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The First Heir novel Chapter 1715

The First Heir – Chapter 1715


The atmosphere in the entire hall became somewhat cold and awkward.

Who was this kid to talk to the people from the Nonagon like that?

Did he know the kind of people he was dealing with? These were the four enforcers of the Nonagon!
Moreover, that sturdy man exuding chills was the most belligerent, malicious, and vindictive among
the four!


Everyone gasped, and many looked at Philip in confusion. They also looked at Sheryl who sat beside

Was this the talent chosen by the Larson family?

How arrogant. He was young and fearless!

At the same time, the man in the black robe slowly removed his hood, revealing his hideous and vicious
face. He had dark skin and a tattoo of a tiger on his arms and neck. This tattoo alone was enough to
make the people present tremble.

People from the Nonagon were not ordinary people.

These people were freaks who had entered the door. The man’s eyes were savage. The scar at the
corner of his mouth was now raised, revealing a cold smile that sent chills down one‘s spine. His voice
was low and hoarse as he said, “Interesting. Aren’t you afraid of me?”

Philip frowned. With a faint smile, he said, “What’s there to be afraid of? Do you plan to do anything to
me here?”


As soon as he said that…

Venom clenched his fist and punched Philip right in the face!

His speed was as fast as lightning!

Ordinary people could not even see the other party’s movements clearly. They only felt a gust of wind
and then saw Venom’s fist one inch away from Philip’s face!

Right at this moment, the seductive woman said, “Venom, that’s enough. This is not the Nonagon.
Don’t cause trouble. Since he has the right to be here, it means that he’s not an enemy.”
After saying that, the woman shifted her charming eyes thoughtfully to Philip, whose face appeared

This guy was interesting. Even when facing Venom’s attack, he could still stand there steadily without
the slightest intention of giving in or being intimidated.

As for Philip, he was no longer calm on the inside!

The moment Venom made his move just now, he could already confirm that the strength of this person
was definitely not inferior to his. In fact, his strength even surpassed his by several folds!

In less than one second, the opponent’s fist was already right in front of his face!

If that woman had opened her mouth a little later, he would have been blown away by that punch!


The strength of these people was so terrifying!

Was this the strength of the Nonagon?

Was this the ability someone could gain after entering the door?

Philip frowned. Although his expression was calm, his palms were sweaty!

He had met his opponent!

A terrifying one at that!

It seemed that he still did not know enough about the Nonagon and the door.

One could never judge these people as normal humans!

The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1716

Venom withdrew his attack but the belligerent killing intent in his eyes did not dissipate. With a broad
sneer, he said, “Young man, I’m very interested in you. You’re the first person who can stand in front of
me without fear. I really hope to see you in the Nonagon.”

After that, he turned around and returned to the side of the coquettish woman. The four of them sat

Sheryl was extremely frightened just now. She quickly got up and asked with concern, “Philip, are you

Philip shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief. The tremendous pressure he felt from Venom had
disappeared at this moment.

He smiled and said, “I’m fine.”

Immediately after, his eyes swept over the four enforcers of the Nonagon. The other two removed
their hoods as well and Philip finally got a good look at their faces. One of them was a middle-aged
man about 40 years old with a gray goatee. His eyes were closed throughout, making it difficult to
guess his thoughts.

The other was a rather handsome man, even a little feminine. He seemed to be very interested in
Philip and took several glances at him, even smiling and nodding in a friendly manner.

Philip did not pay attention to him at all. In his mind, the Nonagon had something to do with his
mother’s accident. Everyone in the Nonagon was a suspect.

The man and woman from earlier, led by the middle-aged man, laughed loudly at this time and said,
“Ladies and gentlemen, since everyone has arrived, I won’t delay things any longer. We’ve gathered
everyone this time to discuss Nonagon’s selection in Uppercreek. I believe you have heard the rumors.
The qualification for selection is one billion dollars. As for the direct access spot, per my discussion
with the enforcers just now, ten billion dollars will guarantee a direct placement.”

As soon as he said that, everyone at the round table started talking about it.

Most of them were heads of families or young masters from large families in Uppercreek, while others
came from out of town. They were not qualified in their respective regions and came to Uppercreek to
try their luck.

While everyone was discussing, Philip asked Sheryl in a low voice, “Sheryl, what are the levels of these
enforcers in the Nonagon?”

Sheryl looked back at Philip and replied, “They’re the enforcers in charge of selecting talents. That
woman’s name is Connie Olsen. If you look at the constellation on her neck, that’s the symbol of the
second zone. As for the strength or ability of the people behind the door, I don’t know much, only an
approximate range. A person like her could probably go up against 100 enemies. Moreover, it’s said
that the skills of anyone who has entered the second zone can no longer be comprehended by normal
people. All I know is that someone like her is impenetrable by knives.”

“Impenetrable by knives?” Philip frowned and asked, “What about in comparison with an Ace?”
Sheryl pondered briefly and replied, “If we use martial arts to divide them, their strength is not below
an Ace. Especially the fierce man just now, his name is Venom Paine. He’s the most vicious among the
enforcers. Rumor has it that he once encountered a special situation behind the door and suffered
inhuman torture, which resulted in his hideous appearance now. He’s hostile to everyone. Philip, I have
to remind you to stay away from Venom. You’re not his opponent.”

Philip did not speak but his eyes fell on Venom. Coincidentally, the other party had also been looking
at him all throughout, like a bloodthirsty hunter staring at his prey.

Philip frowned as he thought about it. Suddenly, he chuckled and said, “One billion dollars to buy a
spot to enter the Nonagon… Is this a rule of the Nonagon or are you trying to make money privately?”


Instantly, all the people in the hall were silent, and a dozen pairs of eyes were locked on Philip.

This guy actually dared to ask this question? Was he unafraid of death?!
The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1717


A person in the hall angrily and abruptly slapped his palm on the table. Then, with a face full of chills,
he pointed at Philip and shouted sternly, “How dare you?! Who told you to interrupt? Do you know
what this place is? Do you know who the person you’re talking back to is?”

“Miss Larson, is this the person chosen by your Larson family? I think he’s just an ignorant young man!
How dare he question the decision of the Nonagon? Is he tired of living?”

The man turned his head angrily and shouted at Sheryl. The coldness in his eyes could not be hidden!

He was already angry and jealous of Sheryl for becoming a special guest enforcer. Now, the person she
chose actually dared to question the decision of the Nonagon on such an occasion.

No, he was questioning the four enforcers in front of him!

Simply audacious!

Was he unaware of who these people were?

In these people‘s eyes, ordinary people like them were mere ants that could be wiped out at will!

In their eyes, people in the outside world were just animals that were left to languish.

He was not the only one. At this moment, several other participants also showed angry expressions
and directed hostile eyes at Philip.

“Young man, this is not a place for you to speak casually. You’re not qualified to speak up or pose
questions during this private gathering.”

“Kid, I advise you to quickly apologize to the four enforcers. Otherwise, the outcome that awaits you
will be very tragic!”

“Miss Larson, is your Larson family trying to challenge the authority of the Nonagon or the four

These people were just watching the excitement and were unafraid of causing trouble. Condemning
words suddenly came raining down on Philip and Sheryl. To them, an ordinary person like Philip was
just clinging to the Larson family. There was nothing to fear about a small potato like him.

Sheryl’s face was also unpleasant. She glared at Philip before getting up, forcing a smile, and saying
apologetically to the four enforcers, “Enforcers, I’m sorry for my lax discipline. I hope you don’t mind.
I’ll ask him to go out at once.”

After saying that, she turned around and dragged Philip toward lhe door while signaling to him with
her eyes, warning him not to cause any more trouble.

Philip was indifferent. Without saying a word, he followed Sheryl to the door.
However, at this time, Venom spoke from his seat. With a low and murderous voice, he said, “Friend, I
can answer your question just now.”


The hall was instantly silent. Everyone kept their mouths shut for fear of drawing attention to

Philip stopped in his tracks, but Sheryl beside him kept urging him. “Don’t turn back. Go, hurry up!”

Oh no!

Venom Paine must be angry!

Sure enough, Venom was playing with a short dagger in his hand. He stood up coldly and took off his
black robe, revealing his strong muscles. He looked just like a brown bear.

There was a tiger tattoo on his arm and a Big Dipper mark on his neck The first star of the
constellation was the most dazzling.

He was a member of the first zone behind the door.

Philip’s eyes blazed as he looked at Venom, who was approaching him with a dagger in his hand. With a
smile, he said, “I’m all ears.”

Venom snorted as the dagger spun in his hand. The dazzling cold light made people shudder.

“Oh, I can answer your question, but after listening, you have to die!”

Venom smiled menacingly and stood right in front of Philip, locking eyes with him. A hideous smile
appeared at the corner of his mouth as he asked, “Now, do you still want to know?”

After this sentence, the temperature in the entire hall dropped to below zero!
The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1718

The murderous aura that radiated from Venom’s body filled the entire hall!

Everyone could not help but tremble all over, their legs and knees going weak!

Was this the strength of the people from the Nonagon?

How terrifying!

Without doing anything, just Venom’s intensity and words alone intimidated people!

Everyone’s eyes fell on Philip at this moment. They wanted to see how this young man would solve the
current dilemma. At the same time, they also looked forward to Venom making a move and outright
killing this person chosen by the Larson family!

That way, their families and the forces behind them would have one less competitor! Even the other
three enforcers were staring at Philip with searing eyes, waiting for his reply.

The smile on Connie’s face was the broadest. She was very interested in the man in front of her.

The middle-aged man in his 40s opened his eyes slightly and took a look before closing his eyes again.
It was as if the scene in front of him was not enough to cause any ripples in his heart.

In the face of Venom’s killing intent, a kid like this should instantly go down on his knees and start
begging for mercy.

He was not the only one who thought this way but everyone else as well.

Looking at this scene, Sheryl quickly acted as the middle person. She dragged Philip behind her and
said to Venom apologetically, “Enforcer Paine, this young and ignorant man has offended you. I hope
that you can be lenient with him. The Larson family will certainly keep this favor in mind.”

However, Venom paid no heed to Sheryl’s words at all. In a cold tone, he said murderously, “Miss
Larson, although your Larson family has a relationship with the Nonagon and I can’t take action against
you on that ground, I’m afraid you can’t stop me.”

To everyone’s surprise, Philip, who was at the center of the storm, was looking at Venom calmly at this
moment. He pulled Sheryl behind him, looked at the other party boldly, and said, “What if my answer is


Everyone gasped!

This guy really did not know what was good for him!

Everyone sneered and no longer paid any attention to Philip. After all, this guy was already doomed to
die at Venom’s hand.
Even Edgar Griffith signaled the bodyguards at the entrance to lock the door and get ready to clean up
the scene. This ignorant brat actually dared to contradict the enforcer of the Nonagon like this.

He dared to play such a reckless game against Venom. It was simply an absurd act that had put him on
the edge of death!

Connie also shook her head and could not help being disappointed in Philip.

This kid was too cocky.

Anyhow, it was good to let Venom teach him a lesson so that he could understand the gap between
the Nonagon and the world. It would also let him have a new understanding of the structure of this

“Venom, don’t kill. We’re in the outside world, after all. We must abide by the agreement. Otherwise,
it’ll be a nuisance if word gets out,” Connie said coldly at this moment, already getting up and
preparing to leave.

She had an understanding of Venom’s methods. Ever since he returned from that place, he had
changed into a bloodthirsty and vicious person.

She did not wish to watch the next scene.

The corners of Venom’s mouth curved up grimly and his eyes were full of menacing ferocity. The
dagger in his hand abruptly stopped spinning. He said, “Boy, don’t worry. Since Connie Olsen has
pleaded on your behalf, you won’t have to die. However, the rest of your life will be spent in endless
pain. This is the price of your disrespect to the Nonagon!”
The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1719

After saying that, the coldness emanating from Venom’s smirk grew more intense. He moved at top
speed to slash Philip’s arm with the dagger in his hand!

With that slash, Philip’s arm would definitely be ruined! When Sheryl saw this scene, her expression
crumbled and she hurriedly shouted, “Stop, no! You absolutely can’t hurt him!”

Hearing that, Venom glanced sideways at Sheryl and asked curiously, “Why not? Isn’t he just an
ordinary person? Doesn’t your Larson family have another candidate for the selection?”

Sheryl was panicking at the moment. If Philip was harmed in any way, the Clarke family would
definitely not let the Nonagon off!

The Clarke family and the Nonagon had been at peace for decades. If anything happened at this
juncture, it would be bad for both parties.

Moreover, Philip was the heir of the Clarke family. If he was injured by someone from the Nonagon,
Roger Clarke would certainly be furious!

Not to mention the four enforcers but even the Five Pavilions of the Nonagon might not be able to
bear the wrath of the Clarke family!

However, Philip’s identity had made things very awkward. It was because the Clarke family was at odds
with the Nonagon. They were just like enemies. Neither party could tolerate each other when they

If Venom and his gang learned about Philip’s identity, how would they handle it?

Now that they were on their turf, Sheryl was very flustered. Should she reveal Philip’s identity?

Would that cause more trouble?

Seeing Sheryl in a pickle, Venom’s eyes slowly turned cold. He said, “Miss Larson, I don’t like to be
deceived. If you don’t want to offend the Nonagon, please step aside.”

Then, he stared at Philip sternly and said, “Boy, I’ll make you realize the gap between us. It’s no
different from the sky and an ant. The Nonagon is not a place for you to imagine and evaluate at will.”

After that, Venom’s dagger moved to stab him again!

“Stop! He’s Philip…” Sheryl was anxious and could not be bothered about anything else as she started
to shout.



The tightly closed door of the hall was kicked open from the outside at this moment!
The two halves of the magnificent door shattered into pieces!

Everyone in the hall was shocked! Was this done by a f*cking human? A single kick shattered the entire

Immediately after, everyone’s eyes fell on the tall and handsome man standing at the door.

The man was 1.9 meters tall, masculine, and stem. With his hands in his trouser pockets and a smile in
his eyes, he glanced at the people inside indifferently.

Then, under everyone’s gaze, he walked in leisurely.

Fennel Leigh!

Upon seeing the newcomer, Philip smiled.

This guy had to appear at this time and steal all the limelight.

Immediately after, with everyone watching in astonishment, Fennel walked up to Venom and
scrutinized him from top to bottom. Then, he turned to Philip and asked, “Was he disrespectful to

Philip shrugged and said, “No, he just wanted to kill me.”

Fennel frowned, but the corners of his mouth soon lifted as he asked, “Why are you not running away,

“Why should I run?” Philip asked.

Fennel said lightly, “Brother, this is a member of the Nonagon. And by the looks of it, he’s from the
first zone. Although it’s nothing much, he’s not someone you can handle now.”

After saying that, Fennel’s eyes burst with cold intent as he stared at Venom.

Venom’ s entire face darkened. He did not expect an ignorant guy to appear at this time and actually
dare say that he was nothing much!

Immediately, endless murderous intent erupted from Venom’s body as he sneered brutishly. “Well
done, you even got yourself a helper. But today, all of you must die! I’ll make you understand the
difference between you and me! Ants must always be humble and beg to survive!”


As soon as he said that, Fennel raised his hand and slapped him!

Instantly, the shocked crowd saw Venom flying into the air before crashing to the floor heavily, where
he rolled for several meters!
The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1720


Everyone gasped!

This was too exaggerated!

A single slap caused Venom to fly out like that?!

Then, Fennel’s bland and disdainful words were heard. “So noisy! The hell with being an ant! In my eyes,
you’re nothing but an ant.”

Such audacity!

Who could have imagined that this person from the Nonagon, one of the four enforcers of Uppercreek
who acted so high and mighty before this and was a guy rumored to have a body impenetrable by
knives could be slapped away just like that?

Moreover, Venom lay on the ground for half a minute before he recovered his senses!

After he got up, his face was full of anger and his eyes flashed with disbelief. He sneered very cruelly
and said to Fennel, “Haha, interesting! You’re not an ordinary person. You know the zones behind the
door. You’ve entered the Nonagon and you’ve entered the door before!”


Instantly, the crowd tensed.


The guy in front of them had actually entered the Nonagon!

However, what was this about a door?

No one knew about it because the door was a world secret!

Everyone only knew about the Nonagon but not the door.

Fennel chuckled and said with a shrug, “You guessed it.”

Venom wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. The dagger in his hand became abnormally cold
at this moment. There was even a kind of aura that ordinary people could not see wrapped around the

Fennel frowned, observed Venom’s state at this moment, and suddenly roared. “Vigor? How dare you
ignore the rules imposed by the Nonagon and display your power in front of the world?!”

This roar, instead of frightening Venom, made him even more bloodthirsty.
He sneered and said, “So what? These people are just ants. Let them see all they want. It’s no big deal
to kill all of them later. Since you’ve entered the door, I really want to know what your strength is!”

After saying that, Venom burst into action. He tapped his toes on the floor and the dagger in his hand,
with a biting chill, flew straight for Fennel’s chest!

However, Fennel only frowned slightly. Then, amid everyone’s incredulous gaze, he put his hands in his
trouser pockets and launched a kick!


No one saw Fennel making other moves except for that kick!

Then, like a cannonball, Venom flew out and crashed into a wall with a bang! Instantly, the wall
cracked like a spider’s web, making people shudder! With a thud, Venom slid down from the wall.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and stared grimly at Fennel as he said, “Your strength is above me.
Who are you?”

The instant they exchanged blows, Venom understood that the man in front of him was far superior to
him! Such strength definitely surpassed the first zone!

Had he entered the second zone?


He might even be one of those freaks who had gone to the third zone!

Fennel smiled coldly, looked at Venom, and said, “It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is, if you
dare to activate your energy again, your internal organs will crumble. By that time, you’ll be driven out
by the Nonagon like a lost puppy.”
The First Heir novel Chapter 1721

Fennel was right and Venom was fully aware of it.

Just now, Fennel’ s kick had injected a lot of vigor into his body. If he dared to activate his energy now
and the two forces collided, his internal organs would not be able to withstand it. His organs would
crumble! If that happened, he would be rendered an invalid!

The Nonagon would have no use for an invalid!

Venom dared not move around and could only kneel on the floor, enduring the pain in his abdomen. He
could hardly believe that a guy who had entered the second or even third zone behind the door would
appear here in the outside world!

He and the other enforces had been given this assignment for the Nonagon’s selection this time. He
really had not seen Fennel before! In that case, only two possibilities could explain the current situation.

First, he was a member of the Five Pavilions and could freely enter and exit the Nonagon.

Second, he was an outcast of the door, one who was wanted by the Nonagon.

As for which possibility it was, Venom dared not speculate freely!

If he was someone from the Five Pavilions, Venom could only lament his bad luck and apologize. If it was
the latter, Venom would have to report this matter to the Nonagon to determine the identity of the
other party.

Otherwise, if such a guy caused trouble in the outside world, it would affect the balance of the world
structure. While Venom was contemplating, Connie Olsen walked over with an icy expression at this
moment. She glanced at Venom who was kneeling on the ground, glared at the nonchalant Fennel
fiercely, and asked, “Who are you? Do you know what will happen if you attack an enforcer of the

Connie was extremely angry at this moment. Someone actually dared to attack an enforcer of the
Nonagon. If word of this got out, it would definitely cause a commotion!

Moreover, the man in front had severely injured Venom with just one kick. His strength could not be

Connie’s eyes kept scrutinizing Fennel as she tried to judge his strength.

However, Fennel only shrugged languidly and stretched his body lazily. Then, he put his arms over
Philip’s shoulder and said to Connie, “Babe, this is my buddy. The direct access spot in your hand goes to
him. If there’s anything else to discuss, hurry up and say your piece. I still have other things to do.”

Flamboyant, but no less domineering.

In particular, his eyes carried a hint of amusement but left no room for doubt.

Connie huffed coldly and said, “Friend, you haven’t even given your name yet. If you want the direct
access spot just with your words, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

While saying that, Connie’s eyes fell on Philip. Why would such an ordinary guy be protected by
someone whose strength was not weaker than hers?

This was too unrealistic!

In that case, his identity must not be ordinary.

Could he be the descendant of a certain family?

To have a disciple as a bodyguard, it would seem that this family was not simple.

Fennel smiled. His eyes fell on Connie as he sized her up and commented, “90, 60,90, perfect. Babe, do
you want to consider wandering around the world with me?”

In an instant, Connie’s cold face became more gloomy and cold. Her almond shaped eyes exploded with
a biting chill as

her body surged with a murderous aura!

This damned guy was eyeing her figure!


Simply a scoundrel!

Connie could not tolerate Fennel’s suggestive eyes sweeping over her body and how he was constantly
commenting on it.


A crisp explosion!

The floor tiles under Connie’s feet crumbled due to the aura flowing from her body!
This small action caused everyone in the hall to gasp aloud again!

Oh my!

Was she still human?

How strong were those legs of hers?

The woman might look charming and graceful, but she was also a vicious character!

If she stepped on a man, his ribs would be broken for sure!

Instantly, all the men who still had fantasies about Connie earlier shuddered in fear. They stood at
attention and lowered their heads.

“Damn you!”
The First Heir novel Chapter 1722

Connie’s voice reminded one of a deep icy abyss, making others shiver when they heard it.

Immediately after, she burst into action. Her slender hand carried the force of thunder and struck
Fennel on the chest!

Even an uninitiated layman could see that this palm strike contained an overwhelming power!

Everyone believed that with this attack, the guy who seriously injured Venom before would definitely

The corner of Venom’s mouth also carried a sneer. Since Connie had made a move, the outcome had
been decided!

She had entered the second zone and her strength was above his a cut above!

She might even enter the third zone when they returned after this!

She was only 23 years old and selected by the Nonagon at the age of 19. In just four years, she had
already attained such an achievement. Her future was limitless!

However, to everyone’s surprise, Connie’s palm strike did not cause any damage to Fennel at all.
Instead, her wrist was grabbed by the opponent.

Fennel squeezed Connie’s wrist tightly and the smile of a scumbag appeared at the corner of his mouth
as he said, “Hey, beautiful, it’s not good to fight and kill with your hands. You’re not a match for me. I
advise you not to challenge my patience!”


After saying that, Fennel pushed Connie away and smacked her on the *ss!


No way!

Connie felt a tingling sensation all over. Clutching her bottom, she immediately retreated several
meters. Staring at Fennel with resentful eyes and a flushed face, she angrily said, “How dare you take
advantage of me?! Damn it! I’ll kill you!”

With that said, Connie was ab out to rush at him again!

However, the middle-aged man who had not said anything opened his eyes at this moment and his pale
eyes startled everyone in the hall!

Was this man blind?

He said, “Connie, that’s enough, stop fooling around. He’s right, you’re not his opponent. If I’m not
mistaken, he has entered the third zone. Even the four of us combined won’t be enough to beat him.”

As soon as he said that, Connie’s face was full of shock. At the same time, she glared at Fennel even
more resentfully, asking, “Have you entered the third zone?”
This was impossible!

It had taken her four years to complete the lectures and training in the second zone. A person like her
was already a genius who was sought after by countless people. However, the man in front of her, who
also looked very young, had already entered the third zone?


Who the hell was he?

Connie was not the only one who had this question but the other three as well.

Judging from the means and strength of the attack just now, it could almost be confirmed that this
young man had entered the third zone.


A genius more terrifying than Connie Olsen!

This type of person could only be described as a freak!

Fennel shrugged and asked with a chuckle, “Gray eyes, which of the five pavilions are you from?”

The middle-aged man with the goatee smiled slightly and said, “My name is Norris Well from the Griffin
Pavilion. I wonder what your identity may be? Perhaps we can be friends.”

Fennel’s expression suddenly became gloomy when he heard the words ‘Griffin Pavilion’.

He remembered an experience that he did not want to mention and said with a cold smile, “So, you’re
from the Griffin Pavilion. I’m sorry, but I have a grudge against the Griffin Pavilion. Since that’s the case,
there’s no need for you to live.”
The First Heir novel Chapter 1723

Everyone was shocked by the words that came out of Fennel’s mouth!

What did he say?

What an arrogant tone!

Was he going to kill the four enforcers?

This was simply unheard of!

Was this cocky guy unaware that these people were from the Nonagon?

Moreover, Norris Weil had also said that he was a member of the Five Pavilions of the Nonagon and a
member of the Griffin Pavilion!

This status and identity were definitely not accessible to ordinary people!

Even the people of the Nonagon had to be respectful when they met the people of the Five Pavilions!

That was a symbol of status!

At this moment, Norris’ face also turned grim. His gray eyes flickered with an odd light as he said with a
mocking laugh, “From your tone, you seem quite hostile against the Griffin Pavilion? I wonder how the
Griffin Pavilion has offended you? Why don’t you tell me and we’ll see if it can be resolved? After all, our
Griffin Pavilion recruits young and special talents from all over the world. With your strength, it’s more
than enough to enter Griffin Pavilion and get an official position. Isn’t that the best of both worlds?
There’s no such thing as a feud that can’t be resolved. What do you think?”
After he finished speaking, everyone could tell that this middle-aged man from the Nonagon had
extended an olive branch to Fennel!


What kind of strength did this guy possess that could make the enforcer from Griffin Pavilion treat him
so courteously?

Everyone looked expectantly at the handsome Fennel who stood at nearly 1.9 meters tall.

However, Fennel abruptly sneered and said, “Do you think the hatred can be resolved when my younger
sister died at the hands of your Griffin Pavilion?”


Instantly, everyone held their breaths and dared not make a sound!


His sister died at the hands of the Griffin Pavilion?

Was that not a deadly enmity?

For a while, everyone’s hearts were trembling while their expressions varied from one another. Their
eyes all fell on the middle-aged man leading the group of enforcers.
Sure enough, after hearing Fennel’s words, Norris’ face completely darkened. The corners of his mouth
twitched slightly as he said, “In that case, it seems that one of us is doomed to die.”

After saying that, Norris’ body suddenly surged with an overwhelming aura, sending shockwaves
through the air in the hall. Even the surrounding tables and chairs started shaking slightly!


Shocked and fearful expressions appeared on the faces of all the family heads and young masters of
large families present.

What the hell was going on here?

The chairs and tables were actually shaking!

Looking at Norris again, an invisible aura that was a few inches thick shrouded his body. Although it
could not be seen clearly, everyone could sense that this strong intensity could easily tear them apart!

They felt like a blade of grass in the storm, swaying with the wind. In the next second, they would be
torn apart by that energy radiating from Norris’ body!

Many people were now hiding under the table or sprawled on the floor, holding their heads and not
daring to move!

The atmosphere in the hall became intense!

Philip’s eyes trembled sharply at this moment as he looked at Norris. He had seen this type of aura on
several Aces before, and it was no different.
Was this a sort of energy?

Philip used to train with the Dragon Warriors and had also witnessed the true strength of Reed Williams.
He still remembered a violent battle at the border back then. He and a few comrades were trapped in
the enemy’s territory and were surrounded by tens of thousands of warriors from the enemy’s side.
They were as good as dead.

However, a figure fell from the sky at a critical juncture. Dressed in a purple battle robe and carrying a
mighty momentum, he broke into the enemy’s territory alone. It was a battle between one and 10,000.
Everywhere he stepped foot fell into ruins, the ground full of broken armor and wreckage. He carried an
intensity that soared through the sky!

Philip was fortunate to witness Reed’s combat power with his own eyes. A single punch from him could
knock a hundred people down and he could crush armor with one kick!

At that time, the aura radiating from Reed was 10,000 times more powerful than that of Norris in front
of him! No one dared to approach him within a hundred meter radius!
The First Heir novel Chapter 1724

Later, Philip had asked Reed about it but Reed just smiled indifferently and replied, “It’s still too early for
you to find out. The time is not ripe yet. Sooner or later, you’ll come into contact with it.”

Now, Philip realized that the secret Reed refused to reveal back then was the secret of these people
before him. The Nonagon must be in control of something that was not accessible to ordinary people.
Specifically, it was being displayed by Norris Weil in front of him.

It was the so-called vigor that Fennel had mentioned just now.


What exactly was it?

After this matter was over, he must find out from Fennel in more detail. He must know more!

While Philip was thinking about it, Fennel had already stepped forward. Without doing anything else, he
stared closely at Norris with firm and domineering killing intent. “You’re not my opponent. Why are you
seeking your own death?”

Although Norris had fully unleashed his aura at this moment, he still felt infinite pressure from Fennel!

This guy obviously had not unleashed his aura. Why was there such overwhelming pressure?

Norris panicked!

This was definitely not something that someone who had only entered the third zone could possess!
When someone like him made a move, his vigor would be released outwardly, forming a solid barrier
around his body as a means to protect his body. In terms of martial arts explanation, it was energy, an
abstract and obscure thing. It referred to a special aura formed by a person after a long period of

Just like those ancient murderous commanders who had a domineering and bloodthirsty aura!

No one dared to get close to those people.

Some slayers also radiated a ferocious aura. Everywhere they went, ordinary people and even cats and
dogs could feel their bloody aura.

At this moment, Norris panicked!

Only those who had entered the fourth zone could suppress their opponent’s aura without revealing
their own and possess such strength!

Such a person no longer needed to rely on his external aura to achieve the purpose of deterring his
enemies. He had not only entered the third zone but the fourth!

Instantly, a sense of fear and powerlessness surged in Norris’ heart.

Facing such a person, he had no chance of winning at all. He dared not even harbor the hope to resist!


At this moment…
Fennel had already walked up to Norris. Under his foot, a floor tile exploded. The gravel jumped up to
the height of his fist and hovered in mid-air.

After Fennel’ s other foot fell, the gravel that was in mid-air finally fell back to the ground!

Norris could no longer withstand the pressure of his opponent and shouted angrily, “Go to hell!”


With a punch that carried all his strength and might, he aimed for Fennel’s chest!

Everyone was dumbfounded by this scene!

It was because the moment Norris struck, they seemed to hear the faint sound of thunder.

Even the tables and chairs in the hall were shaking violently!

Such strength! Such a domineering punch! Even a sheet of steel plate would be pierced through!



Under the crowd’s astonished gazes, Fennel just raised his hand calmly and grabbed Norris’ wrist.
The First Heir novel Chapter 1725


Everyone was filled with horror at this scene!

The other three enforcers who stood behind Norris were all dumbfounded!

They were fully aware of Norris’ strength!

He was the only one among the four who had entered the third zone to study. Although it was only half
a month ago, it was enough to display his strength. Among them, he was definitely a heaven defying

Moreover, given that he was a member of the Griffin Pavilion in the Five Pavilions, he was naturally
stronger than the others who entered the third zone. That was because Griffin Pavilion had more
structured and professional lectures and training.

However, at this moment, Norris’ full blow was so easily blocked by Fennel!


Simply horrific!

What kind of monster was this guy exactly?

Could it be that he was not someone who had just gotten to the third zone?
Instantly, Connie and the other two thought of a possibility.

The fourth zone!

How could it be?

Anyone who had entered the fourth zone was a genius selected by the Nonagon, a freak!

Such people were treasures of the Nonagon, their heritage and foundation!

There was even this saying that anyone who had entered the fourth zone was someone who could
wreak havoc on the world!

Their combat power was enough to destroy a city!

Such a person was a talent that all countries would pledge to protect. To that extent, as long as the
other party did not dispatch tens of thousands of troops, their side would never dispatch people from
the fourth zone.

From this, it was enough to see what kind of existence the people who had entered the fourth zone

Everyone had different expressions on their faces. Just then, a cracking sound was heard in the air!
Immediately after, Norris’ face flushed red as he watched his wrist get crushed by the other party!

Fennel still looked indifferent as he said, “I already told you that you’re not my opponent. In my eyes,
you’re no different from an ant.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Femiel landed a kick!

Norris flew out and crashed heavily into a wall!


Instantly, the entire wall shattered!

Norris was completely buried under the broken bricks!


At this very moment, everyone finally realized how horrifying the guy in front of them was!

Such means and strength were beyond the comprehension of a normal person!

Just one kick could send a person flying and cause a wall to crumble!

This was something they could only see in a Hollywood blockbuster movie!

It was even more explosive than any stunt Stallone or Schwarzenegger could pull off!
Immediately after, Fennel’s eyes locked on Connie Olsen and the other two. Venom Paine had stood tip
at this time but he dared not make a move because he could feel that the internal organs in his stomach
were close to destruction.

“You three, what do you think of my proposal just now?”

Fennel said suddenly, showing his white teeth. Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, he looked at the
other party indifferently.

Connie was trembling at the moment, staring at Fennel with a horrified expression. This guy defeated
Norris with just one move!
The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1726

What terrifying strength!

However, as an enforcer of the Nonagon in the Uppercreek region, she naturally could not agree to it
so readily. They were members of the Nonagon, after all. No matter how powerful this guy in front of
them was, would he dare to make an enemy out of the entire Nonagon?

At that time, what he would face was the pursuit of the organization!

Besides, by dealing such a severe blow to Norris Weil today, he had already offended the Griffin
Pavilion. The Griffin Pavilion was one of the most spiteful among the five pavilions. Moreover, the
master of Griffin Pavilion was ruthless and vicious. He was protective of his people. Once, someone
disrespected the people of the Griffin Pavilion and the pavilion master directly sent his people to the
outside world to exterminate the enemy’s entire family. No one was spared!

Now, this guy in front had injured Norris so seriously. He must have offended Griffin Pavilion.

Thus, Connie’s face was cold as she said, “By hurting our people like this, aren’t you afraid that the
Nonagon will hold you accountable? Aren’t you afraid that Griffin Pavilion will issue a kill order against
you? Besides, you used to be a member of the Nonagon, right? With such strength, you shouldn’t
appear in the outside world. Thus, there’s only one explanation you’re an outcast of the door and a
defector of the Nonagon!”

Connie quickly analyzed the situation in front of her with a stone-cold face.

Fennel chuckled and swept a glance at Norris who was buried under the debris, saying coldly, “He
won’t die. Moreover, as I said, I have a grudge against the Griffin Pavilion. This is just a small lesson.
Even if I make an enemy out of the Griffin Pavilion, so what? In fact, I hope that the Griffin Pavilion will
issue a hunting order against me so that I can get rid of some people.”


Such an arrogant tone!

Connie trembled all over. She could feel that the man in front of her was not joking.

He actually wanted to get rid of more people from the Griffin Pavilion?

“Outrageous! Do you know what you have said is enough to trigger a reaction and how serious it’ll be?
Do you know what the consequence of offending the Griffin Pavilion is?” Connie was furious. She
would not allow someone to disrespect the Griffin Pavilion so daringly like this!”

It was because after she returned, she would join the Griffin Pavilion!

However, Fennel paid her no heed at all. Instead, he calmly took out an object from his pocket. It was a
black iron token with obscure patterns engraved on the back, the Big Dipper constellation in the
middle, and a word engraved on the front-king!

Fennel tossed the token to Connie and said, “With this, what do you think of my proposal?”
Connie stretched out her hand and grabbed the black iron token mid-air. The moment she saw it, she
seemed to be struck by lightning and froze on the spot. Her lips were white and trembling, while her
eyes were round and wide!

The Nonagon’s King Black Iron Token!

He was a guy who came out of that place!

For a moment, the expression on Connie’s face was extremely complicated.

The King Black Iron Token represented an identity that surpassed them and the Five Pavilions!

For someone with this token, the Nonagon was just a backyard to them. They could enter and exit at
will. They had very high authority!

Moreover, such a person was the most revered in the Nonagon!

That was because people with this token were the ones who had emerged from those desperate
situations filled with blood and deaths!

Their contribution to the Nonagon was to use their lives to explore unknown areas and open tip safe

They were like the warriors at the border, full of passion and unafraid of life and death. Their only goal
was to obtain more resources for more people.

Such a person was irreplaceable in the Nonagon!

A hero!

Such a hero was loved by the Nonagon and the disciples. There were only seven of them!

One in each zone!

They were also known as the Seven Kings of Disciples!

They were indomitable beings and supreme battle gods!

They were the kings among all disciples and enjoyed the utmost glory and splendor!

Connie was stunned. The man in front of her was obviously a scoundrel, but why would he have this
black iron token?

Could he be one of the Seven Kings of Disciples?


That did not fit her perception of those heroes!

The First Heir novel

The First Heir – Chapter 1727

At this moment, Connie was at a loss for words. With eyes full of shock, she stared closely at the King
Black Iron Token in her hand, her eyes constantly sweeping back and forth. She wanted to compare
this debauched man in front of her with the Seven Kings of Disciples, the kind of heroes who stood
above the rest.

In just a few seconds, Connie collapsed!

One of the Seven Kings of Disciples, the battle gods in the eyes of all disciples and the kings with the
highest honor, was actually this guy in front of her!

This could not be!

Connie’s worldview was about to collapse!

The Seven Kings of Disciples whom she had always revered were mysterious, supreme, and able to
compel all the disciples to work for them.

He was actually one of the Seven Kings of Disciples!

“A-Are you one of the Seven Kings of Disciples?” Despite her disbelief, Connie still asked with

Such an existence was simply not something she could resist!

Even the four of them combined, no, even if the four of them joined forces with all the enforcers
scattered outside the Nonagon, they were still no match for him!

The Seven Kings of Disciples were shrouded in too many myths and mysteries!

Such people should not appear in the world. That was because their appearance represented
destruction and death!

At the same time, they also represented hope and the future!

As soon as Connie asked this question, Venom and the other feminine looking man behind her
expressed shock in their eyes!


He was one of the Seven Kings of Disciples?!


However, when they saw the King Iron Black Token in Connie’s hand, their disbelief could only turn
into endless shock!

The King Iron Black Token!

It turned out to be the King Iron Black Token!

In that case, the guy in front of them was indeed one of the seven kings!

At that moment, Venom finally realized what kind of person he had confronted just earlier.

He was an indomitable existence, one that could not be offended. He was an invincible being!

Going up against such a person was tantamount to an ant trying to bite an elephant. He was only
seeking death!

Fennel saw the expressions of these people, waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile, “It’s
all in the past. I’m no longer the king in your minds, just an outcast of the door and also a wanted
person on the Nonagon’s list. But now, I want to ask if you agree with my proposal?”

Fennel directly exposed his identity and continued to ask.

His words shocked Connie greatly. An existence that could become a king disciple was actually an
outcast of the door and a wanted person on the Nonagon’s list.

Connie immediately thought of someone!

It was him!

The king who once reigned over the Nonagon and guarded the fifth zone!

Fennel Leigh!

Did he not disappear a long time ago?

Why was he here now?

Connie could not figure it out but her shock did not diminish in the slightest. There were countless
legends about the king of the fifth zone.

He was the one with the most powerful combat power among the Seven Kings of Disciples and once
set many records in the Nonagon. So far, no one had broken even one of them!

Connie’s heart pounded rapidly. Even though Fennel was an outcast of the door, everyone in the
Nonagon knew about his fame.

Even now, many people still brought up his name from time to time. They called him a weirdo who
used to give the Nonagon a headache and made all the freaks in the door apprehensive!

There was still a statue of him in the Nonagon!

Although it was covered in dust now, many fanatics still worshipped Fennel Leigh!

Even his followers back then had now become the pillars of the Nonagon!

Furthermore, two of his best buddies became the new kings one after another, guarding different
He was a legend!

Connie tried her best to restrain her emotions. Connie glanced at Fennel before lowering her posture
and said, “I need to discuss with them.”

Fennel nodded and said, “Go ahead.”

Connie immediately turned around and instructed Edgar Griffith to help Norris Weil out of the pile of
debris and bring him away for treatment.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1728

Following that, Connie, Venom, and the other enforcer discussed it for a few minutes.

Finally, Connie looked at Fennel, respectfully handed him the King Black Iron Token, and said, “He can have
the direct access spot, but you have to promise us one thing.”

Fennel frowned and stared at Connie coldly.

Before he spoke, his compelling aura made Connie’s heart tremble!

When she was unaware of Fennel’s identity earlier, she was still able to resist. Now that she knew Fennel’s
identity and was thinking of all the legends about him, Connie could not bear it any longer. Her legs went
weak and she quickly said, “It… It’s a request from us.”

Only then did Fennel abate his aura and ask, “Do you want to ask about the third zone?”

Connie looked at the other two and quickly said with a bow, “We hope you can enlighten us.”

Fennel thought for a moment and said, “This request is not excessive.”

After that, he glanced at the three of them and said, “Among the three of you, only you have a better shot with
your qualifications to enter the third zone. The remaining two have no chance. So, work hard.”

Hearing these words, Connie’s heart instinctively jumped for joy. Fennel said that she could enter the third
zone. That meant that her future achievements would be more than what she had now.
As for the other two, after hearing Fennel’s comments, they instantly turned deathly pale.

They had no qualifications to enter the third zone?

Those who had never come into contact with the mysterious power and knowledge behind the door might not
think much of it.

However, it was different for them. They had been exposed to the world behind the door and had come into
contact with unprecedented civilization and power. They were eager to have more and to gain better resources.

Fennel’s words were tantamount to destroying their ambitions and breaking their paths for growth!


Venom knelt and exclaimed, “Please tell me the way. As long as you can help me enter the third zone, I’ll
serve you to the best of my ability and be loyal to you forever!”

After some hesitation, the other feminine-looking man also knelt and said, “Please show me a clear path.”

Fennel shook his head and said, “It’s useless. Your talents are insufficient. You may be different from normal
people and can enter the door, but this is all just random. Don’t think too highly of yourself because in this
world, there’ll always be geniuses who are more blessed than you and they’re the favorites of this world.
There’s no way for you to compare to them. To put it simply, you can’ t even compare to me, so how can you
enter the third zone? Even if you use some means to enter the third zone, the competition and cruelty there are
far from what you can handle. Give up. Feel free to unleash your talents where you can strive. That’s where
you belong!”

“In addition, I have to advise you that even if your physique and abilities are different from normal people,
this is not the basis for you to stand above others. I think the Nonagon has such a rule, right?” Fennel asked
with a smile.
After hearing these words, Venom and the other person silently glanced at each other. Then, they got up and
stood to the side, looking despondent and not saying a word.

On the other hand, Fennel looked at Connie without saying anything. He then turned around and left with

Connie looked at Fennel’s departing back, her heart unable to calm down for a long time.

She had actually met Fennel Leigh, one of the Seven Kings of Disciples!

He was a man with countless legends!

He was the man who turned Nonagon upside down five years ago!

He alone turned Griffin Pavilion into a pool of blood. In the end, he successfully left the Nonagon and no one
dared to stop him!

Fennel left the Concord Hotel with Philip.

Outside the door, Philip frowned and asked, “What is the world behind the door like? Also, the peculiarities
they displayed just now are beyond the scope of current science. I need an explanation.”

Fennel raised his eyebrows, looked at the azure sky, and saw Sheryl approaching from behind Philip. With a
smile, he said, “Let’s find a place to have a drink and I’ll tell you about it. However, this Larson chick can’t
come with us.”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1729
When Sheryl caught up with them, she saw Fennel looking at her maliciously with a wicked sneer at the
corner of his mouth.

This guy actually appeared here!

Sheryl was furious. Stepping on her high heels, she strutted over and raised her hand to slap Fennel harshly.


Unfortunately, this slap fell short.

Sheryl’s delicate jade-like hand was grabbed by Fennel in mid-air. With a faint smile at the corner of his
mouth, he said, “Larson, you don’t slap someone in the face. We just met and you’re already so angry at me?”

Sheryl tried to pull her hand away and cursed resentfully, “Scumbag! Why are you here?”

Fennel shrugged and let go of Sheryl’s wrist He put his arm around Philip’s shoulder and said with a smile,
“I’m here with my buddy. Do you want to interfere in this too?”

Sheryl looked at Philip suspiciously with an odd look in her eyes and asked, “Philip, do you know this


Philip frowned as he looked at Fennel and Sheryl in front of him. It was unlikely these two had something
going on between them, right?
Perhaps Philip’s strange gaze made her uncomfortable, Sheryl kicked Fennel fiercely. Then, she waved her
bag and said, “I’ll wait for you at the Bulgari Hotel. If you don’t come over and talk to me tonight, I’ll never
forgive you for the rest of my life!”

After saying that, Sheryl swayed her hips and glared at Fennel angrily. She immediately left.

At this point, Philip understood. The corners of his mouth curved into a smirk as he said, “Good for you.
You’ve even dominated Sheryl Larson?”

Fennel pinched his chin and said with a chuckle, “I’m too charming. I can’t help it. She was the one who kept
pestering me. Alas, who made me so handsome?”

Philip did not bother to listen. He turned around and hailed a cab. They soon arrived at a bar.

It was already after eight and the bar was very crowded. Many beautiful women were shaking their bodies,
livening up the atmosphere. Their swaying bodies and twisting hips set off the ambiance of the venue to the

Fennel and Philip chose a deck After a few drinks, Philip asked, “The questions I asked you just now, I need
an answer to them.”

Fennel seemed to have expected that Philip would ask about this, or rather, he was already prepared to tell
Philip. After he finished the glass of Ace of Spades, he leaned back on the sofa, pondered for a while, and said,
“Where should I start?”

While thinking, he suddenly asked, “Philip, what do you think this world is like?”

Philip frowned and said, “How else can this world be like? Isn’t it just like what’s in front of you?”
Fennel shook his head and suddenly said, “This world is not what you see. Although most people see the same
as you, this world actually has another side to it. This is what the Nonagon and the door are researching. Your
current perception was artificially imparted by others. For example, what I’m drinking now is called liquor,
but the term liquor is what others have told you. Over time, it has subtly changed your perception.”

Philip frowned and could not quite grasp Fennel’s meaning. He held the glass in his hand and observed the
liquor in the glass. If this was not liquor, could it be something else?

Fennel looked at Philip and said, “What I’m trying to say is that what you know and what most people know
has been taught to you in the classroom. But have you ever thought that what you’ve been exposed to and what
you’ve learned is only one ten-thousandth of this world? That more of the knowledge and more of the
unknown are not accessible to you? Take, for example, those scientists. Why are they exposed to things that
you’re not exposed to?”

Realization dawned on Philip and he somewhat understood what Fennel was trying to say. With a frown, he
said, “Do you mean to say that what ordinary people know and everything they perceive is only one
ten-thousandth of this world? There are more things that we’re not qualified to know?”

Fennel snapped his fingers and said, “That’s right.”

“Why?” Philip asked.

“Balance,” Fennel said, “If everyone can become a scientist and everyone understands the world beyond that
one ten-thousandth, what will this world become?”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1730
Philip looked startled. The meaning behind Fennel’s words was obvious. This was similar to a herdsman who
should just let the livestock graze. Why tell the sheep that they could still graze outside of this area and there
were in fact many other places that they could graze?

“In that case, what’s the world like in the one ten-thousandth?” Philip continued asking.

Fennel thought about it and decided to tell Philip in the easiest way to understand. He took out a dagger from
his pocket and handed it to Philip while saying, “Use the dagger and slowly approach the middle of your
eyebrows with it.”

Philip took the dagger, looked at it glittering in his hand, and did as he was told.

In that instant, Philip suddenly felt a strange sensation in the middle of his eyebrows. It was a tingling
sensation of oppression, stinging as though electricity was passing through.

Fennel saw the change in Philip’s expression. He took a sip of liquor and said, “This is the human body’s
self-protection. You can also understand it as a kind of energy, an aura.”

“Everyone has such potential. It only depends on whether you can develop this potential yourself. Such people
are exactly the talents sought after by the Nonagon,” Fennel said lightly.

Philip put the dagger down and that discomfort in the middle of his brows slowly disappeared.

“Is this related to the vigor you spoke to Venom about?”

Fennel nodded and said, “This is just a term for it. Like I just said, what’s in the glass is called liquor. Vigor,
or aura, is the disciples’ term for this force. The existence of the Nonagon is to select geniuses in the country
who can develop vigor or aura. After going through layers of selection and sending them inside the door,
they’ll be given more professional lectures and training to manipulate their vigor to a height that ordinary
people can’t understand.”

Philip was silent. His face was gloomy as he finished the liquor in his glass in one gulp.

What Fennel said was too astounding. He naturally knew the many mysteries of the human body.

The Nonagon was an existence that developed the potential of the human body?

“Isn’t this the movie ‘Lucy’ turned into reality?” Philip asked.

Fennel smiled lightly and said, “Lucy exists.”


Philip was dumbfounded!

Someone like Lucy actually existed?

“You can think of me as someone like Lucy, but I’m somewhat different from what’s shown in the movie.
Everyone who enters behind the door has their own peculiarities. It’s a different world that subverts your
worldview and also a place with infinite unknowns.”

There, you can never know just how many secrets there are in the world,” Fennel said, his eyes looking vague
as though he was thinking of a lot of past events.

Philip kept his mouth shut, his heart already in turmoil. It turned out that what he had seen was not the true
side of this world.
“Between you and Reed Williams, who’s more powerful?” Philip suddenly asked, his gaze burning.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1731
Fennel suddenly grinned and said, “Reed Williams? He’s also one of the Seven Kings of Disciples, my
predecessor. If I remember correctly, he used to be the king of disciples in the sixth zone and used to be under
your mother’s command.”


At that moment, Philip was flabbergasted!

Reed Williams was one of the Seven Kings of Disciples! Moreover, he was also the king of disciples of the
sixth zone where his mother controlled!

He used to be his mother’s follower!

Philip restrained the shock in his heart and asked, “What about his combat power?”

This was a question that Philip had always wondered about because back in the Dragon Warriors, he had been
deeply staggered by Reed’s strength!

“Combat power? I’m not sure. I’ve never fought him before. However, according to the ranking of the Seven
Kings of the Disciples by the Nonagon, he’s the second most powerful among the previous batch of Seven
Kings of the Disciples,” Fennel said with a strong desire for battle in his eyes.

“Second?” Philip frowned and asked, “Who’s the first?”

Fennel turned his head, looked at Philip in confusion, and asked, “You really don’ t know anything at all?”
Philip shook his head.

Fennel mumbled helplessly, “Your old man is hiding so much from you? That can’t be. Does that old guy
have other plans?”

After muttering, Fennel said, “Among the Seven Kings of Disciples back then, the one with the strongest
fighting power and the most amazing talent who’s also known as the supreme king of the seven kings is the
battle god by your father’s side now, Fulton Hash. He was once the king of the seventh zone and has always
served your father. When your father was accused of being a defector by the Nonagon, Fulton followed your
father and stained the entire path with blood. That was how they managed to break out of the Nonagon. His
combat power is the strongest among all known kings of disciples today and no one has been able to match up
to him! I‘m afraid I won’t last more than ten moves against him.”

Not more than ten moves?

Philip was shocked. He did not expect Fulton to have such a background and identity!

Was he the supreme king of the Seven Kings of Disciples back then?

With such a character serving him, why did his father still leave the Nonagon back then?

Could all of it be part of his father’s plans?

Philip pondered for a moment. The bottle of wine in front of him was already empty.

After digesting the amount of information Fennel just told him, Philip felt that he had been caught in a huge

He knew too little about this world.

“What exactly is the world behind the door like? I want to know,” Philip asked.

Fennel crossed his arms, looked at Philip, and said, “I don’t mind telling you since you’re going to enter the
Nonagon anyway. It’ll do you no harm to find out earlier. However, I have to remind you that after learning
this information, you can’ t reveal the secret about the door to anyone around you because that will bring them
endless trouble, even death. At that time, even though the Clarke family is the world’s largest family, you
won’t be able to withstand the reprisal from the door because everything there can’t be judged with the same
eyes as ordinary people. Besides, the Clarke family only relies on the economy now, as well as some
connections. It won’t do you any good to get into trouble with the countries or those guys from the door.”

Philip nodded and said, “I understand.”

Following that, Fennel said, “The world behind the door is made up of a few lost civilizations. Inside, there
are civilizations that the world has never discovered. They’re more advanced than the current human
civilization. I don’t know if you understand the classifications of the civilization systems. Let’s put it this way.
The highest civilization in the world as we know it is the first-class civilization, and we’re now below the
first-class civilization. When we break through the first-class civilization, it means that we can fully utilize
any resources in this world. And the lost civilization behind the door, according to the results of their research,
is the knowledge system and energy material that only a second-class civilization can have. Do you know
what this means? Why is the technology of Country M so advanced and their warfare system surpasses us by
decades that we can’t even replicate the warplanes of the 80s?”

Philip frowned. He knew about this matter.

The First Heir –
Chapter 1732
“That’s because the Aegis Alliance of Country M used the knowledge system behind the door and applied it to
the real world. They researched it earlier than us and their development is more far reaching than ours, so
they’re now in the world’s dominant position. The existence of the Nonagon is to make better and faster use of
the lost civilization system behind the door in our territory to achieve a situation where we can compete with
the other two doors.”

Philip‘s brain was processing through so much information that he could hardly take it. He exhaled heavily
and said, “A new civilization system?”

Fennel nodded and said, “That’s right, a new civilization system. Or rather, a civilized system that has long
existed in this world but has been sealed by a mysterious power. After all, we haven’t even figured out where
human beings came from, so it’s not surprising that such a civilization system exists. However, if this spreads
to the real world, it will inevitably cause panic. Don’t forget, those myths and legends are not just empty


Philip’s heart jolted violently. Was this also related to myths and legends?

“What do you mean?” Philip asked.

Fennel laughed and said, “Don’t look at me that way. Although many of the myths and legends are full of
fantasy and a lot of it is fiction to consolidate the imperial power of that time, the research conducted by the
Nonagon has found that the roots of these myths and legends may be how they conveyed information about a
civilization system.”

Philip took a deep breath before asking, “What about the disciples? What do they learn? Or rather, what is
that ability that you displayed just now at the Concord Hotel?”
Fennel took a sip of wine, looked at the colorful ball of lights above his head, and said, “Using the energy and
all the matter around your body to develop your own aura. This is the lecture content that all disciples must
learn when they enter the first zone.”

“Let‘s put it this way, do you think street magic is a hoax?” Fennel asked.

Philip laughed and said, “It must be. Haven’t all those tricks been debunked?”

However, after saying that, Philip noticed Fennel’s serious expression and asked, “What are you trying to

Fennel shrugged and said, “Those you mentioned are indeed deceptive gimmicks. But there are some
large-scale magic tricks such as the ones that are uploaded all over the internet. Take, for example, the one
that teleports a person to the roof of a certain building. Do you think it’s just a trick?”

“Isn’t it?” Philip gulped.

Fennel smiled and said, “Those people are disciples of the door. They were just testing the community‘s
reaction to their abilities. It now appears that everyone thinks it’s a scam.”


Instantly, Philip felt that he had learned something amazing. It was beyond what he knew. Was this world
really the same as what he saw?

He just wanted to be an affluent young master and spend the rest of his life with Wynn, his daughter, and his
unborn son. Now, he felt that such a life seemed to be going further and further away from him.

Seeing Philip like this, Fennel smiled lightly and said, “Don’t think too much. In fact, it’s nothing too
shocking. Slowly, you’ll learn to accept it. Besides, since you want to enter the Nonagon to investigate your
mother’s accident, you must first become a disciple. The competition there is not comparable to the rivalry in
the outside world. In there, you might die. Everyone you meet is a freak.”

Philip was silent for a moment and asked, “I want to know what kind of civilization system is behind the door
of the Clarke family.”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1733
Speaking of this, Fennel was silent for a while. He finished the wine in front of him and said after along time,
“It’s a civilization system that surpasses the other three doors. According to the various signs revealed, it’s
likely to be something left behind from the third-class civilization system.”


Philip’s expression trembled!

Just a tiny display from a second-class civilization was already enough to shock the world!

Now, the world behind the Clarke family‘s door was actually a civilization system that surpassed the other
three doors.

This was enough to make the world go crazy!

“Judging from your strength, has the Nonagon completely mastered the civilization system behind the door,
including the knowledge system and resources?” Philip asked after thinking about it.

Fennel shook his head and said with a self-deprecating laugh, “Those guys from the Nonagon are just a bunch
of useless trash. What they have mastered is only the earliest stage of the civilization system left behind by the
door. In the seven zones behind the door, the value generated in each zone can increase by hundreds or even
thousands of times! The division of the first zone is just to transform the selected disciples from ordinary
people. They are the cornerstone of the entire Nonagon and the foundation for the continuous development of
the Nonagon. As for the guys who have completed the training course in the first zone, like Venom Paine
whom you saw earlier, they can no longer be seen as ordinary people. Each one of them has their own
specialties. To put it simply, knives can’t penetrate their bodies. Even things like bullets can’t cause fatal
damage to them. The energy field produced by the surface of their bodies is enough to resist ordinary firearms.
This is the treasure left to us by that civilization system.”
Philip was astounded. Even bullets could not cause fatal damage to them?

Were they beings like Superman, then?

“In that case, what are the conditions that need to be fulfilled for fully utilizing the civilization system or
resources behind the door?” Philip continued asking.

Fennel did not hide anything and said, “The fifth zone is the dividing line. As long as you’re qualified to enter
the fifth zone and complete the course, what you come into contact with and understand will be a different
world. If you want to fully utilize the mysterious power behind the door or reach the ultimate form like Lucy,
you have to enter the seventh zone and go to the deepest area of the zone to complete the baptism. It’s not only
an enhancement in strength but also knowledge. It involves the understanding of this world, material matter,
energy resources, and manipulation.”

Philip’s brows furrowed as he asked, “Does such a person really exist?”

Fennel was silent, frowning as he said, “As far as I know, he does exist. He’s the one and only.”

“Who?” Philip asked.

Could it be his father?

Fennel said, “Doctor Manhattan from the DC universe. Do you know him?”

Philip frowned and said, “That’s just fiction.”

Fennel said, “That’s right, it’s fiction, but that’s the kind of power a person from the seventh zone can display.
For such a person, it’s better to use the word ‘god’ instead of ‘human’. They’re beyond human comprehension.
Although it’s only a comic character, it’s indeed achievable in real life. As long as you complete all the
lectures behind the door, accept the baptism of that civilization system, enter the seventh zone, and open the
door to the forbidden taboo, you can become the ‘god’ in the eyes of others and become an existence like
Doctor Manhattan.”

Philip was completely dumbfounded. How could this be possible?

This was no longer within the domain of his comprehension.

“You said that my father used to be in charge of the seventh zone. Is he that kind of existence?” Philip
suddenly thought of something and asked anxiously.

Fennel shookhis head and said, “No. Your father is the most talented and freakish one ever. He’s the only
person in this world who has successfully entered the seventh zone after entering all the other three doors,
apart from the door of the Clarke family. At that time, everyone thought that your father would become an
existence like Doctor Manhattan. However, at the last moment, your father got into an accident and chose to
leave. In his words, he saw the beauty of the other shore and touched the door that led to the forbidden taboo,
but he chose to close that door behind him instead. After that, the defector’s riot happened and your father left
the Nonagon.”

“Father gave up?” Philip was stunned. If he understood the meaning of Fennel’s words correctly, something
like that would definitely be what everyone yearned for.

‘Father actually gave up?’

Fennel nodded and said, “When your father chose to give up, he said that if he decided to become an existence
like that and opened the door to the forbidden, the only thing that we’ll face is destruction! All human
civilizations will cease to exist, disappear into the long passage of history, and turn into dust.”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1734
“No one knows what your father has seen or experienced. All they know is after your father left, he sealed up
the seventh zone. No one can set foot there without the key your father left behind. Moreover, after he left the
Nonagon, he did something that shocked all the disciples,” Fennel said as he recalled the past events.

“What did he do?” Philip quickly asked.

“He alone broke into the other two doors belonging to Country M and Country Y. Demonstrating
extraordinary combat power and understanding of the doors, be sealed their seventh zones and left a message
behind,” Fennel said. Although his voice was not loud, it was like a thunderbolt in Philip’s ears, causing him
to freeze on the spot!

He could almost visualize the bloody battle. With the strength of one person alone, his father fought against
the disciples of the other two doors and sealed off their seventh zones!

How much courage and strength did it take?!

His father turned out to be such an amazing man?

“What message?” Philip asked.

“Kill those who trespass into the seventh zone without mercy!” Fennel said, and as he said that, a strong sense
of worship flowed in his eyes.

He was the most supreme and unattainable existence in this world!

The name Roger Clarke had long become the enormous mountain that suppressed the three doors!
Thousands of disciples combined could not compare to his talent.

Even Fulton Hash, the supreme king of the Seven Kings of Disciples, could only bow down in the face of such
a person.

However, that battle also dealt Roger a lot of damage. He single-handedly went against a total of 14 kings of
disciples from Country M and Country Y!

He killed eight people and seriously wounded six!

He caused a huge loss to Country M and Country Y at that time!

It was also after that battle that County M and Country Y reached a peace agreement with their country. Hence,
the three forces developed in silence.

Their country was able to develop rapidly in recent decades.

Philip looked shocked and could not speak for a long time. He hesitated for a while before asking, “You just
said that my father touched the other side of civilization. What does that mean?”

Fennel shook his head with a frown and said, “I don’t know. These are hidden secrets that I only found out
from the Nonagon. I think you need to ask your father about the specifics. After all, the door of the Clarke
family is special on its own. Moreover, I think that your father must have his own arrangements for not telling
you about it.”

Philip looked indifferent. He thought for a while, looked at Fennel with a grave expression, and said, “I want
to enter the door. I want to know the truth. I want to know what my mother and father are hiding.”

After that, Philip took out his phone and dialed the number he had never dialed.
“Next week, I’ll return to Arcadia Island. I have something to ask you.” Philip’s eyes showed a solemn
expression that had never been seen before.

“Okay.” On the other end of the phone, an old voice said with a slight cough.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1735
Inside the bar, the DJ was playing loud music. Philip found it difficult to calm his emotions. What Fennel said
just now had far exceeded his comprehension abilities.

He was now increasingly curious to go in and find out the world in the Nonagon as well as what was behind
the door. Also, he wanted to find out what his mother had left for him back then.

“Fennel, tell me how strong my father is in the Nonagon or among the disciples,” Philip said, looking at
Fennel with searing eyes.

Fennel took a sip of wine and said with a wistful expression, “No one knows how strong your father is because
no one can last more than three moves against him. This is public data and the fact is also recognized among
the disciples. Your father’s strength not only lies in all aspects of his physical attributes but also in his mind
and thoughts. Let’s put it this way, I might not even be able to endure one move from your father.”


Hearing this, Philip’s pupils shuddered.

His father was actually so strong?

“You said he once broke into the other two doors alone and killed eight kings of disciples? Is this true?”
Philip continued asking.

He still had some doubts about what Fennel just said. If his father was so strong, why did he choose to give up
at the last moment?

What exactly did he see?

Did he understand something?

Why did he say that becoming an existence like Doctor Manhattan and opening the forbidden door would lead
to the destruction of the current civilization?

“It’s true. It caused an uproar in all the nations back then! With your father’s strength alone, he killed eight
kings and seriously wounded six kings. He made a huge reputation for himself! From then on, other countries
dared not harbor any malicious intentions for our country and we were able to survive and develop for so many
years,” Fennel said.

Philip nodded and was silent for a moment. He was thinking about how strong his father was. At the same
time, he was wondering what kind of secret was behind the door of the Clarke family.

“What about Fulton Hash? I remember asking him earlier and he said that he stood a 50- 50 chance against
Hades from the Hall of the Underworld,” Philip said.

Fennel chuckled and said, “He’s just hiding his abilities. His true combat power is definitely more than that.
Hades from the Hall of the Underworld is quite strong, probably on par with me. Possibly, when Battle God
Hash said 50-50, he meant he had a 50% chance of killing him and 50% chance of crippling him.”


What the heck?!

It turned out that Fulton was also a sly fox.

After a moment, Philip said, “I want to enter the Nonagon. After entering the door, I want to learn their
lectures and training.”

Fennel frowned and looked at Philip who was very serious at this moment, saying, “You may. It’s reasonable
to say that since the XD factor content of the fetus in Wynn’s stomach is 30%, the content in your body should
be more than that. In this case, you’ll have a higher chance of stimulating your potential and the energy field
in you than the average disciple. Well, this is not urgent. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you the course modules and
training methods of the first zone. I’ll stay in Uppercreek for a week. It should be sufficient.”

“A week?” Philip frowned and asked, “How long does it normally take to complete the course in the first

“One year,” Fennel put up a finger as he said.

Philip was dumbfounded and asked, “How long did it take you?”

Fennel smiled and said with an extremely smug look in his eyes, “One week.”


This pervert was indeed a freak!

“Do you think I can complete the first zone’s course within a week?” Philip was puzzled. How confident was
Fennel, or how confident was he in Philip?
The First Heir –
Chapter 1736
Fennel looked at Philip very seriously and said, “You have to do it no matter what. You don’t have much time.
The Nonagon’s talent selection process will be completed in the next half a month. If you want to pass their
selection and enter the Nonagon, you must be stronger than the average person. Moreover, you need to have
the ability to protect yourself. Once you enter the door, I can’t take care of you anymore. At that time, you’ll
face the dangers alone. The problems and predicaments you’ll encounter are beyond what you can imagine

Fennel did not tell Philip that he had his own way to allow Philip to quickly stimulate his potential.

Philip frowned and looked indifferent. He asked, “Is it very dangerous there?”

Fennel patted Philip on the shoulder and said, “Don‘t worry. I’ll tell you the characteristics of each zone and
the danger areas to look out for before you go in. As long as you don’t touch those places, there shouldn’t be
any major problems.”

“How long did it take you to enter the fifth zone?” Philip asked.

Fennel replied, “Three years.”

Three years?

Philip frowned. He did not have so much time. If he wanted to enter the fifth zone, it seemed that he could
only learn and grow faster than the others!

“Is it possible to enter the fifth zone within one year?” Philip looked at Fennel and asked.
Fennel looked startled and stared at Philip. He said, “Are you kidding me? One year? The fastest record
holder is Fulton Hash. It took him two years to complete all the lectures and training for the fifth zone.”

“It’ll take two years at the earliest?” Philip’s expression turned gloomy.

After saying that, Fennel suddenly looked at Philip and said tersely, “I’m not saying that no one can do it in
one year. If there’s someone who can, it might be your father.”

“My father?” Philip frowned.

Fennel nodded and said, “As long as you enter the door of your Clarke family, you’ll be exposed to knowledge
and systems that are more advanced than that of the Nonagon. This way, your growth will be faster. Besides,
I don’t believe that the Clarke family doesn’t have a secret organization similar to the Nonagon.”

Philip nodded, already forming a plan in his mind.

The door of the Clarke family.

It seemed that when he returned this time, he needed to look for his father and have a good talk with him.

“By the way, for disciples like you, don’ t you have any strength classification?” Philip asked with a smile.

Fennel replied, “We do. Using an Ace as a benchmark, a Major is below an Ace. Generally, Ace figures are
those who have completed the second zone of learning and training. Supreme beings are the fourth zone and
above. Of course, the supremes are also classified by strength. Reed Williams should be the strongest among
the four supremes. As for the Seven Kings of Disciples, only those who have entered the fourth zone have the
right to challenge the current kings of disciples. By defeating them, they can become the new king. In the
current Nonagon, the most powerful person on the surface is the new king of the fifth zone. However, if those
old guys are still around, the combat power of the Nonagon should include the powerful figures from the sixth
Philip pondered before he nodded and asked, “What about the Five Pavilions? What’s their strength like?”

“The Five Pavilions are actually the five departments of the Nonagon. They’re in charge of different zones and
have their own authority and responsibilities. The people of the Five Pavilions excel not only in combat power
but also in intelligence and other aspects. Remember, combat power is far from being the only aspect in
evaluating a person’s standard. After you enter the door, pay special attention to people wearing a black robe
with a triangle pattern branded on their backs. They can control your mind. They’re the most dangerous people
behind the door because when you come into contact with such people, your inner thoughts or even your
memories may be completely controlled by the other party.”

Fennel said solemnly as a trace of apprehension flashed in his eyes.

“Mind control?” Philip frowned.

Such people actually existed?

“Is this also a lesson behind the door?” Philip asked.

The First Heir –
Chapter 1737
Fennel nodded and said, “Yes. This is only part of the training behind the door. After you enter, you’ll come
across a wide variety of talents. Some of them can control flames, some can control water, some can float in
the air, some can control lightning, and some can teleport. These are all based on the potential that you
stimulate, which is the energy and aura developed in your body. You’ll carry out different targeted training


Philip was stunned. Control fire and water?

Was this not exactly the same as those guys in the Avengers?

The energy to control matter?

At the look on Philip’s face, Fennel smiled and said, “Don’t be too surprised. This world is far more complex
than you can imagine. Some people were struck by lightning and survived the catastrophe. After the incident,
the Nonagon detected that such people have a natural affinity to lightning. Some people are more imaginative
than others, and such people are naturally superior in mental fortitude. Some have amazing bone structures and
are born martial artists… There are too many to list. All the people you see who are different from the norm
have unleashed their potential. Once you complete the lectures and training, you can control the matter and
energy entities around you.”


Philip exhaled and asked with scorching eyes, “What kind of potential do you have?”

Fennel chuckled, leaned back on the sofa languidly, and said, “Me? I’m an all-rounder.”


Philip almost spat a mouthful of blood and cursed, “Will you die if you stop being so pretentious?”

Fennel laughed before he looked at the time and said, “Oops, the time agreed with the Larson chick is almost
up. Can I go first?”

Philip asked unpleasantly, “Didn’t you remind me not to trust Sheryl Larson last time? Why are you hooking
up with her now?”

“Hooking up? Brother, I don’t like hearing that It’s true love between us!” Fennel exclaimed excitedly.

Philip was speechless as he rolled his eyes at Fennel and said, “I’m going back too.”

The two got up and prepared to leave.

Unfortunately, several men and women dressed in bright and fashionable clothes swaggered over at this time
with arrogant attitudes.

“Are you Philip Clarke? The talent selected by the Larson family?”

The leader, a blonde rich young master with earrings, reached out and pushed Philip with a taunting look in his

Philip frowned, looked at the group of merrymakjng young men and women in front of him, and said, “I’m
sorry, I don’t know you.”
After saying that, he was about to leave.

However, the blonde kid waved his hand arrogantly and yelled in a slightly drunken stupor, “Stop him!”

His few friends immediately stopped Philip and Fennel. Then, the blonde kid looked at Philip with a sneer on
his face and said, “You don’ t know me but I know you. I saw you at the Concord Hotel today. I can’t figure
out why a loser like you is so valued by the Larson family. I want to find out what’s so special about you.”

With that said, the blonde kid made a grab for Philip.

Philip’s face darkened and he pushed the other party away. The guy could not even stand still and fell to the
floor on his butt!

Instantly, several men and women rushed over to help the blonde kid up.

“Damn it! How dare you make a move on Hector?”

“You’re dead! Hector is the young master of the Dunley family. Do you know the Dunley family? They’re the
largest Dunley family in the Charbury region!”

“Sh*t! Get this kid! He’s looking for death!”

The group of people pointed at Philip and cursed incessantly.

Philip’s eyes were cold as he turned to look at Fennel next to him. He looked very calm with a helpless
expression on his face.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1738
Hector Dunley got up from the floor and pushed everyone away. He glared at Philip angrily, shouting, “Damn
it! How dare you push me? Do you know who I am? My name is Hector Dunley and I’m from the Dunley
family of Charbury! Now, I want you to kneel and apologize to me. Lick my shoes as well! Otherwise, I won’t
let you see the sunrise tomorrow!”

Hector was angry!

As the young master of the Dunley family, he was actually pushed down by a low life. How humiliating! Even
his *ss was made of gold!

Philip’s face changed as his expression darkened. He looked at Hector who was cursing in front of him and
asked, “Are you from the Dunley family?”

Hector immediately sneered and said, “Oh, you’ve heard about the reputation of my Dunley family? Hehe,
kid, why don’t you hurry up and apologize, then? After that, give up your spot!”

Hector was very cocky at this moment. The name of the Dunley family was spread all over Charbury!

Who dared to disrespect the Dunley family? That was a death wish!

Although he was the young master of a branch family, he was still a member of the Dunley family!

Pushing him?

That was the same as pushing the Dunley family!

The other young chaps also sneered at this time and said, “Brat, Hector has spoken. Kneel and apologize at

“That’s right, why are you standing there like a fool? Are you waiting for us to do something to you?”

Philip shook his head helplessly and asked, “Who’s Moses Dunley to you?”

Moses Dunley?

Hearing this, Hector instantly shuddered. With fear in his eyes, he stammered and asked, “D-Do you know
my cousin?”

It turned out to be his cousin.

Philip realized it and replied, “You can say so.”

Hearing this, Hector instinctively panicked and glanced at his friends around him. He had seen Moses’
ruthlessness with his own eyes. Was this guy Moses’ friend?

“Hector, don’t panic. I think this guy is just sh*tting you! How can a loser like him know Moses?”

“That’s right, Hector. He must have heard that name from somewhere and is trying to scare us.”

At once, several people spoke to Hector. At the same time, they glared at Philip with more resentment and

“Brat, do you think Hector will be afraid of you just because you mentioned Moses’ name?”
“Exactly. Hector is the young master of the Dunley family, the beloved grandson of Old Master Dunley!”

“Moses Dunley? Hehe, in front of Hector, even Moses has to lower his head and greet him as Young Master

Those guys spared no effort in flattering Hector at this time, praising him up to the sky.

Hector was flustered. Who the heck was the most beloved grandson of Old Master Dunley?

When he saw Moses, he was the one who had to lower his head and greet him as Young Master Moses with
great respect. In the Dunley family, Moses was treated like a crown prince!

However, now that Hector was being praised to the skies, it would be embarrassing if he chickened out now.

Thus, Hector sneered and adjusted his suit. He put on an air of arrogant superiority and said, “That’s right, I’m
the most favored young master of the Dunley family. You must apologize for pushing me just now and being
disrespectful to me!”

Hector looked steady on the surface but was panicking inwardly.

Philip’s eyes were cold as he said, “What if I don‘t apologize?”

Hector immediately huffed. “You don’t want to apologize? Then I’ll cripple your limbs and throw you into
the river! That way, the Larson family will have no choice but to choose another talent.”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1739
Seeing Philip still standing there without a word, Hector got annoyed!

He shouted angrily, “Hey, why are you still standing there? Kneel and apologize to me at once!”

Looking at the situation, there was no way to mend things now. Philip fished out his phone and was prepared
to call Victor Bell.

Victor had started off on the streets, after all. It should be easy for him to handle a matter like this.

The call was quickly connected and Victor’s respectful voice sounded immediately. It carried a hint of
undisguised fatigue and hoarseness. “Young Master Clarke, what’s the matter?”

“Huh? What’s wrong with your voice?” Philip could not help saying.

“Haha, things in Uppercreek have been a little unstable recently. I’ve been busy and stayed up all night.
Although I’m a little tired, I can still hold the fort. Haha, Young Master Clarke, just say the word if there’s a
problem. I’ll carry out your orders right away,” Victor said with a laugh.

Philip said lightly, “It’s nothing serious. I’m surrounded by a few people in Starlight Bar. It seems that the
matter can’t be resolved.”


Hearing this, Victor was shocked.

Of course, Victor knew Starlight Bar. That place was very messed up, but Victor’s name held some power

Thus, he immediately said, “Young Master Clarke, put the phone on speaker so that those people can listen!”


Philip immediately put the phone on speaker.

Then, Victor’s voice rang out, “This is Victor Bell!”

When ordinary street punks heard Victor’s name, they would definitely be as scared as a mouse hearing a cat

Unfortunately, Hector Dunley was not from Uppercreek and did not know anything about Uppercreek at all.
Hearing Victor’s voice, he cursed, “Damn it, what’s so great about this Victor Bell? Cut the cr*p. Are you
trying to stand up for this kid? Okay, bring five million dollars with you, or I’ll make sure that they can’t
leave here in one piece!”

When Victor heard this on the other end of the line, he was extremely furious.

As one of the three lords of Uppercreek, everyone had to Show Master Bell some respect. It was the first time
he was insulted like this.

Immediately, he said gravely, “Kid, don’t move. Wait 20 minutes. I’ll deliver the money to you.”

“Oh? Are you threatening me? I’ll wait for you right here. Come quickly!”
Hector became energetic as soon as he heard it. He naturally heard the hidden meaning of Victor’s words.
However, he was not intimidated in the least. He had a backer. At any rate, he was the young master of the
Dunley family. Although he just came from a branch family, he was still a member of the Dunley family!

Victor Bell of Uppercreek?

He had never heard of him. Who the hell was he?

Hector’s gaze moved and fell on Philip. He said mockingly, “Hehe, kid, you’re very arrogant. You know
some people, huh? Okay, let’s see who that person is!”

Next to him, a sultry looking woman with her navel exposed took Hector’s arm and sneered. “Hehe, five
million, huh? If this kid’s friend can’t pay five million dollars in a while, let’s kill him!”

Hector scoffed. “But of course! How can a poor loser like him know a friend who can take out five million
dollars just like that? Hehe.”

Then, he glanced at Philip coldly. This guy seemed very ordinary. How did he gain the favor of the Larson

Since he had offended such a guy today, he must get rid of him!

Otherwise, if this guy really got into the Nonagon, he would face big trouble in the future!

However, Philip just smiled lightly and said to Hector, “I think this matter should just end here. I don’t want
any conflicts with you. I consider myself acquainted with Moses.”

Although he disliked Hector’s arrogant attitude, he did not wish to harm others if not necessary. He also did
not want to cause unnecessary trouble at this juncture.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1740
However, Hector could not help but laugh when he heard this. “Oh my, are you kidding me? This matter
should end here? Do you want me to thank you for not pursuing this matter? Who the hell do you think you
are? How dare you say such things?!”

Hector was almost exasperated.

This guy was not only a loser but very cocky as well!

Was he still unaware of the situation he was in?

His friends on the side also sneered and said, “Hector, this brat is simply too arrogant. He doesn’t respect you
at all.”

“Hehe, in front of Hector, he’s worse than a dog!”

“I think Hector is just too kind. If this had happened in the past, he would already be a cripple!”

Faced with the cynicisms and threats from these people, Philip shook his head helplessly. He looked at Hector
with a searing gaze and said, “You’ve misunderstood. I’m saying that I won’t pursue this matter. I’m not
asking you to stop pursuing it.”

“You still want us to pursue it?” Hector laughed. “You’re very arrogant, but can you not be so arrogantly

His buddy behind him sneered. “Hector, this guy called someone on the phone just now. We’d better be
“Who can a poor loser like him call?” The beauty beside Hector was taken aback and asked subconsciously.

The buddy recalled for a moment before he said with certainty, “The name’s Victor Dell, yes, it’s Victor Dell.
That person was also very arrogant just now, announcing his name as soon as he spoke. Damn it, is Victor
Dell a big boss in Uppercreek? How can he be so arrogant?”

“We don’t have a big boss named Victor Dell in Uppercreek!”

The woman with her navel exposed immediately laughed when she heard this. “I think he’s just a small time
gangster. There’s nothing to fear!”

She was from Uppercreek and working as an escort in this bar. Hector had taken a fancy to her.

“Hehe, who the hell is Victor Dell?” Hector recited the name as he looked at Philip and said, “Kid, it’s
obvious that you’re the one who‘s in the wrong. How dare you call someone? Do you think you can bully me
by calling a random local just because I’m from out of town? I’m telling you, my Dunley family is the
overlord of Charbury! The strength of my Dunley family is not something a tiny Uppercreek can compare to!”

After saying that, Hector fished out his phone and pulled up his list of contacts. Then, he pointed to a number
on it and said, “Do you see this? This is also your local big boss in Uppercreek. Does the Victor Dell guy you
called dare to touch this big boss?”

When Philip heard the guy mistakenly call Victor Bell as Victor Dell, he wanted to remind him. Unexpectedly,
Hector and the bimbo beside him did not give him a chance at all.

He could only glance at Hector’s phone helplessly.

The screen on Hector’s phone showed the caller ID of a person named Angus Wager.
After thinking carefully, Philip shook his head earnestly and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t know this Angus Wager
you’re talking about.”

“Hahaha, you don’t even know Angus Wager?” The bimbo immediately laughed out loud. “Angus is the most
powerful boss in this neighborhood. He travels around in his Land Rover or Mercedes-Benz and has no less
than 100 underlings. How many minions does your Victor Dell have?”

Philip was silent for a while before saying honestly, “I don’t know how many, but I’m familiar with one.”

He was not lying. He really only knew Heath who worked for Victor.

“Holy sh*t! ” Hector laughed so hard his sides hurt. “It seems that I don’t have to call Angus, after all. I’m
afraid that once he brings dozens of people with him, you and your big boss will piss in your pants from fear!”

The bimbo added on the side, “I think it’s better to give Angus a call, or else, this kid won’t buy it!”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1741
“Hehe, he won’t buy it?” The guy next to Hector sneered disdainfully. “A loser with a face like that is nothing
but trash!”

At this point, everyone burst into laughter again. Immediately after, the bimbo walked over. She looked at
Philip disdainfully and said, “Dude, don’t say that I won’t help you in this matter. I’ll give you two options.
Either kneel down and apologize to Hector or throw yourself into the river. You choose!”

Philip smiled and sat aside, calmly saying, “Sorry, I don‘t want to choose either.”

At this point, Fennel just acted like a passerby who stood aside and watched silently. This petty tiff was just
like kids horsing around. The chicks in this bar were still beautiful and the liquor was decent as well.

Hector immediately sneered and said, “Stop bullsh*tting with him. Once his boss gets here, we’ll get rid of
both of them in one fell swoop!”

After saying that, he directly dialed the phone number of Angus Wager. A gruff voice came from the other end
of the phone, “Young Master Hector Dunley? What is it? Do you have any orders for me?”

Hector immediately turned on the speaker so that everyone around could hear him. He said with a smile,
“Hello, Angus, I’m at Starlight Bar right now. This place is on your territory, right?”

“Wow, really? Are you in Starlight Bar? Tell them my name and they’ll definitely give you the best women!
Angus exclaimed.

Hector was startled before he quickly explained, “No need.”

Why did Angus say this out loud? However, there was no trace of embarrassment on his face. Instead, there
was a hint of smugness as he looked at Philip gloatingly.

“Oh, I understand. Young Master Hector, I’ll immediately make secret arrangements and make sure you’ll
have a good time tonight! But, Young Master Hector, why are you calling me so late?” Angus asked.

Hector laughed and said, “I’m in a bit of trouble here.”

Upon hearing this, Angus became angry and cursed, “What? Who dares to cause you trouble in Starlight Bar?
I’ll bring my men over right away. Damn it, some people are getting out of line!”

At Angus’ arrogant attitude, Hector was full of smiles. His triumphant look at Philip also grew more intense.
See, only his men would dare to say such things!

However, immediately after, Angus suddenly asked, “Does the person who messed with you have a backing?”

“Yes!” Hector immediately laughed.

Hearing this, Angus fell silent on the other end.

However, no one noticed it.

Then, Hector added, “He has a boss named Victor Dell. Do you know him?”

“Victor Dell?” Hearing this name, Angus’ voice became loud again. “Who the f*ck is Victor Dell? I haven’t
heard of him. But no matter who he is, since he dares to mess with you, I’ll take him on even if he’s Victor

“Victor Bell? One of the three lords of Uppercreek?”

The bimbo exclaimed on the side.

After that, she suddenly showed a smug smile and looked at Philip.

This was Angus’ strength and loyalty!

At this time, Hector said, “Victor Bell? Is he very powerful? What will happen if I mess with him?”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay even if you did!” Angus quickly said when he heard that. “Victor Bell is one of the
three underground lords in Uppercreek, but I’ve been running the bar street for more than a decade. Why
would I be afraid of him?”

Hearing this, Hector could not help but glance at Philip again. It was obvious he just wanted to show off
Angus’ powerful influence!

Philip felt helpless. He finally could not help but say, “Actually, you’ve misunderstood. I don’t have a boss.
The person I called is…”

“Who’s that talking?”

Before Philip finished speaking, he was interrupted by Angus on the other end of the line.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1742
“That’s the kid who provoked me. Okay, Angus, quickly come over with your men!”

Hector looked at Philip and sneered.

“Sure, give me ten minutes. I‘ll be there in ten minutes!”

Angus said and hung up the phone.

At this point, Hector said to Philip, “Kid, to be honest, I can’ t figure it out. Why is a loser like you being
pretentious? Do you really think you can fight me?”

Philip sneered and could not be bothered to talk nonsense with Hector.

The bimbo followed with a snicker. “He has a reason to be smug. After all, he has a big boss named Victor

Faced with the sarcasm and ridicule of the two, Philip was too lazy to argue.

Time passed by quickly.

Suddenly, five cars stopped in front of the Starlight Bar in one row.

The first car was a domineering Land Rover. Immediately after, the car doors opened. One after another,
young lads with fierce eyes and crew cuts got down from the cars.
After getting out of the cars, the young lads kept joking and laughing, waving their fists from time to time.
Some of them looked around and picked up a stick in their hands as though they were gearing up for a brawl.
A guy with a large pot belly came down from the Land Rover. With big sunglasses, a gold chain on his neck,
and a fitness ball in his hand, he exuded a vicious aura that intimidated people at first sight!

At this scene, all the passersby around quickly ran away, not wanting to have close contact with these people.

When Hector saw them, he quickly waved at the man with a pot belly. “Angus, I’m here!”

The man with a big belly was Angus Wager, the overlord of bar street!

When Angus turned his head and saw Hector, he immediately smiled, spread his arms, walked over to Hector,
and embraced him like a crime boss. Then, he laughed and said, “Haha, Young Master Hector, long time no
see. But let’s not catch up now. We should solve your problem first!”

Hector was about to point at Philip in a hurry.

However, Angus stopped Hector. He turned around, looked at the other people in the bar, and shouted coldly,
“Seeing that I’m doing my job here, those who have nothing to do with this matter should quickly get lost!”

At once, the people who were here for dinner or to watch the excitement stood up and turned around to leave.
No one wanted to be involved in this matter.

Looking at this scene, the boss of the bar hurried out and tried to act as a mediator.

However, with just one look from Angus, two of his lackeys walked up to stop the boss and said, “This is
none of your business. If you insist on getting involved, don’t blame our boss for not showing mercy!”

The boss looked troubled. He looked at Philip and then at Angus as well as his dozen young men. Finally, he
sighed and silently stood aside.

It was not that he did not want to fight for justice but he still needed to support his family. He simply could not
afford the price of fighting for justice!

Soon, apart from Angus and Hector’s people, only Philip and Fennel, who was sitting and drinking beside
Philip, remained in the entire bar.

No one took Fennel seriously. Everyone only regarded him as a backdrop.

Angus abruptly sneered and raised a finger to point at Philip. He raised his eyebrows, glared at Philip with
eyes wide open, and shouted, “Are you the one who messed with my buddy?”

When most people saw this pomp, their legs would go weak from fright

However, Philip just smiled slightly, looked at Angus coldly, and said with a smile, “It’s me. What are you
going to do about it?”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1743
As soon as Philip uttered those words, the bellyful of bragging remarks Angus had prepared earlier got stuck
in his throat!

This was not the first time he had made such a grand appearance. According to previous experience, when he
asked this,
the bolder ones would only manage to speak while trembling.

The more timid ones would already balk from fright. However, Philip not only steadily stood up but even
dared to respond to his question directly.

This guy was more courageous than the average person!

Despite that, Angus had weathered some storms. In a flash, he came back to his senses. He pointed at Philip
and yelled sternly, “You son of a b*tch, how dare you act so cocky in front of me? I’ll have you admitted into
the hospital today!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the young lads he brought with him immediately grabbed hold of the empty
liquor bottles in the comer. Those who could not find empty bottles grabbed the stools beside them. Those
who had picked up some sticks outside brandished them while pointing at Philip.

All of a sudden, a street brawl was about to break out.

All of a sudden, a street brawl was about to break out. Just then, Hector spoke up from the side, “Angus, don’t
bash him up too badly later. I want to personally teach him a lesson!”

“Haha, don’t worry, my buddies have been through a lot of battles with me and know what to do!” Angus
grinned menacingly.
The bimbo also spoke, “Wow, Angus is so savage, but… I like it!”

Angus grinned and said, “Hebe, this is nothing. What’s so savage about this? Boys, charge over and do all the
savage things you can think of!”

Instantly, the young lads surrounded Philip. Seeing that the empty bottle in the hands of the young man taking
the lead was about to smash on Philip’s head, a thunderous bellow suddenly sounded at the door.

“Stop it!”

The youngsters were stunned by the sudden roar. Angus immediately showed his displeasure. He just said that
this group of young lads was experienced in battle, but now they were distracted by a loud shout. How could
this be?

He immediately cursed, “Damn it, I’m the boss around here. Who the hell are you listening to?”

As he said that, he could not help but turn his head to the doorway.

Who dared to cause trouble while he was doing his job?

Even if the police on patrol in this neighborhood saw him, they still needed to show him some respect!

However, when he turned his head to take a look, his face suddenly changed and he could not help but
stannner, “M-Master H-Heath?”

That was right, the person at the door was none other than Heath.

Hearing that, the youngsters dared not move anymore. They put down the weapons in their hands and stood to
the side.
Although Hector was not very good at reading people’s faces, he could still tell that the person Angus was
addressing as Master Heath was no ordinary character. Thus, he immediately put on a smiling face and said to
Heath, “So, Master Heath has arrived. We’re taking care of some business here. Once it’s done, how about we
have dinner together?”

“Shut your mouth. Do you think you’re worthy to eat with Master Heath?”

Upon hearing this, Angus quickly turned around and berated Hector, showing no mercy at all.

Hector could not help being startled by this and pouted aggrievedly.

What did he say wrong?

Damn it!

Angus was still calling him Young Master Hector so affectionately earlier, yet everything had changed the
next second?

He was such a scumbag!

Besides, he was the young master of the Dunley family. Why was he not worthy of inviting this Master Heath
for dinner?

The bimbo also felt indignant for Hector but dared not open her mouth. As for the little buddy behind Hector,
he looked ready to
speak up as long as Hector said the word.

Just when Hector wanted to say something, Angus had walked to the entrance of the bar to greet Heath.
He said to Heath with a smile on his face, “To what do I owe the honor of you visiting my turf today? Is there
something you want to do? Just say the word and I’ll do it for you, even if I have to sacrifice this pot belly of

Seeing this, Hector could not help being taken aback. He finally realized it.

This Master Heath was obviously in ore powerful than Angus. Otherwise, Angus would not be so respectful to
the other party.

However, the next second, only a crisp sound came. Heath had raised his hand and slapped Angus across the
face without mercy.

Instantly, Angus’ face swelled as five finger marks visible to the naked eye appeared on his cheek.

At this moment, everyone present was dumbfounded.

The First Heir –
Chapter 1744
Angus Wager just got slapped in the face?

Of course, the ones who were most surprised were the bimbo, Hector, and his friends. At this time, they stared
at Angus with wide eyes.

Did Angus not say earlier that he was the rightful big boss in this part of bar street? Did he not say he was not
afraid even if Victor Bell, one of the three lords of Uppercreek, showed up?

How dare this random Master Heath who came out of nowhere slap him in front of so many people?

However, a scene that surprised them even more happened next.

After being slapped in the face, not only was Angus not angry but the smile on his face grew bigger. “I
deserve this slap. I’ve been worried that there’s no one to whip me into shape and you happened to appear.”

That flattering look and his act of sucking up to Heath inevitably reminded people of court jesters who still had
to crack jokes in front of the king despite being beaten.

At this time, everyone’s jaws dropped to the floor. What the hell was happening here?

How powerful could this Master Heath be? After slapping Angus, not only did Angus not dare to get angry
but he even had to laugh it off?

However, just when everyone thought that this was the climax, Heath spoke.

He said coldly, “On your knees!”

What? Hearing this, everyone’s faces changed.

After getting slapped earlier, Angus had to laugh. Now, it seemed that it was still not enough. This Master
Heath even wanted Angus to kneel?

The world had gone crazy!

Hector could not help but gulp as his gaze fell on Angus. Logically speaking, Angus would not take this
standing down anymore. After all, he had just said that he was not even afraid of Victor Bell.

However, the next second, a thud was heard as Angus knelt directly in front of Heath without even thinking
about it.

“What the…”

At once, a few muffled shrieks could be heard in the small bar. These were from Angus’ underlings. They had
always regarded Angus as a god. They did not expect Angus to be so cowardly today.

Who the hell was this Heath?

At this moment, Angus suddenly turned around and shouted at his underlings, “Why are you still standing
around? Didn’t you hear what Master Heath said? On your knees!”

“Do we have to kneel too?”

The youngsters were a little overwhelmed.

Why should they?!

However, on second thought, Angus was quite influential yet even he had to knee! in front of Heath. For
punks like them with no background or backing, what right did they have to remain standing?

At once, a series of muffled thuds could be heard. All the punks present were kneeling in front of Heath.
Heath’s face looked a little better now.

Angus quickly said, “Master Heath, did I do something wrong? Please tell me. Otherwise, I won’t know how
to improve!”

Heath sneered at his words. “It seems you’re not stupid. You know that you’ve done something wrong.” As he
spoke, Heath could not help but look at Philip.

He was not sure if Philip wanted to expose his identity here.

At this time, Philip also sensed Heath’s intention. Philip pondered for a moment. It seemed that there was no
need to hide his identity anymore so he nodded lightl
The First Heir –
Chapter 1745
With Philip’s permission, Heath no longer hesitated and kicked Angus right in the face.

Instantly, a size 42 shoe print appeared on Angus’ face.

Immediately after, Heath stepped forward and grabbed Angus’ collar, violently knocking his head on the floor
three to four times. Only when Angus screamed and his face was covered with blood that Heath grabbed him
by the collar again and dragged him in front of Philip.


Angus was so startled that he even forgot to scream. What did Master Heath mean?

Not just Angus but his underlings who were kneeling on the floor were also stunned. Why did he drag the boss
in front of this poor loser?

The most surprised was naturally Hector and his buddy. The two looked at this scene in astonishment and
could not stop their jaws from dropping.

Philip Clarke?

How was this matter related to him?

At this time, Heath grabbed Angus’ collar and said, “Now do you know what you did wrong?”

Angus’ gaze shifted between Philip and Heath continuously before asking in confusion, “This kid?”

Heath knocked Angus’ head violently on the floor again before asking, “What did you say?”

Angus immediately reacted. “Did I make a mistake because I offended this buddy?”


Surprisingly, Heath slammed Angus’ head on the floor again, causing Angus to see stars. “Calling Young
Master Clarke your buddy? Are you worthy?”

For a moment, Angus almost wanted to cry.

Who the hell was this kid? Even if he was Heath’s friend, it was not too much for him to call him buddy.
However, he dared not talk back to Heath. He quickly changed his tone and said, “I know my mistake now.
I shouldn’t have messed with this boss!”

“That’s more like it.”

Heath chuckled and let go of Angus. Then, he raised his head to look at Philip, asking, “Young Master Clarke,
what do you want to do with this fatso?”

Young Master Clarke?

Hearing this, Angus trembled while lying on the floor.

He could not be more aware of Heath’s identity.

He was the right-hand man of one of the three lords of Uppercreek, Victor Bell. His status in the Uppercreek
area was second only to the three lords. However, even a person like him had to address that ordinary-looking
loser as Young Master Clarke?

What did that mean?

It meant that this loser was likely a figure on par with Victor Bell!

Had he actually provoked such a person?


For a moment, Angus simply wanted to stand up and swallow Hector, who was standing there, alive. How
dare he make him mess with such a person?

Meanwhile, Hector, who was standing at the side, was dumbfounded by Heath’s remarks.


This Master Heath who pinned Angus to the floor and beat him up so terribly that he dared not fight back
actually addressed Philip as Young Master Clarke?

Was this guy not a poor loser?

Why would someone like Master Heath call Philip Young Master Clarke?

This must be a f*cking world-class joke!

Hector could not help but glance at Philip, the shock in his eyes apparent.
At this moment, Philip spoke, “This Angus Wager isn’t the main culprit.”

“What? The mastermind is someone else?” When Heath heard this, his gaze tensed as a fierce aura radiated
from his body.

He turned his gaze and it fell directly on Hector. “Is it you?”

“Uh… I…”

Hector opened his mouth to realize that he was so frightened that he was stuttering. He gulped fiercely and
continued, “This seems to be a misunderstanding…”


Heath raised his hand and slapped Hector across the face, causing Hector to hit the wall. “Do you still want to
deny it?”

Hector almost cried because of this slap.

He wanted to say that this was really a misunderstanding. He thought Philip was just a stinking loser. How
would he know that Philip knew someone like Heath?

However, before he could react, Heath grabbed his collar and slammed his face against the wall.

With a muffled thud, Hector’s face was also covered with blood.

At this time, Heath dragged him to Philip and said, “Young Master Clarke, what do you want to do with this
Hearing this, Hector quickly begged for mercy. “Young Master Clarke, this is all a misunderstanding. I really
didn’t want to do anything to you. I wouldn’t dare even if you gave me the guts to do so!”

Hearing this, Philip just chuckled. “Didn’ t you ask me to kneel down to apologize earlier? Why are you
saying this now?”

Hector was filled with resentment.

He was just annoyed when he was at the Concord Hotel today about how a loser like Philip was actually
selected by the Larson family.

Now, it seemed that this guy’s identity was not simple. No wonder the Larson family picked him.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1746
At this time, Philip spoke again, “Didn’t you ask me to choose between kneeling and jumping into the river?
Are you still letting me choose now?”

Hector quickly said, “No, of course not. I was blind and ignorant before this. Young Master Clarke, please let
me off this time!”

Philip chuckled, looked up, and his gaze fell on Hector’s buddy.

At once, the guy trembled and his legs went weak. He immediately knelt on the floor. “Young Master Clarke,
I didn’t mean to do it. Please let me go.”

Seeing the frightful looks on these two people, Philip could not help but smile again.

To be honest, although these two people had wanted to deal with him, Heath came in time and they did not
end up doing anything. Hence, Philip did not want to go too far.

Thus, he said, “Heath, that’s enough. Let’s just leave it at that.”

Heath nodded.

Then, he turned around, raised his leg, and kicked Hector and the others out of the bar. “Next time, make sure
to keep your eyes open. Also, if you dare to go out and say anything about Young Master Clarke’s identity,
I’ll kill you!”

“No, of course not. We’ll keep our mouths shut!”

Angus and Hector said as they scrambled to flee, even forgetting about their cars.

What Philip and Heath did not notice was that when Angus and Hector’s group ran to a small alley, Angus
raised his hand and wanted to beat Hector up. However, after thinking about it, he still held himself back.

Hector was a member of the Dunley family in Charbury. Although he was just from a branch family, his
identity was still influential.

Since he had offended Philip and Heath this time, he was afraid he might not be able to survive in Uppercreek
anymore. If he could take care of Hector, maybe he could go to Charbury instead.

At this time, the fear on Hector’s face also disappeared. It had been replaced with deep resentment. “Angus,
who the hell is this Heath? Why should we be so afraid of him?”

His underlings also looked at Angus in puzzlement. It was too frustrating today. How could they survive if
word of this got out?

Angus could not help but show a wry smile before he said, “Heath is Victor Bell’s right-hand man, do you
understand now?”

Hearing this, Hector’s face immediately became very unpleasant.

Did Angus not say that he was not afraid of Victor Bell?

Why was Angus so afraid of Victor’s subordinate now, causing him to get beaten up as well? The wound on
his face would not heal within a month!

However, he naturally would not say this out loud. He just snorted coldly and said, “Is that so? I get it. Angus,
I don’ t blame you for what happened today!”
Angus sighed. “It’s good that you understand!”

Hector huffed and turned to leave. “But I won’t forget about this matter just like this!”

“Do you still want to cause trouble for Philip? Don’t do it!” Angus quickly tried to persuade him.

However, Hector had already made up his mind. “F*ck, I’m not a local in Uppercreek. I’ll return to the
Dunley family in Charbury right after teaching Philip a lesson. What can Philip do to me then? What can that
b*stard Heath do to me? Even Victor Bell has to watch his step when he’s in Charbury. If he dares to act
arrogant, I’ll take care of him!”

Angus paused and suddenly felt that there was some truth in those words. Charbury was larger than
Uppercreek and the waters naturally ran deeper.

Angus thought about it again. He could not survive in Uppercreek anymore and would have to go to Charbury
sooner or later. If he could lend Hector a hand this time, he could certainly borrow Hector’s power after
arriving in Charbury.

Hence, he quickly said, “What you said makes sense. We can’t just forget about this matter. We must seek
revenge for this. I’ll help you!”


Hector stopped in his tracks. Although he wanted to take revenge, he also knew it was very difficult. After all,
he had no connections in Uppercreek.

However, if Angus helped him, it would be a different story and things would become much easier.

“Of course!”
Angus nodded earnestly and said, “I can’t take this lying down. I must take revenge. I think it’s best for us to
make a counter-attack right now. Philip and Heath will definitely not expect it!”

“That makes sense!” Hector raised his eyebrows, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Philip was laughing as he walked out of the bar with Heath and said, “Send me back to the hotel.”


Heath drove his Bentley over and set off with Philip.

As for Fennel, he had left long ago. The night was precious. However, he had also agreed that he would start
to formally train Philip tomorrow to stimulate his potential.

When Philip and the others left, they did not notice Angus, Hector, and Hector’s friends closely tailing behind
them in another car.
The First Heir –
Chapter 1747
After returning to the hotel, Philip left Heath a few instructions and went upstairs.

He did not notice two sneaky guys behind him watching as he went upstairs. They followed him the entire way,
saw the room number, and turned around to go back downstairs. Then, they found Angus and Hector who
were waiting in a car parked at the hotel’s entrance.

After listening to his subordinates’ report in the car, Angus sneered coldly. “Young Master Hector, since we
already know his room number, the rest will be easy. Rest assured that I’ll definitely teach that arrogant guy
a lesson for you this time! We’ll make him a cripple and leave Uppercreek immediately. At that time, I’ll have
to ask for your support.”

Hearing this, Hector’s eyes exploded with chills as he responded, “Angus, that definitely won’t be a problem.
As long as that son of a b*tch is crippled tonight, you’ll be my comrade for life! With me around, you’ll easily
gain a foothold in Charbury!”

After talking, Hector took the baseball bat passed by his friend from the back of the car and held it in his hand.
Smiling fiercely, he put on the black mask he had prepared!

Then, he pushed open the car door and was the first to step down before anyone else.

Angus signaled with his eyes and immediately put on a mask with a few of his men before they followed
Hector who took the lead. This was an opportunity to die for and Angus would not miss it!

When he came to the floor of Philip’s suite, he looked around and found a few bodyguards patrolling outside
the corridor.

“Damn it! This guy even has bodyguards?” Hector was stunned.
Angus was also taken aback and said, “Young Master Hector, don’t worry. This is a piece of cake.”

After that, he motioned to his two minions to lure the bodyguards away.

The two minions got the signal. They rushed over in a swaggering manner and clashed with the bodyguards.
A moment later, those bodyguards were successfully led away by Angus’ men.

At this time, Philip heard the commotion from inside the suite and walked out.

When Hector saw Philip coming out, his eyes were full of fierce cold intent. He wanted to rush over and beat
Philip up right now!

However, Angus grabbed Hector who wanted to rush out from the stairway and whispered, “Young Master
Hector, don’t be impulsive. If we go over now, everything will be in vain! Listen carefully. I heard a woman‘s
voice inside the suite. It must be his wife or sister. We might as well attack the people in the suite! In this
world, there’s nothing more painful than when your loved ones are hurt and you fail to save them!”

As he said that, Angus showed a treacherous sneer across his face.

When Hector heard this, his eyes lit up and he immediately looked at Angus with praise. He patted Angus on
the shoulder and said with a smile, “Angus, well done!”

Angus chuckled and said, “It’s all because of you that I got enlightened.”

Hector did not bother to listen to Angus’ flattery. Seeing that Philip had left, he immediately went to the door
of the suite with Angus and the rest.

They knocked on the door without a word.

In the suite, a delicate female voice was heard. “Did you forget your door card?”

Following that, the suite door opened.

Hector saw the woman standing at the door. How beautiful!

Very young too!

Anne Foster was standing at the door, blinking and staring at the people in front of her, especially at the young
man in front who took out a baseball bat from behind!

Anne was shocked and the smile on her face froze as she asked in fear, “You…”

“Are you alone?” Hector’s gaze was cold as he poked his head in and looked around. Seeing no one there, he
barged in and pointed the baseball bat in his hand at Anne!

“Who are you? Get out! Otherwise, I’ll call the police!” Anne shuddered. She immediately understood that
these people were probably here to cause trouble for Philip!

Moreover, Wynn was resting in the bedroom inside. If these people broke in or saw Wynn, the consequences
would be disastrous!

While thinking that, Anne blocked the door with her delicate body. Although her legs were shaking, she
warned them seriously, “I’m the only one in the room. My boyfriend just went out. Who the hell are you? If
you don‘t leave, I’ll shout for help!”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1748
Once he heard that she was alone and was also Philip’s girlfriend, Hector’s sneer turned malicious!

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that kid to have such a beautiful girlfriend. I’m sorry, then. He provoked me so you can
go to hell for him, b*tch!”

With a roar, Hector raised the baseball bat in his hand and smashed it on Anne’s head!


The bat landed right in the middle of Anne’s head. She directly passed out from that, blood gurgling from her
hair, instantly streaking her pale face with blood.

“F*ck! Why is this b*tch so weak?”

Hector was taken aback and cursed while kicking her.

Wynn, who was resting in the bedroom, heard the commotion in the living room outside. She called out,
“Anne, what’s wrong? What’s that noise?”

Immediately after, Wynn stood at the bedroom door while supporting her big belly. She saw Hector and
Angus with his men standing at the entrance of the suite, as well as Anne, who had fallen into a pool of blood
at this moment!


Seeing this bloody scene, Wynn instinctively yelled before covering her mouth tightly!

She and Hector locked eyes!

Hector and Angus saw Wynn with her pregnant belly. They were furious. They rubbed their heads while
laughing and cursing. “F*ck! That damn b*tch actually lied to me! This is the real one! She’s even pregnant!
Since the deed is done, I’ll kill you too!”

While cursing, Hector’s eyes were already red. He carried the blood-stained baseball bat and rushed at Wynn!

However, at this moment!

Not long after Philip and a few bodyguards chased after the two thugs, they successfully got away.

Philip was still puzzled about this when he suddenly heard Wynn’s screams from the suite!


Philip shuddered and quickly ran back!

Suddenly, he saw several figures standing at the door of the suite.

“Who are you?” Philip roared.

As soon as Hector was about to rush toward Wynn, Angus saw Philip running back. He immediately grabbed
Hector and said, “Let’s go, Young Master Hector. He’s back There are surveillance cameras here too! Run

Hector turned his head and saw Philip and several people running along the corridor.


In a flash, Hector yelled and threw the baseball bat in his hand to the floor. At the same time, he turned his
head, gave Wynn a vicious look, and threatened, “Count yourself lucky! But don’t worry, I’ll definitely be

After that, Hector, Angus, and the others quickly fled! At the same time, he looked back at Philip with a sneer
and put up a middle finger at him.

Angus and his underlings dragged Hector out of the hotel. They got into the car and headed straight for

There was not a moment’s delay!

Philip rushed to the door of the suite and was instantly stunned!
The First Heir –
Chapter 1749
Blood! The floor was covered with bright red blood!

Anne was passed out on the floor! She was covered in blood!

After a brief pause, a heartbreaking cry was heard in the suite. “Anne, Anne!”

Wynn recovered from her panic and immediately ran over while holding her stomach!

Philip quickly squatted on the floor, put his finger just below Anne’s nostrils, and felt for her breath. She was
still breathing.

At the same time, a few bodyguards in black suits were standing at the door of the suite. They were shocked
by the scene in front of them!

Fortunately, Mrs. Clarke was fine.

Philip carried Anne bridal-style from the floor, looked at Wynn, and shouted at several bodyguards, “Contact
the nearest hospital immediately. Also, call Victor to send more men to surround the whole hotel to ensure
Madam’s safety!”

“Yes, Mr. Clarke!” Several bodyguards nodded solemnly and got to work, calling the hospital and Victor.

As for Philip, he turned and left with Anne in his arms. Standing at the door of the suite, Wynn saw Philip
leaving and shouted, “I’m going too!”

“Madam, for your safety, please stay here.” Several bodyguards stopped Wynn and persuaded her.
Wynn had no choice but to cry silently, praying in her heart for Anne’s safety.

Meanwhile, Victor, who was hosting friends and handling business in Uppercreek, received the call from his

“What? Someone attacked the hotel? Anne was seriously injured? What about Mrs. Clarke? Is she okay?”

Victor jumped up from his seat upon listening to the words being said on the other line, his face full of shock!

Something big had happened! Someone actually dared to attack the hotel!

Victor was drenched in a cold sweat!

Without even saying goodbye to his friends, Victor left the restaurant and rushed to the hospital.

In the hospital, Philip was standing outside the operating room with a frosty face.

Victor jogged to Philip and said with a bow, “Young Master Clarke, sorry I’m late. Is Miss Foster okay?”

Philip shook his head and said, “They’re carrying out an emergency rescue.”

After saying that, he looked at Victor gravely and said, “Find out who did this at once!”

Victor was terrified at this moment because from Philip’s body and the coldness that flowed from his gaze, he
knew that Philip was livid!
Although Anne was just an ordinary woman, Victor knew that Philip had acknowledged her as his godsister.
Now, she was undergoing emergency rescue! He was afraid that Uppercreek, no, even the entire Penhart
region would face an enormous earthquake from the impact.

Victor bowed and said with a nod, “Understood. I’ll look into it now!”

After saying that, he immediately contacted his trusted aide.

Not long after, a man wearing a leather jacket appeared in the hospital. This man had a dark face and looked
very fierce.

His name was Simba, a competent subordinate recruited by Victor. He used to work in related agencies
engaged in professional tracking and investigation!

However, because of a case, he broke the rules to punish a murderer who escaped the law and was fired. Then,
he met Victor and had been following him for five years.

This person had many means. In his words, he would take care of things that the law could not. His aim was
not to be a hero but to give his conscience and faith a justification.

Victor briefly introduced Simba to Philip. Simba bowed respectfully to Philip and greeted, “Young Master

Philip nodded. Victor updated Simba on the current situation.

After listening, Simba stroked his chin and said, “The hotel should have surveillance. I’ll go to the hotel to
investigate and see if we can find anything.”

In less than ten minutes, Simba rushed back from the hotel and said to Philip, “Young Master Clarke, I found
something. This is the surveillance footage of the assailant.”
The First Heir –
Chapter 1750
Following that, Simba played the video on his phone.

The surveillance footage showed the entrance to Wynn’s hotel suite. Two guys ran to the door and clashed
with the bodyguards there, who chased them out. Not long after, Philip followed them.

At this time, a group of people wearing masks appeared at the door. Immediately after, Anne opened the suite

The leader of the group raised the baseball bat in his hands and hit Anne right on the head!

Subsequently, the footage showed Philip’s arrival and how the group of people ran away.

Seeing this, Philip clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath with chills in his eyes!

He recognized this group of people. It was Hector, Angus, and several others who had clashed with him in the
bar earlier!

He did not expect his show of mercy to bring Anne harm!

Moreover, it could be seen that they were actually targeting him but since he was not around, they went after
the people inside the suite instead!

At this moment, Philip was feeling scared!

If Anne were not around, perhaps it would have been Wynn lying in that pool of blood and Wynn in the
operating room right now!
Damn it!

Hector Dunley, Angus Wager!

They deserved to die!

Just then, a low voice sounded from not far away. A police officer said, “Are you the victim’s family member?
My name is Ross Hogan. From now on, Anne Foster’s case will be handled by us.”

Philip looked over and saw a uniformed middle-aged man with an angular face and thick eyebrows.

He frowned slightly and asked, “Why are you here?”

Ross Hogan glanced at Philip, as well as Victor and Simba, who was standing respectfully next to him.

Ross was instantly shocked! He recognized Victor Bell!

He was one of the three lords of Uppercreek!

He was here, and by the looks of it, he had a lot of respect for the young man in front of him. This was not
what surprised Ross the most, though. It was that Simba was also here!

Ross knew of Simba’s reputation and had always admired him!

However, it was later heard that he began working for Victor Bell. Ross initially thought it was a rumor but it
turned out to be true. In that case, it seemed that the young man in front of him should not be underestimated.
With Victor and Simba accompanying him, it was enough to see that he had a high status.
Thus, Ross did not take Philip’s attitude to heart and merely said, “We received a report that there was a case
of intentional assault. We’re here to conduct further investigations. Please cooperate with us.”

Philip frowned and looked at Simba who immediately explained, “I didn’t notify the authorities.”

Then, his eyebrows tensed as he said, “The other party must’ve made the report. They don’t want us to
intervene. They must be pretty confident in clearing their trail and aren’t worried about the involvement of the
authorities at all.”

Hearing this, Philip frowned when he realized what Simba meant.

Hector Dunley wanted to resolve it through the normal channel and prevent Philip from getting involved.

By doing things this way, Hector had room to maneuver.

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