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Joshua Cayanong 3rd Year- BSC3A

STS 11

Chapter 4. Human Impact on Soil

Lesson 1. Soil Salinization

1. In your own words, what are the short term and long-term impacts of increasing soil
salinity to agricultural land?

- The impacts of increasing soil salinity to agricultural land are dehydration of the plant
causing the yield decline or even death of the plant, crop yield losses, reducing growth and
stopping plant reproduction, toxic to plants, land degradation, land degrading threats
influencing soil fertility, stability, and biodiversity, soil deterioration, degrades the quality of
shallow ground water, soil infiltration capacity and desertification of land.

2. Groundwater supplies in coastal areas (like the City of Mati and other municipalities

in Davao Oriental) is susceptible to saltwater intrusion. Do you see this happening in

your area? If not yet, then do you see this potentially happening in the future?

Briefly explain.

- Saltwater intrusion is already happening in City Of Mati. Since most people living near
coastal area and as sea level rises, the salt water moves to the land which overtop areas low
in elevation. As the land is sinking it causes to get worse over time and freshwater being
contaminated and farmland suspected to have lost productivity.

3. What do you think should be done to prevent problems related to soil salinity?

- To prevent problems related to soil salinity, we should optimize irrigation, add organic
matter, restrain from deep tillage, use cover crops, improve drainage, rinse the field, reduce
evaporation and apply chemical treatments.
Lesson 2. Soil Fertilization

1. Do you believe that chemical fertilizers are absolutely necessary for growing and

sustaining agricultural crops? Why or why not?

- We all know that most of plants can make their own food through the process of
photosynthesis with the elements water, soil, and the sunlight. It means that it is not
necessary to use any fertilizers for growing the plants. However using chemical fertilizers
can improve the agricultural productivity and farm performance. If you want to grow healthy
crops full of nutrients and ensure to have healthy soil, you can use chemical fertilizers.

2. Because of the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers are being

promoted as the more environment-friendly alternatives. What are organic

fertilizers? Provide specific examples and cite their benefits.

- These are the fertilizers produced naturally. They ate materials that can be added to soil or
plants to provide nutrients and sustain growth. They are naturally available minerals
resources that comprise a variety of plant material from fresh or died plant materials to
animal manures and litters to agricultural products. Examples:

1. Bone Meal- rich in phosphorus and calcium and supplies some nitrogen, can promote
plant seedling growth, help flowers grow, and increase yield.

2. Blood meal- can improve the nitrogen content in the soil, makes the plants denser,
release nitrogen quickly promotes flowering and acts as a natural pest repellent.

3. Animal Manure- can control weeds, increases the moisture-holding capacity of the soil,
increases air penetration in the soil, can act as a natural fungicide and control nematodes in
the soil.

4. Fish meal- rich source of organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium, can improve soil
health, increase fertility, and make plants thrive.

5. Fish Emulsion- Acts as a soil conditioner.

6. Shellfish- rich in calcium and also contain significant amounts of phosphorus and other
trace minerals, can help spur flowering and robust root growth and also, it has chitin, which
inhibits the growth of some pests.
7. Compost- rich in nutrients and can be used as an excellent soil improver to promote
organic matter and soil fertility. It provides rich growth nutrition for plants, which can retain
water in the soil for a long time.

8. Cottonseed Meal- rich source of nitrogen and a small amount of phosphorus and
potassium. It can be an excellent organic fertilizer grass. It is mainly used to cover the
garden soil to regulate the soil environment.

9. Alfalfa and Soybean meal- It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and neutral pH. Soybean
meal is a functional additive for longer-lasting results during soil maintenance.

10. Seaweed- an immediate-release fertilizer and an excellent source for zinc and iron. It
goes well with the high-potash crop.

11. Greensand- is an olive-green sandstone containing glauconite. It is a rich source of iron,

potassium, and magnesium. It aids in the stimulation of flowering and fruition in fruit trees.
And loosen the soil, increase the water content in the soil to improve the rhizosphere.

12. Rock Phosphate- It has over 30% phosphate, together with high concentrations of trace
micronutrients. It can be used to increase soil acidity and promote plant seedling growth.

3. Do you think organic fertilizers can replace chemical fertilizers completely and

ensure food security? Why or why not?

- Organic fertilizers cannot replace chemical fertilizers completely in ensuring food

security, however organic fertilizer is crucial to building security. Organic farming has
enough to feed the world and just need more land to produce enough food as the
number of population. Organic fertilizer is a good choice since it builds soil fertility
and farming without pesticides or any artificial fertilizers. It is a sustainable method
that increases in global agriculture. Maybe it is much more expensive but it is eco-
friendly and you can make your own compost using natural sources without depleting
your wallet and can save money.

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