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Definition and Overview of Cybersecurity

- Explanation of Cybersecurity and its role in protecting information and systems
- Brief history of Cybersecurity and its evolution
B. Types of Cyber Threats
- Overview of different types of cyber threats, including viruses, malware,
ransomware, phishing, and social engineering
- Understanding of the methods and techniques used by threat actors
C. Threat Actors and Motivations
- Explanation of different types of threat actors, including hackers, organized
crime groups, and nation-states
- Discussion of the motivations behind cyber attacks, including financial gain,
espionage, and political activism
D. Cybersecurity Controls and Measures
- Overview of different types of cybersecurity controls and measures, including
firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption
- Explanation of the purpose and function of various cybersecurity technologies and
E. Social Engineering and Human Factors in Cybersecurity
- Overview of social engineering and its impact on cybersecurity
- Explanation of common social engineering tactics, such as phishing and baiting
- Discussion of the human factors that contribute to security incidents and the
importance of security awareness and training.

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