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Serial Number: _____________

Senior High School Department

Directions: Read the following question(s)/statement(s) carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer that

1. It is a sequence of related sentences, a logical unit developing one thought.

a. Outline b. Sentence c. Paragraph d. Diction
2. It is a group of words that gives a complete thought.
a. Outline b. Sentence c. Paragraph d. Diction
3. It is the central purpose or controlling idea in a composition.
a. Thesis Sentence b. Topic Sentence c. Sentence Outline d. Paragraph
4. It is the main idea or main thought in a paragraph.
a. Thesis Sentence b. Topic Sentence c. Sentence Outline d. Paragraph
5. It is the method of logical thinking that moves from the general to specific
a. Deductive b. Inductive c. Objective d. Genetive.
6. It the skeletal framework of a composition.
a. On line b. Outline c. Trunkline d. Offline
7. It is the principle of oneness or singleness of purpose in a composition.
a. Emphasis b. Unity c. Euphony d. Coherence
8. It is the principle of sticking together of idea in a composition.
a. Emphasis b. Unity c. Euphony d. Coherence
9. It is the principle of giving special stress or accent to the most important word in a composition.
a. Emphasis b. Unity c. Euphony d. Coherence
10. It is the method of logical thinking that moves from specific to general.
a. Inductive b. Deductive c. Nominative d. Subjective
11. It is a method of paragraph development that tells, narrates or gives an account or story.
a. Description b. Argumentation c. Narration d. Exposition
12. It is a method of paragraph development that defines the topic, both intensive and extensive definition.
a. Description b. Exposition c. Narration d. Definition
13. It is a method of paragraph development that describes how something looks
a. Description b. Exposition c. Narration d. Argumentation
14. It is a method of paragraph development that compares, gives similarities a and differences.
a. Description b. Exposition c. Comparison and Contrast d. definition
15. It is a method of paragraph development that concerns with “how” topics, Such as “how garbage is
turned into compost.”
a. Process b. Narration c. Definition d. Comparison and Contrast
16. Nevertheless, consequently, hence, etc. are examples of what language device?
a. Transmitter b. Transition c. Transportation d. Transfiguration
17. Indentation, margin, spacing, spelling, etc. are examples of things that you have to consider in writing a
a. Variety b. Length c. Transition d. Mechanics
18. It reflects the writer’s thought in the way that will best convey that thought to the intended reader.
a. Style b. Sentences c. References d. Symbolism
19. It includes the concrete and specific detail that intended reader needs in order to understand exactly what
the writer wants to say.
a. Good Writing b. Bad Writing c. Handwriting d. Typewriting
20. It is known as the discussion part of a composition
a. Introduction b. Conclusion c. Body d. Reference.
21. A property of a well-written text that concerns with the arrangement of ideas in a paragraph.
a. Emphasis b. Language c. Euphony d. Coherence
22. Using transition is one way of achieving what property of a well-written text?
a. Mechanics b. Emphasis c. Coherence d. Language
23. It is known as the meat of the composition.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion d. Title
24. It is the concluding part of a composition.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion d. Title
25. It is known as the introductory part of a composition.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion d. Title
26. It is the part of the composition that pertains to the topic discussed.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion d. Title
27. It includes the title of the book in the first entry.
a. Author Card b. Subject Card c. Title Card d. Card Catalog
28. It is a narrative in form and a product of the author’s imagination.
a. Fiction b. Non-Fiction c. General References d. Thesaurus
29. This type of dictionary contains the alphabetical listing of words, the parts of speech, and the meanings.
a. Unabridged dictionary b. Thesaurus c. Abridged dictionary d. Glossary
30. It is a volume which provides geographical data about places.
a. Gazette b. Atlas c. Encyclopedia d. Almanac
31. It gives an overview of a topic such as description, definite background and bibliographical references.
a. Almanac b. Dictionary c. Encyclopedia d. Handbook
32. It refers to the illustration in imagination. Books, photograph, study prints and the like.
a. Flat pictures b. Slide c. Film strips d. Microforms
33. You can fix your RECALCITRANT hair by using some gel.
a. unruly b. frizzy c. wind-blown d. kinky
34. Astrology is a form of DIVINATION.
a. state of bliss b. Sanctification c. unfortunate event d. foretelling future event
35. They were showered with extraordinary AMENITIES of the luxurious hotel.
a. hostilities b. Comforts c. pardons d. convenience
36. The police officer cannot find any evidence related to the ASSASINATION of the bank manager.
a. Salvage b. Killing c. kidnapping d. trafficking
37. The reporter ELUCIDATES the details clearly by giving concrete examples and information.
a. delivers b. writes c. explains d. reports
38. I am COGNIZANT of your need for money but I cannot do anything about it.
a. sympathetic b. embarrassed c. aware d. worried
39. I notices the interviewer’s FORMIDABLE face long before he asked me to sit down.
a. pleasant b. showing concern c. ugly d. causing fear
40. The custodial worker is often exhausted by the IMPORTUNATE demands of the employees.
a. unfavourable b. burdensome c. endless d. increasing
41. Fernando Amorsolo’s paintings recreate the mood and ambiance of a past era.
a. nostalgia b. luxury c. pervading atmosphere d. reminiscence
42. The act of committing a crime in a state of frenzy MITIGATES the guilt.
a. worsens b. strengthens c. lessens d. magnifies
43. The estranged couple after a long deliberation finally came to an AMICABLE.
a. humble b. enduring c. embarrassing d. peaceful
44.It was Justin playing his violin --------------.
a. at the garden b. on the garden c. in the garden d. to the garden
45. The picture ___________ reminds me of my childhood memories.
a. in the wall b. on the wall c. to the wall d. from the wall
46. I was told that the boy I was looking for is just hiding _________.
a. above the table b. beside the table c. outside the table d. under the table
47.Billy ________ to the bar last night.
a. go b. gone c. went d. goes
48. Some people get rid of their inhibitions by ___________.
a. doing things without thinking b. going out with people
c. drinking alcohol d. letting worry disappear

A child is a living, breathing soul whom God put in someone’s care to love and to cherish, nourish and
fasten, to help along life’s highway.

49. It can be inferred from the saying that ____________.

a. rest and recreation b. patience and care c. money and happiness d. love and guidance
50. The saying stresses of the child’s ___________.
a. dependence b. innocence c. weakness d. uniqueness

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