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Assessment Coversheet

BSBHRM417: A2 – Practical Assessment

Qualification details
Training Package Code and
BSB – Business Services Training Package
BSB40420 - Certificate IV in Human
Qualification National Code Resource Management
State code:
and Title:
BSB40120 – Certificate IV in Business

Assessment Title Assessment 2: Practical Assessment

Unit National Code &

BSBHRM417 – Support human resources functions and processes
Part 1
Task 1: Due end of Session 5
Date Received
Task 2 : Due end of Session 5
Assessment Task(s) Task 3 : Due end of Session 5
submitted Part 2
Task 1 : Due end of Session 6
Date Received
Task 2 : Due end of Session 6
Task 3 : Due end of Session 7 (Whole Work)

Student Name Manashvee Bisnath Student ID

☐ I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work

☐ All sources have been acknowledged using APA 7th edition as a guide
Student Declaration
☐ I have not copied in part or whole of the work of other students


Assessment Decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Signature Date

Is student eligible for Reassessment

☐ No ☐ Yes
reassessment (Re-sit)? Date:

Is student eligible for

☐ No ☐ Yes Training date(s)
further training

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BSBHRM417: A2 – Practical Assessment

Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Student signature Date

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BSBHRM417: A2 – Practical Assessment
Assessment Instructions


To achieve competency for the unit BSHRM417, you are required to have a
satisfactory outcome for both this assessment, A2 Practical Assessment and A1
Knowledge based Assessment

The practical assessment is divided into two parts, each part has three tasks. The
submissions to these tasks are progressive. Candidates assume the role of
Human Resource Coordinator for Charles Telfair Business Solutions (CTBS) to
support in the provision of consultancy services to one of their clients, Charles
Telfair Wellness Centre (CTWC)

Accompanying the set of instructions are:

Appendix 1: CTWC Resignation Policy

Appendix 2: Employee Exit Interview Form

Appendix 3: 2021 CTWC Staff Turnover Report

Appendix 4: CTBS Email template

Appendix 5: CTBS PowerPoint template

Appendix 6: CTWC Policy and Procedure Template

Allowable Materials TEAMS (Learning Content) will include the following: PowerPoint slides, Weekly

Readings, and class notes

Text: Jones, R & Martain, S: HRM Fundamentals 3rd Edition

Access to the documentation for the simulated business Charles Telfair Wellness
Centre (CTWC) and Charles Telfair Business Solutions

Books, Journal articles / Publications, online resources

Required Resources Computer with:

 Internet Access

 Word, Excel and PowerPoint

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BSBHRM417: A2 – Practical Assessment

 Access to TEAMS and the documentation for the simulated business  Charles
Telfair Wellness Centre (CTWC) and Charles Telfair Business Solutions

Reasonable In some circumstances, adjustments to assessments may be made for you. If you
Adjustment require support for literacy and numeracy issues; support for hearing, sight or
mobility issues; change to assessment times/venues; use of special or adaptive
technology; considerations relating to age, gender and cultural beliefs; format of
assessment materials; or presence of a scribe you need to inform your lecturer.

Students are required to complete this assessment in their own time. Time in
class will also be allotted for some parts of the assessment.

The answers to assessment questions are based on CTBS and CTWC

documentation, your text and internet research. 

You must complete ALL tasks and reference all materials derived from elsewhere

Guidance and clarification on the assessment is available from your lecturer. 

To be deemed satisfactory for this Assessment all Assessment tasks need to be
completed correctly.  

Detailed feedback on each question or task within each assessment Part

submitted will be noted on your submission and provided to you in class and via

Final documentation is to be uploaded to the appropriate area on TEAMS course

created for this unit.

If you are marked as NYS (Not Yet Satisfactory) on your first attempt, you will be
provided with another opportunity to re-attempt the assessment.

Assessment contents This Assessment requires you to complete the following:

Part 1

 Task 1: Identify HR Functions, Review policy and procedures frameworks and

apply ethical framework

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 Task 2: Analyse Human Resource Metrics

 Task 3: Report outcome of results and analysis

Part 2

 Task 1: Review CTWC Policy dissemination

 Task 2: Develop a draft policy on Communicating HR Policies and


 Task 3: Report outcome of results

Assessment 2 – Practical Assessment

Your answers for Assessment 2, (this Assignment) must be based in your own words and
referenced where other sources have been used. Answers are based on Charles Telfair
Wellness Centre (CTWC) and Charles Telfair Business Solution (CTBS). Documentation is
available in your Qualification and Unit shells on TEAMS


Charles Telfair Business Solutions (CTBS)

Charles Telfair Business Services (CTBS) offers a range of consultancy service to a diverse portfolio
of Strategic Business Units in the Medical, Hospitality, Finance, Administrative and Consultancy
Sectors. CTBS provide professionals advise to a range of businesses to ensure compliance to
legislation and improve efficiency and performance. CTBS have expert teams and people that will
work with individual businesses to provide specialist management and advise services in the following
 Human Resources
 Financial and Accountancy
 Information Technology
 Marketing and Communication

There are over 30 staff members employed at CTBS, 11 of which are under Human Resource

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Services. Below is the Human Resources Services Organisational Chart.

You are employed as the Human Resource Coordinator at CTBS under the leadership of
Employee Relations Manager, Jasmine Sarkar.

Charles Telfair Wellness Centre (CTWC)

A new client serviced by CTBS is Charles Telfair Wellness Centre (CTWC), owned by Dr Tim
Foster who is a member of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) - a system of healthcare
affiliates that provide a wide array of services throughout the region, caring for patients from birth
through to end of life.

CTWC strives to be the provider of choice and a central access point for the healthcare needs of the
people they serve by offering a comprehensive array of medical services, consistent with the
community needs. Its mission is to provide the highest standard of client care whilst incorporating a
holistic approach towards diagnosis and management of wellness.

They are committed to promoting health, wellbeing, and disease prevention to all clients. They do not
discriminate in the provision of excellent care and aim to treat all clients with dignity and respect.

In addition to general medical consultations, the centre offers the following services:

• Physiotherapy

• Naturopathy

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• Nutritionist

• Massage Therapy

• Pathology

Through the leadership of Dr. Tim Foster CTWC has developed a three-year strategic plan which
includes the following Strategic Goals:

 Develop a highly skilled workforce across all levels of the business

 Expanding the workforce and the number of appointments available at the centre
 Promoting and growing the number of pre-employment medical screenings conducted by the
 Updating the software system to build connected applications throughout the centre


You are currently employed as the Human Resource Coordinator for Charles Telfair Business
Services (CTBS) reporting directly to the Manager of Employee Relations, Jasmine Sarkar. Your role
is to work closely with her, to support work across a range of CTWC human resource functions and

In this assessment you are required to review relevant CTWC documents including:
 CTWC Strategic Plan
 CTWC HR Policies and Procedures
 CTWC Staff Code of Conduct

Relevant documentation for CTWC is available in the Learning Content tab under your Qualification
shell on TEAMS.

Your Lecturer will act as the ER Manager assisting you during consultation, answering queries and
providing feedback when needed.

Also, in this assessment you are required to research TWO human resource issues affecting CTWC
1. High Voluntary Staff Turnover
2. Communicating HR policies and procedures

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Part of CTWC three-year strategic plan is “Expanding the workforce and number of appointments
available at the centre”. However, for the past 12 months, CTWC has been experiencing a high level
of voluntary staff turnover across the organisation. Most employees leaving are deemed to be high
performing employees. Management is concerned that this will have serious repercussions on
productivity and CTWC’s ability to achieve its Strategic Goals.

In your role as HR coordinator, you are required to investigate and undertake research to determine
the likely causes and impacts of staff turnover and to draw conclusions and provide suitable
recommendations to address the issue.

Task 1. Identify HR Functions, Review policy and procedure frameworks and apply ethical

Locate within CTWC HR Policy and Procedures, the Mission Statement and Centre Aims and
Objectives. In addition, review the CTWC Strategic plan.

Read and review the above information. Analyse how having high staff turnover affects the ability of
CTWC achieve their long-term plan
A significant employee turnover rate indicates that many workers are departing the company.
The organization wants to create a highly skilled staff, expand the workforce, encourage growth, and
update the software system, all in accordance with its strategic goals. The long-term plan will be
impacted because the company is losing a lot of skilled workers. CTWC will need to hire new
employees, which could take some time to find the right skills. Additionally, it can be expensive, and
any training given to the former employee will be useless because they are no longer employed by the
organization. A lot of training must be given in order to make the new employee skilled, which will take
more time to accomplish the company's objective.
Due to a high employee turnover rate, they might be given a tight schedule to accommodate more
appointments. They need more hiring before they can increase their workforce in time. This can make
it more difficult for the company to encourage growth. It would have been simpler to acquaint the
previous employee with the updated system because they were familiar with the outdated one.

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A conduct of secondary research is also required to determine the possible impacts of high staff
turnover to CTWC. Research a minimum of three sources of information. From these sources, discuss
at least three possible impacts/effects of staff turnover to SMWC.

 Low employee morale

 Limited output
 Customer unhappiness
 Tough to find the proper talent
 Expensive training for the new hires

1.1 Write an email to your Manager, Jasmine Sarker, explaining the following:
 Effect of high staff turnover on the ability of CTWC to achieve its long-term goals
 Discussion of a minimum of three possible impacts / effects of staff turnover to CTWC
as a result of your secondary resources. Ensure proper citation is evident
 List references used

To: Ms. Jasmine Sarkar

From: Manashvee Bisnath



Subject: Staff Turnover Impact

To <<Add email recipient(s) here>>

Dear Ms. Jasmine Sarker,

I hope you are well and reading my email. The issue of significant personnel turnover will
affect our long-term objectives since we will lose highly skilled employees. The absence of
employees will postpone our efforts to achieve our strategic goal in addition to slowing down
productivity. Our new hires will require training, which will add to the cost and make it more
difficult to assess their success.

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The expense of training new personnel will be considerable as a result of significant staff
turnover. To locate the best people, employers must go through the recruitment process once
more. According to Research Gate, training is a crucial component for opportunities for
growth and development in order to accomplish the company's objectives. (Taylor,2017).

Insecurity in the workplace will also result from high personnel turnover. Losing skilled
workers has a negative impact on quality, productivity, innovation, and competitiveness
(Abbass, pp 2. 2018). As a result of seeing so many people leave, other employees will
become demoralized, which will upset the workplace's balance.

I hope you’ll get to me soon

Best Regards

Human Resource Coordinator

1.2 Write an email to Erin Heany, CTWC HR Manager, asking for relevant documents
and workforce data that you can use to address the issue.

Data can include:

 Resignation Policy
 Employee Exit Interview Form
 Workforce data on Staff Turnover for the last 12 months.

To: Mr. Erin Heany

From: Manashvee Bisnath



Subject: Staff Turnover Impact

To <<Add email recipient(s) here>>

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I hope you are well and reading my email. I'm getting in touch with you to let you know
about the problem with our excessive worker turnover. It would be helpful if you could give
me access to the pertinent documents and workforce information, such as the Employee Exit
Interview Form, the Resignation Policy, and workforce information on staff turnover for the
last 12 months. I will find the Resignation Policy valuable because it provides guidelines for
handling resignation amicably. It includes all of the policies that an employee must abide by
before quitting, including the confidentiality and data protection policies, which require that
an employee erase all confidential files after quitting.

I will be able to gather feedback from employees before they depart so that we can continue
to make improvements. This will enable the business to advance and identify areas for
improvement. I'll get a general idea of the reasons for and the amount of staff turnover from
the Workforce Data on Staff Turnover for the last 12 months. The analysis will present a
chance to find a solution to the issue.

I sincerely appreciate your business in advance.

Best Regards

Manashvee Bisnath

Human Resource Coordinator

Note: an email template is located on the SMBS Intranet on Blackboard or by clicking on the icon at
the end of this document.

Task 2: Analyse Human Resource Metrics

The HR Manager of CTWC, Erin Heany, has responded to your request and provided the following
documents / data. Click on the icon to show content.

Resignation Policy Employee Exit Interview Form Workforce data on Staff

Turnover for the last 12 months

Appendix 1_SMWC
Resignation Policy.docx

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2_Employee Exit Interview Form.docx

2.1. Review the CTWC ‘Workforce data of Staff Turnover for the last 12 months’ provided by
Erin Heany. Analyse the data in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. Provide a brief summary of your

Use at least one graphical representation in your analysis (example: pie graph, bar graph)
Your answer here:

Chart Title

No of respondents

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Poor working realtionship with co-workers
Poor working realationship with supervisors / Managers
Poor communication in the workplace
Lack of opportunity for advancement
Poor work / life balance
Better pay

2.2. Based on your analysis, recommend a minimum of three (3) strategies to reduce staff
turnover (improve staff retention) at SMWC.

For each strategy, ensure that you provide sufficient discussions on how these strategies
should be implemented.

Your answer here:

Establish and cultivate a business culture.

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Corporate culture can mean a variety of things, but generally speaking, it describes the
common attitudes and ideas that characterize a company and influence employees'
experiences there. Employee job satisfaction is heavily influenced by culture. Certain
groups of employees need to be retained more than others. We can use an approach that
divides culture into the four categories of create, compete, collaborate, and control. The
most crucial component is being open and honest with prospective hires and current
employees about the organization's culture as it is, not

Reward and acknowledge your staff.

This tactic is relatively simple to implement. Simple verbal or written expressions of

gratitude and appreciation for our staff members can help us reduce employee turnover.
We can accomplish a lot by valuing the effort individuals put in each and every day. Giving
employees new possibilities is another way to appreciate them.

Allowing for flexibility

Giving employees more freedom in this area is another strategy to increase retention
since employees are becoming more concerned about job flexibility. Numerous
employees reportedly quit their employment because they do not provide flexible work
choices, while another study revealed that a bigger proportion of workers would remain at
their positions longer if they did.

Task 3. Report outcome of results and analysis

From the information collected from Task 1 and Task 2, present your analysis and recommendations
to the leadership team of CTWC, specifically to Erin Heany and Dr. Tim Foster.

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Using the CTBS PowerPoint template, develop a report outlining the findings of your investigation.

Your PowerPoint presentation should contain the following:

a. Title page
b. Background / Scenario
c. Objective
d. Result of Secondary Research showing a minimum of 3 impacts of high staff turnover
to organisation
e. Analysis of workforce data on Staff Turnover for the last 12 months
f. Conclusion
g. Recommendation
h. List of References


Initially, CTWC had only a few staff. Management did not believe it was appropriate to develop a
comprehensive list of detailed policies and procedures because most policies could be spread by
word of mouth when necessary. Management also felt that there would be more flexibility in handling
policies if they were verbal rather than written.

CTWC has grown rapidly over the last 2 to 3 years. The Manager of HR, Erin Heany, now believes
that more written policies are required. New statements of policy are now periodically distributed
verbally or via email to all supervisors and managers. A few weeks ago, CTWC distributed the
following statements:

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SMWC Policy and Procedure Manual

2.7 Disciplinary Process (only part of this document is shown)


Counselling and Disciplinary Action

The disciplinary process involves four steps:

1) counselling (optional)
2) first written warning
3) second written warning
4) termination
These steps may not always be followed in full. For example, in some cases counselling will be
sufficient to resolve the problem. Although a minimum of two written warnings are usually provided
prior to termination, severe misconduct may warrant immediate dismissal.
At each step, the following procedure occurs:
 problem arises or incident occurs.
 investigation of facts, including collecting witness statements. In some circumstances the
employee may be stood down (asked not to remain at the workplace) with pay while the
investigation takes place.
 the allegations and supporting evidence are presented to the employee. The employee is
entitled to have a representative present, such as another staff member or union
representative. It is advisable for the manager to have a witness present in all interviews
related to disciplinary procedure. Preferably this should be a staff member with mediation
skills or who is trusted by both parties.
 the employee is given an opportunity to respond, including requesting any reasonable
assistance which would prevent a reoccurrence.
 a decision is made – this could range from deciding to take no action, to agreeing upon
clear guidelines about expected future behaviour or even termination of employment.
 the process is documented and the employee is given a copy with the original being placed
in the Staff Records File.

The Manager of HR, Erin Heany, is curious to know the reactions of staff to the new policy
statements. She contacted CTBS and asked the company to investigate the effectiveness of the
policy dissemination method that they used in informing employees of the Disciplinary Process Policy
and Procedure.

The ER Manager of CTBS asked you to conduct a one-on-one interview with employees in one of
their Branches to see what they think of the policy. A variety of responses were received.

One Supervisor says:

I think this is what we’ve needed for some time. This new policy gives me the authority to
come down hard on some people who have been getting away with murder. I try to run a
tight ship. I want my workers to know who the boss is. With this policy in effect, I’m going
to give some people written warnings in the next day or two. I should be able to dismiss
some poor workers pretty quickly.

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A Manager comments:
The policy statement doesn’t give me much assistance. From what it says, I don’t really
know when I’m supposed to issue a written warning or when I’m supposed to apply a
penalty. I don’t know how severe a penalty should be. This only seems to make my job
more complicated. I could use some help in interpreting the policy, but nobody has
offered any.

An employee with a history of being disciplined (written warning) for work infractions says:
Well, I haven’t actually seen the policy statement, but my supervisor said that I’d better
watch my step from here on because he had the company’s okay to get rid of me if I did
anything wrong again. I feel like I’m pretty well under the hammer. I’m feeling pretty
uncomfortable about it all.

Another employee with a good work record states:

I’ve read the statement and it seems OK to me. As long as I do my job, I’ve got nothing to
be worried about. I’ve got a good supervisor who treats me well. Personally, I feel the
policy gives me protection.

You were surprised by the diversity of responses to the new policy. It almost seems to you that the
four employees that you interviewed had been looking at four different policy statement rather than
the single one issued from the office.

Task 1: Write an email to Erin Heany informing her of the result of your one-on-one interview with
employees. In addition, provide a discussion on the possible reasons why employees have different
responses to the policy. Present your discussion in a tabulated form in the table below.

To: Mr. Erin Heany 

From: Manashvee Bisnath  
Subject: Result of one-on-one interview to employees. 
Dear Mr. Erin Heany
Thank you for reading this email. The employees' reactions to the new policy varied after the
interview was performed. The potential cause of their response is listed in the table

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Staff member Possible reason behind employee reaction

Supervisor The supervisor appears to be quite demanding and powerful. He intends to
terminate employees and issue warnings using this new approach. He wants
to run the company with a firm hand.
Manager Regarding the new policy, he appears to be somewhat confused. There is
inadequate clarity and the text is not understandable. He doesn't really
benefit much from the
With this new policy, he is feeling incredibly uneasy. He believes that the
possibility that the supervisor may abuse the policy puts his job in jeopardy.

Task 2: Erin Heany now questions the effectiveness of the methods she used in communicating
policies to employees. She consults CTBS to draft a policy that focuses on different communication
methods in disseminating new / amended policies and procedures. This is to ensure that employees
will have access to the correct information and a clear understanding of the policy / procedure.

Write a draft policy and / or procedure on communicating HR policies and procedures to employees.

Ensure that the policy contains different methods of communication and a communication plan

Ensure that the policy follows CTWC document formatting guidelines and contains the following

 Policy Name
 Version Control Data
 Next Review date
 Policy Owner
 Policy Purpose / Policy Statement
 Scope
 Procedure
 Responsibilities
 Relevant Legislation (when applicable)
 Related Documents / policies / forms (example: communication plan template)

Once you have developed the policy, write an email to your ER Manager asking her to review the
draft document that you have created. Embed a copy of the policy in your email.

I hope you are doing well. I have created a policy on informing employees of HR policies and
procedures. If you could review the policy listed below and offer comments so that the final

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version can be recorded.

Task 3: Jasmine Sarker completed the review of the draft policy and gave you some feedback. You
are to amend the policy based on her feedback.

Once this is completed, write an email to Erin Heany informing her of the new policy. Tell her that the
policy aims to support CTWC in ensuring that new / amended policies are understood by employees.
Embed the new policy to the email.

Relevant Workplace Documents:

SMBS Email template SMBS PowerPoint Report SMWC Policy Template


SMBS Email Appendix 4_SMWC

Template.docx Policy & procedure template.docx
Appendix 5_A2
Powerpoint Template.pptx

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