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Q1: Initially a gas of diatomic molecules is contained in a cylinder of volume V1 at a pressure

P1 and temperature 250 K. Assuming that 25% of the molecules get dissociated causing a
change in number of moles. The pressure of the resulting gas at temperature 2000 K, when
contained in a volume 2V1 is given by P2. The ratio P2/P1 is _______.
Q1: Initially a gas of diatomic molecules is contained in a cylinder of volume V1 at a pressure
P1 and temperature 250 K. Assuming that 25% of the molecules get dissociated causing a
change in number of moles. The pressure of the resulting gas at temperature 2000 K, when
contained in a volume 2V1 is given by P2. The ratio P2/P1 is _______.


If initially n numbers of moles were there and 25% of molecules get disassociated, then it means that new number of moles
will be 1.25n.


Q2: The root mean square speed of molecules of a given mass of a gas at 27° C and 1
atmosphere pressure is 200 ms–1. The root mean square speed of molecules of the gas at
127° C and 2 atmosphere pressure is ms–1. The value of x will be
Q2: The root mean square speed of molecules of a given mass of a gas at 27° C and 1
atmosphere pressure is 200 ms–1. The root mean square speed of molecules of the gas at
127° C and 2 atmosphere pressure is ms–1. The value of x will be

Q3: A monatomic gas of molar mass 4 grams is kept in an insulated container. Container is
moving with velocity 30 m/s. If container is suddenly stopped then change in temperature of
the gas (R= gas constant) is Value of x is________.
Q3: A monatomic gas of molar mass 4 grams is kept in an insulated container. Container is
moving with velocity 30 m/s. If container is suddenly stopped then change in temperature of
the gas (R= gas constant) is Value of x is________.


Given that mass of gas is 4u hence its molar mass M is 4g/mol

Note: In the original question it was not mentioned that given mass is molar mass. There were some other errors too.
Q4: 0.056 kg of Nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at a temperature of 127oC. The amount of
heat required to double the speed of its molecules is _________k cal.

(Take R = 2 cal mole-1 K-1)

Q4: 0.056 kg of Nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at a temperature of 127oC. The amount of
heat required to double the speed of its molecules is _________k cal.

(Take R = 2 cal mole-1 K-1)



Q5: The total internal energy of two mole monoatomic ideal gas at temperature
will be ______ J. (Given )
Q5: The total internal energy of two mole monoatomic ideal gas at temperature
will be ______ J. (Given )


Q6: At a certain temperature, the degrees of freedom per molecule for gas is 8. The gas
performs 150 J of work when it expands under constant pressure. The amount of heat
absorbed by the gas will be …….. J.
Q6: At a certain temperature, the degrees of freedom per molecule for gas is 8. The gas
performs 150 J of work when it expands under constant pressure. The amount of heat
absorbed by the gas will be …….. J.


W = nR ∆ T = 150 J

Q7: One mole of monatomic gas is mixed with three mole of a diatomic gas. The molecular
specific heat of mixture at constant volume is volume is J/mol K; then the value of α will
be ______, (Assume that the given diatomic gas has no vibration mode)
Q7: One mole of monatomic gas is mixed with three mole of a diatomic gas. The molecular
specific heat of mixture at constant volume is volume is J/mol K; then the value of α will
be ______, (Assume that the given diatomic gas has no vibration mode)

Q8: A gas mixture consists of 3 moles of oxygen and 5 moles of argon at temperature T.
Considering only translational and rotational modes, the total internal energy of the system.
(A) 15 RT

(B) 12 RT

(C) 4 RT

(D) 20 RT
Q8: A gas mixture consists of 3 moles of oxygen and 5 moles of argon at temperature T.
Considering only translational and rotational modes, the total internal energy of the system.
(A) 15 RT

(B) 12 RT

(C) 4 RT

(D) 20 RT


Considering translational and rotational modes, degrees of freedom

Q9: A 25 × 10-3 m3 volume cylinder is filled with 1 mol of O2 gas at room temperature (300 K)
. The molecular diameter of O2, and its root mean square speed, are found to be 0.3 nm and
200 m/s, respectively. What is the average collision rate (per second) for an O2 molecule?
(A) ~1012

(B) ~1011

(C) ~1010

(D) ~1013
Q9: A 25 × 10-3 m3 volume cylinder is filled with 1 mol of O2 gas at room temperature (300 K)
. The molecular diameter of O2, and its root mean square speed, are found to be 0.3 nm and
200 m/s, respectively. What is the average collision rate (per second) for an O2 molecule?
(A) ~1012

(B) ~1011

(C) ~1010

(D) ~1013


The closest value in the given option is = 1010

Q10: Consider a gas of triatomic molecules. The molecules are assumed to be triangular and
made of massless rigid rods whose vertices are occupied by atoms. The internal energy of a
mole of the gas at temperature T is :


(B) 3RT


Q10: Consider a gas of triatomic molecules. The molecules are assumed to be triangular and
made of massless rigid rods whose vertices are occupied by atoms. The internal energy of a
mole of the gas at temperature T is :


(B) 3RT




U = 3nRT n = 1

U = 3RT
Q11: In a dilute gas at pressure P and temperature T, the mean time between successive
collisions of a molecule varies with T as:


(C) T

Q11: In a dilute gas at pressure P and temperature T, the mean time between successive
collisions of a molecule varies with T as:


(C) T



Q12: Two moles of an ideal gas with are mixed with 3 moles of another ideal gas
with . The value of for the mixture is
(A) 1.47

(B) 1.42

(C) 1.45

(D) 1.50
Q12: Two moles of an ideal gas with are mixed with 3 moles of another ideal gas
with . The value of for the mixture is
(A) 1.47

(B) 1.42

(C) 1.45

(D) 1.50

For first gas having

Using formula

Similarly for 2nd gas having

Now of mixture =

Given that and

Q13: Under an adiabatic process, the volume of an ideal gas gets doubled. Consequently, the
mean collision time between the gas molecules changes from to .If for this gas,
then a good estimate for is given by



(D) 2
Q13: Under an adiabatic process, the volume of an ideal gas gets doubled. Consequently, the
mean collision time between the gas molecules changes from to .If for this gas,
then a good estimate for is given by



(D) 2

Relaxation time dependence on volume and temperature can be given by

Also, for an adiabatic process,


Q14: The plot that depicts the behavior of the mean free time 𝜏 (time between two successive
collisions) for the molecules of an ideal gas, as a function of temperature (T), qualitatively, is:
(Graph are schematic and not drawn to scale)


Q14: The plot that depicts the behavior of the mean free time 𝜏 (time between two successive
collisions) for the molecules of an ideal gas, as a function of temperature (T), qualitatively, is:
(Graph are schematic and not drawn to scale)



Q15: Consider two ideal diatomic gases A and B at some temperature T. Molecules of the gas
A are rigid, and have a mass 𝑚. Molecules of the gas B have an additional vibration mode
and have a mass m/4. The ratio of molar specific heat at constant volume of gas A and B is
(A) 7/9

(B) 5/9

(C) 3/5

(D) 5/7
Q15: Consider two ideal diatomic gases A and B at some temperature T. Molecules of the gas
A are rigid, and have a mass 𝑚. Molecules of the gas B have an additional vibration mode
and have a mass m/4. The ratio of molar specific heat at constant volume of gas A and B is
(A) 7/9

(B) 5/9

(C) 3/5

(D) 5/7


We know that,

Molar heat capacity at constant volume, (Where f is degree of freedom)

Since, A is diatomic and rigid, degree of freedom for A is 5

Therefore, Molar heat capacity of A at constant volume

Since, B is diatomic and has extra degree of freedom because of vibration; degree of freedom for B is 5 + 2 × 1 = 7 (1
vibration for each atom).

Therefore, Molar heat capacity of B at constant volume

Ratio of molar specific heat of A and B =

Q16: Two gases-Argon (atomic radius 0.07nm, atomic weight 40) and Xenon (atomic radius
0.1nm, atomic weight 140) have the same number density and are at the same temperature.
The ratio of their respective mean free time is closest to
(A) 4.67

(B) 2.04

(C) 1.83

(D) 3.67
Q16: Two gases-Argon (atomic radius 0.07nm, atomic weight 40) and Xenon (atomic radius
0.1nm, atomic weight 140) have the same number density and are at the same temperature.
The ratio of their respective mean free time is closest to
(A) 4.67

(B) 2.04

(C) 1.83

(D) 3.67


Closest possible answer is 1.83.

Q17: An ideal gas in a closed container is slowly heated. As its temperature increases, which
of the following statements are true ?

(A) The mean free path of the molecules decreases.

(B) the mean collision time between the molecules decreases.

(C) the mean free path remains unchanged.

(D) the mean collision time remains unchanged.

(A) (B) and (C)

(B) (A) and (B)

(C) (C) and (D)

(D) (A) and (D)

Q17: An ideal gas in a closed container is slowly heated. As its temperature increases, which
of the following statements are true ?

(A) The mean free path of the molecules decreases.

(B) the mean collision time between the molecules decreases.

(C) the mean free path remains unchanged.

(D) the mean collision time remains unchanged.

(A) (B) and (C)

(B) (A) and (B)

(C) (C) and (D)

(D) (A) and (D)


Mean free path

No. of molecules

v = volume of container

d = diameter of molecule

N and V are constant

Mean free path remains unchanged.

Now, If T no. of collisions increases.

Q18: To raise the temperature of a certain mass of gas by 50ºC at a constant pressure, 160
calories of heat is required. When the same mass of gas is cooled by 100ºC at constant
volume, 240 calories of heat is released. How many degrees of freedom does each molecule
of this gas have (assume gas to be ideal) ?
(A) 6

(B) 7

(C) 5

(D) 3
Q18: To raise the temperature of a certain mass of gas by 50ºC at a constant pressure, 160
calories of heat is required. When the same mass of gas is cooled by 100ºC at constant
volume, 240 calories of heat is released. How many degrees of freedom does each molecule
of this gas have (assume gas to be ideal) ?
(A) 6

(B) 7

(C) 5

(D) 3


Q19: Match the Cp/Cv ratio for ideal gases with different type of molecule;

Molecule Type Cp/Cv

(A) Monoatomic (I) 7/5
(B) Diatomic rigid molecules (II) 9/7
(C) Diatomic non-rigid molecules (III) 4/3
(D) Triatomic rigid molecules (IV) 5/3

(A) A-III; B-IV; C-II; D-I

(B) A-IV; B-II; C-I; D-III

(C) A-II; B-III; C-I; D-IV

(D) A-IV; B-I; C-II; D-III

Q19: Match the Cp/Cv ratio for ideal gases with different type of molecule;

Molecule Type Cp/Cv

(A) Monoatomic (I) 7/5
(B) Diatomic rigid molecules (II) 9/7
(C) Diatomic non-rigid molecules (III) 4/3
(D) Triatomic rigid molecules (IV) 5/3

(A) A-III; B-IV; C-II; D-I

(B) A-IV; B-II; C-I; D-III

(C) A-II; B-III; C-I; D-IV

(D) A-IV; B-I; C-II; D-III


Q20: Number of molecules in a volume of 4 cm3 of a perfect monoatomic gas at some

temperature T and at a pressure of 2 cm of mercury is close to ? (Given, mean kinetic energy
of a molecule (at T) is 4 × 10–14 erg, g = 980 cm/s2, density of mercury = 13.6 g/cm3)
(A) 4.0 × 1018

(B) 4.0 × 106

(C) 5.8 × 1016

(D) 5.8 × 1018

Q20: Number of molecules in a volume of 4 cm3 of a perfect monoatomic gas at some
temperature T and at a pressure of 2 cm of mercury is close to ? (Given, mean kinetic energy
of a molecule (at T) is 4 × 10–14 erg, g = 980 cm/s2, density of mercury = 13.6 g/cm3)
(A) 4.0 × 1018

(B) 4.0 × 106

(C) 5.8 × 1016

(D) 5.8 × 1018


Q21: If one mole of the polyatomic gas is having two vibrational modes and is the ratio of
molar specific heats for polyatomic gas , then the value of is:

(A) 1.02

(B) 1.20

(C) 1.25

(D) 1.35
Q21: If one mole of the polyatomic gas is having two vibrational modes and is the ratio of
molar specific heats for polyatomic gas , then the value of is:

(A) 1.02

(B) 1.20

(C) 1.25

(D) 1.35


Assuming non linear molecule:

Q22: On the basis of kinetic theory of gases, the gas exerts pressure because its molecules :
(A) continuously lose their energy till it reaches wall.

(B) are attracted by the walls of container

(C) continuously stick to the walls of container.

(D) suffer change in momentum when impinge on the walls of container.

Q22: On the basis of kinetic theory of gases, the gas exerts pressure because its molecules :
(A) continuously lose their energy till it reaches wall.

(B) are attracted by the walls of container

(C) continuously stick to the walls of container.

(D) suffer change in momentum when impinge on the walls of container.


From the assumption of KTG, the molecules of gas collide with the walls and suffers momentum change which results in force
on the wall and hence pressure.

Hence option (d) is correct.

Q23: The internal energy (U), pressure (P) and volume (V) of an ideal gas are related as U =
3PV + 4. The gas is ( Ignore vibrational degree of freedom )
(A) Diatomic only

(B) Polyatomic only

(C) Either monoatomic or diatomic

(D) Monoatomic only

Q23: The internal energy (U), pressure (P) and volume (V) of an ideal gas are related as U =
3PV + 4. The gas is ( Ignore vibrational degree of freedom )
(A) Diatomic only

(B) Polyatomic only

(C) Either monoatomic or diatomic

(D) Monoatomic only

Q24: Calculate the value of mean free path (λ) for oxygen molecules at temperature 27°C and
pressure 1.01 × 105 Pa. Assume the molecular diameter 0.3 nm and the gas is ideal. (k =
1.38 × 10–23 JK–1)
(A) 86 nm

(B) 102 nm

(C) 32 nm

(D) 58 nm
Q24: Calculate the value of mean free path (λ) for oxygen molecules at temperature 27°C and
pressure 1.01 × 105 Pa. Assume the molecular diameter 0.3 nm and the gas is ideal. (k =
1.38 × 10–23 JK–1)
(A) 86 nm

(B) 102 nm

(C) 32 nm

(D) 58 nm


putting all the values and solving them

Q25: A non linear polyatomic ideal gas has 24 vibrational modes. What is the value of
(A) 1.03

(B) 1.30

(C) 1.37

(D) 10.3
Q25: A non linear polyatomic ideal gas has 24 vibrational modes. What is the value of
(A) 1.03

(B) 1.30

(C) 1.37

(D) 10.3


Since each vibrational modes has 2 degrees of freedom hence total vibrational degrees of freedom = 48
f = 3(T) + 3(R) + 24×2(V) = 54

f = 3 + 3 + 48 = 54

Note: Some assumptions have been added in the original question.

Original Question: A polyatomic ideal gas has 24 vibrational modes. What is the value of ?

(a) 1.03

(b) 1.30

(c) 1.37

(d) 10.3
Q26: Two ideal polyatomic gases at temperatures and are mixed so that there is no
loss of energy. If and , and , and be the degrees of freedom, masses,
number of molecules of the first and second gas respectively, the temperature of mixture of
these two gases is:



Q26: Two ideal polyatomic gases at temperatures and are mixed so that there is no
loss of energy. If and , and , and be the degrees of freedom, masses,
number of molecules of the first and second gas respectively, the temperature of mixture of
these two gases is:





Let the final temperature of the mixture be T. Since, there is no loss in energy.

Q27: What will be the average value of energy along one degree of freedom for an ideal gas
in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T? ( is Boltzmann constant)



Q27: What will be the average value of energy along one degree of freedom for an ideal gas
in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T? ( is Boltzmann constant)





From the law of equipartition of energy, it states that the energy associated with each degree of freedom is
Q28: The relation between root mean square speed and most probable speed
for the molar mass M of oxygen gas molecule at the temperature of will be:



Q28: The relation between root mean square speed and most probable speed
for the molar mass M of oxygen gas molecule at the temperature of will be:





Q29: The ratio of specific heats in terms of degree of freedom (f) is given by:




Q29: The ratio of specific heats in terms of degree of freedom (f) is given by:






The internal energy for 1 mole of gas is given as 

where f is degrees of freedom


Q30: A flask contains argon and oxygen in the ratio of 3 : 2 in mass and the mixture is kept at
The ratio of their average kinetic energy per molecule respectively.
(A) 3:5

(B) 9:4

(C) 2:3

(D) 1:1
Q30: A flask contains argon and oxygen in the ratio of 3 : 2 in mass and the mixture is kept at
The ratio of their average kinetic energy per molecule respectively.
(A) 3:5

(B) 9:4

(C) 2:3

(D) 1:1


Remark: Ratio of average transnational kinetic energy per molecule = 1 : 1.

Q31: According to kinetic theory of gazes.
A. The motion of the gas molecules freezes at 0oC.

B. The mean free path of gas molecules decreases if the density of molecules is increased.

C. The mean free path of gas molecules increases if temperature is increased keeping
pressure constant.

D. Average kinetic energy per molecule per degree of freedom is (for monoatomic
gases). Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) A and C only

(B) B and C only

(C) A and B only

(D) C and D only

Q31: According to kinetic theory of gazes.
A. The motion of the gas molecules freezes at 0oC.

B. The mean free path of gas molecules decreases if the density of molecules is increased.

C. The mean free path of gas molecules increases if temperature is increased keeping
pressure constant.

D. Average kinetic energy per molecule per degree of freedom is (for monoatomic
gases). Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) A and C only

(B) B and C only

(C) A and B only

(D) C and D only


Mean free path

Q32: A vessel contains 16 g of hydrogen and 128 g of oxygen at standard temperature and
pressure. The volume of the vessel in cm3 is:
(A) 72 x 105

(B) 32 x 105

(C) 27 x 104

(D) 54 x 104
Q32: A vessel contains 16 g of hydrogen and 128 g of oxygen at standard temperature and
pressure. The volume of the vessel in cm3 is:
(A) 72 x 105

(B) 32 x 105

(C) 27 x 104

(D) 54 x 104


Number of moles of Hydrogen

Number of moles of

PV = nRT

Where pressure P = 1 atm = 1.01 x 105 Pa (STP)

Q33: 7 mole of certain monoatomic ideal gas undergoes a temperature increase of 40K at
constant pressure. The increase in the internal energy of the gas in this process is

(Given R = 8.3 JK–1 mol–1)

(A) 5810 J

(B) 3486 J

(C) 11620 J

(D) 6972 J
Q33: 7 mole of certain monoatomic ideal gas undergoes a temperature increase of 40K at
constant pressure. The increase in the internal energy of the gas in this process is

(Given R = 8.3 JK–1 mol–1)

(A) 5810 J

(B) 3486 J

(C) 11620 J

(D) 6972 J


For a quasi-static process the change in internal energy of an ideal gas is

[molar heat capacity at constant for mono atomic gas = ]

Q34: A gas has n degrees of freedom. The ratio of specific heat of gas at constant volume to
the specific heat of gas at constant pressure will be :



Q34: A gas has n degrees of freedom. The ratio of specific heat of gas at constant volume to
the specific heat of gas at constant pressure will be :





Q35: Same gas is filled in two vessels of the same volume at the same temperature. If the
ratio of the number of molecules is 1:4, then

A. The r.m.s. velocity of gas molecules in two vessels will be the same.

B. The ratio of pressure in these vessels will be 1 : 4

C. The ratio of pressure will be 1 : 1

D. The r.m.s. velocity of gas molecules in two vessels will be in the ratio of 1 : 4
(A) A and C only

(B) B and D only

(C) A and B only

(D) C and D only

Q35: Same gas is filled in two vessels of the same volume at the same temperature. If the
ratio of the number of molecules is 1:4, then

A. The r.m.s. velocity of gas molecules in two vessels will be the same.

B. The ratio of pressure in these vessels will be 1 : 4

C. The ratio of pressure will be 1 : 1

D. The r.m.s. velocity of gas molecules in two vessels will be in the ratio of 1 : 4
(A) A and C only

(B) B and D only

(C) A and B only

(D) C and D only





Ans [A and B only are correct]

Q36: Which statements are correct about degrees of freedom?

(A) A molecule with n degrees of freedom has n2 different ways of storing energy.

(B) Each degree of freedom is associated with average energy per mole.

(C) A monoatomic gas molecule has 1 rotational degree of freedom where as diatomic
molecule has 2 rotational degrees of freedom

(D) CH4 has a total to 6 degrees of freedom Choose the correct answer from the option given
(A) B and C only

(B) B and D only

(C) A and B only

(D) C and D only

Q36: Which statements are correct about degrees of freedom?

(A) A molecule with n degrees of freedom has n2 different ways of storing energy.

(B) Each degree of freedom is associated with average energy per mole.

(C) A monoatomic gas molecule has 1 rotational degree of freedom where as diatomic
molecule has 2 rotational degrees of freedom

(D) CH4 has a total to 6 degrees of freedom Choose the correct answer from the option given
(A) B and C only

(B) B and D only

(C) A and B only

(D) C and D only


Methane molecule is tetrahedron

Degree of freedom due to rotation = 3

Degree of freedom due to translation = 3
Q37: Given below are two statements :

Statement I :The average momentum of a molecule in a sample of an ideal gas depends on


Statement II : The rms speed of oxygen molecules in a gas is v. If the temperature is doubled
and the oxygen molecules dissociate into oxygen atoms, the rms speed will become 2v. In the
light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true

(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false

(C) Statement I is true but Statement II is false

(D) Statement I is false but Statement II is true

Q37: Given below are two statements :

Statement I :The average momentum of a molecule in a sample of an ideal gas depends on


Statement II : The rms speed of oxygen molecules in a gas is v. If the temperature is doubled
and the oxygen molecules dissociate into oxygen atoms, the rms speed will become 2v. In the
light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true

(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false

(C) Statement I is true but Statement II is false

(D) Statement I is false but Statement II is true


due to random motion

Q38: A vessel contains 14 g of nitrogen gas at a temperature of 27°C. The amount of heat to
be transferred to the gap to double the r.m.s. speed of its molecules will be : (Take R = 8.32 J
mol-1 k-1)
(A) 2229 J

(B) 5616 J

(C) 9360 J

(D) 13,104 J
Q38: A vessel contains 14 g of nitrogen gas at a temperature of 27°C. The amount of heat to
be transferred to the gap to double the r.m.s. speed of its molecules will be : (Take R = 8.32 J
mol-1 k-1)
(A) 2229 J

(B) 5616 J

(C) 9360 J

(D) 13,104 J


Q39: The root mean square speed of smoke particles of mass 5 × 10-17 kg in their Brownian
motion in air at NTP is approximately. [Given k = 1.38 × 10-23 JK-1]
(A) 60 mm s-1

(B) 12 mm s-1

(C) 15 mm s-1

(D) 36 mm s-1
Q39: The root mean square speed of smoke particles of mass 5 × 10-17 kg in their Brownian
motion in air at NTP is approximately. [Given k = 1.38 × 10-23 JK-1]
(A) 60 mm s-1

(B) 12 mm s-1

(C) 15 mm s-1

(D) 36 mm s-1


Q40: Following statements are given:

(1) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule decreases when the temperature is

(2) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule increases with increase in pressure at
constant temperature.

(3) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule decreases with increases in volume.

(4) Pressure of a gas increases with increase in temperature at constant pressure.

(5) The volume of gas decreases with increase in temperature. Choose the correct answer
from the options given below:
(A) (1) and (4) only

(B) (1), (2) and (4) only

(C) (2) and (4) only

(D) (1), (2) and (5) only

Q40: Following statements are given:

(1) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule decreases when the temperature is

(2) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule increases with increase in pressure at
constant temperature.

(3) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule decreases with increases in volume.

(4) Pressure of a gas increases with increase in temperature at constant pressure.

(5) The volume of gas decreases with increase in temperature. Choose the correct answer
from the options given below:
(A) (1) and (4) only

(B) (1), (2) and (4) only

(C) (2) and (4) only

(D) (1), (2) and (5) only


Note: Statement (4) is correct only if we consider it at constant volume and not constant pressure. Ideally, this question must
be bonus but most appropriate answer is option (A).
Q41: Given below are two statements:

Statement I: In a diatomic molecule, the rotational energy at a given temperature obeys

Maxwell's distribution.

Statement II: In a diatomic molecule, the rotational energy at a given temperature equals the
translational kinetic energy for each molecule.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true.

(B) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

(C) Both Statement I and Statement II are false.

(D) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.

Q41: Given below are two statements:

Statement I: In a diatomic molecule, the rotational energy at a given temperature obeys

Maxwell's distribution.

Statement II: In a diatomic molecule, the rotational energy at a given temperature equals the
translational kinetic energy for each molecule.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true.

(B) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

(C) Both Statement I and Statement II are false.

(D) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.


Translational degree of freedom = 3

Rotational degree of freedom = 2

The translational kinetic energy & rotational kinetic energy both obey Maxwell’s distribution independent of each other. 

So, second statement is false.

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