Cause Efect efinition-WPS Office

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Cause and effect


Cause and effect in Indonesian means cause and effect. Sentences that express cause contain events or
something that is the reason or background of a problem or event. While the result sentence describes
an event which is the effect or impact that occurs from an activity. Let's look at the literal explanation, as
discussed below:


Cause (noun), literally means cause or cause, it can be something or someone who makes something

Example: The cause of global warming involves the overuse of a motorist vehicle. (The cause of global
warming is the continuous use of motorized vehicles)

Cause (verb/verb), linguistically means an activity that causes something to happen.

Example: The overuse of motorist vehicle causes global warming. (Continuous use of motorized vehicles
can cause global warming)


Effect (Noun) an effect and impact that occurs from an activity or event.

The weather had an effect on her emotion

Affect (Verb) is an activity that has an impact or effect that causes something to happen.

The weather affects her emotion.

Above is an example of cause and effect in a sentence. However, not only in the form of sentences,
cause and effect can also be used in the form of clauses and paragraphs. In the use of clauses,
expressing cause and effect occurs in one sentence but is separated into two clauses separated by a
conjunction and a comma.

Cause and effect itself is divided into two, which is followed by a noun, verb or clause. To understand it,
let's first compare the sentences of cause and effect.

Use of Cause and Effect in Clauses

Formula 1: Conjunction + Cause, + Effect

Connector: due to, owed to, because of, as a result of, as a consequence of


Due to the rain, we cannot go to the beach. (Because it's raining we can't go to the beach)

Owing to her optimism, Sarah finally succeeds in the competition

As a result of his extensive practices, John is able to win the golf champion. (because of lots of practice,
John was able to win the golf game)

Formula 2: Effect + Connector + Cause

Example: we cannot go to the beach due to the rain. (We canceled going to the beach because it was

Sarah finally succeeds in the competition owed to her optimism

John is able to win the golf champion as a result of his extensive practices

There are many other examples that you can explore and get used to watching English films because you
often find cause and effect.

Cause and effect + Verb or Clause

Connectors: because, since, for, hence, thus, therefore, thereby, accordingly, as a result


Because her brother lives in Jakarta, she must visit him every month. (Since her older brother lives in
Jakarta, she has to visit him every month.)

This bag is expensive since the famous brand Chanel made it. (This bag is really expensive because a
famous brand called Chanel made it.)

My arms are hurt. Hence, I cannot swim today. (My arm hurts. So, I can't swim today.)

As our teacher has suggested to stay at home, she gives us a pile of homework. (Since our teacher had
advised us to stay at home, he gave us homework.)

He is invited to the party for he's one of the funniest guys in school. (He was invited to the party because
he was one of the funniest people in school.)

They haven't turned 17 yet, as a result, they cannot join the international seminar. (They are not yet 17
years old, so, they cannot attend international seminars.)

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