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 Problem in Sexual urge= Venus associated with

Saturn,Sun,Ketu or Jupiter.
 Increase in Sexual urge=Venus associated with
 Increase in Sexual urge=Venus in 3rd,7th,8th,11th or
12th House.
 Decrease in Sexual urge=6th,9th and 10th House,
Specially 6th & 10th House.
 Increase in Sexual urge= 1,3,4,7,8,12 Rashi,
Specially in Mithun Rashi.
 If Venus is Situated in Mithun rashi & also Aspected
by Mars & Rahu or Associated with Mars or Rahu
then Variety of Relationship occur for Sexual
 Sexual Molestation happen by Relatives or in
Childhood when Venus in Mithun Rashi & also
Associated with Saturn or Ketu. Then less Sexual
desire happen.
 Mars & Venus conjunction increase Sexual desire.
 12th House Jupiter,Saturn or Ketu is not Favorable
for Sexual life.
 12th House Aspected by Jupiter,Saturn or Ketu
denote lack of sexual Pleasure.
 Venus in Libra denote Increase in Sexual urge &
Choice also very Classy or Good.
 Venus in Aries or Scorpio Rashi Associated with or
Aspected by Rahu Mars is not good for character.
 Swati Nakshatra Ascendant Fall in Love very easily
or Moon In Swati Nakshatra Fall in Love very easily.
 Decrease in Sexual urge if Saturn Jupiter
Conjunction in Lagna or Saturn Lord in Lagna and
Jupiter situated in Lagna or Jupiter Lord Lagna &
Saturn is situated in Lagna.

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