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Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Employees in The Telecom


Submitted by:

Priyanshu Raj

B.B.A., LL.B (Hons.)

Roll: 2030

Submitted to:
Dr. Kriti



(Project Report)

Chanakya National Law University

Nyaya Nagar, Mithapur, Patna- 800 001


I Priyanshu Raj, hereby declare that, the project work entitled, ‘Analysis of Satisfaction Level
of Employees in The Telecom Sector’ submitted to CNLU, Patna is record of an original work
done by me under the guidance of, Faculty Member, CNLU, Patna.

Priyanshu Raj

B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

Roll No. – 2030

1st Semester


First and foremost, I would like to thanks my faculty of human resource and observation
behaviour, Dr. Kriti, for giving the opportunity to work on this project named – ‘Analysis of
Satisfaction Level of Employees in The Telecom Sector’. His guidance and support has been
instrumental while making my project on this topic.

I would like to all authors, writers Internet sources and columnists whose ideas and works have
been made use in my Project. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to all staff and administration of
CNLU for the infrastructure in the form of library that was a great source of help in completion
of this Project.

I also thank my friends for their precious inputs which have been very useful in the completion
of this Project. I would also like to thank my parents, my seniors, dear colleagues, and friends in
the University, who have helped me with ideas about this work.

I hope you will appreciate my true work which is indeed a hard work and a result of my true
research and work.

Priyanshu Raj

B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

Roll No. – 2030

1st Semester

The objectives behind this research are to know:

 Meaning of job satisfaction in work place.

 Objective of job satisfaction.
 how job satisfaction helps employee to be motivated
 Observe the level of satisfaction among of employees relating to the nature of the job and
other factors.
 To evaluate the working environment in telecom industry.
 examine satisfaction regarding the salary and other benefits of its employees.
 To suggest suitable measures to improve the overall satisfaction of the employees in the

In the preparation of this report, the researcher the data from different sources. The sources of
data as follows:

 Primary data: This data is gathered from first hand information sources by the researcher,
this data collection from employees, his data is gathered from first hand information
sources by the researcher, this data collection from employees, managers, clerks etc., by
administrating the questionnaire having face to face interaction with employees.
 Secondary data: This will give the theoretical basis required for the report presentation
which can be available from various sources such as magazines, office files, inter office
manual and web site.


Area of limitations – Every study has own limitation due to the limited time, lack of sufficient
financial sources and limited area of survey/study of the subject matter.

The researcher follows the Blue Book mode of citation.

It is known fact to all that keeping a employee happy is management’s responsibility as to get the
work done perfectly. However, to feel happy is employee’s perception. Therefore, a satisfied
employee is essential element for improving efficiency and effectiveness.

• Job satisfaction is great motivator, which keeps the employees always in high
• Job satisfaction among employees result in increasing the perception of the
• Job satisfaction reduces the resistance among employees for the new


1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................................7
2. Meaning of job satisfaction.....................................................................................................................8
1.2 Theories on job satisfaction.........................................................................................................9
2. DETERMINANTS OF JOB SATISFACTION.................................................................................................10
3 Telecom sector in india......................................................................................................................11
4.Factors affecting job satisfaction............................................................................................................13
4.1Why are job satisfaction and motivation important?.......................................................................19
SUGGESTION AND CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................20


Job satisfaction is derived from the Latin words “Satis” and “facere”, which means “enough and
to do” respectively. Job satisfaction survey can give the most valuable information the
perceptions and causes. For satisfaction/dissatisfaction among the employees attitude towards
job satisfaction may be either positive or negative. This positive feeling can be re-in forced and
negative feelings can be rectified. This survey can be treated as the most effective and efficient
way, which makes the workers to express their inner and real feelings undoubtedly. For any
future course of action/ development, which involves employee’s participation, is considered.
The management will get a picture their employee’s acceptance and readiness. This survey also
enables to avoid misinterpretations and helps management in solving problems effectively. It is
observed that during study some of the employees accepted the proposal survey research. A
perfectly contentment and satisfaction motivates an employees to be confident with a high
morale, it is an asset to organization as a whole.

Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It is the sum-
total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes
of the employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees.
It may be noted here that human resource should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, in
order to achieve individual and organizational goals. It is thus the employee’s performance,
which ultimately decides, and attainment of goals. However, the employee performance is to a
large extent, influenced by motivation and job satisfaction The term relates to the total
relationship between an individual and the employer for which he is paid. Satisfaction does mean
the simple feeling state accompanying the attainment of any goal; the end state is feeling
accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its objective. Job satisfaction does mean absence
of motivation at work. Research workers differently described the factors contributing of job
satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.

The survey made regarding the job satisfaction in telecom industry will facilitate and enables the
management to know the perceptions and inner feelings regarding the job they are performing on
day-to-day basis. The term job satisfaction reveals and focuses on the likes and dislikes of the
employees of telecom industry. In this particular study, the researcher tries to identify the causes
for satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees. So this is the most effective and
selective instrument for diagnosing and peeping into the employee’s problems. Thus, the high
motivation and morale of an employee make him to remain in the organization and encourage
him to face cut throat competition and gives him enough dynamism to face challenges. Every
human being posses him own unique resource, if properly channels it by supportive and
supplement, ultimately for achieving organization goals. As proper breathing and diet is
necessary to healthy human being so as is contentment to the job satisfaction. This contentedness
ultimately acts as a key factor to human resource development.
Job satisfaction survey can give the most valuable information the perceptions and causes. For
satisfaction/dissatisfaction among the employee attitude towards job satisfaction may be either
positive or negative. This positive feeling can be re-in forced and negative feelings can be

rectified. This survey can be treated as the most effective and efficient way, which makes the
workers to express their inner and real feelings undoubtedly.
For any future course of action/ development, which involves employee’s participation is considered. The
management will get a picture their employee’s acceptance and readiness.
This survey also enables to avoid misinterpretations and helps management in solving problem
effectively. It is observed during study some of the employees accepted the proposal survey
research. A perfectly contentment and satisfaction motivates an employee to be confident with
ahigh morale, it is an asset to organization as a whole Thus the high motivation and morale of an
employee make him to remain in the organization and encourage him to face cut throat
competition and gives him enough dynamism to face challenges  

Every human being possess him own unique resource, if properly channels it bysupportive and
supplement, ultimately for achieving organization goals. As proper breathing and diet is
necessary to healthy human being so as is contentment to the job satisfaction. This contentedness
ultimately acts as a key factor to human resource development.


Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation
to work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction on the
Hop pock describes job satisfaction as “any combination of psychological, physiological and
environmental circumstances that cause and person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job.

Job satisfaction is defined as the, “pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of
one’s job as achieving of facilitating the achievement of one’s job.

I am satisfied with the job” is one way to define job satisfaction. Limelight on job satisfaction
was brought by Hop pock in 1935. He reviewed 32 studies on job satisfaction. Prior of 1933 the
job satisfaction is combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances
that course to say truthfully, “I am satisfied with my job.”
The success of any organization depends on the effective utilization and motivation of human
Job satisfaction is an integral of the organizational climate and importance element in
management and employee relationship.

Job satisfaction is derived from the Latin words “Satis” and “facere”, which means “enough and
to do” respectively. Job satisfaction refers to an employee’s general attitude towards his job

• Situational Factor.
• Individual Characteristics.
• Group and social relationship outside the job.
Job satisfaction is the ultimate function of all these and many individual attitudes put together.
Many thinkers consider it a collective force and not an unitary phenomenon.
Every individual has some needs and desires that need to be fulfilled. Any job, which fulfils
these needs, provides satisfaction. Satisfaction is one’s contentment job that induces motivation
and interest in work, which creates pleasure or happiness from job. Hence satisfaction plays a
vital role in every aspect of individual’s life, without satisfaction in life it becomes very difficult
to survive.

2. Meaning of job satisfaction

The term job satisfaction refers to an employee’s general attitude towards his job.

 Job satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which employees

view their work.
 In order to understand job satisfaction, perhaps the first step should be to
demarcate the boundaries among such terms as attitudes motivation and morale.
 A job is an important part of life. Job satisfaction influences one’s general life
 The result is that satisfaction arises from a complex set of circumstances in the
same way the motivation does.

Job Satisfaction Leads To

 Motivates towards high productivity.

 Want to remain with organization.
 Act effectively in crisis.
 Accept necessary changes without resentment or resistance.
 Promotes the interest of the workers in the organization.

2.2 Theories on job satisfaction

There are vital differences among experts about the concept of job satisfaction. There are four
approaches/theories of job satisfaction. They are as follows:

 Fulfillment theory
 Discrepancy theory
 Equity theory
 Two-factor theory

 Fulfillment theory The main aim of this theory is to measure satisfaction in terms of rewards
a person receives or the extent to which his needs are satisfied. Job satisfaction cannot be
regarded merely as a function of how much a person receives from his job but it is the
strength of the individual’s desire of his level of aspiration in a particular area. The main
difficulty in his approach as observed by willing is that job satisfaction is not only a function
of what a person receives but also what he feels he should receive, as there would be
considerable difference in the actual and expectations of persons.

 Discrepancy Theory The proponents of this theory is that satisfaction is the function of what
a person actually receives from his job satisfaction and what he thanks receives or expects to
receive. This approach does not make it clear whether or not over satisfaction is a part of
dissatisfaction and if so, how it differs from dissatisfaction.

 Equity Theory The proponents of this theory are of the view that a persons satisfaction
determined by his perceived equity which in from is determined by his input-output balance
when compared to others input-output balance. Input-output balance is the perceived ratio of
what a person received from his job relative to what he contributes to the job.

 Two-Factor Theory This theory was developed by Herzberg, Manusner, Paterson and Cap
well who identified certain factors as satisfiers and dissatisfies. Factors such as achievement,
recognition responsibility etc., are satisfiers, the presence of which causes satisfaction but
their absence does not result in dissatisfaction on the other hand the factors such as

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supervision salary, working conditions etc are dis-satisfiers the absence of which cause
dissatisfaction however their presence does not result in job satisfaction. This theory is
considered invalid as a person can get both satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the same time.


According to Abraham A. Kumar there two types of variables, which determine the job
satisfaction of an individual.

These are:

1. Organization Variables

2. Personal Variables

1 Organization variables:

• Occupational Level : The higher the level of the job, the greater the satisfaction of the
individuals. This is because, higher level of jobs carry greater prestige and self-control. This
relationship between occupational level and job satisfaction stems from social reference group
theory in our society values some jobs more than others. Hence people in values like them more
than those who are in nonvalued jobs. The relationship may also stem from the need fulfillment

• Job content: Greater the variation in job content and less the repetitiveness with which the
tasks must be performed, the greater the satisfaction of the individuals involved. Since job
content in terms of variety and nature of tasks called for is a function of occupational level. The
theoretical arguments given above apply here also.

• Considerate Leadership: People to be treated with consideration. Hence considerate

leadership results in higher job satisfaction than in considerate leadership.

• Pay and Promotional opportunities: All other things being equal these two variables are
positively related to job satisfaction.

• Interaction among Employees: Here the question is, when interaction in the work group is a
source of job satisfaction and when it is not.

Interaction is more satisfying when:

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• It results in the cognition that other persons attitudes are similar to ones own since, this permits
are ready calculability of the others behavior and constitutes a validation of ones self.

• It results in being accepted by other and

• It facilitates and achievement of goals.

1. Personal Variables

For some people, it appears that most jobs will be dissatisfying irrespective of the organizational
conditions, where for other most jobs will be satisfying personal variable for this difference.
Age, Educational Level, Role perception, and Sex are the personal variables.

3.1Telecom sector in india

Telecom in India was started by private persons in 1851 as “Public Utility Service”.
Subsequently it was taken over by Govt. of India in 1943 as department of Telecommunication,
it functions under the communication ministry headed by a Cabinet Minister. The office is
situated in New Delhi, having circle offices in all states in India. The circle office is located at
the capital city of the every district of all states under supervision of General Manager. It is world’s
7th largest company and India’s No.1 Telecom Company and celebrating 150 years of Telecom Services .

The BSNL is formed on 1st October 2000. The BSNL is the largest public sector, serving more than
35 million customers and with a work force of 4,50,000 offices and employees, for its
maintenance and operation. With the successful launch of BSNL’s WLL, Mobile and Broadband
services all over the country. It has the responsibilities to improve already quality of telecom
services expansion of telecom network, taking telecom services in all the villages and instilling
confidence amongst its customers .

The company with a sound financial base is ready to face the impact of the upcoming
competition. BSNL has received an overwhelming response to its simultaneous launch of
cellular mobile Telephone Services (CMTS) across the country.. The introduction of DSL
technology in the access network will be another solution to meet the demand for high
bandwidth considerably .Other technological innovations in the form of Managed Leased Line
Networks (MLLN),LMDs DLCs AND RLC in the access network are in different phases of
implementation .Commissioning of DWDM in the main routes through “Sanchar Sagar Project “ has laid the
foundation for the formation of National Information Super Highway. Introduction of Internet
Telephony (“WEBPHONE”) has proved our commitment towards “Providing World-class Telecom
Services at a very affordable price to its valued customers.

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To day in Warangal, BSNL have a strong network of 100% digitalized exchange sinter
connected by 100% reliable transmission media. They serve 1,05,989 landline customers through
117 exchanges. BSNL commissioned a state of the art Digital Trunk Automatic Exchange of
12,000 lines capacity exclusively for long distance traffic, introduced Intelligent Network
Services (India Telephone Cards, Free Phone Services, Televoting, etc.,) recognize digital
exchanges of latest technology in the tricity so as to offer Contrex facility all over the city.


 To become the largest telecom Service Provider in Asia.

 To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services to its customers on
demand at competitive prices.

 To provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to contribute to
the growth of the country's economy.


 To be the Lead Telecom Services Provider.

 To provide quality and reliable fixed telecom service to our customer and there by
increase customer's confidence.

 To provide mobile telephone service of high quality and become no. 1 GSM operator in
its area of operation.

 To provide point of interconnection to other service provider as per their requirement


 To facilitate R & D activity in the country.

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4.Factors affecting job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a big factor in employee engagement, and the level of discretionary effort team
members are likely to make. No doubt, people’s work performance suffers when they don’t feel
satisfied with their jobs, not to mention their quality of life. Of course, every person is unique in
what they wish to achieve from their work, but there are some job satisfaction factors that
psychologists usually agree on.

Job satisfaction depends on several different factors such as satisfaction with pay, promotion
opportunities, fringe benefits, job security, relationship with co-workers and supervisors, etc.

As work is an important aspect of people’s lives and most people spend a large part of their
working lives at work, understanding the factors involved in job satisfaction is crucial to
improving employees ‘performance and productivity.

Factors affecting the level of job satisfaction are;

1. Working Environment.
2. Fair Policies and Practice.
3. Caring Organization.
4. Appreciation.
5. Pay.
6. Age.
7. Promotion.
8. Feel of Belongings.
9. Initiation and Leadership.
10. Feel of Being Loved.
11. Safety and Security.
12. Challenges.
13. Responsibilities.
14. Creativity in Job.
15. Personal Interest and Hobbies.
16. Respect from Co-Workers.
17. Relationship with Supervisors.
18. Feedback.
19. Flexibility.
20. Nature of Work.

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Working Environment

It is essential to provide employees with a work environment that is conducive to their overall

They need an environment which is healthy and safe and which caters to both personal comforts
and facilitates doing a good job. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive
surroundings), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs.

On the other hand, if the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings), personnel will
find it more difficult to get things done.

Hence, it can be said that having a friendly, and supportive environment can lead to increased job

Fair Policies and Practice

Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fair and just manner are likely
to experience satisfaction from their jobs.

Very often employees are demotivated and dissatisfied with their jobs because unfair policies
and practices prevail at their place of work.

It is therefore of utmost importance for an organization to have a fair and equal system regarding
practices and policies so that there is no discrimination and frustration.

Caring Organization

Care can be shown in various ways, but it takes into consideration career development, adult
treatment, being taken seriously and being appreciated for a job well done.

When people feel that the organization; for which they are working, cares for them and takes
actions to improve their work and lives, they are happy, and this creates higher satisfaction.

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The human race loves to be appreciated.

Even for the smaller job that does one seek to have an appreciation, from colleagues, boss, and
seniors. When one gets acknowledged in front of everyone, it gives up a boost to their morale.

When appreciation leads to encouragement, the ultimate result is reflected in the efficiency of
work automatically. Therefore, the level of job satisfaction is always higher wherever
appreciation is higher.


Wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant but cognitively complex (Carraher, &
Buckley, 1996) and multidimensional factor in job satisfaction. Money not only helps people
attain their basic needs but is also instrumental in providing upper-level need satisfaction.

Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the
organization. Fringe benefits are also significant, but they are not as influential.

One reason undoubtedly is that most employees do not even know how much they are receiving
in benefits. Moreover, most tend to undervalue these benefits because they do not realize their
significant monetary value.


Age is one of the factors affecting job satisfaction. Various studies carried out in this field have
shown that job satisfaction tends to increase with age.

That is older employees tend to report higher satisfaction, and younger employees say the lowest
job satisfaction rates.


Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because
promotions take some different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards.

In recent years, the flattening of organizations and accompanying empowerment strategies,

promotion in the traditional sense of climbing the hierarchical corporate ladder of success is no
longer available as it once was.

Feel of Belongings

Most of the organization fails to understand this fundamental factor, whereas many have started
acting towards it.

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If an employee feels that he is considered an important part of the team, he belongs to the
organization then there are higher chances of job satisfaction.

Texting or emailing an employee on his/her birthday, communicating the crisis to even at the
ground level employee, making special efforts during festive seasons, all these small little
gestures make an employee believe that he or she belongs to the firm.

This brings job satisfaction and loyalty together.

Initiation and Leadership

If an employee is given an equal number of opportunities to show their talent, take the lead and
initiate then the chances of having a higher level of job satisfaction is more.

Suppose in an organization; no employee is asked to give suggestions, nobody is bothered to

inform them of the decision.

There are only a few figures who lead the team always.

In such conditions, an employee wouldn’t feel satisfied with whatever job he or she is currently

Feel of Being Loved

It is noticed that if an employee has a good bonding with colleagues arid seniors, then the job
satisfaction level is higher.

One feels like coming to the office and performing the job. If the environment is not friendly,
office politics is at its peak, and malpractices are done, then all these factors together leave no
stone unturned in discouraging an employee from not coming to the office.

Safety and Security

These days companies are taking endless measures in order to see that an employee is catered to
a different kind of facilities like health care and medical checkups.

There are a few institutions that also provide insurance policies at a lower rate.

Hence, this aspect of safety and security plays a major role. If an employee didn’t feel safe and
secured at the organization that he or she works in, the level of job satisfaction is ultimately
going to fall.


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There are a few types of employees who love to experiment; they like it when the challenging
job is assigned to them. To them, the challenge is always associated with ability and capability.

They feel that if an employee is given a challenging job, it means that the leader trusts his or her
capacity to fulfill the expectations.

Thus, wherever challenges have involved the level of job satisfaction automatically raises up.


This suggests that when an employee is given a bigger responsibility it makes him or her
conscious about the fact that the employers think him or her as a capable and trustworthy

Jobs where responsibility is involved always carry a higher level of satisfaction. The idea of
responsibility and the feel that one gets when the responsibility gets accomplished cannot be
traded for anything in the world.

If an employee is not given any responsibility to handle, ultimately the result is that the person
feels detached and doubts about self-worth which immediately affects job satisfaction.

Creativity in Job

Job satisfaction is always higher wherever creativity is involved. The creative freedom gives a
sense of fulfillment whenever any project is complete.

It makes an employee feels as if the project belongs to them for their creativity is there. Even if it
is just a creative sentence that they have put in, it means a lot to them.

On the other hand, in jobs that are monotonous, the employee won’t feel like he or she belongs to
the project. The alienation takes place, and hence the job satisfaction level falls drastically.

Personal Interest and Hobbies

People who pursue their hobbies and interest as their career, gain the highest level of satisfaction
in whatever they do at their workplace.

This is because their job is not a job for them, but a way of getting closer to their interest and
making money. Whatever, they will be more than just to have a promotion.

Respect from Co-Workers

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Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they work with. A hostile work environment
with rude or unpleasant coworkers is one that usually has lower job satisfaction.

Managers need to take a step and mediate conflicts before they escalate into more serious
problems requiring disciplinary action.

Employees may need to be reminded of what behaviors are considered inappropriate when
interacting with coworkers.

Relationship with Supervisors

One of the major reasons employees think about quitting a company is that their supervisor does
not care about them.

A participative climate created by the supervisor seems to have a more substantial effect on
workers’ satisfaction than does participation in a specific decision.

Effective managers know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and

Employees also need to know their supervisor’s door is always open for them to discuss any
concerns they have that are affecting their ability to do their jobs. It will lead to their satisfaction
in the office.


Not receiving feedback on their work can be quite discouraging for most people. Effective
feedback will help the team members know where they are and how they can improve.

Authority also needs to know what kind of feedback the team members respond to best. Research
shows that learners seek and respond to positive feedback, while experts respond to negative

In the case of negative feedback, it’s not enough to simply point out what is wrong. One should
explain the reason something they did isn’t working, and how it might be corrected.


Offering flexibility is a great way to show the team members that what is expected from them.
What’s more, the gift of time is one of the most appreciated workplace perks. Smart people work
best when they can choose their schedule.

Flexible hours can increase engagement and productivity. But keep in mind that these may
decrease collaboration.

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Nature of Work

The nature of work can define the willingness to work. Most individuals have a liking for certain
tasks and would prefer to handle these tasks. One should make sure that he/she is going for firms
where he/she gets to apply the skills, abilities, and knowledge to the fullest.

Recent research has found that such job characteristics and job complexity mediate the
relationship between personality and job satisfaction, and if the creative requirements of
employees’ jobs are met, then they tend to be satisfied.

For each working personal job satisfaction has a different meaning. There are different factors
that influence the level of job satisfaction. The ones that are listed above are the most common
ones. It is vital for an employee to have a satisfaction level derived from the job that he or she is

4.1Why are job satisfaction and motivation important?

So far, we have talked about how happiness at the workplace is a key to organizational success.
We have also had a look into how organization can benefit from increasing job satisfaction, and
minimize negative factors responsible for reducing employee satisfaction. The counterintuitive
link between job satisfaction and motivation was also explored. So how do we tie this all up to
create highly motivated and satisfied workers? It should be evident that the place where people
work and spend most part of their daytime has a strong impact on their feelings, actions and
thoughts. As a natural consequence of this there is a growing responsibility among managers to
understand worker’s degree of motivation and how happy and fulfilled they are with their jobs.
Recent evidence-based leadership theories and approaches put a strong emphasis on how to
increase motivation and job satisfaction.

When creating jobs and conditions that satisfy employees it is important to better understand
what factors promote and influence job satisfaction and motivation. Similarly, when seeking
their ideal worker, managers must both create fulfilling working environments and adopt the
right motivational strategies, such as motivational interviewing. In practical terms this means
creating new and more adjustable corporate policies, and gaining insights into employee
motivations (i.e. self- and externally motivated). Additionally, managers must also have a good
grasp of their organization specific performance needs, in order to employ motivational
processes suitable for the type of workers at that institution. Furthermore, organization policy
makers and leaders in general should structure jobs in order to give self-motivated workers a
chance to express their need autonomy and competitiveness. A ‘one-policy-for-all’ approach can
prove to be challenging, and in most cases can result in employee burn out, or voluntarily
quitting the organization.

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The following suggestions are offered to maximize satisfaction on the career of employees in the
study unit. The study discloses that the most of the respondents are dissatisfied with the Payment
package. Therefore the organization must take necessary steps to modify the Payment package to
improve the job satisfaction of the employees. The study reveals that the employees have low job
satisfaction with regards to career development. Therefore the organization may create an
opportunity to improve the employee career development in the organization and the employees
and promote in time, in accordance with their performance. The study indicates that nearly 80
per cent of the respondents are dissatisfied with their work load because that they felt that the top
level management imposes heavy work on them. Therefore, the organization may try to reduce
the work load through proper allocation of work and by way of appointing additional employees.
It is suggested that the organization must recognize the employees for their good performance
and also the organization may provide performance based incentives to enhance the job
satisfaction of employees in relation to Inspiration. Overall findings of this research indicate that
the job satisfaction of the employees in the study unit is not satisfactory. So measures should be
taken to maximize job satisfaction of the employees.

Satisfied employees have positive attitudes regarding their jobs. Satisfied workers are tend to
attend to work on time, more concern about the given targets, work speedily, work free of errors
and omissions, loyalty and commitment to the job, less dependability, suggest new ideas, tend to
improve knowledge, willing to accept more responsibility, obedience of rules and regulations,
less absenteeism and effort to retain in the present job. The positive attitudes will increase the
quality and quantity of employees’ performance. Hence such a situation is good for an
organization. But, some organizations do not concern about satisfaction of employees. Therefore,
if organizations can be more concerned about the job satisfaction of employees, better
performances can be expected, because the relationship between satisfaction and performance is
positive and significant. This aspect should be given more consideration by the managers in
order to improve performance. For this, in macro level managers can be educated the importance
of the concept of job satisfaction. In Sri Lanka it seems that most of organizations more concern
about extrinsic rewards than intrinsic rewards. But the findings of the study revealed that
intrinsic rewards also play an important role of satisfying employees. Hence, the attitudes of
managers towards intrinsic rewards should be changed. Therefore when managers plan
organizational reward systems, they should give priority not only for extrinsic rewards but also
intrinsic rewards. Such as growth, autonomy, recognition, accomplishment, challenge and
feedback etc. The survey data shows that only 14% has indicated that they are highly satisfied

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with the opportunities for promotions. In other words 86% of the employees in the sample are
not satisfied with this reward. Though it is an extrinsic reward, it will lead to intrinsic rewards
such as advancement and recognition. Therefore, the revision of internal promotional schemes
will most probably improve the degree of job satisfaction. In addition most of employees expect
career development from their profession. It seems that the existing promotional programs do not
serve this purpose adequately. Higher level employees also derive satisfaction with their job, if
they have opportunity to career development. Therefore, organizations can be arranged their
internal programs for providing prospects to career development of employees. The study also
revealed that, financial benefits have a significant influence to attract and retain employees in an
organization. Some employees leave from organizations due to lack of financial benefits. In
highly competitive industries, most employees are satisfied with money rewards. Therefore,
organization should more concern about the financial benefits and revised the existing monetary
rewards systems to retain and attract employees. Major source of job satisfaction of most
employees is related to job content factors than job The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job
Performance context factors. Such as achievement, autonomy, growth, recognition, variety
challenge, feed back etc. Therefore, when organizations do job enrichment and job redesign,
employees should be given more autonomy, responsibility challenging and interesting work. In
other words give priority for job content factors. Most of non- managers are not satisfied with
interpersonal relationships. Such as opportunity to get to know others, opportunity to help for
others, and opportunity for close friendships. In order to that, Organizational culture can be
created for providing above opportunities to increase interpersonal relationships in an
organization. It will help to satisfy employees in lower level. Most of private sector organizations
do not have proper performance evaluation systems for employees. Employees derive job
satisfaction, if there is feedback on their performance. Therefore, organizations can establish
proper performance appraisal system to provide this opportunity.



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