Final Test Group 13 Final

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I. Grammar use:


Translate using the specified tense:


Bicicleta lor nu este in gradina. =

Stefan sta acasa in fiecare Marti. =
Vrea Onur sa doarma acum? =
Sunt Alex si Jane plictisiti? =
Pisicilor nu le place apa. =


In acest moment, voi mancati tort. =

Oamenii asteapta acum. =
Te uiti la TV? =
Ronald nu invata poezii. =
Sheila se spala acum in baia ta? =


Seful nu ne va da o zi libera. =
Va veni tata la petrecerea voastra? =
Profesorul va corecta subiectele in curand. =
Eu nu voi sta cu fratii mei maine. =
Va repara Steve masina pana sambata? =

Lorna a intalnit oameni interesanti. =
Prietenul lui nu a inteles gluma. =
Voi ati scris textul acela? =
Erai cu echipa ta la mare? =
Cine a luat cheile din buzunar? =


It ______ (be) hard to eat healthy at school. It was even harder when Jessica
entered college. Everywhere she _____ (go) it seemed as if she was surrounded by
unhealthy food. From the dining hall pizza to the coffee shops at every corner, it was
hard for her to eat healthy every day.

She also ______ (have) to balance many activities and classes. She felt she had
no time to cook or find healthy food. She often stopped at fast food places and got
quick snacks. The unhealthy food often left her feeling tired. She did not have the
energy at the end of the day and often felt sleepy. She decided she ______ (need) to
alter her eating habits. She wanted to stop eating so unhealthy, but she did not know

She ______ (decide) to start by cutting out coffee. At first it was hard since she
drank coffee almost every day. By the end of the week, she ______ (feel) better. She
was also saving a lot of money by not having to buy a drink every day, which quickly
added up.

The next step she took was to incorporate more healthy food into her diet.
Instead of eating burgers and sandwiches so often, she decided to eat salads every
other day. She ______ (find) that salads were just as quick and cheap as burgers.
This made her feel more refreshed and energized. She found herself less sleepy and
more focused in class. The salad even ______ (taste) better than the burger.

Jessica felt so good with her diet change. She ______ (plan) on cooking once a
week every week. She felt ambitious and ______ (love) the change she was making.

People, was, example, trouble, by, scientists, her, that, said, do,

Most __1____ shower once every day. Joyce thinks this is a waste of water. She
showers every other day. Joyce does not mind if people know that she does not
shower daily. She tells people ___2___ showering every day is a waste of water.
There are so many countries that do not have clean water readily available. There is
also a drought in California. Joyce believes that people should only shower if they
really have to. For __3____, if someone just finished going to the gym, they should

Joyce's entire family only showers once every other day. One day, Joyce invited
___4___ classmates to her house to work on their project. The project was on water
usage. Joyce revealed that she and her entire family ____5__ not shower daily. Her
classmates looked at her in disgust and then pinched their noses. "You guys don't
even smell anything. If I did not tell you, you would not be doing that," Joyce
__6____. They all made excuses to leave her house.

Joyce ____7__ disappointed in them. She thought they were being immature.
She decided to do the project by herself. Joyce presented her project in front of the
entire class. It was on showering daily and how ___8___ have proved that it was not
necessary. The teacher was impressed and gave Joyce an A+. Her classmates
ended up doing not so well. They also got in ___9___ for leaving Joyce to do the
project __10____ herself alone.


ACTIVE: Steve eats oranges.


ACTIVE: Your dad will buy a washing machine.

ACTIVE: Alex is watching his kids.

ACTIVE: The people loved the president.


ACTIVE: Children should wear the seatbelt in the bus.


II. READING. Read the text and answer the questions:

Ophelia was a night shift worker at a hospital. This meant that she worked late at

night. Ophelia's work schedule was 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. Ophelia would sleep during the

day while most people were at work. For the first year of work, Ophelia had a hard

time adjusting to the schedule. She had trouble sleeping during the afternoon. She

was upset that she had to miss out on social events her friends hosted.

It's still hard for Ophelia to adjust, but she is better at it. When she comes back

from work, she goes to the gym for a few hours. Then, she practices her knitting

skills. Afterwards, she would make herself a healthy meal. Night shift workers often

eat unhealthier than day shift workers. After lunch, she would watch her favorite TV

show. After that, she would sleep.

The hospital informed the employees that they could send requests to change

the time of their shift. Ophelia was excited about this and immediately sent in a
request to change her shift. A couple of weeks later, the manager gave Ophelia a

letter. The letter stated that her request was rejected.

Ophelia was shocked. She went to her manager and asked him why. He said

that many night shift workers who requested an earlier shift were elderly. Ophelia

was only 25. The manager thought that the older employees needed an earlier shift

more than Ophelia did.

Ophelia was mad at first, but she thought about the older employees. Their

bones were aching and they're tired. They do need earlier shifts more than her.

1. Ophelia works at a hospital TRUE / FALSE

2. People who work night shifts eat unhealthier food TRUE /
3. Ophelia spends too much on gasoline TRUE / FALSE
4. Her manager is also her uncle TRUE / FALSE
5. Ophelia believes that the older coworkers need earlier shifts
more than her TRUE / FALSE

III. Listening – listen to the video twice and answer the questions:
a) Canada prohibited the sale of both margarine and butter. TRUE / FALSE
b) In England, all men were obliged to practice shooting their bows for two
hours every week TRUE / FALSE
c) Peter the Great taxed beards TRUE / FALSE
d) In Arizona, people were obligated by law to shoot camels TRUE / FALSE


Write aprox. 50-100 words about the following subject:

Do you think that homework causes stress for children?

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