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30 Important questions

1. Which of the following is not an element which makes up

the protoplasm?
(A) Neon (B) Oxygen
(C) Carbon (D) Hydrogen
Ans: A
Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen make up 99% of
protoplasm by its weight.

2. Oxygen can be supplied to a fish tank by bubbling air

in to water. The pressure and the volume of the air bubbles
while they are rising respectively
(A)Decreases, increases (B) Decreases, decreases
(C)Increases, decreases (D) Increases, increases
Ans: A
The pressure of the air bubbles decreases and volume increase
when they are rising up.

3. ‘P’ is processed in industries to get some useful products

such as ‘Q’, ‘R’ and ‘S’, ‘S’ is obtained during the
processing of ‘P’ to get ‘Q’, ‘R’ is a mixture of about
200 substance, identify ‘P’, ‘Q’, ‘R’ and ‘S’

(A) Coal Coal tar Coke Coal gas
(B) Coke Coal Coal gas
(C) Coal Coke Coal gas
(D) Coke Coal Coal tar
Ans: C
Coal ‘P’ is processed in industries to get some useful products
such as coke ‘Q’, coal tar ‘R’ and coal gas ‘S’. Coal gas
‘S’ is obtained during the processing of coal ‘P’ to get coke ‘Q’.
Coal tar ‘R’ is a mixture of about 200 substances.

4. Study the reaction given below.

X+ YSO4  Y + XSO4
What are ‘X’ and ‘Y’?
(A)Al, Mg (B) Zn, Cu
(C)Ag, K (D) H, Al
Ans: B
Zn + CuSo4  Cu + ZnSo4
Thus, X is Zn and Y is Cu.

5. How is coke superior to coal as a fuel?
(A) Coal is a mineral and burns releasing smoke while coke
is a residue.
(B) Coal is an impure form of carbon, while coke is a pure
form of carbon.
(C) Only coal consists of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
and sulphur while coke mainly consists of carbon.
(D)All of the above.
Ans: D

6. Study the characteristics given below:

It is a tough, porous and black substance
It is a pure form of carbon

Based on the above characteristics identify it from the

(A)Kerosene (B) Petrol
(C)Coke (D) Lubricating oil
Ans: C
Coke is tough, porous black substance. It is almost a pure
form of carbon and used in the manufacture of steel.

7. Read the given statements carefully.
P: I am the most common fire extinguisher but not suitable
for oil, petrol and electrical fires. I am heavier than oil and
also, conduct electricity.
Q: I am an excellent fire extinguisher and most suitable for
oil, petrol and electrical fir. I also, form a blanket around
the fire and bring down the temperature of the fuel.
Identify P and Q.
(A) CO2 H2O
(B) H2O CO
(C) O2 CO2
(D) H2O CO2
Ans: D
Water works only when things like wood and paper are on fire.
If electrical equipment is a on fire water may conduct electricity
and harm those trying to douse the fire. Also being heavier than
oil, water sinks below the oil and oil keeps burning on the top.
CO2 is the best extinguisher for fires involving electrical
equipments and inflammable materials like petrol. Being
heavier than oxygen, it covers the fire like a blanket and cuts
off the contact between the fuel and oxygen.

8. Select the incorrect statement from the following.
(A) Synthetic fibres have little or no absorbency, although
several of them do absorb oil.
(B)Wool fibre is harmed by acids including mild acids like
(C) Cellulose fibres continue to glow after they are removed
from the flame.
(D)Cotton fibres, linen and other cellulose fibres are quite
resistant and can be boiled safely.
Ans: B
Different fibres have different reaction to different pH
conditions. Wool fibres are resistant to acids, but are sensitive
to alkalis.

9. To solve the problem of looking bold, human heir wigs are

worn, which are very expensive. Synthetic wigs are made
from a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile, called
(B) Cellulose
(D) PVC (or polyvinyl chloride)
Ans: A)
Dynel is a copolymer of organic compound vinyl chloride
(H2C=CHCl) and acrylonitrile (CH2CHCN). It is Synthetic fiber.

10. Orlon and Acrilan are fibres of well-known textile
materials of the same name. They are copolymers of
(A) Styrene and butadiene (B) Alcohol and ester
(C)Acrylonitrile and 2-vinylpyridne (D) Methane and acetone
Ans: C

11. Ultrasound is emitted from a ship directly downwards into

the water. The diagram below shows the duration for
ultrasound to return to the receiver on the ship as the ship
travels from point X to point Y along the surface of the water.
At which position is the water deepest?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Ans: B
Point B has the deepest water because ultrasound takes the
longest time to return back to the receiver on the boat.

12. A car of mass 1200 kg is moving on the road at the speed
of 60 km/h. If the coefficient of frication is 38 and the
normal force is 50 N, the frictional force acting on the
car is given by ______.
(A) 300 N (B) 3000 N
(C) 2500 N (D) 30 N
Ans: B
The frictional force acting on the object is given by,
Force = Coefficient of friction × Normal force.
On calculation, it was found that the frictional force acting
on the object is 3000 N.

13. A mirror periscope is used to observe a bird as shown below.

How far away will the bird appear to be from the observer?

(A) 320 cm
(B) 470 cm
(C) 620 cm
(D) 940 cm
Ans: B
The diagram below shows how light is reflected into the
observer’s eye. The distance travelled by the light ray is the
distance the bird seems to be away from the observer.
Distance = 300 cm + 150 cm + 20 cm
= 470 cm
14. A student bangs a drum in the middle of a rectangular
hall. Two echoes are detected at 40 ms and 70 ms
respectively. If the length of the concert hall is 24 m and
there is no echo from the ceiling, what is the speed of sound
in air?
(A) 343 m s–1 (B) 600 m s–1
(C) 686 m s–1 (D) 1200 ms–1
Ans: A
Time taken for sound to travel half the length of the hall
  70ms  35ms

Distance travelled by the sound in 35 ms

  24m  2m

Speed = distance  time
=12 m  35 ms
= 12 m  (35×10–3 s)
Speed = 343 m s–1

15. Which of the following cannot be the magnitudes (size)

of the resultant force when a force of 2 N and a force of
6 N act on an object?
(A) 2 N (B) 4 N
(C) 6 N (D) 8 N
Ans: A
Fmin = 6 – 2 = 4N
Fmax = 6 + 2 = 8N
Therefore, only 2N cannot be resultant force.

16. A piece of polythene is rubbed with a cloth duster.

The polythene becomes negatively charged and the cloth
becomes positively charged. What happened to the polythene
and to the cloth to cause this?
Polythene Cloth
(A) Gain electrons Gain protons
(B)Gain electrons Lose electrons
(C)Lose protons Gain protons
(D)Lose protons Lose electrons
Ans: B

17. An astronaut standing on the surface of the moon
throws a ball upwards. The ball would
(A) Directly fall down from the point it is released.
(B) Hang in space.
(C) Go up and then come back to the surface of the moon.
(D) Keep going up never to come back.
Ans: C

18. The change in seasons on the earth occurs because

(A) The distance between the earth and the sun is not constant.
(B) The axis of rotation of the earth is parallel to the plane of its
(C) The axis of rotation of the earth is perpendicular to the
plane of its orbit.
(D) The axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the
plane of its orbit.
Ans: D

19. A plane mirror is inclined at 40o to the floor, an incident

ray parallel to the floor strikes the mirror and a reflected ray
is formed. If the angle of inclination is increased to 50
without changing the direction of the ray, what is the change
in angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray?

(A) 5o
(B) 10o
(C) 20o
(D) 40o
Ans: C
Angle of reflection is the angle between the normal and the
reflected by.
When the inclination is 40o,
Angle of incident incidence = angle of reflection = 50o
Angle between incident ray and reflected ray = 2 × 50o = 100o
When the inclination is 50o,
Angle of incident incidence = angle of reflection = 40o
Angle between incident ray and reflected ray = 2 × 40o = 80o
The change in the angles between incident ray and reflected ray =
100o × 80o = 20o

20. Which of the following represents incorrect match?
Column A Column B
I. Kharif crops Paddy and maize
II. Rabi crops Wheat, gram, pea
III.Chemical Urea and super phosphate
IV.Organic Animal excreta, cow dung, urine
manure and plant waste
(A) Only II
(B) Both I and III
(C) All of the above
(D) None of them
Ans: D

21. Which of the following represents incorrect match?

Column A Column B
I. Kharif crops Paddy and maize
II. Rabi crops Wheat, gram, pea
III.Chemical fertilizers Urea and super
IV.Organic manure Animal excreta, cow
dung, urine and plant

(A) Only II
(B) Both I and III
(C) All of the above
(D) None of them
Ans .D)

22. Identify the incorrect labeling depicted in the following

A  Eye spot B  Nucleus
C  Chloroplast D  Flagellum
E  Contractile Vacuole F Pyrenoid

(A) Both A and E (B) Both C and F

(C) Only D (D) Only B
Ans: A
A is contractile vacuole and E is eye spot.

23. An Egg cell as shown below contains which of the


(A) One Y chromosome
(B) One X chromosome
(C) Two X chromosome
(D) Two Y chromosome
Ans: B
Egg cell represents female which contains XX chromosomes.

24. Study the Venn diagram and choose suitable option for X.
Artic Circle

living Permafrost

(A) Desert biome

(B) Tundra biome
(C) Deciduous biome
(D) Boreal biome
Ans: B
Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes.

25. Which of the following lists organisms from the youngest
to the oldest?
(A) Bacteria, fish, mammal
(B) Fish, mammals, bacteria
(C) Mammals, bacteria, fish
(D) Mammals, fish, bacteria
Ans: D

26. The diagram P and Q shown below show the transverse

section of two blood vessels directly connecting the heart and
the lungs. Which heart chamber is connected to vessels Q?

(A) Left atrium

(B) Left ventricle
(C) Right atrium
(D) Right ventricle
Ans: D
In the given figure P is a vein because it has wide lumen, thinner
wall and Q is an artery because it has narrow lumen and thicker
wall. They must be pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery
respectively. Pulmonary artery emerges from right ventricles and
pulmonary vein is connected to left atrium.

27. Sewage can be treated with chemicals such as ________ to
kill many harmful microorganisms present in them.
(A) Phosphorus
(B) Chlorine
(C) Sulphur
(D) Oxygen
Ans: C
Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on branches of trees and
obtains food and shelter from them.

28. Which of the following options shows the type of soil

sample which is best suited for cultivation?
Sand Silt
(A) (B)

Clay Silt
(C) (D) Either B or C

Ans: A
Loamy soil is best suited for cultivation. It has almost equal
amounts of sand and silt and slightly lower amount of clay.

29. Which of the following is an artificial heart?
(A) Pen State (B) Blue-cherl system
(C) Jarvik 7 (D) All of these
Ans: D


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