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TIME. VERBAL ABILITY HANDOUT (Homonyms & Misspelt words, RPS-1) Ref; VAHO3501702 Directions for questions 1 fo 10: In each question there ate four sentences. Eech sentences has a pair of homophones that are talczed and highlighted. From the italezed and highlighted pair of homephones, select the most appropriate word(s) to form correct sentences, Then, irom the options given, choose the best one. 1. was on leeve forthe last three days because | was down wi the fu (a) te (). ‘We teed in vain (2) f veln (b) to persuade Nm to ‘change his decision, {As the economy is in deep recession, i is prudent fo reign (a) ire (b) back pubic spending ‘The local pole and the army personnel are tying to defuse (0) / diffuse (b} communal tention in the sensitive areas of the ety (A) aaa (B) aaba (0) aabb (0) aaab 2. Ae ik mas a fare (a) | fair (b) and breezy cay we decided to go fora ong walk i the woods. The farmers suffered huge losses this year when the floods wreaked (3) ' reeked (b) havoc on the crops. The prolonged drought (a) * draught (b) does not bode well for the economy. ‘The antique furniture perfectly complimented (2) / complemented (b) the vintage lock ofthe manor (A) bab (B) bea (C) babe (0) bab 3. The whole incklent Is shrouded by a vel (a) | vale (b)of secrecy The driver (031 contol and rommed into a stationary (a) stationery (0) vehicio. Fist, pare (a) pair (b) the apples and dice them before coating ther with the cream. ‘The people heaved a sigh of raiel when the police nabbed the cereal (a) / serial (b) killer who killed several people inthe ety. (A) saab (8) baad (C) abab (0) aoaa 4. Every year the nation pays homage to the freedom figmers who sacriioed thelr ives at the alter (a) / altar (0) of freedom When she tries to provoke you, stey composed and don't ri tothe balt (a) bate (o) vactress has been halted (a) / haled (b) 8 one of the areatest actresses Indian ‘choma has ever produced It would be prudent to make a few discreet (a) / discrete (0) enquites before investng the money in the venvure, (W) baba (8) bane (0) bbab (D) eave 5. The rain wes teaming (a) / teeming (b) down showing no signs of letting up inthe rear future ‘Actnig on an anonymous tip of, he pole raided the promises and discovered a cache (a) / cash (>) of It ie repulsive to see people fauning (a) {fawning (©) over those in power. Buoyed (a) | Boyed (0) by her performance in the recent -mock tests Nisha was confident thal she ‘would be able to erack the main exam, (A) aoaa (8) abd (©) abeb (0) baba ‘A croup of trae chidren playing on the beech were swept anay by the song eurrant (2) current (). “The chet nas prepated to take the rap (e) wrap (b) for spoiina the dish although i wos hi juniors who "were responsibie forthe fiasco, The emusement perk waives (a) / waves. (b) admésien charges for ehiren, once avery month The C.D officals were poring (a) | pouring (b) over the popers recovered item the scene of enme, ‘wth the hope of geting some clues, (A) dbaa (8) bebo (©) beba (0) bea When the situation was turning out of contol, the police used water canons (a) / cannons (%) to Gisperse the crond, Both the combatants were grievously Injured in the duel (a) ( dual (b) It was quite an effort to bale (a) / bail (2) out the ater from the boat inorder to Keep ourselves aft The lecisiaion wil no! be passed vilhout the ‘assent (2) ascent (d) of the Prime Minister (A) baba (®) baaa (©) aoea (0) baa ‘The Bandra Worl sea tk n Mumbal is a bitin feat (0) feet b) of engineering He wes unanimously elected for the post on the bases (a) | basis (0) of hie qualfeatons. and experionce ‘The pole caught up with the dieaded clminal wien he was tying o fle (2) ea (b) the county. Iaidnit want to sail (e)/ sate (b) close tothe wind by supporting rim in doing something wnieh i Hega () ao0a (2) baoa (6) aboa (0) bbea Alter three years of courishp, John and Martha finally cided to walk down the afsle (a) ate (>). His impeccable manners and his refined cense of fressing gave Wim an air (a) / hele (b) of cignty and elegance You need to broach (a) / broach (0) this delicate topic with her using a lt of diplomacy. Even the gourmet epread on the table could no! tickle his palate (a) | palette (0) (A) aaba (8) aaab (C) abo (0) aaaa “Tlumphani insite o! Managernert Education Pvt Ud (TAME), 958, Sint Conplex, Park Lane, Secunderabad 800 OT Allright reserved, No pict ofthis material may be eprodaced, in any form ot by any means, witout pension in wine. ‘This cour material 8 only or she Use of bonfide students of Thumphant ineitue of Management Education Pvt. Ld ands licensees fanchisees andi ot fr Sale, (2 pages lena) ‘vattossor702/1 10. inspite of racking (a)! wracking (b) ny brains hard, [could no! recoleci her nae. Cheese cake topped. ih honey and nuts mas served for desert (2)! dessert (b). He cited (a) | sited (b) a few verses from the [Bhogwad Ga at ine beginning of his apeecn, IWihad been in your place, I would have selzed (a) / ceased (0) te opportunity. (A) bbsb (8) base (c) aaa (0) aba Directions for questions 11 to 30: Each of these ‘questions presente a word that may have been spel Inconect. Ftom the choices provided, pick the correct speling, oF pick no eof you think thal the given word le aporoprcte 11, abcense: (a) absense (8) absence (C) abcence (0) no error 12, acollerate (8) accelerate (8) accelnate {c) accelerate (0) no error 12, bales (A) allot (8) bait (C) bait (0) no crtor 14. bulletin, (@) buletinn (8) buletn {c} buiewn (0) no enor 18, clullesation (A) eilisetion (8) civisaton (C) civilisation (0) no enor 16. comitee (8) commitee (8) commtce (c) comitee (0) no enor 17, dioadated, (2) dlaciparea (8) atapidated (C) dipadiaied (0) no enor 18, excecutve (A) eoxecinve (8) execute (c) executive (0) no error 18. 2 2s. 30, front (8) trighte (C) troighie gangrane: is) gangrene (C) gangarene hindoranes: (A) hinareance (C) hindrance idiosyncrasy: (A) idyosineracy () idosyneracy leutenant (A) leutenant (C) tettenant rmagnatiient (A) magniicont (C) magnaticent noteriey (4) noitery (C) noteiny opertnity (3) opponuneiy (6) eppocunty pariment (4) parioment (C) pariemant (A) reservoir (C) reservoer 1 siege (A) see (C) seate toumament: (4) tomament {(¢) tourmamant (8) tieghe (0) no enor (8) gangerene {0} no enor (8) hindrence {0} no enor (6) idosincracy (0) no enor (6) Woutenent {0} no enor (8) magnetieent {0} no enor (8) notorety (0) 10 eror (8) opoortunty (0) no-entor (6) pariiamont {0} no enor (8) resereor (0) no enor (8) seoge {0} no error (8) tournement (0) no enor “Tumpnane matte of Managerbent Eaucaion Pt Ua, aa) HO: sh, 2" Flor, Sudameety Compe, Sanaa ao Tel: Dio 27838195 Fax: 010 27817334 ema: inlaG@inelaicaoncom website: wwtimoleductioncom _VAHO3S01702

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