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the changing face of agri-business

A Unique

Platform for Trade

The portal gives
information about the
profiles of 229 countries
detailed general
information about the
country, import from
the world, import tarifi,
importers directory,
The Challenge
production of fresh The face of agri business is changing rapidly with time. Lack of
produce, exports made accessibility of right information at the right time, impacts the
globally, exports from xport-import trade with the agri exporters and importers wastingtime,
India, and India's trade effort and finance in locating the right business partners. A pressing need
with the country. was felt to create an agri trade platform for the agri business industy
where the export-import fraternity could interact for trade.

agrichonge BD
The Solution
With rapid advancement in technology, and recognising the
e use-worthiness of the internet, an online platform was conceived to meet
the agri business commuity's requirement of making instant contact.
To boost the agricultural community, the APEDA Agri Exchange Portal
was born. This portal, on APEDAs website, enables the agri industry to
share information, generate and avail leads, be up-to-date with latest
reliable statistics and, monitor and manage their orders.
The Advantage
Hot leads Importers benefit
Latest Sell and Buy Leads are listed for the Importers, in a host of languages, can avail of
wide-ranging Indian products meant for export. This
Currentagricultural scenario in India
provides a podium for instant contact between the Information about various products, at the click of
importer and exporter. Any lead posted here reaches the mouse
Out to over 10,000 registered members of APEDA at Up-to-datetrade information
one go. Export-import statistics
Exporters directory
Exporters benefit State-wise production statistics
Information about processes involved till shipment Exporter's products and supply
Quality assurance
Labelling., or marking
Storing in warehouse or cold storage
Export-Import statistics
Importer's requirements and leads
Pre-requisite certification to be complied with
before they begin to export
Sanitary or Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) measures to be
adhered to
Trace and Track of shipments

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