Reflection-Paper (Jeyrose Dela Cruz Beed-1 &marjorie Ferrrer Bsed Fil.-1)

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Directions: Make a reflection on each article. Limit your reflection on the space
provided and also follow the suggested outline in making a reflection.
(Please see the attached outline on the last page)
Article 1: How Children Learn and Think
Article 2: How Adolescents Think
Article 3: How Adults Learn

Suggested Outline:
Your introduction should specify what you’re reflecting upon. Make sure that your thesis
informs your reader about your general position, or opinion, toward your subject.
 State what you are analysing: a passage, a lecture, an academic article, an experience,
 Briefly summarize the work.
 Write a statement stating how your subject has affected you.
Body Paragraphs
 The body paragraphs should examine the ideas and experiences you’ve had in context to
your topic.
 Your reflection may include quotes and passages. Feel free to describe what you saw,
what you heard, and how you felt.
As with any conclusion, you should summarize what you’ve learned from the article. Include
how your newfound knowledge has affected your understanding of the subject in general.
Describe the feeling and overall lesson you had as a result of the reading.


Name: Jeyrose Dela Cruz & Marjorie Ferrer Score/Remarks:
Course and Year: please check the appropriate box below. Date Submitted:06/20/22
BEED1 BSEd1 Major: _Eng. _Bio. Scie _Fil Section:
Reflection No.1 How Children Learn and Think
Name of Article
Being a child is the most fun and memorable time in anyone’s life. It is the time when we are
so immature or irresponsible in every action that we do which we enjoy in whatever way we like.
And also that we loved to play not just to have fun but to explore and learn a lessons to some
memories during our childhood days . “Knowledge that is acquired under compulsion obtains no
hold on the mind”-Plato, Children come into the world with powerful educative instincts, which
include our natural curiosity, playfulness, sociability, and attentiveness to the activities around
them, desire to grow up, and desire to do what older children and adults can do. Through their
efforts, with essentially no instruction, children learn to walk, run, jump, and climb. They learn
from scratch their native language, and with that they learn to assert their will, argue, amuse,
annoy, best friend, charm and ask questions. Through watching, listening, questioning, and in
other ways exploring, they acquire an enormous amount of knowledge about the physical and
social world around them. And in their play, they continuously practice skills that promote
development. In other hand despite in thinking much less is known about individual differences
in the way children choose to think about and understand the world around them. From a
developmental perspective, as a child grows so does their ability to think and reason. In early
childhood (2-6 years of age) children no longer rely on the senses to understand their world, they
gain symbolic thought, where an object or can stand for something else. In middle to late
childhood the ability to reason about concrete experience, they become more systematic,
objective and scientific in their thinking. However we are not only shape by our behavior, we are
also largely dependent on our way of thinking. Research suggest that engrained habits in our way
of thinking, predisposed us towards ‘seeing’ the world in particular ways, leading us to favor an
adaptive or maladaptive interpretation of an event. Different ways of thinking not only impacts
wellbeing but carried out in adolescents and adults suggests that ways of thinking are integral to
how individuals work together in group and form relationships in a professional setting.
As we reflect to all of it, the memories of our innocent childhood days ultimately become the
lifelong memory which always brings a smile on our faces. And so as to our children or to our
future children, it is very important to understand that the mindset of our children can be easily
altered in this time. That even they was that small and innocent we should always put in mind
that we should listen, be patient and keep an eye to them.


Name: Jeyrose Dela Cruz & Marjorie Ferrer Score/Remarks:
Course and Year: please check the appropriate box below. Date Submitted: __________
BEED1 BSEd1 Major: _Eng. _Bio. Scie _Fil Section:
Reflection No. 2 How Adolescents Think

Name of Article
Adolescent is an amazing period of growth spanning the ages of 12-24years old. Youth enter
this development stages with the body and mind of a child, and then exit 10-12 years later, the
body and mind of an adult.
Adolescents typically think in concrete ways. This means that we have difficulty with abstract
and symbolic concepts. We think tends to be focused on the present. We are just starting to be
able to gather information from experiences, analyze information, and make critical decisions
about future choices and consequences. This stage of thinking should be taken into account when
we are counseling adolescents. For example when we are talking about smoking, it may be more
effective to point out short-term consequences like bad breath or loss of athletic ability than
long-term consequences such as cancer. Age 11-14 years tends to be a self-centered period.
Many adolescents are preoccupied with their own desire and need can be insensitive to others.
Because we are so self-centered, we seem to believe other people watching us. As a result, some
teens may feel as if they are constantly “on stage” and are being judge by an imaginary audience
may be self-conscious and concerned about appearance. For example, some teens may comb
their hair endlessly, change their clothes often, and constantly look in the mirror to see how they
look to others. It is normal for adolescents to have a sense of being uniquely invincible, to have
an “it will never happen to me” mind set. This way of thinking may limit our ability to assess
situations, risks, and future consequences. As a result, we may engage in risky behaviors and test
authority. Early adolescents gradually become more sophisticated in thinking. Adolescents are
also starting to recognize that issues are complex and that information can be interpreted in
different ways. We learn flexibility, complex reasoning, inductive and deductive reasoning,
sensitivity towards others, and problem solving. The ability to see other point of view sometimes
can be unsettling for adolescents who may then question issues that we accepted at face value in
the past. This can make some adolescents feel insecure or adrift. In times of stress, teens may
revert to concrete, simplistic thinking.


Name: Jeyrose Dela Cruz & Marjorie Ferrer Score/Remarks:
Course and Year: please check the appropriate box below. Date Submitted: __________
BEED1 BSEd1 Major: _Eng. _Bio. Scie _Fil Section:
Reflection No. 3: How Adults Learn
Name of Article

Learning anything requires commitment and the ability to push through the uncomfortable
feeling of not being very good until reaching competency. While on the path to competency, a
little motivation can go a long way. As an adult, we know that not only children can learn. In a
man's life-span there is no division between a period of learning and application of what has

been learned of an individual.
Just what I read about the article in titled on how adults learn, especially about what Malcolm
Knowles about the five principles of andragogy of adult learner, like being self-directed, being
motivated in learning and also utilizing and experiential when it’s comes to life experiences. Just
like me who used to read in advance and always have self-perception when it comes to my
behavior and abilities. And also when it comes to my experiences, which I always used as an life
lesson not just for me but also to my colleagues in order for them to know and be aware of the
things that they should do and not. And lastly is being motivated in everything that I do, that
even there would be some barriers that would block our way especially in attending school we
should do everything to endure it, to overcome it in order to reach our goal in life. My situation
shows and very obvious that I struggled hard but still I stand and show to everyone what I got
because we know what we aim for or the purpose of what we are striving to reach even
sometimes I feel a little embarrassed and hesitant of my every action. Even having a problem on
flexible learning because of this pandemic where many adjustments has been done especially to
me as a student who first struggled with online learning in terms of typing or editing with my
activities, but thankfully I overcome it as I continue on learning on how to adjust and used it.
And Being motivated by your teachers, friends and loved ones are the best weapon in every day
of struggling in our existence on earth.
Having reflected on all this, I analyzed that As an adult, we think more really matured and
we’ll planned than children and adolescents who is just starting to explore what they want in life.



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