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Submitted by:

Elrine Franz Vergara

BSED 2 – English


Dr. Manuel Bebis Jr.
1st SEMESTER, A/Y 2022 – 2023

Taking my tertiary journey at Calabanga Community College has greatly improved

my proficiency in all aspects, especially my writing skills. The school, specifically the
instructors, helped me to acquire the prowess needed to become an effective pre-service
teacher and an actual educator in the future. I met numerous professors that assessed my
writing and showed me that I do not have to be crucial with the language used to prove my
point. By conceptualizing ideas for my topic, making drafts, working in groups for
constructive edits, and refining my writing into a final outline, I learned how to use the
writing process successfully. We also had group work in the class, which benefited my
learning. I am peculiarly not fond of group work, but it helped me socialize and get helpful
information from my classmates. Also, while in my Elective class, I learned about two
distinctive styles of writing: Caesar and Analogist (simple, straightforward data) and Cicero
and Anomalist (flowery language). I learned to include these styles in my academic
compositions and essays to make them more professional or figurative.

During my first semester, I felt more assured in my writing style. As a student, in a

nutshell, this gave me the opportunity to have my voice heard through writing. I also
understand how to include citations: how to cite sources, when, and where. This helped
me to be more systematized and concise with my writing. Some of the essays I did in
classes made me imaginative and artistic with my piece and showed the readers who I am
as a person and writer, for example, the journals created on my behalf. The techniques I
acquired have been my frequent approach, applying all those styles to my writing. It made
me grasp that I am capable of being an ingenious writer. The subjects I have taken helped
me improve my writing skills tremendously, and countless acknowledgments, indeed, are
not enough. It helped me to extend my expertise purely, and everything I learned from my
subjects will benefit me as I take my path.

This E-Portfolio serves as a collation for my academic write-ups. It consists of:

I. Personal Statements – I have included some of my beliefs about my learning in a

thoughtful way, the E-Portfolio introduction, and my reflective essays about a
particular topic. For the Self – Assessment documents, I considered not only writing
what it asked but also my analysis of the needs it thirst.

II. Academic Works – Individual assignments and exercises were included to

improve my output. This section contains personal compositions, beliefs, and self-
evaluations that purely come from my knowledge and vocabulary.

I am a bizarre but down-to-earth person. I like to balance my academic and family,

friends, and solitary life. As a socially withdrawn person, I prefer to be alone sometimes
and think about what lies beyond the horizon. Apart from it, I seldom and look forward to
often excel in class. Academic life gives exposure, confidence & sense of attainment.
Personally, a collegiate life gives you fulfillment through the rushing adrenaline circulating
all over. It is a satisfying feeling to always submit on time, and it is a principal honor to be
recognized as one of those punctual students.

Not to brag, but I am well known about my strategic writing. Since elementary,
writing has been my trademark. My techniques are imaginative – core-biased, and
technical. My writing competitiveness has brought me countless achievements and
certificates. It also got me to places I am not familiar with. It also gave me a lot of friends
to impart my ideas.

Elrine Franz B. Vergara

Science, Technology, and Society


A. Discussion Questions

1. Describe briefly how science and technology evolved during each in history.

The oldest form of science and technology found were artifacts such as

roughly shaped stones specifically paleolithic hand axes mainly used for scraping

and cleaving. This was about 23.5 million years ago. During the Mesopotamian

era, information on the treatment of wounds emerged. Mathematical

calculations have also risen in which Euclid was recognized as the proprietor of

modern geometry and Archimedes, the pioneer of engineering mechanics.

Around 3000 B.C., copper was discovered. It was considered as the Bronze Age

wherein the element was the main component for swords to be created. The

Middle Ages often addressed as Dark Ages, was the commencement of

numerous scientific and technological development, one of which is the

Renaissance period, the rebirth of knowledge. It also gave prominence to

scientists like Gutenberg who developed the printing press, Leonardo da Vinci

who gave stress to the significance of experiment, and Copernicus who proposed

heliocentrism, being sun, the center of the solar system. It was not called Dark

Ages for no reason.

Tremendous chaos abruptly ascent like how Europe endured rapid changes due

to Germanic tribes claiming dominant power upon land. Moving forward to

modern times, a wide span of technological innovations, urbanization, and

globalization emerged.

2. Write your own impression on the current science education in the Philippines.
Though I can assert that science education in the Philippines is an effective

and improved curriculum, I cannot fully declare how is it competitive in terms of

globalization. Locally speaking, there is an immense development in the course

study, offering so much learning may it be inside and outside school premises.

Learners are also evidently active and competent, having the sense of curiosity

for all manners, resulting in research and logical solutions. But there is no

denying that education in the Philippines is a bit tardy compared to international

academes. The Philippines’ education system and resources are lacking.

3. In groups of five members each, find out what concrete products in science you
see in the society today.
To my belief, concrete products are materials that are mixed all at once to

create an innovative technology. Technology does not necessarily mean

emergence of electronics; it is also the production of inventions that can make

the human lives efficiently functioning. According to our input, concrete materials

can be driveways, bollards, bridges, and patios are several examples. These

constructions are made by mixing cement in ubiquitous trucks to build robust




Science and technology had and will always have an immense role in our

society and to the people. Through the advancement of mechanization, we can

conclude that it helped us to be productive and efficient. Because of the rapid

changes, people forgot to acknowledge small innovations that guaranteed a way for

life. Underrated as it seems, it is evident in today’s time. Begin to unravel an episode

of twisted knots; pursuing the neglect of devalued technologies.

Before the dawn of the technological era, communication was a mere vague

of contact to those who were obscure of reach from each other. In lieu of waiting in

vain, people tend to write letters to ease the pain of being lonesome and wait for a

response for a couple of days. But today, because of the help of technology,

especially the rampant service of social media, messaging and greeting your loved

ones afar of ace has never been accessible with just a single click and voila! You’re

free of charges applied with a stable connection innards your home. Another

overlooked technology is clothing. People now don’t stroll in the street without their

clothes on from wearing nothing. Everything changed in the way of apparel from
overly classic to retro and conservative to liberated. Next in line is the dissemination

of news. Newspapers were the best pal of hot coffee and tasty baguette. Everything

was perfect for the old folks every morning, but it was a desolation of time to wait

for another day to receive up – to – date broadcast. With the help of modernization,

dispersing updates had never been easy with just scrolling through your computer’s

screen or phone and being informed of the timely issues—also, the development of

papers and pens. Our ancestors were once fond of writing and engraving within walls

and stones to serve as a guide or memory, and yes, it is a complex task to stencil with

hard rocks. Through modernization, it became an easy job to type without any

hardships. Lastly, fire. Food is a way of living. In order to live, one must eat. Before,

our ancestors eat raw pork and beef and with the discovery of fire, every food taken

undergoes cooking. In today’s age, food have been experimented on and different

kinds of staple had come to life to be devour such as burger, fries, and many more.

Examples given above are just an immediate glimpse of how our life became

a lot easier with the advancement and enhancement of science, specifically

technology. One word can definitely sum up this composition, Achidanza! (Cool)
Science, Technology, and Society



Form a group and exchange ideas on create manifestation of the role that science and
technology play in nation building. Fill up this matrix after your academic conversation.

Contribution Benefit/s Outcome

The generation of new

information and the
Knowledge creation & Convenience subsequent use of that
Local utilization Transparency knowledge to advance
human prosperity and
address societal problems.

Contribution Benefit/s Outcome

Service model of the

incubator of scientific and
technological enterprise is
Regional Economic growth & Business incubators determined by the level of
development of the area
economy and science and

Contribution Benefit/s Outcome

The obvious support

of agriculture, and
Promotion of tourism
National Economic growth community requirements
and agricultural
Emphasized tourism in a developed region is
made possible by science,
technology, and innovation

Draw what you think society of the world would be without science and
technology. In one paragraph, present your reasons for your drawing.

Personally and in all transparency, science and technology serves as an

excellent aid for human life development from the beginning of time. Imagine waking
up in a technologically disconnected world where all computers on the earth have
mysteriously vanished. First of all, your phone alarm would no longer work, causing
you to wake up tardy. After the situation's immediate shock subsided, you would
start preparing for work. Sadly, you wouldn't be able to use the bathroom, switch on
the lights, or clean your teeth. Why? Enormous computer systems manage public
utilities like electricity, gas, and water. You would then put on clothes and head
outside to your automobile. The automobile wouldn't start unless it was made more
than 30 years ago. Nowadays, a controller area network controls almost everything
in an automobile, basically, an onboard computer. For the same reason, using public
transit would be impossible. Even if your car did start, the absence of all the traffic
signals would make for a horrible commute. Finally, you would opt to walk to work.
This is only a picture of what life would be like for everyone on the planet without
modern technology. To sum it all up, it will cause inefficiency.
Science, Technology, and Society


Write your personal reaction to the major accomplishments of Duterte administration

on its plan for development.

The Eradication of Darkness in Tellement Nuit

Rodrigo Duterte, who was born in 1945 and grew up in Davao City, the southern

island of Mindanao's province of Davao, spent his whole political life there. He was

chosen as this city's deputy mayor in 1986, followed by its mayor for 22 years.

Because communist and Muslim rebels dispatched murder squads to slaughter

troops, officials, businesspeople, and other "enemies of the people" there in the late

1980s, Davao City earned the nickname "Little Nicaragua" as criminal syndicates

profited from the instability. On an island that had been torn apart by multiple

insurgents, Rodrigo Duterte was able to rebuild Davao Metropolis into a city with a

thriving economy, where the safety of both the people and their property was

assured, owing to a carrot and stick strategy. The first plan, known as the "carrot,"
intended to establish covert peace treaties between the City Hall of Davao and

various rebel organizations. These treaties would have, for example, declared Davao

City to be a neutral zone that the rebels could enter as long as they left their weapons

at the border. The strong man of Davao, who is extremely candid about his lack of

discipline in his childhood (he was expelled from high school twice and from a private

university once), served as President Gloria Arroyo's special counselor on security

matters (2001-2010). Later, he was elected using catchphrases such, "I was able to

build Davao, I will develop the entire nation." Or: "If necessary, I would declare martial

law to enforce order; President Marcos' martial law was beneficial to the nation."

Thus, despite all obstacles, the unruly person who desired to punish his people went

from the role of "local potentate" to that of father of the country. He claims that he

can only sleep in his bed in Davao, hence he frequently visits Davao and spends as

little time as possible at Malacanang, the presidential palace in Manila.

The negative aspect of Rodrigo Duterte's pragmatism—the stick—targeted drug

dealers and the criminal underworld. The existence of death squads, made up of ex-

soldiers, police officers, and rebels, who murdered criminals and miscreants whose

names were on lists read out on the radio by the mayor of Davao a few days earlier

was revealed by local and international human rights organizations as well as

parliamentary inquiries. No investigation has been able to conclusively demonstrate

that Duterte was in charge of these killing squads as of yet. These squadrons were

responsible for 1,424 murders between 1998 and 2014, including 132 minor victims.

The predominantly pro-Duterte Parliament use pressure techniques, such as

intimidation and humiliation, through the budget vote when officials of government

agencies cannot be fired. As a result, Jose Luis Martin "Chito" Gascon, the chair of the

human rights commission, is the first to denounce the "war on drugs". He is the

individual most at risk from President Duterte's retaliation in this regard. The

majority's deputies, unable to remove Mr. Gascon via legal channels, approved a

preposterous budget for the Commission: €20 (or $1,000) for 2018! Deputies were

obliged to act because of pressure from the public, the Catholic Church, left-leaning

groups, and the Senate (whose deputy director also happens to be the sister of the

previous Senate president Koko Pimentel).

Science, Technology, and Society


“Aristotle Asks”
Aristotle tries to begin with common sense. He doesn’t just build theories in thin air

that have no connection to reality. He just collects different opinions from different

people about certain topic. For your activity you will ask the opinions of 20 different

people about the following question:

A. What is happiness?

1. Happiness is a choice.

2. Happiness is contentment.

3. Happiness is a fulfillment.

B. What are your goals in life?

1. To become a licensed and professional teacher.

2. To spoil my parents.

3. To give my children the needs and wants they deserve.

C. How can you achieve your goals?

1. By giving effort to my studies and graduate with flying colors.

2. By becoming a teacher and imparting a portion of me to my learners.

3. By trusting God of what lies ahead does not concern my desires, it is his will.

D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goals?

1. Family

2. Friends

3. Loved ones


According to the data gathered, happiness is a choice, contentment, and

fulfillment. Choice, garnering five votes from the respondents, clearly offers two

options: being sad and being happy. We always have choices. Life is short. Do not

condemn yourself with melancholy. Do not stress yourself. Live life to the fullest.

Gaining three points from the interview is contentment. It is evident that happiness

is complacency. You cannot be genuinely happy if you only notice what is lacking.

Lastly with two votes, fulfillment. As I have asked them why since it seems vague to

my cognition, they have uttered that, non-verbatim: “Some people, like my friend

here, we are different. In your lenses, we are weird. It takes the same interests and

hobbies to click. In our perspective, being referred as bizarre, it really is a fulfillment

to find the same wavelengths and be compatible.” Reality hit me that it is indeed an

achievement and also, a pleasure to find friends with same enthusiasm.

Science, Technology, and Society


Think of one issue or problem in your field the needs to be resolved by unique
individual characteristic/s of each member of the group.



Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this module.

1. Meaning of human flourishing.

Living a good life is a necessary component of human flourishing. It is
grounded in Aristotelian ethics, values health inherently, and is relevant to every
aspect of human life. Human flourishing upholds our shared humanity and is in the
best interests of all. Everybody should be able to thrive and realize their potential for
good health. They may pursue their own objectives and well health by making use of
their values, skills, and abilities.

2. What are the responses of respondents about human flourishing?

In the most primary level, since responders are aware of how people evolve,
they draw the conclusion that flourishing as a human being involves continuing to
learn, earn, and improve. They also mention how each person's contribution on
human growth may promote unity in variety by supporting those who have
emotional, mental, and physical needs.

3. Differentiate Eastern & Western Philosophy in terms of human flourishing.

Eastern Comparison Western

Both the terms "Western" and "Eastern,"

Freedom from which are nebulous orientalist creations, Conditions
have thinkers arriving to the same
conclusions about numerous issues.

4. How will you achieve human flourishing?

There are many variables that affect human development, including society,
traditions, culture, technology, and cultural innovation. All of these elements may
contribute to human flourishing, and yet people themselves must also try to advance
society for the upliftment of their quality of life.
Science, Technology, and Society



Observe far Used by

a. Telescope For observing Galileo Galilei
away things criminals

For people to Home

May affect
b. Skyscrapers live in the city Civilization Insurance
with no hassle. Building

To see
To discover
organisms not Zacharias
c. Microscope new Epidemic
visible to the Janssen
human eye.

Broadcasting Guglielmo
d. Radio Communication Broadcast
of faulty news Marconi

e. Guns Defense Crime Huo Yao

Vinton Cerf
f. Internet Communication Socializing Cybercrime and Bob

Connects Controls Martin

g. Cellphone Communication
people people Cooper

h. Cars Transportation Quick travels Carl Benz

i. Clothes Covering of body Protection Discrimination Not identified

Science, Technology, and Society



Observation: Overpopulation in the Philippines

Hypothesis: Free condoms and contraceptives

Experiment: Give away condoms and contraceptives for free

Gather & Analyze: I will identify if the free contribution of protection is effective or


Formulate Conclusion & Provide Recommendation: If the number of populations

lessen within a year, then it must continue. But if it does not change and the charts

still aggrandize, then the government must apply the two to three children per

household only.
Science, Technology, and Society


The Internet was initially developed for military use before being
broadened to support scientific collaboration. - The internet was
first used by the American government as a Cold War weapon more
than 50 years ago.

Although the internet was first intended for the military, we can see
that as our society grows, everything takes on new uses. We can
acknowledge that in our daily lives, we spend the majority of our
Human time on social media, online games, and other platforms that use
Condition the internet. While the internet serves many purposes today and
plays a significant role in human existence, it also has the power to
dominate people. It is being used for more than just military
purposes and greatly aids global growth.

Discoverer Berners Lee

The internet that we have today benefits people because it not only
facilitates communication but also links people from various
locations and allows for the easy search for information. Because
After of this, I have concluded that internet control people—not literally,
but with the potential to do so—and that the rise of humanity may
be threatened as soon as science develops and discovers more
advanced technologies.
Science, Technology, and Society


1. Watch the documentary film entitled “The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the
Case Against Scientism.”

2. Read the question concerning technology by Martin Heidegger.

TASK: Make a concept map about your reflection in the documentary film and in
the article.

“The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis And the Case Against Scientism”




The standard by which all other disciplines should be evaluated is scientism, which

refers to natural scientific procedures. Science was misused to cause world wars.

Lewis compared magic with science. in fact, twins. 3 factors

1. Religion: An unusual phenomenon that exists. can help you feel meaningful.

evokes strong feelings of majesty and something greater than ourselves in

individuals. For some people, the Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and other fantastical

worldviews can represent a religion.

2. Credulity: In the current world, if anything is presented as science, people are

willing to believe nearly anything. Lewis found Freud's psychoanalysis fascinating.

You are left with nothing once all is destroyed. The Regress of the Pilgrim. An

additional was evolutionism. That thing may steer itself without being aware of it.

How can I trust my own thoughts regarding evolutionism if it is a creation of the

irrational? Mind development that is congruent with habits that improve survival, but

not with the capacity to understand reality.

3. Having power and seeking power. Magicians want mastery over the world in order

to manipulate it. Because magic is ultimately ineffective while current science has the

ability to manipulate and control people, modern science is much more dangerous.
Science, Technology, and Society


Question Concerning Technology

by Martin Heidegger





Science, Technology, and Society


Answer the following questions as brief as possible.

1. Define good life in your own words.

Consistency in living and family love make up a good life, which is what makes

people happy and pleased along with their family and other loved ones.

2. How can one achieve a good life according to the article, “What is the Good
Life?” by Emrys Westacott.
It is good that you have a goal in mind and are on the right track, working hard

to attain your aims rather than merely wasting time; knowing your purpose is

necessary for living a full life. The following stage is fulfillment. You must constantly

feel content inside if you want to achieve righteousness in life. If you are happy,

success will fare great to you.

3. Can technology lead us to a good life? Explain.

Yes, like we can see, technology permeates today's culture and helps to make

people happier by allowing them to contact with others across the world, browse

social media, and make money through internet enterprises. This is what a good

life and a happy life are, lived in the easiest and most affluent way possible.

4. What did Professor Albert Borgmann mean when he said, “the ones that enhance
focal practices and communal celebrations, and do not diminish or replace
them.” That would be the rule of thumb.
The rule of thumb is that people who value human endeavors that require

skill, perseverance, and attention and are valuable in and of themselves, rather

than just for the output they produce, will advance in life.
Science, Technology, and Society


That Sugar Film: Insight Paper

In the documentary That Sugar Film from 2015, it is made abundantly evident

that consuming and producing too much sugar prevents people from achieving

eudaimonia. Eudaimonia, which means "ultimate good," cannot be attained by

indulging in earthly luxuries. People are becoming more conscious of their health

situations as a result of prevalent illnesses and diseases including obesity,

hypertension, diabetes, heart attacks, liver failure, and others. In addition, they strive

to limit meat consumption by using vegetarian patties in place of meat patties that

have the same flavor. There are other low-fat and sugar-free meals and beverages

available. The idea of producing sugar-free and low-fat beverages was developed by

food and beverage firms in response to the growing number of health-conscious

consumers. The documentary shows the hypocrisy of the commonly eaten foods and

beverages, which are far from being nutritious while being preached and supposed

to be such. Yes, the nutrition label lists low-fat, organic, and all other ingredients.

They also include hidden sugar, which affects the body and has been associated to

problems including obesity, teeth decay, insulin resistance, high cholesterol levels,

and heart disease. People were accustomed to eating more sugar than usual since

they were not aware that everything, they ate had a hidden source of sugar. As a

result, efforts to reach eudaimonia are hampered by excessive sugar consumption

and growth.

In conclusion, consuming too much sugar is detrimental to our well-being.

However, consuming sugar in moderation and in conjunction with a good diet can

prevent it from being completely damaging to our bodies. After all, sugar is necessary

for our health. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle involves eating sensibly, working out

frequently, and being aware of our limitations. To achieve eudaimonia, the ultimate

good, it is essential.
Science, Technology, and Society


The Connection

The topic of the paper was the public good, which includes economic

innovation. The government plays a significant role in delivering services including

infrastructure, education, national defense, security, and fire and environmental

protection. These products are sometimes referred to as "public goods." These are

essential for living well, have certain characteristics that prevent people or groups

from being unable to access them, and are designed to be widely available to the

general population. The concept of global public goods may succeed if the definition

of well-being it posits goes beyond the level of the individual. Living well or leading a

good life may relate to both personal lives and the lives of the communities that

people create. The supply of global public goods depends on this notion that the

"good life" of the communities that people create is a basic component of the "good

life" of individual persons.

Science, Technology, and Society



Write down three technological devices that can be found inside household

1. Laptop

2. Printer

3. Cellphone

Explain how these devices occupy your time whenever your inside home.

As a pre-service teacher, the devices mentioned above are supplementary for

my academe purposes. Personally, I cannot function well without my laptop, printer,

and cellular phone. These gadgets help me to produce appealing and well-curated

outputs. It is also significant in terms of blended learning, especially online class

sessions. I can browse freely without the hassle of traveling from my home to places

that offer compensated services such as computer shops, etc. I consider myself as

an intricate person. I am not easily satisfied by rushed schemes. For me, it utters

indolence and impotency. Sufficient and adequate outcomes are obviously seen at

first glance that is why I really acknowledge my gadgets as my holy grail. Living in this

modernized world is a relief because of the development and advancement of


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