Question Bank, Ch. No. 3-Solution

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SESSION 2022-23

Class VI

Basic Algebra & Algebraic

Developed by:
Mrs. Rubina Hameed
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Bank Basic Algebra & Algebraic Manipulation

Q. No. 1: Fill in the blanks:

i) An expression that consists of algebraic terms, operation symbols or brackets is

known as ____________________ expression. (Algebraic)
ii) _______________ is a branch of mathematics that is used to workout unknown
quantities. (Algebra)
iii) In algebra _______________ are used to represent numbers. (Letters)
iv) The letters used to represent numbers in algebra are known as ________________.
v) In algebraic term 5x – 4z – 3
terms are __________________________, (5x, 4z & 3)
coefficients are _____________________, (5 & -4)
variables are _______________________, (x and z)
& constant is _______________________. (3)
vi) 5x – 4z – 3 is ___________________expression. (Linear)
vii) The index of each of the variables in the ____________ expression is 1. (linear)
viii) The Index of 5x is _____________. (1)
ix) ________________ an algebraic expression means finding the value of expression
when the variables take on certain values. (Evaluating)
x) We add or subtract the _____________ terms by adding or subtracting the
___________________. (Like, Coefficients)
xi) To add or subtract fractional coefficients we have to use idea of _________________
fractions. (Equivalent)
xii) We do not add or subtract the coefficients of ____________________ terms. (Unlike)
xiii) Add 5y to the product of a & b = _____________________________. (ab + 5y)
xiv) Subtract 3 from the cube of f = ______________________________. (f3 – 3)
xv) Multiply k by 6q = ________________________. (6kq)
xvi) Divide 2w by 3xy = _______________________. (2w/3xy)
xvii) Subtract 4 times the positive square root of z from thrice of x = ________________.
(3x – 4 √𝒛)
xviii) Twice the variable p divided by the product of 5 & q = ____________________.
xix) Whenever a number/ letter/ sign is multiplied to an expression within the
brackets, the number/ letter/ sign must be multiplied with _____________ part of
the expression. (Each)
xx) a (b + c) = _____________________. (ab + ac)
xxi) “a group of b and c is the same as “ a group of ______” and “a group of ______”.
(b, c)
xxii) During addition and subtraction of two terms if one term has positive sign and
the other has negative sign (different signs) then the coefficients of variable will

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be _____________ and sign with the answer will be of ______________ absolute
value. (Subtracted, Larger)
xxiii) During addition and subtraction of two terms if both the terms have negative
signs (same signs) then the coefficients of variable will be _____________ and sign
with the answer will be ______________ as of both the absolute values.
(Added, Larger)
xxiv) During multiplication and division of two terms if one term has positive sign and
the other has negative sign with them (different signs) then the sign with the
answer will be ______________. (Negative)
xxv) During multiplication and division of two terms if both the terms have negative
sign with them then the sign with the answer will be ______________. (Positive)
xxvi) Simplification of algebraic expressions with different numerical terms
denominators involves finding the ___________ of denominators. (LCM)
xxvii) To simplify an algebraic expression that contains brackets, work with the
expression within the ____________________ first. (Brackets)
xxviii) If there is more than one pair of brackets in an expression simplify the
expression within the ___________________ pair of brackets first. (Innermost)
xxix) The minus sign outside the bracket will ________________ the sign of each term
inside the bracket. (Reverse)
xxx) If there is plus sign outside the bracket that signs of each term inside the
bracket will remain _____________________. (Same)
xxxi) 2x + (– 3x) can be written as __________________________. (2x – 3x)
xxxii) (x –1) + [– (2x – 3)] can be written as ___________________________. (x – 1 – (2x – 3)
xxxiii) a (b + c) = ab + ac is known as ____________________ law. (Distributive)
xxxiv) The difference of two terms means we have to __________________________________
the two terms. (Subtract)
xxxv) The product of two terms means we have to ____________________ both the terms.
xxxvi) While expanding brackets in an algebraic expression we follow the
________________________ law. (Distributive)
xxxvii) During multiplication the indexes of same variable will be ________________.
xxxviii) 3 (x + 3) = _______________________. (3x + 9)
xxxix) p (8 – 4p) = ______________________. (8p – 4p2)
xl) –4x (6x – 5y + 1) = ________________________. (–24x2 + 20xy – 4x)
xli) Twice a number, decreased by 34 = _______________________. (2x – 34)
xlii) The quotient of 4 and a number, added to – 23 = ______________________.
(−𝟐𝟑 + )
xliii) The quotient of 31 and the product of a number and – 8 = _________________.
( )
xliv) – (–2x) = ____________________ (2x)
𝟑 𝟔𝒙
xlv) 2x (− ) = _________________ (− )
𝟕𝒚 𝟕𝒚

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Q. No. 2: Confirm either the following are true or false.

a) 3x and 3x2 are like terms. ________________ (False)

b) In term “3x2” 2 is coefficient of x. ________________ (False)
c) – 10 + 7x3 is a linear expression. ________________ (False)
d) In expression 2x + 7y + 3 there are 3 terms. ________________ (True)
𝑥 1
e) = x ________________ (True)
4 4
f) x2 = 2x ________________ (False)
g) 51 = 5 ________________ (True)
h) 3x – 2x = – 5x ________________ (False)
i) 7y (–y) = – 7y ________________ (False)
3 1 3
j) ( x) ( xy) = x2 y ________________ (True)
4 4 16
k) 6x – 12 = – 6x ________________ (False)
l) 3x (4y) = 12xy ________________ (True)
3 1
m) ( x) + ( x) = x ________________ (True)
4 4
n) 4a (y – 6z) = 4ay – 6z ________________ (False)
o) – 4 (d – 6) = –4d – 24 ________________ (False)
–3 3
p) x= x ________________ (True)
–4 4
q) In expression 3 + 2x + 7y the constant is 3. ________________ (True)
3 1
r) The LCM of algebraic expression is y+ y is 28. _______________ (True)
7 4
s) – 2x – 3y (2 – 5) = – 2x + 9y _________________ (True)
t) (5 – 2y) + (2y – 5) = – 4y _________________ (False)
u) 2x (3x – 9x) = –12x _________________ (True)
v) 7x – 2x – 4x = x _________________ (True)
w) 6z ( )=z _________________ (True)
1 1
x) 3y ( )= − _________________ (True)
−6𝑦 2
3 1 4
y) xy + xy = xy __________________ (False)
11 22 33
9 3
z) yz + yz = 1.2 yz __________________ (True)
10 10

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Q. No. 3: Solve the followings.

i) Given that a = – 2 & b = 7, evaluate the following expressions:

a) b – a2 b) (b – a)2
= 7 – (–2)2 = [7 – (–2)] 2
=7–4=3 = (7 + 2) 2 = (9) 2 = 81

i) ii) Simplify the following expressions:

a) 3ab – 5xy + 4ab + 2xy b) –3x + (–5y) + x – (–4y)

= 3ab + 4ab – 5xy + 2xy = –3x – 5y + x + 4y
= 7ab – 3xy = –3x + x – 5y + 4y = –2x – y
c) 6x – 20y + 7z – 8x + 25y – 11z d) (6d – 4c) + (–7c + 6d)
= 6x – 8x – 20y + 25y + 7z – 11z = 6d – 4c – 7c + 6d
= –2x + 5y – 4z = –4c – 7c + 6d + 6d
= –11c + 12d
ℎ+𝑓 𝑓+𝑘 4ℎ−𝑘 4𝑝−3𝑞 𝑞−4𝑝
e) – + f) 3q – –
3 2 5 5 6
LCM = 30 LCM = 30
10 (ℎ+𝑓) 15 (𝑓+𝑘) 6 (4ℎ−𝑘) 30 (3𝑞) 6 (4𝑝−3𝑞) 5 (𝑞−4𝑝)
= – + = – –
30 30 30 30 30 30
10 (ℎ+𝑓) − 15 (𝑓+𝑘) + 6 (4ℎ−𝑘) 90𝑞 − 24𝑝 + 18𝑞 − 5𝑞 +20𝑝
= =
30 30
10ℎ + 10𝑓 − 15𝑓 − 15𝑘 + 24ℎ − 6𝑘 − 24𝑝 + 20𝑝 + 90𝑞 + 18𝑞 − 5𝑞
= =
30 30
10𝑓 − 15𝑓+ 10ℎ + 24ℎ − 15𝑘 − 6𝑘 − 4𝑝 + 103𝑞
= =
30 30
− 5𝑓+ 34ℎ − 21𝑘

g) 4 {h – 3[ f – 6(f – h)]} h) 5 (x + 5y) – {2x – [ 3x – 3 (x – 2y) + y]}

= 4[h – 3 (f – 6f + 6h)] = 5(x + 5y) – [2x – (3x – 3x + 6y + y)]
= 4[h – 3 (–5f + 6h)] = 5(x + 5y) – (2x – 7y)
= 4(h + 15f – 18h) = 5x + 25y – 2x + 7y
= 4(15f + h – 18h) = 4(15f – 17h) = 5x – 2x + 25y + 7y
= 60f – 68h = 3x + 32y

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