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Independent Learning Booklet

Conflict and Tension

Exam Guidance for AQA 1918-19390
Conflict and Tension
There are four types of question on this paper:

 (Interpretations) Source A. opposes…….. How do you know? (4 marks)

 (Interpretations) How useful are Sources B and C to an historian…….(12 marks)
 Write an account? (8 marks)
 “……....” was the main reason for…….? How far do you agree with this statement? (16
marks + SPAG))
The first two questions are focused on three written historical interpretations.

Source A

Source A- An American cartoon from

around 1919

1-Source A opposes…..
Source C supports the work of the League of Nations. How do you know? Explain your
answer by using Source A and your own contextual knowledge. (4)

- What evidence in the source shows that it opposes/supports the topic in
the question?
- Look at content and provenance.
- 1 Paragraph
2- How useful is Sources….. to an historian studying…….. (12)

How useful are source A and B to an historian studying opinions about the
collapse of the league of nations. Explain your answer using Sources A and B
and your contextual knowledge. (12)
Explain how your own knowledge makes each source useful, and
evaluate how reliable each source is using provenance and purpose.
Look at both sources but you only need two paragraphs. One paragraph
must be content and one paragraph must be on provenance (Who write
‘Source A is useful because it shows [part of the source]. This was true,
because [detailed factual knowledge to support].
The source also shows [part of the source], which is also accurate because
[detailed factual knowledge to support].’

‘However, Source A is not useful because it shows [part of the source], which is
incorrect. This is because [detailed factual knowledge to challenge].

Source A also does not show [what is missing from the source?] This
means that it is not useful because…
PROVENANCE-Who wrote the

‘Source A is useful because of [the date/author/source type];

however, it might be partly unreliable as [the date/author/source
3-Write an account……….. (8)

 Write an account of how events in Manchuria became an international
crisis in the years 1931-1933. (8)

You only have time to focus closely on the question so don’t mention anything
irrelevant. For each paragraph:
• Point – one short and clear reason why this became a crisis.
• Evidence – detailed and clear description of what happened in chronological
order – keep this focused on the point!
• Explanation – how/why did this become a crisis/problem and what were the

4-“……..” Statement. How far do you agree with this statement? (16) (SPAG -


‘The organisation and structure of the League meant that it was always going to fail.’ How
far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer . (16)

Each paragraph needs specific, detailed facts AND clear explanation of how
this answers the question.
For grades 7+: Make your overall judgment before you start to write, and
explain how each paragraph supports this judgment.
For each paragraph:
• Point – one short and clear reason why you agree/disagree- look at a
• Evidence – detailed and clear description – keep this focused on the
• Explanation – how this was important and the consequences of it.
• Link= Back to the question asked.
Knowledge Questions-How many correct answers can
you get?
1- The Armistice was in:
B- 1916

2- The big three who signed the Versailles treaty were:

A- Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Winston Churchill
B- Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson

3- The leader who wanted revenge for WW1 and wanted a harsh
treaty was:-
A- Clemenceau
B- Woodrow Wilson
C- Winston Churchill

4- Germany hated the treaty as…..

A- Army only 100,00 and lost 13% of its land and blamed for the
war in the war guilt clause. Had to pay £6.600 million
B- Army only 50,00 and lost 50% of its land and blamed for the war
along with Austria-Hungary in the war guilt clause. Had to pay 1
billion in reparations.

5- The aim of the league of nations was……

A- A way to prevent war by discussion countries problems
B- To save money

6- A key creator of the league was………..

A-Woodrow Wilson

B- Winston Churchill

7- How did the league try to avoid war?

A- By using armies
B- By collective security

8- How often did the assembly in the league meet?

A- Once a year

B-Three times a year

9- In order to pass a vote the league needed……

A- Needed a unanimous decision
B- Needed ¾ of the assembly to agree

10-How many countries were in the league in 1920?

A- 48
B- 42

11-What was the permanent court of international justice?

A-Court of law to settle international disputes

B-Court that looked after trade.

12-Why was the league weak?

A-Britain did not join and it had no money

B-America would not join, and it had no army.

13- Which country did the Slavery Commission (part of the league),
end slavery in….

A-Sierra Lerone

14- An example of success in the league in the 1920’s was…

A- In 1921 in Upper Silesia arranged a plebiscite to sort out a

dispute between Poland and Germany.
B- In 1921 in upper Silesia did not stop Germany invading.

15- An example of failure in the league in the 1920’s was…

A-Italy invaded Corfu after a incident where an Italian General

Tellini was killed. Greece appealed to the league who condemned
Mussolini (Italy) buy agreed the Greeks should pay compensation.
Greek then withdrew his troops.

B-Italy invaded France after a incident where an Italian General

Tellini was killed. France appealed to the league who condemned
Mussolini (Italy) and sent an army to attack Italy.
16- The Locarno Treaty was-

A- A treaty where Germany agreed to accept their borders in the


B-A treaty where Germany accepted the borders but asked for a
review in 2 years.

17-Germany joined the league of nations in;



18-Kellogg- Briand Pact of 1928 said-

A- 65 countries would not use war as a way to solve disputes.

B- 40 Countries would not use war as a way to solve disputes.

19-The Great Depression of the 1930’s affected Germany as-

A- Countries were scared of Hitler

B- Countries did not want the expense of a war during the

20-The Manchurian crisis in 1931 was …

A- Japan staged the Mukden incident (set off a bomb at a railway

station blamed the Chinese) and used it as an excuse to invade
B- China invaded Japan as they wanted more land.

21- Consequences of the Manchuria incident..

A-The league attacked Japan and gave the land back to China.

B-The league put a commission together led by Lord Lyton. It said in

1932 that Japan was in the wrong. Japan then left the league.

22- Why did Italy invade Abyssinia in 1935?

A-Abyssinia had attacked Italy.

B-Italy was hit hard by the depression and wanted land to build a
new empire and distract his people from the depression.

23-What new weapons did Mussolini use in Abyssinia in 1935?

A- Guns
B- Poison Gas

24- Why did the league fail in Abyssinia?

A- Trade sanctions against Italy did not work as it did not include
oil, steel, iron or coal, and members of the league could not sell
weapons to Abyssinia.
B- The League refused to do anything against Italy.

25- What did Hitler want-

A- Lebensraum, Anschluss with Austria and to overturn the Treaty

of Versailles.
B- To be a dictator.
26- Why did Hitler reoccupy the Rhineland in 1936-

A-To achieve Lebensraum in the East he would have to invade other

countries. Hitler had to start defending Germany’s borders in the
West against a possible attack in response.

B-To begin a war.

27- Why was the Anschluss seen as wrong by some people in 1938-

A- Forbidden in the treaty of Versailles

B- Hitler’s troops invaded with no invitation from the Chancellor.

28-What was the Sudenten Crisis in March 1938?

A-Hitler wanted to take over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

B-Hitler wanted to take over land in France.

29-What is appeasement?

A- Wanting to argue with a person.

B- A desire to avoid war by making concessions

30-What was agreed at the Munich Conference in 1938?

A-Hitler promised peace in Europe if he was given the Sudetenland.

B-Hitler promised peace if he took over all of Czechoslovakia.

31- What was the Nazi Soviet Pact in 1939?

A-Agreement by Hitler and Stalin to divide Poland if it was attacked

by Germany.

B-Agreement not to attack each other.

32- Britain declared war on Germany because?

A- Feared Communism.
B- Refused to withdraw troops from Poland.





















21- B

22- B










Key terms/ words/people do you know what they mean or
what they did?
1- Treaty-

2- Unanimous

3- Veto

4- Self-determination

5- Reparations

6- Economic Sanctions

7- Collective security

8- Moral Condemnation

9- Pacifist



10- Assembly




14- Communist-

16- ‘Big Three’-


18- Allies-

19- Abdicate-



22- Locarno Treaty-

23- League of Nations-

24- Humanitarian-
Conflict and Tension
1919- Treaty of Versailles- set up as a consequence of WW1, the peace terms.
1920- League of Nations

 Assembly met once a year

 Council- 4 permanent members Britain/Italy/France/Japan. (No America!)
 Council could veto the decisions of the assembly
 Decisions had to be unanimous in the assembly.
 League- E.G-Slavery commission/ disarmament commission/ health organisation-
and others.
 Disputes- moral condemnation/sanctions/military intervention.
 Successes- 77 countries adopted the minimal wage/slavery banned in Sierra
Leone/Freed nearly 500,000 prisoners of war after WW1/Vilna 1920/Upper Silesia
 Problems- America did not join/ No army/ Seen as weak in dealing with issues-
Abyssinia/Manchuria/ structure of the league.
 1925- Locarno Treaty- accepted the western borders made by the treaty of
Versailles, so no war over the land.
 Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928- A peace pact 62 countries agreed not to go to ware but
resolve conflict.
 1930- Great depression- many jobs were loss and businesses collapsed.
 1931- Manchurian crisis- China and Japan
 1933- Germany leaves the league of nations
 1934- Abyssinian crisis- Italy and Abyssinia
 1935- Germany rearming and take over the Rhineland.
 April 1938-Anschluss (joins) with Austria.
 September 1938- Munich Conference (Appeasement) Sudeten Crisis, Germany
wants part of Czechoslovakia, is given the Sudetenland in the agreement.
 March 1939- Germany invades Czechoslovakia
 August 1939- Nazi Soviet Pact A pact between Russia and Germany to split up
Poland. It meant that Hitler did not fear attacking Poland and Russia getting angry.
 September 1939 – invasion of Poland
 September 1939- Britain declares war on Germany

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