4 - Anatomy and Kinesiology of The Shoulder

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Anatomy and Kinesiology of the Shoulder

Rebecca Edgeworth Ditwiler, Angela Stagliano, Dustin Hardwick

Range of Motion, 38 Acromioclavicular Joint, 41
Glenohumeral Anatomy, 38 Biomechanics of the Shoulder Complex, 42
Glenohumeral Biomechanics, 39 Summary, 43

• S houlder motion is a result of the complex interactions of the • S capular motion is a complex interaction of motion in three planes.
individual joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle. • The coordinated movement of the clavicle, scapula, and humerus
• Shoulder motion is measured and described in multiple planes of involves a complex interaction of more than 20 muscles.
motion. • Scapulothoracic motion significantly affects glenohumeral motion.
• Stability of the shoulder is conferred by dynamic and static • Scapulohumeral rhythm is a dynamic state adapting to varying
constraints. speed, load, and stability.

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. Motion occurs concluded that scapulothoracic motion significantly influences gleno-
through complex interactions of the individual joints of the shoulder humeral ROM measurements.
girdle, including the glenohumeral joint, the sternoclavicular (SC) Factors such as age, gender, and hand dominance also affect shoul-
joint, the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, and the scapulothoracic articu- der ROM. Normal shoulder ROM decreases with age. Boone and
lation. Together the coordinated interaction of these structures allows Azen5 reported on two groups of males with an age difference of 12.5
for an extraordinary freedom of movement and function. years. The younger group averaged 3.4 degrees more flexion and inter-
nal rotation, 8.4 degrees more external rotation, and 10.2 degrees more
RANGE OF MOTION extension. 

Normal Range of Motion Functional Range of Motion

Traditionally, shoulder motion has been described by measuring the Functional ROM of the shoulder has also been studied to determine how
angle formed by the arm relative to trunk. Forward elevation, or flex- much motion is needed to participate in daily activities. Namdari and
ion, of the shoulder is in the sagittal plane and may reach 180 degrees colleagues6 viewed common functional tasks, including placing objects
in some individuals. The normal range of motion (ROM) of the shoul- on a shelf, tucking in one’s shirt, combing hair, and placing objects on
der complex varies but has been reported to average 165 to 170 degrees shelves above and below shoulder level. The shoulder ROMs needed to
in men and 170 to 172 degrees in women.1 The glenohumeral joint achieve these tasks are 120 degrees of flexion, 45 degrees of extension,
alone contributes about 120 degrees to this complex shoulder motion.2 130 degrees of abduction, 115 degrees of cross-body adduction, and 60
Posterior elevation or extension in the sagittal plane has been found to degrees of external rotation with the shoulder abduction to 90 degrees.6 
average 62 degrees, with the majority of this motion coming from the
glenohumeral joint.3 Axial rotation of the arm is described by degrees GLENOHUMERAL ANATOMY
of internal and external rotation. With the arm at the side, an average
external rotation measures 67 degrees.4 Estimates of total axial rota- Glenoid
tion (the sum of internal and external rotation) with the arm at the The glenoid arises laterally from the scapular neck at the junction of
side range from 150 to 180 degrees. Total axial rotation with the arm the coracoid, scapular spine, and lateral border of the scapular body. It
abducted to 90 degrees is reduced to about 120 degrees. In the horizon- is a pear-shaped structure forming a shallow socket that is retroverted
tal plane with the arm perpendicular to the trunk, motion is commonly on average 7 degrees with respect to the scapular plane but maintains
described as horizontal abduction and adduction. an overall anteversion of about 30 degrees with respect to the coronal
Range of motion is influenced by several factors, including the plane of the body.7 The glenoid also maintains a superior tilt of about
determination of the endpoint, the plane in which the motion is tested, 5 degrees in the normal resting position of the scapula. It is thought
and whether the scapula is stabilized.4 By comparing the relative contri- that this superior inclination contributes to inferior stability via a cam
butions of passive and active arcs of motion, McCully and colleagues4 effect that is a function of the tightening superior capsular structures.8

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CHAPTER 4  Anatomy and Kinesiology of the Shoulder 39

The glenoid surface area is about one third that of the humeral Biceps
head. The depth of the glenoid measures about 9 mm in a superoin- tendon
ferior direction but only 5 mm in an anteroposterior direction, half of
which is constituted by the labrum.9 In addition, the glenoid cartilage
is thicker peripherally than centrally, further deepening the socket. The SGHL
glenoid socket is therefore significantly more concave and congruous
with the humerus than the bony anatomy would suggest. 

Humeral Head Posterior

capsule MGHL
The humeral head is oriented with an upward tilt of about 45 degrees
from the horizontal, and it is retroverted about 26 degrees10 with Posterior band
respect to the intercondylar axis of the distal humerus. The articular IGHL
surface forms approximately one third of a sphere. Using stereophoto- Anterior band
grammetric studies, Soslowsky and associates11 demonstrated that the IGHL
glenohumeral joint congruence is within 2 mm in 88% of cases, with a
deviation from sphericity of less than 1% of the radius.  Axillary pouch
The glenohumeral joint functions as a ball-and-socket joint with three
degrees of freedom. The convex glenoid articulates with a concave
glenoid. The biomechanics of the glenohumeral joint depends on the
interaction of static and dynamic stabilizers during shoulder move-
Fig. 4.1  The glenohumeral joint is stabilized by discrete capsular liga-
ment. Static stabilizers include the bony structure of the glenoid and ments, each of which has a separate role in maintaining stability. IGHL,
the humeral head, the glenoid labrum, the glenohumeral capsule, and Inferior glenohumeral ligament; MGHL, middle glenohumeral ligament;
the glenohumeral ligaments. Dynamic stabilizers include the rotator SGHL, superior glenohumeral ligament.
cuff and the surrounding musculature.12
The interaction of these constraining elements is complex. In the conforming surfaces, and type C had a humeral radius greater than that
pathologic state, when one or more constraining factors is abnormal, of the glenoid. Soslowsky and associates,11 using stereophotogrammet-
instability may occur. Instability may lead to shoulder dislocation, ric studies of fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders, found that 88% of gle-
which is the most common form of joint dislocation with an average nohumeral articulations are perfectly congruent. Kim and colleagues,21
incidence of 1.7%.13 Restoring normal anatomic constraints is critical however, recently analyzed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans
to the successful treatment and rehabilitation of the shoulder. in patients with multidirectional instability (MDI) and compared
them with normal MRI scans. They determined that the diameter of
Static Stabilizers curvature of the glenoid surface in MDI patients was greater than the
Early investigators focused on the articular components of glenohu- humeral diameter, suggesting that this loss of conformity may play a
meral stability. The humeral head retroversion roughly matches the role in instability.
glenoid orientation on the chest wall. Saha9 emphasized the contri- A slightly negative intraarticular pressure of the glenohumeral joint
bution of this articular retroversion to stability, noting that individu- also acts to maintain joint stability.22 Normally, the shoulder contains
als with congenital anteversion of the glenoid had a greater tendency about 1 mL of synovial fluid, which is maintained at a lower atmo-
for recurrent dislocation. Subsequent studies have not confirmed this spheric pressure by high osmotic pressures in the surrounding tissues.
hypothesis.14–16 In any position of rotation, only about 25% to 30% of Warner and coworkers23 demonstrated that in normal shoulders an
the humeral head surface is in contact with the glenoid. The glenohu- inferiorly directed force of 16 N generated an inferior translation of 2
meral index is calculated by measuring the diameter of the humeral mm; however, if the capsule of the same shoulder is vented, the same
head relative to the glenoid. It was hypothesized that individuals with force generates an inferior translation of 28 mm.
larger heads relative to their glenoid would be unstable; however, inves- The conformity of the glenohumeral joint combined with the pres-
tigators have made no such correlation.17 ence of synovial fluid generates adhesion and cohesion between the
The relatively smaller surface area of the glenoid relative to the humeral head and the glenoid in much the same fashion as a moist glass
humeral head emphasizes the importance of soft tissues surrounding sticks to a coaster. Adhesion is caused by the material properties of the
the joint, including the labrum, capsular, and ligamentous structures. synovial fluid, but cohesion is caused by the conformity of the joint. The
The labrum is composed of dense collagen fibers that surround and compliant labrum further potentiates these stabilizing effects.
attach to the glenoid rim, creating a deeper and broader glenoid sur-
face. Functionally, the labrum increases the articular contact of the gle- Glenohumeral Ligaments
noid with the humerus to about one third and improves the articular The superior ligaments comprise the coracohumeral ligament (CHL)
conformity and thereby stability.18 Lippitt and Matsen19 demonstrated and the superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL) (Fig. 4.1). The CHL
the contribution of the labrum to joint stability in cadavers. Excision is a broad, thin, extraarticular structure originating on the coracoid
of the labrum resulted in a 20% decrease in stability as measured using process and inserting broadly on the greater and lesser tuberosities,
the stability ratio defined by Fukuda and coworkers.20 intermingling with the fibers of the supraspinatus and subscapularis.
Slight mismatch of the articular surface diameter of curvature The SGHL, which lies deep to the CHL, is present in more than 90% of
between the glenoid and humeral head may have a significant effect cases, originating on the superior tubercle of the glenoid and inserting
on glenohumeral stability. Saha9 initially described three types of gle- anteriorly just medial to the bicipital groove. Together these structures
nohumeral articulations: type A had a shallow glenoid, type B had resist inferior translation with the arm in adduction.

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40 PART 1  Anatomy and Biomechanics

The middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL) has the greatest under little to no tension. In addition, a large amount of passive trans-
variation both in size and presence of all glenohumeral ligaments. It lation is commonly possible in multiple directions. Yet the humeral
is absent in up to 30% of shoulders.24 The morphology of the MGHL head remains centered in the glenoid during normal active motion.
may be sheetlike or cordlike, and it usually originates along with the Therefore, it seems that factors other than the capsule and ligaments
SGHL on the superior glenoid tubercle, inserting just medial to the must contribute to the lack of translation observed with normal
lesser tuberosity. Although the MGHL limits inferior translation in motion. The factor responsible for maintaining the humeral head cen-
the adducted and externally rotated shoulder, the ligament primarily tered in the glenoid is therefore the interplay between the remaining
functions to limit anterior translation of the humerus on the glenoid static stabilizers (adhesion, cohesion, negative intraarticular pressure,
with the shoulder abducted 45 degrees.25 In individuals with a more and the congruency of the joint) and the dynamic stabilizers (the rota-
cordlike MGHL, it may also function to limit anterior translation in the tor cuff muscles, biceps brachii, the scapular rotators, and coordinated
60- to 90-degree abduction range with the arm externally rotated.25,26 proprioceptive feedback) of the shoulder.
The inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL) is likely the most Despite the complex dynamic and static constraints that main-
important ligament complex of the glenohumeral joint. The IGHL is tain the humeral head centered in the glenoid, pathologic translation
composed of thickened bands that form a sling, or “hammock,” that cra- of the humeral head does occur. Shoulder dislocations often result in
dles the humerus inferiorly in what is referred to as the axillary pouch. tearing or fracturing of the glenohumeral architecture.38 Selective cut-
Typically, the IGHL originates broadly at the equatorial to inferior half ting experiments have demonstrated the potential instability that may
of the anterior glenoid adjacent to the labrum and inserts just inferior to result from sectioning individual capsular and ligamentous structures
the MGHL medial to the lesser tuberosity. In a histologic and anatomic of the glenohumeral joint.
study by O’Brien and coworkers,24 they demonstrated that the posterior Cadaveric experiments have demonstrated the primary ligamen-
and anterior portions of the IGHL contain thickened bands of dense tous constraints to translation of the humeral head on the glenoid in
collagen fibers. Gohlke and coworkers27 confirmed the existence of the the anterior, inferior, and posterior directions. The anterosuperior
anterior band but found the posterior band to be present in only 62.8% band of the IGHL is the primary ligamentous constraint to anterior
percent of individuals. The stabilizing function of the IGHL complex translation with the arm abducted and externally rotated.39 As abduc-
increases as the arm is elevated in abduction. With external rotation tion decreases, the MGHL is of increasing importance in resisting
of the arm in 90 degrees of abduction, the anterior band broadens and anterior translation.40 The primary constraints to inferior translation
tightens, forming a taut sling that prevents anterior translation. Simi- in the adducted arm are the superior structures, particularly the SGHL,
larly, with internal rotation of the abducted arm, the posterior band fans which is maximized by external rotation.25,41 With increasing abduc-
out and tightens.28 The IGHL is also the primary restraint to inferior tion to 90 degrees, the IGHL becomes the primary constraint to infe-
translation of the humerus with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction.  rior translation.42 The primary constraint to posterior translation is
the posterior band of the IGHL. Although resection of the posterior
Laxity versus Instability capsule increases posterior translation, it is not sufficient for a poste-
Shoulder laxity is a normal property that varies widely within the gen- rior glenohumeral dislocation to occur.43 However, posterior disloca-
eral population.29–32 It is often measured as increased passive transla- tion is possible if the same shoulder is incised anterosuperiorly, cutting
tion of the humeral head on the glenoid and may be affected by several the SGHL and MGHL. Posterior translation increases with the arm in
factors, including age, gender, and congenital factors.33 In cadaveric 30 degrees of extension if the anterior band of the IGHL is incised or
shoulders, average passive humeral translation of 13.4 mm anteriorly detached from its glenoid insertion.42,44 
and 10.4 mm posteriorly has been demonstrated with a 20-N force.34
In a study of healthy unanesthetized volunteers, passive humeral Dynamic Stabilizers
translation averaged 8 mm anteriorly, 9 mm posteriorly, and 11 mm The rotator cuff muscles are the primary dynamic stabilizers of the gle-
inferiorly.35 Far less translation occurs with normal glenohumeral nohumeral joint. The rotator cuff muscles act to compress the humeral
kinematics. Radiographic analysis of normal volunteers demonstrates head on the glenoid increasing stability. More important, they act to
that the humeral head is centered in the glenoid in all positions except provide a superior and posterior pull that counteracts the superior pull
simultaneous maximal horizontal abduction and external rotation.36 of the deltoid muscles.45 Lippitt and Matsen19 found that tangential
In this extreme position, an average of 4 mm of posterior translation forces as high as 60% of the compressive force were required to dislo-
occurred. These studies demonstrate that despite the great potential for cate the glenohumeral joint in a cadaveric study, finding also that joint
translational motion in the shoulder, the combined stabilizers of the stability was reduced with removal of a portion of the anterior labrum.
glenohumeral joint act in concert to maintain centricity. Similarly, Wuelker and associates46 noted a nearly 50% increase in
Instability is a pathologic condition involving active translation of anterior displacement of the humeral head in response to a 50% reduc-
the humeral head on the glenoid. Unlike laxity, instability is usually tion in rotator cuff forces. The glenohumeral joint reaction force has
symptomatic. It represents a failure of static and dynamic constraints been calculated in a cadaveric model to reach a maximum of 0.89 times
to maintain the humeral head precisely centered within the glenoid. body weight.47 Glenohumeral joint contact pressures measure a max-
Instability may occur in one direction, such as anterior instability after imum of 5.1 MPa in cadavers using pressure-sensitive film with the
a traumatic anterior dislocation, or it may be multidirectional, occur- arm in 90 degrees of abduction and 90 degrees of external rotation.48
ring in any combination of anterior, posterior, or inferior directions. Joint reaction forces increase with increasing abduction angle and peak
Patients with multidirectional instability often have asymptomatic lax- at 90 degrees of abduction.49 Increasing joint compression appears to
ity of the contralateral shoulder.37 What distinguishes these shoulders increase the centering of the humeral head, thereby providing a stable
from normally functioning shoulders is a complex interaction of mus- fulcrum for arm elevation.50,51
cular, neurologic, and structural factors. Other factors may also contribute to dynamic glenohumeral sta-
bility. Ligament dynamization through attachment to the rotator
Interplay Between Static and Dynamic Constraints cuff muscles has been postulated, whereby rotator cuff contraction
Ligaments only function under some degree of tension. However, may affect tensioning of the glenohumeral capsuloligamentous com-
during normal motion of the glenohumeral joint, the ligaments remain plex.52 Similarly, Pagnani and colleagues53 hypothesized that biceps

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CHAPTER 4  Anatomy and Kinesiology of the Shoulder 41

contracture may tension the relatively mobile labrum and thereby Sternal end
tension the associated SGHL and MGHL, potentially enhancing sta- of clavicle
bility. They also conclude that the long head of the biceps may itself
stabilize the joint depending on shoulder position. Whether this is a
true dynamic function is controversial. Yamaguchi and coworkers54
observed no biceps muscle activity with normal arm motion in both
normal rotator cuffs and deficient cuffs.
The capsuloligamentous structures may also provide propriocep-
tive feedback on joint position. Vangsness and associates55 found
low-threshold, rapid-adapting pacinian fibers in the glenohumeral
ligaments. Others have found diminished proprioception in shoul-
ders with instability, with subsequent improvement after repair.56 Pro-
prioceptive feedback likely helps not only to tension the rotator cuff Cartilage
muscles but also to position the scapula and clavicle appropriately in of first rib
space.  sternal
Fig. 4.2  The sternoclavicular joint is stabilized by the strongest ligamen-
Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Clavicle tous complex in the body. (Reprinted from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell
The clavicle connects the appendicular skeleton to the axial skele- AW, et al. Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy. 1st ed. London: Churchill Living-
ton. Positioning of the clavicle is in the horizontal plane and has an stone; 2007.)
S-shaped appearance.57 A double curve is apparent in the shaft of the
clavicle. The lateral half of the clavicle is concaved anteriorly and has a
TABLE 4.1  Range of Motion at the
flat articulation with the acromion, which makes up the AC joint.57 The
medial end is convex anteriorly and articulates with the manubrium
Sternoclavicular (SC) Joint
of the sternum to form the SC joint.57,58 The curvatures in the clavicle Action at the SC Joint Degrees of Motion
allows it to serve as a moveable but rigid support in which the scapula Protraction 15–30
and upper extremity are suspended while allowing freedom of motion. Retraction 15–30
Movement at the clavicle takes place in three planes of movement, Axial rotation 40–50
including the sagittal, transverse, and frontal planes.58 The motions Elevation 45
that occur at the clavicle are elevation, depression, protraction, retrac- Depression 10
tion, and rotation.58
There are several muscular and ligamentous attachments to the
clavicle. On the superior medial surface of the clavicle, there are prox-
imal attachments for the sternocleidomastoid and pectoralis major. Clavicular Motions at the Sternoclavicular Joint
The lateral end has the proximal attachment for the anterior deltoid The maximum at the SC joint is 45 degrees of elevation and 10 degrees of
and distal attachment for upper trapezius. The inferior surface has a depression.58,59 During elevation, the clavicle rolls superiorly and glides
costal facet, which rests directly on top of the first rib.57,58 Posterolat- inferiorly.58 When this occurs, the costoclavicular ligament becomes
eral to the costal facet is the costal tuberosity, which is the attachment taught, stabilizing the clavicle. At full depression of the clavicle, the inter-
site for the costoclavicular ligament. The subclavius muscle attaches clavicular and superior portion of the capsular ligament are placed on
to the inferior medial surface of the clavicle and plays an important stretch.58,59 There is 15 to 30 degrees of protraction and retraction of the
role in first rib elevation and depression of the clavicle.57,58 The conoid clavicle around the SC joint.58,59 Protraction may be limited by the poste-
tubercle lies on the inferior lateral surface and is the attachment site rior bundle of costoclavicular ligament, the posterior capsular ligament,
for the conoid ligament and the medial part of the coracoclavicular or the scapular muscles.60 During shoulder abduction or flexion, the clav-
ligament.57 Another ligament that attaches at the acromion (lateral) icle can rotate posteriorly at the SC joint 40 to 50 degrees58,59 (Table 4.1).
end is the trapezoid ligament, which is a part of the coracoclavicular
ligament.57  Acromion
The acromion is a continuum of the spine of the scapula. This bony
Sternoclavicular Joint process is located anterolateral portion of the shoulder girdle. The acro-
The SC joint is composed of the medial end of the clavicle, manubrium mion is important to assess when treating the upper extremity because
portion of the sternum, and the cartilage of the first rib57 (Fig. 4.2). it is a site of origin and insertion of numerous muscles and ligaments.
This saddle-shaped synovial joint attaches the appendicular skeleton The lateral border has four tubercles for the origins of the deltoid mus-
and the axial skeleton. Between the sternum and the medial end of the cle. The medial border has attachments of the trapezius and articulates
clavicle, there is an articular disc and ligaments that provide static sup- with the lateral clavicle. There are three different classifications of the
port to the joint.57 The ligaments at the SC joint are the anterior and acromion which have implications for pathology: type I (flat), type II
posterior SC, the interclavicular and costoclavicular ligaments. Ante- (curved), and type III (hooked).60,61 
rior stabilization of the SC joint is provided by the sternocleidomastoid
(sternal head) and posteriorly by the sternothyroid and sternohyoid
muscles.59 The costoclavicular ligament firmly stabilizes the SC joint
and limits all clavicular motions, except depression.58,59 At this joint, The AC joint is a diarthrodial joint surrounded by a capsule and has
there are three degrees of freedom, and the motions are elevation and both intraarticular synovium and articular cartilage.59 The capsule
depression, protraction and retraction, and rotation.57 All functional around the AC joint is reinforced by the superior and inferior liga-
movement of the shoulder involves at least some movement of the clav- ments, as well as the coracoclavicular ligament (trapezoid and conoid
icle about the SC joint.59  ligaments) (Fig. 4.3).60,61 Movements at the AC joint are minimal yet

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42 PART 1  Anatomy and Biomechanics

Trapezoid Internal/external
Conoid rotation
AC capsule Anterior/posterior

Fig. 4.3  The ligamentous anatomy of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint. rotation
(Reprinted from Gray’s Anatomy, 2007.)

Fig. 4.4  The definitions of scapular motion.

important in providing maximum mobility at the scapulothoracic
joint. The three degrees of freedom of the AC joint are upward and
downward rotation, horizontal plane rotational adjustments, and sagit- The relative function of each individual muscle depends on three
tal plane rotational adjustments.60 factors: the cross-sectional area, the vector angle of pull, and the per-
centage recruitment of muscle fibers (or intensity of contraction).
Anatomy of the Scapula Electromyography (EMG) is useful in determining the relative level of
The scapula is predominately a thin sheet of bone loosely attached activity within a particular muscle group, but it cannot measure the
and congruent to the posterior chest wall, which serves to stabilize the force of contraction. To understand the forces generated requires a cal-
upper extremity against the thorax. The scapula thickens along its bor- culation of the moment arm of the muscle as well as the physiologic
ders at the site of muscle attachments and along its four projections: cross-sectional area, both of which are dynamic, making accurate cal-
the spine of the scapula, the coracoid, the glenoid, and the acromion. culations challenging. Anatomic studies have calculated the cross-sec-
tional area of several muscles of the shoulder girdle.65 Cross-sectional
Scapulothoracic Articulation measurements and approximations of force vectors have been used to
Although the scapulothoracic articulation is not a true joint, its motion calculate glenohumeral joint reaction forces. Current research is focus-
is integral to positioning the arm in space. The scapula essentially ing on in vivo calculations.
glides over a muscle bed on the posterior chest wall, its shape conform-
ing to the underlying ribs. At rest, the scapula is internally rotated 35 Active Arm Elevation
to 45 degrees as viewed from above, upwardly rotated about 3 degrees During active forward elevation of the arm, synchronous activity of
with respect to the sagittal plane, and tilted forward about 15 to 20 the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles has been measured using a com-
degrees.62  bination of stereophotogrammetry and EMG recordings. Inman and
colleagues63 demonstrated that the deltoid and supraspinatus act syn-
Scapular Motion ergistically during forward elevation of the arm. Synchronous func-
Motion of the scapula is complex and has been historically difficult tion of the remaining rotator cuff muscles provides the humeral head
to quantify. However, it has been known for some time that normal depression necessary to prevent superior migration of the humeral
scapular motion is needed for full and pain-free elevation of the arm.63 head.51
Using sensors attached to percutaneous pins, McClure and associ- The supraspinatus has traditionally thought to initiate abduction
ates64 demonstrated that scapular motion is three dimensional and because the force vector of the deltoid is nearly vertical with the arms
task dependent. With arm elevation in the scapular plane, the scapula at rest; however, it is now accepted that the deltoid and all four rotator
rotates upward on average 50 degrees, posteriorly about a mediolateral cuff muscles are active throughout the full range of forward arm ele-
axis about 30 degrees, and externally about 24 degrees about a vertical vation. The specific contributions of each muscle have been studied
axis (Fig. 4.4).64  using selective nerve blocks in healthy volunteers. Blocks of either
the suprascapular nerve or the axillary nerve demonstrate that both
the deltoid and supraspinatus are responsible for generating torque
during active forward elevation of the arm.66 Full abduction has been
More than 20 muscles coordinate their function to move the shoul- shown to be possible with an axillary nerve block with a reduction
der joint complex. Based on these muscles’ origins and insertions, of strength of about 50% of normal.66 Similarly, suprascapular nerve
they may be categorized as glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, or block allowed full abduction with diminished strength. However,
thoracohumeral. simultaneous axillary and suprascapular nerve blocks eliminated

Downloaded for Leanna Nyoman (leannanyoman@gmail.com) at National University of Singapore from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on December 29, 2020.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 4  Anatomy and Kinesiology of the Shoulder 43

all active elevation, demonstrating that the deltoid, supraspina- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

tus, and infraspinatus are essential for active shoulder elevation.67
With a suprascapular nerve block, strength is reduced about 50% at The authors would like to thank Drs. Mark Lazarus, MD, and Ralph
30 degrees, 35% at 90 degrees, and 25% at 120 degrees of forward Rynning, MD, for their previous work on this book chapter.
Classically, the contributions to arm elevation are thought to be a REFERENCES
2:1 ratio of glenohumeral to scapulothoracic motion.63 This relation-
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