Girl That Read Book

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Personal Development

1. What did I draw/paint?

I choose to draw a girl reading a book. A book that signifies happiness throughout my
life. Books are the most satisfying and inspiring to companion with. It became my friend in my
journey through life. Through reading book can be enriching experiences as well as we can get
some inspiring and knowledge to it. We can learn a lot of interesting thing through reading a
book. Reading might give us an aspiring experiences of the character, a relatable life of them and
a challenging events.

2. Why did I draw/paint it?

I draw a girl reading a book due to it defined my personality. I did to draw a girl reading
a book because it tells what I am, it shows that through reading reduces my stress. I love reading
book so I’m being adept with this attitude, well it is a time of rest. I feel like I’ve been
experiencing what’s character’s condition. I imagine things that made me feel like I am in a new
world, it either worst or beautiful place.

Every time I am reading I feel happiness because it was play a significant role in my life.
Through this I get some knowledge, either love and fear as well as it gives me positive thoughts
about life. It was a perfect hobby for me due to it acquires a new idea, learning and discover or
exploring things through reading and understand the stories. Reading book has an entertaining
worth, but it not just always fun, it also developing life capabilities because it helps to enhance
our mind to have a knowledge about everything.

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