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Castledockrell National School

February 2023

Follow us on Facebook: Castledockrell N.S.
Keep an eye on our social media for all of the
latest news and photos!
Enrolment for 2023-2024
We are now taking enrolments for the school year 2023/2024. We hosted our open evening
yesterday evening and we had a nice turnout. For further information please contact the school.

Mid-Term Break
School will close for St. Brigid’s Day on Monday 6th.
Mid-term break this year is on Thursday, 16th and Friday, 17th of February. Enjoy the break!
Date for your Diary
The school will close at 12 noon on Wednesday, 15th of February to allow for staff training in
the new Primary Language Curriculum, as sanctioned by the Department of Education. Thank you
for your cooperation.

The Enrolment Mass for Communion and Confirmation candidates will take place this Sunday, 5th
February at 9.30am in All Saints Church. The Ceremony of Light for 6th class will take place
Wednesday, 8th February in Marshalstown Church at 7pm. The children are all working hard in
preparation for these two events.
 School Tour
Our end of year school tour has been booked for Tuesday, 13th June. It is always our intention
to keep costs as low as possible, however bus hire costs have greatly increased. We encourage
children to save towards their tour through our savings scheme each week.
Friendship Week
We will celebrate Friendship Week in the school 20th-24th February. We look forward to lots
of ‘buddy activities’ throughout the week.
 Credit Union Quiz
Well done to Adam, Nicole and Cathal who represented the school in the Credit Union Quiz last
weekend. They did really well scoring 58 out of a possible 75! Maith sibh!
 Parents’ Association News and Notices
There will be a parent’s association meeting in the coming weeks date yet to be confirmed.
The BOM thank the PA for all of their hard work fundraising for the school. The cost of
swimming, school tours, music etc. are heavily subsidised by this fundraising. In addition
resources for subjects are also bought throughout the year. Many thanks to everyone who gives
their time so generously for the benefit of all pupils.
Line Dancing
We are all enjoying the weekly line dancing lesson with Mr. Wadding. We have mastered the
‘Cupid Shuffle’ and now turn our attention to the ‘Electric Slide’! We will don our check shirts,
Stetsons and cowboy boots in the coming weeks and record our progress.
Living Arts
The Living Arts Project will continue throughout the month of March. Children are all working on
their dioramas. Their work will be exhibited in the Wexford Arts Centre in April. The exhibition
will open at 2pm on Saturday 1st April– there will be an opening reception and refreshments will
be served. The whole school will visit the exhibition and take part in an art workshop on
Thursday, 20th April (more information to follow)
Mobile Library
The Wexford mobile library will visit the village on Thursday, 2nd & 16th February 4.15-5pm.
Green– School
We continue to encourage children to follow all the hard work started by the Green School
Committee, by recycling as much as possible, saving energy and water when possible, etc. Our
‘Walk on Wednesday’ continues, and we hope that as the weather continues to improve more
children will participate.
Catholic Schools Week
We celebrated Catholic Schools Week last week. The theme for Catholic Schools Week this
year was “Walking together in Faith and Love’. The children were engaged in various
activities over the course of the week and then on Thursday we celebrated Grandparents day
with mass in the church. Thank you to all who joined us on the morning.
World Book Day
This year we will celebrate World Book Day on Friday 3rd of March. Reading is a fundamental
aspect of primary school education and we try to encourage as much reading as possible, both in
school and at home. Therefore, this year for World Book Day we are organising a number of fun
events including: dress up as a character from your favourite book, Book Swap, Where’s Wally,
Quiz, Buddy Reading and of course all the children will receive their World Book Day Vouchers.
More details to follow closer to the time.
 Internet Safety Day
Internet Safety Day will take place on Tuesday, 7th February. As part of the SPHE curriculum
pupils will engage with ‘webwise’ internet safety lessons. offer free internet safety
webinars for parents every month; February dates: Tuesday 7th 8pm or Wednesday 22nd at
11am for anyone who is interested.

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