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J2EE Developer
Ph #: 8637327307
Professional Summary:
 4 years of IT experience in analysis, design, development, testing and deployment of web - based and
Enterprise based Client-Server business application using Java/J2EE technologies.
 Diverse experience utilizing tools in N-tier and Microservices architecture applications using Spring Boot, Spring
Cloud config, AWS, Kafka, My SQL, Restful Web Services.
 Superior project implementation skills using Java 7/8/11, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, JSTL, RMI, Spring, JavaScript, XML
(SAX, DOM), Webservices, JMS, Java Mail, JAX-B, WSDL, SOAP, RESTFul, JSON, Hibernate.
 Expertise in the implementation of Core Java SE 11 concepts like utility methods, local-Variable Syntax for
Lambda Parameters, Nested Based Access Control and Reading/Writing Strings to and from the Files.
 Experience with Spring Framework, which includes usage of IoC/Dependency Injection and different Spring
modules like Core Container, Data Access/Integration, Web and AOP in Web applications
 Extensive knowledge of XML-based standards and protocols (such as WSDL and SOAP), Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA), development of XSD schemas and implementing both SOAP and REST web services.
 Expert in Core Java with in - depth knowledge of Core Java concepts such as Multithreading, Synchronization,
Collections and Event/Exception handling.
 Proficient in using IDE tools like Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite (STS) and various plugins such as Find bugs
for code quality, SOAP-UI for web service testing.
 Experience of Build & Deployment phases and usage of Continuous Integration (CI/CD) tools and Build tool
 Skilled in developing enterprise application testing with JUnit and logging with Log4J for n-tier component Based
enterprise Web Applications.
 Expertise of Relational DBMS like MySQL, Oracle SQL (PL/SQL), SQL Server (MS SQL), DB2 and knowledge
on NoSQL DB like MongoDB.
 Experience on version control tools like GitHub and Git.
 Ability to Communicate Effectively with all levels of the Organization such as Technical, Management and
Customers and presented Technical Designs and strategies through daily Operations Meetings.

Technical Skills:
Languages Java 7/8/11
Tools & Framework Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring JDBC, Spring Transaction
Management, Spring AOP. Spring batch, Spring Security, Spring, AOP, Hibernate, JSF,
Log4J, Jasper reports, Soap UI
Cloud AWS
Databases Oracle, DB2, MySQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server
IDE Tools Eclipse, Intellij, Spring Tool Suite
Version Control CVS, SVN and Git, Star UML, Rational Rose and MS Visio.
Build Tools ANT, Maven, Gradle and Jenkins.
IDE Tools Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ
Methodologies Agile, Waterfall, TDD
Operating System Windows, iOS, Android

Professional Experience:
Client: Credit Suisse, Raleigh, NC June 2022 – Till Date
Role: Full Stack Developer
 Worked in aggressive co-located Agile environment with two-week sprints and was responsible for designing
and developing several critical user stories.
 Analysed, coded and tested jobs on UAT environment by using Tectia(Unix server), and migrated into new
 Using a Shell Script Automating the code compiling process. Running a program or creting a program
 Used Spring Batch to process large Volumes of records, include logging/tracing, transction management.
 Deploy and configure daily iterative builds of application into Unix server environment for multipe feature
deployment teams.
 Used GIT as source control management giving a huge speed dvantage on centralized system that must
communicate with a server and Jira as issue tracking tool.
Environment: Spring, Spring Boot, Tectia, DBeaver, shell script, Oracle, GIT, Spring Tool Suite, Maven,
Jenkins,Jira,Agile, Windows

Client: Reliant Bank, Brentwood, TN Feb 2021 – May 2022

Role: J2EE Developer
 Involved in analysis, specification, design, and implementation and testing phases of Software Development Life
Cycle (SDLC) and used agile methodology (SCRUM) for developing application
 Refactored the existing code to Java 11, Used Features like Utility Methods, Nested Based Access Control, and
Local Variable Syntax for lambda Parameters.
 Designed and developed Micro Services to divide application into business components using Spring Boot.
 Design and API-development on Java 11 of multi-tier applications involving J2EE technologies like Spring MVC,
Spring Boot along with Spring AOP using Advice, Aspects and AOP processor
 Implemented Restful web services using JAX-RS annotations, Jersey as provider and implemented security using
OAuth 2.
 Mapped the Java POJO classes with SQL tables using ORM framework, like SPRING DATA and JPA.
 Used Microservice with Spring Boot interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message
 Developed the application using Visual Studio as the IDE and used its features for editing, debugging,
compiling, formatting, build automation
 Used AWS SDK for connection to Amazon S3 buckets as it is used as the object storage service to store and
retrieve the media files related to the application.
 Using Maven and deployment configurations and dependency management done in pom file.
 Deploy and configure daily iterative builds of applications into Tomcat server environments for multiple feature
deployment teams
 Created new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers and required
SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.
 Deploy and configure daily iterative builds of Java SE11 applications into Tomcat server environments
 Used GIT as source control management giving a huge speed advantage on centralized systems that must
communicate with a server and Jira as issue tracking tool.
Environment: Java 11, Spring, Spring Boot, Microservices, Spring Data JPA, Spring DAO, Spring AOP, OAuth, AWS,
Oracle, Apache Kafka, Visual Studio, Apache Tomcat Server, Jira, Maven, Jenkins, GIT, Agile, Windows.

Client: Advance Auto Parts, Raleigh, NC Oct 2019 – Jan 2021

Role: J2EE Developer
 Participated in Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle
 Designed dynamic client-side Java 8 codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page
navigation and form validation.
 Building Microservice systems by utilizing Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Security.
 Developed the Application Components using Spring, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP,
Spring Security, and Oracle.
 Integrated Spring Security with Spring JDBC to manage user login and access control and allowed for third-party
authorization provided by OAuth2.
 Build the application based on new features of Java JDK 1.8 like (annotations, collections, date/Time changes,
Stream and Lambda Expression).
 Created and injected Spring services, Spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire
objects of business classes.
 Used Spring Batch to process large volumes of records, including logging/tracing, transaction management.
 Implemented CRUD operations with Spring Data and connected to data source using Spring JDBC.
 Used MAVEN to define the dependencies and build the application and used JUnit for suite execution and
 Written REST Web services in Java wrapped by Jersey JAX-RS.
 Worked with GIT Version control system to track various aspects of the project.
 Used Log4j for development and run time debugging of the application.
 Worked on Jira for User requirements and used Jira as bug tracking tools.
Environment: Java 8, Spring, Spring Boot, Microservices, Spring JDBC, Spring DI, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring
Transaction Management, AWS, JAX-RS, Oracle, GIT, Spring Tool Suite, Maven, Jenkins, Jira, Agile, Windows.

Client: Elephant Insurance, Richmond, VA Jan 2019 – Sep 2019

Role: J2EE Developer
 Worked in aggressive co-located Agile environment with two-week sprints and was responsible for designing
and developing several critical user stories.
 Developed SOAP based JAX-WS Web Service interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability.
 Used various core concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection API's to implement
various features.
 Extensively involved in writing Object relational mapping code using hibernate, developed Hibernate mapping
files for configuring Hibernate POJOs for relational mapping.
 Used Spring MVC as Web module, involved in design, development of new Action classes to interact with
business logic and Used Hibernate as ORM to map Java classes to data base tables.
 Used various Core Java concepts such as Exception Handling, Collection API's to implement various features and
 Worked on PL/SQL and created views, triggers, functions and stored procedures where ever necessary to
improve the performance in MySQL database.
 Used Log4J for logging all the application exceptions and debugging statements.
 Created persistence layer using Hibernate for sending and retrieving data from the database.
 Involved in day-to-day handling of JIRA issues (production issues at time) that involved data inconsistencies that
required to be solved in very less time.
Environment: Java 7, Spring, IOC, JSP, JSTL, JSON, XML, JAXB, MySQL, Log4j, Maven, GIT, Windows.

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