Metabolisme Protein 2020

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Marini Amalia Mansur
Sasaran Pembelajaran

■ Mampu menjelaskan proses pencernaan dan penyerapan protein

■ Mampu menjelaskan proses protein turn over
■ Mampu menjelaskan bagaimana katabolisme asam amino
■ Mampu menjelaskan memahami siklus urea

■ Protein ditemukan dalam tubuh dimana 40% ditemukan di otot, lebih dari 25%
di organ tubuh dan sisanya di kulit dan darah
Fungsi Protein
■ Building material: many proteins have an important structural role inside and outside the cell. The main structural
protein and most abundant protein in the body is collagen. Skin, tendons, cartilage, bone, and connective tissue
contain a lot of collagen. Collagen acts like a scaffold that gives strength and structure to cells and tissues. Defects in
collagen synthesis lead to a severe disease called osteogenesis imperfecta, which is characterized by very brittle
bones that fracture easily.
■ Enzymes: enzymes are proteins that speed up a biochemical reaction, for instance the conversion of compound A into
compound B. In biochemical terms they function as catalysts, which means that they lower the activation energy
barrier that needs to be overcome for a reaction to proceed. Every cell has thousands of different enzymes that are
responsible for many different reactions, including those that are required to breakdown fatty acids and glucose to
generate energy.
■ Transporters: transporters assist with import or export of different molecules across the cell membrane.
■ Hormones: hormones are messengers that circulate in the blood. They are released from a particular tissue into the
bloodstream to signal to distant tissues. For example, insulin is released by the pancreas and travels to muscle and
fat tissue to promote glucose uptake. Chemically, hormones are either polypeptides or steroids.
■ Antibodies: antibodies circulate in the body and are involved in immune defence against pathogens such as bacteria
and viruses. They are also referred to as immunoglobulins and are secreted by plasma cells.
■ Regulation of fluid balance: proteins play an important role in making sure that water in the body is appropriately
distributed across the bloodstream (intravascular compartment), the space between cells (intercellular compartment),
and inside cells (intracellular compartment).

■ Terbentuk dari asam

amino yang membentuk
struktur tiga atau
empan dimensi
■ Ukuran protein
bervariasi mulai dari
beberapa hingga ribuan
asam amino
■ Setiap makanan
mengandung berbagai
tipe protein dalam
kuantitas yang berbeda
Struktur Protein
Disekresi sebagai pro-enzinm yang inactive à pepsinogen.
Pepsinogen diaktifkan oleh lingkungan yang asam membentuk pepsin
■ Setelah protein diubah menjadi asam-asam amino, maka dengan proses absorpsi melalui
dinding usus, asam amino tersebut sampai kedalam pembuluh darah
■ Organ tertentu seperti hati menggunakan asam amino untuk sintesis protein, seperti serum
utama protein albumin
Protein Turnover dan Keseimbangan Nitrogen
Protein Turnover

■ Pencernaan dan penyerapan protein makanan menghasilkan serapan asam amino

ke dalam aliran darah
■ Asam amino dalam aliran darah diambil ke jaringan dan digunakan untuk
mensintesis protein tubuh (sintesis protein)
■ Asam amino yang dilepaskan oleh pemecahan protein berakhir di aliran darah dan
dapat digunakan kembali untuk sintesis protein.
■ Keseimbangan antara sintesis dan degradasi protein disebut pergantian protein.
■ Artinya, kita terus-menerus memecah protein tubuh menjadi asam amino, dan
menggunakan kembali asam amino untuk membuat protein tubuh lagi.
Protein Turnover

■ Setiap lebih dari 100.000 protein di dalam tubuh memiliki tingkat pergantian yang
■ Beberapa protein terdegradasi dalam beberapa menit setelah mereka baru
■ Protein lain stabil selama berbulan-bulan. Apakah protein memiliki tingkat
perputaran yang lambat atau cepat tergantung pada fungsinya.
■ Protein struktural (contoh: kolagen) biasanya memiliki laju pergantian yang lambat,
artinya sangat stabil, sedangkan banyak enzim yang terlibat dalam metabolisme
energi memiliki laju pergantian yang cepat.
Protein Turnover rate
Keseimbangan Nitrogen
Keseimbangan Nitrogen

■ Uptake of amino acids via the diet does not normally result in a net gain in protein/amino
acids in the body because it is balanced by degradation of amino acids.
■ Asam amino terdegradasi di hati.
■ Di hati, bagian amino (yang mengandung nitrogen) dari asam amino dibuang dan diubah
menjadi urea.
■ Urea meninggalkan tubuh dalam urin.
■ Bagian asam amino yang tersisa digunakan untuk produksi energi.
■ Keseimbangan antara masukan asam amino melalui diet dan keluaran asam amino
melalui konversi menjadi urea dan kehilangan melalui urin disebut keseimbangan
protein. Keseimbangan protein lebih sering disebut keseimbangan nitrogen.
Keseimbangan Nitrogen

■ The nitrogen balance describes the difference between nitrogen intake (via diet) and
nitrogen excretion (via urine and a small portion via stools). It reflects the protein
balance: the difference between amino acid intake via the diet and loss of amino
acids as urea in the urine. That is because almost all of the nitrogen in our diet is
part of dietary protein. Fats and carbohydrates do not contain any nitrogen. Adults
are normally in nitrogen balance, which means that the total content of protein and
amino acids in the body does not change.
■ People are in a state of positive nitrogen balance when protein intake exceeds
protein excretion. A positive nitrogen balance results in a net gain of protein in the
body. Children and pregnant women, as well as patients recovering from a severe
illness or trauma, are in a state of positive nitrogen balance.
Keseimbangan Nitrogen
■ The nitrogen balance describes the difference between nitrogen intake (via diet) and
nitrogen excretion (via urine and a small portion via stools). It reflects the protein
balance: the difference between amino acid intake via the diet and loss of amino acids
as urea in the urine. That is because almost all of the nitrogen in our diet is part of
dietary protein. Fats and carbohydrates do not contain any nitrogen. Adults are normally
in nitrogen balance, which means that the total content of protein and amino acids in the
body does not change.
■ People are in a state of positive nitrogen balance when protein intake exceeds protein
excretion. A positive nitrogen balance results in a net gain of protein in the body. Children
and pregnant women, as well as patients recovering from a severe illness or trauma, are
in a state of positive nitrogen balance.
■ People are in a state of negative nitrogen balance when protein excretion exceeds protein
intake. A negative nitrogen balance results in a net loss of protein from the body. A
negative nitrogen balance is never normal. People that suffered heavy trauma or burns or
have another type of illness (e.g. cancer, infectious disease) are in a state of negative
nitrogen balance. A negative nitrogen balance can also be due to low protein intake.
Keseimbangan Nitrogen
■ As indicated above, in individuals that are in nitrogen balance, the amount of amino acids
ingested equals the amount of amino acids that is broken down. Breakdown of amino acids
generates energy in the form of ATP. Dietary protein thus provides considerable energy, which
amounts to approximately 10-15% of the total energy intake.
■ When amino acids are broken down, the amino (nitrogen containing) portion of the molecule is
converted into urea. The carbon part of the amino acid is further broken down to carbondioxide
and water. The carbon part of some amino acids can also be converted into glucose. These
amino acids are called gluconeogenic amino acids. The carbon part of the remaining amino
acids cannot be converted into glucose. These amino acids are called ketogenic amino acids.
The possibility to convert amino acids into glucose is especially important during prolonged
fasting to maintain blood glucose levels. Under those conditions, body proteins are broken
down and liberate amino acids that are used to make glucose.
■ It is important to realize that in most people, an increase in protein intake does not
automatically lead to a positive nitrogen balance. This is because the increased intake of
amino acids via the diet is normally compensated by increased degradation of amino acids,
preventing any net gains in amino acids and protein in the body.
Katabolisme asam amino

■ Asam-asam amino tidak dapat disimpan dalam tubuh, jika jumlah asam amino
berlebihan atau terjadi kekurangan sumber energi lain (karbohidrat), tubuh akan
menggunakan asam amino sebagai sumber energi
■ Asam amino memerlukan pelepasan gugus amin yang kemudian dibuang karena
bersifat toksik bagi tubuh
■ Katabolisme nitrogen asam amino, menghasilkan amonia (NH3) kemudian dibawa ke
hepar untuk diubah menjadi Urea, dan dieskresi melalui ginjal.
■ Katabolisme asam amino terjadi pada berbagai tingkatan dalam jaringan yang berbeda
baik pada periode puasa maupun setelah makan
■ Setelah makan, hati mengambil sekitar 50% sampai 65% asam amino dari portal darah
■ Hati adalah tempat utama dari katabolisme asam amino. Tidak semua asam amino di
katabolisme dalam bagian yang sama dalam hati
■ Bila fungsi hati gagal à keracunan ammonia
Metabolisme Asam Amino
Katabolisme Asam Amino



Siklus Urea

■ Pemecahan asam amino menjadi

■ Terjadi dalam hepatocyte di liver
■ Perlu enzim transaminase
■ Gugus amino dipindahkan ke alfa-
ketoglutarat membentuk Glutamat
■ Glutamat melepaskan amonia (enzim
glutamat dehidrogenase)

■ Dalam proses ini glutamat melepaskan gugus amino dalam bentuk NH4+.
■ Dimana dihasilkan ammonia yang toksik yang harus diubah menjadi urea melalui proses siklus
■ Prosesnya dibantu enzim glutamate dehidrogenase
Siklus Urea

■ Reaksi pengubahan ammonia menjadi urea

■ Sebagian besar terjadi di hati dan sedikit terjadi di ginjal
■ Terjadi dalam 5 tahap, yaitu
■ 1,. Perubahan NH3 menjadi carbamoyl phosphate (terjadi di mitokondria)
■ 2. perubahan carbamoyl phosphate menjadi citrulline (terjadi di mitokondria)
■ 3. perubahan citrulline menjadi argininosuccinate (terjadi di sitoplasma)
■ 4. perubahan argininosuccinate menjadi arginin (terjadi di sitoplasma)
■ 5. perubahan arginin menjadi urea (terjadi di sitoplasma)

■ EdX. Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition

■ Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism

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