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State three activities a workshop trainer will undertake with regard to each of the following
management functions:
(i) Planning
a) Know the type of class assigned to train in terms of number of students, their level.

b) Write down the objectives of the activities he will carry out for each class using the
c)Check the appropriate of workshop tools and materials
d) Prepare schemes of work, lesson plan and instruction sheet

a) Grouping students if they are too many or facilities are not adequate
b) Appoint the group leader.
c)Give the assignment through the instruction sheet
d) Handling of finished work

a) Ensure proper use of material
b) supervision of student work during workshop lesson
c) Monitoring the returning tools
d) maintenance of tools and equipment’s

1. (a) Outline four ways a trainer can enhance safety practices by the trainees while handling a
workshop class
1.Planing for safety rules
2.checking punctuality and mode of dressing
3.determine the standards to be achieved
4.evaluating work completed by students

b) State five causes of accidents in a workplace (5 mks)

2.Dengerouse materials.
3.Unsatisfactory machine e.g., broken, improperly adjustment, insufficient
4. Ignorance.
5.Diverted attention or sudden interruption of work.

(b) A shop trainer improves the safety of the learners in the shop through implementation
of the components of a safety programme. Explain how the trainer implements the
following components at the institution level
(i) Identification and specification of appropriate safety gear
1.Identify appropriate protection gears to be used
2.Monitaring of toxicity

(ii) Provision of medical attention

1.stock first aid kits in workshop
2.Seek medical attention from dispensaries in case of occurrence of accident
and ensuring emergencies exits are accessible and not obstructed.

(iii) Accident reporting

1reporting and recording all the accident on safe use of

(iv) Safety enforcement (8 mks)

1.Providing training on safe use of equipment’s such of fire fighting and
correcting handling tools.

(c) As a shop trainer, prepare an alarmist, humorous or standard safety poster on an A4

plain paper.
The poster must have a diagram and a statement. (10 mks)

3 (I) Explain two roles of a shop trainer when considered as a shop(6mks)

I. Manager
1.Planing for workshop class.
2.controls workshop activities

II. Supervisor
1.Supervises students’ activities.
2.Understands individual differences
III. Instructor
1.Instruct new students
2. Instruct students who have had previous training
(ii) State

(I) Five desirable qualities of a shop trainer that can influence learners to have respect,
follow instructions and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills
1.Shelf discipline
2.Problem solver
4. manager

(II) Four causes of student indiscipline during a workshop class (9mks)

-Lack of proper management
-Lack of supervision
-Violation of rights for students in workshop

1. (a) State two advantages and a disadvantage for each of the following storage system in a

(i) Tool crib

-Greater security for tools and machines accessories
-Easy viewed inventory
-Needs constant supervision during initial collection at the start of lesson and return
-One travel to and from store room thus reducing student time
ii) Tool box
-It is portable
-requires less space
-limited to small tools
-can easily be stollen

(ii) Open panel (9 mks)

-Tools are visible and readily accessible
-It offers easy inventory
-Tools can easily be stollen
-Requires wall space
(b) Storage of shop material is very important in shop management. As a shop trainer list five
categories of shop material that require storage (5 mks)

-Raw materials
-Finished goods
-Display material
-Unfinished product
-Student work
2. (a) State four tool marking methods with regard to tool control (4mks)
-Rubber stamping
-Electric stylus

(b) Explain two methods used in tool identification to curb on tool loses (4 mks)
-To prevent theft, through loan to other shop
-Showing name of school, number of tools

(c) State three advantages of undertaking maintenance of tools and equipment in a shop (3
mks) -Minimizing operating cost by preventing major repair
-Assist in lifting the moral of operation
-Minimize possibility of failure or breakdown

(d) Explain the benefits derived by a learner when given the role of a ‘group
leader’ or ‘tool attendant’ by the shop trainer during workshop class (4 mks)

3. (a) Outline three advantages of maintaining an inventory in a shop (3 mks)

-Quantities are corrected
-Specification are met
-Defect in material if any

(b) With aid of a labelled diagram describe a local purchase order form (6mks)
(c) Differentiate between annual and perpetual inventory verification methods (4 mks)
Annual inventory verification is a process whereby the stock lying in the store is checked
once in a year so as to see that the quantities shown in store ledger, bin card are actually
available and the number tally each other
Perpetual inventory verification is a continuous check throughout the year in such away
that each item is checked at least once

4. (a) Define a budget -A tool of management for planning its future activities which include estimate for
purchase of material and equipment’s, expenditure and production.
(b) State three advantages of budgeting (3 mks)

-It helps in making the policies for the coming period

-A check of the performance and efficiency of the industry is provided
-It is helpful to predict the price of the product

c)Explain the need for budgetary control

-to keeps the actual standards as nearly as possible to the predeterminant standard by
strict super vision.

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