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READING COMPREHENSION HANDOUT (Introduction to Reading Comprehension) Ref: RCHO3532001 Objectives of this class: 4, This class introduces you to the Reading Comprehension part of your Law Entrance Test prep. 2, The class is designed to help you:- + Read and summarize the text in your own words, ‘© Answer questions (though some of them are not presented in an exam format). ‘© Got a first hand experience of the various dimensions ~ length of the passage, depth of the passage, question types, etc. of the Reading Comprehension contex's and questions. 3,__ The class DOES NOT expect you to be able to answer questions. Directions for questions 1 and 2: Read the folowing passages and wile the summary. Koalari or Kalaripayattu of ancient India is the world’s oldast martial art Infact, its the mother of all martial ats in the World, This art is ssid to have had its origin in Rishi Agastya and in Parashurama, Agastya is a great name in Ayurveda ~ the main indian medical system, Kalai means batlofield. Kalaripayaitu means, ‘practising the arts of the battlefield’. Students start with unarmed kicks and punches, then would gracuete to sticks, swords, spears and daggers and finally study the ‘marmas.. Marmam is a pressure point in the human body and experienced practitoners can disable or kill their opponents by a mere touch at the opponent's Marmam. This technique also known as 'marma kalai is taught only to level-headed persons, to prevent its misuse, 1. Write the summary of the above passage in 30 words, ‘Summarise the text you have just read in about 30 words: PASSAGE - II Ancient Buddhist monks who travelled from India to China, to spread Buddhism, are said to have taught these martial arts {o the Chinese, For instance, one of the Buddhist monks, Bodhi Dharma was a Kalaripayatiu master himselt, From his native Kancheepuram in South Indian state of Tamilnadu, he went to China in 622 AD to the court of Chinose ‘emperor Liang Nuti, He taught Kalaripayattu at the Shaolin menastery to the Buddhist monks, The Shaolin temple itself was founded by an Indian Dhyana master Budchabhadra, The Discovery Channel says, “possibly the oldest martial art in the worid, Kalaripayattu is still being practised widely today in the Indian state of Kerala, Shaolin chuan is said to have evolved from Kalaripayatiu.” 2. Write @ summaty of the above passage in 30 words. ‘Summarise the text you have just read in about 30 words: © Tilumphant insite of Management Education Pvi. Ltd. (GAME), 95D, Siidamsetty Complex, Pork Lane, Secunderabad ~ 500 003 Allsightsrescrved, No pat of this material may be reproduced, in aay form or by any means without permission ia wating ‘This course material is only forthe tse of borafide students of Trlumphant Institute of Managomert Education Pt. Ltd. and its licensees! franchisees anal not forsale, (4 pages) (aneutanev) RCHO3S3001/1 Directions for questions 3 10 35: Read each passage carefully and choose the best answer for questions that follow i PASSAGE -1 Arad of beg hound by his dood it's ghost, once a prisoner made an unusual request othe all authorities = 1 have his ja cet etter Kt While many might regard ths a8 pure parenola thre are some who understand exacy what he's experiencing. 8, do ghost omy ols? Whi cern bene thal ere tsa song supernatural presence a around Us, oli the fear of anicpaton wich fs mre teonsng, The fing of, What Fi soo a ghost Te much more scarier than actually coming face to face with one, Twenty years ago lang before the Holywood fl, ‘The Sich Sense creed the whole I see dead poor itzkieg Pia simna know sho was diferent rom tne other O-yearoldsn her class. Pa says,“ was looked upan as a teak tmenover ot peope thal cau eee and even corneree wih groet, Even my pares wanted mofo get proeesona help. Today, a lot of people ~ sometimes even doctors - come to me, requesting me to conduct a seance so that they tan gotin touch nin tne dead ones Is sronge ow non-belevers bacorne bolovers when fey want someting Wile the supernatural haa ts bolvers, many mental heath experts debunk such claims. According to them, the reasone fr such bolels er vaiod en detached from realty Very ofien a trauma suchas the det of someene Close can tigger of halichtons and psychosis “ahisn-can. be termed as Post Trauma. Sess. Dore Sven reectont shat aftr proper couneling ard madtaton, People who baleve in the oxeunce of ghosts and er ‘supernetural elements are conditoned by the environment they live in, They externalise these beliefs by giving them tron and a shape The thee ee thoke nao ore ambivalent Whether ty Steve nthe exstonce of sts ore thoy donot agpute oer’ Gains Unita few hundred years ago, people believed thatthe earh was fa but ey were proven wrong. Alhough | ha ever boon a gost, | belle tha te day may be wey Cqestonag supematural bolefs and reasoning wth te cacldody ueagonable coninaes, one queeton stl romans Cranewored fe hore something of more mpestanly eomeone cut here? 3, Mental health experts who do not believe in the 8 The author feels that a ‘ghost’ may not be as scary fexislence of ghosts are not ambivalent. Yes/No. a8 people believe it to be, YesiNo 4, The prisoner mentioned in the passage, probably believes that ghosts haunt only derk places, 9. Pia Sinha was the inspiration behind the making of YesiNo the movie, ‘The Sixth Sense’ YesiNo 5. According to mental health experts, ghosts exist 10. The society in which a person lives, determines cly in poople’s imagination, YesiNo hismner baliet in ghosts. YesiNo 8. Most people do not believe in the existence of 414, Nen-believers in ghosts respond wel to counseling ghosts. ‘YesiNo and medication, Yes/No ‘The word ‘decd’ in that lat paragraph implios that the society believes inthe existence of ghosts ‘YesiNo 12, Until non, there is no strong evidence to prove the existence of ghosts YesiNo. PASSAGE —1 Ir you've found yourself postponing or procrastinating important tasks over and over again, you're not alone. In fact, many poople procrastinate to some extont but somo are so seriously affected by procrastination that & stops thom from echieving success and disrupts their career. in simple terms, you procrastinate when you postpone things that you should be focusing on right now, usually for doing somthing that's more easy and enjoyable Procrastination is a ccmnslex psychological behaviour that atfocts everyone to some degree or another. In some it can be a minor problem, whereas in ethers it causes stress and anxiety. Procrestination is not related to time management as procrastnalorsojten know exacily what they should be doing “Tho procrastinators often overconfident about Ns abilly to compete a task on a tght doactine, Ho feels that everything is under contro therfore, there is no need to start. For exemple, he may estimate that it wl take only five days 10 Complete a paper, he has fiteen days: there is plenty of time and hence no need to star. Time passes ard at some Poini, he crosses over an imaginary staring time and suddenly realizes thal there isnt enough time. At this point, he starts working on the task and works hard fo complete it. Then there is the erroneous feeling tha, “I only work well Under pressure.” Actualy, af this point the procrastinator is making progress only because he has no other choice Procrastinators viock as many hour in the day as other people, and often work longer, but they work on the wrong tasks 1s they don't understand the diference between urgort tasks and important tasks, Apart from this, another common cause of procrastination is fooling ovarwhelmed by the task, You may not know whero to begin. Or you may doubl whether you have the skis necessary fo complete the task, So, you seek comfort in dong other tasks that you find inerasting and know thai you're capable of completing “To get nd of procrastination, you need to fist realze that you are doing it. Then you need to kéentity the reason for and take appropriate stops to overcome it 13. People who postpone tasks, sometimes do not realise that they are procrastinators. ‘YosiNo 14, Procrastinators are practcaly indotent Yes/No ‘Tromphantinatiae of Management Education Pvt Lid (MAE) HO, 951, 2" Floor, SxManaeity Complen, Secunderabad 500 008 ‘Tel 1(40_40088400_ Fax 2040 2784734 emall infosatinotedueatin com _webslte www:tinetedueationcom —_ RCMORS2001/2 48, Procrastinators generally avoid tasks because they are either boring or difcut, YesiNo 16. Procrastinators do 60! themselves an imaginary time to begin a task ‘YesiNo 17, Every person is a procrastinatr, Yos!No 18, Procrastinators do not enjoy a successful coraer, ‘Yes/No PASSAGE 19, Confusion is one of the reasons for procrastination. YesiNo 20. Procrastinators are often overconfident. Yes/No 21. Procrastinators start working on important tasks only inthe last minute, YesiNo 22, Procrastinators feel that they cannot work well under pressure. YesiNo 1 This wook's security scandal ie the discovery that every household with wif in this country has @ network that isnt really private. For 13 years, a weakress has lurked in the supposedly secure way in which wirsless networks carry our Information, Although the WPA2 socurty scheme was supposed to be mathematically proven to be uncrackable, it turns ‘out that the mechanism by which it can compensate for weak signals can be compromised, and when that happens, it might as well be unencrypted. Practically every router, every laptop and every mobile phone is now potential y exposed. Wis not a catastrophic flaw: the attacker has to be within range of the wifi they are attacking. Most email and chat ‘guarded by end-to-end encryption is stil protected from eavesdroppers. Since both ends of a wif connection need to be brought up to date to be fixed, itis no longer safe to assume that any wifi connection is entirely private The story is a reminder of just how much we all now raly on the hidden mechanisms of software engineering in our ‘everyday |ivos, and just how complex these complexities are, The fact that it ook 13 years for ths weakness to bi found and publicised shows that no one entirely understands the systems that we all now take for granted. Also this week, a flaw was discovered in one of the widely used chips that are supposed to produce the gigantic and completely random numbers which are needed to make strong encryption truly unbreakable, Even the antivirus systems that many Users hope wil protect them can be tured inside out, ‘And then, there are the known unknowns. It is estimated that there will be 21bn things connected to the intemet by 2020, from baby monitors and door locks to cars and fridges, Billons of these are unprotected and will remain that way. But this kind of technological failure should not blind us to the real dangers of the digital world, The information about cursolves that we freely give away on social media, or on dating sites, is far more comprehensive, and far more potentially damaging, than anything which could be picked up by a lurking wifi hacker. The leak of milions of user accounts from Equifax, the credit reference agency, is only the most recent exampie of the plundering of personal Information by erminals, ‘Such hacks might be regarded as the outcome of technical wizardry, but are dependont on human shortcomings in recognising and fixing security flaws. Others would be impossible without tricking real users out of their passwords first. In criminal hands, social engineering beats software engineering every time, and the problems of the intemet cannot etiroly be solved by technical means. Until we design for human nature, no perfection of machinery can save us, 23, It can be inferred from the passage that 25, Which of the following is the moaning of (1) information could be stolen from any device connectod to wif (2) only those devices that are not updated are unsafe from snoopers. (8) it's likey that eavesdroppers are interested in credit card and bank dotails only, (4) it took snoopers 19 years to crack WPA2 security system, 24, V/hat are the known unknowns referred to here? (1) The devices which most users do not even Notice are connected fo the internet (2) Things that people do not know (3) Things that people take for granted (4) Baby monitors, door locks, cars and fridges ‘social engineering’ as used in he passage? (1) Revealing confidential information {2) Efforts mace to in uence altitudes of people @) Bringing about social changes (@) An attack vector that relies on human inleraction and involves. tricking people into breaking into security procedures. 26, Which of the following, according to the author, requires utmost protection? (1) Human weaknesses (2) Personal data (8) Security devices (4) Allelectronie « 27. The passage ends on a note of 1) optimism: (2) pessimism connected to the internet (3) cauten, (8) advice. PASSAGE -1V [kis universally believed that, wth Grosce, the East and Middle East wore also birthplaces of scientific study. However, itis also accepted that, in the last three centuries, Western science developed cartain features that enabled it to crive development in the Western world, What made the science of Europe cistinctive from the seventeenth century onwards = unprecedented in the west, unparalled in the east ~ was more complex then a mere alliance with confidence in the evidence of the senses. Quantification was important, too; Indeed, as things have tumed out, the rmarriago of scienco and mathomatics now looks ~ from a iwontioth-century perspective — to bo a more ondunng and influential feature of seventeenth-century science even than the revival of experimental habits. The mechanization of science and awareness of iis applications to technical problems could persuasively be said to be decisive ingredients Which made western science special, liking it to the precocious industriaization of some western countries and 0 to the briet miitary and economic hegemony they enjoyed in the world in recent times. ‘Triomphani institute of Managernont Education Pv Ltd. TakMsBo) HO, 958, 2” Floor, Suidanncty Conqle, Secundsaad ~ 500103, Tel: 040 40088400 _Fax 040 27847344 emul: iniadatimededucaion.om_mebaite: ww.tineteducationsam —_ RCHOIS32000/3 28. According to the passage, the 17° century saw (3) @ scientific method more significant than significant changes take place in scientfic study in empirical study. Europe, one of which was (4) an unlikely coalescence, (1) a synthesis of western and eastem thought (6) 2 vestigial feature from 47" century science. (@)_analiance betwean 2 prevaleréschols aftnaucht. 59, According to the passage, the marriage of science {) inereased lance on physical evden, {@ stimaton cf cbeorvaion and cxparmenaten «ad ahemalce can be coaidared to. have se moths of eon stu. ‘uit al the olowng except (5) increased confidence in scientific theory. (1) the mechanization of science. (2) the appioby of scenceo ares of techno. 29, The use of numerical units of measurement to study (2) persuading skeptics of the validity of the ile mothod and explain aspacts of science is now considered ~ seient (1) a feature of 20! century scientific perspective. (4) a pariad of dorinence ofthe westem schol of @) #3 lng sing a Teste of seine sb. 08 eho PASSAGE ~V ‘The capabties that scinlts have developed fo engineer he ganstic of plans nd animals could have a profound Impact on the contol of Ieecis and Ineec-eleled Gseates, Gre approach would be to Invaduce, Ino the pest population, indvuals thal have been genelcaly aller fo camry genes tha rte wth reproduction. Researchers fre also evaluating the possibilty of replacing natal mosquito popuatons with populabors that are unable to suppor nara parasite development. Faction, wrk is unde wey to produce miles and insects hal are hgh effective homie of crop pest, For nslace a transgene version ofa mes helping toon spider mts hn elmond orcharts There re, however, associated concema. One is that ethopods.( contas| a tranaperc craps) have the ably fo take sudden changes nner dels and even in ter genes, coves vith te ac het they San reaaly move fom one area o anchor. Furhemero,k may be tat fe foreign geno fem the geneal engineered organism can be transtrred to otrr arthropod species. Other researchers are directing their attention to functional analysis of the ganes that assure the virulence of various parasites. One of the most vicious malaria parasites, for exemple, protects itself by manufacturing a protein that expels drugs before they can be fully effective, Having entiied and isolated these genes, scientists are attempting to develoo ‘a compouns that wil interfere with the action of the protein. This is urn, should permit engineering the genes within the Parasite to elthor prevent or reverse the rosistance of these organisms to various drugs, In related stucies, genetic engineers have achieved impressive sticcesses in designing agricultural plants with improved resistance to insects and viruses. Inialy such efforts were directed to improving plant resistance, Today the aim has been expanded to include protecting the harvested crop. In certain crops (cereal grains, beans, peas) weevils and other insects can cause losses during storage equal to those incurred during the growing season, 31. Why is i Insufficient, according to the passage, to 2) Developing a population of harmiess things to control plant damage or losses due to pests? counter harmful nes, (1) Pants can resist pests whereas harvested crops (2) Killing damage causing insects by insects of the cannot samo breed, (@) Researches have so far been on improving pant (4) Using chemicals 2s pesteides. resistance ony, (6) Using the farmers’ frends against the faimers 3) Damage to stored crops, by pest, is equally bad, enemies, (@) Plants oe resistant to pesticides. (6) The designing of agricultural plants wih 94, The use of transgenic versions is Iikely to be resistance to pests has nat been vety effective. ineffective in arthvopods because of all of the following abilities of arthropods EXCEPT: (1) Their migration (2) Transformation of gones (@) bitty to transfer genes from designed areas (4) Resistance to insects and viruses. (6) Toaitor thei food habits. 32. Which of the following deserbes the organisation of the passage? (1) A. hypothesis is mage, and the various implications ere discusses. @) An observation is made and the diferent aspects are detailed to suppor i @) A speci case is presented, the pros and cons 4g fre discussed and a conclusion is arived a, (4) A goneraization Is made, specific cases are provided to subctantato i (6) A scionttic ciscovery is announced and its Implications are discusses. From the passage, which of the following can be said of a ceriain protein? (1) Itis helpful for the growth of parasites (2) I counters drugs against parasites, (2) I makes the malaria parasites more virulent (4) It helps in the proliferation of disease causing 233. ‘Efforts towards producing mites and insects that are Parasies. highly effective enemies of crop pests’ is a case of (6) Itdostroys plants’ resistance to insects (1) A poison used as antidote to another poison, Note: Some of the Law Entrance Tests have questions with 4 choices, while some others have questions ‘with § choices, ‘Teurnphantinsitute of Managarnen! Education Pvt Lid (TLNKE) 110: 996, 2” For, Sdansoty Complsy, Sscurdstabad 500 008 et :040 40086400 vay: O40 27847934 emall:infatimoteheationcom websHle: wi timedaduentioncam RE

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