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Helena Caryl Reyes Opportunity Seeking

Entrep 2A


1. Approval of my business idea.

2. List of the (target) market of the approved product

-Mostly Women ages under 25 or over 55 years old and Some Men also purchase scented

3. How will you create you approved product or service:

-Prepare the materials
-Prepare the container
-Measure the wax
-Melt the wax and add the scent
-Attach the Wick and Pour Wax
-Then let it set.


Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Availability of Low Competition with It provides light, heat Now a days many are
Cost and Skilled other candle maker. and also scent. not going to buy and
Manpower. give more important
to the candle.
Scented Candles also Cost is higher than
Has big advantage to They can easily offer have calming, before which takes
industry. the same product. relaxing or customers only buy
invigorating effect on if they are in need,
the consumer. not because they
Growing economy Scented candles can It can be also a good Not familiar in the
and potential cause headaches and home décor. materials needed and
domestic. migraines for some how to use it.
The scented candles Scented candles can Using wrong
offer a general sense Finding the right be customized and materials in making
of comfort and supplier. handmade. the scented candles.

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