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Qualification details

Training Package code Business Services Training Package

and title:
National Qualification BSB40120 CIV in Business (Diploma State
Code & Title: Stage 1) code

Assessment Task AT2: Portfolio

All questions should be answered.
Answers should be straightforward and provide examples where
necessary. You should attempt and demonstrate satisfactory performance
Instructions to
candidates to be competent in this unit.
Submission must be done using this coversheet on MS Teams under the
appropriate Assessment name and before the due date and time.

National Code & Title BSBPEF401 Manage Personal Health And Wellbeing
Date &
Date & Time Due Week 5 Time

Student Name Bisnath Manashvee

I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:
Student Declaration

Assessor Name Mylene Biquette

Assessment Decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Signature Date

Is student eligible for Reassessment

reassessment (Re-sit)?
☐ No ☐ Yes Date:

Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Student signature Date

Questions to be answered by the student:

Activity 1A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify factors in the work
environment that may impact on own physical and mental
Make a list of three factors in the work environment which have an impact on your own physical
and/or mental health and briefly describe each factor.

Answer: [20-50 words for each factor]

Workload- While a certain amount of stress has come to be regarded as a part of the working world, it's
crucial that our workload stays reasonable and that we avoid becoming overburdened by the amount of
work we must complete.

Work life balance- You probably aren't allowing yourself enough time to fill your cup by engaging in the
activities you like in your personal life if you find yourself lacking enthusiasm at work, feeling deflated,
and on the verge of tiredness.

Job security- Our mental health and stability depend on us knowing that our employment is secure and
there is no chance of being let go or demoted. Without it, we would be always on edge, concerned about
the future, and nervous.
Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 1B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to research techniques for
management of own physical health and mental wellbeing.
Carry out your own research to identify one technique for managing your own physical and/or mental
Outline your chosen technique below and identify the sources you used.

Answer: [50-100 words]

Physical wellbeing
Be active: Significant health advantages can be achieved by moving more and sitting less.
Eat a healthy diet: eat a variety of food, limit foods that are low in vitamins and minerals, cut down on

Mental Wellbeing
Connect with people: help you develop a feeling of self-worth and belonging; provide you a chance to
share triumphs; offer emotional support; and enable you to support others.
Be physically active: enhancing your perception of yourself assisting you in setting and achieving
objectives or challenges that cause chemical changes in your brain that can help to improve your mood.
Pay attention to the present moment: You may have more fun in life and learn more about yourself by
practicing mindfulness. It may alter your outlook on life and how you tackle difficulties for the better.

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 1C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to assess
available resources for inclusion as part of personal health and
wellbeing strategy.
When assessing resources for inclusivity, what questions should you ask yourself?

Answer: [provide 2-3 questions]

 Are there any people you know who have used the resource? Do they match you or differ from
you? How did they find it?

 What language is being employed here? Is language used in a public and collective manner? Do
you see any language that is out-of-date or offensive?

 How simple is it to search for information?

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 1D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review legislative and
organisational policies and procedures relating to health and
1. Identify two different legislative policies relevant to health and wellbeing.
Briefly describe each legislative policy.

Answer: [50-100 words each]

 Health and safety act 1974

According to the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974, business owners are in charge
of ensuring that their staff members are secure while on the job by eliminating any
threats that may exist.
 Occupational health and safety act 2005
According to the model Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2005, every organization is
responsible for ensuring the health and safety of its employees.
The WHS framework is in place to ensure that employers take their employees' health and
wellbeing seriously and take the necessary steps to establish a safe, inclusive, and equal job
Individuals in the organization, such as yourself, also have a responsibility for health and
safety in the organization.

2. Referring to your current or most recent workplace, make a list of three

organisational policies or procedures in place which relate to health and wellbeing:

Answer: [Bulleted answers accepted]

 establishing a no-smoking zone

 taking sitting and screen breaks
 regular scheduling for breaks
 Training
 Emergency procedures

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 2A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop strategy for
managing personal health and wellbeing.
1. Develop a strategy for managing your own health and wellbeing which focuses on one
physical and one mental health point.
 You may take into consideration the factors you identified in Activity 1A, and
technique you researched in Activity 1B.
 Outline your strategy below, using no more than 1 page.

Physical health: Go to the gym for 3 times a week and focusing on strength training and wake
up before 7am every day. Each day of the week aim for 10000 to 15000 steps and eat a healthy to
maintain a good health. My anxiousness, tension, and sleep will all become better as a result.

Mental health: Complete reading a book every two weeks and take personal time to do
activities with myself such as: making bracelets and baking a cake at least twice a month on Sundays.
This will help me maintain a healthy mental health. This will help me become much more
conscience and self-aware, and it will also allow myself to decompress.

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 2B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to share
personal health and wellbeing strategy with relevant personnel.
Suggest three ways to share a health and wellbeing strategy with different personnel in your

Answer: [Bulleted answers accepted]

1. Arranging seminars that explain strategies to promote health and inspire groups to collaborate
to strengthen their bonds.
2. Giving the personnel who require it medical help(insurance).
3. Provide healthy lunch for the staffs at least once a week.

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 2C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to schedule
activities that align with personal health and wellbeing strategy.
1. Suggest one activity which would align with this strategy and its goals.

Answer: [Maximum 100 words]

2. How might you schedule this activity? Consider any person(s) you might have to
communicate with and the steps you would follow.

Answer: [Maximum 150 words]

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 3A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to monitor
own performance against key performance indicators.
Refer to the strategy you developed in Activity 2A.

1. Suggest one KPI which would be relevant to this strategy.

Answer: [Maximum 50 words]

2. Explain how you would monitor your progress against the KPI suggested.

Answer: [Maximum 150 words]

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Form no: F1020110
Assessment AT2 Portfolio Issue date:
Coversheet Review date:
Activity 3B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify new circumstances
impacting work requirements and impact on
personal health and wellbeing strategy.
Suggest three changes to workplace circumstances which could have an impact on your personal
health and wellbeing strategy.

Answer: [Bulleted answers allowed]

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Activity 3C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to review and
update personal health and wellbeing strategy to reflect new
1. When reviewing your health and wellbeing strategy, what three questions should you ask


2. Explain why it is important to update your health and wellbeing strategy when new
circumstances arise.

Answer: [Maximum 150 words]

Satisfactory Response: YES ☐ NO ☐

Assessment AT2 Portfolio Coversheet Page 8 of 8

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