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Religion contributes largely to the social growth of a bigger percentage of the Americans whom
have different denominations. In America, only few people are deeply rooted and strictly follow
their religious activities that bares them from freely associating with other groups; this show that
the growth of American diversity is highly growing. The belief of the more dominant religions in
America in the existence in one God contributed to the togetherness of the Americans with the
immigrants whom moved in their nation during the civil rights. Since the colonial days,
American has experienced growth of religious freedom influencing their culture, politics and
social life finding it easy to associate with the anyone.
Christianity have dominated the larger part of American when compared to other religion whom
were also converted from their beliefs or religion to Christianity. With the larger number of
Christianity in America they found it easy associating with non-American Christians immigrants
whom were colonized changed their religion. The eager to learn other communities’ religion has
also contributed to the American diversity as it has been seen with the increasing religious
intermarriages where large number of couples have different backgrounds and they later change
to have one religion among them.
Nowadays different people who possess different religion interact freely in America hence
possessing different belief have little effect in the American diversity. American diversity was
contributed majorly due to the increasing knowledge, business activities and colonization and
less by religious activities. Decreasing number of whites show that the American diversity is
growing though the religion seems just to exist at it has been. New generation has been informed
of the importance of understanding each other race, culture and skin color and hence they led by
intermarriages amongst them. Acceptance of the global diversity has seen more migrants in
America having a better relationship with American citizens more so in the school settings and
For the growth of America, they had to create a mutual relationship with other nations for the
business purposes, gain of raw materials, getting more laborious and troupes; this occurred
without the consideration of the religion or culture of different communities in these nations. The
American citizen had to accept and practice diversity to accommodate the African workers and
other non-American workers or investors. In the achievement having a diverse America they had
to accept other religion and give them freedom to practice their culture. The religion adaptation

and interchange were also viewed among the Americans and immigrants after a long mutual
relationship which only ensured the diversity is practiced more.

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