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The Acceptability of Ampalaya Seeds

Substitute as Coffee Beans



Background of the Study

Coffee is a beverage made or brewed from roasted coffee beans. It can be served in

different types of flavors such as cappuccino, americano, espresso, doppio and many more. Some

tastes distinctive or somewhat bitter, milk and cream are often used to make it taste sweet or to

lessen the bitter taste. The taste can also be ycdifferent from how the coffee beans are roasted,

brewed and served. Coffee is usually served hot, and sometimes cold. Brewing is one of most

common ways to make coffee in the United States and Europe. One cup of a brewed coffee can

contain 70-140 mg of caffeine, that’s about 90 mg on average. There are many types of coffee

beans available, which can contain different amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical that

makes you less sleepy and more energized, which in some cases, it's why people drink coffee to

stay awake. An adult usually consumes 4 to 5 cups of coffee every day, which may contain 379.2

mg of caffeine. Large amounts of caffeine can affect your body in a negative way such as getting

not enough sleep, restlessness, anxiety, nausea, insomnia and sometimes headache. It is believed

that coffee originated from Ethiopia. It was used in the 16th century to aid the problem of

Since coffee beans contain caffeine, in this study, the researchers will instead use ampalaya

seeds as a substitute for coffee seeds. Ampalaya or bitter gourd, contains a variety of vitamins

and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron and many more, ampalaya may also

help in reducing the risk for a number of health issues. Ampalaya has seeds that can be roasted,

brewed and served just like coffee beans, which may benefit more than using coffee beans. This

study aims to reduce the consumption of caffeine by people in their daily lives and to reduce the

caffeine addiction for some people.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to prove that using ampalaya seeds is healthier than using the coffee beans that

everyone knows today.

1. Can ampalaya seeds be a substitute for coffee beans?

2. Can Ampalaya Seeds taste like coffee beans?

3. What is the advantage and disadvantage of Ampalaya Seeds substitute as coffee beans?

4. Are the ampalaya seeds cheaper than coffee beans?



The study shows that the product is effective as a substitute for coffee beans.

The study shows that the product is not effective compared to coffee beans.


The objective of this study is to prove that ampalaya seeds can be substituted as coffee. The

researchers want to show that ampalaya seed is much healthier than coffee beans.

1.To find out the flavor, color, odor, and texture of coffee made from Ampalaya seeds.

2. To determine if it's healthy and effective to drink.

3. To know if it can benefit the people.

Significance of the Study

This study determines the positive and negative of how ampalaya seeds can be substituted as

coffee beans.

People. It can help people with caffeine addiction to reduce drinking a lot of coffee in a day. If

they switch to ampalaya seeds, they can reduce the intake of coffee that contains caffeine.

Health. Since caffeine can have bad effects on our health (refer to background of the study),

switching to ampalaya seeds instead of coffee beans can negate the negative effects since it

doesn’t contain caffeine in it.

To the Environment. Some people get their coffee from sachets, which the package is usually

made of plastic and plastics are bad for the environment. Switching to ampalaya seeds doesn’t

need the use of plastics in it.

For Future Researchers. Studying this will help them form some ideas about this topic. The

researchers will do their best to substitute the ampalaya seeds to coffee.

Scope and Limitations

The study is focused on how an ampalaya seed can be substituted as coffee beans and

determining the effectiveness of it through convenience sampling. The study will also focus on if

it can totally benefit the people using the product, and to know if it's effective and can help

people. This study will be conducted in the first quarter of the school year 2022-2023 by grade 9


Definition of Terms

1. Substitute - person or thing acting or serving in place of another.

2. Ampalaya seeds - Seeds of ampalaya or bitter gourd.

3. Coffee beans - a seed of the coffee shrub.

4. Healthy - in good health.

5. Caffeine - a crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a

stimulant of the central nervous system.

6. Roasted - (of food) cooked by prolonged exposure to heat in or over a fire.

7. Brewed - make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot water.

9. Ethiopia - A country in east Africa

10. Milligram (mg) - one thousandth of a gram.

11. Beverage - a drink, especially one other than water.

12. Addiction - the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or an



This chapter presents a variety of information gathered from numerous sources, such as

ideas from online research journals and websites to which the researchers gathered for this

chapter. The gathered information will provide more knowledge related to this study.

Related Literatures

In today’s world, coffee or its scientific name, coffea, is present almost everyday. Coffee

is a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant.

Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world. It helps us to stay alert and

active. And it also helps people feel less tired. It has influenced our history and is still helping us

in our daily lives. (Lydia Zuraw, 2013)

Coffee is the leading worldwide beverage after water and its trade exceeds US $10 billion

worldwide. Controversies regarding its benefits and risks still exist as reliable evidence and

source is becoming available supporting its health promoting potential; however, some

researchers have argued about the connection of consumption of coffee with cardiovascular

complications and revolt of cancer. (Butt MS and Sultan MT, 2011)

The main components of coffee are caffeine, tannin, fixed oil, carbohydrates, and

proteins. It consists of 2–3% of caffeine, 3–5% of tannins, 13% of proteins, and 10–15% of fixed

oils. In the seeds, caffeine is present as a salt of chlorogenic acid (CGA). The coffee also

contains oil and wax. (Hemraj Sharma, 2019)

The consumption of coffee may be addicting, but the contained chemicals such as

caffeine may also affect our health. Caffeine acts as a boost for our body, precisely in the central

nervous system. caffeine can be considered an abused drug. It has positive reinforcing actions,

produces tolerance, and a withdrawal syndrome after stopping its consumption. (Pardo Lozano R


Bitter melon, or its scientific name, Momordica charantia L. (M. charantia), is a

member of the Cucurbitaceae family, it is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions

of the world, precisely in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. For the past thousand of years, it has

been used for folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, and its fruit has been used as a

vegetable. Various biological activities of M. charantia have been reported for its

antihyperglycemic, antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, immunomodulation, antioxidant,

antidiabetic, anthelmintic, antimutagenic, antiulcer, antilipolytic, antifertility, hepatoprotective,

anticancer and anti-inflammatory behaviors. Phytochemicals such as proteins, polysaccharides,

flavonoids, triterpenes, saponins, ascorbic acid and steroids have been found and present in this

plant, with these chemicals present, it can surely benefit us for consuming it. However, both in
vitro and in vivo studies have also demonstrated that M. charantia may also exert toxic or

adverse effects under different conditions.(Jia S, Shen M, Zhang F, Xie J., 2017)

Studies show that bitter melon can treat or prevent certain diseases, mainly diabetes.

Studies of bioactive compounds have shown that bitter gourd or M. charantia is rich in nutrients,

vitamins, and phytochemicals in which some have anti-diabetic effects.



This chapter deals with the procedures and methods that were used in the study. This

briefly discusses the research design, data gathering procedure and the construction of the model.

The presented data must be accurate and the sources are credible so that investigations can

properly observe the experimentation to gain more information in addition to study. The

investigatory project is also a contribution to the previous or already existing studies.

Research Design

For this study, the process that the researchers used is the experimental method.

According to Shrutika (2023), experimental research design is a framework of protocols and

procedures created to conduct experimental research with a scientific approach using two sets of

variables. The use of experimental research design helps the researchers execute the research

objectives with more clarity and transparency.

The researchers conducted the experiment to understand and determine the outcome of

the study. The said research design is used to learn if ampalaya seeds can be used as a substitute

or an alternative ingredient for coffee beans.

Research Locale

The experimental study was conducted in Lipa City, Batangas. The materials are easily bought

within the location.

Subject of the Study

In this study, the researchers will be discussing the different methods and procedures if

Ampalaya seeds can be substituted as coffee beans. The following are the proposition that the

researchers came up:

1. The researchers added cocoa and sugar in the Ampalaya drink in order to make the drink


2. The researchers determined the outcome of the product by its taste, aroma, texture and

compared it to a normal coffee.

3. The sugar and cocoa lessened the bitterness of the drink.


• Water

• Crushed Ampalaya Seeds

• Sugar

• Cocoa Powder

• Bowl
• Spoon

• Strainer

• Pan

Collection of Materials

About two fresh ampalaya were bought within the location. Only fresh ampalaya was picked. About

30 pcs of seeds was obtained from the two ampalaya.

1. About 30 pcs of Ampalaya seeds were collected by the researchers. The seeds were dried

by placing them in the sun.

2. After the Ampalaya seeds were dried, the researchers crushed the seeds.

3. Then, the researchers boiled one cup of water.

4. The researchers added the Ampalaya seeds to the boiled water.

5. Add the sugar and cocoa powder to the boiled water with ampalaya seeds.
6. Then, the boiled water and Ampalaya seeds were separated by using a strainer.
7. The researchers put the alternative coffee to the cup.

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