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Gerund (Ving) -> noun/kata benda

1. Subject
Playing is fun.
2. Object
We like playing tennis.
3. Object of preposition
I am looking forward to meeting you.

Infinitive (To + Vbase)

1. Bare infinitive (Vbase)
2. Full infinitive (To + Vbase)

1. Subject
To meet you is a great honor.
2. Verb
He wanted to go home.
3. Object/Predicate complement
My goal is to teach you.
4. After adjective
a.It is good to study.
b.It is hard for me to see ants.
c.It is kind of myself to say that.

1. Neolithic settlements began to give birth
to more complex human societies as they
mastered in …..
A. farm
B. farming
C. farm house
D. farm land
2. Homing pigeons are placed in a ............
program from about the time they are
twenty-eight days of age.
A. Training -> active + noun
B. Trained -> passive + noun
C. Trains
D. Trainings
3. Archaeologists have been able to study
the skeletons of victims by ... distilled water
to wash away the volcanic ash.
A. use
B. using
C. used
D. uses

4. Australopithecus Robustus were more

heavily built, they walked upright which
would have allowed them to ... and use
A. Carried
B. Carrying
C. Carry
D. Carries
5. In the 1940’s and 1950’s, biochemists
strived to ... why each of the vitamins was
essential for health.
A. Learning
B. Learn
C. Learned
D. Learns
6. The environmental group hopes ... the
forest to its original condition by the end of
the decade.
A. to restore.
B. having restored.
C. to be restored.
D. to have been restored.
She asked to be woken (V3). -> passive
She asked me to wake (Vbase) her. -> active
7. Henry Ford revolutionized production
management by ... into small steps on a
moving line.
A. breaking down auto assembly.
B. broken down auto assembly.
C. he broke down auto assembly.
D. auto assembly breaking down.

8. While he was queuing to buy the concert

ticket, the man with the bread stole (V2)
the young lady’s purse.
A. He queuing.
B. He queues.
C. queuing.
D. queued.
9. After it visited (active) the earth orbit, the
famous comet, Halley’s Comet, will return
to earth in the next 75 years.
A. visit.
B. visiting.
C. it visit.
D. it visiting.

10. After attending the wedding party, Dona

continued ... the meal and having dinner
with her family.
A. heating.
B. to heat.
C. heat.
D. heats.
11. A loss of polar ice mass, increased by
melting of alpine and mountain glaciers will
affect sea-level rise.

12. Many organism have found ways to

emit light, allowing them to glows brighter
even in the darkest part of our world.

13. Canada's rivers and lakes allowed and,

indeed, invited venturesome pioneers to
explore exploring the interior of the
14. As the warm western winds raise to
cross the mountains, their moisture begins
to falls as rain.

15. Railroad executives wanted to replacing

replace them with steel rails because steel
was ten or fifteen times stronger and lasted
twenty times longer.

16. The findings highlight the importance of

post-immigration factors in shaping shape
how well refugee children adjust to their
new country.

17. The students do not need to buying new

books because the books for this semester
are like those for the previous semester.

18. Electrical engineering could be a great

major for a student who loves learning
about how things work.
19. A test pilot tries out new one kind of
aircrafts to determined if they are safe.

20. J.H. Pratt used group therapy early in

this century when he brought tuberculosis
patients together to discuss discussing their

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