BCM CRM Integration-7-Configuration Guide

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Configuration Guide for
Integration Scenarios

January 2014

SAP BCM 7 and

SAP BCM & SAP CRM Configuration Guide - Integration Scenarios


Connect SAP CRM to SAP BCM ..................................................................................................................... 4

1. Create ICI RFC Connection to SAP BCM ............................................................................................ 4
2. Make Settings for Communication Management Systems................................................................... 5
3. Define Connections for Communication Management Software ......................................................... 6
4. Define Communication Management Software Profiles ....................................................................... 7
5. Assign Communication Management Systems to Profiles ................................................................... 7
6. Define Toolbar Profile ........................................................................................................................... 8
7. CMS Integration Profiles ....................................................................................................................... 9
8. Soft Phone Link Configuration ............................................................................................................ 11
9. Business Role Configuration .............................................................................................................. 11
10. Assign the Business Role to your SAP CRM User ............................................................................. 12
11. Set up Users ....................................................................................................................................... 13
12. Test the Business Role ....................................................................................................................... 13
Communication Management Software for all Business Roles ............................................................... 15
1. Define Toolbar Profile ......................................................................................................................... 15
2. Business Role Configuration .............................................................................................................. 15
IVR to identify Callers from SAP CRM ......................................................................................................... 17
1. Create endpoints for standard CRM Web Services ........................................................................... 17
2. Add the IVR Prompts .......................................................................................................................... 23
3. Import CRM BP Lookup IVR ............................................................................................................... 26
4. Add parameters .................................................................................................................................. 28
5. Link the Prompts ................................................................................................................................. 29
6. Maintain Soap Username and Password ........................................................................................... 34
Configure CAD based Alerts for new calls in SAP CRM ........................................................................... 36
1. Configure CRM to accept the CAD ..................................................................................................... 36
2. Add the CAD Profile to Business Role ............................................................................................... 38
3. Configure Fact Base entries for CAD in CRM .................................................................................... 39
4. Event ContactStarted.......................................................................................................................... 39
5. Configure BCM to send the CAD ........................................................................................................ 40
6. Create Alert ......................................................................................................................................... 41
7. Intent Driven Interaction Rule Policy .................................................................................................. 43
8. Make a call to your IVR ...................................................................................................................... 45
Automatic Categorisation via IVR ................................................................................................................ 46
1. Tables ZOPTION and ZOPTION_ROLES.......................................................................................... 46
2. Methods ZMAPCADTOCAT & DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT ................................................................. 58
3. Add Business Role in Table ZOPTION_ROLES ................................................................................ 63
4. Add the CAD Profile to Business Role ............................................................................................... 64
5. Add the CAD Terms used in your IVR to the table ZOPTION ............................................................ 64
6. Restrictions ......................................................................................................................................... 65
Outbound Campaigns and Automatic Dialing ............................................................................................ 66
1. Create SAPphone connection in BCM ............................................................................................... 66
2. Create SAPphone RFC Connection ................................................................................................... 67
3. Create SAPphone Server ................................................................................................................... 68
4. Maintain Call-Lists .............................................................................................................................. 73

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SAP BCM E-Mail (ICI E-Mail) ......................................................................................................................... 76

1. E-Mail Profile ...................................................................................................................................... 76
2. Business Role Configuration .............................................................................................................. 76
3. Configure BCM to retrieve e-mails ..................................................................................................... 77
SAP CRM ERMS push E-Mail ....................................................................................................................... 78
1. E-Mail Profile ...................................................................................................................................... 78
2. Business Role Configuration .............................................................................................................. 78
3. Define Receiving E-mail Addresses in SAP CRM .............................................................................. 79
4. Enable SAP Business Object Instance............................................................................................... 79
5. Maintain Recipient Distribution ........................................................................................................... 80
6. Assign Service Management Profile ................................................................................................... 82
7. Maintain Communication Management Software Connections ......................................................... 83
8. Define ERMS Repository .................................................................................................................... 83
9. Set up ERMS rules ............................................................................................................................. 84
10. Configure BCM to route ERMS e-mails .............................................................................................. 92
11. Debugging - Check that e-mails arrive in CRM .................................................................................. 93
12. Debugging - Check the Work Items.................................................................................................... 93
13. Debugging - Check the outstanding e-mails ...................................................................................... 95
14. Debugging - Check the ICI Trace ....................................................................................................... 96
15. Debugging - Check the BCM OII log .................................................................................................. 99
Configure CAD based Alerts for new ERMS push E-mails in SAP CRM ............................................... 101
1. Configure CRM to accept the CAD ................................................................................................... 101
2. Configure Fact Base entries for CAD in CRM .................................................................................. 103
3. Create Alert ....................................................................................................................................... 103
4. Intent Driven Interaction Rule Policy ................................................................................................ 105
5. Send an e-mail.................................................................................................................................. 107
Configure CAD based Alerts for new Chats in SAP CRM ....................................................................... 108
1. Configure CRM to accept the CAD ................................................................................................... 108
2. Configure Fact Base entries for CAD in CRM .................................................................................. 110
3. Create Alert ....................................................................................................................................... 110
4. Intent Driven Interaction Rule Policy ................................................................................................ 111
5. Start a chat session .......................................................................................................................... 113
Enable Presence information in SAP CRM ............................................................................................... 114
1. Define Communication Management Software Profiles ................................................................... 114
2. Add Presence & Collaboration to the Partner Block ......................................................................... 114
Business Process Push for Service Ticket ............................................................................................... 118
1. Add Actions for Order Routing .......................................................................................................... 118
2. Add a Rule Policy for Order Routing ................................................................................................ 119
Business Process Push for Service Request ........................................................................................... 120
1. Add Actions for Service Request ...................................................................................................... 120
2. Add a Rule Policy for Service Request Management ...................................................................... 121
Copyright ...................................................................................................................................................... 123

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SAP BCM & SAP CRM Configuration Guide - Integration Scenarios

Connect SAP CRM to SAP BCM

1. Create ICI RFC Connection to SAP BCM
Transaction SM59
This needs to be done only once per CRM system as this is Client Independent. Add a new HTTP
Connection to External Server (Connection Type G). RFC Destination is a free-text field but it is
recommended to use some name that reflects the BCM System you wish to connect to

Test connection with “Connection Test”

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2. Make Settings for Communication Management Systems

Create New Entry. System ID is a free-text field. It is recommended to use a name which is BCM version
independent. This means if you upgrade your BCM system in the future, you do not have to change this

CAD Handling should bet set to "C" (Inherited / Copied Back) (empty means Not Inherited / Not Copied
Back). This setting affects the interaction record handling when a contact is transferred from agent to
another, ideally the Interaction Record transfers while call transfers. If it is set to "C" then the CAD is set for
the original call. When the transfer is completed, then the CAD is set for the consultation call.
Add Channels for the created entry. Highlight the entry on the right and click on Channels

Select Telephony. Do the same for E-Mail and Chat (if necessary)

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3. Define Connections for Communication Management

Transaction CRMM_BCB_ADM
Link the RFC connection to the Communication Management Software
Create a New Entry. The entry in the field Comm. Mgmt Software System ID is the System ID you created in
step 2. If your CRM system is CRM 7.0 Ehp1 SP3 or above and you want to use http to connect your BCM
system, make sure to include your defined RFC connection (here SAPBCM7.0) in the Session Connected
field too.

If you want to use ERMS E-mail Push, then add a second entry ERMS_ACTION. This is in in-built system
name and it does not have to be created manually in transaction CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM. You can get a
list of available connections with F4

If you want to use web-services to create transactions, then add a third entry FAX_LETTER. Again, this is in
in-built system name and it does not have to be created manually in transaction CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM.
You can get a list of available connections with F4

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4. Define Communication Management Software Profiles

Create a New Entry
Make sure to click the Presence Enabled checkbox if you want to be able to use Presence. Com Mgmt
Software Profile is a free-text field. Again, it is recommended to use a name which is BCM version
independent. This means if you upgrade your BCM system in the future, you do not have to change this
entry. Make sure to enable the Multisessioning flag if you want to have multi-session support in the IC Web-
Client (as from CRM 7.0, EhP1)

5. Assign Communication Management Systems to Profiles

Create a New Entry. You can get a list of available Software Profiles and Software System IDs with F4

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6. Define Toolbar Profile

Create a New Entry or copy an existing entry. The Profile that will be added to the Business Role
corresponds to the Toolbar that will be used to show the communication buttons in CRM. Select the
checkboxes for Generic, Telephony, Chat, E-mail and Action Item Layout Buttons. The option Dynamic
Toolbar enables the buttons on the toolbar to be shown based on the current communication channel state
e.g. the Logoff button will be shown only when the user is logged onto BCM and is in either Idle or Busy
state, while it will be not shown when the user is not logged onto BCM.

Configure the options for different Layout Buttons. Generic Layout Buttons are not tied to a particular
communication channel. If a button is configured under the Generic Layout Button section, this button will
always be displayed irrespective of the call state.

Here you can indicate which buttons should be shown for all the channels. More buttons can be added here
if required. ButtonPos indicates the sequence of the particular button in the toolbar. Display provides 3

 Text – The button is rendered with the text label corresponding to the ButtonID
 Icon – The button is rendered with the icon corresponding to the ButtonID
 Text and Icon – The button is rendered with both text and icon corresponding to the ButtonID

The above buttons can be individually chosen to be displayed in the following 3 states:

 Logged Off – The current user is not Logged In to the Communication Management System
 Idle – The current user is not participating in a call
 Busy – The current user is participating in a call

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Available buttons (as in CRM 7.0 EhP1) are:

7. CMS Integration Profiles

Transaction CRM_IC_FW_PROF
CMS_ROLE function profile is a function profile used for defining the behavior of the CMS (Communication
Management Software – in this case BCM) functionality. This function profile is required in order to use
functionality such as UI Object transfer, Start-Up Component, etc.
You should enable the Disable Link flag. In order for Absence profiles to work correctly in CRM, the BCM
softphone (CDT) should always be fully started before starting CRM.
Select option for Transfer UI Object. This configuration signifies how the UI should behave when doing
transfer call. Select Current UI Component if you would like to have the recipient to get the “current UI
object” of the caller (e.g. caller working on contact screen and want to transfer this to the recipient)
The Entity Provider Class will be used only when the Transfer UI Object is configured with “Custom Entity”.

Start-Up component are the entries for starting up the service components of the business role. The start-up
components are the list of classes defined for a business role. These classes get instantiated and initialized
when the application with the particular business role is started. The start-up components could be defined
either for the worker session or for the agent session and get initialized accordingly. The classes for the
worker session get initialized first and then for the agent session.

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By default the CMS_ROLE function profile will be delivered with several entries. Generally, you will not need
to change the default delivery entries unless you want to disable some functionality. For example, if the
business partner determination should not be performed, select “Inactive” flag for the component
“BUSINESS PARTNER IDENTIFICATION” and no BP search will be performed when an incoming call
CL_CRM_IC_FW_BP_SEARCH_SRV does a business partner search for the incoming channel address. If
the search has to be done on employees rather than business partners then the class needs to be replaced
with CL_CRM_IC_FW_EMP_SEARCH_SRV which does an employee search based on the incoming
channel address.

UI Navigation Mapping - this configuration allows the UI to react to the communication channel events. For
example, with the configuration above, once a contact (e.g. phone call) is ended, it should navigate to and
create the Interaction Log.
The user needs to provide the MCM Event, Channel, UI Object Type, UI Object Action and Entity Provider
The MCM event is the event on the occurrence of which the navigation is triggered.
The Channel specifies the Communication channel for which the navigation takes place.
The UI Object Type and UI Object Action are required for the successful navigation to the required object.
The Entity Provider Class is provided by the customer which implements the interface
IF_CRM_IC_FW_COMM_EVENT_NAV. This interface has a method GET_NAVIGATION_TARGET which
the customer can implement and return the desired navigation parameters. In the absence of such a class
the UI Object Type and UI Object Action specified above are used for navigation.

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8. Soft Phone Link Configuration

In order for Absence profiles to work correctly in the IC WebClient, the BCM softphone should always be
started before the IC WebClient. Therefore, it is no longer recommended to create a Soft Phone Link in the
Navigation Bar.

Starting the IC WebClient before the BCM softphone (CDT)

Starting the IC WebClient after the BCM softphone (CDT)

9. Business Role Configuration

Create a New Entry or copy an existing entry.
Click on Assign Function Profiles. Assign the Communications Management Software Profile you have just
created to the Function Profile ID CONTACTCENTER

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Assign the Toolbar Profile you have just created to the Function Profile ID WBAR

10. Assign the Business Role to your SAP CRM User

Assign the Business Role to your CRM User in the normal way. You can specify the Business Role in the
User Profile using parameter CRM_UI_PROFILE or assign the Business Role using Organizational

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11. Set up Users

The connection between CRM and BCM is made using the UserID. In BCM 7, there is now the ability to map
a different CRM user to a BCM user using the BCM System Configurator. There is no need to maintain the
same passwords.

If you want to map a CRM user to a different BCM user, add the CRM user information to the CRM Logon
Name field.

12. Test the Business Role

Start BCM CDT with your BCM User and once this is completed loaded, then logon to CRM using your CRM
User/ Business Role. The Ready/Not Ready buttons should be visible.

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Communication Management Software for all Business

In CRM 7.0, the Communication Management Software functionality can be enabled for all CRM Business
Roles. This means that the users can use telephony within any CRM business role.

1. Define Toolbar Profile

Create a New Entry or copy an existing entry. The Profile that will be added to the Business Role
corresponds to the Toolbar that will be used to show the communication buttons in CRM. For more details
see this section in Chapter 1.

2. Business Role Configuration

Some elements of the business role need to updated in order to enable the CMS functionality. There are
some default delivery elements that ready to be used out of the box.
Select the Business Role that will be changed, in this example we are enabling a copy of the SALESPRO
Business Role for the CMS functionality. Change Role Config Key, Layout Profile and Technical Profile to
the default value CMS_Role.

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Open the folder Assign Function Profiles for this Business Role.
Assign function profile CMS_ROLE
Assign function profile CONTEXTAREA
Assign function profile CRMUI_MPLAYOUT (Main Page Layout)
Assign function profile WBAR
Optional: Assign function profile EMAIL (only to remove the error message if you are using email component)

Assign function profile CONTACTCENTER

The CRM business role should now start with communication toolbar and linked to BCM.

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IVR to identify Callers from SAP CRM

This IVR uses two standard web-services to identify the caller in the IVR from CRM firstly doing a lookup
using the caller’s telephone number and if not Business Partner is found, the caller is asked to enter a
customer number which is the basis for the second lookup. If a Business Partner is found, the language
returned from CRM (assuming it is a supported BCM Language) will be set as the Caller Language and all
prompts will use that language.

1. Create endpoints for standard CRM Web Services

Transaction SOAMANAGER
Click on Web Service Configuration

Enter the Search Pattern ‘BusinessPartnerCRMElementsByElementsQueryResponse_In’ and click on Go

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Highlight the entry found and click on Apply Selection

Click on Configurations. Note there is no Binding or Endpoint set up for this service – the field Select Binding
is empty

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Click on Create

Enter a Service Name. You can use the same name

(BusinessPartnerCRMElementsByElementsQueryResponse_In) if you want. Click on Apply Settings

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Scroll down to Provider Security and enable the User ID/Password field under Transport Channel

In this sample implementation, User ID/Password is being used as the authentication method. Certificate-
based authentication can also be use but it is not described in this document.

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Save your settings

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Click on Overview again. Now the field Select Binding is filled. Click on Open WSDL document for selected
binding or service.

A new browser window opens. Copy the url and save this. This is the url that will be entered as the
parameter Z_Soap_LookupBPviaTelNumber_wsdl in step 2

Repeat these steps for the web-service CustomerCRMByIDQueryResponse_In

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2. Add the IVR Prompts

Open System Configurator. Go to Queue Management –> Prompt Files and create a New Prompt. Enter the
description, select In Queue Message as the prompt type and add language prompts as required. English
(UK) and English (US) prompts are provided but you are free to record your own prompts too. Make sure
that any prompts you record are saved in the correct format (Wave, 8KHz, 16-bit, Mono). Click on the folder
icon and navigate to the folder which contains the prompts and select the appropriate prompt file

You need to create 6 IVR Prompt Files in Total

IVR: Welcome to ACME IVR: Customer Number Not Found

IVR: Enter Customer ID IVR: Repeat Message
IVR: Customer Number Found IVR: Invalid Option, Try Again

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Go to Queue Management –> Prompt and create a new Prompt. Select In Queue Message as the Prompt

Enter the Name and select the Loop Type All Steps

Select the Action Play File

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And then select the Prompt file. Enter the Description string IVR* and select the appropriate Prompt File

Repeat these steps until you have created all 6 prompts

IVR: Welcome to ACME IVR: Customer Number Not Found

IVR: Enter Customer ID IVR: Repeat Message
IVR: Customer Number Found IVR: Invalid Option

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3. Import CRM BP Lookup IVR

Open System Configurator. Go to IVR Management – Custom-Made IVRs and create a New IVR.

Add a Number for your IVR, make it Active against a CEM Instance and Click on Import under Custom-Made
IVR Versions

Navigate to the folder with the CRM BP Lookup IVR file, highlight the CRM BP Lookup IVR XML file and
Click on Open

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Expand Customizers and Click on Add New

Navigate to the folder with the CRM BP Lookup IVR file, highlight the IVR_Customize.py file and Click on

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4. Add parameters
Expand Parameters and add 6 parameters

AvailableLanguages ("CS","DA","DE","EN","enUK","ES","FI","FR","HU","IT","JA","NL","NO","PL","PT","RU","SK","SV","TR","ZH")
BP_Confirmed Yes or No
DefaultLanguage One of the available Language keys as your Default Language
Z_QueueNumber Number of the Queue you want calls to go to
Z_Soap_LookupBPviaID_wsdl Url for the Soap service endpoint “CustomerCRMByIDQueryResponse_In”
Z_Soap_LookupBPviaTelNumber_wsdl Url for the Soap service endpoint “BusinessPartnerCRMElementsByElementsQueryResponse_In”

Save your IVR

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5. Link the Prompts

You will now need to link the Prompts you created to the IVR. Re-open the IVR, and double-click the
Custom-Made IVR Version you imported earlier

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-

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Expand the form Form_Welcome_Prompt and block Play_Start_Prompt and click on the audio element.
Remove the text in the Audio File Expression field and select the correct value from the drop-down in the
Prompt field. Don’t forget to click on Apply to save your settings!

Do the same audio element under the form Form_Get_Customer_ID, field Get_Customer_ID

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And the same for the audio element under the form Form_Soap_LookupBPviaID, block
AssignValues_Soap_LookupBPviaID, if, else

And the same for the audio elements under the form Form_Get_Customer_ID_Input_Error, field

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And finally the audio element under filled, else

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6. Maintain Soap Username and Password

You now need to maintain the soap username and password you are using in the IVR. Expand the form
Form_Soap_LookupBPviaTelNumber and click on the soap element Soap_LookupBPviaTelNumber.
Maintain the User Name and Password fields. Enter a valid CRM User and password that has rights to run
Web-services in CRM. Don’t forget to click on Apply to save your settings!

Expand the form Form_Soap_LookupBPviaID and click on the soap element Soap_LookupBPviaID. Again
maintain the User Name and Password fields

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Do the same for the soap Element Soap_LookupBPviaID2

Save your IVR.

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Configure CAD based Alerts for new calls in SAP CRM

This chapter describes how to set up a Contact Attached Data profile in CRM and how CAD can be used to
display alerts indicating what the caller selected in the IVR.

1. Configure CRM to accept the CAD

Transaction CRMC_IC_CAD
Create a Profile for your BCM system. Highlight the profile and click on Contact Attached Data Groups

Create a group for the CAD Application ID used by your BCM system (normally SAP_BCM/OII). The profile
can be found in the BCM System Configurator but is set using BCM Infrastructure Administrator

Highlight your group and click on Attributes

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Create all the attributes for your CAD. You are free to create your own attributes that you are using in your
own IVR. Check Fact Gathering flag for any attribute that you wish to use for your alert(s).

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The description is used in the Contact Attached Data workcenter in the IC WebClient

Create a second group for the Application ID used by CRM for Business Partner Identification
(CRM_IC/BUPA) if you are identifying the caller in the your IVR.

2. Add the CAD Profile to Business Role

Select entry from right and click on Assign Function Profiles. Assign the CAD Profile you have just created
to the Function Profile ID CAD

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3. Configure Fact Base entries for CAD in CRM

Select the ICRULE context and click on Attributes

Add the attributes for your CAD entries you highlighted to be used for Fact Gathering. If you don’t want to
restrict the operators that can be used when testing for a value of this attribute in a rule policy to EQUALS,
Extension Class field blank. Otherwise enter CL_CRM_ERMS_ATTR_EXT_EQUALS in the Attribute
Extension Class field.

XPath Expression /parts/Application_ID/Attribute/text()

4. Event ContactStarted
Select CRM_IC Event and click on Events

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If the event ContactStarted does not exist, create it as shown below

5. Configure BCM to send the CAD

Configure BCM to send the CAD. Open SAP BCM System Configurator
Open the Parameters tab for the Call Centre application.

Add the Name: ExtraDataWhenAllocated

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Add the Value:


6. Create Alert
Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Alerts and click on New. Enter the Name Z_BCM_CAD1 and select Fact Base in the dropdown

You will see the Attributes you created in the Fact Base in the second dropdown:

You may wish to build the alert completely in your IVR using a custom state. In this example, we are using
the AttributesCAD: Alert line 1 and CAD: Alert line 2 as the text for two different alerts.

Create a second alert Z_BCM_CAD2 in exactly the same way.

It is also possible to create your own alerts using other Attributes if required using a mixture of text and the
dropdowns. Click on Insert Attribute to add the selected attribute where you need it.

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Caller's language is [FACTBASE$ZCAD_LANGUAGE] and caller selected

In order that the CAD Alert is displayed when the Agent is using other languages in CRM, create in exactly
the same way variants for other languages. To do this, create a rule with the same name but change the

Here are some examples of CAD Alerts in different languages.

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7. Intent Driven Interaction Rule Policy

Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Rule Policies. Click on New and select Intent Driven Interaction (IC WebClient)

Click on the highest level of your Rule Policy – here Z_BCM_CAD

Add any Business Role that will use this Rule Policy and the IC Event that will trigger this Rule Policy

Create a folder under Draft Rules and rule in this new folder (here CAD rule folder and BCM CAD)

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Enter the conditions for the Rule using the Attribute Current Event and value Contact arrives and the action
Trigger Alert with the value of Alert Name the alert you configured in the previous step.



Once you have created your rule, release it.

Then you should see a screen similar to this. Save the Rule Policy

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8. Make a call to your IVR

You should see the alerts when the call is allocated to your agent.

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Automatic Categorisation via IVR

With this enhancement, is possible to automatic categorise CRM objects such as Service Tickets, Incidents
and Complaints using the CAD sent from the IVR.


Transaction SE11
Create a new domain: Z_TERMID

Data Type is CHAR with maximum 4 characters. Save the Domain – you will need to assign this to a
package and make a customising request

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Activate the object

Create a new Data Element: Z_TERMID

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Select Data Element

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Select the Domain Z_TERMID

Add the Field Labels and Save the Data Element – you will need to assign this to a package and make a
customising request

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Activate the object

Create a new Table: ZOPTION

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Add the short description and allow display and maintenance

Add the fields. Now you can see where the new Domain and Data Type Z_TERMID is used. Save the table
– you will need to assign this to a package and make a customising request

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Activate the table

Create table ZOPTION_ROLES in similar way. This table is used to determine which Business Roles can
use this auto-classification feature.

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Transaction SE80

The complete coding:

*{ INSERT DSZK914353 1

lr_coll TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col,
lr_current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
lr_bol_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core,
ls_object TYPE crmt_erms_cat_ob,
lv_product_guid TYPE comt_product_guid,
lv_conc_key TYPE char20.

CONSTANTS: cv_prod_link_type TYPE char8 VALUE 'IS_PROD',

cv_code_link_type TYPE char8 VALUE 'IS_CODE'.

if gr_aspect is not bound.

* Categorization dependent on the CAD:
lr_subject ?= typed_context->btsubject->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
IF lr_subject IS NOT BOUND.
lr_current ?= typed_context->btadminh->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
typed_context->btsubject->on_new_focus( focus_bo = lr_current ).
lr_subject ?= typed_context->btsubject->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
call method lr_subject->get_property_as_value EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'CONC_KEY'
IMPORTING ev_result = lv_conc_key.
if lv_conc_key is not initial.
* if a category already exists, no automatic precategorisation according to CAD

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data : lv_zoption(4) type c,

lv_termid type char4,
lt_cad_list type CRMT_IC_CAD_TAB,
ls_cad_list type CRMT_IC_CAD,
lv_string type string,
lv_code_cat type COMT_CATALOG,
lv_code_grp type QCODEGRP,
lv_code_id type QCODE.

* read CAD attribute Z_Option

IF NOT data_access IS BOUND.
CALL METHOD cl_ic_cad_data_process=>get_instance
rv_instance = data_access.

CALL METHOD data_access->get_cms_data

et_cms_data = lt_cad_list.

loop at lt_cad_list into ls_cad_list

where application_id = 'CRM_IC/BUPA'.

if ls_cad_list-item_name = 'Z_TermID'.
* lv_zoption = ls_cad_list-item_value.
lv_termid = ls_cad_list-item_value.

* map CAD attribute to catalog/code group/code

select single CODE_CAT from ZOPTION into lv_CODE_CAT
where z_termid = lv_termid.

select single CODE_GRP from ZOPTION into lv_CODE_GRP

where z_termid = lv_termid.

select single CODE_ID from ZOPTION into lv_CODE_ID

where z_termid = lv_termid.

if lv_code_cat is initial or lv_code_grp is initial or lv_code_id is initial.


CONCATENATE lv_code_cat lv_code_grp lv_code_id INTO lv_conc_key SEPARATED BY '#'.

if lr_subject is bound.
lr_subject->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'CONC_KEY'
iv_value = lv_conc_key ).

* find category guid for conc_key

data : lv_conc TYPE crmt_erms_cat_code_trip,
ls_ob TYPE crmt_erms_cat_ob,
lt_cat TYPE crmt_erms_cat_ca_buf_tab,
ls_cat TYPE crmt_erms_cat_ca_buf.

CONSTANTS cv_link_type TYPE char8 VALUE 'IS_CODE'.

SPLIT lv_conc_key AT '#' INTO

lv_conc-code_cat lv_conc-code_grp lv_conc-code_id .

ls_ob-obj_extkey = lv_conc. "#EC ENHOK

ls_ob-obj_ddic = if_crm_erms_catego_const=>gc_ob_ty_subjectcode."#EC NOTEXT

CALL METHOD gr_aspect->get_cat_search

iv_obj = ls_ob
iv_lnk_type = cv_link_type
et_cat = lt_cat.

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READ TABLE lt_cat INTO ls_cat INDEX 1.

lv_guid = ls_cat-cat_guid.

* publish the category to the category controller

if gr_cucocat is bound.
CALL METHOD gr_cucocat->if_bol_bo_property_access~set_property
iv_attr_name = gv_cat_attr
iv_value = lv_guid .

* update the inputkey of the ddlb

lr_current ?= typed_context->inputkeys->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
IF lr_current IS BOUND.
CALL METHOD lr_current->set_property EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'PERS_GUID'
iv_value = lv_guid.

lr_bol_core ?= cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
if lr_bol_core is bound.
lr_bol_core->modify( ).


Modify method DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT in same class CL_ICCMP_BT_CATDDLB_IMPL. This makes

Method ZMAPCADTOCAD to be only called in case the actual Business Role is maintained in table

The complete coding of method DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT:

data: lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity,
lr_current type ref to if_bol_bo_property_access,
lr_btadminH type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity,
lr_case type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity,
lr_inputkeys type ref to crmt_ct_catego_input_keys,
ls_input type crmt_ct_catego_input_keys,

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lv_timestamp type bcos_tstmp,

lv_order_guid type crmt_object_guid,
lv_case_guid type scmg_case_guid,
lv_cat_guid type crm_erms_cat_guid,
lv_update_input type abap_bool.

* if order has changed, publish the new subject code to the category controller

lr_btadminh ?= typed_context->BTAdminH->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
lr_case ?= typed_context->CmgCase->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).

if lr_btadminh is not bound and lr_case is not bound.

* evtl. cancel has been clicked, clear classification

lr_current ?= typed_context->inputkeys->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
IF lr_current IS BOUND.
CALL METHOD lr_current->set_property
iv_attr_name = 'DISPLAY_MODE'
iv_value = abap_true.
CALL METHOD lr_current->set_property
iv_attr_name = 'PERS_GUID'
iv_value = ls_input-pers_guid.
* publish the deletion to the category controller
CALL METHOD gr_cucocat->if_bol_bo_property_access~set_property
iv_attr_name = gv_cat_attr
iv_value = lv_cat_guid.

gr_cucocat->initialize( ).

* clear the dropdown listbox

lr_current ?= typed_context->inputkeys->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
IF lr_current IS BOUND.
CALL METHOD lr_current->set_property
iv_attr_name = 'PERS_GUID'
iv_value = lv_cat_guid.

clear gv_last_cat_guid.


IF lr_btadminH is bound.
* binding to order
EV_RESULT = lv_order_guid.

if lv_order_guid <> gv_last_order_guid.

gv_last_order_guid = lv_order_guid.

init_categories( ).

elseif gv_update_input = abap_true.

lv_update_input = abap_true.


if gr_aspect is bound.
CALL METHOD lr_btadminh->get_property_as_value
iv_attr_name = 'CREATED_AT'

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ev_result = lv_timestamp.

IF gv_application <> gc_interaction_record.

if lv_timestamp is initial.
* if order is initial, get assigned category to product
get_bt_cat2prod( ).
*{ INSERT DTZK929225 1
*call ZMAPCADTOCAT only for certain roles!

data : lr_ui_profile type ref to cl_crm_ui_profile,

lv_profile type CRMT_IC_CONFIGPROF,
ls_zoption_role type zoption_roles.
lr_ui_profile ?= cl_crm_ui_profile=>get_instance( ).
lv_profile = lr_ui_profile->if_crm_ui_profile~get_profile( ).

select single * from zoption_roles into ls_zoption_role where business_role = lv_profile.

if sy-subrc = 0.


lr_entity ?= lr_btadminH.


if lr_case is bound.
* binding to case
EV_RESULT = lv_case_guid.

if lv_case_guid <> gv_last_case_guid.

gv_last_case_guid = lv_case_guid.

init_categories( ).

elseif gv_update_input = abap_true.

lv_update_input = abap_false.


lr_entity ?= lr_case.



if lr_entity is bound.

lr_current ?= typed_context->inputkeys->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
if lr_entity->is_changeable( ) = abap_true.

if lr_current is bound.
call method lr_current->set_property EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'DISPLAY_MODE'
iv_value = abap_false.


if lr_current is bound.
call method lr_current->set_property EXPORTING iv_attr_name = 'DISPLAY_MODE'
iv_value = abap_true.

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IF lv_update_input = abap_true.
* this is performed if the page has been entered and the order or case did not change
gv_update_input = abap_false.
lr_current ?= typed_context->inputkeys->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
IF lr_current IS BOUND.
CALL METHOD lr_current->set_property
iv_attr_name = 'PERS_GUID'
iv_value = gv_last_cat_guid.


3. Add Business Role in Table ZOPTION_ROLES

Transaction SE16
Add the Business Role that you want to be able to use the auto-categorisation feature. This screenshot is
from Client 770:

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4. Add the CAD Profile to Business Role

Select entry from right and click on Assign Function Profiles. Assign the CAD Profile to the Function Profile

5. Add the CAD Terms used in your IVR to the table ZOPTION
Transaction SE16
Enter the following fields:

 CLIENT: is being populated automatically

 Z_TERMID: Code being sent by BCM (contains ‘the users choice in IVR’)
 Z_OPTION: The long text of sent code (optional).

The example here is from the Telco4U IVR.

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The auto-classification feature can use an existing categorization schema. Here is the example from Client
770. Note the entries in table ZOPTION for:

 CODE_CAT: Catalog
 CODE_GRP: Code Group
 CODE_ID: Code

6. Restrictions
For the moment, auto-categorisation only works for older CRM objects such as Service Ticket which use the
categorization component, ICCMP_BT_CAT. We are working on an implementation for BTCATEGORIES,
the component used in newer CRM objects such as Service Request, Incident and the newest Complaint.

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Outbound Campaigns and Automatic Dialing

With SAP CRM 7.0, EhP1, it is possible to download call-list to SAP BCM and BCM to automatic dial the call
and allocate the call to an available agent.

1. Create SAPphone connection in BCM

In the BCM System Configurator, navigate to System Management -> Modules

Click on Search

Double-click on your Integrations VU, Online Interaction Interface (OII)

Click on the check box to enable the SAPphone Interface

Add a new connection:

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Server Connection: -aBCM7DEMO -gdtztdc00.wdf.sap.corp –xsapgw20

-a: Name of RFC Program
-g: Address of CRM Web Server
-x: Gateway (Instance Number) of CRM system
Server Name: BCMDEM – the name of the SAPphone server you will set up in step 3.

2. Create SAPphone RFC Connection

Transaction SM59
Add a new TCP/IP Connection (Connection Type T)

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Test connection with “Connection Test”

If this fails, check that the port 3300 + the instance of the SAP system is open for communication from your
BCM server. So in the above example, port 3320 should be opened.

3. Create SAPphone Server

Transaction SPHB
Create New Entry

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Create Telephone server

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Select the RFC destination created in the previous step

Make sure Dialer is selected here

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Click on Continue

Check the Server is ready for use checkbox and carry out the connection test

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Click on Continue

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4. Maintain Call-Lists
Transaction CRMD_TM_CLDIST
You can now create call-lists and send them to BCM. You just need to set the Execution mode to Automated
and select the Server name you have configured in this step in the Dialer field.

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After saving your changes, activate the Call-List by right-clicking on the Call-List name and selecting Activate

Click on Continue

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The call-list will now be available in BCM in the CPM Administrator

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SAP BCM E-Mail (ICI E-Mail)

E-mail can either be handled directly by BCM or handled in CRM and routed as an object via BCM (ERMS
Push E-Mail). This section describes how e-mail handled directly by BCM can be set up.

1. E-Mail Profile
Transaction CRMC_IC_EMAILX
Create or edit an existing E-Mail Profile. Make sure that the E-Mail Provider is set to ICI

2. Business Role Configuration

Create a New Entry or copy an existing entry. Select entry from right and click on Assign Function Profiles.
Assign the Communications Management Software Profile you created to the Function Profile ID

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Assign the E-Mail Profile you created to the Function Profile ID EMAIL

3. Configure BCM to retrieve e-mails

Configure BCM to retrieve e-mails from an IMAP-enabled mail account. Open SAP BCM System
Configurator and create an E-mail queue.

Address: e-mail address of the IMAP-enabled e-mail account (here

E-Mail Account: account ID of the IMAP-enabled e-mail account (here tdcdemo01-
E-Mail Password Password of your e-mail account on your e-mail server
E-Mail Server: address of the IMAP-enabled e-mail server (here tdcdemomail03)

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SAP CRM ERMS push E-Mail

1. E-Mail Profile
Transaction CRMC_IC_EMAILX
Create or edit an existing E-Mail Profile. Make sure that the E-Mail Provider is set to Agent Inbox

2. Business Role Configuration

Create a New Entry or copy an existing entry. Select entry from right and click on Assign Function Profiles.
Assign the Communications Management Software Profile you created to the Function Profile ID

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Assign the E-Mail Profile you created to the Function Profile ID EMAIL

3. Define Receiving E-mail Addresses in SAP CRM


4. Enable SAP Business Object Instance

Transaction SO16
Check that SAP object instance is available, if not enable it

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5. Maintain Recipient Distribution

Transaction SO28
Create new entry and on New recipient, choose SAP object instance

Select ERMS support 2.

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Search for Receiver/Address you created in Step 1.

Select the e-mail address you created in Step 1.

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6. Assign Service Management Profile

Add an entry with ObjectID: 0 and a Service Manager Profile (in this case DEFAULT) – the same entry we
will use later in the Rule Policy.

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7. Maintain Communication Management Software

Transaction CRMM_BCB_ADM
Create a Communication Management Software System ID ERMS_ACTION and assign this to the
Connection you are using for BCM for Phone and Chat. ERMS_ACTION is in in-built system name and it
does not have to be created manually in transaction CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM.

8. Define ERMS Repository

Select ERMS and click on Atrributes. Click on New Entries

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Add a new Attribute Z_TO_ADDRESS. Make sure you use this exact name add the values FG_EMAIL in
the Fact Gathering Service field. Enter CL_CRM_ERMS_ATTR_EXT_EQUALS in the Attribute Extension
Class field. Make sure the Allow Set Value box is checked.

Add any other Attributes you would like to use in the Rule Policy Editor. These attributes can be used a
Contact Attached Data. For example, here we have created an e-mail category:

You could also set up Attributes to collect the e-mail subject, original e-mail recipient (i.e. the e-mail address
the mail was sent to) or the e-mail sender. See the chapter: Configure CAD based Alerts for new ERMS
Push E-mails in CRM

9. Set up ERMS rules

Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Rule Policies and click on New or choose an existing policy. Use the context E-Mail Response
Management System.

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The policy should be the same as the Service Manager Profile entered earlier in Step 3 – in this case

Create a folder under Draft Rules

Create a rule in this new folder (here ERMS_ACTION_BCM and ERMS_BCM_RED). Enter the conditions
for the Rule using the Attribute E-Mail Original Recipient and setting the Value to the e-mail address you set
up in step 1.

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Add the Action Set Attribute Value, select the Attribute BCM Queue E-Mail Address and add the e-mail
address of the BCM Queue you want to use (here BCM_RED_SUPPORT@BCMDEMO.SAP.CORP). The
e-mail address does not have to be a valid e-mail address that can receive and send mail from outside, it is
purely used for routing purposes.

Add the Action Add Routing Attribute for Push E-Mail and select the Fact Base Attribute BCM Queue E-Mail

Add the Action Push EMail to IC WebClient Agent.

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If you want to also put the e-mail in an Inbox, then add the entry Route Email using the Organization Object
to which your IC Agents belong (here BestRun BCM Call Center).

Once you have created your rule, release it.

Then you should have a screen similar to this:

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You can add more rules and conditions to add other options. In this example, an auto-acknowledgement is
being sent and the Fact Base Attributes E-Mail Original Recipient and E-Mail Subject are being added to the
Routing Attributes so that they can be included in the Contact Attached Data when the mail is pushed to an

In this example, there are also 3 sub-rules:

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The first sub-rule checks for the key word Complaint (Beschwerde in German) in both the e-mail subject line
and the e-mail body and categorises the e-mail as Complaint and sets the BCM Queue to a second-level
queue. Note the Action Stop Further Rule Processing at the end.

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The second sub-rule checks for some “sales language” and categorises the e-mail as Sales and set the BCM
Queue to the Sales Queue.

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The third sub-rule is the default rule categorising the e-mail as Other and setting the BCM Queue to the
Support Queue.

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10. Configure BCM to route ERMS e-mails

Configure BCM to route ERMS E-Mails to the appropriate queue depending on the E-Mail Original Recipient.
Open SAP BCM System Configurator and create new e-mail queues for each e-mail address you used in the
‘Z_TO_ADDRESS – BCM Queue E-Mail Address’ parameter in your ERMS Rule Policy.

Address: email address used in the ERMS Rule Policy (here bcm_red_sales@bcmdemo.sap)

All other fields should be left blank including E-Mail Password.

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11. Debugging - Check that e-mails arrive in CRM

Transaction SCOT
Click on Inbound Send Requests

12. Debugging - Check the Work Items

Transaction SWI1
Click on the execute button

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First check that the settings entered in step 5 are correct. The e-mail address for the Receiver/Address
should be shown here:

Next you can see that the ERMS rule execution was performed. Double-click on the line ERMS1.

Change the view to include the Technical Details

Click on ERMS rule execution and select the Container Tab.

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Click on Actions and you should see that the rule has been executed.

13. Debugging - Check the outstanding e-mails

Log into CRM as the IC Manager. Go to Monitoring Operations (click on the Menu and not the triangle)

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Click on E-Mail Status: Overview

Here you can see all the outstanding e-mails.

14. Debugging - Check the ICI Trace

Transaction SU01
Enable CRM_ICI_TRACELEVEL as XXX for user WF-BATCH. Do this before you send a test mail.

Transaction CRM_ICI_TRACE for user WF-BATCH

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After sending a test mail, enter the user WF-BATCH and select the Time Period: The last two hours

Highlight the complete line

And now you can see what happened

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">-
<pre:user xmlns:pre="urn:IciActionItemInterface" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="0" xsi:type="xsd:string">WF-BATCH</pre:user>
<pre:language xmlns:pre="urn:IciActionItemInterface" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="0" xsi:type="xsd:string">EN</pre:language>
<ns0:route xmlns:ns0="urn:IciActionItemInterface">-
<itemData xmlns="urn:IciActionItemInterface">
<systemId />
<client />
<attachedData />
<capabilityList />

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<id />
<description />
<id />
<description />
<description>Test from Mark</description>
<description />
<description />
<description />

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<routingAttributes xmlns="urn:IciActionItemInterface">-
<value>Test from Mark</value>
<scenarioId xmlns="urn:IciActionItemInterface" />

15. Debugging - Check the BCM OII log

13:43:15.230 TRC> --- SOAPAction="http://inqmy.com/soapdispatcher/rpc/bcbici/IciActionItemBean"
Remote= URL=/OII/OII.asmx
13:43:15.231 TRC> route: user=WF-BATCH language=EN data=
requestId: 000000447679
processId: FOL25000000000004RAW37000000012390
processingStatus: /
messageStatus: /
capabilityList (0):
actionItemAttributes (10): SUBJECT=Test from Mark SUBJECT_CHARSET= SEND_DATE=20120430134305
SENSITIVITY= IMPORTANCE= MAIL_ID=AA944E36AE627F4C9099976E5BE4847C07A6CD2368@DEWDFECCR06.wdf.sap.corp
FROM_NAME=mark.tate-smith@sap.com FROM_ADDRESS=mark.tate-smith@sap.com TO_NAME=bcm_red@dez.r3.sap-
ag.de TO_ADDRESS=bcm_red@dez.r3.sap-ag.de
13:43:15.231 INF> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] Created
13:43:15.231 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] TO_ADDRESS:
13:43:15.231 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] Z_TO_ADDRESS:
13:43:15.231 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action]
Address=BCM_RED_SUPPORT@BCMDEMO.SAP.CORP mapped to queue=Queue:Red - Support (E-Mail)
The previous 2 lines were repeated 2 times
13:43:15.232 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] CAD:
13:43:15.232 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] Queue: a46e2bf6-1aa8-4928-
bb16-41718d898247 Channel: bcm_red_support@bcmdemo.sap.corp

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13:43:15.232 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] ActionItemData:

<ici.ActionItem><systemId /><client
nItemId p2:nil="true" xmlns:p2="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" /><actionItemInboxId
p2:nil="true" xmlns:p2="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" /><attachedData /><capabilityList
/><processingStatus><id /><description /></processingStatus><actionItemStatus><id /><description
/></actionItemStatus><actionItemAttributes><item><id>SUBJECT</id><description>Test from
13:43:15.232 TRC> [ActionItem:C8CA116FCA92E111A6C80017A43C040C;-/action] RoutingAttributes:
AG.DE</value></ici.NameValue><ici.NameValue><name>MAIL_SUBJECT</name><value>Test from

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Configure CAD based Alerts for new ERMS push

E-mails in SAP CRM
This chapter describes how to extend the Contact Attached Data profile in CRM to display alerts giving the
agent additional information about an incoming e-mail in the IC WebClient

1. Configure CRM to accept the CAD

Transaction CRMC_IC_CAD
Edit the Contact Attached Data Profile your created earlier. Highlight the profile and click on Contact
Attached Data Groups

Select the group for the CAD Application ID used by your BCM system (normally SAP_BCM/OII). Highlight
your group and click on Attributes. Create your e-mail attributes, enabling the Fact Gathering flag for any you
wish to be included in your alert(s).
CA_LANG E-Mail Language
MAIL_RECIPIENT E-Mail Original Recipient
Z_TO_ADDRESS BCM Queue E-Mail Address for routing
Z_EMAIL_CATEGORY E-Mail Category determined by ERMS

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The description is used in the Contact Attached Data workcenter in the IC WebClient

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2. Configure Fact Base entries for CAD in CRM

Select the ICRULE context and click on Attributes

Add the attributes for your CAD entries you highlighted to be used for Fact Gathering. If you don’t want to
restrict the operators that can be used when testing for a value of this attribute in a rule policy to EQUALS,
Extension Class field blank. Otherwise enter CL_CRM_ERMS_ATTR_EXT_EQUALS in the Attribute
Extension Class field.
ZCAD_CA_LANG CAD: E-Mail Language /parts/SAP_BCM/OII/CA_LANG/text()
ZCAD_MAIL_RECIPI CAD: E-Mail Original Recipient /parts/SAP_BCM/OII/MAIL_RECIPI/text()

XPath Expression /parts/Application_ID/Attribute/text()

3. Create Alert
Log into CRM as the IC Manager

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Go to Alerts and click on New

Enter a new and description and select Fact Base in the dropdown
You will see the Attributes you created in the Fact Base in the second dropdown:

It is also possible to create your own alerts using the other Attributes if required using a mixture of text and
the dropdowns. Click on Insert Attribute to add the selected attribute where you need it.

Caller's language is [FACTBASE$ZCAD_LANGUAGE] and caller selected


E-Mail Original Recipient Contains "BCM_FUSHIA@DTZ.R3.SAP-AG.DE"
Send Auto Acknowledgement ( Mail Form = Auto Acknowledge; Outgoing E-Mail Address = bcm_fushia@dtz.r3.sap-ag.de; Create
Interaction Record = No; Create Service Order = No ) and
Route EMail ( Organizational Object = BestRun BCM Call Center ) and
Add Routing Attribute for Push E-Mail ( Fact Base Attribute = E-Mail Original Recipient ) and
Add Routing Attribute for Push E-Mail ( Fact Base Attribute = Content Analysis: Language ) and
Add Routing Attribute for Push E-Mail ( Fact Base Attribute = E-Mail Subject )

E-Mail Original Recipient Contains "BCM_FUSHIA@DTZ.R3.SAP-AG.DE"
Set Attribute Value ( Attribute = BCM Queue E-Mail Address for routing; Value = "bcm_fushia_support@bcmdemo.sap.corp" ) and
Set Attribute Value ( Attribute = E-Mail Category determined by ERMS; Value = "Support" ) and
Add Routing Attribute for Push E-Mail ( Fact Base Attribute = BCM Queue E-Mail Address for routing ) and
Add Routing Attribute for Push E-Mail ( Fact Base Attribute = E-Mail Category determined by ERMS ) and
Push EMail to IC WebClient Agent and
Stop Further Rule Processing

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4. Intent Driven Interaction Rule Policy

Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Rule Policies. Click on New and select Intent Driven Interaction (IC WebClient)

Click on the highest level of your Rule Policy – here Z_BCM_CAD

Add any Business Roles that will use this Rule Policy and the IC Event that will trigger this Rule Policy

Create a folder under Draft Rules and rule in this new folder (here CAD rule folder and BCM CAD)

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Enter the conditions for the Rule using the Attribute Current Event and value Contact arrives and the action
Trigger Alert with the value of Alert Name the alert you configured in the previous step.

Once you have created your rule, release it.

Then you should see a screen similar to this. Save the Rule Policy

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5. Send an e-mail
You should see the alerts when the call is allocated to your agent.

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SAP BCM & SAP CRM Configuration Guide - Integration Scenarios

Configure CAD based Alerts for new Chats in SAP CRM

This chapter describes how to extend the Contact Attached Data profile in CRM to display alerts giving the
agent additional information about an incoming chat in the IC WebClient

1. Configure CRM to accept the CAD

Transaction CRMC_IC_CAD
Edit the Contact Attached Data Profile your created earlier. Highlight the profile and click on Contact
Attached Data Groups

As of BCM 7 SP4, the sample Internet Chat Client application supports the processing of the ChatSourceUrl
parameter sent as an argument to the Chat client.
Create a new Contact Attached Data Group called Customer. Highlight your group and click on Attributes.
Create your chat attributes, enabling the Fact Gathering flag for any you wish to be included in your alert(s).
Customer Contact Attached Data Group
ChatSourceUrl URL from where caller started the chat

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The description is used in the Contact Attached Data workcenter in the IC WebClient

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2. Configure Fact Base entries for CAD in CRM

Select the ICRULE context and click on Attributes

Add the attributes for your CAD entries you highlighted to be used for Fact Gathering. If you don’t want to
restrict the operators that can be used when testing for a value of this attribute in a rule policy to EQUALS,
Extension Class field blank. Otherwise enter CL_CRM_ERMS_ATTR_EXT_EQUALS in the Attribute
Extension Class field.
ZCAD_CHATSRCEURL CAD: Chat Source url /parts/Customer/ChatSourceUrl/text()

XPath Expression /parts/Application_ID/Attribute/text()

3. Create Alert
Log into CRM as the IC Manager

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Go to Alerts and click on New

Enter a new and description and select Fact Base in the dropdown
You will see the Attributes you created in the Fact Base in the second dropdown:

It is also possible to create your own alerts using the other Attributes if required using a mixture of text and
the dropdowns. Click on Insert Attribute to add the selected attribute where you need it.

Caller's language is [FACTBASE$ZCAD_LANGUAGE] and caller selected


4. Intent Driven Interaction Rule Policy

Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Rule Policies. Click on New and select Intent Driven Interaction (IC WebClient)

Click on the highest level of your Rule Policy – here Z_BCM_CAD

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Add any Business Roles that will use this Rule Policy and the IC Event that will trigger this Rule Policy

Create a folder under Draft Rules and rule in this new folder (here CAD rule folder and BCM CAD)

Enter the conditions for the Rule using the Attribute Current Event and value Contact arrives and the action
Trigger Alert with the value of Alert Name the alert you configured in the previous step.

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Once you have created your rule, release it.

Then you should see a screen similar to this. Save the Rule Policy

5. Start a chat session

You should see the alerts when the call is allocated to your agent.

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Enable Presence information in SAP CRM

1. Define Communication Management Software Profiles

Make sure the Presence Enabled flag is set

2. Add Presence & Collaboration to the Partner Block

Transaction: BSP_WD_CMPWB

Component: BTPARTNER and click on Display

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Click on Component Structure Browser

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Expand Views and double-click on BTPARTNER/Partner. Click on Configuration.

Click on Choose Configuration

If an entry with Config Key CMS_ROLE exists, select that entry, otherwise click on Copy Configuration and
copy the <Default> entry to CMS_ROLE

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Select Collaboration and Presence from Available Fields and transfer them to Displayed Fields. You can
move the fields up in order by simply dragging and dropping them

Click on Save

Check that it has been saved correctly.

Now you should have presence available in Partner Functions

Add screenshot for different options…

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Business Process Push for Service Ticket

1. Add Actions for Order Routing
Select the ORDER context and click on Actions

Add the Send Parameter Action

Add the Set Parameter Action. You need to add 3 Action Parameters for this

Add the 3 Action Parameters: ITEM_TYPE, PARAMETER and VALUE

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2. Add a Rule Policy for Order Routing

Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Rule Policies. Click on New and select the Context ‘Order Routing’.

Or use an existing Rule Policy

Add entries as in the example below. Save and release the rules

Business Process Push will now be available when the agent clicks Escalate in the Service Ticket

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Business Process Push for Service Request

Since for the Service Request a different context in Rule Modeler is being used, some customizing settings
need to be adapted so the Business Process Push is working in context ‘Service Request’.

1. Add Actions for Service Request

Select the SERVICEREQUEST context and click on Actions

Add the Send Parameter Action

Add the Set Parameter Action. You need to add 3 Action Parameters for this

Add the 3 Action Parameters: ITEM_TYPE, PARAMETER and VALUE

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2. Add a Rule Policy for Service Request Management

Log into CRM as the IC Manager

Go to Rule Policies. Click on New and select the Context ‘Service Request Management’.

Or use an existing Rule Policy

This rule example uses the ITSM_ROUTING Rule Policy

Service Teams were created in Organisational Management. This is to ensure the Service Request goes to
the right Agent Group.

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Add entries as in the example below. Save and release the rules

Business Process Push will now be available when the agent clicks Dispatch in the Service Request or

© SAP AG 2014 122

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