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Helena Caryl Reyes September

25,2021Entrep-1A Contemporary
WorldActivity no. 3(Film Critique)From the Inside Job Movie 1.How are the facts and data presented in the
documentary related to the current issues in the country?-First the Customers' money could now be invested in
derivatives thanks to a change in bank investing regulations, then the Subprime residential mortgage derivatives were
formed, and demand for homes surged. And also Subprime mortgage borrowers couldn't afford their mortgages once
the Federal Reserve boosted interest rates. And the Borrowers defaulted on their mortgages, and derivatives and other
investments linked to them lost value. Lastly, is the Unscrupulous investment banking and insurance practices
contributed to the financial crisis by passing all risk to investors.2. Does the documentary offer solutions to address
the issues presented in the movie?-No there is no solution presented on the movie, but the solution that I can suggest is
stay informed and stay involved. As Margaret Mead said, “Never depend upon institutions or government to solve
any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of
individuals.3. How can the theme in this documentary engage an average citizen in terms of economics and politics?-
They can engage in this theme which they gave the financial industry complete flexibility to operate in their own
interests, resulting in millions of dollars in profits at the expense of taxpayers and general public investment. As a
result, is they advised that tough measures be taken against those responsible for the catastrophe, although it is sad that
those individuals and organizations remain in power.

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