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TIME. QUANTITATIVE ABILITY HANDOUT (Ratio Proportion Variation) Ref: QAHO3501706 Directions for questions 1 to 25: Seloct the correct llernative from the given ehoioae. 20S Sand (a) 14:25 (B) 16:25 (©) 9:25 1. Givena 4cind (0) 18-25 2. PQ, B.S, T and U are natural numbers. PQ = 4, 1 1 1 Q:R=J,RiS= 5,8: T=9andTi =F Find the valuo of POR : STU. lay 1924 (@) 1:216 fe) 12432 (0) 15648 3. A bag has coins in the denominations of 60 p, 25 p and 20 pin the raio 42:1. the total value of the <0ins is 654, nd the number of 25 p coins inthe bag (a) 20° (B) 30 (C) 49. (0) 50 4. In an exam, the raiio of Aiay's marks and Balu's marks is 4.5, if each of them had scored $6 more marks, the ratio of the marks would be 728. Find Balu's mks (4) 60 (8) 56 (C) 64 (0) 36 5. A pany Is attended by a total of 60 persons. if ime taths of man and women i 3 2. naw many more men must in the pary 50 thatthe rtio becomes 7: 3? win 1s (2D) 6. The ratio of earnings to expendiure of Ais 5:3 and that of B is 7 6.If the sayings of A is twice that of B, then what coukt be the ratio of (otal earnings of ‘A and B together fo the total expendiure of & and B ogether? (4-3 (8) 3:5 (5:3 (B21 7. Number 85 is divided inte wo peris such that thrice the first part and thice the second part are in the feto 18 5 Find the ist per. (48 (8) 55 (0) 45 (0) 0 8. Anita divided come chocolates among her three cone auch that for every 4 chocolates thet her eldest aan got, het second eon got 3 chocolates. For every 2 chocolates that her second son gat, her thir con got 3 chocolates. If her second son gat 12 chocolates, find the total number of chocclates received by the other two sons. @4e 18 (34) 9. When Ganesh was acked about his score inthe last ‘laseroom test in whion the maximum marks were 50, he roplied, “The ratio of 15 loss than my score to 46 more than throo bros my score ic 1 : 6” What is hi score? (4) 95 (8) 40 (0) 45 (0) 0 10. If in_an examination the scores of Shruthi and Tanuja are in the ratio 7 = 11, then the ratio of the ‘sum of Tanuja’s score and 2 times Shruth’s score to the sum of Shruthis score and 3 timae Tanjuas (335 {B) 92:29 (c) 5:8 (0) 14:33 11. A cortain number of ehocoiates are divided among, Alay, Sujay and Yijay such that Ajay gets 1/5" oF what Suay and Vijay together get. Sujay ge's 114" of what Ajay and Vjay together gat. Sulay go! 2 checolates more than Ajay, then” how many hocoistes dé Vjay get? a2 © 6 (48 12, An old man makes a will 10 dvide his property ‘among his wile and his two sons such that his wile {gots half of the total amount received hy his sons His younger son gets a thita of the total amount Feceived by his wile anc his eldet son I his wile gets 260000 worh of propery more than the Youngest son, ‘ind the total value of the property ot ‘the man. (it lakhs of rus20). (A) 540° (@) S00 () 480 (0) 7.20 13. A number is divided into five parts. Twice the firs! par, tice the second pert and four times the ‘our part are equal. Twice the second pan, five times the thid amt and six times the last part are equal Yinich of the folowing is always true if all the paris are integers? (a) The frst partis a mutipe of 72. (B) The second partis dvsible by the foun part (C) ‘Tho frst partis a factor of the last part (0) The precuct of the first and fourth pans is ivsible By 30, (©) 38 14, There are ive vessels, with equal capacities each containing some rik. The quantities of ik inthe 5 vessels ere i the rato 45:67. 8. The lala quariy of mik in the fwe vessels is equal © 75% af ihe toial capacities of the 5 vessels. How many of the vassels are at east 64° fl of mile? @2 Or Oa 3 15. A string is cut into two parts such thatthe rato ofthe lenaths of the complete siring and the smaler partis 20 times the ratio ofthe lengtis of the smaller pert anid the larger part. Find the ratio of tie length ofthe Sifig and the square of the length of the smaller part (laken in or) ifthe longer partis 4 om long @ 5:3 @ 5:4 (5:2 (51 16. PL then find k ai (B) 1 (2 (0) Either (8) or (©) ‘© Tiurrohant isilure of Management Education Pv. Lid (FUNGE), 5B, Siddansety Complex ark Lane, Secunderebad ~ 500003, All sgh cesetved. No put of Us material may be reproduced, in aay foam oF by any means, without! permssion i wating. ‘This couse material is only for de use of honaide suueats of Tiumphant Insite of Manegement Education Pvt. Lig. atu its Tigxsses/iranchisees aa isnot fc sale. © pages) (anewanep) ‘@aHto3soiro6;t 1, There are two numbers m and n. Which of the following must be added to the numbers mand n so ‘hat their ratio becomes x :y? ny mony gy myom 0 yeK y-« o) mam (oy mx -yY yew 18, What should be added 0 the two. numbers wnhich are io the rato 4: 5 so that thelr rato becomes $67 (a) 8 @o (c) 12 (0) Cannot be determined 119, Italy is an imoroper ‘tection satisfying the eouation ea’ 2bab + 90" = 0, fing the value of (a) 9-4 (8) 9-8 (c) 25:16 (0) 16:9 20, Tho mean proportons! betweon two numbers ie 12. The ted proportional of the same numbers 15 06 Find the greater ofthe two rumbers (a) 18 (B) 24 (oy 12 (0) 36 21, The volume of a cube varies drectly with tha cube of Te eee, if twee cubes of cldee 6 om, 8 om and 10 cm ate token together and meted to form 1 fourth cube, fnd the ade ofthe fourth cube. (a) 10cm (B) 120m (©) 140m (0) 160m 22. A quantity Q i obsained by oddng throe quantities, ‘The fist is @ constant, the second varies dectly as the square root of y endl the third varies directly a5 the cube root of y. When y = 1, Q = 90, when 4, Q = 450 and ven y = 729, Q = 1270. Fd ‘he consent 5 (1D (15 (>) 20 23. The time token by a aroun of workers to complete a piece of wotk vories crestly vith the amount of work to be done by them when the number ‘0f workers Is constant ard fnversely as the number (of workers in the group when the amount of work is constant. FB werkere Take 1/2 2 day to plough 2 actos oa fold, find tho time taken by 16 workore to plough 8 acres of ho foi (a) 12 days (B) tie days (0) 94 days (0) Tday 24. The value ofa dimond varies diectly with the square of is weight A ciamond broke into three pieces ‘whose weights were in the rao $2 :24 :9. The loss ‘eaused cue to the breakage was 225.44 lakhs. Find the bil value of te diamond (n late of rupees), (a) 3362 (8) 16.81 (c) 4225 (0) 8405 25. The distance covered by a vehicle is dractly Proportional to the speed hen time is. kept ‘constant. The distance covered by a vehicle is 40m. when tne speed le & mic. Find the peed of 8 Valea, when whieh coverad @ distance af 64m in the same time (a) 320m (8) 128 mis (©) 12m (0) 20mis ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE, Directions for queetions 1 to 3: Solect tho corroct ‘ttornativa from the given erotes, 1. A corain number of pens, pencils and erasers ave isirouted among. three boys. 36 pens are dlstriuted among them in the roto of 3:21 and 40 penaile are dotnbuted in the ratio 3° 5: 2 erasers are dewibulad I rao 3243 sueh that ‘otal objects ith each of them wil be inate 2:21, find the total number o erasers distributed oo (1B (2) 30 2. Ina vessel, the volume ot a solution varios directly vith empereture when the pressure is kept constant and varies versely with pressure when the emporaiure 1s Kept constant. If volume of the solution is 22. lire, the temperature is 273 K and ‘he pressure i Taim Find the volume of he solution ifthe pressure is 4 aim and temperature is S46 K (a) 112 tte (3) 443 itve (c) 22.4 re (0) 56tve 3. Thee frends, Atevind, Bhorath end Chandy are about to have their breaklast. ravine has 7 apples, Bharath has § apples and Chancu nas no appies tut has 12 coins, He offers ta pay for some apples, They agree to share the 12 apples equally among themeeNes and agree that Chancu. would pay 12 come for his sharo. Bharath cuggests that ho be paid § coine anc Aravind bo paid 7 cone. Aravind ays that he should get mote than 7 cons. Hoo much should Aravind ger? (4) 11 cone (©) 12coing (8) 10 o0ine (0) 9cons Directions for questions 4 and 5: These questions ave based on the data given below ‘There are tno vilages P and Q. The population of vlage P exceeds that of vilage Q ty 100. The ratio of the rpumber of males and that of femles in vilages P and Q are $7 and 3" 7 reepectvely. Each percon in the vilage bolonge to oxacily one category — employed, Unemployed and studying. The ratios of the number af the empoyed, the unemployed and those who ere studying in the two vilages P and are 1: 2:3 and 1:2" 6 tespecinely. The number of those wha are stuayng in the two vilages are equal Find the population of village P. (a) 800° (8) 600 (C) 550 (0) 650 5. Hon many more less unemployed people are there in village Q when compared to tha: in vilage P? (a) SD more (8) S0less (©) 20 moro (0) 20 lose “Tiumphant insite of Management Educaton Pv Lid (TAMA) HO: 05H, 2 Hoar, Sidananty Caples Secundoabvd 500 03. Tel: 040-27898185 Pa 40-2 17354 emall:Ifo@imeteRbeion com welt: wa tna. com Qartos5017082

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