets. With a faint smile, he looked at Colson
with his golden cobra walking cane and said with a smile, "Colson, it's been a long time. You
look older now.


Hearing this, Colson could not stop his legs from shaking. Then, in the shocked eyes of all the
Michael family's bodyguards and Rick, Colson knelt on the ground. He slammed his head on the
cold floor and shouted, "Honorable Sun God Apollo, I didn't expect you to come to my bar.."


The whole place was dead silent. One could hear a pin drop!

Sun God Apollo!

Holy cow!

He was really the famous Sun God Apollo of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West! The mysterious
Eastern man!

The man who caused the entire West to tremble in its boots at the mention of his name,

The Sun God!

This highest honor!

Apart from Zeus, he was the strongest existence on equal footing with Hades.
Rick was shocked beyond words at this moment. He saw with his own eyes how his father, the
patriarch of the Michael family and someone with the highest honor, knelt down in front of the
young Eastern man. What was even more frightening was that the young man was really the
Sun God Apollo.
Fennel looked coldly at Colson who was trembling and on his knees. He said, "Colson, have
you forgotten what I said to you three years ago?

Colson sweated profusely on the floor. He was trembling from extreme fear.
Three years ago, Colson had witnessed the strength of Sun God Apollo. It was a strength that
he and the entire Michael family could not resist.

"Honorable Sun God, I haven't forgotten. Please forgive my incompetence in teaching my

descendants. I'll be sure to lead the Michael family wel! Please give us a way out!"
Colson knelt on the ground humbly.

"Hahaha." Fennel sneered and said with a chill in his eyes, "Three years ago, I already gave
your Michael family a way out. What do you think I should do today?"

Hearing this, Colson panicked and trembled all over. Without hesitation, he got up, slapped Rick
across the face, and reprimanded, "Rick, kneel and apologize to the Sun God!"

Rick was at a loss and felt cold all over.

Thump! He fell to his knees in front of Fennel and begged pitifully, "S-Sun God, please forgive
me for my recklessness and ignorance. I was wrong! Please spare me and give me a way out!"

After saying that, Rick knelt on the ground and kept bowing in apology.
However, Fennel looked at him coldly and said, "Have you forgotten our bet earlier?"
Hearing that, Rick's mind went blank.

"No! Honorable Sun God, I don't want to die! I was wrong. Please forgive me!" Rick bowed and

Colson learned about the bet from his subordinates.

Without further ado, he pulled out a dagger from the bodyguard's waist, threw it in front of Rick,
and said, "Rick, I don't have a stupid son like you! Since it's a bet, you have to honor it! Kill
yourself! Apologize to the Sun God and atone for your sins for the sake of the Michael family!"

Chapter 2439

Rick Michael was trembling all over in a panic. He looked at the shiny dagger on the floor and
was scared out of his wits!

"Father! I'm your son!" Rick knelt on the floor and roared at Colson who had a stoic face.

No matter what, Rick was the young master of the Michael family and the future heir. However,
now, just to apologize to Apollo, his father wanted him to kill himself!

What kind of strength and magical power did Apollo possess to make the prideful Michael family
and his father so afraid of him?

"Hmph! Rick, you've violated the rules of the Michael family! You've also offended the honorable
Lord Apollo today. It's your honor to be allowed to ill yourself in front of him! For the sake of the
Michael family, you should sacrifice yourself!"

Colson said coldly without the demeanor of a father at all. To him, only personal interests and
the Michael family were most important. Even if he had to kill Rick with his own hands, he would
do so without hesitation.

Hearing this, Rick lost all hope. He turned to Fennel and kept bowing and apologizing to him.
"Lord Apollo, please forgive my recklessness and ignorance. I know my mistake now. I'm willing
to serve you. Please forgive me. As long as you let me go, I'll become your follower!"

This was Rick's final desperate attempt. However, Fennel looked at Rick impassively and said
with a chuckle, "Rick, you were disgusted and resentful toward Easterners earlier. In your
opinion, we're stupid pigs and garbage. Why do you want to follow me now?"

Rick quickly said, "No! Lord Apollo, you misunderstood. I'm garbage! I'ma stupid pig! The
Easterners are noble and worthy of respect! I hope you can forgive my ignorance.
This was human nature. It was the natural choice to make between life and death.
Philip also felt helpless when he saw this scene.

However, Fennel's face remained indifferent as he said, "When certain words were spoken, your
death had already been determined. You should've respected the East from the beginning. We
aren't as weak as we were a hundred years ago, and we've always pursued peace. But that
doesn't mean that we're weak and can be bullied at will. Rick Michael, apologize for your words
and actions."


Fennel's words had sentenced Rick to his death.

He was stunned and knelt limply on the floor. He looked at the shiny dagger in front of him and
trembled all over.

Suddenly, there was a flash of killing intent in the corners of Rick's eyes!

He suddenly picked up the dagger, his face full of ferocity and despair. He stabbed Fennel
angrily as he roared, "Argh! Go to hell, Apollo!"
Chapter 2440

However, such a struggle would only hasten his death. Fennel raised his head indifferently and
kicked out!


Rick flew out like a cannonball through the air and crashed heavily into the bar counter behind

He fell to the ground, and blood gushed from his mouth. He felt as if his bones were broken. All
the internal organs inside Rick's body had been destroyed by this kick.

His death was already determined.


The sound of cold footsteps.

Fennel walked up to Rick, who was sprawled on the floor twitching. He looked down at Rick and
said, "Rick, you continued to make the wrong decision right until the end. If you had been willing
to kill yourself, maybe I would've let you go. However, you chose to die.."

Rick raised his head and wanted to say something else, but in the end, he just lowered his
noble head as his body turned cold. Rick Michael was dead.

Fennel turned around, looked indifferently at Colson, and said, "Colson, your dear son died in
my hands. Will you avenge him?"

Colson quickly lowered his head and said, "No! Lord Apollo, this is what he deserved! l even
want to thank you for getting rid of a guy who didn't know the rules of our Michael family."

Fennel chuckled and walked up to Colson. Fennel patted him on the shoulder and said with a
smile, "Colson, stop your pretense in front of me. IIl be waiting for your Michael family's revenge.
I hope you won't let me down."

After saying that, Fennel took Philip and the others with him as he swaggered out of the bar.

Many people had gathered outside the bar at this moment. They were shocked when they saw
the four people walking out of the bar indifferently!

"Oh? They actually came out alive!"

"Oh my, what the hell happened inside? Michael Colson had appeared, but they actually
managed to walk out unscathed,"

"Crazy! This is ridiculous!"

Fennel looked at the street outside and smiled lightly. He tossed a cigarette to Philip, and the
two started smoking.

"This is the West, and we'll always be the humble ones in their eyes." Fennel chuckled.
Philip's face was calm as he said, "Is this your purpose in creating the Hall of the Sun?"
Fennel smiled. "You know me well. Let's go back and wait for the Hall of Evil to visit us."
Philip frowned and said, "Are you saying that the Hall of Evil will come looking for us on behalf
of the Michael family?"

Fennel nodded, took a long drag on his cigarette, and said, "Those people from the Hall of Evil
are very vengeful. Moreover, Vataco is a very annoying person."

After Fennel and the others had left, Colson looked at the body of his son on the floor. Tears
flickered in his eyes. He grasped the golden cobra walking cane in his hand tightly and roared
angrily. "Gather everyone from the Michael family immediately! I want to launch an attack on the
Hall of the Sun's branch in Sendona!"

"Yes!"Several bodyguards immediately answered respectfully.

After that, Colson walked to his son's body, squatted down his aged body, and closed Rick's
eyes for him. He said, "Rick, don't blame me for this. I"I'll definitely take revenge for you. The
Michael family will never let this matter rest!"

After saying that, Colson Michael left the bar. He got into the car and said to the driver coldly,
"To the Hall of Evil!"

Chapter 2441

Very soon, Colson's car arrived at the branch of the Hall of Evil.

The headquarters of the Hall of Evil not in Sendona, but the Evil God, Lord Vataco,
had been recuperating in was Sendona recently.

Colson arrived at a luxurious private estate with heavily armed guards all around and maids with
hot figures. In the small garden of the manor was a swimming pool with many sexy women
having fun. These women were all top models with very good figures, and any man who saw
them could hardly walk straight.
At this moment, a slender man with tender skin was lying on a beach chair with sexy women
surrounding him. They were feeding him fruits and such.

The elderly Colson Michael was now waiting at the entrance of the small garden.
A tall bodyguard with a sturdy figure stood two meters away from the young man, bowed
respectfully, and said, "Lord Evil, Colson Michael requests to see you."

The slender man hummed, pointed casually with his slender finger, and said, "Let him in."

Soon, Colson walked into the small garden and stood respectfully two meters away from the
Evil God. He knelt humbly and said, "Lord Evil, I hope you're well."

Evil God Vataco was still lying on the beach chair at this moment with sexy women in his arms.
He smiled and asked, "Colson, why are you in such a hurry to see me?"

Colson knelt on the ground and said sadly, "Lord Evil, Sun God Apollo showed up at my bar and
killed Rick Michael."

Hearing that, Vataco, who was eating fruits, suddenly sat up straight. The face of this handsome
man contained evil and charming coldness, while his eyes were blue, just like the waves of the
sea. He had well-defined delicate facial features, and one might even mistake him for a woman.

With a piercing chill in his eyes, he stared at Colson and asked, "Apollo showed up at your bar?"

"Yes, Lord Vataco," Colson replied.

Vataco waved his hand casually, and all the sexy women dispersed. Soon, only Vataco and
Colson were left in the small garden.

"Did you say that Rick was killed by Apollo?" There was a chill in Vataco's eyes.
Colson nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Vataco. Please call the shots for me and the Michael family!
Avenge Rick! I've mobilized all the elites of the Michael family. At your command, I'll immediately
destroy the Sendona branch of the Hall of the Sun!"

Chapter 2442
Vataco frowned as he looked at Colson and asked, "Are you sure you can go up against
Colson said, "I may not be able to do it, which is why I want to ask you to help me in secret."

Vataco thought for a moment and said, "Colson, it's not that I don't want to help you, but you
should understand that Apollo is not an ordinary person. What the Hall of Evil needs now are
recuperation and development. If we lose part of our strength for the sake of your Michael
family, it's not worth the loss."
Colson felt despondent at his words. However, he could not have any dissatisfaction with
Vataco. Thus, he said, "Then the Michael family will take action against the Hall of the Sun
alone. I only hope that you can step in when necessary. Vataco thought about it and said, "Why
don't I send two people to protect you?"

Hearing this, Vataco quickly bowed and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Lord Vataco. The
Michael family will swear allegiance to you."

Vataco casually waved his hand and Colson left After he left, Vataco called out, "Leona, Felix,
go to the Michael family and follow that old guy, Colson. Remember, your
duty is to kill Colson if he shows any disloyalty. Then, take over the entire Michael family and
support Matlin Michael to become the new patriarch of the Michael family!"

"Yes, Lord Vataco!"

Two figures stood behind Vataco. They were two burly guys, one tall and one short. They had
cold faces that were filled with deathly vibes. They were fearsome to look at.

The next day, a piece of news exploded in Sendona. The eldest son of the Michael family, Rick
Michael, had suddenly died last night and his funeral was being held today.
The entire Michael family was closed off to the public. The news caused a sensation in the
entire city of Sendona.

"What? Have you heard? Rick Michael is dead!"

"It's too shocking! Rick is the eldest son and the future heir of the Michael family, but he died out
of the blue."

"Hehe, what sudden death? Didn't you hear the news last night? I heard that Rick messed with
someone he shouldn't have messed with and got killed.

Many gangsters were sitting in a diner and chatting about it.

"What? Killed? Where did you hear that?" someone asked curiously.

The fat bearded man was about to speak Suddenly, several men in black suits with golden
cobra badges on their chests burst through the door.

As soon as they entered the door, they held pistols with silencers in their hands and shot all the
people who were talking about the Michael fanmily!

Likewise, all over Sendona, anyone who discussed the incident of the Michael family last night
would be killed. This was the strength of the Michael family.
Meanwhile, in a small mountain manor in Sendona. The Michael family's manor was
very luxurious, full of resplendent castle buildings. At this moment, inside and outside the
manor, all the death warriors and elites of the Michael family were assembled.

All of them were equipped with the most advanced weapons with the golden cobra badge on
their chests.

Colson stood in front of this group of death warriors and elites with his golden cobra walking
cane. He glanced at them coldly and said, "You're the pride of the Michael family. Bring your
pride nd cleanse the seventh base of the Hall of the Sun with blood!"

Chapter 2443
"For the Michael family! For Rick! Cleanse the Hall of the Sun!"

"For the Michael family! For Colson! Cleanse the Hall of the Sun!"

Suddenly, thunderous shouts resounded throughout Michael Manor!

Behind Colson, the two people sent by Vataco stood silently. Looking at the fully equipped death
warriors and elites ready to go, they also showed a chill in the corners of their eyes.
Unexpectedly, the strength of the Michael family had grown to this point.

No wonder Vataco had been wary of the Michael family. It seemed that the countdown to the
downfall of the Michael family was near.

Colson turned around and looked at the two guards, one tall and one short, sent by Vataco. He
said, "Dark Angels, please come with me."

Dark Angel was a self-appointed title in the Hall of Evil. In addition to the seven great envoys,
there were nine Dark Angels under Vataco's command. They were all kiling machines and
indisputable assassins.

They rarely took action, but once they did, the missions they carried out were 100% successful.
It could be said that they were the most loyal subordinates of Vataco. To Vataco, the seven
envoys could be replaced at any time, but the nine dark angels were different. They were his
confidants and foundation.

The two dark angels looked at each other and nodded. They followed Colson out of the manor
and got into a bulletproof luxury car. Soon, the car started and the crowd headed to the seventh
base of the Hall of the Sun in Sendona.

Colson had selected this target carefully.

It was far away from the Hall of the Sun's headquarters with a relatively weak defense. It was
the easiest base to attack. As long as they could take this base down, the Michael family would
be famous!

Moreover, the old fox Colson had a backup plan The atmosphere was rather silent in the car.
The two Dark Angels sat on either side of the back row while Colson sat in
the middle. It was an extremely luxurious stretch limousine, so both sides could accommodate
passengers. There was a small bar table with a lot of expensive booze in the middle. Four
bodyguards in white suits sat on either side of Colson.

The Four Demons of Hell of the Michael family were the death warriors personaly trained by
Colson. Colson personally poured two glasses of wine for the two Dark Angels of the Hall of
Evil. According to their status, the envoys and the dark
angels were actually of the same level. However, there were times when the Dark Angels acted
on behalf of Vataco, so even the envoys Would have to give way to them.

"My lords, let's have a toast in advance." Colson raised his glass and invited.
The two Dark Angels looked at the wine glasses, then at each other. They picked up their
glasses and toasted with Colson.
Chapter 2444
As Colson Michael watched the two Dark Angels finish their drinks, a faint smirk appeared on
his face.

One of the Dark Angels asked indifferently, "Colson, are you so confident that you can take
down the seventh base of the Hall of the Sun?"
Colson smiled lightly and said, "My lord, this seventh base is one of Sun Hall's data centers.
There are not many guards around, so it's the easiest to take down. Moreover, there's a lot of
information about the Hall of the Sun inside. I think Lord Vataco will be very happy if we can take
it down."

The two Dark Angels raised their eyebrows when they heard that. They asked a little eagerly,
"Are you sure that this seventh base is one of their intelligence bases?"
Seeing that the two Dark Angels had taken the bait, Colson smiled and said, "There's no need
for me to deceive you.

This is the accurate information that my Michael family finally obtained after months of
investigation. This seventh base is a secret intelligence base belonging to the Hall of the Sun!"

Suddenly, the two Dark Angels looked at each other and read each other's inner thoughts from
the other party's eyes.

They must obtain the proceeds of this intelligence base. In this way, they would obtain a reward
from Vataco.
Anyway, Colson was destined to be a dead man, so such pickings would be the best.

"Haha! Good! Very good! Colson, although Lord Vataco has given orders that we can only take
action as the last resort, for the sake of our friendship, we'll definitely step in to help you!"

The tall Dark Angel laughed heartily and said.

Colson sneered before he said gratefully, "Thank you, my lords."

Soon, the convoy arrived at a secret base ina small jungle on the outskirts.

At the rear of the convoy were more than a dozen armored vehicles. The doors opened, and the
death warriors of the Michael family jumped out one after another. They were all fully armed and
ready to go!

Colson stepped down from the car, followed by the Four Demons of Hell and the two Dark
Angels. They stared into the depths of this jungle.

The two Dark Angels frowned and asked, "Are you sure that the seventh base is inside?"

Colson said with certainty, "Of course!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and shouted to the death warriors of the Michael family
who had lined up behind him, "All the elites of the Michael family, for your honor, charge! Leave
no one alive!"

Instantly, this bunch of ferocious death warriors charged into the jungle. Soon, shots were fired
with thunderous explosions.

The two Dark Angels shuddered when they heard the intense qunshots. Their chance was here.

"Colson, this is too slow. Let us take care of it!"

After saying that, the two Dark Angels ignored the change in Colson's expression and turned
into two black shadows.

They rushed into the jungle and joined the battle.

Colson leaned on the golden cobra walking stick in his hand and sneered. He looked at the
depths of the jungle where the battle was fiercest with sparks and gunfire everywhere.

"Hehe, Lord Vataco, you forced me to do this. Since you want to kill me, I can only say sorry to
you," Colson said coldly.
At the same time, two figqures appeared behind Colson. "Old Colson, you stil| know what you're

Hans walked out with a smile playing on his lips. Next to him was none other than Georgina with
her sexy fiqure.

Seeing Hans and Georgina, Colson bowed slightly and said, "I want to thank Lord Apollo for the
warning. Colson Michael, swear allegiance to Sun God Apollo!"

Hans snorted coldly, patted Colson on the shoulder, and said, "No need. The boss doesn't like
your Michael family. We're helping you this time just to deal with Vataco."
Colson's eyes turned cold, and he shook his head helplessly.

Last night, Hans passed through the heavy encirclement of the Michael family and casually
passed a message to Colson that Vataco wanted the two Dark Angels to kill Colson and support
Matlin Michael into the position. Colson was very shocked when he heard the message. He
could not imagine Evil God Vataco abandoning him so easily.

Finally, he reached an agreement with Hans. It was to save

himself and for the sake of the Michael family.

At the same time, a majestic figure with red flames and a red dragon around his body walked
out of the jungle together with a man shrouded in a red chimera.

Thud, thud!

The heads of the two Dark Angels were tossed at Colson's feet.

"Colson, you've finally made the right decision," Fennel said lightly.

Then, he looked at Philip at his side and said, "Let's go and meet Vataco, then.

Chapter 2445

Back to Vataco's luxurious manor.

At this moment, Vataco's face was full of anger, and an evil aura surged all over his body. He
angrily smashed the coffee table in front of him with a single punch!

"Damn Apollo and the Michael family! They actually joined forces against me and killed my two
Dark Angels! I won't let this matter rest!"

Vataco was furious, and his face was full of icy killing intent.
"Issue my Evil God's Order. Immediately mobilize all the Dark Angels and great envoys in
Sendona and prepare for battle!"

Vataco's eyes were full of piercing coldness, and the aura on his body was overwhelming. He
added, "Also, contact them and tell them that this is an invitation from the Hall of Evil."

After that, Vataco got up and stared at the gate of the luxurious manor with shining eyes. If his
information was correct, Apollo and the others would be here soon.
Almost half an hour later, Fennel and the gang arrived outside Vataco's manor.
The whole manor was on high alert and defense at this moment. That bloodthirsty, tense, and
exciting atmosphere could be felt even by an ordinary person.
Fennel and Philip stood 100 meters away from the manor, their eyes staring fixedly at the huge
entrance of the manor.

Fully armed guards of the Hall of Evil had already surrounded the place. All of them were
dressed in black uniforms, looking extremely evil. They were Hell Demons.
Fennel and Philip looked at each other before walking toward the manor's entrance.
Suddenly, ten burly men with tattoos all over their bodies rushed out of the manor. They were
outrageously stout like gorillas!

Fennel and Philip stopped at the same time. The former stared coldly at the ten burly men
rushing out and said softly "Be careful. These ten people are the Hellhounds of the Hall of Evil,
the top ten killing nmachines under the Dark Angels. Their combat level should be between the
third and fourth zones. Although it's not particularly high, their bodies have undergone special
transformations. Once their power is fully unleashed, they can reach the peak strength of the
fourth Zone!"

These ten guys were the strongest combat power under the Dark Angels of the Hall of Evil.

Every single one was a kiling machine!

Not only were they disciples, but their bodies had also been modified through scientific research
experiments, and they were extremely powerful. If such a group of inhuman beings was thrown
to the battlefield, one of them could stand against a hundred. Moreover, they were extremely
tall. They were two heads taller than Fennel and Philip, looking exactly like gorillas. Each of
them also carried a huge killing weapon in their hands. There were maces, axes, chainsaws,
swords, and hammers that looked like they belonged to Thor. One of them even carried a huge
saber, shiny and overwhelming!

For the first time, Philip felt a powerful sense of oppression from them.

If these ten people joined forces, their combat power would definitely reach the peak of the fifth
zone, maybe even the sixth zone!
Chapter 2446

However, that was if they joined forces.

At this moment, on the roof of the manor's castle, Vataco looked at the situation at the entrance
with binoculars. Then, through the manor's loudspeaker, he laughed wickedly and said, "Apollo,
you came just in time. I've been waiting for you. I didn't expect that you even bought off the
Michael family. That really surprised me. However, don't you think you're too arrogant to barge
into my manor with an Easterner like this?"

Fennel looked up with a firm focus and instantly penetrated the distance of several hundred
meters. He found Vataco on the top of the building, laughed loudly, and said, "Vataco, you're still
as timid as a mouse, always up to such tricks. Aren't you tired of it?"

"Hahaha!" Vataco also laughed and said, "Apollo, as long as you can be killed,
any trick is worth trying. Al's fair in love and war, right?"

"Hehehe." Fennel chuckled and said, "Vataco, you don't need to send these people to their
deaths. You should know my strength.

Vataco laughed, his eyes flashing with a dazzling cold light. He said, "No, this is just an
appetizer. I hope you enjoy it. If you have the ability, defeat my ten precious children first. This is
a game Where either you die or they die. I hope you take it seriously."

Hearing this, Fennel and Philip showed a chill in their eyes.

Sure enough, Vataco had never been bothered about human lives, even if these people were
his subordinates. To him, these people were nothing more than killing machines.

"Apollo, don't be nervous and enjoy it. Ill torture you properly until your death! Then, your Hall of
the Sun will fall into my hands!"

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Vataco's face was full of evil.
Fennel coldiy looked at the ten stout men in front of him and said to Philip, "We each take half
and make it quick. No problem, right?"

Philip nodded indifferently and said, "No problem. With that said, Fennel and Philip were ready
to start. Vataco also shouted, "Babies, for your faith, for your king, and your honor, charge! Tear
them apart!"

At this command, the ten burly quys like gorillas roared and charged toward Fennel and Philip!

However, Fennel and Philip sprang into action first. With a chill in his eyes, Philip stomped on
the ground. He had locked on to his target. It was the guy with a huge ax!
The quy swung his huge ax where Philip stood with a roar. However, he only sensed a black


The giant ax swung down but only hit the ground. Cracks and a huge pit appeared!
Philip was nowhere to be found. When the quy came back to his senses, he realized that Philip
was already on his right.

He was one of the ten Hellhounds under Vataco's command, a top expert with strong combat
experience. He quickly picked up the giant ax, turned around, and swung the ax at Philip who
punched him on the right. The huge impact stirred a gust of wind in front of

It must be said that this guy with the ax moved very fast. With such combat experience and
skills, ordinary disciples would be instantly killed by him.

However, he had met Philip, an unpredictable man.

Philip seized the right timing and moved sideways. At the same time, he threw a punch at the
guy's chest!


After the huge explosion, the manor's entrance quickly went quiet.

Chapter 2447

When Philip's punch landed on the man's chest, his fist suddenly exploded with an energy
pressure that soared to the sky

At that moment, the man with the giant ax only felt an overwhelming and forceful pressure that
went through him from the fist of the Eastern man in front of him. The power exploded in his
chest. In that instant, he felt that his chest and internal organs were shattered by something!


He flew out like a cannonball and slammed into a white wall of the manor.

The wall collapsed, and the man sat buried in the rubble. He opened his eyes in disbelief and
looked at his chest which was pierced through by a punch. With the corners of his mouth full of
blood, he raised his eyebrows with difficulty and
looked at the Eastern man not far away.

The energy contained in this punch was terrifying and domineering. This punch completely went
through his body, leaving him no chance of survival.

At the same time, exposed wires and flaming electronic components could be seen in his chest.
The man with the
giant ax was actually a human-modified cyborg!

"Is that it?" Philip clapped his hands indifferently and said with disdain in his eyes.

On this side, Fennel wasted no time either. He took down man with a chainsaw by removing his
two arms.

Just like Philip, he used one move to take down a powerful Hellhound of the Hall of Evil in

Standing on the roof of the white castle, Evil God Vataco witnessed everything in front of him.

The chill on his face became more pronounced.

Abominable Apollo!

Also, who the hell was that nasty kid?

He actually possessed a fighting power no less than Apollo!

Had there always been two Sun Gods in the Hall of the Sun?

Twin Sun Gods?


There had never been such information!

Back to Fennel and Philip.

After Philip easily took down the man with the giant ax, a gust of wind suddenly blew behind

Without thinking, Philip stomped on the ground, lunged forward, and grabbed the fallen ax on
the ground.
Without looking, he jumped into the air, rotated his body 180-degrees, and swung the giant ax in
the direction behind him.


A huge explosion of metal collision resounded through the vicinity of several hundred meters.

The sound simply deafened everyone's eardrums.

It was a man with a sword. The sword slashed forcefully on the blade of the giant ax, which
burst with brilliant sparks.

If Philip had not noticed the sword, it would have split him in half. However, when the man snuck
up on Philip with his giant sword and tried to cut him in half, he was shocked by the scene in
front of him.

The short Eastern man easily dodged the attack and even stopped the blow with a huge ax.

The tremendous impact from the collision made his hands that were holding the huge sword
tremble uncontrollably.

Such a powerful slash of the sword was easily blocked by the opponent's huge ax!

The First Heir - Chapter 2448


How could this short Eastern man possess such strong combat power and explosive force?

The giant sword resisted the giant ax in midair. Both parties exerted full strength.

However, the man with the giant sword obviously felt his strength gradually waning.

The force and oppression from the giant ax instantly pierced the giant sword into his arms.

Suddenly, the giant ax turned crimson as if burned by the scorching heat. At the same time, the
giant sword in the man's hand also turned red like hot magma.

The man suddenly retreated and widened his distance from Philip.

The sword in his hand that could be used to slay demons had turned crimson by now.
However, before he could react, a qust of wind blew in front of him.

Philip quickly stomped on the ground and jumped up.

In his hands, the giant ax was like a hammer.

He swung the giant ax violently right on top of the man with the giant sword in a vertical chop.

The size of the giant ax formed a stark contrast with Philip's body proportions.

This giant ax weighed hundreds of pounds and was not something an ordinary person could
easily lift.

However, the Eastern man in front of him easily lifted the huge ax and swung it at the man with
the sword.


It was another metal collision that shook the place.

The huge ax swung down from midair, and the burly man could only lift his giant sword to resist
this blow.

However,when the ax collided with the sword, everyone saw the man with the sword staggering
a few steps back due to the impact from the ax.

His feet left two deep marks on the ground. Moreover, after such a Violent blow, the man's arms
were drastically distorted.

The huge force from the giant ax had shattered all the man's bones in his arms.

At the same time, the sword also crumbled from the middle.


Half of the shattered sword flew out and penetrated deeply into a wall, causing the wall to crack.

The other half was still held in the man's hand. Before he had time to scream, the force from the
giant ax did not diminish and swung down right on top of the man's head.


Instantly, the man split into two halves and fell into a pool of blood.
Even at the last moment, he could not scream before he lost his life.

Again, he was a cyborg. Most of the body parts were human, except for some vital organs in the
torso that were mechanical.

This was the masterpiece of the Hall of Evil.

The Hellhounds were killing machines modified from human bodies.

Thus, Evil God Vataco did not care about the lives of these people at al, because he could
continue to produce such killing machines.

The scene went silent.

In less than a minute, Philip had single-handedly killed two Hellhounds from the Hall of Evil.

Philip killed two of the ten Hellhounds under Vataco's command, while two more were killed by
Fennel, leaving six behind.

Fennel had just finished off a man with a mace.

He turned to Philip and said with a smile, "Not bad. Your combat skills are getting better."

Philip chuckled lightly.

His eyes then fell coldly on the remaining six Hellhounds as he said, "Only you guys are left."

The remaining six held their strongest weapons and looked at the two Eastern men coldly with a
hint of fear deep in
their eyes.

Fennel walked over, stood with Philip, and said to the six men, "Come at us together. Don't
waste our time."

On the other side, Vataco stood on the roof of the castle and roared. "Charge at them! Whoever
kills them will be promoted to Dark Angels!"

The First Heir - chapter 2449

Vataco's roar resounded throughout the manor.

The remaining six Hellhounds also raged and roared.

Hearing that,a man with a Fusha longsword roared as he ran forward.

He stomped on the ground and swung the longsword in his hand at Fennel and Philip.

Seeing this Fusha longsword, a biting chill appeared in Fennel's eyes. He reached out and
stopped Philip from moving forward.

He said, "Let me deal with this one."

After saying that,Fennel took a step forward, showed middle finger to the incoming man, and
mocked him, saying,
"It's just a roaring gorilla. Trying to scare us off with this is nothing but a mistake."

The Fusha longsword in the man's hand reminded Fennel of a certain event in the past.

During the early days when the Hall of the Sun was founded, he had a very loyal follower.

He was a friend who used to wield the Fusha longsword beautifully.

The longsword was none other than the one in front of him, which was engraved with that guy's
initials on the cold blade.

Vataco stood on top of the white castle and laughed lightly.

He said, "Apollo, does this longsword remind you of an unpleasant past? Hahaha, where's your
buddy who went through thick and thin with you in the past?
He died under my hands because of you. Now, using his weapon to kill you is really the most
wonderful ending in this world."

Hearing that, Fennel's eyes showed a piercing coldness as he stared at Vataco and said,
"Vataco, you don't deserve to
be a god of the 12 Sacred Halls. Today, I swear to kill you!"

After saying that, Fennel looked at the incoming man with the Fusha longsword.

His eyes were full of nostalgia.

This longsword represented too much of the past and memories.

Fennel never imagined that he would see this longsword again one day.

A name hidden in the depths of his memory surfaced again.

Very good!

Fennel was angry now.

He stared at the roaring man approaching. His eyes showed a killing intent as he said
coldly,"You don't deserve to have this Fusha longsword! He's not someone you can handle!"

With that said, Fennel stared at the black longsword. His gaze tensed as he swung the mace in
his hands forcefully across.

He ignored the other party's mighty slash and went straight for the kill!

Such a domineering stance made Vataco who was in the distance above a little frightened!


The longsword collided with the mace and produced a loud metallic clunk.


There was a metallic buzzing sound like humming cicadas withina radius of a few hundred

With a simple blow, the man with the Fusha longsword was powerless against Fennel's attack.

He was swept away by the mace.


The man flew out and fell heavily to the ground. The longsword in his hand was also thrown into
the air.

It flashed with a dazzling black light, and while accompanied by the humming that reminded one
of the cicadas, it fell down.

However,a clean and fair big hand caught the Fusha longsword.


A beautiful arc full of killing intent exploded in the air.

The First Heir - Chapter 2450

Fennel wielded the Fusha longsword in his hands, his eyes full of nostalgia as he looked at the
black blade inch by inch.

When he saw the engraving on the blade, he got quite emotional.

At the same time, the man who was swept away by the mace suddenly jumped up from the
ground at this moment.

He stomped the ground with both feet, a powerful burst of energy exploding from within him.

He threw a punch at Fennel.

However, this was nothing more than child's play in front of Fennel.

Before the Hellhound's punch could even reach half a meter in front of Fennel, a black light
magnified in his eyes.

With a biting killing intent, the sharp blade flashed across his eyes.


The sword rose, and the hand fell.

The Hellhound's right fist was chopped off under the dark flash of the blade and flew out in

A bit of green mechanical liquid splattered and revealed the electronic equipment and parts

Other than his brain and some key parts that were still human, the rest of these Hellhounds had
mechanical organs that had been artificially modified.

In fact, such modified people would be an indomitable existence on the battlefield.

However, they were facing Fennel and Philip today, who were two killing gods from the East.

One of them was even Sun God Apollo, a presence that invoke fear in the West.

Then, in the man's gaze, the blinding flash of black light exploded in front of his eyes.

The Fusha longsword had easily slashed a cross in his chest.

He clearly felt the sensation of that longsword going through his chest and cutting off his
electronic components.
With wide eyes, he looked down at the green mechanical liquid flowing from his chest.

Then, Fennel kicked his chest violently!


The man's chest burst open, and all the mechanical organs shattered in that instant. This kick
completely took
the life of this Hellhound.

Even his mechanical heart was kicked out, which rolled down from his chest and blinked with a
red light.

This should be considered another form of the Hellhound, but he was still killed by Fennel in

After that, Fennel held the longsword which dazzled brightly.

He stared at the remaining five Hellhounds and asked.coldly, "Are you doing this one by one or
all at once?"

"Go to hell Apollo!"

Seeing this scene from the top of the white castle, Vataco was completely enraged.

He desperately held the button in his hand and roared. "I want you to see the strongest battle
power of my children! Come on! Show your strongest form!
IIl unleash all your powers!"With a roar, Vataco pressed the button firmly.

At the same time, the five Hellhounds standing at the entrance of the manor suddenly tensed

Then, their eyes turned dazzling red.

All the mechanical organs in their bodies were changing forms at this moment, reaching the
best and strongest fighting form.

This was the latest progress of Vataco's research, which had not been tested yet.

This was the first test.

No matter what, he must kill Apollo!

In an instant, the five Hellhounds completely lost all human emotions and turned into killing

All of them lunged at Fennel with the deadliest killing moves.

It was the strongest team, and they worked together seamlessly.

Moreover, their speed, explosive power, and combat power had improved by several levels.

The peak of the fourth zone!

Five modified humans with the peak combat power of the fourth zone.

Fennel frowned and quickly stepped back He stood with Philip and said, "Here they come!"

Philip nodded, and his hands suddenly burst into dazzling flames. Two flaming chimeras


Fennel roared.

Wielding the Fusha longsword, he charged ahead with Philip and quickly engaged in a fierce
The First Heir - Chapter 2451

In a flash, a ferocious battle broke out here.

Philip coldly stared at a Hellhound with a saber in his hand. This guy had completely lost all
human consciousness and turned into a killing machine. The electronic chip implanted in their
heads was constantly stimulating their brains, sending the signal to kill.

Philip looked coldly at the burly man with the saber, his eyes full of chills. He said, "Let me see
what's so great about the people from the Hall of Evil."

The Hellhound with the saber roared. He waved the saber and slashed at Philip's neck. His
movement was clean and neat, full of killing intent. Even the disciples of the third and fourth
zone would die on the spot when they encountered the Hellhound in this killing frenzy.
Moreover, the other party's saber-wielding skills were not ordinary. It was as though his moves
had been programmed by a detailed computer program.

The angle and force of each movement were perfect. However, flaws were inevitable.

"Hehe, do you think you can be invincible after watching a few videos on using the saber and
implanting the skills through a computer program? The power of the real saber is not used in
this way!"

Philip did not evade the saber that slashed forcefully at his neck. Instead, he leaned forward and
threw a punch. A fire chimera appeared with a furious roar and smashed heavily on the man's

At the same time, the cold and dazzling saber slashed horizontally an inch above Philip's head.
At that moment, Philip could even feel the icy chill above his head. Even steel could not
withstand this blow. However, at the critical juncture, Philip's chimera fist smashed into the
Hellhound's stomach.

Moreover, time seemed to be frozen at that moment!

The flaming chimera on Philip's fist suddenly exploded with overwhelming energy pressure and
blasted the man's stomach and left arm into ashes. At the same time, flames ignited all over the
man's body!

The man screamed in misery and fell back to the ground in flames. The saber in his hand was
retrieved by Philip. Swish!

Philip flicked the saber in his hand and performed a few fancy moves that contained a biting
He looked at the Hellhound that was covered in flames and said with a sneer, "Pride and
arrogance determined your defeat! Let me show you how a saber should be used!"

After saying that, Philip held the black saber horizontally in front of his chest. Then, he slashed
sideways at a burly man who charged at Philip with his fists.

The saber only carried a black light in midair, but the slender blade exploded with soaring killing
intent. The temperature around the blade seemed to have dropped to the freezing point.

The First Heir - Chapter 2452

In everyone's sight, although Philip had just made a simple slash, that move was perfect.
Whether it was the angle, the force, or the actual outcome, everything was within perfect grasp!

That cold black blade was very fast. A black sword light cut through the air and split the
Hellhound who charged at Philip in a frenzied state. It was a vertical slash that went from the top
of his head right to the bottom.

After that slash, Philip abruptly held the hilt of the saber with both hands horizontally. The black
sword light formed the letter 'L' in the air. Then, he stood sideways and maintained the last
action of retracting the saber.

The sunlight reflected on Philip and illuminated his handsome face that showed a fearless
fighting spirit. As for the burly man who rushed at Philip with his fists, he maintained his
attacking stance and just stopped there. Then, a line of blood extended from the top of his head,
down to his throat, then to his chest. Finally, it went to his stomach and continued downward.

The burly man split into two halves, revealing the mechanical components inside. His internal
organs had been modified into mechanical parts and were also split into crackling halves.

Just a simple slash like that had already displayed such powerful combat prowess. Philip's
blade was extremely fast! Upon a closer look, not a drop of liquid remained on the black blade.
It still flashed a dazzling black.

Philip glanced at the two modified human Hellhounds in front of him indifferently. There was
nothing special about them at all.

The remaining three Hellhounds had also been perfectly and easily taken down by Fennel.

Ten human-modified killing machines from the Hall of Evil were wiped out within ten minutes by
Fennel and Philip. This was the combat power of the two Easterners. This scene completely
stunned the guards of the Hall of Evil inside and outside the manor!
Was this Sun God Apollo of the Hall of the Sun?

Too powerful!

Sure enough, he was as freakish and terrifying as the legends made him out to be!

The ten Hellhounds were the killing machines under the Hall of Evil's Dark Angels. Even if they
were thrown on the battlefield, they could easily outmatch the combat power of a small city.
However, in front of Sun God Apollo and a man with an unknown id entity, they were easily slain
like blades of grass.

To a certain extent, Fennel's and Philip's combat prowess and skills really shocked Vataco, who
was at the top of the white castle in the distance. He had seen everything through the
binoculars. With a look of anger, Vataco's eyes burst with fury!

"Damned Apollo!"

However, it did not matter. After all, in Vataco's eyes, these Hellhounds were dispensable and
could be produced at any time. After a batch died, another batch would be created. The only
thing that made Vataco angry was that the combat power of this group of Hellhounds was too

He needed to upgrade the next batch.


Vataco laughed as he stood on top of the castle and said sinisterly, "Apollo, you haven't
disappointed me. The humanmodified warriors I spent a bomb to train and research didn't even
last ten minutes under your hands."

"Vataco, stop sending these insects to their deaths. You should understand that once I unleash
my full power, everything here will cease to exist, so just get down here. There are some things
that my buddy and I need to talk to you about face-to-face."

The First Heir - Chapter 2453

Vataco laughed and said, "Apollo, don't antagonize me. Your aggravation methods are useless.
Today, I just want to watch you slowly be tortured to death! And that includes the Eastern man
beside you."

Vataco's evil eyes with killing intent landed on Philip, who was next to Fennel.

Why did this unfamiliar figure possess such strength?

With such strength, he could be considered one of the best among the 12 Sacred Halls of the

Was the reason why the Hall of the Sun had developed so rapidly over the years? Was there
another Sun God in the dark?

Philip looked sideways at the evil and charming Vataco who stood at the top of the white castle
in the distance. Using the rules of insight, he roughly gauged that Vataco's strength was
definitely in the fifth zone, but he could not determine whether it was the peak or the king of

After all, Philip was not yet fully proficient in the control over the rules. Moreover, the other party
obviously carried equipment that could prevent such probing, which interfered with Philip's
perception ability.

Clap, clap, clap!

Vataco clapped his hands upstairs and said, "Come out, my warrior. Use your most powerful
strength to kill them!” At Vataco's command, Fennel's and Philip's eyes focused on the manor's

There, a figure descended from the sky with an overwhelming chill and murderous aura. It was
a woman with an almost perfect figure. She were black fitting tights and metal protective gear on
her four limbs. There were two scimitars hung at her waist. She also wore a corset, which
showed off her sexy and hot figure in front of everyone. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. The
black leather coat was in a V-neck, which displayed her perfect curves under the sun.

Any man would not be able to help but gulp at this sight. Moreover, she swayed from side to
side when she walked. She exuded strong confidence and charm.

The two scimitars on her waist were engraved with the picture of the devil. They were gold and
reflected a dazzling cold light under the refraction of the sun. The most terrifying thing was that
the devils on the scimitars were devouring human lives, which looked very bizarre and scary.

The woman's eyes stared fixedly at Fennel and Philip the entire time, like a female leopard
ready to hunt. She was full of ferocity.

Fennel chuckled lightly and recognized the woman in front of him at a glance. He raised his
eyebrows and said to Vataco on top of the white castle, "Vataco, you're really going all out today
to get me killed. You even released her. Aren't you worried that I'll accidentally kill your most
admired and favorite weapon?"

Vataco chuckled and said without concern, "Apollo, the outcome has yet to be determined.
She's the Holy Maiden of my Hall of Evil, and her strength is not comparable to the previous
bunch of modified humans. Caroline, use your strongest move to kill these intruders and pay
tribute to the dead comrades of the Hall of Evil."

Caroline nodded lightly, her eyes bursting with monstrous killing intent. She kept staring at

Fennel was her mortal enemy.

The First Heir - Chapter 2454

That was because Fennel had killed her brother, Gordon, with his hands.

Gordon was the Holy Son and future heir of the Hall of Evil. He was the one with the highest
chances of succeeding the Evil God. However, Gordon died in Fennel's hands.

Since that day, Caroline studied desperately and trained to improve her strength. Finally, she got
a chance to avenge her brother today!

Likewise, Fennel looked at Caroline and laughed lightly. "Vataco is really generous enough to let
you out. However, I'm most surprised that after not seeing you for three years, you've actually
become the Holy Maiden of the Hall of Evil. Caroline, are you thinking of killing me with your
own hands?"

Caroline coldly pulled out the two golden scimitars engraved with devils from her waist and said,
"Apollo, I'll definitely kill you with my own hands to avenge my brother! If you don't want to die a
painful death today, give up resistance and surrender under my blades!"

While saying that, Caroline licked her lips with a piercing coldness in her eyes.

Fennel looked at the woman who had an almost perfect figure in front of him. With all her curves
tightly wrapped under the leather jacket, that sight was very stimulating to the heart.

However, Caroline had changed. The innocent little girl from the past had completely turned into
a pawn of the Hall of Evil.

Fennel simply smiled with a hint of flirtatiousness and said, "Caroline, your body is really perfect.
I wonder if it's because you've slept with so many men."

When Caroline heard this, instead of getting angry as he intended, she sneered and said,
“Apollo, trying to rile me up with words is useless! Today, I'll definitely cut your head off with my
own hands to avenge my brother!"
"Caroline, your brother's death is purely an accident. He wanted to kill me, so I could only
protect myself. Was I wrong to do so?" Fennel shrugged helplessly and asked.

Caroline snorted coldly. "Easterners are good at denial. Whatever you say is useless. I trained
hard for three years just for today! Apollo, die!"

"Oh? Have you been shamed into anger already?"

Fennel smiled faintly. "Holy Maiden of the Hall of Evil... Hehe, how interesting. Back then, your
brother was the Holy Son of the Hall of Evil, and you're now the Holy Maiden. It seems that the
grudges between me and the Hall of Evil are really endless. In that case, I can only contribute to
the common good today and send you to be reunited with your brother."

"Shut up! Apollo, you deserve to die!"

Caroline finally could not hold back any longer. She held the two golden devil scimitars in her
hands and angrily slashed at Fennel in a cross. She wanted to chop off Fennel's head with this

Philip watched from the side and realized that Caroline's strength was really not simple. At least,
she was stronger than all the enemies he had encountered so far. She had the strength of a
disciple in the fifth zone!

Fennel merely smiled and said, “Interesting. Your strength has improved."

With that said, the two golden devil scimitars collided with a loud clang. Only a residual shadow
was left where Fennel stood just now. He kept dodging back and forth sideways, avoiding
Caroline's brutal attack every time.

Caroline continued with another attack each time, and her killing intent skyrocketed. Only bright
and dense golden sword lights could be seen, accompanied by Caroline's angry shouts.

"Apollo, you coward! Don't just hide! Step forward and die!" Caroline roared angrily and kept
chasing after Fennel who scurried around.

That damned Apollo was avoiding the fight.


The First Heir - Chapter 2455

Looking at the current situation, Fennel was in a passive mode while Caroline's killing moves
got more brutal, intense, and faster. If this continued, Fennel would be killed by Caroline sooner
or later. However, everything was within Fennel's grasp.

In the past three years, Caroline had worked hard to hone her skills. It could be said she had
reached the point that the two golden devil scimitars were extensions of her hands. All she
wanted was to avenge her brother and wash away the Tapper family's shame!

The golden blades and Caroline's figure that was clad in black leather presented a dexterous
and aggressive image.

While being continuously attacked by Caroline for five minutes straight, Fennel maintained
being on the defense. He only relied on physical techniques to dodge the attacks. At the same
time, he observed Caroline's blade technique, as well as the subtle movements and angles of
each strike to understand Caroline's weakness.

Fennel was the first person who could easily dodge such intensive attacks from Caroline.

That was because anyone who fought Caroline in the past could only last a maximum of two
minutes under her strong

Due to this prolonged attack without victory, Caroline's blood boiled hotter.

This damned Apollo was so scared of death, huh! Why did he keep avoiding her?


Her blades had slashed at Fennel's vital points several times, but each time, Fennel managed to
dodge her attacks. It made Caroline more anxious and angry. In fact, Caroline's skills were
definitely one of the best among all the powerful great envoys in the 12 Sacred Halls.
Unfortunately, she was now facing the Sun God of the Hall of the Sun today, an existence that
invoked fear in the 12 Sacred Halls.

After five minutes of fighting, Fennel still did not make a move.

Caroline was furious and agitated. No matter how she attacked him, the other party could easily
dodge it, and it seemed that the outcome of the battle was already obvious.

"Apollo, you coward! Why aren't you making a move? Are the Easterners all such cowards?"

Caroline roared, but the golden devil scimitars in her hands did not stop because of this.

Fennel chuckled lightly at this moment, and a faint confident smile appeared on the corner of his
mouth. His pacing and dodging movements became more relaxed. That was because he had
seen through Caroline's swordsmanship and the weaknesses of her attacks. Now, in Fennel's
opinion, the two golden devil scimitars in Caroline's hands were undoubtedly children's toys.

Under such high tension and intensive attacks, Caroline's delicate body started to sweat. Her

was full of sweat, and she was panting slightly. Her chest heaved constantly, looking very

Meanwhile, Fennel stood calmly, shook his head slightly at Caroline, and said, "Caroline, your
brother wasn't my opponent, and neither are you. I advise you not to make the same mistake
twice. I appreciate you very much. Vataco doesn't cherish your life, but I do. Why don't you join
the Hall of the Sun instead?"

"In your dreams! I'm going to kill you with my own hands!" Caroline shouted angrily, her eyes full
of killing intent.

At the same time, she delivered her strongest blow with the two golden devil scimitars in her
hands and slashed at Fennel's neck!

This attack contained all the strength she could muster. However, Fennel shook his head lightly
and slashed out vehemently with the Fusha longsword in his hand.

A black light soared through the sky and sped like a thunderbolt toward Caroline. The corners of
her eyes froze, and she turned around abruptly to avoid it. However, what followed was a kick
from Fennel!

Without any mercy, this kick landed forcefully on Caroline's chest. It sent the gorgeous beauty
with a devilish figure flying out. She fell heavily to the ground and rolled over several times.
Then, Caroline's body stopped rolling. She was about to stand up to continue attacking when a
black light came at her and broke the two golden devil scimitars in her


The First Heir - Chapter 2456

The two golden devil scimitars broke under Fennel's Fusha longsword.

Caroline's hands still maintained the posture of holding the two scimitars and wanting to attack,
but now, she was kneeling on one knee and dared not move. That was because the Fusha
longsword in Fennel's hand was only a centimeter away from Caroline's fair neck.
As long as Caroline made the slightest movement, this Fusha longsword would cut through her
neck and kill her immediately!

It could be said that Fennel's swordsmanship was perfect. His movements were done in one go.
In just one strike, he took Caroline down directly!

If Fennel wanted to, this strike could have penetrated Caroline's neck directly and killed her on
the spot.

"W-Why? Why did I lose? I practiced so hard for three years. Why?" Caroline looked at the
broken golden devil scimitars before she looked up at the tall figure with the sun behind his

From her point of view, Fennel looked like a god at this moment. With the golden sunlight
behind him, that cold aura made her want to kneel down and worship him. However, she could
not accept the result in front of her.

The results of her three years of hard training were not worth mentioning in front of this man.
Just one move and she was defeated.

How terrifying this man in front of her was!

Was this the strength of Sun God Apollo?

Caroline completely lost her confidence and sat limply on the ground, her eyes losing the desire
for revenge. That was because she knew the outcome she would face was death. Thus, she
closed her eyes and said, "Apollo, kill me if you want. I've lost!"

Fennel looked at the blonde beauty in front of him who had her eyes closed and was waiting for
death. He put away the longsword and said with a smile, "Caroline, do you know about the truth
back then?"

Caroline snapped her eyes open, looked at Fennel in puzzlement, and asked, "Apollo, what do
you mean? Don't try to deceive me."

Fennel smiled, looked at Vataco standing on top of the white castle in the distance, and said,
"Your brother's death was all Vataco's doing. That's the truth. You found the wrong person to
take revenge on. Vataco is your brother's real murderer!"

Fennel's words exploded in Caroline's mind!

'What? The Evil God was the one who killed her brother?'

'No! Impossible!"
"Hahaha, despicable Apollo! Since I lost, you can kill me, but don't try to deceive me. How could
Lord Vataco be my brother's real murderer?" Caroline refused to believe it.

Fennel knew that Caroline would not believe it, so he took out his phone and pulled out the
surveillance video from back then with the help of the Strategist. He then tossed his phone to

When Caroline saw the video, she was dumbfounded!

'How could this be?'

She had actually worked as a weapon under the murderer who killed her brother for three years!

"Vataco was worried that your brother would replace him, so before your brother grew up, he
planned to kill him and wanted to frame me for it."

Fennel said coldly as he looked at Vataco and said, "Vataco, you're really despicable."

Vataco laughed and said, "Hahaha! Apollo, I didn't expect you to have the surveillance footage
from back then, but it doesn't matter anymore. Either way, you're dead today!"

Vataco glanced angrily at Caroline who was kneeling on the ground.

"Hmph! Your brother opposed me back then, so I killed him! Do you want to oppose me too?"

With a face full of anger and disbelief, Caroline turned to look at Vataco. That was the Evil God
whom she respected, but he had actually killed her brother with his hands.

Just when Caroline was lost in thought, Vataco laughed at Fennel and said, "Apollo, who do you
think will take the stage to deal with you next?"

With that said, the door of the white castle opened. Two stout figures full of killing intent
appeared with the sun shining on their backs. At the same time, Vataco also slowly walked out
of the door.

King of the Underworld, Hades!

Evil God, Vataco!

the Death God in a black robe, Andrew!

Three of the most powerful gods of the West had arrived….

The First Heir - Chapter 2457

Fennel and Philip did not say a word and just looked coldly in the direction of the castle's
entrance. Their sharp gazes passed through the guards of the Hall of Evil, surging with a chilling
and murderous intent.

Behind the guards, three figures stood side by side. The three figures varied in height and
strength, but their surging arrogance made everyone afraid to look at them directly. No one
dared to make any predictions. Such domineering auras were arrogance that could only be
developed by those who had remained in the top position for a long time. It radiated right from
their very bones.

It was impossible to fake. Moreover, there were kingly auras that flowed through them. Such
kingly aura could be found on Fennel too, which was on the same level.

At the gates of the white castle, the three figures stood proudly. Over the distance of a hundred
meters, they made eye contact: with Fennel. A burst of invisible sparks crackled in the air.

This was the confrontation between the gazes and auras of the mighty!

This invisible confrontation produced a huge sense of oppression which suppressed the
atmosphere within a radius of several hundred meters. The entire space felt as if it had been
weighed down by a million pounds of boulders, which made people breathless.

The guards from the Hall of Evil stood in the center and felt the oppression caused by the
invisible sparks, which made them hot all over. This tense atmosphere made them sweat, and
no one dared to move.

This atmosphere was so tense that it made one tremble. This was the confrontation between
the gods.

The three gods of the 12 Sacred Halls were standing at the gates at this moment. In the entire
underworld of the West, they were the top existence. They were a symbol of glory and honor.
They represented the entire Western world. Each god had their characteristics and means to
dominate the Western world!

Their existence was the top symbol of the Western world. Moreover, in all the wars in Western
history, never had there been three gods who came together. They had a common goal this
time, which was to deal with Sun God Apollo!

Fennel also felt unprecedented pressure.

Having these three join forces to go against him was enough to show that the three major dark
forces of the 12 Sacred Halls could no longer tolerate him.

As things stood now, Fennel and Philip had no reinforcements. Even the Strategist's backup
plan would take a while to arrive. Before that, Fennel and Philip must withstand the attack from
the three gods.

They would be going against three gods of the West. This was something that had almost never
happened in the history of the dark world of the West.

Normally, the gods of the West had their own territories and jurisdictions. Generally, they rarely
cooperated or met with each other, much less join forces against another person. However,
three gods were taking action today.

It could be seen that Vataco had made up his mind to eradicate Fennel.

To be able to unite Hades, the God of the Underworld, and Andrew, the God of Death, it was no
wonder Vataco seemed so fearless from the very beginning. It turned out that Fennel and Philip
had fallen in Vataco's trap.

The First Heir - Chapter 2458

"So, Apollo, what do you think? You didn't expect to see such a luxurious line-up, right? Hahaha,
as I told you, I'll kill you today no matter what. I've paid a huge price because of you. I hope you
won't let me down."

Vataco laughed, his face full of chills. Combined with his eyes that were full of murderous intent,
it made people feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts. After saying that, Vataco waved
his hand, and the guards in the castle automatically parted to make way for the three gods.

The three figures surged with fighting intent, as their

eyes stared fixedly at Fennel and Philip.

Fighting intent also erupted in Fennel's eyes, his gaze becoming extremely hot. This
unprecedented tense atmosphere caused the oxygen in the area to thin out.

The guards of the Hall of Evil found it difficult to breathe. It was as though they were being
strangled. The atmosphere in the area was stirred up by the four figures until it was on the verge
of breaking. At this time, any reckless move could trigger a battle that was enough to destroy a

The battle of the gods!

It was not unheard of in the dark history of the West.

Every recorded battle between the gods was a bloodbath that destroyed everything. Now, there
were four gods here. Once a battle broke out, the entire Sendona would be plunged into the
flames of war. Moreover, with just one face-off, a battle intent that penetrated the depths of the
soul had erupted.

After a brief confrontation, the three gods finally stepped out of the crowd at the same time and
walked along the road. Their rhythmic footsteps on the ground sounded like heavy hammers
that pounded on everyone's hearts, making them gasp. It seemed like if the other party even
increased the pace even a little, everyone's hearts would explode and they would die violent

This was the use of the rules of the world!

Thud, thud, thud!

With the terrifying sound of footsteps, Vataco applauded. Vataco's applause and the sarcastic
smile on his face showed his confidence in the predetermined outcome.

He smiled lightly and said, "Apollo, have you ever seen such a luxurious line-up? I prepared it
especially for you, and I hope you like it. By the way, after this battle, the Hall of the sun will be
divided between the three of us. What do you

Confident and arrogant!

He paid no heed to Fennel at all. In Vataco's opinion, no matter how strong Apollo was, he was
just a god. Meanwhile, he had joined forces with two other gods. Even if the Eastern man
beside Apollo was powerful, he most likely had not reached the realm of a god.

Thus, there was nothing to fear!

Below the gods, everything else was naught.

Fennel chuckled as he glanced at Hades and Andrew. He said, "Indeed, it's really shocking. The
three of you actually joined forces just to deal with me. Vataco, you're indeed known for your
treachery and cunning. Your reputation as the Evil God is well-deserved."

"Hahaha, Apollo, it's too late for you to realize that now. The three of us together are enough to
kill you. Don't worry. On the account that you're a god too, we'll leave you with a whole body and
let you die in battle with honor." Vataco smiled evilly and mockingly.

The First Heir - Chapter 2459

"Die in battle? Hehe, let's see if you have the ability to do that, then." Fennel sneered as if he
was unconcerned about the combined forces of the three gods in front of him.

Vataco's face darkened at those words. Then, a treacherous smile appeared on the corner of
his mouth. He said, "Apollo, do you really think you can escape under the joint efforts of the
three of us? Is it with the help of your friend beside you? I've already seen through his strength
just now. It's not up to the standards of a god. Dealing with you and a kid who's not a god will be
a piece of cake for us."

Fennel smiled and glanced at the calm Philip beside him. He said, "They underestimate you."

Philip smiled. His eyes had been on Hades and Andrew from the beginning.

"Hades, finally meet," Philip said at this momen

Hades, the King of the Underworld, had his arms crossed over his chest. He was burly and
strong with a pair of icy eyes, looking just like the actual king of the underworld. It made people
want to kneel down and worship him. He frowned and asked, "Do you know me?"

Philip smiled and said, "I do. We've crossed paths with each other several times. I'm here in
Sendona especially for you and the Evil God."

Those words startled Hades. Then, he realized something and said with a laugh, "Are you Philip

"That's right," Philip replied.

With that said, Andrew, the God of Death who was shrouded in a wide black robe and held a
scythe in his hand, looked sideways and stared at Philip. Even in broad daylight, Andrew's face
could not be seen clearly under the wide hood. His entire face seemed to be obscured by a
black mist. Only his crimson eyes could be seen, which glowed with a ghostly light.

Hades smiled and glanced at Fennel before his eyes fell on Philip again. He said, "Very good. I
didn't expect us to meet so soon. This will save me a lot of trouble, then. You can return me the
thing that your sister, Hannah Clarke, stole from me now."

Philip raised his brows slightly and said with a smile, "Hades, that's a gift from my sister to me. If
you want it, just come and get it. But before that, you have to defeat me first."

Arrogant! Domineering! Hades' face darkened at those words.

Among the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, the Hall of the Underworld was one of the top few
existences. Hades was also one of the gods most feared and worshipped. Even Andrew and
Vataco were slightly weaker than him. Now, a guy from the East dared to say such bold words to

"Good! Very good! I admire your courage, but courage must be proportional to strength!" Hades
said coldly, his eyes full of proud fighting intent.

At the same time, Vataco's eyes moved from Fennel to Philip. It was the first time he paid
attention to this Eastern man with the potential of a god at such a close distance.

"Friend, I admire your courage and strength. Why don't you join my Hall of Evil? I can keep you
safe, and Hades will never do anything to you. What do you think?" Vataco smiled wickedly and
threw out an olive branch.

Philip looked sideways at the smirking Vataco and said, "I don't think so. Vataco, you're one of
my targets. I thought it would take some effort to find you, but I didn't expect that we can meet
so soon by chance today. In that case, you can die today."

Hearing that, Vataco laughed and said, "What did you say? You want to kill me? Just you

The First Heir - Chapter 2460

Philip nodded calmly and said, "That's right, just me."

"I'm quite interested. Is there any grudge between us?" Vataco asked with interest.

Philip replied, "Do you know Martin Johnston and Bernard Johnston?"

Vataco frowned, thought for a long time, and said, "I have a little impression of them, but I'm not
too familiar." Philip chuckled and said, "A little impression is enough."

Vataco frowned with gloom in his eyes and said, "In that case, you should just die."

However, Philip smiled and said, "No, no. It's you who'll die. Such an honor is only suitable for
Western gods like you."

Vataco raised his eyebrows with a cold sneer. "What a sharp tongue. This is against the main
characteristic of you Eastern people-humbleness. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of
strength you have to be so proud."

"You'll see," Philip said coldly.

At the same time, soaring battle intent started to surge in Philip and Fennel. They slowly
gathered power. The muscles and cells in their bodies were already in the strongest fighting

The terrifying killing intent that radiated from them was enough to shock the three gods on the
other side.

Philip and Fennel were up against three gods of the West!

It was an extraordinary battle that Philip had never experienced before. A battle of the gods was
like a battle of the kings of disciples in the East. It was enough to destroy cities!

One careless mistake could cost lives!

Philip must adjust his physical condition to the best possible state. Otherwise, he might kick the
bucket here if he was not careful. After all, the three gods on the opposite side were not weak.

Meanwhile, far away in the central area of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, it was the most
sublime place of the underworld in the West.

The sacred Mount Olympus!

It was the palace of Zeus, the most powerful, mysterious, and ancient god among the 12 Sacred
Halls. He was the chief god of the 12 Western gods, the king of the gods!

At this moment, in the splendid city on Mount Olympus that symbolized holiness, countless
Westerners were having a carnival. They partied every day and lived a carefree life. However,
they were not aware that in the distant city of Sendona, a shocking battle that would change the
entire Western landscape was about to happen.

At the same time, in a golden castle located in the most central and prosperous sacred city.....

The castle was built in a Western architectural style, with Western mythological legends carved
on the walls. In the main hall, warriors wearing golden knight armor stood on both sides with
poleaxes in their hands. At the forefront, above a 19-step platform, an old man sat on a golden
throne. He wore a golden crown on his head of gray and held a golden thunderbolt spear carved
with obscure runes. The old man were a golden robe and had his eyes closed in rest.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes. Lightning as vast as an ocean appeared in his
eyes. Then, his thunderous voice echoed throughout the vast palace as he said, "Issue my
Chief God's Order. Go to Sendona immediately and stop the four gods!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2461

Back to the white castle.

At this moment, the three gods had stepped forward to confront Fennel and Philip.

The atmosphere was unusually somber. Even the air seemed to have stopped circulating.

Vataco crossed his arms, sneered sinisterly, and said, "Apollo, today's weather is good. It's very
suitable to send you away from this beautiful world. I believe that today's fight is enough to be
recorded in the historical battle of the gods in the 12 Sacred Halls. From today onward, the Hall
of the Sun will completely disappear from the West. At that time, a new god will join us."

Fennel likewise sneered and said, "Vataco, you're still as talkative as before. Since the three of
you have joined forces, stop dallying around and let's get started. You can come at me at once.
I'm in a hurry and don't have time to fool around with you."

Hades stepped forward at this moment, his eyes full of dazzling fighting intent. He said, "I want
to do this one by one. Moreover, I really want to fight you again. The last time we fought, it was
a draw. This time, I'll break your neck with my own hands."

After saying that, Hades' eyes were full of monstrous fighting intent.

Vataco seemed indifferent. He did not want to be the first to fight. It could not be better if Hades
wanted to start first. After all, Hades was the strongest here. He and the Death God were
slightly weaker.

It would be best if Hades could take care of Fennel and Philip.

At this moment, Fennel was fully prepared. His body was all tensed up in his strongest fighting
state. After all, he was facing three gods, and all of them possessed the strength of the king of
disciples of the fifth zone.

Fennel was not completely sure about facing these three. As for Philip, he stood aside as
though he was not involved. Obviously, in the opinion of Hades and the others, Philip was not
worth fighting against. Hence, they naturally ignored Philip's existence.

Philip sighed helplessly, stepped forward, and said, "Have you forgotten about me?"

Hades frowned and said to Philip, "I don't have time to fight you. You're not qualified for me to
fight you yet."

At this time, Andrew, who had not spoken a word until now, said quietly, "I don't want to waste
too much time, so let's do this together. Whether it's Apollo or him, make it a quick fight."
The Death God did not have any feelings about this entire affair. He was willing to make a move
this time purely because Vataco had promised him a high price. Thus, he preferred to attack
together and end it quickly.

"Okay, let's do it together, then." Vataco thought about it and nodded.

At first, he wanted Hades and Apollo to battle it out and see if he could sit back and reap the
benefits. However, it was clear that Andrew had seen through his motive.

As soon as Vataco finished speaking, Hades threw a punch at Fennel!

It was like a white bolt of lightning that struck at Fennel. This punch contained the most powerful
and terrifying energy. Even the space around his fist was shattered by the wind and force of the
punch. Moreover, Hades was as fast as lightning. He covered a distance of more than ten
meters in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, his body exploded with a powerful impact!

An ordinary person would be unable to withstand such terrifying and monstrous battle intent
from Hades. They would most likely be completely shattered by that force on the spot.

The First Heir - Chapter 2462

Fennel also felt the immense rule energy contained in Hades' fist. A fierce gust of wind roared
toward him, and the nergy pressure it carried caused people to step back unconsciously.

enerally speaking, even a disciple of the fifth zone would be crushed under this punch!

owever, not only did Fennel not retreat, but he stepped forward instead. Then, with a loud battle
cry, he poured all his trength into his right fist and also threw out an extremely solid punch.

that moment, the clouds in the sky revealed a vision because of Fennel's punch. A fist formed
by the clouds blasted !

his was Hades' first move. If Fennel chose to avoid it, he would be at a disadvantage in terms of
his stance, so he ould only face the enemy head-on. Moreover, he also wanted to see what a
terrifying level of strength Hades had eached in recent years. mong the 12 gods of the West,
except for the God of War, Hades was definitely considered the battle maniac. Just as

punched out, Vataco and Andrew sneered from the sidelines.

this battle of punches, Apollo was obviously at a disadvantage.

he two fists collided and produced a shocking sound. That sound was even more
earth-shattering than a missile xplosion. With the two fists as the center, a shocking ripple of
energy erupted and spread rapidly in all directions.

he guards of the Hall of Evil flew out from this impact. Everyone was so shocked by this
deafening collision of fists that could not react. They even felt as though their chests were
pounded by a heavy hammer. Some weaker guards om the Hall of Evil were so shocked by the
impact of the collision that they bled and fell to the ground in a dead faint.


ust the collision of fists had already produced such an earth-shattering impact. It was enough to
show how terrifying next battle between the two would be. This area might even turn to ruins
and cease to exist.

he moment the two fists collided, Hades and Fennel staggered back at the same time.

His result left everyone speechless.

It was a draw!

Cut... No! Hades took one more step than Fennel!

In this battle of the fists, Fennel had the advantage. This outcome was beyond everyone's
expectations. Among the 12 , Hades' strength was evident to all. Under such a passive
counterattack, Fennel actually forced Hades to take one step back, which was enough to show
that the strength of Sun God Apollo was not simply hearsay.

Hades stood on the spot and looked at his fist. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth
as he said to Fennel, “I expect that after several years, your strength has actually improved
quicker than mine. Not bad. Very good. Only you're worthy to be my opponent!"

he felt blood surging in his right arm before it started to turn numb, the ferocious fighting and
killing intent on Hades' became even more intense. He removed his jacket and casually tossed
it away, showing off his bronze and Powerful body.

It was full of bulging muscles, and the sight of it looked somewhat beautiful.

He was about to fight with all his strength!

The First Heir - Chapter 2463

Suffice to say, the power of Fennel's punch had really surprised Hades. He never expected the
other party to possess such strong explosive power.
Hades slowly started to build up his strength to get his body in the strongest fighting condition
as soon as possible. Those explosive muscles that shone with a dazzling luster left everyone

Hades was getting serious!

At the same time, his eyes also tensed. After all, Apollo, who could force him to a disadvantage
with just one punch, deserved his cautious treatment. He was eager to see how powerful this
man from the East really was.

At this moment, Fennel's face was also cold. His right arm was slightly numb. Although he had
the upper hand with the punch just now, the price was not pleasant.

Hades was still very strong!

He must use all his focus and might to face Hades. Otherwise, the result would be anyone's


Hades shouted angrily. Without waiting for Fennel to adjust, he made a preemptive strike and
lunged at Fennel like a bolt of lightning.

At the same time, he threw his second punch at Fennel's face!

This punch contained even more power. The previous scene where his punch was withstood by
Fennel would never happen again. Of course, Fennel could tell Hades' intent, so he did not
choose to dodge. He raised his fist and punched Hades again.

Both of them were still relatively restrained. They knew that if they fought with all their might, this
place would definitely turn into ruins. Thus, they only fought with their fists for now. However,
just as Fennel threw a punch at Hades, a black ghostly figure that was as fast as lightning
appeared beside Fennel. With a scythe in his hands, he slashed at Fennel's

This was Death God Andrew's killing move!

It was also his strongest attack. He employed it just to kill Fennel in one blow. He had been
watching from the sidelines and seized the perfect opportunity to strike!

There was a punch from Hades in front and the scythe from Andrew from the side. Even if
Fennel was one of the 12 gods, he could only dodge one blow under the combined attack of the
two gods. As they were all gods, their combat experience and timing were very precise.
Andrew had done the calculations before he struck.

Fennel could either dodge Hades' punch and suffer a slash from the scythe, or avoid the scythe
and suffer the punch from Hades. Even if either attack could not kill Fennel, he would be
seriously injured.

In this way, the following battle would be a one-sided situation.

Thus, at that critical moment, under the large black robe of the Death God and his face that was
shrouded in black mist, a voice so deep as if it came from the depths of hell said, "Apollo, you'll
become the sacrifice of my Hall of Death. I'll turn you into the most powerful weapon!"

Fennel was none other than the Sun God. If he could take his corpse and turn it into the most
powerful weapon of the Hall of Death, then the Hall of Death would stand at the top of the 12
Sacred Halls of the West.

By then, even Chief God Zeus would have to weigh the strength of the Hall of Death.

However, Fennel smiled lightly and asked, "Are you sure you can kill me with a single combined

The First Heir - Chapter 2464

At those words, the faces of Andrew and Hades darkened.

Immediately after, at the critical juncture, a fist covered in flames suddenly burst outbehind
Fennel. A ferocious roaring chimera turned into a streak of fire from behind Fennel and blasted
toward the Death God.

Philip had made his move!

At the moment Andrew attacked, he took action too.

To Hades and Andrew, Philip was not a god and not worthy of their attention at all. However, it
was this lack of attention that allowed Philip to seize the opportunity.

Fennel's fist collided with Hades' fist again and produced a shocking sound. Fennel simply
ignored Andrew because he believed in Philip.

Just as Fennel's and Hades' fists collided, Philip's chimera fist also smashed heavily on
Andrew's scythe.

A deafening metallic sound erupted in the area. And it was not over yet!
After Philip threw the punch, he grabbed the Fusha longsword that Fennel had tossed in midair
with his other hand and slashed it down vehemently on top of Andrew's head. With this strike,
the black sword light carried a monstrous killing intent.

No one noticed that when Fennel threw his second punch, he had pulled out the Fusha
longsword that was stuck diagonally into the ground and sent it flying up in the air. His
movements were completed in one go without any hesitation at all. In other words, he had
already predicted that someone would launch a sneak attack.

Andrew staggered back from Philip's punch. Before he could react, the black Fusha longsword
was already slashing down from above his head with a monstrous chill.

Under the wide black hood, the black mist suddenly surged. A pair of dazzling crimson eyes
were seen. They looked like two red lights.

A roar seemingly from a devil in hell suddenly resounded.

Death God Andrew suddenly raised the scythe in his hand and met Philip's strike.

Bright sparks burst forth with monstrous force. Andrew was immediately jolted back several
meters by the powerful impact. He plunged the scythe in his hand into the ground, and the
scythe sliced a rift several meters long in the ground.

It was shocking to the eyes!

In the middle, Philip stood with his sword at Fennel's side. The two of them were back to back
and formed the strongest defensive posture.

Hades had a gloomy look on his face. He glanced at Philip with the sword and said in surprise,
"I didn't expect you to be so strong. I take back what I just said. You have the right to fight me

Hades never expected that Philip could make Andrew suffer a loss. It was enough to show that
the other party's strength was not weak.

Realm of the gods!

He had the strength of the gods too.

Andrew's right hand was a little numb at the moment. He swung the scythe in his hand, and
from the black mist under his hood, a pair of red eyes dazzled with murderous intent.
In a hoarse and low evil voice like a demon, he said, "You've piqued my interest. I want to turn
all of you into the strongest weapons of my Hall of Death!"

Andrew fell into a frenzied fighting mode. On the other side, Vataco raised his eyebrows. He
never expected Philip to be so strong. There were some subtle changes in the current situation,
but this would not affect the final outcome.

"In that case, let's not waste time and attack together!" Vataco decided with a gloomy
expression on his face.

In an instant, the auras of the three gods were in full swing.

In the sky, three swords of kingship that symbolized the kings of disciples suddenly appeared!

The First Heir - Chapter 2465

The appearance of these three swords of kingship indicated that the ensuing battle had reached
the climax. The three swords of kingship in the air were of varying shapes and colors, and the
powers of the material rules that glowed and surrounded them were also different.

Death God Andrew's sword of kingship was pitch-black and surrounded by thick black mist.
There was a pattern of the devil's skull on the sword that glowed with a dazzling red light.

Hades' sword of kingship was golden and looked like a knight's sword with three jewels inlaid on
it It was surrounded by terrifying battle intent.

On the other hand, Vataco's sword of kingship looked very ordinary. It was gray without any
outstanding features. The only aspect worth mentioning was a roaring gray Western dragon
head at the hilt of his sword.

A Western dragon looked different from an Eastern dragon. The former had a long neck, a big
head, and a big belly with wings, while the latter looked like a long serpent. Such images could
mostly be seen in the movies.

The three swords of kingship formed their respective fields of kingship. They hovered in the air
and exploded with the most earth-shattering energy pressure.

The aura and pressure of the three swords of kingship filled a radius of more than ten miles.
This was the consensus reached by the three of them to limit the battlefield to a sealed space
within a dozen-mile radius. After all, if they unleashed their full power, it would not just be a
dozen-mile radius, but a hundred or even more.

Fennel focused on the three swords of kingship that appeared in the sky. He looked at Hades
and the others, sighed helplessly, and said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Hades said coldly, “Apollo, it's too late for regrets or to beg for mercy. Today, you're destined to
fall here! Dying under the joint efforts of three gods won't be an unjust death but an honor

"Honor?" Fennel snorted and said coldly, "You should keep this honor for yourself."

After saying that, Fennel raised his hand, and a red dragon halberd suddenly appeared in his

The moment the red dragon halberd appeared, it was filled with monstrous fighting intent. This
intent was not only the will of the weapon but of the owner's too. At the same time, a red sword
of kingship appeared in the sky!

Fennel unleashed his power of kingship and raised his state to the realm of the king of disciples.

The sky was awash in blue with only a few scattered clouds. The red sword of kingship
confronted the other three swords of kingship in the air. The pressure from the three swords of
kingship soon overpowered Fennel's sword of kingship.

The grave expression on Fennel's face also became darker.

Hades smiled lightly and said, "Apollo, although your friend has the strength of a god, it seems
that he has not yet succeeded in obtaining the power of kingship. If this continues, you'll be in
great danger."

The First Heir - Chapter 2466

Vataco sneered and said, "I thought he was very powerful, but it turns out he's a pseudo-god, so
there's nothing to Fear. Today, I'll kill you, Apollo, with my own hands!"

Philip raised his eyebrows as he stood beside Fennel. He looked up at the four swords of
kingship and asked with a faint smile on his lips, "Fennel, how do I unleash the sword of

Fennel looked sideways at Philip and said helplessly, "You need to meet certain conditions and
opportunities. I don't think you can trigger the power of the source of kingship right now."

Philip frowned and asked, "If I trigger it, what will be the consequences?"

Fennel thought for a while and said, "According to the attributes of the energy and material rules
in your body, you five sources of kingship. All five can accomplish your power of kingship, but
they also restrict each other. So, ogically speaking, it'll be difficult for you to trigger the power of
the source of kingship. Once triggered, I don't know kind of kingship power will be formed.
However, the strength should be terrifying."

Philip nodded before he looked at the three gods on the opposite side. He said, "I'll give it a try."

this, Fennel frowned and said, "Okay! I'll give you ten minutes to try it. After ten minutes, if
there's nothing you do, leave this place and let me take care of the rest."

meaning was obvious. Even if he fought with all his might and died here in battle, he wanted
Philip to leave safely. With that said, Fennel stepped forward, and his body surged with biting
battle intent.

the same time, the halberd he held in his right hand suddenly burst into red flames, which
formed a layer of armor the halberd. Then, from Fennel's right hand, the flames slowly spread to
the rest of Fennel's body to form a layer of armor!

thunderous roar!

Fennel's figure turned into a streak of red light full of battle intent as he rushed toward Hades,
Vataco, and Andrew!

went up against the combined attack of three gods single-handedly. Such a battle was enough
to be recorded in history of the battles of the Western gods.

Hades roared, "Arrogant! Apollo, going up against the three of us on your own is an act of

Then, Hades exploded with all his battle power and charged at Fennel to fight him.

The sky was filled with the shadow of fists and kicks, as well as the sparks and roars from the
red dragon halberd in Fennel's hand.

Upon seeing this, Andrew and Vataco pulled out their weapons and rushed toward Philip, who
was standing with his eyes closed. From his conversation with Apollo just now, Andrew and
Vataco knew that Philip was being delusional to that he could comprehend the rules of using the
source of kingship power at this time.

With monstrous chills and evil auras, the two rushed toward Philip.

Fennel soared into the air, and the red dragon halberd in his hand struck against Hades' fists,
which caused a mighty explosion. They sprang apart after the collision.

Fennel noticed the two rushing toward Philip and roared with wide eyes, "How dare you?!"
Suddenly, with a red streak of light filled with mighty pressure, he raised the red dragon halberd
in his hand and swiped at Andrew and Vataco. The entire void was torn apart by the power that
erupted from Fennel!

Andrew and Vataco also sensed the sudden crisis and quickly backed away. The void and
ground where they stood just now were destroyed by the red dragon halberd in Fennel's hand.

The ground was blasted apart by the red dragon halberd, and a ravine dozens of meters long
and one meter wide was formed. The soil was scorched black!

Vataco looked at this scene and felt a sense of fear.

Apollo's blow was really powerful!

If he were a tad late, he might have had his arm cut off. Andrew's eyes burst red as he stomped
on the ground. With a flash of black, the scythe in his hand partied against Fennel's red halberd.

"What are you still looking at? Let's attack him together!" Andrew's hellish voice resounded
through the sky.

Hades and Vataco looked at each other and joined in the melee.

Apollo's combat power was beyond their imagination. He could go up against three gods
single-handedly! He must be killed quickly!

The First Heir - Chapter 2467

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out in this area. Even from a dozen miles away, the raging
pressure and energy fluctuations could be felt from this battle. In the center of the battle, the
energy fluctuations were more powerful than the terrifying explosive force of various advanced
weapons and missiles.

The white castle had been reduced to rubble. The entire battle area was a wreck of scorched
land where not a blade of grass survived. A beautiful manor had turned into a victim of battle
and ceased to exist.

Meanwhile, the defense unit in Sendona had detected the terrifying energy fluctuations here
through satellite monitoring. A group of defense personnel in green uniforms gathered in a
heavily guarded research room.

The research room was full of electronic instruments and equipment. There was a constant flow
of people going in and out. This was a branch of the Octagon.
"Commander Chucks, report! We've detected huge energy pressure and fluctuations at Clink
Manor on West Kirk Street! We suspect that the gods are fighting there!"

A staff member from the SPEAR Bureau stood up at this moment and looked respectfully at the
middle-aged man with a hooked nose standing in front of the electronic screen.

The man wore a combat uniform with a badge, looking solemn and majestic. A pair of brown
eyes stared at the electronic screen. He asked gravely, "Did you find out which two gods they

"Commander Chucks, it's not two gods..."

The staff member looked at the monitor and said with horror in his widened eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Hooked-nosed Chucks turned around with icy eyes. He was a typical Westerner with a tall and
terrifying appearance. The staff member hurriedly replied, "Commander Chucks, it's not two
gods. According to the monitoring data, there are at least four gods!"

The entire electronic warfare room went completely quiet!

'What? Four gods fighting?!'

How could that be?

Simply ridiculous!

The last battle between the gods involved three of them, and it had destroyed a city. Until now, it
was still taboo!

It was then the Octagon issued a ban to prohibit the gods from fighting in the secular world! No
more than two gods were allowed to fight either. That was because the cost was too immense.

Zeus had also issued a Chief God's Order to explicitly prohibit battles among the gods.

In the event of any conflicts that could not be reconciled, they should go to the palace of the
chief god on Mount Olympus where Zeus would personally mediate over the matter.

Commander Chucks was full of shock at this moment. A fight between four gods?!

'Holy sh*t! What the hell happened?'

If the battle really broke out, Sendona would cease to exist. The previous event was still fresh in
everyone's minds. Chucks immediately looked at the monitoring data. Once he confirmed that
the four gods were indeed fighting, he immediately reported it to the Octagon via satellite phone.

The vast and solemn Octagon had the most formidable defense system in the world.

The First Heir - Chapter 2468

At this moment, in a corner of the Octagon was the most powerful combat command room in the
entire Western world. The world's most advanced combat systems, satellite systems, defense
systems, electronic systems, and more could be found here. Any corner of the world could be
clearly detected by the satellites and unmanned aircraft in the sky from here. Of course, some
restricted areas in other countries could not be detected.

The atmosphere here was tense!

More and more staff members started to get busy. Everyone in this building in the corner was on
high alert.

In the most central combat conference room, five people sat at a round table. The two people in
charge were two men with gray hair. The other three consisted of a middle-aged man, a young
man, and a middle-aged woman in her 40s. They were the five people in charge of the battle
command room in this corner of the Octagon.

In addition to the five of them, other men and women in combat uniforms also sat. on one side
of the conference room. They were listening intently to the report.

It was an imprompt meeting that seemed particularly intense.

The old man with gray hair in the lead was covered in badges of glory all over. He sat upright
with his hands and fingers crossed on the table, his expression dark and ugly. Behind him, a
female assistant in a battle uniform with a good figure and blonde hair held a document in her
hand. She said, "According to the latest report from Commander Chucks, there is a case of four
gods fighting in Clink Manor. We need to discuss countermeasures quickly. Once the battle
breaks out, the entire Sendona may turn into hell."

The other four were shocked when they heard the news.

"Four gods fighting? Isn't there a ban on more than two gods fighting? What the hell is going on

The middle-aged man was full of doubt and astonishment.

The old man in the lead said, "The specific situation is still under investigation. Our purpose now
is not to find out why the battle broke out but how to deal with it."

"Hmph, I think the 12 Gods of the West should have been arrested long ago! By virtue of some
strength, they pay us no heed at all! Especially in recent years, they've become more and more
unrestrained. I do hope to see them kill each other this time while we sit back and reap the

Another old man in the lead was full of arrogance and hatred at this moment.

Obviously, he hated the 12 Sacred Halls of the West. After all, no institution would allow an
existence that was beyond their control.

Very soon, the command room fell into a heated discussion. In the end, no countermeasures
were discussed. After all, the battle between the four gods was beyond the secular world and
surpassed everyone's imagination. Even the most advanced defense and weapon systems
would not do much damage to them. The only thing that could be done now was to stop them
before it was too late.

At this moment, a tall man in a battle uniform hurried into the combat command room with a
document in his hand.

He stood at attention with a salute and said, "Senior Commander Aubrey, this is the Chief God's
Order from Mount Olympus. Zeus, the chief of the 12 gods, has issued the order."

The old man in the lead looked at the document. His expression finally relaxed a little as he
said, "Very good. Immediately dispatch the best battle group and put an area of a 50-mile radius
around Clink Manor on tight defense to prevent the gods from getting out of control!"

"In addition, pass on my order to notify the head of the SPEAR Bureau and get him to arrive as
quickly as possible to deal with this crisis of the gods!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2469

Back to Fennel and Philip.

At this moment, the battle between Fennel and the other three gods had reached its peak.

The sky was full of raging energy storms, and the ground had already been destroyed.
Everything was all in ruins, while the earth was scorched.

Suddenly, terrifying energy exploded.

A dark figure flew out from the center of the energy storm with a terrifying black mist that raged
all over his body. Death God Andrew had long lost his initial appearance by now. The robe on
his body was tattered and revealed a body that looked like a walking corpse inside. He was
shrouded in a thick black mist.

The scythe in his hand glowed with black luster and surged with raging energy pressure!

In the sky, a thick thunderbolt fell in the middle of the battle. Hades flew out, and the armor on
his body was tattered. He raised his hand and wiped away the blood that spilled from the corner
of his mouth, his eyes full of shock and frenzied battle intent.

How mighty Apollo was!

He was going up against three gods alone, yet he was still not at a disadvantage.

At this moment, at the center of the most powerful energy storm, Fennel and Vataco were
engaged in a fierce battle. Faced with Fennel's powerful attack, Vataco was in a constant state
of defense. He could not fight back at all. Every punch and kick from Fennel contained
monstrous killing intent and raging energy.

It was already a victory for him if he was not defeated.

Suddenly, Fennel, who was in a berserk state at the moment, thrust the red halberd in his hand
forward. The halberd suddenly transformed into a long red dragon, snarling fiercely as it
pounced at Vataco.

Vataco frowned and felt a strong sense of crisis.

The red dragon contained destructive energy pressure. If he could not dodge this, he would be
crippled even if he survived.

The moment the red dragon transformed, the surrounding void was compressed to the extreme
by the domineering energy. This produced a crackling sound like shattered glass.

"Damn it, Apollo! Don't think you can defeat me!" Vataco roared in a frenzy. He raised his hands
and unleashed all his power.

Suddenly, al dark gray shadow appeared behind him. It was the phantom of a ferocious wild
beast. It looked like a Western devil. Its entire body was dark gray, and ithad a pair of green
eyes as big as lanterns. The green eyes looked very scary and disturbing.

Hades and Andrew were also taken aback at the sight of Vataco launching his strongest attack.

For Vataco to be forced to this point was enough to show how strong Apollo was.
Vataco gathered the power of the rules all over his body, and the ten-meter-tall dark gray
shadow behind him also roared at the tiny Fennel on the ground. It was like the roar of a
beast-deafening. It produced fear and panic in people's hearts.

There was also a fear of death.

Vataco roared and waved his hand at Fennel and the red dragon.

The dark gray shadow behind him made the same action. As he raised his hand, raging dark
gray mist surged throughout the area. The huge beast-like claws more than one meter wide
smacked at Fennel and the red dragon with a destructive force.

The First Heir - Chapter 2470

Huge dark gray claws collided with the roaring red dragon in midair and produced a terrifying
energy pressure. With the two as the center, the space around them seemed to be shattered.
With a mighty force, the red dragon rushed forward and pierced through the dark gray claws
before it soared into the sky!

At the same time, the phantom grabbed the red dragon in midair with the other claw and tried to
tear it apart. However, on the ground, Fennel's eyes turned red as he went into full battle mode.
He stomped the ground with his feet and jumped into the air. He spun the red halberd with his
hand above his head, which produced dazzling sparks of red.

Then, Fennel jumped into the air. The red dragon halberd in his hand slashed vertically at the
huge dark gray phantom. With that strike, the red dragon halberd, which was initially only two
meters long, suddenly enlarged and extended dozens of meters long and a meter thick.

Vataco almost went mad at the sight of such might and attack.

He roared and raised his hands to block the vertical strike from the enlarged red dragon

The huge dark gray phantom behind him also raised its hands above its head to block the
deadly attack from the red dragon.

A sound like a nuclear explosion was heard when Vataco's arms collided with the red dragon

The entire sky was filled with terrifying energy fluctuations of dark gray and red flames!

At the center of the collision between the two, a circle of energy storm was formed and rippled
outward. Such energy fluctuations could not be suppressed even with the kingship energy fields
from the four gods. In a small town dozens of miles away, the raging energy fluctuations could
be felt. Countless residents took to the streets and looked toward the northwest. The sky over
there seemed to be covered with dark gray fog and fiery red clouds.

"Oh my, what the hell is happening?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"No! It's the gods fighting! It's the gods!"

Someone in the crowd shouted!

What? Gods fighting?

Dozens of miles away from here?

For a while, all the residents in the small town panicked. Everyone scattered to flee!

The crisis of the gods several years ago had left a lasting shadow on their hearts.

Meanwhile, the outcome had already been decided in the center of the battlefield. The ground
was scorched and wrecked. The entire surface layer was overturned.

A red figure still stood on the spot, and the red dragon halberd in his hand dazzled with sparks.

On the opposite side, Vataco gasped for breath with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.
His clothes were already in tatters, revealing the golden armor inside.

Vataco wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer, "Apollo, I admit
you're very strong, but it's not that easy for you to kill me!"

After saying that, Hades and Andrew stepped forward. The three formed a siege with raging
killing intent that surged on their bodies.

"Gentlemen, we can't delay any longer. We must use our best forms to kill Apollo!" Vataco
suggested, his eyes full of grim chills.

Hades nodded and said, "Okay!"

With that said, his eyes fell on Philip, who had been protected by Fennel on one side.

That guy had his eyes closed as though he was still trying to sense the source of kingship
power. A bad premonition welled up in Hades. He simply could not calm down.
They end this quickly to prevent any accidents!

The First Heir - Chapter 2471

In an instant, Hades, Andrew, and Vataco displayed their strongest states. Raging energy
fluctuations surged around them. In the sky, the three swords of kingship started flaking at this

"Apollo, today marks your death. Stop your futile struggles." Andrew spoke sinisterly, and the
black mist on his body surged devilishly.

The scythe in his band also glowed with a black luster and exuded rotting vibes of death from
the depths of hell. The red dragon halberd in Fennel's hand was shrouded in scorching red

He looked coldly at the three gods on the opposite side and said, "Are you sure you can kill me
so easily?"

"Apollo, I admit that you're very strong, but against the three of us, there's no way you can
survive no matter how strong you are! "Vataco said grimly.

"Haha..." Fennel chuckled as he looked at Vataco and said, "Vataco, even if I die today, you
won't live either. I'll drag you along with me!"

Hearing this, Vataco's expression froze. He roared, "You seek death!"

With that said, Vataco attacked. It was a killing move. Hades and Andrew also quickly joined in.

Another massive battle broke out again.

Fennel had the upper hand in the beginning, but as time passed, he gradually fell behind. The
combined forces of the three gods were really not something that ordinary people could
withstand. It was impressive that Fennel could hang on for eight minutes.

Toward the end, Fennel could not bear it any longer. The attacks from the three gods became
more aggressive, and their teamwork was getting much better.

Suddenly, Fennel was sent flying by a punch from Hades and fell heavily to the ground, leaving
a long ditch behind. Fennel spat a mouthful of blood. He wiped the blood from the corner of his
mouth and stood up, his eyes fixed on the three gods on the opposite side.

Hades retracted his fists, looked at Fennel, and said coldly, "Apollo, you've lost. If this continues,
you'll die. Even if you can protect that guy behind you now, you won't be able to do it for much
Vataco also sneered and said, "Apollo, you're too mindless to rely on that kid to turn the tide.
Utilizing the source of kingship is not easy. It's impossible to comprehend the source of kingship
and achieve the level of a god in such a short time."

After saying that, Vataco chuckled, his eyes full of ridicule.

Fennel's eyes were cold. He did not bother to look at Philip's state behind him and just took a
few steps forward while saying, "Whether he makes it or not, I'll protect him to the end. If you
want to fight, come at me together!"

"Unrepentant fool!"

Hades snorted coldly and suddenly lunged forward like a thunderbolt. With his most powerful
killing move, he kicked Fennel's head!

Vataco also descended from the sky like a huge shadow and hammered down on Fennel with
sharp claws shrouded in dark gray mist!

Andrew spread his arms open with the scythe in his right hand and started chanting.

Layers of black corpse aura slowly emerged from the ground. Then, walking zombies crawled
out of the black mist and formed a zombie combat group. All of them held poleaxes and snarled
hellishly as they rushed toward Fennel!

The First Heir - Chapter 2472

aced with this combined attack, Fennel could not avoid it and could only fight to the death. He
unleashed his most powerful energy and control over the rules of matter. He turned into a red
ball of light and desperately sought for flaws the ultimate attack of these three gods. However,
there was none to be found.

here was Vataco's blockade from above, the deadly attack from Hades in front, and the zombie
combat group from on the ground. Behind him, there was Philip whom he wanted to protect.

this dire situation, Fennel simply had no choice. Either he fought to his death or he gave up on
Philip. However, he not choose the latter!

!" Fennel roared, and the aura on his body surged.

the sky, the red sword of kingship began to crumble. He had no choice but to deal with the crisis
in front of him at the anger of going berserk.
he three gods sneered when they saw that Fennel chose to fight it out at the risk of going
berserk. Of course, was within their plans. Today, they must kill Sun God Apollo!

uddenly, the next second, a storm of battle broke out where Fennel stood.

defeated figure flew out from the center of the storm and drew an arc in the air. He spewed a
large amount of blood and was about to fall heavily.

ennel was defeated.

at the risk of going berserk, he was still no match for the most powerful killing moves of the three
gods. That was he was running out of time. There was no way for him to fully unleash his

he three gods sneered maliciously as they watched Fennel being blasted away. The energy
pressure on his body dissipated. They had won with this attack.

fter Fennel's source of kingship was defeated, the red sword of kingship in the sky became
extremely unstable. , just as Fennel was about to fall to the ground, a hand grabbed his back
and held him steadily.

ennel focused his eyes and turned to look behind him.

hilip's indifferent face appeared in front of his eyes. "Good job. Leave the rest to me."

hilip said flatly and patted Fennel's shoulder lightly. Then, he slowly walked forward with his
hands in his trouser ockets. His expression was indifferent, and his aura was quite calm.

the opposite side, Hades, Andrew, and Vataco frowned at the sight of Philip walking forward.
They were unable to it out.

ataco spoke first, "Friend, do you want to make a stand? Looking at your appearance, you must
have failed."

hilip smiled lightly, looked at Vataco, and said, "What do you think? Do you want to try?"

dare a piece of ataco controlled the shadow behind him and threw a punch where Philip stood
as he roared, ash speak so boldly? Go to hell!"

hilip looked up and could sense the power of the huge dark gray claw that was falling from the
sky. It contained pressure and an energy storm. Under such pressure, a person would hardly be
able to stand up. The enormous ressure from the top was enough to destroy everything.
However, Philip shook his head lightly and said with a smirk, "I all of you should attack together."
that said, Philip threw a punch into the sky.

mighty force, this punch broke through Vataco's attack and destroyed the dark gray claw. The
sky regained . The entire sky shook with terrifying energy fluctuations.

, a platinum sword of kingship appeared in the sky. The body of the sword was inlaid with five
colored stones, while golden dragon with five claws circled the hilt and sides of the sword. It
looked just like an emperor's sword!

entire sky was enveloped by the terrifying pressure of the platinum sword of kingship with
colorful stones. A kingly ura spread from above!

The First Heir - Chapter 2473

In the sky, a platinum sword of kingship hovered in the air. Complex rules of power intertwined
around the platinum sword of kingship with five different sources of kingship, which
complemented each other and formed a special energy field.

Under the pressure and rule power of the platinum sword of kingship, the other three opposing
swords of kingship showed signs of trembling at this moment. No, to be precise, it was a form of

The rule power and kingly aura exuded by the platinum sword of kingship gradually suppressed
the three swords of kingship of the three gods on the opposite side. Under such suppression,
the kingship energy field formed by the three gods actually began to show signs of falling apart
and crumbling.

Hades looked at the platinum sword of kingship in the sky with a gloomy face full of disbelief.

The body of the sword of kingship was platinum with intricate patterns. There was also the
unique dragon from the East that was entwined around it. Moreover, it was new and bright!

The sword was full of majestic rule power and energy pressure.

This was a newly promoted kingship. As soon as it was born, it displayed the uniqueness and
strong power of rules! It was even more terrifying when Hades felt the five rules of sources of
kingship that complemented each other surrounding the sword of kingship. Five different
sources of kingship were simply unheard of.

Even the chief god of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, Zeus, only had four powers of rules. But
this young man actually had five!

Hades' face became darker as he gazed at Vataco and Andrew beside him.
Vataco's expression was also very ugly at this moment. He could not imagine that someone
could comprehend the rules and methods of the source of kingship just like that, and he had five
sources of kingship at once.

This was simply ludicrous! A newly promoted god powerhouse!

He had shown a growth potential no less than that of Chief God Zeus!


If this Easterner named Philip Clarke was allowed to develop, he would definitely create the
most terrifying pressure on the 12 Western Gods and the Western world!

Such a freak could not be allowed to live. This was Vataco's inner thought

Andrew looked at the sword of kingship displayed by Philip with a pair of crimson eyes shrouded
in black mist. A cackling laugh came from his throat.

He was too excited. Such a superb weapon was exactly what he needed. If he could take down
Sun God Apollo and this newly promoted god and turn them into the most powerful weapons in
the Hall of Death, then Andrew would surpass all gods and become the new chief god.

The sacred city of Mount Olympus would also change owners!

The First Heir - Chapter 2474

Meanwhile, the electronic warfare command room of the Octagon was tightly packed with data
monitoring instruments and equipment. At this moment, many people surrounded those
instruments and equipment with expressions full of shock. It was because at that moment, the
monitoring data of one of the gods suddenly became unstable. From the highest peak, it
plummeted to the lowest point and almost disappeared several times. However, just when the
data of that god was about to disappear, brand new data suddenly appeared on the equipment.

For a while, these instruments quickly monitored and analyzed the data, but there was no
comparison. It was not the data of the 12 Western gods.

It had nothing to do with the gods. It was a newly promoted god!

"Holy sh*t!"

"Was the historical pattern of the Western underworld about to change?!"

A new god had appeared. Under the rule suppression of the 12 gods, it was almost impossible
for a new god to appear!

However, under the suppression of the other three existing gods, a new god had emerged out of
nowhere. It was enough to shake the entire Western world. Moreover, the statistics of this newly
promoted god were constantly rising and soon overwhelmed the other three gods!

The strength was absolutely terrifying!


The newly-promoted god actually possessed the strength to fight against three other gods!

In the electronic warfare room, the old man with gray hair among the five senior commanders
was also full of shock at this moment. He had a premonition that things were out of the ordinary
and beyond control. He quickly ordered, "Speed up the reinforcements! In addition, ask the chief
god to rush to Clink Manor immediately to prevent any outbreaks!"

Not only him, but the remaining four senior commanders also looked shocked and nervous. The
pattern of the Western world was about to change.

Just as Philip ascended the throne of the gods, far away in the Nonagon in a similar data
monitoring research room, the information sent back by satellite had been completely analyzed.

Due to Fitzgerald Hale's identity, the Dragon Pavilion, which he was previously the master of,
had been shut down and was now being investigated.

The other four pavilion masters stood together at this moment and stared at the electronic

The master of Turtle Pavilion, Chandler Curtis, nodded lightly and said with a face full of smiles,
"The hope of this country is really not to be underestimated. Now, he has completely integrated
the five sources of kingship and has reached the realm of the king of disciples in the fifth zone.
As expected, the Clarke family are a bunch of freaks. With such strength, apart from those few
people in the same realm within the entire Nonagon, few people can become his opponent,
including the king of the sixth zone."

Zayn Lowe, the master of the Tiger Pavilion, said with a belligerent look in his eyes, "I hope he
won't let us down."

Chandler smiled kindly and said, "Pavilion Master Lowe, talented people are bound to appear
from time to time. Nowadays, the younger generation is fast surpassing the older generation
such as us.
Zayn snorted and said, "Pavilion Master Curtis, don't belittle yourself. We can only determine
this after fighting." Chandler shook his head. Zayn Lowe was a battle maniac.

Back to Philip.

"I never thought that you'd succeed." Vataco sneered evilly and said, "But even if you have
reached the realm of the gods, it's useless! Your current realm is not stable yet. If the three of us
join forces, it's enough to kill you!"

Philip smiled indifferently and raised his hand. Suddenly, a solid red dragon halberd appeared in
Philip's hand. Philip could actually summon Fennel's red dragon halberd!

The use of the rules of kingship. This was one of Philip's five sources of kingship. He could
make a copy of other people's weapons.

Seeing this scene, Vataco suddenly burst out in chills and panic. He had never seen such a rule
of kingship before. Hades and Andrew also frowned.

"Do you guys want to attack together or one by one?"

Suddenly, Philip flung the red dragon halberd in his hand, which created red sparks.

The First Heir - Chapter 2475

"Arrogant youngster from the East! Even though you have now ascended to the throne of the
gods and have displayed extraordinary strength, you still don't have the right to challenge three
veteran gods such as us!" Vataco roared with a face full of angry chills.

He could not accept the appearance of a second Eastern god in the Western world. This was a
serious threat and challenge to the underworld of the West and the position of the 12 gods.

Sun God Apollo was already enough to upset them. Now, there was another Eastern god who
was not weaker than Apollo. How could other gods survive this?

Thus, whether it was for their own interests or the sake of the entire Western underworld and
the current 12 gods, this new 13th god must be stopped and destroyed as quickly as possible!

This was not Vataco's thoughts alone. Hades shared the same thoughts as Vataco as well. Only
Andrew had eyes full of excitement.

If he could take the corpses of Apollo and this new god and turn them into the most powerful
weapons of the Hall of Death, Andrew could trample all over the Western underworld and
become the new master of the sacred city of Mount Olympus!
At that time, everyone would worship and respect Andrew as the new chief god of the dark
world of the West.

Philip's face was indifferent. The replicated red dragon halberd in his hand was no weaker than
Fennel's original weapon. On the contrary, the red dragon halberd in Philip's hand looked more
profound and a little peculiar. Hades stepped forward at this moment and cracked his neck. With
a sneer, he said, "Philip Clarke, you've really surprised me. You actually comprehended the
rules of the source of kingship and successfully ascended the throne of the gods! In other
words, a god here is equivalent to a king of disciples in your East. Right now, my blood is boiling
all over. I'm eager to fight you to see how strong you really are!"

With that said, Hades moved. He stomped the ground heavily, and a gust of energy waves

It was like a sonic boom. Then, like a bolt of lightning, Hades threw hundreds of punches at
Philip in a flash. Every punch carried thunderous and powerful energy pressure!

In just a flash, hundreds of punches were thrown.

The entire void seemed to have been shattered by these punches.

Philip's eyes narrowed as he felt a strong sense of crisis and oppression in front of him. In his
sight, the rapid punches formed hundreds of fist shadows. Under such an aggressive attack
from Hades, any newly promoted god would be sent flying or even be rendered crippled.

It was enough to prove the power of Hades' attack!

Philip's eyes narrowed as he flung the red dragon halberd in his hand. Instead of retreating, be

The halberd suddenly threw out several red flaming pillars. These flaming pillars looked like
several red flame dragons soaring into the sky. They were full of raging energy fluctuations.
Combined with Philip's unique fire attribute, they were shrouded under a layer that looked like
chimera armor.

A red dragon with chimera armor was covered with scorching red flames.

Such a domineering and swift strike had the power to destroy the world!


The First Heir - Chapter 2476

Instantly, in everyone's eyes, several red flame dragons in chimera armor collided with the
hundreds of punches by Hades.

, the void collapsed as sparks flew. Terrifying flames filled the sky and ravaged everything within
a radius of several hundred meters.

entire sky was filled with flames. Some flames formed fireballs and blasted everywhere. The
crumbling flames blasted out deep black pits on the ground that was shocking to the eye.

the center of the raging fireball, a charred figure flew out.

burly figure was sent flying by a single blow and shot out like a meteor hundreds of meters
away. He crashed into many broken walls before he fell heavily to the ground. Like a ball, he
bounced and rolled out dozens of meters away.

He left a deep pit full of charred soil on the ground!

was a hundred meters long!

taking a closer look, the crowd realized that the figure on the ground was actually Hades, the
king of the underworld. He was defeated with one move from Philip.

This was simply unheard of!

Hades was one of the veteran gods of the 12 Western gods, and his strength was among the
best. However, he had been defeated by Philip in one move.

was simply too shocking!

Hades trembled as he got up from the ground. While getting up, he was still coughing up blood.
It could clearly be seen that Hades' fists had turned charred and red at this moment. His skin
was charred black, while his veins were red with a dark red luster. This was the special
formation of a god's blood.

not for the self-protection function generated by his blood, Hades' hands would have been
reduced to ashes.

Hades got up from the ground and stood steadily. Most of his skin was charred, and his
appearance was totally unlike high and mighty Hades from before. He was the great king of the
underworld, one of the 12 Westem gods, and the top few existences. However, he had ended
up in such a state.


Philip was only a newly promoted god. Even if he had fused five sources of kingship, it was
impossible to increase his strength to such a terrifying level in a short time, right?

Yet, he defeated Hades in just one move.

Hades' hands glowed with a faint red light due to the blood of the gods, which could
automatically heal injuries. After a while, Hades' physical condition returned to normal. He shook
his arms and lowered his head with a sinister sneer. With killing intent in his eyes, he said, "Very
good! Very strong! You really didn't let me down! You have earned the right me to fight you in my
strongest state!"

Hades raised his eyebrows, and his eyes had turned into a dazzling blue.


On his face and neck, blue lines like horned snakes quickly appeared. They looked like strange
and obscure patterns. These blue lines extended from the geometric pattern of a sphere in the
middle of a blue triangle between Hades' eyebrows!

At the same time, shocking energy pressure exploded from Hades. Even a normal person could
see this energy pressure. It was like a blue energy beam of light that fell from the sky. It was
huge and enveloped Hades, making him look disheveled as be displayed a raging state.

The First Heir - Chapter 2477

Seeing Hades' state at this moment, Vataco and Andrew were also full of shock and surprise.

Hades was actually forced to use Battle God Mode. Unbelievable!

As the name suggested, Battle God Mode was the strongest fighting state of the gods. In this
state, they would only have combat in their minds. The fight would only end when one party died
in battle. In this mode, the gods would burn their lifespan at the expense of intercepting the
energy and material rules of heaven and earth to achieve the strongest state.

Their bodies' cellular activity would also be at peak performance, which meant they could
quickly recover and regenerate. Generally speaking, a person in this state would be a tireless
killing machine.
Likewise, once this mode was activated, even if the fight was won, the damage to the gods
would be huge. It had been many years since a battle like this. Such a battle was enough to
destroy half of the Western world. Moreover, Zeus had once issued the order to prohibit the
gods from entering Battle God Mode.

That was because it was an irreversible state unless someone died in battle. In other words,
Hades was determined to fight Philip until the end.

Philip's eyes were grave. He could already tell that Hades' state at this moment was just like the
sun at noon, hot, frenzied, and invincible. All the energy in his body was like an endless vast
ocean. More terrifyingly, all the injuries on his bodyjust now had recovered with not even the
slightest trace of fatigue.

Philip knew that he had just comprehended the power of the source of kingship and his realm
was still unstable. That attack just now was already his strongest blow to end things quickly.
Now that Hades wanted to fight until the end, the situation was indeed very dangerous for Philip.

Fennel lagged behind at this moment, trying to read just his physical condition. Seeing that
Hades had entered Battle God Mode, he shouted, "Philip, watch out! That's Battle God Mode.
He's now at his peak fighting condition! He's burning his life force, and the battle will only end
when one party dies in battle!"

Very tricky!

'Battle God Mode?'

Philip frowned. Although he did not quite understand it, he could see that if this continued, it
would only end up a deadly match.

Suddenly, Hades stomped on the ground and exploded with a burst of unprecedented force.
The ground was shattered, and two deep pits were formed where his feet were. This was the
explosive power of Battle God Mode. Before Philip could see clearly, Hades' explosive punch
that contained the power of blue lightning had already smashed in front of him.

It arrived in a flash!

The speed had exceeded his limits!


The lightning power contained in that fist was enough to destroy all living creatures within a
radius of hundreds of meters.
Philip quickly lifted the red dragon halberd in his hand and placed it in front of his body to resist
this punch from Hades.

The fist of lightning collided with the red dragon halberd in Philip's hand. A dazzling wave of
energy fluctuations . This raging energy storm was very violent and enough to destroy a town.

after, Philip was sent flying dozens of meters away by this punch from Hades. Philip slammed
the red halberd into the ground and created a rift dozens of meters long.

The First Heir - Chapter 2478

To strong!

Hades in Battle God Mode was comparable to having the strength of a half-step king of
disciples in the sixth zone!

Hades stood in the middle of the energy storm, his body upright and majestic. He raged with
energy fluctuations just like Super Saiyan. His thick hair was dancing with the fluctuations, and
every inch of his body was covered with dazzling blue energy. Such an energy spill formed a
layer of defensive armor that was almost invincible. His eyes were like blue lightning, looking as
though they came from an abyss. It made others too afraid to look him in the eye.

Hades sneered as his blue lightning eyes stared at Philip. He said, "Philip, I'll kill you, a newly
promoted god, to prove my prowess. This will let me go one step further and set foot onto the
path of kingship of the sixth zone!"

This roar, combined with the lightning power from his body, was as loud as a bell and as
powerful as lightning. It shook world.

Immediately after, Hades moved as fast as a blue bolt of lightning once more. His speed had
already surpassed the limit of the fifth zone.

In an instant, Hades and Philip engaged in a fierce battle of the fists. Two figures of blue and
crimson could be seen clashing violently, producing massive energy storms.

They fought from the ground to the air, causing the void around them to collapse. What was
even more terrifying was that the ground under their feet was now full of ravines, pits, and
scorched earth.

This was the battle between the gods!

Especially when one of them was in Battle God Mode!

Hades was in his prime combat condition at this moment. His every move forced Philip to use
his full strength to resist and defend or attack.

In midair, that blue figure exploded with blue lightning force like a lightning-covered sun. Hades
went berserk and stomped on Philip. This stomp was enough to destroy everything!

Philip raised his arms to resist Hades' stomp from above his head.

And in sudden... The chimera armor that formed over Philip's arms quickly shattered and
disintegrated under Hades' stomp. Then, Philip's figure shot to the ground like a missile!

Philip crashed heavily to the ground. A huge pit of a hundred-meter radius was formed. In the
air, Hades was bathed in

a blue energy storm. His eyes flashed with indifference as he stared at the bottomless pit on the

Andrew and Vataco were also a little stunned and shocked when they saw this attack.

Too strong!

Hades was already half a step ahead of them. His Battle God Mode was enough to kill them

Fennel was grim as he dragged his tired body and stood up abruptly. He raised his hand and
summoned his red dragon halberd!

Another red energy pillar of light appeared. This raging red pillar of light came from Fennel.

Battle God Mode! Sun God Apollo had also entered Battle God Mode!

Andrew and Vataco finally realized that the situation was beyond control.

Two gods had entered Battle God Mode! A big mess was about to happen!

Fennel held the red dragon halberd in his hand. Due to Battle God Mode, his injuries began to
heal rapidly. However, this was the strongest state at the cost of burning his life force.

"Hades, you've crossed the line! Today, I'm going to kill you!"

Fennel roared, and his eyes were red. He rose into the air. The red energy storm raging on his
body was no weaker than the energy storm on Hades.
The First Heir - Chapter 2479

Fennel displayed his strongest state in Battle God Mode. He jumped into the air, the red dragon
halberd in his hand turning red gold as he fought with Hades.

In the sky, an energy storm of red-gold and blue raged. The clouds in the sky were torn apart by
the energy storm and disintegrated. Thick dark clouds also slowly gathered in the sky above
Fennel's and Hades' heads. The whole area grew dark like the end of the world!

In the sky, Fennel held the halberd. His eyes flowed with battle intent as he started at Hades
who was bathed in a storm

of lightning energy. Hades' face was full of sinister chills. The blue lines on his face extremely
devilish were eye-piercing. He roared coldly, "Apollo, are you going to stop me from entering the
sixth zone of kingship?" Fennel laughed. The red dragon halberd in his hand had completely
turned into the color of red and gold at this moment. Gold dragons were wrapped around the
body as though they were alive. Especially the head of the halberd that looked like a roaring

"Hades, it's not that easy to kill my friend to prove your path into the sixth zone of kingship."

Fennel said mildly, but the determination in his words was obvious.

Hades roared, "You're also one of the 12 Western Gods. Why are you helping him again and
again? Don't forget the oath you made on Mount Olympus back then!"

Fennel smiled and said, "Hades, I'm afraid you've misunderstood. Although I'm a god, I don't
have to follow the rules of your Western underworld. This was what Zeus promised me."

Hades fell silent. His fists clenched suddenly, and the blue lightning storm all over his body
raged to the fullest extent. Then, he raised his hand and held his palm high in the air. A dazzling
lightning storm burst out from his palm. Immediately after, in everyone's gaze, a bident slowly
appeared from the storm in his palm.

The body of this bident was covered with blue symbols and patterns. The power of lightning
slowly flowed through it. The head of the bident was in the shape of a thunderbolt. It dazzled
with raging energy pressure, which made people fearful from the bottom of their hearts.

It was Hades' weapon, the bident!

The moment this bident appeared, the energy storm with lightning attribute surged toward the
bident in Hades' hand. At the same time, the energy from the scattered lightning attribute also
nourished Hades' body.
The bident in Hades' hand fell heavily and triggered several thunderbolts that struck the ground.
They completely overwhelmed the land with lightning bolts. After the lightning storm stopped
raging, the ground was cracked beyond recognition and had completely turned into ruins.

Philip was nowhere to be found in that huge pit.


Hades hovered in midair and swung his bident around, causing it to crackle. He roared, "Apollo,
since you're so persistent, I'll kill you first and take your source of kingship. I'll then kill that kid to
take his source of kingship!"

Speaking of this, Hades could not hide his sneer. If he succeeded, he would have six sources of
kingship. In addition to his own, it was enough for him to dominate the entire Western
underworld and become the most powerful chief god in the history of the 12 Western gods!

The First Heir - Chapter 2480

The master of Mount Olympus would be Hades, the King of the Underworld!

Fennel snorted coldly and said, "Hades, you must be dreaming! Fight if you want to!"

After saying that, Fennel lunged at Hades in a streak of red- gold light.

A massive battle enough to destroy the world suddenly broke out. Such a battle was not
something normal people could withstand. Even the space began to crumble and crack.

The two gods had entered the strongest Battle God Mode!

On the ground, a trace of gloom flashed in Vataco's eyes. His gaze shifted from the two people
fighting in the sky to the deep pit on the ground. He walked to the edge of the pit and looked
down into the bottomless abyss.

This blow from Hades was really too strong.

Was Philip killed by Hades just like that?

As he stated into the abyss, he could suddenly hear a pounding heartbeat. The sound was very
strong and contained endless vitality. Immediately after, Vataco suddenly and quickly backed
away because he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis from the bottom of the deep pit. There
was a sense of death as well.
That feeling was too realistic!

It was as if what he faced just now was not a deep pit but an existence that he could not see
through or figure out. Especially with the sound of the pounding heartbeat, he felt as though he
was facing an ancient beast that was about to awaken.

Very scary!

It was even more terrifying and gut-wrenching than the extraterrestrial beasts trapped under the
sacred city thousands of years ago.

Immediately after, several black thunderbolts fell into the deep pit from the sky!

Vataco looked up at the platinum sword of kingship in the sky. At this moment, the black gem on
the platinum sword of kingship began to glow with a dazzling black luster. Immediately after, the
platinum sword of kingship was slowly shrouded in black. The platinum sword of kingship turned
into a black sword of kingship. Apart from the black shining gem, the other four colored gems
became dull.

Seeing this scene, Vataco's eyes were filled with shock and horror!

A god who dominated the Western underworld actually displayed a look as if he had seen the
end of the world. It was the Rotation of Kingship.

This guy actually comprehended the Rotation of Kingship so quickly!

This unique skill could only be possessed by gods with multiple kingships.

If the power of the rules of the five sources of kingship had shocked Vataco and the others
earlier, the change from the platinum sword of kingship to the black sword of kingship at this
moment was enough to make Vataco want to flee!

When the five rules of kingship achieved a balanced state, the platinum sword of kingship would
appear. However, once the kingship chose one of the sources of kingship, the chosen source
would absorb the power of the remaining four sources of kingship to reach the strongest state.
In other words, the current black source of kingship was the combination of the rules and
powers of the five sources of kingship!

The kin gship power would be five times stronger than the previous platinum sword of kingship.

In a nutshell, the current Philip was stronger than Hades and Apollo who had entered Battle
God Mode!
Suddenly... A huge black pillar of energy light erupted from that bottomless pit. This pillar of light
soared into the sky, disturbed the thick clouds above, and formed a storm vortex.

The First Heir - Chapter 2481

The head of the SPEAR Bureau, Gustav, was a veritable archmage. He studied under the
Ancient One Supreme Mage and was one of Ancient One's favorite disciples. Now, he was the
head of the SPEAR Bureau with strength that could not be underestimated.

At this moment, Gustav's eyes were cold with a trace of killing intent. He stared at the burly and
indifferent Fulton Hash opposite him. He said coldly, "Eastern Battle God Fulton Hash, why are
you standing in my way?"

As Gustav spoke, the harsh aura on his body was unleashed. The energy in his body also
slowly gathered as he prepared to strike at any time. After all, even Gustav had heard of Fulton
Hash 's fame.

With the title of 'Battle God', he once resisted several kings of disciples of the West and shot to
fame in that battle. The news spread in the Western disciple world and blocked the dreams of
some people in the West to unify with the East. Moreover, Fulton was also one of the few kings
of disciples who made it to the seventh zone behind the door!

These two points were enough to warrant Gustav's caution.

The king of disciples of the seventh zone was worthy of being his opponent.

Fulton was indifferent as he glanced at Gustav and said lightly, "Archmage Gustav, you've
misunderstood. I'm not the one in your way, but you're in my way."

Gustav frowned at these words, and his face darkened.

"Eastern Battle God, I'm waming you now to leave quickly and not stand in my way. Otherwise,
I'll make you understand that this is the West, not your East! This area is under the jurisdiction
of my SPEAR Bureau. No people or organizations with hostile forces are allowed to exist!"

Gustav did not want to waste time talking to Fulton because he knew very well what it meant for
a battle god from the seventh zone of the East to appear in this place. It meant that there was
an Eastern god in the battle of the gods in Clink Manor. He most likely had a close relationship
with this Eastern Battle God. Otherwise, a world's top powerhouse like him would not appear

Fulton shrugged and said with a faint smile in his eyes, "Gust, I heard that you're the most
outstanding disciple of the Ancient One. I really want to see how outstanding you are."

Gustav shouted and raised his left hand.

Suddenly, a black magic circle appeared in the air. This black magic circle was engraved with
various complex and profound runes. Then, Gustav ised his hand toward the void and made a
grabbing motion. Like a magic weapon in his hand, the black magic circle suddenly became
dazzling with black rays of light. He launched several fireballs at Fulton.

The corners of Fulton's eyes chilled. With a wave of his hand, the black fireballs shattered one
meter in front of Fulton and scattered in the air.

"Gustav, if that's all the strength you have, I must advise you that the path in front is not a realm
you can step into." Fulton changed his previous indifferent state and became serious. The
corners of his eyes showed a faint chill.

Gustav sneered as he glanced at the clouds in the sky hundreds of miles behind Fulton. In his
sight, the few swords of kingship looked like tiny needles, but he could feel the energy pressure
that flowed in the air. He smirked and said, "So, you came for that newly promoted god. Five
sources of kingship are very rare, indeed. It'd be great if such a genius belonged to our West,
but unfortunately, he belongs to your East. Hence, death will be his only way out!"

Gustav made no secret of his thoughts at all.

The First Heir - Chapter 2482

That was a newly-promoted god, and one with five sources of kingship at that. That was one
more source of kingship than Zeus, the chief god of the 12 Western gods. If that god was
allowed to develop, the future impact on the Western underworld would be immeasurable.

Before that, no matter what happened, Gustav must kill him to avoid future problems. However,
this Battle God from the East was obviously not going to let him get away with it.

Fulton looked at Gustav coldly and said, "I once heard Benny Larson, the master of the
Gentleman Court, say that he fought with you before. He was at the same mage level as you
back then, and you were slightly stronger than him."

"Benny Larson?"

A hint of coldness flashed in Gustav's eyes before he said with a laugh, "So, you know that guy.
A lowly defector is not worthy of being called a mage. He's a disgrace to our mage community.
He's the most useless disciple under the master's command!"
After saying that, Gustav disappeared into thin air before appearing in front of Fulton again. With
a black magic circle in one hand, three energy substances that looked like black chains burst
out from the magic circle and lunged toward Fulton's neck and limbs!

The power of spatial rules. It was the most basic ability of a mage to control space.

The corners of Fulton's eyes froze. He turned around and rapidly backed away several meters
from where he stood like a bolt of lightning.

The three chains formed by energy substances missed the mark and plunged into the ground,
overturning a layer of soil. Then, a terrifying energy pressure erupted before they lunged at
Fulton again. The corners of Fulton's eyes twitched as he stomped his feet on the ground. With
an explosive impact, he did not retreat but advanced instead. He directly faced the attack from
the three chains.

With a loud clatter, the chains suddenly spread out around Fulton at a distance of one meter
away from him. They quickly formed a circular are, trying to chain Fulton up.

With a twitch in his eye, Gustav yanked with his left hand and the three chains went taut. They
quickly shrank! One careless move and Fulton would be bound by these three chains!

Once trapped, there was no escape. That was because these chains were inscribed with runes
by a mage and could continuously devour the energy of the person being chained while
suppressing the control of rules. However, at the critical moment, Fulton, who was surrounded
by several chains, suddenly turned into an afterimage.

At the moment the chains shrank, Fulton jumped out of the chains' entrapment and appeared
half a meter in front of Gustav.

Gustav's eyes were filled with terror!

He watched as Fulton clenched his fists that contained raging energy pressure and threw a
punch at his face. This was impossible!

He actually understood the rules of space too!

Fulton had already appeared in front of Gustav at this moment and thrown a punch at the
opponent's face. At the same time, he chuckled and said, "You're not the only one who
understands spatial rules. This is not exclusive to you mages."

This punch would hit Gustav squarely. However, at the last moment, Gustav turned his right
hand. A golden magic circle appeared and blocked the hit right in front of him.
The First Heir - Chapter 2483

ulton's punch smashed the golden magic circle in Gustav's right hand so hard that sparks

Gustav was also blasted dozens of meters away by the force of this punch. His feet left deep
gouges on the ground. he steadied himself, Gustav's eyes flashed with a biting chill and
murderous intent. this side, Fulton still looked indifferent. He shook his fist and said, "You do
have some strength. I thought I could take of you in one move, but now it seems I'll have to take
more time."

this, Gustav was furious. He was the most honorable mage. He was the favorite disciple of the
Ancient One Supreme Mage!

was the head of SPEAR Bureau!

, Gustav was being looked down upon by the Eastern Battle God.

other party had no idea what the consequence of angering a mage was.

Fool! You damnable and lowly Eastern Battle God. You have no idea what terrible existence
you're facing! How dare you provoke an archmage?! You're simply seeking death!" Gustav was

black mage cloak behind him was branded with a special red-gold rune. That was the symbol of
the Ancient One. was a symbol of a huge golden cogwheel, while the teeth were made up of
knights' swords. In the middle of the , there was a golden orb that symbolized the sun.

Levitation Cloak!

an archmage could possess a levitation cloak. The levitation cloak had no self-awareness and
would establish with its owner. It could move with just one thought.

this moment, the levitation cloak was lifted by the vigorous energy from Gustav's body.
Suddenly, a black magic appeared under Gustav's feet. Then, Gustav slowly rose into the air.
He stared coldly at Fulton below while a black mark slowly emerged from the middle of his

was a special mark that only an archmage would have. Once this mark appeared, it meant that
the archmage ready to fight with all his might!
a face full of indifference, Gustav stared at Fulton sinisterly and said coldly, "Today, I'll show you
the pride of a mage! Arrogant Eastern Battle God, you'll pay the price for your words and actions
just now!"

After saying that, the black magic circle in Gustav's left hand glowed with a dark luster while the
golden magic circle in his right hand glowed with a golden luster!


The First Heir - Chapter 2484

Accept the punishment from God, you pathetic Eastern Battle God!"

Gustav shouted angrily, and a dazzling energy glow erupted from his whole body. He looked just
like a god who descended to earth and looked down on everything.



The two magic circles in his hands dazzled brightly and exploded with black and gold energy
beams. Like a cannon, hey blasted at the ground where Fulton stood and fired indiscriminately.

Such an attack was simply unheard of.

He was enhancing energy through the magic circles to form rapid firepower. Under such an
attack, even a fortified city would be blasted into ruins. That was because the attack power had
already surpassed the king of disciples in the fifth and sixth zones.

Fulton looked up into the air.

Gustav had his back toward the sun, so his figure was all black at this moment.

he black and gold magic circles in his hands dazzled brightly and meted out attacks like they
were God's punisInnent. his scene looked just like doomsday!

It was even mightier than God's own punishment.

Fulton suddenly became serious. He raised his right arm horizontally in front of him. A dazzling
black rune appeared on right arm, and a black energy shield was formed.

Suddenly the sky was filled with rapid energy firepower which bombarded the black energy
shield on Fulton's right

or a while, all the energy pressure hit the black energy shield and it felt as though the sky was
about to collapse. Due o the raging energy pressure, Fulton's feet slid back several meters.

From a distance, Gustav looked like a god in the He was holding a black and a gold magic circle
in his hands and rapid energy beams at Fulton on the ground.

Hd used the shield on his right arm to resist this terrifying pressure.

black and golden energy beams were concentrated on the black shield. They were like flaming
cannonballs that constantly booming.

Fulton was forced to slide back several meters and left deep ditches in the ground. He resisted
his opponent's attacks half a minute.

In midair, Gustav turned his hands and stopped attacking. The mark of the archmage between
his eyebrows became brighter. He looked down at Fulton who was a little disheveled and said
with a sneer, "Lowly Eastern Battle God, do know the gap between us now? If you don't want to
die, you can choose to kneel down and submit to me. Sign a ife-and-death contract with me and
I'll let you live. What do you think? This is God's mercy to you, so you should it carefully."

Fulton stood up straight at this moment, his body like a pine tree as he stood upright in place.
He gently waved his right arm that was scorched by the energy beams and said with a laugh,
"I'm sorry, but the East has never in the god you mentioned. I don't really need your mercy."

Arrogance! Since you're so persistent, I can only kill you here! The Eastern Battle God is indeed
worthy to fight me!"

eyes flashed with a chill as he stared at Fulton, who was on the ground. An overpowering
pressure quickly in Gustav's body.

the ground, Fulton raised his eyebrows and stared at Gustav in midair with a hint of coldness in
his eyes. A mage usually fight from a distance. Thus, Fulton must narrow the gap until he was
right in front of Gustav. He would be then. Of course, that was not easy. After all, he was facing
an archmage with a strength similar to his. The atmosphere started to become peculiar.

, both of them sprang into action and exploded with bursts of energy. However, at this moment,
a figure with golden lightning suddenly appeared in the deep forest not far away. The energy
pressure on this person was not inferior to Fulton's, even surpassing his.

His appearance suddenly reversed the situation.

voice that sounded like it came from the heavens was heard from the person.

"Eastern Battle God, shouldn't you pay your greetings when you come to my Western world?"

frowned and saw the figure clearly. He was an old man with a golden crown and gray hair. He
was clad in a and white royal robe. He held a golden thunderbolt spear engraved with obscure

The First Heir - Chapter 2485

The chief god of the 12 gods of the West, Zeus. He was a mysterious old guy with terrifying
strength. In this world, few people could fight against him, and those who could were the
strongest in this world.

At this moment, the arrival of Chief God Zeus made the atmosphere extremely grim and tense.
The majestic golden lightning pressure from him caused a sense of trepidation in Fulton.

He never expected Zeus to appear.

This old man had reached half-step to the other shore 20 years ago. Now, judging from his
dormant aura, it was very likely that he had entered the realm of the other shore. He was the
strongest person in the West and the king in charge of the Western underworld.

He was the chief of the 12 gods. He was the person in control of the sacred city of Mount

Gustav, who hovered in midair, frowned when he saw the arrival of Zeus at this moment. He
slowly retracted the pressure and energy on his body before landing on the ground. He bowed
slightly toward Zeus and said, “Chief God..." Zeus glanced at Gustav and said with a smile,
"Archmage Gustav, it's been a long time. Your strength has improved again."

Gustav smiled and said, "It's all thanks to your teachings. Iwas just about to visit the sacred city
to pay my respects to you."

Zeus nodded and said no further. His cold and serious gaze fell on Fulton as he said, "Eastern
Battle God, you trespassed into my Western territory and started a fight with an archmage of the
West. Do you have any respect for my Western world at all?"

Fulton did not act rashly at this moment and said indifferently, "Chief God, I didn't trespass. It
was this archmage who insisted on fighting with me. I didn't have any choice."

Zeus frowned and said coldly, "There's no room for your denial in my Western world. If you don't
want to cause other unnecessary problems, please leave quickly. I'll take care of the rest."

Fulton was not allowed any objections at all.

Fulton frowned and said, "I don't want to cause unnecessary problems either, but you can't
touch the two people over there. If you have any malicious intent toward them, I don't think my
lord will agree."

Hearing this, Zeus frowned and said in a low voice, "Roger Clarke?"

Fulton did not speak, but his eyes were cold. He was ready to fight at any time. He did not have
much confidence to stand against Zeus, the chief god of the Western world.


Suddenly, Zeus pounded the golden thunderbolt in his hand on the ground. The golden
thunderbolt dazzled with golden sparks and blasted at Fulton.

Fulton was startled and quickly backed away. At the same time, he launched several defensive
moves against the golden sparks.


The golden sparks struck Fulton's defensive shield and dazzled brightly, knocking Fulton back a
hundred meters.

The First Heir - Chapter 2486

, a cold and angry roar was heard. "Eastern Battle God, you're too arrogant! Even your lord
wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous in my Western world!"

Zeus shouted angrily, and a golden thunderbolt mark appeared in his eyes. The energy
pressure on his body also stronger. It was about to crush this side of the world.

stood on one side and felt the vast energy of Zeus, which was terrifying.

Was this the strength of the half-step to the other shore?

was likely the realm of the other shore!

then, if Zeus had not stepped in and resisted the powerhouse from the other shore of the East,
perhaps the disciples of the West would have all been killed. That battle back then was fierce
and violent beyond belief. To this day, of that iconic battle could still be found on that famous

God Zeus and Roger Clarke had fought to a draw. Since then, Zeus recuperated in the sacred
city and never made an appearance.

This time, he actually appeared in person, which was enough to show that this crisis of the gods
might produce unimaginable consequences.

it because of the newly-promoted god with five sources of kingship?

Gustav was guessing, the pressure from Zeus became stronger and stronger. On the other
hand, Fulton, who had been blasted back a hundred meters, felt his hands go numb at this

He gritted his teeth and flexed his arms. He clenched his fists, stared at Zeus, and said with a
snort, "Are you shamed into anger already?"

snorted coldly, his golden eyes filled with chaotic thunderbolts revealed god-like pressure as he
said, "You're not worthy of making me angry yet. I just want to tell you that you're not strong
enough for me. If you're the only one here , I advise you not to act rashly. Otherwise, I'll kill you
so that the East loses a battle god!"

His words were extremely domineering!

However, Fulton smiled with a fearless look in his eyes a she said, "I know that I'm not as strong
as you, but if you think that I'm alone today, you're mistaken."

As soon as he said that, a gust of wind blew, rolling up the leaves that fell from the trees and
making them flutter in the air. The smell of crisis filled the air.

Gustav narrowed his eyes and instantly felt the other four special energies as well as the power
of rules in the air. He turned to Zeus and said, "Chief God, this..."

Zeus naturally noticed it too. He frowned and glared at Fulton before he looked around and
bellowed angrily, "Everyone, don't you want to show yourselves? Do the strong people from the
East like hiding so much?"

Except for a wisp of cold wind in the air, no one appeared.

"Hahaha! Old Zeus, it's been a long time!"

Suddenly, a burst of cheerful and proud laughter was heard. Then, someone slowly walked out
from the back of the woods.
This person was none other than Alliance Master Yarn. He still had the same elderly look, but
there was a chaotic luster in his eyes.

As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere became tenser.

Zeus looked at Alliance Master Yarn and continued to shout, "Why don't the other three come
out too?"

As soon as he said that, three elderly figures walked out at the same time from the remaining
three directions. One of them was Benny Larson, the master of Gentleman Court. He stood with
his hands behind him and exuded majestic pressure all over. He walked up calmly but a pair of
cold eyes were fixed on Gustav.

Naturally, Gustav's eyes also fixed on Benny, and he shouted angrily, "Benny Larson? You lowly
traitor, how dare you show up here?"

Gustav was very angry and he could not wait to tear Benny apart immediately.

Benny only smiled lightly and said, "Gustav, it's been a long time. You're still as impatient as
ever. How is the Master?"

The First Heir - Chapter 2487

Gustav's face was gloomy as he stared coldly at Benny and roared. "Benny Larson, you have
no right to call him 'Master'! You humble and cowardly Eastern mage! You're a disgrace among
the Master's disciples and a disgrace to the entire mage community!"

Benny raised his eyebrows slightly but did not take Gustav's words to heart. He said mildly,
"Gustav, you're still the same, looking down on the East. We've long needed to implement
changes in the mage world. If you keep thinking of yourself as superior, there'll never be

Gustav snorted coldly and said, "No! Mages originated from the West, so the West is the holy
sanctum of the mages. It's shameful for lowly Easterners like you to come to our West to steal
the knowledge of mages! One day, I shall destroy all the humble Eastern mages and bring the
honor of the mages back to the West!"

Benny shook his head and did not want to continue this verbal argument with Gustav.

He looked at Zeus and said mildly, "Chief God, I wonder if we're qualified to be your opponents."
Zeus frowned, and the majestic golden thunderbolt power on his body became even more
radiant and terrifying. His eyebrows and beard also twitched at this moment. The pair of golden
thunderbolt eyes revealed a destructive killing intent.

Of course, Zeus also recognized the other two people standing next to Benny and Alliance
Master Yarn. The man and woman were hunchbacked, old, and had wrinkled faces. One was
dressed in black, while the other was dressed in white. They looked as though they could be
blown away by the wind at any time. However, when Zeus saw these two, he dared not let his
guard down or show any contempt at all.

These two were the cornerstones of Nonagon. They were the founders and the most influential
figures decades ago. They were also the doorkeepers of Nonagon's door and the caretakers
guarding the bridge between the world behind Nonagon's door and the human secular world.
Their strength was at the half-step to the other shore and should not be underestimated.

Suddenly, the atmosphere here became extremely tense.

Zeus was solemn, and his eyes throbbed with angry golden thunderbolts. He stared at the four
people and said with a cold sneer, "Very good! The East has dealt a heavy hand to send the
four of you at once. You really think too highly of me."

Fulton looked at Zeus indifferently and said, "Chief God, we have no other intention, and neither
do we want any unnecessary conflicts with the West. If you insist on fighting us, we can only
defend ourselves."

"Hahaha!" With a burst of laughter, dazzling golden thunderbolts suddenly erupted from Zeus.

He turned into a pillar of golden thunderbolts. His eyes, which were completely filled with golden
thunderbolts, glowed with terrifying killing intent as he shouted angrily, "Are you threatening me?
I've never feared any threat! Even if Roger Clarke is standing here in person, I'll still say that this
is the West, not the East, much less the Clarke Manor! Don't try to anger me! Otherwise, I'll kill
the four of you today!"

The entire area was suddenly filled with the power of golden thunderbolts from Zeus' body. As
far as the eye could his brilliant golden light was terrifying.

The First Heir - Chapter 2488

Gustav stood on the side and also unleashed his aura, ready to strike at any time. Of course,
his first target was Benny Larson.
Alliance Master Yarn stepped forward at this time and said with a snort, "Old Zeus, you refused
to stay in your sacred city and insisted on coming out to partake in this mess. Do you have too
much time on your hands?"

"Insolence!" Zeus was furious. With a flick of his thunderbolt scepter, he struck a golden
thunderbolt at Alliance Master Yarn.

The power of this golden thunderbolt was equivalent to the full blow of a king of disciples in the
seventh zone. Alliance Master Yarn's face quickly changed as he turned around. With a laugh,
he disappeared from the spot.

The spot where Alliance Master Yarn stood just now was blasted into a deep pit hundreds of
meters wide by the power of the golden thunderbolt.

Just one simple strike was so frighteningly powerful!


Alliance Master Yarn reappeared in another spot and glanced at the huge pit hundreds of
meters wide where he just stood. He shook his head helplessly and said with a smile, "Old
Zeus, you're still as impulsive as ever, fighting at the first sign of disagreement. It's very impolite.
Moreover, it's not healthy to be so angry all the time. You shouldn't be so impulsive at this age."

Zeus frowned at those words. He pointed at Alliance Master Yarn with the golden thunderbolt
scepter in his hand and shouted angrily, "Old Yarn, cut the crap! Today, I'll kill you in the name of
the chief god!"

Zeus shouted angrily and was about to strike.

Alliance Master Yarn laughed coldly and said, "Old Zeus, I think you should find out what's going
on in your lair right now. Don't do something that you'll regret later."

Zeus was startled and felt a bad premonition.

At this moment, an attendant of Zeus came running from a distance. In the beginning, he stood
far away because this was a battle of the gods. An attendant like him was nothing but cannon

"Chief God, it's bad! The sacred city has been surrounded! The other party is too strong. The
goddess is leading the city's golden-armored guards to confront them, but the situation doesn't
look good."

The attendant knelt next to Zeus with his head lowered.

Hearing this, Zeus' face changed, and his anger soared higher than the sky. He roared angrily,
stared at Alliance Master Yarn and the others, and shouted, "Is this your doing?"

Alliance Master Yarn smiled and said, "Old Zeus, this is just a diversion tactic used by the East.
You didn't read the copy of Art of War that I sent you back then."

Hearing this, Zeus' face changed. That so-called Art of War had long gone missing in an
unknown corner!


Damned Easterners!

They were always so despicable!

At this moment, Benny said, "Chief God, we don't want to go to war with you. We don't want to
breach the agreement between the East and the West without a good reason. Our purpose here
today is just to bring back the two people. We hope that you can consider this matter carefully. If
you feel that your dignity has been insulted, feel free to attack us. We'll do our best to fight you
as well. However, the result is the same."

After saying that, Benny stopped talking.

Zeus' eyes shone with the color of golden thunderbolts. Slowly, the aura on his body subsided.
He stared coldly at Benny and Alliance Master Yarn before saying, "Very well!"

After saying this, Zeus turned around and left in a streak of a golden thunderbolt.

Benny and Alliance Master Yarn heaved a sigh of relief.

The First Heir - Chapter 2489

If they really fought with Zeus, they might not win. After all, Zeus was not a simple character.
Zeus also had his concerns, which was why he did not fight them. The first being his people in
the sacred city, and secondly, the monsters that were trapped under the sacred city.

Once a battle broke out in the sacred city, the seal of the sacred city might break and the
monsters would escape. It would bring disaster to the Western world. Thus, Zeus dared not

After Zeus left, only Archmage Gustav remained on the scene. He frowned and looked at the
five people on the opposite side. Among them, he had heard of the Sun and Moon Ancients.
They were two powerhouses in the realm of half-step to the other shore.
As for Benny and Alliance Master Yarn, he also knew the approximate range of their realms.

He was trapped!

Gustav's face was full of gloomy coldness as he looked around for a way to escape.

Fulton stepped out at this moment, looked at Gustav calmly, and said, "Archmage, what's your
decision now?"

Gustav was furious. He stared at Fulton, but his eyes strayed to Benny before he said, "As the
head of the SPEAR Bureau in the West, my responsibility is to maintain the peace and stability
here! Since a crisis of the gods has occurred, I must deal with it! All of you should get out of my
way! Otherwise, I'll put all of you on the SPEAR Bureau's S-class global wanted list!"

"Hehehe..." Fulton said, "Archmage, I'm afraid you still don't realize your current situation, so I'll
ask you again. What's your choice?"

As soon as Fulton said that, the two people in black and white slowly walked forward.

Gustav got a fright by this. It was true that he was an archmage, but to take on two
powerhouses half-step to the other shore at once would be self-destruction. "Damn it, you
bastards! You despicable Easterners! This is called winning by numbers. It's an unfair fight! F*ck

Gustav cursed and exploded with expletives.

Fulton smiled and said, "Honorable Archmage, what's your choice?"

Gustav clenched his fists angrily and glanced at the sky in the distance, where the burst of
bright energy fluctuations seemed to be coming to an end. In desperation, Gustav could only
turn around and leave. Before he left, he said resentfully, "You must ensure the safety of the
Western gods. If one of them falls, I'll definitely kill all the powerhouses in your East in the name
of an archmage!"

After saying this, Gustav glanced at Benny vehemently and said, "Benny Larson, you traitor!
You don't deserve to be a mage!"

Damn it!

After saying this, Gustav left.

Fulton glanced at the departing Gustav, and a hint of gloom flashed in the corners of his eyes.
Then, he turned around and bowed slightly to the Sun and Moon Ancients. He said, "Thank you
for your help. The Clarke family will definitely keep our promise to you."

The Sun and Moon Ancients looked at each other, nodded, and left. The remaining Alliance
Master Yarn, Benny, and Fulton rushed to Clink Manor.

By the time they arrived, they were just in time to see Philip, who was covered in raging black
energy, stomping down on Hades in the air.

The First Heir - Chapter 2490

The kingship armor that formed all over Hades shattered under Philip's stomp. He fell from the
air in a streak of blue light and crashed heavily to the ground, blasting a pit dozens of meters

The ground trembled with the force!

In the pit, Hades was charred all over. He opened his eyes wide, his entire body covered in
injuries and smoke from the burns. His arms were scorched black and glowed with red blood.
The kingship armor on his body had crumbled at this moment. In the sky, the sword of kingship
that belonged to Hades went dim and slowly disappeared. On the other hand, Death God
Andrew was not doing well either. He was hiding in black mist. He saw the right opportunity and
vanished into the air. Upon transforming into black mist, he escaped.

Philip frowned and raised his hand. The Fusha longsword jumped up from the ground and
chased after Andrew. Swish!

A streak of black light pierced through the black mist formed by Andrew.

The Fusha longsword was covered in blood when it penetrated the ground. The cloud of black
mist trembled for a moment before shooting away.

Meanwhile, Fulton and the others had arrived. Everyone gasped at this scene.

Philip fought against three gods single-handedly and won!

As Fulton and the others wanted to step forward, Philip's eyes suddenly turned black. Then, he
raised his hand and launched a fierce attack at Fulton and the others.
Fulton was taken aback and frowned as he said solemnly, "Oh no! It's the backlash from the
kingship power! Quick, stop him!"

The kingship backlash was dangerou state.

It indicated that the person with kingship power was being controlled by the source of kingship
and had lost their selfawareness. They had completely been reduced to becoming a slave of the
source of kingship. They would keep fighting until the end.

Benny sighed and said, "Alas, he was too impatient. After all, he just learned to control the
source of kingship but he was eager to achieve success and wanted to control five sources of
kingship at once. It's not surprising for him to suffer a backlash."

After saying that, Benny sprang into action. A golden 64-geomancy magic circle appeared in his
hand. Then, eight golden 64-geomancy magic circles appeared in eight directions around Philip,
completely surrounding him. No matter how Philip attacked these magic circles, only clanging
sounds could be heard. Then, with everyone's joint efforts, Philip's power of kingship was finally
brought under control.

After that, Philip fell to the ground like a deflated balloon.

They stepped forward and looked at Philip, who had fallen unconscious on the ground, with
doubts in their eyes. Alliance Master Yarn asked, "Court Master Larson, are you sure he can
help me in my search for the first emperor's Slab of Eternal Life?"

Benny nodded and said, "Only he can activate the Slab of Eternal Life."

Alliance Master Yarn frowned but merely said, "Well, I'll wait a few more years, then..."

Fulton bowed slightly to Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson. He said, "I want to
thank the both of you on behalf of my lord. I'll take care of the rest."

Alliance Master Yarn and Court Master Larson nodded.

When Philip woke up, he found himself lying on a big soft bed. He opened his eyes and saw the
architectural style of Western Europe. The room was luxurious, very elegant, and full of Western

Two maids stepped forward when they saw Philip waking up.

"Young Lord, you're finally awake."

Fulton walked in and smiled when he saw Philip sitting up.

Philip also smiled when he saw Fulton and asked, "What brings you here?"

Before Fulton could answer, Fennel walked in. He looked hale and hearty at this moment
without a trace of injury at all. He smiled and asked, "Are you awake? Just in time. I have
something to tell you. It's about your sister, Hannah Clarke."

The First Heir - Chapter 2491

"You have news about Hannah?"

Philip immediately perked up at the sound of this and

asked, "What have you found out?"

Fennel said, "Tonight, a ball will be held at Kester Manor. Rich and famous people from all over
the world will attend. They're mainly dignitaries from the Western world. This ball seems to be a
social exchange to broaden one's network among the upper class society, but in fact, it's an
underground business trading center behind the scenes. Many organizations and figures behind
the scenes in the Western world will show up for a special deal."

"Deal? What deal?" Philip asked.

Fennel shook his head and said, "The specific situation is still unclear. We can only find out if we
attend. In the previous balls held at Kester Manor, the underground transactions were mostly
shady businesses, such as gun smuggling and dealing prohibited drugs. This time, according to
the news from the informants, a special transaction will be done. The subject of the transaction
may be quite surprising, so the confidentiality measures they have taken are relatively stricter."

After listening, Philip nodded and said, "Are you saying that my sister will participate in this
underground transaction at Kester Manor on behalf of the organization behind her?"

Fennel nodded and said, "It's very likely. However, we have no way of knowing if your sister will
show up in person. We only know that the organization behind your sister will be there. We can
only get more details when we go there."

As soon as Fennel finished speaking, Philip got up from the bed, put on his clothes, and was
about to go to Kester Manor.

Fulton immediately stopped him and said, "You were in a coma for three days and just woke up.
You need to recuperate. There's still time before the ball at Kester Manor."

Philip looked at Fulton and asked with a frown, "I've been in a coma for three days?"
Fulton nodded and replied, "Well, the source of kingship did too much damage to your body.
You just comprehended the source of kingship powers and recklessly tried to use five sources of
kingship at once. You suffered a backlash, which resulted in some abnormality in your body. You
need to recuperate for a while. But don't worry too much. When we return, I'll make
arrangements for you to enter the Dragon Transformation Pond at the Nonagon to strengthen

If Philip remembered correctly, Reed Williams had made an agreement with Nonagon back then
involving Dragon Transformation Pond.

Fennel stepped forward with a smile, raised his hand, patted Philip on the shoulder, and said,
"Have a good rest. I'll take you there in the evening."

Philip was helpless but could not sit still. He followed Fennel out. He paced back and forth in
Fennel's private estate to kill time.

As for Benny and Alliance Master Yarn, they had other things to deal with and left two days ago.

Fulton only stayed a while longer before he left too. The rest was left to Fennel to handle. After
all, he knew more about the Western world than Fulton.

As for Hannah, Philip had asked Fulton about her several times, but the other party refused to
answer. Obviously, Fulton knew a little about Hannah but seemed apprehensive about the
organization behind her. An existence that could make Fulton apprehensive might not be that

The First Heir - Chapter 2492

In the evening, Fennel and Philip dressed up a little and put on suits before they got into the
limousine that had been arranged. They headed to Kester Manor.

This evening, Kestor Manor was without a doubt the most radiant and luxurious manor in
Sendona. The ball being held here was enough to rock the entire Sendona. Many media outlets
competed for coverage. Many big figures of Sendona, as well as the rich and famous from other
parts of the West attended the ball tonight.

The red carpet was a dazzling sight with hot and glamorous models and famous celebrities. It
was totally a spectacular red carpet ball and banquet. Any random person found here was
practically a celebrity famous enough to cause a sensation in the Western world.

The wealth of the rich here alone could reach trillions of assets!
As soon as Fennel and Philip stepped down from the black Bentley, they attracted the attention
of many people. After all, two unfamiliar Eastern faces were still noteworthy in the eyes of the

Many people started talking in low voices.

"Look, those two are from the East. Why are they here?"

"I'm not sure. The rich and famous from all over the world are invited to the ball at Kester Manor.
Could they be invited guests too?"

"What does it have to do with us? They're nothing but two clowns from the East."

Many people were hostile and looked at Fennel and Philip as though they were a joke.

Of course, Fennel and Philip understood that these arrogant Westerners had never looked up to

"Hehe, it seems that we're not welcome." Fennel shrugged helplessly.

Philip asked, "In whose name did you use to attend this ball?"

Fennel smiled and said, "Of course, it's in your name. You're the young patriarch of the Clarke
family. Any of the Clarke family's businesses will give us the eligibility to attend."

Philip was taken aback and looked a little helpless. Then, the two walked on the red carpet and
entered the hall of the manor. The hall was opulent and glamorous. It was big enough to
accommodate more than a thousand people. As far as the eye could see, all the guests were
rich and fancy. They were dressed splendidly.

In the middle of the ball, a group of people surrounded two men.

"Oh my, Commander Warwick. I didn't expect to see you here." A young man dressed quite
elegantly in a white suit embraced another tall man.

The tall man was dressed in a blue military uniform. Commander Warwick was stationed at the
nearby Port Sendona with a naval battle group under his command.

The tall man named Warwick had a hooked nose and deep brown eyes. He looked at the
handsome man in front of him and said, "Viscount Steven, it's a pleasure to see you here. Is
your father, Marquis Conrad, here too?"
That handsome man, Viscount Steven, as Commander Warwick called him, raised his wine
glass and said to Warwick with a smile, "My father isn't here this time due to his health. I'll
represent the Smith family at this ball."

Warwick said with a smile, "Very good. With a Viscount like you to lead the Smith family, your
family's future must be very bright."

Steven smiled humbly with an undisguised pride in his smile.

At this moment, one of Steven's attendants walked up to him and said in his ear, "Viscount, I
saw those two people from the East that you asked me to look out for."

Steven was startled before he smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

The attendant nodded and said, "I'm very sure. It's because of them that Rick Michael is dead."

Steven was overjoyed. He turned to Warwick and said with a smile, "Commander Warwick,
please let me introduce you to two friends."

"Oh, okay. I really enjoy meeting new friends." Warwick smiled and raised his eyebrows.

The First Heir - Chapter 2493

Back to Philip's side. Not long after he and Fennel arrived, a waft of fragrance came from behind
them. Then, a pair of soft arms covered his eyes from behind as a sweet voice said, "Guess

Philip was a little exasperated and helpless. He blurted out almost without any emotion, "Vivi
Joo, how old are you that you're still playing such childish games?"

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Vivi released her hands. She crossed her arms with a pout, glared at
Philip unhappily, and said, "Philip, you've been out for so long but you didn't tell me. You made
me look around everywhere for someone to contact the SPEAR Bureau."

Philip turned around and looked at Vivi.

Tonight, she wore a long red dress with white butterfly crystal shoes on her feet. With her
curvaceous figure and long wavy brown hair that fell like a waterfall, she looked very classy and
elegant. With her exquisite and delicate features, she looked like a fairy even with light makeup.

Not to mention, she had the natural poise of a daughter of an affluent family exuding from her.
As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of many foreigners in the hall.
Philip shrugged and said, "I was busy and forgot."

Vivi rolled her eyes at him and pretended to be angry as she said, "I don't care. You have to
apologize for your irresponsible behavior."


Philip was a little helpless, but on the account that Vivi had done all that for him, he had to
agree. "Tell me what you want."

Hearing this, Vivi smiled like a fairy. She grabbed Philip's arm and said coquettishly, "You're the
best. As for what I want, I haven't thought of it yet. Let me take a raincheck and I'll tell you when
I think of something."

Philip smiled lightly. He knew that Vivi was still like a little girl at heart, so he simply nodded and
agreed, "Okay."

At this moment, three or four people came over from the bustling crowd.

The man in the lead was quite handsome and refined. Steven walked up to Philip and Fennel,
raised his wine glass at them, and said with a smile, "Mr. Leigh, Mr. Clarke, it's a pleasure to
meet you."

Philip frowned and glanced at Fennel, who shook his head to indicate that he did not know this

Steven understood at a glance. He handed the wine glass to the waiter beside him, tugged at
his suit, and said, "Forgive me. Please let me introduce myself. My name is Steven Smith, the
young master of the Smith family."

As soon as Steven said that, the surrounding foreigners erupted in heated discussions.

"Wow! It's actually the young master of the Smith family, Viscount Steven!"

"Oh my God! Viscount Steven is here too!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2494

"An aristocrat! He's from the Smith family of Country Y. He's an undeniable aristocrat!"

Hearing the discussions, Philip and Fennel also understood the identity and status of the
newcomers. He was an aristocrat from Country Y, and he was a Viscount at such a young age.
It was quite interesting.
Steven seemed to enjoy the admiration and envy of the people around him. He raised his chin
arrogantly, looked at Philip and Fennel, and introduced, "Gentlemen, the one next to me is
Commander Warwick, the person in charge of Port Sendona with a naval battle group under his
command. He's also eager to meet the two of you."

Warwick nodded with a smile, but his lecherous gaze kept falling on Vivi at Philip's side. It
revealed his undisguised admiration for her. He ignored Philip and Fennel but bowed slightly
toward Vivi instead. He said, "My lady, I wonder if I may invite you for a dance."

Steven did not expect Warwick to be so direct, disrupting his following plans. However, his mind
raced and he said with a smile, "My lady, Commander Warwick has invited you for a dance. It
just so happens that I have something to discuss with Mr. Leigh and Mr. Clarke. Why don't

Vivi furrowed her pretty brows as her cold eyes swept across the lecherous Warwick. She
retorted, "I'm sorry, I don't dance with strangers."

As she said that, she grabbed Philip's arm tightly.

Warwick was immediately furious at her words. His big brown eyes glared sharply as his hooked
nose bulged even bigger. He pointed his finger at Vivi and yelled, "Damn it! I'm Warwick! It
should be your honor that I'm asking an Eastern woman like you to dance with me! Eastern
women like you always take the initiative to stick to me and ask me to dance. I'm inviting an
Eastern woman to dance for the first time, yet you dare to refuse me?"

Warwick was angry!

In Warwick's opinion, Eastern women were cheap. They were just like goods from the
market-readily available. That was because he had played with countless Eastern women over
the years, most of whom had taken the initiative to get close to him. Thus, this gave Warwick the
impression that Eastern women were very casual and worshipped Westerners. However, he did
not expect that Vivi would reject his invitation, which made Warwick very embarrassed.

As for the foreign onlookers, they also admonished Vivi upon seeing Warwick's anger. After all,
they wanted to get into Warwick's good books too.

"Damn you! He's Commander Warwick! It's your honor for him to invite you to dance. How dare
you refuse?"

"Eastern women are always like this. I've met several of them before. They're very proactive and

"Apologize to Commander Warwick at once!"

Following the shouts and curses from the crowd, Vivi pursed her lips and argued, "All of you are
too disrespectful! What do you mean that Eastern women are very casual? That's not me!
Besides, why should I dance with someone I don't know? So what if he's a commander? Is this
the so-called hospitality of Westerners? Is this what you call honor?"

At Vivi's daring retort, Warwick exploded with anger. He stepped forward and slapped Vivi!

"F*ck! Damned Eastern woman!"

However, before Warwick's slap landed, Philip grabbed his hand in midair and shoved it away

Warwick howled and staggered back while clutching his hand. He glared at Philip and shouted
angrily, "Damn it! Who are you? How dare you attack me?"

Philip's eyes were cold as he stared at Warwick and said solemnly, "Watch your words! This is
my friend, not a cheap woman you're making her out to be!"

"F*ck! Steven, is this the friend you wanted to introduce to me?" Warwick was furious and yelled
at Steven, who stood at the side.

He thought that Steven had wanted to introduce a woman to him.

Steven also felt helpless at this moment. Warwick was really notoriously lecherous. He did not
expect that his plan would be completely disrupted by Warwick.

The First Heir - Chapter 2495

Steven said helplessly, "Commander Warwick, please calm down. Let me talk to them." "No! I
don't need you to talk to them. Today, I want this Eastern woman to dance with me!" Warwick
roared and completely abandoned his fake pretense.

He turned to Philip and said with a sneer, "As for you, damned Easterner, you must apologize to
me for what you did just now! I want you on your knees! Otherwise, my battleship parked in Port
Sendona will blast you into pieces!"

Faced with Warwick's arrogance, Philip shook his head helplessly and said, "Your name is

Warwick snorted coldly and poked Philip's chest with his finger. His tall figure was half a head
taller than Philip. He said smugly, "Boy! You should call me Commander Warwick!"
Philip looked down at Warwick's finger poking his chest and said coldly, "Get your dirty hands
away from me."

Hearing this, Warwick laughed and looked at the people around him. He said, "Listen, this
damned Easterner actually wants me to take my hands away from him."

The foreigners around also laughed mockingly.

"Haha! How dare this lowly Easterner say such things to Commander Warwick?"

"How did these wretched guys gain the right to attend this ball tonight? Did they sneak in?"

"Haha, I think we should place a bet. In a while, I'm sure this Easterner will kneel and apologize
to Warwick."

Warwick turned his head, his dark eyes looking utterly cold. He kept poking Philip's chest with
his fingers and said, "I'm already doing this now, so what can you do to me? Lowly Easterners!
A bunch of stupid pigs!"

As soon as Warwick finished speaking, Philip reached out, grabbed one of Warwick's fingers,
and wrenched it upwards! Crack!

The crisp sound of bones breaking resounded throughout the hall!

Immediately after, Warrick screamed like a pig, "F*ck! Release me! Let me go!"

The sudden scene stunned all the foreigners present. That was because they had never seen
an Easterner who dared to act so recklessly in the Western world and do such a thing to a

Philip's eyes were cold as he stared at Warwick, whose face had turned red with pain. He said,
"I hate it when people point at me and threaten me. You're just a commander. It's nothing to be
proud of!"

With that said, Philip flicked his hand, and Warwick was released. He held his finger that had
been broken at a 90degree angle and staggered back. He screamed miserably and cursed,
"F*ck you! You stupid damn pig! You'll pay for your actions!"

Philip looked at Warwick calmly and said seriously, "By the way, let me give you a piece of
advice. Easterners are not pushovers. We prefer peace, but it doesn't mean that we're weak
and can be bullied. The East is no longer what it used to be a hundred years ago. If you think
that I can be bullied at will, just come to me to seek your revenge. I'll be right here waiting for
you, honorable Commander Warwick."
The First Heir - Chapter 2496

The First Heir - Chapter 2496

As soon as Philip finished speaking, Warwick yelled, "Just wait, you lowly Easterner! I'll make
sure you die a horrible


After saying that, Warwick was taken away to have his injuries treated.

The onlookers looked at Philip and his gang, feeling a little afraid. It was the first time they saw
such an arrogant Easterner. Messing with Warwick meant certain death.

Philip took Vivi and turned to leave.

Steven came up immediately and said with a smile, "Mr. Clarke, young lady, I'm sorry. I didn't
expect Warwick to act like this. I hope it won't affect our discussion."

Philip looked at Steven and asked, "Do we know each other?"

Philip's question caused Steven's next words to get stuck in his throat.

'Damn it!'

This young Easterner was too arrogant!

He was the young master of the Smith family of Country Y. He was a nobleman, a viscount, and
a dazzling presence everywhere he went!

If not for his father's orders, Steven would not be here in search of opportunities. However,
Steven was not a brainless person. Most aristocrats were smart and sophisticated.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Clarke, please hold on. I think there may be a misunderstanding
between us. I think you should be quite interested in what I have to say."

Philip stopped and glanced at Fennel, who said, "Just spit it out already."

Steven held back his resentment and said with a smile, "Our Smith family has heard about the
Michael family. My father, Marquis Conrad Smith, asked me to stay in Sendona to find a chance
to meet the two of you."
Fennel frowned. A marquis was not a small character. Aristocrats controlled most of the
economy and resources of the West. A marquis was equivalent to the second or third rank in
ancient times. Moreover, he had some impression of Conrad Smith. He was quite a reputable
figure in Country Y.

Philip frowned and asked, "What exactly is this about?"

Steven smiled and said, "Mr. Clarke, don't you want to find out information about the Lovelace

'The Lovelace family?'

Hearing that, Philip frowned and looked at Steven oddly. He could not figure out how an
aristocrat from Country Y would know about the Lovelace family or be connected to them in any

Fennel leaned close and whispered in Philip's ear, "The Smith family is a big aristocratic family
in Country Y engaged in intelligence gathering. It isn't surprising that they know about you and
the Lovelace family. I think they must know your identity as well." Hearing this, Philip's face
darkened. He looked at Steven who had a smile on his face and said, "What do you want to

Steven smiled and said, "Mr. Clarke, I know a little about your relationship with the Lovelace
family, and the Smith family happens to have some cooperation with them too. Hence, we know
some things about them. If you want to find out more about the Lovelace family, how about you
work with our Smith family?"

"A cooperation? In which area?" Philip asked.

Steven said, "It's simple. As long as..."

Before Steven could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a loud noise at the entrance of
the hall.

"F*ck! Go in and arrest those Easterners!"

There was a clamor, and a group of heavily armed warriors in combat uniforms rushed in.

The entire hall was in chaos, and everyone hid in the corners.

Warwick sinister smile.

That could be seen behind this group of warriors. He clutched his splinted finger and stared at
Philip with a He said, "That's him! Arrest him!"
The First Heir - Chapter 2497

A group of fully armed guards in combat uniforms rushed into the hall of the manor at this
moment, and the frightened guests scattered in all directions. All the guards had epaulets on
their shoulders. At a glance, it was obvious they had gone through formal training.

As soon as they appeared, everyone broke out into discussions.

"Oh my, those are the guards on duty at Port Sendona! They're Warwick's people!"

"Whoa! Now, that stupid Easterner will have to pay the price!"

"Hehe, he messed with Commander Warwick and even injured him. Even if he's executed,
nothing will happen."

The foreigners around scorned with all their might, full of gloating hostility toward Philip and the
others. Philip merely glanced around briefly with a slight chill in his eyes. Wherever he went, he
was bound to encounter annoying guys. Warwick seemed like he was not going to let Philip off.

At this moment, Warwick stepped forward while flanked by two guards in combat uniforms. He
walked up to Philip and stared at him coldly. He stretched out the fingers of his other hand,
poked Philip in the chest, and cursed, "You stupid pig! Now, I'm poking your chest just like this.
What can you do to me? How dare you mess with me? You're courting death! Don't you know
that this is my territory? You're just a stupid and ignorant Easterner! Get down on your knees,
apologize to me, and crawl under my legs!"

Warwick sneered and ridiculed, not taking Philip and the others seriously at all!

Warwick was a radical racist. In his opinion, apart from the Westerners, everyone else was
inferior. They were only worthy to be their slaves! Moreover, he had a deep hatred for Eastern

Now, this Easterner had not only insulted him but also injured him. Warwick must make sure he
got the punishment he deserved!

Philip frowned and said, "Do you want to blow this matter out of proportion?"


Warwick laughed heartily and looked at Philip with disdain, wishing he could stab Philip to death
right away. He said, "Stupid guy! Blow this matter out of proportion? Do you know where this is?
This is the West, Sendona City! I have a naval battle group under my command here. As long
as I give an order, everything here will be reduced to ashes! So you tell me, why can't I blow this
matter out of proportion? Dealing with a lowly Easterner like you, I think you should be given the
harshest punishment!"

As soon as he said that, the foreigners hiding in the corners began to cheer.

"That's right! Commander Warwick, teach these stupid Easterners a lesson! Let them know the
horror of Sendonians!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2498

"Haha, look. The face of that Easterner has turned pale. He's probably pissing his pants in fright
right now." "Commander Warwick, teach him a lesson. Make him kneel on the floor and bark like
a dog!"

Warwick tilted his head and seemed to have thought of something interesting. He sneered at
Philip and said, "I think what he said is very interesting. As long as you kneel and bark like a
dog, I may consider letting you go. Eastemers like you should be the best at barking. Hahaha!"

Warwick laughed arrogantly, his expression and words full of sarcasm.

On the side, Steven almost died of anger at this scene. That damned Warwick had no idea who
the Easterner standing in front of him was and how terrifying he was.

Steven rushed out and tried to be the peacemaker. "Warwick, don't make a big deal out of this.
Why don't I be the host and invite the two of you for dinner to resolve today's misunderstanding?
On my account, Warwick, you should be generous as a Westerner."

"F*ck! Steven, what are you talking about? Are you telling me to be generous? Look at my
finger. It was broken by this stupid Easterner!"

Warwick growled and could not figure out why Steven was helping an Easterner.

Steven laughed awkwardly and said, "Warwick, let me pay for your medical expenses. As for the
misunderstanding between you and Mr. Clarke, let's leave it for now for my sake. After the ball,
I'll invite the two of you for dinner."

With his other hand, Warwick grabbed Steven's collar with an angry look on his face and said,
"Steven, stop acting as the good guy! You're just a viscount! This is Sendona, not Country Y.
You don't have the right to give me orders!"

After saying that, Warwick shoved Steven away, stared at Philip coldly, and shouted, "You,
immediately kneel down and start barking. Otherwise, I'll get my men to arrest you and bring
you to my battleship. By then, it won't be easy for you to die even if you want to!"
Steven was pushed away by Warwick, and a chill flashed in his eyes. He did this for Warwick's
own good, but the other party did not appreciate it. This arrogant Warwick was simply asking for

Warwick raised his hands in a helpless gesture and said to the foreigners gathered around, "Did
you hear that? This stupid Easterner dares to say such a thing. He's simply looking down on

After saying that, Warwick turned and stared at Philip coldly. He pulled a pistol from his waist,
pressed it between Philip's eyebrows, and shouted, "Do you think I'll shoot?"

This action really frightened many people.

"Damn it!"

Hence, Steven did not bother speaking again. He wanted to watch the turn of events later.

Philip raised his brows and looked at the tall Warwick in front of him as well as the team of
guards in combat uniform behind him. He smiled and said, "Are you going to rely on these
people to arrest us?"

Vivi grabbed Philip's arm from behind and said, "You just want to dance with me, right? I'll
accept, then."

Warwick turned his head with a lustful face and said, "No, I don't just want to dance with you
now. I want you to serve me in my room. So, do you agree with this condition?"

"You!" Vivi was furious.

This damned Warwick was simply evil!

At this time, Philip, who was being held at gunpoint, said with a laugh, "Warwick, I really suggest
you contact your battleship now to find out if something has happened."

Warwick frowned and could not figure out Philip's meaning. He asked in a low growl, "What do
you mean?"

Philip smiled without a word.

At this moment, one of Warwick's guards outside the door rushed in with a satellite phone,
pressed it to Warwick's ear, and said, "Commander, something has happened. The battleship is
being controlled by an unknown squad! We lost fire assistance too! Also, many people have
gathered outside the manor at this time. We've been surrounded!"

The First Heir - Chapter 2499

Hearing the guard's report, Warwick's expression became flustered as he asked, "What's
happening? F*ck!" The tall guard was also flustered and said, "Commander Warwick, our
battleship has been seized!"

His previous report and this sentence were not loud, but everyone heard them!

"Oh my God! What. happened? Warwick's battleship was seized?"

"This is Sendona. Who dares to attack Commander Warwick's battleship?”

"Did that Easterner do it? How is it possible? That's a naval battle group."

The crowd chartered, full of disbelief and astonishment. Warwick was also stunned, his face full
of disbelief and anger. Just. ten minutes ago, Port Sendona was shrouded in darkness. Four
battleships were anchored and fully loaded with combatants. All weapon systems were also in
combat mode.

That was because a few minutes ago, they received an order from the captain of this naval
battle group. Commander Warwick had ordered them to enter combat mode. All weapon
systems were locked on Kester Manor dozens of miles away.

However, in such a tense situation...

In the cold waters of Port Sendona, a group of more than a dozen soldiers in black combat
uniforms and frogmen combat equipment slowly raised their heads above the water. They wore
night-vision helmets and guns with infrared focus as they quietly approached the battleships.

In the vicinity of the containers around Port Send one, four other teams of fully armed soldiers in
black combat uniforms and tactical helmets bent over in tactical formation. They approached
these battleships in a quick and orderly manner. Just behind a container not far away, a sexy
woman with fiery red curls and blue eyes was operating a computer.

It was Georgina.

She quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands and spoke into her headset, "The radar
systems and surveillance systems have been disabled."
When the combatants were just a few meters away from the battleships, they pulled out steel
cable guns from their waists.

Bang, bang!


More than a dozen steel cables were fired and hooked on the sides of these battleships. Then,
they quickly jumped into the air, flipped over, and landed on the deck of the battleships. Just like
this, batches of combatants boarded the battleships under the patrolling headlights and shroud
of the night. Everything seemed so quiet yet deadly.

At this moment, all the decks and corners of the battleships were full of combatants in black
uniforms. They pressed close to the hull of the battleships and were quickly mobilized under the
commander's orders. The patrolling guards on the battleships were captured before they even
knew what was going on.

The First Heir - Chapter 2500

Instantly, the sirens on the battleships blared. The battleships were filled with rapid gunshots,
and the scene was ablaze. However, in just five minutes, the foreign guards of the four
battleships were all subdued.

On one of the battleships, a man wearing a combat uniform with a weapon strapped over his
chest took off his helmet. He revealed a handsome face with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It was none other than Tyler Wood who fought with Philip the other day!

At this moment, he dialed the satellite phone of his boss, Hans. He said, "Hans, these people
are too weak. The job is done."

Hans was just outside Kestor Manor, leading dozens of combatants from the Hall of the Sun to
surround the entire manor. In front of them, seven or eight of Warwick's men were in a panic at
this moment.

Hans smiled and waved his hand. The people behind him rushed up and took these people

After that, Hans adjusted his clothes and carried a machine gun on his shoulder. He was also
armed with various weapons. He swaggered into the main ballroom through the doors.

Dozens of combatants followed closely behind him. Hans' appearance was very high-profile and
terrified the foreigners in the hall.
"Oh clear, who are they to barge in like that?"

"Oh my God! Are they terrorists? What are they going to do?"

"Who will save us? I don't want to die. It's too scary."

A group of foreigners panicked. Even Warwick was flustered. That was because the people
behind Hans tossed in the seven or eight guards whom Warwick had arranged outside the

At this moment, they had been disarmed and were kneeling on the floor with their arms on their

"Damn it! Who are you people? Do you know who I am? I'm Warwick, and I own four
battleships! You bunch of terrorists! I'm going to blow you into smithereens!"

Warwick roared, trying to build up his presence. However, Hans only glanced at Warwick coldly.
He tossed a tactical pad at him and said, "Your battleships are already under our control."

After that, Hans walked up to Fennel and Philip. He nodded respectfully and said, "Boss, Philip."

Fennel and Philip nodded.

Over there, Warwick looked at the screen displayed on the tactical pad in his hand. His
battleships had really been seized!

How was this possible?

He turned to look at Philip and Fennel in disbelief. He roared, "F*ck you! Who the hell are you
guys? This is Sendona. By doing this, you're going up against us. We'll definitely send the most
elite personnel to wipe you out!"

Hans went over and kicked Warwick violently in the stomach, sending him flying out. Warwick
was quite tall. With this kick, he fell to the floor and could not get up for a long time.

"Useless soldiers like you dare to call yourselves elites? My men can wipe you out in minutes!"
Hans mocked coldly. Warwick knelt on the floor and clutched his stomach, dry heaving. With
cold intent in his brown eyes, he said, "Damn! What do you want to do?"

Before Hans could speak, Philip said, "Commander Warwick, we bore no grudges against each
other, but your pride and arrogance led us to the current situation. I need you to apologize to us
Easterners and also to the woman beside me."
"Bah! Impossible! Easterners are all stupid...." Warwick roared.

However, before he finished speaking, Philip had already stood in front of him. He raised his
foot and kicked Warwick in the face!

Immediately, seven or eight teeth were knocked out of Warwick's mouth that was now full of

"This is the price for your unruly and unrepentant behavior!" Philip said coldly.

Warwick almost went mad with anger. He covered his bloody mouth and shouted, "Y-You
damned Easterner! When I leave, I'll definitely use a battleship to blow you to pieces!"
The First Heir - Chapter 2501

“I look forward to it.”

Philip smiled mildly before he looked at Hans and said, “You know what to do.”

Hans grinned broadly. Showing his white teeth, he said, “Philip, don’t worry. I’m the best at
torturing people. I’ll be sure to make this guy realize his mistake and repent.”

Philip nodded and walked to the private exhibition hall at the back of the venue with Fennel and
the others. Steven also followed behind them. Before leaving, he looked at the miserable
Warwick and shook his head helplessly.

All this happened because Warwick was too arrogant.

Steven caught up to Philip and said with a smile, “Mr. Clarke, we can still talk about the
cooperation between us?”

Philip turned to Steven and said, “We can, but I have other important things to do now. If you
really want to talk about cooperation, look for me tomorrow.”

Upon hearing this, Steven said with a smile, “Mr. Clarke, are you here for your sister?”

Philip was just about to walk away when he heard Steven’s words and stopped. With doubt and
coldness in the corners of his eyes, he stared at Steven.

At the same time, he glanced at Fennel, trying to find out from him why Steven seemed to know

Fennel was also helpless and said with a shrug, “The Smith family’s intelligence network is
indeed very powerful. It’s no surprise that they know everything about you. After all, they control
nearly half of the intelligence network in the West.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned slightly. He looked at Steven and asked, “What do you know?”

Steven’s smile, coupled with his typical handsome Western face, was really unfathomable. He
tugged on his suit and said softly, “I know why you’re here tonight, Mr. Clarke. The highlight of
the evening is the underground trade between the nobles and those in power. What I can say
for sure is that the forces behind your sister will definitely be here.”

“We already know that. If that’s the information you have, it’s not very useful to me,” Philip
replied coldly.
He could not help but feel that Steven could not be trusted and had ulterior motives. After all,
Western aristocrats engaged in the intelligence profession could not be trusted wholeheartedly.

Steven smiled and said, “If I say that I have information about your sister, Hannah Clarke, how
much do you think it’ll be worth?”

Philip frowned, and his eyes burst with chills. He said, “Steven, you should know my identity. Are
you bargaining with me?”

“Oh no, Mr. Clarke. You’ve misunderstood. This is just the custom of our Smith family. If you
want to get information from me, you must pay the price, of course. Moreover, this is something
you need urgently, isn’t that right?”

Steven’s handsome face carried a hint of a sure victory.

The First Heir - Chapter 2502

Philip frowned, thought for a moment, and asked, “What do you want? Or rather, what does your
Smith family want?”

When Steven heard this, the smile on his face became broader as he said, “Our Smith family
wants to obtain the right to enter your country to carry out intelligence activities. I wonder if you
have a way to allow this.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and interrupted, “That’s unnecessary! I won’t agree to this!”

Was this not the same as asking him to betray his country?

The Smith family was in the intelligence business. They were simply too bold to try to enter the
country to conduct activities.

Steven seemed to have expected that Philip would refuse and continued, “Mr. Clarke, don’t be
nervous. This is just one of the conditions. Since you can’t agree to this, there’s another
condition which I think you can fulfill.”

Philip thought for a moment and asked, “What is it?”

“The Smith family wants to enter the Nonagon to study. You can rest assured that only a few
elites will be selected for this.”

Steven said with a smile, seemingly confident that Philip would definitely agree to this condition.
Philip frowned and asked with some doubts, “You should have your own door in Country Y. Why
do you want to enter the Nonagon to study?”

Steven smiled and said with a cough, “Mr. Clarke, this involves some confidential issues of the
Smith family. Please forgive me for not being able to answer your question.”

At this moment, Fennel spoke, “Hehe, the Smith family doesn’t have the right to enter the door
to study. They’ve been excluded by Country Y, so they’re looking for opportunities to learn
behind other doors.”

Hearing this, Steven’s eyes twitched. He turned to look at Fennel and said, “You know a lot, Mr.

Fennel shrugged and said with a wave, “I’m acquainted with Dune Smith of your Smith family.”

‘Dune Smith?’

A wary look appeared in Steven’s eyes.

Dune was the most outstanding genius of the Smith family. He was proficient in a variety of
weapons, infiltration, tracking, assault, and killing. He was undoubtedly the king of assassins!

“You actually know Dune?” Steven smiled and scrutinized Fennel for the first time.

He had only focused on Philip and did not do much investigation into Fennel’s identity. Hence,
he always thought that Fennel was Philip’s bodyguard and came from the Clarke family.
However, now it seemed that it was not the case. Suddenly, Steven thought of Hans and the
others outside. A lightbulb flashed in his head.

During the Michael family’s incident recently, Steven had conducted some investigation.

Even Colson Michael dared not act rashly and even betrayed the Hall of Evil. Could it be that
this man in front of him came from the 12 Sacred Halls of the West?

Coupled with the men in combat uniforms outside, Steven seemed to have grasped something
and blurted out, “Are you the Sun God Apollo?”

Fennel smiled and said, “The Smith family is amazing to have guessed my identity so quickly.”

Steven was shocked when he heard Fennel‘s confirmation.

He was actually Apollo, the Sun God! He had actually met the legendary Sun God! He was the
most dazzling existence among the 12 Gods of the West. He was the Sun God who rocked the
Western world!
Instantly, Steven’s mind raced.

The Sun God was so close to Philip. Unbelievable!

Steven collected his emotions, looked at Fennel with slight respect, and said, “Dear Lord Apollo,
how do you do? Forgive my ignorance. ”

Fennel smiled languidly and said, “That’s fine. The members of the Smith family are all
righteous people. There’s no need to be so polite to me. However, I’m afraid it won’t be that
easy for the Smith family to gain the right to enter the Nonagon.”

Steven smiled and said, “That’s why I’m asking Mr. Clarke for help. According to the information
received by the Smith family, the current Nonagon is lacking a leader in place. The Clarke family
should have a way to allow the Smith family to send a few people inside to study.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2503

After thinking for a moment, Philip said, "Okay, I can promise you, but before that, I must state in
advance that if the members of your Smith family cause any trouble in the country, I'll be the first
person to kill them!"

Steven smiled and said, "Mr. Clarke, don't worry. Members of the Smith family live by a strict
code of conduct. We only seek to learn, not cause trouble."

After that, Philip said mildly, "Tell me the information you have about my sister."

Steven looked around, leaned close to Philip, and said, "The organization behind your sister
involves three doors. It's very large and powerful. Even the Clarke family wouldn't dare to mess
with it easily because this organization was founded by your mother back then."

An organization founded by his mother?

After such a long time, he found something related to his mother again. Philip's expression
instantly became very ugly.

The organization behind Hannah was actually founded by their mother?

How could this be? If that was the case, why would Hannah join it?

What sort of conspiracy or scheme could there be?

Besides, why did his mother create such an organization? Was this the reason why his father
did not investigate Hannah's disappearance?

Did his father already know that the organization behind Hannah was related to his mother?

In an instant, many thoughts crossed Philip's mind, and numerous clues were all jumbled up. He
never thought that the organization behind Hannah would have something to do with his mother.

"Mr. Clarke? I know that you're very surprised now, but according to the relevant information
investigated by Smith family, the organization behind your sister was indeed founded by your

Steven continued, "No, to be precise, it was your mother who reformed and expanded it. Your
mother was really amazing. There are still legends about her in the West right now. She was a
delicate woman who was able to rise to the top of such a huge organization and even reformed
it. She was the queen in many people's eyes. If I remember correctly, many loyal followers of
your mother still remain in that organization to this day. Your sister, Hannah, should be under the
protection of those people."

"Protection?" Philip frowned, his eyes fixed on Steven.

Steven said, "That's right, she's being protected. Like you, your sister carries a shocking secret.
The people of that organization targeted you at first but failed. As for the reason, it should be the
Clarke family. Later, they targeted your sister and succeeded. However, it seems that the group
of people took your sister away to protect her forever."

After Steven finished speaking, he glanced at Philip and continued, "Mr. Clarke, don't be too
nervous. At least your sister is safe now. Those people are your mother's loyal followers and
won't harm your sister. But as for the others in that organization, that's not the case."

After hearing Steven's words, Philip's face became very grave.

The organization behind his sister was actually so widely involved!

From Steven's words, it was certain that the organization was divided into many groups. Some
wanted to harm his sister, while some wanted to protect her. However, Philip could at least be
reassured now that his sister was protected.

The First Heir - Chapter 2504 - -

However, Hannah was merely being protected.

Philip had not found out anything about that organization until today, it was too deeply hidden. It
was difficult to proceed. It was as if it had remained on the dark side of the world, undetectable
by all.

“Do you know any other information about that organization?” Philip pressed.

Steven smiled and said with a shrug, “Mr. Clarke, information is not given based on empty

His meaning was obvious.

“Tell me what you want.” Philip’s expression darkened.

Steven laughed and said, “Haha, Mr. Clarke, you’re very straightforward. I really like this about
Easterners. You cut straight to the chase. As for what I want, I haven’t thought of it yet. I have to
go back and discuss it with my father. After all, no one in this world should know the information
about that organization except our Smith family.”

Philip frowned, thought about it, and said, “Okay, I’ll wait for your news.”

Steven smiled and shook hands with Philip. Then, he put his arms around Philip’s shoulders and
said, “Mr. Clarke, trust me and the Smith family to give you what you want. Now, let’s enter the
inner hall together.”

Soon, they arrived at the inner hall of Kester Manor. This inner hall could accommodate about a
hundred people. It was decorated in the Western European style, lavish and magnificent.

At this moment, many patriarchs of Western families and many rich people were already seated
in the inner hall. Some of them had their heirs beside them, as well as tall and sexy ladies.

In short, there were very few Eastern faces like Philip and Fennel. However, a few Eastern
faces could still be found among those seated.

One of them was a handsome man in a black and white striped suit.

As soon as he saw Philip being led in by a dedicated person at the door, a faint smile appeared
on the corner of his mouth. He got up and shouted with a wave, “Young Master Clarke, it’s been
a long time. I didn’t expect to run into you here.”

Philip raised his eyebrows and saw a familiar face approaching him with a smile on his face.

“Moses Dunley?” Philip was slightly startled.

The Dunley family of Charbury.

Moses spread his arms and embraced Philip warmly. “Young Master Clarke, we meet again…”

While hugging, Moses glanced at Fennel who was beside Philip. A dark cloud flashed in his

Philip also embraced the other party politely before he let go.

“Come, sit next to me. I’m unfamiliar with this place and finally met someone I know.” Moses
warmly invited Philip to sit beside him.

Philip did not refuse. After all, as Moses said, apart from him, Fennel, and Vivi, only Moses and
his entourage were from the East in this inner hall. The rest were Westerners.

At this moment, these foreigners also looked at them with hostility and whispered among

After sending Philip in, Steven naturally returned to his seat and chatted with the elders of the
Smith family around him. The people of the Smith family also looked friendly and nodded to
Philip and the others.

Moses noticed the gesture of the Smith family and whispered to Philip, “Do you know Steven?”

Philip said mildly, “We just met. I don’t know him very well.”

“There must be a deal, then,” Moses laughed and said.

Philip frowned and said with a smile, “You’re too smart.”

Moses chuckled. “Young Master Clarke, people only contact the Smith family for information.
Coupled with your appearance here, it’s not difficult to guess that you’ve reached a deal with the
Smith family for intelligence.”

Philip did not answer but sat upright.

Moses continued, “But I’m very curious. Is there information in this world that you can’t get your
hands on and need to get from the Smith family?”

Just as Philip was about to speak, there was a commotion at the door of the inner hall as if a big
shot had appeared.
The First Heir - Chapter 2505 - -

Everyone looked for the sound and saw a group of people walking in from the door.

A young man was surrounded in the middle. He was very handsome and tall with a devilish
smile on the corner of his mouth. Wearing a golden suit, he looked like royalty. No, to be
precise, he was royalty!

Four big bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses stood beside the young man, looking very
serious. It was evident they could not be messed with.

As soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of everyone in the inner hall. Many
people even got up and greeted them with smiles and compliments.

“Look! It’s Geoffrey Louis, Louis XXVI! He’s royalty!”

“Wow! Even Louis XXVI is here. This underground trading is too exciting!”

“The youngest Duke of Country Y, Geoffrey Louis!”

Hearing the discussions around, many people learned the identity of the handsome man
wearing a golden suit who was entering the inner hall at this moment.

Very noble… He was actually the heir of the legendary Louis royal family, Louis XXVI!

According to historical records, the lineage should end with Louis XIX, but in reality, the names
of the two royal families, Louis and Charles, were passed down. It was now Louis XXVI. He was
absolute royalty. He was nobler than an aristocrat like Steven Smith. He was the duke.

According to the Western aristocracy, he was the noble with the highest ranking. Moreover, he
was such a young duke.

Louis XXVI walked into the inner hall with a smile and an air of arrogance. He sat in the row of
main seats. From his appearance to his words and actions, they fully revealed his air of
superiority. It was as if everyone here was an inferior existence in his eyes. However, when
Louis XXVI took his seat, his eyes naturally fell on Steven. A chill flashed in the corner of his

In Country Y, the Smith family and the Louis royal family were mortal enemies. Although both
were hereditary nobles, the Smith family was much lower than the Louises in terms of nobility.

The Louis family was undoubtedly royalty. Moreover, in many businesses, the Smith family and
the Louis royal family had many conflicts and frictions. Steven also glanced at Louis XXVI coldly
and did not greet him.
Moses sat beside Philip and said with a soft chuckle, “Louis XXVI is the youngest duke of royal
nobility and has a grudge with the Smith family. Now that you’ve reached a deal with Steven,
don’t mess with this Louis XXVI easily. He’s the youngest duke in the entire Country Y and the
queen’s favorite. It’s rumored that it won’t be long before he marries the Queen’s youngest
daughter, Alice Elizabeth.”

Philip frowned slightly as his gaze lingered on the haughty and noble Louis XXVI for a moment.

The First Heir - Chapter 2506 -

Philip said uncannily, “I’m not interested in the disputes between the royal family and the nobles
of Country Y. In my dealing with the Smith family, I just want to get what I want. I won’t get
involved in anything else. Of course, if I accidentally offend the so-called Louis XXVI, it can’t be
helped. As long as he doesn’t mess with me, I’ll still be an easygoing person to talk to.”

Moses looked sideways at Philip earnestly and said, “This is the first time I’ve seen someone
twist the facts around like that. If you’re an easy-going person, there wouldn’t be so many
families and businesses going bankrupt in this world.”

While they were talking, Steven seemed to be hesitating. After thinking about it, he got up and
asked his subordinates to arrange his seat next to Philip.

“Mr. Clarke, I hope you don‘t mind if I sit here with you.” Steven smiled cordially.

Philip glanced sideways and shook his head without saying anything.

Moses said, “Steven, if you lower your status like this and sit with us, I’m afraid it’ll cause

Steven glanced at Moses and said with a smile, “Young Master Dunley, it’s been a long time
since I saw you. Our last cooperation was quite a pleasant experience.”

Moses nodded and smiled.

Steven continued, “It’s the same no matter where I sit. It’s mainly because I have something to
say to Mr. Clarke.”

Moses chuckled, raised his chin, and said, “So, you have an ulterior motive. Are you worried
about Louis XXVI?”

Steven’s face darkened as he said, “He’s just a hereditary duke. I’m not worried about him.”
Moses shrugged and did not continue.

Another commotion was heard at the door of the inner hall. This time, it was a woman wearing a
princess dress. A hat with black lace covered her face. She wore an elegant white royal evening
dress and had pure white gauze gloves on her hands. On her feet were high heels, and as she
walked, she was followed by two maids with good figures. From a distance, this woman looked
very classy and had a good figure. Her appearance exuded a sense of innate nobility.

“It‘s Alice Elizabeth! The Queen’s favorite little princess!”

“Oh, she’s so beautiful like an angel! How could she be so beautiful?”

“Oh, noble Alice! She’s the angel God sent down to save me!”

A group of men of varying ages was all excited and thrilled to see Alice Elizabeth at this

She was simply too beautiful!

Alice walked to Louis XXVI’s side, and the two kissed on the cheeks in Western etiquette before
Alice sat next to him. The appearance of this golden couple really enlivened the atmosphere in
the inner hall. It seemed that the news that Louis XXVI and Alice would soon marry was not

At this moment, Steven saw that Louis XXVI and Alice were holding hands and talking
intimately. Gloom flashed in his eyes as he clenched his fists tightly.

Philip noticed the shift in Steven’s mood and asked, “Do you hate Louis XXVI?”

Moses smiled and said, “Young Master Clarke, Steven is Alice’s faithful lapdog, but
unfortunately, she didn’t take a fancy to him. He and Louis XXVI are love rivals, the kinds who
fight whenever they meet each other. You see, Louis XXVI is showing off to him.”

Philip came to a sudden realization and glanced at the haughty Louis XXVI over there who stole
a glance at Steven with a smug, gloating look.

Steven was so annoyed that he simply turned his head away and asked, “What do you mean by

This question stumped Philip and Moses.

Vivi Joo also pursed her lips and smiled on the side.
Philip thought for a while and explained, “Oh, this is a complimentary term in the East. It praises
the other party’s kindness, perseverance, hard work without asking anything in return, constant
but silent giving, and noble character.”

With that said, Philip also gave Steven a thumbs up and a nod of approval.

When Steven heard it, his eyes twinkled as he said happily, “I see. l’m a lapdog.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2507 - -

Philip smiled helplessly and shrugged. Moses also shook his head with a faint smile. As for Vivi,
she burst into laughter and could only stop after a long while.

Then, she sneakily leaned close to Philip and whispered in his ear, “Philip, you’re such a bad

Philip jolted, glared at Vivi, and said, “I’m a married man. Don’t get so close to me. It might
cause misunderstandings.”

Vivi rolled her eyes at him, snorted, and muttered, “Such a boring old man. I’m going to ignore
you! You can simp after your wife forever!”

Philip shook his head inwardly before turning his attention to Louis XXVI.

This guy was very haughty, indeed.

On this side, when Steven was still in glee after repeating that he was a lapdog, Moses said,
“Steven, if you want to pursue Alice, I suggest that you declare yourself as a lapdog in front of
everyone and express your love for Alice bravely! Isn’t it true that Westerners like you advocate
the freedom of love and are willing to sacrifice for love? I believe in you, Steven!”

Hearing this, Steven turned his head sideways and looked at Moses with wide eyes. He asked,

Moses explained, “Just think about it. If you express your love for Alice in front of so many
people, it’ll be seen as an act of bravery. You’ll be seen as a real man in the eyes of Western
women! I think Alice will definitely be moved!”

Steven was silent for a moment.

Philip turned his head and rolled his eyes at Moses, signaling him not to mess things up. He
was just about to persuade Steven that Moses was only playing a trick on him when Steven
seemed to see the light at the end of the tunnel. His face was full of excitement as he said,
“Young Master Dunley, you’re right! I want to be brave! I want to do this for love!”

After saying that, Steven stood up abruptly!

His action attracted the attention of many people in the inner hall. Even Louis XXVI and Alice
Elizabeth focused their attention on him.

Seeing Alice’s gaze on him steeled Steven’s might for his next action. In front of everyone,
Steven walked up to Alice and bowed.

Alice returned the curtsy.

Louis XXVI, on the other hand, was irritated and glared at Steven. He said solemnly, “Steven,
what are you doing?”

Steven adjusted his suit and glanced at Louis XXVI coldly. He then looked at Alice sincerely and
said, “Alice, I’m your faithful suitor, your lapdog. I love you and want to express my admiration
for you. Although I know that you have little interest in me, I won’t give up. As long as you’re not
married to Louis, I’ll keep courting you! I’ll use my actions to prove that I’m more suitable for you
than Louis XXVI! I’ll also ask my father to meet with the Queen and ask for your hand in

The First Heir - Chapter 2508 - -


Instantly, the entire hall fell silent… This was too exciting!

Steven actually expressed his love for Alice Elizabeth in public and in front of Louis XXVI!

At this scene, many people even took out their mobile phones and recorded this explosive
event. They then posted it on their respective online social platforms and groups.

In no time, the internet was full of news about Steven!

[Explosive news! Lapdog Steven boldly proposes to Princess Alice! Louis XXVI too angry for

At first glance, this headline was the handiwork of an Eastern editor!

At the scene, many men and women covered their mouths and looked at Steven with wide
eyes. Although they did not understand why Steven called himself a lapdog just now, it sounded
like a compliment.

At this moment, Alice also looked at Steven in disbelief, her big twinkling eyes full of excitement.

Louis XXVI exploded with anger. He grabbed Steven’s collar and snarled. “F*ck you, Steven. Do
you know what you’re talking about? Alice is my fiancée. She can only marry me! You’re just a
Viscount. What right do you have to compete with me?!”

After yelling, Louis XXVI shoved Steven away, his eyes red with anger.

He turned to Alice who was looking at Steven in admiration and said, “Alice, don’t be fooled by
him. He’s just a Viscount, while I’m the distinguished Louis XXVI, a duke! In this world, no one is
more worthy of you than me!”

Alice was pulled back to reality by Louis XXVI‘s words. She looked at Steven apologetically and
said, “Viscount Steven, I’m glad that you can express your love for me so directly. I hope to hear
good news about you soon.”

This sentence contained too much information. It gave Steven a little hope.

Was a lapdog finally going to take the rightful place?

Steven happily glared at Louis XXVI before he returned in a dignified manner to Philip’s side. On
the other hand, Louis XXVI almost went mad with anger.

Steven was full of smiles as he thanked Philip and Moses repeatedly.

Philip felt helpless that Moses actually caused such a scene. On the other hand, Moses smiled
and said, “Steven, congratulations. The third wheel is about to become the official party.”

“Third wheel?”

Steven was puzzled but quickly realized the meaning and said, “Oh, I get it! This must be a
compliment in the East as well!”

Moses was taken aback before he smiled and said, “You’re such a good student.”

Steven was still immersed in his own world.

At this moment, another group turned up at the door. The appearance of this group of people
made the atmosphere in the entire inner hall very cold. There were eight warriors in black metal
armor who wore black electronic helmets of fully bulletproof metal.
They held high-tech guns similar to those seen in Star Wars in their hands and walked into the
hall with thunderous footsteps as they guarded two tall women in the middle.

These eight warriors alone were enough to shock all the people in the inner hall!

As for the two women who were protected by these eight warriors, one was wearing a red
backless evening gown with her hair coiled.

She had a pretty face as well as a well-proportioned and curvaceous figure. She wore high
heels and moved gracefully.

The young lady beside her looked a little young and awkward.

She was dressed in a white casual outfit, a short skirt, and white sneakers. Her hair was tied in
a ponytail, and she had a white lacy veil over her face that prevented others from seeing her
true appearance. However, she was like an elf that exuded a breath of refreshing air.

Her pair of large dewy eyes looked pure and lovely. Philip, who was sitting, abruptly stood up at
the sight of this young lady. He narrowed his eyes.

The First Heir - Chapter 2509 - -


The moment the young woman entered, Philip saw Hannah’s shadow on her. However, the
other party wore a veil over her face that masked her true appearance.

At this moment, Philip’s sudden action also attracted everyone’s attention.

“What’s the matter? What does this Easterner want to do? Is he going to express his love for
this lady like Steven?”

“It’s a little odd. I seem to have seen that Eastern man somewhere before.”

“Look, Steven is sitting with them. And Steven was the one who brought them in just now.
What’s their relationship with the Smith family?”

A group of people whispered. Even Louis XXVI, who was sitting and explaining something to
Alice Elizabeth, was attracted by Philip’s actions.

His dark blue eyes flashed suspiciously and coldly as he stared at Philip. Then, he glanced at
Steven at Philip’s side and gritted his teeth in resentment.
The Queen’s youngest princess, Alice, naturally also looked at Philip. However, her gaze did not
linger too long before she looked at Steven and smiled slightly.

Steven was elated when he saw Alice smiling at him. Although he did not know why Philip
suddenly stood up, there must be a reason.

Could it be that Philip liked the woman who just entered?

At this moment, Fennel, Vivi, and Moses turned their attention to Philip.

Fennel immediately understood Philip’s intention. With faint coldness in his eyes, he stared at
the eight bodyguards who looked like Stormtroopers as they walked in with a woman in her 30s
wearing a red backless evening dress.

Philip’s actions naturally attracted the attention of that group of people too.

The woman in the red evening dress looked at Philip coldly with her almond-shaped eyes and
whispered in the ear of the veiled woman beside her.

The veiled woman turned her head around and looked at Philip suspiciously with her big vivid
eyes. With a faint smile, she walked to their seats and sat down. It was in the row of main seats.
Moreover, their seats were closer than the others.

Their status was higher than that of Louis XXVI!

After seeing the two women take their seats, Philip’s expression was ugly and puzzled.

The First Heir - Chapter 2510 -

Vivi’s voice came from behind. “Philip, what’s wrong?”

Philip reined in his emotions but could not calm down. He took a deep breath, and his gaze fell
on the veiled woman for a brief moment.

It was a very strange feeling. There was clearly Hannah’s shadow on this woman, but the other
party’s eyes just now seemed as though she was seeing him for the first time. Her gaze was full
of doubts and even a hint of panic. Even now when she saw Philip staring at her, the woman
who looked like a young girl would turn her head away shyly. She would only peek at Philip from
time to time with her big eyes. She looked like a young girl who had just entered society and felt
curious about everything.

Philip sat down again, feeling a little irate.

Fennel asked, “So, is it her?”

Philip could not be sure. He shook his head before nodding again. “I don’t know. I can see the
shadow of my sister in her, but her eyes tell me that she doesn’t know me. It shouldn’t be like
this. What went wrong?”

As soon as Fennel heard it, he knew that things were tricky.

He looked at the veiled young woman and said, “She does look somewhat similar to your sister.
According to the information you gave me about your sister and from what I’ve gathered over
the years, this woman is 60-70% similar to your sister, but there are some differences too.

Before Fennel finished speaking, Philip suddenly stood up again.

This time, in front of everyone, he walked up to the young woman with a white veil.

Fennel was also stunned, not expecting Philip to act like this. In everyone’s shocked gazes,

Philip strode toward the young woman just like Steven did before. Seeing this, Steven clenched
his fists and suddenly shouted, “Mr. Clarke, I believe in you. You can do it! You’re a good lap
dog too! Go for it, third wheel!”

Hearing this, the faces of Fennel, Moses, and Vivi turned dark!

“Shut up!”

All of a sudden, the three of them glared at Steven angrily and scolded him. Steven shrank his
neck back at this rebuke, confused.

On this side, Philip walked toward the young woman wearing a white veil. The woman was a
little awkward as she looked at the tall and handsome Philip walking toward her.

Before she could react, the two bodyguards who looked like Stormtroopers by her side stepped
forward and reached out to stop Philip two meters away.

“Excuse me, sir. Please do not approach!”

One of the bodyguards said in a cold voice through the black electronic helmet. The voice was
human, not a machine.

Philip frowned and glanced at the guards who looked like Stormtroopers. His eyes fell on the
awkward-looking woman behind them, and he said, “Hannah…”
The young woman stared at Philip in bewilderment before she shook her head and said in a
voice as sweet as a lark, “I’m sorry, you have the wrong person. My name isn’t Hannah Clarke.
My name is Susan Stark… You can call me Sue for short.”

After saying that, there was a hint of panic on that young woman’s face.

“Susan Stark?”

Philip frowned. Under close observation, he really could see traces of Hannah on this young
woman. He tried to get closer. However, the two guards aimed their guns at Philip’s chest and
bellowed gravely, “Please stand back!”

Many people in the inner hall were frightened by this scene.

Was a fight going to break out at the first sign of a disagreement?

Fennel also stepped out at this moment. He walked over and stood at Philip’s side, ready to
take action. Moses frowned at this situation and sighed. He also stood up as a show of support
for Philip. Steven watched for a long time with gritted teeth before standing up as well.

Seeing this scene, Alice’s eyes became more excited.

Philip’s face was slightly cold. He glanced at the guards with guns aimed at him and said coldly,
“I want to have a few words with that young lady.”

“Excuse me, but Sue has nothing to say to you, Mr. Clarke.”

At this moment, the gorgeous woman in the red evening gown sitting next to Susan got up and
crossed her arms with a smile on her mouth.

Her flaming red lips exuded a sense of danger.

“Do you know me?” Philip frowned and asked.

The woman smiled and said, “Of course, I do. If you want to find out about your sister, it’s better
to leave it at that. Your sister isn’t here tonight.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2511 -

Hearing the woman’ s words, Philip’s face darkened as his eyes wandered between Susan and
the woman for a moment.

Then, he bowed slightly and said, “Excuse me.”

After that, Philip turned around and returned to his seat. Fennel and the others also sat down.

“Steven, didn’t you say that your Smith family has information about that organization? Do you
know those two?” Philip thought for a moment and asked.

Steven smiled, shook his head, and said, “Mr. Clarke, it’s the Smith family that knows some
information about that organization, not me. I don’t know much about them. Most of the
information is with my father. I don’t know the two of them. However, as you can see, those
eight guards are not simple characters. The armor they’re wearing costs at least three million
per set! It should be the most advanced and powerful set of armor at present with very good

Philip was not very interested in Steven’s explanation of insignificant things. His eyes lingered
on Susan and the charming woman beside her.

Susan raised her eyes several times and met Philip’s scorching gaze, which startled her like a
little rabbit. She hurriedly averted her eyes.

Vivi was jealous and snorted. “Philip, that‘s not your sister. I’m afraid it’s impolite for you to stare
at a young woman like that.”

Hearing Vivi’s words, Philip retracted his gaze, and his expression returned to normal.

If that woman said that his sister was not here, where could she be, then? Moreover, the other
party knew him and did not hide it.

As Philip thought about it, a plump middle-aged man walked in through the door. He wore a
navy blue suit and glasses. He also had blond hair. It looked like he was the host of tonight’s
event. A tall and sexy woman was next to him, wearing a long backless dress with a low
neckline. Her figure was splendid. All the men at the venue were seduced the moment they saw
the woman, and their eyes flashed with greed.

The man and the woman entered the inner hall followed by four tall bodyguards with sunglasses
behind them. Their faces were unsmiling and very serious.

After they appeared, the door of the inner hall was officially closed. The lights in the hall were
also extinguished, leaving only the lights on the middle stage. The entire inner hall became a
little dim.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight’s ball. I’m your old friend Vic, and I’ll be your host
again tonight.” The blonde plump man laughed heartily.

The hall resounded with applause.

Immediately after, Vic smiled and said, “I’m sure everyone would like to know the theme of
tonight’s event. Allow me to give you a brief introduction.”

While speaking, the sexy woman beside him took a crystal tray from the bodyguard behind
them. On the tray was a blue liquid reagent Under the light, the blue reagent shone with a
strange blue glow.

Vic said with a smile, “Everyone must be familiar with this. Yes, this is the essence of life, but it’s
the evolutionary version, the essence of life No. 4! With robust cell regeneration activity, it can
delay the body’s aging process for 15 years and also strengthen the human body! More
importantly, this essence of life No. 4, can help develop the body’s potential so that anyone can
become a genius who’s qualified to enter the door!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2512

As Vic’s enthusiastic voice rang out, the audience burst into discussions.

“Oh my God! It’s the essence of life No. 4 that can slow down the aging process for 15 years!”

“The Marcus family must get our hands on this thing!”

“Immediately notify the family. No matter how much money or what resources are needed, we
must get this essence of life No. 4!”

For a while, everyone’s faces were full of confidence as they were determined to get this
essence of life No. 4. Only Philip’s party looked a little disengaged.

‘The essence of life No. 4?’

Philip was a little confused. If he remembered correctly, the highest grade essence of life in the
Nonagon was level three, so why was there a No. 4 here?

Could it be that the organization behind the other party had gone a step further than the

With that thought in mind, Philip turned to Fennel, who shook his head and said softly, “This
thing isn’t worth believing. The research on the essence of life in our country has only reached
level three, but No. 4 has already appeared here. It doesn’t seem right.”

Hearing Fennel’s words at this moment, Steven smiled lightly and said, “Lord Apollo, you may
not believe it, but this essence of life No. 4 is the real deal. However, according to the
information received by the Smith family, this product has just been developed and isn’t quite
stable yet. Despite that, such R&D results are more than enough. After all, for these people who
don’t know much, the ability to delay aging for 15 years is the biggest temptation for them.
Moreover, it can also develop the potential of the human body, which many people dare not
even think about.”

After listening, Philip smiled and asked, “Will you buy it?”

Steven laughed and said, “Why not? However, such a treasure can only be won by the highest
bidder, so we need to first listen to the conditions put forward by the other party.”

Philip’s eyes darkened as he looked at Vic, the host.

At this moment, Vic noticed the crowd’s excitement and smiled smugly. He coughed as a signal
for everyone to stop the discussion for now and said, “I believe everyone should be familiar with
the rules of our transaction. Now, my boss has put forward two requirements. As long as anyone
can meet these two requirements, this essence of life No. 4 will belong to that person.”

“Vic, quickly tell us about the two requirements!”

“That’s right, Vic. Stop beating about the bush. Everyone is waiting.”

For a while, everyone exclaimed again.

Vic smiled, put up a finger, and said, “First, one billion dollars.”

After saying that, his eyes swept over the crowd. Most of the people present were from rich and
powerful families. A billion dollars might not be a problem for them. However, some people’s
faces obviously darkened.

One billion dollars was still too expensive. They might have to give up half their assets for that.

Vic paused for a while before he raised a second finger and said, “The second requirement is
that the person or family who obtains the essence of life No. 4 must do one thing for my boss.
They must go to the Cochlea Mountain in the East, enter the door, become a disciple of the
Nonagon, and obtain some information for my boss.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2513

Hearing this second request, the expressions on Philip and the others changed rapidly!

Moses also frowned and glanced at Vic before he turned to Philip and Fennel. He said in a low
voice, “Is he trying to infiltrate our country and gain a few puppets?”
Philip’s eyes were cold as he frowned and said, “Don’t say anything yet. Let’s see what happens

If it was really as Moses said, Philip would definitely take action and get this essence of life No.
4. At the same time, he would find out who the boss behind Vic was. Anyone who dared to
harbor any intentions toward Cochly Mountain must be destroyed.

Everyone in the inner hall fell into silence after Vic’s words. They spoke quietly among

Among them, Louis XXVI and Alice Elizabeth also spoke to each other, determined to get the
essence of life No. 4. Louis XXVI was the first to raise his hand and said, “Vic, I want to get this
essence of life No. 4 to present it to the Queen on her birthday. In that case, are you saying that
the Queen has to travel to this so-called Cochly Mountain?”

Vic bowed slightly to Louis XXVI and said, “Your Excellency, both my boss and I know all about
your filial piety to the Queen. So, my boss has mentioned that if Your Excellency Louis XXVI
wants the essence of life, we can provide you with product No. 3 at the price of 500 million

Hearing that, Louis XXVI smiled and said with a nod, “Very well. In that case, I won’t compete
for the essence of life No. 4. In that case, let everyone else fight for it.”

After saying that, Louis XXVI sat down happily and watched the lively discussions.

On the other side, Susan Stark and the charming woman beside her also spoke in low voices.
Susan would peek at Philip from time to time as if she wanted to see what Philip was doing.

The woman whispered in Susan’s ear before she raised her hand and said, “Mr. Vic, we’ll take
the essence of life No. 4. The one billion dollars will arrive later. As for the second condition,
we’ll select the most elite people to go to Cochly Mountain to get what your boss wants.”

Vic smiled and said, “Oh, dear Madam Purcell, we need to consider this issue. Our boss prefers
to have this young woman beside you to enter Cochly Mountain and help our boss get what he

The woman raised her shapely eyebrows. Her eyes were cold as she said, “Vic, you should
know that this is impossible.”

Vic shrugged and said, “Madam Purcell, I know that the forces behind you aren’t ordinary, and
the boss also said to treat you with respect, but rules are rules. The transaction must meet the
conditions that both parties are satisfied with, so I hope that you can reconsider.”

After saying that, Vic glanced at Susan and bowed slightly.

Immediately after, the leaders of the major Western families present began to raise their hands
to grab the essence of life No. 4. The situation at the scene was very intense. It could be seen
that everyone was eager to get hold of this item.

The First Heir - Chapter 2514

As for Philip’s side, it was very quiet and no one got involved. Several times, Steven had wanted
to raise his hand, but seeing the reaction from Philip and the others, he finally gave up.

“Mr. Clarke, aren’t you going to fight for it?” Steven smiled and asked tentatively.

Philip shook his head and said, “An unstable product is of no use to me. I just want to know who
the boss behind this transaction is. Steven, you should have information about him, right?”

Upon hearing this, Steven smiled, nodded slightly, and said, “You’re right, Mr. Clarke. I do have
information about this boss. Do you want to trade for it?”

Philip narrowed his eyes and looked at Steven with some oppression.

Steven felt the oppressive aura from Philip and laughed a little uncomfortably. He said, “Haha,
Mr. Clarke, don’t look at me like that. We’re good friends, aren’t we? In that case, I’ll make the
decision and give you this information for free.”

Hearing that, Philip said flatly, “If it’s of value, I won’t disappoint you.”

Steven shrugged and said, “You may know some of the people behind this.”

“I do?” Philip cocked an eyebrow.

Steven blinked and said, “This underground trading organization has three parties involved.
First, the SPEAR Bureau.”

‘The SPEAR Bureau?’

Philip’s eyes darkened and he thought for a moment before he motioned for Steven to continue.

“Maybe you won’t know the second party, but in the Western world, the other party is a
well-known underground market tycoon. His name is Max Nicholas.”

Steven was full of smiles.

Philip frowned and indicated that he did not know this person.
Fennel spoke up, “I know this person. He controls more than half of the underground market in
the Western world. His forces are intertwined, and he has in-depth cooperation with multiple
forces and organizations. Half of the 12 Sacred Halls have dealings with Max. Moreover, this
person has never appeared in public. So far, no one knows his true face. He’s a very mysterious
person. In the Western world, he has the title of the 13th god in addition to the 12 gods.
However, the 12 Gods of the West have never recognized his existence, and the other party
doesn’t seem to care about this so-called title either.”

After listening to Fennel’s remarks, Philip’s face became even darker.

It seemed that the forces behind this underground trading market were indeed intricate and

“Lord Apollo is right. Max is very famous in the Western world. His wealth occupies one-third of
the Western world. He’s very rich and has many people under him. The Western countries both
love and hate him for his wealth and power.”Steven added.

Philip nodded and asked, “What about the third party?”

Steven replied, “I’m sure you’re no stranger to him. He’s from the East, the deputy consul of the
Nonagon, Cooper Berry! Half the research data on the essence of life is contributed by Deputy
Consul Cooper Berry.”

‘Cooper Berry?!’ Hearing that, Philip’s eyes twitched.

Did that mean Cooper had betrayed the country?

“Are you sure the third party is Cooper Berry?” Philip asked.

Steven smiled and said, “Mr. Clarke, you have to trust my intelligence. The Smith family’s
intelligence has never been wrong.”

Looking at Steven’s confident face, Philip’s eyes darkened. He turned to look at Fennel and both
of them scowled.

“Cooper Berry, good for you!” Philip clenched his fists.

On the other hand, Vic continued, “Everyone, we still have three minutes to go before we pick
out all the people involved and carry out the selection later.”

However, before Vic could finish speaking, Philip suddenly said, “How can we be sure that the
essence of life No. 4 has those effects you mentioned?”
The First Heir - Chapter 2515 - -

Hearing this sudden voice, Vic pushed his glasses up his nose bridge as a faint smile appeared
in the corner of his eyes. He looked at Philip. Not only him, but all the foreigners in the hall also
focused their attention on Philip and his gang.

It was this Eastern man again.

What did he mean by asking this question?

Vic smiled and said, “Sir, do you have doubts about our essence of life No. 4?”

Philip‘s eyes drooped slightly as he said, “As far as I know, the research on the essence of life is
currently at No. 3. Product No. 4 is still unstable. By trading the test product No. 4 in such a
hurry, isn’t it a little too irresponsible?”

Vic said sternly, “Sir, the essence of life No. 4 has been developed successfully. This is an
internal secret not made known to the public, so we don’t blame you for doubting it. However, I
can tell you with certainty that the essence of life No. 4 has been certified by our relevant
institutions and can be guaranteed.”

“What guarantee? Since it’s your institution, you can say whatever you want,” Philip replied

Vic scowled at Philip’s words.

He pushed his glasses again and said coldly, “Sir, if you don’t want to participate, you can
choose to observe from the side. If you want to cause trouble, please give up this idea. This is
an underground trading venue. I hope there won’t be any unnecessary trouble.”

The other spectating foreigners admonished Philip at this time.

“Damn Eastemers! Your technology is still lacking, so you’re doubting the West instead. How

“Hehe, if you don’t have what it takes, don’t get involved. Hurry up and get lost, you trash!”

“That’s right! We believe in Vic! You shut up!”

Faced with everyone’s reprimands, Vic smiled. He ignored Philip and continued, “Everyone, let’s
begin now.”
However, as soon as he finished speaking, Philip raised his hand indifferently and said, “It’s only
one billion dollars. I can afford it. However, for the second condition, I need to see the boss
behind you before I decide.”

As soon as these words were spoken, all the foreigners present looked at Philip with shock.


This seemingly ordinary Eastern man said that it was only one billion dollars.

Moreover, he even made a bargain to meet the boss behind Vic!

“F*ck, you damned Easterner! You’re too arrogant!”

“Only one billion dollars? If you have the ability, take it out now!”

A group of people began to curse aloud, and even Steven whispered, “Mr. Clarke, calm down.
Don’t be reckless. These people here are not that simple, and there are several nobles around.
If you offend so many nobles at once, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Philip paid no heed to Steven and continued blandly, “Mr. Vic, what do you think?”

Vic looked at Philip gravely before he muttered to the subordinate beside him.

Then, he smiled and said, “Since this gentleman wants to participate, we won’t refuse, of
course. However, the second condition is not negotiable.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2516 - -

After saying that, Vic took out a red reagent syringe and said, “The person who gets the
essence of life No. 4 will be injected with this red potion on the spot. Don’t worry, it‘s non-toxic
and harmless. It’s just a stimulant that needs to be injected every once in a while. As long a s
the boss’ instructions are obeyed, you can live a healthy life.”

This was the same as becoming a puppet under someone’s control.

Most of the people at the scene, however, were attracted by the essence of life No. 4 that could
delay aging for 15 years. Many people scrambled for the injection, wanting to become the
puppet of the boss behind Vic. However, some people began to back off and become cautious.

At this time, Vic turned to look at Philip and said, “Sir, do you still want to participate?”

Philip said calmly, “No need. Tonight, no one can make a deal with you except me.”
At those words, Vic’s face trembled in puzzlement.

Some of the foreigners also could not figure out his meaning. However, soon, the door of the
inner hall was pushed open. A tall middle-aged man walked in.

As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere in the inner hall boiled.

“Oh my God! It’s Buffer! What’s he doing here?”

“Buffer, the Stock God! He has 100 billion dollars in assets!”

When Vic saw the man who entered, his face darkened. He was about to say something when
he saw Buffer running toward Philip with a face full of joy and excitement.

Then, Buffer shook hands with Philip very excitedly before he stood next to Philip like a servant.
He said respectfully, “Young Master Clarke, I’ve carried out your orders.”

Philip nodded lightly.

Everyone gasped at this scene. Walter Buffer, the Stock God of the West, actually treated an
Eastern man so respectfully.

“Oh my God, what am I seeing? Buffer is actually treating an Eastern man with such respect?”

“No! This isn’t true!”

“Who the hell is that Easterner?”

Everyone whispered again.

Vic looked at Philip and Buffer, saying with a smile, “Mr. Buffer, I didn‘t expect you to visit our
underground trading market.”

Buffer did not pay any attention to Vic but stayed by Philip’s side. He glanced at everyone
arrogantly and said, “Everyone, all your properties have been acquired by me. To put it simply,
only Young Master Clarke is eligible for tonight’s underground trading.”

As soon as he said that, the entire hall was in an uproar!

Many people’s mobile phones suddenly rang at this time. After they picked up the calls, they
received the news that all their family’s properties had been acquired. In other words, the people
present now simply could not get a billion dollars in a short time.
Vic’s face became extremely dull. He looked at Philip and said, “So, your background is

Anyone who could make Buffer do this was definitely no ordinary person.

Was he the son of one of the great families in the East?

Philip said mildly, “I want to see the boss behind you.”

Vic was caught in a passive state. Forced by the current situation and pressure, he had to dial
the internal number and contact his boss.

After getting a reply, Vic smiled and said to Philip, “Mr. Clarke, my boss said he can meet you.
Please come with me.”

Philip got up with Fennel closely behind him.

However, Vic stopped and said, “Mr. Clarke, my boss said that he would only see you. ”

The First Heir - Chapter 2517 - -

Philip frowned and said to Fennel beside him, “That’s enough. I’ll go and have a look on my

Fennel also frowned and said, “Be careful.”

hilip nodded and turned to follow Vic out of the inner hall into the innermost part of Kestor

Here, the security was extremely tight. A heavily armed guard could be seen every two meters
apart. Moreover, the entire area was heavily defended, surrounded by high walls with machine
guns and radar networks.

Philip followed Vic to a magnificent suite that was decorated very lavishly.

Many electronic display screens were found in the suite which displayed all corners of the
manor, including the actions of everyone in the inner hall.

In the middle of the suite, behind the expensive desk by the French windows, a fat middle-aged
man in dark red plaid pajamas sat in a chair smoking a cigar. His eyes were indifferent as he
looked at Philip and Vic walking through the door.

“Boss, the guest is here,” Vic said respectfully to the fat man.
The fat man got up from the chair when Philip walked in but looked a little clumsy. Two hot
women in bikinis next to him helped him stand up.

“Oh, Mr. Clarke. Hello, nice to meet you.” The fat man greeted Philip with a smile on his face
and spread his arms, wanting to hug Philip.

Philip took a half-step back and avoided the hug. However, the other party did not seem to
mind. He smiled and waved his hand to Vic as an indication for him to leave.

At this moment, Philip asked coldly, “Are you Max Nicholas?”

Was Max a fat guy like this? It was out of Philip’s expectations.

“Hahaha!” The fat man laughed and shook his head. He took a puff of his cigar and said, “No,
Mr. Clarke, you’ve misunderstood. How could I be Max? My name is Marvin Terry. You can call
me Marvin.”

Marvin was full of smiles, and the two sexy women in bikinis stood behind him, looking very

Philip frowned and said, “I want to see Max.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2518

Marvin shook his head and said, “Mr. Clarke, Max is my big boss. I don't even have the right to
see him, so how could you? Besides, in Kestor Manor, you can just ask me if you need to know
anything. Come, let’s sit and talk.”

Marvin said and invited Philip to take a seat.

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Philip was unmoved and did not sit down. He just said lightly, “There’s no need for me to sit. I
only have three questions. I hope you can answer me truthfully.”

Marvin smiled, and his greasy face glowed with an eerie light. He turned around, walked to the
expensive sofa, and sat down. The two women also sat beside him and massaged his

Marvin laughed and gestured with his hand. “Mr. Clarke, I’m afraid it’s not within the order of
things to ask me three questions upfront. Aren’t you Easterners most particular about these
so-called rules?”
Philip’s eyes were cold and stern as he glanced at the smiling Marvin while observing the layout
of the suite. Then, he asked, “What conditions do you have, then, Mr. Marvin?”

Marvin laughed and took a puff of his cigar before saying, “You’re a smart man, Mr. Clarke. I’m
all about fair trade. Since you want something from me, you have to pay the price, of course.”

After saying that, Marvin gestured to a woman beside him, who brought a small box from the
desk. Then, Marvin opened the small box in front of Philip. There was a stone that looked like a
gem inside. It was black in color and glowed with a strange luster under the light.

At first glance, Philip could tell that this stone was extraordinary because the stone could absorb
the power of rules in his body. Fortunately, Philip was able to break off the suction immediately.

Marvin smiled, gestured at the black stone, and said to Philip, “Do you know this thing, Mr.

Philip shook his head and said, “I don’t.”

Marvin did not beat about the bush and said, “This is the raw material for making the essence of
life, ebony stone. Do you know where it comes from?”

Philip did not know this either, but he could vaguely guess the place. Hence, he tentatively
asked, “Behind the door?”

Marvin’s eyes flashed with a look of approval, and he gave a thumbs up. “Bingo. Yes, ebony
stones are indeed from behind the door. However, more importantly, it’s only found in one place,
which is Cochly Mountain in your country.”

‘Cochly Mountain?’

It was only found in Cochly Mountain?

Philip was shocked!

In other words, most of the essence of life was produced in Orienta.

“How did you get the research done on the essence of life, then?” Philip asked.

However, as soon as he asked this question, he regretted it.

“Cooper Berry?”

Marvin laughed and said, “You’re on a roll. That’s right, Deputy Consul Cooper Berry is the one
who provides it to our institution monthly. As for the essence of life produced by the 12 Sacred
Halls, I’m afraid their source of ebony stones is also through an arrangement with someone
from your country.”

After saying that, Marvin looked at the ebony stone in his hand with a business smile and said,
“This thing is very valuable, dozens of times more expensive than gold. Just a small piece in my
hand like this is worth five million! And after it’s made into the essence of life, the profit margin
will increase dozens of times more.”

After saying that, Marvin looked at Philip, and his meaning could not be more obvious.

“You want me to get ebony stones for you?” Philip asked.

Marvin laughed and said, “It’s a pleasure to talk to smart people, Mr. Clarke. You’re right. I want
to work with you. As long as you provide me with such a small piece every month, we can be
close friends. Also, I’ll give you 30% of the profit What do you think?”

Philip frowned, thought about it, and said, “There’s no way I can get ebony stones for you.
Cochly Mountain is a sacred place in our country. Besides, I can’t enter Cochly Mountain for the
time being, so I can’t get them for you.”

Marvin was in no hurry. He put away the stone and said with a smile, “You’ve misunderstood,
Mr. Clarke. I’m not asking you to agree now. When you have a chance to enter Cochly
Mountain, just get a few small pieces for me. How about that?”

The First Heir - Chapter 2519

Philip was silent for a moment before he looked at Marvin and said, “Do you have other

Marvin smiled and said, “I do, and I’m sure you can do it.”

“What is it?” Philip asked.

Marvin said, “You can take the essence of life in the inner hall and ignore the other reagent, but
you must promise me one thing.”

Philip said solemnly, “I won’t do anything to betray my country. If you want me to give you any
information, there’s no deal.”

Marvin smiled and said, “You’ve misunderstood, Mr. Clarke. What I want to say is that if I get
into trouble one day in the future, I hope you can lend me a helping hand.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and said, “Just this?”

Marvin said, “Yes.”

Philip thought about it and agreed.

Then, Marvin’s fat body relaxed slightly. He sat back down on the sofa, then motioned to Philip
and said, “Mr. Clarke, if you have any questions, you can ask them now.”

Philip asked, “I need to know the information about those two women and the organization
behind them.”

As Philip spoke, he pointed to an electronic screen that displayed the inner hall in real-time.
Susan Stark and Madam Purcell were seen.

Marvin glanced at it, and the happy look on his face was wiped off before a dark expression
washed over in an instant. He said, “Mr. Clarke, I can’t answer this question. Please change it.”

Philip frowned as he saw obvious fear and apprehension on Marvin’s face. It seemed that the
organization behind Susan Stark and Madam Purcell was so huge that this question alone
made Marvin so afraid.

“Very well, then. My next question is, between the forces behind them and the 12 Sacred Halls
of the West, who’s more powerful?”

Philip still pointed at Susan and Madam Purcell on the screen.

Marvin narrowed his eyes before he said with a smile, “I can accept this question. The 12
Sacred Halls are a little inferior to them. I must give you a piece of advice. Even if you have a
special status and a powerful force behind you, you really shouldn’t mess with them.”

Philip smiled, thanked Marvin for his kindness, and finally said, “You should have the list for
tonight’s ball, right?”

Marvin frowned, looked at Philip nervously, and asked, “What do you want to do?”

Philip smiled and said, “I want to borrow the list and take a look at it, of course. There should be
the background and identities of these people listed on it. You won’t refuse this request, right?”

Marvin frowned, and his face became serious. He had overlooked this. However, Philip’s
request was reasonable.

The First Heir - Chapter 2520

After half a beat, Marvin said, “I really must applaud your wisdom.”

With that said, he got up and walked to his desk. He used the key to open the bottom cabinet
and took out a list from it. He handed it to Philip and said, “Mr. Clarke, the list is here. I’m just
letting you have a look at it. I won’t get involved in anything else. ”

Of course, Philip knew that Marvin wanted nothing to do with this. Without further ado, Philip
quickly flipped through the list He saw Steven’s name, as well as the names of Louis XXVI and
Alice Elizabeth. Then, he saw the names of Susan Stark and Lindy Purcell. However, their
identity descriptions and background had been left blank!

Philip’s face darkened instantly.

Marvin glanced over and seemed to notice Philip’s dejection. After thinking about it, he
pretended to act nonchalantly and reminded, “Mr. Clarke, don’t just look at that column. You
should look at the last column.”

Hearing this, Philip turned his gaze to the last column.

Margot Pearson!

What was her name doing here?

Was she in the inner hall too? However, there was no sign of her!

Marvin seemed to notice Philip’s confusion and said, “They’re from the same organization, but
Madam Pearson has something on and didn’t attend the ball tonight. That’s why they came
instead. If I remember correctly, Madam Pearson is attending another underground trade fair in
Dunham with another woman.”

Hearing this, Philip’s eyes instantly lit up. He stared at Marvin and asked, “Are you saying that
Margot Pearson is from the same place as them? And she went to Dunham with another
woman tonight?”

Marvin shrugged and said, “That’s right.”

Philip asked, “Do you know the other woman and what she looks like?”

Marvin thought for a while and finally pointed to Susan on the screen of the inner hall. He said,
“I met them once before, and if I remember correctly, she looks somewhat similar to the woman
on the screen. If I hadn’t taken a closer look, I might have actually mistaken them for each other.
It’s strange to say but these two have the same demeanor. The only difference is the look in
their eyes.”
Philip was excited. Now, he could be 100% sure!

Hannah Clarke!

That must be Hannah! Margot Pearson was together with Hannah!

Moreover, Margot was from that organization. Yes, that was right!

The Beauty Killers was an organization that his mother founded. In that case, were the Beauty
Killers the group of people protecting Hannah?

Numerous thoughts flashed through Philip’s mind. He looked at Marvin and excused himself. “I
still have something important to deal with, so I’ll take my leave.”

Seeing that Philip was in a hurry to leave, Marvin said, “Mr. Clarke, don’t be in such a hurry. I’ll
give you one last piece of advice. Be careful and don’t be too hasty. Some people and some
things must be dealt with slowly. I’m waiting for you to bring me ebony stones.”

Philip did not stop and left the suite.

After Philip left, Vic walked in. He looked at Marvin doubtfully and asked, “Boss, you’re breaking
our rules by doing this. If someone at the top finds out, you’ll be held responsible.”

Marvin smiled, glanced at Vic, and said, “I’ve always believed that kindness begets kindness.
This is one of my investments.”

Vic frowned and said nothing more but asked, “Then what about the inner hall?”

Marvin said, “The essence of life belongs to Mr. Clarke.”

Hearing the reply, Vic left the suite.

After Vic left, Marvin sat on the sofa again and took a puff of his cigar. Holding the black stone in
his hand, he smiled and said, “I hope you bring me great benefits.”

After Philip left the suite, he found Fennel and the others in the inner hall. He said, “Come with
me to Dunham.”

“Dunham? Why so sudden?” Fennel was puzzled.

Philip said, “Hannah is at the underground trading market there.”

Steven stood up at this moment, stopped Philip and the others who were about to leave, and
said, “Mr. Clarke, don’t be so hasty. It’s too late for you to go to Dunham now. The underground
trade over there ended half an hour ago. However, someone from the Smith family is keeping
an eye on the person you’re looking for.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2521

Philip glared at Steven and asked coldly, “You already knew she was in Dunham?”

Steven smiled and said, “Don’t be angry, Mr. Clarke. I just got the information to. The person
you’re looking for did appear in the underground trading market in Dunham, but she left in a
hurry. My people got some shots of her but they were thrown off the trail when they tried to
chase after the two women.”

With that said, Steven took out his phone and pulled up the photos sent by his subordinates.

Philip glanced through the photos. There was a black limousine and two women getting down
from the car. A charming woman took the lead, and Philip confirmed at first glance that it was
Margot Pearson. Behind her was a woman in a mask. She was covered from top to toe and was
well-protected by the bodyguards. However, she seemed to notice something and glanced at
the hidden camera. With that look, Philip recognized her at first glance!

Hannah Clarke! It was definitely Hannah!

Steven looked at Philip’s excited look and said, “Mr. Clarke, this is extra information for you. No
thanks needed. We’re business partners, after all.”

Philip raised his eyebrows and sent the photo to his mobile phone. He returned the mobile
phone to Steven and said coldly, “Steven, if you really want to work with me, don’t have any
crooked ideas. ”

Steven quickly said, “Mr. Clarke, you’ve misunderstood me. I really just want to be friends with
you. To have Mr. Buffer respect you so much, you’re more powerful than I imagined. I’d love to
make friends with people like you.”

Philip was silent for a moment and asked, “Where are they now?”

Steven shook his head and said with a shrug, “I don’t know. Their people are very alert, and my
guys lost them. However, I’ll help you keep a lookout for them.”

Philip’s expression was ugly. After going in such a big circle, he still did not see Hannah in the
end. With disappointment, Philip left Kestor Manor with Fennel and Vivi.

Moses chased after them.

At the door, Moses shouted, “Young Master Clarke, no, I should call you Young Lord. I have
something to discuss with you.”

Philip glanced at Fennel and Vivi before motioning for Moses to step aside with him.

The First Heir - Chapter 2522

Philip and Moses stepped to one side.

Philip said coldly, “What is it? Just spit it out. I don’t think I have much to do with your Dunley
family anyway.”

Moses smiled and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you’re still as haughty as ever. I’ll cut to the
chase, then. My uncle’s source of kingship should be in your body now, right?”

“Spencer Dunley?” Philip frowned.

Moses shrugged and said with a smile, “Young Patriarch Clarke, don’t be nervous. I’m not
denouncing you or asking for anything on behalf of my fourth uncle. He just told me to pass you
a message.”

“What is it?” Philip asked.

Moses sighed and said, “Uncle Spencer wants to tell you not to be obsessed with the power or
spiritual enhancement brought by the source of kingship. Once you get addicted to it, it’s hard to
get out. The power of kingship is a conspiracy and a chess game. Uncle Spencer hopes that
you can see through the core and essence of the source of kingship and break this game.
External forces, after all, are external forces. In the end, you still have to rely on yourself.”

Philip could not really figure out what Moses was trying to say.

Moses also waved his hands and said, “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t understand either. No
one can truly figure out his words or actions, but since he gave you this advice, he must have
his reasons.”

Philip frowned and said, “Thank you. Tell your uncle that I know what to do, and thank him for
his advice.”

After saying that, Philip turned around and returned to Fennel and the others. Then, they left
and returned to Fennel’s private estate in Sendona.

The two sat in the living room.

Fennel asked, “Are we still going to Dunham?”

Philip found it difficult to decide and said, “If Steven didn’t lie to us, we probably won’t find
anything even if we go to Dunham.”

Fennel nodded and said, “The intelligence network of the Smith family can be trusted, but
Steven is a little two-faced and can’t be trusted that easily.”

Philip nodded and said, “I know.”

“Then have you come to a decision about the condition he proposed? Do you really want to
make arrangements for a few members of the Smith family to study at the Nonagon?”

Fennel asked and took a sip of red wine in his hand.

Philip was silent for a moment and said, “There’s no hurry. Let’s put this matter aside. First, I
want to find out why the Smith family is so eager to enter the door to study. Also, I want to
investigate Steven.”

Fennel said, “Let me arrange this.”

Philip nodded and said, “I’m going back to Orienta tomorrow. The things here should be settled
for the time being.”

Fennel said, “I’m afraid it’s not that easy. Now that we have offended the Hall of the Underworld,
the Hall of Evil, and the Hall of Death, they won’t let us leave so easily.”

“You mean…” Philip frowned.

Fennel chuckled and said to Philip, “They’re already here.”

As soon as he said that, Philip frowned and expanded his perception ability, which spread over
the entire private manor in no time. Instantly, Philip perceived more than a dozen silent and
sneaky figures in the yard. Moreover, the strength of these people was not that simple. The
weakest was a disciple in the third zone! There were even disciples at the peak of the fourth

Fennel also shook his head helplessly and said, “Vataco still refuses to give up. At this point, he
still wants to send these people to their deaths.”

Philip felt helpless as well.

Suddenly, the windows around the living room shattered. A dozen guys in black outfits rushed
in. These people were fully armed with undisguised killing intent.

Fennel did not even raise his eyebrows and coldly said, “Barging into my private residence in
the middle of the night like this, are you after my life?”

“Haha! Damn Easterner, meet your doom!”

A short man with a machete and a mask laughed sinisterly. He lunged like lightning, and the
machete swiped across Fennel’s neck! They just needed to kill these two for a bounty of 50
million dollars!

A fortune!

However… Before the machete in the guy’s hand got close to Fennel’s neck, he saw the other
party’s contemptuous look in his eyes before Fennel raised his hand.



This guy was hit right in the chest, and he instantly felt his sternum break. Even his internal
organs felt as though they had shattered under the impact of that punch!


He flew out and fell heavily to the ground. He spat out several mouthfuls of blood and died an
instant death. This counter-kill made the assassin disciples surrounding the living room panic a

It was too terrifying!

One blow had killed a disciple in the third zone!

Fennel said unhurriedly, “Who else wants to give it a go? This bounty is not that easy to get.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2523

More than a dozen assassins stood in the hall and exchanged glances with each other. The
strength displayed by Fennel really shocked them. In just one move, a disciple from the third
zone was killed!

Powerful! Too strong!

This must be at least the strength of the fourth zone. However, the bounty mission did not
specify that the target was a disciple from the fourth zone.

Damn it!

There must be a problem with this bounty mission. It had sent them to their deaths. At once, the
remaining assassins from the third zone backed away, looked at each other, and did not step
forward. Only a few assassins had reached the peak of the fourth zone. At this moment, their
expressions were indifferent as they glanced at their dead companion on the floor with a
disdainful smile.

One of them was a tall, dark disciple with muscles all over his body, just like a gorilla.

He stepped forward, squeezed his fists tightly together, laughed disdainfully, and said, “Very
good. I didn’t expect to meet my match. Your next opponent is me, and the 50 million bounty will
be mine!”

After saying that, a fierce aura surged from the man. The air around him was stirred by the
energy from his body. The peak combat power of the fourth zone!

Fennel smiled lightly and said, “Vataco is the same as always, coming up with bounty missions
and sending people to their deaths.”

After that, Fennel stood up calmly. His eyes fell on the assassin's disciples coldly as he asked
with a smile, “Do you want to die together or one by one?”

“F*ck you, you stupid Easterner! You’re courting death!”

The tanned man shouted and punched Fennel’s head. His fist was as fast as lightning. As it
blasted toward Fennel’s head, the fist quickly became several times bigger and turned to metal.

The assassin disciples standing at the back gasped at the sight of this attack.

Too strong!

This punch was enough to shatter that arrogant Easterner’s head. However, what happened in
the next second made them stare dumbfoundedly, not even daring to breathe. That was
because Fennel had simply raised his hand lightly and punched out at the tanned man’s
metalized fist.

When the tanned man saw that Fennel dared to meet his punch, he sneered and said, “You’re
out of your depths! Die!”

Two fists collided and exploded with astonishing power and momentum. However, the expected
scene of Fennel being shattered by the punch did not appear. Instead, the tanned man watched
his metalized fist helplessly as it shattered into pieces. Immediately after, a huge force spread
from his fist to his arm. His whole arm was torn apart by that tremendous force in that instant.


The next second, he flew back, smashed into a window heavily, and flew out the window.

The whole place fell silent!

The remaining assassin disciples were dumbfounded.

The First Heir - Chapter 2524 - -

No one expected such a shocking scene.

Outside the window, the tanned man at the peak of the fourth zone had his entire arm
destroyed. Even half of his body was scorched black by Fennel’ s tremendous power.

Another blow that killed a disciple at the peak of the fourth zone.

How powerful was this guy exactly?

This bounty mission was completely beyond their expectations. This was a mission that would
kill them!

In an instant, the remaining assassin disciples thought of running away. There was no other
choice. This was just like a fight between an adult and children.

Fennel flexed his hand and said with a smile, “Next, all of you can come at once.”

The assassin disciples looked at each other, and some of them turned to run away. However,
some of them turned their attention to Philip, who was still sitting on the sofa calmly.

Damn it!

They must at least kill one to deliver the mission. Moreover, by the looks of it, the man on the
sofa seemed powerless.
In that instant, the remaining assassin disciples with the peak strength of the fourth zone
exchanged glances with each other. Two of them rushed toward Fennel, while the remaining
two rushed at Philip with deadly moves. They must end this quickly!

Such a sudden attack made Fennel smile in admiration. This group of people was
well-coordinated. Two held him back while the other two attacked Philip.

A normal person would be dead for sure. However, they were wrong. The one sitting on the sofa
might be stronger and more bizarre than Fennel.

The two assassin disciples launched their deadliest attacks on Philip. When they approached
Philip, a sneer appeared on their faces. They thought it joyfully that the mission was going to be
a success.

However, when Philip turned his head indifferently and looked at them with a pair of clear eyes
with a hint of chill, the two disciples felt as if their hearts were grasped by something. It made
them unable to breathe.

A killing intent! Monstrous killing intent!

In an instant, they stopped and wanted to escape. At that moment, all they had in mind was to


Just that look from him was filled with such monstrous killing intent. However, they were too late!

Philip made his move and used his kingship energy field. Instantly, all the assassin disciples
standing in the hall were frozen in place. Their legs were all nailed to the ground and no one
could move an inch. This was the oppressive force from the kingship energy field!

Under the kingship power, they were all ants. In that instant, these assassin disciples realized
what terrifying beings they were supposed to assassinate tonight!

‘Kingship power!’

‘Oh my God!’

They were actually here to kill a king of disciples?! Instantly, they were devastated!

Immediately after, Philip got up, walked up to the two assassin disciples at the peak of the fourth
zone who wanted to retreat, and asked coldly, “Who sent you?”

The two disciples were about to cry and could only reply honestly, “It’s a bounty mission…”
“A bounty mission?” Philip frowned.

Fennel explained, “A bounty mission is popular in the Western underworld. As long as the price
offered by the person giving out the mission is high enough, any assassin can take it.”

As soon as Fennel finished speaking, Philip raised his hand and killed the two killer disciples of
the fourth zone. There was no pity at all. After all, the other party was here to assassinate him. If
he was not harsh enough, he would be dead by now.

As for the remaining assassins with varying strengths, Philip frowned and said, “I’ll leave them to

Fennel smiled lightly and said, “It’s just nice that the lab in my base camp is short of a batch of
guinea pigs, so you guys can take that spot.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2525

The remaining killers were horrified when they saw Fennel’s innocent smile.

What did he mean by that? His lab was lacking a batch of guinea pigs?

Instantly, this group of people went crazy. This must be the devil himself. They must escape!

Immediately after, the killers desperately tried to escape, but they were facing the Sun God,
Fennel Leigh. In less than a minute, the killers were taken down and fell to the ground groaning.
Fennel did not kill them because he still had use for them.

Soon, Hans received the order and rushed to the manor with his fully armed team to bring the
group of disciples back.

Philip stood in the manor, looked at the sky, and said to Fennel who walked up behind him, “This
bounty mission seems quite interesting.”

Fennel smiled and said, “Do you want to issue a mission too?”

Philip chuckled and said, “Since the other party used such a lousy trick, why shouldn’t I?”

Then, Philip said, “I’ll offer 100 million dollars. The mission is to attack and kill the people of the
Hall of Evil! 100,000 for injuring one, and one million for killing one! If they kill a holy envoy, it’ll
be worth ten million! If they manage to kill Evil God Vataco, I’ll add another 500 million!”
With that said, a chill permeated the entire manor.

After hearing this, Fennel looked shocked before he said with a sneer, “At this rate, I’m afraid
that the Hall of Evil will become a target in the Western world that everyone wants to aim for.”

Philip smiled and said, “That’s what I want.”

Fennel was also very excited. He had thought of doing this before but could not due to certain
restrictions. However, Philip was different. He was offering 600 million dollars in one shot. This
was definitely the highest reward among the bounty missions in the Western underworld. At that
time, there would definitely be countless desperadoes who would fight tooth and nail against the
Hall of Evil for the bounty.

It could be imagined that at that time, the Hall of Evil would be a piece of meat in everyone’s
eyes. Vataco was doomed for sure this time.


That night… Using the secret channel through the Hall of the Sun, Fennel issued a mission on
the bounty platform in the Western underworld.

The First Heir - Chapter 2526 - -

Of course, the person who issued the bounty mission was not made known. The moment the
mission appeared, it sent shockwaves through the entire Western underworld.

Someone actually dared to face a sacred hall head-on. It was the Hall of Evil at that.

In a flash, dozens of strongholds that issued bounty missions throughout the Western
underworld exploded. The contents of the bounty mission quickly spread throughout the dark
underworld in the West.

“Holy sh*t! Look at this bounty mission!”

“Whoa! Attack and kill the Hall of Evil! 100,000 for injuring one, and one million for killing one!
Killing a great envoy is worth ten million, while Evil God Vataco’s life is worth 500 million!”

“Crazy! Who is targeting the Hall of Evil? It’s such a large sum of money, oh my…”

A group of assassins stood in front of the bounty mission wall of a certain stronghold with
incredulous expressions.
This was an underground bounty mission stronghold in Sendona located in an abandoned
underground factory and subway station platform.

The entire underground factory and subway station had been transformed into a place where
assassins and other characters of all kinds gathered. It was like a small town that dealt in the
dark. As far as the eye could see, there were densely packed partitioned rooms and areas that
appeared crowded and dirty. Many unkempt people begged in the corridors, which were full of
litter and squeaking rats. Of course, the ferocious-looking assassins with tattoos were in a hurry.

The people here had been abandoned by this world. They could neither see the light nor survive
in the outside world, so they could only hide underground. That was because this place was not
controlled by the outside world and had its own rules of survival.

At this moment, the black electronic screen of the bounty mission wall was flooded with a bright
red new task. It was the mission published by Fennel that flashed repeatedly.

The bounty amount in gold was tentatively set at 100 million dollars, the most lucrative bounty
mission in history.

The assassins who were gathered around stared at it with bloodshot eyes. After a few glances,
many sprang into action.

100 million dollars!

100,000 just for injuring one!

In a flash, most of the assassins of this underground bounty stronghold started to move out. The
news also quickly reached the boss’ office of this underground bounty stronghold.

A sexy and scantily clad woman hurried into a luxurious suite in her high heels. This was the
boss’ office of the bounty stronghold in the innermost part of the underground factory protected
by a dozen powerful assassin disciples at the door.

The woman rushed in and shouted, “Mr. Kooka, something’s wrong!”

There was a fat middle-aged man who was dressed lavishly with several tattoos on his neck
and arms. At this moment, he was smoking a cigar. He was having close contact with his
beloved woman.

At the sight of the female secretary who barged in, he bellowed coldly, “Jillian, why are you in
such a panic?”

The secretary glanced at the woman sitting on her boss’ lap and hurriedly said, “A new bounty
mission has been released!”
“What’s wrong with that?” Kooka waved his hand and exhaled a puff of the cigar.

Jillian hurriedly said, “Boss, it’s a bounty mission of 100 million dollars!”

“What?!” Kooka was startled and stood up from his chair.

He immediately turned on his computer and glanced at the contents of the mission. With a look
of surprise, he muttered under his breath, “A bounty against the Hall of Evil? Can we find out the
person who posted the mission?”

Kooka was dumbfounded. This was a big deal!

The woman shook her head and said, “The other party released the mission through internal
channels. We have no way of knowing the other party’s identity. Now, the assassin squads from
the six divisions have gone out on the mission!”


Kooka slapped the table in shock and shouted, “The assassin squads from the six divisions are
going on this mission?”

The woman nodded and said, “Yes!”

Suddenly, an electronic female voice was heard broadcasting from the outside.

“Assassin No. 57 of the Sendona underground bounty division seriously injured a member of the
Hall of Evil and received a bounty reward of 100,000 dollars!”

Right after that, before Kooka could react, another broadcast followed.

“Assassin No. 17 of the Goldford underground bounty division killed a senior member of the Hall
of Evil and received a bounty reward of one million dollars!”


Kooka fell back on his chair blankly and said, “Oh no, this is bad!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2527 -

Who exactly was targeting a sacred hall behind the scenes?

That was the Hall of Evil for heaven’s sake. It was an old customer of the underground bounty
trade. Now, the Hall of Evil had actually become the bounty target in the eyes of others, which
was enough to shake the entire Western underground bounty market.

Kooka looked nervous and quickly dialed a mysterious number with his satellite phone.

After the call was connected, a languid female voice with a hint of unhappiness came from the
other line. “Kooka, why are you calling me at this late hour? Has the bounty mission issued
earlier been completed?”

Kooka sweated profusely from anxiety and said, “Envoy Evelyn, something is wrong!”

On the other end of the phone, the languid female voice said solemnly, “What’s wrong?”

Kooka quickly said, “It’s a bounty mission. Someone issued a new bounty mission through an
internal channel against the Hall of Evil!”

“Oh, is that so? That sounds really interesting.”

On the other end of the phone, Envoy Evelyn’s tone sounded relaxed and confident, smug even.
She said, “Someone actually dares to issue a bounty mission against the Hall of Evil. Tell me
the details.”

Kooka quickly replied, “Envoy Evelyn, the bounty mission is very shocking and totally aimed at
the Hall of Evil. The initial bounty amount has now reached 100 million dollars. The mission is
divided into four levels. 100,000 for injuring one person, one million for killing one, ten million for
killing an envoy, and 500 million for killing Evil God Vataco!”


Evelyn gasped and said gravely, “What did you say? A bounty amount of 100 million? Another
500 million for killing our lord? Who issued this mission? Are they crazy? What’s the person
behind the scenes trying to do? Do they want to start a war with the Hall of Evil?”

Evelyn was full of shock and anger at this moment. She was currently in the hall of a private
luxury manor and lying on the sofa lazily, enjoying a massage from a male servant. At this
moment, she sat up from the sofa in shock, and the towel fell from her body. However, she did
not mind her beautiful figure being seen by the servants in the hall.

Kooka was also full of cold sweat as he said, “Lord Envoy, we don’t know who placed the bounty
mission. The other party arranged it directly through an inside channel. As you know, the rules
of the underground bounty market state that strongholds have no right to know the details of
employers. Only the headquarters have access to that information. Even then, only those with a
3S-level scope of authority can access the information, which is the three founders.”

On the other side, Evelyn had already put on her jacket and coldly asked, “How long has it been
since the mission was released?”

“Lord Envoy, it has been more than ten minutes. The bounty system here has already begun to
issue rewards.” Kooka replied in detail.

This meant that someone had already taken on the mission!

Evelyn was not stupid. She had already understood since hearing the different levels of the
bounty mission and the reward amount.

This was a major crisis for the Hall of Evil!

With such a high bounty, there were bound to be countless assassins wandering in the
underground market who would attack and kill the Hall of Evil one after another.

This was the biggest temptation for those desperados!

Evelyn panicked and said quickly, “Kooka, no matter how much it costs, find out who’s behind
the bounty mission! Those who dare to target the Hall of Evil are simply out of their depths!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2528 -

Kooka almost went crazy. How was he supposed to investigate?

His level of authority was simply insufficient. Moreover, Kooka immediately thought of the
remaining 11 sacred halls when he thought about who had such great courage and financial
resources to directly target the Hall of Evil like this. Thus, Kooka only stammered, “Lord Evelyn,
I can try my best, but my authority isn’t enough for me to take on this task.”

Evelyn wanted to say something else when suddenly, the manor’s alarm blared. There were
sounds of fighting outside and even blazing fire.

Boom, boom, boom!

More than a dozen cannonballs fell like fireworks from the air into the manor. They immediately
detonated with loud explosions!

It was immediately followed by rapid gunshots.

Evelyn panicked, and the guards in the hall rushed out while shouting, “Lord Envoy, let’s go! It’s
the bounty hunters! They’re rushing in!”


Evelyn was dumbfounded!

How long had it been? How could these people have found her manor already and were
prepared to kill her to collect the reward?

Ten million dollars… She was a walking vault of ten million dollars!

“F*ck!” Evelyn cursed and dropped the phone. She followed the guards and ran frantically via
the escape passage in the manor. Soon, the entire manor was in flames.

A group of armed assassins stood in every corner of the manor, searching for members of the
Hall of Evil. Unfortunately, except for some useless guards, all the important people had fled.

“F*ck! They ran really fast! Bob, let’s go to the next place! We can’t let George’s team get the
first kill!”

“Right! Let’s hurry to the next place!”

At once, this group of people headed for the next venue.

That was right. These bounty hunters had formed teams to kill important figures of the Hall of
Evil, and they were competing with each other.

The reason for doing this was to increase their team’s reputation in the underground bounty
market. After all, these teams mostly accepted private missions. The higher the ranking, the
more missions in the future, which meant more money. This was the tremendous strength and
rules of the underground bounty market.

At the same time, the bounty mission had been updated in bounty venues around the world with
an extra condition and reward amount.

The first person to kill a great envoy of the Hall of Evil would receive an additional reward of ten
million dollars.
At once, an unprecedented frenzy was triggered in the entire Western underground bounty
venue. Teams after teams swarmed out in droves. Their targets had shifted from the minor
characters to the great envoys and other important figures.

On this night, the entire Hall of Evil experienced the most serious crisis in history. The great
envoys of the various branches fled as soon as they heard the rumors.

For a while, the Hall of Evil became a moving vault in the eyes of underground bounty hunters
throughout the Western world.

Fights broke out everywhere. On this night, the Hall of Evil was prey.

Evil God Vataco, who was recovering from his wounds in his base camp, was furious when he
learned the news.

“F*ck! Damn Apollo! It must be Apollo! Only he would dare to do this! Damn it!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2529 -

Vataco was sitting in a pool of blue liquid in his base camp, recuperating. His body was full of
terrifying wounds, some of which even exposed his bone. Moreover, Vataco’s face was also
badly injured. He no longer had his handsome and charming appearance. These wounds made
Vataco look even more terrifying and evil.

Several great envoys and dark angels stood beside him, as well as the combative Hellhounds.
The envoys looked a little disheveled at this moment. Several of them escaped back here from
their respective jurisdictions.

The bounty hunters outside had gone mad. For the reward, they even dared to go after the
great envoys of the Hall of Evil. More terrifyingly, those bounty hunters also formed small teams
and started a competition.

All of this happened because of that damned mission and high rewards. The reward pool was
only getting higher and higher. Moreover, the bounty mission even divided the envoys and dark
angels into different levels with varying bounties.

This was clearly intended to destroy the Hall of Evil. It was simply the biggest challenge faced
by one of the 12 gods since the establishment of the Western underworld!

Vataco was full of anger as he looked at the bounty mission displayed in front of him. His bounty
was actually as high as 500 million dollars!
“Hahaha…” Vataco sneered, looked at the bounty amount, licked his dry lips, and said fiercely,
“I’m afraid they think too little about destroying the Hall of Evil! Issue my Evil God Order and tell
everyone to stop all activities in the outside world! All shall return to their base camps and stay
on guard! I don’t believe that those damned bounty hunters dare to invade the base camp of
Evil God Vataco!”

However, as soon as Vataco finished speaking, a guard from the Hall of Evil rushed in, all
covered in blood. He knelt on the ground with a thud and shouted with his last strength, “Lord
Evil God, it’s bad. Those people have attacked the seventh base. There are too many of them.
The seventh base has been completely wiped out!”

When this bloody guard had just finished speaking, a row of big red letters suddenly popped up
on the electronic screen displaying the progress of the bounty mission.

At the same time, the familiar female voice was heard broadcasting throughout the Western
bounty venues.

“Hidden mission unlocked! Destroy a base camp of the Hall of Evil for a bounty of 50 million

“Congratulations to Team George for winning the first kill mission to destroy a base camp of the
Hall of Evil. You’ve received a bounty reward of 50 million dollars!”

Cheers erupted in all the underground bounty divisions!

Team George was the most powerful team of bounty hunters in the entire underground bounty
community. They had more than 30 of the most skillful bounty hunters. Such a superb combat
force was enough to kill any disciple at the peak of the fifth zone. As long as they did not
encounter a God or kingship owner, they could kill the opponent easily. Therefore, when Team
George destroyed a base of the Hall of Evil, most people took it for granted after the initial

At the same time, after seeing the information on their electronic wristwatches, the remaining
teams of bounty hunters went wild.


In Dunham.

“Charge! Base No. 8, kill!”

A powerful team of bounty hunters charged into the Hall of Evil’s ammunition base, Base No. 8!
The First Heir - Chapter 2530 -

In Bruford.

“Damn it! Go, go, go! Kill all these f*ckers and 30 million will be ours!”

Another team of bounty hunters wearing black combat uniforms with red leopard heads branded
on their chests and backs stormed into the Hall of Evil’s training base camp, Base No. 3. They
carried with them massive firepower.

For a while, the place was ablaze, and people fell into pools of blood everywhere!

After Team George destroyed a base camp of the Hall of Evil and received a bounty of 50
million for the hidden mission, these bounty hunter teams became even crazier. Such a frenzy
lasted for three or four days and dealt a great blow to the Hall of Evil.

At this moment, Vataco was sitting in the pool of blue liquid. When he heard the guard’s last
words, he jumped up from the pool.

He was livid.

“F*ck! Damn Apollo, you son of a b*tch!” Vataco roared furiously, and the energy pressure on his
body surged suddenly. However, it was quite unstable and quickly plummeted.

Vataco staggered back and sat in the pool again. After that, he said grimly to the dark angels
beside him, “Immediately issue the same bounty mission to destroy the Hall of the Sun! Now!”

“Yes, Lord Vataco!”

In just one minute, the entire underground bounty division of the Western world received a new
bounty mission. It was exactly the same as the previous mission against the Hall of Evil, but this
time, it was against the mysterious and great Hall of the Sun.

For a while, the bounty hunters fighting tooth and nail against the people and bases of the Hall
of Evil were baffled.

Was this a direct confrontation now? The Hall of Evil was fighting back?

The bounty hunters fell into a dilemma. That was because the Hall of the Sun was too powerful.
Sun God Apollo was almost like a king in their hearts. Moreover, compared to the Hall of Evil,
the Hall of the Sun was not engaged in immoral or unlawful activities. They even funded many
welfare and public facilities. Furthermore, many of the bounty hunters had also received help
from the Hall of the Sun before.

Although it had been two days since the Hall of Evil released the mission, most of the bounty
hunters and teams only attacked the bases of the Hall of Evil more frantically. Only a small
number of bounty hunters chose to sneak attack the people and bases of the Hall of the Sun for
the bounty. However, as expected, the other party seemed fully prepared and none of them
succeeded. Instead, many bounty hunters were killed.


Back to Philip and Fennel. Due to the bounty mission, Philip did not return to the country for the
time being.

Fennel said with his arms crossed, “It’s been two days since the Hall of Evil released the
mission and our people have encountered several groups of bounty hunters but all were
countered successfully. I’m more worried that the Hall of Evil may increase the stakes next and
more bounty hunters will choose to come after us.”

Yes, Fennel was right. It was likely that Vataco would be forced into a corner and choose to
increase the rewards.

Not long after Fennel said these words, Georgina walked in briskly, her hips and fiery red curls

“Apollo, the bounty mission has been updated. Evil God Vataco has indeed raised the bounty
reward to one billion dollars!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2531 - -

‘One billion dollars?!’

Fennel’s face darkened as he asked Georgina, “How long has it been since the mission was

Georgina looked at the time and said, “Just over two minutes.”

Fennel nodded and looked at Philip, who stood at the doorway looking up at the sky. He asked,
“What shall we do next?”

Philip looked at the blue sky and white clouds, saying leisurely with a smile, “First, we’ll also
increase our bounty to one billion. No, I want to always keep the bounty for the Hall of Evil at
100 million more than their bounty for us. In addition, release a new bounty mission for them to
protect us. No matter who it is, one day of protection will earn them 100,000 dollars.”


Hearing Philip’s words, Fennel’s and Georgina’s eyes lit up. He was simply invincible!

Fennel laughed and said, “Bro, you’re as smart as ever! In this case, Vataco can’t do anything at

Georgina’s eyes twinkled as she shot a curious look at Philip’s back for the first time. She was
now a little more interested in the man in front of her.

“Georgina, hurry up and release the new bounty mission. It’s much better than to have them risk
their lives to attack the bases of the Hall of Evil.” Fennel smiled.

Georgina nodded in response, turned around, and left the hall.

Soon, the underground bounty divisions of the entire Western world received a new bounty
mission. Although there was no employer information, everyone knew it. The new bounty
mission was to protect the members and bases of the Hall of the Sun. For each day of
protection, each person would get 100,000 dollars.

The content of the mission was very simple. It was almost like going on a holiday.

For the smaller teams that could not compete with the bigger teams to attack the bases of the
Hall of Evil and some bounty hunters who worked alone, this mission suited them best. Their
eyes lit up when they saw it.

“F*ck! Why did it never occur to me that bounty missions could be done this way?”

“Apollo is so smart! I‘ll take it!”

“Yay! We can finally take up a mission too! Although the bounty isn’t much, it’s simply too easy
to protect the Hall of the Sun!”

For a time, the remaining bounty hunters in the entire underground bounty divisions headed out
to the properties and bases of the Hall of the Sun in various regions to protect them.


At the same time, in an underground secret base. The base was huge with advanced
technology. No outsider knew about, this base because this was the base camp of the
underground bounty society.
At this moment, in the most central area of this advanced and well-protected underground base,
there was a huge high-tech meeting room with three walls of electronic screens that recorded
numerous bounty missions. Among them, the three largest screens displayed the most active
bounty missions in the past few days.

The bounty mission targeted at the Hall of Evil had reached the bounty amount of 1.1 billion

The First Heir - Chapter 2532 -

The bounty mission targeted at the Hall of the Sun had also reached the bounty amount of one
billion dollars. The bounty mission to protect the Hall of the Sun was even more spectacular. As
more and more people signed up for the mission, the bounty pool snowballed to 100 million. In
other words, no less than 1,000 bounty hunters were participating in the mission of protecting
the Hall of the Sun.

Two men and one woman of varying ages sat in a meeting room with complicated expressions
on their faces. The old man in the lead who had a hooked nose and an angular face showed a
serious attitude. His eyes were unfathomable. He wore a silver jacket with a golden coin insignia
on his chest.

At this moment, he smiled faintly and said to the other two founders, “It seems that we
underestimated the Hall of the Sun. With the release of this mission, the Hall of the Sun will be

Another old man said grimly, “Hmph! The two gods obviously want to fight but they’re using our
underground bounty to issue missions against each other instead. They’re pushing us into the
line of fire!”

The woman who looked to be in her 50s was dressed very elegantly and decently. She
shrugged and said, “I find it quite interesting. In this way, many things that can’t be resolved
between the gods can be done through our underground bounty instead. Lord Yale, I think you
wouldn’t overlook the benefits of this situation, right?”

The grumpy old man snorted and said, “I’m worried that if this continues, our underground
bounty will be targeted sooner or later.”

After listening to the argument between the two, the old man in the lead tapped on the table
lightly and said, “I think Madam Peters has a point. Yale, don’t you want the underground bounty
to come out into the open and welcome a bright new future? This is an unprecedented
opportunity. It‘s not an exaggeration to say that in the future, things that can’t be solved by the
gods will be solved by our underground bounty. Moreover, such fierce battles can help us
eliminate many weak or incompetent bounty hunters so that only the strong will survive. The
underground bounty can usher in a new batch of powerful bounty hunters. When the time
comes, it’s not impossible for the underground bounty to come out into the open and take the
place of one of the sacred halls.”

As the old man in the lead spoke, Yale’s face changed rapidly. He finally seemed to agree. He
said, “Marquis Ron, you have a point, but I’m just worried about that…”

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Yale, don’t worry. No one dares to make a move against the
underground bounty yet.”

At this point, Yale had nothing more to say.

Marquis Ron looked at the bounty mission again and said, “I’ve decided to increase the bounty
mission of the Hall of the Sun by 500 million dollars.”

“Marquis Ron, are you trying to help the Hall of the Sun fight against: the Hall of Evil?”

Yale was startled and could not understand Marquis Ron’s actions at all. He said, “The Hall of
Evil is an old customer of ours. If you do this and word gets out, I’m afraid it’ll cause
unnecessary trouble and even invite retaliation from Vataco.”

Peters was also slightly taken aback but soon realized something.

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Do you think that the Hall of Evil can deal with the Hall of the
Sun now?”

Yale was silent.

Judging from the current situation, the Hall of Evil was in a bad shape. If this continued, the Evil
God might really fall from the ranks of the 12. Sacred Gods.

Marquis Ron added, “Since they’re already grasping at straws, why shouldn’t we step in and
speed up the results? Besides, it’s not as if you haven’t dealt with Vataco before. Between the
two, I’d rather deal with Apollo.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2533 -

Yale fell silent. Marquis Ron’s words were not without reason.

Vataco was too scheming and never played by the rules. Although he was an old customer of
the Underground Bounty Society, many times, he would press the price down to the barest
Marquis Ron looked at Yale’s face and turned to look at the bounty mission. He pressed the
electronic button on the table and said, “Raise the Hall of the Sun’s bounty mission against the
Hall of Evil by 500 million dollars. At the same time, spread the news that someone behind the
scenes has participated in this bounty mission. Don’t reveal that the Underground Bounty
Society has anything to do with this.”

“Yes, Marquis Ron.” A seductive female voice came from the other end.

After doing this, Marquis Ron looked at Yale and Madam Peters. He said, “Let’s welcome the
moment when the Hall of Evil, one of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, is headed for its

With a smile, Madam Peters said, “Marquis Ron, I’ll wish you good luck in advance and hope
you can become a new god, the Bounty God!”

“Hahaha!” Marquis Ron laughed with pride on his face.

This deal would not result in a loss at all.

Decades after the Underground Bounty Society was established, the Bounty God could finally
see the light of day!

On this side, the Underground Bounty Society made a secret fund transfer and raised the
bounty of 1.1 billion dollars to 1.6 billion, which instantly caused a sensation in the entire
Western underworld.

As the information had been handled with care, many people started to speculate that other
gods were involved and ready to strike against the Hall of Evil! The Underground Bounty
Society was also happy to see this. As long as the discussion in the outside world shifted the
targets to other sacred halls, the Underground Bounty Society would be safe.

In a flash, the remaining ten sacred halls immediately called for a meeting of the gods.

After all the gods analyzed the current situation, half of them chose to take action against the
Hall of Evil and secretly lent a helping hand. The other half chose to observe.

Among them was Chief God Zeus in the sacred city of Mount Olympus.

Zeus sat on the golden throne. After hearing the report from his envoy, his face was dark and
very ugly. Although the actions of the Hall of the Sun and the Hall of Evil did not violate the
prohibition of the gods, if this was allowed to continue, anything that happened between the
gods in the future would go through the Underground Bounty Society. In that case, the
consequences would be disastrous.
“Father, are we just going to sit back and do nothing? After all, Evil God Vataco is one of the 12
Gods. If he’s killed like this, who will take up the vacant spot? Moreover, once Sun God Apollo
gains power, it won’t be a good thing for us either.”

In the golden palace of the sacred city, there was a tall man in a white king’s robe who looked to
be about 30 or 40 years old. He wore a platinum crown on his head, looking high-spirited and
vigorous. He was the eldest son of Zeus, Leo Sainsbury.

Leo was one of the future masters of the sacred city and also one of the candidates for the next
chief god. He was also the eldest son whom Zeus had carefully trained and developed.

Hearing this, Zeus glanced sideways with a hint of coldness in his eyes and asked, “Leo, what
do you want to do?”

The First Heir - Chapter 2534 -

Leo replied respectfully, “Father, you should issue a Chief God’s Order to prohibit the gods from
using the Underground Bounty Society to fight. We must maintain the balance between the 12
gods so that Mount Olympus and the Sainsbury family can continue our legacy forever! Only
then, the sacred city can belong to the Sainsbury family forever.”

After hearing this, Zeus looked grave and said quietly, “They didn’t violate the Chief God’s Order
I issued earlier. If I forcefully issue another Chief God’s Order and interfere with their actions, it
will cause resentment from the other gods.”

Leo said, “Father, you’re Zeus, the chief god of the 12 gods. How could the other gods dare to
defy your Chief God’s Order?”

Zeus shook his head and said, “Leo, you’re wrong. The gods are independent. Although I’m the
chief god of the 12 gods, I have no right to interfere with their actions and choices. What we can
govern are Mount Olympus and the sacred city. As for the outside world and the jurisdictions of
the 12 gods, we have no right to interfere. You must remember that the gods are equal, and our
Sainsbury family can’t be hegemonic!”

Zeus added, “No matter what the result is, we must not interfere by force. If the Hall of Evil is
defeated, we’ll elect a new god. It has been a while since the 12 gods welcomed new blood. I’m
very much looking forward to having a new god join the ranks.”

Hearing Zeus’ words, Leo’s face darkened. He bowed slightly and said, “Thank you for your
teachings. I shall take my leave.”

After saying that, Leo left the golden palace with a team of guards in platinum armor.
Zeus looked at the back of his departing eldest son, sighed helplessly, and said, “This child is
too ambitious. It’s not the right time yet. ”

After Leo left the golden palace, a man in a black robe outside the door quickly went up to him
and asked respectfully, “Lord Leo, what did the chief god say?”

Leo coldly looked at the man and said, “Go back and tell your Lord Vataco that my father will let
the gods make their own choices. He doesn’t care if a new god joins the ranks.”

Hearing this, the black-robed man scowled and finally said helplessly, “Thank you for your help,
Lord Leo. Lord Vataco has said that as long as he survives, he’ll definitely repay your kindness. I
shall take my leave and tell Lord Vataco of the chief god’s decision.”

After saying that, the black-robed man was about to leave.

However, Leo frowned and stopped him. He said, “Wait! Although my father doesn’t want to get
involved in this matter, Vataco and I are still friends. Moreover, I don’t want a new god to join us.
I don’t really like Apollo of the Hall of the Sun either. Go back and tell Vataco that I’ll help him in

When the black-robed man heard it, he quickly bowed to Leo and said, “Lord Leo, thank you for
your help. Lord Vataco will definitely support you as the new chief god.”

Leo snorted and left with a flick of his robe.


Back to Vataco. He exploded with anger after seeing the new bounty mission. The Hall of Evil
had suffered heavy losses by now. In just four days, he had lost half of his bases. Half of the 12
dark angels under his command had died too. This was an unprecedented challenge and crisis
faced by the Hall of Evil since its establishment.

“Damn that Apollo! Those hypocritical gods have also chosen to strike out at me at this time too!
When I recover from my injuries, I won’t let them off!”

Soon, the black-robed man barged in, bowed to the furious Vataco, and said, “Lord Evil God,
Lord Leo has agreed to help us.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2535 -

When Vataco heard the news, a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said,
“Great! With Lord Leo helping us secretly, let’s see what else Apollo can do!”
Immediately after, Vataco stood up from the blue pool of the essence of life and walked up the
steps. The maid behind him quickly stepped forward and draped his coat over him.

Vataco sat on his black throne inlaid with gems and diamonds. Behind it was a window with an
image of Jesus on a cross on it. The remaining four great envoys and six dark angels of the Hall
of Evil stood below the throne on either side.

The losses were heavy!

With a gloomy expression on his face, Vataco looked at the envoys and dark angels who had
been in a miserable state in the past few days. He said, “Next, it‘s a great time for us to
counter-attack! Issue my Evil God’s Order for all personnel in each base to prepare for the
counter-attack! This time, I want the Hall of the Sun to disappear from the Western underworld!”

Although these envoys and dark angels responded, they inwardly hesitated and wavered.

The current situation was not advantageous for the Hall of Evil.

More and more sacred halls had joined in.

If this continued, the Hall of Evil would be destroyed sooner or later.

Moreover, judging from the situation reported by various bases today, some special forces had
appeared among the bounty hunters. It could be determined that some people from other
sacred halls had joined in by posing as bounty hunters with the intention to wipe out the Hall of
Evil in one fell swoop.

“Lord Vataco, can Lord Leo really help us through this crisis?” One of the envoys asked at this

Vataco stared coldly at the envoy with narrowed eyes and asked, “Do you doubt Lord Leo’s

The envoy thought briefly and said, “Lord Vataco, the current situation isn’t favorable for us.
More and more sacred halls are getting involved. If we’re relying on Lord Leo alone, I’m afraid
it’ll be difficult to fight against other sacred halls.”

Vataco’s eyes darkened, and he thought for a moment before saying, “With me and Lord Leo
around, there won’t be any problems. Just follow my orders!”

Since Vataco said so, the envoy fell silent.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Underground Bounty Society welcomed a special

Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam Peters, the three founders of the Underground Bounty Society,
all went out to greet the visitor.

“Lord Leo, I never thought that you’d visit the Underground Bounty Society.”

Marquis Ron looked at Leo who stepped out of the golden car in front of him with a flattering

Leo glanced at Marquis Ron and the others before looking around at the headquarters of the
Underground Bounty Society. With a trace of disdain in the corner of his eyes, he said, “This
place is still the same, filled with a disgusting smell.”

The mouth of Marquis Ron twitched slightly as he tried to maintain a smile. He said, “Lord Leo,
you must be joking. Please come in.”

After that, Leo and his entourage followed Marquis Ron. They entered the headquarters of the
Underground Bounty Society. Soon, they sat down in a meeting room.

Leo was dressed in a platinum royal robe and crown, looking very dignified.

At this moment, he sat in the position that originally belonged to Marquis Ron. His eyes fell on
the electronic display of bounty missions around him.

Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam Peters stood on one side, respectfully waiting for Leo to speak.

Leo took a few glances before he asked Marquis Ron, “I want you to stop the bounty mission
against the Hall of Evil. What do you think?”

Straight to the point.

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Lord Leo, as you are aware, bounty missions are issued by the
employers. Only they have the right to stop the missions. The Underground Bounty Society is
just a commissioning body and has no right to do so.”

Hearing this, Leo’s eyes turned cold as he exploded with pressure no less than that of a god. He
sneered and said, “Marquis Ron, I know what you’re thinking. You want to take the opportunity
to seriously damage or destroy the Hall of Evil so that the Underground Bounty Society can take
over the position of the new god, right?”
Hearing this, Marquis Ron’s heart jolted, but he still smiled and said, “Lord Leo, you must be
joking. How could the Underground Bounty Society dream of the god’s position? The missions
are all issued by the employers and have nothing to do with the Underground Bounty Society.”

Although Marquis Ron said so, his heart grew colder. Leo was really smart to have guessed it.

Leo snorted and said, “Marquis Ron, I don’t care what your plans are. I want to stop the bounty
mission against the Hall of Evil right now. You should know that the 12 Gods of the Western
world are inviolable! Not to mention that other forces are not allowed to get involved! Do you

Marquis Ron nodded and said, “Yes, I know exactly what you mean, but the Underground
Bounty Society really can’t terminate this bounty mission at will. If the employer finds out, we

Before Marquis Ron could finish, Leo got up and said coldly, “If the other party finds out, tell him
that I, Leo Sainsbury, terminated it! Tell him to look for me!”

The weight of these words was quite heavy!

Leo was the eldest son of the Chief God Zeus and was the most promising candidate to
become the new chief god and the new master of the sacred city. Offending him was the same
as offending the future chief god.

Marquis Ron frowned and looked sideways at Yale and Madam Peters, whose faces also looked

“So? What else do you have to think about?” Leo turned his head and stared coldly at Marquis

Marquis Ron laughed and said, “Lord Leo, it’s not that I disagree, but I’m afraid you’ll have to
personally say this to the employer.”

Hearing that, Leo’s face was instantly cold. His aura became severe, and he said solemnly,
“Marquis Ron, are you defying my orders?”

Marquis Ron did not speak, but several figures suddenly appeared at the door of the meeting

A cold voice followed and said, “Brother Leo, don’t be angry. This is the rule of the Underground
Bounty Society, after all. Marquis Ron is only following the rule. Besides, our Sainsbury family
has never been tyrannical and has always been about fairness and justice. Don’t you think so,
my brother?”
With that said, several figures appeared in the conference room.

Leo looked around, and when he saw the familiar smiling face, his eyes gradually became cold.
He exclaimed, “Amos, it’s you?!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2536

Amos Sainsbury, the second son of Chief God Zeus. He was also one of the candidates for the
next chief god and master of the sacred city. However, relatively speaking, Amos’ power and
influence were not as great as Leo’s because he had never been competitive and only
occasionally appeared in front of the public. Thus, there were not many rumors about Amos in
the outside world. No one even thought that Amos would become the new chief god and master
of the sacred city.

At this moment, for Amos to appear in the meeting room of the Underground Bounty Society
was enough to shock Leo.

Leo laughed, his cold eyes staring at Amos as he said, “Very good! Amos, do you intend to side
with the Underground Bounty Society and oppose me?”

Amos laughed and said mildly, “Leo, you can’t say that. I don’t mean to oppose you, but the
Underground Bounty Society has its rules. If they change the rules because of a word from you,
does it mean that the Underground Bounty Society belongs to you?”

Hearing this, Leo frowned, stared at Amos coldly, and asked, “Amos, what are you doing? Do
you want to compete with me?”

Amos shrugged and said, “Leo, you’ve misunderstood. I don‘t mean to compete with you, but I
have some connections with this Underground Bounty Society, so I hope that you can stop. If
you want to help the Hall of Evil, you can try to have your people fight Apollo of the Hall of the
Sun. But this bounty mission will not be terminated.”

After hearing Amos out, Leo‘s face turned grim as he gleaned more information from his words.

“The person behind the Underground Bounty Society… Is it you, Amos?” Leo asked gravely.

Amos did not deny it but shrugged and said, “Yes, I’m the one supporting it. I just took over it not
long ago. It’s not a bad place. ”

Hiss! The few attendants behind Leo gasped aloud!

The Underground Bounty Society that was famous throughout the Western underworld was
actually supported by Lord Amos.
Instantly, Leo’s eyes became as cold as ice as he stated at Amos. Finally, he smiled and said,
“Very good! I didn’t expect you to have already taken action.”

Amos chuckled and said, “After all, the position of chief god and the throne of the new master of
the sacred city would be extremely tempting to anyone. I’m afraid it won’t be that easy for you to
sit in that spot.”


Leo waved his hand as his eyes reflected a biting chill. He said, “Amos, remember what you
said today!”

After saying that, Leo left the meeting room with his entourage.

After they left, the seemingly non-existent smile on Amos’ face gradually faded, replaced by icy
coldness. He said to Marquis Ron behind him, “Ron, tell Apollo that I’ve helped him once. He
must agree unconditionally to the terms of our deal!”

Marquis Ron quickly said, “Yes, Lord Amos.”

The Underground Bounty Society had been established for decades. The last person behind the
scenes was not Amos but a person with great financial power in the Western world. However, a
few years ago, that person found Amos, put forward some conditions, and transferred the
Underground Bounty Society to Amos. Since then, Amos became the person behind the
Underground Bounty Society, but he had never shown his face.

Soon, Fennel and Philip received news from the Underground Bounty Society.

Fennel looked at the message in his hand and said to Philip, “Leo Sainsbury went to the
Underground mission but Amos stepped in and stopped him.”

Philip was on a video call with little Mila at the moment. When he heard Fennel’s words, he
quickly ended the call.

“Between Amos and Leo, who do you prefer?” Philip asked.

Fennel said, “This is the battle of their sacred city. I don’t really want to get involved, but I‘m
more inclined to Amos. After all, Leo is helping Vataco, our enemy.”

Philip nodded and said, “How well do you know Leo?”

Fennel replied, “Leo Sainsbury has a good reputation in the underworld of the West and has the
greatest support for the next chief god and the new master of the sacred city. Moreover, Zeus is
also grooming him as the heir. His influence is not inferior to any sacred halls and is even on
par. On top of that, he’s a scheming person and good at winning people’s hearts. He’s also very
good at using his identity to exert pressure.”

After Fennel finished speaking, Philip thought silently for a while and asked, “Is there any way to
make him lose his reputation or even get disqualified as a candidate for the chief god election?”

Fennel frowned, thought for a moment, and said, “From the looks of it, Leo must commit an
unforgivable sin in the sacred city before he can be stripped of his status as a candidate for the
chief god.”

“An unforgivable sin?” Philip asked.

Fennel nodded and said, “There are three unforgivable sins. First, cause a war in the sacred
city. Because the people of the sacred city are peace lovers, once a war is invoked in the sacred
city, he’ll definitely become the public enemy of everyone. Second, kill his siblings, which is
absolutely not allowed. He’ll become a sinner in the Sainsbury family. Third, seize the power of
kingship from the chief god, which is usurping the throne in the traditional sense.”

Hearing this, Philip’s eyes darkened.

It did not sound easy to make Leo lose his status as a candidate for the position of chief god by
using these three points. A scheming person like Leo would not do such a stupid thing.
Moreover, his support and prestige were far higher than Amos’, so he did not need to take the
risk. In that case, of these three conditions, only the first and second conditions seemed
relatively better.

Philip fell into silence. After a while, he said, “Let’s leave it at that. What’s the situation with the
Hall of Evil now?”

Fennel smiled and said, “Vataco is probably thinking of ways to counter-attack us right now.
With Leo backing him up, he must be eager to do something.”

Philip smiled and said, “Let’s continue to increase the stakes, then. I need to make a deal with
several other gods.”

Fennel nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll get in touch with them now, but they won’t necessarily agree
because your status is not equal to theirs.”

Philip smiled subtly and said, “It’s enough for you to take the lead.”

Without delay, Fennel immediately notified the Strategist and Georgina to send out invitations to
the other gods of the sacred halls. Soon, the remaining ten sacred halls of the Western
underworld received invitations from Apollo of the Hall of the Sun, including Zeus, the chief god.
The First Heir - Chapter 2537 - -

After Apollo of the Hall of the Sun issued the invitations, the remaining ten sacred halls reacted
in different ways. Among them, three sacred halls explicitly rejected Apollo’s invitation.

Of course, Chief God Zeus declined.

Inside his golden palace, he looked at the invitation handed over by his subordinates and said
with a smile, “Good for Apollo. He’s really bold enough to invite me.”

“Lord Zeus, how should we reply?” Zeus’ bodyguard asked respectfully.

Zeus thought for a while and said, “Reject it. As long as the fight between them doesn’t trigger
an event of the gods, I won’t interfere. The 12 Gods of the West have been dormant for too long.
It’s time to get active.”

“Yes, Lord Zeus,” the bodyguard responded and made arrangements immediately.

Not long after the guard left, a tall blonde woman appeared wearing a low-cut golden princess
dress. She looked very hot and sexy. With hurried steps, she barged right in with a group of
eight female bodyguards behind her.

This young woman was in her 20s, looking very youthful and fiery with delicate facial features.
She had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a stunning face comparable to
Audrey Hepburn. She appeared in the hall of the golden palace and called out to Zeus, who
stood at the crystal window overlooking the sacred city. “Father, why don’t you help Apollo?
Vataco is a heinous person. I hate him!”

She was Natasha Sainsbury, Zeus’ youngest daughter and his most beloved daughter.

In the sacred city, Natasha held the title of the purest princess and was the object of admiration
in the hearts of all the men. Moreover, Natasha had another identity in the outside world-a pop

She had a huge fan base all over the world. It could be said that she was the angel and darling
of the entertainment and fashion industry in the Western world.

Zeus turned around with a kind smile and looked at his youngest daughter who came in angrily.
He spread his arms, hugged her, and said, “Oh, Natasha, my dearest daughter, you finally came
back to see your father.”
Natasha hugged Zeus before she asked angrily, “Father, you haven’t answered my question.
Why don’t you help Apollo? You know I like Apollo!”

Zeus was still smiling as he put his hands on Natasha’s shoulders and said, “Natasha, this isn’t
the time for you to act willfully. This is a battle between the gods. Since Apollo has chosen to do
this, he must bear the consequences. I won’t help him or Vataco.”

Natasha pouted unhappily and said, “But Father, I love Apollo. Can you bear to see the man
your daughter loves suffer the flames of war?”

Zeus stroked Natasha’s head and said, “Natasha, you must understand that no one can sit in
the position of god forever. Since Apollo is a god, he must accept any challenges and dangers,
including war. Besides, are you sure Apollo likes you, Natasha?”

At this question, Natasha became a little nervous and shy, but she said without concealment,
“Whether Apollo likes me or not, I love him! I’ll definitely marry Apollo!”

Seeing his most beloved little daughter so infatuated with Apollo, Zeus felt helpless. If not for
Natasha, Zeus would not have been so indulgent to Apollo before.

“Natasha, I think Duke Shelby of the Shelby family is more suitable for you,” Zeus said.

Natasha immediately shook her head and refused. “No way! Father, I don’t like Duke, and you
know it! Since you won’t take action, I’ll help him myself!”

After saying that, Natasha turned around and left.

Zeus looked at his stubborn little daughter and felt helpless.

“Men, follow Natasha and protect her safety. If you encounter an emergency, you can execute
the Chief God’s Order!” Zeus said quietly to the hall.


After that, two envoys in golden armor walked out of the hall.


Out of the remaining 7 gods, two did not reply and seemed to be hesitating and considering
something. The other five gods happily accepted Apollo’s invitation. As each god was located in
a different region, the meeting was done through a video conference.
In a low-key but luxurious conference room, Georgina adjusted the signal and silently stood
beside Fennel, who sat in the main seat. Georgina and the Strategist stood on either side of

11 electronic displays were hung on the wall in front of Fennel. Figures could be seen in five of
the electronic displays. However,two of the five images had been modified as if the other parties
were unwilling to reveal their true appearances. Two men and one woman were seen in the
remaining three images. One was a tall and strong man with tanned skin. He invoked fear in
others with just one glance!

War God Ares. He had a beard and a ring of King Kong tattoos on his arm.

Another screen also displayed a man in his 40s or 50s. He had a little gray in his hair and an
ever-present smile on his face. Fire God, also the God of Craftsmen, Hephaestus. He was an
easy-going person and the gentlest among the 12 gods. Moreover, he was a doctor by
profession. He was always helping and saving others.

The last screen displayed a woman with a rather sexy and hot body. She had big wavy brown
hair, a high nose bridge, and delicate facial features. She was noble, mature, and elegant. At
this moment, she was dressed in a pale golden dress. She was the Goddess of Wisdom,

Fennel looked at the screens with a smile and said, “Everyone, it’s been a long time.”

Athena spoke first with a hint of admiration in her eyes, “Apollo, you still look the same, so
handsome and charming.”

Although Athena was the goddess of the 12 gods, she was also a little fangirl of Apollo.

Fennel shrugged and said to the charming Goddess Athena, “Athena, you’re still the same too,
always so bold.”

Athena smiled, and the entire conference seemed to be filled with light. She said, “I just like your
frankness, lovely Eastern man.”

Fennel raised his eyebrows and turned to Ares, the War God. He said, “Ares, it’s been a long
time. You look stronger again.”

Ares propped his chin on his hands and said with fighting intent in his eyes, “Apollo, I accepted
your invitation simply because I want to fight you again.”

Fennel nodded and said, “Okay.”

After some casual chat, Fennel went straight to the topic and said, “Everyone, the purpose of
today’s video conference is very simple. I need everyone to help me eradicate Vataco from the
Hall of Evil.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2538 -

Following Fennel’s words, all the gods on the screens fell silent.

Athena’s expression quickly became cautious as she asked, “Apollo, do you really want to take
action against the Hall of Evil? He’s one of the 12 Gods, after all. If you really fight it out with
him, you’ll suffer huge losses too.”

Fennel grinned and said, “Athena, you should trust me.”

Hearing this, Athena’s eyes lit up before she said with a smile, “You lovely man! Okay, I agree to
help you, but you must have dinner with me first.”

Fennel thought for a while, touched his chin with his right hand, and said, “Okay, deal!”

Ares, with his chin still propped on his hand, said with eager fighting intent in his eyes, “After
everything is over, I want another match with you. In addition, I want the two bases of the Hall of
Evil in Dunham and Goldford.”

Fennel thought about it and nodded. “Okay.”

In a flash, two gods had made their stand. Among the three remaining gods, Hephaestus smiled
lightly and said, “I’m okay with anything. Helping others is my hobby.”

Fennel looked at Hephaestus, smiled lightly, and said, “You’re still the same. Under the mask of
hypocrisy lies a heart that no one can see through.”

Hephaestus smiled and said, “Apollo, you mustn’t say that about me. We’re allies.”

Fennel shrugged, and his eyes fell on the remaining two gods with modified images on the
screens. He asked, “What about you two?”

After a moment of silence, the two gods said, “Okay, our terms are…”

As the negotiations progressed, the five gods, as well as Fennel, re-divided the division of
power after the destruction of the Hall of Evil and reached a final agreement.

After the video conference, Fennel returned to Philip and told him the situation.
Philip nodded indifferently and said, “I won’t get involved in the division of power. You can
decide. I just want the Hall of Evil to completely disappear from the 12 Sacred Halls of the

Fennel smiled and said, “In two days, the Hall of Evil will become history.”

Soon, the news that the Hall of the Sun had united with the other five halls to deal with the Hall
of Evil spread like wildfire. It immediately caused a stir in the Western underworld!

“Oh my God! How could this happen? Six gods are going to wipe out the Hall of Evil?”

“Unheard of! There has never been such cooperation between six gods!”

“Plus the bounty hunters from the bounty society, the Hall of Evil is doomed this time.”

Amid various discussions, the news that six gods had joined forces to deal with the Hall of Evil
completely exploded in the Western world!

Soon, the news reached Evil God Vataco.

“Son of a b*tch! That damned Apollo! He really wants to destroy me! He’s dreaming! joining
forces with five other gods against me? How extravagant!”

Vataco stood up from his throne and roared. Due to his intense emotions, blue streams of light
started flowing in the wounds on his face. That was the healing ability of the essence of life.

“Lord Vataco, what should we do?” an envoy asked worriedly.

In exasperation, Vataco sat down on the throne again. He placed one hand on his forehead and
the other hand on the armrest of the throne. stroking the gems and diamonds on the throne, he
asked coldly, “What’s happening with Lord Leo now?”

The black-robed man from earlier who was an envoy under Vataco quickly said, “Lord Vataco,
there’s no movement on Lord Leo’s side. Do you need me to ask?”

Hearing that, Vataco frowned as a bad premonition welled in his heart. He said, “Ask him about
the situation. Also, get in touch with the other gods. We can’t sit back and do nothing!”

“Yes, Lord Vataco!”

The black-robed envoy immediately turned around and left the hall. The remaining envoys and
dark angels had ugly expressions on their faces at this moment. Vataco also looked worried.
After a moment of silence, several guards from the Hall of Evil rushed in, knelt on the ground,
and respectfully reported, “Lord Vataco, they’ve taken action! The forces of the six gods have
banded together with the bounty hunters to attack our remaining bases!”


Hearing that, Vataco gripped the armrest of his throne angrily and crushed it into pieces,
scattering gems and diamonds all over the floor!

“Damn you, Apollo! I’ll never let you off!”

Vataco roared, then shouted at the dark angels beside him, “Head to the bases immediately and
make sure to defend them! Also, bring all the Hellhounds that are being studied here, all of

“Yes, Lord Vataco!” Several dark angels bowed and left.

Vataco’s eyes were full of anger as he stared angrily at the tall stone door in the hall. He could
see the view outside from here. It seemed to be evening time already with some afterglow of the
setting sun that spilled on the ground like red blood.

Vataco’s angry eyes burst with killing intent as he muttered under his breath, “Apollo, if you want
to destroy the Hall of Evil, you have to pay a certain price!”

Soon, the black-robed envoy returned to the hall with a worried expression on his face. He said,
“Lord Vataco, Lord Leo…”

Seeing the stammering envoy, Vataco’s face became very ugly as he anticipated something. He
said, “Spit it out!”

“Lord Leo can’t help us anymore. He told us to find our own way out,” the black-robed envoy

Hearing that, there was not much emotional fluctuation on Vataco’s face except for cold chills.
He had long guessed this outcome and asked, “Did Amos step in?”

The black-robed envoy nodded and said, “Yes, Lord Amos has just officially announced that he’ll
compete for the position of chief god and the master of the sacred city. What’s even more
frightening is that just after he made the announcement, many forces responded to Lord Amos’
declaration. Now, from the looks of it, Lord Amos and Lord Leo are evenly matched.”

Suddenly, a dazzling energy pressure erupted from Vataco’s body. The black crystal floor tiles
under his feet shattered in an instant.

“I never expected Amos to conceal himself so deeply!” Vataco said before he asked, “What did
Hades and Andrew say?”

The black-robed envoy said, “There’s no response from Lord Hades and Lord Andrew from the
time being, but their envoys said that they’re still recovering from their wounds. They probably
have no time to get involved and told us to take care…”


Instantly, Vataco’s body erupted with black and purple lightning which was a further release of
energy pressure!

The First Heir - Chapter 2539 -

Vataco had been betrayed! He was all alone now!

“Issue my Evil God’s Order. Gather all forces of the Hall of Evil and get ready to defend with our
lives!” Vataco roared.


This time, all the envoys and dark angels knew that the Hall of Evil would be putting their lives
out on the line for this fight. Under the joint attack of the six gods and bounty hunters, the bases
of the Hall of Evil all over the Western world began to fall one after another. All the bases went
up in flames with casualties all around.

Although the six gods joined forces, no gods actually participated in the battles. Hence, no one
violated the prohibition of the Chief God’s Order. Moreover, under the cover of the bounty
hunters, it was impossible to tell from their appearance whether they came from the sacred halls
or the Underground Bounty Society. Under such combined destructive force, the Hall of Evil
suffered from continuous defeat and finally retreated to the main base camp.

Two days later, at the base camp of the Hall of Evil located in Fidel's Mountain. 50 miles away,
fully armed personnel of the six sacred halls and many bounty hunters had gathered.

As far as the eye could see, the surrounding mountains and forests were full of people as well
as all kinds of advanced combat equipment and forces! Dozens of fighter jets also hovered in
the sky. Dozens of battle tanks moved forward on the ground.
The entire Hall of Evil had been surrounded!

“Charge! Victory is at hand!”

“Destroy the Hall of Evil, kill Evil God Vataco, and get the bounty of 1.6 billion!”

A group of people roared and quickly attacked. In an instant, the crowd swarmed like a tidal
wave to the base camp of the Hall of Evil.

Boom, boom, boom!

Flames soared, and sounds of explosions rang. The most devastating battle had begun here. All
elites of the Hall of Evil joined in the fight. A battle squad formed by the Hellhounds also quickly
joined the battlefield and started a one-sided massacre.

The Hellhounds were all human-modified killing machines. They rushed to the battlefield from all
sides and launched a killing spree. Soon, the first attacking squads were killed by these killing

At this moment, several leaders of the teams of bounty hunters stood on a hillside not far away.
They looked at the battlefield in the distance with binoculars.

“Damn it! The Hall of Evil actually has such killing machines!”

George, the captain of Team George that was ranked first among the bounty hunters, cursed at
this moment. The first batch of personnel had suffered heavy losses. Those human-modified
killing machines were too vicious and unafraid of death at all. Then, George waved his hand,
pulled out his knight’s dagger from his waist, and roared, “The second, third, and fourth squads,
charge! Four against one! Kill one and I’ll reward you with one million dollars!”

Instantly, the eager bounty hunters behind George rushed out with a roar. On the other hand,
other teams of bounty hunters also rushed up angrily.

They could give up their lives in the face of this tempting bounty.

In a flash, this battlefield was ablaze again!

Led by the respective envoys, people from the six sacred halls cleverly circled to the back of the
Hall of Evil from other places and launched the most aggressive attack. The entire mountain
and forest went up in flames, rumbling with endless explosions. The fighter jets in the sky also
continuously fired bullets and missiles toward the ground. The battle tanks crushed the woods
and rushed into the battlefield.
At this moment, in the magnificent hall of the Hall of Evil, Vataco sat on his throne with his right
hand supporting his head and the other hand holding a spear that glowed with a strange black

Evil God Spear!

Nine red and black snakes coiled around the spear, each with a pair of scarlet eyes. Their red
tongues flicked in and out. The red-black snakes looked very evil with a ferocity that stopped
others from looking at them directly.

Vataco just held the spear as he stared coldly at the stone gate in the hall while earth-shattering
screams outside rang in his ears.

All the dark angels had joined the battle at this moment. After all, with the joint forces of six
sacred halls, even though no gods were directly participating in the battle, more than a few
envoys were. Vataco knew very well that in the end, the gods hiding in the shadows would
definitely join the fight.

Gradually, the shouts of killing outside lessened, and the movements of the battle also subsided.
The air was thick with the pungent smell of blood.


Soon, more than a dozen battle tanks gathered outside the stone gate. Everyone crowded in
front of this magnificent Hall of Evil.

A scene of devastation!

In the face of such a devastating force, all the dark angels of the Hall of Evil became cannon
fodder. They drowned in the flames of war and became corpses. Several figures with light
shining on their backs appeared at the stone gate of the Hall of Evil at the same time.

Vataco clenched the spear in his hand tightly before he laughed miserably and said, “Apollo,
you’re finally here.”

Fennel and the other five gods appeared at the entrance of the Hall of Evil at this moment. He
walked in and was followed closely by the five gods. Each of them was enough to shake the
entire Western world.

And this time, six gods appeared at once!

“Vataco, I didn’t expect you to recover from your injuries quite quickly since the last time we
parted.” Fennel crossed his arms and sneered.
Vataco sat on the high throne. The nine red and black snakes on the spear in his hand hissed
fiercely, baring their fangs and wanting to bite Fennel and the others.

“Apollo, you’re really good to have gathered five gods just to deal with me.”

Vataco laughed evilly and roared, “But do you think that this is enough to destroy my Hall of
Evil? I, Vataco, am a god!”


Suddenly, a surge of energy pressure erupted from Vataco!

Outside in the sky, a sword of kingship hung in the air and released a tremendous pressure that
enveloped the entire mountain forest.

Fennel stood in the hall calmly with five gods standing behind him. He said, “Vataco, I don’t want
any unnecessary fights. As long as you give up your position as god and your source of
kingship, I can spare your life.”

“Arrogant! Fight if you want! I’m the great Evil God! I’m the God of the West!”

Vataco roared, and the snakes on his spear followed suit. Suddenly, the figures enlarged and
turned into nine huge vicious snakes covered with red and black steel scales. They tried to bite
and pounce on Fennel and the others.

A battle between the gods was on the verge of breaking out!

The First Heir - Chapter 2540 -

Nine huge ferocious red-black snakes hissed and roared terrifyingly. They soared into the sky
and pounced on the six gods. Their huge jaws dripped with stinking mucus. One snake bared its
fangs and wanted to swallow Fennel in one bite!

The corners of Fennel’s eyes were cold and stern as he stared at the snake. He raised his hand,
and a red dragon halberd suddenly stabbed at the snake’s huge jaw.


Blood sprayed like a waterfall!


The red halberd went straight through the mouth of the huge snake, bringing out blood and
scales with it. The snake roared in pain and quickly retreated. At the same time, the other eight
snakes wrapped their tails around the Evil God Spear in Vataco’s hand. Their bodies suddenly
enlarged dozens of meters long with the aura of raging beasts. They pounced on the six gods

In an instant, a dazzling battle broke out in the Hall of Evil.

The six gods spared no effort to slay the nine huge red and black snakes.


Two snakes lunged at Athena, wanting to trap her and tear her apart. Athena was dressed in a
pale golden dress. Her body dazzled with white light, and the aura of the gods surged. For a
while, Athena looked just like a great goddess in Western history and civilization. She glowed
with a holy light that one could not help but want to worship. Athena’s pale golden dress
fluttered slightly. She spread her arms out and gestured something over her chest gently and
slowly. It seemed that her pair of slender arms were forming dozens of blurry arms with a holy

The two snakes hissed and lunged toward Athena, but as they got closer to the gentle white
light emanating from Athena’s hands, the two snakes seemed as if they were bewitched. They
slowly prostrated at Athena’s feet,

Their tails also fell off the Evil God Spear in Vataco’s hand. Then, the two snakes submitted to

Athena stepped forward and stood in front of the snake’s heads, which slowly lifted with a biting
chill on their bodies. Their eyes had turned holy white, and they lost their evil aura.

Vataco was furious at this scene and roared, “Damn beasts! How dare you betray me too?! Go
to hell!”

Vataco pointed the spear angrily at the two snakes. The spearhead suddenly sparkled with
black purple lightning and hit the two snakes that betrayed him. With a thought from Athena, the
two snakes avoided Vataco’s attack before they roared and lunged toward Vataco.

“Vataco, you’ve done enough evil. Today is the day your Hall of Evil will be destroyed!” Athena
shouted angrily, and her long flowing hair fluttered. She pointed her finger at Vataco with
supreme energy pressure.

Athena was like the Goddess of War because she was one. No one should be deceived by her
beautiful face. She was the genuine Goddess of War!
In an instant, a battle broke out in the Hall of Evil. In the sky outside, seven swords of kingship
hung in the air like the colors of a rainbow.

Among them, a white sword of kingship with a golden hilt and a white blade looked very pure
and flawless. It was Athena’s sword of kingship.

Another green sword of kingship emitted a terrifying pressure and was full of fighting spirit. The
sword of kingship belonged to Ares, the War God. The green sword blade with a Western
dragon head at the hilt looked frightening.


Suddenly, the Hall of Evil was overturned by huge energy pressure. Seven figures soared into
the sky, fighting with the nine red and black snakes. Such a shocking battle scene was enough
to make the world tremble.

The bounty hunters in the outside world were horrified when they saw such a destructive scene.

Horrible! Terrifying! This was the power of the gods!

However, they could see that these gods were not fighting with all their might.

After all, battles between gods were not allowed.

Vataco stood on the broken throne of the Hall of Evil, and the Evil God Spear in his hand
exuded a biting evil aura. Energy pressure exploded from his body.

“Damn it! All of you deserve to die! For trying to destroy my Hall of Evil, I’ll kill all of you today!”
Vataco roared, and his power of the gods exploded toward the six gods.

Fennel looked at the other gods and said solemnly, “End the fight quickly!”

Instantly, the six figures also exploded with the power of the gods as they lunged toward Vataco.

***Meanwhile, far away in the golden palace of Mount Olympus. Chief God Zeus was arguing
with Leo.

“Father, are you just going to sit back and watch as they destroy the Hall of Evil? This is a
challenge to the ranks of the 12 Gods!” Leo was very angry and almost shouted.

Zeus sat on his golden throne, his face dark and serious.
“Leo, as long as a battle between the gods doesn’t happen, we have no right to interfere with
their decision. This is the rule I set in the beginning. Even if I’m the chief god, I can’t change the
rules I set for no good reason.” Zeus’ eyes were slightly cold.

At this moment, a guard of the sacred city rushed in, knelt on one knee, and respectfully said,
“Chief God, it’s bad! The gods are fighting! A battle of the gods broke out in the base camp of
the Hall of Evil! Six gods are attacking Evil God Vataco!”


Zeus frowned, and the expression on his face became colder.

Hearing this, Leo roared frantically, “Father! Look at these gods! They don’t care about your
Chief God’s Order at all! They don’t see you as the chief god at all!”

Zeus roared in anger, “Enough! I know what to do!”

Then, Zeus’ eyes exploded with chills as he shouted, “Fiori, issue my Chief God’s Order! Tell
them to stop fighting! Anyone who disobeys will be stripped of the honor of the gods!”

In the hall, a tall man in golden armor bowed respectfully and was about to leave the hall.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the main hall. A smug voice
came from the door.

“Chief God Zeus, I’m glad to meet you.”

Hearing this, Zeus raised his eyebrows, stared in the direction of the door, and asked solemnly,
“Who are you?”

The figure, with his hands in his trouser pockets, said nonchalantly, “Philip Clarke.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2541 - -

Zeus’ eyes shone brightly as he stared at the young man walking in from the door.

‘Philip Clarke?’

“So, you’re the Eastern man causing all the disturbances recently, the young patriarch of the
Clarke family and the son of Roger Clarke.” Zeus’ aura instantly became very cold.
When he looked at Philip, he vaguely saw the shadow of Roger Clarke in him. His son was just
as rude and arrogant as him. This was the sacred city, his golden palace. However, this
youngster just barged in like that.

Were the guards outside just for decoration?

Thud, thud, thud!

Suddenly, rapid sounds of footsteps were heard outside the golden palace.

Dozens of guards in golden armor with golden spears in their hands surrounded the palace’s
main entrance. It seemed as if they had just noticed the intruder.

Leo’s face was full of chills as he stated at the strange Eastern man who suddenly appeared. He
shouted, “Damn it! You insolent guy, why aren’t you kneeling and saluting when you see my
father, the chief god? Also, how did you break in?”

Philip shrugged and said, “I jumped over the wall. Your guards here are a little weak.”

Philip was telling the truth. As the sacred city was a quiet and peaceful place where people
advocated peace and freedom, the guards were quite lax and not as strict. Hearing this, Leo’s
face was full of anger, and veins throbbed on his forehead. He pointed at Philip and roared at
the golden-armored guards at the door, “Take this rude Eastern barbarian down and throw him
into the dungeon! Let him stay with those guys!”

With that command, the golden guards wanted to come forward and take Philip down. However,
Philip still looked indifferent. With a faint smile, he looked at the aloof Zeus and said, “Is this how
the Chief God Zeus treats his guests in the sacred city? Is the Clarke family not worthy enough
to stand here and talk to Chief God Zeus?”

When Leo heard this, he remembered what his father said just now. ‘The young patriarch of the
Clarke family and the son of Roger Clarke?’

Was he the young patriarch of the most powerful and mysterious Clarke family in the East?

The same person who inherited the position of patriarch of the Clarke family? The ceremony
was broadcasted live worldwide…

Leo was instantly furious because the Sainsbury family and the Clarke family had never gotten
along. Leo had seen the battle between Roger and his father back then with his own eyes. It
was a cataclysmic event!
“Insolence! You stupid fool, this is the West, the sacred city, and the territory of the Sainsbury
family! What right do you, the Clarke family of the East, have to be on an equal footing with my
father?” Leo roared, a biting chill flashing in his eyes.

Philip frowned slightly, stared at Leo with cold eyes, and said, “Very good. Are you Leo
Sainsbury? I’ll remember you.”

“Arrogant! Guards, take him down!” Leo roared angrily.

However, Zeus said solemnly at this moment, “Stand back, all of you!”

Instantly, the golden guards surrounding the entrance backed away, but they did not go far and
kept guard outside the golden palace.

The First Heir - Chapter 2542 - -

Zeus slowly stepped down from his golden throne and walked up to Philip. He stared at Philip
coldly and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, don’t you know that the members of the Clarke family
aren’t allowed to enter the sacred city? Even your father has to abide by the rules of the sacred
city if he’s here!”

Philip shrugged and said, “Do you really want to argue with me about the so-called rules or the
lack of them?”

Zeus’ eyes were slightly cold as he stared at Philip and asked, “Young Patriarch Clarke, Roger
has put in a lot of effort by giving you five sources of kingship. Isn’t he worried that I’ll destroy
the Clarke family’s future hope right here and now?”

With that said, a surge of energy pressure raged on Zeus’ body, causing Philip to feel short of
breath. If he had not released his aura in time, he might have been crushed by Zeus.

Feeling the tremendous pressure from Zeus in front of him, Philip said blandly, “Chief God, you
shouldn’t take any risks. If you do, this sacred city and the people of yours will suffer.”

“Hahaha!” Zeus burst into laughter and said, “Very good! As expected of the young patriarch of
the Clarke family. You have exactly the same temper as your father back then.”

After saying that, Zeus’ face became enigmatic as he asked, “Why are you here?”

Philip did not beat about the bush and said directly, “I’m the one who planned the entire attack
against the Hall of Evil. It has nothing to do with the other gods. I’m here just to tell you that I’ll
definitely kill Evil God Vataco!”

As soon as he said that, the atmosphere in the golden hall became extremely tense. When Leo
heard that, he pointed at Philip’s nose and roared, “How dare you?! Vataco is one of the 12
gods. How can an Easterner like you kill him at will? Do you have any respect for the Sainsbury
family or my father at all?!”

Leo was furious. It turned out that the person behind everything was Philip Clarke.

Philip smiled lightly and glanced at Leo before he turned to Zeus and asked, “What do you think,
Chief God?”

Zeus said gravely, “Outrageous! Vataco is one of the gods. How can you be so presumptuous to
kill a god in my Western world?”

Philip smiled and said, “He’s just a god who can be replaced easily. Don’t you want new blood to
enter the ranks of the gods? Besides, as far as I know, Evil God Vataco isn’t that popular in the
Western world. Why do you still defend someone like that?”

Zeus frowned and said coldly, “He’s still a god!”

Philip nodded in understanding and said, “What if I insist on killing him?”


Dazzling energy pressure suddenly exploded from Zeus and flooded the golden palace. At the
same time, it spread over the entire sacred city. In an instant, the people of the sacred city felt
the invincible pressure from the golden palace. Everyone, no matter what they were doing, knelt
on the ground and bowed to the tallest and largest golden palace in the middle of the city.

Even the ancient beasts imprisoned in the underground cages thousands of meters below the
sacred city felt the pressure and threat from above. They growled in response. The growls
reached the ground as a dull rumble.

“Young Patriarch Clarke, are you challenging me?” Zeus barked sharply.

Philip also felt the vast majestic energy and rule power from Zeus. They were not at the same
level at all. To Zeus, Philip was nothing more than an ant. However, even so, Philip still said
calmly, “If you stop me from killing Vataco, you can consider it as a challenge from the young
patriarch of the Clarke family to the chief god of your sacred city."

The First Heir - Chapter 2543 -

As soon as the words were spoken, the atmosphere in the golden palace became tense and
oppressive. Suddenly, a platinum sword of kingship with five gems of different colors appeared
above the golden palace. It was dazzling and eye-catching.

The moment this sword of kingship appeared, powerful energy and rule power erupted to resist
the tremendous pressure from the golden palace!

Inside the hall, Zeus looked at Philip and said with a sneer, “You’re out of your depths! A guy
who has just attained the realm of the gods dares to challenge my sacred city? You’re more
arrogant than your father!”

With that said, Zeus raised his hand and grabbed Philip. The power of rules that surged from his
palm tore apart the special field of kingship that formed around Philip. In front of a higher realm
of power, the field of kingship could not resist the threat from Zeus at all.

“In that case, I’ll accept the five sources of kingship! Thank your father for the gift on my behalf!”

Zeus said coldly as his gray hair danced in the wind, looking very majestic and fierce. However,
when Zeus’ hand was about to touch Philip, an old voice suddenly rang in the hall.

“Zeus, if you dare to touch my son, I’ll destroy the sacred city!”


This old and extremely majestic voice instantly enveloped the entire sacred city.

Hearing this, Zeus frowned and roared, “Roger Clarke, you finally appeared!”

With that said, he zoomed away in the direction of the entrance in a streak of golden lightning.
Immediately after, the entire sky was filled with energy pressure.

The citizens of the sacred city looked up and saw two figures in midair, each with monstrous
energy pressure and the power of rules. Roger was dressed in a white martial art uniform and
stood with his hands behind his back. He looked at Zeus in front of him indifferently.

Zeus wore a golden and white king’s robe and held a golden spear in his hand as he stared at
the man in front of him coldly. He said, “Roger Clarke, what do you mean by barging into my
sacred city?”

Roger smiled lightly and said, “Zeus, don’t be nervous. I’m here just to take my son away.”

Zeus snorted and said, “Your Clarke family is really arrogant, coming and going as you please.
Do you think the sacred city belongs to you?”
Roger smiled and said, “What do you want, then?”

Zeus said, “In that battle more than ten years ago, no winner emerged. Today, let’s decide the
outcome. If you win, you’re free to leave. If you lose, you’ll enter the dungeon of the sacred city
and guard the dungeon for me for ten years!”

Roger thought about it and said, “I’m afraid you’re not strong enough.”

“Arrogant!” Zeus roared.

His eyes and entire body sparkled with golden lightning. In an instant, he rushed toward Roger
and the two came to blows. However, outsiders could not see this fight clearly because they
were fighting too far away. Almost in an instant, they left the sky above the sacred city and flew
eastward. It was also the day when all disciples of the Western world felt the majestic energy
pressure and rule power that raged everywhere as if the sky would collapse at any moment.

Even ordinary people noticed the rolling clouds and terrifying lightning sparks in between.

In the combat command room of the Octagon, countless sets of sophisticated energy data
monitoring instruments flashed with red warning lights at this moment. The monitoring data
values shot through the roof and directly reached the realm of the other shore.

The entire Octagon went on high alert under martial law!

The First Heir - Chapter 2544 -

Even the seven gods fighting at the Hall of Evil at this moment felt the raging energy pressure in
the sky.


Athena immediately felt Zeus’ power of the rules from the raging energy pressure. More
terrifyingly, someone was fighting him. Moreover, the other party’s realm was no less than Zeus.

Athena looked at Fennel and asked, “Is that the trump card you mentioned?”

Fennel smiled lightly, and the red dragon halberd in his hand glowed brightly as if surrounded by
fire dragons. He said, “End the fight quickly!”

Instantly, the six gods exploded with all their power and blasted at Evil God Vataco, who was
already bruised and battered at this moment.

The entire mountain shook, overwhelmed by all the various energy and power of rules.

Back in the sacred city, Philip stood calmly in front of Leo.

Leo, dressed in a platinum royal robe, stared at Philip coldly. He shouted, “I’ll kill you with my
own hands, you arrogant Eastern man!”


In an instant, Leo blasted at Philip.

Philip also gained insight into Leo’s strength at that moment, which was also in the realm of the
gods. Philip’s figure disappeared in the direction of the hall’s entrance like a black shadow.

Leo chased after him and roared. “Don’t dream of running! I’m going to kill you right here for the
sake of the sacred city!”

In an instant, they fought in the sky above the sacred city.

Philip was caught in a fierce battle because Leo was not weak. At the sight of this exciting
battle, the people of the sacred city watched in awe.


In the sky, a huge and radiant bolt of lightning with the power of raging destruction suddenly
struck Philip. Philip looked up, and his hair danced in the wind. He raised his hand and formed a
kingship barrier.


That huge thunderbolt struck Philip’s kingship barrier squarely. That huge destructive energy
continuously eroded the kingship barrier.

Leo hovered in midair and struck out more thunderbolts at Philip’s kingship barrier.

For a while, Philip endured the tremendous force of destruction. He was blasted out of the air
and fell to the ground, crashing into a house. The house collapsed. Smoke and dust billowed.
The ground also cracked and looked very shocking.

Leo hovered in midair with a smirk. He raised his left hand with a thunderbolt in his hand and
whistled. Countless lightning nets suddenly fell from the sky and struck the collapsed house. He
would not miss any opportunity to attack or give the opponent any room to catch his breath.
Instantly, lightning nets with destructive energy fell from the sky and shrouded the house.
However, under the smoke and dust, a figure slowly stood up. He was seemingly covered with
wiggling red flames all over his body.


Several red-flamed chimeras suddenly flew up from the smoke and dust, roaring as they
pounced at the lightning nets and Leo.

At the same time, that figure also flew into the sky with monstrous fighting intent in his eyes.

The First Heir - Chapter 2545 -

Instantly, the sky above the sacred city was filled with raging energy pressure. Five flaming
chimeras soared into the sky, roaring as they rushed toward the huge lightning nets that were
falling from the sky. The entire sky dazzled with blue-white lightning and red flames!


There was terrifying energy pressure when the two parties collided.

All the people of the sacred city below were dumbfounded at the destructive force. The burning
flames and crackling lightning struck fear in everyone’s hearts.

Leo hovered in the air, and his eyes burst with killing intent. He stared at Philip, who rushed at
him in flaming chimera armor. He shouted, “Damn it! The Sainsbury family are the masters of
lightning. How dare a weak and humble newly promoted god like you defy the will of the gods?

Leo shouted, spread his arms open, and gestured something over his chest. Suddenly, the
clouds in the sky surged and swirled like a vortex above Leo’s head!

At that moment, Leo stood in the center of that swirling cloud that crackled with radiant bolts of
lightning. The power of lighting was enough to destroy half of the sacred city below, turning it
into a pile of rubble forever. This scene with the rolling clouds and flashing lightning seemed as
if doomsday had approached.

In the air, Leo raised his hands to the sky and shouted, “In the name of Leo Sainsbury, I grant
you divine punishment! Lightning of destruction!”

Countless flashing lightning gathered and formed huge energy pressure. Suddenly, like a
lightning cannon in the sky, it struck out at Philip who rushed up from the ground. It was an
immense pillar of lightning, seemingly a divine punishment from the sky.

The world lost all color!

Philip rushed to the sky but stopped abruptly. He looked up at the lightning punishment, and his
eyes were filled with the image of the lightning pillar of destruction. At that moment, alarm bells
rang in his mind. The enormous pressure of death made him breathless.

Almost instantly, the flame aura on Philip’s body surged. A huge hundred-meter-long shadow of
a chimera suddenly appeared from his back. When this shadow appeared, it was like the ruler
of heaven and earth with the kingly aura worshiped by all beasts.

Philip stood on the head of the huge flame chimera. Almost at the same time, the platinum
sword of kingship in the sky shone brightly. At that moment, all the power of the rules from the
five gems of the sources of kingship converged on one of the golden gems!

Meanwhile, the sword of kingship also went through a change in the rotation of kingship. A layer
of golden armor quickly formed over the surface of the flaming chimera. Almost at the moment
when the lightning punishment approached, the flame chimera was covered with the strongest
golden armor. Then, an earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the sky!

Clad in golden armor, the flame chimera faced the lightning punishment. As Philip threw a
punch at the sky, the chimera also sprayed fire from its mouth.

That flame was enough to burn down the sky.

The people of the sacred city below also felt the scorching fire. The lakes in the sacred city dried
up instantly and evaporated into water vapor. The entire city was filled with white water mist.

In the sky, the huge beam of flames collided with the lightning punishment!


Terrifying energy pressure swept through the area!

The First Heir - Chapter 2546 -

The void began to crumble. The terrifying energy pressure was enough to destroy any city. Even
the satellites in space that closely monitored the situation dared not approach the huge energy
storm easily.
In the battle command room of the Octagon, the data displayed by the sophisticated instruments
also surpassed their definition of the gods.

Too strong! Two gods were fighting in the sacred city!

Above the Eastern sea of the Western world, another two invincible kings at the realm of the
other shore were fighting too. The battle there was cataclysmic. One careless move was
enough to destroy a country and a continent!


Back at the Hall of Evil. After the siege, the battle here finally came to an end.

Vataco’s body was almost crushed as he fell from the sky to the ground. In the sky, the sword of
kingship that belonged to him was smashed by the other six gods to the point of disintegration.

The disaster caused by the disintegration of a sword of kingship was unimaginable. It meant
that the terrifying energy contained in the source of kingship had lost its vessel and would
explode completely.

Vataco lay on the ground, and the Evil God Spear in his hand was also broken into several
pieces. He stared at the sky and constantly coughed up blood. His body was also full of
wounds, and several limbs almost fell off his body.

Thud, thud, thud!

Footsteps approached. Fennel coldly looked down at Vataco and said, “Vataco, this is your

Vataco let out a miserable laugh, and the vitality in his eyes began to dissipate. He stared at
Fennel and said weakly, “Apollo, you’re very strong, but it’s a pity. My Hall of Evil won’t be
destroyed just like that. In the future, someone will seek revenge on you in the name of my Hall
of Evil.”

Fennel looked at Vataco indifferently and said, “I’ll be waiting.”

With that said, Vataco closed his eyes permanently.

Vataco, a generation of gods, fell and became part of the 12 Gods of the West’s history.

From this moment on, the Western underworld would undergo a complete change. 12 gods had
been reduced to 11. Countless forces would begin to compete for the vacant seat!
The moment Vataco fell, all the powerhouses in the underworld of the West knew about it. That
was because 11 swords of kingship that surrounded a phantom of a huge lightning sword of
kingship suddenly appeared in the sky. Among the 11 surrounding swords of kingship, the one
that belonged to Evil God Vataco broke into pieces and disappeared.

It was a sign that a god had fallen!

In an instant, the underworld of the West shook. Everyone could not believe that Vataco had
fallen just like that. However, more people began to move.

Fennel looked in the direction of Mount Olympus and said to the five gods around him,
“Everyone, I still have something to take care of, so I’ll take my leave!”

With that said, Fennel quickly rushed into the mountain forest at full speed in the direction of the
sacred city.

Back to Philip’s side. The raging energy storm in the sky had calmed down at this moment. Half
of the flame chimera clad in golden armor was destroyed. However, Leo was not in good shape
either. His silver hair was in disarray, and half his body was scorched black.

The First Heir - Chapter 2547 - -

Leo hovered in midair, his face and eyes full of anger.


A newly promoted god actually had the strength to fight him. This damned Easterner was really

Leo constantly adjusted the energy in his body. At the same time, he took out a bottle of the
essence of life and gulped it down to recover from his injuries. Soon, half of Leo’s body thathad
been scorched black was stimulated by the essence of life and began to proliferate rapidly. The
cells became very active.

Leo’s aura also became stronger than before!

After the fight, half of Philip’s flame chimera armor was shattered. However, with the help of
Philip’s sources of kingship, that half of his body healed slowly and turned into a roaring flame
chimera in golden armor again. This was a fusion of dual attributes.

With a frozen smile on his face, Leo said, “Dual attributes, very good. You’re very strong!
However, this is far from enough!”
Suddenly, Leo roared and launched an unprecedented attack on Philip!

The sky was filled with the power of lightning, and a powerful hurricane constantly attacked
Philip like an icy blade.

Leo also had dual attributes. Lightning doctrine and storm doctrine!

Under such raging offensive pressure, Philip could not help but make a retreat. After all, his
realm was not stable, and his combat experience was lacking. Facing Leo, the future chief god
with dual attributes, he seemed somewhat inexperienced and reserved.


Leo raised his hand and launched a lightning hurricane attack at Philip, who was blasted back.
The lightning nets and raging hurricanes were enough to tear apart any god and even destroy a
modern city.

Philip retreated, and his eyes froze. He had tried his best to resist. In desperation, he raised his
righthand and shouted at the sky, “Sword!”


Buzzing sounds of swords were suddenly heard.

In an instant, the swords in the hands and behind the backs of the disciples in the sacred city
below soared to the sky at this moment. They flew to Philip’s right hand in silvery streaks of
light. At that moment, the sky was filled with silvery sword lights, which slowly converged into a
huge knight’s sword and slashed at Leo angrily.

At this moment, in the golden palace behind the golden throne, there was a sword of kingship
with a golden hilt entwined with a Western dragon. The sword blade was black and glowed with
black luster. When this sword sensed the power of sword rules in the sky, it suddenly flew up
from behind the throne and pierced through the crystal dome of the golden palace. In a flash, it
flew into Philip’s right hand with a dark golden streak of light.

Philip looked sideways at the black-gold sword in his hand, and a faint smile appeared at the
corner of his mouth.

What a fine sword! This sword contained huge energy pressure!

Only a god could wield it.

In midair, the huge sword formed by hundreds of silvery knight swords slashed toward Leo
angrily with raging energy pressure that was enough to crush this side of the world into pieces.
Leo abruptly retreated as he raised his hand and formed a lightning shield to resist the huge
sword power.


The huge sword struck the blue-white lightning shield with a burst of silvery light!

The First Heir - Chapter 2548 - -

Suddenly, the two parties collided, and a huge storm of energy spread!


The sky was shrouded under this raging energy, and the world shook.


It was like doomsday. The void began to crumble and disintegrate. However, Leo withstood the
terrifying blow. Although the blue-white lightning shield in his hand shattered, the huge sword
formed by hundreds of knight swords broke apart too. On the other hand, Philip easily diffused
Leo’s attack with the sword in his hand.

“The sacred sword!” When Leo saw the sword in Philip’s hand, he was stunned and furious.

“Damn it! Return the sacred sword!” Leo roared furiously.

He suddenly thought of a legend. The sacred sword was the embodiment of justice in the West.

Rumor had it that anyone who could wield the sacred sword would end up as the master of the
Western world. For 700 years, no one had been able to wield this sacred sword. Even his father,
Chief God Zeus could not use this sword and could only keep it behind the throne forever.
However, now, an Eastern man had succeeded in wielding the sacred sword. It was glowing
under his stimulation.

This was absolutely impossible!

Why should the sacred sword bow its allegiance to an Eastem man?

Philip was indifferent. He did not know what Leo was thinking at this moment. He looked at the
sacred sword in his hand and said, “It just so happens that I’m lacking a suitable weapon. This
sword will belong to me, then. I thank the sacred city for the gift.”
“F*ck! Who said it’s a gift for you? Give the sacred sword back!” Leo was furious and launched a
dazzling attack on Philip.

In an instant, the two fought again, and the sky seemed like it was about to collapse.

With the sacred sword in hand, Philip used three attribute powers. His combat skills also
seemed to improve as he fought. Soon, he fought on par with Leo.

Leo also noticed that the other party’s attacks were becoming more mature and aggressive. He
suddenly realized that the other party was using him to train.

‘Damn it!’

“Despicable Easterner, you’re actually using me to improve your combat experience!” Leo
roared in anger.


Philip slashed down, and the other party launched a lightning shield to resist. The two faced
each other with raging energy pressure all around them.

“Haha! So what if I am? Again!” Philip shouted and fell into the passion of the battle.

He and Leo fought from the sky to the ground, from the ground to the cliff, and from the cliff to
the nearby dried-up lake.

In the course of the battle, Leo felt more and more exhausted.

However, the other party was still alive and kicking. He even became more ferocious. The realm
of the other party was even increasing steadily!

No! This was absolutely impossible!

Was the other party going to break through to the next level?

The realm of the gods was divided into three levels. The first level was the newly promoted,
which corresponded to the king of disciples in the fourth zone behind the door.

The second level corresponded to the king of disciples in the fifth zone.

The third level corresponded to the king of disciples in the sixth zone!

Once the third level of the god realm was surpassed, one could reach the realm of the chief
god. The realm of the chief god was also divided into three levels.
The first level corresponded to the king of disciples in the seventh zone!

The second level corresponded to the half-step to the other shore!

The third level corresponded to the realm of the other shore. One would become an invincible
powerhouse standing at the peak of this world!

The First Heir - Chapter 2549 - -

The three levels of the god and chief god might look simple, but each level was an
insurmountable chasm. Some breakthroughs and progress relied on opportunities. The three
levels of the chief god were not something normal people could surpass easily. Many people got
stuck on the first level of the chief god, unable to break through to the second level or reach the
half-step of the other shore.

Reaching the half-step of the other shore required the approval of heaven and earth.
Meanwhile, someone in the realm of the other shore could gain insight into all the rules of the
world, observe the cause and effect behind the door, and become the powerhouse at the peak
of this world. Once the realm of the other shore was surpassed, a realm that had never been
recorded in the history of this world could be reached, a prophet.

No one dared to dream of or step into the realm of the prophet because it was a mystical realm
that no one had successfully stepped into. Countless predecessors had chased after it, and the
continuation of the God Creation Project was solely for the realm of the prophet.

According to existing records and the efforts of countless predecessors, after reaching the realm
of the prophet, one could surpass life and death and achieve the continuation of life in the
doctrine of the universe. In other words, the consciousness could be continued in another
vessel, which was somewhat similar to the mystical ‘taking possession’ in some literary works.
However, the concept did not follow the traditional sense.

The vessel could be anything.

At the same time, being in the realm of the prophet could completely get rid of the shackles of
the second civilization and enter the system of the third civilization. One would obtain the key to
surpass the third civilization and achieve the fourth civilization!

It was an incalculable civilization system that human society had not even heard of!

On a global scale, the realm behind the three doors, those savage beasts, and the civilization
system behind the door that Roger Clarke glimpsed upon back then were already the pinnacle
of the second civilization. The civilization system behind the Clarke family’s door had even
reached the third civilization. Once the stargate was breached and the creatures on the other
side discovered this world, only destruction would await this world.

Leo glared angrily at Philip who fought more and more aggressively. He roared. “You despicable
Easterner, return the sacred sword that belongs to our Sainsbury family! Otherwise, I’ll kill you
right here!”

Philip was calm as he got more comfortable with the sword in his hand. He said provocatively, “I
got it with my ability. Why should I return it? Come and get it if you can!”

“Damn you!” Leo roared in anger, pushed his energy to the extreme, and launched the fiercest
attack on Philip.

Leo was already at the second level of the gods. He would soon reach the third level!

Under normal circumstances, it would be effortless to deal with a new god like Philip who had
just entered the realm of the gods. However, through the battle just now, Leo understood that
the other party’s potential was too great. He had five sources of kingship, and the three
attributes he displayed just now were all of the 5s level!

Leo knew that he had met his match!


Once this guy grew up, the entire underworld of the West and the gods would encounter an
unprecedented opponent.


In the sky, another heart-stopping battle broke out again. As the fight between the two reached
the climax, a red figure from a distance rushed into the battle area in a red stream of light.


A punch sent Leo flying out!

The First Heir - Chapter 2550 -

The lightning shield in front of Leo collapsed instantly.

Fennel had arrived!

He stood side by side with Philip and said, “Vataco has been killed. This is not a place to stay for
long. Let me deal with him for a while. You should go first.”
Philip frowned, somewhat reluctant to end the fight. However, after thinking about it, he said,
“Okay! Let’s meet up in the manor!”

After saying that, Philip turned around and was about to leave. He wanted to take the sacred
sword with him too. However, as he was leaving the boundary of the sacred city, a layer of blue
lightning barrier enveloped the entire city. At the same time, the sword in Philip’s hand hummed
loudly as if some sort of restriction was preventing it from leaving the sacred city.

From afar, Leo watched this scene, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with
a laugh, “Despicable Easterners! The sacred sword belongs to the sacred city, and its mission
lies here. As long as the evil creatures in the underground of the sacred city are not wiped out
for good, the sword will not leave the sacred city! Don’t even dream of taking it away!”

Philip frowned, glanced at the sacred sword in his hand, and said helplessly, “I’ll bring you away
next time.”

With that said, he tossed the sword in the air. The sword buzzed and flew back to the golden
palace on its own. It stood in its original position and slowly lost its previous luster as well as
energy pressure. The moment the sword returned to its place, countless pairs of scarlet eyes
that seem to belong to wild beasts hidden in the shadows suddenly quieted down. They
prostrated on the ground in the huge dark underground caverns below the sacred city.


In the far north, in a mountain forest hinterland, there was a huge ancient palace that looked
pretty dilapidated.

Ancient Western gods with human heads and snake bodies were engraved on both sides of the
palace stone doors. They had stone lamps on their chests that were burning with eerie flames at
the moment. This cavernous stone door looked like the dividing line between darkness and light.
There was light in front of the door and complete darkness behind the door. The darkness was
endless and profound with an evil aura.

At this moment, a soul-piercing roar like that of an ancient beast resounded throughout the
ancient broken palace.

The palace shook, and many large stones fell because of this roar. All the birds and beasts in
the mountain forest scattered.

A huge red and black claw full of evil aura tried to break through the dark stone door. However,
as soon as it touched the light outside the stone door, the huge claw seemed to be burnt. White
smoke wafted into the air with a sizzling sound!


Continuous growls resounded throughout the mountain. Then, a deep voice came from the
palace. “Damn sacred city, damn sacred sword, damn Zeus!”

This low voice was heard before the place slowly fell into silence again.

On this side, Philip left the sacred city.

Fennel and Leo fought for a while before the former also found an opportunity to leave the
sacred city. Leo hovered above the sacred city and looked at the departing back. He wanted to
give chase, but he also had to take care of the people of the sacred city below.

Moreover, because the sacred sword had nearly left the golden palace earlier, Leo could feel
the rage of those things below the sacred city. He had to check things out in person.

“Damn it! I won’t let you off!”

On this side, the battle between Roger and Zeus was also coming to an end.
The First Heir - Chapter 2551 -

Above the blue sea, two figures stepped on the surface of the sea in a tense confrontation.

With raging energy pressure all over his body, Zeus’ eyes changed from lightning eyes to
ordinary eyes. He stared with biting killing intent at Roger, who was dozens of meters away from

“Roger Clarke, you’ve crossed the line!” Zeus said coldly.

Roger still stood on the sea waves with his hands behind his back. He stared at Zeus calmly
and said casually, “Crossed the line? When the kingship holders of the West invaded my
country and my Arcadia Island, the West had already crossed the line. Now, I’m just taking a
stroll in the West. How is that crossing the line?”


With a cold snort, Zeus said, “The king of disciples of the door has nothing to do with my 12
Gods! Although the 12 Sacred Halls of the West are in charge of the two doors of the West, the
kings of disciples are from that place! You should go there and settle the score with that guy, not
against my sacred city!”


Roger said, “The door is under the care of the 12 Gods of the West, but you let that thing
choose its kingship. Isn’t it your fault? Zeus, you must be senile. After being the chief god for so
many years, you’ve become more and more foolish. The group of monsters suppressed under
the sacred city can’t be recorded as your merit of achievement forever! As long as the demonic
hall remains, there’ll never be a day of peace in your West! You clearly know this fact, yet you
chose to submit to it and become its accomplice!”

This last sentence was powerful and deafening!

Zeus was filled with gloom, and a hesitant look flashed in his eyes.

He shouted, “No! I didn’t submit to it! I’m the chief god, the master of the Western world. No one
can make me submit! That damned beast only made use of the rules of that place! As you know
very well, Roger, even if you and I combine forces, we can’t kill that beast! Its existence is a
threat to this world. It has been waiting for its king to descend upon this world! Thousands of
years… It has lived thousands of years! At its fullest strength, it won’t be inferior to either of us! I
still have the citizens of the sacred city and the entire Western world to care for! I don’t have a
Roger calmly sighed and said, “Zeus, you have a choice. You can choose to stand with me and
challenge it. We can seal it for ten years and put it to sleep for ten years! You should understand
that time is running out for this world! Ten years is the only amount we can strive for. The
stargate won’t be able to hold on any longer.”

Zeus frowned as a grim look flashed in his eyes. Then, he sneered and said, “Roger, are you
inviting me to join you in a fight against that beast? Do you think I’ll fall for it? To me, its
existence also threatens your existence in the East. As long as it exists, you won’t dare to cross
the border easily. It’ s a balance, don’t you get it?”

Hearing this, Roger frowned and said with a sigh, “Zeus, in your opinion, is the enmity between
the East and the West really that important? Is the common destiny of mankind really that
worthless in your eyes? Once the stargate is breached, those creatures from the other side will
enter this world. When the time comes, it’s not as if you don’t know what will happen.”

Zeus laughed and said, “No, it’s you who don’t understand! With it around, the West can have
two choices. But for you in the East, you have been opposing those creatures behind the
stargate since ancient times. For them, your existence is a threat. You’re their mortal enemy!”

With that said, Zeus’ eyes were full of chills.

Roger took a deep breath, and the sea waves beneath his feet surged due to his emotions.

“Zeus, are you willing to become a slave to the other shore?” Roger asked coldly.

With the lightning spear in his hand, a surge of energy pressure raged on Zeus’ body. He said,
“You’ll know my choice only if you can beat me.”

Hearing that, Roger shook his head and said, “In that case, a fight is inevitable.”

With that said, the sea suddenly surged with raging energy pressure, which quickly spread
throughout the entire ocean!


The battle had started again! This was an unprecedented battle!

The First Heir - Chapter 2552

From the electronic satellite images from outer space, it could be seen that one area of the
ocean was caught in the vortex of battle. There was raging energy pressure, soaring flames,
and waves hundreds of meters high. That scene was like a meteorite impact or nuclear
explosion. The satellites of all the countries captured this apocalyptic scene.
The Octagon and Nonagon, as well as the golden palace of Country Y, all fell into silence. This
was a battle between the world’s top two powerhouses in the realm of the other shore. It was
also a full-scale battle at that.


If the battle continued, the entire ocean would be dried up. Even a continent would be reduced
to rubble. No one could predict the outcome of this battle.

The news was that three days later, Zeus returned to the sacred city in a wretched state. Even
his lightning spear had broken into three pieces due to the battle.

Since that day, Zeus went into seclusion. Even the sacred city closed its doors to the outside
world. The entire Western world was shrouded in an inexplicable air of depression. There were
rumors that Zeus had lost, his body had collapsed, and he was on the brink of death.

In the sacred city, the forces under the command of Zeus’ two sons also began to move their
battle for power from the dark out into the open. They started to compete for power fearlessly.

The remaining gods of the West also began to tighten their control over the respective bases
and business outside. In short, the entire West was shrouded in a great shadow of pressure.


Back to Philip, who met up with Fennel in his private estate. Three days later, Roger arrived at
this manor in a bad state.

“Father!” Philip saw his father’s pale face and the chaotic state of the power of rules in his body.

Roger sat on the sofa in the hall with Philip’s support.

The energy and chaotic power of rules that leaked from his body prevented normal people from
approaching him.

Roger coughed violently and said, “I‘m fine. I’m just a little injured.”

Philip saw Roger’s condition and turned to Fennel with a frown.

Fennel said, “I have a Dragon Transformation Pond that I found a few years ago.”

Hearing that, Roger said without further ado, “Okay, I’ll reward you in the future.”

After saying that, he followed Fennel into the depths of the manor.
When Fennel came out, Philip quickly asked, “How’s my father?”

Fennel shook his head and said, “He doesn’t look good. It’s the first time I’ve seen your father
like this. The power of rules in his body is in utter chaos.”

“What are the consequences?” Philip asked.

Fennel said gravely, “I’m not sure, but with the Dragon Transformation Pond and your father’s
efforts, there shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I’m going to find out about Zeus’ condition
now. After a battle like this, I’m guessing Zeus isn’t doing well either.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2553 - .

Philip did not continue his line of questioning, and Fennel quickly left the manor. During this
time, Philip remained in the manor and kept guard at the entrance leading to the secret
chamber. He could sense the vast, chaotic energy and power of rules inside the secret
chamber. His father’s condition was not that good.

Half a day later, Fennel returned. His expression changed rapidly as if he was heavily burdened.

“So, what did you find out?” Philip sat on the sofa in the living room and asked.

Fennel sat down, drank a cup of tea, and said, “The situation is not too good. Zeus is in
seclusion now. According to the information from the scouts, Zeus’ injuries are not light. The
sacred city is under martial law now, and the fight between Leo and Amos has moved from the
dark out into the open. The sacred city has been divided into two forces. They’re now in the
process of seizing the power of the chief god.”

Hearing this, Philip fell silent. After thinking for a while, he said, “Is Zeus really in seclusion?”

Fennel nodded and said, “He should be. Since your father is already in this state, Zeus
shouldn’t be any better. Besides, according to his temper, he wouldn’t leave the sacred city
unattended like this, unless his strength and body have encountered a huge crisis.”

Philip’s face was grave as he asked tentatively, “What’s suppressed underneath the sacred

Hearing that, Fennel’s face instantly became dark and grave as he said, “Those things
suppressed under the sacred city are a bunch of monsters from thousands of years ago. Only
the chief god of the sacred city combined with the sacred sword can suppress them. Once these
monsters escape from the sacred city, they’ll cause immeasurable destruction to the entire
Western world and even the Eastern world!”
“What kind of monsters?” Philip asked.

After a moment of silence, Fennel said slowly, “Beelzebub!”

“Beelzebub?” Philip was dumbfounded, his face full of surprise.

He said, “Isn’t that a mythical creature? Why is such a monster here?”

Fennel nodded before he shook his head and said, “No, those monsters just look similar to
Beelzebub. They’re not the real thing, but you can consider them a variant of Beelzebub.
They’re creatures from the other shore. Thousands of years ago, they were suppressed here by
the first chief god of the sacred city! Several of these monsters escaped decades ago and
wreaked havoc in the sacred city, even destroying several surrounding cities. If not for Zeus, I’m
afraid things would’ve been much worse. Moreover, those creatures almost broke Zeus because
he couldn’t wield the sacred sword.”

Hearing this, Philip understood a little more.

To suppress those monsters, not only was the strength of the other shore needed but also the
sacred sword. However, Zeus, the chief god of the sacred city, could not use the sacred sword

“Don’t outsiders know that Zeus can’t use the sacred sword?” Philip asked.

Fennel chuckled and said, “So what if they knew? Zeus is the chief god. Who dares to oppose
him? Besides, it’s not that he can’t use it at all. In the past, Zeus was able to use the sacred
sword, but because of one choice, something seemed to have changed in him. Hence, the
sacred sword no longer acknowledges him.”

With that said, Fennel stared at Philip and said, “By the way, if I’m not mistaken, it seemed that
you were holding the sacred sword in your hand when you fought with Leo?”

Philip nodded and said, “Yeah, i'm not too sure either. But I can feel the sword’s dependence on
me, just like a child who has found someone he trusts.”

Fennel looked at Philip in surprise and said, “In the history of the Western world, there has
never been an Easterner who could wield the sacred sword. You’re the first. There must be
some other reason for this.”

Philip was silent, thought for a moment, and asked, “Will my father be okay?”

Fennel shook his head and said, “With the Dragon Transformation Pond, your father should be
fine. But I don’t know what will happen next.”
After this, the living room fell into silence. A moment later, the guard outside the door came in,
bowed, and said, “Lord Apollo, a man named Steven asks to see you.”

Fennel raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Philip, and said, “Why is this guy here?”

Soon, Steven walked into the living room led by the guard.

The First Heir - Chapter 2554 - .

With a smile on his face and looking as handsome as ever, Steven spread his arms as soon as
he entered. He exclaimed, “Oh, Young Patriarch Clarke, Lord Apollo, it’s good to see you again.”

Philip embraced Steven slightly, but Fennel declined.

Steven was not concerned and merely smiled.

Philip asked, “Steven, how did you find this place?”

Steven raised his eyebrows and said, “I’m here to send you some intelligence, of course.”


“Information about my sister?” Philip was full of excitement.

Steven nodded and took out a delicate small box from his pocket. He opened the small box, and
inside was a USB flash drive.

He said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, this is the information about that organization collected by our
Smith family. However, I must state in advance that this is only a part of the information. I have
no access to further information. I need to go back and ask my father for his opinion.”

Philip frowned and said with a laugh, “Steven, your Smith family is really good at doing business
one step at a time.”

Steven shrugged and said, “Please don’t make fun of me, Young Patriarch Clarke. I’m just
following the rules of the Smith family.”

Philip did not dwell on it. He took the flash drive, found a laptop, plugged the drive in, and saw
the information inside. After reading everything, Philip’s face became very dark and ugly.

Fennel also glanced through it quickly. After reading it, the look on his face was very ugly as

“What do you plan to do?” Fennel turned his head and asked.
Philip was silent. His brows were furrowed, and he was very troubled.

“I don’t know either. According to this information, this organization is really surprising,” Philip
said frankly.

Fennel also nodded slightly and said, “They actually have so many forces behind them, many of
which we have come into contact with before. Even these are only the side branches and minor
forces. If you really want to fight this organization, I’m afraid there’ll be a lot of trouble. Even if
you’re from the Clarke family, you’ll face huge retaliation.”

Philip understood what Fennel meant, so it was difficult for him to make a choice now.

Steven looked at the two from the side and said with a smile, “Young Patriarch Clarke, I don’t
think you need to target this organization now. After all, your sister is safe for the time being.
Why don’t you make other preparations first and then decide when the time is ripe?”

Steven’s words reminded Philip, and his dim eyes gradually became bright.

“Steven is right. Since I can’t make a choice now, I’ll take my time to prepare for it. One day, I’ll
confront them. Even if I need to use the entire Clarke family, as long as they dare to harm my
sister, I’ll make them understand the taste of destruction!” Philip said coldly.

The First Heir - Chapter 2555 - .

This declaration revealed Philip's Determination.

He chose to prepare for a long struggle with that organization in the following days.

According to Steven’s information, that organization was very pervasive with large and complex
forces. He could not strike easily or it would cause unnecessary trouble.

Steven smiled and said, “By the way, Young Patriarch Clarke, Lord Apollo, there’ll be a private
party tonight. I wonder if you two are interested in attending.”

Philip shook his head and refused. “I still have some personal matters to attend to, so I won‘t be

Fennel also refused.

Steven smiled and said, “No, Young Patriarch Clarke, you must attend. Do you know what this
private party is about?”
Philip was at a loss and frowned. He looked at Steven and asked, “What do you mean?”

Steven said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, don’t you want to learn about the Lovelace family?”

‘The Lovelace family?’

Philip’s eyes suddenly became solemn as he asked, “The party tonight, is it held by the
Lovelace family?”

Steven shrugged and said, “You can say that. If my intelligence is correct, you may meet the
person you really want to see at the party.”

Hearing Steven’s words, Philip immediately thought of Wynn! Would Wynn appear at the party

Did she not return to the Lovelace family to take care of some things?

“Okay, I’ll attend!”

After a moment of hesitation, Philip agreed and said, “But who from the Lovelace family is
hosting the party? And what’s the purpose?”

Steven replied, “Well, Young Patriarch Clarke, your question has really stumped me. I can only
tell you that the other party’s name is Shane Lovelace, who should be considered a core
member of the Lovelace family. The purpose of the party is naturally for the vacant position of
the gods. The outside world is now talking about how powerful and mysterious the two of you
are to overthrow the Hall of Evil.”

Philip’s eyes were grim. He did not expect Shane Lovelace to be at this party.

After seeing Steven away, Philip looked at Fennel. The former asked, “How strong is Shane

Fennel said, “He’s no weaker than me, but from the looks of it now, you should stand a chance
against him.”

Philip frowned and said, “I need you to be prepared. There may be some unnecessary troubles
at the party tonight.”

Fennel raised his brows and asked, “Are you going to take action on Shane?”

Philip nodded and said, “I want to test the waters to find out how strong the Lovelace family
really is.”
Fennel thought about it and said, “Okay, I’ll make arrangements.”


In the evening, Steven’s cars arrived. Three Rolls-Royces to pick up Fennel and Philip.

“Young Patriarch Clarke, Lord Apollo, let’s go.” Steven sat in the front passenger seat with a
smile on his face.

The car drove to a mountain manor in Sendona. The environment here was beautiful with a
natural golf course and a glorious castle. The castle was brightly lit at this moment. Luxury cars
could be seen from time to time on the street leading to the castle.

The parking lot in front of the castle was also full of various luxury cars.

Philip, Fennel, and Steven got out of the car. They were slightly surprised by the splendid
atmosphere of the castle in front of them.

The First Heir - Chapter 2556 - .

Fennel nodded inwardly and said, “The Lovelace family seems to be quite powerful. To have
such a large castle and invite so many people, it seems that they’re determined to get the
position of the new god.”

Steven stood next to the two and said, “The Lovelace family is quite influential in the West, and
they do stand a chance for the god position. Especially Shane. He reached the realm of the
gods long ago. According to the Smith family‘s intelligence, his chances of becoming the new
god are on par with the Underground Bounty Society. He’s the most popular candidate right

Philip nodded inwardly.

The Lovelace family had almost disappeared from the country, but unexpectedly, they were
doing quite well in the West.

“This way, please.” Steven made an inviting gesture.

The three walked inside. Soon after, an uncanny laugh came from behind them.

“Hehe, Steven, how dare you show up here?”

The three of them looked back and saw Louis XXVI from Kester Manor walking toward them
with a cold expression.
He was still as arrogant as ever and was dressed in a pale golden outfit. That aristocratic
demeanor was really obvious no matter where he went.

Steven’s face darkened when he saw Louis XXVI because he saw Alice Elizabeth who followed
behind him. That was his goddess.

Alice smiled when she saw Steven and seemed to take more interest in him.

Louis XXVI walked up to them with a smug look on his face. He looked at Steven and warned,
“Steven, what right do you have to be here?”

Steven frowned and said, “If you can be here, why can’t I? You only got your title as duke by
inheritance. It’s nothing to be proud of.”

“Hahaha” Louis XXVI sneered and said, “But I’m still a duke. I’m much better than you, a
viscount. Now, as a duke, I order you to salute me!”

“You!” Steven was furious!

‘Damn it!’

Louis XXVI actually used his title as duke to oppress Steven.

After Louis XXVI said that, he glanced at Fennel and Philip beside Steven. He said, “You’re
actually hanging out with two humble Easterners. Steven, look at how far you’ve fallen! In my
opinion, the Smith family will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later!”

Philip did not intend to get involved at first, but the contempt and ridicule for the Easterners
contained in Louis XXVI’s words disgusted him.

“Have the Easterners offended you? Why don’t you have a good word for Easterners at all?”
Suddenly, Philip asked coldly.

Louis XXVI turned to Philip with a chill in his eyes and said, “Who do you think you are? I’m the
Duke of Louis, a royalty! A humble and ugly Easterner like you is not worthy to stand and speak
in front of me! Your words will only dirty the air around here! You Easterners are trash!”

Louis XXVI was furious. No one ever dared to speak to him in that way, let alone a humble
Easterner. It was an insult to his dignity and pride as a duke. The Louis family valued dignity
more than life!

Philip decisively slapped Louis XXVI’s arrogant face so hard that the other party was

“Dirty? With the dirty racial thoughts of you Westerners, why do you say the Easterners are
dirty?” Philip rebuked coldly.

The First Heir - Chapter 2557 - .

Louis XXVI was startled by that slap. Next to him, Alice was also shocked. She covered her
mouth, and her eyes popped wide open.

“Louis, are you alright?” Alice still cared about Louis XXVI and quickly stepped forward. She
held his arm and asked with concern.

At the same time, she stared at Philip angrily and scolded, “Why did you hit Louis? Although he
said something rude, you can’t hit him like that! He’s the youngest duke in Counter and my
future husband!”

After saying that, Alice stared at Steven with resentment in her eyes and said, “Steven, I had
changed my mind about you at first and wanted to give you a chance. But seeing as how you’re
hanging out with such a reckless and rowdy Easterner, I’m disappointed in you! You’re as mean
and hateful as they are!”

Alice reprimanded Steven, causing Steven’s face to turn ugly and aggrieved. He did not expect
Alice to act this way, which completely overturned the image he had of her as a sublime
goddess in his mind.

The current Alice had completely lost the grace, class, and elegance of a princess.

Steven felt very bad, but he still explained, “Alice, I’m sorry. They’re my friends, so let me
apologize to you on their behalf.”

Perhaps Alice was only angry because Louis XXVI got hit, so she fumed and lost her elegance.
That was what Steven thought. However, Alice angrily slapped Steven and humiliated him.
“Steven, who do you think you are? You’re just a lowly viscount. I don’t accept your apology! I
want them to apologize to Louis! He’s an honorable duke! How can we allow an Easterner to
slap him? If you don’t get them to apologize to Louis, I’ll never forgive you!”

Steven was upset, and his eyes flashed with worry. His cheek burned with pain!

Philip and Fennel glanced sideways at Steven. This was the price of being a lapdog. In Alice’s
opinion, Steven was just a viscount and a third wheel she took a slight interest in. No, perhaps
he was not even a third wheel.
Meanwhile, Louis XXVI finally returned to his senses and touched his somewhat swollen cheek.
He was full of anger!

‘Damn it!’

This humble Easterner actually dared to slap him, the youngest duke of Country Y. This was a
disgrace to the Louis royal family!

An absolute insult!

“F*ck, you stupid Easterner! How dare you hit this noble face? I’m the Duke of Louis! The
youngest duke of Country Y! The most promising duke under Her Majesty the Queen!”

Louis XXVI growled with dark eyes. His handsome face seemed a little evil due to emotional
fluctuations. Especially that hooked nose and spraying spittle made it more difficult for others to
believe his identity.

Was he really a duke?

Many people attending the party gathered nearby. They were all prominent figures of the West
and naturally recognized Louis and Alice!

“Oh my, is that Duke Louis XXVI? He was actually slapped by an Easterner?”

“What’s wrong with this world? Someone dares to slap Duke Louis in the face! He’s a royal

“Viscount Steven is also there, being scolded by Princess Alice!”

On one hand, the onlookers were shocked by Philip’s strike. On the other hand, they mocked

Now, the entire Western world knew that Steven was Alice’s faithful lapdog. Those who probed
found out what the term lapdog meant. They kept mocking Steven in private. However, Steven
was unaware. No, even if he was, he would think that others were just jealous of him.

The First Heir - Chapter 2558 - .

At this moment, Louis XXVI arrogantly pointed at Philip and roared. “Damn it, you must
apologize to me in front of everyone! I’ll also break that hand of yours! That’s the price of your
disrespect to me!”
However, Philip stared indifferently at the furious Louis and said, “Duke Louis, in my opinion,
you’re nothing more than an ordinary person. Your so-called dukedom poses no threat to me at

“What? How dare you look down on the Louis royal family?” Louis roared.

Beside him, Alice also chided. Seeing this scene, Steven’s heart was broken.

Fennel gently patted Steven’s shoulder and said, “Steven, you must understand that in Alice’s
eyes, you may not be worth a dime. Don’t cheapen your love. Since she looks down on you as a
viscount, why do you still want to be her lapdog? There are plenty of good women in this world.
You should learn to give up.”

Steven glanced at Fennel before he looked at Alice, who had completely lost her poise as a
princess and started spewing curses.


Finally, Steven mustered his courage and shouted at Alice, “I won’t be your lapdog anymore!
You have no right to order me to do anything I don‘t want to do! They’re my friends, and they
won’t apologize! Duke Louis simply got what he deserved!”

Alice was shocked, looked at Steven in disbelief, and said, “Steven, are you crazy? i'm Alice,
your goddess! Haven’t you been courting me all this while? How dare you talk to me like that? I
now order you to apologize to me! If you do, I’ll choose to forgive you for your recklessness to
me just now! Also, I might consider giving you another chance to court me.”

Steven chuckled and said, “No, you’re not worthy of it! Spend the rest of your life with Duke

These words resounded through the whole room. Alice and Louis XXVI were shocked. The
people around them were also filled with horror.

Steven actually gave up the opportunity to court Alice and even made things clear between

At this time, Louis XXVI fell into a frenzy. He quickly dialed his phone and shouted, “Guards, get
over here right now! I want to punish three obnoxious villains!”

After saying this, Louis XXVI stared at Philip and the others smugly and angrily. He threatened
them, saying, “You’re finished! My personal guards will be here soon. I’ll make sure they beat
you up properly!”
However, the three glanced at each other with a smile. Philip and Fennel took the lead by rolling
up their sleeves and walking toward Louis.

“W-What are you doing?” Louis was flustered.

“We’re gonna beat you up, of course!”

Philip and Fennel smiled in unison. Then, they punched and kicked Louis XXVI in ‘bloody’

“Ow… Ouch! Stop it, damn it! I’m a duke!” The miserable screams of Louis XXVI resounded in
the castle.

“Steven, come on!” Fennel turned his head and shouted.

Steven clenched his fist, took off his jacket, rushed into the fight, and yelled, “Louis, go to hell,
you b*stard!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2559 - .

Philip, Fennel, and Steven gave the high and mighty Louis XXVI a thorough beating!

The youngest duke of Counter had lost his entire noble image and fell to the ground wretchedly.
He covered his head and shouted desperately.

“Ow, f*ck, stop! I’m Duke Louis XXVI! Steven, you damned viscount! This is insubordination!
You’re finished! Your Smith family is finished!”

Louis XXVI roared. “I must return and tell the Queen about this! I want the Queen to revoke the
noble rights of your Smith family!”

“Louis XXVI, you b*stard, how dare you threaten me? I’ll kick you to death!” Steven was furious.

Once he started, he could not stop. He lifted his foot and kicked Louis XXVI, who was lying on
the ground covering his head. He cursed, “Do you want to complain about me? Do you think the
Smith family can be messed with?”

In the face of Steven’s ferocity, the onlookers erupted in discussions.

“Oh my, what did I see?”

“Steven is so scary. He even dares to beat Duke Louis?”

“It’s over! The consequences are very serious for a Viscount to beat a duke!”

However, Philip and the others did not seem to care about the discussions around them.

Steven got tired and stopped his punching and kicking. He looked coldly at Louis, who looked
miserable on the floor.

Alice recovered from her shock and hurriedly stepped forward to help Louis, whose face was all
swollen. She supported him up from the floor and asked with concern, “Louis, are you alright?
Oh, my dear Louis, just look at your face!”

Alice was heartbroken. She turned her head and stared angrily at Steven, pointing at his nose
and cursing, “Steven, how dare you?! You’re just a viscount, but you assaulted Louis in public!
He’s a duke! You're finished! Your Smith family is finished too!”

Steven looked at Alice and said coldly, “Alice, stop pointing fingers at me. From today onward, I
won’t court you anymore, so please show me some respect! The Smith family had a duke once,
and my father is now a marquis! He’ll be promoted to a duke next month!”

“W-What do you mean?” Alice was a little flustered and did not understand what Steven meant.

Steven smiled coldly, bowed slightly to Alice, and said, “It means nothing. I just hope you can
watch your steps in the future.”

After saying that, Steven turned his head and was about to leave.

Philip and Fennel also smiled and followed suit.

However, Louis could not let go of these vicious thugs so easily after being beaten. He
immediately shouted, “Stop! Stand right there, Steven! And you two stupid and lowly
Easterners! Beating the duke is a capital offense! Don’t even try to run away!”

With that said, a group of the duke’s personal guards rushed over from a distance. These
guards were dressed in silver attire with golden stripes on their shoulders and chests. They
wore customized knight’s helmets of the duke’s personal guards on their heads. They were also
equipped with gold and white knight swords around their waists.


A group of ten people surrounded Philip and the others and drew their swords from their waists.

The atmosphere changed suddenly.

Louis XXVI sneered at Steven and the others who were surrounded and said arrogantly, “You
want to run, huh? My personal guards have arrived, so let’s see how you can run! How dare you
assault the duke? I want all of you dead!”

After saying that, Louis XXVI waved his hand and shouted, “Take them down and bring them
back to Country Y. I want to torture them myself!”

In an instant, the ten personal guards stepped forward to take down Philip and the rest.
However, Philip and Fennel exchanged a glance and shook their heads helplessly.

Biff! Bang! Thud!

In less than a minute, these ten guards were beaten to a pulp.

Louis XXVI was dumbfounded with fear as he looked at all the guards around him wailing on the
ground. Then, he saw Philip walking toward him with a long knight’s sword. His face turned pale
with fright.

“Y-You damned Easterner, what do you want to do?” Louis shouted while he staggered back for
fear that Philip would stab him to death with the sword in his hand.

Philip coldly looked at Louis, who was scared out of his wits at this moment. He raised the silver
sword in his hand and placed it against Louis’ neck. The sharp tip of the sword made a small cut
on Louis’ neck and blood seeped out. Louis was so terrified that he almost knelt and begged for

“Duke Louis, I hope you can go back and read up about the East.

Stop making insults at every turn. Perhaps in the eyes of the East, you’re the inferior one.”

Philip said coldly. With a flash of the knight’s sword in his hand, he slashed Louis’ clothes and


In an instant, Louis stood exposed in his underwear! It was immediately followed by a burst of
mocking laughter. Although many people knew that Louis XXVI was a duke and could not be
messed with easily, the comical and embarrassed look as he scrambled to pick up his pants
made it hard for them to remain calm.

Amid everyone’s jeers, Louis stared angrily at the departing backs of Philip and the others with
his pants in his hand. He roared, “F*ck! I won’t let you off! I definitely won’t!”

Then, he ran to his car in a panic and left the place with Alice.
Philip and the others walked into the castle. In the middle was a huge open-air pool party that
was brightly lit. Countless hot and sexy girls walked around. Their swaying bodies and
shimmering figures in the waves stimulated the hearts.

Steven stopped abruptly, looked at Philip and Fennel seriously, and said, “Thank you, Young
Patriarch Clarke, Lord Apollo. I…”

Philip put his hands in his trouser pockets and said with a smile, “Steven, if you’re a little less
business-minded, we can actually be friends.”

Heating this, Steven’s eyes lit up as he looked at Philip and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, are
you really willing to be friends with me?”

Philip shrugged and said, “Why not? Friends should be treated with sincerity. Steven, I hope you
won’t let me down.”

Steven frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, don’t worry.
I’ll show you my sincerity.”

After speaking, he turned around and walked to the corner. He took out his phone, dialed a
number, and muttered into it. Then, he returned to Philip and Fennel’s side. He said, “My
sincerity will be here soon. I hope you’ll like it.”

Philip looked at Steven, patted his shoulder, and said, “Steven, just call me Philip from now on.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2560 - .

Steven smiled, nodded in response, and said, “I’d better call you Mr. Clarke.”

Philip was not bothered.

They stood at the entrance of the castle and watched the intoxicating pool party inside. Many
prominent figures in the West were at the scene, mingling and chatting. Philip and the others
also found a corner and sat down for the time being.

A waiter walked over and served them wine.

Philip looked at the frolicking crowd nearby, then asked Fennel and Steven in a low voice, “Is
the private event tonight this pool party? Is the election of the gods such child’s play in the
Without waiting for Fennel to speak, Steven explained, “Mr. Clarke, you’ve misunderstood. This
is just an appetizer before the private party. The main event will come later. What you see now
is just the prelude. The real big shots are usually inside.”

As Steven said that, he motioned with his eyes for Philip and Fennel to look at the second floor
of the splendid castle.

Philip looked up. Indeed, he could see the huge open-air balcony on the second floor of the
castle from here. Many dignitaries chatted and occasionally glanced at the partying crowd

“However, we have no internal invitation, so we can only take a look from here. Only the core
guests of this private party can enter the second floor, including all the forces related to the
Lovelace family.”

Steven made full use of his intelligence expertise and introduced several big shots to Philip and

“The old man with gray hair is Hubert Marjorie, the president of a listed company with total
assets amounting to 30 billion dollars. He manages the import and export business for the
Lovelace family in the dark and sometimes smuggles weapons.”

Philip’s eyes fell on an old man with gray hair on the second floor. He looked plump and flushed
as he sipped wine and chatted with a few women.

“That tall guy over there is Pete Faraday, the person in charge of liaison and main agent for the
Lovelace family in Sendona. He has many abnormal forces in his hand and likes to come up
with devious methods, but this person has greed for money and lust.”

Steven took a sip of his wine and said with a sneer, “Maybe you can start with him and get a lot
of inside information about the Lovelace family.”

Philip’s eyes narrowed as he took a serious look at the tall man.

Pete Faraday…

“Is there a chance to bring him over for a chat?” Philip looked at Fennel.

Fennel nodded and said, “No problem.”

Steven continued to introduce, “The Eastern woman in a red backless dress over there is an
important person tonight. She’s a core member of the Lovelace family called Cleo Lovelace.
According to the intelligence, she’s the sister of Shane Lovelace. She’s a very intelligent woman
with a great mind and means.”
Hearing that, Philip and Fennel looked over.

On the second floor, the woman in a red backless dress had delicate facial features and was a
gorgeous beauty. She was very elegant and dignified.

Shane’s elder sister, Cleo Lovelace.

As if she sensed the three people’s gazes, Cleo looked over at the southeast corner downstairs.
She made eye contact with Philip. Cleo smiled, and her eyes seemed to be twinkling. After this
brief eye contact, Cleo said something to several people around her before she turned around
and disappeared from sight.

Steven continued, “That one over there is…”

After introducing many people in a row, Philip got a rough idea of these people.

For the vacant position of the gods, the Lovelace family had gone to great lengths indeed.

“So, what do you think are the chances of Shane becoming the new god?” Philip frowned and
asked Fennel.

Fennel shrugged, leaned back, and said, “It’s hard to say. Whether he can become a god, the
forces under his command are one factor, but Zeus will decide in the end. Otherwise, he can
only obtain the position by a challenge.”

Philip fell silent.

They just sat there for a while. At this time, a fragrance wafted over. The next moment, a clear
and pleasant voice rang out.

“It’s an honor to welcome Mr. Clarke to the Lovelace family’s castle.”

Philip looked up and saw Cleo in her red backless dress, looking very noble as she walked up to
them. With a glass of whiskey in her hand, she toasted Philip.

Steven’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Cleo and whispered in Philip’s ear, “Mr. Clarke, be
careful. This woman is not easy to deal with.”

Philip frowned and said, “Do you know me, Miss Lovelace?”

Cleo said graciously, “Of course. By right, you can be considered the son-in-law of our Lovelace
family, right, Mr. Clarke?”
Hiss! The surrounding air quickly froze.

Philip took a sip of the wine in his hand, raised his eyebrows to look at the smiling Cleo, and
asked, “Are you here for something, Miss Lovelace?”

Cleo shrugged and said with a smile, “It’s nothing much. I just think that I should remind you,
lest something unpleasant happens later.”

Philip put down the wine glass in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and asked, “Something

Cleo pursed her lips and said, “You’ll know in a while. I won’t disturb you any further. I hope you
have a good time.”

With that said, Cleo turned around and left. Philip and the others fell into silence.

What did Cleo mean?

Fennel shook his head in puzzlement and said, “Let’s wait and see what happens.”

Soon, the pool party ended. Amid the lights and applause, those people on the second floor of
the castle also came down to the platform on the first floor to have fun with everyone.

Cleo stood in the center of the platform and said to everyone with a smile, “I’m very glad that
everyone could come to this private party we’re hosting tonight. Next, let’s invite the two main
stars of the evening.”

Clap, clap, clap!

Amid the thunderous applause, two well-dressed figures walked out from the castle hall
surrounded by servants. One was young and handsome, dressed in a white suit like a Prince
Charming from a fairy tale. There was an evil charm at the corners of his mouth, Shane

The other one wore a black evening dress. She walked with noble and elegant steps, looking
very charming and gracious. Moreover, as soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of
the audience. She looked dazzling under the lights.

An Eastern woman was actually so beautiful!

Everyone could not help but compliment her secretly.

When Philip saw the woman in the black evening dress, he stood up abruptly!
Wynn Johnston!

The First Heir - Chapter 2561 - .

At this moment, Wynn and Shane appeared together, looking dazzling and noble under the
spotlight. It was the first time that Philip saw such a noble and elegant side of Wynn. No, to be
precise, Wynn in the past was very approachable. Even if she attended business events and
dressed for the occasion, she would not look like this. That was because the current Wynn
appeared to carry an unfamiliar sense of distance.

Philip stood up abruptly, which startled Fennel and Steven beside him.

Fennel took it in stride. He recognized Wynn, so when he saw Wynn and Shane walking out
together, a chill flashed at the corner of his eyes. He asked, “Why is Wynn here?”

Philip shook his head in bafflement, but it seemed that Wynn was here to attend this party.

Steven smiled, got up, and said, “Mr. Clarke, this is the important person I said you may want to
meet. According to my information, she’s your wife.”

Steven did not yet understand the implications and only thought that Philip would be happy to
meet his wife.

After all, being in a foreign land, he should be happy to see the woman he always thought of.

Of course, Philip was happy. The shock on his face was instantly replaced by tenderness as he
looked at Wynn under the spotlight surrounded by everyone. She looked like a regal angel.

Meanwhile, on stage, Cleo invited Wynn and Shane to stand in front. She smiled at everyone
and said, “Everyone, I’d like to formally introduce someone to you tonight. She’s the long-lost
bloodline of my Lovelace family and will also become a core member of our family in the future.”

Cleo applauded and invited Wynn to step forward.

Wynn bowed to everyone humbly and said, “It’s a great pleasure to meet all of you. My name is
Wynn Johnston.”

A round of applause rang. Everyone was impressed by Wynn’s angelic poise and appearance.
Discussions erupted below the stage.

Philip stood in the corner, hoping that Wynn would see him. However, Wynn did not seem to
look in that direction and kept chatting with the noble guests. Seeing that Wynn was about to
leave the platform with Cleo and Shane, Philip could not wait any longer. He walked quickly
through the crowd. As he got closer, he heard Wynn’s laughter.

Philip grabbed Wynn’s delicate arm as she was turning to leave and said with a gentle smile,

Many dignitaries of the West were taken aback at this scene.

“What’s going on? Who is that rude Easterner?”

“How dare he grab the angel’s arm? No!”

“Who is be? He looks unfamiliar. Where did he come from?”

Amid the crowd’s chatter, a gentle smile remained on Philip’s face. After all, he had left the
country for half a month. For him to meet Wynn whom he had been thinking of, he was naturally
very happy.

Philip spread his arms excitedly and was about to hug Wynn. However, a sudden change


Wynn turned around, her face cold. She raised her fair arm, slapped Philip across the face, and
reprimanded, “Let go! Who are you? Do I know you?”

This slap resounded throughout the pool party and also in everyone’s hearts!

Philip was stunned and stood frozen in place. He stared at the familiar woman in front of him in

Fennel and Steven who came over were also taken aback and looked at each other, unable to
figure out the situation.

“Lord Apollo, what’s going on? Isn’t Miss Wynn Johnston the wife of Mr. Clarke? Why is she
acting like she doesn’t know him?” Steven was confused.

Fennel was even more stunned, and his face darkened. The Westerners around were also
startled before they burst into mocking laughter.

“F*ck that Easterner for trying to take advantage of my goddess!”

“Hey, Miss Johnston doesn’t know you, you stupid pervert!”

“Guards, kick that Easterner out! We don’t welcome him here!”

Facing everyone’s curses, Philip could not be bothered at all. He stated fixedly at Wynn in front
of him. He could not understand why Wynn did this. Why did she say she did not know him?

From Wynn’s eyes, Philip clearly sensed her anger and unfamiliarity with him.

That was right. Unfamiliarity!

Wynn’s bright eyes were filled with disgust for him! She really did not recognize him?

How was that possible?

Philip was so agitated that he grabbed Wynn and shouted, “Wynnie, it’s me! I’m Philip Clarke!
I’m your husband. What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you recognize me?!”

Wynn was grabbed by Philip and felt the pain in her wrist. She shouted, “Let go of me. I don’t
know you. What husband? If you touch me again, I’ll call security!” Wynn struggled.

At this time, Shane stepped forward with an evil smile from beside Wynn. He grabbed Philip’s
hand and pulled him away from Wynn. He looked at Philip coldly and said, “Philip Clarke, this is
my castle, don’t go too far!”

After saying that, Shane shoved Philip abruptly with cold eyes.

Philip staggered back, his face full of disbelief and incomprehension. His eyes darted between
Wynn and Shane. He shouted, “Wynnie, it’s me, Philip Clarke. It has only been half a month.
What’s wrong with you?”

Wynn was obviously frightened by Philip’s actions and hid next to Cleo. She said, “Sorry, I don’t
know any Philip Clarke. I think you got the wrong person.”


This sentence exploded in Philip’s heart! She really did not recognize him?

His wife of four years actually did not know him. What a ridiculous joke!

Something must have happened to Wynn. Was she forced into it?

Philip stared at Shane coldly and said angrily, “Shane Lovelace, did your Lovelace family coerce
Wynn? I’m telling you, if you dare to do anything to her, I’ll destroy your Lovelace family!”
However, Shane smiled lightly and said, “Philip, listen carefully. She’s the one who doesn’t know

“Cleo, let’s go. I’m a little tired,” Wynn said to Cleo who was beside her. She did not seem to
want to stay here.

Cleo nodded and turned to leave with Wynn.

Philip got anxious and shouted, “Wynnie, Wynn! Why don’t you recognize me? What’s wrong
with you?”


Shane kicked Philip violently in the chest and shouted coldly, “Guards! Throw this troublemaker

In an instant, four or five tall burly bodyguards rushed out and pinned Philip to the ground. They
had special handcuffs with them. Philip was completely suppressed when he tried to use his
special powers!

Shane looked down at Philip who was pinned to the ground and laughed coldly. He said, “Philip,
you never expected this, right? Hahaha!”

After saying that, he shouted, “Break his arms and throw him out!”

However, at this time, Wynn, who was ready to leave, turned around and whispered, “Forget it,
Shane. Just drive them out.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2562 - .

Wynn glanced coldly at Philip who was pinned to the ground, and a trace of doubt flashed in her

This man was very strange. For a brief moment just now, her heart actually ached.

What was wrong with her?

She did not know the man in front of her at all, so why would her heart suddenly ache when she
saw him being pinned to the ground?

Shane smiled and said, “Okay.”

Then, he stared coldly at Philip, who was pinned to the ground. He said with a sneer, “Guards,
throw him out.”

With that command, the bodyguards dragged Philip up and out through the back door. Philip
stared at Wynn who turned to leave. He could not believe that Wynn could not recognize him
even though he was right in front of her.

They had only been separated for half a month! How could this happen?

Why would this happen? What had happened to Wynn? Did the Lovelace family do this?

“Wynn! Wynnie! I’m Philip, your husband! Don’t you even remember Mila?” Philip roared.

In the distance, Wynn stopped abruptly. Her eyes froze as she muttered, “Mila…”

Then, she clutched at her aching head!

“Wynn!” Cleo shouted and watched helplessly as Wynn passed out.

She hurriedly supported Wynn and left with the servants.

On this side, Philip and the others had been thrown out of the castle!

Philip, Fennel, and Steven stood at the door. Fennel and Steven did not immediately speak to
Philip at this moment but silently looked at his gloomy face. Philip stared fixedly and coldly at
the castle door while his disbelief and anger grew stronger.

Something must have happened to Wynn!

He had clearly arranged for the members of the Shadow Guards to protect her. Why would this
still happen?

Could something have happened to them?

At this moment, Fennel said gravely, “Philip, don’t worry. Maybe Wynn has her reasons. What
we need to do now is determine if Wynn has really forgotten you. I think there must be
something going on here that we don’t know about. Although the Lovelace family has almost
disappeared from the country, they’re doing quite well in the West. It won’t be easy to deal with

Hearing Fennel’s words, Philip’s fists creaked as he said coldly, “No matter what, if anything
happens to Wynn, I won’t let the Lovelace family off easily!”

With that said, monstrous killing intent erupted from Philip!

At this time, a car stopped at the roadside, and a young man got out of the car.

He hurried over, bowed to Steven, and said, “Viscount Steven, this is the information we just
intercepted and the information you asked me to bring.”

Steven nodded and waved his hand to signal the servant to stand aside. Then, he took the
special metal document case, entered a special password, and pressed his fingerprint on the
device. He took out a document from the case. He said to Philip, “Mr. Clarke, this is my goodwill
as a good friend. It’s the information I asked my family to send about the Lovelace family and
your wife. You should take a look at it.”

This information was the latest, which Steven had not even read yet.

The First Heir - Chapter 2563 - .

Philip turned his head, looked at Steven, and took the document from Steven’s hand. He looked
through it carefully before the veins on his forehead throbbed. He roared. “Damn the Lovelace

Seeing Philip’s state, Fennel and Steven rushed over to take a look. When they saw the
contents, they were stunned as well. It turned out that the reason why Wynn did not recognize
Philip was that the Lovelace family had tampered with her memory. They actually used the most
advanced technology to rewrite Wynn’s memory. Now, Wynn was just a puppet for the Lovelace
family to make a comeback.


The air fell into dead silence.

Fennel said furiously, “What the hell is the Lovelace family trying to do? How dare they do
something like this? I’ll arrange for manpower at once. Even if we have to grab her by force,
we’ll get Wynn out tonight!”

With that said, Fennel was about to call the Strategist. However, Philip suddenly said, “No need!
Let’s go back and plan this out carefully.”

After saying that, Philip took a long glance at the castle door. He then turned around and left
with Fennel and Steven. After so many things, Philip would not be reckless again. For the
Lovelace family to do this, they must have their trump card. If he broke into the castle tonight, he
might be playing right into Shane and Cleo’s hands.
He must plan this out carefully. Moreover, the hidden forces of the Lovelace family had not
surfaced so far. Philip dared not take this gamble. If they hurt Wynn, he would definitely regret it.

Meanwhile, in that tall cylindrical spire of the castle, Shane and Cleo stood side by side.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Shane looked at Philip and the other two leaving in a car
at the castle door. He sneered and said, “Hehe, I thought he would break-in. I didn’t expect that
he’d choose to leave. It’s really surprising.”

Cleo stood with her arms crossed, displaying her full figure. She narrowed her eyes and said,
“He has matured. We should be more careful. Moreover, according to the informant, he has
comprehended the usage of the source of kingship and has five sources of kingship, no less
than you. Once a fight breaks out between the two of you, it’s uncertain who will win.”

Shane laughed, turned to Cleo, and said, “Sister, do you underestimate me that much?”

Cleo rolled her eyes at Shane and said, “I’m not underestimating you but warning you. Don’t try
to mess with him in private. We still have a plan to execute. If the plan goes awry, the elders in
the family won’t let you off! You must remember that you’re the future hope of the Lovelace
family and the one who will replace him!”

Shane shrugged and said indifferently, “I prefer freedom.”

Cleo snorted and said, “Once you’re born into the Lovelace family, there is no freedom to speak

Shane’s face suddenly darkened. He changed the subject and asked, “How is Wynn?”

Cleo said, “She fell asleep after an injection. She’s still feeling the after-effects of the memory
rewriting. With Philip’s appearance today, my initial plan was to let Wynn stimulate him so that
he’d lose his mind and act impulsively. Unexpectedly, Wynn was affected instead.”

Shane frowned and said, “Increase the injection dosage, then.”

Hearing that, Cleo shouted, “Are you crazy? If she can’t withstand it, she’ll go demented and
become completely useless to our family!”

Shane shrugged and said, “Okay, whatever. You take care of it. What about those guys? How
are they now?”

Cleo’s face darkened and said, “They’re locked up. After all, they’re members of the Shadow
Guards belonging to the Clarke family. We can’t really do anything to them and can only lock
them up for the time being. Moreover, Fourth Uncle sent you a message, asking you to make a
deal with Hades, the Lord of the Underworld.”
The First Heir - Chapter 2564 - .

“I got it. ”

Shane nodded in response and said, “How are the preparations for the god election going?”

Cleo replied, “Don’t worry, I’m taking care of it.”


Back at Fennel’s private manor, Philip, Fennel, and Steven sat together.

Fennel’s face was grim as he asked, “What do you plan to do?”

Philip was silent as he looked at the intelligence sent by Steven. After a while, he said to
Steven, “I need more information about the Lovelace family in the West. We can negotiate the

Steven frowned and said, “Mr. Clarke, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but my authority is
limited. The authority lies with my father. I need to ask him about this.”

Philip nodded. Steven quickly got up, walked aside, and made a call.

“Father, this is Steven. I’m with Mr. Clarke now. He needs more information about the Lovelace
family,” Steven said respectfully to the person on the other end of the line.

A stern voice rang out. “Steven, you should know that any information comes with a
corresponding price. Mr. Clarke has not met our previous conditions, so the Smith family will not
provide any more information.”

“Father, Mr. Clarke is my friend. Can you be more flexible? This is also an opportunity for our
Smith family to befriend the Clarkes. Do you want to pass up this opportunity?” Steven asked.

There was silence on the other end of the line, then the sound of tapping on the table. After a
while, the person on the other end of the phone replied, “Steven, you have to remember that
you’re the one who did this. You didn’t receive my consent. Do you understand? I’m not the only
person with the final say in the Smith family.”

“I understand.” Steven immediately understood his father’s meaning.

After ending the call, Steven quickly received the encrypted information. All intelligence was
embossed with the Smith family’s crest on the cover.
“Mr. Clarke, this is the information you want. I’m now a sinner of the Smith family.” Steven
hurried over, transmitted the information to the shopping mode iPad, and handed it to Philip.

Philip glanced at it and said, “Steven, don’t worry. You’re my friend. I’ll help you.”

After saying that, Philip did not hesitate. The three of them read the information about the
Lovelace family in the West. After reading it, they had a general understanding of the Lovelace
family’s sphere of influence in the West.

Fennel said grimly, “I didn’t expect the Lovelace family’s power in the West to actually be hidden
so deeply. They even have dealings with several sacred halls and are involved in the
development of the essence of life.”

Although the Hall of the Sun had its own intelligence agency, it could not do everything it wanted
either. In terms of intelligence, the Smith family was still one of the best at gathering it.

Philip looked at the information in his hand, and his face gradually filled with gloom. He said,
“The Lovelace family has disappeared from the country for many years. After working hard in
the West for so long, it’s not surprising that they’ve achieved such results. The important thing is
whether the Lovelace family can gain recognition in the West. If I make a move against them,
will these sacred halls and forces jump out to stop me?”

The First Heir - Chapter 2565 -

Fennel said solemnly, “Based on the current situation, the Lovelace family has dealings with
several major sacred halls. I don’t think these sacred halls will let you make a move against
them so easily. Moreover, this is an extraordinary period. Shane Lovelace is competing for the
position of the new god. Once he succeeds, these sacred halls will gain even more benefits. So,
in my opinion, they should step in and stop it. After all, this place is different from our country.
Human relations are not important, only profits. Furthermore, although your Clarke family
controls a huge chunk of the economy, the rest is in the hands of the West. Here, they’re the
only kings, while the Clarke family’s power can hardly penetrate.”

After hearing Fennel out, Philip fell silent. He understood Fennel’s meaning. It would be difficult
to make a move against the Lovelace family in the West. It was tantamount to threatening the
interests of several sacred halls. To oppose the Lovelace family was to declare war against
these sacred halls, and the consequences were self-evident!

Moreover, if that really happened and the rest of the sacred halls were also offended, it would
not benefit Philip.

“Steven, what do you think?” Philip asked.

Steven thought for a moment and said, “Mr. Clarke, based on my judgment and personal
opinion, what happened tonight was probably deliberately arranged by the Lovelace family. You
should still remember what Miss Cleo said to us when she came over. I suspect they were trying
to provoke you on purpose and agitate you into acting impulsively. As you said, if we had
chosen to fight them head-on just now, we might have had a tough battle waiting for us.
Moreover, Miss Johnston is still in their hands. If the situation worsens, her safety can’t be

Philip nodded. Steven was right.

The incident tonight was probably planned by Cleo to trigger Philip. However, no matter what,
he had to meet with Wynn alone.

Memory rewriting.

The Lovelace family actually dared to use such a humanity-destructing method on Wynn. Philip
would never let them off. Before that, Philip had to calm down and prepare for everything.

At this time, Hans Gooding brought a kidnapped person over.

It was Pete Faraday from the party, the person in charge of liaison for the Lovelace family’s
underground forces in Sendona.

“F*ck! Who are you? Let me go! Do you know who I am? How dare you kidnap me? I’ll have my
men destroy you!” Pete roared menacingly.

He was having an intimate conversation with a lady when he was knocked unconscious from
behind. When he woke up, he found himself in this strange place.

“Mr. Clarke, Boss, I brought him here,” Hans bowed and said.

Philip looked at the bounded Pete and asked coldly, “I need to know the deployment of all the
underground forces of the Lovelace family in Sendona.”

“Dream on! I know you. You’re the reckless Easterner at the party! Damn it! How dare you
abduct me? My men won’t let you off!” Pete roared frantically, and his innate arrogance made
him look down on Philip.

Philip frowned, got up, stared at the other party coldly, and said, “I hope you can cooperate
properly. In that way, maybe you can stay alive.”

“Haha! Stupid Easterner, are you trying to threaten me? Let me tell you, I’m…”
Pete sneered, but before he could finish his words, Philip kicked him squarely in the stomach.


He flew out, his back slamming heavily against the pillar in the living room.


He fell to the floor with his body all curled up. At that moment, he felt that all his ribs were
broken, and his internal organs twisted in pain.

“You only have the right to answer and cooperate, not refuse!” Philip looked condescendingly at
Pete on the floor.

The First Heir - Chapter 2566 - .

Pete fell to the ground and was enraged by Philip’s kick.

He roared angrily, “Damn Easterner, you deserve to die! How dare you kick me?! Don’t let me
catch hold of you, or I’ll crush you into pieces!”

Philip’s expression turned cold. He reached out and pulled a silver Desert Eagle from Han’s


A gunshot!

The bullet pierced Pete’s upper right leg, and blood gushed.

“Spit it out! Otherwise, the next bullet will be in your head!”

Philip said coldly. The Desert Eagle in his hand was already aimed between Pete’s eyebrows.

Pete howled, gritted his teeth, and shouted angrily, “No! You can’t kill me. I’m Pete Faraday, the
underground contact of the Lovelace family in Sendona. If you kill me, the young master of the
Lovelace family won’t let you off!”

“Shut up!” Philip said coldly and was about to pull the trigger!

“Argh! No! Don’t kill me! I’ll talk! I’ll tell you everything!”
Under such an overwhelming death threat, Pete completely lost his arrogance. Lying in a pool of
blood with tears all over his face, he said mournfully, “The Lovelace family has four underground
bases in Sendona with eight defense squads. The members are all specially trained warriors
through the use of special drugs. They’re strong, very strong! They’re known to be fighting
machines in the Lovelace family and won’t appear in public so easily. They’re all in the bases
under special training.”

“Most of the companies that have dealings with the Lovelace family are biotechnology
companies doing R&D on drugs that enhance human limits and develop special traits in

Pete spoke, and Philip listened coldly. Then, Philip suddenly asked, “Is the technology of
memory rewriting mature?”


When Pete heard this question, his expression suddenly became nervous, and his pupils shifted
erratically. He said, “No! I don‘t know. This is the core secret of the Lovelace family. I really don’t

“Liar!” Philip shouted and stomped heavily on Pete’s right leg with the bullet wound.


Pete squealed like a pig and shouted, “I know! Please let go. I’ll tell you!”

Philip stared at Pete coldly and said, “Don’t try to deceive me, or you’ll end up in a miserable

With tears all over his face, Pete nodded and cried out the words, “The memory rewriting
technology has a branch in Sendona. It’s a technology that the Lovelace family has been
researching for five years. It’s currently in the testing stage with a success rate of only 30%”

“30%?” Philip’s eyes suddenly turned cold as he asked, “What will happen if it fails?”

Pete said, “If it fails, the person who underwent memory rewriting will become mentally
damaged. That’s all I know. It’s the truth. I didn’t participate in this technology of memory
rewriting. Please let me go. l’m about to die from blood loss.”

Philip’s eyes were cold. He squeezed the Desert Eagle in his hand tightly.

He said, “Draw out all the internal structure of the four bases you know. In addition, contact the
head of the memory rewriting technology research project of the Lovelace family in Sendona. I
need to talk to the other Party.”
Pete shouted, “No, you’ll arouse Young Master Lovelace’ s suspicion by doing this! If he finds
out that I leaked the information, I’ll die a miserable death!”

“If you refuse, you’ll die a miserable death now!” Philip said coldly without any mercy.

The First Heir - Chapter 2567 - .

Pete cursed to hell and back, but in desperation, he could only agree to Philip’s request.

Half an hour later, under physical and mental torture, Pete finally drew out the internal structure
of the four bases of the Lovelace family, complete with the facilities and arrangements for

Philip looked at these drawings. A cloud of gloom flashed across his face. He tossed them to
Fennel and said, “You make the arrangements.”

Fennel naturally understood what Philip meant. He took the blueprints and said to Hans,
“Contact the Strategist immediately and make arrangements to take down these four bases!”

“Yes, Boss!”

Hans was excited. He finally had work to do!

Here, Philip stared at Pete coldly, tossed him a phone, and said, “Contact the other party.”

Pete was very aggrieved. He took the phone hesitantly, dialed a number, and said, “Dr. Garner,
it’s me, Pete. There’s something urgent I need to discuss with you face-to-face right now.”

On the other end of the phone, an elderly man’s voice asked, “Pete? What’s the matter? It’s
very late now.”

Pete glanced at Philip, whose eyes were terribly cold. He said, “It’s really important! Uh, it’s
something requested by Young Master Lovelace. You know his temper well. We can’t afford any

There was silence on the other end of the phone before the voice said, “Okay, let’s meet at
Yatter Café then.”

After the call, Pete tremblingly returned the phone to Philip and said, “The other party asked us
to meet at Yatter Café.”
Philip started walking and said to Fennel, “Let’s go.”


The subordinates dragged Pete into the car, and everyone rushed to Yatter Café. About 20
minutes later, Fennel, Philip, and the others arrived at Yatter Café. However, even after waiting
for 10 minutes, there were no signs of Dr. Garner!

Philip sat in the car, stared at Pete coldly, and asked, “Are you lying to us?”

Pete quickly shook his head and said, “No, I didn’t! We did agree to meet here. I don’t know
what’s going on either.”

At this moment, several black commercial vehicles drove over from the darkness with their
headlights on. They were all modified medium-sized vehicles!

After the cars stopped, about a dozen bodyguards in black suits got out of the cars, followed by
a short and fat bespectacled old man with gray hair and a white lab coat.

He called out to Philip’s car, “Pete, what the hell are you up to?”

Philip looked at Pete and said, ” Remember what I said! Get out of the car!”

Pete nodded in response. He had received some treatment for the wound on his leg. He limped
out of the car, smiled at Dr. Garner, and said, “Dr. Garner, it’s been a while!”

Philip and Fennel followed behind Pete.

They glanced at the people across the street and silently followed behind Pete.

Dr. Garner looked at the limping Pete and asked in surprise, “Pete, what‘s wrong with you?”

Pete laughed and said, “Nothing, it’s just a little accident.”

Dr. Garner nodded and turned his attention to Philip and Fennel behind Pete. He frowned and
asked, “Why did you hire two Eastern bodyguards?”

Pete smiled awkwardly and said, “Because they’re cheap.”

Dr. Garner shrugged and said, “So, what’s so important that we need to meet and discuss in the
middle of the night?”

At this moment, Philip took a step forward and said coldly, “I need you to help me restore a
person’s memory.”
The First Heir - Chapter 2568 - .

Hearing this, Dr. Garner stared at Philip coldly and asked, “Who are you?”

Then, he turned to Pete and asked, “Pete, what’s going on? Aren’t they your bodyguards?”

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Pete laughed and said apologetically, “Dr. Garner, I’m sorry. I had no choice.”

While Pete said this, Fennel and Philip had already stepped forward. Philip looked at Dr. Garner
and said seriously, “Dr. Garner, I need your help to restore a person’s memory. You may name
the price.”

Dr. Garner’s face darkened with anger and chills as he refused. “Sorry, I don‘t do any deals!
Please leave!”

With that said, Dr. Garner turned to leave. However, Philip said indifferently, “If you still want to
see the sun tomorrow, you’d better agree.”

The threat was spoken mildly with a hint of domineering.

Dr. Garner turned around and pushed his glasses. With chills in his eyes, he stared at Philip and
Fennel, saying, “Damn Easterners! Do you think I’ll listen to just the two of you? Ridiculous!”

With that said, he waved his hand. More than a dozen bodyguards in black suits behind him put
their hands to their waists, ready to draw their guns at any time.

Philip’s eyes turned cold as he said, “Dr. Garner, I’m sincerely inviting you to help me. I hope
you don’t get too rash.”

Dr. Garner laughed and said, “Is that so? It just so happens that my lab is short of two human
experiments, so you can take those spots. Guards, capture them alive! I want to go back and
experiment on them thoroughly!”

After saying that, the dozen black-suited bodyguards drew the guns on their waists, aimed them
at. Philip and Fennel, and shouted, “On the ground, hands on your head!”

However, a shocking scene happened!

Philip and Fennel just shook their heads indifferently before they sprang into action.
Biff, bang, thud!

In less than three minutes, these bodyguards had their arms broken. They wailed as they fell to
the ground.

Dr. Garner was frightened at this scene. He immediately hid in the corner of the car, his eyes full
of fear.

Philip grabbed the pistol from one of the bodyguards, pulled the bolt, and walked up to Dr.
Garner. He reached out, grabbed Dr. Garner’s lab coat, and dragged him out from the back of
the car.

“F*ck! Let go of me! I‘m Dr. Garner, a senior researcher for the Lovelace family!” Dr. Garner
roared frantically, trying to escape from Philip’s clutches.

However, Philip threw him to the ground, looked down at him coldly, and reiterated, “Dr. Garner,
I don’t like to threaten people. I hope you can cooperate with me and help me restore
someone’s memory.”

Dr. Garner gulped as he looked at Philip’s icy gaze and the weapon in his hand. However, if he
betrayed the Lovelace family, it would undoubtedly be a death sentence.

“Impossible! I’ll never help you!” Dr. Garner roared with a determined look on his face.


A gunshot!

The bullet hit Dr. Garner’s right ear, piercing through it instantly!

Dr. Garner screamed in agony, covered his bloody right ear, and howled. “Argh! You’re crazy!
You damned Easterner! I won’t help you! Absolutely not!”


The gun went off again!

The bullet hit Dr. Garner’s left ear.

The First Heir - Chapter 2569 - .

This time, Dr. Garner felt the pain in the depths of his soul. He never expected this Easterner in
front of him to be the devil. He dared to fire at him!

The next second, the pistol in Philip’s hand was aimed at Dr. Garner’s chest. Philip said, “Dr.
Garner, I hope you don’t make the wrong choice.”

“You madman! Restoring a person’s memory isn’t as easy as you think! We’ve been studying
this research technology for five years but it just isn’t ready yet!”

Dr. Garner roared. “Besides, even if you want to recover your friend’s memory, you must first
find their erased memory! Do you understand? You stupid fool!”

Dr. Garner shouted, his ears bleeding and his head buzzing.

Philip frowned and asked, “We need to find the memory first?”

Dr. Garner yelled, “Yes! And the erased memory is in the hands of Young Master Lovelace. The
only way to recover that woman’s memory is to get the memory that belongs to her from Young
Master Lovelace!”

Philip’s face darkened as he said, “How do you know that I want to restore a woman’s

Dr. Garner stared at Philip viciously and said, “Because she’s the only successful case!”

Philip instantly understood that Wynn was the only successful experiment in this memory
modification technique.

“I need you to get her memory for me and restore it,” Philip said coldly.

Dr. Garner shook his head and said, “Impossible. It’s difficult enough just to get the memory that
belongs to that woman. It takes even more time and energy to restore the memory. It’s definitely
not something that can be done in a day or two.”

“That’s your problem. I just want results. I hope you won’t let me down. Otherwise, your body
will be an addition to the corpses here tonight.”

Philip said coldly and added, “Of course, if you help me restore her memory, I can guarantee
that you won’t have to worry about a thing in the future. You won’t be hunted down in any way.”

Dr. Garner looked up at Philip doubtfully and asked, “Why should I trust an Easterner like you?”

Philip said, “You can live if you do and die if you don’t. It’s your choice.”
Dr. Garner glared angrily at Pete who was shivering and hiding in the corner. He made his
choice and said, “Give me two days.”

However, Philip interrupted, “Now!”

Dr. Garner almost went crazy and roared. “Then shoot me!”

With that said, Philip raised his gun.

This frightened Dr. Garner, who shouted, “Damn it! I’ll go! I’m going right now! You damned

Then, after some simple treatment, Dr. Garner’s head was wrapped in a bandage.

Philip and Fennel drove to the Lovelace family’s research lab with Pete in tow in Dr. Garner’s
car. This research lab was built in the suburbs, surrounded by open lawns and tarmac.
Moreover, many heavily armed soldiers patrolled nearby. There were also lighthouses and
snipers on the high ground.

Anyone who attempted to break into this research lab would be easily spotted and become a
living target on this lawn. The entrance was an anti-collision electronic gate flanked by fully
armed guards on both sides.

A patrolling soldier raised his hand to stop the approaching black vehicle.

The First Heir - Chapter 2570 - .

Philip rolled down the car window and showed Dr. Garner’s ID to the other party, who glanced at
it before he turned his attention to Philip and Fennel in the car.

He said coldly, “Get out of the car and let us check!”

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Philip and Fennel frowned.

At this moment, Dr. Garner poked his head out from the rear window and roared. “Damn it, are
you blind? Don’t you recognize me?”

When the guard saw Dr. Garner wrapped in bandages, he was startled before he bowed slightly
and said, “Dr. Garner, why are you…”

Dr. Garner said grimly, “Don’t worry about me. I have an emergency. Let us through!”

The guard immediately raised his hand and signaled the people at the back to open the
electronic gate. The black car drove into the institute, and they soon stopped at the entrance.

Dr. Garner got out of the car and walked in front while Philip and Fennel followed closely. After
passing through several doors that required fingerprint and iris verification, Philip and Fennel
finally reached the core research room of the institute with Dr. Garner.

It was a large area that covered thousands of square feet with dozens of researchers working
on drugs and human experiments. More than a dozen men and women lay in sealed cryogenic
storage bins with their eyes closed and catheters inserted in their heads. These were obtained
through the underground black market.

When he saw this scene, Philip could hardly imagine what Wynn had gone through. Shock and
anger brewed in Philip’s heart!

Damn the Lovelace family!

They went so far on the path of human research.

When Dr. Garner appeared, the dozen or so researchers bowed slightly before returning to their

Dr. Garner walked up to a research station and said to an assistant, “Pull out the research data
of No. 13.”

The assistant nodded, operated the computer, and quickly pulled out a series of data.

Philip looked at the electronic display, and the person in the photo was none other than Wynn.
Seeing the data, Philip clenched his fist tightly and wished he could raze the research institute
here to the ground.

Fennel patted his shoulder lightly from behind and said, “A little tolerance now goes a long way.”

Philip’s eyes were red with anger. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to suppress his

Dr. Garner looked at the data and asked, “Where’s the memory of No. 13 stored?”

The assistant operated the computer. A whole row of blue squares appeared on the screen, just
like storage lockers.
He said, “It’s in locker No. 7, Dr. Garner.”

Dr. Garner nodded and led Philip and Fennel to the memory storage room.

Along the way, Philip suddenly asked, “Dr. Garner, didn’t you just say that her memory is with
Young Master Lovelace? Why is it here?”

Dr. Garner rolled his eyes at Philip, placed his hand on the palm-print monitoring device of the
storage room door, and said, “A copy of the memory should be stored here. Let’s try our luck. If
we have it here, we don’t have to go to Young Master Lovelace.”

As he said that, the electronic door opened. A gust of cold air rushed out, enough to make one
tremble. Two armed soldiers in white combat uniforms stood guard in this memory storage

Seeing Dr. Garner coming in with guests, they stepped forward to ask for the documents and
were relieved when everything was in order. After verifying the palm print and iris again, they
finally passed the main electronic door of the memory storage room.

Behind the door, three cold walls were full of metal lockers.

Dr. Garner operated the computer and called out locker No. 7. Then, on the parallel tracks,
locker No. 7 glided in front of Dr. Garner.

The First Heir - Chapter 2571 - .

Dr. Garner entered the password and slowly opened locker No. 7.

Philip and Fennel also became excited. Everything would be much easier if they could find
Wynn’s stored memory. However, when the locker was opened, it was empty inside.

Philip frowned and looked at Dr. Garner.

Dr. Garner shrugged and said, “It looks like a copy of Miss Johnston’s memory isn’t here.”

“Then what should we do next?” Philip asked.

Dr. Garner said, “We can only get it from Young Master Lovelace.”

‘Shane Lovelace?’ Philip frowned. This was an impossible feat.

As the three pondered, suddenly, the alarm bells outside blared!

“Intruder alert! Intruder alert!”

Philip frowned, grabbed Dr. Garner by the collar, and barked, “What did you do?”

Dr. Garner roared in a fluster. “I… I don’t know what’s going on either!”

Immediately after, in the corridor outside, more than a dozen fully armed guards quickly rushed
to the memory storage room. Philip and Fennel exchanged a glance and rushed out with Dr.
Garner in tow without further delay. The two guards in white combat uniforms at the door even
tried to fire their guns when their throats were slit by a black shadow.

Fennel flicked the dagger in his hand, looked at the dozen incoming guards in the corridor, and
said, “It seems that we’ve been tricked!”

With that said, a red dragon halberd appeared in Fennel’s hand. He rushed out while yelling,
“Take Dr. Garner and leave!”

Philip did not hesitate and dragged Dr. Garner to leave decisively.


The entire research institute was ablaze with the sounds of explosions and never-ending
gunshots. Several people were sent flying out of the institute by scarlet airwaves and collapsed
several walls.

Philip dragged Dr. Garner along and fought his way out. When they rushed out of the institute
and stood in the field, he suddenly realized that they were fully surrounded.

The entire field in front of him was swarmed with guards in black combat uniforms. All the guns
in their hands were aimed at Philip. There were about a hundred of them. In the lighthouse in
the distance, all the lights were also aimed at Philip and Dr. Garner.

Two fighter jets hovered in the sky. The snipers inside also aimed their guns at Philip on the

Philip’s face darkened, his eyes went cold, and biting killing intent gradually surged from his

An enticing figure slowly walked out from behind the armed guards. She wore a red backless
evening gown with high heels, looking charming and gracious.

Cleo Lovelace stepped forward with a chip the size of a fingernail in her hand and said to Philip,
“Young Patriarch Clarke, are you looking for this?”
Philip narrowed his eyes, stared at the chip in Cleo’s hand, and said, “Give it to me!”

Cleo chuckled and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, if you’re looking for this, why didn’t you look
for me directly instead of coming here sneakily? How about we make a deal?”

The First Heir - Chapter 2572 - .

Philip scowled as he looked fixedly at Cleo and said coldly, “What deal?”

Cleo laughed lightly and said, “To express your goodwill, don’t you think you should release Dr.
Garner first?”

Philip frowned and looked at Dr. Garner beside him, who was already scared out of his wits. He
lifted his hand and released Dr. Garner. Dr. Garner exclaimed in shock and quickly ran away
before he was brought away by relevant personnel.

Only Philip remained at the scene now, surrounded by all the guards. He said coldly, “Miss
Lovelace, to express your goodwill, shouldn’t you tell them to withdraw too?”

Cleo shrugged and indicated to the surrounding fully armed guards to back up three meters.

Then, Cleo said with a smile, “I’ve heard about your fame, so this is the most basic defense. I
hope you don’t mind.”

Philip frowned, thought about it, and made no further comment. He asked instead, “So, what’s
the deal?”

Cleo said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, can you help the Lovelace family make a comeback and
return to the peak of glory in this world? Rest assured, when the time comes, the Lovelace
family will share the entire world with the Clarke family. What do you think?”

Philip’s eyes froze as he stared at Cleo as he asked, “Do you think this deal is possible?”

Cleo smiled, waved the chip in her hand, and said, “Aren’t you that loving husband in the
rumors? Are you really willing to allow Wynn to become a stranger who’ll never remember you,
your daughter, and your son?”

Her words were like a knife that stabbed through Philip’s heart over and over again. He
clenched his fists bitterly, and the fire in his eyes blazed!

This damned Lovelace family was actually after this!

Was he really supposed to betray everyone and help the villainous Lovelace family make a

In the past, Philip once made an oath that he would betray the entire world for Wynn’s sake.
However, when this choice was right in front of his face now, how was he supposed to choose?

Once the Lovelace family made a comeback, the danger to the entire world would be

If it were Wynn, what would she choose?

Philip fell silent. This was the first time he went silent.

Seeing the silent Philip, Cleo smiled and said, “So, it seems that everything you said in the past
was just empty words. Men are really sweet talkers. In that case, I can’t give you this chip.”

Philip immediately scowled and said, “I’ll take the chip, but I won’t help the Lovelace family!”

He would grab it. Philip had made his choice. Instantly, killing intent surged from his body!

As if Cleo had expected this, she merely laughed and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, do you
really think you can lay your hands on this chip? This thing is very valuable and is the only
memory chip that belongs to Wynn. I’ve already destroyed the copy. If you do anything that
makes me unhappy, this chip will most probably be destroyed too. If that happens, Wynn will
never return to the way she was.”

With that said, Cleo fished out a test tube in her other hand and said, “The chip will melt
instantly if tossed inside. What do you think you can do, Young Patriarch Clarke?”

Philip was taken aback and frowned deeply. He stared at Cleo’s hands with chills in his eyes
and said angrily, “Stop! Except for helping the Lovelace family make a comeback, I can agree to
everything else!”

“Oh, is that so? I have to think about it carefully, then.”

Cleo smiled slyly with a victorious look in her eyes. Then, she looked in the direction of the
research institute where a fierce fight was still ongoing. The sky was full of human figures and
scarlet airwaves. Suddenly, she smiled wickedly and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, I just
thought of something. I’m sure you can do it.”

Philip frowned as he saw a trace of malice on that sly face.

Sure enough, Cleo pointed at Fennel who was fighting over there and said, “As long as you kill
him, I’ll give you this chip. What do you think? I’m pretty sure you can fulfill your end of the

‘What?!’ Philip narrowed his eyes as anger raged all over him.

He was supposed to kill Fennel Leigh in exchange for Wynn’s memory chip?!

The First Heir - Chapter 2573 - .

Philip’s expression was tense as he stared fixedly at Cleo and barked. “You’re challenging my

Cleo chuckled and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you have too many limits. These are the
choices right in front of you now. I’ll only give you 30 seconds to think about it. Kill Fennel or I’ll
destroy this chip!”

With that said, the smile on Cleo’s face was completely replaced by malevolence. This woman
was exactly the same as described by Steven, scheming and ruthless!

Philip stood on the spot and felt the world spinning around him. His mind was full of the two
choices mentioned by Cleo. He could still hear Fennel’s battle cries behind him.


Scarlet airwaves surged. Fennel was currently fighting with the warriors of the Lovelace family
who had been enhanced with the special drugs researched by the institute. This group of
warriors was no ordinary people. They were totally like killing machines, very powerful. They
were at least on par with the disciples at the peak of the fourth or fifth zones.

The Lovelace family’s research on the human body had actually reached such an amazing level.

Simply terrifying!

However, the red dragon halberd in Fennel’s hand gushed with scarlet airwaves and killed the
last gene-enhanced warrior of the Lovelace family. Then, Fennel saw Philip being surrounded.
He rushed over with the halberd in his hand.


Fennel stood in front of Philip, his face grim as he stared at Cleo on the opposite side. He raised
the halberd in his hand, pointed at the other party, and roared. “Cleo Lovelace, what do you
want to do?”
After saying this, Fennel said to Philip behind him, “You go first and I’ll hold them back.
Someone will pick you up outside.”

Philip raised his brows and looked at Fennel’s back in front of him as a glint flashed in his eyes.

On the opposite side, Cleo smiled sinisterly and asked, “Young Patriarch Clarke, have you
decided? You have ten seconds.”

With that said, Cleo started the countdown.



Every second was torture to Philip’s nerves and heart. He had to decide. Philip was on the brink
of collapse. He clenched his fists tightly as flames burned in his eyes.



While Cleo was counting down, Fennel had started fighting with the guards around Cleo.

Philip looked at Fennel who had his halberd in his hand and was fighting more and more
ferociously. Hot tears flowed from his eyes!

Cleo’s voice also rang at this time, “One! Young Patriarch Clarke, what is your choice?!”

Cleo smiled coldly and looked at Philip.

Philip was indignant and roared angrily. He raised his hand and unleashed the rule power of the


Silver light flashed in the sky. A knight’s longsword suddenly appeared in Philip’s hand.

Philip raised the longsword in his hand and pointed it at the figure…

The First Heir - Chapter 2574 - .

Philip’s eyes flashed with certainty as he shouted angrily, “I’ll never agree to such terms! He’s
my buddy, not a tool to be used!”

The sword in Philip’s hand shook as he pointed it at Cleo, his eyes full of angry flames.

Hearing that, Cleo’s beautiful brows furrowed as she said coldly, “Young Patriarch Clarke, do
you have any idea what decision you’re making right now? You want to give up Wynn’s memory
chip. Is that your choice?”

The sword in Philip’s hand glowed with radiant cold light as he pointed it at Cleo and said grimly,
“If Wynn were here, she definitely wouldn’t allow me to make this choice! I love her. Even if she
loses her memory and forgets everything that has happened in the past, I can pursue her once
again and make her fall in love with me again! As long as her name is Wynn Johnston, she’ll
forever be my wife! I’ll forever protect her and love her!”

“Cleo Lovelace, you made the wrong move! Using Wynn to threaten me is the biggest mistake
the Lovelace family has made!” Philip shouted, and the final sentence was like a roar from a
wild beast!

Glug, glug!

The memory chip quickly melted in the container as countless bubbles fizzed. Philip watched
helplessly as the chip melted.

Monstrous killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he roared. “I vow to destroy the Lovelace


With a roar, Philip rushed toward Cleo in a flash of light. However, the group of guards behind
Cleo immediately raised their guns and fired at Philip.


Rapid gunshots filled the entire area!

Philip retreated and chose to defend himself. That was because the other party’s firepower was
too strong. Moreover, he clearly felt that the other party’s firepower contained special energy
that could break through Philip’s light shield.

Customized weapon! Supernatural Bureau?!

The Lovelace family had dealings with the Supernatural Bureau?

As Philip’s thoughts raced, four dark burly figures flashed from both sides.

These four people were stout and bald with what seemed like metal connectors at the back of
their heads. Their wrists and feet were also bound with chains that emitted a terrifying clanking
noise. Their faces were covered with wolf-like masks, which exposed their faces from the nose
and above. They each had a blood-red number branded between their eyebrows.

This was a human-modified genetic warrior!

A research project conducted by the Lovelace family. Once it succeeded, the warriors would be
an irreplaceable force. That was because these human-modified genetic warriors could be
created from living humans or corpses.

The First Heir - Chapter 2575 - .


One of the human-modified warriors threw a punch that contained explosive energy pressure at
Philip’s face. At that moment, Philip personally experienced an extremely domineering and
aggressive power. Moreover, there was also the rotting stench that came from being submerged
in the potion previously.

This guy had white eyes and black teeth with black liquid seeping from the body. His fists were
also white from being submerged as purple and green veins protruded.


Philip immediately raised his hand and slashed his knight’s longsword at the modified warrior’s
neck. However, the other party’s reaction was not slow at all. He raised his arms and blocked
this slash with his tough skin!

Sparks exploded!

This guy’s body was as tough as metal!

While Philip was stunned. Another modified warrior stepped forward on a rampage and
slammed into Philip’s back.

Philip dodged quickly, turned around, and barely avoided the attack. However, just as he
steadied himself, another modified warrior with a huge ax slammed right at Philip’s head. Philip
could not dodge in time, so he raised the knight’s longsword in his hand and swung it violently at
the ax!

A crisp sound of metal collision!

The longsword shattered upon impact, but the ax’s slashing momentum did not reduce at all.

Philip’s eyebrows twitched as a fiery wave of air burst out from his body. He raised his fist and
threw out a chimera punch.


In that instant, the modified warrior with an ax was sent flying out by Philip’s punch and landed
heavily on the ground, rolling over a dozen times before stopping.

Cleo looked at the guy who rolled to her feet, and her eyes flashed with chills. She commented,
“They’re too weak. Go back and increase the dosage of drugs. We must turn them into the
strongest warriors of the Lovelace family! Also, we have to recover the corpses of some
disciples at a high price.”

Behind her, several researchers nodded and said, “Yes, Miss Lovelace.”

On this side, the modified warrior with an ax got up from the ground, shook his head, roared,
and rushed toward Philip again. Instantly, this area fell into the throes of battle again.

Cleo looked at Philip and Fennel who were busy fighting. He said to the people around her, “Try
to capture them alive. If you really can’t do it, their dead bodies will do. It’d be interesting if we
can turn them into the leaders of this combat group.”

With that said, Cleo sneered maliciously.

On this side, Philip and Fennel were caught in a tough battle. That was because they found out
at the same time that no matter how much they boosted their strength, a rule around them kept
suppressing them. The maximum combat power they could exert now was only the fourth zone.

Philip and Fennel glanced at each other quickly and both came to an understanding. They could
not continue the fight here and had to run away quickly. Otherwise, they might really kick the
bucket here tonight.

The Lovelace family was indeed well-prepared.

After fighting with these modified warriors for a while, Philip and Fennel finally came together,
standing back to back with grim faces.

“What’s the plan?” Fennel asked.

Philip glanced coldly at the dozen or so genetically-modified warriors with chains around their
bodies and said, “Let’s fight our way out first. The restriction here is too dangerous for us!”

Fennel nodded and said, “Okay! I’ll break through the siege. You can leave first as soon as the
opportunity strikes!”

Philip looked at Fennel and said, “Together!”

With that said, the two rushed forward and unleashed deadlier killing moves. The entire area
was completely swamped by the battles between these people.

Cleo stood in the distance and watched the fights. Her face grew darker as she said, “Send
more people over. We have to take them down!”

However, no sooner after she said that, Philip and Fennel had broken through. Immediately
after, the two charged into a group of guards only armed with guns. They instantly sent several
people flying and dashed into the darkness.

“Fire! Give chase!” Cleo shouted.

In a flash, all combatants on the ground chased after Philip and Fennel. In the air, several fighter
jets used spotlights to lock on the target of the two running on the ground and fired machine
guns at them from time to time!

The First Heir - Chapter 2576 - .


The machine guns fired rapidly at Philip and Fennel who were running on the ground. The
surrounding trees were blasted into pieces. Some gazebos on the roadside were also riddled
with bullets. Many luxury cars parked on the roadside burst into flames under such fierce

Philip and Fennel ran at top speed. Suddenly, Philip turned around, raised his hand at the sky,
and made a grabbing motion. At that moment, the fighter jet in the sky had just launched two
missiles with flaming tails.

Philip’s action utilized the power of metal. In a flash, the two missiles turned around and shot
toward the fighter jet!


A shocking explosion!
The fighter jet in the sky was pierced through by the missiles and exploded in a raging sea of
fire. The shattered fuselage fell from the sky and crashed into the ground heavily. The huge
propeller swept past Philip’s side and cut off several trees behind him.

Immediately after, Philip’s eyes focused on the dozen armored vehicles chasing after him from
behind. He spread his arms and slowly drew a circle in front of his chest. In the process, solid
white longswords made of compressed air appeared as his arms unfolded. These
compressed-air longswords carried a terrifying pressure. After that, Philip raised his hand and
made a slashing motion at the dozen armored vehicles.


The longswords turned into streaks of silver as they slashed at the armored vehicles!


Each longsword sliced an armored vehicle in half, which caused an explosion of flames. In an
instant, more than a dozen vehicles drowned in a sea of fire.

Meanwhile, four or five remaining armored vehicles rushed out from the sea of fire, carrying
seven or eight human-modified genetic warriors. Their eyes were white, and they soared
straight into the sky like cannonballs. They raised their fists, spread their arms, or opened their
roaring mouths under the masks while they pounced on Philip!


Suddenly, a majestic dragon roar rang in the sky. A giant red dragon dozens of meters long
jumped up from behind Philip with raging energy pressure and crashed into the seven or eight
figures that fell from the sky.


In an instant, the seven or eight figures were knocked away by the red dragon.

Fennel held a red halberd that glowed eerily and stood in front of Philip. At that moment,
Fennel’s back looked extremely broad. His body was covered with a layer of flickering red light
that circled him and burned.

“Leave the rest to me!”

With that said, Fennel rushed out with the red dragon halberd in his hand. He stomped on the
ground heavily and charged toward the seven or eight human-modified genetic warriors in a
streak of red light.
Philip narrowed his eyes, turned around, and left.

The First Heir - Chapter 2577 - .

However, he caught a glimpse from the corners of his eyes. A tall and villainous-looking figure
was already waiting under the streetlamp in the distance where the woods met the street.

Shane Lovelace had his hands in his pants pockets. He raised his head, an evil sneer at the
corners of his mouth. He looked provocatively at Philip and said, “I’m eager to find out about the
strength of the young patriarch of the Clarke family and the newly-promoted god with five
sources of kingship.”

With that said, Shane’s figure disappeared from Philip’s sight. By the time Philip reacted again,
Shane was already standing in front of him. He had that wicked and sinister sneer on his face.

“Don’t be distracted,” Shane said lightly and kicked out at the same time.


Philip had no time to react at all and could only passively block his chest with his fists. However,
the kick from Shane landed on him squarely. He was kicked out by Shane dozens of meters
away, which left two deep grooves on the ground under his feet.

Too fast!

Philip steadied himself as his eyes burst with anger. He stared fixedly at Shane dozens of
meters away. The other party stood in the same position with his hands in his pants pockets as
if the kick just now was an appetizer for him.

“Not bad. You withstood my kick,” Shane smiled blandly before his figure disappeared again.

Philip was suddenly nervous, and his eyes popped wide open. However, he could not find
Shane’s figure at all. It was as if he had completely disappeared into thin air. He immediately
activated his rule of insight. At that moment, he vaguely captured a little abnormal energy
fluctuation in the surrounding air.

In the world of Philip’s rule of insight, all he could see was white!

All the trees, the birds, the sky, and the streetlamps were white. The space was light gray. That
seemingly non-existent energy fluctuation, however, was a very light red.

On the right!
Philip abruptly opened his eyes, raised his hand, and punched out on his right side.


Two fists collided!

On the right, Shane’s figure slowly appeared. A chill flashed in his eye as he threw a punch at
Philip. Then, the two jumped apart. Philip staggered several steps back while Shane walked out
nonchalantly from the void.

There was thrill and excitement on his face as he said, “Interesting. You actually perceived my

Philip frowned. He did not expect Shane to be so strong.

Was his power of rules the use of space?

As Philip pondered, Shane rushed up and shouted, “So what if you can perceive it? If you aren’t
strong enough, you’re still an ant before me!”


Every punch met the target squarely!

In an instant, a ferocious fight broke out between Philip and Shane. Philip used his full strength
to resist every punch and kick.

He clearly felt that Shane was much stronger than him. It seemed the other party was not using
his full strength at all or was even testing him.

Was this the strength of the Lovelace family?

Philip roared, and red flames surged from his body. A solid flame chimera appeared behind him,
its hooves pawing at the ground as it growled deeply. It attacked Shane following Philip’s cue.

Shane sneered and said, “Fire chimera, interesting!”

He raised his hand, and a black metallic whip appeared in his hand. It was clearly extraordinary.
The strange black luster that glowed on it seemed as if it could restrain the power of the rules of
this world.

Shane held the long black metal whip and struck at the fire chimera, which extinguished some
flames on the fire chimera. It was a special metal whip that could suppress and absorb the
power of the rules.

The First Heir - Chapter 2578 - .

Shane held the metal whip in his hand, and a cold metallic aura exuded from his body in waves.
Like a long black metal snake, the whip slowly twisted around Shane’s body. This whip had 99
sections, and each piece was made of black metal. It seemed to have an awareness of its own.
In the end, the whip formed a circle around Shane. The head of the whip was like a scorpion’s
tail with a sharp stinger that glowed with a cold black light. There were also two red lights like

This long metal whip was not ordinary!

Philip immediately judged that this was a man-made metal whip, and the metal was by no
means ordinary metal. It could actually suppress the power of rules.

Shane laughed and stared at Philip coldly as he said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, it seems that
you’re not that strong, after all. It’s such a pity that you have five sources of kingship but you
don’t know how to use them. Someone like you should be deemed a complete failure. It’s really
unfortunate for the Clarke family to have spent so much time and effort for nothing.”

With that said, a hint of pain flashed in Shane’s eyes as if he felt very sorry.

Philip stared coldly at Shane and the long metal whip that kept winding around him. He said, “I
don’t care what your Lovelace family is up to. Since you dare to lay your hands on Wynn, your
only outcome is to be destroyed by me!”

After saying that, the aura on Philip’s body suddenly soared!

A hint of killing intent flashed in Shane’s eyes as he said, “Very good. It looks much better now. I
hope you won’t let me down later.”

With that said, a crackling sound suddenly exploded in the space between the two. This was the
confrontation of energy pressure. This space seemed to be filled with something and would
collapse at any moment. The distance of a dozen meters between Philip and Shane seemed
like an insurmountable gulf.


Suddenly, Philip made the first move. He stomped on the ground and threw several punches at
Shane like a red meteor. Such might and explosive power did arouse Shane’s admiration.
Philip seemed stronger now.

Shane sneered, raised his hand, and flicked the metal whip in his hand at the approaching
Philip. With a dazzling black light, this metal whip absorbed the energy from around it and struck
Philip’s body.

Philip raised his hand and grabbed the metal whip with his left hand. Looking at the whip from a
close distance, Philip found that each section of the metal whip was pure black metal with two
inverted hooks on two sides of each section. They flashed with a strange red light.

The First Heir - Chapter 2579 - .


Suddenly, the head of the long metal whip shaped like a scorpion’s tail twisted around in midair.
The stinger that glowed with a strange black light was held high up and stabbed at Philip’s back.

The sound of metal chains!


The head of the whip stabbed Philip who still grabbing the whip by the middle. However, only
dust and flying gravel came into sight. Philip had left the whip’s attacking range and quickly
retreated, standing more than ten meters away.

The head of the whip burrowed out of the ground and stood upright like a cobra. The two
flickering red eyes were like an infrared detector, locking on Philip’s position and stabbing out


Dust and debris flew again.

Philip kept dodging, and at the same time, he threw punches of chimera fists at the metal whip.
However, the metal seemed unafraid but rather cheerful as if this scattered energy were its

Shane stood nearby with evil chills in his eyes as he said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, if this is all
you have, you’re likely to die here tonight!”

With that said, stern soaring sword energy suddenly exploded from Philip’s body.

Above Philip’s head, a huge longsword formed by compressed air suddenly appeared. The
energy and the power of rules in the surrounding space surged toward the longsword. In an
instant, the longsword expanded to dozens of meters long.

The sword energy waves that swept through Philip’s body shattered all the trees within a
hundred-meter radius.

“Slash!” With Philip’s roar, he raised his hand and slashed at the incoming metal whip.

A dazzling longsword slashed down in midair!



Raging sword energy collided with the metal whip, producing a harsh metallic sound.

A huge vortex of energy erupted throughout the area. The terrifying energy pressure seemed to
engulf this small space. After the dazzling energy storm ceased, a hundred-meter radius from
the point of impact had been reduced to rubble. A huge ditch was formed by the sword energy.

The metal whip fell to the ground with crackling sounds having broken into several pieces.
However, just when Philip rejoiced slightly, he suddenly found that the broken fragments of the
metal whip were starting to come together. They combined into a long metal whip again.

Philip frowned deeply and looked at Shane, who walked toward him with the long metal whip
around his hand.

“To be honest, you’ve surprised me. I thought I could easily get rid of you, but I didn’t expect you
to exceed my expectations,” Shane said coldly with his hands in his trouser pockets and an evil
grin. He raised his eyebrow and stared at Philip.

At that moment, the huge white moon in the sky was covered by a layer of dark clouds. After the
dark clouds moved away, the pale moon turned blood red.

A blood moon hung high in the sky. Combined with Shane’s cold sinister smile, it really sent
chills up people’s spines.

At that moment, Shane raised his hand and pointed at Philip under the shroud of the blood
moon. He said, “Death will be with you!”
With that said, his figure turned into fragments and disappeared from Philip’s sight.

Philip was shocked and could only see the huge blood moon in his eyes. By the time he
reacted, a domineering and cold gust of wind was felt beside him.


Before Philip could react, he received a solid punch. He was sent flying dozens of meters away.
He knocked down several trees and crashed to the ground. He rolled over more than a dozen
times on the ground before he could stop himself.

When he came back to his senses and jumped up abruptly, Shane, with a long metal whip
wrapped around him and an evil smile on his mouth, threw another punch at Philip’s face.

The First Heir - Chapter 2580 - .

The punch was too fast, and the energy pressure contained was too strong. Philip had no time
to react at all when the punch was already in front of him. In the nick of time, he adjusted his
position and threw out a punch too. However, as this was a passive attack, Philip’s punch
seemed too hasty and lacked power.


Two fists collided and exploded in a burst of energy pressure.

Philip was sent flying out by Shane’s punch again, sliding over the ground several meters away.
When he finally steadied himself, he saw Shane’s indifferent face on the opposite side. His eyes
flashed with a weird cold light, and the metal whip continuously twisted around his body.

“Young Patriarch Clarke, if you don’t give it your all, you’ll really die here today,” Shane said
coldly and raised his hand. With a streak of light, the metal whip stabbed at Philip again.


Several large pits were blasted into the ground, sending dust flying.

Philip retreated, constantly dodging and evading while observing Shane. He could not perceive
the other party’s strength.

According to Fennel’ s earlier remark, Shane was on par with Fennel, but Philip clearly felt that
Shane was one level higher than Philip.

Suddenly, the metal whip in Shane’s hand swirled in midair like a lotus. The whip split into three
in midair and stabbed at Philip from three different directions. Philip could not dodge this deadly
attack and could only resist. He raised his arms, and flames ignited all over his body. The
chimera shadow behind him also covered his whole body in an instant. At the same time, a
layer of metal armor covered the fire chimera’s body.


The fire chimera roared, stretched out two claws, and grabbed the two long metal whips that
stabbed at Philip in mid-air. At the same time, it bit another metal whip with its sharp teeth.

For a while, the three split metal whips fought head-on with the fire chimera that was covered
with metal armor.

The metal whip carried monstrous killing intent and tried to pierce through the metal armor of
the fire chimera to get to Philip, who stood on the head of the fire chimera. The fire chimera kept
its posture, but its feet slowly slid backward.

At this moment, Shane sneered and stepped forward. A bright silver longsword suddenly
appeared in his hand. He pointed it at Philip and said solemnly, “It’s time to end this!”


With that said, Shane’s figure disappeared from the spot.

Philip stood on the head of the fire chimera and unleashed his rule of insight. However, this
time, Philip found no trace of Shane at all. There were no energy fluctuations of any kind within
a few hundred meters around him.

He could only sense Fennel, who was shrouded in crimson energy hundreds of meters away.
He was locked in a tough battle with a dozen human-modified genetic warriors. It was not that
Fennel was weak, but the other party’s weapons obviously carried the special rule power that
suppressed the realm. Fennel was deeply caught in the fight and fell into a passive position.

As Philip was distracted, a cold light suddenly appeared at the back of Philip’s head.


The moment the cold light appeared, Philip had sensed it. He opened his eyes suddenly and
jumped into the air, while the fire chimera on his body disappeared in an instant. At the same
time, the cold light slowly transformed into a figure holding a silver longsword. The tip of the
sword pointed directly at the back of Philip’s head where he stood just now.
If Philip had not realized it in time, the back of his head would have been pierced through by the
silver sword in the next second.

Philip jumped into the air and made eye contact with Shane, who raised his head to look at him.

The First Heir - Chapter 2581 - .

Suddenly, he saw the sneer on Shane’s face, and a sense of crisis that welled up from the
depths of his soul came from above his head. Philip looked up and saw the same figure right
above his head with the dazzling silver longsword stabbing at the top of his head. Philip had no
time to think at all. He unleashed all the energy and the power of rules in his body as he raised
his hand. He struck out a longsword formed by compressed air, which collided with the silver
longsword in Shane’s hand.


A crisp sound resounded through the place!

Philip was knocked out by the sword energy of the silver longsword in Shane’s hand and fell
from the air, The longsword in his hand also disintegrated in a flash. However, he got his life


Philip crashed into the ground and blasted a huge pit. When the dust settled, he jumped up from
the pit and stared fixedly at Shane, who slowly landed on the opposite side.

He was still as calm as ever as if everything was within his grasp.

Philip’s face was grim. As he thought of the thrilling scene just now, he was filled with horror.

What the hell happened just now?

He had evaded the attack, but why was there another one above his head?

Two Shane Lovelaces?!

Just as Philip was stunned and full of doubts, Shane had already landed on the ground. With a
hint of coldness in the corners of his eyes, he stared at Philip and said, “You have good reflexes,
as expected of someone with five sources of kingship. Your reaction time is truly astonishing.
However, you’re destined to die here tonight. I’ll add you to my wall of fame.”
Hearing this, Philip laughed and said, “Shane Lovelace, you’re too full of yourself. You need to
have the ability before you can do that.”

Shane sneered cruelly. “You don’t think I’m capable of doing that?”

Suddenly, the erratic and ghostly voice rang behind Philip.

Philip was shocked!

He abruptly jumped away, and a boom sounded behind him where he stood just now. The
power of Shane’s sword created a ravine here.

Philip was taken aback and focused intently. Shane was still standing there, but the obvious
killing intent and the power of the sword just now clearly indicated that someone was behind

What the hell was going on here?

Seeing the horror in Philip’s eyes, Shane smiled and said, “Don’t make any unnecessary
struggles. You’re not strong enough now, especially in front of me. I can kill you easily. The only
reason why I’m not doing so is that I want to see what potential the sources of kingship in your
body have.”

Philip’s face instantly became grave. This was the first time he had felt pressured in such a long

It was the pressure of death!

Shane was too strong with unfathomable strength. Until now, Philip still could not figure out
Shane’s rule power. Next, he would face a deadly battle. If he won, the benefits would
undoubtedly be boundless. If he lost, everything would be over.

Philip dared not let his guard down anymore. His aura suddenly soared.

On the other hand, Shane obviously shared the same thought. He got rid of his previous cynical
attitude and said coldly, “Next, I’m going to take it seriously.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2582 - .

After he said that, Shane’s aura suddenly changed, becoming extremely harsh and cold. It was
as if he was merely testing and playing with Philip previously.
Philip looked solemn because he clearly felt the energy pressure from Shane.As well as the
interference of that rule power that he could not fathom.

It was another power that suppressed the rules again. It was no wonder he always felt one
realm lower than Shane. It turned out that it was not that Philip was too weak but the rule power
of the other party was suppressing his realm! Philip felt a foreboding. If this continued, he would
eventually lose.

Be it combat experience, his current realm, or Shane’s rule power that Philip could not figure
out, all of them made Philip feel the pressure. No wonder Fennel said that Shane was not
weaker than him. He was definitely a tough opponent!


Suddenly, Shane launched an attack with the silver longsword, aiming straight for Philip’s heart.
At the same time, the long metal whip rotated rapidly and wrapped around Shane’s body like a
suit of armor. Philip quickly retreated. He knew that in the face of such a strong attack, he could
not fight it head-on and could only advance by retreating.

Bang! Boom!

Suddenly, a dazzling battle broke out in the area, where scattered energy storms and vortexes
could be seen everywhere. The surrounding forest was razed to the ground after a short battle.

The trees were scorched black, the ground crumbled, and there were terrifying deep pits and
trenches everywhere!


In midair, the two figures retreated after a blow. The energy storm that followed radiated
terrifying energy fluctuations in the air. Philip painted to catch his breath, retreated dozens of
meters away, and wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The knight’s longsword in his hand was already full of chinks and on the verge of breaking.
Moreover, he had many wounds on his body. He could be said to be in a bad state. However,
Philip’s battle intent was very strong at this moment like a flame that was completely ignited.

On the other hand, Shane seemed much more relaxed. Although he had also suffered a few
wounds, his state was not affected.

“Hehe, interesting. I thought I could take you down easily, but I didn’t expect you to get stronger
as the fight progressed,” Shane chuckled, and the evil smirk was horrifying.

Suddenly, he did the same trick as before and disappeared into thin air. No matter how Philip
activated his rule of insight, he was unable to detect Shane’s location. It was only when Shane
leaked a little killing intent that Philip could sense him.


Philip jumped abruptly, and the longsword in his hand slashed sharply behind him.

The sword shattered!


Shane’s attack broke the longsword in Philip’s hand. At the same time, he kicked Philip in the
stomach. Philip flew out, slid dozens of meters on the ground, and blasted several deep pits.


Philip fell to the ground and spat a mouthful of blood. Half his energy was exhausted because of
Shane’s kick. Shane stood indifferently in the same spot, while the silver longsword in his hand
dazzled with cold light. He was full of sneers, and his eyes revealed piercing evil intent.

“Philip Clarke, go to hell!” Shane laughed madly and rushed at Philip.

The silver longsword in his hand stabbed Philip like a silver snake. The sky was filled with biting
killing intent!

Philip jumped up from the ground and fought against Shane with his bare hands!

The First Heir - Chapter 2583 - .

Biff, bang, thud!

Every punch landed on the flesh!

Clink, clank, clunk!

Shane’s every sword struck Philip’s tough metallic armor. However, under Shane’s ferocious
attack, Philip could not hold on either!


Another kick!
Philip was sent flying by Shane again and fell heavily to the ground. His arms went numb. The
other party’s attack was so fierce that he could hardly block it even with his arms covered in
metallic armor.

Philip coughed violently and bled from his mouth. He stood up from the ground, and the flames
in his eyes burned brighter.

Shane frowned as he looked at Philip who stood up again. The fighting intent in his eyes turned
deadly. He swung the silver longsword in his hand and said coldly, “Why can’t you just fall down
and obediently wait for me to kill you? Why do you have to stand back up? If this is the case,
you’ll suffer!”

Philip snorted, his eyes full of fighting spirit as he said, “You’re the one who’ll fall.”

Shane shook his head, his aura suddenly exploding as he roared furiously. “I’ll kill you with my
own hands! You’ll be my stepping stone! My chance to revive the Lovelace family is coming!
Why can’t you just wait for me to kill you?!”

With that said, Shane fell into a rampage. His aura became very unstable and enraged.

Philip frowned as he noticed the change in Shane’s state. The current Shane Lovelace was
even more terrifying and evil than before. Now, he was like a great villain who was finally
released after being imprisoned for decades and wanted to vent with all his might.

To be precise, he was like a madman!

Philip was still pondering when Shane already attacked.

“Go to hell! I want to kill you! I’m going to prove myself! I’m the one and only!”

“Hahaha!” The entire area was filled with Shane’s manic laughter and ear-piercing battle cries.

Philip was caught in a tough fight once again. However, he found that Shane was emotionally
unstable in this state, so his killing moves contained many flaws.

After a while, Shane was still unable to kill Philip. His mental state was completely unhinged!

“Why? Why aren’t you dead yet?! Go to hell! Kill, kill, kill!”

With Shane’s frantic roars, the silver longsword in his hand struck out waves of sword energy.
The ground cracked under the slashing waves of sword energy.
Philip swiftly retreated and clutched his arm that was injured by the sword energy. His brows
furrowed. However, he was still alive.

Just when Shane was going crazy, Cleo rushed over from a distance. Seeing Shane’s state at
this moment, she cursed inwardly, ‘Damn it! Why did it come out at this time?’

She frowned and said to several people beside her, “Go over there and stop the young master!”


Suddenly, several black figures jumped into the air and waved around iron chains made of
special material in their hands!

On the battlefield, Shane’s five senses were very keen. He immediately caught the sound of the
chains vibrating in the air. He sneered and trembled wildly. Like a thirsty beast, he rushed at this
group of people while shouting, “Kill, kill, kill! Everyone should be killed!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2584 - .

These guards held iron chains made of special material and rushed over from all directions.
They threw the chains into the air, which formed a net!


Eight people stood in eight directions and bellowed as they pulled on one end of the iron chains.


Instantly, the net formed by the iron chains dazzled with brilliant red light.

In the middle, Shane was entrapped in the iron net and roared angrily, “Kill! Damn them all!”

With a roar, he jumped into the sky, grabbed an iron chain, and pulled it violently. The guard lost
his balance and flew toward Shane.


Shane raised his hand, and the silver longsword in his hand pierced through the guard in the

After that, he grabbed the neck of the guard who had been pierced through his chest and tossed
him out violently. The guard’s body crashed heavily into another guard. In an instant, this
suppression formation failed to work. Shane went on a killing spree, and miserable screams
resounded in the night.

Cleo stood in the distance and looked at Shane, who was like a demon soaked in blood. The
chills in her eyes became stronger. She glanced at Philip who was frowning in the distance and
shouted, “Young Patriarch Clarke, if you don’t want to die, help me subdue him!”

Philip frowned, stared at Cleo, and asked, “Why should I help you?”

Cleo replied, “Once he loses control, both you and I will die!”

Hearing that, Philip’s face darkened. He thought briefly and rushed into the battlefield!

Cleo’s eyes froze as she shouted, “Everyone, move out!”


Instantly, the entire area fell into a vortex of an energy storm.


Philip saw the right moment and launched a fierce attack. He kicked Shane in the back and sent
him flying right into the large iron net made of those special chains!

Then, Philip saw the crazy Shane being surrounded by the guards. One of them took out a
syringe and jabbed Shane before he finally calmed down. Seeing this, Philip frowned, raised his
eyebrows to look at Cleo who had a grim face, and asked, “Is he a test subject of your Lovelace
family too?”

Cleo raised her shapely eyebrows and said. “It’s none of your business. You just need to
remember that you don’t know anything and saw nothing tonight. The Lovelace family has our
plans for Wynn’s safety. If you want to take Wynn back, you’re welcome to look for me anytime.”

After saying that, Cleo looked at Shane lying on the ground. A hint of reluctance flashed in her
eyes before she said to the guards around her, “Let’s go!”

Then, Cleo left with the rest.

Soon, Fennel also ended his fight. He killed five and seriously wounded three.

“Hey, are you okay?”

In the distance, Fennel appeared from the air above. The red dragon halberd in his hand
gushed with red airwaves before disappearing.

Philip’s gaze was profound as he stared in the direction Cleo and the others had left. He said,
“I’m fine. Let’s go back and talk.”

Fennel nodded, and the two quickly left.

This battle started and ended quickly. However, Philip seemed to have discovered some secrets
about Shane Lovelace.

The First Heir - Chapter 2585

Back at Fennel’s private manor, Steven and the rest had been waiting for a while.

“Strategist, when will the boss return? Does he need our help? I say we should just rush over!”

Hans was as anxious as a cat on a hot tin roof. The Strategist stood in the hall with his hands
behind his back, and his eyes were unfathomable. He looked at Georgina who was sitting on
the sofa fiddling with the computer and asked, “Have you hacked your way in?”

Georgina said solemnly, “It’s a little difficult. The core firewall of the Lovelace family is built by
three computer experts and isn’t something that can be cracked in a short time. However, I’ve
already cracked the firewall of their laboratory. The research materials about Miss Johnston will
be sorted out immediately.”

After Georgina finished speaking, several guards rushed in from the door and said with a bow,
“Strategist, the four bases of the Lovelace family are all empty as if they knew we would go
over. Moreover, they were full of mine traps. If not for our quick reflexes, I’m afraid our squads
would have been wiped out.”

Hearing this, the Strategist frowned and paced back and forth in the hall.

No one was there?

How could that be?

Was there a leak?

Could there be a traitor in the Hall of the Sun?

The Strategist’s cold eyes swept over everyone present before they fell on Steven. Without the
need to speak, Hans rushed over, grabbed Steven by the collar, and shouted coldly, “Damn you,
did you leak the information? Good for you, Steven! I already knew you were up to no good! It’s
too bad that the boss still trusts you, damn it!”

With that said, Hans pulled out a gun from his waist and placed it between Steven’s brows.

Steven got a fright and explained, “No, I’m not a traitor! I didn’t leak the information! I was the
one who told you the information in the first place! You’ve misunderstood!”

“Bullsh*t! All Westerners are liars! I’m not going to believe you!”

Hans roared in anger. Seeing that he was about to make a move, the Strategist said grimly,
“Hans, that’s enough. Let go of Viscount Steven!”

“But Strategist, he…”

Hans wanted to explain, but the Strategist glared at him coldly.

Hans let go in a huff and pushed Steven away.

The Strategist smiled and said, “Viscount Steven, I hope you don’t mind. Hans has a violent
temper. We aren’t doubting you, but I just want to know who gave you this information in the first

Steven tugged at his collar and said with a frown, “My informant told me.”

The Strategist nodded and said, “Please contact this informant now, Viscount Steven.”

Steven was stunned and said, “Do you suspect him?”

Before he finished speaking, Steven quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, but
the call went unanswered.

“F*ck!” Steven was not an idiot and instantly understood. He smashed his phone angrily.

The Strategist did not say anything. Nothing could be done about this matter now.

At this time, Georgina exclaimed, “Strategist, I found three copies of Miss Johnston’s memory

Coincidentally, Philip and Fennel walked in from the door at this moment.

“Three copies?” Philip asked aloud.

Georgina nodded and said, “Yes, Mr. Clarke. Following the clue you provided, I hacked into the
server of the Lovelace family’s research institute and discovered that they are keeping three
copies of Miss Johnston’s memory chip. If two copies have been destroyed as you mentioned,
there should be one more copy!”

“Where is it?” Philip asked.

Georgina looked at the data and said, “In the Lovelace family! The real one!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2586 - .

‘The real Lovelace family?’ Hearing this, Philip’s face darkened.

He frowned, looked at Georgina, and asked, “Have you gotten the location?”

Georgina nodded and said, “Yes, but their IP locations change every ten minutes, and many of
them are fake. I need to process them to confirm the real IP location.”

“How long will it take?” Philip asked.

Georgina frowned and said, “At least two days if I do it without alerting the other party. They
have three computer experts on their side, and the firewall is very strong with many programs
running that I’ve never seen before. If the other party finds out, then we’ll lose this opportunity.
The other party is likely to delete all information belonging to Miss Johnston. ”

After hearing Georgina’s words, Philip scowled. He glanced at Fennel before saying, “Okay, I
trust you.”

Georgina nodded and quickly operated the computer.

The Strategist stepped forward and said to Fennel, “Boss, the four underground bases of the
Lovelace family in Sendona were empty with an ambush laid out. Our guys almost couldn’t
make it back.”

Hearing this, Fennel frowned and said, “Pete gave us false information?”

The Strategist shook his head and said, “Pete was right. The problem lies with the informant on
Viscount Steven’s side.”

Steven looked at Philip and Fennel apologetically, saying, “Lord Apollo, Mr. Clarke, I’m sorry. I
didn’t expect my informant to be problematic.”
Fennel shook his head, patted Steven on the shoulder, and said, “That’s fine. It’s good that
everyone is okay.”

With that said, he looked at Philip and asked, “What should we do next?”

Philip’s eyes were cold and stern. Tonight’s battle with Shane had made him realize that the
Lovelace family was not as simple as he thought. The Lovelace family might have grown into a
behemoth in the dark. It was a height that no one could fathom.

Philip thought for a while and said, “Let’s wait for Georgina to get the location first before we
make further plans.”

Fennel nodded.


The next day, Philip stood at the door of the secret chamber. His father had gone in for two days
without coming out.

Was something wrong?

“What’s up? Are you worried about your father?”

Fennel walked in from the door at this moment and stood at Philip’s side.

Philip frowned slightly and asked, “Are you sure my father is okay? Why isn’t he out yet?”

Fennel smiled and said, “Philip, if your father were to see you now, he’d be very happy.”

Philip was taken aback before he realized it. His face darkened as he said, “He’s my father, after

Fennel chuckled and said, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. Your father will come out when he
gets better. You should know that there’s no news about Zeus too. The sacred city is in turmoil,
and everyone is on high alert.”

“Have Leo and Amos started fighting?” Philip asked as he followed Fennel to the living room.

Fennel sat down, took a sip of tea, and said, “Almost. Now that things have turned ugly between
Leo and Amos, the people from both sides have started fighting in the sacred city. The forces
supporting them have also begun to fight overtly and covertly. Overall, Leo and Amos are now
evenly matched.”
Philip was silent and asked, “Between Leo and Amos, who do you think will win?”

Fennel shook his head and said, “It’s hard to say. No one can guess the outcome of the battle
for the position of chief god.”

“I hope Amos wins,” Philip said softly with a determined look in his eyes.

Hearing this, Fennel frowned and asked, “What do you want to do?”

The First Heir - Chapter 2587 - .

Philip thought about it and said, “Let’s take the usual route and contact the Underground Bounty
Society. We’ll place a mission to get rid of Leo’s people. In addition, I can also support the
Underground Bounty Society in becoming the new god.”

After Philip finished speaking, Fennel’s face became more solemn as he asked, “Are you sure
you want to do this? The Underground Bounty Society and the Lovelace family are two major
forces. If the Lovelace family finds out that you’re supporting the Underground Bounty Society
behind the scenes, they may take action against Wynn.”

Philip said, “No, they won’t. The Lovelace family won’t dare to do anything to Wynn right now.”

After a moment of silence, Fennel said, “Okay, I’ll contact the Underground Bounty Society.”

After saying that, Fennel got up and walked out of the hall. About half an hour later, Fennel
returned and was followed by three people. They were none other than the three giants of the
Underground Bounty Society, Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam Peters.

When the three walked into the hall and saw Philip with his back to them, they bowed slightly
while greeting him with a smile, “Young Patriarch Clarke, it‘s nice to meet you.”

Philip turned around and looked at them indifferently before saying with a smile, “Hello,
everyone. We finally met.”

Marquis Ron took the lead and said, “We’ve heard a lot about you, Young Patriarch Clarke.
Seeing you today, it’s indeed expected of someone who united the six sacred halls to destroy
the Hall of Evil. I’m very impressed.”

Philip smiled lightly and motioned to the three to take their seats. He said, “Marquis Ron, I heard
Fennel briefly introduce the model and history of the Underground Bounty Society. Now, I want
to support you to become the new god. I wonder what your plans are. ”
Hearing that, Marquis Ron was obviously startled. He turned to look at Yale and Madam Peters.
On their way here, they were unable to believe what Lord Apollo said. Now, hearing it from
Young Patriarch Clarke’s mouth, Marquis Ron was excited.

He quickly said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, as long as the Underground Bounty Society becomes
the new god, if you have any orders for us in the future, we’ll do our very best without any

Marquis Ron was fairly familiar with Eastern culture.

Philip nodded and said, “Very well. I’m relieved to hear this. However, I have a mission now, and
I’m not sure if the three of you will dare to issue it.”

Marquis Ron frowned and glanced at Fennel before looking at his two companions. He finally
asked, “May I know what the mission is about?”

“A bounty mission against Leo Sainsbury,” Philip said lightly as a chill flashed in the corners of
his eyes.


Hearing this, Marquis Ron’s expression visibly froze, and his breathing became rapid. They had
considered this problem before this. After all, Leo was one of the candidates for the future god.
If the Underground Bounty Society issued a mission against Leo, it was likely they would suffer
the consequences in the future. Therefore, they had chosen to be neutral in the fight between
Leo and Amos.

That was also Amos’ intention. If Amos lost the fight, he would at least still have the
Underground Bounty Society.

The First Heir - Chapter 2588 - .

Now, after hearing Philip’s plan, Marquis Ron fell into deep thought.

He said hesitantly, “Young Patriarch Clarke, I’m afraid I can’t decide on this matter. You should
know that the boss behind the Underground Bounty Society is Lord Amos. He once warned us
not to interfere in the fight for the chief god. If our Underground Bounty Society intervenes but
Lord Leo gets the position of chief god, the Underground Bounty Society will definitely suffer
from bloodshed. This is not what Lord Amos wants to happen.”

After hearing Marquis Ron‘s concern, Philip chuckled and said, “Marquis Ron, do you think that
Amos will lose?”
When Marquis Ron heard this, his eyes flickered. He looked at Philip and asked, “Young
Patriarch Clarke, what do you mean?”

Philip smiled and said, “Marquis Ron, just think about it. Once Amos becomes the chief god and
the Underground Bounty Society becomes the new god, who will dare to point fingers at you
when the time comes? Do you still need to remain underground all the time?”

Marquis Ron pondered and frowned. Philip was not wrong, but those things were unpredictable.
No one knew the outcome between Leo and Amos.

Seeing that Marquis Ron was silent, Philip added, “Marquis Ron, the opportunity usually only
comes knocking once. If you seize it, you’ll gain unexpected rewards. What I can tell you is that
I’ll fully support Amos in becoming the new chief god. It’s not impossible for the Underground
Bounty Society to rise with the tide and become the new god as well. As for the Lovelace family,
I have my ways to deal with them.”

Marquis Ron raised his eyebrows, looked at Philip, and said, “I need to discuss with them.”

After that, Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam Peters gathered around and discussed in low voices.
Yale was the first to disagree. He shook his head and refused. “Marquis Ron, I don’t think this
matter can be decided like this. Although Young Patriarch Clarke has some strength, this is the
West, after all. The power of the Clarke family may not even be effective here. Moreover, there’s
no way to predict the outcome of the fight between Leo and Amos at all. We should listen to
Lord Amos and not interfere in the fight for the position of chief god.”

Hearing this, Madam Peters said, “Yale, I think you’re too cautious. I have to agree with Young
Patriarch Clarke’s suggestion. This is an opportunity for the Underground Bounty Society. Once
we help Amos sit in the position of the chief god, attaining the position of a god is much easier
for us. Moreover, I trust Young Patriarch Clarke. Since he said so, he must have a plan.”

“Peters, are you sure about this? How can we…” Yale was anxious and wanted to say

Marquis Ron interrupted and said, “Then let’s vote. I agree.”

Yale refused outright. “I disagree.”

Madam Peters nodded and said, “I agree too.”

“You guys!” Yale gasped.

Marquis Ron said, “It’s two against one. The result is obvious.”
Yale flung his hands in anger and huffed. “I won’t say much else about this matter. I don‘t plan to

Having said that, Yale turned around and left the hall. Marquis Ron looked at the departing Yale,
turned around, looked at Philip, and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, we’ve decided and agree
with you. What should we do next?”

Philip smiled and looked at Fennel. All of them gathered around to discuss the next steps.

The First Heir - Chapter 2589 - .

“Young Patriarch Clarke, we’ll take our leave, then,” Marquis Ron stood up and bowed slightly to

Philip got up and said calmly, “Marquis Ron, I trust you.”

Marquis Ron nodded and left with Madam Peters. After they left, Philip exhaled, and his eyes
turned somber. He looked in the direction of the door and said, “Next up is the plan against the
Lovelace family.”

Fennel stood at Philip’s side and said with a nod, “The Strategist is almost ready.”

Philip bummed and said, “Let’s see what’s going on over at Georgina’s side.”

About an hour later, the Underground Bounty Society released an explosive bounty mission that
shook the entire Western world!

A bounty mission against Leo Sainsbury! A bounty of one billion dollars!

The moment this mission was released, all the bounty hunters, as well as the Western forces
who were watching, felt an unusual atmosphere. This bounty mission was too similar to the last
mission against the Hall of Evil. It was practically the same!

Was the boss behind the scenes the same person?

After destroying the Hall of Evil, the next step was to choose the future chief god?

For a while, the underworld of the West was shaken. At the same time, they could not believe
that the Underground Bounty Society actually dared to take on such a mission. They were
messing with Lord Leo!
If Leo succeeded in becoming the new chief god, the future of the Underground Bounty Society
would not be easy. Therefore, the release of this bounty mission caused an uproar. However,
most of the bounty hunters were ecstatic!

“Wow! One billion dollars! I’m going to take it!”

“What Leo? What chief god? just kill them all! Are we afraid of death?”

“As expected of the Underground Bounty Society. They sure are bold!”

For a while, many bounty hunters and teams accepted the mission and sprang into action. As
time went by, more and more bounty hunters accepted the mission. The number exceeded the
number of mission-takers for the Hall of Evil previously.

A storm was brewing!


In the sacred city of Mount Olympus.

Leo’s residence was the epitome of golden splendor with the royal standards of the West. He
sat on his platinum throne with grim eyes as he stared at the guards kneeling on the ground
below. He roared, “What did you say? The Underground Bounty Society dares to take on a
mission against me, Leo Sainsbury?”

“Y-Yes, Lord Leo. This is the detail of the bounty mission,” The guard trembled all over as he
handed the information to Leo.

Leo looked at it, tore the document angrily, and roared, “That damned Underground Bounty
Society, that damned Amos! How dare they play this trick behind my back?! Damn it! Pass on
my order. If anyone from the Underground Bounty Society dares to trespass Mount Olympus, kill
them all without mercy! Also, tell everyone outside to come back immediately!”

Leo’s roar echoed in the palace.

Soon, another guard in platinum armor rushed in and knelt on one knee. He said, “Lord Leo,
Miss Cleo Lovelace is outside and asked to see you.”

Leo frowned and said with a sneer, “Let her in!”

The First Heir - Chapter 2590 - .

Soon, Cleo appeared wearing a long white dress, a trench coat, and high heels. She looked
noble and elegant. She strutted into the main hall with a charming smile, bowed slightly to Leo
Sainsbury who stood in front of her, and said, “Lord Leo, it’s been a while.”

Leo’s face was a little gloomy. When he saw Cleo, he squeezed out a smile and said, “Miss
Lovelace, it’s nice to see you again.”

Zoom is still not safe - how can you stop hacking

These girls on twitch earn a lot without hot tubs and gaming
Cleo chuckled and said directly, “Lord Leo, I’m here today to discuss with you the chief god and
new god. I wonder if it’s convenient to talk now.”

Hearing that, Leo frowned and said, “It’s convenient. Please go ahead.”

After saying that, Leo said to the platinum guards at his side, “Show Miss Cleo to her seat.”

Soon, Cleo took her seat and said to Leo, who sat on his platinum throne, “Lord Leo, I think you
should already know about the Underground Bounty Society. The mission this time has a very
high bounty, and it’s completely aimed at you. I wonder what do you think about it.”

“Hmph!” Leo snorted, squeezed the armrests of the platinum throne with his palms, and said
coldly, “How dare the small Underground Bounty Society interfere in the competition for the
position of chief god? I’ll wipe lhern out sooner or later!”

Cleo smiled and said, “Lord Leo, although the Underground Bounty Society is wrong to do so,
we should pay attention to the person who issued the bounty mission instead. This is the
common enemy we should face together.”

Hearing this, Leo’s face darkened. He asked, “Are you saying that this bounty mission wasn’t
issued by Amos?”

Cleo smiled, shook her head, and said, “Lord Leo, you’re wrong. The bounty mission this time
wasn’t issued by Lord Amos but by another person whom you should be familiar with…”

“Who?” Leo frowned, his face full of anger.

“The young patriarch of the Clarke family, Philip Clarke,” Cleo said.

Hearing that, Leo stood up abruptly. Biting killing intent surged from his body, and he said coldly,
“It’s him!”

Philip Clarke!

That Eastern man who could wield the sacred sword!


Leo clenched his fists tightly, his face full of chills as he said angrily, “The Clarke family is too
nosy! This is the West, not the East! What is the Clarke family trying to do that they’re interfering
with the election of the new chief god?”

Leo was livid!

It had escalated to a battle of interests between the East and the West. The Clarke family of the
East was trying to interfere with the sphere of influence of the Western gods.

Cleo added, “Lord Leo, you’re right. The Clarke family is too nosy. The Clarke family’s attempt to
interfere with the Western underworld is completely self-destructive. With Lord Zeus and Lord
Leo around the Sainsbury family, the Clarke family can never touch the West. The Clarke family
is our common enemy now, Lord Leo. As I said not long ago, the Lovelace family will always
stand with the Sainsbury family. As long as the Sainsbury family can help the Lovelace family
make a comeback and regain our foothold in the East, our two families can become close
friends! When the time comes, the whole world will be ours!”


After listening to Cleo, Leo laughed and said, “Miss Cleo, you’re overthinking this. I’m not a fool,
and the Sainsbury family doesn’t want to get involved with the East either. I’m only after this
sacred city and the Western realm! The Sainsbury family is not interested in the East.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2591 - .

Hearing that, Cleo frowned and thought, ‘This Leo isn’t ambitious at all.’

However, for the sake of the Lovelace family, Cleo forced a smile and said, “Lord Leo, that is for
the future. Right now, we should join forces against Philip Clarke, right?”

Leo frowned, looked at Cleo, and said, “What do you suggest? As you should know, if I lose this
opportunity, all dealings between us will go up in smoke. Therefore, I hope that you can
represent the Lovelace family and try your best to help me.”

Cleo said, “But of course, The Lovelace family will always stand on your side.”

She added, “This matter is actually very simple. We just need to issue the same bounty mission.
As for the Clarke family, I’ll think of ways to delay them.”
Leo raised his brow and said, “If we do that, won’t that boost the power and prestige of the
Underground Bounty Society instead?”

Cleo smiled and said, “You’ve misunderstood, Lord Leo. At this rate, all the bounty hunters of
the society will be out on the missions. The entire place will be an empty city. When the time
comes, you can catch them by surprise and dispatch a troop of elite guards to take down the
headquarters of the Underground Bounty Society easily.”

Hearing this, Leo smiled and said, “Wonderful! Is this the so-called strategy of luring the enemy
away from their stronghold?”

Cleo smiled and said, “What do you think, Lord Leo?”

Leo thought about it, clapped his hands, and said, “Very well, I agree!”

After saying that, he waved at the guards and said, “Pass my order down immediately. Notify the
Underground Bounty Society to issue the same bounty mission against Amos!”

Soon, the Underground Bounty Society received a new mission. Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam
Peters sat in the meeting room of the headquarters and looked at the new mission that they just

Yale was furious and said, “Ron, look! This is the choice you made. Now, Lord Leo has issued
the same mission too. If we refuse, it’s like telling the West that we’re supporting Lord Amos!”

Marquis Ron‘s face darkened before he laughed and said, “Yale, don’t get mad. This is within
our expectations. Young Patriarch Clarke has mentioned that if the other party dares to issue
the same mission, we’ll double the bounty of the first mission.”

Double the amount?!

Yale was shocked!

It was already one billion dollars now. Doubling the amount would be two billion dollars!

How rich would one have to be? This had completely turned into a money game.

Looking at Yale‘s exaggeratedly shocked face, Marquis Ron said, “Yale, you should trust Young
Patriarch Clarke. His financial resources are not something we can estimate.”

After speaking, Marquis Ron said through electronic transmission, “Post the mission, and at the
same time, raise the bounty reward for the first. mission to two billion dollars!”
The moment the mission was released, the entire Western world was in an uproar. Leo and
Amos were officially at war!

A two billion bounty against a one billion bounty! It was a money game!

The First Heir - Chapter 2592 - .

The Underground Bounty Society simultaneously posted the updates of two missions and
increased the reward of the first mission to two billion dollars. Instantly, this two billion dollar
bounty mission swept through the entire Underground Bounty Society and the entire Western

The main point was that the updated bounty mission was no longer targeted at the Underground
Bounty Society. Even other forces above ground could take up the mission.

That was right, anyone could participate. As long as one had the guts and strength, one could

This time, all the large and small forces in the West geared up and held emergency meetings to
discuss whether to take action. Of course, after a short meeting, 70 percent of these large and
small forces chose to join the bounty team. For a while, the call to take down Leo Sainsbury
swept through the entire West.

What was even more frightening was that after the mission was released, the Sacred Halls of
the West that remained motionless now held meetings to discuss the next steps. Among them,
some stood on Leo’s side while others stood on Amos’ side. Of course, the sacred halls on
Amos’ side chose to take action and decided to give Leo a fatal blow at this time. After all, they
had no choice.

Once Leo became the new chief god, what awaited them would be Leo’s suppression in every
aspect when the time came, the gods would suffer. Therefore, they could only choose to take
action now.


In the sacred city of Mount Olympus, inside the platinum palace, Leo was furious after he
learned about the newly updated bounty mission. He smashed many things in anger and
roared, “Damn the Clarke family, damn Amos! They’re actually teaming up against me! I’ll never
let them off!”

Leo‘s face was full of chills as he waved at the platinum-clad guards at the side and bellowed,
“Contact the Lovelace family and tell them if they help me get the position of chief god, I can
agree to some of the conditions they’ve put forward!”
“Yes, Lord Leo.”

The three platinum guards respectfully knelt on one knee and quickly left the palace.

Leo sullenly stood in the huge palace, his eyes flashing with piercing coldness. He gritted his
teeth and said, “Amos, it’s simply wishful thinking on your part to covet the position of chief god!
Philip Clarke and the Underground Bounty Society, when I become the new chief god, I’ll
destroy all of you!”

After saying that, Leo strode out of the palace and went to the place where Zeus was in

It was a building shaped like a pyramid and was over 300 meters high. It had a pointed top as if
it could pierce through the sky. A metallic sphere was suspended at the tip of the tower. It shone
brightly and illuminated the entire sacred city and Mount Olympus.

Nearby was a land of yellow sand. The main entrance of the building was a triangular stone
gate, which required the corresponding imprint or the consent of the people inside to open the

At this moment, Leo came from a distance clad in a platinum trench coat. I-Ie climbed up more
than a dozen steps and stood at the triangular stone door. He glanced sideways at Amos, who
stood on his left. He scoffed. “Amos, I didn’t expect you to be here so early.”

Amos wore a black sand-proof windbreaker and a dark golden crown. He crossed his arms and
said, “Father is seriously injured. As a son, I should be here to guard over him.”

“Hehehe…” Leo laughed mockingly and said, “Amos, stop acting in front of me. What’s more,
Father can’t even see it now, so why are you still pretending to be so kind and caring? Do you
think you can become the new chief god by just saying a few words?”

Amos glanced sideways at Leo and said, “Brother Leo, you’re wrong. I really care about
Father’s health. As long as he’s around, the sacred city will not be in danger and the West can
still maintain its balance.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2593 - .

Leo frowned and yelled, “Enough! Stop your compassionate act in front of me! If you really care
about Father, you wouldn’t be secretly working with the Clarke family and the Underground
Bounty Society to go against me!”
Hearing this, Amos frowned. He was really unaware of this because he had been here for four

Seeing his bewildered look, Leo laughed more blatantly and said, “You’re really good at acting!”

After saying that, Leo looked at the triangular stone door and said, “Father, may I see you?”

Half a beat later, the door slowly opened. Seeing this scene, Leo’s face was full of excitement
with a sense of superiority. He looked at Amos and said, “Amos, look at this. I’m Father’s
favorite and the future candidate for the position of chief god.”

After saying that, Leo swaggered through the stone door. Amos stood at the door and watched
as the door slowly closed. Sadness and helplessness appeared in his eyes. He had stood guard
here for four days. Yet his father never showed any signs.

It turned out that his father only took Leo seriously. Amos’ heart turned cold. He stood silently at
the stone door for the last five minutes before he turned around.

His windbreaker fluttered in the wind, and his dark golden crown shone in this sandy land.
Suddenly, there was a trace of connection with the sphere at the tip of the pyramid.

Amos did not notice anything. However, in the pyramid, Zeus sensed something as he was
talking to Leo!

Lightning flashed in his eyes, and he stared coldly at the stone door with a frown.

Inside the pyramid was a space. The three walls were engraved with the origins and greatness
of the sacred city, as well as the history of the monsters suppressed under the sacred city. In the
middle was an abyss, and at the bottom was endless darkness that was just like hell. Only a
stone bridge connected the stone door to the middle where Zeus was.

At this moment, Zeus sat on a throne carved from stone in the middle. Leo stood under the
throne and dared not look directly at his father because Zeus’ aura was too harsh and

Behind the throne were four huge carved statues of former chief gods. Every chief god would
have a carved statue here. The weapons held by each chief god were different, but they were all
divine weapons!

Zeus looked at Leo and asked coldly, “Are you saying that Amos has the intention to seize
power and rebel?”

Leo quickly replied, “Yes, Father. Amos has recently teamed up with several hostile forces and
is planning to attack the sacred city to make a move for the position of chief god!”
The First Heir - Chapter 2594 - .

Hearing this, Zeus frowned. He stared at Leo and said angrily, “Leo, you’re the most outstanding
son of the Sainsbury family and my favorite son. Do you know the implications of your words
just now?”

Leo was startled and quickly defended himself, saying, “Father, every word I said is true. Amos
is working with outside forces to suppress me for the position of the next chief god! Amos is very
ambitious and wants to take over your position!”


Suddenly, Zeus raised his hand. Countless dazzling blue and white lightning bolts sparked from
his palms, which formed a net that wrapped around Leo. Zeus lifted Leo and scolded, “Enough!
Leo, the last thing I want to see is you two brothers turning against each other! It’s just the
position of chief god. Whether you or Amos gets it, it’s an honor for the Sainsbury family! Don’t
think i don't know what you and Amos have been up to these days! Get out!”

After shouting, Zeus raised his hand and threw Leo out. Leo fell to the ground, shaking all over.
His father was too terrifying just now. In front of Zeus, Leo was like a three year old child facing
an adult.

Leo got up in fear, lowered his head, and left the place in silence.

However, just before he left the stone door, he looked up at his father sitting on the throne.
Energy leaked all over his body, and his power of the rules was not very stable. His father was
in really bad shape.

After leaving the pyramid, Leo stood in front of the triangular stone door. The fear in his eyes
was replaced by anger. He looked at the pyramid before he turned and walked away.

This time, when Leo left, the sphere at the top of the pyramid glowed again. Inside the pyramid,
Zeus received a message from the metal sphere. He sat on his throne and frowned. A complex
look flashed in his eyes as he muttered under his breath, “Did I make the wrong choice?”

After saying that, a deathly silence fell in the pyramid.


Back to Philip and Fennel’s side. At this moment, the two of them stood behind Georgina,
staring at her as she operated the computer.
“How much longer?” Philip could not help asking.

Georgina had been working two days straight. At this moment, she was mentally exhausted, her
face was a little pale, and her forehead was dripping with sweat.

“A while longer. The other party seems to have discovered my whereabouts and is trying to
track me down,” Georgina said as an ugly look flashed in the corners of her eyes.

Fennel gently patted Georgina’s shoulder and said, “I believe in you.”

Georgina was startled and turned to look at Fennel. With eyes full of admiration and excitement,
she said, “Lord Apollo, don’t worry. I’ll definitely get it done!”

Having said that, Georgina turned around and continued working on the computer. Her heart
also burned with the belief and desire to win the battle.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Georgina exclaimed, “I did it! I bypassed the Lovelace family’s
servers and firewalls, hacked into their research lab’s experimental data, and found the
whereabouts of Miss Johnston’s third memory chip. According to the address shown here, the
third memory chip is not in the West but in the East! It’s in your country.”

“My country?” Philip and Fennel looked at each other at the same time, a hint of suspicion
flashing from the corners of their eyes.

The Lovelace family’s main base was still in the country? They were really bold!

That incident back then did not teach them a lesson at all. They still dared to station themselves
in the country.

The First Heir - Chapter 2595 - .

“Where’s the exact location?” Philip quickly asked.

Georgina fiddled around and said, “The location shown by the IP address is in a forest
northwest of the country. Their headquarters is divided into three places. One is in a forest in the
northwest, one in a modern city on the east coast, and the last one seems to be near Cochly
Mountain in the east.”

Hearing the geographic coordinates of these three locations, Philip’s eyes became more
solemn. The Lovelace family was really bold to divide themselves into three base camps and
completely lock the three directions of the country.

This was a big plan!

Especially the one near Cochly Mountain. Was it aiming at the stargate or the Nonagon?

Perhaps the Lovelace family was connected to the Nonagon in secret?

“Send me the specific positioning coordinates. I’ll return to the country immediately,” Philip
decided and said.

However, Georgina shook her head and said, “Mr. Clarke, I can’t get you the most accurate
geographical coordinates because the other party is very cunning. They’re using a
multi-segment IP address. I can only give you the approximate range for these areas. To get the
most accurate coordinates, I need to bait them to expose themselves.”

“Expose themselves?” Philip glanced sideways and frowned.

Georgina nodded and said, “Yes. My idea is to attack their servers and have them show up to
track my location so that I can use anti-tracking methods to determine their geographical

“Go ahead and do it,” Philip said urgently.

However, Georgina said, “Mr. Clarke, hear me out. In doing so, there’s a great risk that our
position will be exposed. Once the other party knows our location, we may face their wrath. I
can neither guess nor guarantee the consequences of doing so.”

After hearing from Georgina, Philip understood. This bait was very risky. If the Lovelace family
captured their location, they might make a move against them or even Wynn.

As Fennel and Philip fell silent, Georgina suddenly said, “Actually, there’s another way.”

“What is it?” Philip asked.

Georgina said, “Cleo Lovelace…”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and instantly understood what Georgina meant. He said, “Do you
want to attack Cleo and let her lead us to find the exact location of the Lovelace family?”

Georgina nodded and said, “That’s the plan. If Cleo receives any great news, she definitely
needs to go back to the Lovelace family’s headquarters. We can follow her and get the location
of the Lovelace family.”

Philip nodded, looked at Fennel, and said, “What do you think?”

Fennel thought about it and said, “This is the only way now. We can give it a try.”
Philip nodded, paced back and forth in the room for a long time, and said, “Release the news
about my father. I think the Lovelace family must be very concerned about my father.”

When Fennel heard this, he immediately frowned and said, “How can we do that? Your father is
still recovering from his current state. What if the Lovelace family finds out and launches a
massive attack?”

After Fennel said that, an old voice came from the door.

“Release the news about me. I’m also eager to see how the Lovelace family has developed
after hiding underground for so many years.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2596 - .

Roger walked in, looking much better, his complexion was rosier, but he was thinner.

Philip looked up with an aloof expression and asked, “Are you feeling better?”

Roger smiled kindly, glanced at his son, and said, “Much better. It’s the first time you’re showing
concern for me.”

Philip frowned and said stubbornly, “You think too much. I don’t care about you.”

Seeing this, Fennel shook his head helplessly. He bowed slightly to Roger and said, “Patriarch
Clarke, are you sure you want to do this?”

Roger walked over, looked at Fennel with admiration, and said, “I’m sure. The Lovelace family’s
affairs are the Clarke family’s affairs. The affairs of the Lovelace family are related to the future
direction of the world. Time is running out for us, and I want to find out what the Lovelace family
has been up to over the years. I also hope to see some old friends whom I haven’t seen for a
long time.”

Fennel frowned and asked, “I thought you didn’t know much about the Lovelace family either?”

Roger smiled and said, “The Lovelace family has taken precautions against the Clarke family.
Many times, I may not know as much as you. I more or less know about everything this time, so
just ahead and do it. If anything happens, I’ll take care of it. As long as I’m alive, the Lovelace
family won’t dare to do anything.”

Then, Roger said to Philip, “I need to speak to you.”

Hearing this, Fennel winked at Georgina, and the two left the room.
In the huge room, Philip remained with a cold face. Roger coughed violently. A trace of anger
flashed in Philip’s eyes, but he still stepped forward, helped Roger to sit on the sofa, and said,
“You’re not well yet. What are you doing out? I’ll find a way to deal with the Lovelace family.”

Roger sat on the sofa with Philip’s help and said with a smile, “You’ll find a way? What else can
you do? Are you going to rely on the Shadow Guards or your Legion of the Sovereign? Will you
rely on Fennel?”

Hearing this, Philip’s expression turned ugly. He looked at Roger with a frown and said, “Do you
really look down on me that much? In your opinion, I can’t find my own solution?”

Roger chuckled and said, “Son, I’m not looking down on you, but you still have a lot of room to
grow. What you’re facing now is definitely not like those petty fights in the past. Before this, you
were willful. The people and incidents you encountered before could perhaps be solved with
money and the power of the Clarke family. However, the people and forces you’re facing now
are no longer limited to secular definitions. Even if the Clarke family controls 70% of the world‘s
economic power, that’s jointly owned by the main and branch families. The main family owns
30% and the branch family owns 20%, while the remaining 20% is controlled by the other
branches. The intricacy and complexity of all this are not as simple as you think.”

After listening, Philip said grimly, “All of it belongs to the Clarke family, so why the
differentiation? That’s why I don’t like the way you manage the household. The Clarke family
should be controlled by one person, and there must only be one spokesperson. Otherwise, such
a large family will fall apart sooner or later.”

Roger nodded and said, “Phil, your thoughts coincided with mine when I was young, but many
times, many things can’t be solved easily. The Clarke family could survive to this day only
because of these side branches that allowed us to grow and expand. It’s also inevitable that
things will go out of hand when left unchecked.”

“Nonetheless, I do agree with what you said. But I’m old and don’t have so much time and
energy to rectify the Clarke family. I only hope that you can make drastic reforms, hold the
Clarke family firmly in your hands, and create a new Clarke family. This is what I want to see the

After saying that, Roger’s eyes seemed to flicker before he patted his thigh and said, “Let’s
leave this topic and talk about your opinion about the Lovelace family. It’s impossible for you to
deal with the Lovelace family by yourself. The trump cards you hold in your hands right now
may be powerful enough in the eyes of outsiders, but to me or the Lovelace family, they’re
nothing but child’s play. There’s no longer a need for so many rules in this world. Only the strong
are the law, and only the strong can change the rules. The Lovelace family has been hiding
underground for so many years, and it’s not as if I’ve never tried to track them down. But I’m
unable to deal with their problems too. Like the Clarke family, the Lovelace family has a long
history. If you really want to deal with them, now isn’t the time yet. Your strength is still lacking.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2597 - .

Philip frowned, looked at Roger, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said, “Then I’ll
become stronger. Sooner or later, I’ll get rid of the Lovelace family! Not for the sake of your
great righteousness but for Wynn’s sake!”

Roger smiled and said, “You’re quite devoted.”

Philip glanced at Roger. The latter thought for a moment and said, “I already know what
happened to Wynn. In fact, this matter has little to do with the Lovelace family. It was Wynn’s
decision. If she wants to understand the Lovelace family, become a part of them, or even get her
hands on them, she must forget everything from the past and completely integrate into the
Lovelace family. When you left the country to come here, Wynn once approached me to discuss
this matter. This is what she left behind for you.”

With that said, Roger took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Philip. He got up, patted
Philip on the shoulder, and said, “Read it carefully. Besides your mother and me, Wynn is
definitely the one who loves you the most in this world.”

After saying that, Roger left.

Philip stood there with the letter in his hand. He hesitated for a while before he opened the

“Phil, by the time you read this letter, I may have already forgotten about you. This is my choice.
Don’t be sad, and don’t do anything for me. I want to know more about the Lovelace family, and
I want to help you. This is my only way. Maybe one day, we’ll meet in a crowd and I’ll no longer
recognize you, but you must know that I love you. That will never change. You, Mila, and Nelson
will forever be my favorite people.”

“Phil, this is my last request for you. Don’t challenge the Lovelace family for my sake. I didn‘t
know before, but now I understand that the Lovelace family is not as simple as you think.
Remember, take good care of Mila and Nelson. From Wynn who loves you.”

After reading the entire letter, Philip’s expression could no longer be described in words. His
eyes were red. For his sake, Wynn was willing to sacrifice herself and enter the Lovelace family.

“Wynnie, I promise you that I’ll definitely bring you back and restore your memory.”

Philip squeezed the letter in his hand resentfully.

Although Wynn told him not to provoke the Lovelace family, since some things had already
happened, there was no turning back.

The First Heir - Chapter 2598 - .

With Roger’s consent, Georgina spread the news about Roger’s injury to the Lovelace family’s
servant. Sure enough, the Lovelace family was very concerned about this news and
immediately dispatched many computer experts to track the source of this news as well as
Georgina’s IP address.

“They’ve taken the bait!” Georgina shouted excitedly.

Philip and Fennel stood by Georgina’s side, closely watching this war of information technology
without gunpowder.

“How long will it take to determine their location?” Philip asked.

Georgina thought for a moment and replied, “At the current speed, half an hour will do.
Likewise, if we can’t hang on for half an hour on our side, our position will be exposed.”

The look on Georgina’s face became obviously grave. Although it was not the first time she had
done this, the previous servers were rubbish. She could do it in five minutes. Even for the most
powerful server in the Octagon, Georgina only spent 25 minutes getting in.

This time, it had taken her half an hour just to pinpoint the address of the Lovelace family, which
was enough to show how powerful the security settings of the Lovelace family were!

“Okay,” Philip replied and stood with Fennel by Georgina’s side to cheer her on.

At this moment, because of Fennel’s order, the entire Hall of the Sun was intensely prepared for
battle. The entire base camp of the Hall of the Sun had mobilized all defense forces in the
surrounding areas.

Hans and his men closely patrolled the vicinity of the private manor. The entire place was
surrounded by battle tanks and mechanical war corps with several fighter jets patrolling
overhead from time to time. Other bases of the Hall of the Sun were also on defensive
lockdown. It was an unusual occurrence.

After seeing all the major bases closed for defense, many forces that paid close attention to the
Hall of the Sun in the dark were puzzled and quickly reported to their respective bosses.
Soon, half of the forces in the Western underworld knew about it. Everyone wondered what the
Hall of the Sun was doing.

“What kind of enemy did the Hall of the Sun encounter this time? It’s the first time they put up
such defenses.”

“I don’t know, but looking at the current defense level, it’s definitely the first.”

“Could it be due to the selection of the chief god? Is Zeus going to take action against Apollo?”

Soon, such news also spread to several other sacred halls. After receiving the news, some
sacred halls that were on bad terms with the Hall of the Sun immediately sent people to keep a
close watch on their every move.

For instance, the Hall of the Underworld.

Hades was dressed in a robe, full of strong muscles and tanned skin. He sat on his throne,
glanced coldly at the guard kneeling on the ground below, and said, “Are you sure that the Hall
of the Sun has entered a state of defense?”

“Yes, Lord Hades. The entire underworld is now saying that the Hall of the Sun has encountered
a huge crisis,” the guard quickly replied.

Hades frowned and held his forehead. Cold killing intent flashed at the corners of his eyes as he
muttered to himself, “Apollo, what are you trying to do?”

After saying this, Hades said to his two envoys, the Black and White Furies, “Go over there but
don’t expose yourselves. Just keep an eye on them. Don’t make a move until the last resort.”

“Yes, Lord Hades!” The Black and White Furies, a man and a woman, nodded respectfully
before they turned around and left the hall.

Hades sat on his throne in a kingly fashion, his eyes piercing cold as he said, “Apollo, let’s see
what you’re trying to do!”


At the Hall of Athena.

The First Heir - Chapter 2599 - .

The hot and sexy goddess Athena walked out of her swimming pool in her bikini, which revealed
her perfect body. She shook off the water droplets in her hair, took the lace robe handed by the
maid, and draped it over her graceful body. Then, she lay on the beach chair and took a sip of

A guard walked over at this moment, bowed, and said, “Lord Athena, something has happened
to the Hall of the Sun.”

Hearing this, Athena sat up abruptly, turned her head to look at the female guard, and asked,

“Yes, Lord Athena. According to the information we received, the Hall of the Sun has entered a
state of defense. All their bases are closed to prepare for battle. I think they must be in big
trouble,” the guard replied.

Athena got up, exposing her pair of straight long legs that countless women envied and a proud
figure. She walked out of the open-air swimming pool and said coldly, “Prepare my battle suit.
I’m going to the Hall of the Sim!”

Soon, Athena put on her platinum battle armor, left her palace, and headed to the base camp of
the Hall of the Sun.

At the same time, War God Ares and Fire God Hephaestus also received information from their

“To the Hall of the Sun!”

“Find Apollo!”

The two gods chose to go to Fennel’s private manor almost at the same time.

Soon, the three gods gathered at the gate of Fennel‘s private manor. They got out of their cars,
looked at each other, and asked curiously, “Why are you here too?”

Ares, with his burly figure and haughty posture, crossed his arms. His eyes were full of fighting
intent as he said, “To find Apollo so he can complete the deal we made before he dies.”

Athena smiled, ignored Ares’ words, and walked directly into the manor. The three gods came
together, and no one dared to stop them. Soon, they saw Fennel.

Fennel looked at the three gods in exasperation and asked, “Why are you here? I won’t
entertain you…”

Athena stepped forward, stared at Fennel with her wise eyes, and asked, “Apollo, what’s going
on? Are you in trouble? Do you need my help?”
Athena was still as direct as ever.

Fennel chuckled, looked at Athena, and replied, “Thank you for your concern. I don’t need
anyone’s help. I’m fine. This is just in case something happens. It’s nothing to fuss about.”

Athena frowned and said, “In case something happens? Who could do this to you?”

Fennel stroked his chin and said, “This is a personal matter. I can’t tell you. If there’s nothing
else, please take your leave.”

Unexpectedly, after Fennel said this, Ares stood out, stared at him coldly, and said, “Apollo, fight
with me today.”

The First Heir - Chapter 2600 - .

Hearing this, Fennel was obviously exasperated and said, “Ares, do we have to fight today?”

Ares said coldly, “Yes, today. I have to go to Northfrost and may be away for a few months.
Before that, I must fight with you.”

Fennel’s face darkened as he asked, “Northfrost? Is he coming out?”

After saying this, Athena and Hephaestus both looked at Ares with a flash of worry in the
corners of their eyes. They asked, “Ares, is your father coming back?”

Ares nodded with gloom in his eyes and said, “His punishment is almost over and he’ll return.
This time, I’m going to Northfrost to pick my father up. Then the time comes, the fallen Hall of
the Dragon King will make a comeback, which will pose a huge threat to the 12 Sacred Halls of
the West and the sacred city. However, he’s my father, after all. I’ll choose to follow him.”

There was silence. Time was at a standstill in the hall for a moment.

Ares’ father was the dragon king who once ruled the Western underworld for 20 years-the evil
dragon of hell, Barthus. He was an extremely powerful existence!

A powerhouse who ruled the Western underworld for 20 years, The Dragon King of Hell,

Back then, Zeus fought a great battle with Barthus, and many lands in the West were in ruins.
Finally, they fought to Northfrost before Zeus was able to suppress Barthus and successfully sat
on the throne of the chief god. He then entered the sacred city.
Technically speaking, Ares was the descendant of a former chief god. They were overthrown by
the Sainsbury family.

Fennel was silent, looked at Ares, and said, “This is your choice, and we have no right to
interfere. Since you want to fight, let’s fight.”

Athena said coldly to Ares at this moment, “Ares, must you fight with Apollo? Is fighting the only
way to resolve disputes between men? Why can’t you sit down and talk about it?”

Ares looked at Athena, a gentle streak of light flashing in his eyes. He said, “Athena, you should
understand that a fight between Apollo and me will happen eventually. If he wins this time, I’ll
never stand against the Hall of the Sun again. If I win, I hope you’ll remember that I’m in love
with you!”

After saying that, Ares looked at Fennel coldly and said, “I’ll wait for you at the training ground.”

Then, Ares turned and left the hall. Athena froze in place, shocked by Ares’ words just now.

Ares was in love with her?

Athena was dumbfounded. That crude man was actually in love with her?

Fennel looked at Athena, shook his head helplessly, and said, “Athena, all of us can tell that
Ares likes you.”

Athena immediately rebuked, “No, I only like you, Apollo!”

Fennel was speechless. He looked at Hephaestus and said, “Look after this place for me.”

Hephaestus, still as gentle and elegant as ever, said, “Of course. I’m happy to serve you,

After that, Fennel also left the hall. Athena thought about it and chased after him.

Soon, the training ground exploded with dazzling energy pressure and battle. Of course, the two
gods were suppressing their realms. After all, if a full-fledged fight occurred, the consequences
would be unimaginable.

Ares exploded with raging battle intent like a stormy sea or a wild beast!
The First Heir – Chapter 2601

Fennel wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Ares,
who was also gasping for breath and injured. He said with a smile, “As
expected of War God Ares. Such combat power is very strong.”

Ares looked at Fennel coldly, took a deep breath, and said, “Apollo, you’re
stronger than I thought. You’re the second person I admire in my life. The
first is my father, and you’re the second.”

Fennel raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, “Then I should be very

Ares laughed, his soaring fighting intent exploding once more. The next
second, he yelled, “Again!”


In an instant, the two fought again. A shocking energy pressure and the
power of rules erupted. The training ground was reduced to rubble!

Athena stood in the distance and used her field of kingship to shield the
energy dispersed by the two’s battle. At the same time, she shouted, “That’s
enough! Ares, stop it! Apollo, stop fighting!”

However, once two men were in battle mode, they could not stop until one
party was defeated. This was the dignity of a man.


Suddenly, one person was punched by the other person in midair. He fell
heavily to the ground in a streak of light and rolled over dozens of meters.
Several big pits were also blasted on the ground!

Fennel slowly fell from the air amid the dust, covered in wounds and
gasping for breath. He stared at Ares who had fallen to the ground in the
distance and said, “You lost.”

Ares lay on the ground, stared at the blue sky and white clouds with his
deep-set eyes, and gasped for breath. He was covered in wounds.

Ares laughed and said, “I lost. I actually lost!”

After a while, Ares stood up, glanced at Fennel, and said, “Apollo, I’m happy
to have fought you today. I admit that I lost, but next time, I’ll definitely
defeat you!”

After saying that, Ares looked intently at Athena, who stood next to Fennel.
Without saying a word, he turned around and left. Athena saw Ares leaving
and wanted to chase after him but was stopped by Fennel. He said, “He’s a
proud man. If you chase after him now, it’ll hurt his pride.”

Athena was helpless. She looked at Fennel and asked, “Is he really okay?”

Fennel did not answer but glanced in the direction Ares left. He turned
around, walked into the hall, and went to the room where Philip and
Georgina were.

It had entered the final stage now. Georgina’ s forehead was obviously
covered with sweat. When Philip noticed that Fennel came back with
injuries, he frowned and asked, “You won?”

Fennel nodded, looked at Georgina, and asked, “How is it?”

Georgina replied, “Almost there. There’s one last firewall.”

After saying that, Georgina quickly typed on the keyboard. Five minutes
later, Georgina let out a sigh of relief. She said with an excited smile,
“Bingo! I locked their precise coordinates!”

Hearing this, Fennel and Philip leaned over and stared at the computer
screen. The coordinates displayed were converted into geographic
locations, which was Moore City in the northwest.

‘Moore City in the Northwest?’ Philip frowned and asked, “Is there such a

Fennel looked at the coordinates gravely and said coldly, “Yes! It’s a city
that doesn’t Show up on the map. It’s an area that’s totally ungoverned and
uncontrolled! Moore City in the northwest is also called Mystic City!”

‘Mystic City in the Northwest?’

Philip trembled when he heard this name. He looked at Fennel in

bafflement and asked, “What is this place? In today’s information
technology age, are there still places that are not displayed on maps or
known to the world?”

Fennel shook his head, his face getting more serious by the minute. He
said, “You misunderstood. It’s not that this place is not known to the world,
but that the people who know this place are not ordinary people of the
secular world. The reason it’s not shown on the map or marked out is due
to human doings. To a certain extent, every country has places that they
don’t want outsiders to know about. Take this place, for instance. It’s
divided into many districts with many bases for secret research, which are
confidential and not marked on the map.”

Philip nodded and more or less understood Fennel’s meaning. He

continued to ask, “Then what exactly is this Mystic City of the Northwest?”

Fennel sighed and said, “I don’t really know much about this place. I just
entered that place by chance once. The reason they dared to use this name
is due to the masses of people from all over the world. They’re not ordinary
people but mostly supernatural beings and disciples.”

“It’s a gathering place for criminals and S-class fugitives wanted by various
countries. There are no rules to speak of, only strength. The strong can only
survive with their own two fists. Moreover, that place is not the flashy urban
landscape we see now but is located in a mountainous desert area. It’s
relatively poor and backward, subject to sandstorms all year round. The
location is not particularly easy to find and requires a certain guide to bring
others in.”

By the time Fennel finished speaking, Philip’s face was as dark as it could
be. He asked, “Then what do you think the Lovelace family is doing there?
Or rather, is the Lovelace family the boss behind this Mystic City?”

Fennel shook his head gravely and said, “I’m not so sure about this, but
since Georgina has locked the position, we need to take a look. After all, no
matter what, it’s a chance to restore Wynn’s memory. Besides, I think you
need to know more about this place. Maybe it will come in handy for you in
the future. If we happen to run into someone from the Lovelace family, we
can kill three birds with one stone.”
Philip nodded and understood what Fennel was trying to say. He looked at
the coordinates displayed on the computer screen and asked, “Is Mystic
City under the jurisdiction of the Nonagon and the Supernatural Bureau?”

Fennel shook his head and said, “No. This place is completely ungoverned.
Only the mayor they elected has the right to run it. Even the Nonagon and
the Supernatural Bureau need to obtain the consent of the mayor to enter
that place. By the way, that mayor is not an ordinary person. If we go there,
we mustn’t mess with that person.”

“What do you mean?” Philip frowned and asked.

Fennel said, “That person is very powerful. You’ll know when you meet

While Fennel and Philip were chatting about Mystic City, Georgina suddenly
exclaimed. She quickly tapped on the computer and said, “Oops! They
found our location!”

Looking at the red light flashing on the screen, Philip and Fennel were

“What’s going on?” Fennel asked.

Georgina quickly replied, “The other party set up a tracking program on the
channel where I exited the server and firewall. It has locked onto our

After saying that, Georgina looked at Fennel with a guilty face and said,
“Lord Apollo, I screwed up.”

Fennel looked at Georgina, who had her head lowered. Her face was a little
haggard. He said, “Georgina, it’s not your fault. Don’t worry. We’ll take care
of the rest. You should rest.”

After saying that, Fennel gently patted Georgina on her shoulder and
ordered a subordinate to bring Georgina back to rest.

At this time, Athena and Hephaestus walked over from the side where they
had been watching. With doubts and worries on their faces, they asked,
“Who has locked your position?”
Fennel looked at Athena without any intention to hide it and said, “The
Lovelace family.”

“The Lovelace family?”

Hearing this name, Athena was taken aback. She frowned and said, “How
did you mess with them?”

Philip said, “It’s because of me.”

Athena still wanted to ask when Fennel said, “Stop asking. It’s better if you
don’t know some things. Now that the Lovelace family has locked our
position, we need to keep an eye on their actions. I think they’ll launch an
attack on the Hall of the Sun.”

Athena said immediately, “Don’t worry, Apollo. I’ll always be on your side.
I’ll get my people over right now.”

Hephaestus thought about it and said, “If Apollo needs help, I can step in.”

Fennel looked at them and said seriously, “Thank you for your kindness, but
I don’t need your help in this matter. This is the Hall of the Sun’s business,
and I don’t want to get you involved in it. If we fail to fight against the
Lovelace family, I hope that when the time comes, the two of you can take
in as many members of the Hall of Sun as possible.”

Hearing that, Athena said with tears in her eyes, “Apollo, I believe in you.”

After a short chat, Fennel sent Athena and Hephaestus away. Fennel stood
in a small garden with Philip.

Philip put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked up at the sky, and asked,
“How confident are you?”

Fennel shook his head and said, “I don’t know. This is the first time I’m
facing the Lovelace family, and it’s the core members at that.”

Philip nodded and said, “Then let’s wait for them to come to the door.”

Fennel smiled and said, “I think so too.”

The two looked at each other with a smile and went about their business.
Although the base camp of the Hall of the Sun was on high alert, the
atmosphere was normal.


Two days later.

A group of people suddenly appeared five miles away from Fennel’s private
manor. They were all dressed in black outfits with various weapons of their
choice on their waists and arms. They stopped five miles away from the
private manor and took out a map of the manor to study.

The leader said in a hoarse voice, “The target is in this place. We just need
to kill the target without alerting the others if possible. If you encounter
anything, solve it yourself.”

After saying that, the other four nodded. Then, the leader took out a small
bottle from which he shook out five pills. Each person took one pill and
swallowed it.

“Action!” the leader said coldly.


Five figures disappeared into the night.

Five people slowly approached the private manor in the night.

Guards of the Hall of the Sun constantly patrolled the surroundings, and
several people of captain level guarded various entrances and exits. There
were cameras with infrared probes everywhere and even temperature
detectors in some places.

The five people hid behind a bush nearby. The leader took out a small
surveillance drone and launched it into the sky. This drone that was as small
as a fly sneaked into the manor, flew around a few laps, photographed the
entire manor’s structure and security forces, and transmitted the data to the
microcomputer on the leader’s arm.

The leader synchronized the data to the microcomputer on the arms of the
remaining four people before he looked at the electronic diagram and said,
“Two and Three will enter from here. Four will enter from here, and Five will
stay on the periphery. If an inevitable fight occurs, Five will fill in the
position and attack amid the chaos. Understand?”

“Clear!” Four low voices sounded.

The leader nodded and glanced at the nearby monitors again. He operated
the microcomputer on his arm and carried out the intrusion.

As Georgina was resting and this leader was also a computer expert, ten
minutes later, he successfully hacked into the manor’s surveillance system
and replaced all the images. Then, he took out a small metal lightning
device and threw it on the ground. The metal cylindrical device rolled over
the lawn as a red light flashed on its body, followed by a subtle click.

Two teams of guards on patrol heard the commotion and quickly rushed
over, their guns aimed at the metal cylindrical device that flashed red on
the lawn. However, no one recognized this thing. A guard approached
cautiously to check it out. When he was just about to pick the thing up, red
lights flashed brilliantly before…


A muffled sound was followed by ultra-low frequency sound waves. Before

the two guard teams of the Hall of the Sun knew what was going on, they
felt a piercing pain in their ears. Everyone fell to the ground in a dead faint!

The next moment, five figures rushed out and quickly cleaned up the scene.
They replaced their black outfits with those of the guards. Then, the leader
waved his hand and the other four immediately acted separately. The
leader quickly walked to the most hidden place in this manor. Wherever
they passed, these five people would leave a black lightning device on the
wall or in the corner. These people were agile and moved around the
manor effortlessly, easily taking down or avoiding the patrolling guards
when encountered.

Soon, they reached their respective destinations.

Two and Three lurked outside a room door at this moment and carefully
swiped the lock-opening device on the door.

The door opened.

Two and Three simultaneously drew sharp daggers and miniature pistols
with silencers from their waists. They walked quietly into the dark room.

A graceful figure lay on the bed with their back to them, covered with a thin
blanket. The person was breathing evenly.

The figure was fast asleep.

Three tiptoed to the side of the bed and aimed the pistol with a silencer in
his hand at the back of the figure’s head with a cruel sneer at the corner of
his mouth.


With a muffled gunshot, the bullet hit the back of the figure’s head. Then,
Three smiled in satisfaction and tapped on the microcomputer on his arm.
They were about to report the completion of their kill mission.

Two walked over at this moment, seemingly worried because the figure
showed no signs of struggle. As a result, when the figure was turned over,
the figure made a face and cried loudly!

It was a puppet!


Instantly, the lights in the room lit up!

Two and Three were startled. They turned their heads and saw a tall woman
with fiery red wavy hair standing at the door. It was Georgina with a pistol
in her hand!

Bang, bang!

Sounds of gunshots!

Two and Three reacted almost instantly. The other party was prepared. They
were trapped. At the same time, they dodged the bullets and ran to the
window, trying to break the glass and escape.

Bang, bang!

The glass of the window shattered, and a team of heavily armed guards
descended from the sky. In a flash, Two and Three were surrounded. They
scowled and charged right out!

Bang, bang!

The room fell into chaos!

Two heavily armed guards were sent flying by the other party with kicks
and punches.

Seeing that these two were about to break out of the siege, Georgina
kicked out at the back of one of the assassins’ heads!


The kick landed squarely, and Two staggered back. Just as he reacted, two
armed guards had already aimed their guns at his head. Seeing this, Three
abandoned his comrade and jumped out of the window to escape.

Georgina gave chase. Seeing Three jump out of the window, she took a rifle
from one of the guards behind her. Aimed, adjusted, and pulled the trigger!


A gunshot. A golden bullet glittered with airwaves, cut through the air, and
hit the killer in the back. The killer stumbled and fell to the ground.
However, he still dragged his bloodied body along and tried to crawl out

Soon, a team of patrol guards rushed over and pinned the assassin down.

On this side, Georgina turned around and saw the dilated pupils of the
captured Two. With a sneer on his face, blood began to gush from his
mouth. Georgina was shocked. She stepped forward and grabbed the
killer’s chin but it was too late. The other party had bitten into the poison
hidden in the back molar!

At the same time, the voice of the patrol guard outside came over the
intercom, “Lord Envoy, this man died of poison.”

Georgina scowled and said, “Take them away.”

Then, she turned around and headed to Fennel’s location.


Meanwhile, Four snuck into a hall where a tall and burly figure stood with
his back to him. He was looking at several paintings on the wall.

“Here already?”

A cold and lifeless voice came from the figure.

Four was startled and quickly drew his weapon from his waist. His face
darkened as he went in for the kill.

“Go to hell!”

Four held a sharp short dagger, lunged forward, and stabbed the person in
the back.

The tall man standing there shook his head and said, “You’re not good

With that said, he turned sideways slightly. At the same time, he reached
out with his right hand and grabbed the incoming dagger.


Fennel exerted some force and broke the dagger!

Seeing this, Four trembled and quickly backed away, trying to escape. With
this simple encounter, he already knew that he was not a match for the man
in front of him. The mission this time meant sure death!

However, Fennel would never let him go so easily. In a flash, he appeared

right in front of the killer. With a wicked sneer, he raised his foot and kicked
Four in the stomach.


Four got kicked right in the stomach and flew out like a cannonball. He hit
the glass coffee table in the living room heavily, smashed the glass, and fell
into the glass fragments. They pierced right into his back!
At the same time, he felt as if several of his ribs were broken from the kick.
His chest area was full of pain, making him unable to breathe. He struggled
to get up from the ground, but Fennel walked up to him and kicked him to
the ground again! Then, he stepped on Four’s face and stomped his face
into the broken glass!

“Argh!” Four screamed in agony. Half his face was pierced by the broken
glass fragments. His face was full of blood and stabbing pain.

“I only have one question. Answer it and I’ll leave you with a whole body,”
Fennel said coldly.

Four gasped and shouted, “I won’t say anything!”

However, Fennel ignored him and asked, “How many of you?”

Four clenched his teeth and did not answer. He knew that he was in grave
danger and was just about to swallow the poison in his back molar when a
delicate figure rushed in from the direction of the door and shouted, “Lord
Apollo, he has poison hidden in his mouth!”

Hearing this, Fennel quickly stomped on Four’s mouth.

Then, he bent over and took out the poison from Four’s mouth.

Four screamed miserably, “I won’t say anything. Kill me!”

Fennel looked at him coldly and kicked him violently in the stomach, which
caused his stomach to churn. The man threw up bile!

“Take him down and keep him under close supervision. We’ll interrogate
him later!” Fennel said coldly to the guards at the door.


Soon, several guards walked in and dragged Four away. Georgina walked in
and asked, “Lord Apollo, according to the surveillance, there are two more
killers. One went to Mr. Clarke during the commotion, and the other one
went to the secret room.”

Fennel nodded and said, “Don‘t worry about Philip and even less about the
secret room. Tell everyone to step up patrols in case another wave of
assassins shows up.”
“Yes!” Hearing that, Georgina turned around and left the hall.

On Philip’s side, he stood in a small garden while assassin Five held a shiny
silver dagger in his hand. He rushed at Philip with a roar!

Philip frowned, shook his head helplessly, and said, “Why did you come
here to die?”


Philip raised his foot in a sideway kick and sent killer Five flying. Then, he
stomped and jumped out. Before Five hit the ground, Philip slammed his
knee into his chest!


This attack broke five or six of Five’s ribs!

After Five landed on the ground, Philip followed closely behind. When Five
painfully raised his arms to stab Philip, Philip broke his arms!



A heart-wrenching scream.

With one confrontation, Five was easily taken down by Philip. Philip looked
indifferently at Five who was slumped on the ground and said coldly, “Did
the Lovelace family just send assassins of your caliber? That really surprises
me. You’re too weak.”

With a face full of misery, Five sneered and said, “Do you think we’re the
main force? You’re wrong. We’re just here to scout the way. The really
powerful guys haven’t made a move yet.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and said, “Who are they?”


Five spat and said, “You’ll never find out. I’ll tell you when you go to hell!”

After saying that, he hit hard, and his eyes went wide. He spat a mouthful of
blood before his head went crooked and he died with his eyes wide open.
At this time, Fennel walked over, looked at the killer who died tragically on
the ground, and said, “It’s a group of death warriors. All of them have taken

Philip frowned and asked, “How many people are left?”

Fennel said, “There’s just one left who went to your father’s side. There
should be no chance of survival.”

However, just as Fennel said that, there was a loud bang. The direction of
the secret room suddenly burst into flames. At the same time, two
tremendous energy pressures and the power of rules exploded. A
silhouette of a huge black bull about 100 meters high suddenly appeared. It
raised a fist and punched the ground!

Philip and Fennel were shocked at this sight!

“The king of disciples of the seventh zone!” Fennel exclaimed before he

rushed out in the direction of the secret room.

Philip had rushed out before him!

When they arrived, the secret room had been reduced to rubble. Two
people were confronting each other!

Of course, one of them was the leader of the assassins, who had revealed
his disguise. He was a middle-aged man in his 40s with an evil face and
raging black energy. The person confronting him was naturally Roger
Clarke. At this moment, he was not in a good condition. He looked pale and

Philip was alarmed and wanted to rush over to help Roger, but Fennel
reached out to stop him. He frowned and said, “Wait! You can’t go over!
Take a closer look at the boundaries of the magic circle around here and
the black substance that permeates the air!”

Philip was puzzled and asked, “What do you mean?”

Fennel made a grabbing motion in the air, and the red dragon halberd
suddenly appeared. Then, he threw the halberd at the top of the magic
circle that shrouded hundreds of meters in all directions!
At once, the obscure and incomprehensible magic circle carved on the
ground flashed with a brilliant black light. The red dragon halberd
disappeared into nothingness in an instant!

“Realm Sealing Magic Circle!” Fennel frowned, his face very dark.

‘Realm Sealing Magic Circle?’ Philip frowned.

He did not know much about such magic circles, so he asked, “What is it?”

Fennel said solemnly, “The Realm Sealing Magic Circle is a very powerful
formation that can suppress the strength of those trapped in the formation
to the realm of the king of disciples. It’s a large-scale magic circle especially
aimed at those whose realms are kings of disciples of the seventh zone and
above! The composition of this formation is subtle and obscure. It’s not
something that ordinary people can comprehend. Moreover, this spell
formation was handed down since the time of the first emperor. It was
rumored that this magic circle was specially developed by the first emperor
to unify the six kingdoms. However, this magic circle was lost a long time
ago. There’s no record in the history books, so few people know about it. I
only found some clues through some books.”

After listening to Fennel, Philip’s face was extremely dark. He immediately

wanted to rush out to rescue Roger!

According to Fennel, his father’s realm had been forcibly suppressed to the
realm of the king of disciples now. It was likely that he was not a match for
that assassin who was a king of disciples of the seventh zone. That was
because his father was seriously injured. Moreover, after Fennel’s reminder
just now, Philip also noticed the black substance that filled the air in this
area. It seemed to have a special power that penetrated the skin and could
block the connection between the human body and the outside world. It
was equivalent to sealing off the power of rules in Roger’s body.

Seeing that Philip was anxious and wanted to rush over, Fennel stopped
him again and said, “Don’t be impulsive! This magic circle is not something
you can enter at your current level. This formation has another feature. It
instantly activates a killing spell if someone at a lower level enters the
formation. No one can survive it!”
Hearing that, Philip froze and stared at the two people who were con
fronting each other.

“Father!” Philip shouted.

Roger looked over from the formation where he was trapped with a smile
and said, “I’m fine.”

With that said, he stared at the man in front of him with black mist raging
all over his body. He said, “I didn’t expect the Lovelace family to send you

The man who was covered in the black mist had special red runes flickering
on his face. He smirked and said, “Teacher, it’s been a long time. You’re still
the same as before, although you’re much older now.”

Roger smiled and said, “I’m not worthy of this title. Back then, if I could
have guided you back on the right track, I wouldn’t be in this predicament

The man said indifferently, “Yes, if I had stayed behind with you back then
instead of Fulton Hash, perhaps the Clarke family would have stood at the
pinnacle of the world long ago. No one would dare to oppose you.”

Roger chuckled and said, “Errol Fray, you still don’t understand that

The man smiled and said, “Teacher, I don’t want to understand that
concept. I have my thinking, and the Lovelace family gave me the chance to
realize my dream.”

“What chance?” Roger asked with a smile. He stood with his hands behind
his back, his eyes calm and twinkling.

“Kill you and prove my concept.” Errol said coldly.

The black mist raged on his body, and the huge loo-meter tall bull-headed
silhouette behind him was burly and powerful.

Roger sighed and said, “You and Fulton are both my beloved disciples, but
unfortunately, you’ve taken the wrong path.”
Errol said coldly, “I chose my path. If you hadn’t chosen him back then, I
wouldn’t have done this!”

With a roar, Errol raised his arm. The bull-headed silhouette behind him
also raised his fist, triggering the surrounding black mist. He threw a punch
at Roger on the ground!


A huge explosion was followed by scattered debris and spreading energy. A

deep pit several meters deep was blasted out by that punch!

Roger retreated several meters as he stared at Errol indifferently and said,

“Very well. Let the two of us fight it out in the same realm.”

With that said, Roger had disappeared from the spot!

Errol was startled as he raised his fist and threw several punches at the
approaching figure!

Bang, hang!

The void cracked under the punches. However, Roger easily dodged these


When Errol was about to throw another punch, Roger was already half a
meter away from him. Roger threw a punch that landed squarely on Errol’s
hastily raised fist!


Errol flew back along with the bull-headed silhouette and crashed into a
nearby wall as well as the approaching battle tank. A huge pit several
meters wide was left on the ground!

Errol roared in anger and jumped up from the ground. His eyes flashed with
a strange red light as he stared at the figure who had his hands behind his
back and was walking calmly. He raised his hands, formed several
longswords from compressed air, and roared, “You made the wrong choice!
Go to hell!”
With a roar, Errol jumped into the air. A huge fist fell like a meteor from the

Roger’s gray hair fluttered and his eyes were cold. He looked up at the
storm formed by hundreds of black fists falling from the sky. A white
longsword formed by compressed air appeared in his hand, and he struck
at the sky!


Dozens of white longswords formed a huge sword and slashed at the sky!


Sword collided with fists!

With a huge explosion, terrifying energy pressure scattered for miles

around. The sky seemed to have been torn apart.

Inside the magic circle, Errol was knocked back several meters by the sword
slash. The black mist on his body grew more turbulent and evil. Roger still
stood in place with a cold expression on his face. He stared at Errol and
said, “You’re not my opponent yet. Even after using the magic circle to
suppress my realm to this level, you’re still not my opponent…”

Errol chuckled evilly and said, “Teacher, I know I’m not your opponent. I just
want to test how strong you really are and how much time you have left.”

Hearing this, Roger frowned and said, “What does the Lovelace family want
to do?”

Errol wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth and said,
“Needless to say, what the Lovelace family wants to do is to rule this world
and lead this world to a new civilization. Teacher, the Lovelace family will
accomplish what you didn‘t do back then.”

“Hmph!” Roger snorted and said, “As long as I’m still around, the Lovelace
family can never start their evil plan!”

Errol said, “You’re right. You’re the big mountain that obstructs everyone.
However, you’re at the end of your rope now. Do you think you can rely on
that young man over there to carry out your last wish for you? Is there
enough time left for him?”
For a moment, Roger’s and Errol’s gaze fell on Philip who stood in the
distance outside the Realm Sealing Magic Circle.

Roger smiled and said, “I believe in my son.”

Errol chuckled and said, “Teacher, have you ever thought that you have
made the wrong decision back then?”

Roger said lightly, “Errol, you still don’t understand that the great power of
this world is beyond the control of human beings. The Lovelace family’s
grand plans and dominance are at the cost of human lives and the
development of all mankind. Do you really want to follow such a family?”

Errol pondered over his words. However, soon, he smiled sorrowfully and
said, “Teacher, no matter what you say, I’ve made my choice. I came here
today just to see how you’re doing. I know now, so I hope that when I see
you again next time, I can kill you with my own hands.”

After saying that, the black mist around Errol began to surge and gradually
engulfed his body.

Roger frowned as he looked at Errol who was about to escape. However,

did not choose to give chase. At the last moment, he said to the black mist,
“You and Fulton are both my beloved disciples. I hope you can find your
way back.”

Finally, the sky cleared and the pattern of the magic circle engraved on the
surroundings disappeared.

Philip immediately ran over and asked with concern, “Father, are you

Roger looked at the nervous and worried Philip, saying with a gratified
smile, “I’m fine.”

Philip breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the ruins around him. He
frowned and asked, “Is he your former disciple? Does Fulton know him?”

Roger sighed, looked up at the sky, and said, “Yes, his name is Errol Fray. He
used to be my favorite student but he’s too egotistical at heart. What he
advocated was absolute force and hegemony, which is inconsistent with the
Clarke family’s development philosophy. Hence, he was expelled from my

Philip frowned and asked, “He chose to join the Lovelace family?”

Roger hummed and said, “The Lovelace family has already started to act. To
be able to send Errol to test me, it seems that the Lovelace family can’t wait
to make a comeback. We have to give a response.”

Then, Roger looked at Philip and asked, “Are you ready to return to the
country and head to Mystic City in the Northwest?”

Philip was startled. He did not expect his father to know everything, so he
did not hide anything and said, “Yeah, I want to try to retrieve Wynn’s
memory chip.”

Roger nodded, stretched out his hand, patted Philip’s shoulder lightly, and
said, “The Mystic City in the Northwest is not a simple place. During your
trip this time, you must be cautious in everything and don’t act impulsively.
In that place, even the Clarke family can’t do so much.”

After saying this, Roger still seemed uneasy and added, “I’ll ask the two
battle gods from the Shadow Guards to go with you. Whatever happens,
you must remember to think twice before you act.”

Philip looked at his father’s elderly face, and a strange feeling welled up in
him. He said, “I know what I’m doing, but I’ll be careful.”

Roger smiled and said, “Put the matters here aside for the time being. The
battle for the position of chief god isn’t that easy to settle. You’ve gotten
involved in the muddy waters of the Western underworld so many people
will be watching you. You must be prepared to face more enemies in the
future. Moreover, no matter who wins between Leo and Amos, neither is
worthy to forge a deep relationship. People of different roots will forever be
different at heart.”

Philip understood the meaning of Roger’s words and said, “I know what to

The father and son chatted through the night. They talked about the grand
scheme of this world, the disputes between the families, the origins of
different forces, and the love-hate between the Clarke and Lovelace

It was dawn when Philip finally helped Roger back to his room to rest.

On this night, after the previous five assassins, there were also several
smaller assassination attempts. However, they all failed. In the end, the
Lovelace family decided to put the plan on hold and recalled all the
assassins they sent out.

It was already the afternoon when Philip finally recovered his energy. He
walked out of the manor and was ready to go to the Underground Bounty
Society with Fennel.

Marquis Ron had invited them, saying that they had found something
valuable from the ruins of the Hall of Evil.

Not long after, Philip and Fennel’s car arrived at the entrance of the
Underground Bounty Society. Marquis Ron had been waiting with a group
of attendants.

“Mr. Clarke, Lord Apollo…” Marquis Ron stepped forward and personally
opened the car door with great respect.

Philip and Fennel got out of the car, glanced at Marquis Ron, greeted him
politely, and asked, “What is it that we have to come here in person?”

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Mr. Clarke, please follow me…”

After saying that, Marquis Ron led Philip and Fennel through the main door
and several corridors before they arrived at the most heavily defended
secret room of the Underground Bounty Society.

After the palm print and iris verification at the door, Marquis Ron took
Philip and Fennel into the brightly lit secret room. Advanced detection
instruments hung on all walls. Many men and women in white lab coats
fiddled with computer equipment with an intense look on their faces.

In the middle of this secret room, there was a huge black and red

This meteorite was black on the surface with red streaks that seemed to be
magma lines. They glowed with a strange red light. More importantly, the
meteorite seemed to be breathing, expanding and contracting regularly. A
vague thumping sound could also be heard from the inside.

Philip and Fennel stared at the meteorite with solemn expressions. They
looked at Ron in confusion and asked, “What is this?”

Marquis Ron said, “Mr. Clarke, Lord Apollo, if our research data is correct,
this meteorite most likely came from the Graben Abyss behind the stargate
where the realm of the other shore meets our world.”

“Graben Abyss?”

Hearing that, Fennel frowned, and his expression became extremely tense.
It was actually that place!

Vataco actually had such a meteorite from there!

“Where’s Graben Abyss?” Philip asked, puzzled.

Fennel explained, “It’s a place where all the kings of disciples must go and
train themselves. That place is extremely perilous. One can only gain the
title of king of disciples by staying alive. Only then will they have the right
to return to the secular world and obtain the title of god!”

Fennel looked at Philip and said, “Of course, you’re an exception…”

Philip asked, “What’s this meteorite?”

Fennel frowned and said, “If I’m not mistaken, it’s not a meteorite but a
living creature from the other shore, a monster. In the Graben Abyss,
everyone who has experienced the final trial of the king of disciples has to
face countless monsters. Thus, they develop rapidly in the fights with them.
These monsters hatch from meteorite-like stones like this, suck the blood of
humans, and devour human flesh to complete the stage of evolutionary

“These monsters are born with the strength of the fourth zone. With every
ten people they devour, they can complete one level of evolution. The
strongest royal monsters have the strength equivalent to the king of
disciples of the seventh zone, and they’re also the existence that guards the
Graben Abyss.”
“If I remember correctly, there are six royal monsters. Two were killed by
Fulton back then, while the other kings of disciples joined forces and
seriously injured three, rendering them into a deep sleep. Only one royal
monster is left loitering in the Graben Abyss now.”

After hearing from Fennel, Philip was extremely grave. He never expected
the door to be such a terrifying place that harbored such creatures.

Monsters..? Creatures of the other shore.

Were they the killing machines unleashed by the high-level existences from
the other shore?

As Philip pondered, Fennel suddenly added, “The Black Dragon Heart you
absorbed was guarded by the royal monster back then, but your father was
too strong and simply snatched the Black Dragon Heart from right under
the noses of six royal monsters. Since then, the monsters had been
determined to kill the humans.”

Philip frowned… The Black Dragon Heart was actually guarded by the
monsters back then. Then, his eyes fell on the meteorite. Philip vaguely
heard cries from the meteorite. They were very slight and weak, just like a
newborn baby.

It was a strange feeling.

Philip asked, “Do you hear something?”

“What is it?” Fennel shook his head and asked in puzzlement.

Philip pointed at the meteorite and said, “The sounds it’s making.”

Marquis Ron looked at Fennel. The two shook their heads in unison and
said, “We don’t hear anything…”

This was strange. Philip frowned. He was quite sure he could hear sounds
from the meteorite.

Suddenly, Fennel said, “Are you sure you’re hearing some sounds?”

Philip nodded with certainty and said, “I’m sure. I’ve been hearing it since I
entered. I thought everyone could hear it.”
Fennel frowned, stared at the meteorite, and said, “Is it because you’ve
absorbed the Black Dragon Heart and formed a connection with the

Philip could not figure it out either. However, Fennel’s words reminded him.
Philip stepped forward and reached out to touch the meteorite.

Fennel was shocked and quickly pulled Philip back. He said, “Don’t touch it!
We’ll be in big trouble if it hatches!”

“What trouble?” Philip asked.

Fennel said, “Monsters can form connections with each other. If it hatches
and calls out to its companions, it may cause a riot among the monsters in
the Graben Abyss. If they breach the door, break out from the stargate, and
enter the secular world, it’ll trigger a disaster. The consequences will be

Fennel was not making a mountain out of a molehill but stating facts.

If this possibility became reality, it would cause a great impact on the

current humankind and civilization. The invasion of the monsters would
signify a doomsday crisis.

Philip frowned, his hand suspended in midair. He said, “I feel that it has
formed a connection with something in my body. I don’t think it’ll harm me.
Instead, I feel as if I can command it.”

With that said, Philip tentatively reached out with his right hand and placed
it on the meteorite. Suddenly, the instant his right hand touched the
meteorite, a dazzling red light flashed before it disappeared just as quickly.
The contraction and expansion of the meteorite also slowed down as if it
had quieted down.

The staff member saw the data displayed by the monitoring device and
said, “Marquis Ron, the values have dropped. It seems much calmer.”

Hearing that, Marquis Ron and Fennel turned to look at Philip.

Fennel asked, “How is it? What do you feel?”

Philip focused and thought for a long while. He withdrew his hand and said,
“It’s a strange feeling as if there’s something inside very close and reliant on
me. Moreover, it seems to be sending me an important message, but I can’t
figure it out for the time being.”

Fennel thought about it and said, “Forget it, then. Let’s leave it for now.
Nothing good comes from the monsters. They’re brutal and bloodthirsty by
nature. Perhaps the Black Dragon Heart in your body made it feel a sense of

Then, Fennel said to Marquis Ron, “I’ll take over the guardianship of this
thing later.”

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Of course. We found it in Vataco’s place, so
it should belong to the gods.”

Fennel nodded and said to himself, “Why would Vataco bring an unhatched
monster here? What was he trying to do?”

Right after Fennel said that, an abrupt cracking sound filled the air.
Everyone’s eyes focused on the meteorite.

The meteorite was cracking! Was the monster hatching?!

Instantly, Fennel was prepared for the impending doom. The red dragon
halberd appeared in his hand, full of killing intent as he stabbed right at the

It must be killed immediately. However, Philip stopped Fennel and said,

“Wait a minute.”

Fennel said anxiously, “We can’t wait! The birth of a monster will definitely
cause unnecessary chaos! We have to kill it before it forms a connection
with other monsters!”

With that said, Fennel rushed out again. However, this time, the meteorite
automatically formed a golden barrier and blocked the attack from Fennel’s
red dragon halberd!


With a loud metallic collision, Fennel was shaken away by the golden
barrier. He looked at the meteorite gravely and said, “An extraterrestrial
race must be killed!”
With a roar from Fennel, he unleashed his energy to strike a deadly blow.
However, under the protection of the golden barrier, the meteorite cracked
like an eggshell.


A soft and delicate sound came from the shattered meteorite. Then, a small
pale golden head poked out of the meteorite. It had two small red horns
like an elk. Two big eyes like pale golden gems stared at this strange group
of people outside, full of fear and distress. Its small nose sniffed constantly.
Its small mouth exposed its bright and white sharp teeth. It looked very
cute like a round meatball. It was like a newborn pale golden lamb without

At the sight of this small alien creature, everyone in the room was

The eyes of the female researchers shone brightly as they stared at the little
creature that had poked its head out from the cracked meteorite. They
clenched their fists, blinked their large eyes, and exclaimed in excitement,
“Wow, this little guy is so cute! I really want to hold it.”

Fennel and Marquis Ron were also stunned.

The little creature kept looking around at the outside world with its pale
golden eyes. Then, it jumped out lightly from the broken shell, all shrouded
in a golden glow. It was just like a pale golden lamb but with two red
antlers on its head. Other than that, its four hooves were also bright red as
if it were stepping on magma. It just stood on the laboratory table, staring
at everyone and chirping.

Fennel came back to his senses and said gravely, “Oh no! This is a royal
monster! A monster born as royalty must be killed at once!”

From the color and horns of that creature, Fennel immediately judged that
it was a young royal monster!

Generally speaking, monsters had to constantly devour the flesh and blood
of human beings to evolve into royal monsters. However, this creature in
front was born royalty. No wonder Vataco wanted to bring it back. He must
have noticed something.
With just a thought, the red dragon halberd in Fennel’s hand had stabbed
the pale golden creature with raging pressure and killing intent. However, a
shocking scene happened!

The little creature seemed to sense the danger and went on alert. An angry
expression appeared on its face as it chirped at Fennel. Then, it lowered its
head, and its body tensed as if it was gathering strength. Immediately after,
the two fiery red horns on the top of the little creature’s head formed a ball
of energy light. It shot out at Fennel’s red dragon halberd!


The ball of energy light collided with Fennel’s red dragon halberd, and a
shocking scene happened!

Fennel staggered back… He looked at the creature a few meters away in

disbelief and felt annoyed.

This royal monster was very extraordinary. It was still so young but was able
to resist his attack!

When Fennel was about to strike again, Philip stopped him. He stood in
front of the little creature, reached out, and placed his hand on its little
head. He stroked it a few times.

The little creature squinted and smiled lazily. It fell on the lab table with its
hooves to the sky, exposing its soft underbelly. It displayed great affection
to Philip and kept chirping at him.

Fennel and Marquis Ron were dumbfounded at this scene.

Philip looked at this creature with a smile and said to Fennel, “This little
thing is quite cute.”

Fennel snorted and said, “It’s a monster and royalty at that! It’s only cute
when it’s young. It’ll become very brutal when it gets bigger. We must get
rid of it quickly!”

However, Philip shook his head and said, “I don’t think it’s necessary. I feel
that it relies on me and trusts me a lot. I want to keep it.”
“What?! Keep it? Are you crazy? That’s a creature from the other shore, a
brutal monster! Countless human warriors have died under their fangs and
become their food! No way, we must kill it immediately!”

Fennel’s attitude was very tough and unrelenting. However, Philip smiled
and said, “I’ll bear the responsibility if anything happens. I’m keeping it
because I can feel the trust it has in me. Moreover, I can find out more
about the door and the world of the other shore through it.”

Fennel frowned. Philip was right.

The Black Dragon Heart that was previously guarded by the royal monsters
had been absorbed by Philip. Since the royal monster had displayed its
dependence and trust in Philip, it might be a way for humans to understand
the world of the other shore through it. However, this approach was too
risky because there was no evidence that the monster was 100% submissive
to the Black Dragon Heart.

What if it was an act put up by this little creature?

Maybe it also wanted to integrate into human society and explore human

Fennel voiced his concern. Philip nodded and said, “You have a point.”

Following that, Philip touched the little creature’s head with one hand,
closed his eyes, and began to communicate with it. Soon, a pale golden
barrier formed between Philip and this little royal monster. Immediately
after, the monitoring devices in the secret room sounded the alarm.

Marquis Ron quickly said, “Quick, record the data! It’s very important data!”

About a quarter of an hour later, the communication between Philip and

the little royal monster ended. The pale golden barrier disappeared as well.

Marquis Ron managed to record a lot of data.

Philip looked at the little creature that was curled up in a tired little ball on
the lab table and said, “It has almost zero awareness of the other shore in
its brain. I think we can instill it with our human civilizational knowledge

This was a bold idea of Philip.

Fennel was startled and said, “You want to raise it with the human
civilization system?”

Philip nodded and said, “We can give it a try.”

Philip held the little thing in his arms. He frowned and said, “This little guy
looks quite unusual. I‘m afraid it will cause misunderstandings if I bring it

As soon as he said that, as if it understood Philip’s words, the pale golden

creature that was curled up in a ball gave a chirp. Then, it turned into a
golden ball of light and branded itself on Philip’s arm. It left a cute golden
circular mark.

“This…” Philip was dumbfounded.

Fennel explained, “I forgot to tell you. The monster has a special skill to
brand itself on the human body to hide. Back then, many people got their
minds controlled by the monsters because of this.”

Philip nodded and looked at the pale golden circular mark on his arm. His
gain today was quite surprising.

Fennel looked at Philip and asked, “Are you sure you want to take this little
thing out like this?”

Philip shrugged and said, “Well, I have to enter the door sooner or later.
Maybe I’ll encounter these monsters. When the time comes, who knows if it
can help me?”

Fennel was silent for a long time before he said, “Let me say this in advance.
If this little guy has other intentions, I’ll kill it immediately!”

Philip patted Fennel on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. I have my

After saying that, Fennel and Philip left the Underground Bounty Society.

Not long after returning to the manor, Philip received a call from his
mother-in-law, Martha Yates.

“Philip, are you still abroad? You need to return immediately. Mila has been
taken away!”
Mila had been taken away?

Philip jolted and asked, “Mom, what happened? Isn’t Mila under close

On the other end of the phone, Martha was very anxious. She sobbed and
said, “It’s all my fault. I was careless. Mila said she wanted to go out to play,
so I took her out. I didn’t let your people follow us. I just turned around to
chat with my friends and Mila was gone. Oh, but they left a letter for you.”

Martha was very anxious, afraid that Philip would blame her. She had no
choice. Her son-in-law was now the young patriarch of a wealthy family.
She could not afford to offend him at all. Martha had come to terms with it.
In the future, she would depend on her son-in-law.

“What letter?” Philip frowned and asked coldly.

At the same time, he asked Fennel to arrange for a private plane to return
to Orienta.

“The words written on the envelope read the Singer family.”

Martha said and asked, “Philip, who’s the Singer family? Will something
happen to Mila?”

At the other end of the phone, Philip’s face was dark.

‘The Singer family?’

Was it the top family of the ten great supernatural disciple families, that
Singer family?

They actually went after a member of Philip’s family!

The chill and murderous aura on Philip’s body grew stronger. At first, he
planned to stay here for another two days before going to the Mystic City
in the Northwest. Now, it seemed that he had to deal with this so-called
Northern supernatural disciple family, the Singer family, first.

Anyone who crossed his bottom line would be killed!

“I see. Did the Singer family say anything else?” Philip frowned and asked.
Martha said, “No, they called earlier and told you to go to the Singer family
alone. If they don‘t see you in three days, they’ll kill the hostage.”

Toward the end, Martha was already crying.

After hearing that, Philip’s face became even colder. He shouted, “How dare
they?! I’ll go back immediately!”

After saying this, Philip ended the call.

Fennel stood behind Philip and overheard the conversation. He frowned

and asked, “The Northern Singer family has captured Mila? Is it because of
Ronan Singer?”

Philip frowned and said with a nod, “Apart from that incident, there’s
nothing else. How dare a little Singer family lay a hand on my daughter?
They’re courting death!”

His words were like a thunderbolt that caused the surrounding air to freeze
instantly. Standing behind Philip, Fennel could feel the biting killing intent
from him!

Seriously, did this Singer family even ask around to find out who exactly
they were facing?

“Philip, I have to tell you that although the Singer family is not as good as
the Clarke family, they still have a reputation in the world of disciples.
Especially the head of the Singer family, Jenkins Singer. He has a high status
in the Nonagon. He’s an honorary teacher who has taught three kings of
disciples under him. If you really make an enemy out of the Singer family, I
think the three kings of disciples will step in,” Fennel reminded.

The Singer family was the leading family of the Northern supernatural
disciples, not a petty small family. Especially Terrain Villa, which was in
charge of the balance of the entire supernatural disciple community in the
North. If the Singer family fell, Terrain Villa would be in chaos. When the
time came, the entire supernatural disciple world in the country might
undergo a change.

Philip snorted and said, “When the Singer family reached their hands out to
Mila, their ending was already set in stone! Without the Singer family, any
Tom, Dick, and Harry family can still take charge of the Northern
supernatural disciple world!”

Philip had made his intention clear.

Fennel said no more and told his subordinates to pack up. He got ready to
return home with Philip on a private plane. After all, it was impossible for
Philip to go to Mystic City in the Northwest alone.

He left things in the Hall of the Sun to the Strategist. Before leaving, Fennel
also called Athena up and asked her to take care of the hall. Of course,
Athena was quite willing to do so. She also emphasized that she would
definitely go to Orienta to look for Fennel.

As for Roger, he would remain in the Hall of the Sun to recover from his
injuries for the time being. Roger had his plans that Philip did not know nor
intended to find out. Philip did not even tell Roger about Mila.


On the field, an elderly figure with an indifferent expression stood with his
hands behind his back. He looked up at the private plane taking off in the


Two black figures flashed out of the night, knelt on one knee behind Roger,
and said, “My lord, we’re done checking. Several Shadow Guards arranged
by the young patriarch in the Lovelace family have been captured by them.
In addition, regarding the kidnapping of the young miss by the Northern
Singer family, several people responsible for secretly protecting her were
attacked by a kind of mental paralysis toxin. It can only be found in the


Hearing that, Roger frowned with a slight chill in his eyes and said, “Did
Cooper Berry arrange this?”

“Yes!” one of them replied respectfully.

“Okay, I see. Inform the others to head to the Singer family and assist the
young patriarch. If the Singer family or the Nonagon dares to do anything,
let Tango Lidds take action!”

As Roger gave the order, his eyes strayed to the private plane that was
already a little dot in the sky.



Two figures disappeared in the darkness.

Roger looked at the sky and said with clear eyes, “Phil, the predicament and
encounter you’ll face next will become more and more complicated. Are
you ready?”

As Roger said that, a tall and imposing figure appeared behind Roger.

“My lord, I‘ve checked out the Demon Hall. The seal of that demon dragon
is still stable for now.”

Fulton said solemnly, “However, the connection between that demon

dragon and the things suppressed underneath the sacred city is getting
more frequent. I fear that Zeus will one day lose his light and become a
puppet of that dragon.”

Roger frowned and withdrew his gaze from the sky. He turned to look at
Fulton behind him and said, “Zeus isn’t that foolish. He still has the citizens
of the sacred city. Moreover, with the sacred sword around, Zeus won’t lose
his light.”

Speaking of this, Fulton suddenly said, “It’s strange that the young patriarch
has a connection with the sacred city. This is the only occurrence in
hundreds of years. My lord, do you think that the young patriarch has
received the approval of the sacred sword?”

Roger smiled, patted Fulton on the shoulder, and said, “It’s hard to say.”

Suddenly, Roger added, “By the way, Errol Fray came to kill me just now.”

‘Errol Fray?’
Hearing this name, Fulton’s face instantly turned grim as he said, “He dares
to kill you?!”

Roger shook his head and said with a sigh, “He still doesn‘t understand that
line of reasoning and became a puppet of the Lovelace family.”

Then, Roger hesitated for a moment and said to Fulton, “I need you to do

The next morning, the private plane landed at the Riverdale airport.

Philip and Fennel got off the plane. They got into the car prepared by Theo
Zander and headed straight to First Palace.

All the streets in Riverdale were on lockdown.

In less than ten minutes, Philip returned to First Palace, where Charles and
Martha were sitting in the living room. Martha’s eyes were red from crying,
while Charles paced around anxiously.

“Stop crying. What’s the use of crying now? If not for your carelessness,
Mila wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped.” Charles had not slept a wink last

Martha sobbed and said, “You can’t blame me for that. I didn’t know that
someone would lay their hands on Mila. If Philip hadn’t messed with
someone outside, who would have done such a thing to Mila?”

“Enough! Are you still blaming Philip now?” Charles said angrily.

Martha only said this because she was nervous and worried. She quickly
asked, “Charles, do you think Philip will blame me when he comes back

Charles snorted and said, “You still have the cheek to ask that, huh?! When
Philip comes back later, you must admit your mistake. Even if you have to
beg, you must ask Philip to forgive you. You should understand that our
son-in-law is no longer an ordinary person now!”

Martha nodded aggrievedly and said, “I know. You have to put in a good
word for me. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
Coincidentally, Philip hurried into the living room at this time. Before he
entered the door, he heard the argument between Charles and Martha.

“Philip, you’re finally back. I was wrong. I was careless.”

As soon as Martha saw Philip appear at the door, she rushed over, took
Philip’s hand, and admitted her mistake.

Charles stood aside, shook his head helplessly, and said, “Philip, don’t
blame your mother for this. Although she’s wrong in this matter, she didn’t
know that Mila would be kidnapped by someone.”

Philip looked at Martha coldly but did not intend to pursue this matter.
After all, Martha was just a normal person, while the kidnappers were from
the Singer family.

“Give me the letter,” Philip said coldly.

Martha quickly took the letter from the coffee table and handed it to Philip.
She said, “The letter is here. At that time, I just turned around and chatted
with my friends for a few minutes. When I turned around, Mila was taken
away. I gave chase, but the other party drove away in a car and I couldn’t
catch up at all. Then, someone sent me this letter. We were told not to call
the police or Mila’s life would be in danger.”

Philip opened the envelope and glanced through the letter, which was
nothing more than a challenge letter from the Singer family. They were
using Mila to threaten him to go to the Singer family alone within three

Excluding yesterday, he had two days left.

After reading the contents of the letter, Philip’s face turned grim. He turned
to Theo who stood at the door and said, “Gather everyone to head to the
Singer family in the North!”

“Yes, Mr. Clarke!”

Theo had returned from abroad with Philip. As soon as he got out of the
car, he made arrangements. He made another call at this moment. In less
than ten minutes, dozens of black Mercedes and SUVs stopped at the
entrance of First Palace.
Nearly a hundred thugs in black suits and black sunglasses got out of the
cars in an orderly manner!

Meanwhile, Philip also called George Thomas and said coldly, “Mobilize
four squads to head to the Northern Singer family, by land, sea, and air!”

On the other end of the phone, George, who was taking care of the Clarke
family’s business at the moment, was startled. He quickly said, “Young
Patriarch, are you sure you want to dispatch so many guards?”

Philip said very seriously, “Have them depart in ten minutes!”

“Yes, Young Patriarch!” George quickly made the arrangements without


George received news about Mila’s kidnapping last night and suppressed
the news within the Clarke family for fear that the people of the branch
family would find out. If they found out, maybe the branch family would get
involved too. In that case, things would get tricky.

George immediately dialed the intercom of the family guards’ base camp
and ordered, “The young patriarch has given the order to mobilize four
teams of sea, land, and air to head to the Northern Singer family! Do this
immediately without fail!”


The guards of the base camp immediately sprang into action. In less than
three minutes, the land guards assembled a hundred fully armed guards, all
of them the most elite guards of the main Clarke family.

On the sea, five escort cruise ships were mobilized with all ammunition fully
loaded. They headed straight for the Northern port of Beechwood City
where the Singer family was located. Four fighter jets also lifted off from
the Clarke family’s airport with thunderous roars like eagles soaring into the
sky toward Beechwood City.

Back to Philip. After he left the villa, he got into the Maybach parked at the
door and headed straight to the Northern Singer family. Of course, Fennel
went with him.
For a while, a storm brewed with the northern Beechwood City as the


Meanwhile, in the Northern Beechwood City.

This was a vast modern city. Although not as prosperous as Uppercreek, it

could be regarded as a second-tier city. Beechwood City had four ports
with a bustling sea trade business. Moreover, Beechwood City was
surrounded by mountains and rich in mineral resources.

There were five major families here with the Singer family in the lead,
holding half of Beechwood City’s mineral resources and seaport market.
The rest were divided equally among the four families. Therefore, the Singer
family had absolute say and authority in Beechwood City.

As for the entire five districts in the North, ten great families were in charge.
The Singer family was one of the top existences. Therefore, the Singer had
great power and influence. Moreover, the Singer family had a great
authority to speak in the supernatural disciple world. They dominated both
the secular world and the supernatural disciple world.

For the last hundred years, no one had dared to mess with the Singer

The largest villa in Beechwood City was magnificent and luxurious with
carved beams and painted walls. Many architectural sculptures inside the
villa were antiques. The paintings and calligraphy hanging on the walls were
antiques, as well as the exhibits in the corners. Everything within sight was
full of luxury and prestige. If any antiques here were donated to the
museum, it would surely attract world attention. However, they were
displayed in the Singer Villa now.

The villa was heavily guarded by several patrolling teams. Expert disciples
also lay in ambush around the villa. Their task was very simple, which was to
guard in secret. They received a daily wage of 10,000 dollars. This was the
wealth of the Singer family.

An imposing figure sat in the middle of the villa hall, his face stern and
serious as he looked at the core members of the Singer family on both
sides below.
“What’s the reply from Cherry Villa?” Jenkins Singer asked coldly.

An elder of the Singer family replied, “Patriarch, Leon Jefferson told us to

release the little girl at once. Otherwise, he’ll show up at our doorstep in

Jenkins snorted and said, “Hehe, Leon Jefferson is very gutsy. Let’s see if he
dares to fight the Singer family head-on for the sake of that young brat!”

After that, Jenkins said to the middle-aged man, “Pass him my message
that we won’t let her go. The Singer family will invite Villa Master Leon
Jefferson as a guest here with open arms!”


The elder of the Singer family was hesitant and said, “Patriarch, is this reply
really appropriate? He’s the master of Cherry Villa, after all. If we really
provoke him, I’m afraid it’ll be detrimental to the Singer family and Terrain

Jenkins snorted and said, “I’m not afraid of Leon Jefferson!”

Hearing that, the elder of the Singer family nodded and said, “I’ll send him
the reply now.”

Instantly, the atmosphere in the hall went cold.

After the middle-aged man left the hall, seven or eight other core members
of the Singer family remained seated. A middle-aged man with a hooked
nose and thin face said, “Patriarch, I think Third Brother is confused. He’s
still afraid of Leon. This is Beechwood City, the territory of the Singer family.
How dare Leon bring people and force his way in here?”

Hearing this, Jenkins sneered and said, “Leon… Hehe, I’ll be waiting for

After saying that, he turned his head and asked, “What’s the situation in

Someone replied, “According to the news from our spies in Riverdale, Philip
has returned. Someone saw him going out of the city. He’s most probably
coming to the Singer family to admit his mistake.”
“Hmph!” Jenkins slapped the armrest of his chair angrily and said sternly,
“Admit his mistake? This ignorant brat killed my Ronan. I want him to repay
this debt in blood!”

Next was the family meeting of the Singer family. However, it was not long
before several subordinates of the Singer family rushed in while covered in
wounds. They knelt on the floor and shouted, “Patriarch, something has
happened! V-Villa Master Jefferson of Cherry Villa fought his way in alone!”


Jenkins got up angrily, smashed the chair under him with both hands, and
shouted coldly, “What? Leon Jefferson dares to break into my Singer
family? Simply outrageous! I’ll see him personally!”

With that said, Jenkins led a group of people from the Singer family to the
small square outside the hall. This was the martial arts arena of the Singer
family and also the training platform for the Singer family’s disciples.

At this moment, a tall figure stood in the distance with his hands behind his
back. He was full of righteousness and splendor as he stared coldly at the
people of the Singer family as they walked out the gate.

Jenkins walked out briskly while full of chills. He raised his hand angrily,
pointed at Leon who was dressed plainly, and roared. “Leon Jefferson, how
dare you?! This is the Singer family’s territory! How dare you barge into my
house?! You have no respect for me at all!”

This roar shook the entire Singer Villa like thunder!

Many members of the Singer family stood behind Jenkins. Of the seven
expert guardians of the Singer family, only six were left. When Leon barged
into the villa, all of them came out of their respective seclusions and
stopped in front of Leon!

Leon Jefferson was one of the founders of Cherry Villa.

It was rumored that he was a disciple of the sixth zone. There were also
rumors that he had successfully stepped into the realm of the king of
disciples of the sixth zone. In short, Leon was a legend and someone who
should not be underestimated.
The great Southern supernatural disciple community had been relying on
Leon Jefferson to support them and fight against the Northern supernatural
disciple community. After all, in recent years, the number of talents in the
South had dwindled.

Leon stood with his hands behind his back, his face cold. He looked at the
raging Jenkins and said, “Patriarch Singer, I only have one piece of advice
for you. Let her go.”

Hearing that, Jenkins snorted and said, “Leon, why should I let her go just
because of a word from you? My son Ronan died in your Cherry Villa. As
the master of Cherry Villa, not only did you not capture the murderer but
you’re even defending the murderer now? Is that how you do things in the

Leon replied frankly, “Ronan wasn’t as skillful as others yet he provoked

him. Philip had already held back but Ronan was unrepentant and tried to
assassinate him. In the end, he was killed by Philip. What’s wrong with


Jenkins shouted angrily, “My son Ronan died in your Cherry Villa in the
hands of that Philip Clarke. An expert guardian of the Singer family, Mr.
Burdock, also died in the hands of that brat. These two lives can’t be
brushed aside just with a word from you.”

Hearing this, Leon shook his head lightly and said, “If you refuse to
distinguish right from wrong and are bent on defending your son, I have
nothing else to say. However, no matter what the reason is, we shouldn’t
get innocent family members involved in this matter. I still hope that you
can let the little girl go. I’ll take responsibility for the rest!”

Hearing that, Jenkins frowned and said with a hint of doubt, “Leon, why are
you so adamant about defending Philip? Is he a rare talent of your South?”

Back then, Jenkins had received news that this young man named Philip
Clarke defeated Ronan with one move and killed Mr. Burdock. He was
definitely an unparalleled genius. It was understandable for Leon to defend
him like this.
“Patriarch Singer, by coming here alone, it should be enough to show my
sincerity. Please let her go.”

Leon’s face was indifferent as he stood with his hands behind his back. He
was full of the demeanor of a great master.

Jenkins sneered and said, “Before I let her go, let’s fight!”

After saying that, Jenkins jumped onto the competition stage. He pointed
at Leon and said condescendingly, “If you beat me today, I’ll let her go
immediately. But if you lose, Cherry Villa will belong to the Singer family in
the future! Do you dare to take the challenge?”

Leon frowned and looked at Jenkins standing on the stage. He shook his
head helplessly and said with a sigh, “Since you want to fight, let’s fight.”

Leon walked up the steps with his hands behind his back. In a flash, the
stage was surrounded by members of the Singer family.

“Hehe, how dare Leon Jefferson mess with our family head? He’s out of his

“You don’t say. This is Beechwood City, not Cherry Villa!”

“Our patriarch is an honorary teacher who has taught three kings of

disciples, and his strength has long reached the pinnacle of the sixth zone!
Moreover, I heard that he has already entered the realm of the king of
disciples, but the news hasn’t been announced to the public.”

Many discussions could be heard below the stage. All of them were
members of the Singer family, so naturally, everyone belittled Leon. Leon
came here alone today because he did not want to disrupt the balance
between the North and South supernatural disciple world.

On stage, Jenkins looked at Leon and said with a sneer. “Leon, it’s not too
late for you to admit defeat now. You’re not my opponent.”

Leon smiled calmly and said, “We won’t know until we fight.”

As soon as Leon said that, Jenkins roared and punched him.

Instantly, a fierce fight broke out between the two. Both of them restrained
their strength and tested each other.
After all, if a full-scale fight broke out, the entire Singer villa would not be
able to withstand the impact. They broke apart after one punch!

Jenkins staggered two steps back while Leon stood calmly in place with an
indifferent look in the corner of his eyes.

Jenkins frowned, and his eyes became colder. He stared at Leon, who was
calm and collected. He said coldly, “Have you taken that step?”

Leon smiled and said, “You’re very perceptive, Patriarch Singer.”

Jenkins frowned at his words. He did not expect that Leon would actually
enter that level before him!

‘D*mn it!’

Jenkins clenched his fists tightly as his face grew colder. He said, “Leon, so
what if you have taken that step? This is the Singer family! There are six
expert guardians of my family around, as well as the underground dragon
ley lines. I’m in an invincible position. I advise you not to go too far! I’ll
never release that little girl! As for Philip, I’m going to kill him!”

Leon shook his head and said, “Patriarch Singer, I’m not here to make
enemies with you but to save your Singer family. Philip Clarke is not
someone you can easily mess with, let alone his daughter. If the Singer
family wants to continue to have a foothold in Beechwood City, you should
quickly let the little girl go and apologize to Philip. Perhaps you’ll still have
a chance then.”

Hearing this, Jenkins immediately shouted angrily, “Leon, are you trying to
scare me? I’m Jenkins Singer, the head of the Singer family and one of the
three masters of Terrain Villa! Your Cherry Villa has been trampled under
the feet of my Terrain Villa over the years. Do you really think that you can
support the entire Southern supernatural disciple world single-handedly?
Wishful thinking! Since you insist on doing this, don’t blame me for being

Jenkins bellowed, and endless raging energy pressure suddenly surged

from his body!
In an instant, a green dragon appeared behind Jenkins. This green dragon
had blood-red eyes, long whiskers, and green scales. It was hundreds of
feet long. It soared into the sky and roared angrily.


The dragon hovered above Jenkins’ head with its fangs wide open. A pair of
crimson dragon eyes stared at the tiny Leon on the opposite stage.

“Leon, your life is mine!” Jenkins shouted angrily, raised his fists, and rushed
at Leon!

Seeing this, Leon frowned. Dressed in an outfit as white as snow, be spread

his hands and fought with Jenkins. In an instant, the stage was shattered by
the raging energy pressure from the two. They fought from the ground to
the air, and all their moves were deadly. The entire sky was filled with
brilliant energy fluctuations.

Members of the Singer family looked up at the fight and marveled.

“I never expected Leon Jefferson of Cherry Villa to be so strong!”

“Hehe, so what? Our patriarch is invincible. With the green dragon around,
who’d dare to put up a fight?”

“Leon will lose for sure! This time, the North can finally take over the

However, on the ground, the six expert guardians of the Singer family did
not share the same thought.

The expert guardians glanced at each other. They could already tell the
outcome of the fight.

Leon had reached that step but he had been holding back. Although the
patriarch was very aggressive now, he was actually using the underground
dragon ley lines to forcibly increase the realm of his strength. If this
continued, the result was inevitable. Thus, almost instantly, the six people
took to the air in unison!

“Patriarch, let us help you capture Leon!”

Six figures jumped into the air, joined the battle, and immediately launched
a siege attack on Leon. Although Jenkins was reluctant, he could only
accept it in this current situation.

“Okay! Take Leon down and trample the South in blood!”

Jenkins shouted angrily. Instantly, seven people joined forces and attacked

Leon’s face darkened as he looked at the seven people approaching. He

kept taking on the attacks.

He could still hold on at first, but as the fight progressed, the more difficult
it became for Leon to fight. He was hit by the other party’s killing moves
several times, and his white clothes were stained with blood.

“Leon Jefferson, give up and surrender! Otherwise, I’ll kill you without
mercy!” Jenkins shouted sinisterly.

Leon was surrounded by these seven people. With a sneer, he waved his
hand, and a fiery red streak of light suddenly flew over from the distance.
Leon held a fiery chimera sword in his hand.

He raised his sword, pointed angrily at Jenkins, and shouted, “Today, I’ll use
this wrecked body of mine to destroy your Singer family. I shall fulfill
Grant’s last wish back then and settle the dispute between the South and

“Hahaha!” Jenkins laughed and said, “Leon, you must be senile! Grant
Lovelace has been dead long ago, and his last wish was nothing but empty
talk! Sooner or later, the supernatural disciple world will belong to the
North, to the Singer family! Since you’re bent on dying, don’t blame me for
being ruthless!”

With a roar, Jenkins made his killing move. He spread his arms open and
weaved an obscure trajectory.

In the sky behind him, thunder and lightning flashed in the dark clouds. The
shadow of a huge green dragon was seen surging in the clouds. A big
dragon head suddenly appeared and roared angrily at Leon who was
holding a sword in midair!

A sky full of lightning swept at Leon like a storm. Leon glared sternly and
slashed at the sky with the fiery chimera sword in his hand.


The huge fiery red sword energy turned into a huge roaring fire chimera,
which soared into the air toward the storm and pounced on the green


The world lost all color. The fire chimera fought with the green dragon in
the sky. Terrifying energy pressure filled the sky, and dark clouds rolled like
it was the end of the world. Red and green energy fluctuations surged in
the clouds like the sky was about to collapse.

In the air, Jenkins and the other six expert guardians attacked Leon.

For a while, a fierce battle raged. Energy pressure and power of rules
surged within a five miles radius.

Suddenly, a huge rumble resounded. In the sky, the green dragon tore the
fire chimera apart.

Leon was also hit by the seven people‘s killing moves. He fell from the sky
like a cannonball to the ground!


A huge pit was smashed into the ground!

After the smoke and dust settled, Leon’s white clothes were stained with
blood. He held a bloody fire chimera sword in his hand and glared at the
seven people in the sky.

Jenkins hovered in the air, pointed angrily at Leon on the ground, and
shouted, “Leon Jefferson, kneel and accept your death!”

With a roar, Jenkins raised his hand that contained raging energy pressure
and pressed over Leon on the ground. Behind him, the green dragon
shadow formed a connection with the underground dragon ley lines and
transformed into a solid form. It manifested into a huge body that was like
a dragon king that reigned over heaven.

A thunderous dragon roar rocked all directions!

Leon raised the fire chimera sword in his hand and pointed it at. the sky to
counter Jenkins’ energy pressure. However, the remaining six expert
guardians of the Singer family attacked at once. Seven solid energy beams
bombarded Leon’s head.

Leon unleashed his energy to form a light energy barrier and resisted the
attack with his huge sword. However, one person could not fight against
seven, after all. He staggered back.

In the end!


Under the attack of seven energy pressures, the fire chimera sword
crumbled and disintegrated. Seven solid energy beams hit Leon and
pressed over him like a mountain.

Leon’s white clothes were stained with blood, and his face was flushed. He
held his hands up as if he were supporting the sky. He resisted the seven
energy pressures from above. However, facing the full force of the seven
energy pressures and the power of rules, Leon could only hold on for a


He knelt on one knee, which sank deep into the ground. However, Leon
maintained the posture of kneeling on one knee and roared. The veins all
over his body bulged, and he bled from seven orifices. He stood up while
resisting the seven energy pressures above his head.

Seeing this, Jenkins roared angrily. “Leon Jefferson, you’re seeking death! If
you kneel, I’ll spare your life!”

“Hahaha!” A deafening roar of anger came from Leon.

He said, “I’m Leon Jefferson, the master of Cherry Villa. I represent the
entire Southern supernatural disciple community. My blood can shed and
my head can be cut off, but I’ll never kneel to you, Jenkins Singer! As a
representative of the South, I have my pride and honor! I’ll kneel to you
over my dead body, Jenkins Singer!”


Jenkins snorted and said, “Leon, since you seek death, don’t blame others
for it! Let’s see how much longer you can resist!”

With that said, Jenkins raised his other hand and pressed it over Leon too.
At the same time, he shouted angrily, “Members of my Singer family, do
your best to suppress Leon and make him kneel!”

In a flash, those from the Singer family with the ability to do so jumped into
the air while others remained standing on the ground. Everyone unleashed
their energy rules toward Leon.


Instantly, the entire Singer villa was flooded with all kinds of energy and the
power of rules. Within a radius of ten miles, all birds and beasts collapsed.
Such vast energy pressure was enough to match the full blow from a king
of disciples of the sixth zone at his peak!

Leon was in grave danger.

“Leon, will you kneel?!” Jenkins shouted angrily, his eyes full of killing intent.

Leon struggled to resist the energy pressure from all sides while his knees
started to bend slowly. Blood also flowed from his nose and mouth. Under
such pressure, Leon’s internal organs were severely damaged. Even if he
remained alive, he would be crippled.

“Jenkins Singer, I’ll never kneel to you, you ambitious old man!” Leon
shouted angrily.

Hearing that, killing intent flared in Jenkin’s eyes as he roared. “Go to hell!”


With a dragon’s roar, Jenkins unleashed a killing attack on Leon. The huge
shadow of the green dragon swooped down from the sky at Leon with its
jaws wide open. The descent of the green dragon was like heaven’s
punishment. The deafening roar of the green dragon could be heard within
a ten-mile radius!

Seeing this, a hint of relief appeared in Leon’s eyes as he muttered under

his breath, “Philip, I’m sorry for not being able to save your daughter for

After saying that, Leon closed his eyes and prepared to die. However…

At a critical juncture!

A handsome and tall figure suddenly walked up from behind Leon.

“Villa Master Jefferson, thank you very much. Let me take care of the rest.”

Hearing this, Leon abruptly opened his eyes and saw a tall figure standing
in front of him.

He was young and handsome. He stood proudly with his hands behind his
back. He raised his hand, and the broken fire chimera sword on the ground
suddenly pieced back together into a sword. He held the sword in his hand
and slashed at the green dragon roaring in the sky!


A huge fire chimera soared into the air, and a layer of gold armor quickly
covered its body. It spread its claws, grabbed the huge dragon head with a
roar, and bit the dragon’s neck.


Roars filled the sky. The green dragon soared into the air and started
fighting with the fire chimera.

On the ground, the figure that suddenly appeared raised his hand and
dispelled all the energy pressure. He stood proudly, raised his sword,
pointed it at Jenkins in the sky, and said solemnly, “The Singer family
deserves to be killed!”

This cold voice quickly spread throughout Singer villa.

What a strong and murderous aura!

Even Jenkins trembled as he felt the tremendous killing intent from that tall
and upright figure.

“Who are you? How dare you barge into my Singer Villa? You’re courting

Jenkins quickly calmed down. With a scowl, he pointed at the figure on the
ground and shouted angrily.

At this moment, the person standing in front of Leon laughed lightly and
said, “Philip Clarke, here for the appointment!”


When Philip announced his name, all members of the Singer family were

He was Philip Clarke?

Was he the Philip Clarke who killed Young Master Ronan Singer and Mr.
Burdock in one move?

He was so young and powerful! He diffused the patriarch’s killing move just

It was even more terrifying that he could resist all the energy pressures
from so many experts for Leon.

Hearing that, Jenkins was furious and shouted, “You’re Philip Clarke? Very
well! Since you’re here to die today, I’ll grant your wish!”

Philip looked up at Jenkins and said coldly, “Let my daughter go. Otherwise,
I’ll raze your Singer family to the ground!”


Before Jenkins said anything, one of the expert guardians next to him
reprimanded, “How dare you act so arrogantly?! You even want to raze the
Singer family to the ground! You’re courting death! Let’s see what you can

With that said, the expert guardian rushed at Philip!

“Wow! Mr. Quinn has made a move! That kid is dead!”

“Hehe, he’s just seeking death by making those bold words!”

“There’s no need for the patriarch to take action. Mr. Quinn is more than
enough to kill that arrogant brat!”

For a while, all members of the Singer family mocked. However, the next
moment, a shocking scene made them dumbfounded!

“Arrogant boy, give your life up!”

That expert guardian, Mr. Quinn, jumped up and slammed a palm strike at

However, Philip merely smiled indifferently and said, “You’re not qualified
to act tough in front of me yet!”

With that said, Philip raised the fire chimera sword in his hand that
triggered hot airwaves.


The sword was lifted, and his head rolled!

Hiss! Dead silence!

The members of the Singer family, the other five expert guardians, and
Jenkins stared in disbelief.

The expert guardian who was first to rush at Philip watched as a hot wave
of air passed by his neck. Before he knew what was happening, he felt his
vision start to blur and tilt. He was killed with one strike.

Everyone was horrified!

This young man named Philip Clarke was so powerful that he could kill an
expert guardian of the Singer family with one strike. After all, Mr. Quinn was
a disciple who had just stepped into the fifth zone. His strength was not
comparable to ordinary disciples. However, in front of Philip, one slash was
all that it took!

“An expert guardian of the Singer family is nothing to shout about. The
Singer family is nothing but a load of trash, so today, all of you may
disappear from the North!”
Philip said indifferently, and the fire chimera sword in his hand dazzled.

Leon sat on the ground as he recovered his momentum and regained

control over his power of rules. When he saw Philip beheading an expert
guardian of the Singer with one move, he was shocked but it was followed
by delight.

The Southern supernatural disciple world had finally produced a remarkable


“Philip, Jenkins Singer is not a simple character. He’s already halfway

through becoming a king of disciples of the sixth zone. He also has three
kings of disciples under his command. Do be careful and don’t take things
too far,” Leon reminded.

Philip smiled and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, just watch and see. No one in
this world dares to do anything to me yet, let alone this Singer family!”

Jenkins naturally overheard Philip’s words. He had now landed on the

ground with the shadow of the green dragon ever-present behind him.

He said sternly, “How dare you barge into my villa and kill my guardian? I’ll
settle old and new scores with you today. In front of my entire family, I’ll
definitely kill you to pay homage to my son’s spirit in heaven!”

However, Philip smiled indifferently and said, “Patriarch Singer, you’re so

unreasonable. Back then, Ronan Singer was the one who messed with me
first, and he lost. I spared his life but he attacked me from behind, every
move of his an attempt to kill. I merely defended myself. What’s wrong with
that? Now that you’ve kidnapped my daughter, I’m here as per the
appointment. The expert guardian of the Singer family tried to kill me, so I
killed him in return. Is there no law in the Singer family?”

“Hahaha!” Jenkins laughed and said, “Law? Here in the North, the Singer
family is king and the law! After killing my son and my expert guardian, I’ll
definitely kill you in return!”

Philip raised his brow and said, “In that case, is there no discussion?”

“Of course not.”

Jenkins said coldly, “However, we’re not unreasonable. We won’t get
innocent family members involved in this. As long as you kneel and kill
yourself, I’ll let your daughter go!”

Hearing this, Philip laughed. He shook his head helplessly and said, “Jenkins
Singer, it seems that you don’t understand my meaning at all, and you
don’t realize the current situation of the Singer family.”

Jenkins frowned and asked, “What do you mean? What situation are you
talking about?”

Philip smiled and raised his hand slightly. Instantly, dozens of black
Mercedes and commercial vehicles poured in at the main entrance of
Singer Villa!

Bang, bang, bang!

Car doors opened in unison!

Bodyguards in black suits quickly jumped out of the cars and immediately
surrounded the entrance of Singer Villa.

Members of the Singer family were stunned at the sight of the black
vehicles and bodyguards.

Jenkins was also slightly taken aback when he saw this. Then, he sneered
and said, “Haha, Philip boy, you look down on the Singer family too much.
Do you think you can threaten me with these bodyguards? The Singer
family is the top family in Beechwood City, after all. We’re not lacking in
talents here!”

With an angry shout, teams of guards rushed out quickly from around
Singer Villa. They were all armed with pistols and confronted the
bodyguards in black suits!

However, Philip shook his head indifferently and said, “Jenkins, do you think
I’d dare to come to this appointment with just these preparations?”

With that said…

More than a dozen battle tanks roared and appeared at the main entrance
of the villa. The green gun barrels reflected a biting chill in the sun. The
roars of engines were also deafening!

Behind the tanks, nearly a hundred fully armed soldiers in combat uniforms
rushed up at this moment and immediately took control of the venue. This
group of soldiers was full of killing intent with painted faces.

Whistles of fighter jets also sounded in the sky!


Several fighter jets swooped down at a low altitude over Singer Villa. The
airwaves caused some people who could not withstand them to fall to the

In an instant, the members of the Singer family were dumbfounded!

“What the heck?! What’s going on here?! Battle tanks, soldiers, and fighter

“Holy sh*t! What’s happening? Why would such an elite combat group
come to the Singer family?!”

“Did the kid call them in? Who is he to have such great power?!”

For a while, all members of the Singer family discussed incessantly. The
scene in front of them was too surreal. Jenkins’ face was dark as he glanced
at the soldiers and battle tanks, as well as the fighter jets roaring in his ears.

He stared at Philip and asked coldly, “Did you bring them?”

Philip smiled calmly and said, “That’s right.”


Everyone in the Singer family gasped in horror. It was really him!

Something big was about to happen!

Hearing this, Jenkins’ face grew sullen. He initially thought that the other
party was just a stinking brat with some strength behind him at most.
However, now, the strength and means shown by the other party were
beyond Jenkins’ imagination.
No ordinary person could deploy such means!

Although the Singer family was one of the top existences in Beechwood
City, in the face of such combat power, Jenkins had to consider the identity
and background of the other party.

“Philip boy, do you think you can make me let her go with these people?”
Jenkins asked angrily.

Philip smiled and said, “Jenkins, Ihave no intention of making enemies with
the Singer family. Release my daughter and my people will leave the Singer

“Too late!” Jenkins sneered and said, “I’ve sent. that cute and precious
daughter of yours to Cochly Mountain. I sold her to the Nonagon!”


It was like a bolt of lightning!

Philip did not want to target the Singer family at first, but Jenkins’ words
were like a thunderstorm that triggered the anger in Philip’s heart. He
frowned, and killing intent appeared in his eyes.

With a gloomy face, he asked coldly, “What did you say? Say it again!”

“Hahaha!” Jenkins laughed mockingly and said, “Philip boy, I have to say
that your daughter’s talent is not simple. The affinity for the power of rules
in her body made history in the Nonagon. She’s a good talent, so I sold her
to the Nonagon for a very good price.”

With that said…


Suddenly, a hot wave of air swept over the place where Jenkins stood!


Jenkins staggered back, his eyes glaring. A deep pit was blasted out by the
fire chimera sword in Philip’s hand where he stood just now.

The hot airwaves raged in the surroundings.

What a terrifying killing intent and combat power.

“I had no intention to kill the Singer family, but you, Jenkins Singer, deserve
to die! Damn you!” Philip shouted solemnly, and the fire chimera sword in
his hand dazzled with a red glow.

Thud, thud!

He took two steps forward. His eyes turned red, and the monstrous fighting
intent that surged from his body seemed to engulf the entire Singer villa!


A low roar came from behind Philip. A fire chimera suddenly appeared out
of thin air, its body covered with a layer of gold armor. This fire chimera was
bigger and more ferocious than any other fire chimeras that Philip had
conjured before. Especially the vast energy pressure that seemed like it
could shatter the world.

Too terrifying! It was like the end of the world!

Jenkins was no fool. With just one glance, his heart thumped.

Was this the strength of the king of disciples?

Such a young kid was actually already a king of disciples. Moreover,

according to the intertwining degree of energy and power of rules, he was
at least the king of disciples in the fifth zone!

Jenkins’ face suddenly tensed as a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

He never expected a king of disciples to appear in the southern
supernatural disciple world.

Leon, who was still recuperating in the distance, also judged from Philip’s
overwhelming aura that he had reached the realm of the king of disciples.
He was overjoyed and said, “Well done! The southern supernatural disciple
world has finally produced another king of disciples!”

On this side, Philip raised the fire chimera sword in his hand, pointed at
Jenkins angrily, and shouted, “I’ll destroy the Singer family!”

Jenkins snorted coldly, his eyes full of killing intent as he shouted at Philip,
“Boy, do you think you can be arrogant just because you have some
strength? This is the Singer family, not one of those ordinary families in the
secular world! With me around, who dares to spout nonsense about
destroying the Singer family?!”

Jenkins raised his hands, and raging energy pressure suddenly surged from
his body.


Without further ado, Philip slashed at Jenkins like a fiery sharp sword.

Jenkins frowned and raised his hand. The shadow of a green dragon
appeared, roaring and biting at Philip. However, Philip’s killing intent did
not diminish. With a slash of the fire chimera sword in his hand, the fiery
sword energy cut through the shadow of the green dragon!

In a flash, Philip’s sword arrived in front of Jenkins.

Jenkins stomped on the ground and jumped into the air. At the same time,
he raised his hand to grab Philip, who was also ready to jump.


The ground crumbled. The shattered gravel and debris took to the air and
floated around Philip.

Bang, bang, bang!

Then, this debris blasted toward Philip like cannonballs.

Philip’s face darkened, and the fire chimera shadow behind him reached
out huge claws and grabbed Philip in its palm to protect him.

The debris bombarded the gold armor on the fire chimera with loud
clanging sounds!


Philip raised his longsword, and the fire chimera looked up. Its red eyes
burned with fire. It opened its wide jaws and spewed flames at Jenkins, who
hovered in the air.

The sky was flooded by the fiery flames. The members of the Singer family
on the ground wanted to escape.

However, the guards of the Clarke family and Theo’s men had been waiting
for this. They immediately rushed in and fought with the Singer family’s

Fights broke out everywhere!

On this side, Jenkins raised his hand, and the shadow of the green dragon
behind him formed a green barrier to resist the flames. For a while, the sky
was filled with green and red.

Jenkins’ face was dark as he stared at Philip, who was full of killing intent
below. He shouted angrily, “It seems that you really have some strength.
Even so, it’s futile! Here, I’m invincible!”

Following Jenkins’ angry shout, he made his killing move. He raised his right
hand and grabbed at the thick clouds in the sky. The dark clouds gathered
above Jenkins’ head as if they were sucked by the devil. They formed a
huge vortex that surged with lightning,

Jenkins roared angrily, “Go to hell!”

Then, he slammed his right hand toward Philip on the ground.

The surging clouds in the sky suddenly formed a huge sharp arrow covered
with white-blue lightning and shot toward Philip.

This shocking blow was enough to destroy the entire villa.

Jenkins sneered. He could already foresee the final outcome. However,

Philip looked up from the ground, his eyes filled with the image of the
arrow that was covered by lightning. He smiled, and the energy pressure on
his body surged.

Philip spread his arms and formed a circle above his head. The fire chimera
sword in his hand floated upward and split into ten swords above Philip’s
head. The ten swords flickered with hot airwaves. At Philip’s command, they
launched straight at the arrow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Ten swords pierced through the sky and slashed the arrow.


There was a huge explosion. The moment the swords collided with the
arrow, a vision appeared.

Terrifying! Energy pressure raged everywhere!

The collapsing power of lightning and flames shattered the sky, blasting a
huge hole in the dark clouds. A ray of sunlight peeked through the hole.

Seeing this scene, Jenkins frowned. With a stern gaze, he said, “You do have
some tricks up your sleeves, but these are child’s play. I can still kill you if I
want to!”

Philip chuckled and said, “Right back at you, Old Man Singer. If I want to kill
you, it’s no biggie!”

Philip soared into the sky and slashed a few airwaves at Jenkins with the fire
chimera sword in his hand. Jenkins snorted and met Philip’s attack head-on.


Fiery airwaves surged in the sky, intertwined with green shadows. The two
fought endlessly. Energy pressure fell from the sky like cannonballs and
blasted deep pits in the ground everywhere.

“Hehe, Philip boy, if this is all the strength you have, get ready to die in the
Singer family today!”

After one blow, Jenkins retreated sharply and pulled away from Philip.

This kid was really not simple. Just his strength and offensive methods
alone were much better than some of his peers. This kid must have fought
others of a higher realm before!

What was even more frightening was that the other party did not seem
afraid of him at all. His eyes were completely filled with fighting and killing
intent. If he were just a little careless, he might even be defeated by this kid
today. However, Jenkins was not worried about this possibility. That was
because the Singer family was located at the dragon ley lines, so he could
tap on their energy and continuously replenish the energy lost his body
lost. Moreover, with the help of the dragon ley lines, Jenkins’ five senses
were more sensitive.

He was invincible!

Philip hovered in the air at this moment, the fiery chimera sword in his hand
exuding waves of fire and killing intent. He said coldly, “Old Man Singer,
you’re destined to die here today. Your Singer family will become history!
I’ll definitely kill you no matter what!”

“Hahaha!” Jenkins roared and said, “Such audacity! The Singer family is not
a pushover. I’ve taught three kings of disciples and am also the honorary
teacher of the Nonagon. If something happens to me, my good disciples
and the Nonagon will not let you off! You should be a good boy and
surrender. On account of your strength, why don’t you recognize me as
your godfather and offer up your source of origins? We can forget
everything that has happened. What do you think?”

Jenkins had the thought of cherishing Philip’s talent. If he could get the
other party’s imprint of the source of origin, he could manipulate Philip at

That way, he could enhance the strength of the Singer family and the
Northern supernatural disciple community. The day when the Singer family
unified the supernatural disciple world of the entire country would be here

Philip snorted and said, “I’m afraid you’re not worthy.”

“You! Very well, you asked for it! Go to hell!” Jenkins said angrily.

He waved his hand at Philip and shouted, “Soaring Dragon!”

A loud roar!

The huge shadow of the green dragon in the sky glared at the tiny Philip in
front before clouds gathered and surged toward Philip. If Philip was hit by
this huge shadow of the green dragon, he would be crippled if not dead.

Some people watching in hiding also cried out in shock. Such terrifying
pressure was really too strong,
That kid was able to fight with Patriarch Singer until now, which was
enough to show that his strength was not ordinary.

Philip frowned and stared at the approaching huge shadow of the green

On the side, Leon also frowned and shouted, “Philip, get out of the way!
This dragon is too powerful! Don’t fight it head-on!”

However, before he finished his words, that figure had rushed forward!

Seeing this, Jenkins sneered sinisterly and said, “Hahaha, such an arrogant
kid. This move isn’t that easy to handle!”

However, before Jenkins finished speaking, the astonishing scene that

happened next left him speechless!

Philip held the fire chimera sword in his hand and attacked the huge
shadow of the green dragon. The sword suddenly expanded several times
in size, and at the same time, a new power of rule attributes suddenly
spread over the blade.

It was the wind attribute! A level 5S wind attribute at that!

Wind and fire merged. In an instant, the hot waves of the fire chimera
sword turned into a huge and ferocious fire dragon, which roared as it
charged at the shadow of the green dragon!


The entire sky was covered with a terrifying energy pressure. The terrifying
power tore the void and formed a spatial rift!

Jenkins also suffered a backlash from this tremendous energy.


The energy pressure carried by the fire dragon sent Jenkins flying to the


Jenkins crashed into the ground, which formed a deep pit. He spat a
mouthful of blood. He watched helplessly as the shadow of the green
dragon in the sky was engulfed by the fire dragon. The next moment, the
upright figure in the sky holding a sword rushed at Jenkins.

With blood at the corners of his mouth, Jenkins roared, “Arrogant boy, you
seek death!”

With this roar, Jenkins formed a connection with the great power of the
underground dragon ley lines.


In an instant, the ground crumbled. Several energy beams soared into the
sky and formed a huge energy barrier that wrapped around Jenkins.

Philip staggered back with a frown as he stared at Jenkins who was

surrounded by dragon energy and energy beams below.

Jenkins was completely shrouded by the huge white dragon energy and
energy beams.

Every inch of his body and cells was filled with dragon energy, full of
intense vitality and regeneration. More terrifyingly, when Jenkins opened
his eyes, they were completely white!

Seeing this, Leon was shocked. Paying no heed to his injuries, he rushed
out, stood with Philip, and said solemnly, “This is bad. That old man is
devouring the energy of the dragon ley lines and has reached the realm of
the king of disciples in the sixth zone! If we don’t stop him, he’s most likely
going to drain the dragon energy here and go berserk!”

At this point, Leon fell silent before he said, “Go ahead and save your
daughter. Leave this to me.”

Philip shook his head and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, with your injuries
now, you can’t beat him. Only I can!”

Hearing that, Leon trembled and said, “No way. You’re the hope of the
Southern supernatural disciple world. I’m old, and my life isn’t worth
anything. But that’s not the case with you. If you die here, everything will be

Philip turned his head, chuckled lightly, and said, “Who says I’m going to
die here?”
As soon as he said that, a lazy drawl came from behind the two of them.
“Whoa, he’s sucking up the dragon energy. Philip, well done for forcing him
into this situation.”

At this moment, Fennel walked over.

Leon turned around. When he saw Fennel, he was startled before he said
excitedly, “Y-You’re still alive?”

Fennel looked at Leon, bowed slightly, and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, it’s
been a long time.”

Leon smiled and said, “I never thought that after such a long time, I could
still meet Mr. Fennel Leigh, the power of kingship who once caused chaos
in the Nonagon and the country.”

Fennel smiled and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, you must be joking. If you
hadn’t helped me in secret back then, I wouldn’t have gotten out of trouble
so easily.”

Leon laughed and said, “You’re too modest, Mr. Leigh. I was just following
the trend of the times. Are you friends with Philip?”

Fennel glanced at Philip and said with a nod, “Yes.”

Leon came to a sudden realization and said in amazement, “No wonder

Philip has such strength and confidence. So, you two are friends.”

Fennel shook his head and said, “No, Villa Master Jefferson, you’ve
misunderstood. These forces aren’t mine but his. I wonder if you’ve heard
of the Clarke family of Arcadia Island.”


Leon felt as if his head had exploded as a lightbulb suddenly flashed!

Clarke family, Arcadia Island?!

Was that not the biggest family in the East?

Even more so, that person from the family had once controlled the
Leon looked at Philip, took several deep breaths, and said under his breath,
“No wonder. So he’s from that family…”

Leon quickly said respectfully, “Philip… No, Young Master Clarke, please
forgive me for not recognizing you.”

Philip looked at Leon and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, you don’t have to do
this. You’re an elder, so I should treat you with the respect of a junior.”

Before Leon could say anything, Philip added, “This isn’t the right time to
discuss other things. Leave this place to Fennel and me. I’d like to ask you
to go to the Nonagon to find out who’s after my daughter!”

Hearing this, Leon hesitated. However, seeing that Fennel was here, he
eventually agreed and said, “Okay, I’ll go to the Nonagon on your behalf.”

“However, the two of you must be careful. Jenkins Singer has absorbed the
power of the dragon ley lines and won’t be that easy to deal with.
Moreover, he also has the support of three kings of disciples. If the Singer
family falls, you’ll face a lot of trouble, Young Master Clarke,” Leon

Philip nodded and said, “It’s just a Singer family. So what if they fall?
Anyone who dares to harm my daughter must be prepared to pay the most
painful price! As for those few kings of disciples, I really want to see who
dares to brandish their claws at the Clarke family!”

With that said, Philip stepped forward with the fire chimera sword in his
hand to meet Jenkins.

Fennel raised his hand, and a red dragon halberd appeared. He looked at
Leon and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, don’t worry. In this world, no one can
oppose the Clarke family, not the Singer family or the Nonagon.”

Then, Fennel stepped forward and stood next to Philip. Together, they
faced Jenkins, who was already full of the energy of the dragon ley lines,

Jenkins’ eyes were completely white, and his body was covered with a layer
of dragon energy, which transformed into power that flowed all over
Jenkins’ body. He clenched his fists, his thick hair fluttering in the wind as
he roared. “Philip Clarke, go to hell!”

He stomped on the ground with his feet, and the huge explosive force left
two deep pits in the ground!

A figure covered by a white beam of light suddenly blasted toward Philip

and Fennel. This overwhelming pressure and the power of rules made
Fennel frown. He said, “Watch out. This old fellow has already stepped into
the peak realm of a king of disciples of the sixth zone!”

Philip’s face darkened as he nodded and said, “Let’s kill him, then!”

With that said, Philip slashed out with the fire chimera sword in his hand
and fought with Jenkins, who was covered by the white dragon energy.


In a flash, the two fought dozens of rounds energy pressure scattered



Jenkins stomped and lunged at Philip with a burst of energy pressure.

Philip frowned and quickly resisted with his sword!


This was a full-blown attack from a king of disciples at the peak of the sixth
zone. Philip flew out, and the strong power of rules that hit his chest
knocked the fire chimera sword away from his hand.


The sword spun around with waves of fire in the air before it plunged into
the ground, causing the ground to crack.

Philip also fell from the sky. Seeing this, Fennel jumped into the air and
attacked Jenkins with his red dragon halberd.

At this moment, Jenkins was very strong indeed. The king of disciples of the
sixth zone was comparable to Reed Williams’ combat power in his heyday!

He was not someone Philip and Fennel could resist on their own.
They only had the strength of the king of disciples of the fifth zone.
Although Fennel had progressed and was likely to reach the realm of king
of disciples of the sixth zone after he entered the door when the time came,
it would still take some time to do so.


In the sky, Fennel fought relentlessly with Jenkins. Dragon roars and
lightning flashes fell endlessly. For a while, the sky was filled with energy
pressure and the power of rules.

Fennel and Jenkins fought tirelessly.

“Hmph!” With a snort, Jenkins looked at Fennel, who was full of injuries in
front of him. He said, “Fennel Leigh, once the king of disciples in the fifth
zone of the Nonagon. I didn’t expect to meet you here today! It seems that
you have a very close relationship with that kid!”

Fennel wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered. “Jenkins
Singer, long time no see. You played a part in my sister’s death back then,
didn’t you?”

Jenkins laughed loudly and said, “You guessed it right. The Singer family
was involved in it, but so what? With your current strength, can you defeat
me? Even if you join forces, you’re not my match!”

After saying that, he raised his hand, and a white ball of light appeared in
his palm. This ball of light continuously absorbed the energy of the dragon
ley lines and the power of rules around them. It slowly grew bigger, and
constantly flickering lightning flashes covered the entirety of it.

Seeing this, Fennel frowned and said coldly, “Jenkins Singer, what do you
want to do?”

Jenkins sneered and said, “We used this method when we attacked your
sister and the others back then. Now, you can also have a taste of your
sister’s despair and pain at that time!”

Hearing this, Fennel’s eyes blazed. Endless and terrifying killing intent
suddenly surged from his body. In that instant, a red dragon mark suddenly
appeared between Fennel’s eyebrows. It slowly extended lines that spread
all over his body, including his arms!
At that moment, a figure full of battle intent had appeared. A vacuum
suddenly appeared around that figure, and fiery energy waves swirled from
the bottom of Fennel’s feet.


A red beam of light soared into the sky. A hellish voice resounded through
the air!

“Damn you!”

Fennel’s body was covered all over with terrifying crimson lines. The red
dragon mark between his eyebrows also grew brighter.

At this moment, Fennel’s aura and realm greatly increased. It seemed as if

he was about to break through to the king of disciples of the sixth zone.

Seeing this, Jenkins frowned with a trace of worry and horror in his eyes.

Fennel Leigh was truly worthy of being the most amazing one in that group
of selected talents back then. He had developed his mark to this extent, and
his utilization of the source of kingship had also reached the pinnacle.
Among the king of disciples, this situation was called unleashing the power.

It was a complete release of the power of the source of kingship in the

body to achieve a state where one’s strength skyrocketed rapidly. This state
signified that the other party was ready to fight to the death.

Unleashing the power of kingship would only be done in a desperate

situation. However, when Fennel heard Jenkins’ words, his anger
overwhelmed him. He only had one thought in his mind, which was to kill
Jenkins Singer and avenge his sister!


Furious, Fennel charged and attacked Jenkins in a streak of red light. The
red dragon halberd in his hand was like a real dragon at the moment with
roars that resounded through the sky. The red glow transformed into a
dragon covered with red scales that soared into the sky. With a low roar, it
opened its jaws and snapped at Jenkins.

Jenkins looked at the approaching Fennel coldly and quickly retreated. He

raised his hand and shot out several energy balls of light at Fennel.
Fennel raised the red dragon halberd in his hand and slashed at the balls of
light while he roared. “Dragon breaks the sky!”


The shadow of the red dragon that was formed by the halberd magnified
infinitely and turned into a red dragon hundreds of meters long. It soared
into the sky, stepped on the clouds, and spewed fire from its mouth.

The sky was filled with fire that burned toward Jenkins!

Jenkins felt an unprecedented crisis and cursed. He retreated hundreds of

feet again, and at the same time, he urged the energy rules in his body and
the underground dragon energy to form a thick earth shield in front of him.


That endless sea of fire was like a torrent from hell that bombarded the
thick earth shield relentlessly. The endless terrifying sea of fire completely
drowned the sky. The raging waves of fire burned through the sky and
rendered the void red. The clouds in the sky were burned to smithereens
too. The scorching fire bombarded the earth shield mercilessly. Some plants
and buildings on the ground went up in flames.

Jenkins struggled to resist the heat as he held the huge earth shield in both
hands. However, the fire was too huge and turbulent. Jenkins resisted for a
while before he was forced back.

The earth shield also gradually turned red, and the heat spread to Jenkins’
arms, which quickly burned red. His skin began to crack and scorch!



The earth shield shattered in the end, and the heat bombarded Jenkins,
engulfing him in a sea of fire. His miserable screams could be heard in the
fire. However, the next moment, a dragon roar soared from the sea of fire
to the sky.

The huge shadow of the green dragon soared into the air and protected
Jenkins in its body. When the fire dissipated, half of the green dragon’s
shadow had been burned.
Standing in the middle of the green dragon’s body, Jenkins was also
scorched black and was in a wretched state. His arms were burnt and
cracked. His charred skin and flesh began to flake.

Huff, huff!

Jenkins panted for breath, his eyes full of biting killing intent.

“Damn you, Fennel Leigh!” Jenkins roared and tapped on the underground
dragon ley lines again.

White streams of energy quickly rose from the ground and replenished the
lost energy in Jenkins’ body while quickly nourishing him and the shadow
of the green dragon. In an instant, all the plants on the ground where
Singer villa was located began to rapidly wither and lose their vitality. It was
caused by the dragon energy being absorbed. Soon, Jenkins recovered to
his state before. The green dragon’s shadow was as good as new as well.

His face was full of sneers, and his eyes were full of killing intent. He stared
at Fennel and roared, “As I said before, I’m invincible here! Fennel Leigh, I’m
going to kill you today so that you can join your sister in hell!”


With a roar, Jenkins attacked Fennel in a stream of light!


In an instant, a dazzling battle broke out, and every blow seemed to pierce
the sky.

“Dragon attacks like a spear!” Fennel muttered, and the red dragon halberd
in his hand suddenly sparkled as it manifested into a dragon.

It stabbed Jenkins’ chest!


This blow cracked the energy armor on Jenkins’ chest. However, in the next
second, he sneered as he raised his hand to grab the tip of the halberd. He
said, “Too slow!”

Then, he shoved Fennel and the halberd away forcefully. They turned into a
stream of light. While Fennel was sent flying, Jenkins threw several punches
at Fennel’s chest!

Bang, biff, thud!

Every punch landed squarely on Fennel’s chest.


Fennel spat several mouthfuls of blood and fell from the air. He was still
half a realm short.

Plus the fact that Jenkins could absorb dragon energy from the
underground ley lines, he could maintain his peak condition the entire time.
However, just as Fennel fell from the sky, a figure jumped into the sky from
a deep pit on the ground. He grabbed Fennel from behind and placed him
firmly on the ground.

Fennel staggered when he landed on the ground, and the red marks all
over his body gradually dimmed. This was due to energy depletion.

He looked up at Philip and said, “He’s very strong…”

Philip nodded, turned to look at Jenkins standing in the air, and said with
killing intent in his eyes, “Leave the rest to me.”

Hearing that, Fennel looked at Philip in surprise and said, “You can’t do it

However, just after saying that, he saw a different aura on Philip. A five-
colored complex mark appeared between Philip’s eyebrows, which rotated
in a circle before it locked into a tricolored mark. A thin fiery chimera could
be seen in the middle of the mark with a blue sea dragon on the left and a
golden shield on the right.

This tricolored mark was narrow and eye-catching, which merged to form a
whole mark that looked very special. At the same time, the tricolored lines
that extended from this mark quickly covered Philip’s face and spread all
over his body.

He was unleashing the power. Philip had actually comprehended this

technique and was unleashing the power of three kingships!
“We won’t know the outcome until we fight,” Philip said indifferently, and
with a wave of his hand, be summoned the red dragon halberd from
Fennel’s hand. He said, “Let me use the halberd!”

With that said, be scared into the sky. With energy pressure as vast as the
ocean, he charged at Jenkins in the sky.

Seeing this approaching figure, Jenkins sneered and said, “Hehe, here, I’m
the king! You can‘t beat me at all! Since you have a death wish, I’ll fulfill
your wish!”

With that said, Jenkins raised his hand to suppress. The green dragon’s
shadow behind his body roared and flew into the sky. With a twist of its
head, it pounced on the approaching figure below. However, Philip was
unperturbed. The red dragon halberd in his hand dazzled brightly and
attacked the roaring dragon head. In an instant, the red dragon halberd
pierced the dragon from its open jaws through to its tail.


The green dragon’s shadow in the sky wailed and shattered into a burst of

Jenkins was shocked. He looked at Philip who had just killed his green
dragon’s shadow in one blow. Biting killing intent flashed in the corner of
his eyes as he shouted, “Damn you!”

After cursing, Jenkins charged toward Philip!


His fist became a huge stone fist and smashed down from the sky.
However, Philip just looked up, raised his left hand, and also threw a punch.
It turned into a huge golden fist.


The fists collided, and a dazzling rule of energy exploded. The sky trembled
and buzzed incessantly. The stone fist quickly crumbled.

Jenkins’ eyes flickered with chills. He quickly retreated and stared coldly at
Philip had unleashed the tricolored power of kingship.

Jenkins scowled. This abominable kid actually possessed three sources of

kingship. It was out of Jenkins’ expectations.

“Hehe, so you have such potential. No wonder Leon Jefferson protects you
so much. In that case, I’ll perform my heavenly duty today and kill you, this
talented genius!”

Jenkins sneered, and the malice in his eyes intensified. Since this talent
could not be taken under his command, he could only kill him. Otherwise, if
Philip remained alive, the future threat to the Singer family would be great.

Philip scoffed and said, “Old Man Singer, I’m the one who’ll kill you today!”

“Hahaha! Let’s see how you can kill me, then!” Jenkins roared and charged
at Philip again.

In an instant, the two of them fought, and the entire sky was filled with
raging energy pressure. Each blow was enough to destroy the world!

The endless power of rules flooded the entire Singer Villa. The inside of
Singer Villa was a wreck.

People fled everywhere!

The guards brought by Philip had already wiped out all the guards of the
Singer family by now. All members of the Singer family were detained and
transported to safety.

Several fighter jets in the sky also flew past and fired bullets and missiles at
Jenkins rapidly.


This scene of modern warfare combined with the fighting scene of Jenkins
and Philip formed a picture of incongruity. On one hand, Jenkins had to
deal with Philip’s killing moves. On the other hand, he had to deal with the
fighter jets in the sky and the battle tanks on the ground.

In an instant, he fell into a passive state.

The red halberd in Philip’s hand sent out red airwaves and rushed in for the
kill again, not giving Jenkins any breathing room at all.
The entire sky was filled with scorching airwaves, blue dragons, and
armored fire chimeras. The red dragon, fire chimera, and sea dragon
confronted the green dragon’s shadow.

Jenkins was not in good shape. His body was deprived as he had almost
used up all the dragon energy in the underground ley lines.

“Old Man Singer, you’ve drained all the dragon energy in the ley lines. Let’s
see how you’re going to fight me in the next round!” Philip sneered, and
the red halberd in his hand threw sparks.

Jenkins panted heavily and urged all the energy in his body. At the same
time, he absorbed the last traces of the dragon energy from the ground
and roared, “Philip boy, if you dare to kill me, you’ll make an enemy out of
the Northern supernatural disciple world and the Nonagon! At that time, no
matter who you are and what power you have behind you, you’ll have to
bear the wrath of the disciples in the north as well as the pursuit of the

“Haha!” Philip sneered and said, “Old Man Singer, you’re simply too proud,
and the same goes for your Singer family. This world doesn’t belong to
your Singer family. The Northern supernatural disciples? Hmph, if they dare
to cause trouble, I’ll dare to completely unify the Southern and Northern
supernatural disciple world. It’ll be a feat that none of you had been able to
accomplish! If the Nonagon dares to come after me, I’ll fight them to the

Hearing that, Jenkins’ face darkened as he said coldly, “What did you say?
An arrogant and ignorant brat like you dares to completely unify the
Southern and Northern supernatural disciples? And you dare to challenge
the Nonagon?”

Simply too audacious!

Philip shrugged nonchalantly. He raised his hand, and the red dragon
halberd dazzled brightly.

“Old Man Singer, today marks your death! In this world, no one can harm
my daughter! Now, I ask you, who planned this?!”

Hearing Philip’s question, Jenkins laughed and said, “Hahaha, what’s the
harm in telling you? Would you dare to challenge him? That person’s name
is Cooper Berry! It was his plan to capture your daughter! Are you afraid
now? He’s the deputy consul of the Nonagon and the current person in
charge! With your strength and forces, you’ll meet a dead-end if you want
to go against the Nonagon!”

Hearing Jenkins’ words, Philip nodded and said with a sneer, “You can go to
hell now!”

Hearing that, Jenkins’ face darkened as he said coldly, “Arrogant brat, let’s
see if you dare to kill me!”

“Why not?”

Philip shouted angrily, and the red dragon halberd in his hand stabbed
Jenkins with waves of heat.

The battle between the two broke out again!

This time, Jenkins fought at the risk of his life because he had sucked the
underground dragon ley lines clean. Philip’s aura intensified as the battle
went on. Jenkins’ face was dark as his sense of foreboding grew stronger.

Philip had found an opportunity to break through in the battle.


Abruptly, Philip’s blow hit the mark. The sea dragon soared into the sky
with raging energy pressure and knocked Jenkins down from the sky. In an
instant, his red dragon halberd had already touched Jenkins’ neck.

Jenkins was covered in blood, and he spat a few mouthfuls of blood. He

stared at Philip coldly and said miserably, “Do you dare to kill me?”

Philip placed the halberd against Jenkins’ neck, piercing his skin and
causing blood to ooze.

“Did you think I wouldn’t dare?” Philip asked coldly, his eyes flashing with
killing intent.

This killing intent stabbed Jenkins’ heart like it was a tangible substance. His
heart jolted. The other party really dared to kill him. Such terrifying killing
intent and a genuine death threat made Jenkins realize things in an instant.

The other party did not seem afraid of the price of killing him at all!
“How dare you?!”

Jenkins Singer was frightened. He was the head of the Singer family but
was defeated at the hands of such a young man.

It was a disgrace! However, he was more afraid of death!

“I’m the head of the Singer family, the leader of the Northern supernatural
disciple world, and the honorary teacher of the Nonagon. Killing me is to
challenge the world!” Jenkins roared, the fierceness on his face betraying
his inner panic.

Philip snorted and said, “When you set your mind on my daughter, you
were already doomed! Jenkins Singer, you asked for it. Don’t blame others!”

After saying that, Philip was about to swing the red dragon halberd in his

Seeing this, Jenkin’s pupils dilated as he roared. “No! You can’t kill me!”

Just when Philip was about to strike, three energy pressures suddenly
appeared in the distance, and they were all aimed at Philip. At the same
time, a lukewarm voice came from the distance. “Young Patriarch Clarke, I
hope you can spare his life.”

Philip frowned and looked up at the three figures that suddenly appeared
not far away.

The person who spoke was a man in his 50s in a gray casual outfit, while
the other one was in his 30s with an angular face. He had a burly figure and
had his arms across his chest, looking like someone not to be trifled with.
The third person was in his 20s, about the same age as Philip, with a gentle
demeanor and a stern face. He looked quite handsome.

With just a glance, Philip could tell that they were all kings of disciples.

The old man was the most powerful, reaching the realm of the king of
disciples in the sixth zone. The remaining two were undoubtedly kings of
disciples in the fifth zone. Among them, that young handsome man seemed
as though he had the strength to break through the realm of the king of
disciples in the sixth zone.

Were these the three kings of disciples taught by Jenkins?

They were truly extraordinary.

“Do you want to stop me?” Philip raised his eyebrows coldly as he looked at
these three people who had appeared.

The old man in the lead with a hunched back, gray hair, and a long beard
stood with his hands behind his back.

He said with a smile, “Young Patriarch Clarke, it’s best to forgive and forget.
Jenkins Singer is the honorary teacher of the Nonagon. Although he did
something wrong, it doesn’t warrant his death. We hope you can spare

“Hahaha!” Philip sneered and said, “So, it’s my daughter’s fault now? Or my
Clarke family?”

Hearing this, the old man’s face darkened as he added, “Young Patriarch
Clarke, we have investigated the matter. Your daughter has been safely
returned. You can see her soon.”

“Hmph!” Philip snorted and said, “Do you think the princess of the Clarke
family can be taken away or returned as you please? Do you think that I,
Philip Clarke, and the Clarke family are pushovers? Today, I’ll kill him no
matter what! If you have the ability, come at me at once!”

An angry shout completely overturned the intention of the three kings of

disciples to reconcile.

The young handsome man looked at Philip and said solemnly, “Let my
father go and I can let you go!”

Hearing this, Philip laughed and said, “So, you’re the eldest young master
of the Singer family.”

“Auric, you’re finally home!” Jenkins was in tears as he looked at Auric

Singer in the distance.

Auric nodded and said, “Father, don’t worry. With me here, no one can
destroy the Singer family!”

Hearing this, Jenkins smiled coldly, turned his head to look at Philip sullenly,
and said, “Kid, I didn’t expect your identity to be quite special. Young
Patriarch Clarke? It tums out that you’re the new young patriarch of the
Clarke family. No wonder you have such power. But so what? This is the
territory of the Singer family. Do you dare to kill me in front of three kings
of disciples?”

Philip frowned, looked down at Jenkins who was full of mocking smiles, and
said, “You’re so annoying!”

With that said, the red dragon halberd fell with hot waves of air!

Jenkins’ smile froze on his face. Until his death, he could not believe that
Philip actually dared to behead him in front of the three kings of disciples!


An object rolled…

When Auric saw this, his eyes blazed as he roared. “How dare you kill my
father? You seek death!”

Philip put away the red dragon halberd indifferently and said, “The Clarke
family is not a pushover. A small Singer family like you dares to work in
cahoots with others. So, will you attack together?”

The old man’s face was dark as he shook his head helplessly. The last thing
he wanted to see had happened. The Northern supernatural disciple world
would be undergoing a drastic change. Following the death of the Singer
family head, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Young Patriarch Clarke, your actions have crossed the line. Even if your
father were here, he would have to weigh the consequences of doing such
a thing. You’re too young and reckless. Not only will your actions bring
immeasurable consequences to the supernatural disciple world in the
country, but they’ll also bring trouble to your Clarke family. Killing an
honorary teacher of the Nonagon is an unforgivable act!” The old man
spoke incessantly but was interrupted by Philip.

He said coldly, “Old man, I think there’s something wrong with your
statement. You see yourself as a victim, but have you ever thought about
my daughter? Based on your words, can I conclude that the Nonagon
conspired with the Singer family to kidnap the young miss of the Clarke
family and set up a plot to kill the young patriarch of the Clarke family?
These could be considered capital crimes. By doing this, can you afford the
consequences for the Singer family and the Nonagon?”

Hearing this, the old man was suddenly speechless. This abominable brat
had such a sharp tongue.

“What? Nothing else to say?” Philip snorted and said, “If you want to attack
me, just go ahead. Don’t beat about the bush. Let’s see how bold the
Nonagon really is to stretch your claws to the Clarke family!”

The old man sighed, reined in his hypocrisy, and said, “In that case, Young
Patriarch Clarke, I’m sorry to say that we’ll have to bring you back and wait
for Deputy Consul Berry to decide.”

Philip snorted as the hot waves of air spread from the red dragon halberd
in his hand. He said, “You can attack together.”

“I’ll kill you to avenge my father!” Auric roared and made the first move!

Then, the old man shook his head and said, “Let’s attack together and not
cause more trouble. This is not a place to stay for long. The people of the
Clarke family will arrive soon.”

The other burly middle-aged man nodded and quickly joined the battle.
However, when the three surrounded Philip, a figure fell from the sky like a
cannonball with raging energy that swept over the area.

“Gentleman, don’t you think you should ask for my permission first before
you touch my young patriarch of the Clarke family?”

This burly figure suddenly fell from the sky with an explosive aura. Just the
chills and killing intent that flowed from his body stopped the three kings
of disciples in their tracks.

The old man frowned with a hint of surprise in his eyes and said, “Tango
Lidds? Why are you here?”

He was no simple character!

Once the leader of the dark division in the Nonagon, he specialized in some
underground activities. He was responsible for protecting the safety of the
Nonagon and the Clarke family. However, after the riot in the Nonagon, the
dark division was reorganized, while Tango followed Roger and left the
Nonagon. Similarly, Tango Lidds was also one of the eight battle gods of
the Clarke family’s Shadow Guards. He was the Lightning Battle God.

He broke through the realm of the king of disciples in the sixth zone more
than ten years ago!

Over the years, Tango had disappeared from the public eye with no news
heard from him. Hence, many people could barely remember this man’s
name. Tango’s sudden appearance here had caused the other three to

Tango Lidds, the Lightning Battle God, was not just a bogus title but one he
had actually obtained from battles.

At this moment, Tango bowed slightly to Philip and said, “Young Patriarch,
I’m here to help you in secret at your father’s command. Let me take care of
the rest.”

Philip looked at Tango and said with a smile, “Uncle Tango, long time no

Tango smiled kindly before he turned to look at the three kings of disciples
on the opposite and said coldly, “I’ll count from ten. Either get lost or die!”

With that said, Tango started counting, “Ten!”



The three trembled.

Auric Singer immediately roared. “Lightning Battle God, I’ve long heard of
your fame, and you certainly live up to it. But do you think you can stop the
three of us on your own?”

Auric was furious. His father’s death could not go unavenged.

However, Tango sneered and continued the countdown emotionlessly,


At this point, the old man immediately went forward and said to Auric,
“Auric, let’s go.”

Aurie looked at the old man in disbelief and asked, “Mr. Fuller, why leave?
With the three of us here, why should we be afraid of him?”

Mr. Fuller said solemnly, “Even if the three of us join forces, we’re probably
not his match! Moreover, I’m worried about other ambushes in the dark.
When the time comes, we’ll be in trouble if we want to leave.”

Then, Mr. Fuller glanced at Tango before he turned to leave.

Auric’s face was full of hatred. He clenched his fists resentfully, stared at
Philip coldly, and shouted, “I’ll definitely kill you with my own hands to
avenge my father!”

After saying this, Auric looked at the wrecked Singer Villa and Jenkins’ body
on the ground. He turned around and left with Mr. Fuller.

After the three left, Tango turned to Philip and said, “Young Patriarch, this
matter is over. I’ll take my leave.”

Philip nodded and said, “Thank you, Uncle Tango.”

Tango smiled, turned around, and left.

As Tango’s appearance had frightened away the three kings of disciples,

Philip was also relieved.

To be honest, if he were to confront the three kings of disciples, it would

probably be suicide. After all, he was not powerful enough. After the big
battle just now, his body was very weak.

Philip took a deep breath, walked over to Fennel, and the two exchanged a

“How are you?” Philip asked.

Fennel shook his head and said, “It’s no big deal. My realm seems to be
breaking through. I need to rest in seclusion for a few days.”

Philip nodded and said, “I feel the same way too.”

After that, Philip ordered Theo and the others to clean up the place before
he and Fennel found a hotel near Beechwood City for their seclusion. The
advancement of the king of disciples was very mysterious.

They needed an opportunity.

When Philip and Fennel went into seclusion, Villa Master Jefferson had
already picked Mila up. As the old man mentioned, when Singer Villa was
destroyed, the Nonagon had arranged for someone to send Mila back.
After all, they really dared not offend the Clarke family, and doing this was
also a test by Cooper Berry. Of course, he had also gotten what he wanted.

At this moment, in the underground research room of the Nonagon,

Cooper was dressed in a navy blue suit and holding a tube of blood in his
hand. He sneered and said, “I finally got my hands on the golden blood!”

After saying that, he handed the tube of blood to a waiting research

professor and said, “Develop Evolution III as soon as possible!”

“Yes, my lord!”

The professor took the tube and left the lab quickly. Seeing that, Cooper
could hardly contain his smile. He muttered under his breath, “The era that
belongs to me is about to come! The Clarke family, the Imperial Preceptor,
and the five pavilions will be trampled under my feet. They’ll have to submit
to me!”


Back in Beechwood City.

In the two days that Philip and Fennel were in seclusion, the news of the
destruction of the Singer family quickly spread throughout Beechwood City.

The Singer family, the behemoth of the Northern supernatural disciple

world and the top affluent family in Beechwood City was destroyed by a
mysterious force in one day. Even the head of the Singer family, Jenkins
Singer was dead without a whole body.

Such news quickly caused a sensation in Beechwood City and the entire
North side.
Everyone was speculating what kind of mysterious power had taken down
the Singer family. After all, they were a family that had ruled the North for
decades but were destroyed overnight. This had caused the other Northern
disciple families and some secular families to be on edge. Some of the rich
and powerful organized private parties, and everyone was discussing this

“Have you heard? The Singer family has been destroyed!”

“I’ve heard about it. Although the Singer family has been a little
domineering over the years, they still represent the North. They were
destroyed just like that. What do you think the background of the other
party is?”

“Definitely not small! I heard that three kingship holders of the Nonagon
wanted to take down the villain but it was to no avail!”

This remark was like a bomb that set off a stormy wave in the North again.
An existence that even the Nonagon was helpless against was terrifying!

For a while, everyone was in danger.

In Terrain Villa, Villa Master Hopper and Villa Master Turner were enjoying

“Hahaha, congratulations, Villa Master Turner. From today, Terrain Villa will
be yours to command!”

Villa Master Hopper laughed flatteringly.

Villa Master Turner was also full of joy and said a little drunkenly, “Hahaha,
you must be joking, Villa Master Hopper. Terrain Villa is inseparable from
you too.”

Cyril Hopper laughed, raised his glass, and took a sip. He said, “Villa Master
Turner, I’m serious. With Jenkins out of the way, his remaining forces will be
subservient to you. In the future, you’ll be the leader of Terrain Villa. All
Northern supernatural disciples will fall under your command. This joyous
event is worth celebrating, indeed!”

The more he listened to these words, the happier Villa Master Turner
became. He laughed and said, “You may be right, but you’ve contributed
your part too. In the future, the Northern supernatural disciple world will
belong to the two of us. There’ll be two top positions in Terrain Villa, and
one of them will naturally be yours.”

Hearing that, Cyril quickly complimented, “Thank you for your support, Villa
Master Turner. I’ll be at your service!”


The sound of laughter echoed throughout the entire Terrain Villa.

After three rounds of toasts, Cyril said, “Villa Master Turner, there have been
many rumors in the outside world recently, describing the force that
overthrew the Singer family to such mysterious extent. I don’t think this is
good for our next plan.”

Hearing this, Villa Master Turner asked, “What do you mean, Villa Master

Cyril said, “According to the news from the open market and underground
forces in the last two days, everyone is on high alert. If we step in at this
time to take over some of the remaining forces, I’m afraid that we might hit
a wall. Moreover, we still don’t know the real purpose of why the other
party destroyed the Singer family. If they’re trying to get their hands on the
entire Northern supernatural disciple world, things will be tricky.”

Hearing this, Villa Master Turner grew solemn. He put down the wine glass
in his hand and waved his hand to dismiss the maids around him.

Then, he said, “You have a point, Villa Master Hopper. We don’t know
enough about the forces that struck this time.”

After a moment of silence, Villa Master Turner asked, “Do you have any

Cyril smiled slightly and said, “I do, but I don’t know if you’ll agree to it.”

Hearing this, Villa Master Turner quickly said, “Do speak your mind, Villa
Master Hopper. ”

Cyril got up and said, “Villa Master Turner, we might as well go straight to
the other party and find out what they want. After all, we shouldn’t be
considered an enemy to them. If the other party isn’t interested in the
North, it’s undoubtedly the best outcome. If they are, then we have to think
about it.”

“First, the fact that the other party can destroy the Singer family in one day
is enough to Show that the other party’s strength is not to be
underestimated. Moreover, according to the rumors outside, even the three
kings of disciples came together but returned without success. It goes to
show that the other party isn’t afraid of the Nonagon.”

“Secondly, if the other party wants to take over the north, we can’t do much
no matter how hard we resist. If they can destroy the Singer family, they can
also easily do that to us and the Terrain Villa.”

“Maybe the Singer family is just a warning from the other party. To capture
the army, they must first capture the general. Destroying the Singer family
is the same as catching the North by the throat.”

Hearing this, Villa Master Turner paced back and forth, his face a little ugly.
He asked, “What’s your plan, then?”

Cyril smiled and said, “Let’s explore the truth first. If the other party really
wants to get a piece of the North, we only have one way out, and that’s to
be their spokesperson. In this way, we can continue to rule the North
without offending them.”

“Be a slave?” the corners of Villa Master Turner’s eyes twitched.

Cyril shook his head and said, “Villa Master Turner, although it sounds bad,
you have to understand that in the face of great power, everything is futile.
Moreover, by doing so, we’ll also avoid unnecessary trouble from the
Northern supernatural disciple families. At the same time, we can use that
force to rapidly expand the Northern supernatural disciple world. We’ll be
killing three birds with one stone!”

Villa Master Turner fell silent. After a while, he shook his head and said with
a sigh, “I guess it’s the only way. Villa Master Hopper, I’ll leave everything to

Cyril smiled and said, “Villa Master Turner, don’t worry I’ll take care of
Back to Philip and Fennel. At this time, they had left seclusion and were
chatting in the room.

“So, how do you feel?” Philip asked with a smile.

Fennel took a sip of wine and said, “Not bad, I finally took that step
forward. Next, I need to go to the Nonagon to take some things back.”

Philip nodded and asked, “What things?”

Fennel smiled and said, “Some things I once lost.”

Philip pursed his lips and did not ask further but said instead, “Let me know
if you need my help.”

Fennel smiled and said, “Sure.”

At this moment, a servant walked over and said with a bow, “Mr. Clarke, Mr.
Leon Jefferson is here to see you.”

Philip quickly got up and said, “Let him in.”

Soon, Leon walked in with Mila.

Little Mila had been frightened out of her wits in the past few days. At the
sight of Philip, she immediately ran and jumped into his arms while sobbing
loudly, “Dad, boo-hoo, I thought I’d never see you again.”

Philip hugged Mila, bopped her nose, and said, “Silly girl. I’m here, aren’t I?
So, are you injured anywhere?”

Mila rubbed her big teary eyes, pursed her lips, and sobbed. “No…”

Philip felt his heart aching. After finally comforting Mila, he got someone to
bring Mila out before he said to Leon, “Villa Master Jefferson, thank you
very much.”

Leon immediately replied, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you don’t have to do

this. It’s just a small matter.”

After the pleasantries, Leon sat down and said to Philip, “Young Patriarch
Clarke, what do you plan to do next?”
Philip shrugged and said, “I’m here to save my daughter. I don’t have any
other plans. Do you have anything in mind?”

Leon smiled and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you promised me earlier that
you would participate in the Disciple Competition, which will start in five
days. I’d like to confirm if you’ll be attending it.”

Hearing that, Philip nodded and said, “Since it’s your request, of course, I’ll
agree. But the Singer family has been destroyed. Will this competition go
on as usual?”

Hearing this, Leon breathed a sigh of relief before he said, “The Disciple
Competition won’t be affected by external factors. The incident with the
Singer family has caused a storm in the North, and many families are
speculating about Young Patriarch Clarke and Mr. Leigh. With this
opportunity, the two of you can also make a name for yourselves in the
North. When the time finally comes for the North and South to combine
forces, it’ll also fulfill Grant’s last wish.”

Philip glanced sideways at Fennel and asked, “Do you want to participate

Fennel shrugged and said, “I’m fine either way.”

Hearing this, Leon was very happy and quickly said, “If the two of you can
represent the Southern supernatural disciple world to participate in the
Disciple Competition, we should be able to achieve a good result this time.”

Leon was very excited.

For many years, the Southern disciples had been crushed by the North and
could never hold their heads up. This time, if these two represented the
South, they would surely grab the limelight!

The disciples of the Southern supernatural world could also hold their
heads high for once.

Philip said mildly, “In that case, we’ll trouble you to make preparations for
the upcoming competition.”

Leon quickly nodded and said, “It’s my pleasure.”

After that, Leon stood up suddenly, bent down at a 90-degree angle, and
said to Philip and Fennel, “On behalf of the entire Southern supernatural
disciple world, I’d like to express my gratitude to Young Patriarch Clarke
and Mr. Leigh!”

Seeing this, Philip and Fennel quickly got up, helped Leon up, and said,
“You don’t have to do this, Villa Master Jefferson.”

The three continued to chat for a while when suddenly, a subordinate

walked in and said, “Mr. Clarke, a man by the name of Cyril Hopper is
downstairs and asking to see you.”

“Cyril Hopper?”

When he heard the name, Leon was startled before he frowned.

Seeing this, Philip asked, “Villa Master Jefferson, do you know who’s Cyril

Leon nodded and said with a dark face, “Young Patriarch Clarke, he’s not an
ordinary person. He’s one of the three masters of Terrain Villa and also the
head of the Hopper family in Beechwood City. He has an influence only
second to the Singer family here. Moreover, this person has a deep and
scheming mind. He has a vicious and ruthless character. He’s a hypocrite
who hides a dagger behind his smile.”

While saying that, Leon clenched his fist as he recalled a past event that
made him angry.

Hearing that, Philip thought for a while and asked, “What do you think his
sudden visit is for?”

Leon frowned and replied after a moment of silence, “If I‘m not mistaken, it
should be for the Singer family and Terrain Villa. This person has a
scheming mind, and I think he’s here to explore the truth. The Northern
supernatural disciple world wanting to take over the south isn’t a recent
matter. The destruction of the Singer family has helped Terrain Villa to a
certain extent.”

“What do you mean?” Philip asked, puzzled.

Leon replied, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you may not be aware that the
Northern supernatural disciple world is not as harmonious as it seems on
the surface. They’ve been fighting openly and covertly for many years too.
When Jenkins Singer was still around, although he was only the second
person in charge, he often suppressed Villa Master Turner of Terrain Villa to
the extent he dared not speak up. Over the years, Villa Master Turner bore a
grudge against Jenkins and the Singer family. However, the Singer family
was too strong, and Villa Master Turner was helpless.”

“This time, by taking action and destroying the Singer family, you’ve helped
Villa Master Turner eliminate a hidden enemy. I’m sure Cyril Hopper is here
to find out about your next actions so that he can plan his next steps.”

Philip nodded, thought for a while, and said to his subordinate, “Let him
come up and wait for me in the side hall.”

After that, Philip looked at Leon and asked, “Do you want to come along?”

Hearing this, Leon smiled and said, “What’s your intention?”

“Hahaha…” Philip laughed and said, “Of course, it’s to see how the other
party will put on his act.”

After that, they got up and walked to the side hall.

Cyril Hopper was waiting in the side hall at this moment. It had been ten

A subordinate next to Cyril said in a grim tone, “Patriarch, the other party is
too arrogant and rude. How dare they make us wait so long?”

Cyril stood with his hands behind his back. He frowned and reprimanded
softly, “Presumptuous! This is not the Hopper family. Don’t talk nonsense
and wait there quietly.”

The subordinate was startled, lowered his head, and replied, “Yes.”

Thus, they waited for another ten minutes before the door of the side hall
opened slowly.

A hearty voice was heard. “Patriarch Hopper, I’m sorry to have kept you
With that said, Philip, Fennel, and Leon walked into the side hall.

Cyril turned around and saw the three people. With a smile, he bowed
slightly and said, “I’m Cyril Hopper, the head of the Hopper family and the
third master of Terrain Villa.”

“Philip Clarke,” Philip said with a smile.

Cyril quickly said, “Mr. Clarke, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Philip waved his hand, sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and asked with a
smile, “What’s the purpose of your sudden visit?”

Cyril smiled and was just about to speak when he suddenly noticed Leon
standing on the side. His face darkened as he asked in puzzlement, “Leon
Jefferson, why are you here?”

Instantly, many thoughts crossed Cyril’s mind.

Did Leon share the same thought and contacted Mr. Clarke to help him
take care of the Northern supernatural disciple world?

If that was the case, things would be tricky. Once Leon was in power, the
Southern supernatural disciple world would surely step on the North and
rise to the top. If that really happened, the Northern disciples would be in

Leon smiled and said, “Villa Master Hopper, it’s been a while.”

Cyril smiled with a hint of chill hidden in his smile and said, “Villa Master
Jefferson, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I didn’t expect you to come
here a step faster than me.”

Leon smiled and said, “Villa Master Hopper, you’ve misunderstood.”

“Misunderstood?” Cyril was puzzled and looked at Philip.

Philip smiled and said, “It’s a misunderstanding, indeed. Villa Master

Jefferson is an old acquaintance of mine.”

‘Old acquaintance?’ Cyril was startled.

Seeing that, Philip smiled and said, “Villa Master Hopper, please speak your
Cyril thought for a while, squeezed out a smile, and said, “Mr. Clarke, I’m
here to confirm something. Is the Singer family incident related to you?”

Philip glanced sideways at Cyril and said, “You must have your ability to
find your way here, so why bother asking?”

Cyril grinned and said, “Mr. Clarke, I was just being cautious. I don’t have
other intentions. Now that you’ve mentioned it, may I know if you have any
thoughts about the Northern supernatural disciple world?”

Philip smiled indifferently and said, “Villa Master Hopper, you’re really

“Excuse me, Mr. Clarke. I’m here today to represent the Northern
supernatural disciple world and Terrain Villa to invite you to be the
honorary master of Terrain Villa so that we can work together to conquer
the world.”

After Cyril finished speaking, he could hardly contain his smile. His remark
was very meaningful.

Inviting Philip to be the honorary master of Terrain Villa was equivalent to

tying Philip to the Northern supematural disciple world. Cyril Hopper was a
deep schemer, indeed.

Philip sipped his tea silently before he said, “Villa Master Hopper, what if I
want to take over the entire North? How will you and Villa Master Turner
deal with me, then?”

Hearing this, Cyril was taken aback before sweat rolled down his forehead.
He did not expect this young Mr. Clarke to exert such strong mental
pressure on others. Just one sentence and one look made Cyril feel a little
at a loss as if he was facing a huge character. After all, Cyril was the head of
the Hopper family in Beechwood City and one of the masters of Terrain
Villa. He had seen everything and everyone, but facing Philip at this
moment, he was flustered.

Mr. Clarke was too strong!

Although it was a simple sentence, the meaning was too domineering.

This person could destroy the top Singer family in Beechwood City with a
lift of his finger and make the three kings of disciples of the Nonagon back
down without a fight. It was enough to see that the power behind him was
not simple!

In this world, which other family had such power?

Cyril sweated more profusely, but he dared not wipe it off.

Seeing this, Philip sipped his tea and said, “Villa Master Hopper, why aren’t
you saying something? Is it really that difficult to answer my question?”

Cyril chuckled and said, “Mr. Clarke, please don’t joke with me. You’re the
sky of Beechwood City now, someone who can destroy the Singer family
with a lift of your finger. The entire Beechwood City has witnessed your
strength. Your remark has frightened me.”

“Hahaha!” Philip laughed and said, “Villa Master Hopper, I wasn’t joking
with you. It was fine if you hadn’t mentioned it, but now that you have, I
suddenly have some ideas about the Northern supernatural disciple world.”

Hearing this, Cyril was taken aback and could hardly wait to slap himself.

Was it because of his question that Mr. Clarke had some ideas?

Cyril was furious with himself and quickly said, “Mr. Clarke, if you really have
any ideas about the Northern supernatural disciple world, the Hopper
family will definitely be the first to support you. This time, I’m also here on
behalf of Villa Master Turner to have a good discussion with you. If you
don’t mind, Terrain Villa can join under your command and serve you.”

With that said, Cyril squeezed out a smile. His attitude was very flattering.

As soon as he finished speaking, Leon laughed and said, “Cyril Hopper, if I

remember correctly, you also submitted to the Northern supernatural
disciple world and Terrain Villa exactly like this back then.”

With that said, the atmosphere in the entire side hall went cold!

Cyril was startled before he glared at Leon and said, “Villa Master Jefferson,
what do you mean? I don’t understand a word.”

After saying this, Cyril’s face became very dark.

Leon laughed and said, “Your memory is really poor, Villa Master Hopper.
Have you forgotten your roots after becoming the head of the Hopper
family in Beechwood City? You were one of the top five talents in the South
back then. However, no one expected our talent to break his vow and
betray the Southern supernatural disciple world for the sake of his future!
You even blatantly suppressed the smaller disciple families for the position
of villa master. Every action of yours has been recorded by our intelligence.”


As soon as Leon finished speaking, Cyril clenched his fists, smashed the
armrest of his chair, pointed at Leon, and shouted, “Old Man Leon, stop
accusing me! I never did any of those things you mentioned! This is

After that, he added, “Now I understand. Since Mr. Clarke is here, you want
to undermine the cooperation between us. I’m guessing that you’re trying
to frame me, right?”

Leon chuckled and said, “Cyril, you’re really shameless. Are you going to
deny everything now?”

Cyril waved his hand, turned his head, and said, “Of course! Everything you
said is bullsh*t!”

Leon snorted and did not argue with Cyril. He turned to Philip and said,
“Mr. Clarke, I think you should think twice about Cyril’s proposal.”

Cyril quickly said, “Mr. Clarke, don’t listen to his crap. The Hopper family is
innocent and upright; This time, we want to cooperate with you in good
faith. The Hopper family and Terrain Villa can submit under your command.

Cyril wanted to continue, but Philip interrupted him with a wave of his hand
and said, “Villa Master Hopper, I’m not interested in what you’ve said. I can
take over the entire Northern supernatural disciple world on my own. Why
do I need you?”

Hearing this, Cyril was dumbfounded, and cold sweat dripped from his

What did Mr. Clarke mean?

After thinking about it, Cyril quickly explained, “Mr. Clarke, the forces of the
Northern supernatural disciple world are intricate and complicated. With us
here, we can help you control them as soon as possible. Moreover, we can
also do many things for you.”

Philip nodded and said, “You’re right, but I don’t have a good impression of
you. Moreover, the enmity between the disciples of the North and the
South has gone on for too long. I think the North and the South should be
united. We need to shift the target to outside the country.”

Hearing this, Cyril’s face changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched
slightly. He said, “Mr. Clarke, your idea is very good, but it’s not an easy task
to integrate the disciples of the North and the South. Back then, Grant
Lovelace paid a great price in an attempt to do that, but he failed. The
interests and forces involved in this can’t be explained clearly in a few
words. Mr. Clarke, I’m here today in good faith. I hope you can consider this
matter carefully.”

Philip snorted and said, “Are you saying that if I want to merge the disciples
from the North and the South, it’ll affect many people’s interests?”

Cyril smiled lightly and said, “Mr. Clarke, a merger is not just empty talk.
Even the Nonagon, the organization that controls all the disciples in the
country, dare not lightly merge the disciples from the North and the South.
So, Mr. Clarke, you have to think about it carefully. There is not only the
Singer family in the North. If the other families here stand together, even if
you have the ability and power to reach the sky, you might not be able to
go against them.”

Hearing this, Philip finally understood. Cyril was trying to intimidate him.

Hearing that, Philip said, “Since you say so, I have an idea. Tonight, let’s
invite all the disciple families to the largest hotel in Beechwood City.”

Invite all disciple families in Beechwood City?

Hearing this, Cyril’s face grew dark. What was Mr. Clarke trying to do?

Was this a trap to get them in one fell swoop?

“Mr. Clarke, your purpose is…” Cyril squeezed a smile and asked.
Philip looked at Cyril and said, “Villa Master Hopper, I don’t think I need to
tell you that.”

“This…” Cyril was speechless and wondered if he had offended Philip in any
way. Otherwise, why would Philip make things difficult for him?

Was it because of Leon Jefferson?

Thinking of this, Cyril looked at Leon, his eyes stern and sullen.

“Mr. Clarke, if I’ve offended you before, please forgive me. I’m here today
with great sincerity to invite you to become an honorary master of Terrain
Villa and to discuss with us how to govern the Northern supernatural
disciple world. Villa Master Turner has set up a banquet in Terrain Villa. We
hope you can go over.” Cyril quickly said flatteringly.

However, Philip shook his head, put down the teacup, and said, “Didn’t you
hear me? I want to hold a banquet tonight and invite all disciple families. If
the master of Terrain Villa wants to talk to me in detail, he’s welcome to
attend. Whatever it is, we can discuss it together.”

Hearing this, Cyril’s face was very ugly. Philip was not giving face to them at
all. It would be a great lnuniliation for the masters of Terrain Villa to sit with
the heads of the disciple families!

However, in this current situation, he dared not say anything.

Finally, he said to Philip, “I’ll go back and inform Villa Master Turner about
this. Mr. Clarke, I shall take my leave.”

With that said, Cyril turned and left.

In the side hall, Philip looked at Cyril’s departing back before he said to
Leon, “Villa Master Jefferson, you need to attend the banquet tonight too.”

Leon could not figure out Philip’s intention for doing this, so he asked,
“Young Patriarch Clarke, why are you doing this? It won’t be good for you if
you cause a conflict at the banquet. The supernatural disciple world in the
North, and even the South, are complex forces. As Cyril said, if you want to
unify the North and the South, you have to pay a great price. Moreover, this
will involve the interests of certain people and extraordinary forces. In that
case, the disadvantages will outweigh the benefits for you.”
Philip nodded. He naturally understood Leon’s meaning. He said, “Villa
Master Jefferson, sometimes, if we want to do something, we must be
determined to carry it out. If we worry about every minor detail, nothing
will ever get done. Regarding what Grant Lovelace failed to accomplish
back then, I want to try on his behalf.”

Speaking of this, Wynn’s face flashed across Philip’s mind. He wondered

how she was doing in the Lovelace family now.

Was she bullied by anyone?

‘Wynnie, wait for me. I’ll help you find the memory chip! As for those
people in the Lovelace family, I won’t let any of them off!’

With that thought, Philip got up, glanced at Leon who looked worried, and
said with a smile, “Villa Master Jefferson, don’t worry too much. Let’s take
one step at a time. It’s just a banquet. Nothing will happen.”

Hearing this, Leon nodded and said with a hearty laugh, “Okay! Since you
want to do this, I’ll do it with you! I really think too much sometimes!”

Philip smiled and stepped out of the side hall to accompany Mila.

Cyril’s face was still dark after he left the hotel and got into his car. He
punched the car seat in anger and bellowed coldly at the driver, “Return to
the villa!”

After saying this, he frowned again. Then, he took out his mobile phone
and dialed a number.

When the call was connected, Cyril squeezed out a smile and said, “Lord
Supreme, things have exceeded our expectations. The other party seems
unwilling to cooperate with us.”

On the other end of the phone, inside a hidden manor, an old man was
practicing martial arts. He was none other than the former supreme who
was asked to retire, Sade Jagger.

At this moment, he said mildly, “Cyril, for certain things, you can just decide
without reporting to me. If the other party isn’t willing to cooperate with us,
just find one who’s willing. This world is not lacking in talents.”
Hearing that, Cyril quickly said, “Lord Supreme, the other party’s
background is a little tricky. He destroyed the Singer family with his
strength alone and also resisted three kings of disciples of the Nonagon.
Should we inquire about the other party’s background first?”

Sade frowned as a hint of chill appeared on his face. He asked, “What’s his

“I’m not sure. I only know that his last name is Clarke,” Cyril replied.

“Clarke?” Sade was startled.

The chill in his eyes became more intense as he said with a sneer, “Hehe, I
know who it is. I didn’t expect that he’d accidentally join this game by
mistake. It’s a little interesting.”

Cyril was puzzled by this remark. He asked, “Lord Supreme, do you know
Mr. Clarke?”

Sade said, “More than that, we’ve crossed paths with each other. ”

“Okay, Cyril, listen. Stand by and watch the situation first. I’ll get Monty
Simmons to help you. Just follow his instructions.”

“Okay, I understand,” Cyril quickly replied before he ended the call.


With a sigh of relief, Cyril’s car also headed toward Terrain Villa at top

Back to Sade Jagger.

He said coldly to the serious Monty behind him, “You need to go to

Beechwood City. Philip Clarke has destroyed the Singer family, and he’ll be
holding a banquet for the disciple families there tonight. It seems like he
wants to get his hands on the supernatural disciple world. Remember,
watch everything carefully before you act. Don’t alert the enemy.”

“Yes, Lord Supreme!” Monty replied, turned around, and left the manor.

Sade stood with his hands behind his back and looked up at the blue sky
and white clouds. With a sneer, he said, “Philip boy, I didn‘t expect to run
into you here. Let’s see what you can do to take over the entire Northern
supernatural disciple world.”


At Terrain Villa.

After Villa Master Turner listened to Cyril, he was furious and smashed
many things!

“What? He rejected our terms? And he wants to hold a banquet for the
disciple families? What is he trying to do? Seize power directly?”

Villa Master Turner shouted angrily, his face very ugly. He never expected
that the other party would turn him down.

Did he really think that without the Singer family, he could be fearless and
dominate the North?

If it was forced into a corner, even a rabbit would bite!

“Villa Master Turner, calm down. Since the other party wants to invite all the
disciple families, we should attend and see what this Mr. Clarke wants to
do,” Cyril said with a smile.

Villa Master Turner snorted and said, “That arrogant brat! He’s hitting the
Terrain Villa in the face! I’m the master of Terrain Villa, and I represent the
entire Northern supernatural disciple world. If I lower myself to attend his
banquet, wouldn‘t it be a joke?”

Of course, Cyril understood Villa Master Turner’s concerns, but the facts
were right in front of him. If they did not attend, they would offend Mr.
Clarke, and the consequences would be equally unimaginable.

This banquet was actually a test!

Whoever refused to bow down would be remembered by the other party!

“Villa Master Turner, take it easy. The current situation is no longer under
our control. The other party must have the confidence to issue such an
invitation. If we refuse to attend at this time, the other party will definitely
take notice of us. Later, we might even suffer some repercussions that we
don’t want to see happen. So, we still have to go,” Cyril said.
Villa Master Turner’s face was sullen as he clenched his fists bitterly and
said, “Did you say just now that Leon Jefferson had met Mr. Clarke one step
ahead of you?”

Cyril quickly replied, “Yes. When I arrived, Leon was already there. From
what Mr. Clarke said, he and Leon are old acquaintances.”

‘Old acquaintances?’

This made Villa Master Turner frown. In that case, it was not impossible for
Philip to side with Leon.

“Then do you think Mr. Clarke will really make the decision to unify the
Northern supernatural disciple world for Leon’s sake?” Villa Master Turner

Cyril shook his head and said, “I’m not sure about this. But I do know that it
won’t be that easy for Mr. Clarke to unify the North and South supernatural
disciple world. Many disciple families will attend the banquet tonight. At
that time, if he insists on doing so, we can also step in and make him an
enemy of the entire Northern disciple world. At that time, no matter how
strong he is, I’m afraid that he’ll be overwhelmed.”

Villa Master Turner nodded and felt that Cyril had a point. After thinking
about it, he sighed and said, “In that case, let’s attend it. However, before
that, I want to talk to the heads of the disciple families first.”

Cyril smiled and said, “Villa Master Turner, I shared the same thought as
you, so I contacted them on my way back. I think they should be here

Sure enough, as soon as Cyril finished speaking, the servants outside the
door walked in and said with a bow, “Villa Master Turner, Villa Master
Hopper, the heads of the disciple families, all 103 of them, have arrived.”

Cyril nodded and said, “Okay, let them wait in the side hall. I’ll be there with
Villa Master Turner right away.”


The servant left.

Cyril looked at Villa Master Turner and said, “Villa Master Turner, this is our
plan later…”

Very soon, Cyril and Villa Master Turner arrived in the side hall of Terrain
Villa. This side hall was big enough to accommodate a thousand people.

At this moment, the heads of various disciple families in Beechwood City

had gathered here and were discussing something enthusiastically.

“Say, what should we do? I think the banquet invitation tonight from Mr.
Clarke is a trap!”

“But of course! He’s trying to take advantage of the aftermath of destroying

the Singer family to intimidate us!”

“Hmph! This young brat thinks he can control the entire Northern
supernatural disciple community just by destroying the Singer family?”

Hearing everyone’s words of dissatisfaction, Villa Master Turner smiled. This

was what the Northern families should look like.

“Everyone, excuse me for asking all of you to gather here on such short

Villa Master Turner walked into the side hall at this moment and said his

Seeing Villa Master Turner walk in at this moment, more than a hundred
heads of the disciple families stood up and said with a smile, “Villa Master

Villa Master Turner waved his hand, signaling everyone to sit down. He said,
“Everyone, please take a seat.”

When everyone took their seats, they turned their attention to Villa Master
Turner and started asking questions.

“Villa Master Turner, you’re the leader of our Northern supernatural disciple
community. Now, that young brat wants to invade the North. You can’t just
sit back and watch!”
“That’s right, Villa Master Turner! The Northern supernatural disciple
community must stand united. We can’t let the Southern barbarians get
their hands on this place!”

“Yes, Villa Master Turner, as long as you say a word, we’ll listen to you!”

Seeing everyone’s excitement, Villa Master Turner smiled and said,

“Everyone, don’t be anxious. Listen to me…”

“This time, the banquet that Mr. Clarke has invited us to attend may be a
trap, but we don’t know anything at this moment. We have no idea what
the other party wants to do. But I do know that I stand with you! on behalf
of Terrain Villa, I , Ernest Turner, will stand together with the Northern
supernatural disciple community!”

“All of us will attend the banquet tonight, and we shall listen to what Mr.
Clarke has to say. However, if Mr. Clarke makes any excessive demands, I
believe everyone should know what to do. We’re not doing this for our own
interests. We’re doing it for the entire North!”

After saying this, Ernest Turner glanced at everyone indifferently.

The group of people quickly said, “Villa Master Turner is right. Let’s hold
our ground and see what the other party is up to. At worst, we shall riot

“That’s right! No matter how powerful he is, if he dares to go against so

many of our families, I’m afraid he won’t fare well either.”

“Villa Master Turner, I heard that Leon Jefferson of Cherry Villa has already
met with that Mr. Clarke. Is Leon behind all this?” Someone suddenly asked.

Ernest smiled and said, “I’m not sure about this, but Villa Master Hopper
witnessed the good relationship between Mr. Clarke and Leon, so tonight’s
banquet is not that simple. I hope that when the time comes, everyone will
put up a united front and defend the dignity of our North together!”

“Defend our Northern dignity!”

“Defend our Northern dignity!”

For a while, everyone was excited. More than one hundred heads of the
Northern disciple families responded to Ernest’s call.
Looking at this scene, Ernest could hardly contain his smile.

“Villa Master Hopper, your idea is as good as always. I’m afraid Mr. Clarke
will return without success after tonight’s banquet,” Ernest said.

Cyril smiled and said, “Villa Master Turner, the North will definitely belong
to Terrain Villa. ”

In the evening, dozens of tables were set up in the largest hotel in

Beechwood City for a banquet. The grand scale was definitely a banquet of
the highest standard in the history of Beechwood City. That was because
the attendees were all the heads of distinguished disciple families in
Beechwood City and other Northern urban areas.

Together, these people were enough to shake the entire North!

Tonight, Beechwood City was about to attract attention and become a topic
of discussion for everyone!

At eight o’clock in the evening, the largest and most luxurious hall of the
Tannes Hotel was filled to its capacity. It was full of prominent figures in
Beechwood City and other areas. If the financial resources and the strength
behind them were combined, it would be enough to shake the entire
Beechwood City and subvert the northern economy as well as those
prominent families.

Tonight, Tannes Hotel was brightly lit and brilliant. Many reporters and
media gathered outside the hotel. They received news that a super grand
banquet with the top families in attendance would be held here tonight.
They did not believe it at first, but when they arrived and saw the endless
stream of bigwigs entering the hotel, everyone shuddered.

The dignitaries of the North had all arrived, and they were giants.

In a flash, the entire Tannes Hotel was packed. However, the security guards
controlled the scene very well.

The owner of Tannes Hotel was also there in person to preside over
tonight’s banquet. He had no choice. The attendees tonight were all big
shots. Every single one of them had the power to make Tannes Hotel
disappear from Beechwood City overnight. Moreover, for Mr. Clarke to
entertain all the prominent families in Beechwood City with such assurance
showed that the power behind him was even more unfathomable.

The main point was that everyone showed up!

At this moment, in the most luxurious hall of the hotel, hundreds of people
from Beechwood City and other areas were seated and discussing
something in low voices.

“Villa Master Hopper of Terrain Villa has arrived!” The host at the door
shouted loudly.

At once, the heads of those families seated in the hall got up and bowed
toward the figures walking in at the door.

Cyril Hopper was dressed in a black suit and walked in briskly. Four
bodyguards in black suits followed closely behind him, each with
extraordinary skills.

Cyril smiled at the heads of the families and said, “Hello everyone, please
have a seat.”

With that said, Cyril followed the host to his seat. It was the table right at
the front of the entire hall.

Cyril took his seat as a hint of a smile flashed in his eye. It seemed that Mr.
Clarke understood the rules well enough not to mess up their positions and

After a while, the host at the door shouted loudly, “Villa Master Turner of
Terrain Villa has arrived!”

With this announcement, all the heads of the families stood up in greeting
again. Cyril also stood up quickly and looked at the door with a smile on his

Ernest Turner walked into the hall in a blue-gray suit with his hands behind
his back. There was a serious look on his angular face, and he had a calm

“Everyone, thank you very much.” Ernest greeted everyone, walked to the
front table, and sat next to Cyril.
“Villa Master Turner.”

Everyone greeted and sat down upon Ernest’s signal.

Creak! Bang!

Soon, the huge golden doors of this hall were closed from the outside. For
a while, the heads of the prominent families were a little confused.

Ernest frowned but did not betray any other emotions. He turned to Cyril
and asked in a low voice, “What’s going on?”

Cyril shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, Villa Master Turner. With such a
big banquet and so many reporters outside, I don’t think Mr. Clarke would
dare to do anything. It’s probably a closed-door banquet.”

Hearing that, Ernest nodded and made no further comment. However, it

was different for the other heads of families.

Everyone started discussing.

“What’s going on? Why did they close the door? Is this a trap?”

“This is outrageous! How dare they do this in the North? Do they have any
respect for the families at all?”

“Hmph! I want to see what Mr. Clarke is going to do tonight!”

The discussions grew louder, but Ernest and Cyril chose to watch in silence.

The clamor was good. At least, it would intimidate Mr. Clarke and let him
know that the North was not that easy to take over!

After waiting for ten minutes, Philip and the others still did not make an
appearance. The heads of the families in the hall grew anxious.

What the hell? He invited them here, but he was late himself?

The main point was that the door was locked and this made the heads of
families a little flustered. Such flustered emotions slowly spread from a few
people to the entire hall.

“Damn it! What the hell? We’ve waited for 20 minutes. Why is Mr. Clarke
not here yet?!”
“That’s right? Is he doing this on purpose?!”

“Damn it! The disciple families of the North are not push overs! Why are we
still sitting here and tolerating this?!”

Ernest and Cyril noticed the rising emotions in the hall but remained
unperturbed. It was better if they caused a fuss. That way, they would have
a better say.

As the clamor grew louder and emotions heated up, Philip, Fennel, and
Leon were sipping tea and chatting in the side hall.

At this moment, a subordinate walked in and said anxiously, “Young

Patriarch, the hall is in a mess right now. All the heads of the families are
shouting and demanding to see you. If you still don’t make an appearance,
I’m afraid they’ll leave.”

Philip chuckled and said, “It’s no rush. Let them shout. We’ll be there in a

However, Leon got up and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, wait no longer.
You may not be afraid, but it won’t be good if the fuss continues. Let’s go
over there quickly.”

Philip thought about it, got up, and said, “Okay.”

With that said, Philip left the side hall first and walked toward the main hall.

At this moment, the main hall was very noisy.

“Mr. Clarke has arrived!”

A loud announcement resounded throughout the hall, causing the noisy

voices and emotions in the hall to slowly calm down. All the heads of the
families looked in the direction of the door at this moment.

A very young man stood there. He was tall and upright. He was handsome
in appearance and his hands in his trouser pockets as he looked at the
crowd indifferently.

Was this the Mr. Clarke who destroyed the Singer family in one day?

He was too young!

Immediately, someone questioned, “Are you Mr. Clarke? You must be an
imposter. How could you be so young? Tell the real Mr. Clarke to come

After someone took the lead, others immediately followed suit and
shouted, “Yes, tell the real Mr. Clarke to come out quickly!”

For a while, the heads of dozens of families echoed.

Philip raised his eyebrows, looked at the head of the family who was the
first to speak up, and asked lightly, “Do you doubt my identity?”

The head of the family who took the lead saw Philip‘s icy eyes at this
moment and trembled. He suppressed the panic in his heart and said, “Y-
Yes. Why should we believe that you’re Mr. Clarke just because you said so?
None of us have seen Mr. Clarke before. What if you’re an impostor?
Besides, would Mr. Clarke be a young kid like you? Let the real Mr. Clarke
come out. The heads of the families in Beechwood City are not that easy to

After the man finished speaking, the other heads of families also echoed.

“That’s right! Tell Mr. Clarke to come out. Since we were invited here, why
bother to hide?”

“Does Mr. Clarke look down on us and want to intimidate us? In that case,
why should he find such a young kid to take his place?”

“Hmph, if Mr. Clarke refuses to see us, why bother with this banquet? Let’s

After saying that, a few people took the lead and turned around to leave.
However, when they reached the door, several fully armed guards there
showed no signs of opening the door at all.

“Why are you standing there? Open the door!”

A family head in his 40s with a hooked nose, also the one who took the
lead earlier, said sternly. However, the guards at the door stood motionless
on the spot.

“Damn it!” The hook-nosed family head cursed and was about to open the
door himself!

However, suddenly, the guns in the hands of the guards were placed on the
head of the hook-nosed family head. The guards said coldly, “Under Mr.
Clarke’s order, no one is allowed to leave without his permission. Those
who leave without permission will be killed without mercy!”

Hearing this, all family heads in the hall were dumbfounded.

The hook-nosed family head was even more furious. He pointed at the
guards angrily and shouted, “Outrageous! Let’s see who dares to fire at me!
I’m the head of the Farley family in Beechwood City!”

After yelling, he glared at Philip and shouted, “Tell them to open the door!”

The other family heads who followed the hooked-nose family head also
roared. “Open the door! This is Beechwood City!”

“This is ridiculous! Is he trying to get rid of us in one fell swoop?!”

After cursing, Patriarch Farley shoved the guards away, grabbed the door
handle, and was about to open the door. However, Philip was indifferent.
With his hands in his trouser pockets, he said lightly, “You’re disrespecting

With that said, one of the guards raised his gun.


A gunshot resounded throughout the hall. The bullet penetrated right

through Patriarch Farley’s head!

Until his death, Patriarch Farley had no idea why he died. His eyes rolled
over, and he fell into a pool of blood on the floor with his eyes wide open.

Seeing this scene, the other family heads who followed behind Patriarch
Farley panicked!

“H-He really fired!”

This was the head of the Farley family in Beechwood City! Was he killed just
like that?
For a moment, the entire hall was dead silent. No one dared to speak or
breathe loudly!

This was terrifying!

Everyone looked at Patriarch Farley who died a tragic death in a pool of

blood and felt as if a huge boulder was weighing heavily on their hearts.

At this moment, Philip calmly stepped forward and said, “Excuse me,
everyone. I have a bad habit, and I ask everyone not to disobey my orders.
Since I’ve gathered everyone together, I want to talk to everyone in a
harmonious environment. As for such bloodshed, it was completely an

An accident?

All the family heads sweated profusely. He was making an example!

Was this young man really that Mr. Clarke?!

At this moment, at the main table, Ernest’s and Cyril’s expressions looked
very ugly. That was because Philip had killed a family head in Beechwood
City right in front of them! It was an act of intimidation!

Ernest angrily squeezed the teacup in his hand, which shattered

immediately. He was just about to slap the table in anger and stand up
when Cyril quickly grabbed him and said, “Villa Master Turner, Patriarch
Farley’s death is no big deal. We must stay calm and see what Mr. Clarke
wants to do next.”

Ernest snorted, his eyes full of anger!

On this side, Patriarch Farley’s body was quickly taken care of.

The other family heads looked at each other in a panic and dared not say
anything. The other party was too strong. One move was enough to
overwhelm them. Even the family heads who made a fuss just now kept
their mouths shut now.

Philip glanced at them indifferently and asked, “Do any of you still doubt
my identity?”
Hearing Philip’s question, the few family heads were afraid that the other
party would make a move against them, so they quickly shook their heads
and said with fake smiles, “No, we don’t doubt your identity at all. We were
just misled by Patriarch Farley just now.”

Seeing these cowardly old fellows, Philip could not be bothered with them.
He snorted coldly and walked to the main table. Fennel and Leon followed
closely behind him.

At the sight of Leon Jefferson, the faces of the family heads went cold.

Sure enough, Villa Master Turner was right. Leon had already reached
untold cooperation with Mr. Clarke.

Philip walked to the main table. Cyril quickly got up and introduced, “Hello,
Mr. Clarke, this is the master of Terrain Villa, Villa Master Ernest Turner.”

Philip stopped and looked at Ernest, who was still seated. He said with a
smile, “Villa Master Turner, nice to meet you.”

Ernest was still angry at the moment. Seeing Cyril who kept winking at him,
he stood up, shook hands with Philip, and said, “Mr. Clarke, how do you

Then, he sat down again. Obviously, he was brooding over the fact that
Philip had just killed Patriarch Farley in front of him. After all, killing a family
head in his territory was no different than slapping him in the face!

Philip was unperturbed. He chuckled and took his seat. Leon and Fennel
followed suit.

Seeing Leon sitting down, the anger on Ernest’s face became even more
obvious like a surging ocean wave. He said coldly, “Leon, it’s been a long
time. I didn’t expect you to get a head start.”

Leon chuckled and said, “Villa Master Turner, you’ve misunderstood. I got
to know Mr. Clarke earlier by chance, and I’m here tonight as an observer.”

“Hehe, an observer? Well said. If you hadn’t instigated this, would Mr.
Clarke be so merciless as to kill a Northern disciple family head in front of

Ernest could not hold back and questioned coldly.

Philip smiled and said, “Villa Master Turner, you may have misunderstood. I
didn’t do this on purpose. In fact, my objective is very simple, which is to
take down all the family heads in this hall. What do you think?”


The teacup in Ernest’s hand shattered again. He looked at Philip sullenly

and said, “Mr. Clarke, watch your words. The combined strength of all the
family heads in this hall isn’t something one Singer family can be compared
to! Even though you destroyed the Singer family with your extraordinary
power and shook the entire North, no matter how powerful you are, I’m
afraid it’s not that easy to wipe out all the family heads in this hall.”

After saying this, Ernest sneered threateningly.

Philip said indifferently, “We won’t know until we try.”

Hearing this, Ernest frowned and asked, “Are you saying that you plan to
challenge the Northern supernatural disciple world?”

Philip said with a smile, “Villa Master Turner, you’ve misunderstood. It’s best
to settle things peacefully. If you promise to step down from the position of
villa master and leave it to me to make manpower arrangements, those
things you just mentioned won’t happen. I’m determined to unify the North
and the South, so 1 hope that you can consider this matter carefully.”


Ernest violently threw the newly brought teacup in his hand to the table,
causing the tea to splash everywhere. Then, he shouted coldly, “Mr. Clarke,
you’re too arrogant! This is the North, and Terrain Villa has always been in
charge of it. Do you think you have the right to take over my villa master
position with just one word?”

This arrogant brat was too cocky for words!

He even wanted to take away his villa master position. This was simply

Philip shrugged and said, “Villa Master Turner, it should be better for you to
get rid of such annoying things. As long as you step down from the
position of villa master, I can arrange for you to spend the rest of your life
without worries.”

“No need!” Ernest interrupted Philip and said, “It seems that we won’t reach
a consensus tonight. In that case, I shall take my leave!”

After saying that, Ernest got up to leave. With that move, all the family
heads in the hall also got up and stared at Philip with dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Ernest snorted and said, “Mr. Clarke,watch clearly. This is unity!
In the North, Terrain Villais the authority!It’s too soon for you to get your
hands on the North.”

After saying this, Ernest stepped forward and was about to leave.

Philip took a sip of tea indifferently and said, “Villa Master Turner, it’s easy
to enter this door but difficult to get out. You should think twice about it.”

Hearing that, Ernest stopped in his tracks. His eyes flashed sharply as he
turned to look at Philip, who was seated at the main table. At this moment,
he suddenly felt that this young man was so unfathomable.

The other party seemed very confident.

Ernest snorted and said, “Mr. Clarke, what do you mean by that? Are you
saying that the family heads and I don’t have the right to come and go
freely in Beechwood City? Or do you want to deal with us like how you
dealt with Patriarch Farley just now?”

Instantly, all the family heads were encouraged by Ernest and kicked up a
big fuss. The entire hall fell into a commotion again.

“Arrogant! All of us are the heads of disciple families here. This is

Beechwood City. Who dares to stop us?”

“This Mr. Clarke is too cocky. Does he want to get rid of us in one fell

“It’s no big deal. Let’s force our way out! Fight them!”

Facing the excited crowd, Leon reminded Philip in a low voice, “Young
Patriarch Clarke, there’s no need to anger the crowd at this time. Otherwise,
it won’t end well.”
Philip naturally understood. He got up and said, “Villa Master Turner, why
don’t we make a bet?”

Hearing this, Ernest frowned and asked, “What bet?”

“Five days later, the disciple competition between the North and the South
will be held. Why don’t we put all the long-standing grievances between
the North and the South in this competition? Whoever wins will have the
right to determine the rules of the supernatural disciple world in the entire
country. What do you think?”

Philip said lightly with a faint smile in the corner of his eyes.

Hearing that, Ernest was taken aback before he smiled and said, “Mr. Clarke,
I’m afraid you still don’t know the results of the previous North-South
competitions. Hahaha, since you said so, I’ll accept it!”

With that said, Ernest turned around and left with his people. This time, no
one stopped them. More than a hundred family heads left the hotel.

Philip and the others remained standing in the main hall.

Leon said worriedly, “Young Patriarch Clarke, this is too reckless. Even if you
enter the competition with Mr. Leigh, your probability of winning is not
high. There’s too big of a gap between the overall performance of the
South and the North. Out of ten matches, it takes six to win. Based on the
current strength of the South, even with the two of you in the competition,
we only stand a chance of winning four matches.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and asked, “Can’t I fight in all ten matches?”

Leon shook his head and said, “No, one person can only enter one match.”

Philip nodded, thought about it, and said, “I’ll figure it out. Don’t panic.”

After Ernest returned to Terrain Villa, he threw a fit in the hall and roared.
“Damn that Mr. Clarke! He doesn’t respect Terrain Villa or me at all! Having
the gall to kill Patriarch Farley is the same as slapping me in the face!”

Facing the furious Ernest, Cyril could only stand by silently. When Ernest’s
anger subsided, Cyril said, “Villa Master Turner, it’s no big deal. What
matters now is the bet between you and Mr. Clarke. The competition in five
days is what we should focus on.”
Ernest calmed down, looked at Cyril, and asked, “Villa Master Hopper,
between the North and the South this time, who do you think will win this

Cyril said with a smile, “Of course, it’ll be the North. Even if Mr. Clarke and
Fennel Leigh enter the competition, the South will only stand a 40% chance
of winning, which is nothing for us to worry about. I think Mr. Clarke didn’t
know the gap between the North and the South. He’s probably regretting
his decision by now.”

Hearing this, Ernest laughed and said, “Hmph, how dare that ignorant brat
fight with me? Okay, let’s wait and see!”

Then, Ernest added, “Villa Master Hopper, you must carefully select the
participants for the competition this time. This is a great opportunity for
Terrain Villa to take over the south!”

Cyril laughed and said, “Villa Master Turner, don’t worry. I’ve prepared the
list. You can take a look at it.”

With that said, Cyril took out a list and handed it to Ernest.

Seeing this, Ernest smiled. He took the list, looked over it several times, and
his smile grew bigger. He said, “Well done! Let’s go with this!”

In the next two days, Philip remained in Beechwood City. He accompanied

Mila while contemplating with Leon and the others on the gap between the
supernatural disciples of the North and the South. At the same time, he
carefully investigated the strength of the disciples on the ranking list.

The discussion between Philip and Leon was almost done.

“Young Patriarch Clarke, this is the participant list for the disciple
competition three days later. Please have a look and see if any changes
need to be made.”

At this time, Leon walked into the suite and saw Mila sitting on Philip’s lap,
giggling happily away.

Philip nodded, took the list, and glanced through it. His expression became
a little ugly as he asked, “Are these the top experts and talents of the
southern supernatural disciple world?”
Leon looked a little ashamed as he said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, to be
frank, these are the only talents we have in the South. Due to the difference
between the North and the South, we have limited resources for disciples
to learn and improve their strength. These people have wasted precious
time. They’ re progressing slowly and not comparable with the numerous
talents of the North.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and looked at the list.

Apart from him and Fennel, there was only one other king of disciples.

Ray Warren. He was a Wicean priest.

Wicca belonged neither to the North nor the South but was a neutral party.

“Is Ray Warren the only king of disciples?” Philip asked with a frown.

Leon said, “Yes. Although he’s a Wiccan priest, he’s also the young master
of the Warren family in Golden City in the South. As he didn’t like the overt
and covert fighting in the business field, he entered Wicca when he was
young and was favored by the head of Wicca. He became Wicca’s second
senior and the most promising successor.”

Hearing this, Philip nodded and asked, “What about his strength?”

Leon smiled and said, “In every competition in the past, he was the one
who could win a match for the South so that we wouldn’t lose everything in
humiliation. In terms of strength, he was already in the realm of the king of
disciples in the fifth zone the last time. This time, I believe he has improved
tremendously and is likely to have reached the sixth zone.”

Philip’s face darkened as he said, “I remember that there’s only one king
behind the door in each zone. Why have so many kings of disciples
appeared recently?”

Leon sighed and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you only know part of it.
You’re right in saying that there’s only one king in each zone who’s
responsible for maintaining the balance and stability of each zone.
However, that doesn’t mean that others don’t have the opportunity to
become kings. For a kingship holder, not only does it depend on individual
strength but also the choice of the door. Anyone who’s recognized by the
door can become a king, and the king of each zone is a symbol of status.
Many kings simply can’t be bothered to compete for that status.”

After listening to Leon’s explanation, Philip finally understood. In other

words, kingship holders were not lacking in numbers.

As Philip pondered, Leon tentatively asked, “Young Patriarch Clarke, do you

have any plans for the competition three days later? To win, we must find
two other people with extraordinary strength. The participant list of Terrain
Villa has been announced. Compared to previous years, there were no
special changes in the contestants, except for a replacement named Stanley

“Stanley Berry? Who is he?”

Philip took over Terrain Villa’s list of participants from Leon, and his eyes
found Stanley Berry’s name immediately.

“Young Master Clarke, Stanley Berry is none other than the son of Cooper
Berry, the deputy consul of the Nonagon. With his extraordinary strength,
he has long entered the realm of the king of disciples in the sixth zone. But
he has kept a low profile and is a very tricky person to deal with!” Leon
explained worriedly.

Although he knew that Philip and Fennel had reached the realm of the king
of disciples in the sixth zone, Terrain Villa had also entered two kings of
disciples in the sixth zone to compete.

Stanley was one of them, and the other one was none other than the eldest
son of the Singer family, Auric Singer. Therefore, even with Ray Warren,
Philip, Fennel, and another genius on Leon’s side, they only had a 40%
chance of winning at the most.

Once Philip and Fennel went up against Auric and Stanley, the outcome of
the two matches would be difficult to predict. After all, no one knew exactly
how strong those two really were.

Philip’s face was very dark at this moment. Stanley Berry. He would
remember this name.

It turned out he was Cooper Berry’s son. It seemed that Cooper also had
ideas about the Northern supernatural disciple world.
“I got it.” Philip said mildly and asked the servant to bring Mila out. Then,
he got up, dialed a number, and said, “Where are you?”

On the other end of the phone, a lazy voice said, “Young Patriarch, I’m
undercover at the Nonagon. But this is too tiring. You have to pay me extra
for this.”

Philip said in exasperation, “Okay, but you need to come to Beechwood City
first. Something’s up.”


Rick Davenport ended the call and walked out of the main entrance of the
towering Nonagon building. He even whistled at several tall and sexy girls
who walked by. Then, he disappeared in a flash.

Philip hung up the phone and thought for a moment. He called Ethan
Clarke and said, “Come to Beechwood City. There’s work to do.”

Ethan was enjoying the sun on the seaside of a coastal city with a bunch
ofwomen in swimsuits.

When he received a call from Philip at this moment, he was a little upset
and said, “Bro, I’m busy. Let’s talk later.”

“Then I’ll ask Uncle Tim to bring you back, send you to the Joo family, and
force you to marry Vivi Joo, ” Philip threatened.

Ethan immediately sat up from the beach chair, his sunglasses falling off. He
hurriedly said, “Don’t. I’ll be there soon.”

With that said, he ended the call. Ethan looked at the beauties on the
beach, sighed, and said reluctantly, “Babes, wait for me.”

That night, Rick and Ethan arrived in Beechwood City and took a car to the
hotel where Philip was.

In the hotel suite, several people sat together. Philip smiled and introduced
them to Leon, “Villa Master Jefferson, this is my cousin, Ethan Clarke.”

Leon quickly got up, bowed slightly to Ethan, and said, “Young Master
Clarke, I’m Leon Jefferson.”
Ethan yawned as he shook hands with Leon and said, “Hello, Villa Master

“This is my friend, Rick Davenport. He’s proficient in all kinds of

assassinations,” Philip continued the introduction.

Rick stood aside, leaning against the wall with his arms around his chest. He
maintained a dashing posture at all times.

Leon nodded and said with a smile, “Mr. Davenport…”

Rick nodded as a greeting.

Philip sat down and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, with these two as
participants, what are our chances of winning?”

Hearing that, Leon looked at the two and scrutinized them for a moment.
He asked, “Young Patriarch Clarke, with all due respect, I can’t tell their
levels. They don’t seem to display any fluctuations in the power of rules or
energy. Are they not disciples?”

Philip smiled and said, “Yes and no. The good show is about to come. Let’s
watch and see.”

Hearing this, Leon did not know what to say but paid more attention to
Ethan and Rick. Maybe Philip had his ideas.

Since he had decided, Leon did not object and said, “I’ll change the list right
now and send it out tomorrow.”

Philip nodded and left the rest of the minor details to Leon.

Together with Ethan, Rick, and Fennel, Philip went to the largest nightclub
in Beechwood City for some fun. The four rarely got together, so having
some fun was a must.

The biggest night entertainment area in Beechwood City was not indoors
but an entire street filled with bars and private clubs.

It was the largest and most prosperous street in Beechwood City with a
dazzling array of lights. The street was full of roaring sports cars. Tall and
slender beauties twittered on the street while dressed in revealing clothes.
They were waiting in line to enter the venue.
The biggest and most expensive venue had to be Jumbo Bar!

With the highest consumption rate in Beechwood City, Jumbo Bar boasted
a cash flow of tens of millions per night. Moreover, the most beautiful girls
and handsome guys in Beechwood City could be found here. Half the
customers here were tall and hot goddesses fishing for a rich and
handsome guy. The other half were the sons and daughters of rich families
here to have fun.

In short, Jumbo Bar was definitely an iconic place in Beechwood City. It

would be in vain if a visitor came to Beechwood City without going to
Jumbo Bar.

Philip got to know this place from a subordinate who was familiar with the
local neighborhood. He drove his Mercedes-Benz here with Fennel and the

In the parking lot in front of Jumbo Bar, a Mercedes-Benz was not worth
mentioning. That was because at a glance, the parking lot was full of luxury
cars such as Porsche, GTR, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bentley. The most
expensive one was a special custom-made gold Rolls-Royce.

It was the car that belonged to the young master of Jumbo Bar. It was
worth 14 million!

Philip was used to seeing these luxury cars. As soon as he entered, the loud
music almost deafened his ears. Fortunately, he had made a reservation in
advance, so Philip followed the subordinate and went straight to the booth.
He ordered a few bottles of liquor and drank with Fennel and the others.

They were simply here to pass the time, so after ordering a few drinks, they
just sat and chatted.

At this moment, three glamorously dressed sexy ladies walked over hand in
hand. They sat beside Philip and the others, saying sweetly, “Hey,
handsome, is this your first time in Jumbo Bar? How about ordering two
bottles of Champagne Armand de Brignac? Beer is too crude.”

Philip smiled and kept his distance from the woman wearing a black halter
dress. He pulled her arm away and said, “No thanks. We’re used to drinking
beer. If you want to promote drinks, find someone else.”
Hearing that, the woman was not angry but leaned close to Philip and said,
“Hey, handsome, you should be here to have fun. A few bottles of liquor
aren’t that expensive. If you order some, we can drink with you. Moreover, if
you can make us drunk, you can punish us at will.”
The First Heir – Chapter 2659-2686
The woman leaned close to Philip’s ear and said seductively, “It’s okay if you
want to bring us to a hotel.”

This was a blatant temptation. In general, the three women looked good
with shapely figures. They could be considered goddesses. Other ordinary
youngsters might fall for them. However, Philip was different. He was an old
hand at this.

He took a sip of the beer in his hand and said with a light smile, “It’s okay.
Our health is more important when we’re out.”

This remark annoyed that woman.

She stood up with a scowl, slapped the glass from Philip’s hand, and
scolded, “What do you mean by that? Are you saying that I’m dirty? Do you
know who I am? How dare you come to Jumbo Bar if you don’t have
money? You’re even looking down on me! You‘re looking for death!”

Philip frowned, looked at the woman in exasperation, and said, “Miss,

you’re the one who came here to promote drinks. You don’t have to do this
even if I refuse.”

“Hmph!” The woman snorted coldly and put her arms across her chest.

The other two also got up and stood beside her. They stared at Philip and
the others coldly, saying mockingly, “Cindy, I think they’re just four poor
brats posing as rich kids!”

“I think so too. Only losers drink beer!”

“It’s really a shame to bump into four beggars for our first business. Cindy,
let’s forget it. I think the few rich kids over there seem quite open to having

Cindy snorted coldly and said, “No, this kid just called me dirty. I can’t let
him go! Not unless he apologizes to me!”

Hearing this, the other two turned to Philip and said, “Did you hear that?
Hurry up and apologize to Cindy, you loser!”
Philip said helplessly, “I’m just telling the truth. Did I poke a sore spot, so
you get angry because of that?”

“Damn you, how dare you say that? Fine! just wait and see how I’m going to
deal with you!”

Cindy turned around and left in her high heels.

Philip and the others looked at each other helplessly. Just as they continued
drinking, a hostile male voice suddenly came from a distance.

“Are these the four dumb*sses who pissed you off, Cindy?”

The person who spoke was a flamboyant rich kid in a floral shirt with a gold
necklace around his neck. There was a Cartier watch worth hundreds of
thousands of dollars on his wrist.

“That’s right, it’s them! Especially that loser who scolded me! Jake, you must
help me out tonight!”

At this moment, Cindy was like a proud rooster as she swaggered over with
four young men.

In an instant, seven or eight people surrounded the booth.

The rich kid in the lead looked unfriendly as he stepped on the table and
looked at Philip provocatively. He bent over, put his hands in his trouser
pockets, and said, “Hey, brat, did you piss Cindy off? Hurry up and
apologize on your knees. Otherwise, I’ll kill you!”

Philip raised his brows coldly, looked at the rich kid, and said, “I’m afraid
you can’t afford it.”

Philip was peeved. He was just here to have fun, not cause trouble.
However, looking at the situation, these rich kids would not let him off

The leading rich kid scowled at Philip’s remark and said with a sneer,
“Whoa, brat, you’re quite tough, huh? Do you know where this place is? Do
you know my name? How dare you speak to me like that? Do you want to
At the same time, the rich kid gestured with his hands and poked Philip
several times in the nose. His attitude was extremely arrogant!

His few friends behind him, including the three women before, watched the
scene mockingly and said, “Huh, I’m dying of laughter. How dare he act
tough in front of Young Master Seely?”

“This trashy loser dares to drink in Jumbo Bar without money and even
ordered beer. What a joke!”

“Cindy, just let us deal with this rubbish.”

Facing the ridicule and smears of these youngsters, Philip was indifferent.
He took a sip of beer in the glass, looked sideways at the rich kid who was
still yelling at him, and said, “I’ll give you a count of three to get lost from
my sight.”

This remark pissed Jake Seely off immediately!

This was the first time he had been looked down on. The other party told
trim to get lost!

In the past, he was the one who said such words to intimidate others.
Today, it was the other way around!


“Hahaha!” Jake immediately laughed and said, “Brat, have you gone mad?
How dare you threaten me? Do you know who lam? My name is Jake Seely.
I’m the young master of the Seely family in Beechwood City. Have you
heard of the Seely family before?”

The Seely family!

One of the top ten families in Beechwood City, a giant in the real estate
business in Beechwood City. The Seely family had a stake in the Jumbo Bar
too. He was one of the four young masters here.

Of course, the eldest young master was the boss behind the scenes of
Jumbo Bar. It was the young master of the Berry family, Stanley Berry. Thus,
few people dared to cause trouble in Jumbo Bar, which led to the high and
mighty attitude displayed by Jake Seely.
He totally treated this place as his backyard and did whatever he pleased.
Moreover, the Seely family was quite influential in Beechwood City.
Ordinary people would grovel at the mention of this name. In reality, it was
like that too. Hence, Jake mostly announced his name when he was pissed
to gain an advantage.

This time was no exception.

After he made the announcement, the smugness on his face was beyond
words. He even jerked his chin up to Cindy and the others behind him. That
was an indication for them to watch how this loser was about to kneel and
apologize to him. However, what happened next came as a surprise.

Philip was completely unmoved after hearing Jake’s announcement and

said, “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t know the Seely family. As I
said before, I’ll give you the count of three to get lost from my sight…”


In an instant, Jake was once again pissed off by Philip!

What the hell?!

How dare he ignore the name of the Seely family?!

Was this guy really not afraid of death?

Not just Jake, but Cindy and the other rich young kids behind him were also

What the heck? What did this loser say just now?

He said he did ttot know the Seely family. Was he from out of town? He
was a country bumpkin!

As Cindy and the others spewed curses, Jake had already picked up a liquor
bottle front the table in a huff. He roared haughtily. “Damn it! I dare you to
complete the count! Let’s see if I’ll do anything to you!”


Philip counted down to one calmly. Seeing that lake was still standing in
from of him, he shook his head helplessly and said, “Excuse me, but you’ve
disturbed me from drinking.”


As Jake raised the liquor bottle in his hand, Philip made his move and
smashed the glass in his hand at Jake’s face viciously!


There was the crisp sound of a nose bone getting broken followed by Jake’s
miserable screams. He clutched his bloody nose, staggered back, and fell to
the floor.

“Argh! My nose!” Jake cried out in pain.

The friends behind him also surrounded him in an instant while shouting,
“Young Master Seely, are you alright?”

“Damn it, how dare you do this?! He’s Young Master Seely!”

“This is a riot! You’re doomed for doing this to Young Master Seely!”

In an instant, these people pointed at Philip and cursed. The commotion

here also instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the bar!

“Whoa, are my eyes playing tricks on me? Isn’t that Young Master Jake
Seely? Did he get hit?”

“Oh my, this is Jumbo Bar. No one has ever dared to make trouble here!”

“Who are those people? How dare they hit the arrogant and domineering
Young Master Seely?”

For a while, there was a lot of noise in the bar. Everyone watched the
commotion here.

Philip flexed his hand indifferently and said, “Excuse me, Young Master
Seely. Since you don’t understand civil words, I can only prove it with
practical actions.”

Cindy and the others were also stunned at Philip’s decisive actions.
“Young Master Seely, are you alright?” Cindy ran forward in her high heels
and helped Jake up. At the same time, she glared at Philip and roared.
“Stinking loser, you’re dead! How dare you hit Young Master Seely? Don’t
you dream of leaving this place tonight!”

Jake stood up with Cindy’s help, took the tissue handed by his friend, and
covered his nose. He pointed angrily at Philip and shouted, “Damn you,
how dare you hit me?! This is the first time I ever got hit. You’re dead! Don’t
you leave! I’m going to call someone to kill you!”

Jlake was almost dying from the pain in his nose, and the sting from the
alcohol made him feel a burning pain in his nasal cavity as soon as he

Philip looked indifferent and was totally unconcerned. He said, “If you want
to call someone, go ahead.”

After saying that, he turned to look at Fennel and the others who were still
merrily drinking.

This scene made everyone in the bar go crazy. These people were too

After hitting the young master of the Seely family, they still had the nerve
to sit there and drink as if nothing had happened.

This was big news, indeed!

Many people even started to speculate about Philip’s background.

On lake’s side, he had already dialed the phone and shouted angrily. “Get
the hell inside at once, all of you!”

After that, it did not take long before more than a dozen burly men rushed
over from behind the crowd. They stood behind lake and said with a bow,
“Young Master Seely, what are your orders?”

Jake pointed at Philip and the others angrily while roaring. “Take all of them
down! Especially that one. Chop off his right hand!”

The security guards were burly and tall, giving off a strong sense of
oppression. They rushed in, and after hearing Jake’s order, they took out
the anti-riot batons from their waists. They rushed at Philip and the others.
Seeing this, Jake sneered maliciously and said, “A bunch of idiots! Just wait
for your doom! I’ll torture you to death latter!”

Cindy and the others surrounded Jake and tried to stop his bleeding.

On this side, Philip remained calm as he glanced at the group of security

guards who rushed in brandishing batons. He shook his head helplessly and
said, “I didn’t want to cause trouble at all, but you guys are seeking death.”

With that said, Philip flung the liquor glass that was just served to him right
at the face of the security guard who rushed at him first.


The security guard was stunned at being splashed by the drink, He quickly
wiped the water on his face with one hand while swinging the baton in his
other hand at Philip’s head.


However, in the next second, Philip raised his hand and grabbed the
incoming baton. Then, with a twist of his arm, he snatched the baton from
the security guard. At the same time, he kicked the security guard in the

“Argh!” With a scream, the security guard knelt in pain.

Meanwhile, Philip swung the baton in his hand at the security guard’s head.

Bang! Blood splattered!

The security guard clutched his bloody head and knelt on the floor, howling
in pain.

Such a sudden scene also made the onlookers surprised.

What the hell was going on?

The security guard who rushed up aggressively was actually kneeling on the
floor and screaming in pain with his bloody head in his arms now. For a
while, those security guards who were about to rush over stopped in their
tracks. They were surprised and at a loss as they looked at each other. They
did not dare to step forward.
The man sitting on the sofa was too strong.

Everything happened in a split second. His moves were not ordinary.

Seeing this, Jake was furious and roared. “Why the hell are you standing
around? Give it to him! F*ck him up!”

With lake yelling from behind, the stunned security guards rushed up again.

Philip shook his head helplessly, flicked the baton in his hand, and dazzled
everyone’s eyes.

Biff, bang, thud!

With a few muffled noises, the security guards who had rushed up
aggressively again flew out. Some clutched their heads while others
clutched their arms. Screams could be heard one after another.

From the beginning to the end, Fennel, Ethan, and Rick had not made any
moves. They merely spectated.

Philip took care of these security guards easily.

Everyone gasped at this scene. They finally realized that Jake Seely had met
a tough opponent today!

Jake pointed at the wailing security guards on the floor and cursed, “Damn
it, what the hell? All of you couldn’t even take care of a loser! Did I spend all
that money on a bunch of trash? F*ck!”

Jake was furious. He glared at Philip who held a bloody baton in his hand
and cursed, “Dude, you’re not showing any respect! Not only did you hit
me, but you also beat up the people under me. Don’t even think of leaving
Jumbo Bar today!”

Philip snorted and swung the baton in his hand, which made Jake stagger
back in fright. He shouted in agitation, “W-What are you doing?”

Philip chuckled and said, “Young Master Seely, don’t be nervous. If I wanted
to hit you, I’d have done so much earlier. I don’t want to cause trouble. The
medical expenses of these people will be 500,000 each. I’ll give you five

Five million? Whoa, what a haughty tone!

Jake snorted and said, “Hey, loser, are you serious? Five million? How can a
loser like you come up with five million? How rich can you be if you came
to Jumbo Bar for beer?”

Upon hearing Philip’s remarks, Cindy and the others also sarcastically said,
“Hmph, five million? You can’t even order a bottle of champagne! How can
you afford five million?!”

“That’s right! Four beggars are drinking beer here, yet they still have the
guts to pretend.”

“Young Master Seely, I say you should just call the guards of your Seely
family directly and capture these losers!”

Faced with the ridicule of a group of people, Philip took out a card from his
pocket, threw it on the table, and said, “Get someone to withdraw the

Seeing that, Jake scowled and said with a sneer, “Hehe, you’re really being
pretentious now. Let’s see if you have five million in your card!”

After that, lake called for a subordinate, handed the card to the other party,
and said, “Tell the bank teller to withdraw five million!”

The subordinate immediately made arrangements. Jake looked at Philip

coldly and said, “Hey, dude, if I can’t get five million later, I won’t be

Philip smiled lightly without comment, looking unperturbed. This made

Jake furious. He gritted his teeth. At the same time, he winked at a person
in the crowd, who was none other than a bodyguard of the Seely family.
That wink was an indication for the other party to notify the Seely family’s

He was not about to let Philip and the others go!

Not long after, the subordinate who went out earlier walked in hurriedly
and whispered in Jake’s ear.

Jake frowned, his eyes full of disbelief.

“What did you say? You really took out five million?” Jake asked doubtfully.
Without waiting for the other party to speak, two bank employees quickly
walked in from the door, each of them carrying a silver case. The two bank
employees walked up to Philip, handed over the cases, bowed respectfully,
and said, “Mr. Clarke, the five million you requested are here. The moment
we received your request, our headquarters gave the order that no matter
how much you want, we need to fulfill your request as soon as possible.”

Philip nodded and said, “Okay, tell your president that I thank him for his
kind intentions.”

Needless to say, Philip’s card had alarmed the bank’s headquarters. After
all, the bank cards of the Clarke family were very special.

The onlookers were dumbfounded. It was really five million dollars…

Moreover, the two bank employees were obviously full of respect for that
young man.

Jake glared at the two bank employees gloomily and asked his subordinate,
“Are you sure they’re employees of the bank?”

The subordinate replied, “I’m certain.”

At the same time, Philip said to Jake, “Young Master Seely, do you want to
count the money? If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

With that said, Philip got up to leave.

However, how could Jake let him off so easily? He shouted, “Hold on! Did I
say that I’d let you go?”

At Jake’s remark, the men and women around him knew that the young
master of the Seely family was ready to teach these people a lesson.

Cindy and the other women mocked. “Young Master Seely, don’t waste
time with them. Just lock them up and torture them properly!”

Jake thought so too. He covered his nose which had finally stopped
bleeding with a tissue and sneered grimly. He glared at Philip and said
smugly, “Idiot, do you think you’re amazing just because you have some
money? Are you pretending to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Who do you
want to frighten by bringing out five million? Let me tell you, I’m not short
of this money! I’ll buy your right hand with this five million!”
Jake shouted fiercely, his eyes full of anger.

By now, Philip’s patience had reached its limit. Putting his hands in his
trouser pockets, he looked at Jake and asked, “Young Master Seely, are you
saying that you won’t give up until you break my right hand?”

“Of course! It’s the first time I’ve been beaten! You’ve humiliated me, so you
must break your right hand to make amends! Otherwise, how can I
establish my authority in Jumbo Bar?” Jake shouted.

Hearing that, Philip nodded and said, “I’m afraid you can’t afford the

Jake laughed as if he had just heard the best joke in the world. He said,
“Then, let’s see what are the consequences that I can’t afford!”

As soon as he said that, a team of eight fully armed guards rushed in from
the bar’s entrance. They were in black combat uniforms with tactical
helmets and guns. As soon as they appeared, the whole bar quickly went

Everyone stood aside to watch for fear of getting into trouble.

This team of fully armed guards quickly came in, walked behind Jake, and
shouted respectfully, “Young Master!”

The leader of the team looked respectfully toward Jake with his head
lowered and said, “Young Master, I’m sorry for being late!”

Jake glanced at him, waved his hand, and said, “Captain Song, arrest these
people immediately! Especially that one. I want you to break his right hand
and then make him kneel and apologize to me!”

Jake’s words echoed in the bar. Anyone who heard it felt their hearts
beating like a drum!

These were not the same bar security guards from before but the real
guards of the Seely family. All of them were warriors. The guns in their
hands were fully loaded with live ammunition!

The reason why the Seely family had armed guards was that the old master
of the Seely family had once received a great honor, so Beechwood City
rewarded them with armed guards. Moreover, due to the personal
connections of the Seely family, they had also recruited some people in
private to serve as armed guards of the Seely family.

In short, now that the Seely family’s guards were around after Jake was
messed with, the other party would be doomed no matter who they were.

“Hehe, I think that idiot is done for this time! The Seely family’s guards are
here. He’s dead!”

“No sh*t! Wasn’t he very arrogant just now, flinging five million around like
it was nothing? Does he really think he can do whatever he wants just
because he’s a rich kid?!”

“In Beechwood City, not only must you have money but also strength!”

A group of people chattered and mocked.

After receiving Jake’s order, Captain Song turned around quickly. His eyes
were as cold as a blade as he stared at Philip and the others. He said coldly,
“Take them down!”


In an instant, the eight-man team immediately aimed their guns at Philip

and his gang. Four of them stepped forward with raised guns. They were
ready to seize Philip and his gang.

At this time, Philip coldly raised his eyebrows and looked indifferently at the
team of eight guards. He said, “You’re armed guards, after all. How could
you arrest people without rhyme or reason like this?”

Faced with Philip’s question, Captain Song, who led the team, frowned and
said, “Excuse me, but you have no right to question our code of conduct!
We’re the guards of the Seely family and follow the orders of the Seely
family! Take them down!”

In an instant, a few guns were aimed at the heads of Philip and the other

Philip’s eyes were icy cold as he turned his head to look at Fennel, Ethan,
and Rick. He said, “It seems that we’re too low-key.”
At this moment, Ethan sneered and said, “Bro, I say we should just bring
people to destroy this so-called Seely family. Why should we talk crap with
them? Since they dare to use guns on us, they can’t blame us.”

Philip thought about it and said, “We just came to Beechwood City. It’s
better not to cause too much trouble. After all, the competition in three
days is more important.”

Ethan frowned and said, “What are you afraid of? I can easily squish a small
family in Beechwood City with one finger. It won’t take more than ten

Hearing the conversation between Philip and Ethan, Jake exploded with

What the heck?! What did these two mean by that?!

Did they not see his family guards pointing guns at their heads?

How dare they speak so casually about destroying the Seely family?

Damn it! Simply outrageous!

The surrounding onlookers were also stunned.

Who were these people? Were they lunatics?

They had guns pointed at their heads but they could still talk about
destroying the Seely family as if nothing was going on.

Since when did destroying a family only required talking about it?

Madness! These people must have been scared out of their wits!

At this time, Jake Seely roared angrily. “Captain Song, what are you waiting
for? Take them down now!”

Captain Song’s face was also sullen. He waved his hand that was in tactical
gloves and shouted sternly, “Take them down!”

In an instant, the four guns aimed at Philip and the others had their safety
catches released. As long as they dared to resist, these guards would fire
and kill them without hesitation. However, in the next second, a shocking
scene happened!
Four clicks!

Philip and the other three moved at the same time. As fast as lightning,
they snatched the guns aimed at their heads from the hands of the four
guards. Meanwhile, they struck hard. With several bangs, the four guards
fell to the floor before they knew what was going on. They were foaming at
the mouth and could not get up again.

The remaining four guards, including Captain Song, were stunned in


Such skills and speed! They were not on the same level at all!

Almost instantly, Captain Song judged the strength of Philip and his gang.

They were definitely at the level of battle kings!

Who the hell did Young Master Seely mess with? How could people like this
be ordinary characters?

At the same time, the earlier conversation between Philip and Ethan flashed
in Captain Song’s mind. They could destroy the Seely family in ten minutes.
Now, Captain Song could not help but tremble. He suddenly felt that these
people were not joking!

Their skills were definitely not ordinary, and the forces behind them might
be very strong. If they really wanted to destroy the Seely family, it might not
be impossible. Thus, in an instant, Captain Song took two steps back and
shielded Jake to prevent the other party’s sudden attack. After all, his duty
was to protect Jake Seely!

If anything happened to Jake, he would definitely face the wrath of the

head of the Seely family!

Philip smiled indifferently as he fiddled with the pistol he had snatched

from a guard.

He said, “I don’t like big guns very much. This pistol is quite good. An Italian
Beretta 9213‘ series with 9mm Parabellum. It’s 8.5 inches in length with an
empty cartridge weight of two pounds. The muzzle velocity is 0.207 miles
per second, and the effective range is 50 yards with a high degree of
accuracy. I didn’t expect the Seely family’s guards in Beechwood City to be
equipped with such a pistol. It surprised me a little.”

Hearing Philip’s introduction, those who did not know about guns were
stunned. Due to their lack of knowledge, they felt as if Philip was amazing
for spouting such professional terms.

For Captain Song, Philip was absolutely right. He knew a lot about guns.
This also proved Captain Song’s idea right!

The other party also came from a battle group!

Since he was from a battle group and had such strength, it was enough to
prove that the other party’s battle group was very special. It was also likely
that the other party’s level was not low.

Something was about to happen. After messing with such an existence,

Jake surely could not get off the hook so easily.

Captain Song thought about it and made a bold decision. He said, “My
friends, we’ve offended you just now. Please allow me to apologize to you
on behalf of our young master. Let’s end this matter here.”

Hearing Captain Song’s words, Jake exploded!

He roared, “Fred Song, what the f*ck are you talking about? What do you
mean by apologizing on my behalf? Do I need to apologize? I told you to
take them down, not apologize!”

Jake was furious!

With just one face-off, the guards of the Seely family were intimidated into
apologizing. Where would he put his dignity, then?

How was he supposed to continue hanging out in Beechwood City in the


However, Fred Song quickly turned around and said to Jake in a low voice,
“Young Master, hear me out. These people’s skills are not ordinary, and he’s
very familiar with this gun. I suspect that they may be from a battle group,
and their levels are definitely not low! It’s best to avoid any trouble. Young
Master, let’s put this matter aside for now. It won’t be too late to make a
decision after I return and investigate their identities.”
“No way!”

Jake roared angrily and interrupted Fred. He said, “I don’t care about their
identities! So what if they’re from a battle group? This is Beechwood City,
and we’re in Jumbo Bar! Everyone has to toe the line here!”

Hearing this, Fred shuddered.

This young master was too pampered, so his arrogance was inevitable.

“Young Master, we really need to reconsider this matter at length. Let’s do

this. Let me send you back and I’ll ask the old master for his opinion.”

Before Fred confirmed the identities of Philip and his gang, he dared not
take any risks. That was because their display just now had frightened Fred.


At this moment, Jake lifted his leg and kicked Fred violently in the stomach,
sending him flying. Then, he pulled out the pistol from his waist, pointed it
at Fred, and shouted, “Damn it, Fred Song! Are you on their side? How dare
you stop me? I’m telling you that I’m getting rid of them tonight! Let’s see
what backgrounds they have!”

After yelling, Jake turned around with the loaded gun in his hand and
waved it at Philip and the others.

He yelled, “Kid, weren’t you very cocky just now? Why don’t you go on? As
long as you dare to move, I’ll kill you!”

Philip raised his eyebrows and looked at Jake in silence. With a biting chill
in his eyes, he said, “Are you sure you want to point a gun at me?”

Jake sneered and said, “Pooh! So what if I’m pointing it at you? Who do you
think you are?!”


As a result, before Jake finished speaking, he saw a black shadow flash

before his eyes. Immediately after, the pistol in his hand disappeared. At
the same time, a loud slap fell on his cheek. By the time he reacted, he
realized that Philip was holding guns in both hands. They were loaded and
aimed at his head!
For a while, Jake panicked and his legs went weak. He could not even be
bothered with the burning pain on his cheek.

“W-What are you doing? I’m telling you, I’m the young master of the Seely
family. If you dare to do anything to me, my father will never let you go!”
Jake suppressed his panic and threatened.

He could not imagine how the gun in his hand was taken away by the other
party when he did not even see it happening.

Philip chuckled and said, “Young Master Seely, I’ve given you many chances
but you didn’t cherish them.”

After saying that, Philip slowly pulled the trigger. This frightened Jake and
everyone around him!


Jake timidly knelt on the floor and begged for mercy, “Bro, I was wrong.
Please don’t shoot. I was really wrong! I was just impulsive.”

Seeing Jake apologize quickly, Philip was surprised. The onlookers were also

The usually domineering Jake Seely was actually so cowardly. This was too

Philip coldly looked at Jake who was kneeling on the floor and said, “You’re
quite quick to admit your mistake.”

Jake’s forehead was full of cold sweat as he said, “Bro, calm down. I was
wrong, okay?”

However, just as Jake apologized, there was a sudden commotion behind

the crowd.

“Jake Seely, are you still considered a young master of a family in

Beechwood City? It‘s too embarrassing!”

Hearing that, everyone turned around to look.

At this moment, a sparkling figure escorted by four special bodyguards with

sunglasses crossed the dance floor and came to the front.
He was handsome and imposing with his hands in his pants pockets. He
wore a golden floral shirt and had a pair of small sunglasses on his face. He
looked extremely arrogant!

“Whoa, it’s Young Master Berry, the big boss behind Jumbo Bar!” Someone
shouted, which immediately caused a commotion.

Young Master Stanley Berry was the biggest boss behind Jumbo Bar and
also the most outstanding young master!

Stanley’s appearance instantly ignited the atmosphere in the bar.

All the onlookers were dumbfounded as they looked at the handsome guy.
The reason was none other than that he was the eldest young master
behind the Jumbo Bar. The young master of the Berry family, Stanley Berry.

In the North, the Berry family was one of the top largest families. The
legend among all families!

The Berry family rarely made public appearances in the outside world or
created any influence. That was because the Berry family had strict family
rules that did not allow family members to be too conspicuous. However,
no matter how strict the family rules were, it could not stop the reputation
of the Berry family from spreading among the top families. As for Stanley
Berry, he was one of the few Berry family members with an influence in the
secular world.

At this moment, Stanley looked arrogantly at Jake who was begging on the
floor before he looked at Philip and said with a smile, “Young Patriarch
Clarke, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

Philip frowned. This Stanley Berry seemed to have been paying attention to
him for a while now.

At Stanley’s appearance, Jake jumped up and exclaimed, “Young Master

Berry, you have to call the shots for me. This kid is too arrogant! He injured
so many of my guards and forced me to apologize! I can’t take this lying
down. I must teach him a lesson!”

Jake took no notice of Stanley’s address of Philip and immediately cursed.

He stared at Philip gloomily and roared, “You’re dead! With Young Master
Berry around, I won’t let you off!”

He was the typical villain. One second, he was begging for mercy on the
floor. The next second, it was a complete reversal. He was simply throwing
his weight around while riding on someone else’s coattails.

Philip glanced sideways at Jake, and a chill flashed in his eyes. He raised his
hand and slammed the butt of the gun in Jake’s face!


Jake’s front teeth shattered at once. He howled as he covered his bleeding


“H-How dare you?!” Jake almost died of pain!

Of course, he was also furious. This damnable guy still dared to attack him
while Stanley was standing here. He was not showing any respect to Stanley
at all!

Philip merely glanced at him coldly and said, “You talk too much. This is just
a lesson for you.”

Then, he turned to Stanley and said with a smile, “Young Master Berry, do
you want to call the shots for him?”

Stanley smiled and said, “What do you think?”

Philip shrugged and flicked the gun in his hand while saying nonchalantly,
“I think your appearance here is too much of a coincidence. It’s more like
you’ve been waiting for this.”

Hearing that, Stanley chuckled and said, “Yeah, you guessed right. I’ve been
watching upstairs just to see what kind of person the rumored young
patriarch of the Clarke family is. It seems that there’s nothing special about
you except for your short temper.”

Hearing this, Philip chuckled and said, “Young Master Berry, if you want to
gain an upper hand in an argument, I advise you to give up. You can only
get to know me after close contact.”
Hearing this, Stanley raised his brows. He looked at the howling lake beside
him and said, “Take Young Master Seely away.”

Jake roared furiously. “Young Master Berry, you must do something about
this! You have to kill him! Ouch, it hurts! Take me to the hospital quickly.”

After Jake and the others left, Stanley said to Philip, “Young Patriarch
Clarke, if you don’t mind, why not take a seat in my private room?”

Hearing this, Philip frowned and felt uneasy. He did not have a good
impression of Stanley Berry. Mila was kidnapped because of his father’s
plan. He naturally had no good feelings toward Stanley Berry, the son of
Cooper Berry.

“Excuse me, but I do mind.” Philip immediately declined and said to Fennel
and the others behind him, “Let’s go.”

However, as soon as Philip and the others got up, the special bodyguards
behind Stanley blocked their way.

Stanley said blandly, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you’re being too disrespectful
to me. As the young patriarch of the Clarke family, are you afraid of me?”

After saying this, Stanley was full of arrogance.

Philip frowned, his eyes full of chills as he glanced at the four special
bodyguards of the Berry family who were blocking the way.

“Do you want to stop me too?” Philip said coldly.

Behind him, Fennel, Ethan, and Rick stood up at the same time with cold

The few bodyguards with special identities on the opposite side did not
give in at all. They said coldly, “Our young master is inviting all of you to
have a seat in the private room. This way, please.”

That was a bit domineering.

With murderous intent in his eyes, Philip said coldly, “What if l refuse?”

In an instant, a fierce killing intent poured from Philip. The atmosphere in

the surroundings immediately became ice-cold. Almost everyone could feel
the extremely cold sharpness radiating from Philip’s body!
With just a brief exposure, that feeling made many people tremble from the
depths of their souls.

After hearing Philip’s reply, the special bodyguards of the Berry family
remained stoic and said coldly, “Excuse us, then.”

With that said, they stepped forward and wanted to take them away. As for
Stanley, he looked as if he were watching a show. He stood there with a

Seeing this, Philip said grimly, “You asked for it!”


He threw a punch at the special bodyguard who approached him. However,

the other party seemed to have expected Philip’s move and also threw a


The dull collision of fists resounded, making everyone tremble!

The two stood in the same spot, motionless.

Philip froze, frowned, and immediately understood. This team of special

bodyguards was not ordinary people but disciples. They were also quite

This man could actually resist Philip’s blow.

Fennel and the others also faced the same situation.

At this moment, Stanley snorted as if he had expected this and said, “Young
Patriarch Clarke, don‘t waste your energy. They’re not ordinary people but
my father’s personal bodyguards. Their strength is not inferior to mine.
Well, do you want to have a seat in my private room now?”

Hearing this, Philip frowned.

If their strength was not inferior to Stanley, it meant that these four people
had actually reached the realm of the king of disciples in the sixth zone.
That terrifying?

Cooper Berry actually had such powerful bodyguards by his side?

Philip’s face darkened as he looked at Fennel, Ethan, and Rick. The three of
them also shook their heads secretly, which meant that it was not necessary
to start a conflict now.

Thus, Philip said, “Lead the way.”

Stanley chuckled, turned around, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and
swaggered away. He left the first floor of the bar and walked to a very
luxurious private room on the second floor. It was the largest and most
extravagant private room in Jumbo Bar with a complete view of the entire
bar. It was also why Stanley had noticed the dispute between Philip and
Jake earlier on.

Soon, they arrived at the private room.

Stanley sat down, cheerfully poured a few glasses of specially brewed

whisky for Philip and the others, and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, please
have a seat.”

Hearing that, Philip was not afraid and walked in. He sat down but did not
take the glass from Stanley.

“Just say what you need to. I don’t think there’s anything to discuss
between us,” Philip said coldly.

Stanley shrugged, leaned back, and said directly, “Young Patriarch Clarke,
my father may not have a good impression of you, but I’m different. I hope
we can be friends, close friends.”

Hearing this, Philip smiled and said, “Friends? Maybe you’ve misunderstood
the meaning of this word, Young Master Berry. You and I will never
befriends because to me, your father is someone I must kill at any cost. Do
you want to be friends with a man who’s about to kill your father?”

“Hehehe…” While chuckling Stanley said, “You’re very forthright, but I’m
afraid it won’t be that easy for you to deal with my father. My father has
made too many enemies in his life, and you’re not the one who wants to kill
him. However, my father is still alive and well. He’s the deputy consul of the
Nonagon. Now, the consul has been sealed again by the grand master of
your Clarke family. To be honest, after three months, my father can become
the new consul of the Nonagon. When the time comes, the entire Nonagon
will belong to my father. Do you think you can still kill him?”
Hearing this, Philip’s face darkened. With chills in his eyes, he said, “Are you
saying that the Clarke family can’t do anything to your Berry family at all?”

Stanley chuckled and said frankly, “That’s right. In the Nonagon, your Clarke
family can’t do anything to my Berry family at all. This country is not the
world of your Clarke family. Although the Clarke family has the financial
resources and strength that amazes everyone, compared to the Nonagon,
we may be better than you in certain aspects.”

At Philip’s silence, Stanley continued, “Young Patriarch Clarke, both you and
I should be clear about the upward trend of the world. Why don’t we join
hands to create the future together? As long as the Clarke family joins
forces with the Berry family, the entire country will belong to us. Don’t you
wish to have greater power and strength in your hands?”

Hearing Stanley’s tempting words, Philip smiled lightly and said, “Young
Master Berry, do you want to control the supernatural disciple forces in the
country together with me? Is this your idea or your father’s?”

Stanley took a sip of whiskey and said, “It’s my idea, of course.”

“Oh, then how can I believe that you have the ability to cooperate with me?
As you have mentioned, your father will become the new Nonagon consul
in three months. Even if I want to cooperate, I should do so with your
father. Why should I cooperate with you instead?” Philip smiled lightly and

Stanley chuckled and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you’re wrong in

thinking this. My father will never cooperate with you. In his opinion,
getting rid of you is his greatest wish, but I’m different. I think mutual
cooperation is the best choice.”

Stanley continued, “Why don’t you think about my proposal? During the
disciple competition three days later, I hope to receive your reply.”

Philip raised his eyebrows and said flatly, “You seem to have put much
thought into this. If I understand correctly, will you join forces with your
father against us if I don’t agree to cooperate with you?”

Stanley shrugged and said, “It’s not impossible. After all, no one wants
another enemy.”
Philip got up and said, “Thank you for your kind intentions, then. In three
days, I’ll see you at the disciple competition.”

With that said, Philip turned around and left with Fennel and the others.

After Philip left, Stanley finished the drink in his hand and made a
beckoning gesture. He said to a bodyguard behind him, “Follow them and
watch their movements. Report everything back to me.”

“Yes, Young Master!”

The special bodyguard responded respectfully before he turned and left the

At the same time, another person walked in from the door

This person was eight feet tall and walked briskly with an imposing air. He
was none other than the master of Terrain Villa, Ernest Turner. Of course,
Villa Master Cyril Hopper followed closely behind him.

The two stood at the door, bowed respectfully to Stanley, and greeted,
“Young Master Berry…”

Stanley nodded silently, his attitude aloof. He motioned for them to sit.

After Ernest took his seat, he asked in dissatisfaction, “Young Master Berry,
why did you let him leave like that? You even want to cooperate with him?
He belongs on Leon Jefferson’s side from the South.”

Stanley laughed as he looked at Ernest and said, “You’re wrong. He’s on no

one’s side. In front of him, Leon Jefferson is just an errand boy.”

“What?!” Hearing that, Ernest was taken aback.

Until now, he still did not know Philip’s true identity. Stanley laughed and
told Ernest and Cyril about Philip’s identity as well as the Clarke family.

After a long time, Ernest and Cyril were full of horror!

“No wonder he could destroy the Singer family single-handedly. So, he’s
the young patriarch of the Clarke family!”

Ernest’s heart beat like a drum, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his
forehead. He had actually opposed the young patriarch of the Clarke family.
With just a word from the other party, Terrain Villa could follow right in the
Singer family’s footsteps.

At that thought, Ernest sweated more profusely.

Seeing this, Stanley chuckled and said, “Villa Master Turner, don’t worry too
much. If he wanted to deal with Terrain Villa, he would have done so
already. Maybe he made a bet with you for the disciple competition three
days later because he was worried that making any other move would
trigger a counterattack from the Northern supernatural disciples and cause
unnecessary trouble. So, you should relax and prepare well for the disciple
competition in three days. As long as we win, nothing will be a problem.”

Hearing this, Ernest calmed down and said, “Young Master Berry, with your
presence, please rest assured that we’ll definitely win the disciple
competition three days later!”

Stanley laughed and said, “Villa Master Turner, the outcome is still
uncertain. As far as I know, Philip has recruited three helpers. Plus Ray
Warren and the other person from the South, they have a 60% chance of

Hearing this, Ernest was taken aback before he laughed and said, “Young
Master Berry, you worry too much. What sort of helpers can he find? Villa
Master Hopper and I have already figured it out. Even if he can find helpers,
he only has a 40% chance of winning. If Philip and Fennel face Young
Master Berry and Young Master Singer, the 40% chance will drop to 20%.
There’s nothing to fear.”

Stanley shook his head and said, “Didn’t you notice the other two behind
him when they left just now?”

Ernest jolted at this question, and he carefully recalled the scene just now.
Indeed, there were three people behind Philip just now. Apart from Fennel,
he did not know the other two.

Were those two the participants in this competition?

However, something was amiss. Ernest did not notice any disciple aura from
those two at all.
“Young Master Berry, those two don’t seem to be disciples, right? Why do
we need to worry about such helpers?” Ernest asked.

Cyril also said, “Yes, Young Master Berry, those two seem very ordinary to

Stanley smiled and said, “You know too little about this world. Those two
may look like ordinary people to you, but in my opinion, they’re true
experts. They’re no less powerful than the kingship holders of the fifth


Ernest and Cyril gasped.

How was this possible?

They had no aura of a disciple at all.

“Young Master Berry, don’t be ridiculous. Those two really look very
ordinary.” Ernest simply could not believe it.

“Yeah, Young Master Berry, I think those two are just filling in the numbers,”
Cyril added.

Stanley raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, “Do you know what the
Berry family does?”

Ernest said, “They’re dedicated to the study of the human body and the
transformation of supernatural disciples.”

That was right. The Berry family and the Lovelace family had the same

However, the Berry family was recognized by the country and affirmed by
the Nonagon. They were committed to the study of supernatural disciples.
Once the research produced results, even ordinary people could be turned
into disciples. They were the authority in the field of biological genetic
technology. However, the Lovelace family was different. Their research was
not tolerated by the country. They were cruel and full of bloodshed.

Stanley said, “Those two are not simply supernatural disciples. If I guessed
correctly, although they’re just ordinary people, they have the strength
comparable to disciples. They must have been genetically modified by the
Clarke family. On the surface, they look like ordinary people, but once they
turn on the chain sequence of their genes, they can unleash their hidden
strength. This is why Philip asked them for help.”

Hearing Stanley’s explanation, the faces of Ernest and Cyril went dark.
According to Stanley, the helpers found by Philip were not weak at all.

Did they really have a 60% chance of winning?

“What should we do?” Ernest asked anxiously.

Stanley smiled and said, “Don’t worry. Even though he found such helpers,
there’s nothing to be afraid of. Auric Singer and I will defeat them
mercilessly and make them lose any chance of winning. As for the rest, we’ll
leave it to Terrain Villa.”

Hearing that, Ernest smiled. He got up and said with a bow, “With Young
Master Berry around, it’s no problem.”

After saying that, Ernest and Cyril left Jumbo Bar. What happened at the
Jumbo Bar tonight was quickly squashed by an unknown force.

After Ernest and Cyril returned to Terrain Villa, Ernest could not calm down
at all. He paced back and forth in the hall worriedly. He asked, “Villa Master
Hopper, what do you think are our chances of winning?”

Cyril said indifferently, “Villa Master Turner, please relax. Since Young
Master Berry said so, he must have full confidence. As long as we calm
down and act according to the plan, we’ll be fine.”

Ernest nodded but shook his head again. He said, “No way, I can’t help
feeling uneasy. If we can lower their chances of winning, that’ll be better.”

“What do you mean?” Cyril asked.

Ernest stopped and looked at Cyril with narrowed eyes. He made a swiping
motion across his neck and said, “Find some people and make things
difficult for those guys. As long as they can’t participate in the competition
or are dead, victory will be ours!”

Cyril was stunned for a moment and said worriedly, “Villa Master Turner,
he’s the young patriarch of the Clarke family, after all. Even Young Master
Berry doesn’t dare to so casually lay a finger on him. As the weaker force, if
we make a rash move, maybe it’ll cause unnecessary trouble. Moreover,
they’re not weak. If we send normal people over, we’ll just be sending them
to their deaths.”

Ernest’s eyes froze, and he said, “You’re wrong. If we can’t kill them, we can
take action against their families. For example, the Warren family of Golden
City, the parents of Ray Warren, and his brother and sister-in-law. The other
one is Tony Hart’s daughter. If we capture them, do you think the other two
will still compete?”

Hearing this, Cyril understood. He frowned and asked, “Villa Master Turner,
are you sure we should do this?”

Ernest turned around, looked at Cyril seriously, and said, “Villa Master
Hopper, if we don’t do this, what are our chances of winning? All’s fair in
love and war. Now that we have reached this stage, we can only be
ruthless! If Philip Clarke wins, neither of us will end well!”

Cyril nodded, gritted his teeth, and said, “Okay, I’ll make arrangements

With that said, Cyril turned around and left the hall. Ernest stood in the hall
with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of killing intent. He clenched his
fists angrily and said, “ Philip Clarke, this time, let’s see what happens! You’ll
never win!”

On this side, after Cyril left the hall, he quickly arranged two teams of killers
with extraordinary strength to infiltrate Golden City and Sunbury in the
south. These two teams of killers had the strength of disciples in the fifth
zone and specialized in assassinating disciples.


Golden City, rainy day.

The entire Golden City looked like a spilled bowl of golden soup in the rain.

At this time, in a small manor in Golden City that belonged to the Warren
Bodyguards patrolled back and forth in the manor. However, on this rainy
night, several ghostly figures quickly fell from the sky!

Swish, swish!

Several bodyguards fell in the rainy night and were dragged to the side.
Then, the four figures in special night costumes looked at each other and
lowered their bodies with weapons such as daggers. They quickly spread
out and searched for targets in the manor!

Swish! Poofl

Muffled thuds and screams could be heard everywhere. The thick stench of
blood soon permeated the damp air of the rainy night.

Meanwhile, in a small family in Sunbury.

Several figures fell into a pool of blood and rainwater. The blood mixed
with the rainwater and flowed down the drains.



In a hotel in Beechwood City.

Philip was furious!

“What did you say? The Warren family and Hart family were wiped out

Philip was furious and smashed the wine glass in his hand. At this moment,
he was full of chills. The killing intent filled the entire suite.

Leon Jefferson also scowled. He clenched his fists angrily and said, “Young
Patriarch Clarke, Ernest Turner and his people are too vicious to think of
such a malicious trick! The killers they secretly sent out last night were all
expert disciples with strength in the fifth zone. For them to deal with
secular people is simply massacre!”

“The Warren family and Hart family, including all the servants and non-core
personnel were slaughtered overnight! The remaining head of the Warren
family, including Ray Warren’s brother and sister-in-law as well as Tony
Hart’s daughter were all kidnapped. Their bodies weren’t found at the

At this point, Leon’s anger became more intense. He never expected that.
Ernest and Cyril would do such an inhumane thing just to lower their odds
of winning!

Overnight, 72 people died tragically!

The important members of the Warren and Hart families also disappeared.

After Leon learned about it, he quickly dispatched people for search and
rescue but found nothing. From the clues found on the scene, they could
only determine that these people came from the North. After careful
thought, it was not difficult to guess who the mastermind behind this was.

After listening to Leon, Philip’s face was dark, and his eyes were full of
anger. He also did not expect the master of Terrain Villa, Ernest Turner, who
represented the entire Northern supernatural disciple community, to do
such a thing.

Was this Ernest’s idea or Stanley Berry’s?

“Villa Master Jefferson, what’s the situation now? Any other news?” Philip
asked with a frown.

Leon replied, “The scene has been completely cordoned off, and the people
from the Supernatural Bureau have intervened in the investigation.
However, such a massacre can’t be solved in a day or two. Mr. Sun of the
Supernatural Bureau’s Southern division just sent me a message that it’ll
take at least three days to find the kidnapped Warren and Hart family

“Three days?”

Philip frowned and asked, “Are you sure it’ll take three days?”

Leon was also skeptical, but the Supernatural Bureau was too powerful.
Matty disturbances in the supernatural disciple world were handed over to
them to deal with. It was an institution personally approved by the Imperial
Preceptor. Thus, with such immense power, their word was the sky!
If they said three days, no one could argue with them. However, this
duration was too coincidental. It happened to be one day after the end of
the disciple competition.

Was there some other implication in this?

“Yes, Mr. Sacha was sure it’d take three days,” Leon replied with a hint of
helplessness in his tone.

Philip’s face darkened as he stood with his hands behind his back He
looked at the street view of Beechwood City through the large French

A villa halfway up the mountain appeared in his eyes. That was Terrain Villa.
As if he sensed something, Philip seemed to make eye contact through the
air with Ernest Turner who stood at the memorial altar of Terrain Villa. There
seemed to be a spark in the air.

With a sneer on his face, Ernest was dressed in pale golden clothes with
Cyril standing behind him.

He smiled and asked, “How’s everything going?”

Cyril said, “Villa Master Turner, you can rest assured that everything has
been handled very well with no evidence or trace left behind. Moreover, I’ve
contacted Mr. Sacha of the Supernatural Bureau’s Southern division. Three
days later, we’ll just hand the people over.”

Ernest smiled smugly.

“Hmph, in my opinion, the young patriarch of the Clarke family is just an

immature boy. He’s nothing worth mentioning. In front of people like us, he
has no choice but to back down because this is Beechwood City, the
territory of Terrain Villa!” Ernest said solemnly with irresistible severity.

“Pass my order. From today on, no guests are allowed! Especially Philip or
his friends, if they’re here to question us, refuse them directly,” Ernest said
to a few subordinates behind him.

“Yes, Villa Master!” Several subordinates responded and left to execute his
Cyril smiled and said, “Let me say my congratulations in advance for your
victory in this year’s disciple competition.”

Ernest laughed, turned around, and said to Cyril, “Villa Master Hopper,
you’ve made your contribution in this matter too. As long as we can
stabilize the position of Terrain Villa and defeat Young Patriarch Clarke, the
entire South will be under our control. When the time comes, you can take
over the Cherry Villa in the South. We can work hand-in-hand in the North
and the South. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

Hearing that, Cyril was excited and quickly said, “Thank you for your
support. I’ll definitely serve you to the best of my ability!”

“Hahaha!” Ernest’s laughter echoed throughout the villa.


Back to Philip’s side. He withdrew his gaze with chills in his eyes and said to
Leon behind him, “Send someone to contact Mr. Sacha of the Supernatural
Bureau and tell him I want to ask him some questions about last night’s
incident. Also, release the news in the whole country to capture the disciple
assassins from last night! Anyone who provides a clue will receive a reward
of 10 million! If the clue is very favorable, 50 million! If we can capture the
assassin, 100 million!”

“In short, we must catch all the assassins before the disciple competition at
all costs and rescue all the kidnapped members of the Warren and Hart

Leon quickly replied, “Okay, I’ll make immediate arrangements.”

“Also, how did you deal with Ray and Tony?” Philip asked.

Leon shook his head and said, “I just received news from Wicca that Ray has
just left the mountain. He was supposed to come over today and prepare
for the competition, but because of this incident, he has already returned to
Golden City. As for whether he can participate in the competition, I don’t
know yet.”

“As for Tony, because he has been traveling all the time, I have no news of
Hearing this, Philip nodded and said, “Send someone to Golden City to
calm Ray down first. In addition, immediately send someone to look for
Tony and contact him as soon as possible. Don’t let them do anything

After saying this, Philip sighed and said, “I’m most worried that they won’t
participate in the competition because of this matter. In that way, Ernest will
achieve his goal.”

Leon naturally understood and said, “Then we only have two days.”

Philip nodded and said, “I know. I’m going to Terrain Villa.”

“Young Patriarch Clarke, do you want to see Ernest Turner?” Leon asked in

Philip snorted coldly and said, “Everyone is aware of this matter. I’m going
to meet him and hear what he has to say.”

Leon quickly said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, that’s too risky. Ernest has
already done such a thing. If you go meet him now, I’m worried something
may happen to you.”

Leon had a point. After all, Ernest even dared to assassinate the Warren and
Hart families, which meant that he was no longer afraid of Philip’s identity.
Such a person was the most dangerous.

Hearing that, Philip chuckled and said, “Hehe, I just want to meet him and
see what he wants to do.”

After that, Philip‘s eyes twinkled coldly. By daring to do this, Ernest was
opposing Philip.

Seeing this, Leon made no further comment and just said, “Let me go with
you, then. Even if something happens, we can look out for each other.”

Philip turned to look at Leon and said, “Okay, you can make the
arrangements, then. In ten minutes, we’ll set off for Terrain Villa.”

“Okay,” Leon responded and quickly made arrangements.

Ten minutes later, he and Philip sat in a Mercedes-Benz and headed

straight for Terrain Villa.
At the main entrance of Terrain Villa, Philip got off the car and looked up.
The huge gatehouse was made of white jade engraved with the name of
the villa. It looked quaint yet spectacular. The villa was located atop a small
mountain, which towered above the rest, and the surrounding buildings
looked very imposing. As expected of Terrain Villa. It looked quite majestic.

At this moment, four bodyguards in black suits stood in front of the Villa’s
main entrance.

Philip tucked his hands in his trouser pockets and walked up the steps,
followed by Leon.

Two of the bodyguards took a step forward and said coldly, “Please stop.
The villa master will not receive visitors today. Please go back.”

“No visitors?” Leon asked doubtfully before he said coldly, “Stop with these
pretenses. Tell Ernest Turner that Leon Jefferson and Philip Clarke are here
to see him!”

However, the two bodyguards remained motionless and said, “I’m sorry, but
the villa master has given the order that no visitors are allowed for today
and tomorrow. Please go back. You can come back again two days later if
there’s anything urgent.”

Hearing this, Philip and Leon frowned.

He refused to see guests due to a guilty conscience. It seemed that Ernest

was expecting them and deliberately avoiding them.

Philip’s face was cold as he looked up at the quaint hall of the villa halfway
up the mountain.

That building was big and imposing. A figure could be seen vaguely on the
balcony, staring coldly at the two visitors at the main entrance.

It was none other than Ernest Turner.

With an indifferent expression and a sneer, he asked Cyril behind him, “Villa
Master Hopper, do you think I should meet Young Patriarch Clarke?”

Cyril looked down at the two small figures at the entrance at the foot. of
the mountain and said, “That’s totally up to you. Personally, I’d choose to
see him. After all, his appearance here means that he suspects us. In that
case, we should try to meet him and probe a little. We may get some
unexpected results. Moreover, we can also do something to put some
pressure on Young Patriarch Clarke to test him out.”

Ernest pondered before he nodded and said, “You have a point. Let’s see
him, then.”

Back to Philip’s side. Leon had started arguing with the bodyguards and
was even prepared to fight. However, at this moment, someone ran down
the stairs, bowed, and said with a smile, “Oh my, Young Patriarch Clarke,
Villa Master Jefferson, I didn’t expect you to come in person. This is an
honor for our villa!”

Leon frowned and looked at Cyril who came running over. He scoffed and
said coldly, “Hmph, Cyril Hopper, stop playing tricks. We want to meet
Ernest Turner!”

Cyril smiled and said, “Villa Master Jefferson, why are you so angry? Did
something happen?”

Was he playing dumb?

Leon could not bear it any longer. He raised his fingers angrily and chided,
“Cyril Hopper, are you still playing dumb at this point? Don’t you know
what you’ve done?”

Leon was livid!

If Philip had not reminded him not to get angry on their way here, he would
have charged into Terrain Vila and destroyed everything!

With a smile, Cyril said, “Villa Master Jefferson, forgive me, but I really don’t
understand what you’re saying.”

“You!” Leon was furious and was about to take action.

At this moment, Philip smiled and stopped Leon, motioning for him to calm
down. He then looked at Cyril indifferently and said, “Villa Master Hopper,
lead the way please.”

Cyril dared not delay and immediately turned around to lead the way. Soon,
they crossed the stairs and arrived at the main hall of Terrain Villa halfway
up the mountain.
A small square paved with white marble stood in front of the main hall with
a high platform that overlooked the entire landscape below the mountain.

With one glance, Philip knew that Ernest must have been standing here
looking at everything at the entrance just now.

Cyril stretched out his hand and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, Villa Master
Jefferson, Villa Master Turner is waiting for you in the side hall.”

“Side hall?”

Hearing this, Leon frowned, and his face became even darker. Ernest Turner
was trying to exert his authority by receiving them in the side hall, which
was undoubtedly a humiliation to Philip!

However, Philip just smiled slightly and said, “Thank you, Villa Master

Cyril smiled, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in the corner of his eyes. He
had wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate Philip and see how the
other party would react. However, Philip had been calm and indifferent
since the beginning, which made Cyril a little apprehensive.

To be the young patriarch of the Clarke family at such a young age, he was
actually not arrogant or impetuous! The future for this young man was

Soon, Cyril led Philip and Leon to the side hall. At this moment, Ernest sat
on the main seat in the side hall.

The hall was not big and could accommodate a few dozen people. The
place was surrounded by paintings and bookshelves.

Ernest sat on the main seat while sipping tea. When Philip and Leon walked
in, he did not pretend to get up and greet them. He just placed his teacup
down and asked, “Young Patriarch Clarke and Villa Master Jefferson, what’s
the purpose for your sudden visit to Terrain Villa?”

Philip stood in the side hall and put his hands in his trouser pockets. He
stared at Ernest and asked directly, “Did you arrange for someone to deal
with the Warren and Hart families?”
Ernest was taken aback, and a chill flashed in his eyes. He forced a smile
and said, “Haha, I don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the
Warren and Hart families?”

Philip said, “Last night, a group of disciple assassins with the strength of the
fifth zone launched an attack on the Warren and Hart families in the South,
killing 72 people. All the important members of the Warren and Hart
families have disappeared. Aren’t you the one who arranged for this to

“What?!” Ernest stood up in shock and asked, “How could such a thing

He looked at Leon and asked, “Villa Master Jefferson, they’re the families in
your South. Did something like this really happen?”

Just as he finished speaking, a henchman rushed in from the door, knelt on

the floor in a hurry, and shouted, “Villa Master Turner, something has
happened. The Warren and Hart families in the South suffered a massacre
last night. This case has been taken over by the Supernatural Bureau.”

An imperceptible sneer flashed across Ernest’s mouth as he chided, “I

already know! How are you doing your job? It took you so long to inform
me. Young Patriarch Clarke and Villa Master Jefferson had to tell me in
person! Get lost!”

Watching the old fox acting like this, Philip and Leon were full of anger.

Ernest Turner was too good at acting.

Then, Ernest smiled pretentiously and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, Villa
Master Jefferson, see, I just received the news too. For such a tragic thing to
happen, Terrain Villa will not sit idly by and do nothing. If you need any
help, I’ll definitely try my best and help you catch those vicious killers as
soon as possible! We must punish them severely!”

Hearing Ernest’s hypocritical words, Leon could not hold back any longer.
He pointed at Ernest and shouted, “Ernest Turner, it’s obvious that you did
it. Why are you still putting on an act here? If you have the guts to do it,
why don’t you have the guts to admit it?”
Seeing the angry Leon, Ernest shrugged and said with a smile, “Villa Master
Jefferson, this is slander. Without evidence, how can you say that I did it?
No matter how evil I may be, I wouldn’t do such a thing. Villa Master
Jefferson, don’t get carried away by your anger and say something by
mistake. That’ll affect the friendship between the North and South.”

Hearing that, Leon’s face turned pale with anger.

At this time, Philip said blandly, “Maybe we misunderstood, Villa Master


Ernest smiled and said, “Since it’s a misunderstanding, it’s not a problem. I
just want to know the current situation of the Warren and Hart families
now. Have you found any clues? Do you need my help?”

Philip chuckled and said, “No need. Since you don’t know much about it, we
won’t disturb you any longer.”

Ernest nodded and said, “Is there anything else, Young Patriarch Clarke?”

Philip shook his head and said, “No. I’m just here to see what you’re doing
right now.”

With that said, Philip turned around to leave. However, when he reached
the door, Philip suddenly stopped and said, “Villa Master Turner, I have to
remind you that if you can do some things, so can I. I just wonder if the
talents on your side can withstand a lesson from the battle god of the
Clarke family.”


Ernest’s head buzzed at Philip’s remark!

In his line of sight, Philip left.

“Villa Master Hopper, what did he mean by that last remark?” Ernest got a
fright at Philip’s last words.

Cyril frowned and said, “Villa Master Turner, don’t worry. Maybe he’s just
trying to scare you and make you lose sight of things.”

Hearing that, Ernest nodded and said, “I hope so, but I still feel uneasy.”

Battle god of the Clarke family? What was Philip going to do?
Back to Philip’s side. After he returned to the hotel, his face was full of chills.
He stood in front of the French windows, dialed a number, and said coldly,
“Uncle Tango, I need your help.”

On the other end of the line, a gruff voice rang out. “Young Patriarch, how
may I help you?”

“Help me teach some people a lesson. Remember, don’t kill them. Just
teach them a lesson and make them lie on the bed for a few months,” Philip

“Okay,” the voice on the line said.

After he ended the call, Philip looked at the distance somberly and said,
“Ernest Turner, I hope you don’t regret your actions.”


Half a day later, Ernest and Cyril were discussing in the hall of the villa.
Suddenly, a guard at the door rushed in, knelt on the floor, and said while
panting for breath, “Villa Master Turner, something has happened!”

Hearing that, Ernest frowned and said coldly, “What’s wrong? Why are you

The kneeling guard quickly said, “Villa Master Turner, we just received the
news that someone has challenged the Crawford and Lewitt families. The
sons of the two families were severely injured in one move, and they’re
unable to participate in the disciple competition the day after tomorrow.”


Hearing this, Ernest stood up in shock and crushed his chair with one strike.
His face was cold, and his eyes flashed with biting anger!

“Philip Clarke! It must be Philip Clarke!” Ernest roared.

He finally understood the meaning of Philip’s last remark!

Cyril asked quickly, “What about the Jones, Woods, and Hunter families?
And several other families who’ll be participating in the competition? Did
anything happen to them too?”
The guard shook his head and said, “I don’t know. We haven’t received any
news yet.”

Cyril breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, “Quick, notify them
immediately and tell them not to see any guests!”

However, after Cyril said that, another guard rushed in again at the door.
He hurriedly shouted, “Villa Master Turner, Villa Master Hopper, something
bad has happened. Five families including the Jones, Woods, and Hunter
families were challenged by someone. The young masters and young ladies
of the five families were all severely injured! The grand masters of the five
families tried to stop the challenger, but they were all severely injured in
one move! T-They won’t be able to compete!”


Hearing this, Ernest smashed the pillar beside him with a punch and said
angrily, “Damn it! How dare he do this? If this goes on, how are we going to

Cyril also said coldly, “Villa Master Turner, we might’ve made a big mistake.
To be able to defeat so many people with one move, including the grand
masters of several families, I think the person who did this is no simple

Of course, Ernest had to agree, but since things had reached this point,
there was no turning back.

“Hmph! Do a reselection of talents immediately. Also, spread the news that

the South has the ambition to take over the North! At the same time, issue
a joint petition with all the families to the Supernatural Bureau and ask
them to take action to resolve this matter!” Ernest said angrily.

Cyril nodded and said, “That’s the only way now.”

Then, he asked, “What should we do with the captured members of the

Warren and Hart families?”

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Ernest’s eyes as he said, “Kill them all!”

Cyril trembled at Ernest’s order.

He said, “Villa Master Turner, do we really want to take things that far?
They’re the core members of the Warren and Hart families, the close
relatives of Ray Warren and Tony Hart. If we do that and things come to
light, there’s no way we can get away with this.”

Ernest turned his head abruptly, looked at Cyril grimly, and said, “Are you
afraid? Do you want to be a sinner of the Northern supernatural disciple
world and an ant at the bottom of Philip’s sole?”

Cyril jolted at Ernest’s words and said, “Villa Master Turner, I’m not afraid

“Do it immediately! Since Philip dares to do this, he shouldn’t blame me for

being ruthless!” Ernest roared.

Cyril nodded and left quickly. Then, he got into a car and sped toward an
abandoned training ground in the west of Beechwood City.

This training ground was located on the outskirts with mountains and
quarries nearby. There was an abandoned site at the edge of the quarry,
which was the training ground.

Cyril’s car stopped here. He got out of the car with a dark face as he
glanced at the surrounding environment.

A subordinate approached him with a flattering smile and said, “Villa

Master Hopper, what brings you here?”

With an unpleasant look on his face, Cyril said, “Where is everyone being
locked up?”

The leading man quickly said, “They’re inside. Please come with me…”

Then, they walked toward the abandoned house at the back of the training

This scene was clearly captured by an eight-fold scope lying in ambush

behind a bush on a nearby hill. Two people were completely hidden behind
the bushes. The man with the sniper rifle stared through the lens at the
person walking and said into the headset, “No. 7 has found the target’s
At the same time, in the hotel suite, Leon received the news from his
subordinates and quickly reported, “Young Patriarch Clarke, we found them
at an abandoned training ground in the west. Several people are keeping
close watch now. However, they mentioned that Cyril’s presence at the
scene may not be a good thing for the Warren and Hart family members.”

Philip stood at the French window and said, “Arrange for some people to
rescue the hostages. Also, capture Cyril Hopper alive!”

“Yes!” Leon responded and quickly made arrangement.

Back to Cyril’s side. He had entered the abandoned house at this moment.
There was a pungent smell of blood in the dark room. The place was
divided into two areas, and there were more than a dozen people who were
tied up.

These people were ragged and unkempt. They were in very low spirits and
had blood stains all over them. Their hands and feet were also chained
together with iron chains.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and several people walked in.
These people huddled together nervously, and the chains made loud
clanking sounds.

Cyril stepped in with a frown and waved his hand in front of his nose.

The man in front of him smiled flatteringly and said, “Villa Master Hopper,
look, everyone’s here. No one can escape.”

Cyril nodded, and his eyes fell on the panic-stricken hostages. Then, he said
to the man beside him, “Kill everyone! Dig a pit and bury them. Leave no
evidence behind! After everything is done, take care of those underlings
outside. Remember, leave no traces!”

The man with a grim face quickly said, “Okay, I’ll do it right away!”

The hostages of the Warren and Hart families were made up of the old and
the weak. Hearing Cyril’s words at this moment, they started screaming.
Unfortunately, their mouths were taped.
Cyril frowned, but at this point, he could only resort to this. After leaving
the order, Cyril turned around and left. He returned to his car and told the
driver to drive away.

On this side, the man who sent Cyril away turned around and said with a
smile, “Boys, let’s get to work!”

These people were armed with guns. They approached the house and
aimed their guns at the hostages of the Warren and Hart families.

Seeing this group of Villains at this moment, the hostages burst into tears
as they lowered their heads to welcome the arrival of death.

The leading man waved his hand with a cruel smile on his face!

Bang, bang, bang!

Something unexpected happened!

In an instant, three teams of fully armed combatants appeared. One team

fell from the sky and broke through the ceiling above. One team rushed in
from one side and crashed through a wall with an armored tank, while the
other one broke through the windows. Others rushed in through the doors!

The three teams of fully armed combatants with guns in their hands
brought the scene under control in an instant!

“Drop your weapons! On the ground!”

“Do not resist or we will fire!”

“Down on the ground!”

Seeing this scene, the man in the lead still wanted to resist and roared,
“Charge out!”


Rat- tat-tat! Rapid gunshots!

More than a dozen vicious people guarding the hostages were shot and fell
in a pool of blood. The scene was cleaned up in an instant!

All the hostages were rescued.

The leader of the team also quickly reported back, “All the hostages have
been rescued, but Cyril Hopper was not found at the scene.”

“Okay. Come back first.”

Meanwhile, Cyril sat in his car and passed by a dense forest. He was about
to head back to Beechwood City. However, the car braked suddenly.

In the car, Cyril was jolted forward and said coldly, “What’s going on? Do
you know how to drive?”

“Villa Master Hopper, we’ve been blocked,” the driver said.

Hearing that, Cyril frowned. Through the car window, he saw seven or eight
figures in black clothes on the mountain trail. All of them had weapons and
were staring at the car indifferently. Seeing this, Cyril turned his head to the
back of the car and seemed to realize something.

At the same time, those people had surrounded them.

Cyril said coldly, “Run them over!”


The car started quickly and rushed out of the blockade!

This group of people quickly tried to use firepower to stop them, but this
car was bulletproof.

Seeing that the car was about to escape, the leader shouted, “After them!”

In an instant, a chase unfolded. In the end, a few missiles were launched

and blew the car into the air, igniting balls of flames.

A figure spread out its wings like an eagle, full of energy pressure and
power of rules!

Cyril fell from the sky, his eyes cold. Most of his clothes were burned. He
landed with a bang and stared at the eight people who had quickly
surrounded him. These eight people, uniformly dressed, were disciple

When he saw these eight people, Cyril’s heart dropped to rock bottom. He
knew that he was doomed today, but he would not give up without a fight!
“Are you here to kill me?” Cyril sneered as he asked.

Without waiting for an answer, he increased his aura to its peak and said,
“I’m sorry to disappoint you. After all, I’m a disciple who just entered the
sixth zone!”

A thunder-like roar echoed throughout the mountain forest. Birds and

beasts scattered!

Cyril’s demeanor was no longer like a normal person at this moment and
was extremely fierce.

The eight people did not waste any words with Cyril at all and just charged
at him. They were disciples of the fourth and fifth zones with very strong
overall combat effectiveness!

Bang, thud!


Instantly, the place was engulfed by the battle. Cyril wandered among the
eight people and fought non-stop.

Both parties launched killing moves. Cyril was a disciple of the sixth zone,
after all. His comprehension and control over the power of rules were
beyond what these disciples of the fourth and fifth zones could imagine.
Therefore, after several rounds of battle, Cyril gained the upper hand and
showed signs of suppressing the other party.


Cyril sent two disciple assassins flying with a punch and a kick. He laughed
smugly and said, “A bunch of trash like you dares to kill me? Dream on! Did
Leon Jefferson send you here? He has greatly underestimated me! Today,
all of you will die here!”

With that said, Cyril charged forward!

The eight people also fell from proactive to reactive mode. They were
wounded too.

Seeing that these eight people were in a crisis, a figure suddenly walked out
of the forest with rhythmic footsteps. He was tall, handsome, and imposing
with his hands tucked in his trouser pockets indifferently. He stared coldly
at Cyril who was charging ahead.

Suddenly, a whirlwind surged with raging energy pressure!

Cyril stopped and stared fixedly at the figure that suddenly appeared and
said with a sneer, “I didn’t expect Young Patriarch Clarke to show up in

Philip stood indifferently with a chill in his eyes and said, “Your actions are
beyond my limit of tolerance, so I want to meet you in person.”

“Presumptuous! I’m one of the masters of Terrain Villa, after all. Do you
really think that I’d be afraid of you?” Cyril shouted angrily.

The anger that had been building up for a few days exploded at this
moment. He threw a punch with raging energy pressure at Philip. In his
mind, the arrogant Young Patriarch Clarke would turn into ashes in the next

However, Philip merely raised his hand calmly.


Cyril’s domineering punch with raging energy pressure was received by

Philip easily.

Cyril was full of shock. He wanted to step back but could not move because
his fist was grabbed by the other party.

A trace of killing intent flashed in Philip’s eyes as he squeezed Cyril’s fist

and said, “Villa Master Hopper, do you have any regrets?”

“You’re courting death!” Cyril was furious and kicked Philip.


Philip raised his other hand and blocked it. The tremendous energy
pressure where the two collided rumbled like a landslide!

Immediately after, Philip smirked and grabbed Cyril’s foot with a backhand.

The sound of broken bones resounded throughout the forest trail.

Cyril roared in pain, “Argh! How dare you?!”

However, before Cyril could continue, Philip’s fist slammed into Cyril’s face
like a meteor with raging airwaves.


In an instant, Cyril flew out like a ray of light!


He smashed through more than a dozen towering trees and fell to the
ground. As he slid across, a deep pit of dozens of meters was razed on the

Smoke billowed!

When Cyril fell to the ground and was about to get up, Philip was already in
front of him. He raised his foot and stomped on Cyril’s chest.


The sound of broken ribs resounded through the forest trail again!

Cyril roared in pain and lost all ability and will to resist. “Argh! You’re so
cruel! Let go of me. I’m the master of Terrain Villa and the head of the
Hopper family in Beechwood City. You…”

Cyril roared but his words were distorted by the pain in his leg and chest.

“So annoying!” Philip said coldly and raised his hand to form a sword from
condensed air.


The sword pierced through Cyril’s arms and rendered them useless!

“Argh!” With a trembling roar from the depths of his soul, Cyril’s bloodshot
eyes popped wide open.

His whole body tensed due to the pain. He stared at the indifferent Philip in
front of him and said tremblingly, “How dare you cripple me?! Villa Master
Turner and all the families in the North will never let this rest!”
Philip said impassively, “Then let me experience the wrath of Terrain Villa
and the Northern families.”

After saying this, Philip exerted force on his feet again. Cyril passed out in

Then, Philip raised his eyebrows, looked up at the sky, and said, “Bring him

The news that Cyril was caught in an ambush soon spread to Terrain Villa.


Ernest was furious and smashed the newly arrived chair. A burst of anger
surged through his body, and the kneeling guard trembled in fear.

“Immediately inform the guards of the entire villa to step up the security in
the villa! Also, notify the 12 Killers to find Cyril Hopper at all costs and bring
him back. If they can’t, kill him on the spot!” Ernest said solemnly.

He could not allow Cyril to stray outside. If Cyril spilled all their plans, Ernest
would be charged and wanted by the Supernatural Bureau.

After saying this, he confirmed again, “Were all members of the Warren and
Hart families rescued?”

The guard replied, “Yes. No survivors were found at the scene, and all the
people of the Warren and Hart families have been rescued. However, all the
evidence and clues that point to us at the scene were destroyed in advance,
so they can’t track us down.”

Hearing this, Ernest breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he got up and said,
“Carry out my orders quickly. I need to see Young Master Berry

After saying this, Ernest got up and headed to Stanley Berry’s current
residence. At this time, only Stanley could help him.

Soon, Ernest took a special car to the villa where Stanley lived.

This was a property owned by the Berry family in Beechwood City with a
moderate size equivalent to a soccer field. The villa looked like a white
castle surrounded by trees and flowers.
After being verified by the guards at the entrance, Ernest walked into the
hall of the villa.

At this moment, inside the hall, Stanley stood by the Window looking at the
scenery in the courtyard.

“Young Master Berry, you have to help me!”

Ernest entered the door and knelt on the floor.

Stanley turned around, looked at the kneeling Ernest, and said mildly, “I
already know everything. To be honest, I don’t like what you did. We
could’ve easily defeated Philip in a fair game, but for your selfish intentions,
you sent disciple assassins to kidnap the Warren and Hart families. You
can’t keep this matter under wraps. Although you have people in the
Supernatural Bureau, they’ll definitely sell you out to protect themselves.
What do you think are your chances of survival in a place like the
Supernatural Bureau?”

Hearing this, Ernest trembled instinctively and said, “Young Master Berry, I
know my mistake now. On account of the past, please save me! If you can
resolve this matter, I’ll serve you for the rest of my life!”

Hearing this, Stanley pondered in silence and said, “Get up!”

Ernest got up. With his waist bent, he stood respectfully next to Stanley.

Stanley said, “You’ve done something foolish. Fortunately, Philip has

rescued the hostages. If they had died, you would’ve had to atone with
your death!”

Hearing this, Ernest’s forehead was full of cold sweat. He said, “I just wanted
to increase our chances of winning.”

“Hmph!” Stanley snorted and said, “Then you should‘ve wiped everything
clean and left no one alive! Now, the hostages have been rescued, and Cyril
Hopper has also been captured. If he spills everything, even I can’t save


Ernest was so frightened that he knelt on the floor again and shouted,
“Young Master Berry, you have to save me! Your father has people in the
Supernatural Bureau. I beseech you to ask Deputy Consul Berry to intercede
for me.”

Stanley snorted coldly and said, “If I didn’t want to help you, I wouldn’t
have let you in! Get up!”

Ernest stood up tremblingly again. He bent his body lower and waited for
Stanley to speak.

After a long while, Stanley said, “Send a team of people to assassinate Cyril
at any cost. In short, everyone involved in this matter must be dealt with
cleanly! On the Supernatural Bureau’s side, I’ll step in and intercede on your
behalf, but I’m not sure of the outcome. The Supernatural Bureau isn’t a
place we can interfere easily. As you and I know, the person behind it is that

Of course, Ernest knew who Stanley was talking about and said tremblingly,
“As long as you can help me get through this crisis, the Northern
supernatural community and all affluent families here will obey you, Young
Master Berry!”

Hearing this, Stanley sneered faintly and said, “Okay, I’ll deal with the rest,
On Philip’s side, don’t try to cause trouble with him for the time being and
just wait for the disciple competition the day after tomorrow. As for the
participants, use the people I select!”

With that said, Stanley’s bodyguard handed a list to Ernest.

Ernest took a few glances and said with a bow, “Yes, Young Master Berry. I‘ll
make arrangements immediately.”

After saying that, Ernest silently left the hall.

Stanley sat on the sofa in the hall, took a sip of tea, and said, “Help me get
in touch with Mr. Fern of the Northern Division in the Supernatural Bureau.”


Back to Philip’s side. After he returned to the hotel, Leon found him and
said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, Mr. Sacha of the Southern Supernatural
Bureau division has been waiting in the side hall.”

Philip hummed and headed toward the side hall without delay.
When the door opened, he saw a middle-aged man with a potbelly. He was
wearing black-rimmed glasses and sat on the sofa, where he drank tea and
ate snacks comfortably.

As Philip walked in, the fat middle-aged man put down the snacks in his
hand, got up with a smile, and said with a bow, “Young Patriarch Clarke, it’s
nice to meet you. I’m Brad Sacha. You’re indeed a talented and good-
looking young man. You’re a good role model for the younger generation.
With young talent like Young Patriarch Clarke in the South, it’s really a gift
from heaven…”

The moment he opened his mouth, it became obvious he was an old fox.

Philip interrupted Brad Sacha’s speech and said coldly, “Mr. Sacha, are you
in charge of the Southern division in the Supernatural Bureau?”

Seeing Philip’s indifference, Brad restrained his flattery but still smiled and
said, “That’s right, I’m in charge of the Southern division in the Supernatural
Bureau. Under my wise leadership, the situation in the entire South is now
very stable and harmonious…”

Without waiting for Brad to boast, Philip interrupted him again and said
coldly, “Your leadership? Are you saying that you’re wise and have done
your best? Mr. Sacha, right under your nose, a group of disciple assassins
from the North infiltrated Golden City and Sunbury in the South and
slaughtered 72 people from the Warren and Hart families. How dare you
say you’ve managed things well and call yourself a wise leader?”

Brad was taken aback and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Young Patriarch Clarke did not respect him at all and reprimanded him at
first sight. Who did he think he was?

Brad wiped the smile off his face and said a little coldly, “Young Patriarch
Clarke, this is the business of the Supernatural Bureau, which has nothing to
do with you. If you’re doing this for a friend, I can tell you some things…”

Philip chided, “Brad Sacha, at this point, haven’t you realized your mistake

This angry shout shocked Brad for a moment. Then, he glared at Philip and
said coldly, “Young Patriarch Clarke, no matter what, I’m still the leader of
the Supernatural Bureau’s Southern division. What’s with your attitude of
yelling at me like this? I’m giving you enough respect by coming here to
see you. How dare you be so arrogant and disrespectful?”

“To put it in other words, what have you got to do with the Supernatural

Hearing Brad’s remarks, Philip was furious and said solemnly, “Brad Sacha,
you have no idea what’s going on, do you? Do you really think I don’t know
about your secret deal with Ernest Turner and Cyril Hopper?”

After saying that, the subordinate behind Philip took out some documents
and threw them in front of Brad!

Brad was shocked and picked up the documents on the floor, which were
full of investigation details about him!

This document was enough to take his life!

Brad panicked!

He looked at the documents in his hands. Every charge and allegation

wasenough to send his head rolling!

“Slander! This is slander! These are all false accusations. They’re not done
by me at all! How could I have done such things?!”

Brad roared in agitation and said with panic, “Young Patriarch Clarke, how
could you joke about this kind of thing? Have I offended you? Are you
framing me?”

Brad said with certainty that everything was forged by Philip.

Philip chuckled and said coldly, “Brad, things have reached this point. How
long do you think you can hide? As the leader of the Southern Division in
the Supernatural Bureau, you dare to collude with external enemies! You
suppressed the incident of the Warren and Hart families because you have
unspeakable dealings with Terrain Villa! Do you want evidence? Alright, I’ll
give it to you! Men, bring Cyril Hopper here!”

Brad shuddered at Philip’s order.

Cyril Hopper? Did he betray Brad?

Then, two heavily armed guards dragged in Cyril, who was covered in


Cyril was thrown to the floor. Although he had been given some basic
medical attention, the pain in his body made him breathless!

On the floor, Cyril looked up at Philip, who stood like a demon king in front
of him.

Philip asked with eyes lowered, “Cyril Hopper, are you and Ernest Turner the
ones who did that to the Warren and Hart families?”

Cyril had gone through the torture and only had the thought of surviving
now. He nodded weakly and said hoarsely, “Yes.”

Hearing that, Brad quickly shouted, “Young Patriarch Clarke, what does this
have to do with me? Since they did it, you should report it to the
Supernatural Bureau and we’ll arrest them. It’s not your place to mete out
torture like this!”

After that, he stepped in front of Cyril and said warningly, “Villa Master
Hopper, we really can’t judge a book by its cover. I admired you in the past,
but I never expected that you’d do such a thing! You must tell us everything
honestly and think about your family. Don’t say anything that shouldn’t be
said, and don’t hide anything. Otherwise, you can’t afford some

Hearing this, Cyril trembled as if he had thought of something terrible.

Philip’s face darkened as he glared at Brad and said, “Mr. Sacha, have you
forgotten my existence by saying such threatening words?”

Brad snorted and said, “Young Patriarch Clarke, you’re wrong. I just want
the truth! After all, the Supernatural Bureau won’t pay attention to any
evidence gained through coercion.”

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